NCC 3-7-13

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Volume 18, No. 5 Including E-Edition

March 7, 2013 • $1

Volunteers help clean up

Like us on Facebook Keeping the Nehalem Bay estuary clean and healthy northcoastcitizen for all to enjoy takes a lot of

volunteer help

Carl Peters upon turning 90 says he’s a “lucky guy.”

By Dave Fisher The Citizen

SPRING FORWARD ONE HOUR! Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 10


Over 80 volunteers gathered at Waterfront Park in Wheeler Saturday morning for the 8th Biennial Estuary Cleanup and, while it was gray, overcast and foggy, the rain held off until later in the afternoon just as the 2013 effort was coming to a close. “All in all, it was a fairly boring year,” said Erich Miller, executive director of the Lower Nehalem Community Trust (LNCT), and that’s a good thing. The LNCT collaborates with the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council (LNWC) and Cart’m, aided by Nehalem Bay State Park and North Coast Land Conservancy, in orchestrating the estuary cleanup that happens every other year. Everything, according to Miller, came off flawlessly and the general trend of finding less debris in the Nehalem Bay estuary continues. “There’s been a downward trend in recent years. This year more polystyrene was recovered along with a few more tires, but otherwise in terms of rigid plastic, metals and glass bottles it was down,” Miller noted. “There’s always a lot of shotgun shells recovered and that was the case again. That’s always seems to be a popular item.” One of the reasons for the lighter amounts is there hasn’t been a serious flood Samantha Ferber was among the 80+ volunteers who pitched in on Saturday, Mar. 2, to help with the biennial Nehalem Bay estuary cleanup. For the most part, the weather cooperated See ESTUARY, page 10 until the very end, when the rain began to fall. Photo by Dave Fisher

Look who’s turning 90 Manzanita’s ‘Candy Man,’ Carl Peters, reflects on his milestone By Dave Fisher The Citizen

Former Manzanita Citizen of the Year Carl Peters turns 90 on March 18, and while that name may not ring a bell to some, mention the fact that he is the guy who works at Manzanita Grocery and Deli and gives candy to those he waits on and suddenly everyone and their uncle knows who you’re speaking of. The picture that comes to mind is that of a soft-

See PETERS, page 6

$15 million county road bond to be on May ballot By Joe Wrabek For the Citizen

LOCAL REALTOR LAUNCHES RE/MAX OFFICE RE/MAX Coastal Advantage takes root in Cannon Beach Page 3

Index Classifieds...........................8 Events calendar...................9 NBFR District Log................4 Public Safety Log.................4 News Briefs.........................7 Letters to the Editor............4


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The Tillamook County Board of Commissioners has unanimously approved placing a $15 million general obligation bond for road repair and improvements on the May 2013 election ballot. The bond issue was recommended by the Sustainable Roads committee, chaired by former TBCC president Jon Carnahan. aThe decision came at the county commissioners recent meeting in Manzanita – one of their quarterly evening meetings held throughout the county . The committee had recommended arranging for two bond issues, five years apart (in 2013 and 2018), which would allow roughly $1.5 million of the money to be spent every year. The

measure on the ballot would authorize both the bonds at the same time. Having two separate bond issues will save money on interest, Carnahan told commissioners. The bond measure would raise property taxes by 39 cents per $1,000 of assessed value in the first year, Commissioner Bill Baertlein said. (That means the owner of a property with an assessed value of $150,000 would pay $58.50. If it were $200,000, the bill would be $78.) The rate would likely decline in subsequent years, Baertlein said, if assessed values in the county rose, because what’s being levied is a fixed dollar amount rather than a fixed rate. The only other money measure on the May ballot is likely to be Tillamook

Deterioration on Necarney City Road near Manzanita. County Public Works Director Liane Welch has a strategic See ROAD BOND, page 6 plan but no resources.

LCDC wave energy decision being appealed The controversial amendment of the state’s Territorial Sea Plan by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) is being appealed. Nehalem mayor Shirley Kalkhoven made the announcement at the Tillamook Board of County Commissioners’ Feb. 20 meeting at Manzanita City Hall. Shirley Kalkhovena LCDC included an area offshore of the Nestucca River as a wave energy development site, number two on a list of four; ignoring (opponents charged) extensive public testimony and the recommendations of two advisory committees. “The LCDC decision did not set well,” Kalkhoven told commissioners. David Yamamoto of Pacific City and Charles Ciecko

Actress Liz Cole and historian Mark Beach are back for a second go-around. Photo by Dave Fisher

A wave energy buoy is deployed offshore of Newport in fall of 2012. Courtesy photo of Neskowin are filing the appeal, Kalkhoven said. Newport attorney David Allen “is doing the work pro bono (for free),” she said. The appeal – to the

Oregon Court of Appeals – will be based on procedural grounds, Kalkhoven told commissioners. The appeal will likely be filed in March.

‘Lost Pioneer’ back by popular demand By Dave Fisher The Citizen

If you missed it the first time around last fall, the play, Lost Pioneer, is back for two performances, one in Manzanita

See LOST PIONEER, page 6

Join us in celebrating St. Patrick’s Day!

“the little apple” 503-368-5362

Now through St. Patrick’s Day, treat yourself and your family to a traditional Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage with potatoes from our in-store deli. Available for both lunch and dinner. Don’t miss out on this seasonal special in honor of St. Paddy’s Day! Located in the heart of downtown Manzanita on Laneda Ave. – open 7 days a week!


2 n March 7, 2013 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

‘Pool-a-thoners’ log 33 miles this year “It was a fantastic turnout” for this year’s Pool-a-thon, said NCRD swim instructor Sue Gray. A total of 62 swimmers swam 2,383 lengths, equaling 33 miles, at the annual fundraiser held at the North County Recreation District pool on Feb. 23.

“The enthusiasm and excitement spread throughout the natatorium was evident in the faces of the participants and their outstanding accomplishment,” Gray noted. “A big thanks to swimmers and supportive families for your perseverance during Pool-a-thon.

You are the backbone of the fundraiser.” The amount raised is still being tallied and results will be revealed as soon as all monies are collected. In the meantime, participants enjoyed a party held last Saturday, March 2, to celebrate their accomplishment.

Every August, a huge gaming event occurs in Seattle, Washington – the Penny Arcade Expo, better known as PAX. This culmination of gaming brings together game developers, hardware manufacturers, and more than 80,000 attendees from all over the world for three exhilarating days. Courtesy photo

Video games the root of all evil? In the wake of Sandy Hook and other tragedies, an avid ‘gamer’ takes exception to the notion By Branson Laszlo For the Citizen

Everyone was all smiles, including these three participants, following the NCRD Pool-a-thon held Feb. 23. Courtesy photo

Neah-Kah-Nie High finishes on top at Salmon Bowl The NKN A Team now heads to Milwaukee, Wisconsin to compete at national level

Neah-Kah-Nie NOSB teams, from left to right: Noah Elinsky, Branson Laszlo, Andrew Baker, Willa Childress, Dana Moore, Nathan Imholt, Coach Beth Gienger, Austin Buckmeier, Jonathan Woodward, Chris Mills, Eric Clifford, and Coach Peter Walczak. Photo by Jennifer Childress to win the championship. Laszlo summed it up this way. “In one moment, all of the late nights, dedication and determination paid off. We had done what we’d set out to do. I couldn’t be prouder of both Neah-KahNie teams.” The A Team will now travel to Milwaukee, Wisconsin April 18-21 to compete at the national level against NOSB teams from 25 regional competitions around the United States. The NKN B Team, undefeated in the morning rounds, went into the afternoon with a higher ranking than the A Team. B Team Captain, senior Austin Buckmeier, did a great job of leading senior Andrew Baker, juniors Noah Elinsky and Dana Moore and sophomore Jonathan Woodward throughout the day, said Gienger. They were eliminated by the team from Westview High in the quarter finals after a day of big wins and hard fought rounds against teams from McMinnville (A, B and C) Benson B, Astoria B, and Seaside. “Both A and B teams came to the Salmon Bowl with the intent to win. Both teams had worked very hard to reach the level they did and I couldn’t be more proud of a group of people,” said Buckmeier, noting that his team provided great sup-

port for the remainder of the day to the NKN-A team. As part of the experience, the teams were able to tour the newly remodeled fish library on the Oregon State University campus where they saw preserved anglerfish, snipe eels, gulper eels and a variety of other fish, including a boxfish collected by Coach Walczak in 1971. They met with three research scientists and learned about current research by Department of Fisheries and Wildlife professors and students. In visiting with Walczak’s son, Paul, an employee of the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, he was able to show students a variety of bottom sampling devices used in both ocean and freshwater research. In the end, this proved to be invaluable information as it provided the knowledge for winning the tiebreaker round and advancing to the national tournament. The afternoon ended at the LaSalle Stewart Center where students heard OSU alumni and astronaut Don Petit speak about life, research and free time on the International Space Station. Petit kept a full house engaged well beyond his hour commitment and university staff made him wrap it up as he needed to attend his induction into the OSU College of Engineering Hall of Fame.

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Coaches Beth Gienger and Peter Walczak had reason to smile. Their two Neah-Kah-Nie NOSB teams traveled to Corvallis the last weekend of February to compete in the 16th Annual Salmon Bowl regional competition for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl with the A Team taking first place. The competition, sponsored by Oregon State University’s College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, focuses on all aspects of ocean sciences and this year there was an additional focus on the Great Lakes and freshwater science. Both the Neah-KahNie A and B teams played in a round robin morning session competing against teams from Oregon and one team from Boise, Idaho. The coaches were very proud of both teams as both performed well over the course of the competition and were excellent representatives of Neah-Kah-Nie High School and Tillamook County. “This is really a win for both teams, one team could not learn nearly as much or perform as well on the buzzers without the other team pushing them,” said Gienger. “I really wish we could all travel to Wisconsin and continue on together, this is a great group of students.” “It was a great team effort by both teams,” Walczak added. “All the hard work really paid off.” The A Team, consisting of seniors Branson Laszlo, Chris Mills, Willa Childress and Eric Clifford and junior Nathan Imholt won in a nail biting final round against last year’s champions, the Treasure Valley Math and Science Center from Boise, Idaho. After a narrow loss to TVMSC in the morning, the two teams met again in the final round. The teams were tied at the half and at the end of the round. Salmon Bowl coordinators had to pull out the national rulebook to determine the format for the five-question tiebreaker. After four questions, both teams were tied once again, with the final question set to determine the championship or face another tiebreaker. NKN Captain Branson Laszlo was quick on the buzzer and delivered the correct answer “box corer”

645 Manzanita Ave., PO Box 632, Manzanita, OR 97130 503-368-Chic (2442) •

The year is 1960. The scene opens on the dimly lit interior of an airplane from the perspective of one passenger, Jack. Cigarette in left hand and leather wallet in right, Jack brushes his thumb across a sepia photograph, presumably of his family. “They told me, ‘Son, you’re special. You were born to do great things.’” He sets the wallet down and picks up a wrapped gift from his seat-back table. “You know what? They were right.” Jack’s view of the plane is jolted as the craft appears to lurch. The scene cuts to black. Terrified screams are heard as the sound of a rapidly falling propeller plane becomes louder and louder before the inevitable crash of metal against the Atlantic Ocean. The word “Bioshock” fades onto the screen. It has become a modernday trend to talk negatively about video games. From media outlets crediting games for inspiring sadistic murderers to people calling video games drivel and a waste of time, gaming finds itself in an unfortunate position. Just like the slow maturation of the last “new” medium, motion

Branson Laszlo pictures, many people hold onto negative feelings and opinions towards gaming not based on experience, but based on what they’ve heard elsewhere. Personally, I find this repeated bashing on video games stale. With any violent event that might occur in this country, from a fistfight to a school shooting, it never fails that someone jumps up and blames violent video games for corrupting America’s youth and turning the next generation into a swarm of murderous, bloodthirsty psychopaths. I’m going to be completely honest here. I’ve been playing video games since I was a child. Shockingly, I’ve never had the urge to destroy everyone that surrounds me. In fact, throughout my nearly 18 years of life, I’ve never gotten into a fight or really broken any serious rules at all. Pretty lame, huh? You see, although it’s a morose thought, people have been violent for centuries.

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It wasn’t the invention of video games that caused people to start attacking each other – heck, it didn’t take the invention of the firearm; there have always been those individuals that would take another person’s life since mankind began. So, at this point, an important question needs to be asked: If video games aren’t created to turn society into eternal conflict and violence, what are they? It’s a fair question; what are video games? Why are they so popular? How can someone sit down for hours playing something like Halo or the Legend of Zelda? I ask you to consider these words unfiltered by any preconceived notions you may have about gaming; allow yourself to read this article with a curious mind, not a critical one, so that my message might not fall on deaf ears.

The world is a swirl of blues and greens. A purse and broken pearl necklace slowly float by you. A large propeller, still spinning rapidly, cuts through the water to the ocean depths. With a great crash, the body of the plane collides with the water above you and quickly sinks. Struggling for air, you swim for the surface, a hazy mixture of blue-green lit up by patches of yellow and orange. You break through the water to an astonishing scene – the blazing wreckage of the airplane you had been on only moments before. Fuel

See VIDEO GAMES, page 5

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Manzanita, Oregon n North Coast Citizen n March 7, 2013 n 3

Longtime local Realtor launch RE/MAX Coastal Advantage in Cannon Beach CANNON BEACH - If you live in Cannon Beach, Arch Cape, Neahkahnie or Manzanita, you have probably noticed real estate ¨for sale¨ signs emblazoned with a familiar name cropping up. … Expect to see a lot more of them. The signs point to the emergence of a new local real estate firm - RE/MAX Coastal Advantage, based in Cannon Beach and independently owned and operated by Alaina and Marty Giguiere (pronounced Ja-Gear). “Even though the company is new, the expertise is not,” said Alaina, who has been a top-selling real estate agent in the region for more than 12 years. She was with Windermere Manzanita for over 10 years, and then joined Kamali Sotheby’s as the managing principal broker. She remained with Kamali Sotheby’s for two years before she and Marty launched RE/MAX Coastal Advantage. “I know that if you work hard, no matter what the market, you can be successful,” she said. ¨If ever there was a time to do to start our own real estate company, now is it. The market is improving. While there is still a larger-than-normal inventory of homes on the north Oregon coast, properties are selling due to great interest rates and stabilizing prices. Buyer confidence is coming back.¨ When they decided to open their own real estate business, the Giguieres were impressed with RE/MAX for a variety of reasons, including its agent support, brand recognition, the fact that the company is 40 years old and still privately owned, and by its true worldwide presence. ¨RE/MAX has offices in 89 countries,¨ she said. “It’s about selling locally and thinking globally for us. Real estate has evolved, and

buyers and sellers deserve more than the same old thing.” The Giguieres’ business motto is ¨Real Estate Standards for Those With Higher Expectations.” They officially opened RE/MAX Coastal Advantage at their downtown Cannon Beach office in February and are planning a grand opening, with an exact date to be announced. Alaina’s primary sales territory continues to be Cannon Beach, Arch Cape, Neahkahnie, and Manzanita, a stretch of coastline she knows well. ¨People come to Cannon Beach because it is a known destination, but they don’t always know about the communities to the south,¨ she said, adding that sometimes a client’s dream home is just down the highway. ¨While they are here, I take into account their needs and price-point - that way I can locate the perfect coastal property for them. Ensuring her clients are well-informed is one of Alaina´s professional cornerstones. ¨I want to make sure to educate my clients about the market, so they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families. I do that by taking them on my ´Alaina-SoldFor-Tour.´¨ That tour involves driving a potential property buyer through the community of his or her interest and pointing out the sales prices of various homes, said Alaina. ¨I think it’s important for a buyer to know how much a property sold for, how many times it has sold, and whether it sold last month or five years ago,¨ she said. ¨So when I call them later and tell them their dream house is available, they know I have their best interests at heart. This has really served me well. My goal is to be their coastal Realtor for life.¨

Marty, who, after five years of urging, finally talked Alaina into starting their own real estate business, tends to work behind the scenes, keeping Alaina´s path to sales free of obstacles. ¨I do what I need to so that she doesn’t lose her focus,¨ he said, noting that he is also a licensed broker, so he can fill in where needed. “I’ve been an entrepreneur since I got out of high school,” said Marty. “I started my own auto detailing business when I was just 18. My dad was big on ‘you’ve got to get a job with benefits,’ but once I realized I was making a good living working for myself, I never looked back.” When he met Alaina, Marty talked her out of her lucrative bartending job at the Hard Rock Cafe Las Vegas and into selling advertising in a cigar magazine, thereby launching her sales career. ¨He is, without a doubt, my right-hand guy,” said Alaina. ¨Without his love and support, I couldn’t do what I do and be successful.¨ As a licensed, bonded general contractor, Marty also brings construction industry expertise to RE/MAX Coastal Advantage. That´s a major asset, said Alaina. ¨It has been immensely helpful to me. He will be able to answer building, remodeling, and home improvement questions for clients.” The Giguieres live in Cannon Beach, which has been their home for 15 years, with son Chance, who, with his straight-A average, is on the Broadway Middle School Honor Roll. Coastal Advantage is located between Pizza a fetta and Bella Espresso at 231 N. Hemlock Street, Suite 113, Cannon Beach, OR 97110. You can reach the office at (503) 436-1777. Learn more at

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Alaina and Marty Giguiere in their new RE/MAX Coastal Advantage office in Cannon Beach. (Courtesy photo)

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4 n March 7, 2013 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

Commentary Nice cars from yesterday!

Letters to the Editor Dragon boat team expresses gratitude Hal’s in Nehalem has the best quality merchandise for the lowest prices I can imagine – “dollarish” bargains, nice gifts, grocery store type food, sweatshirts, tennis shoes, toys, tarps, and weekender-type hardware. One can also rent a kayak during season. My almost-fiveyear-old granddaughter knows Hal’s only as “The Treasure Box Store” and I must agree – now, more than ever, inasmuch as Hal’s owner, Sue Jelineo, is our Tide Runners of Nehalem Bay dragon boat team’s extremely generous, very first sponsor. In addition, Mrs. Jelineo has donated the use of her wonderful dock. We are thrilled and each and every member of our team offers our deepest, sincere thanks for helping us get off to a terrific start. Look for an April arrival of the impressive 40-foot boat directly behind Hal’s on the beautiful Nehalem River. Martha Atteridge Manzanita

Don’t miss ‘Lost Pioneer’ I’d like to add my comments to the positive response concerning the play, “Lost Pioneer.” Mark Beach has educated me with wonderful, extensive research illustrating the colorful history of our community. This fiction play with Megan Cole is educational, plus absolutely entertaining, in an intimate setting such as Pine Grove. We are truly blessed to have such talent and skill amongst us. If our locals haven’t seen this treasure yet, I highly recommend it! Rick Bernard Manzanita

A ‘heartfelt’ thank you from the North Oregon Coast Symphony As a member of the board of directors for the North Oregon Coast Symphony, I would like to convey the board’s deep appreciation to all the people who have

made the North Oregon Coast Symphony a much appreciated success. To the many volunteers, musicians, venue hosts, ticket takers, newspaper and radio media, Rockaway Community Church, Tillamook Methodist Church, and all the named and unnamed who have helped us for the last eight years perform before very appreciative audiences and helped to keep classical music alive on the north Oregon coast, we salute you with heartfelt thanks. We hope your ongoing support through your attendance and contributions will allow us to continue for many, many more years. Cliff Gunderman Board member

‘I hope to see you soon’ To all my wonderfully lovely, frequent and infrequent clients, and friends: Owning Serendipity Salon has been an exceptional life experience for me. I am forever grateful for all of you who made it your destination for your inner and outer beauty needs. I started this business journey a few short years ago and it continues to grow and expand beyond my wildest imagination. I have and will continue to give 100 percent in being the best I can be and strive to deliver quality hair and nail care. I couldn’t have done it without all of your open hearts, minds and shining support. Serendipity Salon’s last day open in Nehalem was March 2. I will continue to serve you even better in a beautiful established salon in Seaside. Nikki Luxuria is located at 734 Broadway. You can still reach me by calling (503) 368-5455(Jill) until further notice. Abby Stephens will be doing her nail and waxing services at Wheeler Beauty Salon, (503) 368-5161. I am forever blessed by this caring and charming community and am deeply touched. I hope to see you soon in Seaside! Again, thank you. Jill Burch Manzanita

NBFR District Log Feb. 12 – Mar. 2 Feb. 12 – Mar. 2 – Responded to a total of 23 medical calls. Feb. 18 – Rendered public assistance on Hugo St., Nehalem. Feb. 22 – Responded to fire alarm on

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Rowe St., Wheeler. Feb. 22 – Responded to fire alarm on Rowe St., Wheeler. Feb. 26 – Investigated burn complaint on Underhill Lane, Nehalem. Mar. 2 – Conducted search at Oswald West State Park.

Try our E-Edition

north coast Serving North Tillamook County since 1996 The North Coast Citizen (15503909) is published biweekly by Country Media, Inc. 1908 Second Street, P.O. Box 444, Tillamook, OR 97141

A friend sent me an email break through when they came item that was all about and out with radial tubeless tires. In showed some of the beautianswer to the limited mileful cars that were made in our age, many people coped with country during the 1950s and retreads. There were lots of tire earlier. stores who primarily sold good Cars were a pretty big part quality retread tires. Some had of my home life. My dad was machines that would cut deepa car salesman most er treads and some of his working days were given little slits and we heard every that gave the tires detail of every sale better traction on wet he ever made each pavement. They still night at the dinner do some retreads and table. My mother I think the trucking used to mutter that industry does some she really didn’t on its big tires. With care where she went discounts that are when she died, but happening all during just hoped there the year, new tires would not be any are probably the best cars there. You can The Old bet today. imagine how she Most cars had Geezer to have a valve job felt during the 50s when I followed in when they got to Walt his footsteps and 30,000 miles. Not Trandum sold cars for a living. too much longer Somehow I got loose and they had to in 1960 and that replace the rings and made her happy. bearings. Brake pads had to I feel a lot of the nostalbe changed after about 25,000 gia for those old days and miles. those 50’s and earlier cars but With a few exceptions, some of it is tempered when automobiles were made of I remember a few facts about metal and that made them those cars and how they were heavier than most of what is on made and what it took to the road today. The old practice operate them. While they were of pounding out the dent and beautiful, the industry had a smoothing it with a file and long ways to go for keeping sandpaper is pretty rare these them on the road. days. Tires, no matter how much Much of what you see you paid, were good for 10,000 on some of those elaborate to 15,000 miles. It was a major restored vehicles in the engine

compartment are after market items that improved the power and, with lots of chrome, they are pretty flashy. There was a constant need to replace starters and generators along with distributors because they had a limited life span. Not too many of us still around that recall cars even older than those in the 1950s. A lot us relied on junkyards where you could go and find a car like the one you had and hope to find parts to keep us on the road. I remember replacing the entire rear end of a 1948 Ford. After all the struggling and spending some hard earned money, the new one turned out to be in the same broken condition as the one I had before. I am pretty sure I just looked until I found one that worked. Fords had mechanical brakes until 1937. They had to be adjusted regularly and when they failed you would find yourself using the emergency brake. I read an article the other day where they were questioning why the parking brake was once called the emergency brake. I think I just explained it. Some of the manufacturers made regular improvements that enhanced its vehicles. The first car with a solid top was Plymouth in 1937. Some of the older General Motors cars had “knee action” front ends and when they were a bit worn out the car would shimmy

every time you hit a rut. I can remember when the first automatic transmissions came on the scene. Some worked better than others and those of us with our “stick shift” cars were sure that they would never last. I guess I am like a lot of people my age who can remember when everyone knew instantly the year make and model of every car you saw. These days there are so many models and so many manufacturers that we don’t even try to do that any more. I did get a compliment recently when a man told me that my five-yearold car looked like it was brand new. A can of turtle wax and some elbow grease goes a long way in preserving whatever you are driving. These days cars with over 100,000 miles are still on the road and tires last a great deal longer than they did back in the old days. One of the strange realities is that many of the foreign cars we see on the road were manufactured right here in the USA and many of our US brands have a great many parts that came from over seas. I am guessing that us old people are getting in on the beginning of an already burgeoning global economy and we won’t be around to remind you of how it used to be. This is a good time for you to start getting your facts together so you can tell your story when you reach your 80s.

Rev up your machine to lose fat If you want to lose some of that and DIT, Diet Induced Thermogenesis, belly fat then you are going to want to is how calories are burned due to heat start revving up your machine. A higher through the digestion of food. metabolic rate means you are burning Those three things NEAT, EAT and more calories. The one thing we all DIT are the key, the variables, and the have is Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR), tools that determine whether we are fat which represents the calories expended or not. We are responsible and given the to maintain the functioning of ability to control 40 percent the body – to keep the heart of our caloric expenditures. In pumping, the lungs moving other words, if you eat 2000 air and the organs operating. calories a day and your BMR For the average person BMR is about 1200, then you have accounts for about 60 percent 800 to go in order not to gain of the calories burned. BMR weight, not to mention to lose varies from person to person weight. How are you going to and increases with the amount do it? The good news it’s reof muscle you have, the kind of ally not that hard, it just takes food you eat and just how you a bit of knowledge, desire and live your life. BMR does have follow-through. some genetic influences but NEAT is almost what we keep in mind the genetic factor do subconsciously and how is only part of the story and not we go through our day – walk a justification for being over across the room, lift a basket fat. The rest is up to you. of laundry, wiggle our toes Janice In my mind, it is crucial or push the vacuum or sit in Gaines to understand and embrace front of a TV or computer for your metabolism knowledge hours. These are activities and how effective it can be that burn calories at a considto change your body to be erably low rate, but if done a leaner, efficient more energetic and over long periods of time, will account healthy machine. I could not emphasize for a substantial number of calories enough that it is imperative for you to burned. think about your body as a 24-hour, EAT - Did you know just anticipatseven-day-a-week engine. Your metabo- ing (mentally and physically) exercise lism is constantly working. How well it increases your metabolic rate up to 40 works is completely up to you. percent? Did you know muscle is more There are three ways this happens: active and energy-demanding than fat, NEAT, Non Exercise Associated Therso if you have a higher percentage of mogenesis (non-structured exercise), is muscle compared to fat, you will have the energy we use when we are doing a higher BMR? That is, more energy is everyday activities. EAT, Exercise Asneeded to maintain these tissues. Did sociated Thermogenes, is the producyou know we also lose muscle mass as tion of heat due to structured exercise we age, which is why it is harder to keep

Ask Janice

the weight off when we get older? Our body’s energy needs slowly decrease as we lose muscle mass, so we cannot eat the same amount as we used to without gaining weight. Did you also know that is your choice and not just a factor of aging? Bottom line is physical exercise not only influences body weight by burning calories; it also helps raise your BMR by building extra lean tissue. So you burn more calories even when sleeping. DIT- Energy is required to digest food and, after you eat, your metabolism increases due to the thermic effect of food (TEF). TEF is simply how many calories it takes your body to digest a given food. For the purpose of this article we will look at the three macronutrients. Protein’s TEF is as high as 30 percent. So, just digesting it burns off 30 percent of the calories of the protein you eat. Fat and carbs only have a TEF of around 5-10 percent. In a typical diet, eating more protein can increase metabolism by as much as 10-15 percent, or 100-150 calories per day in a 2000-calorie diet. Your metabolism really slows down if you don’t eat or your skip meals or eat too little. The logical conclusion is eat more frequently, combine your food properly with a strong focus on protein and be sure to eat enough but not too much. Your body’s composition is the result of this. Here is your formula for a leaner, healthier and vital life. CALORIES TAKEN IN FROM FOOD = CALORIES EXPENDED FROM BASAL METABOLISM + CALORIES EXPENDED BY ACTIVITY + CALORIES EXPENDED DIGESTING FOOD (THERMIC EFFECT)

Manzanita Public Safety Log Feb. 17 – Mar. 2 Feb. 17 - Issued a citation for expired plates in Wheeler. Feb. 17 - Responded to a report of fireworks in Manzanita. Feb. 17 - Assisted TCSO with a disturbance near Nehalem. Feb. 18 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (44/25 mph) in Wheeler. Feb. 18 - Assisted TCSO and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a suspicious circumstance in Nehalem. Feb. 19 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (45/25 mph) in Wheeler. Feb. 19 - Assisted TCSO with a possible burglary in Neahkahnie. Feb. 19 - Assisted Tillamook Ambulance and

Editor/General Manager Dave Fisher Director of Sales Don Patterson Advertising Sales Althea Morrow Circulation Lora Ressler Production Manager Susan Pengelly Graphic Designers Stephania Baumgart, Rita Reed Contributing Writers Gail Balden, Dan Haag, Janice Gaines, Walt Trandum, Dana Zia

OBITUARIES The North Coast Citizen has several options for submitting obituaries. • Basic Obituary: Includes the person’s name, age, town of residency, and information about any funeral services. No cost. • Custom Obituary: You choose the length and wording of the announcement. The cost is $75 for the first 200 words, $50 for each additional 200 words. Includes a small photo at no additional cost. • Premium Obituary: Often used by families who wish to include multiple photos with a longer announcement, or who wish to run a thank-you. Cost varies based on the length of the announcement. All obituary announcements are placed on the North Coast Citizen website at no cost.

Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a medical call in Manzanita. Feb. 19 - Responded to a report of an ordinance violation on Manzanita Beach. Feb. 20 - Issued a citation for driving while suspended in Manzanita. Feb. 21 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (41/25 mph) in Wheeler. Feb. 21 - Issued a citation for driving while suspended in Wheeler. Feb. 21 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Wheeler. Feb. 23 - Issued a citation for pass/ no passing zone in Manzanita. Feb. 23 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (46/30 mph) in Nehalem. Feb. 23 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (50/30 mph) in Nehalem.

Feb. 23 - Issued two citations for violation of posted speed (41/25 mph) in Wheeler. Feb. 24 - Issued a citation for expired plates in Nehalem. Feb. 24 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Nehalem. Feb. 24 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Manzanita. Feb. 24 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (47/30 mph) in Nehalem. Feb. 24 - Issued a citation for driving outside license restrictions in Nehalem. Feb. 24 - Assisted Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a medical call in Manzanita. Feb. 25 - Issued a citation for fail to carry proof of insurance in Wheeler. Feb. 25 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (45/30 mph) in Nehalem.


$38.99 in county, $54.99 out of county. Periodicals postage paid at Tillamook, OR.

Feb. 26 - Assisted TCSO with a hit and run in Nehalem. Feb. 26 - Investigated a report of a missing person in Manzanita. Feb. 27 - Assisted Tillamook Ambulance and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a medical call in Manzanita. Mar. 2 - Issued a citation for violation of posted speed (46/30 mph) in Nehalem. Mar. 2 - Assisted TCSO and Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue with a search and rescue on Neahkahnie Mountain in OWSP. MVA - Motor Vehicle Accident; TCSO - Tillamook County Sheriff’s Office; RBPD - Rockaway Beach Police Department; OWSP - Oswald West State Park; NBSP - Nehalem Bay State Park

POSTMASTER Send address changes to P.O. Box 444, Tillamook, OR 97141 Member Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association (ONPA) © 2013 by the North Coast Citizen. All rights reserved.

LETTER POLICY The Citizen welcomes letters that express readers’ opinions on current topics. Letters may be submitted by email only, no longer than 300 words, and must be signed and include the writer’s full name, address (including city) and telephone number for verification of the writer’s identity. We will print the writer’s name and town of residence only. Letters without the requisite identifying information will not be published. Letters are published in the order received and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling, punctuation or clarity. We do not publish group emails, open letters, form letters, third-party letters, letters attacking private individuals or businesses, or letters containing advertising. The date of publication will depend on space. Deadline for letters is noon Monday.

Manzanita, Oregon n North Coast Citizen n March 7, 2013 n 5

n Video

down the street. During PAX 2012, I had the opportunity to attend with a media badge. This allowed me to visit the show floor one hour early as well as secure interviews with many exhibitors during the three days of the expo. One day, I had a short interview with Dave Domm, co-founder and CEO of young independent (not owned by any publisher, generally low-budget) game studio, Dark Vale Games. Talking to him, I not only learned about Dark Vale’s first foray into developing a highquality, market-ready indie game, Forge, but also acquired insight into what it takes to be an independent game designer in the modern game industry. If my time at PAX has shown me anything, it’s the amount of passion both gamers and developers have for games. Developers want nothing more than to provide engaging, unique experiences for players all over the world. You see, at the end of the day, video games aren’t just about playing. They aren’t just about telling a story or inspiring competitiveness and cooperativeness – even though many of those traits are found in a variety of games. No, video games are something more; they’re about creating an experience. Whether they’re exciting battles, poignant moments, or adventures through the land of Hyrule, games have a way of engaging people physically and emotionally in a way that many movies cannot. For this reason, gaming has become very popular. Those who embrace gaming appreciate it for what it is: an experience, while those who don’t accept gaming consider it a threat and a scapegoat. As a longtime gamer, I know that viewpoint is silly; games are made for entertainment. They make us smile, laugh, and jump for joy. Sometimes, they make us think. We are inspired to consider the circumstances of society’s existence, the serious implications of our actions, or how far we might go to save someone’s life. Bioshock, Heavy Rain, and Metal Gear Solid ask all of these questions while remaining fully interactive experiences: not just games, but video games. For me, gaming will con-

Games From page 2

burns atop water, causing fire to nearly surround you. There is a small opening at the far side of the blaze. Completely in control now, you swim past the remains of luggage and airplane debris in order to escape a watery, fiery grave. As you move away from the flames, your view is filled with a tall, rectangular stone tower. Approaching the structure, you step onto the small, wrapping staircase that leads to a massively tall entrance door made of bronze. Stepping through the opening, you become engulfed in darkness as the door shuts behind you. The room becomes illuminated as large lights begin to flick on. Somewhere in the chamber, a phonograph starts playing a violin arrangement of “Beyond the Sea.” Your view is dominated by a huge bronze bust of a man with a serious expression. Below him, a wide red tapestry hangs, adorned with the words “No Gods or Kings. Only Man.” Walking down the stairs, below the entrance, you are greeted by a curious sight: a man-made bathysphere, a spherical device the size of a small room, used to travel underwater. Walking into the bathysphere, you push a lever sitting in the center of the large device. You turn around as the thick, glass door seals and the sphere begins to descend into the water. As the vessel falls deeper and deeper, a projector screen slides up in front of your view. A narration plays as a picture of a man in a chair is projected onto the screen. “I am Andrew Ryan, and I am here to ask you a question.” The picture cuts to an illustration of a farmer wiping his forehead. “Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?” The picture cuts to an illustration of a man running from a giant bald eagle, backdropped by the Capitol building. “No,” says the man in Washington, “it belongs to the poor.” Next is a man shielding himself from a giant, demanding hand from the sky, backdropped by St. Peter’s Basilica. “No,” says the man in the Vatican, “it belongs to God.” Lastly, there is a picture of a man running from a giant hammer and sickle; a Soviet-era building lies in the background. “No,” says the man in Moscow, “it belongs to everyone.” Back to the picture of Andrew Ryan. “I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose

‘Welcome to Rapture,’ the onscreen image of a city at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, from the video game Bioshock. Courtesy photo the impossible. I chose. . . Rapture.” As the projection screen rolls back down, you are greeted by the site of Rapture, a city built at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Bioshock has always been a go-to example when I talk about great video games. This game has it all – outstanding game-play, a unique, imaginative premise, arranged music that reflects the mysterious, one-thriving city of Rapture, and a story that never ceases to surprise and provoke thought. Bioshock had me considering the implications of my choices and actions long after the credits rolled. For me, video games have been an educational tool, an exciting form of entertainment, a creative source of imagination and inspiration, and more. Video games, a culmination of writing, artistic design, music composition, and cutting edge technology, have never been about encouraging violent behavior or living in a basement; video games are a form of expression. They allow people to have experiences not possible in the physical world. In fact, when I was young, text-heavy games like Pokemon were even educational tools in disguise. If I couldn’t read well, I couldn’t understand what I was doing, so, I learned. On another level, video games have created a very unique social outlet. This may seem puzzling if you associate all of gaming with the stereotypical pale-white World of Warcraft addict. Hope-

PAX attendees at the Seattle gathering await a panel regarding the latest in video gaming. Courtesy photo fully, I can replace that image with something a little more realistic. One recent example of social gaming has been the explosion of accessible online multiplayer pioneered by Microsoft’s Xbox Live service. Today, anyone with a modern game console and a decent Internet connection can jump online and play with and against people from all over the world. Players can connect and team up friends, using headsets to communicate with one another. Online gaming has created a “virtual couch,” allowing people to connect and play with one another regardless of distances between them. Another example of gaming becoming a social affair happened last Labor Day weekend, a huge annual gaming event that takes place in Seattle, Washington – the Penny Arcade Expo, better known as PAX. This culmination of gaming brings together

game developers, hardware manufacturers, and more than 80,000 attendees from all over the world for three exhilarating days. Attending PAX for the past three years, I have had many opportunities to play unreleased games, attend panels that provide insight into different aspects of gaming and game design, and meet and befriend many attendees and even some of my own idols in the gaming industry, such as Internet video superstars, Mega64. One of the most astounding things about PAX is how nice everyone at the event is. All weekend long, everyone at PAX is there to celebrate one thing – video games and the modern culture that surrounds them. It doesn’t take much to start a conversation with someone, whether you’re both waiting in line to attend a panel, or you’re just walking

tinue to influence my life for years to come. Just like many people appreciate good movies, books, and music, I appreciate well-made video games. Gaming has provided me with entire worlds to explore, new ways to think, and a unique way to connect with others. So, if gaming has never been your thing, I hope that I’ve provided you with a fresh perspective, one that shines light on the honest nature of gamers and gaming. If video games have piqued your interest, remember: it’s never too late to try something new. Lastly, if you’re a longtime gamer and chose to read this article as a friend and supporter, I have just one thing to tell you: my gamertag is Brazlo and I’ll see you online. Branson Laszlo, NeahKah-Nie High School student, wrote this article as part of his senior project. Last winter, Laszlo was featured in the paper for his video, “Don’t Throw Trash in the Bay,” part of an international video contest. An involved student and avid runner, when he isn’t playing trumpet or studying for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl, he’s running along Highway 101 or 53 in the Nehalem-Wheeler area. Laszlo hopes to attend school at Stanford or an Ivy League college next fall and dreams of one day becoming a filmmaker.


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6 n March 7, 2013 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

uncle, a plumber, before joining the service following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. His duties as a meteorologist in the Army Air Corps landed him a job with the U.S. Weather Bureau. Ultimately, he would make his way westward and retire as a safety officer for the U.S. Army at the Umatilla Depot in 1972. In all, he served 30+ years in the

military and civil service. Having purchased a lot in Manzanita in 1960, Carl moved to the area permanently in 1972 only to begin another career a few years later as a grocery store clerk at Manzanita Grocery and Deli for owner Patty Rinehart. “Patty,” he says, “hired and fired me numerous times.” The two eventually married. Though Patty sold the

sold the store years ago to present-day owners Chung and Judy Lee, Carl stayed on and continues to work six hours a week on Friday and Saturday mornings. “When I sold the store, Carl went with it,” said Patty. The tradition he established of giving away candy to patrons started shortly after he began work at the store in the 70s. He got the idea from another businessman further up the coast and liked what he saw. “My goal is to have everyone who leaves here to have a smile on their face,” he told the Citizen in an interview shortly after he was named Manzanita Citizen of the Year, a distinction also bestowed on Patty and the Lees.

services asking for personal anecdotes about how county roads impact their day-today lives – firefighters, the hospital, law enforcement, school districts, the post office, the Wave bus service, and individuals and companies that use the roads on a daily basis. “Our intent is to do a better job,” Carnahan said. At the same meeting, commissioners unanimously approved a resolution “declaring intent to seek additional funds” for repair and maintenance of county roads. The resolution asks the Economic Development Council (EDC) to bring county commissioners a recommendation in June for something “that would fairly tax tourists and visitors

to Tillamook County and would provide approximately $500,000 per year.” That half-million dollars would be the “visitor’s share” of the county road sustainability program, the resolution said. “Everybody agreed we have a responsibility (for the roads),” Carnahan said, “but we aren’t the only ones who use the roads. Everyone feels we should look for another resource,” he said. “We initially looked at a transient occupancy tax,” Carnahan said. Most of the cities have one, “but there’s a large unincorporated area of Tillamook County where people stay.” A seasonal sales tax or a food and beverage tax have also been discussed, he said. Sustainable Roads was asking that

the Economic Development Council “vet” all the proposals, Carnahan said. “There are as many ideas as people we talked to,” he said. The intent is to generate approximately half a million dollars a year that could be dedicated to roads. “I think everyone’s aware that timber revenues in all Oregon counties have disappeared,” Carnahan told commissioners. Thanks to the loss of Federal timber monies, which were dedicated to roads, Tillamook County’s road department budget – and number of employees – have declined by more than 50 percent, he noted. “You are seeing counties begin to fail,” he said. “We could be in that position in 5 to 10 years.”

Birthday celebration for Carl Peters

From page 1 spoken and generous soul beloved by the local community and to make sure no one is left out, Carl’s birthday party will be held on a Saturday two days before his actual birthday at Pine Grove Community House. The March 16 event, says his wife Patty Rinehart with a laugh, will also mark the beginning of the Nehalem Bay Nineties Club, with Carl as its founding member. Born in the small town of St. Albans, Vermont in 1923, Carl grew up and graduated high school in nearby Enosburg Falls. Early on he worked for his

n Road

Bond From page 1

School District’s $1 million request that would pay for a list of security and safety improvements at District schools. The public information campaign between now and May will be important, Carnahan said. “We have not done a good job of telling the story,” Carnahan told commissioners. “It’s not enough to say ‘you should vote yes,’” he said. The Sustainable Roads Committee is contacting people and organizations that provide

n Lost

Pioneer From page 1 at Pine Grove Community House on Mar. 7, and the other on the following Sunday, Mar. 17, in Tillamook at TAPA. The play is the result of a collaborative effort between Neahkahnie residents Mark Beach and Liz Cole, based on research by historian Beach of three Tillamook County pioneer women, with the acclaimed actress, Cole, in the lead role. Neither Beach nor Cole had written a play before the debut of Lost Pioneer last fall and that was problematic. In enlisting the help of awardwinning Portland playwright Ellen West, Beach’s idea of a play depicting pioneer life in Tillamook County began to take shape. It also got a shot in the arm financially receiving a grant of nearly $2,000 from the Tillamook County Cultural Coalition in partnership with the Nehalem Valley Historical Society, Tillamook County Pioneer Museum and Tillamook County Historical Society. “We were surprised at the interest level, particularly in Manzanita,” said Beach of Lost Pioneer. “As soon as we started selling tickets it became clear we needed to schedule another performance in Manzanita at Pine Grove. Even after that, people asked us, ‘When are you going to do it again?’ And, now is that time.” The two performances at Pine Grove last year sold out, as did another in Tillamook. A fourth performance was staged in Pacific City, but perhaps the most memorable happened at Neah-Kah-Nie High School in the library before a freshman class.

Saturday, Mar. 16, Noon to 3 p.m. Pine Grove Community House – Manzanita

“It was on a Friday, and it happened to be Homecoming Day. The kids were full of Pirate pride, decked out in school colors and had their faces painted,” said Beach. “They were a great audience.” Following the production, Beach and Cole received upwards of 25 letters from grateful students. “I was skeptical about hearing a lady talk to herself for an hour but you (Cole) made it really amazing. You made it so I could fill in the blank parts with my imagination,” said one student. “I enjoyed how you could scream with such poise,” said another. And then this telling observation: “I’m 14 years old, so when the early marriage topic came up it was hard for me to imagine having a hubby in two years. I can barely keep my room clean so taking care of a whole house and soon a family would be utter chaos. Not to mention weird.” Beach was aided in his research by relatives of the three pioneer women and the fact that they kept a good record of their life experiences. Frannie, the main character, is a compilation of the three women, featuring bits and pieces of each with the imaginations of Beach and Cole filling in the gaps to give the play life. The play takes place on Christmas Eve 1941, three weeks after Pearl Harbor was attacked. Frannie, 66, is on her way to Portland to spend Christmas with her children, but suffers a bump on the head when she drives her vehicle off the road and becomes lodged between a

couple of trees not far from her home. In her delirium that follows, reality is blurred as she meets up with the ghosts of those who have preceded her. In the process, audience members become better acquainted with the pioneer woman, her husbands and children. As for how the play ends, you’ll have to buy a ticket to find out. Is there a sequel to Lost Pioneer? Maybe. Beach has a couple of ideas in mind; spin offs of other characters in the original play. “It took us over two years to produce Lost Pioneer and I suspect if we decide to do a sequel, and I think we will, the timeline is probably another two years.” In the meantime, Beach and Cole are appreciative of the audience support and the fact that the interest level has afforded them the opportunity to present Lost Pioneer two more times in March. “It has been a very rewarding experience and we’re grateful to the Nehalem Valley Historical Society and Tillamook County Historical Society for all of their support,” Beach said. The Manzanita performance on Sunday, Mar. 10, begins at 3 p.m., at Pine Grove Community House. The Tillamook performance takes place a week later, on Mar. 17, and also starts at 3 p.m., at TAPA at 12th and Ivy. Ticket sales for each performance ($10 per ticket) are expected to be brisk, and sell outs are expected. Call today and reserve your tickets for the event. Manzanita tickets may be reserved by calling the Nehalem Valley Histori-

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cal Society at (503) 368-7460 and leaving a message. For the Tillamook event, call the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum, (503) 842-4553. Performances will include a question and answer session following the play with historical researcher Mark Beach and the play’s star, Liz Cole.

Carl doesn’t know exactly how much candy, typically taffy, he has given away over the years, but at his peak it was something like a pound a day, five days a week. As he approaches the big day, Carl is expecting his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to visit Manzanita. His closest daughter lives in Portland and owns a gallery, while another daughter is a state worker living in New Jersey. His only son is an attorney in Las Vegas. Sadly, a third daughter died this past fall succumbing to cancer. All things considered, however, Carl is proud of his children and the fact they are doing “quite well

Saturday, March 16, at 7 p.m. Manzanita Writers Series Author: Patrick deWitt, “The Sisters Brothers” Open mic follows. Admission: $7. Sunday, March 17, at 3 p.m. St. Paddy’s Day Concert Fund-Raiser for Neahkahnie Class of 2013 S.A.F.E. Food, fun and live music Enjoy local fare and (mostly) Celtic music by Coaster. (Jane Dunkin, Ken Hardy, Clint Smith, Joe Wrabek) Admission: $12 per person. Under 12 or over 65: $8 Monday, March 18, at 6 p.m. Hoffman Center Board Meeting Public always welcome Saturday, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. Manzanita Film Series “The Real Dirt on Farmer John” (2005) A maverick midwestern farmer creates a bastion of free expression and a revolutionary form of agriculture in rural America.

for themselves.” Asked about the secret to his longevity, Peters doesn’t have to think twice. “Have faith in God…that’s what I did.” “Carl’s just a good person, “ says Patty, his wife of five years, “and people are good back to him. He just has a good spirit about him.” “I’m just a lucky guy… I’m lucky to be married to Patty,” says Carl. The couple isn’t sure what to expect March 16, the day of the official community birthday party, but it’s likely to be a full house. Things get underway at noon and last until 3 p.m. and everyone is invited to join in the festivities.

CENTER SPOTLIGHT Corinne Beuchet Manzanita Film Series Manzanita Film Series Volunteer Sets up showings, takes admissions, run concessions.

Running Time: 82 minutes. Admission: $7 Refreshments available. More Clay Open Studios The Clay Studio is now be open the SECOND and FOURTH Saturdays of each month, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. ATTENTION FRIENDS OF THE HOFFMAN CENTER

We are looking for additional board members to provide vision and insight for the future of the Center. Please contact board president David Dillon, at, for information.

Weekly events at the Hoffman Center include Life Drawing, Open Clay Studio, Open Letterpress and Burgess Writing Group. Please visit for more information on these events. To remain a vital community asset, the Hoffman Center relies on funding from people who recognize the value it brings to our community. Send donations to Hoffman Center, PO Box 678, Manzanita, OR 97139.Questions? Call 503-368-3846 or e-mail The Hoffman Center is a non-profit public-benefit charity, qualified under IRS Section 501(c)(3).

594 Laneda Avenue, Manzanita


n Peters

Manzanita, Oregon n North Coast Citizen n March 7, 2013 n 7

Community News Briefs

North County Recreation District’s contractor decommissioned an underground oil tank under the District’s parking lot on Feb. 28

Scholarship application deadline nears

The Women’s Club of Manzanita/ North County is offering scholarships to be awarded to two Neah-Kah-Nie High School graduating senior girls. All the information applicants need is available at the school through advisors. Applications for the scholarship need to be returned by the March 30.

Eugene Schmuck Foundation announces scholarship The Eugene Schmuck Foundation, headquartered in Manzanita, announces that they will be offering the fourth annual Ted Erickson Memorial Scholarship for an alumni student of Neah-Kah-Nie High School. According to Connie Vander Waal, who chairs the scholarship committee, one $1500 scholarship will be available each year to a graduate of Neah-Kah-Nie High School who has previously not been awarded a scholarship from the Eugene Schmuck Foundation. Vander Waal said that the Schmuck board is aware of the increasing costs of higher education and wants to add this alumni scholarship to the four existing ones available to graduating seniors each year. Applicants attending or planning to attend technical, vocational or college programs will be considered. Applications are available at the Manzanita Golf Course clubhouse, Neah-Kah-Nie High Career Center or by emailing a request to The completed application must be received by June 1 and the recipioent will be notified before August 1.

Two NKN School Board members stepping down

The Neah-Kah-Nie School District will have two school board positions in which incumbents will not seek re-election in the upcoming May election. Sue Vincent announced at the February 11 meeting of the school board that she would not run again for her seat. Vincent has served Zone 3 for the past twelve years. Zone 3 has a common boundary with Zone 4 and encompasses the common areas included in the Wheeler, South Rockaway and North Rockaway Precincts, including that area of the Twin Rocks Precinct which is contiguous with the south boundary of the Wheeler Precinct and the north boundary of the North Rockaway Precinct.” Frank Knight, Jr. has also announced that he will not run for his position in May. Knight has served the for the past four years representing Zone 1, which is included in the Pine Grove Precincts. Vincent and Knight were most recently involved in the hiring of new superintendent Paul Erlebach, who acknowledged their many years of service to the students, staff and patrons of Neah-Kah-Nie School District.

Pioneer Museum closes through March 12 for repairs

The Tillamook County Pioneer Museum is closed through March 12 to install new flooring in two of its galleries. The project has been funded by last the Festival of Trees held in December. The carpet in the main gallery will be replaced with hardwood as will the linoleum in the Northwest Gallery. “We have chosen oak as the flooring as it will hold up to the high traffic areas better than either the carpet or the linoleum. The original flooring was probably Douglas fir, but that is too soft a wood for us to use now. Fortunately we get too many visitors,” said Director Gary Albright. The museum will reopen at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12 with a new exhibit “Captain Farley and the Life-Saving Station” in the main gallery and a Bay Ocean art installation in the Northwest Gallery. The museum is also collecting donations to put hardwood flooring in the entryway and gift shop areas in the future. For more information, please contact Ruby at the Pioneer Museum at (503) 842-4553.

Rinehart Clinic patients to have online access to medical records

“Never out of style,” says Anthony Stoppiello, who took the familiar peace sign and spun it into a series of watercolor and mixed media pieces all incorporating the ubiquitous symbol. This group of paintings will be part of the art displayed at the Manzanita branch library during March. Victoria Stoppiello is displaying three of her watercolors from travels in Oregon and Death Valley, none of which have been on public display in the past. “One now belongs to a friend in Netarts and the others are

Now is the time to complete your GED before the year ends

Tillamook Bay Community College urges adults that have not completed all five parts of the current GED test series to complete them prior to January 1, 2014. GED students can take the current GED Test Series, but must complete the series before January 2014. GED Testing Services will introduce a new version of the nationwide GED Test on January 1, 2014. The GED exam undergoes regular updates and the current version will end on December 31, 2013. This means that adults that have been working toward their GED Certificate need to complete the testing this year, or start the process all over with the new version. Tillamook Bay Community College offers General Education Development (GED) preparation and testing at the main campus. GED classes at TBCC allow you to enroll at any time, start where you are, work at your own pace, fit school around the rest of your life with morning and night classes, and get help when you need it. For more information, contact either Carla Madison or Amy Alday-Murray at TBCC at 503-842-8222, ext.1075 or 1070.

Women’s Resource Center adds services in north Tillamook County

The Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center is now providing services to north Tillamook County persons impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. Kimber Lundy, a TCWRC advocate, will be available to offer services at the Rinehart


✔ Propane Tanks

The Rinehart Clinic is now offering its patients secure on-line access to their personal medical records. In partnership with OCHIN, the clinic’s electronic health record system, beginning March 1, Rinehart Clinic patients using MyChart can take charge of their healthcare online, any time of the day or night. “Allowing on-line access for our patients to their medical records encourages our patients active participation in their health and wellbeing,”said clinic CEO Ellen Boggs. “There are many preventive healthcare tips and resources available through MyChart that will empower our patients to improve their health.” To access MyChart for the first time, Rinehart Clinic patients need to verify their

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a full service day spa and shop

TILLAMOOK FAMILY COUNSELING CENTER Local couple featured artists at Manzanita Library

Clinic on Thursday and Friday afternoons from noon to 5 p.m. She can be reached by calling the Rinehart Clinic at (503) 3685182, ext. 108 or 1-800-368-5182. If unable to reach Lundy during clinic hours, please call TCWRC at (503) 842-9486 to access advocacy services.

identification and obtain an activation code from the clinic’s office. After activating their account through the clinic’s website at www., and clicking on the “OCHIN MyChart”link on the home page in the upper right hand corner, patients will have easy communications with The Rinehart Clinic from any computer. The clinic will also have a computer available in the lobby for patients to access MyChart. MyChart provides easy access to view what your provider sees in “My Medical Record,” such as medications, lab results, allergies, immunizations, and provides access to health education information and any discharge instructions from past appointments. Patients can stay in touch with their provider by sending a secure email message. Prescriptions refills may also be requested. MyChart, according to clinic staff, is safe, secure and private. “We are excited to offer this valuable service to our patients and give them another powerful tool to take charge for their healthcare,”said Boggs.

503.368.4777 H35278

North County Recreation District contractor 4C’s Environmental Inc. of Dallas, Oregon officially decommissioned an underground oil tank under the District’s parking lot on Feb. 28. An underground fuel oil tank in that vicinity was shown on the original construction drawings for the swimming pool, dating back to 1930, however investigations showed that the existing tank had different dimensions than that shown on the original drawings. “We’re assuming that the original tank was replaced at some time in the building’s long history,” said NCRD General Manager Peter Nunn. “The original tank was 20 ft. long, and the one being decommissioned today is only eight feet in length, but a larger diameter.” 4C’s Environmental bored down over 15 feet for several soil and groundwater samples, which were tested by a licensed laboratory. The lab found traces of oil contamination of 187 parts per million (ppm) in one of the soil samples, but none in the groundwater. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) requires clean-up actions if contamination levels are above 500 ppm, so no further soil or water samples were required to decommission the tank and certify the site. The old oil had previously been pumped out and recycled, but there was over four feet of oily water in the tank that had to be removed, according to Nunn. This was pumped out by subcontractor Emerald Services Inc. of Seattle, working from their base in Vancouver. The contractor then rinsed the tank clean with 2,300 gallons of water and detergent before filling it with sand slurry. The last step in the decommissioning process is to submit a closure report to DEQ, including the completed sample chains of custody, analytical soil reports, and other documentation. “This removes a major potential liability for the district,” Nunn said. “May the tank rest in peace.”

If you are interested in knowing if you reside in the appropriate Zone that would allow you to file for one of these vacancies, you may contact the Tillamook County Clerk’s office at (503)842-3402 or contact Kathie Sellars at the school district office at (503) 355-3506 or by email at kathies@ for a detailed map of Zone boundaries. The deadline for filing for the May election is March 21, 2013.

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NCRD lays old oil tank to rest

favorites I’ve never wanted to sell,” she said. As an architect licensed in Oregon and Washington, Anthony took up watercolor painting as a form of relaxation and to break away from the precision required by the pencil to produce construction documents. He has been painting since 1989 and was a member of Sea Level Gallery, the artists’ cooperative in Manzanita, and included in exhibits at the Oregon State Fair, the North County Recreation District in Nehalem, the Campiche Gallery in Long Beach, Washington, and many Long Beach Peninsula Art Association shows. Victoria also took up watercolor in 1989 as a beginning student with Allison Asbjornsen of Netarts, and studied with John Stahl, Eric Weigardt and Linda Rothchild Ollis through classes organized by Tillamook Bay Community College. “It was a way to get away from the left-brain thinking required by my administrative work at TBCC’s Nehalem Bay Center (now NCRD).” Her artistic focus shifted from painting to writing in 1996 as a result of journaling while traveling for six months on the eastern seaboard. She continues to write editorial page commentaries for the Chinook Observer newspaper in Long Beach. Barbara Temple-Ayres coordinates monthly art displays at the library.

The Rinehart Clinic 100 Years Celebration Presents

Silver Tea & Vintage Fashion Show

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Celebrating fashions

though the decades, outfits from over 100 years ago & special presentation by Liz Cole.

or more information, see our website at or call 503-368-5182 ext. 176.


Dave and Gayle Stephens of Nehalem joyfully announce the arrival of their first grandchild!


Landon entered the world fashionably late (11 days) on January 21st with the competent and caring help of Dr. Brittany Gerken and the Tillamook Hospital OB staff. He tipped the scales at 8 lbs. 5 oz. and stretched the tape with a height of 23 inches! Extremely proud parents are Nick and Dianna Plotts of Rockaway. Paternal grandparents are Dave and Dawn Plotts of Mill City and Lee and Terri Moore of Salem. Maternal great grandparents are Frank and Phyllis Stephens of Nehalem and Loretta Erickson of Wheeler. Paternal great grandparents are Betty Plotts of Mill City and Barbara Sudar of Longview. Many other numerous relatives are in line to spoil but Auntie Breanna heads the list! Welcome to the family Landon! H50011

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North Coast Citizen • March 7, 2013 • Manzanita, OregonOregon 88n• March 7, 2013 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita,

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A coastal icon is now hiring for department heads and shift supervisors for a fast paced, high volume, oceanfront restaurant in Cannon Beach. Individuals must be positive, energetic, upbeat, and possess great people skills. If this is you, please call (541) 921- 5135 to schedule an interview.

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Manzanita, Oregon n North Coast Citizen n March 7, 2013 n 9

Calendar of Events ‘Lost Pioneer’ back by popular demand

Carla Cole

Demystifying the lichen walk & talk March 9

It’s mysterious, it’s colorful, and it allows two partners to live in conditions where neither would be able to survive on their own. “It” is lichen, and, if you want to know more, join the Lower Nehalem Community Trust on Saturday, Mar. 9, from noon to 2 p.m., when it hosts Carla Cole, certified lichenologist who will demystify this misunderstood natural organism which thrives in our moist coastal climate. This informative walk and talk, led by Cole, will explore the fascinating and resilient world of lichens. Using the Trust’s beautiful Cedar Creek conservation area as the location, participants will explore the native vegetation and rocks that host the lichens and learn about their life cycle, their role as an indicator species and their medicinal uses. The Lichen Walk & Talk will be an outdoor activity, rain or shine. Participants are encouraged to dress for the weather and wear waterproof shoes or boots. Meet at Alder Creek Farm (at the end of Underhill Lane between Nehalem and Manzanita) to carpool to Cedar Creek. The Walk & Talk is free to LNCT members and $5 for the general public. Carla Cole is the Natural Resource Program Manager for Lewis & Clark Historical Area, where her focus is on restoring degraded ecosystems, such as tidal wetland reconnections, coastal prairie recovery, and turning industrial timber plantations back into old growth forests. She is a native Oregonian who has spent her career working in the forests and wild lands of the Pacific Northwest. She became one of the first official “certified lichenologists” under a program developed by the Lichen Guide (now known as Northwest Lichenologists). For more information about this program or to become a member of the Trust, call (503) 368-3203 or email Individual memberships start at just $15 per year and include benefits, such as free or reduced admission to all Trust workshops, events and speakers.

The highly successful play, “Lost Pioneer,” which played before sold out crowds in both Manzanita and Tillamook last year, is back for one last farewell performance. Megan “Liz” Cole and Mark Beach, after seeing the success of their play, researched by Beach and performed by Cole, have agreed to two more performances, one in Manzanita and another in Tillamook. The Manzanita performance will be on Sunday, Mar. 10, starting at 3 p.m. at Pine Grove Community House. The Tillamook performance will take place a week later, on the 17th and also starting at 3 p.m., and will be performed at TAPA at 12th and Ivy. Ticket sales for each performance ($10 per ticket) are expected to be brisk, and sell outs are expected. Call today and reserve your tickets for the event. Manzanita tickets may be reserved by calling the Nehalem Valley Historical Society at (503) 368-7460 and leaving a message. For the Tillamook event, call the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum, (503) 842-4553.

Patrick deWitt on tap for March Writers’ Series

a genre-bending frontier saga that is exciting, funny, and, perhaps unexpectedly, moving.” Following deWitt’s reading and Q&A, Open Mic features up to nine local writers who will read five minutes of their original work. Admission for the evening is $7. The evening reading is a program of the Hoffman Center and will be held at the Hoffman Center, across from Manzanita Library at 594 Laneda Ave. For further information visit online or contact Vera Wildauer at

Local Rotarian featured at Pine Grove potluck March 19

Stewart Martin, who recently returned from a Rotary International mission to Tanzania, will speak at the Pine Grove Community House potluck dinner on March 19. The Rotary group assessed water and sanitation needs for fourteen African villages and determined how to assist them. Nehalem Bay residents are sure to find similarities as they plan for earthquake survival. An accomplished amateur photographer, Martin will also show photos and video clips of wildebeest, hippos, cranes and giraffes from the Serengeti as well as zebra, flamingos and black rhinos from Ngorongoro Crater. All community members and their guests are invited to attend the potluck. Bring your favorite dish for eight as well as your own table setting. The social hour starts at 5:45, with dinner at 6:30, followed by a short program. The Pine Grove Community House is at 225 Laneda Ave. in Manzanita. For more information call (503) 368-6132.

Author Patrick deWitt will read from his latest book, The Sisters Brothers, at the Hoffman Center at 7 p.m. on Saturday, March 16. Patrick deWitt was born on Vancouver Island in 1975 and has lived in California and Washington, currently residing in Oregon. Author of two novels, Ablutions and The Sisters Brothers, he also Ready for the wrote the screenplay for the film Terri, a hit Rumble? at the 2011 Sundance The Emergency Volill w itt W de Film Festival. The Author Patrick unteer Corps of Nehalem , Sisters Brothers has won read from his book ’ Bay will host another rs numerous awards and readiness event Saturday, ‘The Sisters Brothe was shortlisted for the March 30 from 1 to 4 p.m., on March 16. Man Booker Prize. at the Nehalem Bay Fire With The Sisters and Rescue Station in Brothers, deWitt pays Bayside Gardens. homage to the classic Entitled “Ready for Western, transforming the Rumble? Be Prepared it into an unforget– Not Scared!” the pubic table comic tour de gathering is intended force. Filled with a to raise awareness of remarkable cast of the need for emergency characters–losers, preparedness throughout cheaters, and ne’erthe Nehalem Bay area. do-wells from all “Rumble” will focus on stripes of life–and the response needed when a told by a complex giant local earthquake strikes and compelling just off shore, triggering a narrator, it is a devastating tsunami. violent, lustful Activities at the fire station odyssey through the underworld of the will include presentations, 1850s frontier that beautifully captures demonstrations and discussions on topics the humor, melancholy, and grit of the Old such as evacuation planning, damage West and two brothers bound by blood, assessment, sheltering, sanitation, violence, and love. emergency first aid, communication, and As stated in Publishers Weekly, emergency supplies. starred review, “DeWitt has produced


Adults and children are encouraged to attend. More details on Ready for the Rumble will appear in the March 21 edition of the North Coast Citizen.

Silver Services Yoga at Center for Contemplative Arts

The Center for Contemplative Arts announces the creation of a new weekly yoga opportunity in Manzanita called Silver Services Yoga offered by Manzanita resident, Holly Smith. Silver Services Yoga provides instruction in simple yoga postures with props, breath and energy work, meditation and relaxation. An added plus is the inclusion of poetry and philosophical thought. These practices promote the advancement of higher states and stages of consciousness at an optimal time in life for real change. Silver Services Yoga will be held every Thursday beginning March 14 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. The cost is $40 for five classes. This class will not be available for drop-ins. The Center for Contemplative Arts is located at Underhill Plaza, Manzanita Avenue and Division Streets, behind Howell’s Floor Covering. To register, please contact Holly at (503) 368-4883.

Manzanita Film Series will present “The Real Dirt on Farmer John,” Saturday, Mar. 23

Film Series presents “The Real Dirt” March 23

The Manzanita Film Series will present “The Real Dirt on Farmer John,” Saturday, Mar. 23, at 7:30 p.m., at the Hoffman Center in Manzanita. Directed by Taggart Siegel, the 2005 documentary tells the tale of a maverick mid-western farmer. Castigated as a pariah in his community, Farmer John transforms his farm amidst a failing economy, rumors, and arson. He succeeds in creating a bastion of free expression and a revolutionary form of agriculture in rural America. The film stars John Peterson, Anna Nielsen and John Edwards The running time is 82 minutes, and admission is $7. Refreshments will be available and a discussion follows the film.

Fire Mountain School’s second annual Spring Luau, which will be held at the Nehalem Fire Hall on Saturday, March 9. Courtesy photo

Fire Mountain School hosts spring luaus March 9 & 16

Where on the Oregon Coast can you experience hula dancing and eat from a menu that includes Kalua pork, spicy ahi tuna sushi rolls and pineapple cake with Lilikioi frosting, not to mention possibly winning a door prize for wearing your worst tropical shirt? The answer is, at Fire Mountain School’s second annual Spring Luau, which will be held at the Nehalem Fire Hall on Saturday, March 9 and at the Cannon Beach Chamber on Saturday, March 16, at 5 p.m. each night. The fun-filled event was the brainchild of Malia Jacobsen, a Fire Mountain School parent, dynamic business woman and native of the Hawaiian Islands. Jacobsen and her husband Arnie, thought a luau would be a really fun way to bring the community together while raising money for the small, non-profit school. As a child, she remembers luaus being a frequent event that engaged and entertained the whole community. Local children can sign up to be part of a Hula performance for only $5, which will include a class held at Jacobsen’s house where they will make their own lei’s and learn a hula dance. In addition, the Sons of Aloha-Kanekapila Band, and PSU Hula Group will be performing at the Nehalem Luau. Molly and Sofia Rios - Nogales and the Sons of Aloha-Kanekapila Band will perform at the Cannon Beach Luau. The menu is extensive, and will include appetizers of crab and cream cheese wontons, Yakisoba noodles with vegetables, teriyaki chicken, California rolls, and coconut macadamia nut chocolate pie, along with other offerings. Beverages will include mai-tais and Fort George Brewery Vortex Ale. Tickets range from $10-$20, depending on your age. Children under five are free. You can also make a to-go order for $15. Talk to a Fire Mountain School parent today to buy your ticket, or contact Maila Jacobsen at Kukui House Services, (503) 828-9889.

Silver Tea & Vintage Fashion Show March 23

As part of The Rinehart Clinic’s 100 years celebration of providing healthcare to north Tillamook County, the clinic has been looking back at its history of events, and rediscovered the Silver Tea. “As I was looking through newspapers from the 70s and 80s, I discovered that the clinic and hospital had a very popular ‘Silver Tea’event,”said event Chair Sue Remy. “We have been encouraged by past events, such as the hat fashion show last year, that everyone enjoys a good tea party.” On Saturday, March 23, at the Pine Grove Community House in Manzanita, dozens of vintage outfits dating from the 1890s through the decades will be shown starting at 1 p.m. Generous local residents, vintage clothing stores such as Garbo’s in Seaside and Astoria, and Klassy Kloset are loaning their vintage clothing to be displayed and shown by models. Some of the outfits are being donated and will be auctioned to the highest bidder. A highlight of the Silver Tea will be a reading by talented local actor Liz Cole from A.A. Cooper’s diary (Belle Cooper Rinehart’s mother) of her three-month journey from Missouri to Oregon in 1863. “This is a fascinating story and Liz Cole is sure to bring it to life for the audience,”said Remy. Tea attendees will enjoy sweet and savory treats with, of course, tea or coffee. The event will benefit The Rinehart Clinic’s Breast Health Coalition that has been funded by the Susan G. Komen Foundation for the past six years. “Our Komen funding ends this month, and we need to make every effort to ensure that this valuable program that has helped hundreds of local women get mammograms, and assists breast cancer patients and survivors continues,”said Clinic CEO Ellen Boggs. “Everyone was so generous last year at the Hat event, we hope they will join us again for a delightful fashion show.” Tickets are $10 per person and available at The Rinehart Clinic or Manzanita Lumber, or contact the clinic for more information and to reserve tickets at (503) 368-5182, ext. 176. For more information, visit online. Tickets are already selling quickly, and there is limited seating at Pine Grove so be sure to get tickets as soon as possible.

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10 n March 7, 2013 n North Coast Citizen n Manzanita, Oregon

n Estuary From page 1 event the past couple of years on the Nehalem River, which carries debris downstream and deposits it in the estuary. Chrissy Smith, coordinator for the LNWC participating for the first time, was upbeat. “What was coming in off those boats was great,” she said. She was joined by a handful of other volunteers at the waterfront collection station in Wheeler, including Samantha Ferber, a graduate of Neah-Kah-Nie High School who went on to graduate from Oregon State University and now works for the Haystack Awareness Program in Cannon Beach. Cleaning up is nothing new to Ferber. “I’ve been involved with annual beach cleanups since I was in high school,” she said, though she was dismayed by a five-gallon bucket of spent shotgun shells that were collected. What to do with old tires has always been an issue and this year the Les Schwab Tire Center in Tillamook agreed to recycle the tires, according

Cart’m employee Jonathan Feder spent the better part of his day helping sort debris that the various teams of volunteers brought in to the collection site at Waterfront Park in Wheeler. Photo by Dave Fisher to Cart’m employee Jonathan used. Feder, who helped oversee Also recovered were a the collection and sorting of number of balls, enough to materials. fill a seven-gallon bucket. Aside from the usual Smith walked away with trash and debris, there were a football that still showed no “great” finds this year, signs of life. As for the kind nothing like the time a porof balls that dog owners tion of a port-a-pottie was throw for their dogs to chase recovered, Miller said with a down, Miller surmised that the dogs lost track of them laugh, which is probably just as well. This year, the great and that’s what accounted for find was a Port of Nehalem the bucketful. buoy that was still in pretty Weather-wise the estuary good shape and can be recleanup, staged in late February or early March, is a crapshoot, but there’s a very good reason the effort is held this time of year. The shoreline grasses and native foliage are still dormant and laying low, making it much easier to spot debris, which help volunteers. Wait until later in spring and the cleanup would run the risk of disturbing nesting birds. The idea is to have the least amount of environmental impact, say event organizers. As for the inclement weather often experienced A variety of balls were recovered as part of the Nehalem Bay estuary this time of year, the catch phrase is “dress appropricleanup on March 2, along with spent shotgun shells, glass bottles ately.” and rigid plastic.



Pictured from left are Don Markle and George Belnap, representing the Rockaway Lions Club; and John Foulk and Tim Sutfin of the Garibaldi Lions, along with Brett Duer. Photo by Dave Fisher

Local Lions pitch in to help NKN District school children Garibaldi Grade School teacher Brett Duer shook the hands of Lions Club members from Rockaway Beach and Garibaldi at a school assembly held Feb. 28. The Lions were on hand at the citizenship/academic awards assembly Thursday afternoon, where they received recognition for $1500 in contributions to the NeahKah-Nie School District as part of “Project Kids,” a nationally sanctioned Lions Club program. Money contributed will

be used to help in funding PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports), a school wide system for setting behavior expectations around three basic rules: BE Safe, BE Respectful, BE Responsible. The PBIS progam is in place in all of the Neah-Kah-Nie schools and

is a program that is recognized nationally. Incentives are put in place to acknowledge students who make good choices. The money from the Lions Club will be used to purchase those incentives, such as pencils, nutrition bars, t-shirts, notebooks, books and more.

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