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The Chronicle
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Man jumps to death from Lewis and Clark Bridge BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle
RAINIER — Rainier Police have identified the body of man recovered from the Columbia River after the man jumped to his death from the Lewis and Clark Bridge on Friday, Dec. 14. Rainier Police were called to the bridge around 11:30 a.m. when a man driving across the bridge towards Longview, stopped his car on the Oregon side of the bridge, got out of the vehicle then jumped to the river below. The Lewis and Clark Bridge was closed for approximately one hour as officials from both the Rainier and Longview Police departments responded to the scene to investigate the apparent suicide, along with deputies from the Columbia and Cowlitz Sheriff’s offices and Washington State Patrol. Columbia County Marine Patrol recovered the body of the victim, who was later identified as Howard Victor Slape Jr., of Longview, from the river a short distance downstream from the bridge. Deputies were able to recover Slape’s body within about a half hour after he jumped. According to witnesses, Slape, who was estimated to be in his 40s, was alone in his car. MORE ONLINE Read more stories online at thechronicleonline.com
75¢ Vol. 130, No. 50 12 Pages
Skate park redone for Scappoose Council also discusses term limits
Dreamland Skateparks received 456 points and Grindline, Inc. received 491 points, just nine points shy of a perfect score. “As outlined in the RFP, the City has $125,000 to reconstruct the skate park and every company was made aware of our budget,” said City Manager Jon Hanken. “They each submitted their concept of what they could do for the $125,000.” Scoring of the proposal was based on how well the company understood the City’s proposal; staff members’ experience with similar projects; project team’s experience with similar projects; availability; conceptual plan and cost estimate. The skate park will remain at its current location. See COUNCIL, Page A4
BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle
The Scappose City Council voted unanimously in favor of awarding a contract to reconstruct the city’s skate park to Grindline, Inc., during its Dec. 17 regular meeting, as was the staff recommendation. This past October, the City advertised a Request for Proposal to repair the skate park. Four companies submitted proposals, including: Evergreen Skateparks, Dreamland Skateparks, Grindline, Inc. and Spohn Ranch Skateparks. An evaluation committee was formed, consisting of five skate-
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Grindline Inc. was awarded the contract to reconstruct the city’s skate park. Grindline provided an artist’s rending of the proposed park.
board enthusiasts, to review the proposals and score them based on the criteria outlined in the RFP. Of the 500 points possible (five
reviewers at 100 points each), Spohn Ranch Skateparks received a total of 405 points; Evergreen Skateparks received 447 points;
Business owner has success all sewn up
SHARI PHIEL / The Chronicle
Heather Clark, owner of Alterations by Heather in St. Helens, has found success behind a needle and thread.
BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle
ST. HELENS — You can tell just by looking at Heather Clark’s shop that being a seamstress means more than plying a skilled trade, it’s artistry. Every
corner, nook and cranny of Alterations by Heather has a unique element, a touch of whimsy, a taste of elegance. For Clark, it’s those unique touches, and her skill with needle and thread, that brings her customers back time and time again.
From the neatly stacked IKEA organizers at the front counter (“Customers don’t bring their items in a bag, why should they get them back in a bag,” Clark said) to the wide fitting rooms to accommodate bridal gowns, Clark goes the extra step to make sure
her customers are comfortable and happy with her work. That dedication is paying off, too. Alterations by Heather recently moved from its previous location near Texaco on Columbia River
See SEW, Page A4
Sheriff’s deputies recover stolen backhoe
Deputies from the Columbia County Sheriff’s Office, as part of an ongoing investigation of a burglary suspect, have recovered a backhoe stolen from a location on Rocky Point Road in Multnomah County. The recovered equipment, which was stolen in August, has an estimated value of $60,000. “The backhoe came to us through a tip from a concerned citizen who had learned of our ongoing investigation in regard to the Bighorn Logging burglary last week,” said Sheriff Jeff Dickerson. Deputies have charged Darren McLeod, 35, of See BACKHOE, Page A4
Firefighters rescue horse stuck in creek
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After more than a decade of serving the community, the Grace Baptist Church Clothes closet will permanently close its doors on Dec. 19.
Clothes Closet closes its doors ST. HELENS — After more than 11 years of serving the needs of the community, the Grace Baptist Clothes Closet is closing its doors. Located at 124 N. 18th St., in St. Helens, the Clothes Closet is housed in small building that is part of Community Action Team. The Clothes Closet is in what used to be part of Grace Baptist Church, before the church moved to its new location in Warren. After Community Action Team bought the building, the Clothes Closet was given a space to keep operating from. Unfortunately, wear and tear on the building over the years has taken its toll. “It’s not in good shape. It really does need repair and it’s not in their budget and
it’s not in our budget,” said Rosie Amos, who works at the closet. “For saftey’s sake, we need to be out by the end of the year.” The last day the Clothes Closet will be open in Dec. 19. It will be open from 11 a.m.–3 p.m. The Grace Baptist Church Clothes Closet is open to anyone in the community who is in need of clothing. There is no charge for the items. “It has been our pleasure to service the community in this capacity,” said Amos. “We wish we could continue but we are unable to at this time.” The church’s Warren location makes it impractical to move the Clothes Closet so far away from the community it serves, she added.
ST. HELENS — Around 5 p.m. on Dec. 17, crews from Columbia River Fire & Rescue were called to a report of a horse stuck in a creek near 31868 Pittsburg Road in the Yankton area near St. Helens. Upon arriving at the small farm, crews found a 29-year-old gelding named “Poco” was indeed stuck and struggling in a 6–7 foot Courtesy photo deep section of Milton Creek. Columbia River Fire & Several neighbors were already at Rescue crews were able to the scene and were attempting to rescue this horse, which keep Poco from slipping farther had become stuck in a down into the rain-swollen creek creek off Pittsburg Road. and drowning. Crew members from several engines, along with the neighbors, worked for about 45 minutes before they successfully pulled the horse from the water. After a short rest, the horse was able to regain its feet and was led to his stall. According to the on-scene duty chief, Ron Youngberg, the horse was greatly weakened from its struggles and the cold water, so time was of the essence in getting the animal out of the creek and into a warming stall. A combination of fire hoses and a harness system was used to pull the animal out of the stream and up onto the bank, said Youngberg. The work took about 45 minutes and Poco was quickly moved to a stall where it he checked by local veterinarian Lew Fowler from Midway Veterinary Clinic. Youngberg said those who first spotted the horse in the creek and took quick action to keep it from drowning should be commended. The horse is owned by Erica Winnestorfer and is being boarded at the Welch Stables. Columbia River Fire & Rescue responded with one engine, a rescue unit, and three command vehicles.
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