April 15 Countrified Canada Edition

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April 15, 2016




Which song are you most excit ed f or f ans t o hear f rom t he new al bum? I am real l y excit ed about al l of t hem, I t hink t he record is wel l rounded and as such t hey are al l my f avorit e!! The new singl e is Down By The River. It went over so wel l al l summer l ast year at shows, so I am real l y excit ed t o hear t he f an response!! Did you writ e or co-writ e most of t he songs on t he al bum? I co-wrot e al l of t he t racks on t he record. I am l ucky t o work wit h some of t he best writ ers on t he pl anet ! Is t here any pressure wit h t he new al bum af t er receiving so much success f rom your l ast al bum? A l it t l e pressure is a good t hing f or me. I t hink it pushes us t o be at our best . When creat ing t his al bum, I cert ainl y f el t some and consequent l y,I t hink t his col l ect ion is t he best record we have t urned out t o dat e. And so f ar t hat ?s what peopl e have been t el l ing us t oo! Does ?Tougher Than Love? have t he same ?Bobby Wil l s? sound as it ?s predecessors or is a new sound? I t hink t he signat ure sound is t here, but we st ret ched on t his musical l y and def init el y went int o some new t errit ory. It ?s so much f un t o push boundaries, and we def init el y did t hat on t his one. Why t he name ?Tougher Than Love? as an al bum t it l e? Not hing is t ougher t han l ove. I real l y t hink t hat ?s what has got t en me t hrough many moment s in l if e and I'm sure I'm not al one!!



This EP was three years in the making, does having more time make the process of recording an EP any easier? It was def init el y nice having t he t ime and f reedom t o expl ore what exact l y I want ed t o do wit h t his EP. Af t er t he rel ease of "What We Weren't Looking For" I real l y want ed t o make sure we got t he rest of it t ot al l y perf ect , which is probabl y why it t ook a bit l onger t han I woul d have l iked. I am so incredibl y proud of al l six songs on t his EP, but being a perf ect ionist , you al ways t ry t o t weak and change t he smal l det ail s, al most t o a f aul t . There comes a point where you just have t o f inish t he al bum and hope it speaks t o peopl e, and l ike I said I t rul y coul d not be happier wit h how it t urned out . What did you rely on for inspiration for this EP? It 's incredibl e what sort of inspirat ional power music has on your l if e. I know f or me, every one of l if e's big moment s; a f irst l ove, t hat f irst kiss, f riendships gained, l oved ones l ost , et c., al l of it is associat ed wit h t hese l if e-def ining songs. It 's how I connect wit h my surroundings, deal wit h my emot ions, and drink in t hose def ining moment s. And t hat 's why it was so import ant f or me on t his EP t o creat e unabashedl y honest , raw, and emot ive st ories

about t he most import ant human int eract ion of al l - l ove. You collaborated with Carly McKillip from One More Girl, can you tell us why you chose to collaborate with Carly? Carl y and her husband Darren are bot h incredibl y t al ent ed individual s who are just as driven t oward making great music as I am, which is what makes us a great f it . Three perf ect ionist s in t he same room can cause some t ension, sure, but I t hink t hat 's when t he creat ive process real l y f l ourishes. She has such a gif t ed ear f or vocal mel odies, song direct ion, and opport unit ies wit hin t he music, so it was t rul y inval uabl e t o be abl e t o work wit h her. I've known bot h Carl y and Darren f or a l ong t ime, and I've never made music wit hout t heir guidance. It 's a part nership I'm so excit ed t o be abl e t o cont inue f or as l ong as our careers al l ow. Any dream future collaborations? I l ove t he idea of having a duet on my next record. It woul d make sense given t he t ypical song cont ent I gravit at e t oward. And wit h so many unbel ievabl e f emal e count ry art ist s moving f orward in Canada, it 's a possibil it y t hat 's def init el y going t o be heavil y considered given t he right song.

UNDERTHERADARW ITHBILLYG RIMA Tel l us t he st ory behind "Pict ure of You and Me?? The song " PICTURE OF YOU AND ME" was written as a tribute to our armed forces. The idea to write this song hit me as I waswatching the news and seeing pictures of FALLEN SOLDIERS. It dawned on me that these bravemen and women are risking their lives for our freedom. I have had thepleasure to meet and know some of these great people and I base my songs on stories that I have heard. Did you writ e t he singl e? Yes I did and I feel honoured performing the song as a tribute. Describe your music t o Count rif ied Canada readers in 3 words? Unique , REAL , Story-telling Tel l us about your l at est Al bum Sugar and Cream? The album " SUGAR & CREAM " is a blend of personal stories put together with the hopes of the audience and listeners feelingthe message within the song. Songs vary from dealing with the loss of aloved one due to cancer, a familydealing with divorce, and also positive stories - hanging out with the boys and more.

You have an ecl ect ic st yl e, does your l at est al bum represent a wide array of musical genres or does it l ean more t owards a specif icgenre? I have been told by many that they hear many genres in "SUGAR & CREAM". Growing up I had the pleasure of performing anythingfrom rock, country, jazz. I love so many styles and I guess some of it rubs off, and being compared to such great artists like Jason Mraz. Bruce Springsteen, Bryan Adams, Bruno Mars and many more is anhonour. It is amazing what people see in my music and it feelsgreat. Get t ing t o know Bil l y Grima Most unique venue you have pl ayed? Canada's Wonderland, but I must say there are many places that have something unique about them. Dream Duet part ner? I would have to say Sheryl Crow at Massey Hall, I think she is a great artist, a great writer and doing a duet at MASSEY HALL would be... awesome Most embarrassing song on your pl ayl ist ? I would have to say....CALENDAR GIRL.... LAUGHING


& Codie Prevost

Award-winning country music singer/ songwriter Codie Prevost, is featured in Outdoor Canada magazine. Their ?Fishing Edition 2016? includes a Hot Spots Guide showcasing some of Prevost?s favorite fishing spots in Saskatchewan. Fishing is one of Prevost?s favorite hobbies and when he?s not on stage you can usually find him in a boat or on the ice at one of his favorite lakes. Prevost says?I grew up reading Outdoor Canada and learned a lot of my fishing tactics from the pros that are in their articles. The cover of the magazine features award-winning Country Music Artist Paul Brandt who is one of my biggest influences, so it?s amazing to be included with him in the magazine.? As Canada?s only national fishing and hunting magazine, Outdoor Canada has been entertaining and informing readers since 1972, promoting conservation and celebrating Canada?s heritage sports.Outdoor Canada encourages anglers and hunters to improve their skills and broaden their knowledge of the outdoors. You can pick up your copy of Outdoor Canada across the country wherever magazines are sold or online at www.outdoorcanada.ca

AARO NG O O DVIN Singer / songwriter Aaron Goodvin released his self-titled major label debut album. The album?s release was preceded by the Top 40 Country radio hit ?Knock On Wood,? a heartfelt self-penned ballad about Aaron?s struggle to get to this point in his career.

MADDISO NKREBS MaddisonKrebs displays an uncanny, nuanced and very real sensibility for writing and singing in a vintage style comparable to the timeless classics created by legends of country music.

jordanmcintosh Jordan McIntosh is excited to announce the release of his highly anticipated debut albumSteal Your Heart onApril 15. With the title track hitting Canadian country radio on April 12, McIntosh will be celebrating the release with a Country 94 launch party in Ottawa on April 15.

CHADBRO W NLEE Chad Brownlee, will release his fourth album Hearts On FireonApril 29, 2016. As of today, the new album will be available for pre-order via iTunes.


This summer, Brewster Travel Canada (Brewster) will be offering Albertans the opportunity to seize the summer with a new take on the traditional season pass. The Epic Summer Pass will provide Albertan families with an affordable way to make the most of the summer months with unlimited access to five of the most spectacular attractions in the Rocky Mountains during the 2016 operating season. Recognizing the province continues to face ongoing economic challenges, Brewster?s Epic Summer Pass will allow

Albertans to enjoy unlimited summer adventures with friends and family, all for an affordable one-time price. Pass-hol ders wil l experience t he best of t he Rocky Mount ains wit h access t o t he Banf f Gondol a, Banf f Lake Cruise, Col umbia Icef iel d Gl acier Advent ure, Gl acier Skywal k and Mal igne Lake Cruise. Until May 31, adult passes can be purchased for $130 and children?s passes for $70, making it easier and more economical than ever for families to visit the mountains together. ?We understand the difficulties that

SINGLE OF THE YEAR (sponsored by Republic Live ? Boots & Hearts Festival) ?Blame? ? Autumn Hill ?Bring Your Own Sunshine? ? Tianna Woods ?Country Side? ? Jason Blaine ?Go Back? ? Leah Daniels ?My Someday? ? Runaway Angel ?Our Town? ? Cold Creek County ?When the Buzz Wears Off? ? Tebey ALBUM OF THE YEAR (sponsored by HMV Canada) 5:01+ ? Tim Hicks Anchor ? Autumn Hill Pistology ? Small Town Pistols Tianna Woods ? Tianna Woods What It Feels Like ? Leah Daniels What Love Is All About ? Johnny Reid SONGWRITER(S) OF THE YEAR (sponsored by SOCAN) Deric Ruttan, Jonathan Singleton ? ?Don?t It Feel Good? performed by Deric Ruttan Jason Blaine, Deric Ruttan ? ?Country Side? performed by Jason Blaine Leah Daniels, Beverley Mahood, Patricia Conroy ? ?Dream Without You? performed by Leah Daniels Shane Guse, Larry Wayne Clark ?

?Sweet Harriet? performed by The Western Swing Authority Stacey Zegers, Cadence Grace, Ann Chaplin, Dave Thomson ? ?My Someday? performed by Runaway Angel Tebey ? ?When The Buzz Wears Off? performed by Tebey FEMALE ARTIST OF THE YEAR (sponsored by Spring Tree Farm) Genevieve Fisher Jessica Mitchell Kira Isabella Leah Daniels Lindsay Broughton Tianna Woods MALE ARTIST OF THE YEAR Deric Ruttan Jason Blaine Johnny Reid Marshall Dane Tebey Tim Hicks GROUP OR DUO OF THE YEAR (sponsored by The Remington Group) Autumn Hill Blackwell Cold Creek County Runaway Angel


www.count rif ied.ca

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