Mrs. Rhyner, Oceanlake 3rd Grade
“There are three resons that I like about Holidays. On thanksgiveing me and my brother wack up erly to eat frech tost that my mom made.” Elijah C, 3rd grade. “Although there are lots of things, to do, my favorite thinig is to celebrate christmas.” Gwendolyn M, 3rd grade. “At the holidays, I speend time with my family. Whan I have my family over we play games Like pass the balloons, speeding time with my family is really fun.” Trinity M, 3rd grade. “I love christmas so muchI could celebratit all the time. On christmas me and my family will open are presents. Cause we like opening are presents.” Brooklynn R, 3rd grade. “I’ll tell you why i love x-mas. on christmas We Make Food. When it is christmas My famliy makes cookies for santa. I also make sure santa Likes the Milk we leave out for him eather toastd talerant or regaler.” Xochitt, 3rd grade. “Thar are three resons why I like the holidaye! I like the holidays becuas I get to Spend time with my family! At the holidays me and my family spend time with are frainds.” Taye J, 3rd grade. “Holidays do you celebrate the-winter At The Beach Real Estate is the most funest 2035 NW Jetty Ave thing about the 541-994-1156 holidays. Christmas is fun because you can spend time withe tsome of the people that you havent seen in a wiler christmas is fun becuase you can get presents from your family.” Zaza, 3rd grade. “this is why I like criskmas in winter. I go to my hose in cafeia. I selobrate all the halldays with my famlie. I like santtclos, I put cookes on my fierplace, and i put stcies up and he puts cand in thim.” Caleb, 3rd grade.
All Ways Traveling 800-984-4968 • 541-996-7474 2617 NE Holmes Rd., Lincoln City
“I Love the Holiday’s for three resins: Mom & Dad, enjoey-ment, trandties. I get to see my mom & dad on the Holiday’s, we spend it together.” Faith E, 3rd grade.
“Let me tell you why I love christmas. Story. Sometimes when my Family comes over we play a lot. all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, friend, and neices come to play. I Love when my Family come to play.” Lucy, 3rd grade. “The holidays are realy fun. We have, candy, canes and we have critmas music. than make cookies for santa. We have atree that me and my mom decrate with candy canes it is fun to make cookieys for santa.” Ethan, 3rd grade. “At the holidays i get a lot of kisses. I give my dog kisses nd it makes me feel happy. At the holidays my family plays with me. Family makes me feel comfortable. I enjoy my dad and mom.” Anna G, 3rd grade. “Holidays are The Coho Oceanfront Lodge important to me I 1635 NW Harbor Ave spend time with my family on the holdays. my family spends time by celebrating sometimes my grandparents come on christmas.” Dylan R, 3rd grade. “Every christmas morning when i’m looking in my stocking there are lots of things in there. on christmas in the morning we go to our stockings and sometimes we get oranges gaint- candy canes or dolls and notebooks.” Katie H, 3rd grade.
Charlotte Lehto Insurance Agency Auto, Home, Business and Life Insurance 4422 NE Devils Lake Blvd. Ste 4 541-994-2884
to decrat the tree.” Austin S, 3rd grade.
“I have three resens how i Like the holodays famly celrbrat, winter. At the holadays. I spind time playing games with my famly. me and my famly like
“on the Holidays on christmas I get presents First we get a chrismis tree I like christmas because I get lots of presents and I get to Decorate the tree after that I get I Candy cane chrismas is really fun.” Logan, 3rd grade. “We track on the cacne and we play games and we macn nessen. weock on, the. cach and we play the wie and it is fun we woch and wave and popcone and it was fun we lole wwe have good time.” Brock M, 3rd grade.
Figaro’s Pizza 4095 “B” Logan Rd. 541-994-4443
“I can show you 3 reasons why I like the Holidays. On the holidays, i like to be with my family. We have fun on the holidays we play games like hide and go seek. On the holidays I like to spend time with my family. I selibrat the Holiday season.” Luke J, 3rd grade. “my cousins, ants, uncles, and sister come. And then we open presits together. Even thouge there are alot of holidays, I like christmas the best!” Aubery S, 3rd grade.
Gesik Coldwell Banker 1815 NW Hwy 101, Lincoln City (541)994-7760 • (800)959-7760
“I love the holidays! during the holidays my whole family viset in Lincon city. My whole family foes to my grandmas house. when my familt is there. we open presents and eat yummy foods. Me and my family have traditions we do every year.” Olivia C, 3rd grade.
“I love to celebrat the Holidays. On chrismas me and my family go to chruch. We thank him for the dieing on the cross for us. on chrismas me and my family go to chruch and pray for god. on new years eve me and my family have lots of fun. On new years eve me and my family unrap preasnts.” Breanna B, 3rd grade. “The holiday are vary speshull. At the holiday I spent time with my mom and my dad and my brustrs and sistrs and my gramo and my grapo and my grat gramo.” Sammy R, 3rd grade.
Grocery Outlet
4157 NW Hwy 101 “I Love the holadas at 541-994-6828 the holadas we eat speshll food. what we eat for thanksgiving is trccky, corn and stafing. befor we eat aur food we pray to god.” Piper C, 3rd grade.
“Let me tell you now mack I love Christmas. At the holidays I love to spant time watch my famly. When Crismis has come all fraway famly come! thes era some thigs we do erey Christmas, is we cownt how miny I people era ther.” Chloe P, 3rd grade.
Quality Plus Spa Sales & Service 866-758-7478
“this is my story. for crismiss I spend time with my family. on crismiss I get to see part of my family that i have no seen in a long time.” Dahlia M, 3rd grade.
“The hoiladays are good and fun. I codin open them now be cucse I neede to open them on the zu day but I codint walt e now. I was makeing cookies and i was doing that now it is fun.” Fernando, 3rd grade.
Mrs. Cushman, Oceanlake 2nd Grade “The holidays. mean one everyone get together and eat dinner. Fru christmas.” Brian, 2nd grade. “To me the holidays mean presents.” Jet, 2nd grade. “To me the holiday mean fun.” Aramis, 2nd grade. “It mean’s spinding time with your family and having fun.” Lily, 2nd grade. “We Woch The fut bolgem and we haf a famlex denr on christmas we open presets” Unknown, 2nd grade. “I love christmas becuse Santa Brings us presnts and he puts them in a specil place. For us.” Unkown, 2nd grade. “The reason why they celebrate Thanksgiving is there was a celebration long ago.” Bear, 2nd grade. “It all of the spelshll ukajin byt my bef I woj sa christmas.” Sydney, 2nd grade.
“Is Crismise I had a” Scottie, 2nd grade. “I Love Christmas becus snata giving us preinds The end.” Emma, 2nd grade. “Love I like Chrismas becos you get cady and presents it is fun and cool I love it.” Allyson H, 2nd grade.
Chris, 2nd grade. “Santa will be here any minute and we will get presents.” Alfredo, 2nd grade. “Delicious food love chrismas turkey snow everyone A celebration helping others santa” Aleah, 2nd grade.
“Family me and my family spend time together ever chistmas.” Mckayla, 2nd grade.
“Christmas mens to to me is Gesus on the crost and mi Flamy to pedn and evre flamy is to pedr too.” Gage, 2nd grade.
“To me. the holidays mean fun delicious food mashed potatoes schooli.” Allen, 2nd grade.
“To me christmas mean love and joiy and peis.” Danielle, 2nd grade.
“the holidays mean to me is sumthing spesholl that hapened a very very long time ugoe. like wen god and geases wus ulive.” Morgan, 2nd grade.
“To care about your family because you should.” Carter, 2nd grade.
“Famile love fun prestents something special.” Alex, 2nd grade. “To me, the holidays mean special, because you get to be with your family and have fun.” Gabriella, 2nd grade. “The Turkey is good the candy canes are yummt and I love a celebration. And the best holidays are Thanksgiving and christmas.” Ashely, 2nd grade. “spending time with my family on christmas.” Nicky, 2nd grade. “Is N.A., love, family, turkey, mashed potatoes, christmas.” Amber, 2nd grade. “I like christmas because i get fun stuff.”
“Love and hope.” Aria, 2nd grade
Mrs. Pacheco, Oceanlake 3rd Grade “Here are 3 reasons why I like the Holidays. On april fools day it really makes me laugh because we prank people in our fam-ily. I trick my sister and the reason of my family. What I prank on my family was put the sand in the salt container. Thanks-giving is really important to give a lot of thanks to the people you know.” Cecilia H, 3rd grade.
“Why do I like all the holidays. First, I will talk about food. I had a lot of pie for food. on halloween I had a lot of candy. Then, I will talk about people coming over on thanksgiving people come over. On christmas people are over. Lastly, i will talk about presents. On christmas i get a lot of presents.” Kaden H, 3rd grade. “the holidays mean a lot to me. First I love the snow. When it snows play in it with my sister! My favorite is sleding at my church. Also I get a lot of presants! I usally gets PJ’S. I also get a lot of clothes too!” Addie G, 3rd grade. “I like christmas for 3 reasons. Christmas is fun. Presents. Candy, and a prade. There is also family, friends, and a big dinner. HAlloween is my next favorite. There is lots of candy and pumkins there is also some pumkin seeds and tv.” Aaliyah W, 3rd grade. “This are 3 reasons why I like christmas family and friends first we invite my mam’s family and my dads family. Second we invite my moms friends and my dads friends.” Aislinn E, 3rd grade. “I like the holidays for three reasons. On the holidays my family gets together and we have dinner. Also we have a lot of pie. The kinds of pie are cherry and appel.” Kadence J, 3rd grade. “I like the holidays and its traditions. thay are fun to celebrate. last christmas i went to my grandbos house. I watched t.v. all day. I ate chicken and stuff like that.” Natalie D, 3rd grade. “Holidays mean A lot to me. One uv the Holidays I selebrat is chrismas. I got hanig out with the family and seing a
lot uv christmas tree. Anuther Holiday I like is ester. Is olsow my ether favrit holiday to.” Baylee M, 3rd grade. “The holidays are fun. One holiday i enjoy is easter the easter bunny buys jelly beans. sometimes pepol hide the eggs and kids hav to find them if you find the golden egg you get a present.” Caleb D, 3rd grade. “the holidays hasnt always been great but i know that this christmas will be different. First i will talk about food. I like all the pie and cheese cake on thanksgiving. On Halloween I get a lot of candy.” Ozzie R, 3rd grade. “Thay men alot to me for 3 resons. The holidays mean alot more to me. One, i decorate tree with family. we put on lights on the tree with family. We put on ornamints with family.” Ayden B, 3rd grade. “Why is Christmas my favorite holleday? Christmas is fun, jeses b-day falls on christmas. We buyed Christmas ree on esember! We ate holleday food. I ate Pizza for dinner!” Trinity R, 3rd grade. “Christmas i’s awsome. first, There are tons of Ice-cream. And Cupcakes to eat. Next, my mom makes the most delicious ham. Everyone comes to my house to eat Ham. Ham i’s my favorite. I usually eat One cupcakes. And some chocolate ice-cream. I like christmas.” Leilani C, 3rd grade. “I like the holidays. Eor Tree resuns. Eestr is e greot Holidays the ester bunny lays eggs. They have colors and candy. Another great holiday is christmas. We get a christmas tree and decoate it with lights.” Fredy C, 3rd grade. “Critmas is my favorite time of the year.
To begin, I Love thanksgivg This year I celebrated Thanks-giving this year. On thanksgiving I got to eat pumkin pecan pies. On thanksgiving we also made yams with marshmellows on top and we made ham.” Megan B, 3rd grade. “Why do peple selrbat Holidays. First I ate pies I have two cochlite pies. Me and my family had pie. Next family are in town and the best me and my family selrbat I love my family so-much.” Destiny L, 3rd grade. “Holidays mean alot to me. First, my family comes on holidays. My family comes together for holidays. My family comes together for Chrismas. second, Thanksgiving is really fun for me.” Taj B, 3rd grade. “Although I love all holidays. Chrismas is my favrite. One of the things I like best is snow. When it snows I play in it. I mak snow angels too. Another thing I like about holidays is chrismas.” Talisa T, 3rd grade. “They are fun for 3 resens. first i mack igloos its fun. the snow is fun and osem! I have fun with my perents! I like opening them and seing them.” Zander H, 3rd grade. “What do the holidays mean to me. one of the holiday I like is christmas. I like to get presents from santa. I get to spend time with my family on christmas. Another holidays Is thanks giving. Spend time with my grandma.” Triston D, 3rd grade. “What do the holidays mean to me? My idea of the holidays is to go to the beach with my family. On christmas i get presents, candy I get toys and pajamas. Christmas is about giving presents, having fun, and being with your family.” Anton B, 3rd grade.
“I like the holidays for 3 reaons risins. one of my favit holidays is esler. the best port of ester is fiding eggs in the gord. The 2 best port of ester is you git a lot of cande to eat. the next thing i do is spend time with my familie.” Aliyah F, 3rd grade.
Mrs. Zupan, Taft 2nd Grade “Every Year we see santa and tell him wat we want and we sit on his knee and santa is surrounded by lights.” Thaden M, 2nd grade. “It mean to Me you shood in joy The Time with your family and the crismis trre.” Haylie H, 2nd grade. “holidays mean stuf like spend time with your famley. and famleys ore inportint. I love my famley.” Eric R, 2nd grade.
The Humble Pie Pizzaria 1114 NE Hwy 101 541-994-4840
“Crismis is the iportent holiday for me. I like crismis trees. evrybudy get gifs.” Connor L, 2nd grade.
James Drayton Trucking & Excavating 2020 SE Hwy 101, Lincoln City 541-994-2054
“I have fun with my mom and dad. We wrap presents for my brothers. They i go to bed and my parents wrap up my presents.” Hayleigh C, 2nd grade.
“Is that I get to spend time with my family and with family that does not live with me. I love the holidays!” Lauryn B, 2nd grade.
“Me and my family haveing fun at the holidays. frst we play a game. then we go in side ann drnk hot coco.” Gavin K, 2nd grade.
“Is bening with my family. I love decarating my chrismas tree. I love dranking hot caca.” Kavan B, 2nd grade. “is being with my famaly and frendes and fun. We set up the crismis tree. Watch crimas moveis.” Kaden B, 2nd grade.
John L. Scott Real Estate 1831 SW Hwy. 101 541-994-5221 • 1-800-733-2873
“It’s mean to me decorating my tree with my family and macking cookese with my grandma.” Kylan B, 2nd grade. “The holidays are special to me because they are the best. We put up our Christmas tree and we make cookies Santa.” Joey B, 2nd grade. “Is spending time with my family. I open my presents on Christmas eve. I get to see Santa Clause.” Isaiah W, 2nd grade.
Lakeview Senior Living 2690 NE Yachats Ave. 541-994-7400
“Is that I get mor time to be with my friends and family at christmas day.” Alex C, 2nd grade. “Is being with my famly and allwas puting up a tree.” Grace M, 2nd grade.
“Is Christams I take my time with my family we make cakes and cookies. We love to daces. I love christams.” Yaritza C, 3rd grade. “me and my grama and my grapa poot up the tree. Me and my grama decerat the tree. On Crismis day me and my sister opin presints. I love the holidays.” Brianna L, 2nd grade. “the holidays mean haveing fun with your family. and unraping presents with your family. and bakeing cookeis for stanta.” Logan M, 2nd grade.
Larry Garrison, broker, Windermere Distinctive Coastal Properties, Inc. 541-992-3732
“Is being with my family me and my family always put a christams Tree up we alway selbrat christams. all the time.” Victoria W, 2nd grade.
Les Schwab Tire Center 1025 SW Hwy. 101 541-994-3676
“Me and My sister wake up and we go wake up our mom.” Makaden M, 2nd grade. “Is having fun with my family. We play in the snow. We put up a Christmas tree.” Abraham R, 2nd grade.
“Is being with my famaly and frendes silubrading crismis with my famaly.” Genesis L, 2nd grade. “Is a lots of tree and my mom got a new tree and is beuyoudful.” Isai F, 2nd grade. “Is geting a new tree and decratering it. I do not care abawt the presits. I care abawt my family.” Kayla M, 2nd grade. “Is spending time with my family. I love to open presnits on chricmic day. And I love to decrating the chricmic tree.” Amethyst B, 2nd grade. “I get to help my mom put up the tree. My grandma comes to visit.” Ashley P, 2nd grade.
Mojo Coffee 3565 NW Hwy 101 541-614-0596
“is bilding a snow men and decorating the Tree and baking cookes with my grandma and spending time with my famely.” Kaylon C, 2nd grade. “Is we make cookies for santa so he can eat them so he gets sumthing gud to eat.” Logan R, 2nd grade.
Mills Ace Hardware South: 4910 SE Hwy 101 North: 2047 NE 22nd St.
541-996-2131 541-996-3334
“Is spending time with my family opening presints o chricmic day, decrating the tree and you can stay. In your pjs all day long.” Taylor E, 2nd grade.
“Is decarating my tree and puting up my ligts. After we decarat are tree I put the star on. Then we go to bed and wait for santa.” Kalie G, 2nd grade. “Is being thankfull for what I have spending time with my familily and in joy the holiday.” Angelina K, 2nd grade.
North Lincoln Lions Club Meets Tuesday at noon For information, call 541-994-2178
Mrs. Fitzwater, Taft 2nd Grade “what the holidays mean to me I went tock ckliming at the camonat sentr.” Coral P, 2nd grade. “Is very fun and spechial to me. I love all the sparkling orderments and lights at cristmas.” Abigail J, 2nd grade. “spending time with family that livs for awaey” Nathan M, 2nd grade.
Ocean Terrace Condominium 4229 SW Beach St. 541-996-3632
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“My hd ticlz at cesms I hape.” Michael H, 2nd grade.
“sharing and giving and having a gret time with your famaly when its crictmis.” Nick C, 2nd grade. “Spaning qadetime with your famley and having a grit time with your famle a and ping prasits.” Ashleigh H, 2nd grade. “is spending time with my family andd opening prizits with my family and playing in the snoe to with my family” Roman M, 2nd grade.
Otis Cafe Otis, OR 541-994-2813
“I dranck hot choklat we stayed in side I wered my gloves it was fan then i went to bad.” “ Alinna M, 2nd grade.
Power Ford 541-994-4556
“The holldays mean to me is beeing femile.” Bella E, 2nd grade.
“is having a good time with your family and play with the new stuff you might have gotten.” Jay C, 2nd grade.
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“Spiding time with my famely and frends and having a good time with thim.” Kelyn B, 2nd grade.
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“they mean a special time with your family and having fun with your family. And opening presents.” Harrison Y, 2nd grade. “It means that i get to give presents but secret presents not gust me it is evrewon.” Jennifer D, 2nd grade. “halladovs are prite fore swme resin. Swmetims youre love hwlladays” Lacie S, 2nd grade. “Is spnding time with my family and frends and haveing fun some times we have a big diner play games then my frends leave I have a girt time.” Kimberly A, 2nd grade.
Price n Pride Food Center 801 SW Hwy 101 #104 541-994-4354
“Spending time with your friends and famiily.” David T, 2nd grade. “You get to spend somi tim wit yor famlee it is fun.” Angelo G, 2nd grade.
Real Estate 100 2140-A NE Hwy 101 541-994-2100
“eeting presis having fun opening presis plaing with the toys in the prasit.” Chelese Y, 2nd grade. “is christmas is the best because santa because give me presits.” Jayon G, 2nd grade.
“speding time with my familey faraway.” David H, 2nd grade. “What the halidays mean to me is monstr go to asleep in PBed the monstr” Manuel V, 2nd grade.
“is spending time with my family and getting most of the toys I wanted.” Nicole R, 2nd grade.
“Is having a grate time with your family.” Reina Z, 2nd grade.
Samaritan Hospital 3043 NE 28th Street 541-994-3661
“I sow sntcos in the ders” Denice G, 2nd grade. “Is speding time with your family toether and sharing presits with your firends. during fun with your family.” Jasmine D, 2nd grade. “they mean to me that i can spend lots of time with my familey and frens. They all so mean to me” Shahayla B, 2nd grade. “is spending time wite my friends and family and eating good food like apple pie. and when where doen eating we sit bye are fireplace.” Jayden K, 2nd grade.
The Sandcastle Motel 3417 SW Anchor Ave 541-996-3613
“Is just to spend alot of qaulity time with your family and friends” Emmalee R, 2nd grade.
Ms. Sumerlin, LCSDA School
“Christmas means to me to spend time with my family decorating the tree and geting to have agg nog and geting to maike giner bread cooies.” Rose M, 2nd grade. “I like it wen get to open up my presents” Liz C, 2nd grade.
T+L Septic Tank Pumping & Services 541-994-9950
“Christmas is important because Jesus was born.” Hailey W, 2nd grade. “Christmas means to me being with my family and friends. My family likes to open presents on Christmas. and seeing santa.” Emily W, 2nd grade.
Trillium Natural Foods Grocery Mon-Sat 9:30 am to 7 pm Sun 11 am to 6 pm
“Chrismas mean to me the presents and to see the decorations and lights.” Ellie D, 2nd grade. “I I I Like to open up presents. I lik to see Santa.” Pam, 2nd grade.
Mr. Hollister, LCSDA School “Christmas is my favorite holiday becaues its jesus’ birthday.” Olivia W, 3rd grade. “I love christmas Because it is the savior’s Birth. And i get to see my family!” Vivian W, 2nd grade. “I like spending time with my familly and talking about what we are going to do and opening presents.” Cami G, 2nd grade. “I like to spend time with my family I am filled with love” Eston W, 2nd grade.
West Coast Bank 4157 N. Hwy 101, Lincoln City 541-994-9161
Ms. Bostwick, Oceanlake “I make gnger bread house is. and i see my family.” Madisyn, 2nd grade.
Western Title & Escrow 3469 NW Hwy 101 541-994-8928
“I lollse chrismas because i get to open prensens and santa claus and has elfs and I like the staf.” Bob, 2nd grade. “M fafrit halldas is chrismis beckus i git lots uv presits and ai. Dod tuch.” Alexandria F, 2nd grade.
“We all get together crismis eve and we sing. and we throw snow balls. aand eat cookies.” Damian H, 2nd grade. “The haldaseday is to me it like it is with my flame. on thanksgiving I get to go to my geremom.” Nicholas, 2nd grade. “What holiday mean to me is travling to Boise Idaho or saint Louise muserie to see family and frends it also means exitment and fun. Avlo, 2nd grade.
Samaritan Early Learning Center 3070 NE 28th St. 541-994-4208
“I like to slep on eyesmes becuz i wac up and I wac my mom up I open my prusents.” Justice, 2nd grade.
“ c S “thit i love holidays becush i git to spin tim with my fanley and my finds.” Zach, 2nd grade. “ c “I lov crismos becus it macs me happy” E Unknown, 2nd grade.
“ “I like oping presits whech my familey and fres i loave it and ssta cams.” g Wes, 2nd grade. N
Charlotte Lehto Insurance Agency Specializing in Senior Services 4422 NE Devils Lake Blvd Ste 4 541-994-2884
“I my hase I open presints. I my house I eat taikey. I my house I” Maria, 2nd grade. “I make cookies in my get presnts,” Arath, 2nd grade.
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“Osum to my U get presins and S tup can de cuel cookes travl play guems” Dylan, 2nd grade.
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“it means a lot because it is a mereal for us because it as if it was shineing at my.” Alexa, 2nd grade. “cresmes ans too me: snow and hta who gos all wraup nr the whar a sat woo were mage.” Amulto, 2nd grade.
“It’s a bran nwe year i celebrat christmas I made a tree house i like cookies.” Johnny H, 2nd grade.
1760 NW 25th St Lincoln City, OR 97367
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800 SE Hwy 101, Lincoln City 541-996-2288
“I love to have christmas with my family it is so fun i can’t even belev that i get to spend time with them it is so fun to have my famaily with me i can’t do enyrething else beter to do.” Lainey, 2nd grade.
Congregational Church Of Lincoln City
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“it mens sbelbrading god and jeese. Gitting to getr and givge.” Bridgett, 2nd grade. “I can make snowmen and eat and snow do and i decrat the days satn snow flac.”
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Eric, 2nd grade. “On holidays In winter its col holladays a redays to celabrate and decoret” Sean, 2nd grade. “I love christmas with my teacher ms.boswick we have hot chocalate we decorate the tree it looks nice.” Elizabeth, 2nd grade. “Is that God died for our sins and celebrate Gods birthday. I get to get together with my family.” Natalie G, 2nd grade. “I like chrismas because my grama come’s over we make cookiese and we decrate the tree and my dad put’s the tree top on and that is what I like about chrismas.” Orznna, 2nd grade. “Is that on crismes i get to see my cusens and thay are very nice so i like when they come and i like crismes songs because i like crismas and songs!” Brooklynn, 2nd grade. “Christmas is a great holiday to me because we get to open presients. when it’s christmas I want a christmas song.” Ada H, 2nd grade. “Holidays are time for family my family hv snow ball fits and hus fud” Unkown, 2nd grade.
Willy/Clark, Taft Elementary “Is spending time with my family, making cookies with my family. We all set up the christmas tree. Right now my mom is Christmas shopping. I can’t wait to see Santa, Mrs. Clause and the elves. Santa is a good man.” Calli C, 3rd grade. “Putting up stockings and putting up ornament. on out Christmas tree there is a golden star on top of the tree. We eat candy canes.” Lucy K, 3rd grade. “Is celebrathing Jesus birthday. On christmas day people
give presents. I love celebrate with my family and put up tree and lights. Christ is my favorite day.” Juan-Jose L, 3rd grade. “I like when we go shopping for a tree or cut down. then we got shopping for presents for other people.” Allison G, 3rd grade. “Holidays mean so much to me, but christmas just fills me with joy. I just love santa because he always gives people presents and never gets any thank you.” Rachel S, 3rd grade. “It how my family celebrate jesus birthday. We pray when we eat. and thank him for the beautiful christmas.” Divine M, 3rd grade. “Is well you knom now you usually like giving them. It also means to me getting excited on christmas eve.” Logan J, 3rd grade. “Is about jesus’ birthday and God, it is a good thing mary, and josephy had Jesus. I like giving more then getting.” Austin W, 3rd grade. “Is spending time with my family on christmas. We also like to head down to the church and pray because it is jesus’ birthday. We do tree hunting in the woods and decorating out house with beautiful lights around everything.” Sam C, 3rd grade. “Is giving presents. Celebrating jesus birthday. Spending time with my family, decorating the tree. Ham dinner with family. Eating candy canes.” Danny H, 3rd grade. “Is donating with my family is speical to me. I likee your beautiful reindeer santa. I love to feed santa milk and cookies. I like it when santa fills my stocking. My mom loves to decorate the tree. When it snows i love to go sledding.” Sebastian S, 3rd grade. “Is when my whole family gets together to have a fun time and decorate the tree and to spend Christmas together. but the best thing about christmas is that its not all about getting presents. Its about giving presents. I can go to my dads once a week but he never can over for christmas so i hope he can come over this year.” Hailee C, 3rd grade.
“I think that the holidays are great. I love christmas so much. You don’t just think about other people too. It is the specil day whch people gather around a big old tree and you feel happy about yourself.” Breanna H, 3rd grade. “Is spending time with my family. On christmas its jesus’ birthday. We always put up a Christmas tree. My brother, mom, dad and uncle help me decorate it. We put things onit. My family puts stockings oon the chimney so santa can bring us candy. After we put up the tree we put presents under the tree.” Angel I, 3rd grade. “are to celebrate with my family and just being thankful for the things we have today. Every year my family puts up a tree right after thanksgiving. Decorating the tree is a tradition. Did you know that christmas is jesus’ birthday?” Sayge U, 3rd grade. “Christmas mean to me speding time with my family and having some fun. On christmasa I do not fight with my family. On christmas my whole family comes to my house and we drink some soda and we are going to go to sleep.” Leslie R, 3rd grade. “caring, celebrating and giving and the spirit of christmas is a verey special holiday to me that when jesus was born when God first met mary joseph they wher pregnant a couple days later they arrived at the city of david and they had jesus.” Trejan A, 3rd grade. “is having fun. but my favorite holiday is christmas because you get to have fun and be nice. you also get to put up a Christmas tree and decorating it. Also you get to decorate you’re house. Christas is also fun because you can ride slides on the snow.” Justin B, 3rd grade. “Christmas means giving not getting. I like to help decorate the tree. Its so fun! Christmas cookies taste so good. I always put cookies out for santa. I love seeing my family. I love christmas so much! It till be my puppies first Christmas. His name is Joey.” Erika A, 3rd grade. “Is christmas celebrates the day jesus was born. So that’s why we have christmas, its not about presents. its about spending time with your family and friends and having fun and eating together. Santa is a nice guy he brings toys and
he eats cookies, lot’s of them. I love christmas because it’s fun!” Ryley S, 3rd grade. “is giving presents to other people, seeing that big smile it makes me happy! Christmas means to me waking up feeling so happy that its christmas day! its so fun getting presents. One day every year I loe that! Drinking hot cocoa and decorating the tree is fun!” Shayla G, 3rd grade. “I like to put the ornaments on the tree” Caleb S, 3rd grade. “are celebrating Jeaus birthday. They also mean eating ham. Hanging the tree is really special to me. My family loces hot coco when its cold! I love unwrapping presents. for my wonderful family. Its fun spending time with my family.” Peyton L, 3rd grade.
“is putting up a tree with my family. In this christmas I’m going to visit santa. Me and my family hear christmas songs. We are giving people presents. I’m putting lights in my house. In the tree i’m putting cookies and milk for santa and we drink some hoat cocoa p.s. celebrate Jesus birthday!” Brayan M, 3rd grade.
“It is Jesus’ birthday on Christmas. Its fun to give presents to people. It’s fun having christmas.I’m happy that on christmas you get to be with your family. It’s fun giving santa cookcies he always eats all of them.” Emilee W, 3rd grade. “is spending time with my family, celebrating jesus’ birthday. I get candy every year. My family hangs up stokings. I like meeting santa and his reindeer.” Jordan R, 3rd grade. “Is about giving presents to others. Some people will help others. We celebrate holidays for a reason. We give presents to other people. Holidas are fun and playfull.” Andre R, 3rd grade. “Christmas is when you give presents to people decorate a tree, eat ham, and be nice to other’s visiting people or going out and going to play in the snow with your family and friends. Santa is always the best he brings us games to play. Caroling is really fun. Going to church on christmas is special.” Beritza M, 3rd grade.
Mrs. Roebber, Taft Elementary
“is about jesus and my family on christmas I like to have fun Get a tree. Even i have the Christmas spirit.” Evaristo, 3rd grade. “When it is Christmas my mom and I make cookies together. They are good they are also fun. Me and my mom are really happy when we make cookies for santa and set carrots out for him and his reindeet. Santa is so magical. He makes everything real.” Nicole, 3rd grade. “I am happy that myi famly is happy or funny. I am happy that we have a good christmas.” Kyan P, 3rd grade.
The Inn at Wecoma 2945 NW Hwy 101, Lincoln City 541-994-2984
“I like christmas for catching Santa clous.” Levi C, 3rd grade.
“I’m happy i get to go see my family. I get to play with my uncle and ear a lot of delicious food.” Alex B, 3rd grade.
Lincoln City Animal Clinic 4090 NE Hwy 101 541-994-8181
open presents.” Magali C, 3rd grade.
“On christmas, we go to church, Then we go to our house and we make snowmen. We got some hot chocolate with good food in the morning me and my family
“I love Christmas. I get to spend time with my family. It is fun at Christmas time. I love throwing snow balls.” Cassie H, 3rd grade. “On christmas me and my family go get the tree. Then we wait a few days to decorate. We decorate at night usually and my mom makes hot chocolate while we decorate. sometimes we got to the store and buy presents for eachother. Then we wrap them and put them under the tree.” Andrian S, 3rd grade.
Lakeview Senior Living 2690 NE Yachats Ave. 541-994-7400
“is drinking how chocolate and going to church at 10:30 pm I really like getting the tree, hanging my stocking, and opening presents. but what christmas mostly means to me is when jesus was born. Michael K, 3rd grade.
Les Schwab Tire Center
“ I s
“ “My Christmas traditions are going inner tubing with my family, my other a tradition is opening one present on Christmas Eve. I like to eat fudge and T drink hot chocolate. On Christmas morning.” Lex R, 3rd grade. “ a “When it is christmes my mom and i make cookies and hot chocolate f together. We buy candy canes and when we go home, we pour a cup of K milk. Santa is cool, magucal, and real. My family goes to bed.” Kyleena S, 3rd grade. “
“When it is Christmas Eve, my family goes to my grama and Grampa’s house and we have Christmas dinner. Then we open presents. Also, we celebrate God’s Birthday. Sometimes, Not all the time. then we have desert. “ Lily H, 3rd grade 1025 SW Hwy. 101 541-994-3676
“My favorite holiday is christmas because I get to spend more time with my family and get alot of presents. The presents I want is an ipod, ypoyo- and a wii u” Cristofer O, 3rd grade. “My favorite holiday is christmas because i get to North Lincoln Lions Club open my presents Meets Tuesday at noon at midnight. For information, call 541-994-2178 Sometimes i get toys and clothes. I aso get to play on my cousins ipod and eat pasta, lasagna and other foods. I said, “What is that on the roof?” We saw something orange. It was santa claus he made it rain presents.” Sammy V, 3rd grade.
Ocean Terrace Condominium 4229 SW Beach St. 541-996-3632
“Holidays are my favorite time of the year. My favorite holiday is christmas. Christmas is spending time with family. Also about jesus birthday. Christmas is also about putting out cookies for sanda and also getting a tree.” Katie A, 3rd grade.
“My favorite drink is egg nog. I like to play mineccraft on christmas day. It is minecraft christmas version. I like to play in the snow and throw snow calls. its fun to drink hot chocolate with marshmallows.” Sam A, 3rd grade. “The real christmas spirit is not about toys or food. It is about your family and friends.” Tracker K, 3rd grade. “I love to open presents. In the morning, my mom said, “NO, wait till your aunties and cousins come.” I said “Okay.” I had a nice christmas with my family.” Kenya F, 3rd grade.
“I love christmas because santa always brig me toys and my mom lets me play with them for one minute and then we go to bed. the next morning when i went to pig n’ pancake i huged santa. I saw sam.” Joshua, 3rd grade.
Otis Cafe Otis, OR 541-994-2813
“On chrismas eve my sister and i open one present before bed.In the moring iwake up and open presents. then we take of the tree ornaments. we eat food like cookies eggnog, and candy canes. Next, we open our stocking, we play have full with our new toys! that is out familys spirit.” Jayden H, 3rd grade. “The next holiday is Christmas. My family likes to hand ornaments. we put a big star on top. Sometimes we make cookies for santa.” Zoe C, 3rd grade.
Grocery Outlet 4157 NW Hwy 101 541-994-6828
Briana-Lynn L, 3rd grade.
“holidays being my family close together. On christmas eve i got to open two presents. on Christmas I get to open the rest.”
“On Christmas morning my family and I open presents and stocking. then my brother and I play with our toys for a while. Then as a family, we eat breakfeast together. Christmas is the best time of year, that’s at least what I think.” Charlotte L, 3rd grade. “it mean’s haveing the best time with your family & friends. It was great to.” Hayley Y, 3rd grade.
The Coho Oceanfront Lodge 1635 NW Harbor Ave
“My favorite holiday is christmas. I love my family and I love christmas Eve. And i love opening presents..” Gabriel W, 3rd grade. “on Christmas Eve we eat pie and have hot chocolate. We sometimes open a few gifts too. One of our gifts is always a new pair of pajamas! One Christmas morning my sotcking had $10.20 in it! I always love christmas, even if my parents can’t afford to get me anything because I always get something from Santa.” Emma S, 3rd grade.
Through a Child’s Eyes
At The Beach Real Estate 2035 NW Jetty Ave 541-994-1156
Thank you to the local businesses and organizations that supported the students who shared their “What do the holidays mean to you?” thoughts and drawings in the 2012 Through a Child’s Eyes.
What do the holidays mean to you?
This time of year causes us to pause and reflect on our lives. Every day we face so many challenges, but it is important to stop and think about the positive and what is really important in our lives. To help us keep things in perspective, students from Taft Elementary, Oceanlake Elementary and Lincoln City Seventh-day Adventist schools are sharing their drawings and thoughts about what the holidays mean to them. The thoughts of every student who participated are on these pages. Drawings were selected at random. We owe a special thank you to the teachers and principals who work with our children every day. They are a dedicated, caring group of people. And a special thank you to the business owners who sponsored the drawings for “Through a Child’s Eyes.” Without their support so many things would not happen in our community. Not only did these businesses make the publication possible but also a portion of each sponsorship cost will go to the schools for art supplies. From our News Guard family to yours,
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays