2 minute read

When Spring Comes In

7.30 pm Thetford Methodist Church, Tanner St, IP24 2BQ Tickets £8 from The Leaping Hare Box Office: www.leapinghare.org or 01842 751975





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EMAIL: info@thewindowmedic.co.uk LOCATION: Unit 2 Bartons Court, Horse Fair Close, Downham Market PE38 0QR When spring comes in, nature awakes and all begins to grow and bloom around us. For centuries this has inspired writers and musicians to put pen to paper and illustrate this great miracle. The season stretches from the first tentative stirrings on otherwise still cold and dismal days through the mysteries of the Eastertide to the glories of May with its fragrant blossoms. Our own John Weeks has followed in the footsteps of generations of writers and has linked a programme of springtime songs old and new with existing as well as specially written texts to take us through ‘springtime, the only pretty ringtime’. The choir is proud and excited to be presenting this cornucopia of literary and musical works. Please join us for an evening of seasonal words and music on 23rd March 2022 at 7.30pm. Tickets are £8 from Leaping Hare Box Office, online at www.leapinghare.org or by phone: 01842 751975.

Changes Come To Probus

The Probus organisation for retired PROfessional and BUSiness men started in the mid-60’s. Last year, the local group decided that membership should also be open to women and Jennifer Bullock, a former Mayor of Thetford became the first female Officer taking on the Welfare Officer role. In the business section of the January meeting, we were told that speakers have been arranged for meetings up to and including July’s and that venues have been arranged for the year’s lunches. The speaker for February’s meeting was Linda Scoles, whose talk “I was born in them thar hills” was a detailed and loving history of her family, starting in Denmark in the mid-19th century, where a four-year old girl called Anna began to look after the family’s cows. Three years later she graduated to working in the house and continued until she reached 16, at which stage she fell in love. Now her Father didn’t approve of the boy and when she became pregnant he threw her out. She was indentured to a Quaker family in Iowa but soon moved to a neighbouring farm where she married one of the sons. Around 1900 they moved to Washington State where new land was available cheaply as the railway was pushed westward. Here the farm on which Linda was born was developed, as well as skiing facilities in the mountains above. Eventually marriage to an airman brought Linda to England in the seventies, although the farm continues to supply fruit (mainly cherries) and hay to the American market. Please mention the About Thetford Magazine when responding to advertisements 15

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