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Dashilar / Introduction
大栅栏毗邻前门大街,倚畔天安门广场,作为老北京“心 脏”的核心区域,过去几百年里一直是京城的商业、文化和 娱乐中心。历史遗留下来的痕迹与气息让大栅栏地区在日益 现代化的北京城中凸显出自己的独特气质,也成为城市观光 游览的热点。大栅栏作为北京最重要的历史文化街区之一, 也迎来了新的机遇与挑战。鉴于大栅栏独特的城市肌理和悠 久的历史所积淀的文化特质,如何保护好原有历史风貌,并 在未来的城市更新中展现其无法替代的魅力,成为改造过程 中必须深入挖掘和考虑的问题。 作为大栅栏改造的实施主体──北京广安控股有限公 司旗下的北京大栅栏投资有限责任公司,与北京设计周合作 举办的“设计之旅”之“大栅栏新街景”项目,以“让设计走 进大栅栏”的主题,试图探索大栅栏保护更新与改造的新思 路,旨在以一种开放、融合的姿态吸引文化产业及创意群体 以一种更宽容和尊重地域文化原貌的姿态进驻,并以该区域 的历史文化、城市肌理、建筑形态、社区居民及生活为灵感, 为该地区带来更加鲜活的力量。 设计周期间,来自世界各地 20 多个展览以及一系列设 计活动将共同构建“大栅栏新街景”设计之旅。大栅栏西街 的部分临街商业店铺及四合院 , 将被装点改造成了临时服装 店、咖啡店及艺术展览空间 , 大外廊营 8 号原北京继电器厂 房旧址也将作为“胡同中的创意设计与艺术空间”迎来国内 外新锐设计师作品的集中展现。 “大栅栏新街景”项目部分 临时店和工作坊拟于 9 月 16 日起对公众开放,“大栅栏新 街景”设计之旅将于 9 月 24 日正式开幕,主体活动时间为 9 月 25 日至 10 月 3 日。
Dashilar / Introduction
In theQianmen area, bordering Tiananmen Square, Dashilar is the heart of Old Beijing. For centuries it was the commercial, social and cultural center of the city, and the visible traces of this status make it unique in the capital today. However, in more recent eras, the condition of Dashilar has declined considerably. Thearea is in need of a renewal, but one that sympathetically preserves and respects its authentic, essential self. Beijing Design Week and Guangan Holding and Dashilar Investment Limited, a The Dashilar development implementation group , are pleased to present Dashilar Alley, one of the key hubs of activity during Beijing Design Week.Occupying spaces throughout the district, Dashilar Alley will feature approximately twenty exhibitions and events from around the world, supplemented by talks, workshops and other activities. Concentrated on and around the historic commercial street of DashilarXijie, storefronts and other spaces will be taken over by artist installations and temporary cafes, alongside pop-up shops from leading brands and independent boutiques. A lot of wonderful activities in the former electrical relay factory (北京石景山继电器厂分厂)will showcase the work of young talents from China and abroad. Talks and workshops will heighten the level of discourse. All are part of an effort to bring a renewed public awareness to Dashilar that, it is hoped, will help transform the area in a more sensitive, organic way. The aim is to attract Beijing’s creative community to the neighborhood while respecting, and engaging with, the local population, historic urban fabric and rich layering of existing buildings. The soft opening of Dashilar Alley will be September 16, when opens its workshops to the public. This will be followed by the complete program of events and exhibitions during Beijing Design Week, from September 25 to October 3. A media preview day is scheduled for September 24.
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AnyShopStyle x Yang Du
AnyShopStyle x Yang Du
Time Out Beijing Pop-Up Shop
Time Out Beijing 时尚暂住小店
Indie Fashion Design Exhibition
A day in the life of Ernesto Bones
China Vintage
2nd Ring 2049
二环 . 二零四九
ChArt Home
Concierge@The House of Leaves
Concierge@The House of Leaves
Lost & Found
失物招领 - 寻回失去的情感
Feedback – Dashilar Social Action
WUHAO @ The Teahouse
吾号 @ 茶舍
Topman &Topshop
Topman &Topshop 时装展
Art Peddler
Sky Light Cafe
Wonder Water Cafe at Tianhai
Dashilar Photographs
大栅栏 Eric Gregory Powell 摄影展
Objects, as told by Zhou Xun
Water Calligraphy Device
Dashilar / Map
编码 Activities
Time Out北京 33
在本次北京国际设计周期间,TimeOut 将携手数位设计师、当代艺术家、摄影家,在大栅栏 时尚暂住小店(Pop-up shop)献上一场综合展览,参展艺术家包括:宋爽、李骁、S.A.G.、编号 223、李媛、罗浩、96K、杨大为、健崔、张弛、池磊、王梓、詹盼。
Dashilar / Activities
Time Out Beijing 时尚暂住小店
此外,作为城市生活权威指南,Time Out 还将在小店内举办一系列时尚专家讲座。这 些互动式讲座由知名时尚买手、设计师和《Time Out Beijing》时尚编辑兼 Anywearstyle.com 的创始人 Alice McInerney 带领,分享专家品鉴和 2011 年秋冬季行内箴言。参观者还可以享 受到由 Rickshaw Roasters 带来的、拥有中国传统与新西兰文化相结合的顶级咖啡。 同时, 小店还将特设一个小商店,作为由 AnyWearStyle.com、 《TimeOut 北京》、 《TimeOut Beijing》及 CreativCulture.com 联合主办的“北京的过去和现在”设计大赛获奖作品的首发贩售点。届时,
前三名获奖作品将印制在 T 恤和手袋上,并面向观众限量发售。
The Time OutBeijing Fashion Pop-Up Shop Time-Out Beijing & TimeOut- 北京 are delighted to invite you to their fashion pop-up shop in Dashilar! TimeOut is a well-designed magazine for one hundred percent of local city life, we will work with designers, contemporary artists, photographers and hold an integrated exhibition, to reflect the inner relations between those fields.Those artists are Song Shuang, Weed, S.A.G., 223, Leeyuan, Hao, 96k, Yang Dawei, JC, Zhang Chi, Chi Lei, Wang Zi, Pan. Present Design Competition with TimeOut Beijing, AnyShopStyle.com and CreativCulture.com. Throughout Beijing Design Week, TimeOut, the experts on what’s going on in your city, will be holding a series of fashion expert talks in our coffee lounge area. Our series of interactive talks will be with well known fashion buyers, designers and Time Out’s Shopping & Style editor, Alice McInerney, to give you their expert style advice and trade secrets for this Autumn/Winter 2011.While listening to the experts, make sure you get yourself a cup of the best coffee in town in our coffee lounge area, as hosted by the Rickshaw Roasters, a small New Zealand Chinese boutique coffee company specialising in roasting the best coffee from around the world. They will be bringing you the freshest, tastiest coffee here in Beijing! Last but not least, we will also be launching the sale of the limited edition T-shirts & tote bags featuring the winning designs of our city-wide Beijing Past & Present Design Competition with TimeOut 北京 , AnyWearStyle.com and CreativCulture. com. Make sure you snap one up before they all go!
主办方 Organizer: 北京财讯广告有限公司 / Time Out Beijing 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing www.timeoutbeijing.com
Any Shop Style
AnyWearStyle.com ,是一个中英文兼顾的介绍中国时尚新闻的门户网站,将会在设计周
期间以 Showroom 的形式推出基于在线购物平台的设计师品牌店 AnyShopStyle.com 。 Showroom 的由空间设计英国建筑师事务所 WAA 鼎力操刀创作。之后 AnyShopStyle.com 将
Dashilar / Activities
AnyShopStyle x Yang Du 2011 随装展览
携手英国新锐设计师品牌 Yang Du ,献上 AnyShopStyle x Du Yang Exhibit 2011 ,对 Yang Du 最具张力代表性的作品进行完美诠释。华裔女设计师杜 旸 2009 年在伦敦成立个人品
牌 Yang Du ,以新奇、大胆、张扬而充满趣味性的设计,被誉为超现实主义的时装设计师。 这个项目也是 Yang Du 品牌在中国的首次正式亮相,宣告了 Yang Du 正式进入中国时尚 消费品市场。 此外,作为北京国际设计周的一部分, AnyWearStyle.com 还将和《 TimeOut 北京》、 《 TimeOut Beijing 》及 CreativCulture.com 联合主办以“北京的过去和现在”为主题的设 计比赛。前三名获奖作品将被印制在 T 恤和手袋上,在设计周中的 Time Out Beijing 暂住 小店首发。
AnyShopStyle x Yang Du AnyWearStyle.com, a bilingual China-centric fashion platform, has a series of exciting projects during this year's Beijing Design Week. AnyWearStyle.com is launching its online store AnyShopStyle.com honing in on surrealist London-based designer Yang Du. AnyWearStyle.com has also joined forces with TimeOut Beijing and Creativculture. com for a city-wide 'Beijing Past & Present' Design Competition. During Beijing Design Week we'll be launching the sale of the limited-edition winning designs, including t-shirts and tote bags - the perfect design week souvenir!
主办方 Organizer: AnyWearStyle 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing www.AnyWearStyle.com; www.AnyShopStyle.com
本次项目的目的在于,向观者介绍与几位栋梁设计师品牌店合作的,比较优秀的服装设计 师,展示他们的设计,让观者了解到我们中国现代的设计与过去/国外的设计有哪些区别。 中国现在有很多非常优秀的设计师,很多也是从国外学成归来,他们专注于自己的设计,希
Dashilar / Activities
Indie Fashion Design Exhibition This project tends to introduce some talented fashion designers who cooperate with Dongliang indie designer collection store, presenting their works, leading audience to understand the difference of modern Chinese design from the past and abroad. In China, there are a lot of very talented designers and some of which came back from abroad, and they concentrate on their design, hoping to upgrade Chinese design to a higher level, and creating a gallery for China in the world’s fashion stage.
主办方 Organizer: 栋梁设计师品牌店 / Dongliang indie designer collection store
活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号/No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District www.dongliangdesign.com
Ab Rogers 36
这是一个关于叙事的展览,由斯坦利 · 皮克房屋(Stanley Picker House )和它的虚拟居民厄 斯托 · 伯恩斯为灵感而引发。24 位有着不同背景的创意者,观看精选的一些 John Short 在 斯坦利 · 皮克房屋内拍摄的物体图片,然后被要求分别写下欧内斯托一天 24 小时中其中一
Dashilar / Activities
厄斯托 · 伯恩斯的一天
小时的生活。每一位创作者写下的最后两句话要传递给下一位创作者,以此类推。最终集合 他们的创作,汇成欧内斯托 · 伯恩斯一天 24 小时的生活。 接着,他们的叙述,将转化、设计成一组实物和装置,参观者因而在展厅中有了三维、 互动的参观体验。这样,通过“艺术 - 生活 - 艺术”的创作过程,创造出沉浸式、感官和动感 的装置作品。这个概念意味十足的展览,融合了多重感官体验,体现了合作叙事的力量。
A Day in the Life of Ernesto Bones Curated by London designer Ab Rogers, this exhibition is a conceptual show, a multi sensual, spatial installation about the power of collaborative narratives and storytelling. It was inspired by the game ‘exquisite corpses' (a method by which a collection of words or images is collectively assembled; Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence, either by following a rule, or by being allowed to see the end of what the previous person contributed) and based around the mysterious Stanley picker House and its fictitious inhabitant Ernesto Bones. 24 creative souls from different disciplines were asked to each write an hour of Ernesto's day - inspired by John Short's photographs of a carefully chosen selection of objects from the house itself - with the last two sentences of each hour's text forwarded to the next collaborator and so on. When finally assembled their words tell the story of Ernesto Bones' only day of life. This narrative was then translated into design objects and installations which have in turn have become 3 dimensional, interactive moments in the gallery space. This completing the circle of art to life to art to create an immersive, sensorial and kinetic installation.
主办方 Organizer: Ab Rogers Design 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区朱家胡同 7 号 / No 7, Zhujia Hutong, XiCheng District, Beijing www.abrogers.com
ByeBye Disco 37
Bye Bye Disco 是中国第一家真正的“复古”商店。它的老板是中国最好的乐队——“新裤
Dashilar / Activities
和开创性由“商店”的形式开展开来,掀起了中国“国货当自强”的新时尚大潮。之后,“中 国货”在全国乃至全球的流行, Bye Bye Disco 功不可没。 本次设计周期间,大栅栏附近的弓字胡同将有 Bye Bye Disco 的产品展示,主要包括 80 和 90 年代生产的经典国货,以及具有 60、70、 80 年代 Style 的复古服饰。
China Vintage Bye Bye Disco is China’s only true vintage store. The head, Pang Kuan, is a member of the best Chinese band – “New Pants”.Helping to initiat the fever for Chinese homemade goods, which has risen in the past couple of years, but Pang Kuan is also a creative pioneer and visionary who expresses his artistic passion in his music as well as his shop “Bye Bye Disco”, setting fashion trends and supporting the “self-renewal” of the image of goods “Made in China”. “Bye bye Disco” has a big share in promoting the reestablishment of Chinese home-made goods throughout the country as well as the rest of the world. During BJDW, in Gongzi Hutong in Dashilar, Bye Bye Disco features classic domestic items from the 80s and 90s, as well as vintage clothing from the 60s to the 80s.
主办方 Organizer :拜拜迪斯科商店 / Bye Bye Disco 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区弓字胡同 10 号 / No.10 Gongzi Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing www.byebyedisco.com
二环 . 二零四九 二环 2049 是一个自发的研究项目,旨在借二环为一个切入点,大胆地探讨一种截然相反的 城市发展策略的可能性。设想我们的城市不再以修更多的路为解决交通的方式,而是更多投 入大力发展多种形式的公共交通。 O.P.E.N 建筑事务所设想将二环主路所占用的宝贵土地变 成北京线性的“中央公园”,同时插入城市严重缺乏的各种公共文化设施。2049 的二环,将 成为北京城市中心公共空间的主轴,而北京将成为一个开放、宜居、有效、有精神凝聚力的城 市。在我们有限的土地上,找到一种高密度、高效率、高质量的城市生活方式。
2nd Ring 2049 Under takern by Beijing basic firm O.P.E.N. Architecture, 2nd Ring 2049 is a voluntary research project aiming to develop a completely different urban development strategy with the 2nd Ring Road as the entry point. Just imagine that our city no longer constructs more roads to solve the traffic problem; instead, it invests more in diversified means of public transportation. O.P.E.N. envisages a lineal “central park” in Beijing, transformed from the precious land of the 2nd Ring. At the same time, various public cultural facilities that our city is in serious need of will be installed. 主办方 Organizer: 开放建筑 / O.P.E.N. Architecture 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing www.openarch.com
2nd Ring 2049
“样板间”是连接人与艺术的生活方式品牌,艺术家在其中诠释他们心中家庭的概念,探索另 类展览方式。
Dashilar / Activities
ChART 之家
ChART Contemporary 曾打造另类的展览品牌——“样板间” ,成功推动了社区与艺术家
融合。本次北京国际设计周,ChART 升级这一概念,推出“ChART 之家”,邀请多位艺术家集 结于此,重新诠释家庭的概念。 “ChART 之家”融合了舒适的家居设计与艺术品位,提供访客 一个交流的平台。 居民、商铺与古建筑共生的大栅栏,与旨在连接人与艺术的“ChART 之家”相谐。No.98 分为两层:一层将作为休闲室;二层改造为装置作品。灵感源自一个 10 平米地下室的“样板 间” 。参展艺术家:陈可,黄晓亮,张湘溪。
ChART Home ChART Contemporary conceptualized Open House to test an alternative exhibition approach in Beijing. The concept Open House has evolved into an ongoing series of oneday pop-up exhibitions in residential and commercial spaces around China. For Beijing Design Week, ChART invites Open House artists to interpret their idea of what home represents in a contemporary way. Titled ChART Home, this project provides visitors with a platform to gather, exchange ideas, and view home furnishings with a modern twist.The coexistence of residents, shopkeepers, and historic architecture in the Dashilar area is the perfect match for ChART Home, which focuses on bringing together art & people. Blending traditional elements with a modern aesthetic, each conceptual showroom is the result of the collaborative effort between the artist and ChART Contemporary.Participating artists: Chen Ke, Huang Xiaoliang, Zhang Xiangxi.
主办方 Organizer: ChART Contemporary 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京西城区大栅栏西街 98 号 / No.98, Dashilar West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing www.chartcontemporary.com
BAO Atelier 40
“集装箱系列”是建筑师、设计师李鼐含(北京 BAO 工作室创始人)2011 年最新的家具作品。 它的灵感来源于当代城市居民临时而多变的生活方式,就好像北京无数建筑经历的建筑、
Dashilar / Activities
Concierge@The House of Leaves
腐朽、重建过程一般。李鼐含的作品突出了它们原始的集装箱式样外壳,她的设计拥有诗意 般的舒适感,同时顺应了急速的全球化进程,以及时刻准备搬家的生活方式。沙发、床、书 架、工作台、桌上足球机,将整个空间营造出完整统一而独一无二的空间语境。木板变成了 外壳,包裹着躯体、物体以及我们的记忆。 Conciergeis 是一处安静的室内花园,会举办各 种跨学科的对话和讨论会。此番,它将与策展人 Beatrice Leanza( BAO 工作室联合创立者) 深度合作,将这个特殊的装置变成一个实际的建筑作品——“ The House of Leave ”。这是 一个半私人半公开的住宅,坐落在 5 环边上的草场地艺术区,整个空间就像一个没有时间 和空间限制的公众私密花园。
Concierge@The House of Leaves Architect and designer Li Naihan’s latest series of home and office furniture “The Crates (2011)” is inspired by the volatile and exuberant spirit of a contemporary urban habitat like Beijing and its epic détournement of building construction, decay and regeneration. Li’s mobile creations are emotional sculptural objects that pop out of their own shipping shell. And it accommodate with poetic comfort, the moody impracticality of globetrotting, ready-to-move lifestyles. Sofas, beds, bookshelves, workstations, and football tables form a unique spatial language which is whole with a “total” concept of dwelling. Wooden crates become carapaces to contain the body, objects and the memories we carry with them. Concierge is a public retreat and an interior garden hosting crossdisciplinary talk-and-workshops curated by Beatrice Leanza (curator and co-founder with Li of the Beijing-based studio BAO Atelier). Concierge is developed in collaboration with Beatrice Leanza. This special installation materializes an inexistent part of an actual building dubbed “House of Leaves”, a semi-private/semi-public residence located on the edge of the 5th Ring Road in the Caochangdi Art District. This serendipitous space represents an antechamber of no definite time or spatial confines, a public retreat and an interior garden.
主办方 Organizer: BAO 工作室 / BAO Atelier HK ltd. 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District www.thebao.com; www.naihanli.com
Lost & Found 41
失物招领成立于北京国子监,此次在北京国际设计周上带来的名为“失物招领 - 寻回失去的 情感”的主题家具展,致力于将消失于人们生活中的美好旧物重现,重现北京典型 80 年代
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失物招领 - 寻回失去的情感
的家庭布局。 胡同口一把无人认领的破旧的沙发椅,那些在街上下象棋的大爷坐的小板凳-从很多 上世纪五、六十年代的老家具中,我们感受到中国人坚强、乐观、简朴的生活态度。我们的 城市一直处在快速变化之中,一些美丽的街道、景物正在消失。用自己的方式记录曾经的美 好,同时交出有品质的设计和产品,让使用它的人感觉到温暖-这就是失物招领这次活动 的举办初衷。 用心做出好品质的物件,让使用的人怀着珍惜的心情使用,由时间和人的共同作用产 生美感——失去的情感由此寻回。
Lost & Found - Rediscover the Spirit Once Lost “Lost & Found” was established in the Imperial College in Beijing. The themed furniture exhibition entitled “Lost & Found – Rediscover the Lost Feelings” in the Beijing Design Week is committed to representing the beautiful old things which has disappeared gradually in people’s lives, and to reproducing the typical Beijing family layout in the 1980s. An unclaimed crappy old chair in at a hutong entrance, a tiny stool on which the old people play chess…. from the old furniture that were popular in the 1950s and the 1960s, we reactivate Chinese people’s life attitudes of persistence, optimism, and austerity. Many beautiful streets and sceneries have disappeared due to the rapid change of our city. The objectives of the exhibition of “Lost & Found” is to record the lost beauties, to produce quality designs and products, and to provide the users the feeling of warmth. By producing quality products with your whole heart and allowing the users to use and treat them like treasures, the beauty of time resonates among people and thus we are able to rediscover the lost feelings.
主办方 Organizer: 失物招领 / Lost & Found 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区大栅栏西街 46-48 号(京华客栈)/ No.46-48, Dashilar West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing www.lostandfound.cn
NOTCH 艺术节始于 2006 年,是北欧与中国之间的创意文化交流活动,致力于设计、建筑、
媒体艺术和音乐领域“具有前瞻性”的跨文化实验。从 2009 年开始, NOTCH 成为北京国
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际设计周的合作伙伴。 从 8 月中到 10 月中的两个月,活动围绕“社会化设计”和“创意回收再设计”两大课题, 通过开放工作营的形式在大栅栏老街区展开。来自北欧和中国的建筑师、设计师、艺术家和 极客聚集到一起,亲自动手,创意制造,反馈社区。所以,今年的主题就叫“反馈”! 活动主场是生产含有“反馈线圈”的继电器材厂,与 NOTCH 的语境“双重”合体。在大 栅栏历史街区的腹地,通过北欧与本地设计师的“反馈”式社会化设计与社区实践,传承当 地历史文脉,创意回收再设计,改善社会生活与文化环境,激活大栅栏地区隐含的创意能 量,为大栅栏地区的提升改造和业态进行有益的尝试。
Feedback – Dashilar Social Action NOTCH Festival, beginning in 2006, is the creative cultural exchange event between Nordic and China, dedicated to forward-looking cross-cultural experiments on design, architecture, media arts, and music. NOTCH has become the partner of Beijing International Design Week since 2009. From mid-August to mid-October, various activities with themes of “Social Design” and “Creative Redesign” will be conducted in the Dashilanr Street area in the form of open workshops. The architects, designers, artists, and geeks from northern Europe and China altogether, will do the hands-on creative production and contribute to the local community. “Feedback”, thereby, becomes the theme of this year’s NOTCH Festival. The venue of the event is located at a factory that produces “feedback loop”, which implicitly fits NOTCH’s theme. The event in the heart of the Dashilanr historic district, through the “feedback” type of community designs and practices by Nordic and local designers, aims to inherit the local historical culture, to redesign and improve the social life and cultural environment, to activate the local creative energy, and thus to explore how to transform and improve the cultural ecology of the Dashilar area.
主办方 Organizer: 北京创弈共和管理顾问有限公司 /TOPIA Management Consulting Co. Ltd. 北京大栅栏投资有限责任公司 /Beijing Dashilar Investment Limited. 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District www.notch11.com
隐藏在东城区帽儿胡同 35 号红色大门里面的,就是法国人伊莎开的个性小店“吾号” (WUHAO Curated Shop )。这座曾属于末代皇后婉容的宅院,无论是装修还是货品挑选,都
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吾号 @ 茶舍
遵循金木水火土五行理念。 现在,隐秘的 WUHAO Curated Shop 由深巷走向闹市、由帽儿胡同走向大栅栏、由园 林走向茶室。 WUHAO Curated Shop 继将古老庭院打造成精品设计空间后,又时尚演绎 大栅栏古旧茶舍。秉持 WUHAO 一贯的“五行”核心理念,WUHAO@the teahouse 旨在助 力中国设计新生力,如李鼐含、INNOVO DESIGN ,同时与活力品牌“宁静二天”及 Beijing Sidways 合作,带来生活新体验。 WUHAO@the teahouse 独家奉上:WUHAO 最潮设计及品牌精选;WUHAO 独家限
量生产 Limited Editions ( 由年轻设计师苏春容,王昊,王凯川,肖天宇,郑海晨设计 ) ; WUHAO 与本土独立设计师( KIROIC ,肖天宇等)联袂打造的“北京记忆”系列设计。
WUHAO @ The Teahouse From hidden to public, from Mao'er to Dashilan, from a Chinese garden to a tea house. After Mao'er 35 Hutong and its courtyard location was converted into a design space, Wuhao Curated Shop continues its adventures south by reinventing a traditional teahouse in the historic Dashilan district. A special project made by Wuhao, it remains faithful to its original '5 elements' concept. Aiming to showcase and foster upcoming local talents, Wuhao @ The Teahouse offers visitors an array of eye catching installations and lifestyle experiences by cutting edge China-based designers including furniture designer Li Naihan, Hangzhou design studio Innovo, and much more. This exclusive 'pop-up' will also be host to: - A special selection of Wuhao's trendiest products and brands. - Limited Editions by young talents coming out of the Chinese creative scene like Wang Kaichuan, Su Chunrong, Wang Hao, Zhang Chen, Yang Shaojun etc -A collection of specially created 'Beijing souvenirs' by exciting new indie designers including Xiao Tianyu, KIROIC and more.
主办方 Organizer: 吾号 @ 茶舍 / WUHAO @ The Teahouse 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京西城区朱家胡同 9 号 / No 9, Zhujia Hutong, Xi Cheng District, Beijing www.wuhaoonline.com
一场轰轰烈烈的“造城运动”正在众多亚洲及中国城市展开,它为我们提出了方方面面的挑 战:城市就像一个大工地、社会和经济的巨大反差、持续的拆除和建造过程经常导致一系列
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胡同城 :20 年后我们的城市将会怎样?
棘手的问题、新居住区的生活质量和地区保护等等。 胡同城是一个旨在研究中国城市发展新可能的展览,除了对于北京城市条件的广泛研 究外,它还是一个创新的城市游戏,观众可以与之互动,在胡同的基础之上理解和创造想象 中的城市地图。AQSO 建筑事务所很认同这个由安东尼作为策展人的展览,展览受到许多 设计师,建筑师,影像制作人和软件开发人员的支持。 北京国际设计周是这个实验性研究项目的起始点,在随后的阶段中它将把大学和大学 生等融入到亚洲城市环境的研究中来。
Hutopolis:How will we experience our cities in 20 years? How will we experience our cities in 20 years? The scenario of urban transformation that is happening in Asia and China offers a wide range of challenges to analyze: most Chinese cities can be described as a field of urban, social and economic contrasts. The continuous process of destruction and construction often leave unanswered questions related to the quality of life in new settlements and issues related to preservation. “Hutopolis” is a research program that aims to investigate new boundaries for the urban development in China. The study intends to re-use and enhance the existing urban framework and networks as a key idea to generate a new evolution of the city. AQSO arquitectos office organized this exhibition curated by Giannantonio Bongiorno, with the support of a wide team of designers, architects, film makers and software developers. This investigation on the urban environment will be presented as a generative urban game for the people to interact, understand and create an imaginary city map based on Beijing’s “Hutongs”. BJDW is the starting point of this experimental research program that in later stages will involve universities and students to experiment with the urban condition of Asian cities.
主办方 Organizer: AQSO 建筑事务所 / ARQUITECTOS OFFICE 北京大栅栏投资有限责任公司 /Beijing Dashilar Investment Limited. 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District www.hutopolis.info/
Triple-Major 45
Ritchie Chan 于 2009 年创办创作机构 Triple-Major ,希望对时装进行重新思考。 TripleMajor 策划的首个项目 Project White T-Shirt 邀请了全球 31 位前卫设计师共同改造基本的
白 T 恤,并在 UCCA 等各地博物馆与画廊展出。Triple-Major 于 2010 年在北京的宝钞胡同
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81 号开设了概念店,将世界各地前卫设计师如 Fabrics Interseason, Daniel Palillo, Anntian
等首次带入中国。 设计周期间,Triple-Major 将在大栅栏带来“药”概念店,以“药”作伪装,经营前卫及 实验性时装。北京“药”概念店将以 Old Fashion Beijing 为主题,把老北京的元素混合在临 时店里,与店内前卫偏锋的时装作强烈的对比。主要为 Triple-Major 品牌的设计,还有少部 分中国及香港设计师的作品。
Triple-Major Ritchie Chan established the creative agency Triple-Major in 2009, with the aim of rethinking the concept of fashion. Triple-Major’s first project – Project White T-shirt invited 31 world renowned avant-garde designers to redesign the white T-shirts, which will then be exhibited at UCCA and other galleries. Triple-Major opened a concept store in No. 81 Baochao Hutong, Beijing in 2010, and brought to China the works of avantgarde designers such as Fabrics Imterseason, Daniel Palillo, Anntian for the first time. During Design Week, Triple-Major will bring a “medicine” concept store into Dashilanr, which sells avant-garde and experimental fashions with the disguise of “medicine”. The “medicine” concept store, with the theme of Old Fashion Beijing, will integrate the traditional elements of old Beijing into the temporary store, forming a sharp contrast with the trendy fashions. Most products of the “medicine” concept store are designed by Triple-Major itself while still some works are from China mainland and Hong Kong designers.
主办方 Organizer : Triple-Major 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区燕家胡同 2 号 / No.2, Yanjia Hutong, Xicheng Distrcit Beijing www.triple-major.com
香云纱,是中国独特的丝绸面料,全部采用天然材料纯手工制作,运用薯莨和广东顺德地区 特有的泥巴进行染色固色。是极具中国智慧的面料。于 2008 年被列入国家“非物质文化遗
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产”名录。 在本届设计周期间,如洗将向观众展现以“共生”为主题的香云纱服装作品。设计师薛 文佳女士通过对传统面料“香云纱”的再设计,从面料本身入手,进行一场现代与传统的对 话,实现“共生”的主题。 “不尚华饰,质素如洗”是如洗的品牌理念。香云纱作为中国特有的 面料,面料制作过程绿色环保,材料都来源于大自然,反映了中国人认知世界的方式。如洗 选择香云纱作为设计面料,就是要找寻传统工艺和现代设计的一个能够“共生”的结合点。 在现代的社会语境中,如何看待传统工艺、如何对其吸收消化并加以利用,这是如洗品牌想 要做的一种尝试。
RU XI Tea Silk (Xiang Yun Sha) is a unique Chinese fabric made by hand with natural materials, using the root vegetable Dioscorea cirrhosa for colouring and mud from Guangdong Shunde to fix the colour. It's a great example of Chinese innovation, and was elected as a national “intangible cultural heritage” in 2008. During Beijing Design Week, Ruxi is proudly presenting it's new collection, "Coexistence" Tea Silk garments. Through re-designing the traditional Tea Silk applications, focusing on the fabric itself, they try to create a dialogue between the past and present, a coexistence.Ruxi's philosophy is "Not yet flourish, clean as washed". Tea Silk, being a special Chinese fabric, the production process is green and environmental, sourced from nature; it is a reflection of the Chinese way to understand the world. With the use of Tea Silk, Ruxi is searching for a connection or coexistence between traditional craftsmanship and contemporary design. How do we rethink, digest and develop traditional craftsmanship? This is what Ruxi is working towards.
主办方 Organizer: 北京如洗商贸有限公司 / RUXI 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区燕家胡同 2 号 / No.2, Yanjia Hutong, Xicheng District Beijing www.ruxi.cc
FEI Space
作为高端街头时尚的开拓者,英国著名国际平价时尚男装兄弟品牌 Topman 和 Topshop ,一 直受到英国年轻艺人的拥戴和时尚工业界的高度尊崇。独立的个性和前卫的设计为它们赢
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Topman &Topshop 时装展
得了全球千万个追随者。 设计周期间,北京多元设计概念机构——“非空间”将独家在中国大陆推出英伦顶 级街头时尚潮牌 Topman 和 Topshop 专区,聚焦英伦本土时装设计师的时尚新生态。除了 Topshop 在上海正大广场拥有一家店铺外, Topman 尚未在中国开设门店,因此,这项合作
Topman & Topshop Fashion Exhibition Beijing’s multi-design faceted Fei space exclusively welcomes Topshop and Topman to China for the first time with a pop-up space highlighting their very well known and respected collaborations with British based designers. As an early pioneer of high street designer collaborations and a staunch supporter of young British talent, it’s Topshop and Topman’s individuality that has earned them worldwide respect from their clientele and fashion industry insiders alike. With an attitude that is accessible to all and a bold product range, Topshop and Topman have won a legion of loyal fans and cemented their place on the international style map.
主办方 Organizer: 非空间 / Fei Space 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing
卖短(梁硕) 箭厂空间是 2008 年在北京成立的一家独立运营的另类艺术空间,坐落在同名的箭厂胡同 内,改造自一家临街店面并定期组织特定现场装置和艺术项目,使过往的路人能从街面上 观看。 “卖短”是箭厂空间在大栅栏组织的一场活动,提供了一次置身于历史背景和现代作 品中的机会,可以在临时空间中进行一次短暂的旅程。 艺术家梁硕可以在这里通过一系列艺术的实践,促进由个人层面、邻里、城市、地区最 后乃至全球的多方位辐射关系。虽然是临时性的,但完全依据周边环境而定,形成了对所处 地域不同的经济、政治和社会状况以及日常生活体验的深刻回应。
Art Peddler Art Peddler is an initiative of Arrow Factory, an independently run alternative art space founded in 2008 in Beijing. Arrow Factory’s projects signal an economy of means that informs our practice and promotion of artistic collaboration, exploration and experimentation across different cultural contexts and viewing publics. They are committed to presenting works by local and international artists that are provisional in nature, highly contingent upon the immediate environment and that form meaningful responses to the diverse economic, political and social conditions of our given locality and everyday lived experience.Our mission is simply to provide an alternative, a different context in which artists can experiment with pushing the relationships that radiate outwards from the levels of the individual, the neighborhood, the urban, the region, to finally, the global.
主办方 Organizer: 箭厂空间 / Arrow Factory 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区大栅栏西街 21 号 / No.21, Dashilar West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing www.arrowfactory.org.cn
Arrow Factory48
“天窗(Sky Light )”是一间临时性的咖啡馆 \ 酒吧,将于北京国际设计周期间栖居在大栅栏 一栋拆了一半的胡同建筑里。凭借本土化设计和当地景观为设计元素,基地所在位置将伴
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随残存的建筑遗迹,变身为一个葱郁的城市绿洲。参观者将会沉浸到大栅栏地区的厚重的 历史背景中来感受这家拥有短暂的生命咖啡馆 \ 酒吧。临时小店的特色将以本土自制烘焙 的咖啡为特色,虽然原材料采集于全球各地。另外,精选的啤酒和红酒同样不容错过。 这个项目由 Kupa 工作室所提议,这个以北京和旧金山为基地的设计团队由建筑师和艺术 家组合而成。
Sky Light Cafe Sky Light is a pop-up café/bar housed in a half-demolished hutong building during Beijing Design Week. Through adopting elements of vernacular design and native landscaping, the site will be transformed into a lush, urban oasis that plays with the remains of the existing structure. Visitors are immersed in the context of the historic Dashilanr area and the site’s ephemerality. The café will feature homemade baked goods, globally sourced yet locally roasted coffee, and a handpicked selection beer and wine. Sky Light is an initiative of Kupa Studios, a design collective made up of architects and artists based in Beijing and San Francisco.
主办方 Organizer: kupa 设计工作室 / Kupa Studios 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区燕家胡同 2 号 / No.2, Yanjia Hutong, Xicheng District Beijing www.kupastudios.com.cn
Sky Light Café49
在设计周期间,芬兰阿尔托大学将带来一个位于天海餐厅内,名为 Wonder Water Cafe 的 临时咖啡店。 餐厅内,参观者可以探索水和食物的关系,提高对“水足迹”的认知。Wonder Water
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咖啡店将会推动一场有关水价值的讨论,让人们思考饮食本土化和全球化各自造成的影 响,然后做出一个有责任感的选择。 为了能更好理解水资源的消耗,水足迹变得越来越重要。我们使用大量的水用以清 洗、饮用之功用,但是在生产食物和几乎所有产品的过程中有很多看不见的水被消耗掉了。 菜单上的每一道菜都会标注它的水足迹,因此当用餐者点牛排时会看到一个天文数字的水 足迹,再点一个由本地当地种植的素菜食品时会看到一个小得多的数字,用餐者因此得知 自己用餐所产生的水足迹。
WONDER WATER Cafe Staged in conjunction with World Design Capital Helsinki 2012, WONDERWATER Café is a pop-up event taking place in Tian Hai restaurant where visitors can explore the relation between food and water. Designed to raise awareness of the water footprint, WONDERWATER Café will promote debate around the value of water and make us think about the impact of what we eat locally and globally. The water footprint is an increasingly important tool for understanding our water consumption: we use large quantities for washing, drinking and cooking, but considerably more ‘virtual water’ for producing food and almost every product we consume. Tian Hai's menu will be modified to include the water footprint of popular dishes. Will diners choose a beef dish with an astronomically high water footprint, or a vegetable dish produced from local seasonal vegetables with a much lower one? Along with the bill, visitors will be given a print out evaluating the water footprint of their meal.
主办方 Organizer: 阿尔托大学 / Aalto University 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区大栅栏西街 37 号 / No.37, Dashilar West Street, Xicheng District, Beijing www.wonderwater.fi
曾几何时的大栅栏,遗存着北京最古老的城市肌理与文脉。各色商场、茶楼、饭馆和小吃铺 子聚集于此,热闹非常。解放后的大栅栏商居混杂,成为了平民大众的社区:家、工厂、学校
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大栅栏 Eric Gregory Powell 摄影展
和商店四处林立。 作为今年北京国际设计周展场之一,大栅栏是北京过去十年间城市改造的重点区域。 《艺术界》——当代中国的国际艺术杂志,北京大栅栏投资有限责任公司——大栅栏改造 实施主体,与摄影师 Eric Gregory Powell 以及设计周的创意总监陈伯康合作推出了大栅栏 的部分空间在被临时改造为展场前的照片集。摄影师 Eric 以其精湛的技术和强烈的感情, 用相机记录下了大栅栏的部分空间为设计周改造前的模样,“追随”并还原了这些空间的 初始形态。与此同时,展场在设计周期间还将有《艺术界》及现代传播旗下的其他刊物展示。
Dashilar Photographs by Eric Gregory Powell As one of Beijing Design Week’s core venues, the cluster of spaces around Dashilar get to the heart of the urban transformation Beijing has undergone in the past decade. Before a group of spaces here were remade into temporary white-cube purity to accommodate the Week’s activities, LEAP, the international art magazine of contemporary China, collaborated with photographer Eric Gregory Powell and BJDW creative director Aric Chen to create a portfolio of images of the spaces in their “raw” state. This exhibition presents Powell’s photographs of space – technically precise and emotionally poignant – as a way of “haunting” the other exhibitions unfolding nearby with the presence of their former situation. The exhibition venue will also become a station for LEAP and its parent company Modern Media to present the magazine and its sister publications.
主办方 Organizer: 现代传播《艺术界》 / Modern Media, LEAP Magazine 北京大栅栏投资有限责任公司 /Beijing Dashilar Investment Limited. 。 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京市西城区铁树斜街 59 号 / No.59, Tieshu Oblique Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Silence Heros Zhou Xun 52
由北京国际设计周创意总监陈伯康 (Aric Chen) 策展并得到 Diesel. 大力支持的展览“无声 英雄:物,讲述者周迅”,是一个关于讲述的展览,旨在让公众感受那些普通人日常生活中
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的“文物”和“传奇”,并且发现他们简单生活中的富有。展品有周迅带来的她儿时的物件, 有大栅栏的邻居拿来的生活用品,展览的目的是激励中国观众珍惜个人历史和过去,看到 身边的事物隐藏的美好。 这些精选的展品将置于一个由插画家雷磊和柴觅创造的虚构世界中,伴随着文字和声 音的讲述,激发众多“无声英雄”的共鸣。
Silence Heroes: Objects, as told by Zhou Xun Silent Heroes: Objects, as told by Zhou Xun is an exhibition about storytelling and the richness to be found in common things. Through the lens of artifacts taken from the childhood of actress Zhou Xun, alongside those from the lives of current-day residents of Beijing’s Dashilar neighborhood, the exhibition seeks to encourage audiences to appreciate the value in what might otherwise seem humble and mundane. The pieces selected will be contextualized within imaginary worlds created by the illustrators Ray Lei and Chai Mi, and accompanied by the narratives, told in texts and audio recordings, that lend them their resonance – thus giving voice to many “silent heroes.” Silent Heroes: Objects, as told by Zhou Xun is curated by Beijing Design Week creative director Aric Chen, and supported by Diesel.
主办方 Organizer: 北京国际设计周 / Beijing Design Week 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 北京西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing
水书法器 水书法器的灵感来源于中国人在公共场所用水练习书法的习惯。书写者用大毛笔蘸水书写, 因专注而充满诗意。书写者用笔蘸水在地上写诗,旁观者围在四周,这样动人的场景在北京 的公园时时可见。 水书法器安放于在北京随处可见的三轮车上。一个由电脑控制的电磁阀门,使得三轮车 的后面一直释放水滴,水滴沉淀在地上形成汉字的形状。它集古老写作形式的内在美、公共 艺术实践的优雅,以及机械的魔力与神秘于一体。首先,将一段一段的汉字输入到电脑中,定 制软件对字符进行处理,并将它们传送到电力系统,驱动电磁阀阵列。然后在三轮车满满 的往前开的时候,电磁阀就在车后面释放水滴。水滴沉淀在地上而形成汉字,最终这些 汉字慢慢地消逝。
Water Calligraphy Device The Water Calligraphy Device is inspired by the Chinese custom of writing calligraphy in public spaces with a water brush as a contemplative and poetic act. Calligraphers writing passages of poetry, surrounded by a group of onlookers, are a lovely presence in Beijing parks.The Water Calligraphy Device combines the inherent beauty of an ancient form of writing, a refined public art practice with the mystery and magic of mechanisms.The device is mounted on a flat-bead tricycle which is a ubiquitous form of transportation in Beijing. Passages of Chinese characters are input to a computer. Custom software on the computer processes the characters and transmits them to an electrical system that actuates an array of solenoid valves. The valves release droplets of water on the ground as the tricycle moves forward, thus forming Chinese characters that slowly pool together and eventually evaporate entirely. 主办方 Organizer : Nicholas Hanna 活动时间 Dates : 9.25-10.3 ( 12:00-20:00 ) 西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District www.nicholashanna.net
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设计师佐伊 · 帕帕佐普洛卢邀请你和她共进下午“核”茶。将茶佐以自制的黄饼和设计。你 可以用盖格计数器测量了这些受了辐射的食物的发射性,继而探索核动力的安全性并用过
Dashilar / Activities
Tea and Yellowcake You are invited to a nuclear tea party hosted by designer Zoe Papadopoulou. Tea will be served with homemade yellowcake and design. Measure your irradiated food with a Geiger counter, explore the safety concerns of nuclear power and create designs using energy surplus. 活动时间 Time : 10.2(15:00-17:00)
“家用超级物品”工作坊 在这个工作坊里,你将和设计师奈丽 · 本 · 哈尤恩(Nelly Ben Hayoun )一起做实验,发掘你 最日常的家用物品的创造潜力。用最乏味的细节比肩史诗,用日常探索极致,这就是家用超 级物品!备注:请带上一些适合破坏的日常用品。
Domestic Super Objects Come and experiment with your everyday domestic objects to reveal their creative potential in this workshop with experience designer Nelly Ben Hayoun. Juxtapose the epic with banal details and the extreme with the domestic to create a Domestic Super object….! PS: Please bring some everyday objects that can be destroyed or hacked.These two events are part of the London Guest City programme of Beijing Design Week and co-organised by Cultural and Education Section British Embassy and Bao Atelier. 主办方:英国大使馆文化教育处 / Cultural and Education Section British Embassy
活动时间 Dates : 10.1 ( 14:00-17:00 ) 西城区大外廊营胡同 8 号 / No.8 Dawailangying Hutong, Xicheng District
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