Coming to the Lane County Coast from any direction is a treat as you find a more rural setting hidden next to the Siuslaw River and surrounded by lakes and sand dunes.
Centrally located on the Oregon coast, Florence offers a break from big city life with the kind of small-town hospitality you’d expect in such an amazing location. People are happy here- and it shows. Whether you arrive in a car, and SUV, a motorhome, or on a motorcycle, you’ll find several accommodations that will give you a home base in Florence while you explore everything around it.
Once here, you’ll will find many famous attractions such as Oregon Dunes National Recreation area, Cape Perpetua, Heceta Head lighthouse, Sea Lion Caves, and much, much more. A drive along the Scenic Highway 101 will offer stunning views of the Pacific Coast, endless beaches, and
amazing rock formations that have been worn away by the elements for ages.
The lush, green Siuslaw National Forest offers natural lakes and skirts miles of sand dunes just a stone’s throw from the historic Siuslaw River Bridge — which spans the winding Siuslaw River.
Walk down the riverside boardwalk or meander through Historic Old Town Florence, where you can experience some of the best seafood, retail shopping and lodging as well as the sights and sounds of the city’s harbor, dotted with fishing and sport boats. The Port of Siuslaw has a seasonal outdoor market on its boardwalk, offering organic produce and local vendors, as well as hand-caught tuna, salmon and fresh crab.
Florence has a buzzing business district and its local government leaders show they care by remaining active and engaged.
The Pacific View Business Park, near
the Florence Municipal Airport, and many other business locations on Highway 101 make the city an ideal home for all trades and new opportunities.
Florence also features world-class entertainment at Three Rivers Casino Resort and the Florence Events Center, showcasing out-of-town entertainers and homegrown talent and artistry. In addition, City Lights Cinemas and local restaurants regularly bring live entertainment and special events.
In short, there’s always something going on in this vibrant community.
Florence is full of friendly people, courteous services and a variety of businesses to suit every need.
Whether you’re considering moving here or just passing through, you’ll be welcome in Florence.
Publisher : Joe Warren
Marketing: Jeanna Petersen
Editorial: Tony Reed, Associate Editor
Design by Jashlyn Sablan
Cover Photo: Florence Resident, Andrea Kramer
Florence Business Profile is an annual publication. For more information about Florence Business Profile, please visit us online at www.thesiuslawnews.com. Photos used in this issue are provided by Tony Reed, Jeanna Petersen, various contributors or from Siuslaw News photo files. Stop by or give us a call to advertise in next year's issue!
The Hunt Family Dentistry practice was started in 1952 by omas M. Hunt. Dr. Daren Hunt is proud to continue in the family practice as a 3rd generation dentist in the Florence Community. He is a graduate of the University of Oregon, OHSU School of Dentistry, and has received extensive training in the area of Implant Dentistry. At Hunt Family Dentistry the focus has always been on listening to our patients and resolving their dental needs comfortably and e ciently. Dr. Daren T. Hunt welcomes new patients of all ages. Please call to schedule your appointment beginning as early as 7:30 am. To learn more about Hunt Family Dentistry, please visit our website: huntfamilydentistry.com
U.S. Highway 101, a National Scenic Byway, runs along one of America’s most beautiful and dramatic coastlines before steering you right through the town of Florence. You’ll want to pull over often to look, because the views from the highway are at times, mind-blowing.
Florence is also accessible via Highway 126 from Eugene, and the drive is scenic and peaceful. The slow-flowing river,
foggy mornings and abundant wildlife make it a prime drive for photographers. This route runs from the Willamette Valley and then along the Siuslaw River, which flows through coastal mountains to Florence, the ocean and the magnificent Pacific Coast Scenic Byway.
Consistently ranking as one of the best places in the nation to recreate, visit and retire, Florence offers a high quality of
life and a warm sense of community that compel visitors to return again and again, with many settling into a new home and retirement.
The charming city has direct access to the ocean, dunes, 30 freshwater lakes, beaches, golf courses and hiking trails. Whether you’re a visitor to the area or a resident who chose to make Florence your home, there is always something new to
discover here. A slew of outdoor activities, friendly shops and full-service providers are available in this quaint coastal town.
The Port of Siuslaw and the City of Florence also offer enterprise-zoned investment opportunities that overlook the Siuslaw River estuary and can accommodate a variety of commercial, hotel, restaurant or retail operations.
Historic Old Town sits on the waterfront below the Siuslaw River Bridge where you can explore art galleries, gift and specialty shops and restaurants, and buildings that date to the 19th century. Just a couple blocks near the entrance to Old Town is the Antiques District, and further north is the expanding Uptown 101 commercial district.
Bay Street provides views of the marina and its commercial and sports fishing boats, the bridge, dunes, forested mountains and river wildlife.
Gazebo Park and the Siuslaw River Bridge Interpretive Center also offer breathtaking sights of the area.
If you’re lucky enough to do so, living in Florence affords you the chance to explore the best that the area has to offer. With dozens of lakes, access to the Pacific Ocean and the Siuslaw River right on the edge of the town, it’s the perfect launching point for your next adventure
New to the Florence area? Stop by the Florence Area Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center at 290 Highway 101 to find information about the town and surrounding communities. Nearby, Florence City Hall can help new residents and businesses learn about local services and utilities. If you’re in the mood for history, the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum on Maple Street in Old Town captures the town’s logging and fishing past. Over at 2145 Kingwood Street, the Oregon Coast Military Museum features artifacts, military vehicles and life-size dioramas. Want to read news and views that shape the community? Pick up a copy of the Siuslaw News, a comprehensive weekly newspaper, in print or online at www.thesiuslawnews.com. Yearly visitors should know the Siuslaw News moved from its Old Town location to a more spacious location at 4969 Highway 101, just one parking lot north of Fred Meyer.
For more news, weather, sports and tunes, tune in to Coast Radio KCST/ KCFM at 106.9 and 104.1 FM. Florence also has a nonprofit radio station, KXCR Community Radio, at 90.7 FM.
For more information on becoming a member of the community, visit ci.florence.or.us or www. FlorenceChamber.com.
Florence residents consider themselves lucky to live here, for its variety of family services, recreational opportunities, shopping options, temperate climate, and friendly small town neighbors. Those involved with local service agencies quickly learn who ever yone is and where to go to get things done.
While the housing market is tight everywhere in the 2020s, Florence and the surrounding area have a variety of options and local real estate offices to match people with their dream homes.
Living here allows pet owners to walk their dogs on the beach, or take them down to Singing Pines dog park to play with other canines. Not to mention, Florence has two caring veterinary hospitals to keep Spot healthy for a long time.
In the summer, kids have a variety of options, from local parks, to endless sand dunes, to a challenging skate park in the middle of town. There are also several clubs, activities, sports, and even a local repertory workshop to help them be the best performers in dance, music and theater.
The Department of Motor Vehicles is conveniently located off Highway 101 in the middle of Florence. This makes registering vehicles and registering to vote quick and easy.
There are several local moving and self-storage companies in town to help residents relocate. Many of Florence’s neighborhoods are compact, pedestrian friendly and serve a variety of uses. From mixed use commercial and residential areas to properties near schools, restaurants, medical services, and even the Siuslaw River, options are available. With its low crime rate, quiet atmosphere and unpretentious lifestyle, Florence offers family living anyone can appreciate.
There are also several assisted and independent living residences and centers in the area
Florence is certainly beautiful but residents don’t have to travel far to find even more idyllic towns and scenes.
Just 14 miles east of Florence along Highway 126 is the small, country community of Mapleton. With its own post office, market, fire department, a branch of the Siuslaw Public Library and Mapleton School District, it is a hub for the upriver community of the Siuslaw region.
It’s a great place to raise children within a quiet, tight-knit town that provides the freedom to grow and play. With rural streets, graceful old-growth tree canopies and wide sidewalks, Mapleton hastens to mind a simpler time.
Waterways such as the Siuslaw River and Sweet Creek connect the three unincorporated communities of Deadwood, Swisshome and Mapleton. With so much water, there are more than 100 unnamed waterfalls, and locals and tourists alike enjoy exploring and hiking in the area.
NICKNAME: City of Rhododendrons
DATE INCORPORATED: 1893 POPULATION: (PER CITYDATA) 9,376 in 2022 (up from 8,700)
Exploding Whale in 1970 U.S. Coast Guard City Heceta Head Lighthouse — most photographed lighthouse on the Oregon Coast
Oregon’s Most Beautiful Town — Expedia
Most Beautiful Town in the US - Also Expedia
No. 1 Best Oregon Coast Getaway — OregonLive 2016
One of Oregon’s Coolest Coastal Towns — Portland Business Journal
ANNUAL CULTURAL EVENT: Rhododendron Festival Since 1908
SIUSLAW RIVER BRIDGE: Art Deco draw span bridge designed by famous engineer Conde McCullough KNOWN FOR:
Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area (ODNRA)
The City of Florence understands that a striving business economy is at the heart of making a great living community. One of Florence City Council’s goals is economic development. City staff, committees and the council have established partnerships that create and/or retain jobs in Florence. The city is growing through the investments of the local community, incredible volunteer involvement, and through collaboration with state, county and various nonprofit organizations.
Power is generated regionally from abundant natural resources, keeping electric rates among the lowest in the countr y, and Florence businesses benefit from high quality infrastructure such as fiber-optic internet and 5G cellular. Newly created enterprise zones give qualifying businesses the opportunity to receive tax exemptions, utility development assistance and more. There are many resources available to local business, and the City of Florence is committed to helping them utilize these
potential benefits. City staff members are committed to supporting and assisting both new and existing businesses — not just because it is their job, but because they truly care for the community.
In addition, Florence Public Works, 2675 Kingwood St., and Florence City Hall, 250 Highway 101, have recent upgrades. For more information, visit www.florencebusiness.org and ci.florence.or.us.
250 Highway 101 541-997-3437 | ci.florence.or.us
Erin Reynolds
Rob Ward
Bill Meyer, Sally Wantz, Robert Carp & Jo Beaudreau
82877 Spruce St., Westlake 541-997-3338 | dunescityhall.com
Jamie Mills
Sheldon Meyer
Susan Snow, Rory Hammond, Tom Mallen, Bob Orr & Melissa Stinson
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington, D.C. 202-456-1111 | www.whitehouse.gov
160 State Capitol 900 Court St., Salem 503-378-4582 | oregon.gov/gov
221 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg, Washington, D.C. 541-431-0229 | wyden.senate.gov
313 Hart Senate Office Bldg, Washington, D.C. 541-465-6750 | merkley.senate.gov
VAL HOYLE (4TH DIST.) 2134 Rayburn HOB Washington, D.C. 541-465-6732 hoyle.house.gov
DICK ANDERSON (DIST. 5) 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 503-986-1705
Sen.DickAnderson@ oregonlegislature.gov
900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 503-986-1409
Rep.BoomerWright@ @oregonlegislature.gov
125 E. Eighth St. Eugene, OR 97401 541-682-4203 |Ryan.Ceniga@co.lane.or.us
Oregon is a vote-by-mail state. To register to vote in Oregon, you must be a citizen of the United States, be a resident of Oregon, and 18 years old by Election Day. Learn more at sos.oregon.gov/voting-elections.
Dunes City, Florence’s neighbor to the south, was formally organized in August 1963. It is governed by a mayor and six members of the city council. The council meets the second Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at Dunes City Hall, 82877 Spruce St. in Westlake. All meetings are open to the public.
Dunes City Hall is home to the council chambers, community center and all city offices, including public works, building services and administration. It also serves as the City’s Visitor Center, where you can find brochures on local attractions and a 24-hour outdoor kiosk with maps of the local area and directions to local attractions. For more information, call 541997-3338 or visit www.dunescityhall.com.
Florence is governed by a mayor and four
members of the city council, which meets the first and third Mondays of each month at 5:30 p.m. All meetings are open to the public.
Florence City Hall, 250 Highway 101, houses offices of the city manager, city recorder, community development (planning), building department and finance department. The city provides such services as police protection, road maintenance, water, planning and development.
For more information, call 541-9973437 or visit www.ci.florence.or.us.
Florence Justice Center, 900 Greenwood St., includes the Florence Police Department, city jail, Municipal Court and the Lane County Justice Court, which is responsible for the adjudication of all criminal, misdemeanor, fish and game, marine, parks, traffic and civil complaints
filed in the district.
For more information, call the Police Department, 541-997-3515; Municipal Court, 541-997-3123; or the Justice Court, 541-997-2535.
The Port of Siuslaw district covers 700 square miles of the Siuslaw River watershed and serves western Lane County. Most of its operations are along the river banks in Florence and include a commercial wharf, sport and commercial marinas, boat launch and RV Campground.
Five elected commissioners meet monthly to oversee operational decisions that the port manager carries out.
For more information, stop by the port office at 100 Harbor St., call 541-997-3426 or visit www.portofsiuslaw. com.
• Siuslaw Valley Crematory & Pet Crematory
• Pacific Sunset Cemetery
Owned & Operated by
For over 30 years they truly have been a community friend and conduct business with a caring heart.
TheBurns family own, operate and provide all services at their Kingwood St. location. They serve the families of Western Lane County, Reedsport and South Lincoln County. They have the ability to provide traditional funerals to contemporary memorials at their facility. The Chapel is available for funerals and ‘Celebration of Life’; offering screen/projector for tributes for services on premise. The family also own and operate Siuslaw Valley Crematory located at the Kingwood St. location along with Pacific Sunset Cemetery off Highway 126 overlooking the beautiful Siuslaw River. The cemetery offers urn lots, burial lots and a special section for our veterans. The Burns family have a deep appreciation for their community friends and have served in many capacities in the city of Florence, volunteering many hours of their personal time.
Artists, musicians, painters, sculptors, photographers and creators are naturally drawn to beautiful places for the inspiration they provide, which is why you’ll find so many in Florence.
Its galleries, theaters and event spaces all thrive thanks, in part, to the many creative and talented folks living in the region.
Top-notch entertainment is provided year-round at the Florence Events
Center, Three Rivers Casino Resort & Hotel, City Lights Cinemas and in Florence’s Historic Old Town District.
Businesses provide venues for late-night activities on weeknights as well as weekends for locals and visitors alike.
You can also visit the Oregon Coast Military Museum and the Siuslaw Pioneer Museum to learn more about local culture and long-lasting traditions.
The Florence area maintains a strong commitment to — and focus on — the arts through the City of Florence Public Art Committee.
PAC brings sculptures, murals and more to Historic Old Town, the Urban Renewal District and other locations throughout the city.
Learn more online at www.ci.florence. or.us/bc-pac.
A 21,000-square-foot convention and performing arts center, Florence Events Center, 715 Quince St., provides the best of everything for conferences, business meetings, seminars and retreats.
The center is a premier local theater and musical venue for entertainment groups, as well as the meeting place for many community organizations and fundraisers.
It contains flexible meeting rooms, boardrooms, an 8,000-square-foot exhibit space, 445-seat theater, updated stage lighting and sound, an art gallery and ample off-street parking.
For more info, call 541-997-1994 or visit eventcenter.org.
Choose from more than 700 slot machines, play Keno or Bingo, test your skill in Roulette and Craps, or join in your favorite card game at Three Rivers Casino Resort, 5647 Highway 126, Florence.
Place your bets and enjoy an incredible view of any college or professional game on our 200-square-foot LED wall in our Sportsbook.
Visitors can relax in one of 93 oversized deluxe rooms with large screen TVs and free Wi-Fi, or treat themselves to a delicious meal at the casino’s restaurants. The resort also boasts live music every weekend
and operates Ocean Dunes Golf Links, an 18-hole golf premier course. For more info, visit threeriverscasino.com or call 541-997-7529.
Hollywood blockbusters and art films play simultaneously at Florence’s 4-screen movie theater, 1930 Highway 101, which offers gourmet food, candy and Oregon craft beer and wine. A stage in Chaplin Theater also gives groups the option to reserve the space for events and presentations. For more info, visit citylightscinemas.com.
Prostate Cancer Education/Support on the Oregon Coast www.ustooflorence.org
Now, for some critical reminders...lest we forget... Urologists Bryan Mehlhaff, Thomas Kollmorgen, Brady Walker, Kevin Krughoff and PA Cameron Derbyshire all come to Florence each month;
Men should establish a Baseline PSA at age 40 to compare with later results; Consistent screenings (annual, biannual, etc) are critical to early detection of prostate cancer; Prostate Cancer screenings include a PSA blood test AND a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE); The expertise of a urologist is invaluable in navigating the complexities of prostate health and making informed decisions about screening;
A urologist’s comprehensive assessment will include the following: PSA test, DRE and a risk calculation. Deciding whether to have a biopsy involves careful consideration which will include a meaningful discussion with one’s urologist. Incorporating MRI into the diagnostic process (biopsy) enhances the detection of significant prostate cancer, guiding the focus of biopsy efforts for more accurate results.
When it comes to treatment: Urologists provide the information - The Patient makes the FINAL DECISION.
A man’s risk of prostate cancer IS increased if other family members were diagnosed with prostate cancer.
Contact Bob for more information: (H) 541-997-6626 (C) 541-999-4239 47maribob38@gmail.com
The Port of Siuslaw operates a vibrant recreational and commercial moorage with marinas and a public boat ramp on the Siuslaw River. Sail, motor, row, or paddle your way up to the dock and disembark right into Historic Old Town Florence! The Port also operates a waterfront RV campground on the river at First and Harbor streets. There are 124 RV hookup sites with a variety of amenities and rates. Moorage slips are also available. Call the
RV Campground office for reservations, 541-997-3040, or visit portofsiuslaw.com.
The Port is 4.7 river miles (7 km) from the Pacific Ocean and offers close access to prime fishing and crabbing grounds. Sport fishing of crab, salmon, sturgeon, and other fish is available on the ocean as well as in the Siuslaw River. Within the Port district lie more than 30 lakes which offer paradise for those going fishing and boating. Siltcoos and Woahink lakes are
among the largest and best known lakes on the entire Oregon Coast.
The Port of Siuslaw fosters and promotes economic development, offers commercial and sport boat moorage facilities, boat launch, and a campground. Past and present economic activities include commercial fishing, barging of lumber and quarried products, land development, and tourism.
Times and dates may have changed
To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441
To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441
Live like Jesus, share His Love. 1318 Rhododendron Drive www.anchorofhopeflo.com
Live like Jesus, share His Love. 1318 Rhododendron Drive www.anchorofhopeflo.com
Sunday Service 11am
Sunday Service 11am
Livestream on Facebook @anchorofhopeflo
Livestream on Facebook @anchorofhopeflo
Monthly Interfaith Devotions in-person & Zoom
Monthly Interfaith Devotions in-person & Zoom 4th Monday 7:00 pm
4th Monday 7:00 pm
“Ye are all leaves of one tree ...” -Baha’i Writings Join us on Facebook: Florence Baha’i Community For info and meeting location: 541-590-0779 ALL ARE WELCOME!
“Ye are all leaves of one tree ...” -Baha’i Writings Join us on Facebook: Florence Baha’i Community For info and meeting location: 541-590-0779 ALL ARE WELCOME!
4590 Hwy. 101 N, across from Fred Meyer541 997-7418
4590 Hwy. 101 N, across from Fred Meyer541 997-7418
SUNDAY SERVICES - Adult Bible Study
SUNDAY SERVICES - Adult Bible Study
9:30 AM; Worship 10:45 AM; High School Youth 7- 9 PM
9:30 AM; Worship 10:45 AM; High School Youth 7- 9 PM
MID-WEEK- Women’s Bible Study-Tuesday 10:00-Noon and Thursday
MID-WEEK- Women’s Bible Study-Tuesday 10:00-Noon and Thursday
7:00-8:00PM; Men’s Bible Study Thursday 8:00-9:30 AM; Middle School Youth Wed. 7-9 PM.
7:00-8:00PM; Men’s Bible Study Thursday 8:00-9:30 AM; Middle School Youth Wed. 7-9 PM.
Sunday Worship streams live at Community Baptist Church Facebook Page
FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025
2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025
Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday School for adults is at 9:00 a.m. Online services at www.florenceunitedmethodist.org or find us on Facebook.
Sunday School for adults is at 9:00 a.m. Online services at www.florenceunitedmethodist.org or find us on Facebook.
1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337
FOURSQUARE CHURCH 1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337
Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family.
Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family.
Sunday Service 10:00 am
Sunday Service 10:00 am
Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Website: florence4square.com
Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Website: florence4square.com
“Serving Christ by serving others.” 21st & Spruce Streets—(541) 997-8113
“Serving Christ by serving others.” 21st & Spruce Streets—(541) 997-8113
Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m.
Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m.
Online services available on our FaceBook, YouTube, and website: www.florencenewlifelutheran.org
Online services available on our FaceBook, YouTube, and website: www.florencenewlifelutheran.org
3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136
3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136
Sunday Worship streams live at Community Baptist Church Facebook Page
Internet and in person Sunday Services at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School is at 9:30am. Call the church for details.
Internet and in person Sunday Services at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School is at 9:30am. Call the church for details.
Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533
Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533
Sunday Services 9am
Sunday Services 9am
1st Service in person
1st Service in person
Sunday Services 11am
Sunday Services 11am
2nd Service in person & livestreamed
2nd Service in person & livestreamed Wednesday kids/youth night is at 6:30 NOT livestreamed.
Wednesday kids/youth night is at 6:30 NOT livestreamed. https://www.florencecrossroadag.org/church-online Other platforms update after the service. florencecrossroadag.org office@florencecrossroadag.org
Other platforms update after the service. florencecrossroadag.org office@florencecrossroadag.org
2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Service is on Sunday at 10:00 am
Reverend Greg Wood All Welcome. Come as you are.
Reverend Greg Wood All Welcome. Come as you are.
“War is still not the answer.” FCNL We meet Sunday’s at 11am in our homes. Call 541-515-8191 for locations.
“War is still not the answer.” FCNL We meet Sunday’s at 11am in our homes. Call 541-515-8191 for locations.
Worship Services 10 am • Bible Study 9:00 am Pastor Steve Waterman 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 Facebook.com/ResurrectionLutheranChurchFlorence www.puppro.wixite.com/rlcflorence
2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Service is on Sunday at 10:00 am
Sunday Service also streaming live at 10am at florencechurch.com
Sunday Service also streaming live at 10am at florencechurch.com
87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road
RUAUU? Come explore the answer with us.
87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road RUAUU? Come explore the answer with us.
Sunday Worship Services ~ 10:00am www.florenceuuf.com
Sunday Worship Services ~ 10:00am www.florenceuuf.com
4 lines, approx 15 words, $15 a week • 4 week Minimum • Deadline: Tuesday end of day one week prior
Worship Services 10 am • Bible Study 9:00 am
Pastor Steve Waterman 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 Facebook.com/ResurrectionLutheranChurchFlorence www.puppro.wixite.com/rlcflorence
ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL Church Welcomes You
ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL Church Welcomes You
Worship Sun. 10am Wed 11am 2135 19th St. 541-997-6600 standrewssecretary19@gmail.com Labyrinth & Garden daily 8am-5pm “Be the change.”
Worship Sun. 10am Wed 11am 2135 19th St. 541-997-6600 standrewssecretary19@gmail.com
Labyrinth & Garden daily 8am-5pm “Be the change.”
1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312
1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312
Mass Times: Daily: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 AM Adoration & Confession Fri 9:30-10:30 AM Saturday 5:30 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM Fr. Amir Welcomes All to Attend
Mass Times: Daily: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 AM
Adoration & Confession Fri 9:30-10:30 AM Saturday 5:30 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM Fr. Amir Welcomes All to Attend
Keeping your septic system operating properly is one of the rare tasks you’d prefer to leave a professional. For more than thirty years, we’ve earned the trust of septic owners throughout Lane, Linn, Benton, and Douglas Counties with our service’s high skill and thoroughness. No job is too big or small for our highly skilled team.
WATER: Florence City Hall, 541-997-3436; Heceta Water People’s Utility District, 541-997-2446; South Coast Water District in Dunes City, 541-342-1718
ELECTRIC: Central Lincoln PUD, 877-265-3211
CenturyLink, 866-963-6665; Spectrum Internet, 833-694-9256; OregonFast.net, 541-902-1566; Hyak, 541-902-5101, hyak.co/ TELEVISION:
Dish Network, 800-333-3474; DirecTV, 888-712-3743
GARBAGE: County Transfer and Recycling, 541-997-8233; Lane County Waste Management, 541-997-6243.
EMERGENCY HOUSING: Siuslaw Outreach Services, 541-997-2816; Focus 4 Crisis Line, 541-997-4444; Florence Emergency Cold Weather Shelter, www.facebook.com/FECWS
VETERAN SERVICES: Veteran’s Service Officer, 541-997-8060. Transport
to a VA medical appointment, 541-440-1293.
BUS: Contact 541-997-8629 or visit friendsofflorence.net to schedule transportation to the valley for appointments.
RELOCATION INFORMATION: The Florence Area Chamber of Commerce has packets of information on moving to the area at 290 Highway 101 and florencechamber.com.
Emergencies: 911 | Office: 541-997-3515
900 Greenwood St. | ci.florence.or.us/police
Emergencies: 911| Office: 541-682-4150
125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene lanecounty.org
Emergencies: 911 | Office: 541-997-3212
2625 Highway 101 | www.svfr.org
additional fire districts located upriver
Emergencies: 911 or VHF Marine Radio Channel 16 Office: 541-997-3631 | 4255 Coast Guard Rd. www.facebook.com/USCoastGuardSTASiuslawRiver/
Emergencies: 911 | Office: 541-997-3212
Admin: 2625 Highway 101 | Operations: 410 Ninth St. www.westernlaneambulance.com
Copeland Lumber
Driftwood Shores
Florence Pharmacy
Fred Meyer
One Stop Market Pro Lumber
Randy’s Riverview Market
Sands Stitch at
Dunes Café
River Roasters
Krispy Krunch
Linda’s 37th Street Laundry
Grocery Outlet
Tanglewood Apartments
The Shippin Shack
Pacific Pines R.V. Park
Florence values education, knowledge and enrichment, which is obvious when you look at what it has to offer.
With a regional library, two school districts with active and engaged community support, a community college, museums and numerous workshops in art, writing, clamming, recreation and more, this area is abundant in enrichment opportunities.
Besides the Mapleton and Siuslaw School Districts, additional learning options for younger students include the Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Lane County and Children’s Repertory of Oregon Workshops (CROW), which also offers classes in dance for all ages.
Lane Community College Florence Center offers a vibrant Continuing Education program. A variety of enrichment classes and professional development courses are available in art, language, technology, dance and health and wellness, in addition to an Outward Ventures program, in which students learn and experience cultural opportunities off campus. To learn more or to register for classes, go to lanecc.edu/florence.
The Siuslaw Public Library District serves the communities of Florence, Dunes City, Mapleton, Swisshome, Deadwood and surrounding areas in western Lane County with two full-service branches. DVDs, recorded books, CDs and downloadable audio and e-books are accessible, as well as computers and internet access.
Additionally, such free programs as preschool story times, holiday craft fairs, summer reading programs, book discussions, movie nights and guest speakers on a variety of subjects are available for all ages. Find out more at siuslawlibrary.info.
The Siuslaw Vision, www.rivercal.org, also focuses on education as one of its six goals for the Siuslaw region. Read “The Impact of Education in the Siuslaw Region” at rivercal.org/ educationreport.
Dean Russ Pierson www.lanecc.edu/florence 3149 Oak St. • 541-997-8444
Superintendent Sue Wilson mapleton.k12.or.us
Elementary 10870 E. Mapleton Road • 541-268-4471
Middle and High 10868 E. Mapleton Road • 541-268-4322
Superintendent Andy Grzeskowiak siuslaw.k12.or.us
District Office 2111 Oak St. • 541-997-3448
Elementary 2221 Oak St. • 541-997-2514
Middle School
2525 Oak St. • 541-997-8241
High School
2975 Oak St. • 541-997-3448
Library Director Meg Spencer www.siuslawlibrary.info
Florence 1460 Ninth St. • 541-997-3132
Mapleton 88148 Riverview Ave • 541-268-4033
Whether it be the theater arts or sports and recreation, Florence offers youth activities for all ages and interests. From youth soccer, softball, baseball, football and volleyball, to dance, creative movement class, singing and stage production, there are summer theater camps, area parks and youth-based activities all year and a multitude of entertainment and educational opportunities for youth.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Western Lane County – bgcwlc.org
Boy Scouts Oregon Trail Council – otcbsa.org
CROW (Children’s Repertory of Oregon Workshops) – crowkids.com
Girl Scouts of Oregon and SW Washington – girlscoutsosw.org
Siuslaw Baseball Softball Association – siuslawbaseball@gmail.com
Siuslaw Youth Soccer Association – siuslawsoccer.wordpress.com
through Oregon’s Coastal Playground and make a personalized keepsake for friends
Florence is not the place to live if you like heavy traffic, long lines or crowded parks. It’s a place you go to connect with nature and you’ll find it within walking distance of anything here.
Stretch your toes in the sand at the beach, ride the dunes in the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, explore the Siuslaw National Forest, take a dip in one of the area’s more than 30 lakes, go kayaking on the Siuslaw or other waterways in the Siuslaw Watershed — and hunt, fish, crab and clam in Oregon’s Coastal Playground.
From Heceta Head to Coos Bay, the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area offers a wealth of recreation for everyone, from those who enjoy a quiet hike or horseback ride and the possible sighting of wildlife, to those who enjoy an action-packed adventure on two or four wheels.
A variety of outlets also lead to area beaches and hiking trails.
An iconic Oregon coast tourist destination since 1932, Sea Lion Caves, 11 miles north of Florence, draws upwards of
150,000 visitors annually to view one of the largest sea grottos in the world, home to the only known winter rookery of Steller sea lions.
Take the elevator down 208 feet to view the cave and its colony of sea lions. There also is a whale watching deck just below the gift shop that provides a 20-mile view out into the Pacific, perfect for spotting migrating grey whales.
People come from all over the world to learn about the gray whales that travel along the Oregon coast each year. Whales are visible from Oregon’s shores all year,
including the Spring & Fall Whale Watch Week.
Perched on Heceta Head, 13 miles north of Florence, Heceta Head Lighthouse is a working lighthouse that was built in 1894. The 56-foot-tall landmark stands 205 feet above sea level. Its Fresnel lens beam can be seen up to 24 miles offshore and is the brightest light on the Oregon coast. Near the lighthouse is the old assistant lighthouse keeper’s house, which has been turned into a bed and breakfast. Learn more at www. hecetalighthouse.com.
For those wanting prime health services on the coast, Florence provides excellent care. Besides an abundance of indoor and
outdoor recreation activities, the area offers options for walkin health care, emergency services, fitness centers, dental care, vision specialists, counseling facilities, holistic medicine, hospice and assisted living.
PeaceHealth Siuslaw Region includes Peace Harbor Medical Center, 400 Ninth St., and services in hospice, family medicine, surgery, counseling, rehabilitation, laboratories and specialists.
As a full-service acute care facility, the hospital provides emergency and inpatient medical and surgical services, intensive care and cardiac care ser vices, labor and delivery care, and an array of diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitation services.
PeaceHealth Medical Group comprises family medicine physicians, internal medicine physicians, general surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, same-day care physicians, OB-GYN physicians, family nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and physician’s assistants, as well as the Walk-In Clinic.
For more information, call the hospital at 541-997-8412 or visit www.peacehealth.org/phmg/florence.
Siuslaw Medical Clinic, 1845 Highway 126, is a direct-pay clinic where patient-members have access to their personal physician every business day of the year. For more information, call 541-999-6599 or visit www.siuslawmedical.com
Pick up your bracelet & signature Charm at a Trailhead for $5. Then visit Charm Trail locations around Florence to add Charms for $2 each to complete your bracelet. (Specialty Charms may be more.)
Jim Hoberg is a Florence native and has been working in Real Estate since 1989. He has served as a Realtor for over 30 years. He has obtained several designations that require continuing education and keeps him on the cutting edge of the industry. With every transaction he puts this knowledge and experience to work for his clients.
Jim employs a true team style approach to Real Estate. Each member of the team at West Coast Real Estate is knowledgeable about the Real Estate market in Florence and the surrounding areas. Over the years Jim and his team have helped many people with their Real Estate planning, finding and discovering why Florence is such a great place to live.