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Little League playoffs see showdown between St. Helens and Scappoose, Page A12 Project2:Layout 1

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


3:24 PM

TODAY’S WEATHER Mostly sunny Highs to 80 Page A11 Lows to 54

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The Chronicle

$1.00 Vol. 131, No. 29 12 Pages

House bills could impact county law enforcement

Columbia County Fair and Rodeo ready for 98th season

BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

More than a year ago, Gov. John Kitzhaber re-established a public safety commission to review anticipated public safety budget shortfalls in the 2013Jeff Dickerson 15 state budget and to avoid building a costly new state prison. Oregon sheriffs have been at the table with district attorneys, police chiefs, the governor’s office and legislators to tackle the difficult task of creating an affordable public safety budget. Now, there is not one but two bills currently moving through the Oregon Legislature that could have an impact of local county law enforcement. Legislators passed House Bill 3453, which allows for the declaration of a fiscal emergency in counties struggling to fund law enforcement and other basic services. Several Oregon counties, including Columbia County, had traditionally been funded in part by timber receipts under the mandates of the 1937 O&C Act. But logging restrictions implemented in the 1990s limited access to federal lands and drove down timber receipts. While subsequent legislation provided federal payments to counties to make up for the loss of these timber revenues, that funding source has now run dry. HB 3453 would allow the governor to proclaim a public safety fiscal emergency for counties where conditions compromise the ability to provide a minimally adequate level of public safety services. “Although this is largely a federal issue, the inactivity at that level has prompted state officials to try and seek a solution that is workable for all involved,” said Rep. Wally Hicks (R-Grants Pass). “Through the legislative process, we have brought together various stake­­­­ See BILL, Page A4

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Kick up your heels at the county fair File photo

The Columbia County Fair and Rodeo – undoubtedly one of the largest events of the year in the county – is ready for another season of 4-H exhibits and competitions, bronc riding, carnival rides and much more. This year marks the 98th year for the fair and rodeo, which typically brings in around 20,000 visitors each year. In celebration of the heritage of both the county ­­­­ See FAIR, Page A2

Bonamici backs seniors on capital hill BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

ST. HELENS ‑ U.S. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.) had a lunch time meeting with senior citizens at the St. Helens Senior Center on July 15 to talk about the impact federal cuts could have on the Meals on Wheels program, a service many elderly residents are dependent upon. “When I joined the U.S. Congress, there was something called sequestration that was put into law and that was designed to be so bad it would never happen. These are across the board cuts to programs. Sadly, what has happened is that Congress hasn’t been able to work out a compromise… these cuts have been put into place and they are affecting programs

like Meals on Wheels, they are affecting programs that impact seniors,” said Bonamici. According to Community Action Team, which administers the homedelivery meals program in Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties, automatic cuts due to sequestration will result in approximately 7,000 fewer meals being served in the tri-county area. Bonamici is now working to pass legislation to repeal the cuts. “I think this is a bad way to make policy. I think we need to make targeted cuts where it makes sense,” said Bonamici. “…Some of the big tax breaks for example, some of the subsidies, we shouldn’t be subsidizing successful companies.” Meals on Wheels provides meals ­­­­ See BONAMICI, Page A4

SHARI PHIEL / The Chronicle

Rep. Suzanne Bonamici talks to seniors at the St. Helens Senior Center about the impacts sequestration could have on programs for the elderly.

Cornelius Pass to close for four days BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

SHARI PHIEL / The Chronicle

A proposed development project between 10th and 12th streets in St. Helens has some neighbors seeing red. The project would call for the removal of 500,000 cubic yards of rock by using blasting, heavy equipment and trucks.

Neighbors petition to halt proposed development BY SHARI PHIEL The Chronicle

ST. HELENS — A proposed development in the very early stages of planning already has some neighbors raising objections. The 5.3acre site is located between 10th and 12th streets to the east and west and Wyeth and Willamette streets to the north and south. A memo sent to City of St. Helens Planner Jacob Graichen from Project Delivery Group and landowner Karl Birky outlines the proposed development. “Most of the site is rock outcrop approximately 40 feet above the adjacent streets and properties. To develop the site, the developer will remove the rock below finish grade and fill the site with appropriate material for home construction, lawns and trees” reads the memo. It’s how that rock will be removed – and how long the project will take to remove all of it – that has neighbors worried. It’s estimated that nearly 500,000 cubic yards of rock would have to be

removed, along with some 200,000 cubic yards of fill to be brought in for grading. To achieve this, the developer would have to blast the rock and haul it out in large trucks. “There are a lot of different aspects. Right now, the only thing the city has started to review is a sensitive lands permit with respect to impact to an adjacent wetlands,” said Graichen. “That is a planning office decision.” Graichen said the project would ultimately require the input and approval of various city, county and state agencies. “There are 80-foot public rights of way in there and the rock within that right of way is public rock. It’s possible the [city council] will need to have some say on the use of those rights of way,” added Graichen. Area residents Steve Palmer, Bill Holder and Don Parrett aren’t waiting for the project to begin moving the bureaucratic channels. The trio submitted a petition ­­­­ See PETITION, Page A4

Commuters and others headed to the Beaverton and Hillsboro areas will have a few days of extra driving headaches to deal with. A four-day planned closure of Cornelius Pass Road at U.S. 30 begins July 19. The road will be closed beginning at 10 p.m. on Friday, July 19 and will reopen to all traffic by 4:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 24. U.S. Highway 30 will remain open during the construction period and drivers will be detoured around the closure to alternate routes such as Newberry and Rocky Point roads to and from Skyline Boulevard. Riders headed to Portland Community College’s Rock Creek Campus and the Willow Creek transit station should be prepared for the detours and allow extra time for getting to their destination. Go to for more on upcoming schedule changes. According to the Oregon Department of Transportation, the closure is necessary to replace a culvert beneath the road and to fill in a dip in the roadway. Drivers can take detours around the closure by using Newberry or Rocky Point roads to and from Skyline Boulevard. Also, Multnomah County will take advantage of ODOT’s closing to perform maintenance on Cornelius Pass Road. The four-day closure is part of a larger construction project that began in May 2013 and is expected to be completed this fall. The intersection of Highway 30 and Cornelius Pass Road has been identified as one of the top locations in need of safety improvements in Oregon. The relatively

high number of crashes at the intersection tend to be rear-end collisions, most of which involve vehicles traveling east on U.S. 30 or south on Cornelius Pass Road. The Oregon Legislature allocated $9.5 million to Multnomah County for the improvements. The Cornelius Pass Road Safety Evaluation JTA Final Report was provided by ODOT to the Legislature early in 2011. This report identifies seven specific project areas that are considered to have the greatest potential to improve safety. Six of the identified project areas are anticipated to fall within the current funding allocation

and are being analyzed to determine which to include in the package that will be designed in 2013-14 and constructed in 2014-15. Input may be provided by e-mail to corneliuspass@ The U.S. 30–Cornelius Pass Road intersection project will improve the right turn from U.S. 30 east to Cornelius Pass Road south by adding a standard rightturn lane. The approach of Cornelius Pass Road north will be widened at U.S. 30 to include separate left- and right-turn pockets. A bike should and pedestrian island will be added to the intersec­­­­ See PASS, Page A2



Wednesday, July 17, 2013

FAIR: tickets are $6 for youth and seniors, adults $9 and the fair, this year’s theme is “Wagon Trains to Western Dreams.” “It’s coming along. It’s definitely going to happen,” said fair board member Mike Warren. Warren said there is one new attraction that could be a real crowd pleaser, the addition of Pete Ford Wrestling to the lineup. “Portland Wrestling will be here on Sunday. They are going to be in the rodeo arena so there will be plenty of room for fans,” said Warren. The Pete Ford Wrestling exhibition is at 2 p.m. Also in this year’s lineup of events is a classic car show and performances by a barbershop quartet both sponsored by KOHI radio. “I’m really hoping we do as well as last year,” said Warren. “I think we had an awesome year last year. And it looks like we’re going to have good weather again, too.” The festivities officially get started with “Senior Day” on Wednesday, July 17. Gates open at 10 a.m. and the carnival begins at noon. Senior services will be showcased from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. Also, the My Fair Lady Pageant, always a hit, begins at 1 p.m. This event is sponsored by Columbia River PUD and recognizes an outstanding volunteer from the Retired Senior Volunteer Program The 2013 My Fair Lady court is comprised of Princess Marian Smith, from St. Helens; Princess Lesle Ruby, of Scappoose; Princess Joanne Bernard, of Rainier; Princess Delores Mellinger, of Clatskanie; and Princess Ann Mitchell, of Vernonia. On Wednesday, there will also be stock car races, the Cutest Show on Earth, Professor Bamboozles and plenty of entertainment for the whole family. Thursday, July 18 is Kids Day. Gates open at 10 a.m. and activities include a Sponge Bob trivia game show, a Taekwondo exhibition, the Launching Lunacy

show, and Dance Central. Rodeo Day is held on both Friday and Saturday with rodeo events beginning Friday. National Pro Rodeo Association events begin at 7 p.m. There will also be plenty of live music and entertainment throughout the day each day. None of the events or shows would be possible if it wasn’t for the thousands of hours volunteers give throughout the year. In fact, Warren says it’s the volunteers that make the fair possible. We have a lot of people still wanting to volunteer – our book is filling up fast,” Warren said. “Last year I had to fill out the Oregon Fairs Association report. We send that to the state and they determine what kind of money we get from the lottery. We sat down and figured out all of our volunteer hours were over 11,000 hours.” Those volunteer hours equate to more than $90,000 worth of labor. Warren said the volunteers help out all year long, not just during the fair itself. “I have to turn in a report every month. I turn in around 400-500 hours a month in volunteer hours – at minimum – during the rest of the year.” Tickets prices at the gate are: $6 for youths, $9 for adults and $6 for seniors. Advance purchase ticket prices are $5 for youths, $8 for adults and $5 for seniors. Parking passes are $4 per day or $16 for a weekly pass. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Wauna Federal Credit Union (Scappoose, St. Helens, Clatskanie and Vernonia branches), US Bank (St. Helens, Clatskanie and Vernonia branches), St. Helens Community Federal Credit Union (Scappoose, St. Helens and Rainier branches) Skinny’s Texaco and Chubb’s Shell in St. Helens, and Jackpot Food Market and Engstrom Food Market in Scappoose. For more information, visit the fair and rodeo website at

PASS: some road improvements were recommended by feds From PAGE A1 tion and signals and signing also will be upgraded. Several improvements were already completed in 2010 using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The federal stimulus funds were used to add: rumble strips along the outside edge of traffic lanes and the centerline to warn drivers when their vehicles are near the road edge or crossing into oncoming traffic; a flashing yellow signal (westbound) approaching the intersection with NW

Sheltered Nook Road to alert drivers of stopped traffic around a blind corner; vehicle speed readout signs to remind drivers of their vehicle speed. The speed limit in this section of the road is 45 miles per hour. Some of these improvements were recommended in a road safety audit led by the Federal Highway Administration in 2008. For more information about the project, visit the project web page at www. REGION1/pages/us30_cpass/ index.aspx.

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From PAGE A1



For Record

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Two-car crash at Hwy 30 intersection

Police Reports St. Helens Police Department June 21 – Two juveniles were referred to the juvenile department for being minors in possession of alcohol, and Jeffrey Dean Allen, 27, was arrested for furnishing alcohol to minors and a parole and probation detainer. June 28 – Katherine M. Clark, 43, was arrested for criminal trespass. June 30 – Benjamin T. Davis, 20, was cited for criminal mischief after scraping a vehicle with a pen. July 1 – Ruben Meabe-

Mozo, 43, was cited for careless driving following a motor vehicle accident at Highway 30 and St. Helens Street. July 1 – A runaway juvenile was reported missing and located in Salem. July 1 – A female runaway juvenile was taken to a children’s hospital after resisting arrest and attempting to assault a police officer. July 2 – The theft of items from a vehicle is under investigation. July 3 – Police responded to a domestic disturbance on

Columbia Blvd. and N. Third Street. July 3 – Shandal Wayne Clay, 35, was cited for hteft of a cell phone. July 3 – A man reported the theft of a cell phone. July 4 – Lonnie Franklin Hansen, 70, was arrested for assault following an incident in the 400 block of S. 17th Street.

July 8 – Crews responded to 284 N Fifth St. for unauthorized burning. July 8 – CRFR was called to 74991 Townsend Road Water for a vehicle fire.

July 10 – Crews responded to 56680 Old Portland Road for a police matter. July 10 – CRFR was called to Columbia River Highway and Nicolai Cutoff Road for a noninjury vehicle accident. July 11 – Crews responded to Havlik Drive and Columbia River Highway for a non-injury vehicle accident. July 11 – CRFR was called to 2616 Columbia Boulevard for a medical alarm activation, there was no medical problem. July 12 – Crews responded to 441 Grey Cliffs Drive to assist

Courtesy photo

A two-car crash at the intersection of U.S. Highway 30 and Havlik 7/15/13 12:13 PM Page 1 the highway. Drive temporarily closed

MORE ONLINE Read more Fire Reports at

Fire Reports Columbia River Fire & Rescue CRF&R had seven calls, with two being medical transports, from the Seattle to Portland Bike Ride. There were no severe injuries. The Rainier Days event only contributed three at the park, but there were several more outside the park but associated with the event.

SCAPPOOSE — Personnel from the Scappoose Fire District were called to the scene of a two-car crash at the intersection of U.S. Highway 30 and Havlik Drive just before 11:30 a.m. on July 11. It was also reported that the crash had blocked the highway and that debris was also on the highway. Upon arrival, crew found two people trapped inside a van, which had rolled over on its side. After using tools and equipment to stabilize the van, the people inside were safely extricated. No injuries were reported from either vehicle. Highway 30 was re-opened after the inci07-18-13 3x15cleaned Red Tag:Layout 1 dent was up.

an invalid. July 12 – CRFR responded to 72661 Riverview Road for unauthorized burning. July 12 ­– Crews were called to Apiary and Meissner roads for a brush and grass mixture fire. July 12 – CRFR responded to 247 S 18th St. for a cooking fire, which was confined to a container. MORE ONLINE Read more Fire Reports at

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

PETITION: cites city code on residental areas From PAGE A1

that is something that will have to be looked at. “Mining is a use listed in our development code and it’s listed in the heavy industrial zoning district only. When you have a use that is listed in one zoning district but not the others, that means that if it is not listed in the others it is prohibited. That’s going to be one of the big questions here… or does it fall into some other category,” Graichen said. So how does the city balance the rights of property owners to develop their land

against the proposed application, which was addressed to St. Helens Mayor Randy Peterson, the planning commission and city council, to bring a halt to the “high volume excavation” and “commercial mining” in the project. The petition sites city code that prohibits blasting and mining inside residential neighborhoods. When it comes to the question of allowing a mining operation at the site, the city planner said

with the rights of homeowners in the area to prevent noise and other disturbances? “That’s the big question here,” said Graichen. Along with a sensitive lands permit and approval for a mining operation, the developer will also have to obtain a grading permit, have and approved development plans, and work with the State Department of Lands to resolve issues about other wetlands on the property, among other steps. “We still have questions to answer,” said Graichen.

BONAMICI: Meals on Wheels lost nearly $700k From PAGE A1 to homebound seniors over age 60, along with their spouses or dependent, disabled adult children. The program is designed to promote better health among the senior and homebound population, with a goal of ending hunger. The program is geared to providing both nutrition and support to keep individuals in their own homes, reducing the likelihood of institutionalization.

“The across-the-board spending cuts that took effect earlier this year are having a real impact on Oregon’s seniors,” said Bonamici. “For some, the Meals on Wheels program delivers the only hot meal they’ll receive on any given day. Oregon lost nearly $700,000 in funding for this program, and thousands of meals in Columbia County will not be served as a result.” Although Community Action Team has seen budget

cuts over the years, this latest round of budget reductions could prove to be especially difficult to work with. “Every time the budget gets cut we try do more with less, but the fact remains that thousands of meals will not get served and that means seniors will go hungry,” said CAT Executive Director Jim Tierney. “We’re thankful that Congresswoman Bonamici stopped by today to meet us and the seniors who are hurt by these cuts.”

BILL: passed the House 49-10, heads to Senate From PAGE A1

has been struggling financially 3194, which was also passed and that both its law enforceby both the House and the holders to consider a variety of ment and jail operations have Senate and is now waiting for bills aimed at providing counfaced recent cuts. the governor’s signature, adties with the tools they need “While I understand the dresses budget and sentencing to keep their criminal justice state’s view, that it is unguidelines for public safety systems functional.” healthy for the state to have agencies. HB3453 is intended to pockets where the public “Sheriffs won’t support reduce the loss of life, injury safety function is severely anything that reduces voterto persons or property and suf- underfunded, I do not know passed, mandatory minimum fering that result from public if the result will be palatable sentences for Measure 11 safety fiscal emergencies and to local citizens to have the violent offenders, period,” to provide for recovery and state come in with a new tax said Marion County Sheriff relief assistance. It requires to pay for the fiscal emerJason Myers, who is also the consent of local governgency – especially if it turns president of the Sheriffs’ Asing bodies and provides for out to be a short term fix from sociation and is a member of equally shared funding of Salem designed to override the Governor’s Commission services by the state and the the will of local citizens,” said on Public Safety. “Sheriffs counties. The sheriff of the Columbia County Sheriff Jeff have been clear from day one: affected county is required Dickerson. hands off Measure 11 because to be a non-voting ex officio Once the fiscal emergency it is working to reduce crime member of the governing is declared, the governor can and because it is the will of body for deliberations on inthen enter into an agreement the people of Oregon. It’s nontergovernmental agreements, with another local government negotiable.” and the bill places limits on agency – either inside or out While HB 3194 did not when those agreements may of the county – to provide reduce Measure 11 sentencing, take effect. the functions and activities of which was seen as a victory HB 3453 passed the House public safety. for the law enforcement comon a 49-10 vote, and now Another bill making its munity, it does make changes heads to the Senate. way through the Legislature to Measure 57 mandatory It no secret the Colum- 1has6/22/12 also caught 3:28 the attention sentences for prop11-16-11 3x2Dthat Cuts:Layout PM Page minimum 1 bia County’s Sheriff’s Office of county sheriffs. House Bill erty crimes and drug offenses.


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Age groups will be determined by how old your child will be between May 1, 2013 and April 30, 2014. For example, if your child will turn 7 before April 30, 2014 they are eligible to play Fall Ball. The number of teams will depend on the number of players who sign up. The main focus of Fall Ball is training to become better players. Fall Ball provides the chance for players to focus on learning new skills. The season will be in September and October with games on the weekends. Every effort is made to be flexible working around other sports’ schedules. All sign-ups need to be received by July 27, 2013. Please use the form below to register. Include with your registration form, a check for $50.00 made payable to St Helens Little League. If your child was registered with St Helens Little League during the regular season, you may mail the completed form to St Helens Little League/ PO Box 331, St Helens, OR 97051. If your child was not registered, please attend the signup registration held at Sunshine Pizza on July 27th, 2013 from 11am-1pm. You will need to bring your child’s birth certificate and proof of address. For more information e-mail Ray Bish at or Jim Wolfe at

Fall Ball Registration Form If your child was registered in regular season – you may mail your payment along with completed registration form to: P.O. Box 331, St. Helens, OR 97051.

Player’s Name: ____________________________________________ T-Shirt Size: _________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Parents’ Names: _______________________________________________________________ E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: _______________________________________________________________ Player’s Birthdate: _____ / _____ / _____ Player’s Present Age:____________________________ Parent: Check here if you are interested in coaching

Make check payable to: St. Helens Little League


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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Letters Who will pay? It was proven in Vietnam that proper leadership cannot be exercised from a helicopter circling a battle at 15,000 feet, only from the ground does a commander understand the ungodly vegetation and terrain that obstructs the path to the enemy. I was deployed to Europe during my last assignment, assigned to S-3, Battalion Operations, of the largest aviation battalion outside the U.S. Within the first year I was tasked to design and built a tactical operation center (TOC) to be used during maneuvers and emergencies. Using equipment readily available, the TOC was completed in six week. Five months after completion we were sent to an aircraft crash site where we set up 50 yards from the debris field, set up a security perimeter, designated an evidence collection center, set up work areas for the investigators, and provided communications and administrative support; all in less than two hours’ time. On the front page of the July 10 issue of The Chronicle was an article about the reality of Columbia County getting a $570,000 emergency operations center, a permanent structure? What leadership can be exercised from St. Helens when there is an oil spill in Port Westward or a wildfire in the mountains between Columbia City and Vernonia? Weather in St. Helens can be entirely different from even Columbia City, much less across the county. Years ago the government enticed counties in Oregon to build new jails





with promises of grants and federal funding, but once completed the funding slowly faded from away. Currently there is a funding shortage for our county jail, yet again the county is jumping on the bandwagon with promises of grants and funding from FEMA. Who is going to pay for the utilities after it is built? Who is going to pay for the staff working there? Who is going to pay for the everincreasing PERS costs? Timber revenues for the county are at an all-time low, local mills are closing, which leaves the local property owners, duh, not all of us are dummies. Joe Bill Turner, Columbia City

application to use the Port Westward property, once again due to public opposition. The spin on this withdrawal was that KM could not find a “footprint” for their company. Many people now believe that the shipment of coal will not happen. That is totally incorrect. The Columbia County Commissioners can overturn the decision by the Columbia County Planning Commission even though the planning commission is the entity that studied all the information submitted regarding the zone change. Hopefully, when the county commissioners set a date in August to make this decision, they will call for public input. The county commissioners have been asked to hold evening meetings instead of at 10 a.m., as has been their standard in the past. Second - in October 2012 the Port of St. Helens rewrote a lease agreement with Cascade/Kelly. This is the company shipping all the crude oil right through the middle of our towns. This new lease agreement gave Cascade/Kelly access to the docks at Port Westward to facilitate the shipment of crude oil through Columbia County. There are anywhere from nine to 17 crude oil trains per month – each 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 miles long. The number of these trains is expected to double or even more in the next year. How many Columbia County jobs has this created? Just two weeks ago an explosion of crude oil, shipping by rail, exploded in Quebec, destroyed a town, killed 13 and obliterated 50 more. Now this is in our backyard. How many

Coal could happen Coal will ship through Columbia County unless you stop it. The fight is not over! The Port of St. Helens has made some grievous errors in the past two years. First - contracts were signed with Amber Energy and Kinder Morgan, both owned by Australian companies, without reasonable time for public input. The Port commissioners took approximately 20 minutes to deliberate in public forum then retired to their backroom to sign contracts, which had previously been written by the coal companies. The port commission then applied to the county planning commission for a zone change at the Port Westward facility near Clatskanie. The planning commission refused their application due in large part because of the public opposition to this zone change. At this point Kinder Morgan withdrew their

of you knew about the coal shipments or the crude oil shipments until it was a “done deal”? Please contact your elected officials and let them know you will no longer tolerate this total lack of responsibility to the voters. Nancy Whitney, St. Helens


Dave Coverly

man who was 15 at the time was acquitted of the charges of attempted rape in January 2013. He spent almost two years under house arrest with an ankle bracelet. He was allowed to leave his home for lawyer and doctor appointments, always in the custody of an adult approved by his parole officer. He lost his sophomore and junior years of high school and all the memories that accompany this time.

Distressing to all Your article on the “sextortion” lawsuit was extremely biased. The young

You put the young woman’s picture when she was 12 years of age on the front page of your paper. With the serious health concerns that were reported, with the exposure to all the media, and the future scrutiny, notoriety, stress... who has her best interest, the lawyer or the parents. This is distressing for all the parties involved. Cindy George, Warren

Guest Editorial

Facing challenges are easier with a positive outlook 9 BY JEANNINE DUEHREN St. Helens Economic Development Corporation


When I took on the position of fireworks chair for the St. Helens Economic Development Corporation, I was told by more than a few people that I would experience pettiness, infighting and an uncooperative group of St. Helens City employere ees that would thwart my efforts. I was also told that y St. Helens is a very difficult s. town to do business in. Last year I was the person who raised the majority ntal of funds for fireworks that ultimately ran during the st Maritime Festival. We were 8


unable to run the fireworks last year on the 4th of July due to permit issues I was unaware of. As a successful business owner in this community, (12 years so far), and active volunteer for the past two years, I can tell you my experience has quite the opposite of what the naysayers warned. For the most part, my fundraising efforts were a very positive experience, and getting resources from businesses for that event was pretty straightforward. Prior to my investing in St. Helens, most of my career, business and volunteer experience had been in Portland, initially doing morning on air radio at KWJJ FM,

then moving on to developing interactive technology that formed the base of my successful venture for a national radio and Portland television dating show. From there I went on to purchase and successfully operate two Portland radio stations. Those years of doing cutting edge business have shown me there are great people who want to make a positive change in their community and there difficult, negative and petty people everywhere. And anyone who can be successful in a city like Portland deserves a gold star. Having gotten venture capital, bought, operated and sold two radio stations in Portland, I can tell you first

employees and Columbia County staff, and when I do have a problem, they have always worked with me to resolve it fairly. In my two years of doing volunteer work in St. Helens, I have been equally impressed. While I have certainly run into some duds along with way, people like Chris Finks, Mayor Randy Peterson, Joe Burks, Dean Cox and Alta Lynch, Steve Topaz, Stephanie Hall, Sen. Betsy Johnson, every city employee I have encountered, (just to name a few), have gone way beyond their duties to help make our community better. And most businesses I approached to help with our fireworks

celebration or events I have done with the Arts Commission have for the most part been great. I have been really touched by the genuine unselfishness of so many people in Columbia County that day in, day out take the time to make this a better place for all of us. It’s easy to point fingers at others and complain about our town. It’s a much bigger challenge and ultimately a better one to simply move towards the direction of positive, effective change, regardless of the naysayers. And by taking that road, a much happier and productive journey awaits.

CHITO (M) Chito came to us from one of our transports from California. He is very sweet, gets along great with other dogs and is going to make a great addition to any family that is looking to add a new little friend. Chito is a pretty reserved guy, just sitting back taking in all the information before he decides what he is going to do. He can be a little shy at times, but is more than willing to be held and loved on at anytime.

Columbia Humane Society


The Chronicle

The Chronicle (USPS 610-380) is published weekly by Country Media, Inc. 1805 S. Columbia Blvd., P.O. Box 1153 St. Helens, Oregon 97051 Periodicals postage paid at St. Helens, OR 97051

hand, it is very, very challenging. That experience has been very much the opposite in St. Helens. While I have had difficulties during my business career here, I have always been surprised at how easy it is to do business in St. Helens compared to other cities. As a real estate investor, I get invited to a lot of dinners and functions in Portland by large real estate brokers and feel grateful when I listen to the laments of landlords at these functions. I tell them they would be a lot happier if they did business in Columbia County. And it’s true. I have had great experiences with both the City of St. Helens

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle PO Box 1153 St. Helens, OR 97051-8153

Subscription Rates: Columbia County 6 months: $18.99 1 year: $28.99 Oregon 6 months: $34.99 1 year: $44.99 $3.00 senior discount

News Staff

Shari Phiel editor

Business Staff

Kyle Boggs sports editor

Don Patterson director of sales

Amy Johnson advertising sales

Alex McClure office manager,

classified/legal notices

Contact Us • Phone: (503) 397-0116 • Fax: (503) 397-4093 • • Follow Us • or Editorial: or • Advertising: or Write to Us We want to hear from you and encourage you to write letters to the editor. Because of space limitations, shorter letters have a better chance of being printed. We may edit your letter for style, grammar and clarity, although we do as little editing as possible. If you don’t want your letter printed under those conditions, just let us know. Thank-you letters are limited to a general thanks and summary of an issue or action. We reserve the right to exclude lists of people, organizations and businesses. Letters received after noon on Friday may not be in time for the following Wednesday’s paper. To verify authenticity, all letters must be signed and include your address

and daytime phone number. We won’t print your street address or phone number (just your city of residence). Submissions may be emailed to, sent via mail, or dropped off at the office.

Guest Commentary We welcome all variety of community viewpoints in the newspaper. These longer, guest opinions might be columns written by newsmakers, public officials or organization representatives. Or you might just have interesting thoughts to share and a penchant for writing. If you’d like to submit a guest column for publication, contact us at (503) 397-0116 or

All columns are subject to editing for style, grammar and clarity. However, views expressed in guest columns are independent and do not represent those of The Chronicle, its staff or Country Media, Inc.

Obituaries Obituaries received after noon on Monday may not be in time for that Wednesday’s paper. Obituaries may be emailed to, sent via mail, or dropped off at the office. We also accept obituaries written by funeral homes. Please include the address and daytime phone number of the person who submitted the obituary, so we can verify information as necessary.

A6 Obit


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Obituaries Gary B. Fritz Gary B. “Geber” Fritz of St. Helens, passed away on Wednesday, July 10, 2013, at the age of 50. Gary was born Dec. 22, 1962, in Longview, Wash., to Wanda and Gary C. Fritz. Gary graduated from St. Helens Senior High in 1981 and went on to serve in the U.S. Gary Fritz Army from March of 1984 to March of 1987. After being released, Gary worked most of his life as a cement mason for the Local 555 and became an active member of the St. Helens Elks Lodge. He is preceded in death by his daughter, Abigayle; his mother, Wanda, and his brother, Larry. He is survived by his loving wife, Amy Fritz; children Ashley Seely, Alisha Fritz, Alexandra Fritz, and Connie and Mason Dawson; sister Thalia Piano; father Gary C. Fritz; grandchildren Kayden, Ellie, and Nevaeh, and numerous aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and cousins.

With Gary’s passing we are reminded yet again that life is to be celebrated each and every day. He gave his family a lifetime of love during his time on earth. A celebration of life will be held at 2 p.m. on Friday, July 19, 2013, at Columbia Funeral Home. Online condolences may be left for the family at Eloise R. Sloss Eloise R. Sloss was born on April 1, 1943, in Santa Ana, Calif., to George and Petra (Ramos) Sloss. She died at her home in St. Helens on July Eloise Sloss 11, 2013, at the age of 70. Eloise received her education in southern California, where she lived until moving to St. Helens in 1980. She married Stephen Luttrell on Sept. 26, 1964, in California and they later divorced. Eloise did janitorial work for a time but was mostly a homemaker to her four sons. She was raised in the Catholic denomination and was spiritual although she had not been to church for a while. Eloise had many interests, which included bowl-

Red Cross Blood Drive for Brandon Sprute

ing, pictures of her puppies and her home, family and grandchildren. She enjoyed the family gatherings. Survivors include Robert Martinez, Victor and Stephen Luttrell, all of St. Helens; Pedro Luttrell of Avoca, Minn.; sister Mary Sanchez of St. Helens; 20 crandchildren and 10 greatgrandchildren. A Celebration Of Life will be held Thursday, July 18, 2013 at 1 p.m., at Columbia Funeral Home in St. Helens. A private inurnment will take place at Columbia Memorial Gardens in Scappoose. Online condolences may be left for the family at Arrangements are by Columbia Funeral Home. James R. Bixby James R. “Bob” Bixby passed away on June 23, 2013. He was born in Freewater, Ore., on May 30, 1923. He is survived by his wife, Evaline; three children, Barbara, Tom, and Richard; 10 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. He enjoyed singing, dancing, camping, traveling and hiking. Before retirement he worked as a maintenance electrician and electric motor repairing. A celebration of Bob’s Life will be held at the Methodist Church at 560 Columbia Blvd, in St. Helens at 3 p.m.

Comment period opened for bio-refinery project Columbia Pacific Biorefinery in Clatskanie has submitted an application for a U.S. Department of the Army permit for a proposed project at Port Westward. The proposed project involves the modification of an existing dock and the addition of new associated structures at the Port. Work being proposed to complete the project includes installing four breasting dolphins (a type of marine structure for berthing and mooring vessels) and associated cat walks, three mooring dolphins and associated catwalks, and a pile supported pipe rack with associated catwalk; temporarily removing the trash boom and upstream approach of the dock for barge access; and, replacing other creosote-treated structurally inadequate piles with steel piles. Columbia Pacific, which was recently sold to Global Partners, has provided a proposed compensatory mitigation plan for the removal of 600 linear feet of rail trestle along shallow water habitat. If a permit is issued, the Corps said it would determine what is appropriate and practicable compensatory mitigation, which is required to be comparable to the anticipate impacts of the project. According to the Corps, Columbia Pacific’s project is intended to repair and

upgrade the existing dock to accommodate Panamaxclass vessels, as well as other commercial vessels, for the shipping of liquid commodities. Preliminary determinations indicate proposed project may affect an endangered or threatened species or its critical habitat and that consultation under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (87 Stat. 844) will be initiated. A permit for the proposed activity will not be issued until the consultation process is completed. An initial evaluation of the proposed project area indicates that the permit area is likely to yield resources eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. An investigation for the presence of potentially eligible historic properties is justified and would be required prior to the Corps’ final permit decision. Notice has already been provided to the State Historic Preservation Office, interested Native American Indian tribes, and other interested parties. Anyone with information pertaining to cultural resources within the permit area is asked to provide this information to the Corps project manager to assist in a complete evaluation of potential effects. Also, anyone may request, in writing and within the

specified comment period, that a public hearing be held to consider the application. Requests for public hearings shall state with particularity the reasons for holding the public hearing. Comments must be received no later than Aug. 13 and should be mailed to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Attn: Steve Gagnon, P.O. Box 2946, Portland, OR 972082946 or may be sent by email to nwp-2007-998@usace.

Honoring Oregon Veterans of

World War II

Make a donation TODAY and be a part of the plan to build a memorial on the capitol grounds in Salem. Learn more at

Honest service, Fair Price Residential • Commercial • Remodels • Repairs

Blood drive is on July 24 from 2p.m.-7p.m. C11312

Where: Petersen Gym 52050 SE 3rd St Scappoose, OR 97056 You can sign up at sponsor code: Brandon

• Water Heater Installation • All Leaks • Sewer Lines • Frozen Pipes • Radiant Floor Heating • Bathrooms & Kitchens • Repiping

OR contact Shannon Sprute at 503-369-3483.


water tip: don’t water your lawn on windy days when most of the water blows 6/22/12 3:23 PM away or evaporates

owned and operated by David and Mindy sass


07-13-11 2x6D 2 Med 2 CCB#77141 Top:Layout 1

Brandon will be attending this blood drive and would love for everyone to come out and help support the cause!

Page 1

2 Medium 2-Topping Pizzas



$ 99

A big THANK YOU to the Habitat volunteers for all you do.


2-Pizza Minimum 503-397-3030

limited delivery area

A big THANK YOU for the donations from all the great people and businesses in Columbia County. And a big THANK YOU to our customers for your support of the Columbia County Habitat ReStore. 164 Little St., St. Helens (behind The Bike Shop)


Hours of Operation: Wednesday– Saturday 9:00 to 5:00




Quality Bark at Competitive Prices to Gin Birkle and Glenn Davis, the latest Top Notch staffers to earn a Presidential Volunteer Service Award! Each volunteered over 500 hours and received a gold lapel pin, certificate, and letter signed by President Obama. They were both recently hired as paid employees and continue to give Top Notch service! Thanks, Gin and Glenn! And congratulations to Kathy Innocenti, Barbra Bynoe, and Kay Jillson, all of whom have volunteered enough hours to earn a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Presidential Volunteer Service Award program! The three women have volunteered a total of nearly 20,300 hours at Top Notch, which supports the St. Helens Senior Center and Meals on Wheels.


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A7Out & About


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Car show returns to Rainier MORE INFO WHAT: Ol’ Pastime Taver Car Show WHERE: 105 East A Street, Rainier WHEN: July 28 from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. COST: Free

The Columbia County Women’s Resource Center will host the Second annual Ol’ Pastime Tavern Car Show benefiting the Columbia County Women’s Resource Center on July 28 from 10 a.m.–3 p.m. on “A” street in Rainier. The event is free to attend and view the cars. There will also be fun contests and priz-

es, raffles and a cake walk. Entries for the car show are still being accepted. Registration forms are available at the Ol’ Pastime Tavern or online at For more information, call Amelia at 503-397-7110 or send an email to ameliah@

Public Meetings Wednesday, July 17 1 p.m. – City of St. Helens City Council work session in the City Council Chambers 7 p.m. – City of St. Helens City Council regular session in the City Council Chambers 7:30 p.m. – Columbia Soil & Water Conservation District Board Meeting at Columbia SWCD office. Thursday, July 18 5:30 – The Columbia County Commission on Children and Families public meeting at the OSU Extension Office, 505 N. Columbia River Hwy, St. Helens. 6 p.m. – The City of Columbia City – Regular City Council meeting at City Hall. Tuesday, July 23 4 p.m. – Columbia Com-

munity Mental Health board of directors meeting at Creekside Center, 58646 McNulty Way, St. Helens.

Tuesday, July 30 6 p.m. – The City of Columbia City Parks Committee Meeting at City Hall.

Wednesday, July 24 5 p.m. – Port of St. Helens Commission Work Session. Port Office, 100 E Street, Columbia City.

Wednesday, Aug. 7 7 p.m. – City of St. Helens City Council regular session in the City Council Chambers

Thursday, July 25 9 a.m. – Columbia 9-1-1 Communications District – first meeting of FY 13-14 workshop. 6:30 p.m. – The City of St. Helens Bicycle & Pedestrian meeting in the City Council Chambers. Monday, July 29 5 p.m. – Port of St. Helens Airport Advisory Commission meets at Scappoose Industrial Airpark.

Monday, Aug. 12 7 p.m. – City of St. Helens Library Board, City Council Chambers Tuesday, Aug. 13 7 p.m. – City of St. Helens Planning Commission meeting in the City Council Chambers. Thursday, Aug. 15 5:30 The Columbia County Commission on Children and Families public meeting at the

OSU Extension Office, 505 N. Columbia River Hwy, St. Helens. Monday, Aug. 19 4 p.m. City of St. Helens Parks Commission meeting in the Council Chambers 5 p.m. Greater St. Helens Parks & Recreation District Board Meeting, Eisenschmidt Pool Basement. 7 p.m. – Constitution Party of Columbia County meets at CRPUD Community Room, 64001 Columbia River Hwy. Tuesday, Aug. 20 12:30 p.m. Public Health Foundation Board Meeting, 2370 Gable Road, St. Helens. 6 p.m. – Columbia River PUD Board Meeting – CRPUD Community Room 64001 Columbia River Hwy, Deer Island

Community Calendar Wednesday, July 17 · Scappoose Public Library story time for ages 5 and under at 10:30 a.m. The theme and craft is rocks, gems and minerals. Thursday, July 18 · 13 Nights on the River summer concert series with The New Iberians at Columbia View Park in Olde Towne St. Helens. Free music through August with local vendors and an open air/ farmers market. Market is open 3-9 p.m. Friday, July 19 · Americans For Prosperity meet at The Village Inn, 535 S. Columbia River Hwy. at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 20 · Scappoose Farmers Market from 9 a.m.–2 p.m., through September, in Heritage Park between Columbia Ave. and Olive Street. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and more. Sunday, July 21 · Stumptown Disc Golf invites everyone to McCormick Park to invest a little sweat equity into this new course. All is asked is a few hours of work in return for a free lunch. Work will commence

at 9 a.m. and finish around 1 p.m. when the BBQ will be fired up. Wednesday, July 24 · Friends of The St. Helens Public Library meets from 5:30–6:30 p.m. at the library, 375 S. 18th St. For more details call 503-366-2806. Thursday, July 25 · 13 Nights on the River summer concert series with Michael Allen Harrison at Columbia View Park in Olde Towne St. Helens. Free music through August with local vendors and an open air/ farmers market. Market is open 3-9 p.m. Saturday, July 27 · Disposal of Hazardous Waste Materials at the Columbia County Transfer Station from 8 a.m.–noon. · Scappoose Farmers Market from 9 a.m.–2 p.m., through September, in Heritage Park between Columbia Ave. and Olive Street. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and more. Sunday, July 28 · Second annual Ol’ Pastime Tavern Car Show benefiting the Columbia County Women’s Resource Center from 10a.m.–3

p.m. on “A” Street in Rainier. A free event to attend and view the cars, fun contests, prizes, raffles and a cake walk. Thursday, Aug. 1 · 13 Nights on the River summer concert series with Hit Machine and Count the Ants at Columbia View Park in Olde Towne St. Helens. Free music through August with local vendors and an open air/farmers market. Market is open 3-9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 3 · Scappoose Farmers Market from 9 a.m.–2 p.m., through September, in Heritage Park between Columbia Ave. and Olive Street. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and more. Thursday, Aug. 8 · 13 Nights on the River summer concert series with Sweet Baby James at Columbia View Park in Olde Towne St. Helens. Free music through August with local vendors and an open air/ farmers market. Market is open 3-9 p.m. Friday, Aug 9 Scappoose Public Library – Teen Movie Friday 1:30 pm for ages 6th-12th Grades. Refreshments will be served. Brendan



Fraser, Jet Li, and Michelle Yeoh star in this movie that’s ‘wrapped in gauze’ Saturday, Aug. 10 · Scappoose Farmers Market from 9 a.m.–2 p.m., through September, in Heritage Park between Columbia Ave. and Olive Street. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and more. Thursday, Aug. 15 · 13 Nights on the River summer concert series with Lulu LaFever and the Hot Tamales at Columbia View Park in Olde Towne St. Helens. Free music through August with local vendors and an open air/farmers market. Market is open 3-9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17 · Scappoose Farmers Market from 9 a.m.–2 p.m., through September, in Heritage Park between Columbia Ave. and Olive Street. Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs and more. NAMI Columbia County is hosting “Pick Nick” at McCormick Park. 3 p.m. to 6p.m. Celebrating Families, Peers, and Jordan Center come enjoy pizza, salad, beverages good company fun and games. For more info contact judyann2@q. com

columbia theatre OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 503-397-9791 212 South First Street, St. Helens Friday, July 19 - Thursday, July 25


Showtimes G State of the Art Digital Cinema

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2D 12:35 • 5:00 • 9:25 1:50 • 4:25 G$6 All Day For 7:00 • 9:30 Seniors 65+ Kids 3D 2:50 • 7:10 11 and under, Military with ID DESPICABLE ME 2 PG

G $8 Before 6pm for 3D G $10 After 6pm for 3D



2D 4:30 • 9:20 3D 12:05 • 2:15 • 7:20


Daily: 7:00 PM


2D 12:00 • 2:20 • 4:40 • 6:50 • 9:00 No 9:00 Showing Thursday 7/25

Daily: 5:00 PM


12:30 • 2:50 • 5:10 • 7:30 • 9:55 2D PRICES Adult - $6.50 Child/Senior - $5.50 Before 6:30 pm - $5.00

PACIFIC RIM PG13 2D 1:40 • 6:40 3D 4:30 • 9:35


33520 SW EDWARD LANE 12:20 • 2:40 • 5:05 • 7:30 • 9:50 HWY 30, BEHIND MCDONALD’S WOLVERINE PG13 Starts Thursday 7/25 - 10:00 503-543-3530

3D PRICES Adult - $8.50 Child/Senior - $7.50 Before 6:30 pm - $7.00

advance tickets available online at or at theatre box office

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we accept all major credit cards. gift cards & birthday parties available.

7.1 channels of digital sound rocking chair comfort with high definition digital projection


G $8 After 6pm



G$6 before 6pm

Weekly Meetings Mondays • Columbia City Community Library – 11 a.m., story time for preschoolers. • St. Helens Lions meets every first and third Monday at 6:30 p.m., at the America’s Best Value Inn (formerly Village Inn). Call 503-397-0407 for information. • The MS Support Group of Columbia County meets the first Monday of each month at 1 p.m. at Dairy Queen in Scappoose. For more information, call Susan at 503-543-2517. • The National Alliance on Mental Illness, Friends and Family Support Group meets the second Friday and fourth Monday of each month downstairs at the Rainier United Methodist Church at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Teri 503-556-9135. • VFW Post 1440 meets the second Monday of each month. Call 503-397-1775 for information. Tuesdays • Kiwanis Daybreakers meets at 7 a.m. at the America’s Best Value Inn (formerly Village Inn). Call 503397-2696. • Warren Community Fellowship – Job Club, 10–11 a.m. room 201, 56523 Columbia River Highway, in Warren. Free and open to the public. • St. Helens Public Library holds baby lapsit story time for 6 months to 2 years at 10:15 a.m. Call 503-397-4544 for more info. • Overeaters Anonymous at the St. Helens Alano Club, 215 N. 6th St. St. Helens, 5:45–7 p.m. Call Sheri at 503-3694607. No dues or fees. • The Columbia County Democratic Central Committee meets the last Tuesday of every month at Kozy Korner, St. Helens. Meetings start at 7 p.m. • The VFW Ladies Auxillary meets the second Tuesday of each month. Call 503-3972147 for information.

Group, meets the second Wednesday of each month from 3–4 p.m. at Avamere at St. Helens, 2400 Gable Road. Call 503-366-8070 for information. Thursdays • St. Helens public library holds story time for preschool 3–5 years at 11:15 a.m. Call 503-397-4544 for more info. • Weight Watchers meets at Scappoose Foursquare Church at noon and 5:30 p.m. For more information, call 503543-4802 or email dromjue@ • Columbian Toastmasters meets from 12:05–1:05 p.m. at the Village Inn in St. Helens. • Free fitness classes, 7–8 p.m. at the Best Western in St. Helens. Designed for people of all fitness levels. Call Cheryl Capwell, independent beachbody fitness coach at 503396-2834, or send an email to • The Columbia County Commission on Children and Families meets the third Thursday of each month beginning at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are held at the OSU Extension office, 505 N. Columbia River Hwy., in St. Helens. Fridays • The St. Helens Sports Booster Club meets at the Kozy Korner at 7 a.m. every Friday that there is school in the St. Helens School District. • American Legion meets the first Friday of each month at the Moose Lodge, 57317 Old Portland Road, in Warren at 7 p.m. Call 503-369-1313 for more information. Saturdays • Weight Watchers meets at Grace Baptist Church at 9 a.m. Weigh-ins start at 8:30 a.m. For more information, call 503-543-4802 or email • The Columbia County Fair board holds workshops every Saturday until the fair begins, at the fairgrounds office.

Wednesdays • Scappoose Public Sundays Library – storytime for ages • Overcomers Outreach – a 5 and under at 10:30 a.m. spiritually-based, 12-step reNo registration necessary, covery program for substance 503-543-7123 or go online to abuse issues – meets at 6 p.m. at Sunset Park Communi• St. Helens public library ty Church, 174 Sunset Blvd., in holds storytime for toddlers St. Helens. Call 503-397-0535 ages 2–3 at 11:15 a.m. Call or visit www.sunsetparkchog. 503-397-4544 for more info. org. • Columbia County Stroke • Yankton Recovery Group Support Group meets the meets at Yankton Grange, fourth Wednesday of each Pittsburg Road, 5:30–6:30 months from 2:30–3:30 p.m. p.m., every Sunday is open Avamere at St. Helens, 2400 discussion. Call 503-397-1473 07-13-11 2x2.5D Copies:04-26-08 2X2.5D Copies.qxd 6/22/ Gable Road. or 503-366-0667 for more • Alzheimer’s Support information.

COLORCOPIES 125 North 19th St.





A8TV Page




^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News _ Weed Country “Harvest Hell”


^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News

_ Airplane Repo “International Situation” News ( NewsChannel 8 Nightly Business Rpt. * Expeditions , 6 O’Clock News (N) C 2013 Open Championship



^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News _ Philly Throttle “Under New Management” News ( NewsChannel 8 Nightly Business Rpt. * Wild Photo Adv. , 6 O’Clock News (N) Timbers in 30 C 2013 Open Championship



I Octonauts Q Hometime W Married... With

Mickey Mouse HouseCalls Married... With

^ & _ ( * , C I Q W




ABC’s The Lookout (N) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation “Exile”



JULY 17, 2013 11:30

KATU News at 11 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman

Naked and Afraid The African Serengeti.

Naked and Afraid A Panamanian island.

Blood & Oil “She’s Gonna Blow!” (N)

Naked and Afraid A Panamanian island.

America’s Got Talent “Recap” (N) Nature The fate of lions after “Born Free.”

America’s Got Talent “Vegas” (N) NOVA Archaeologists explore Machu Picchu.

(:01) Camp “Capture the Flag” (N) Nazi Mega Weapons “Atlantic Wall”

NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno “Eating Alabama” (2012, Documentary)


MasterChef “Top 10 Compete” MasterChef “Top 9 Compete” (N) 10 O’Clock News (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) 2013 ESPYs Awards






11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond



(:05) A.N.T. Farm The Simpsons Conan (N)


JULY 18, 2013 11:30

Wipeout Newlyweds tackle obstacles. (N) The Big Bang Theory Two and a Half Men

Motive The murder of a mortgage broker. (N) (:01) Big Brother (N Same-day Tape)

(:01) Rookie Blue “Poison Pill” (N) (:01) Elementary “Lesser Evils”

KATU News at 11 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman

Airplane Repo Live at 7 (N)

Property Wars Property Wars The Winner Is... “Million Dollar Dreams”

Property Wars Property Wars (N) The Winner Is... Six acts perform. (N)

Airplane Repo “Spies in the Night” (N) Hollywood Game Night (N)

Property Wars Property Wars NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno

Art Beat Presents Oregon Field Guide Hell’s Kitchen (PA) (DVS) SportsCenter (N) (Live)

Midsomer Murders (Part 1 of 2) Hell’s Kitchen “4 Chefs Compete” (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live)

Midsomer Murders (:36) The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes Film School Shorts 10 O’Clock News (N) 11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live)

Inside Edition (N)

PBS NewsHour (N) Access Hollywood TMZ (N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)

7:00 Jeopardy! (N)

7:30 Wheel of Fortune

Entertainment ’Night Extra (N) Warlocks Rising “The Hard Life” Live at 7 (N) Inside Edition (N) PBS NewsHour (N) Access Hollywood TMZ (N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)



“Another Cinderella Story” (2008) Selena Gomez.

(:40) Austin & Ally

(:05) A.N.T. Farm




^ KATU News at 6 (N) Paid Program & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News _ ( * , C


Doc McStuffins Pets.TV (EI) Fresh Prince






20/20 (N)


JULY 19, 2013 11:30

Shark Tank (DVS)

What Would You Do? (N)

Undercover Boss “Mood Media” Warlocks Rising “Biker Justice” Camp “Capture the Flag” (DVS) Washington Week Charlie Rose Bones “The Friend in Need” (DVS) SportsCenter (N) (Live)

Hawaii Five-0 “Olelo Pa’a” Blue Bloods Danny’s son is severely injured. KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman Warlocks Rising Slob teaches his brother. Philly Throttle ’47 Harley Davidson Flathead. Warlocks Rising Slob teaches his brother. Dateline NBC (N) NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno DCI Banks “Pilot -- Aftermath” Policeman’s murder. Masterpiece Classic Successful novelist Logan Mountstuart. The Following “Welcome Home” (PA) 10 O’Clock News (N) 11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live)



9:00 Jack Hanna Fast N’ Loud Justin Time (EI) Cyberchase (EI) Great Big World

Jake and the Pirates Sofia the First Good Luck Charlie Hanna Into the Wild Feed the Children Feed the Children. House of Payne Meet the Browns Are We There Yet?




››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Owen Wilson. Partygoers spend a wild weekend with a politician’s family.



Jeopardy! Wheel of Fortune Entertainment Tonight (N)

Fast N’ Loud “Low Riding Lincoln” Fast N’ Loud NBC Nightly News Northwest Backroads Inside Edition Grants Getaways Lawrence Welk Last of the Wine Travels to the Edge Rick Steves’ Europe (5:30) › “Driven” (2001, Action) Sylvester Stallone, Burt Reynolds, Kip Pardue.

2013 Open Championship I Good Luck Charlie Shake It Up! Timbers Post-Game Q MLS Soccer W The King of Queens The King of Queens

^ & _ ( * , C I Q W

Mickey Mouse Animal Exploration Fresh Prince



Good Morning America (N) Pre Auction Pre Auction Paid Program The Key of David (N) NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise (N)

Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Jessie Austin & Ally


KATU News at 11 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live

9:30 Ocean Mysteries To Be Announced



10:00 Born to Explore (N)

10:30 Recipe Rehab (N)


Austin & Ally The Office Are We There Yet?

JULY 20, 2013 11:30

Food for Thought

Sea Rescue (N)

Tree Fu Tom (EI) Fetch! With Ruff Mystery Hunters

Warlocks Rising “Biker Justice” Paid Program Paid Program The Victory Garden Garden Home Eco Company Teen Kids News (N)

Good Luck Charlie Pre Auction According to Jim

Jessie Austin & Ally “Teen Beach Movie” (2013) Ross Lynch. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement › “Killers” (2010, Action) Ashton Kutcher.




Pre Auction

Cash Cab Liberty’s Kids (EI) Fast N’ Loud “Monkey Business Dragster”

Noodle and Doodle The Chica Show (EI) Pajanimals (EI) American Woodshop Hometime Ask This Old House


JULY 20, 2013 5:30

KATU News at 5 (N) ABC World News Extra (N) Fast N’ Loud “Model A Madness” NewsChannel 8 at 5PM (N) This Old House Lawrence Welk

Made in America Daily deal Paid Program › Driven (2001) 2013 Open Championship Best of the Third Round. (N Same-day Tape) Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Good Luck Charlie Dog With a Blog Timbers Pre MLS Soccer Portland Timbers at Philadelphia Union.

Everybody-Raymond Friends


Warlocks Rising Slob teaches his brother. Octane Academy (N) Sewing With Nancy It’s Sew Easy American Athlete The Young Icons 2013 ESPYs Awards







JULY 20, 2013 11:30

Zero Hour Hank’s mother reveals a secret. Unforgettable Carrie returns to Syracuse.

›› “The Game Plan” (2007) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Madison Pettis.

48 Hours “Secrets, Lies and Alibis” (N)

48 Hours Long Island serial killer detective.

KATU News at 11 (N) (:35) Castle KOIN Local 6 at 11 (:35) Extra (N)

Fast N’ Loud American Ninja Warrior “Miami Qualifying” Globe Trekker (DVS) Cops “Fight Night” Cops “Busted No. 3”

Fast N’ Loud Richard flips a ’52 Chevy. Crossing Lines “Long-Haul Predators” Doc Martin Warn woman about sun bathing. Bones An explosion in a hotel garage.

Fast N’ Loud Do No Harm “A Stand-In” (N) (DVS) New Tricks “Queen and Country” 10 O’Clock News (N)

Fast N’ Loud Richard flips a ’52 Chevy. NewsChannel 8 at 11 Saturday Night Live Masterpiece Mystery! The Cleveland Show American Dad

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Jessie

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Austin & Ally Gravity Falls

SportsCenter (N) (Live) A.N.T. Farm Austin & Ally

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Jessie Dog With a Blog

The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Portland Wrestling Uncut Leverage “The Tap-Out Job” Burn Notice “Wanted Man” Criminal Minds “Mosley Lane” The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Sullivan & Son Deon Cole’s



KATU News This Morning - Sun (N) CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Paid Program The Perfect Yard NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM (N)

8:00 (7:58) Joel Osteen

Betsy’s Kindergarten Angelina: Next Mister Rogers Daniel Tiger Thomas & Friends FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace Good Day Oregon Sunday (N) (5:00) 2013 Open Championship Final Round. From Muirfield in Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland. (N) (Live) Octonauts Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Jake and the Pirates Paid Program R U SMART? Animal Rescue Dog Tales Made in Hollywood Married... With Married... With My Name Is Earl Friends Friends



White Collar Neal and Peter go undercover. White Collar A teenage con man. The Simpsons The Office The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Sullivan & Son (N) The Big Bang Theory Conan Jeff Garlin; Olivia Munn. (N)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Jessie Jessie Trout TV The Joy of Fishing

(11:00) › “Killers” (2010) Ashton Kutcher.

Dog With a Blog The Office

Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of Fortune Entertainment ’Night Extra (N)

MLB Player Poll MLB Pregame (N) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway Park in Boston. (N) (Live) (11:30) 2013 ESPYs Awards Auto Racing Global Rallycross Championship. (N) (Live) Teen Beach Movie (:45) Austin & Ally (:10) Austin & Ally (:35) Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Jessie Paid Program ›› “You’ve Got Mail” (1998) Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan. Two bitter business rivals conduct an online love affair.





^ The Open Championship Today Final round action from Muirfield, Scotland. (N Same-day Tape) & (10:30) Battleground: USO - 30 Tears of Service Property Wars Property Wars Property Wars _ Fast N’ Loud ( Golf American Century Championship, Final Round. From Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe, Nev. (N) (Live) * Great Performances at the Met “Maria Stuarda” “Maria Stuarda” stars Joyce DiDonato. Soccer CONCACAF Gold Cup, Quarterfinal. (N) (Live) , UFC/Octagon







JULY 21, 2013 11:30

Your Voice To Be Announced Deadliest Catch Meet the Press (N)

Paid Program

This Week With George Stephanopoulos (N) Paid Program Mom Is 57, Looks 27! RECON Battleground: USO - 30 Tears of Service Deadliest Catch “Ship of Iron, Men of Steel” Fast N’ Loud “Far-Out Fairlane” Paid Program Paid Program Action Sports From Ocean City, Md. (N)

Bob the Builder

Rick Steves’ Europe Pre Auction

Travels to the Edge Paid Program

Sofia the First Jack Van Impe Friends

Good Luck Charlie Made in Hollywood Friends

Good Luck Charlie

Nature The fate of lions after “Born Free.” NOVA Archaeologists explore Machu Picchu. Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program UFC/Octagon SportsCenter (N) (Live) NASCAR Countdown Shake It Up! Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie R U SMART? Pre Auction Hollyscoop (N) EP Daily (N) Deal With It MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Washington Nationals. (N)

Face the Nation (N) (:27) In Touch

2:30 Property Wars The Artist Toolbox

Sullivan & Son



Paid Program

Paid Program

4:00 Pre Auction

4:30 Cash Cab

To Be Announced Paid Program Paid Program Open House (N) Treehouse Masters (N) Treehouse Masters (N) Paid Program Dr. Perricone MD Cold Case Files BBC Newsnight European Journal Religion & Ethics To the Contrary › “Money Train” (1995, Action) Wesley Snipes, Woody Harrelson, Jennifer Lopez.


JULY 21, 2013 5:30

KATU News at 5 (N)

ABC World News

omg! Insider (N) Go! Northwest Treehouse Masters “Sky High Spa” (N) NewsChannel 8 at 5PM (N) Moyers & Company Leverage “The Beantown Bailout Job”

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) MLB Baseball: Yankees at Red Sox C NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: STP 300. From Chicagoland Speedway in Joliet, Ill. (N) (Live) Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! A.N.T. Farm Dog With a Blog Jessie Shake It Up! Good Luck Charlie Good Luck Charlie I Austin & Ally Paid Program › “The Brothers Solomon” (2007) Will Arnett. Two socially inept siblings look for mates. › “Did You Hear About the Morgans?” (2009) Hugh Grant, Sarah Jessica Parker. Law & Order Subway train kills professor. Q Next Stop The King of Queens The King of Queens ›› “You, Me and Dupree” (2006, Comedy) Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, Matt Dillon. ›› “The Wedding Date” (2005) Debra Messing. (DVS) W MLB Baseball Los Angeles Dodgers at Washington Nationals. (N)



^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News _ Treehouse Masters “Treetop Taphouse” (N)



America’s Funniest Home Videos 60 Minutes (N) Naked and Afraid “Island From Hell”



Celebrity Wife Swap (N) Big Brother Contestants face eviction. (N) Naked and Afraid The African Serengeti.

Chris Matthews America’s Got Talent “Vegas” Hopefuls audition in Las Vegas. ( NBC Nightly News Oregon Field Guide Antiques Roadshow “Vintage Louisville” Secrets of Highclere Castle * Art Beat Presents Paid Program American Dad The Simpsons The Simpsons Bob’s Burgers , Next Stop SportsCenter (N) (Live) C (5:00) MLB Baseball New York Yankees at Boston Red Sox. From Fenway Park in Boston.



Whodunnit? Investigating the latest murder. The Good Wife “A More Perfect Union” Naked and Afraid: Uncensored (N)



^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News _ Fast N’ Loud The Bronco goes over-budget. News ( NewsChannel 8

Nightly Business Rpt. * This Old House , 6 O’Clock News (N) C MLB Baseball: Yankees at Rangers I Good Luck Charlie Jessie Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement W The King of Queens Seinfeld



^ KATU News at 6 (N) & KOIN Local 6 at 6 (N) CBS Evening News _ Deadliest Catch News ( NewsChannel 8 * Ask This Old House Nightly Business Rpt. , 6 O’Clock News (N)





Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of Fortune Entertainment ’Night Extra (N) Fast N’ Loud Richard flips a ’52 Chevy. Live at 7 (N) Inside Edition (N)

The Bachelorette “The Men Tell All” (N) How I Met/Mother 2 Broke Girls Fast N’ Loud: Revved Up (N) American Ninja Warrior “Denver Qualifying”

PBS NewsHour (N) Access Hollywood TMZ (N) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Dog With a Blog The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Seinfeld Seinfeld

Antiques Roadshow “Vintage Hartford” (N) Raising Hope Raising Hope SportsCenter (N) (Live) Austin & Ally Good Luck Charlie FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Family Guy Family Guy







Castle Alexis starts a video blog. The Mentalist “Red in Tooth and Claw” Naked and Afraid “Breaking Borneo” (N)


JULY 21, 2013 11:30

KATU News at 11 (N) (:35) Castle KOIN Local 6 at 11 (:35) Cold Case Naked and Afraid: Uncensored

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Crossing Lines “Special Ops: Part 2” (N) NewsChannel 8 at 11 (:35) Sports Sunday Masterpiece Mystery! Visit to a munitions factory. (N) Vera “Sandancers” Vera investigates suicide of a sergeant. Family Guy Axe Cop (N) 10 O’Clock News (N) Oregon Sports Final Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter SportsCenter

Shake It Up! Good Luck Charlie Dog With a Blog (N) “Teen Beach Movie” (2013) Ross Lynch, Maia Mitchell. (:45) Austin & Ally I Austin & Ally The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The First Family Mr. Box Office The Closer “Junk in the Trunk” Q Law & Order “Empire” ›› “Due Date” (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis. W ›› “Old School” (2003, Comedy) Luke Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn. (DVS)




Inside Edition (N)

LazyTown Woodwright’s Shop



Modern Family (:31) The Neighbors Criminal Minds “The Wheels on the Bus ...”

Golf American Century Championship, Second Round. From Edgewood Tahoe Golf Course in Lake Tahoe, Nev. (N) (Live) Love of Quilting Quilting Arts Simply Ming Test Kitchen Cooking School MotorWeek (N)




Light Relief Therapy Paid Program Light Relief Therapy To Be Announced Street Outlaws “Racer’s Revenge”




The Open Championship Today Third round action from Muirfield, Scotland. (N Same-day Tape) To Be Announced RECON RECON RECON RECON Airplane Repo Airplane Repo “Spies in the Night” Street Outlaws “Stand Your Ground”




KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) ^ Good Morning America (N) Doodlebops (EI) Doodlebops Busytown Mysteries Garden Time & (5:00) CBS This Morning: Saturday (N) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Cook with No Flame WEN Hair Care _ The Perfect Yard NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM (N) ( NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 6:00 AM (N) Curious George Cat in the Hat Super Why! SciGirls * Sesame Street “Porridge Art” (EI) , Good Day Oregon Saturday (N) C 2013 Open Championship Third Round. From Muirfield in Gullane, East Lothian, Scotland. (N) (Live)



Naked and Afraid “The Jungle Curse”

The Middle Big Brother (N)


Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Austin & Ally (N) “Teen Beach Movie” (2013) Ross Lynch. Premiere. (:45) Liv & Maddie Good Luck Charlie (:40) Dog With a Blog (:05) Jessie I (:05) Austin & Ally Monk Monk Monk helps his father-in-law. The Simpsons Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy ››› “Wedding Crashers” (2005) Owen Wilson. Partygoers spend a wild weekend with a politician’s family. W The King of Queens Seinfeld



Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of Fortune Entertainment ’Night Extra (N)


Austin & Ally Shake It Up! Good Luck Charlie Jessie I Good Luck Charlie Jessie Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Q Seinfeld Family Guy Family Guy W The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Susie” Seinfeld




Austin & Ally Shake It Up! Good Luck Charlie Jessie “Radio Rebel” (2012, Drama) Debby Ryan, Sarena Parmar. Good Luck Charlie I Good Luck Charlie Jessie NUMB3RS “Sabotage” NUMB3RS New information on an old case. Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Deal With It W The King of Queens Seinfeld




News Live at 7 (N) ( NewsChannel 8 Nightly Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) * Burt Wolf: Travels Access Hollywood , 6 O’Clock News (N) C 2013 ESPYs Awards (N) (Live)


Wednesday, July 17, 2013



(:10) Jessie (:35) Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! (:35) Dog With a Blog Criminal Minds “Solitary Man” Oregon Sports Final Paid Program ›› “Due Date” (2010, Comedy) Robert Downey Jr., Zach Galifianakis.




JULY 22, 2013 11:30

2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly Fast N’ Loud (N) Get Out Alive With Bear Grylls (N)

(:01) Mistresses Savi fights for her marriage. Under the Dome Unexpected visitors. (N) Street Outlaws Daddy Dave calls out Shawn. Siberia “Fire in the Sky” (N)

KATU News at 11 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman Fast N’ Loud NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno

History Detectives New Girl The Mindy Project SportsCenter (N) (Live) Jessie A.N.T. Farm Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Pixies” Family Guy Family Guy

Oregon Experience Oregon Experience 10 O’Clock News (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) Jessie “Toy Con” Shake It Up! Law & Order: Special Victims Unit The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory

POV Chinese bloggers. (N) 11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond SportsCenter (N) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Dog With a Blog The Simpsons The Office Conan (N)





JULY 23, 2013 11:30

Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of Fortune Entertainment ’Night Extra (N) Deadliest Catch “Ship of Iron, Men of Steel”

Extreme Weight Loss “Trina” Trina tries to lose weight. (N) NCIS A Navy lieutenant is murdered. NCIS: Los Angeles “Collateral” Deadliest Catch: The Bait “Hail Mary” (N) Deadliest Catch “Man Overboard” (N)

Live at 7 (N) PBS NewsHour (N) Access Hollywood

Hollywood Game Night America’s Got Talent “First Live Show” Twelve acts perform for the audience. The Buddha Life of the Buddha. (DVS) Secrets of the Dead “Bones of the Buddha” So You Think You Can Dance The hopefuls perform; elimination. (N Same-day Tape) 10 O’Clock News (N)

NewsChannel 8 at 11 Jay Leno Shakespeare Uncovered 11 O’Clock News (N) Everybody-Raymond

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Austin & Ally FOX 12’s 8 O’Clock News on PDX-TV (N)

SportsCenter (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) “Teen Beach Movie” (2013, Musical) Ross Lynch, Maia Mitchell, Grace Phipps. House House’s newest patient intrigues him. House A pregnant photographer collapses.

SportsCenter (N) (Live) Good Luck Charlie Dog With a Blog The Simpsons The Office

Family Guy

The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Conan (N)

Inside Edition (N) TMZ (N)

2013 World Series of Poker C 2013 World Series of Poker Good Luck Charlie Dog With a Blog I Good Luck Charlie Jessie “Toy Con” Q Rules of Engagement Rules of Engagement The Big Bang Theory The Big Bang Theory Seinfeld “The Blood” W The King of Queens Seinfeld “The Voice” Seinfeld

Family Guy

Body of Proof “Fallen Angel” Person of Interest “Masquerade” Naked and Afraid “Breaking Borneo”


KATU News at 11 (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show Letterman Deadliest Catch “Man Overboard”


Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Dry Rot & Structural Repairs of every kind. General carpentry, build, remodel, & restore. CCB#86828 Call Brandon Soloman 503-446-7856

DIVORCE $155. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www. paralegalalternatives. com


Drivers: We value our drivers as our most IMPORTANT ASSET!! YOU make us successful!! Top Pay, Benefits Package! CDL-A Required. Join our team NOW! 1-888414-4467

tions or call our job line at (503) 397-8159 to have an application packet mailed to you.

Artisan Concrete All types of concrete work. “Many Happy Customers” 5 0 3 - 3 9 6 - 6 1 9 6 CCB#183456 Gen Const/Repair Remodeling, garages, decks, siding, windows, kitchen & bathroom Over 35 yrs exp. CCB# 132165 Millennial Enterprises (503)438-4031

(ORS 701) requires all businesses that advertise repair, remodeling, home improvement, new construction or home inspections services need to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means a contractor has a bond and insurance. Verify a contractor�s license at or 503-378-4621

Paul’s Tree Service No bush too small, no tree to tall call Paul. Specialized in danger trees, take downs, pruning Lace Leafed Maples & ornamental shrubberies, chipping, senior discount, free estimates. LLC#169770. Lic., Bonded & Insured. 543-8274 or cell 503-440-0723 TOP CASH PAID. CARS, TRUCKS, FARM EQUIP. CALL ME LAST, I PAY MORE. 503-780-7670


Day Care *SCAPPOOSE* Melissa’s House Day Care has 1 Full-Time opening. Huge fenced back yard w/large play structure, ride-ons, giant sandbox etc. Many toys, books and fun. Day Care is open M-F 6:30am6:00pm. For more info/ appt call Melissa @ 503543-7924, and go to Melissa’s House Day Care FB page.


Health & Nutrition




Alonzo & Meabe Yard Maintenance a.myardmaintenance@ Lic’d & Insured, affordable complete yard maintenance! Call to day for FREE EST. 503-410-5680 (503)709-1878 Columbia Community Mental Health is offering training in Mental Health First Aid. The training demonstrates how to assess a mental health crisis, select interventions, and provide initial help. The next training is August 1st and 2nd from 9am-4pm at Creekside Community Room 58646 McNulty Way here in St. Helens. The cost is $75.00 per participant, which covers the traning manual, light breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack. To register call Juli Knapp at 503-3975211 ext 217 or go to the MHFA website at overview/ Payment can be mailed to the above address or paid on the 1st day of training. GUITAR LESSONS Full Time Instructor Limited Availability Call Now 503-367-8728


Announcements ADOPTIONWARM, FUN, PROFESSIONAL Couple Eager To Provide Your Child Love And Happiness Forever. Expenses Paid. Ann and Peter. Call 1-800-5931730. annpeter102@ or go to www.

Alcoholics Anonymous Info-line, (503)366-0667

Landscape Maint.

Durham School Services is Now Hiring/Training School Bus Drivers Apply at: 540 Milton Way St. Helens OR 503-397-9072 or durhamschool

AL-ANON 503-397-5859, 543-7191, 369-1195


ALCOHOL & DRUG, also co-dependents Overcomer Outreach Monday 7 pm 503-543-3028 or 503-369-0337 Christian 12-step (No Preaching)


Help Wanted APARTMENT MANAGER postition in Tillamook Rent, utilities, plus. Includes management and light maintenance. Bondable, no smk/pets. Reply to: nwcoastapts@

Misc Services !!$FREE REMOVAL$!! Will pick-up appliances, lawn/heavy equip, tubing, cans, cars/auto parts, wire. Anything metal. It will really help my 3 yr old & I. God Bless. 503-396-6593

EARN $500 A DAY: Insurance Agents Needed; Leads, No Cold Calls; Commissions Paid Daily; Lifetime Renewals; Complete Training; Health/ Dental Insurance; Life License Required. Call 1-888-713-6020 Energy Specialist I Salary: $52,728-$75,171 DOQ Deadline: Thursday, July 18 2013 by 5:00 p.m. Columbia River People’s Utility District (PUD) is a progressive technologydriven utility that has incorporated all aspects of its operations into one Enterprise-based computer system. The PUD is planning for the future and for the demands of our ever-changing industry by increasing staff and adding new skills sets. The ideal candidate would be interested in adding their strengths and experience to our Energy Services team by providing outstanding customer service to PUD customers by participating in the design, implementation, and delivery of the PUD’s various residential energy efficiency, demand management, and renewable energy programs and continuously identify and pursue project prospects and leads; ensure that all projects meet program requirements; manage workload to provide accurate, prompt, and effective action on deliverables and responsibilities; and consistently follow PUD policies and safety rules. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Columbia River PUD team, please visit our website at www. to view and apply for open posi-

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BEAUTIFUL 3bd, 2ba, large fenced yard! Must see! 59875 Jaden Dr. $1200


EXTRA NICE! 2bd, 1ba, big kitchen, carport + storage, w/s/g pd. 33951 E. Col. Ave. $800

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Molly Hruska, Principal Broker 503.939.7773

Project2:Layout 1

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Renee Pizzo Real Estate Broker 503.396.1326

ONE FULL FLOOR OF SPACIOUS LIVING! 4BR, 2 BA. Living and family rooms both have a fireplace and a slider to covered patio and fenced back yard. New roof, new vinyl windows, & ext paint. 2-car garage has a converted 18 X 9 unfin room – can be converted back. Large lot w/extra storage sheds & RV parking. Easy commute to PDX or Hillsboro! 503.396.6770 ML#13190992

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COME ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING HERE! This 5 acre lot features territorial views, seclusion & solitude! Conditional Use Permit in place and septic approved. Land is ideal for one level or daylight basement plan. Bring your builder or use ours. Room for shop, barn, animals and toys! 503.887.4577 ML#12106401

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Beautiful 5.33 acres close to St. Helens, cleared home site in wooded setting, 50 GPM well already in, septic approved, road & utilities Call Josette, Broker to property, surveyed, 503-320-7125 ML#13526140.

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Project3:Layout 1

Columbia River People’s Utility District (PUD) is a progressive technologydriven utility that has incorporated all aspects of its operations into one Enterprise-based computer system. The PUD is planning for the future and for the demands of our ever-changing industry by increasing staff and adding new skills sets. The ideal candidate would be interested in adding their strengths and experience to our Energy Services team by providing outstanding customer service to PUD customers by participating in the design, implementation, and delivery of the PUD’s various residential energy efficiency, demand management, and renewable energy programs and continuously identify and pursue project prospects and leads; ensure that all projects meet program requirements; manage




Construction Services

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Home Repair




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Wednesday, July 17, 2013 502




Help Wanted

Wanted Autos

Garage Sales

Misc Wanted

workload to provide accurate, prompt, and effective action on deliverables and responsibilities; and consistently follow PUD policies and safety rules. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Columbia River PUD team, please visit our website at www. to view and apply for open positions or call our job line at (503) 397-8159 to have an application packet mailed to you.


July 19 & 20, 10am-6pm. 52406 SE 4th St., Scap. Indoors & Out. Jewelery over 500 pieces. Cameo’s turquoise, swarovski crystals, rate vaseline glass & more. Lrg marble collection & misc.

Wanted small older crawler (bulldozer) any model, any condition, running or not or related equipment. Skid steer, farm tractor, even small garden size crawlers. Also wanted, old gas pumps, advertising signs, old vending machines, and advertising thermometers/clocks. Old 37 Chevy parts. Cash (360) 204-1017

GORDON TRUCKINGCDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicated and OTR Positions Now Open! $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS. Consistent Miles, Time Off! Full Benefits, 401k, EOE, Recruiters Available 7 days/week! 866-435-8590 Nanny needed for 4 children. Hours are typically Mon-Fri 9-5. Looking for someone who is fun, creative, reliable, flexible and trustworthy. Apply in person at 195 S 15th, St. Helens. Please only apply if you are looking for long-term employment. NEED CLASS A CDL TRAINING? Start a CAREER in trucking today! Swift Academies offer PTDI certified courses and offer “Best-In-Class” training. New Academy Classes Weekly. No Money Down or Credit Check. Certified Mentors Ready and Available. Paid (While Training With Mentor). Regional and Dedicated Opportunities. Great Career Path. Excellent Benefits Package. Please Call: (866)315-9763 NOW HIRING Direct Care Community Access Services is currently seeking to hire Roving On-call staff to work at 5-bed group homes in St. Helens, Scappoose and Aloha. Preference is given to those with experience working in the care giving field with individuals with developmental disabilities. Applicant must have a flexible schedule to work a variety of shift and have dependable transportation. Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug screen and background check. Position starts at $13.25 per hour plus driving stipend. For more information contact Hanna at (503) 410-0723 NOW HIRING Direct Care Community Access Services is currently seeking to hire part time staff to work at 5-bed group homes in Scappoose. Preference is given to those with experience working in the care giving field with individuals with developmental disabilities. Applicant must be able to pass a preemployment drug screen and background check. Position starts at $10.00 to $10.25 per hour. For more information contact Megan at (503) 543-3812


Boats & Motors Boat top repairs; drop curtains, upholstery snaps, zippers, etc. Suzi (503)396-1548 Gregor 15ft Alum. 6HP Yamaha & trailer. New top & floor. $2400 OBO. 503-397-4409. Call Ken.


Wanted Autos !$$ I PAY CA$H $$! FOR ALL CARS, TRUCKS, VANS, BUSES & FARM EQUIP. We are local, we pay top $$$ up to $400. FREE removal, same day service, title not req. CALL US FIRST 503-369-8186 503-438-6099 $$$$$ TOP CASH PAID FOR CARS TRUCKS & VANS Ask for Bud 503-936-5923

GRUMPY’S We buy scrap cars. Up to $200. 503-543-5533


Garage Sales 56186 Old Portland Rd, Warren 2 ESTATES AND MORE - Guns, Ammo, Furniture, Collectables, Fishing Gear and more. 8am to 5pm. Thurs, Fri & Sat. Call Hardy for info. 503-396-2665 Columbia County’s premier buyer still paying top $. Gold, silver jewelery & coins, any guns, military, old paintings & antiques. 503-308-2494 Estate/Garage Sale, 9am-4pm, July 19, 20,21 53019 NW 14th Scappoose. Wanda Hudson, Queen of Garage Sales, is moving: New merchandise, 12 Thomas Kincaid pictures, 24 animated Christmas dolls and decorations, cookware, kitchen, garden decor, Precious Moments, Hamilton plates, lamps, exercise equipment, bedroom set, dining furniture, 3 out door canopies, 8 vacuums, plush animals 50 pair/ shoes, purses, clothes, crafts, tools, lawn/garden, basement full. Garage Sale Over? Bring your leftovers to the Senior Center’s Top Notch Thrift Store, 1844 Columbia Blvd., next to Semling’s. Mon-Sat from 10-5. Free sorting service and pickup also avail. Tues-Sat Call 503-397-5386 to arrange. Huge Estate Sale July 18-23 Thurs, Fri, Sat 9-5 Sun, Mon 10-4 81 GMC Chev10 shortbed, like new, 78 Buick Regal Limited like new, Lg amount of jewlery/ gold/silver, signed pieces, old and new, costume, etc. Turn-of-the-Century 2 sided secretary, room of fabric & sewing, perfume bottles, brand-new cosmetics. Huge shop full of equip & tools. 80-gal Craftsmancompressor, engine pulley, tool chests, lg amt of power and hand tools. Metal storage container. Most items in house and shop are like new or in orig. box. Many electronic items, flat screen TV, sm. kitchen appl, pots, pans, utinsels. Old guns, knives, watches, lg collection of antique books, antiques & collectables, advertisement items, mens Levis, womens clothing size 3X. brnd new shoes size 7-10. Lots of brand new excercise equip, fishing creels, garden tools, furniture and much more. 56348 Hill St, Warren. Off Hwy 30 at MP 25. signs out. HUGE Moving/Estate Sale. Doetsch Rd off of Tide Creek Rd Deer Island. Fri & Sat July 19 & 20 9am-6pm, Sun July 21 10am-2pm. 1971 Chevy pick-up w/canopy, dog kennel, saddle, tack, hand & power tools, table saw, misc fishing, tool chest, Pre-cor elliptical, hot tub, seasoned firewood, antiques, furniture, books, new & old windows, trunk, antique prints & much more. CASH NO EARLIES gate opens @ 9am. I buy Guns and Ammo Hardy 503-396-2665 July 19 & 20 9am-4pm 50776 Dike Rd Scap (follow signs from Hwy 30). Tools electric & hand, fishing gear & household items.

Moving Sale Sat July 20 9am, 435 Belle Street Col. City. Antiques, mahogany desk, music cabinet, dresser, marble top wash stand, chairs, clocks. Estate tools, 5ft antique cross cutsaw, biscuit jointer, Dewalt cordless drill, belt sander, router hydraulic house jacks, new 8ft extension ladder, gas cans. Lots of misc. Multi-Family Yard Sale 750 Old Portland Rd Saturday only! 8:30 - 3 Furniture, some Fenton, housewares & home decor, tools & misc. On your way to The Fair stop by our Garage Sale on 58890 Morten Lane, off Bachelor Flat Rd. Fri 19, Sat 20th 9am-4pm. Power Recliner, Little Trikes bikes, scooters, tools lots of misc. Yard Sale 60031 Bonney Lane, SH (1 mile up Pittsburg) Driveway has 1 way loop follow signs so not to block traffic. 9am-5pm Fri & Sat Mens hunt, fish, misc auto jeep parts, clothes, house dvd’s movies books and more. Something for everyone. Drive slow & watch for our cats.


Antiques Antique furniture- 3rd 40ft European Container this year. On sale This Weekend, July 19,20 & 21. Rick’s on Hwy99West, next to Lafayette Schoolhouse Mall.


Food & Produce FREE Rasp & Marion berry starts. Scap. 503-740-9867



Apts Unfurnished 55+ Senior Apt. 1 level 2 bdrm, 1 ba, very clean. No Smoking/Pets. Refs required. $525/mth. 503397-0586 Rainier: 1 bd, river view upstairs in nice neighborhood. W/S/G pd. No pets. $525/mth, $400 dep. 503-369-4576


Houses Unfurnished 4 bdrm, 2 ba newly remodeled home. $1,200. First, last deposit. 1944 Cowlitz St., St. Helens. 3 bdrm 1.5 Townhouse. $800. Fresh paint, clean! 354 S. 6th #1, St. Helens 2 bdrm Duplex 845 Bryant, Clatskanie $650. OIG Property Management (503)396-5436 Available large 2 bdrm, 1.5 ba Townhouse, W/D hook-ups. Nice quiet unit. $725/mo $700 dep. No Pets/Smoking 208413-3731 Newer home on 7 acres in Tide Creek area. 5000 SF, 4 bdrm, 3.5 ba, + office & theatre rm, security survellience, radiant floor heating, 2-car garage. Horse property. Pets ok. No smoking. $2,700/mo. 503-267-1076 Small 2bdrm house in Scappoose. $645/mth $645 sec. dep, $20 app fee. W/S/G pd, comes w/ range & fridge, laundry rm on site. Avail now. Call 503-396-0800




“A VACATION COMING UP?” No need to worry about your pets, they can remain in the comfort of their own home while getting the TLC they need! All pets indoor and outdoor. HOME ALONE CRITTER CARE Free Consultation www.crittercare Licensed, Bonded & Insured. 503-860-6470

Newly refurbished 1900 sq.ft. duplex in Col. City garage, river/mtn views, lg yard w/porch & deck. No pets/smoking. $1250/ mth + utilities. 503-3693766

All Paws Pet Grooming. Specializing in large breed dogs but all Paws welcome. 503-397-7828 or 503-396-9362 Check us out on Facebook. Boarding for Dogs at Big Meadow Farm. Reserve Early for Summer Travel 503-366-3565 FREE Kittens, ready Sept 1. Come pick yours out. Scap. 503-740-9867


Livestock/Supplies RIDING BUDDY Wanted - box stall, all weather arena, hot water wash rack, etc. Deer Island area. FULL Care, $250. 503-366-3228


Feed & Supplies Excellent grass hay. $3.50/bale in field, $4.50 in barn, $6.00 delivered. Deer Island. 503-397-7198


Fertilizer Aged Horse Compost, garden & flower bed ready & Sand & Gravel. 5 yds minimum orders. 503-310-5161 Free Compost, horse manure + cedar chip mix. Will load. 503-543-7406


Misc For Sale 2 Eastern Star Rings. Diamond & Gold. 503-539-4069 Maytag front washer, Kenmore Elite hvy duty dryer. $350 for both. ‘91 Ford F150, 2 dr $1000. 971-244-2166 Ruger 10/22 carbine w/ extra 25 capacity magasines. $120 503-543-3309

Nicest in St. Helens 3 bdrm, 2 ba, newer Townhouse w/garage & fenced yard. WD hk-ups, quiet dead-end street. $925/mth + dep. 576 N. 10th. 503-366-1014

812 Roommates Room Mate needed for 2bdrm in St. Helens. 503-369-7224


Mobile/Manuf. Homes 1 mile out of Scappoose, 2 bdrm, clean, repainted. $575/mth 1st & last + $500 cleaning dep. No Smoking/Pets. 503-5432250. Newly remodeled mobile in Scappoose park. Liv. rm, dining rm, kitchen, utility rm. $875/mth, 1st, last, sec dep. No pets. 503-543-7770


RV Space RV Space for rent $300/ mth - $200 clean-up dep. 503-556-1876


Homes for Sale by Owner Very Nice 2 bdrm, 1 ba, fenced yard. New carpet, newly remodelled bathrm. $120,000, Call for appt 503-396-2334


Mobile/Manuf. Homes FSBO. Lovely well maintained MF home in desired park. 3 bdrm, 2 ba, utility rm, kitchen, dining rm, plus lrg bonus rm. Beautiful deck, storage shed/shop & fenced back yard. All appliances inc w/option to purchase fully furnished. 503-369-0687 Mobile Home For Sale Fixer-Upper. Total Price $1. 503-556-1876 Nice 1995 S/Wide. 2 bdrm, 1 ba, new interior paint exterior. Looks very nice. Shed, deck, new carpet, stove, refrig, dishwasher, washer & dryer. Move in ready. $21,950 - 15% down. Payment $240.50 OAC, Sp rent $300. Call Bill 503-366-1417


Mobile/Manuf. Homes REDMAN 1990, 14x60, 2bdrm, 2 ba, L/hookup, new vinyl in baths, new carpet thruout. New decks, awning, new paint inside/out. Nice shed. 10% down, $24,950 payment around $260 OAC. Call Bill 503-366-1417.


Public Notices CH13-1094 PUBLIC NOTICE URBAN SERVICE AGREEMENT A special meting is scheduled to be held at the Columbia County Soil & Water Conservation Building at 35285 Millard Road in St Helens on Monday July 22, 7:00pm; to present to the public the URBAN SERVICE AGREEMENT between the City of St Helens and McNulty Water People’s Utility District (PUD) relating to the Provision of Water Service within the Urban Growth Boundary. The District is prepared to present the agreement to its rate payers and to listen to comments, concerns and answer questions regarding the agreement. The Board will consider the adoption and signing of the agreement within a Special Board Meeting that will follow the Public Meeting. The agreement is available for review at the District’s office, open from 9:00 am to 1:00pm Monday-Friday. The address is 34240 Millard Road, Warren Oregon 97053. The office number is: (503) 397-1301. CH13-1093 INVITATION TO BID Helens High School East Parking Lot Improvements” The scope of work includes, but is not limited to the repair and overlay of asphalt, removal and replacement of extruded curbs, speed bumps and painting and restriping as described in the Plans and Specifications. Written sealed proposals will be received by Janine Salisbury, Business Manager of the St. Helens School District No. 502, Columbia County, Oregon, 474 N. 16 th St., St. Helens, Oregon, 97051 until 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, July 24, 2013. The work shall be completed between July 29, 2013 and August 17, 2013. Plans and Specifications are available in PDF form by contacting Steve Alexander, Lower Columbia Engineering, at 503-366-0399 or by email at The School District may reject any proposal not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements and may reject for good cause any or all proposals upon a finding of the District that it is in the public interest to do so. Project Requirements that must be met, but not limited to: Contractor must pay Davis-Bacon or Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industry wages, whichever is higher. General Contractor acknowledges they understand Prevailing Wage Laws and the associated requirements. Bidders are required, prior to submission of bids, to carefully examine the site and Construction Documents for the contemplated work. Failure to do so on the part of the Bidder does not relieve the Bidder of the responsibility for a correct and completely finished job. CH13-1092 The 1982 Commodore mobile home (xplate #179350; I.D. #ORE009109; serial #10079) located at 32916 James Street;,Cedar Tree Mobile Home Park space #27, Scappoose, OR 97056 has been abandoned by Randi Love. The property will be sold by sealed bid due by 12:01 a.m. July 29, 2013. For additional information call Jim Clackum @ 503-396-5643. CH13-1091 CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, Plaintiff, v. WENDELL OLSON; LAURA OLSON; AND PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Defendants. NO. 132327 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION




Public Notices

Public Notices

Public Notices

TO; WENDELL OLSON; LAURA OLSON; AND PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and defend against the allegations contained in the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled proceeding within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Summons upon you. If you fail to appear and defend this matter within thirty (30) days from the date of publication specified herein along with the required filing fee, Wells Fargo Bank, NA will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The first date of publication is July 17, 2013. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within thirty days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU SHOULD SEE AN ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 4527636. The object of the said action and the relief sought to be obtained therein is fully set forth in said complaint, and is briefly stated as follows; Foreclosure of a Deed of Trust/Mortgage Grantors: WENDELL OLSON; LAURA OLSON; AND PERSONS OR PARTIES UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN, Property Address: 33901 WICKMAN WAY, WARREN, OR 97053 Publication: The Chronicle DATED: this 12 th day of June, 2013 Craig Peterson, OSB #120365 Zachary Bryant, OSB #113409 Brandon Smith, OSB #124584 Robinson Tate, P.S. Attorneys for Plaintiff

The object of the complaint is to foreclose a deed of trust dated February 20, 2008 and recorded as Instrument No. 2008-001770 given by Jack A. Perseghetti and Kimberly Perseghetti, as tenants by the entirety on property commonly known as 865 E 2 nd Street, Rainier, OR 97048 and legally described as: Beginning at a point on the South line of the Jos. Norwood Land in the Voorhees Donation Land Claim No. 44, in Section 21 in Township 7 North, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Columbia County, Oregon said point being 10 rods and 11 feet West of a line drawn North and South through the exact center of said Voorhees Donation Land Claim after excepting the strip 2 rods wide on the West deeded to Dean Blanchard; thence in a Southeasterly direction to a point on said North and South center line 30 rods South of the South line of said Norwood Land; thence South on said center line to the South line of said Voorhees Donation Land Claim; thence East to the Southeast corner of said Donation Land Claim; thence North to the Southeast corner of said Norwood Land; thence West to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING THEREFROM tract conveyed to Arthur L. Kell et ux by Deed recorded April 19, 1973 in Book 191, Page 16, Deed Records of Columbia County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPTING that portion lying with Old Timoney County Road #P-77

hereby required to present their claims, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the Personal Representative at: Olsen, Horn LLC, 1510 St. Helens Street, Suite B, St. Helens, Oregon 97051, or the claims may be barred.

CH13-1090 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA Red Canoe Credit Union, Serviced by Cenlar FSB, its successors And/or assigns, Plaintiff, Vs. JACK A PERSEGHETTI; KIMBERLY PERSEGHETTI; RICHARDS CONSTRUCTION INC., OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES, including OCCUPANTS, UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN Defendants. No. 132307 CIVIL SUMMONS TO THE DEFENDANTS: Jack A. Perseghetti NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by Red Canoe Credit Union, serviced by Cenlar FSB, its successors and/or assigns, Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s claim is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the Columbia County Courthouse. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff.

PARCEL II: Beginning at a point that is South 21 rods and 10 feet and West 49 rods 11 feet from the Northeast corner of Isaac and Mary L. Voorhees Donation Land Claim No. 44 in Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, Columbia County, Oregon, which said point of beginning is the Northwest corner of that tract conveyed to Blaine Harr by grantors by Deed recorded February 7, 1922 in Book 32, Page 420, Deed Records of Columbia County, Oregon; thence South 30 rods to a point, thence West 10 rods and 11 feet to a point; thence North 30 rods to a point; thence East 10 rods and 11 feet to the place of beginning. PARCEL III: Beginning at a point on the South line of Jos. Norwood Land in Voorhees Donation Land Claim, No. 44 in Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian, Columbia County, Oregon, said point being 10 rods and 11 feet West of a line drawn North and South through the exact center of said Voorhees Donation Land Claim after expecting the strip 2 rods wide on the West deeded to Dean Blanchard; thence South to the South line of said Voorhees Donation Land Claim; thence East on said South line to the West line of the land conveyed to Blaine Harr by Joseph Rich and Jane Rich by Deed recorded February 7, 1922 in Book 32, page 420, Deed Records of Columbia County, Oregon; thence North 28 rods and 6 _ feet; thence Northwesterly to the place of beginning. The complaint seeks to foreclose and terminate all interest of Jack A. Perseghetti and all other interests in the property. The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. The date of first publication of the summons is July 10, 2013. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at http:// CH13-1087 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA Department of Probate In the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR EUGENE PRESTON, Deceased. NO.13-7081P NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Personal Representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are

All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Representative, or the attorney for the Personal Representative. DATED and first published this: July 3rd, 2013. Nanette K. Hagen Personal Representative Address: PO Box 48 Oakland, OR 97462 James C. Horn, Attorney OSB #822815 1510 St. Helens Street, Suite B St. Helens OR 97051 CH13-1081 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COLUMBIA JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Plaintiff, Vs. CLAY W. BROWN; YVONNE D. DEITERING; UNITUS COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION, OTHER PERSONS OR PARTIES, Including OCCUPANTS, UNKNOWN CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMPLAINT HEREIN Defendants. No.13-2313 CIVIL SUMMONS TO THE DEFENDANTS: Clay W. Brown NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, Plaintiff. Plaintiff’s claim is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the Columbia County Courthouse. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. The object of the complaint is to foreclose a deed of trust dated July 13, 2006 and recorded as Instrument No. 2006009379 given by Clay W. Brown, Married Yvonne D. Deitering, Married on property commonly known as 924 2 nd Avenue, Vernonia, OR 97064 and legally described as: Lots 8 and 9, Block 7, CENTRAL ADDITION, in the City of Vernonia, Columbia County, Oregon. The complaint seeks to foreclose and terminate all interest of Clay W. Brown and all other interests in the property. The “motion” or “answer” (or “reply”) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. The date of first publication of the summons is June 26, 2013. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at http:// or by calling (503) 6843763 (in the Portland metroplitan area) or tollfree elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Attorney for Plaintiff, /s/ James A. Craft James A. Craft #090146 [] SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 1499 SE Tech Center Place, Suite 255 Vancouver, WA 98683 (360)260-2253; Fax (360)260-2285 S&S No. 13-111809

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


The sun this week Past highs, lows & precipitation

ODFW Fishing Report Find up-to-date reports at








July 17

July 18

July 19

July 20

July 21

July 22

July 23

High 80° Low 54°

High 84° Low 54°

High 83° Low 53°

High 84° Low 53°

High 80° Low 53°

High 78° Low 52°

High 81° Low 53°

Mostly sunny.



Mostly sunny.




Sunrise 5:38 AM

Sunset 8:56 PM

Sunrise 5:39 AM

Sunset 8:55 PM

Sunrise 5:40 AM

Sunset 8:54 PM

Jenny Rudolph, MPA OSU/Columbia County Extension Educator

Sunrise 5:41 AM

Sunset 8:53 PM

Sunrise 5:42 AM

Sunset 8:53 PM

Tuesday, July 9

Wednesday, July 10

Thursday, July 11

Friday, July 12

Saturday, July 13

High: 86 LOW: 63 Precipitation: 0.00

High: 82 LOW: 57 Precipitation: 0.00

High: 75 LOW: 51 Precipitation: 0.00

High: 75 LOW: 49 Precipitation: 0.00

High: 79 Low: 50 Precipitation: 0.00

Weekend Fishing Opportunities Fishing is open for fin-clipped jack chinook and fin-clipped steelhead from the Astoria-Megler Bridge upstream to the Oregon/Washington border. Chinook and sockeye retention are allowed from Bonneville Dam upstream to the Oregon/Washington border. Sturgeon retention is open

from The Dalles Dam upstream to the John Day Dam and from McNary Dam upstream to the Oregon/Washington border. Catch and release angling for sturgeon is good in the estuary and fair from Marker 82 downstream to Longview. Walleye angling is good in The Dalles and John Day pools.

BY CHIP BUBL OSU Extension Service

Food preservation and food safety Want to learn how to safely preserve produce from your garden this summer? The OSU Extension Service in Columbia County offers food preservation information Chip Bubl and resources. Here is a list of services that we provide: · Free printed publications and safe canning recipes; · Online publications and recipes at; · Free pressure canner gauge testing (call ahead before bringing in your gauge); · Food preservation and food safety hotline from July through October at 1-800354-7319; · A list of our hands-on canning classes can be found on our website at


garden plots Vegetable side-dressing Side-dressing means adding more nitrogen fertilizer to a growing plant to get the quality and quantity of produce you expect. Asparagus: February and June Beets: 4-inches tall Cabbage, etc: 30 days after planting Corn: When 8-inches and 24-inches tall Cukes and squash: When vines start to run Lettuce: 4-inches tall Peppers: When fruit sets Potatoes: When 8-inches


Blossom end rot of toma-

toes With it finally warm enough to actually grow tomatoes, it is time for the annual review of blossom end rot. This is a poorly named problem in one respect – it is not a disease but rather a nutritional disorder. The symptom is a dark, leathery sunken spot on the bottom of your rapidly ripening tomato. What misery! Blossom end rot results from a shortage of calcium in growing fruits. Practically speaking, however, the cause

Sunrise 5:43 AM

Sunday, July 14 High: 78 Low: 55 Precipitation: 0.00

Columbia River Fish Counts Salmon, steelhead and shad Steelhead catch rates were poor over the weekend of July 6-7. Boat anglers had the best success in the gorge, where anglers averaged 0.25 steelhead per boat. In the area from Portland to Westport, boat anglers averaged 0.08 steelhead per boat, while anglers in Troutdale had no observed

catches. Bank anglers had no observed catches from Westport all the way upstream to the gorge. On July 6, 180 salmonid boats, seven shad boats, 100 Oregon salmonid bank anglers and 22 Oregon shad bank anglers were counted. Portland to Westport Bank: Weekend checking showed no catch for 35 anglers. Portland to Westport Boats: Weekend checking showed two

Harvesting garlic July is garlic month. Generally, garlic is ready to harvest in the second week of July. How can you tell if the garlic is ripe? Look at a wellformed bulb and pull it apart. Count the number of “skins” to the outermost set of cloves. If the plant has lost all but three of the outer skins, harvest the bulbs. If there are more skins, you have a little time. Be sure to eat the garlic you have examined. The skins help to keep the garlic dormant during winter storage and also make the bulb look more attractive.

Flea facts Flea larvae are tiny and worm-like. They feed principally on the feces of their parents, which is largely composed of partially digested blood. Yummy! Under ideal conditions, 10 female fleas can produce over a quarter of a million flea eggs/larvae/adults. Once a flea attaches for blood, they stay with the animal. A fertile female lays 10-20 eggs per day. The eggs drop from the pet, particularly

is usually inadequate irrigation. Soil moisture is essential for roots to abscorb calcium. To avoid blossom end rot: Keep your tomato bed well limed so calcium will be present. Keep the plants well watered so calcium will be available. Use an organic mulch to help keep soil evenly moist. Great fluctuations in soil moisture seem to aggravate the problem. Avoid heavy nitrogen fertilization. Trap moles, whose tunnels may make even watering impossible.

Sunset Sunrise 8:52 PM 5:44 AM

If you continue to water garlic after the skin count has dropped below three, you can lose all the skins. You can also increase storage disease. Garlic doesn’t have to be brown before harvest. Often, the garlic will have green tops at the best “skin” stage for harvest. That is not a problem. When you harvest the bulbs, tie the tops into bundles and hang the bulbs from rafters in your garage or barn or place them on a screen so that they have good air circulation while they are curing. They shouldn’t be exposed to the direct sun. You can eat the garlic at any time and it should be cured for winter storage after drying for thirty days.

Sunset 8:51 PM

Monday, July 15

High: 83 Low: 50 Precipitation: 0.00

adult chinook released, three steelhead kept, plus one unclipped steelhead released for 50 boats (113 anglers).

Sturgeon Portland to Westport Bank: Closed to retention, catch-andrelease only. No report. Portland to Longview Boats: Closed to retention, catch-andrelease only. No report.

where the pet sleeps. The time from hatching to adult can be as short as two weeks up to several months or more. Fleas can go into suspended animation and can live for a year or considerably more without any of that delicious blood. In fact, there was a German experiment in the early part of the century that seemed to show that fleas could be kept alive for over 15 years without food. Fleas can transmit tapeworms, bubonic plague, and other maladies. Many pets (and humans) are intensely allergic to flea saliva. Treatments that interfere with the flea development (methoprene as a spray or collar), Program™/lufenuron (which is a pill that affects egg viability) or those that move from a drop on the back (imidacloprid and others) through the animal have revolutionized flea control. Talk to your vet about options. Plant a few extra rows of vegetables for your non-gardening friends and neighbors and for the food bank. The Extension Service offers its programs and materials equally to all people.

A12Sports Front



Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Not your average romantic weekend Courtesy photo

Stephenie and Roger Fink rest at the halfway point of the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic.

Who needs dinner and a movie when you’ve got bikes and a 200-mile route? At first glance, the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic may not seem like a romantic weekend for two. But for one Scappoose couple, the yearly event doubles as date night. Because Roger and Stephenie Fink have two young boys who are always on the go, the two-day bike ride gives them the opportunity to be alone for a weekend. Sort of. They’re alone with about 10,000 other cyclists. Last weekend was the third Seattle to Portland for the Finks. Even though they treat the ride as more of a getaway than competition, they’ve still seen their times improve since the first ride. “Mentally, to pedal your bike from Seattle to Portland is a mental wall. Once you’re able to do that, automatically you’re gonna be faster,” said Roger, a health teacher at Liberty High School, where Stephenie teaches PE. Roger said sometime in the future he would like to make the ride in a single now. But for now they’re happy soaking up the several rest stops along the way. “Every rest stop we stop and get off our bikes, talk, rest, take breaks,” Stephenie said. “We just enjoy the ride. It’s the one time when you enjoy the ride instead of trying to beat the clock.” In one of their other hobbies – triathlons – they’re constantly trying to beat the clock. But those challenges don’t necessarily compare to the camaraderie they have noticed taking part in the STP. “We were impressed and amazed by the sheer number of people leaving UW [the University of Washington] that Saturday morning,” Roger said. “Just riding with a whole squad of people

Courtesy photos

ABOVE: Stephenie and Roger Fink get ready to start the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic. RIGHT: Stephenie and Roger Fink stop for lunch on the second day of the Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic.

from station to station, that was a neat experience.” The overnight stay in Centralia, specifically, is one of the stops they’ve really come to enjoy. “It’s just a big party. It was fun: People eating, joking, talking bikes. It’s a very positive, fun community,” Roger said. “And it didn’t hurt to have a McMenamins in town.” After 102 miles on a bicycle, a burger and cold Ruby Ale would normally hit the spot. But knowing there’s another 100 miles knocking on tomorrow’s door, one has to be careful not to get carried away. “The second day is harder, getting back on that bike seat,” Stephenie said. But by the time they cross the Lewis and Clark Bridge and get into familiar territory, they realize most of the hard work is out of the way. And while they decided to do the Seattle to Scappoose ride their second trip, they’ve gutted out the final 20 miles each of the other two trips. “Once you hit St. Helens, you’re

thinking, ‘Man, I’ve already done 175 (miles),’ so it’s the light at the end of the tunnel,” Roger said. When they get to St. Helens, it’s time to alert their babysitters – their boys’ grandparents – that they’ll be swinging by soon. “The kids will be out cheering us as we pass in Scappoose. They’re excited to see you. It gives you that extra push,” Stephenie said. That helped carry them on to the finish line at Portland’s Holladay Park. In addition to giving the thrill of knowing it’s time to get off the bike, the finish line adds another piece of joy. “The first year coming across the finish line, I didn’t think I’d be emotional,” Stephenie said. “I was pretty emotional. It was a pretty hard thing to do. Even though it’s not a race, it felt like you were doing something together as a community.”

All photos by Kyle Boggs

ABOVE: Scappoose third baseman Mikey Bates chases down St. Helens’ Ben Heitz in a rundown after Heitz’s two-run double. RIGHT: St. Helens’ Cameron Sexton slides into home for the team’s first run of the game on July 10 against Scappoose.

Bats blasting for 9- and 10-year-olds PORTLAND — The 2013 9- and 10-year-old Little League All Stars District I tournament started off with a slugfest between St. Helens and Scappoose on July 10. The game looked to be a Scappoose blowout early on, but St. Helens fought back from an 8-run deficit to close within two before Scappoose pulled out a 17-8 victory. Luke McNabb game the host Scappoose squad a 1-0 lead with an RBI fielder’s choice in the bottom of the first inning. St. Helens answered in the top of the second when Cameron Sexton scored on an overthrow. Scappoose broke the game open over the course of the next two innings. The team scored four runs in the bottom of the second and five more in the bottom of the third. Jack Duschka had a tworun single in the second. Connor MacLachlan and Colton Frates drove in a run apiece in the second as well. Tyler Tolleshaug drove in a run in the top of the third to get one of those four runs back for St. Helens, making it a 5-2 game. In the bottom half of that inning, Scappoose capitalized

10/11 Baseball District Tournament Hosted by Lakeside Little League at Falbo Field July 5–8. 1. St Helens - 0, Wilshire-Riverside - 13, 4-Innings 2. Scappoose -13, Hollywood/Rose City - 6, 5-Innings 3. Wilshire-Riverside - 23, Scappoose - 0, 4-Innings 4. St Helens - 26, Hollywood/Rose City - 2, 4-Innings 5. St Helens - 7, Scappoose - 5 6. Wilshire-Riverside -15, St Helens – 6 9/10 Softball District Tournament Hosted by Hollywood & Rose City Little Leagues at Roseway Heights July 5–9 1. Scappoose - 10, Willamette/Wilshire-Riverside/Hollywood - 11, 7-Innings 2. Willamette/Wilshire-Riverside/Hollywood -14, Lakeside/Parkrose - 13 3. Scappoose - 15, Lakeside/Parkrose - 3 4. Willamette/Wilshire-Riverside/Hollywood v. Scappoose 10/11 Softball District Tournament Hosted by Hollywood & Rose City Little Leagues at Roseway Heights July 3–7 1. Scappoose - 12, Hollywood/Rose City/Wilshire-Riverside - 1 2. Scappoose - 13, Hollywood/Rose City/Wilshire-Riverside - 14 3. Scappoose - 11, Hollywood/Rose City/Wilshire-Riverside - 4 Little League Softball All-Stars (11/12) District Tournament Hosted by Hollywood & Rose City Little Leagues at Roseway Heights July 5–9 1. Scappoose - 2, Parkrose - 9 2. Parkrose - 3, Peninsula - 7 3. Scappoose -12, Parkrose - 0 4. Peninsula - 8, Scappoose – 0 Junior Softball District Tournament Hosted by Hollywood & Rose City Little Leagues at Roseway Heights July 3–7 1. Scappoose - 23, IKLL/Willamette - 12 2. Scappoose - 14, IKLL/Willamette - 8

on a couple of errors to score twice. Then Frates drilled a two-run triple to give Scappoose an imposing 9-2 lead. Cooper Ragan’s RBI single

made it 10-2 and ended the third-inning onslaught. St. Helens had a rally of its own to start the fourth inning. Kaleb Edwards

drove in Ashton Smith with a ground ball. Cody McKay added an RBI of his own. Then when Scappoose tried picking the speedster off at second base, he wheeled all the way home to make it a 10-5 game. St. Helens held Scappoose scoreless in the bottom of the fourth, then scored three more runs in the top of the fifth inning, sparked by a two-run double from Ben Heitz. The other run scored with the help of an error, making it a 10-8 ball game. The two-run lead, apparently, was too close for comfort for Scappoose. In the bottom of the fifth inning, the designated home team erupted for seven runs. McNabb drove in a run, Kade Hidlreth brought in two, Logan Johnson ripped a two-run double, Duschka picked up his third RBI of the game and MacLachlan knocked in the game’s final run. Scappoose held on for a 17-8 victory. The win put Scappoose up against Wilshire-Riverside. St. Helens, meanwhile, was matched up against Lakeside/Parkrose in the second round.

It’s party time Stumptown Disc Golf is inviting anyone interested in helping to create St. Helens’ new disc golf course to join them at McCormick Park in St. Helens on Sunday, July 21, to invest a little sweat equity into the brand new course. Whether you are a current Stumptown member or not, they would love to buy you lunch. All they ask is that you give them a hand for a few hours and help us clear out a few fairways. Up to this point, Jared Fischer, Sean Phillips and Logan Miller have been working with very little assistance outside their core group, and Stumptown would love to see that change. Come help get this new course in the ground so everyone can start playing it. Work is planned to start at 9 a.m., and continuing

until about 1:30 p.m. or so, at which point they will fire up the BBQ and grill up some burgers and dogs for everyone. Come out and enjoy a little course work followed by a BBQ and cold drinks. They will also be raffling off some cool stuff like shirts, hats, discs, minis and yes... a Disc Catcher Sport basket. All work party participants will receive one raffle ticket for every hour of work. McCormick Park is at 475 S 18th St., in St. Helens.

File photo

Runners prepare for the start of the Second annual Ralph Painter Memorial Run last year.

Ralph Painter Memorial Run coming up RAINIER — The Third annual Ralph Painter Memorial Run will be on July 27. There are multiple options for the run: A 10K, 5K and kids 800-meter run. The 5K will begin at 8:30 a.m., the 10K starts at 9 a.m. and the kids take off at 10 a.m. All races begin on the track at Rainier High School. Race packets can be picked up at RHS from 7:308:15 a.m. the day of the race. Entry fees are $35 for the 5K, $40 for the 10K, and $10 for the kids race (for children up to age 12). Students ages 13-18 can race for $15, or pay $25 and receive a race T-shirt. Race shirts are included with the adult fees. According to the event’s website, the 5K course is mostly paved with rolling hills. The 10K course is a loop run that is half road and half trail. This year’s event will feature a competition between police officers and firefighters. There will be four-man teams. Whichever

team has the lowest combined score wins a trophy and plaque that will remain at that department for the year. In addition, Hillsboro Police Sergeant Eric Bunday has issued a challenge to increase participation. Bunday said if 50 officers sign up to run, he will run the 5K course in full police gear. If 100 officers participate, he will run it in full riot gear. Ralph Painter ran cross country and track at St. Helens High School, where he graduated in 1974. He was recently inducted into the St. Helens Sports Boosters Hall of Fame. Painter served as the police chief of Rainier until he was killed in the line of duty. All proceeds from the Ralph Painter Memorial Run go into a scholarship fund in Painter’s name. The scholarships are awarded to deserving high school seniors in Columbia County. To register for the race, visit www.ralphpainterrun. com.

File photo

CRBMX track will be packed full of riders July 20-21 for two days of racing.

Weekend of racing coming to McCormick Park ST. HELENS — Columbia River BMX track will be host to two big races July 20-21. The track – located at McCormick Park – will host the Redline Cup Race on July 20. Registration runs from 2 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. with racing to follow. Entry fee for that race is $30. There will be raffles going on throughout the day with a new Redline MX-20 as the grand prize.

On July 21, CRBMX hosts a state race with registration from 9-10:30 a.m. Entry fee for the Sunday race is $20. The two-day event also has a team challenge. Riders from the team must race both days to be eligible for the $400 prize purse. For more information, visit or find CRBMX on Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/crbmx.

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