Enjoy Beijing / Restaurant
东城区南池子大街 115 号 010-85118015( 人均消费:550)
No.115, Nanchizi Street, Dongcheng District. 010-85118015 (Price: 550/per)
Domus 怡人的宁静,在众多餐厅里难得一见,地下一 层的位置。墙上的宫廷画,顶上的红木梁,以及暗淡 的灯光下陷落迷离的光,这种昏暗的调调让人很是喜 欢。一楼是酒吧环境优雅,惬意,地下一层是法餐厅。 据说有着北京最好吃的提拉米苏!牛排,羊排,鳕鱼 都好吃的不得了。
If what you want is quiet air to enjoy French food, then Domus must be your best choice. The glamour, creating by rosewoods and dark lights. The First Floor is a elegant bar, and the B1 is the French restaurant, where were well-known for its Tiramisu, actually, many people considere it is the one of the best Tiramisu in Beijing. By the way, the beefsteak, lamb chop and the cod is definitely worth to try.
Enjoy Beijing / Restaurant 北京市朝阳区秀水东街 8 号秀水大厦底商 356 号 010-5169 9156 Cafe Flatwhite 是源自新西兰的著名咖啡企业 FIDELS CAFE 在中国创立的咖啡店品牌。 Cafe Flatwhite 凭借
纯正好喝的现磨咖啡( every cup perfect) 、新西兰家庭 口味的餐品、热情周到的服务、舒适整洁的环境,而赢 得在京工作、生活的国际友人和追求时尚品位生活人 士极大的青睐。 Rickshaw Roasters 咖啡烘培工厂每 天为咖啡厅供应新鲜烘培、高质量的咖啡豆,其招牌 Flatwhite 咖啡,味美纯正香浓。咖啡厅还同时为客人 提供新西兰进口原材料,经新西兰厨师长精心制作出 的鸡肉油果汉堡、意大利宽面和自制比萨饼等新西兰 纯正家庭口味的餐品。
Cafe Flatwhite
No.356, Silk Mansion. No.8 Silk Street Market, Chaoyang District., Beijing, China. 010-5169 9156 Cafe Flatwhite is a new cafe brand launched in China by the well known New Zealand enterprise FIDELS CAFE. With the original grinding coffee, New Zealand home-made food, caring service and a cozy environment, Cafe Flatwhite has won the attention from many white-collars, internationals and trend-setters in Beijing. Rickshaw Roasters serves fresh baking, quality coffee beans and special Flatwhite coffee to the customers. They also provide the original New Zealand food ingredients. From the chef specials, you can taste traditional food such as chicken avocado hamburger, Italian spaghetti and home-made pizza.
东城区前门东大街 23 号 010-6559 9200 ( 人均消费:600)
23 Qianmen East Street, Dongcheng District 010-6559 9200 (Price :600/per)
京城最好的法餐厅之一,位于前门大街 23 号的一幢 2
One of the best French restaurants in Beijing, Maison Boulud is located at a 2-storey building in 23 Qianmen Street. It is part of the restaurant group owned by the world-class chef Daniel Boulud. The place used to be part of the former U.S. embassy. The integration between the historical atmosphere and the Michelin two-star French cuisine distinguish it from other restaurants. The customers can enjoy the firm foundation of French cuisine as well as the American style atmosphere. The elegent French services provide professional and warm sincerity. Maison Boulud, with its good environment, good cooks, and good cuisine, keeps the fame of the high quality of Daniel Bruce’s restaurants.
层小楼里,隶属于世界级名厨 Daniel Boulud 旗下的餐 饮集团。餐厅所在地原是美国大使馆的一部分,悠久 的历史氛围及米其林二星级法式菜肴的美味结合在一 起。基本功扎实的法式料理,同时又带着美式的轻松。 法式一贯的优雅和美好服务,让人感到不一样的气 场。服务专业,真诚、热情不做作。好环境、好厨师、好 餐厅,布鲁宫可以与 Daniel 旗下的任何一家餐厅相媲 美。
Maison Boulud
Enjoy Beijing / Restaurant 朝阳区麦子店西街 53 号 3 楼 010-6508 0667 ( 人均消费:600) 世界知名的意大利米其林 2 星餐厅 Piccolo Lago 的中国 首店,从意大利境内阿尔卑斯山区的梅戈佐湖畔来到北 京亮马河畔。中意汇的海洋蓝标识和蓝白搭配的主色 调,勾勒出一派浓艳的地中海格调,同时与亮马河畔的 位置遥相呼应。在意大利进口设施构建的厨房里,厨师 们既使用最先进的技术和最新一代烤箱,同时还是用 “古法”烘焙面包、佛卡恰和 grissini 面包棒。酒窖藏有 4000 瓶精选佳酿,可为常客提供私人储藏服务,墙上 的主题世界地图标注了每瓶酒的产地。
3 Floor No. 53 West Maizidian Street, Chaoyang District 010-6508 0667 (Price :600/per) This is the first store of the world-renowned Michelin two-star Italian restaurant Piccolo Lago in China. It comes from the lake of Alps in Italy to the Landmark River Lake of Beijing. The marine blue and blue-white main colors of River Club Restaurant outlines the extravagant Mediterranean style, echoed with the beautiful scene of the Landmark River. The kitchen is equipped with the facilities imported from Italy, and the chefs use not only the latest version of the oven and the most advanced technology, but also the “ancient” way to bake bread, focaccia and grissini bread sticks. There are 4,000 bottles of wine in the cellar, and it provides the seveice of private storage. The original date of each wine is marked on the world map on the wall.
River Club Restaurant
朝阳区三里屯 village 瑜舍时尚酒店内 010-6410 5230 ( 人均消费:250) 在瑜舍酒店的 BEI 餐厅用餐,随时可以捕捉到精致的 感觉,比如昏暗中的点点星光、比如叶状的标签,一看 就让人爱不释手。餐厅主打现代派日本料理,主厨是美 国帅哥。环境相当的漂亮,菜品有点中西合璧的感觉。 材料绝对新鲜,比如芥末,就站在你旁边用山葵磨出 来,很有意思。要是有足够的运气,赶上餐厅开设的寿 司课程,就可以跟着主厨一览日式料理的精妙所在。 当然,如果不习惯日料,也还有中国菜、韩国菜可供选 择,味道都很不错的说。
Opposite House, Sanlitun Village, Chaoyang District 010-6410 5230 (Price: 250/per) When you have dinner at BEI in the Opposite House, you shall always capture the exquisite details, such as the little shining stars in the darkness and the leaf shaped labels. The restaurants serves mainly modern Japanese food while the chef is an handsome American guy. The environment is very beautiful and the style of dishes is the combination of Chinese and Western style. The food materials are so fresh that the mustard, for example, is like being made of the horseradish just now. You can also catch up with the free sushi lessons if you are lucky enough and experience the exquisite Japanese cuisine with the chef. You can also have the choices of Chinese and Korean food here if you are not accustomed to Japanese food.
Enjoy Beijing / Restaurant 朝阳区八里庄红领巾公园西园朝阳绿化局院内 010-5139 8739 ( 人均消费:500) 一个很中式的会馆,无论是餐厅还是酒店,都以中式 建筑为设计主体,每个角落都是珍藏的艺术品,气质 优雅蕴敛。而且周边环境绝对没的说,坐落在红领巾 公园的独特位置,让这里拥有了宁静雅致的环境。 菜品分为官府菜和创意中国菜两部分,涵盖中国四大 菜系,官府菜品力求还原其正宗味道。馆后开阔的大 草坪让人眼前一亮,饭后在这里喝喝茶,聊聊天,也 是个不错的选择。
Homeland Community, West Garden, Honglingjin Park, Balizhuang, Chaoyang District 010-5139 8739(Price: 250/per) A Chinese-style clubhouse, both restaurant and hotel are designed within a Chinese building, and art works lie in every corner of the buildings. Located within Honglingjing Park, the customers can enjoy the superior natural natural environment. J&E Point features imperial court cuisine which aims to restore the authentic taste of four major schools of Chinese cuisines. The grassland behind the clubhouse is a good place to drink tea and chat after the dinner.
J&E Point
朝阳区朝外大街甲 6 号万通中心 D 座一层 010-5907 1625 ( 人均消费:110) 英文名叫做“ Madam Zhu's Kitchen ”,也就是朱妈妈 的厨房的意思,是京广商圈很不错的中国菜馆,装修 风格很有中国特色,菜品兼有川、沪口味,加入了创意 的元素,惊喜的食材搭配和漂亮的法式浇汁打造出了 不俗的味觉体验,味道非常之靠谱。辣子鸡又香又有 弹性、熏鲳鱼备受食客推崇,蟹粉小笼包也很有特色。 环境轻巧简洁,白色的装修雅致十足,墙上挂满了达 人面对飨食的大幅写真照。
B1/F, Bldg D, Vantone Center, 6A Chaoyangmenwai Street, Chaoyang District 010-5907 1625 (Price: 110/per) This restaurant with the English name of “Madam Zhu’s Kitchen” is a nice Chinese restaurant in CBD. The big attractions of this restaurant are the Chinesestyle decoration, the refined Sichuan and Shanghai dishes, the surprising ingredients combination, and the beautiful French sauce. The spiced chicken is elastic and fragrant, the smoked pomfret is highly recommended, and the crab dumplings are very unique. With elegant white decorations, the environment looks quiet and simple. The quirky photos of people playf ully posing with food line the walls.
Madam Zhu’s Kitech
Enjoy Beijing / Restaurant 北京前门步行街 2 号 3 层 010-6702 2727 ( 人均消费:300) 位于前门的 Capital M ,在露台上食客可远眺天安 门、正阳门的宏伟景色,将京城历史积淀与摩登美 食合二为一。一间主餐室、一间能安排 4 张长桌的包 间、一间更具随意感的纯银餐室、两个露台,再加上 一个酒吧,这里提供的是“简单高品质”的现代欧陆 菜,用当地、时令的食材缔造高品质的菜肴,找不到 那些需要长途跋涉才能抵京的食材。屋内壁炉中的熊 熊火光、天花板上绽放的繁花、米氏招牌的烟熏三文 鱼、脆皮乳猪、蛋白饼,都是不可错过的经历。
Capital M
Floor 3, 2 Qianmen Walking Street, Chongwen district 010-6702 2727(Price: 300/per) If you have dinners on the terrace of Capital M in Qianmen, you are able to enjoy the magnificent scenery of Tiananmen and Zhengyangmen. It is a place to enjoy the historical elements of Beijing and modern cuisine at the same time. It is consisted of a main dining room - a room with four long tables, a casual silver dining room, two terraces, plus a bar. It serves the “simple high quality” modern European cuisine. The food is usually made of local seasonal materials. You should not miss the raging fire in the indoor fireplace, the flowers blooming on the ceiling, the smoked salmon of Milosevic signs, the crispy suckling pig, and theprotein cake.
工体北路 4 号北京机电研究院院内 010-6596 9677 ( 人均消费:120)
朝阳区三里屯北街 81 号那里花园 6 楼 010-5208 6061 ( 人均消费:150)
口味鲜香充满地中海风情的西班牙菜,算得上西餐中比较 贴近中国人口味的,要说北京地道的西班牙餐厅,这家藏在 工体北路的 Olé ,实在是没有错过的理由。Olé 一层是酒吧, 二层是 Tapas 小吃吧,三层是正餐的用餐场所。每层主色调 各不相同,但都充满了浓郁的西班牙风情。来自西班牙的大 厨亲自掌勺, Olé 集合了从小食、主菜、红酒到特饮等一系 列地道的西班牙式美食美酒。值得一提的是,这里公道的价 格,让食客不用太过担心荷包,也能大快朵颐一场。
虽是西班牙餐厅,却在菜中融合了意餐和法餐的若干特 点,摆盘精致,令人惊喜的食材搭配也有如神来之笔。装潢 设计具有后现代的工业感,灰色的墙壁,蛋形模子堆出的顶 灯。尤其值得一提的是屋顶露台的酒吧,十来株大仙人掌陈 列其中,营造出浓浓的沙漠感觉,配上白色蛋形椅子和西班 牙葡萄酒,坐览灯酒弥漫的三里屯。
No. 4 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District (Inside of the Beijing Electromechanical Research Institute) 010-6596 9677 (Price: 120/per)
6/F, Nali Patio, 81 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District 010-5208 6061 (Price: 150/per)
Olé serves delicious Spanish foods of Mediterranean style which is closer to Chinese taste than other western cuisines. You shall not miss Olé if you are fond of Spanish food although it is hidden in Gongti Beilu. Olé consists of three floors: the first is a bar and lounge, the second is tapas, and the top floor focuses on fine dining. Each floor has different main color but has a consistent Spanish style. The Spanish chef makes various Spanish food and wines, from snacks, main course, red wine, to the special drinks. It is worth mentioning that the price is fair and you do not need to worry much about the payment.
Although a Spanish restaurant, Migas integrates the merits of Italian and French cuisines with its stylish food display and surprising foods combination. The interior decoration is the display of its post-modern aesthetism. The gray wall, egg-shaped dome light, and especially the rooftop terrace bar, where white eggshaped chairs and Spanish wines are surrounded by a dozen of large cactus plants creating a feeling of the desert, make Migas one of the best sites to enjoy the view of Sanlitun.
Migas Restaurant & Lounge
Enjoy Beijing / Restaurant 三里屯 VILLAGE 北区 N4-36 号 010-6147 9090 ( 人均消费:200)
朝阳区关东店北街 23 号 010-6592 4305 ( 人均消费:250)
Transit 渡金湖最初开张于 2002 年,那时它还在工体旁边
的胡同里。 2006 年拆迁后在三里屯 Village 重新开业。很 多人认为,这家餐厅,称得上北京最好的新派川菜餐厅之 一。口水鸡、麻婆豆腐、担担面,这些经典的川菜在这里被 处理得极具“现代感”,颇受食客的推崇。店内的布置和菜 品一样别具一格,独特的空间装饰以及最新潮的音乐,明 智奔放,别有内涵。如果你在三里屯逛累了,来这里坐下 小酌一杯,绝对是不差的选择。
越过铁栅栏,再穿过长长的门廊,才得以进入里间,大概 由于暖暖的色调和精致的细节,整体透出怀旧温馨的气氛 来。老板是京都人,最擅长对季节食材的把握,餐桌上甚至 能看出日本的季节变化,在北京的日本人总觉得这里的料 理带着浓浓的思乡情绪。虽说是和风料理,但除了保留很 多传统的东西,还加入了不少西方食材甚至西式的烹饪方 式,但保持了日本料理那种突出每种食材的味道,却又很少 口味过重的特点,还是更适合亚洲人口味。
N4-36, Sanlintun Village N., 11 Sanlitun, Chaoyang District 010-6147 9090 (Price: 200/per)
23 Guandongdian North Street, Chaoyang District 010-65924305 (Price:250/per)
Transit was originally opened in 2002 and was located in a Hutong nearby Gongti. It was demolished in 2006. Since the loyal fans eagerly looked forward to its reopening, Transit was re-opened in Sanlitun Village. This restaurant was considerd by many people as one of the best Neo Sichuan restaurants in Beijing. The classic Sichuan foods, such as Saliva chicken, Hot beancurd, Dandan noodles, are cooked in a modern way. The spacial design is also very modern with the unique decoration and hottest music. It is a good choice to take a rest and have a drink here after you got tired of the shopping in Sanlitun.
Per capita consumption: 250 You need to go through the iron fence and walk down the long porch before you are able to enter the back room of Geba Geba. The restaurant is full of warm and nostaligic atmosphere probably due to the warm colors and exquisite details. The restaurant owner comes from Kyoto. He is good at dealing with the seasonal ingredients and you can even feel the seasonal changes of Japan on the table of this Beijing restaurant. The Japanese expats in Beijing always come here when they feel nostalgia. Geba Geba includes some Western ingredients and Western way of cooking. But still, it keeps the unique feature of Japanese cuisine on emphasizing the flavor of each ingredient while rarely making the flavor too heavy. The food here appeals to Asian people.
Geba Geba
北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 2 号 798 艺术区 D 区 010-6436 1818 格瑞斯北京坐落于北京标志性的“ 798 艺术区”心脏地 段,它巧妙地结合了中国首都标志性的古今精髓与获 奖精品酒店集团的最高标准。格瑞斯酒店以周到的接 待以及关注细节著称,这个以艺术、建筑、时尚和创造 知名的地区正好符合酒店的这一特质。 30 间豪华客 房提供终极的舒适和放松,并采用当代的方式演绎明 朝的美学。现代家居及当代艺术的结合带给您更加刺 激的体验。客人可以选择在健身房放松,也可以在室 外的花园享受格瑞斯鸡尾酒,在 Yi House 餐厅享用地 中海和亚洲的美食,品味酒店的时尚气息。格瑞斯北 京融合了古代与现代的美,在这个世界上最迷人最令 人兴奋的城市之一,为每一位客人提供无与伦比的入 住体验。
Grace Beijing
798 Art Zone, No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing 010-6436 1818 In the heart of the iconic ‘798 Art District’, Grace Beijing combines both ancient and contemporary cultural essence; it achieves the highest standards as an award-winning hotel. Grace Hotel is well known for its hospitality and caring services, the distinctive design and decoration of 30 luxury suites will offer you a homey and cozy atmosphere. The most conspicuousness of the hotel, is its modern design but with Ming Dynasty aesthetics throughout the building. Contemporary decors and modern art will indeed bring you a fresh experience. Unwind your mind in the gym, relax on the outdoor terrace with a Grace cocktail, or enjoy the distinctive Mediterranean or Asian cuisine in the Yi House bistro, you can breathe the stylish atmosphere in every corner of the hotel. Grace Beijing will provide you a supreme experience during your visit in Beijing, this most fascinating and exciting city of the world.
Enjoy Beijing / Hotel 朝阳区工体西路甲 7 号 ( 近岳麓山屋餐厅 ) 010 - 65523600 Hotel G 由才华横溢的英藉建筑师兼设计师林马克先生 亲自操刀,将原有建筑物重新改建;林先生以其在台湾各 项大胆创新、超乎现代的设计项目而闻名于世。林马克先 生为酒店创作的一系列灵感源自 1960 年代好莱坞剧院, 并巧妙融合了抽象化的传统中国细节处理手法于现代设 计风尚之中,尽显神秘华丽的风韵。璀璨光鲜的剧院魅力 从 Hotel G 的大堂开始弥漫。暖色调的沙岩赤壁配合以粗 线缝制的皮革用以装饰中央圆柱,浓重的怀旧感与大厅 中的艺术品相互呼应。而电梯两旁满是光纤闪灯的玻璃 墙更令人恍惚于夜场和酒店之间。整体采用柔和照明及 Art Deco 基调,房间内设布局低调奢华,外加颇有 Andy Warhol 风范的变换七彩外窗灯,更令 HOTEL G 提升了 相当的视觉冲击力和玩乐意图。因酒店名称也颇具引人 遐想的空间,被坊间称为京城最性感的酒店。
Hotel G
Workers Stadium West Road No. 7, Sanlitun & the Embassy district, 010-65523600 In Beijing’s sea of suits and skyscrapers Hotel G stands out as a sophisticated haven of sexy design, delicious fusion food and a 24-hour personal touch. Glamorous, grand, glitzy and gorgeous, it’s easy to see what inspired its name – and its location – in the suitably stylish Sanlitun district. Hotel restaurant Scarlett and Morio are G’s two dining options at G, and a third – a Tibetanthemed rooftop affair – is on its way. Scarlett is the 80s-born lovechild of a modern English gastropub and Studio 54, with wine-racks filling one wall and shimmering Murano red tiles another. Mediterranean tapas, cold cuts and cheeses are served throughout the day, and don’t miss the specials on the blackboard.
东城区演乐胡同 70 号 010-6523 9598 站在演乐胡同中的 LeCoteCour 门前,很可能会以为 是家私宅,根本没有酒店的迹象。里面的客房也确实 不多,颇有家居的感觉,主人也无意大肆宣传,这是 一个灰色屋檐下的静雅世界。进门一个一人多高的大 鸟笼,原有的一棵枣树高擎在院落一角,配上后栽的 葡萄架、石榴树,呈现出一派安宁又欢快的气息。院 子后面的餐室兼起居室,客人可以在这里的沙发上吃 饭、聊天。通向屋顶的大露台,白天晒太阳,晚上喝酒 聊天,四周满目青翠以及老北京的屋檐。
No. 70 Yanle Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing 010-65239598 Standing in front of LeCoteCour in Yanle Hutong, you might think that it is the private residence because it dos not look like a hotel at all. The hotel does not have many rooms, and the owner has no intention to promote it either. It is more like a home, a quiet and elegent world under the grey roof. There are a large bird cage by the door, a old jujube tree in the courtyard corner, coupled with later planted vine and pomegranate trees. The courtyard creates a peaceful and cheerful atmosphere. The back yard works as dining room and living room where the guests can eat and chat on the counch.
Hotel Cote Cour Beijing
Enjoy Beijing / Hotel 关于瑜舍
About The Opposite House
瑜舍坐落于太古地产全新项目── 三里屯 Village 建 筑群中。整个三里屯 Village 项目热闹繁华,设有零售 商店、餐厅及娱乐场所。瑜舍共有 99 间开放式客房, 包括 9 间宽敞套房及 1 间顶层复式套间。瑜舍顶层复 式套间设有面积达 240 平方米的顶楼阳台,面积之大 冠绝全北京 ;此外,过半数客房的面积超过 70 平方 米。所有客房的设计简洁精致,天然的木地板和含蓄 的中国特色元素,流露出酒店所在地的传统色彩。酒 店的餐厅和酒吧由著名的餐饮企业家 David Laris 主 理,带领宾客尝尽全球美食,由地中海沿岸至亚洲北 部大陆的美食佳肴,应有尽有 ;酒店时尚的酒吧则为 宾客提供各式葡萄酒、鸡尾酒及烈酒;而酒店内结合 奢华和摇滚风格的「迷你会所」,更是独树一帜,是北 京市内全新的深夜热点。
The Opposite House is located in Sanlitun Village— a vibrant new open-plan shopping, dining and entertainment destination developed by Swire Properties. The hotel’s 99 guest studios includes 9 spacious suites and a penthouse duplex with a 240sqm roof terrace. More than half of all the studios are over 70 sqm and all are strikingly simple with natural wooden floors and subtle touches of Chinese décor. The restaurants and bars conceived by well known Shanghai based restaurateur David Laris will take you from the shores of the Mediterranean to the lands of north Asia, whilst the contemporary bar will offer a range of wines, cocktails and spirits and the luxury meets punk ‘mini club’ adds buzz in Beijing's nightlife.
北京市丰台区西三环南路 57 号(丽泽桥西南侧) 美克大厦 1-3 层 010-6386 2727
北京市东城区东四十条 94 号 3 层 010-5779 9521
美克美家在北京的第一家店,也是全国最大的旗舰店 之一。店内面积 5000 余平米,拥有设计顾问 25 名。通
Flos 于 1962 年在意大利梅拉诺创立。如今的 FLOS ,能
过多个实景展示空间,全方位展示 22 种经典家居以及 灯具、装饰摆件、装饰画、地毯、床上用品、窗帘等上万 种家居饰品,满足不同层次消费者的置家需求。
1-3/F, Markor Home Building, 57 Xisanhuan Nanlu,Fengtai District (southeast of Lize Bridge) 010-6386 2727 This is the first Markor store in Beijing and one of the largest flagship Makor stores in China. The 5000-square-meter store has 25 design consultants. Through vairous display spaces, it demonstartes 22 kinds of classic home designs, as well as thousands of home furnishings such as the lamps, decorative ornaments, decorative painting, carpets, bedding, and curtains, targeting to the needs of different consumers.
Markor Home
提供住宅、商用甚 至定 制的 全 系列 的照 明产 品 ,为 任 何 办公室 、酒店、商店 提供 整 体的无 缝 衔接 的 照明 服务 ,同 时还 可以根据公 司规 定为 客户 提 供特 别的 设 计服 务。
Floor 3, 9 Dongsishitiao, Dongcheng District 010-5779 9521 Founded in Merano in 1962, Flos offers a complete range of residential, commercial and even custommade lighting products that can be seamlessly integrated in offices, hotels, and stores. It also provides personalized design service according to the requirement of the customers.
FLOS China
Enjoy Beijing / Show Room 北京市朝阳区北四环东路 65 号居然之家 5-5-01 (家至尊馆内) 010-8463 9768 在德国,每三户家庭就有一户选择 Nobilia , Nobilia 的发展历史就是欧洲厨具的发展历史。它的质量管理 体系奠定了德国厨具的行业标准。 1997 年 ,Nobilia 正
北京宣武区广安门北街 12 号金隅家居体验馆 010-8317 257 世界洁具行业四大驰名品牌之一,有卫浴界的“劳斯 莱斯”之称,距今已有 190 多年历史。凭借精湛的技术
式进入中国,成为第一个进入中国大型精装修工程项目的国 际厨具品牌。
和本身的独特工艺,杜拉维特的产品具有传奇般的高 贵品质,是世界顶级的卫浴产品。作为 Duravit 在中 国最大的展厅,北京旗舰店将向中国消费者诠释杜拉 维特“高尚卫 浴享受”的整体卫浴理念。
5-5-01, Juran Home, 65 North Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District 010-8463 9768
Jinyu Home, 12 North Street, Guanganmen North Street, Xuanwu District 010-8317 257
In Germany, every three households owns a kitchen furnature from Nobilia. Nobilia’s history is consistent to the history of the development of European kitchen industry. Its quality management system has set the starndard for German kitchen industry. In 1997, Nobilia officially entered China and became the first international kitchen brand used in large-scale kitchen renovation projects in China.
Duravit is one of the top four world-renowned brands and is called the “Rolls-Royce” in the sanitary industry. It has a history of 190 years. With its superb technology and unique artcraft, Duravit products acquire legendary noble qualities and are debbed as the world’s top bathroom products. As the largest exhibition in China, Beijing Duravit flagship store will explain to Chinese customers Duravit’s concept of integrated bathroom design “noble enjoyment of bathroom ” .
北京市东城区东方新天地 AA53-55A 010-8518 6631 源自法国东部洛林地区的巴卡拉镇的皇家级水晶品 牌,自 1764 年成立起就不曾改变过其生产基地,如今, 巴卡拉已成为赫赫有名的法国生活艺术的象征,旗下 水晶制品包括餐具、照明、装饰物品、珠宝、器皿等,零 售店铺分布在全球 89 个国家。
AA53-55A, Oriental Plaza, Dongcheng District 010-8518 6631 Baccarat is the royal cristal brand originally from Baccarat town of the Lorraine region in eastern France. The manufactering base has never changed since its establishment in Baccarat in 1764. Now Baccarat has become the well-known symbol of the French art of living. Its crystal products include tableware, lighting, decorative items, jewelry, and utensils. Baccarat has retail stores in 89 countries.
北京市朝阳区北四环东路 65 号 居然之家国际家居馆 5-5-16 010-8463 8629 德国 ALNO 进口原装橱柜,具有世界上最先进的全自 动智能数控流水线,是欧洲乃至全球橱柜行业当之无 愧的引导者,成为全球各地高端客户倾慕和首选。从 1927 年诞生以来,一直引领着欧洲橱柜行业发展并始 终保持稳健上升趋势,是德国橱柜界唯一的上市公司。
5-5-16, International Furniture House, Juran Home, 65 North Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District 010-8463 8629 The imported Germany cabinets of ALNO, equipped with the world's most advanced intelligent automatic assembly line, is the leader of the cabinet industry in Europe, and always the op choice of the high-end customers around the world. Since its birth in 1927 it has been leading the European cabinet industry, and has been the only listed company in the German cabinet industry.
Enjoy Beijing / Show Room 北京市朝阳区北四环东路 65 号 居然之家国际家居馆 5-B-12 010-8463 6708
北京市朝阳区北四环东路 65 号 家之尊国际厅 5 层 510 号 010-8463 5956
一张 DUX 床,至少采用 4980 个连锁式弹簧,使用超 过 3000 米长的钢材,分散承担了人体重量。创始于 1926 年的瑞典 DUX ,继承了北欧高贵雅致的传统设 计风格,强调科技对于家居和生活的改变。经过几 代人的研究和努力,让 DUX 的床舒适的无以复加。 DUX 床具只在全球 120 家 DUXINA 专卖店内有售。
进口厨房电器的领军品牌,总部位于北京市,在北京 共有四家展厅,在北四环居然之家有两家门店,另 外两家店面分别位于十里河居然之家和金源店居然 之家。展厅都是出自知名设计师的统一设计,北欧 式的设计风格,一转身一回眸即可体验不同的厨房 设计风格。
5-B- 12, International Furniture House, Juran Home, 65 North Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District 010-8463 6708
5-510, International Hall, Juran Home, 65 North Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District 010-8463 5956
A DUX bed uses at least 4980 chained springs and 3000 meters long steel so that it can perfectly bear the body weight. Founded in 1926, the Swedish DUX inherites the noble and elegant Scandinavian design tradition and emphasizes the importance of the technology on the change of lifestyle and home designs. After the research of several generations, the DUX bed can provide unparalleled comfort to the users. DUX bed is only sold within 120 Duxiana stores in the world.
Omega is the leading imported brand of kitchen appliances. It is headquartered in Beijing and has a total of four exhibition halls in Beijing. The exhibition stores of Scandinavian style are designed by well-known designers and there you can experience different styles of kitchen design.
Omega Electric
北京市朝阳区三里屯北小街 8 号 010-5208 6112
北京市朝阳区建外大街 2 号银泰中心地下一层 B42-44 010-8517 1345
Crossover Center 主要销售国际顶级家居品牌产品, 代理 Cassina 、 Fritz Hansen 、 Moroso 、 Cappellini 、 Timothy Oulton 、 Tom Dixon 等二十余个国际顶级家 居品牌。产品涉及家居生活的各方面,包括 : 家具、家 饰、灯饰、餐具、办公用品等。
创立于 1912 年的 Poltrona Frau ,有着纯正的意大利血 统,至今仍延续着近百年传承的 20 多道精湛手工制作 过程。 1926 年 Poltrona Frau 正式成为意大利王室家 具供应商,是古今欧洲皇室专属御用家具。它是国际 一线家居品牌的领导者,是全球家居流行趋势的风向 标。不断完善的工艺和唯美的设计,让每一件家具都 拥有永恒不变的收藏价值。
8, Sanlitun Beixiaojie, Chaoyang District 010-5208 6112
B42-44, B1 Yintai Center, No.2 jianguomeiwai, Chaoyang District 010-85171345
Crossover Center flagship store is the agent of more than 20 top international home furnishing brands, including Cassina, Fritz Hansen, Moroso, Cappellini, Timothy Oulton, Tom Dixon etc. The products cover all aspects of daily-life home furnishing, such as furniture, furnishing accessories, lightings, dinning products, and office supplies etc.
Founded in 1912, Italian brand Poltrona Frau is till carrying on and refining its over 20 sophisticated expertise in hand-crafted workmanship. In 1926, Poltrona Frau was chosen as the furnature supplier for Italian royal families, and since then its products were exclusively used by European royal families. Poltrona Frau is the leader of the top home brands and the symbol of global home fashion trends. The constantly improved technology and aesthetic designs make each of its furniture a piece of artworks
Crossover Center
Poltrona Frau
Enjoy Beijing / Show Room 三里屯 Village 北区地下一层 NLG 18-19 单元 / NLG18-19, B1 FLR, North District, Sanlitun Village,Chaoyang District, Beijing 010-64164882 408 平方米的空间里,集中展示了 Natuzzi 品牌全新 的产品系列和风格趋势。由 Natuzzi 意大利总部风格 中心设计打造的起居空间和皮革工艺,沿袭了自 1959 年品牌成立以来一贯的奢华风格,展示了意大利的生 活方式和历经半个世纪洗礼的品牌精髓。
三里屯 Village 北区 NLG-12b 010-6417 7573 1949 年诞生于米兰的 Kartell ,由诺贝尔化学奖得主 创立,凭借特殊的材质塑料,而制造闻名于世的设计 感十足的家居产品。 Kartell 长期与菲利普 · 斯塔克等 众多国际一线设计师保持合作,让它的产品超越了语 言与时空,成为了表达时代的艺术品。
NLG18-19, B1 Sanlitun Village North Area, Chaoyang District 010-6416 4882
NLG-12b, LG Floor, Sanlitun Village North Area, Chaoyang District 010-6417 7573
In the 408-square-meter display space are the latest serials of Natuzzi products. The Natuzzi home design and leather craft, designed by its Style Centre in Italy, has followed its luxury style since the establish of this brand in 1959 and exhibited the Italian way of life.
Founded by a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry in Milan in 1949, Kartell is famous for its unquie design of home products that is made of special plastic material. Kartell always cooperates with top international designers like Philippe Starck, and transcend its products from the temporal-spacial and language limitations to be the art record of the era.
Natuzzi Sanlitun Store
Kartell Flagship Store
北京居然之家北四环店家之尊 5-1-02、5-2-03、5-303、5-4-05 010-8463 7008 2010 年,蓝早家居旗舰店在北京居然之家北四环店 开幕。这家旗舰店总面积达到 1200 多平米,世界最奢 华、最时尚、最流行的家具、家居灯饰、床品布艺一应 俱全,大到一组家具,小到一个手饰盒,都是经过精心 设计并且具有高尚品味的艺术品。
5-1-02,5-2-03,5-3-03,5-4-05, Juran Home, 65 North Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District 010-84637008 In 2010, the Blue Morning flagship store was opened in Juran Home North Fourth Ring Store of Beijing. The 1200-square-meter flagship store sells the world’s most luxurious, most fashionable, most popular furniture, including home lighting, bedding fabric, etc. Every furnature, from the large furniture sets to the small pieces of a jewelry box, is carefully designed.
Blue Morning
Enjoy Beijing / Show Room 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街光华东里 8 号 中海广场南楼 1-3 层 010-5977 2218 全国家居行业的佼佼者,艺术与人文相得益彰的文 化平台,品味与奢华相互辉映的综合卖场。诺伯豪 斯建立的“全球顶级家具品牌代理”和“专业的整体 式家居设计”两大运营平台,将 Provasi 、 Tura 、 de sede 、 Angelo Cappellini 、 Roberto Giovannini 等十
FLR 1-3 Central Ocean Plaza, No. 8 Guanghuadongli, Jianguomenwai, Chaoyang District 010-59772218 Noble House is the leader of the national industry, the platform for displaying arts and humanity, the store to sell class and luxury products. Noble House’s two operation platforms - “Agency of world renowned furniture brand “ and “Professional onestop home design”- has brought China more than 10 top European home brands such as Provasi, Tura, de sede, Angelo Cappellini, Roberto Giovannini.
Noble House Furniture
北京市朝阳区三里屯路 11 号院三里屯 VILLAGE 北区地 下一层 NLG 20 单元 010-6416 4995
北京市朝阳区东土城路 14 号建材经贸大厦 10 号厅 11 号 010-8527 1453
照明行业的翘楚,旗下的艺术灯饰高质量和充满创意, 得奖无数,往往被视为时尚的选择。总部位于意大利米 兰市,多年来生产过不少极具代表性的产品,近年的 The Human Light 设计哲学,结合了精炼和功能表现,为带有 当代艺术风格的灯饰注入崭新元素。
代理的德国唯宝卫浴和汉斯格雅卫浴品牌,让中国消 费者领略到世界顶级卫浴品牌中精益求精的德国工艺 及细节上的完美处理。
NLG-20, B1Sanlitun Village North Area, Chaoyang District 010-6416 4995
10-11, Beijing Building Materials Trade Building, 14 East Tucheng Road, Chaoyang District 010-8527 1453
Artemide, a global leader in the illumination industry, is famous for the high quality and innovative design of its products. Based in Milan, the award-winning company has produced many iconic lights. The philosophy of “Human Light” combines functionalist and artistic elements and brings fresh elements to the modern style of light design.
Odyasent is the agent of the German batheroom brands of Villeroy & Boch and Hansgrohe. It has brought Chinese consumers the artistic taste of top interntational batheroom brand as well as the perfection in details of German products.
Warendorf 原名 Miele 橱柜,因为是在德国小镇 Warendorf 生产,所以新的命名是希望来强调品牌 的起源。位于享有“京城第一奢侈品街”——金宝 街的黄金地段的北京旗舰店,是继上海旗舰店后 Warendorf 橱柜登录中国大陆的第二家旗舰店,也是 Warendorf 橱柜在亚洲至今最大的旗舰店。
Enjoy Beijing / Show Room
北京东城区金宝街临 9 号
9 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District Warendorf, formerly called Miele Cabinets, got this new name because it is produced in the German town of Warendorf, and by the new name the brand’s origin is better emphasized. The flagship store in Jinbao Street- dubbed as “No. 1 luxury street of China’s capital” - is the second flagship store (the first one is in Shanghai) and is the biggest flagship store in Asia.
北京东城区香河园路 1 号 万国城北区当代 MOMA 3 号楼 1 层 010-8518 3106 专业代理世界顶级家居产品的公司,拥有众多意大 利品牌资源,主要代理的品牌有 Boffi 、 B&B Italia 、 Italamp 、 Ivano Redaelli 、 Living Divani 、 Oluce 、 Pallucco 、 Porro 、 Revolta 、 Wooden Charme 。在
木亿家的展厅里,可以看到 Piero Lissoni 、 Antonio Citterio 、 Patricia Urquiola 等世界著名设计大师的 经典设计作品。
Floor 1 Building 3 MOMA, No.1 Xianghelu, Dongcheng District 010-8518 3106 MuYi is the agent of top international home products brands, and mainly Italian brands such as Boffi, B & B Italia, Italamp, Ivano Redaelli, Living Divani, Oluce, Pallucco, Porro, Revolta, Wooden Charme. In MuyI’s exhibition space, you can also see the classic works of world-renowned designers such as Piero Lissoni, Antonio Citterio, Patricia Urquiola, etc.
Warendorf 橱柜 Warendorf Cabinet 北京市朝阳区北辰东路(鸟巢东门北行 500 米) 4008 140086 成立于 2004 年的超舒适家居, 2010 年在中国的地标 性建筑——鸟巢旁边,建立了 9000 平米的专业展厅, 展示了近 30 家世界家居品牌,超过 10 万种产品系列, 涵盖家具、沙发、健康床具、灯具、布艺、饰品、地板、 建材等各种品类。 Beichen East Road, Chaoyang District (walk north 500 meter from the east gate of Bird Nest) 4008140086 Founded in 2004, Supercomfort International Furnishings is located by China’s landmark -Bird Nest. In its 9000-square-meter exhibition space, there display more than 30 furniture brands and over 100,000 products including furniture, sofa, health bed, lamps and lanterns, cloth art, jewelry, floor, and building materials, etc.
Supercomfort International Furnishings
北京市东城区前门大街 49 号 010-6301 0086
北京市东城区鼓楼东大街 144 号 010-6406 4496
韵泓的筷子,是出了名的。小小的一双筷子,能玩儿出 超级多的样式、材质、款式,保准你挑的眼花缭乱。价 格也是从十几到几百都有,好多外地国外游客都买几 双带回国去。众多中国传统文化,比如民俗、绘画、姓 氏、藏书典籍,都被韵泓融入到了筷子工艺中。
若水堂是现存为数不多的制作中国传统手工油纸伞的 企业之一,前身为若水堂油伞作坊,已有 100 多年历
49 Qianmen Street, Dongcheng District 010-6301 0086 Yunhong Chopsticks is a famous brand. Here the small chopsticks are turned into a varitey of art works with different materials and styles. The price varies from several RMB to several hundred RMB. Many foreign tourists will buy several pairs of Yunhong chopsticks as the unique souvenirs. The traditional Chinese culture, such as folklores, paintings, Chinese naming, antique books, and traditional literature are inbedded into the Yunhong chopsticks.
Beijing Yunhong Craft 北京东城区金宝街 88 号金宝汇 302 the art of life ——生活即是艺术,是 SIU 的信念。因
此,在 SIU 的店里,你可以在此找到时装,可以看到 家具,还能买到精品摆设等,从你踏进门的一刻起, 就能感受到艺术气息的氛围。 302 Campbell City, 88 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District “The art of life” – this is SIU’s belief. You can find fashion, feel the furnatures, and buy the fine decorations in SIU. You will get invloved into the artistic atmosphere from the first moment you step into the store.
史。相较一般寻常百姓使用的油伞,若水堂制作工艺 更加繁琐讲究,伞骨及伞杆采用多年生紫罗汉竹手工 削制,伞面采用韧性极好的皮纸反复涂刷柿子油及桐 油,使其防水、坚固耐用。 144 East Gulou Street, Dongcheng District 010-64064496 Ruoshi House is one of the few traditional Chinese hand-made oil-paper umbrella manufactor. The original umbrella workshop of Ruoshi House was established 100 years ago. Compared to the ordinary umbrella used in everyday life, The oil-paper umbrella of Ruoshi House has a more complicated manufature procedures. The umbrella stem and sticks are made of Purple Luohan bamboos, and the umbrella cover is made of flexible parchment which is then brushed with persimmon oil and tung oil again and again to make it waterproof and durable.
Ruoshui House 北京市东城区金宝街 9 号 65250680 世界四大顶级家居名品 Listone Giordano 、 Teuco 、 Parador 、 Cristal et Bronze 的中国独家总代理。它们 的设计在独特中体现内涵,将品质卓越的世界家居名 品的完美与奢华诠释得淋漓尽致,堪称经典之作。 9 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District 010-6525 0680 Casajolie is the exclusive agent of four top furniture brands -Listone Giordano, Teuco, Parador, and Cristal et Bronze in China. Their products have unique aesthetics in design and demonstrate the perfect integration of high quality and luxury design.
北京朝阳区居然之家北四环店国际家具馆 5-5-07 010-8463 6098
一个藏在南锣鼓巷,经营具有浓浓手工味的布偶、饰 品、包袋、衣裙的小店。
创立于 2003 年 3 月,主营意大利灯具、工程照明,
The store features handicrafts of dolls, ornaments, purses and clothes.
高档羊绒、貂毛地毯以及各种真丝、羊毛地毯、定织 毯和块毯,代理的意大利灯具有 FLOS 、 Artemide 、 FontanaArte 、 LucePlan ,西班牙的 Metalarte 、 Estiluz 、德国地毯品牌 LUXOR 、Rug Star 等。同时, 锦泓配饰中心,可以提供选购、设计咨询,以及整体 家居配饰设计服务。
5-5-07, International Furniture House, Juran Home, 65 North Fourth Ring Road, Chaoyang District 010-8463 6098
110 Nanluoguxiang, Dongcheng District 158 0134 5761
北京市东城区南锣鼓巷 42 号 010-6404 6770 主营手工苏州刺绣以及江南特色工艺品的特色小店。 42 Nanluoguaxiang, Dongcheng District Beijing 010-6404 6770 Jiangnan Clothes features Suzhou silk and other handicrafts.
Jiangnan Clothes 北京朝阳区三里屯 village 北区地下一层 NLG-36a 010-6416 0678 专门制作披肩、丝巾以及围巾的店铺,是丝巾中的奢 侈品牌,以羊绒及真丝为材,融合了中国传统元素与 时尚符号。 NLG-36a, B1 Floor, Sanlitun Village North Area, Chaoyang District, Beijing 010-6416 0678
Enjoy Beijing / Show Room
北京东城区难锣鼓巷南口 110 号 158 0134 5761
Jinhong Decoshop was founded in March 2003. The company sells Italian lamps, engineering lightings, high-grade cashmere, mink and a variety of silk carpets, wool carpets, woven carpets and rugs set. It is also the agent of Italian lamps of FLOS, Artemide, FontanaArte and LucePlan, Spanish brands of Metalarte and Estiluz, Germany carpet brands of LUXOR and Rug Star. Meanwhile, Jinhong accessory center can provide serveices of design consulting and the overall home decoration design.
Jinhong Decoshop 三里屯北街 81 号那里花园 1 层 A116 传统与现代工艺结合的复古手工手包,精美绝伦。 CuR 的设计,全部都是利用天然或者回收利用的材 料,由东南亚的手工作坊的妇女们手工制作而成。 A116, 1 FLR, Nali Patio, No.81 Sanlitun North Road, Chaoyang District The shop sells classic handmade handbags. All the handbages handmade by southeast Asian women using natural or recycled materials. The handbage style is the combination of traditional and modern art craft.
This shop sells luxury scarf that is made of cashmere or silk and combines Chinese elements with modern style.
生活的设计 —— 意大利威乃达橱柜
Veneta Cucine( 意 大 利 威 乃 达 橱 柜) 的 故 事 缘 起 于 1967 年 意 大 利北部靠近威尼斯的小城 Biancade,那年,Mr Giacomo Archiutti 先生成立了以生产简单钢制桌椅、小型储物柜、餐具柜和展示柜为主 的公司,这家叫做 Archiutti Cucine 的小买卖就是如今享誉世界的意 大 利 橱 柜 Veneta Cucine。 历 经 40 多 年 的 沉 淀,Veneta Cucine 以设计和环保著称于世,成为意大利三大橱柜生产厂商之一,在全球 42 个地区拥有 1200 多家经销商。 Veneta Cucine 来到中国已经十年。十年,对于中国人来说,是 个里程碑。为了纪念这个特别的年份,Veneta Cucine 特别把由著名 设 计 师 Paolo Rizzatto 设 计 的 首 款 抗 菌 厨 房 Ecocompatta 在 中 国 市场做为全球首发。同时为祝贺北京国际设计周的隆重举行,也特别 贡献由著名设计师 Stefano Giovannoni 设计的 Liquida 系列在 751 做特别展示。 为了让更多人拥有的梦想,Veneta Cucine 将一如既往地演绎同 一个品牌带来不同的生活方式。为了您的梦想请选择一款厨房让她成 为您生活的一部分。