Happy holidays monsters! Happy holidays monsters!
We’re finally in December and holiday season is in We’re finally in December and holiday season is in full swing! It’s so surreal to think about how 2024 is full swing! It’s so surreal to think about how 2024 is already coming to an end. So much has happened already coming to an end. So much has happened for me this year in ways I wouldn’t have ever for me this year in ways I wouldn’t have ever believed if you told pre-2024 me the things that believed if you told pre-2024 me the things that happened. I’m honestly a little afraid for what 2025 happened. I’m honestly a little afraid for what 2025 may bring but I’m also super excited to embrace may bring but I’m also super excited to embrace what it throws at me as well. what it throws at me as well.

It’s been such an amazing year for Key Club as well! It’s been such an amazing year for Key Club as well! From appointing our new executive board and From appointing our new executive board and extended board, OTC, RTC, FRN, it’s been an extended board, OTC, RTC, FRN, it’s been an amazing year for Key Club! Don’t worry though; the amazing year for Key Club! Don’t worry though; the term is not quite over yet and there is so much we term is not quite over yet and there is so much we can achieve together as a club still. Be sure to take can achieve together as a club still. Be sure to take advantage of winter break this month to relax but advantage of winter break this month to relax but also get your service hours in! also get your service hours in!
Enjoy this holiday season to its fullest
Enjoy this holiday season to its fullest and see you in 2025! and see you in 2025!
Roaring in service,

BEE sure to read last month’s issue of the CNH newsletter, The Pollen Press, designed by District News Editor Nia Danelia!
Keep up with CNH updates at:
Instagram: @cnh_keyclub
Twitter: @CNHKeyClub Website: cnhkeyclub.org Youtube: CNH Key Club

Make sure to read last month’s issue of the division newsletter, Monster Media, designed by Division News Editor Alyssa Maree Vibar!
Keep up with division updates at:
Instagram: @d7south
Website: link.tree/d7south


Editor for COKC! :) I have dabbled in web design
Editor for COKC! :) I have dabbled in web design before, so I was really intrigued when there was a before, so I was really intrigued when there was a position dedicated to that here. To be honest, I’m a position dedicated to that here. To be honest, I’m a newbie when it comes to Key Club (this is my first newbie when it comes to Key Club (this is my first year being a part of it) but it seems pretty fun so far! year being a part of it) but it seems pretty fun so far! I’ve been able to meet a lot of new people and I’ve I’ve been able to meet a lot of new people and I’ve learned about many opportunities to help out my learned about many opportunities to help out my community and organizations that help beyond that community and organizations that help beyond that scope. I especially enjoyed the November DCM scope. I especially enjoyed the November DCM because of the goodies they sold. Outside of Key because of the goodies they sold. Outside of Key Club, you can see me competing in Science Club, you can see me competing in Science Olympiad for our school! I also love to read, with my Olympiad for our school! I also love to read, with my favorite book being favorite book being Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and TTomorrow omorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. I can’t by Gabrielle Zevin. I can’t wait for what the future has in wait for what the future has in store for Key Club at Cosumnes store for Key Club at Cosumnes Oaks!! Oaks!!

On On general general

headed by our Vice President Jamie and headed by our Vice President Jamie and her co-president Eric Jiang to celebrate her co-president Eric Jiang to celebrate Thanksgiving! We ran over quick details Thanksgiving! We ran over quick details about what the MRP is and benefits of the about what the MRP is and benefits of the MRP before introducing each respective MRP before introducing each respective club to those unfamiliar with either club. club to those unfamiliar with either club.
Then, we hosted a fun trivia Kahoot for a Then, we hosted a fun trivia Kahoot for a chance to win a full-size candy bar. chance to win a full-size candy bar. Finally, we ended our meeting with Finally, we ended our meeting with origami making as a service project to origami making as a service project to donate to Shriners Childrens’ Hospital! donate to Shriners Childrens’ Hospital!

General Meeting General Meeting

On November 17th, D7S gathered at On November 17th, D7S gathered at Shasta Park to have a great DCM! First, a Shasta Park to have a great DCM! First, a bingo with several activities began; the first bingo with several activities began; the first three to complete it earned a goodie bag. three to complete it earned a goodie bag.

After some division updates and the MRP winners were recognized, everyone was winners were recognized, everyone was able to then buy a variety pf pastries to able to then buy a variety pf pastries to help fund the PTP. Key Clubbers were also help fund the PTP. Key Clubbers were also able to earn service hours by completing able to earn service hours by completing Color-a-Smile, decorating sugar cookies, Color-a-Smile, decorating sugar cookies, and creating cards for Kiwanis. As the sun and creating cards for Kiwanis. As the sun set, a pie eating contest commenced. set, a pie eating contest commenced. and the first to finish won a Division 7 South and the first to finish won a Division 7 South tote bag. Overall, this DCM was a great tote bag. Overall, this DCM was a great way to support the PTP and have fun with way to support the PTP and have fun with friends! friends!

After some division updates and the MRP

President - Alyssa Maree Vibar: President - Alyssa Maree Vibar: d07s.cokc.pres@gmail.com d07s.cokc.pres@gmail.com
Vice President - Jamie Lam: Vice President - Jamie Lam: d07s.cokc.vp2@gmail.com d07s.cokc.vp2@gmail.com
Secretary - Carlie Dang: Secretary - Carlie Dang: d07s.cokc.sec@gmail.com d07s.cokc.sec@gmail.com

Treasurer - Kei Magadia: Treasurer - Kei Magadia: d07s.cokc.trea@gmail.com d07s.cokc.trea@gmail.com
Bulletin Editor - Skyla Nguyen: Bulletin Editor - Skyla Nguyen: d07s.cokc.editor@gmail.com d07s.cokc.editor@gmail.com