Brookings to pay $400,000 to St.
Timothy’s after city ordinance backfires
Curry Coastal Pilot
After passing a city ordinance which attempted to restrict free meal services, the City was sued by St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church back in 2022 for violating religious land use laws.
St. Timothy’s, who opened their doors on 41 Fir Street in Brookings back in 1953, have been providing lunch services since 2009. Technically located in a residential zone, the Church was grandfathered into the City’s residential code as it wasn’t introduced until after the church’s establishment.
On October 25th, 2021, the Brookings City Council voted to enact an ordinance which required conditional use permits to distribute meals in a residential zone. While also limiting the amount of meal services to two days a week.
The following January, St. Timothy’s took legal action stating that providing charity to the needy was an important tenant of their faith. The church claimed the City was violating its rights to religious expression via the First Amendment, as well as their land rights via the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000.
The US District Court in Medford ruled in the Church’s
favor, and in the City Council meeting on September 9th, 2024 they ruled to agree to the settlement provisions to the tune of $400,000.
“The City agrees to pay $357,000 to Stoel Rives Law Firm and $43,000 to the Oregon Justice Resource Center. We also agree to repeal the benevolent meal ordinance, and to withdraw our abatement issues for the [St. Timothy’s] for other charitable services being provided at the Church,” stated City Manager Tim Rundel, reading the agreement.
None of the members of the City Council who voted for the ordinance back in 2021 are still serving. Some sitting councilors expressed regret that the City had chosen this course of action.
“I wanted to say its unfortunate that things have gone this far,” said City Councilor Clayton Malmberg, “It’s all stemmed from not being a good neighbor, in my opinion, and not working with the community to find a path forward… My hope is that moving forward there is more effort to work with the community; recognize that what we do has an impact on those around us and strive to be a good neighbor.”
This settlement saved the City what could have been further litigation and costs in losing case.

Councilor Martin pointed out a sobering fact, however. While this is a victory for St. Timothy’s and their religious freedoms, it is a huge hit to the City coffers. The City has agreed to drop the ordinance and re-allow the Church’s charitable services, but that money is going to lawyers, not to the needy of Brookings.
“The winners in this lawsuit, obviously, are the law firm that
are going to collect these attorney fees. The losers are the people in this neighborhood that have had to deal with this. But, we have to live with this judge’s decision, even though I disagree… I think this settlement lessens somewhat the impact on the City’s taxpayers, who unfortunately have to suffer for the reasons just stated,” said Councilor Andy Martin.
St. Timothy’s has continued to
A pop of color on Redwood Street
Curry Coastal Pilot
A new self-serve flower stand has opened on 437 Redwood Street in the heart of Brookings, right across from Sprezzatura Pizza. Flowers by Jessica is owned and operated by local Jessica Dora, who grows all of the flowers for her stand right here in her own Brookings backyard. With a local, personal touch Jessica is hoping to bring a pop of color to Brookings and its visitors with special weekly arrangements cut straight from the garden. This means getting pesticide-free,
fresh-cut flowers hand arranged by one of Brooking’s biggest green thumbs. The self-serve stand invites visitors to walk right up and peruse, hoping that even browsers have their day brightened by the vibrant, hand-made displays and arrangements. Sneak peaks of the upcoming ‘Arrangement of the Week’ are posted to the Flowers by Jessica Facebook page.
“I also just love it when people come up to the stand to take in all the beauty! That’s what it’s there for!” said Jessica in her most recent post.
Jessica decided to take the leap and open the stand with

encouragement from her husband.
“All the flowers I sell I grow from my own garden. My husband said, ‘you should sell your flowers… you can start marketing them’, I said ‘Okay shoot, why not? I’ll give it a try’,” said Jessica.
The stand is open daily from 7
provide meal service throughout this period and there are no plans of stopping now that the ordinance is lifted.
“Now we can move forward with our ministry’s efforts. We can have meal service without the concern we’ll have to pay $725 for every day that we do it. It’s really a relief to not have that hanging over us,” said St. Timothy’s Reverand Lindley.
am to sunset. “If you see flowers out there and the open sign is up, then I’m open,” said Jessica. “I always like to decorate my spaces and make them look nice and pretty. So it’s just something nice to provide the community. Something you can walk by and say, ‘Oh! That’s nice!”

Curry Coastal Pilot
Brookings Mayor and City Council signed a proclamation on Sept. 9 announcing that the City will recognize National Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month.
During a period of unrest and confusion for many, it is more important than ever to reaffirm that suicide is an irreparable, destructive solution to a temporary problem that many experience.
“Whereas, suicidal thoughts can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, orientation, income level, religion, or background; and suicide is a major public health issue that requires vigilant attention and preventative action,” states the City Council’s proclamation, as read by Mayor Issac Hodges.
According to the Oregon Health Authority, the state suicide rate of 19.3 per 100,000 is still above the national average at 14.2. The youth suicide rate saw a huge decrease from 2018 to 2021, dropping 26% in that period. Last year however, it ticked back up for the first time since the introduction of the Youth Suicide Intervention & Prevention Plan which has decreased rates overall. Gordon Clay, a local suicide prevention advocate, spoke with the council on behalf of suicide prevention organization R U OK?. The resource provider, which

Opinion & Letters
Letter to the Editor

Every year Congress spends more tax dollars on solving the troubling problems that everyone is concerned about - fentanyl and meth trafficking, homelessness, rising crime, and inflation - but all these problems seem to be getting worse. So many career politicians, like our current member of Congress, Val Hoyle, are clearly only seeking participation trophies for spending money without changing the policies and getting problems solved, all so they can get reelected. I recently heard about the retired
Air Force colonel running to replace her, Monique DeSpain, who is new to politics but has spent decades solving problems, and I feel a new sense of hope. She is focused on results and will bring people from all political parties to the table to solve problems now with common sense solutions. Monique is the kind of representative we need to deploy to D.C. Join me in voting for Monique!
Julie Thies North Bend

Community Calendar
Submissions for events can be sent by email to: pilotofficemgr@countrymedia. net. The deadline for submission is 4:30 pm Monday, the week prior to publication.
Daily Meal
Chetco Activity Center, 550 Chetco Lane 11:15am – 12:30pm
T’ai Chi
Chetco Activity Center
9:00am – 10:30am
Line dance lessons
Elks Lodge
Membership not required.
$1 donation. 11:30-12:00 absolute beginners (new), 12:00 – 1:00 pm improver, 1:00-2:00 pm intermediate.
The Walking Group Azalea Park
Meet by Capella by the Sea. If raining meet at Brookings Harbor Shopping Center by the barbershop. For information 541-412-8664
Men’s Club Golf
Salmon Run Golf Course 9:00am Friendly team and individual play. Prizes, laughs, good food and drink. $65 annual fee (includes OGA membership). All skill levels welcome. For info call: Bob K. 701-269-7822.
Chetco Activity Center 1:00pm – 2:30pm Bring your recorder and a music stand. Music will be provided.
Cribbage Club Wild Rivers Pizza 5:30pm
Bridge Chetco Activity Center 11:45am
Widows and Widowers Coffee Clique
Community Center, Airport Way, Gold Beach 10:30am – 11:30am
Chair Yoga Class Chetco Library 405 Alder St 2:45pm.
“EZ Flow” Yoga Class
Chetco Library, 405 Alder St
A yoga class for beginners that includes standing poses. It is highly recommended that participants be able to comfortably get up and down from the floor.
T’ai Chi
Chetco Activity Center
9:00am – 10:30am
The Walking Group Azalea Park 11:00am
Meet by Capella by the Sea. If raining meet at Brookings Harbor Shopping Center by the barbershop. For information 541-412-8664
Hora Del Cuento
Chetco Library 405 Alder St 4:00pm
Stories, songs, and simple crafts for young children, all led in Spanish.
Pinochle and other Card Games
Chetco Activity Center 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Men’s Club Golf
Salmon Run Golf Course
Friendly team and individual play. Prizes, laughs, good food and drink. $65 annual fee (includes OGA membership). All skill levels welcome. For info call: Bob K. 701-269-7822.
Creative Writing Class
Chetco Library 405 Alder St
2:00pm With Blake Allwood, a free weekly class on the creative writing process.
Line dance lessons Elks Lodge
Membership not required. $1 donation. 11:30-12:00 absolute beginners (new), 12:00 – 1:00 pm improver, 1:00-2:00 pm intermediate.
Spanish Speakers’ Walking Group Chetco Library, 405 Alder St 5:30pm A fitness and conversation
Brookings-Harbor Garden Club Work Party
Brookings Botanical Garden
10:00am – 11:30am
Come see how you can help.
Bridge Chetco Activity Center 11:45am
Line Dancing Brookings Elks Lodge 6:00pm – 8:00pm Donations requested.
Storytime Chetco Library 405 Alder St 11:00am Stories, songs, and simple crafts for young children.
Chair Yoga Class Chetco Library 405 Alder St 11:00am.
Pinochle and other Card Games Chetco Activity Center 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Wednesday September 18:
Coon Tie Wednesday! Khun Thai Restaurant 6:00pm – 8:00pm Music at Khun Thai. Presenting the best in finger-style folk, blues, and country music every other Wednesday. Enjoy a fabulously tasty Thai meal set to music.

Lifestyle Medicine Chetco Library, 405 Alder St: 12:00pm Join OSU Associate Professor Stephanie Polizzi for a free monthly community discussion on health, nutrition, and wellness. This month’s discussion topic is “The Endocrine Connection.”
SOC Pride Book Club Chetco Library, 405 Alder St: 6:00pm
This book club geared toward older teens and adults meets to discuss books which focus on LGBTQ+ characters and topics.
Thursday September 19:
Pub Grub Book Club, Misty Mountain Brewing 550 Chetco Lane 5:30pm
This casual book club is for adult fans of graphic novels.
Monday September 23:
Azalea Quilters Guild Driftwood Estates Club House, 16063 Driftwood Ln: 5:30pm Monthly meeting.
Tuesday September 24:
Game Nights Chetco Brewing Co. 5:30pm
This is an open game night featuring games from the Chetco Library’s Board Game Collection, hosted at Chetco Brewing Co on Railroad Street. Try a game from our library or bring one of your favorites! This is a free and fun opportunity to meet and
connect with other board game enthusiasts in your community—with plenty of table space to spread out. Kids welcome, but they must be accompanied and supervised by an adult guardian.
September 25:
Free Art Workshop Chetco Library, 405 Alder St 1:00pm
Join volunteer and local artist Tory for a free, handson art workshop. Materials provided. This workshop is geared toward adult artists and crafters.
Thursday September 26:
Lego Club Chetco Library, 405 Alder St 4:00pm
Lego builders and enthusiasts of all ages are invited to a free open building session in the library’s youth section.
Tuesday October 1:
Healing Religious Hurts: Stories and Tips to Find Love and Peace Wild River Pizza, 16279 US Hwy 101, Brookings 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm Book signing by author Joanie Lindenmeyer. Joanie’s other books; book one and a best seller, Nun Better: An Amazing Love Story and book two Joyously Free! Stories and Tips to Live your Truth as LGBTQ+ People, Parents and Allies co-authored with Elizabeth Atkins, will also be available. Visit twosisterswriting.com for more information
group for Spanish speakers.
Just a simple, “Are you doing okay?” can be enough to make the difference in a person’s life. It is a remarkably simple gesture, yet it reaffirms to someone that you see them and care about their well-being.
“The suicide rate in Curry County has been increasing every year since 2018, putting Curry County in the top four Oregon counties is suicide deaths per 100,000,” said Clay. “In 2021, we had 11 people who died by suicide. Eight of them were by firearm. Four of those were women. There are only two other counties where women matched or exceeded men in suicides. It’s usually 5/6 to 1. In 2022, the number of suicides in Curry County
rose to 15, the most we’ve ever had.”
Clay still has a major concern, he said.
“Through June of this year, we had four suicides, which is way down,” he said. “But in the month of July we had four, so we’re at eight right now, and there’s only one thing that can save it.”
He added, “We don’t have an adequate behavioral health system here.”
It’s okay to say you’re not okay, affirmed Clay, a

message that is particularly important for men to hear.
“(Men are) 80% of the suicides in Oregon,” he explained. “If they are going through divorce or lost their job, those are the two main things, and they don’t want to talk about it. They don’t want to think they’re weak. I’ll tell you, it takes an awful tough man to die by suicide, but it takes a strong man to ask for help.”
To help educate the community on what signs to look for in their
neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones, graphics were provided by Connie Hunter, a member of both the Curry County Suicide Awareness and Prevention Council and the Roseburg VA’s Mental Health Advocacy Council.
“Just by the fact that our neck of the woods is rural, our communities are at a higher risk for suicide.
As communities, we have experienced collective trauma from wildfires and the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Hunter. “During times when politics can divide,
choose to continue looking out for each other, friends, family members and neighbors keep sharing the love, even if it looks like fresh zucchinis or a bag of apples.” If you or a loved one are having a crisis, call or text 988, for the OHA’s Suicide & Crisis lifeline. You can also visit 988lifeline.org. For more resources on suicide awareness and prevention, visit www.ruok. org.au or www.samhsa.gov/ newsroom/observances/ suicide-prevention-month.

Legends Fest coming to Gold Beach in October
Gold Beach – Immerse yourself in the captivating world of folklore, vibrant music, and community spirit at the inaugural Legends Fest Gold Beach, a new and exciting festival for all ages taking place in the heart of Gold Beach on Oct. 4-5.
Legends Fest Gold Beach invites attendees to dive into a world of timeless tales and captivating music. Experience the legends of iconic figures such as Bigfoot/Sasquatch, Paul Bunyan, and Smokey Bear, alongside a treasure trove of folklore from local tribes and the infamously celebrated Rogue River legend and liar Hathaway Jones with stories that have shaped the cultural landscape of our region. Whether you’re a longtime resident or a first-time visitor, the festival offers a unique opportunity to connect with each other through the stories that have made Gold Beach legendary.
Festival goers will be treated to performances by both nationally and regionally renowned bands and musicians, including American Mile, One of These Nights, Ferguson Brothers, Apple Barner, Fleetwoods Bac, Rogue Strings, Zan Van Zelf, Bloodline and Danielle Kelly Soul Project.
The event will also feature an artisan market, commercial merchants, food trucks and a beer/wine garden. For kids, Peppy’s Water Palooza will provide free water play activities that entertain and educate. Other activities will include tales of big foot encounters, a Hathaway Jones lying contest, a dunk tank where you can soak your favorite local celebrities, dancing, axe throwing, face painting and more.
The blend of rich folklore, fun activities and live music will create a one-of-a-kind experience that resonates with audiences of all ages. From the sound of the waves to

the rhythms that move your soul, Legends Fest is more than just a festival, it’s a celebration of art, culture and the coastal magic that
makes Gold Beach truly special.
The event, sponsored by Gold Beach Main Street, will be held Oct. 4 through 5, from noon to 10 p.m.

at the Event Center on the Beach (Curry County Fairgrounds), at 29392 Ellensburg Ave. Tickets are $15 for adults with kids 12 and under free. For more information or to buy tickets, visit www. legendsfestgoldbeach.com, or contact sasquatch@ legendsfestgoldbeach.com or phone 541-425-4131.

Oregon Counties to pave new way for wind energy decisions with historic ballot
OREGON – The members of the “Oregonians Against Wind Turbines” (OAWT) PAC have successfully convinced the commissioners of Coos and Curry County to put an advisory vote on the ballot for the upcoming November General Election. This marks the first time in the nation that a county has decided to seek voter opinion on a wind energy project in their area.
On August 06, 2024, the Coos County Board of Commissioners passed a measure to place an advisory question on the ballot, asking voters if they wanted the board to oppose the offshore wind energy project. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has established two call areas off the coast of southern Oregon available for lease.
The wind turbine advisory question on the November General Election ballot reads:
“Should County Commissioners work to oppose the installation of a 95 square mile, deep floating wind farm off our coast?”
A ‘YES’ vote means voters want Coos County Commissioners to work in opposition to the Offshore Wind Energy Project, while a ‘NO’ vote means voters
do not want the Commissioners to oppose it.
In a significant turn of events, Coos County Commissioner John Sweet, who initially stated he would vote against placing an advisory question on the ballot, changed his mind after listening to passionate public comments. This decision was seen as a testament to the power of civic engagement.
The following day, on August 07, 2024, the Curry County Board of Commissioners passed a similar measure to put an advisory question on the November ballot.
The Curry County ballot question reads:
“Should offshore floating wind turbine development along the Curry County, Oregon coast be stopped?”
A ‘YES’ vote means voters want the wind turbine development to be stopped, while a ‘NO’ vote indicates support for the offshore wind turbine development.
Despite unanimous support from the Curry County Commissioners, the Chair of the Board highlighted concerns raised by Ryan Nelson, a political and legislative representative with Labors International Union of North America Local 737.

According to Nelson, the county has no legal authority to ban an offshore wind project, as the areas under consideration are entirely within federal waters. This could lead to costly legal challenges should the measure be referred and passed by voters.
Economic Impact
The development and operation of offshore wind farms present significant challenges. The turbines, costing billions of dollars, will be constructed by foreign workers outside the USA. This could replace local permanent jobs with temporary construction
jobs filled by workers from outside the area. U.S. taxpayers will bear the financial burden, with locals unable to use the energy generated by the turbines. Additionally, the higher costs associated with offshore floating turbines could result in increased energy prices, affecting low-income households and small businesses.
• Eminent domain could threaten public and private land, affecting social and cultural heritage.
• The towering structures will mar the natural beauty of coastal areas.
Call to Action

Wild Rivers Coast Brookings

Environmental Impacts
There are several environmental concerns associated with offshore floating wind turbines:
• Destruction of marine ecosystems
• Decline in populations of whales, porpoises, dolphins, and crabs
• Reduction in coastal biodiversity
• Negative changes in wind, wave, and atmospheric patterns
• Habitat destruction and disruption of the food chain
• Electromagnetic field effects from power cables
• Pollution of seawater, beaches, and the food chain from toxic materials
• Noise pollution
• Increased navigation risks
Social & Cultural Impacts
Offshore wind farms could lead to significant disruptions in coastal communities:
• The fishing industry may suffer due to restricted access to fishing grounds and habitat disruption.
• The visual impact of turbines could harm

This advisory vote empowers local residents to voice their opinions on this significant environmental project, fostering community engagement in environmental decisions. The potential for offshore wind energy development could have far-reaching impacts on the local environment, marine life, and coastal economies. The vote could set a precedent for future community involvement in green energy initiatives, influencing how similar projects are approached nationwide.
We encourage all eligible voters in Coos and Curry County to participate in the November General Election and make their voices heard on this advisory question. Environmental groups and concerned citizens are urged to engage in public discussions and forums on the potential impacts of the offshore wind energy project, fostering informed decision-making. Media outlets are requested to provide comprehensive coverage of the advisory vote, ensuring the community is wellinformed on the topic and its implications. Stay updated on developments related to the offshore wind energy project and visit www. OAWT.com for more information.

Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-536-8838. (ONPA)
Senior Services
Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-3951433. (ONPA)
Misc Services 150
Call LeafGuard and say goodbye to gutter cleaning for good. No cleaning. No leaking. No water damage. No more ladder accidents. Get LeafGuard today and be protected for life. FREE estimate. Financing available. 20% off total purchase (Restrictions may apply.) Call 1-844-3451537. (OCAN)
DIVORCE $130. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www. paralegalalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com (ONPA)
Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-866-695-9265 today! (ONPA)
Get a break on your taxes!
Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-533-9173 today! (ONPA)
Get Boost Infinite! Unlimited Talk, Text and Data For Just $25/mo! The Power Of 3 5G Networks, One Low Price! Call Today and Get The Latest iPhone Every Year On Us! 844-955-3417. (ONPA)
Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 8/25/24.) Call 1-855341-5268. (ONPA)
Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 7-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-877-557-1912 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. (ONPA)
Switch and save up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-877-9160803. (ONPA)
The bathroom of your dreams in as little as 1 day. Limited Time Offer$1000 off or No Payments and No Interest for 18 months for customers who qualify. BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Call Today! 1-844-847-9778. (ONPA)
MOBILE WASH N’ WAX Detail Cars n’ Trucks Service to your door License # 3763 541-661-0807
Residential drafing and design by Dex. 541-2514969 or email dexatwork@ aol.com.
The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844989-2328. (ONPA)
Wesley Financial Group, LLC. Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 844-487-0221. (ONPA)
Health & Nutrition 301
Is 2024 your year? We’re here for it and here for you. Reach your goals this year with WeightWatchers. Get started with THREE months FREE, visit www. weightwatchersoffer. com/39. (ONPA)
Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855839-0752. (ONPA)
Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-844655-0972. (ONPA)
Employment Opps 515
McLennan Excavation / Da-Tone Rock are hiring for lube tech, experienced equipment operators, laborers, and local dump truck drivers. Health insurance, 401k, email lily@pipeandrock.com or stop by the office at 98109 N. Bank Chetco River Road in Brookings. 541-412-0106
Recreational Vehicles 604
For Sale 2003 36’ Big Sky Montana 5th Wheel. Non-smoking, no pets. Excellent condition. $15,000 509-380-1210 in Crescent City
Sport Quad Bombardier DS650. Excellent condition. $1950. Also available trailer, wheels, ramp. See at swapmeet. 707-954-1977
Domestic Autos 618
97 Silver Corvette C-5 T-Tops convertible. Manual trans. 55k mi. Aftermarket tires/rims w/ less than 1k mi., have orig. tires/wheels. Stored in garage. $17,500. Stephen 541-254-4069
Misc/Trade 700
Porter Cable air brad gun nailer, with extra brads. Like new. $20. 707-464-5515
Tin coated end mill 10 piece set. $30. 541-469-4948
Garage Sales 702
3 Family Garage Sale! Sat only, 8:am-3pm. 1115 Ransom Ave. New child’s stroller 3-wheel, coffee table, small appliances, household items, area rugs, home decor, mirrors, dvd’s, extension ladder, clothes, 4-piece white wicker set, rattan dinette set 4 chairs glass top, bookshelf.
Garage sale at AAA StoreAll on Saturday 9/21 and Sunday 9/22 from 8-4 Saturday and 8-12 on Sunday.
Garage sale Saturday, September 21st, 2024
Michael P. Noonan 510 Velopa Ct. Brookings. 541 813-2787
Lots of Intarsia Wood
Art pieces at half price. Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $300.00. One Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $150.00. Two Victorian red lamps $150.00 each. Work Bench 36” Wide x 72” Long x 36” Tall $100.
Three Shelf @ 36” Tall, 48” Wide, 18” Deep, $30 Each. FOLDING TABLES: 1 Table @ 36” Tall, 72” Long, 31 Wide, $40. 1 Camping Table @ 36” Tall, 72” Long, 32” Wide, $30. Model 1857/67
Zulu Hunter 12 Gauge
Snider Conversion Shotgun, New York Mohawk Indian Art covered in rawhide beads and silver conchos. $1200.00 with Black Powder Amo. Siletz Indian made Knife with scabbard $150.00. Western wooden Keno Goose $300.00. Old Kellogg Oak Wall Phone “works” $150.00. Five wild horse display $50.00. Portable 1507 Singer sewing machine with foot pedal and manual $25.00 2 Oak 4 drawer file cabinets like new $375.00 Each. Note: Internet price $925.00 each. Original Painting consigned for the cover of “Western Magazine” $100.00. GENUINE FRANKLIN MINT WELLS FARGO OVERLAND STAGECOACH HORSE TEAM DISPLAY $500.00. Note: $1500.OO on EBAY.
Garage Sale! Tools, sports equipment, and misc household items. Sat only 9am - 3pm. 970 Hassett St. (left off 5th)
Garage sale, 935 Pioneer Ln. Brookings. (7th & Pioneer). 9/21-9/22 8am3pm. Rock hopper bike, model cars, housewares, and 3/4 hp. reciprocating saw.
In home moving sale. Furniture, fishing gear, quality odds and ends. 117 Lenore Way (between Cook and Clyde). 9am-3pm Sat and Sun.
Park-Wide Garage Sale! 98126 W. Benham Ln. 9am - 4pm Saturday & Sunday.
Saturday & Sunday, 9/21-22. Two family sale. Complete Shopsmith Tool Set, RV Supplies, power tools, cookware, stepping stones and more. 98680 & 98690 NB Chetco.

Storage Unit Sale. 10700 Hwy 101 (near Sarina Rd). Lots of Stuff! Sat 8am-? Start your day with energy! Casita Coffee will be there. Mention this ad and get a free baked good with purchase while supplies last.
Yard Sale! Apple Hill RV Park, 15061 Hwy 101 S. 9am-5pm Sat only. Misc household items. Clothes, shoes, tools, RV equipment. Taking offers on everything.
Yard Sale! Sat 9/21 8am2pm. 6577 Lucky Ln. Unit 802.
Stereo, TV & Video 713
DIRECTV OVER INTERNET Get your favorite live TV, sports and local channels. 99% signal reliability! CHOICE Package, $84.99/mo for 12 months. HBO Max and Premium Channels included for 3 mos (w/ CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-855-602-2009. (ONPA)
Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-866-373-9175. (ONPA)
Pets 736
Furnished 1 bedroom 1 bath Apartment/Ste. Upstairs Apt. w/ utilities paid. Includes: W/S, garbage, electric, wi-fi & cable. No pets. $1140.00 a month plus security deposit. $25 Fee for Credit Check. Call (541)469-6119 for appt or questions

9 week old black male Shih Poo’s. $800. Vaccinated and wormed. 707-458-3124 Available For Rent
For Rent
0 Retirement/Asst Living
1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. Washer/dryer/refrigerator included. No pets. Water and sewer paid. $1,250 per mo. First and last. 01008 Winchuck Road Brookings 541-412-7518.
2+2 Newer home on half acre fenced. 2 car att garage, hardwood floors, all appliances, tenant pays util, 325 Olive St, CC, $2K/ mo, 1 & deposit req. 1 year lease pref, no pets, 7079549855 Sam
3 Bed, 2 bath, 3 car garage, on 1/3-acre quiet lane in Crescent City. $2500/mo + utilities + sec deposit. Pets ok. 707-464-3725
For rent 1 br apartment. Partially furnished. Owner provides water and sewer. $1200/mo. 1st+last month in advance. 541-661-1222

Public Notices 999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DEL NORTE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the County of Del Norte will hold a public hearing to consider the requests listed below. All persons are invited to appear and be heard. Comments may be submitted in writing at, or prior to, the hearing. Those wishing to be notified of the final action must submit a written request. Appeals must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by October 15, 2024. If you challenge the decision of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. The following project(s) are located within the California Coastal Zone: DATE OF HEARING: October 2, 2024 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF HEARING: 981 H Street, Suite 100, Crescent City, CA 95531 *** Applicants propose to boundary adjust along a shared property line. The transfer would result in APN 110-020-087 receiving 2.75 acres with a final resultant parcel size of 14.13 and APN 110-020078 giving 2.75 acres for a final resultant parcel size of 20.05 acres. Zoning on the parcels in the area of the boundary adjustment is A-5 (Agriculture, 5 acre minimum parcel size) and the underlying general plan land use is Agriculture General, 5 acre minimum. The giving parcel is undeveloped and the receiving parcel is developed with a residence and outbuilding. The parcels are located on Lakeside Loop and Lakeview Drive, Crescent City CA. Please contact the County Planning Division at (707) 464-7254 with any questions.
DATE: September 9, 2024 Del Norte County Planning Division Community Development Dept. Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400394
PLT24-3023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CURRY PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: WILLIAM CRAIG LAGE, Deceased. Case No. 24PB07799 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Roberta Barnes has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at c/o K. R. Olin, Attorney at Law, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, K.R. Olin, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISHED: September 18, 2024. /s/ K.R. Olin, K.R. Olin, OSB #903547, Attorney for Personal Representative, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, (541) 469-2669, olinandassociates@gmail.com.
CITY OF CRESCENT CITY NOTICE OF ADOPTION ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 843 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT UPDATES) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the City Council of the City of Crescent City adopted Ordinance No. 843, which amends Chapters 17.10 (R-1 Low-Density Residential), 17.14 (R-2 Moderate Density Residential), 17.16 R-3 High Density Residential), 17.18 (R-P Residential Professional), and 17.48 (Special Zoning Uses) of Title 17, Zoning, of the Crescent City Municipal Code. The revisions to the zoning regulations for residential districts are to provide for improved clarity, consistency within the municipal code, and compliance with State law. This ordinance applies citywide. A copy of the ordinance may be obtained by contacting City Clerk Robin Altman [realtman@crescentcity. org; 707-464-7483] or by visiting City Hall at 377 J Street, Crescent City, CA, during regular business hours, Monday - Thursday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The ordinance was adopted by the following polled vote: AYES: Council Members Altman, Greenough, Schellong, Wright, and Mayor Inscore NOES: None ABSENT: None /s/ Robin Altman, City Clerk Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400113

Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
NAMED: You are hereby directed and required to appear in, and defend against, this legal action within 30 days after the first date of publication of summons, which is the 28th day of August, 2024, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, ZBS LAW, LLP, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is a Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of Deed of Trust. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at www. oregonstatebar.org or by calling (503) 684-3763 in the Portland metropolitan area. If you are a veteran of the armed forces, assistance may be available from a county veterans’ service officer or community action agency. Contact information for a local county veterans service officer and community action agency may be obtained by calling a 2-1-1 information service.
DATED: August 13, 2024 ZBS LAW, LLP. By: /s/ Dirk Schouten. Dirk Schouten, OSB# 115153 Amber L. Labrecque, OBS No. 094593 dschouten@zbslaw. com alabrecque@zbslaw. com Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Yurok Indian Housing Authority respectfully requests bids from responsive, responsible, qualified, and licensed Contractors for the 245 Maiden Lane Apartments. Project consisting of the Demo/Replacement of Existing Siding (Southern facing sides of 11 different apartment buildings) located in Crescent City, Del Norte County, California. For complete project details email Merdi Lewis at mlewis@yurokhousing.com or call 707.482.1506 ext. 1013. Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400385
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DEL NORTE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the COUNTY OF DEL NORTE will hold a public hearing to consider the requests listed below. ALL PERSONS ARE INVITED TO APPEAR AND BE HEARD. Comments may be submitted in writing at, or prior to, the hearing. Those wishing to be notified of the final action must submit a written request. Appeals must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by close of business by October 15, 2024. If you challenge the decision of the Planning Commission, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing.
DATE OF HEARING: October 2, 2024
TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF HEARING: 981 H Street, Suite 100, Crescent City, CA 95531
*** Applicant proposes to adjust his northern property line 10’ to the north. Both parcels involved in the boundary adjustment are under common ownership. Zoning for the area is RR-1 (Rural Residential, one acre minimum parcel size) with an underlying general plan land use designation of Rural Residential 1 dwelling unit per acre. Both parcels are nonconforming sizes (less than one acre) and are currently developed with singlefamily residences. The boundary adjustment will result in parcels still less than one acre in size but will move them both toward being more consistent with existing parcel sizes in this area. The resulting transfer will amount to approximately 1593 square feet from APN 124-160005 to APN 124-160-007. Parcels are located at 400 Douglas Park Rd and 120 Neighbors Lane, Crescent City, CA.
*** Boundary Adjustment
- AB2503 - The applicant proposes to adjust the lot line between two parcels under common ownership to correct the current lot line that bisects a detached accessory building. The adjustment will move the south boundary line of the parcel containing the residence further south so that the accessory building is fully contained on the parcel with the residence. Both parcels are non-conforming sizes (less than 3 acres) and have a General Plan Land Use designation of Rural Residential 1 dwelling per 3 acres (RR-1 du/3 ac) and are zoned Rural Residential - 3 acre minimum (RR-3). Parcel 106-112-013 is developed and is 1.68 acres and will be the receiving parcel. Parcel 106-112-014 is undeveloped and is 2.42 acres and will be giving acreage to the developed parcel. The parcels are located at 4925 Kings Valley Rd, Crescent City, CA.
*** Use Permit for a residence in TPZ (Timberland Preserve) - UP2501. The applicant has requested a use permit to construct a 900 sq. ft. residence on a 20.10-acre undeveloped parcel. The General Plan Land Use designation is Timberland, and the zoning is Timberland Preserve. The development will utilize onsite water and a sewage disposal system. The parcel is accessed from Ruiz Canyon Drive, Crescent City, CA. APN 122-030-072. Please contact the County Planning Division at (707) 464-7254 with any questions.
DATE:September 9, 2024 Del Norte County Planning Division Community Development Dept. Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400396
Mary Ann Korsten Case Number: PB247062
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Mary Ann Korsten A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Dianna Narron, in the Superior Court of California, County of: Del Norte. The petition for probate requests that: Dianna Narron be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This Authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: October 4, 2024 Time: 10:00am Dept.: 2
Address of the Court: 450 H Street, Crescent City, CA 95531
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for Petitioner: Gino de Solenni 384 G Street Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-6181
Published: 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2/2024, Triplicate 400093
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: OXYIE 1775 Northcrest Drive #19 Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: n/a I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). Signed:/s/ Alejandra Dominguez This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/14/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Claire Landay, Deputy File No. 20240070
Published: 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, and 9/18/2024, Triplicate 399031
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Cholwell, Benz & Hartwick Accountants & Consultants 1225 Marshall St, Ste 2 Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: a general partnership
Registered Owners: Matthew Wakefield, Kevin Hartwick, Clar Byers III
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 9/1/1989
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Matthew Wakefield
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on:
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder
Claire Landay, Deputy File No. 20240072
Published: 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25/2024, Triplicate 399374
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Liberty Process Services 355 E Denny Lane Smith River, CA 95567
Mailing address: PO Box 268 Smith River, CA 95567
This Business is conducted by: an individual
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 7/19/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Angelina Countess
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 7/19/2024
Alissia D. Northrup
County Clerk-Recorder
Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240062
Published: August 28, September 4, 11, and 18, 2024, Triplicate 398876
PLT24-3022 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CURRY PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: MICHAEL KENNEDY, Deceased. Case No. 24PB07992 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Peter Kennedy has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at c/o K. R. Olin, Attorney at Law, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, K.R. Olin, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISHED: September 18, 2024. /s/ K.R. Olin, K.R. Olin, OSB #903547, Attorney for Personal Representative, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, (541) 4692669, olinandassociates@ gmail.com.
Case Number: PB247057
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of John W. Salgado, Jr.
A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Jennifer Lee Salgado, in the Superior Court of California, County of: Del Norte.
The petition for probate requests that: Jennifer Lee Salgado be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court.
The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This Authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows:
Date: October 4, 2024
Time: 10:00am Dept.: 2 Address of the Court: 450 H Street, Crescent City, CA 95531
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing.
Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law.
You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for Petitioner: Jennifer Shelton PO Box 1255 Yreka, CA 96097 530-918-4343 Published: 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25/2024, Triplicate 399896
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: F/V Nadine 105 Lakeside Loop Crescent City, CA 95531
This filing is a refile of previous file # 20190096 with changes.
Name of owner: Frank Dowd
This Business is conducted by: an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 9/18/2019 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Frank Dowd This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/28/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240073 Published: 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2/2024, Triplicate 399902 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF DEL NORTE 450 H Street Crescent City, CA 95531 Petition of: Ferne Alane Estep CASE NO. CV241088 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME To all interested persons: Petitioner: Ferne Alane Estep filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Ferne Alane Estep to Proposed name: Ferne Alane Umphress THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 10/18/2024 Time: 10:00 am Dept.: 1 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Del Norte Triplicate Date: July 16, 2024 /s/ Darren McElfresh Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 9/18,

Leonard J Barker
Leonard J Barker (81) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania passed away in Grants Pass, Oregon on September 8, 2024.
A Celebration of Life will be held in his honor at a later date.
Arrangements are under the care of Stephens Family Chapel in Grants Pass, Oregon.

Rickey R. Tidwell
Rickey R. Tidwell passed away on September 2. 2024 in Brookings. He was 67 years old.
His celebration of life will be on September 29, 2024 at the Elks Lodge in Brookings, Oregon from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
League of Women Voters of Curry County to host candidate forums in October
The League of Women Voters of Curry County is proud to announce that it will be hosting candidate forums in Port Orford, Gold Beach and Brookings on October 7th, 8th and 9th respectively. Invitations have been extended to candidates in contested races only.
For State Representative District 1, Court Boice and Bret Cecil have been invited. For State Senator
District 1, David Brock Smith and Lupe PreciadoMcAlister have been invited.
This is an opportunity for voters to hear from the candidates, ask questions during the Q&A session and interact with them before or after the forum.
For more information please contact Georgia Nowlin, Voter Service Chair at webfoot4@charter. net.

For the Pilot
Students attending Southwestern Oregon Community College now have the opportunity to receive up to $6,000 through the Laker Learn and Earn Grant, funded by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This
grant is designed to help students cover the cost of career-focused education in high-demand fields.
The grant is available to students pursuing one-year Career and Technical Education (CTE) certificate programs, specifically those listed on the Eligible Training Provider List
(ETPL), which includes programs such as Accounting & Marketing, Childhood Education, Culinary, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), Forestry, Medical Assisting, Pharmacy Technician, Welding, and more.
Basic Qualifications Include:
• Must be 18 or older
• Have a state-issued ID
• Be legal to work in the U.S.
If you are considering learning new skills that lead to great careers, chances are this up to $6,000 grant can help you get there. Unsure about whether you qualify? Reach out! It only takes a quick conversation to find out if you’re eligible. For more information and to check your eligibility, Email or call 541-888-7153.
• Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)

The artist behind Barron’s Furniture’s fall displays

• 11:31
Center Ave, dispute/fight
• 14:32 300 block of 5th St, theft of services
• 15:06 1200 block of Moore St, assist public
• 19:17 Azalea Park Rd, assault
• 20:10 600 block of Chetco Ave, criminal trespass
• 21:37 600 block of Memory Ln, alarm
Tuesday, 9/3
• 6:00 900 block of Easy St, criminal trespass
• 7:28 Mill Beach Rd and Smith Dr, criminal mischief
• 11:02 Chetco and Ross, warrant service
• 11:28 Mill Beach, littering
• 11:54 Azalea Park Rd, suspicious conditions
• 13:33 97900 block of Shopping Center Ave, suspicious conditions
• 14:34 300 block of 5th St, criminal trespass
• 15:17 98100 block of W Benham Ln, telephone harassment
• 16:26 16400 block of Hwy 101, traffic crash
• 19:15 Mill Beach and Allen Ln, suspicious conditions
• 20:41 Arnold and Fifield, suspicious conditions
• 21:01 15700 block of Oce Dr, loud noise
Wednesday, 9/4
• 8:42 600 block of Pioneer Rd, alarm
• 8:58 Hwy 101 and Hoffeldt, traffic crash
• 10:18 600 block of Easy St, civil problem
• 11:45 100 block of Park Ave, forgery/fraud/bad check
• 13:32 Hwy 101 and Center, hit & run
• 13:43 5th and Chetco, warrant service
• 15:27 500 block of Ransom Ave, suspicious conditions
• 15:49 800 block of Chetco Ave, criminal
• 17:37 500 block of Ransom Ave, criminal mischief
• 19:32 700 block of Cottage St, theft of services
• 21:28 1200 block of Hub St, suspicious conditions
• 22:35 99900 block of North Bank Chetco River Rd, disorderly conduct
• 22:56 98100 block of W Benham Ln, criminal trespass
Thursday, 9/5
• 6:43 800 block of Railroad Ave, criminal trespass
• 9:49 900 block of Easy St, civil problem
• 11:31 900 block of Easy St, assist public
• 13:02 Hwy 101 and Lone Ranch, traffic crash
• 15:43 600 block of 5th St, DUII
• 16:21 16200 block of Hwy 101 S, suspicious conditions
• 19:24 700 block of 3rd St, suspicious conditions
• 21:08 800 block of Old County Rd, suspicious conditions
• 21:23 15900 block of Bayview Dr, assist public
• 22:01 700 block of 5th St, criminal mischief
Friday, 9/6
• 0:43 800 block of Railroad St, criminal trespass
• 9:14 Hub and Arnold, assist public
• 9:25 97700 block] of South Bank Chetco River Rd, harassment
• 11:14 900 block of Chetco Ave, disorderly conduct
• 11:18 1200 block of Chetco Ave, suspicious conditions
• 14:24 300 block of 5th St, theft
• 15:28 200 block of Wharf St, theft
• 15:30 500 block of Railroad St, civil problem
• 15:33 1500 block of
Glenwood, suspicious conditions
• 16:46 1600 block of Hwy 101 N, dispute/fight
• 17:33 400 block of Oak St, warrant service
• 19:38 700 block of Pioneer Rd, dispute/fight
• 20:18 300 block of 5th St, sus conditions
• 20:52 600 block of Chetco Ave, hit & run
Saturday, 9/7
• 0:20 600 block of Old County Rd, telephone harassment
• 1:01 500 block of Fern Ave, telephone harassment
• 10:11 900 block of Chetco Ave, traffic crash
• 10:38 800 block of Old County Rd, criminal trespass
• 12:36 600 block of 5th St, forgery/fraud/bad check
• 13:20 16300 block of Lower Harbor Rd, traffic crash
• 14:00 400 block of Fir St, assist public
• 15:03 Mill beach, harassment
• 17:04 Whaleshead Viewpoint, assist public
• Sunday, 9/8
• 9:42 Hwy 101 and Longacre Loop, driving while suspended
• 14:48 Harris Beach, assist public
• 14:53 96600 block of W Harris Heights, dispute/ fight
• 15:24 600 block of Easy St, juvenile problem
• 15:38 800 block of Elk Dr, assist public
• 15:47 97800 block of Payne Ave, forgery/ fraud/bad check
• 15:56 300 block of 5th St, assist public
• 18:10 16000 blo of Hwy 101 S, fire
• 21:25 517 Pacific Ave, suspicious conditions
• 23:03 99600 block of Southbank Chetco River Rd, suspicious conditions
Solution to the Crossword puzzle is on Page 7
Find breaking news first at www.CurryPilot.com

Crescent City 117 Lenore Way (between Cook and Clyde) • Sat &Sun, 9:00am – 3:00pm
In home moving sale. Furniture, shing gear, quality odds and ends.
3. Brookings 98126 W. Benham Ln. Sat & Sun, 9:00am – 4:00pm Park-Wide Garage Sale!
Smith River 10700 Hwy 101 (Near Sarina Rd) • Saturday, 8:00am Storage Unit Sale. Lots of Stu ! Start your day with energy! Casita Co ee will be there. Mention this ad and get a free baked good with purchase while supplies last.
Brookings 6577 Lucky Ln. Unit 802 • Sat, 8:00am – 2:00pm Yard Sale!
Brookings 15061 Hwy 101 S. • Sat, 9:00am – 5:00pm Yard Sale! Apple Hill RV Park. Misc household items. Clothes, shoes, tools, RV equipment. Taking o ers on everything.
Brookings 98680 & 98690 N Bank Chetco • Sat & Sun Two family sale. Complete Shopsmith Tool Set, RV Supplies, power tools, cookware, stepping stones and more. 7.
Brookings 14703 Oceanview Dr. Sat, 8:00am – 4:00pm • Sun, 8:00am – 12:00pm Garage sale at AAA Store-All.

of Intarsia Wood Art pieces at half price. Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $300.00. One Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $150.00. Two Victorian red lamps $150.00 each. Work Bench 36" Wide x 72" Long x 36" Tall $100. HEAVY DUTY GARAGE/SHOP STORAGE UNITS: 8 ree Shelf @ 36" Tall, 48" Wide, 18" Deep, $30 Each. FOLDING TABLES: 1 Table @ 36" Tall, 72" Long, 31 Wide, $40. 1 Camping Table @ 36" Tall, 72" Long, 32" Wide, $30. Model 1857/67 Zulu Hunter 12 Gauge Snider Conversion Shotgun, New York Mohawk Indian Art covered in rawhide beads and silver conchos. $1200.00 with Black Powder Amo. Siletz Indian made Knife with scabbard $150.00. Western wooden Keno Goose $300.00. Old Kellogg Oak Wall Phone "works" $150.00. Five wild horse display $50.00. Portable 1507 Singer sewing machine with foot pedal and manual $25.00 2 Oak 4 drawer le cabinets like new $375.00 Each. Note: Internet price $925.00 each. Original Painting consigned for the cover of "Western Magazine" $100.00. GENUINE FRANKLIN MINT WELLS FARGO OVERLAND STAGECOACH HORSE TEAM DISPLAY $500.00. Note: $1500.OO on EBAY.