Langdon's 125th Birthday Special Edition

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Official Newspaper of Cavalier County Published since 1889

Single Copy Volume 127

Copyright © Langdon, North Dakota

Monday, July 1, 2013

Number 26

Celebrating Langdon's 125th Birthday Special Edition


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Standing proud on tradition, Energized for the future

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City of Langdon prepares for 125th Celebration July 4-7 The city of Langdon is eagerly anticipating to celebrate their 125th Celebration on July 4, 5, 6, & 7. “We’re hoping that people will come out and enjoy the event and we’re excited that we’re able to offer it to the community. It’s a family event; where the whole family can stick together all weekend,” said co-chair organizer, Judy Lill. “I’m very excited about all the activities we have to offer throughout the weekend. And the best part, to me, our entertainment is all FREE!”, said co-chair, Lori Peterson. Scheduled events will begin on Thursday, July 4 – with an opening ceremony held on Main Street at 10 a.m.; N.D. Room at the Library & Art Exhibit, Langdon Roots: Celebrating 125 years from 10 a.m. to 2. p.m.; 125th Picnic in the Park from 11 a.m to 2 p.m.; Tom Mann & His Sidekicks, Bob Tapson and Don Klein, will perform from 11-11:45 a.m. at the City Park during the picnic; the 125th Wine Social in the city park from 2-4 p.m.; music by Sawtooth Bluegrass Band at the Boyd Block Plaza Stage from 3-5 p.m.; Langdon Senior Center Bingo from 7-10 p.m.; and music by Hard Times starting at 7 p.m. (this will be a reunion of all band members from the beginning of Hard Times), followed by Free Beer. The Souvenir Store will be open starting Monday, July 1 thru July 6 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will be the main hub for information. Organizers are encouraging everyone to register, even if you live in Langdon. Friday, July 5-The Langdon Research Center will run tours of the facility at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; Langdon Area Public School and St. Alphonsus will have open houses from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; N.D. Room at the Library & Art Exhibit, Langdon Roots: Celebrating 125 years from 10 a.m. to 2. p.m.; Langdon Hardware will feature the Chain Saw Guy from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Langdon Eagles Auxiliary Lunch at the Eagles from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.; “Brothers of the Brush” Beard contest at 11 a.m. at the Boyd Block Plaza; Langdon Area Teacher Hall of Fame & History of Langdon Play will be held at the High School at 1 p.m. This will feature the community choir and children's choir also; there will be free kids games from 1-7 p.m. across from Choice Financial Bank; music by Kenny & the Classics at 3 p.m. at the Roxy Theater; Fire-

man’s Supper at the Activity Center from 5-8 p.m.; the gun raffle will be held at 7 p.m. at the Boyd Block Plaza and music performed by the Front Fenders at 9 p.m. at the Boyd Block Plaza. Don’t forget to register for the “Little Miss Langdon Pageant,” taking place on Saturday, July 6. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Faye Crockett at (please include “Pageant” in the subject line), or by telephone at 701-256-2781 (home) or 701-370-1890 (cell). Registration forms can be found on the Langdon 125th Celebration web site. If you’re looking to submit a parade entry, please contact KNDK Radio or visit to fill out your forms online. Satruday, July 6 – A 5K Walk/Run, sponsored by Northern Lights Relay for Life, will begin with registration at 7 a.m.; St. Alphonsus will serve a breakfast at the St. Alphonsus Parish Center from 7-10 a.m.; an Alumni volleyball tournament at 9 a.m. at the Langdon High School Gym, (call Shannon Overby at 701-370-5005 to register); Tractor Cruise, register in Nekoma at 9 a.m. and they will drive from Nekoma to Langdon and hook up with the parade and showcase the tractors after the parade in the Show & Shine across from St. Alphonsus School; 125th Parade at 10 a.m.; Langdon Hardware will feature the Chain Saw Guy from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Show & Shine Car Show following the parade; The Langdon Line Dance will be held in Main Street at 12 p.m. to the Alan Jackson song "Good Time"; the United Lutheran Church Rhubarb Fest will be at the Eagles Club from 12-2 p.m.; N.D. Room at the Library & Art Exhibit, Langdon Roots: Celebrating 125 years from 12-5. p.m.; the Little Miss Langdon Pageant will be held at the Activity Center at 1 p.m.; there will be free kids games from 1-7 p.m. across from Choice Financial Bank; Ice cream social at the Presbyterian Church from 2-4 p.m.; music by the Matt Hodek Band will perform at 3 p.m. at the Eagles Club; the Demolition Derby at 3 p.m.; a Gun Auction will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the Boyd Block Plaza; the night wraps up with music by Fat Daddys at 7 p.m., followed by Bob & the Beach Combers. Firewoks will start at dusk. Citizens that are curious about the gun that is being auctioned off will need to swing by the Langdon Hard-

ware Store for a view of it during the day of the event. Raffle tickets are available at the Souvenir Store. “We just ask that people abide the rules in order to make it fun and safe for everybody, and that they cooperate with our staff and help. If you’re uncertain about something, please come and ask us,” Lill stated. Sunday, July 7 – There will be a breakfast at Maple Manor from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. to bring the four day event to an end. If you have a room to rent (to help with lodging) for Langdon’s 125th Celebration, please contact the Langdon City Hall at 701-256-2155. The committee is in search of a few volunteers who wouldn’t mind shuttling folks around town during the celebration. Please contact Judy Lill or Lori Peterson if interested. Anyone interested in taking line dancing classes for the line dance to be performed after the parade on Saturday, can do so by going out to the Langdon Research Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30-6 p.m. The line dance will be to “Good Time” by Alan Jackson, sure to be a fun time for all involved. “We just hope a lot of people come out and have a really good time. We have put a lot of work and effort into this and a lot of the volunteer help has put a lot of their own time in preparing for the celebration,” Lill mentioned. “We have a lot of fun things planned and we hope everyone enjoys themselves and stays safe. We have done so much of planning and so many of people have given their time to make this celebration fun for all. So, get out and wish Langdon Happy 125th Birthday on July 4-July7!” said Peterson. If you have any questions about Langdon’s 125th Celebration, please contact Judy at 701-256-3318 (until 1 p.m.) or 701-256-3106 (weekends) and Lori Peterson at 701-256-5311. Keep listening to KNDK AM 1080 and Maverick 105 FM radio stations, or check out the Langdon’s 125th celebration web page at for updated information pertaining to the celebration. Plan to attend Langdon’s 125th Celebration, July 4-7.

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