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APRIL 2024
Center Stage Early Rhododendron Flower Show Featuring the Florence Events Center A Publication of the Siuslaw News Inside C.R.O.W “Newsies” Medicare: Turning 65 & Much More
2 | FLORENCE CENTER STAGE - ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT | APRIL 2024 2 • Arts & EntErtAinmEnt • FLORENCE CENTER STAGE • DECEMBER 2023 Great Performances Festivals Musicals Ballets Theatrical Productions Conference Meetings Banquets Weddings Receptions On & Off site Catering & Rentals Always Something Happening 541.997.1994 | 888.968.4086 715 QUINCE STREET | FLORENCE, OR 97439 | WWW.EVENTCENTER.ORG

Fun Events coming to Florence this April

Medicare: Turning 65

April 4 from 11:00a-12:00p

Choosing your Medicare coverage is one of the most important decisions you’ll make — and you only have a limited amount of time to do so.

We’re proud to provide you

with the quality coverage you need. Our Medicare experts are available to guide and support you as you continue on your Medicare journey and answer any questions you may have. Since 2004, ATRIO HealthPlans has been looking out for the well-being of Oregonians — and now we’re here to help YOU! So, whether you’re just getting started or already looked at options, request your FREE Medi-care Guide to help you make the best decision for your health and lifestyle.

C.R.O.W “Newsies”

April 12, 13, 19 & 20 at 7:00p

April 14 & 21 at 2:00p Now is the Time to Seize the Day with C.R.O.W.

C.R.O.W. is excited to present Disney’s “Newsies” April 12-21, 2024 at the Florence Events Center.  There will be 6 public performances, Fridays and Saturdays at 7pm and Sundays at 2 pm.

“This is a wonderful show that reminds us to fight for what’s right, and to stand up for what we believe in,” said Artistic Di-

rector, Melanie Heard.  Together, with a team of talented volunteers and production coordinators, Heard says she is excited to bring this mainstage extravaganza to the stage.  “I’m most excited about the catchy music and big dance numbers,” said Heard.  “Newsies is full of acrobatic, energetic, and over the top dancing, singing, and stage comradery.  It’s a great show for C.R.O.W. because the core themes are working together, building important relationships,


becoming strong in one’s own beliefs, and knowing right from wrong.  These are things we want our kids to connect to.”

Set in turn-of-the century New York City, and based on the actual newsboy’s strike of 1899, “Newsies” is the tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy Jack is the leader of a band of teenaged “newsies.” When Joseph Pulitzer and the other Titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the kids’ expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions.  Based on the 1992 motion picture and inspired by true historical facts, “Newsies” features a Tony Award-winning score by Alan Menken (“Little Shop of Horrors”) and Jack Feldman and a book by Tony Award winner Harvey Fierstein (“Kinky Boots”). The show features the now classic songs

“Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” "King of New York," and “Santa Fe.”

The cast is comprised over 55 youth participants, plus a few adults who have graciously stepped in to fill roles not suitable for kids.  The cast features both brand new and returning talent, including talented familiar face, William Owens as “Jack.” William dazzled audiences last year as “SpongeBob SquarePants” and returns this time in a very different type of role.  New to the C.R.O.W. family this year is Adelaide Lake as “Katherine Plumber,” Jack’s love interest and headstrong journalist in her own right.  Other featured performers are Ezra King as “Race,” Henry Stone as “Henry,” Maggie Walls as “Les,” Andrew Hester as “Crutchie,” and many other rising stars. The role of “Medda Larkin” will

be portrayed by the incompara-ble Maree Beers.


thew Packwood and a string quartet for a performance of Oregon Origins: Seven Wonders, a musical journey through Oregon’s wild places, from the majesty of Steens Mountain to the ever-changing Oregon Dunes - and many stops in between.

gether both local and regional artists and craftsmen to fill the booths with their latest creations.

This event has something for everyone. We hope to see you there!

Following the performance, geologist Ian Madin will give a multimedia presentation on the breathtaking locations that inspired the work.

Tremendous thank you to all our specialists and providers who have offered to share their time, knowledge, and skills with our community.

Extended thanks to our community partners: Peace Harbor Medical Center

A short intermission will be followed by An introduction to the lands and history of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians by Jesse Beers.

Jesse is a sha’yuushtl’a uhl quuiich hiich (Siuslaw and Lower Umpqua person) and is an enrolled citizen of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians and serves as the Tribes’ Cultural Stewardship Manager. Jesse will be joined by fellow tribal culture bearer Patty Whereat Phillips.

FRAA A Taste of Art & Wine Festival 2/17/24 – 2/18/24

We are joining the Florence Chamber’s 13th Annual Wine & Chowder Trail. It will be making a stop again this year at the Florence Events Center, Saturday, Febru,

The “Newsies” production team is in the process of creating functional set pieces for painting and design, designing hundreds of period appropriate costumes and props, and teaching music, choreography, and blocking to cast members 5-6 days a week. The show is musically directed by Maree Beers, Assistant Directed by Genevieve Shahan, Assistant Musical directed by Angie Walls, and Assistant choreographed by Elyse Stewart. Melanie Heard will Direct and Choreograph, returning for her 13th C.R.O.W. main stage Spring youth musical. A list of show sponsors may be found on C.R.O.W.’s website, and sponsorship opportunities are available (and very much needed) through March 1st. For information, please visit www.crowkids.com/ programadsandsponsorships

Tickets are on sale now at

(541) 997-3434

FAX (541) 997-3435

733 Highway 101 Florence, OR 97439

Foundation, Florence Area Chamber of Commerce, RAIN Oregon, and Coast Radio for helping to make this wonderful event possible!

Home & Garden Show

This year’s show will only be available to view in person, as live streaming rights were unfortunately not available for this title. For more information, visit www.crowkids.com/newsies or call the Florence Events Center Box Office: 541-997-1994

Come and see works of art in wood; all kinds of fiber creations; jewelry designs in various media; glass art, pottery, paintings, photography and more. Some of the artists will be demonstrating their painting techniques.

In addition, FRAA will host a juried art show for local artists displaying their works.

3/1/24 – 3/2/24

Winter weather got you down? Looking for signs of Spring? Mark your cal-

FACC Annual Volunteer Recognition Celebration

We will have both 2D and 3D artwork with prizes awarded in each, of $300, $200 and $100 and a people’s choice award.

April 17 from 1:00p-3:00p

Admission to A Taste of Art and Wine Festival is free. Come find the float and join us for a great weekend.

For wine glasses and tasting tickets, and for more information on the Glass Float Hunt and Chowder trail participation cards, go to the Florence Chamber’s event site, wineandchowdertrail.com.

For update on all the events happening, check the Florence Events website, www.eventcenter.org .

For more information on A Taste of Art and Wine Festival, contact Lila Timmons, at 503-544-8800.

Please see EVENTS Page 5

The Florence Area Community Coalition invites you to celebrate and honor our Western Lane County volunteers at our Annual Volunteer Recognition Celebration. You can get a table for eight people reservation for $75 or an individual seat for $10. Refreshments will be served. Please send reservations and payment to FACC PO Box 1161, Florence, OR 97439 below by April 6. Contact Monica Kosman at monistar@aol.com for more information.FACC is an allvolunteer 501(c)(3) organization

BeauxArts Fine Art Materials 2285 Highway 101, Suite H (Coastal Fitness Plaza) Facebook & Instagram @BeauxArtsFineArtMaterials 541.991.8213 BeCreate Inspired! –Art Supplies & Gift Certificates –– Workshops –6 • Arts & EntErtAinmEnt • FLORENCE CENTER STAGE • DECEMBER 2023 endar miss the & Garden Center. how and 10 The ly January Jon Thompson for the “We’re a wide Thompson. out-of-area turning The and services vendors A variety of exciting vendors will participate in the Home and Garden Show which will return to Florence March 1 and 2.

with a mission to improve the quality of life in Western Lane County through partnerships, networking, volunteerism, community involvement, education, and awareness.

Oregon Origins Project 2/9/24

Admission is FREE!

Oregon Origins Project presents a new contemporary music work exploring the ancient forces that shaped Oregon’s natural wonders. Join composer Matthew Packwood and a string quartet for a performance of Oregon Origins: Seven Wonders, a musical journey through Oregon’s wild places, from the majesty of Steens Mountain to the ever-changing Oregon Dunes - and many stops in between.

Early Rhododendron Flower Show

February 18th, from 11am – 4pm.

Not only can you experience a taste of wine from our regional wineries but enjoy the art and fine craftsmanship of our local artisans.

Florence Regional Arts Alliance is the organizer for the Festival, bringing together both local and regional artists and craftsmen to fill the booths with their latest creations.

Entries to the show are accepted on Saturday morning from 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM. An entry card must be filled out for each entry entered. Entry cards may be obtained at a chapter meeting just before each flower show or at the flower show on Saturday morning. To save time, you may want to use one of your "stick on" mailing return address labels in the entry card name and address section.

price. You can usually get access to the plant sale around 10:00 AM on both Saturday morning and Sunday Morning. (Cash, check, or credit card.)

Many fun events coming to Florence this February

MS groups, who will return the musical favor, then the whole thing will end with all the choirs combining in a big, fun finale! The public is welcome, and admission is free!

Coastal Career Fair

April 25 from 10:00a-2:00p

Meet employers, find a job, and explore opportunities at the Coastal Career Fair!


April 20 & 21 from 10:00a-5:00p

Following the performance, geologist Ian Madin will give a multimedia presentation on the breathtaking locations that inspired the work.

Trusses Accepted: April 20 from 7:00a-9:00a

A short intermission will be followed by An introduction to the lands and history of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians by Jesse Beers.

The Siuslaw Rhododendron Society is having a spring Rhododendron Flower Show at the Florence Events Center on April 20th and 21st. For more information go to: http://www.siuslawars.org

Jesse is a sha’yuushtl’a uhl quuiich hiich (Siuslaw and Lower Umpqua person) and is an enrolled citizen of the Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians and serves as the Tribes’ Cultural Stewardship Manager. Jesse will be joined by fellow tribal culture bearer Patty Whereat Phillips.

Come and see works of art in wood; all kinds of fiber creations; jewelry designs in various media; glass art, pottery, paintings, photography and more. Some of the artists will be demonstrating their painting techniques.

In addition, FRAA will host a juried art show for local artists displaying their works.

Viewing of the show is open to the public – without charge – as soon as judging is completed. (Typically, around 12:00 – 12:30 PM) On Saturday the show will be open to the public until 5:00 PM. On Sunday the show is open from 10:00 AM until 5:00 PM.

Choir Share

April 24 from 9:00a-1:00p

We will have both 2D and 3D artwork with prizes awarded in each, of $300, $200 and $100 and a people’s choice award.

Admission to A Taste of Art and Wine Festival is free. Come find the float and join us for a great weekend.

On Wednesday, April 24th, the Choirs of Creswell School District will be visiting Florence for a “Singing Exchange” with the Choirs of Siuslaw. It’s happening on the FEC Main Stage, and runs from 10 am till noon. Mr. Erik Telfer’s Creslane ES & Creswell MS groups will sing for Mrs. Sarles’ and Mr. Morganti’s Siuslaw ES and Siuslaw

Join us at the Florence Events Center on April 25th from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Employers from the central Oregon coast have been invited to meet you! Admission and parking are FREE! Don’t miss this chance to network and to explore a wide array of industries.

Contact us at OED_lanerecruiters@employ.or egon.gov or (541) 686-7601 (Opt. 2) with questions and to find out more about the event. Employers, please contact us if you would like to participate! We hope to see you there!

The Siuslaw Chapter Flower Shows are a judged show. We strongly encourage all chapter members and the community at large to participate by bringing many entries. Our aim is to educate and introduce to the show viewers the many selections available in the Rhododendron world. We believe the larger the presentation the greater the learning.

Entries and any ribbons may be retrieved no sooner than 4:30 PM Sunday. Only the person who delivers the entry will be allowed to remove it without previous arrangements. All entries remaining at 5:00 PM will be removed by the show breakdown committee.

For wine glasses and tasting tickets, and for more information on the Glass Float Hunt and Chowder trail participation cards, go to the Florence Chamber’s event site, wineandchowdertrail.com.

FRAA A Taste of Art & Wine Festival 2/17/24 – 2/18/24

We are joining the Florence Chamber’s 13th Annual Wine & Chowder Trail. It will be making a stop again this year at the Florence Events Center, Saturday, February 17th from 10am – 5pm and Sunday,

For update on all the events happening, check the Florence Events website, www.eventcenter.org .

For more information on A Taste of Art and Wine Festival, contact Lila Timmons, at 503-544-8800.

A Rhododendron Flower Show is a great place to find what flowers would look great in your garden! The Siuslaw Chapter also has an outdoor plant sale during both shows. Many selections of Rhododendrons and Azaleas are available for a reasonable

4 • Arts & EntErtAinmEnt • FLORENCE CENTER STAGE • DECEMBER 2023
see EVENTS Page 5

Siuslaw PlayShop: Let's Paddle & Go Hiking

April 27 from 9:00a-3:30p

Siuslaw PlayShop is NOT your ordinary workshop. It’s for those who love to PLAY outdoors and explore waterways and trails on the Central Oregon Coast. Join us on Saturday, April 27, to experience our unique area, participate in paddle and/or hiking sessions, and connect with others who

share your enthusiasm for the outdoors.

Siuslaw Vision and Florence Oregon Area Kayakers present this fun and educational event will prepare you to get outside this spring, summer, and fall. Learn where to hike and paddle, hear the history and stories of our beautiful land, and get tips on how to stay healthy and safe out on the trail or waterway. This is a family-friendly event.

Programming for beginning to advanced adventurers such as: safety, where to paddle and hike, what access passes are needed, what gear is needed, volunteering, how to create your own hiking or paddling group, and children’s activities.

First 300 PlayShop participants to check-in will receive a

complimentary lunch

For more information, check out the official event website at siuslawplayshop.com

FRAA Rhody Days Art Festival

May 18 from 10:00a-5:00p & May 19 from 11:00a-4:00p

Join Florence Regional Arts Alliance (FRAA) for their Annual Rhody Days Arts Festival at the Florence Events Center (FEC).

The event starts Saturday, May 18 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and continues Sunday, May 19 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Presented by FRAA, visitors will experience and delight in the unique artistry and fine

craftmanship by local/coastal artisans. You can find the latest design in Wood art; Scrollsaw wood art; Fractural wood-burned items; Glasswork in jewelry, plates, coaster, etc.; Paintings in oil, and watercolor; Quilting for your table and walls; Gourd art; Pottery; Wearable fiber art and shawls; Jewelry designs in wire-work, beads, fused glass, leather and more. The show’s artists will be donating 10% of their sales to support the Florence Regional Arts Alliance, located at 120 Maple St. So, bring a friend, shop for some unique treasures, and support the arts. Admission is free. The Florence Events Center is located at 715 Quince St. For more information, visit: www.fraaoregon.com.


C.R.O.W Spring Dance Showcase

May 24 & 25 at 7:00p

Dancers of all ages will take the stage on May 24th and 25th at 7 pm, as C.R.O.W. presents their Spring Dance Showcase. The event is open to the public, and C.R.O.W. encourages local audiences to come and support the wonderful performers.

“We are excited to be returning for yet another beautiful Dance Showcase at the Florence Events Center featuring so many talented performers of all ages and dance genres,” says Melanie Heard, C.R.O.W.’s Artistic Director, and director of C.R.O.W.’s Flight Dance Team. “This year’s program is packed with talent, and it warms my heart to see how much

grown and flourished over the past several years, thanks to our wonderful teachers, choreographers, students, and guest artists.” Heard’s artistic background stems from the genre of class-ical ballet, and she studied with the Joffrey Trainee Program, Kirov’s Universal Ballet School, Ballet West and Houston Ballet in her youth. She is committed to bringing that same level of dance professionalism to the local area, and is excited about the future of Dance in the com-munity of Florence. Heard looks forward to debuting several of her own original choreography pieces, including a Modern/ Contemp-orary fusion piece based upon the Constellations and a beautiful contemporary trio entitled "The Nicest Thing." C.R.O.W. Dance teacher,

Cara Richter will also debut an energetic Michael Jackson mashup, which is certain to remind you why MJ was the "King of Pop".

The 2024 Spring Dance Showcase will feature class performances by C.R.O.W.’s Ballet, Contemporary, Belly Dance, Tap, and Hip-Hop classes, choreographed by Angela Palmer, Elyse Stewart, and Cara Richter. In addition, local solo/duo/small group danc-ers and special guests will dazzle audiences. The Tutu Dads will pir-ouette back to the stage, with another cheeky yet somehow dazzling crowdpleaser. Last but not least, the Tip Top Tappers and Teen Tappers, will “keep the beat with their tappin’ feet.” "Plus, there will most definitely be some humor and surprises," says Heard.

Adult tickets are $16, Military/ Seniors are $14 (with ID at box office only) and youth (12 and under) are $12. All proceeds from the show support the C.R.O.W. Dance education program, including costumes and scholarships for youth to attend future dance classes and workshops.

For tickets to the Spring Dance Showcase, please visit the FEC Box Office, or call (541) 997-1994. Tickets can be purchased online at eventcenter.org, and additional information is available at www.crowkids.com

Oregon Coast Military Museum Presents

"The Legacy Ball"

July 6 from 5:00p-9:00p

The Oregon Coast Military Museum is hosting its first service inspired ball. Military balls represent a cherished tradition deeply rooted in our nation's heritage, offering a moment for branches to unite, revel, dance, and partake in camaraderie among comrades in arms. The upcoming museum ball will pay homage to this timeless ritual, inviting the public to share in its splendor. It promises an evening of museum entertainment intertwined with heartfelt tributes to our veterans and active-duty personnel. Whether you stand in solidarity with our armed forces, serve proudly, or hail from a military lineage, your presence is warmly embraced.

Entertainment: Music will be played by The Gypsy Highway Band.

Silent auctions and raffles. There will be a banquet style dinner catered by the Florence Events Center.

The Florence Events Center will also be providing a no-host bar with themed drinks.

Sponsorship funds are due by June 1st 2024. Donations for the silent auction are due by June 1st, 2024.

April 12 - 21 Florence Events Center fridays & Saturdays at 7 pm Sundays at 2 pm Adults: $20 / Youth (Under 12): $12 Military/Student: $18 (with valid ID at Box Office Window) For Tickets & Info: www.crowkids.com (541) 997-1994 Now Is the Time To Seize The Day!

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