Finder THE
(701) 523-5623 • 1-800-732-0738 Fax: (701) 523-3441 e-mail: P.O. Box F, Bowman, N.D. 58623
Serving your tri-state area
Volume 51
No. 22
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Bowman, North Dakota
Presorted standard Us Postage Pd CoUntry Media inC
Postal Customer Reaching over 31,000 Buyers
Page 2
Bowman Auction Market
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Cattle & Hogs, Sell Every Monday Sheep every other Monday
Hwy. 85 South P.O. Box 58 Bowman, ND 58623 • Karen Gerbig Office Manager
Harry Kerr, Owner/Mgr. 701-523-5922
Sale Time: 10:00 am
Phone: 701-523-5922 Toll Free 1-877-211-0600
COWS BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1450 RHAME . . . . . . .3BLK . . . . . .1152 RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1590 BOWMAN . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1070 BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1085 BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1350 BOWMAN . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1295 WILLISTON . . .1RED . . . . . .1330 BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1435 BOWMAN . . . . .1BWF . . . . . .1305 SCRANTON . . .1BLK . . . . . .1470 BOWMAN . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1270 BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1480 SCRANTON . . .1BLK . . . . . .1235 SCRANTON . . .2BLK . . . . . .1310 RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1355 SCRANTON . . .1BLK . . . . . .1280 SCRANTON . . .1BLK . . . . . .1340 RHAME . . . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1355 BOWMAN . . . . .2HERF . . . . .1610 RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1560 BOWMAN . . . . .2BLK . . . . . .1628 BOWMAN . . . . .2BLK . . . . . .1610 BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1720 BOWMAN . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1130
. . .79.50 . . .78.00 . . .77.50 . . .77.00 . . .77.00 . . .76.50 . . .76.50 . . .76.50 . . .76.50 . . .76.00 . . .76.00 . . .76.00 . . .76.00 . . .75.50 . . .75.50 . . .75.50 . . .75.50 . . .75.00 . . .75.00 . . .75.00 . . .75.00 . . .75.00 . . .75.00 . . .75.00 . . .74.50
The Finder
RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1115 . . .74.50 HETTINGER . . .1BLK . . . . . .1175 . . .74.50 BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .1215 . . .74.50 BULLS BUFFALO,SD . .1BLK . . . . . .1945 BOWMAN . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .2105 BOWMAN . . . . .1CHAR . . . .2455 BOWMAN . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1740 SCRANTON . . .1RED . . . . . .2065 BUFFALO,SD . .1BLK . . . . . .1825 AMIDON . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1180 RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .2240 RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1720 RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .1910 BOWMAN . . . . .1HERF . . . . .2050 RHAME . . . . . . .1BLK . . . . . .2140
. .101.00 . .100.00 . . .98.50 . . .98.00 . . .97.00 . . .94.50 . . .94.50 . . .94.50 . . .93.00 . . .90.50 . . .89.50 . . .89.50
LAMBS MCINTOSH,SD 27LAMB . . .81 . . . .113.50 BOWMAN . . . . .17LAMB . . .81 . . . .112.00 RHAME . . . . . . .51LAMB . . .82 . . . .111.50 LUDLOW,SD . .240LAMB . .96 . . . .109.00 BOWMAN . . . . .40LAMB . . .94 . . . .107.00 BOWMAN . . . . .36LAMB . . .116 . . .102.00 RHAME . . . . . . .28LAMB . . .110 . . .102.00
Monday Sale Time-10:00 a.m.
Please NOTE: Bowman Auction Market will be selling every other Monday Starting June 17th until the lamb run picks up. DEADLINE: July Northern Video Auction Deadline is July 7th.
The Bowman County Fair is right around the corner! The dates of the fair will be July 11th – 14th. Now is the time to start thinking about entering fair items in the open class show. Open Class Fair books are located at both grocery stores and are also in the Extension Office. Stop by today to pick one up! We can’t wait to see all of your items entered in the Fair. Please contact the Extension Office if you have any questions. For more information contact: Andrea Bowman – 701-523-5271
Grazing Tips -Overgrazing is Time not Numbers -Allow plants time to recover from grazing -Leave leaves……….to make leaves -Use salt locations as grazing distribution incentives for cattle
Check out our website today! B00625
Saturday, June 29, 2013 REEDER LIONS ROAD RACE REGISTRATION 7:30 A.M. - Race 8:00 am Events at the Prairie Enrichment Center 9:30-11:30 A.M.
Served by the Reeder Fire Department (Free Will Offering)
10:30 A.M. 2:00-4:00 P.M.
1:00-4:00 P.M.
Sponsored by the Reeder High School Alumni
Sponsored by the North Dakota National Guard
5:30-6:30 P.M.
2013 Bowman County Fair Parade
Sunday, July 14th Theme: Summer Fun Line up at Bowman High School at 11:40 a.m. Parade starts 12:00 p.m. sharp Questions contact Josh Lindstrom 701-523-6503 B00531
The Finder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
this is how we Roll
Page 3
July 4
Celebration HettInGer
WEdNE sday, July 3 9:30AM 8:30PM
Beer Garden and Concessions
Fat DaDDys Wednesday
Firemen’s Breakfast Free Will .......................................... American Legion Club 25th Annual WRHS Fun Run & Walk ....................................Mirror Lake Park Registration: 6:30-7:15 am;
july 5 – 6
FrIDAy, July 5
tHuRsday, July 4 6:30-10:00AM 6:30AM
Class of ‘63 Reunion 701-567-2771 for details daNCE to “FAt dAddys” High Octane Country Band ..........Tent/Bandshell Admission: Adults $10.00; Grades K-12 $5.00; Preschool FREE
Kids 1K Run: 7:30 am;
10:00AM-2:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM GATES OPEN 7:30PM stREEt daNCE South Main
“this is how We Roll - American Pride” PaRadE .................. Main Street Free Noon Meal ....................................................................Mirror Lake Park Pepsi Cola Co., Uecker Yards, Dakota Western Bank, Kennedy’s Fresh Foods, West River Health Services
12:00-5:00PM 1:00-5:00PM
Cowboy Band .......................................................................Mirror Lake Park Dakota Buttes Museum OPEN .....................................400 11th Street South Children’s Inflatable Games...................................................Mirror Lake Park Will also includes: Rock Climbing Wall, Bungee Jumping, and Mechanical Bull concessions on site Advance Wristbands $6.00 until 12:00 PM - July 3: Chamber of Commerce & Local Financial Institutions
July 4th Wristbands $8.00
1:00-5:00PM 1:00-2:00PM 1:00PM 1:00PM 1:00PM 2:00 - 4:00PM 2:00PM 2:00PM
Dunking Tank ........................................................................Mirror Lake Park MIlO HutZENBulER show 1 Free Admission............................ Under the Tent RZ Motors Hoop Shoot Ryan @ 701-567-2474 ................................Mirror Lake Park Horseshoe Tournament ................................................ American Legion Club Big Bang Mixed Scramble to register 701-567-2339 .............................. Country Club “Red Liners” Car Display ................................................South Main Street Bingo Hettinger Eagles Auxiliary ............................................... Suzie’s Woodfire Grill Class of 1993 Reunion .............................................. Heather Ebert residence
Mud Volley Ball.....................................................................Mirror Lake Park
701-567-3437 for further information
MIlO HutZENBulER show 2 Free Admission............................ Under the Tent “R Karaoke” Family Entertainment ................................................ Under the Tent Beer Garden and Concessions
10:00PM HettInGer JAycees FIreWorks .......................Mirror Lake Park “R Karaoke” continues ........................................................ Under the Tent 10:30-12:30PM For more information visit:
Advance tickets $15.00 until 12:00 PM - July 3 @ Chamber of Commerce & Financial Institutions At the Gate tickets $20.00
satuRday, July 6
12:00-4:00PM 1:00PM 1:00 - 5:00PM
Dakota Buttes Museum OPEN ............ 400 11th Street South Class of 1993 Reunion ...................................... Country Club 1st Annual aNtIQuE tRaCtOR Pull .... Fair Grounds
2:00 - 5:00 2:00PM
1953–1956 Class Reunion .................. Senior Citizens Center Class of 1983 Reunion ................. Wade Christman residence
stREEt daNCE ....... between the Midway Bar and the Pastime Bar & Steakhouse “synthetics” Admission: $5.00 Beer Garden and Concessions
Admission: $10.00 anyone over age 12; Age12 and under free if accompanied with an adult! More information Jeff @ 701-238-1720 Beer Garden and Concessions
701-567-3666 for further information
suNday, July 7 1:00PM
Beer Garden and Concessions
5:00-6:00PM 6:00-9:30PM
1953–1956 Class Reunion 701-567-2847 for details ... Country Club Class of 2003 Reunion ........................ Suzie’s Woodfire Grill Class of 1973 Reunion ..................................... Country Club 8:30 -10:00PM “synthetics” An 80’s Band from Rapid City 10:30PM-12:30AM “hAiRbAll” An 80’s Band from Minneapolis
3K Run & 3K Walk: 8:00 am
More information @ 701-567-6190 and
11:00AM 12:00 Noon
6th Annual Tom & Michele Shirek Memorial Scramble .. Country Club 1:00 pm Tee-Off – Sign up by 6 pm July 6 @ 701-567-2339
July 6 ~ 1:00PM
Rock Climbing Wall, Bungee Jumping, Mechanical Bull Inflatable Games
July 4
$750 and above
AdAms Co. ReCoRd AlliAnCe Ag Coop. BlACk powdeR FiRewoRks - A. Walch BuCkmieR exCAvAting dAn ChRistmAn / seeds 2000 Cole ehleRs tRuCking dACotAh BAnk CRAne RoselAnd hARdy pC dAkotA plAins Fed. CRedit union JC FARms kndC RAdio mAttis FARms melling FARms pAstime BAR & steAkhouse t. RusCh lAnd & CAttle Co Runnings southwest gRAin - hettingeR west plAins inC west RiveR insuRAnCe AgenCy west RiveR veteRinARy CliniC
Air Dakota Flite American Honey Co Anonymous Charm Salon Inc Clothes Closet Evanson Jensen Funeral Home Graphic Designs & Prtg / ImageMaker Hettinger Women of Today KB Jewelers Knutson Well Drilling Lyle’s Body Shop Muth Plumbing & Heating Schauer Sheep Co The Shine Shop Western Edge Reality - Liz Hallen White’s Storage & Lawn Service
ABLE Inc Adams County Abstract Co All Pro Services American Legion Post 115 Buffalo Creek Quilt Shop Inc CC Flooring/Backyard Mechanics C&N Cafe Consolidated Dakota Packing Co Drolc Electric DUV Sanitation Inc Edwards Honey Eido/Connect Farmers Union Insurance First National Insurance Gate City Bank Grand River Honey Co Heath Plumbing Hettinger Candy Co Jack & Jill Hettinger Hettinger RV Park & Mini Storage Killdeer Mountain Mfg. Lodgepole Store, Propane & Well Service LLC Mirror Lake Lodge Lynn’s Backhoe Service NAPA Auto Parts Mark W Nelson DDS Rose, Alfred & Barb RZ Motors Inc Starbrite Daycare Steve’s Service Plus Stippich Inc TBARl Lodging Western Frontier Insurance Hettinger White Drug
Ameriprise Financial Buckmier Excavating Carmel’s Cleaners China Lily Mary Eggebo, LMT D. Huiner Hay Hauling H & H Carpet Cleaners Second Forty Club Haley J. Evans Tax & Financial Services Head Quarters by Robin Luckow Real Estate 2013 Imagemaker - 701-567-2080
Page 4
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
48-Month Special Financing Offer JUNE 27 THROUGH JULY 6 MINIMUM PURCHASE $2599
Position Opening
Amidon School has an opening for a fulltime teacher aide for the 2013-14 school year. Call 701-879-6353 or 701-206-0981 with questions. Please send a resume to: Central Elementary School District 5903 146 Ave. SW Amidon, ND 58620
R & N Hide & Fur
701-567-2568 1/2 mile East of Hettinger Paying top dollar for all types of metal including: • Cars
• Tin
• Appliances
• Wire
• Auto Batteries
• Cable
The Finder
- Page 20
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Oil Change #1 Mechanics Choice
Northwest Tire - Bowman, ND 701-523-5236 • 1-800-733-1055
The Finder
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5
:00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30
CBS This 2013 Morning WimbleRachael don Ray ChampiPrice Is onships Right Cont’d Young/ ” Restless ” News ” Bold ” The Talk ” Å ” Make a Outside Deal Football Ellen De- NFL Live Generes ” Dr. Phil Around Pardon Å News SportsCBS Center News Var. ProEnt grams
Matlock Å Matlock Å Heat of the Night Heat of the Night News ” Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Walker, Ranger Law Order: CI Funny Videos Funny Videos
Business Paid Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Judge Mathis Judge B. Judge B. People’s Court Paid Paid Funny Videos Million. Extra Steve Harvey Ellen DeGeneres Jdg Judy Jdg Judy
Varied Programs ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” NCIS ” Varied Programs ”
Today Cont’d Live With Kelly Today Å Today Å News Days of our Lives Access The Dr. Oz Show The Doctors Million. Jeopardy News News News Wheel
Payne Browns Prince Prince Rules Rules Jim Ray. Amer. Amer. Wipeout Å Cougar Friends Friends Friends Friends King King Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld
Super Dinosaur Sesame Street Tiger Sid Barney Wonder Clifford Caillou Fetch! Cyber. Maya Arthur WordGirl Wild Electric News NewsHour Served?
Good CNN Morning NewsLive With room Kelly ” The View Newsroom Å Dr. Phil Around World Å The NewsChew room News CNN Inside NewsGeneral room Hospital ” Ander- Jake son Live Tapper Katie The Situation Å The Dr. Room Oz Show ” ABC E. B. News OutFront
Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural Bones Å Bones Å Bones Å Bones ” Castle ” Castle ” Castle ” Castle ”
Boy... 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Switched at Birth SecretTeen Reba Reba Reba Reba ’70s ’70s ’70s ’70s Varied Programs ”
Doc Sofia Good Good Good Good Varied Programs ” Phineas Varied Programs Jessie Varied Programs Good Jessie Shake It Dog
Umi. Umi. Peter Dora... Bubble Bubble Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Sponge. Rocket Turtles Parents Parents Kung Fu Varied Sponge. Sponge. Drake Victo. Marvin Figure It
Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Bonanza ” MASH MASH MASH MASH Death Death
Varied Programs ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Cops Cops Cops Cops Varied Programs ” ” ” ”
Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami CSI: Miami Criminal Minds Criminal Minds The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 Varied Programs ”
Movie ” ” ” Varied Programs ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”
Var. Programs MLB Baseball ” ” Var. Programs MLB Baseball ” ” Varied Programs ” ” ” ” ” ” Twins
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
:00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30
Big Bang 2013 Two Men NBA Person- Draft Interest cont’d Elemen” tary ” News ” Letter” man SportsFerguson Center Sports” Friends Center Up to SportsMinute Center
Mother Mother Mother Mother News at Nine Funny Videos Rules Rules 30 Rock Scrubs 30 Rock Sunny
The Six Big Bang Hell’s Kitchen Have to Go? News ” Two Men Big Bang Office Jim Fam Guy King/Hill
NCIS ” Burn Notice Graceland Necess. Rough Burn Notice Graceland Drag Me to Hell
Parks Parks The Office Got Talent News Jay Leno ” Jimmy Fallon Daly Insider Paid
Fam Guy Fam Guy Big Bang Big Bang Sullivan Big Bang Conan ” Sullivan Conan ” Office Coming & Going
This Old Wheel House Jeopardy Doc Wipeout Martin ” Master- Motive piece ” Mystery! Rookie Business Blue Charlie News Rose Jimmy T. Smiley Kimmel Scully Nightline I am a Katie Person ”
Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront Piers Morgan Cooper 360 E. B. OutFront
The Hero The Little Gravity Big Time Rascals Shake It Wendell ” Four Paul Princess Full H’se Brothers Blart: Protec- Full H’se Mall Cop tion Nanny ” Good Nanny ” ” The Hero The 700 Jessie Friends Club ANT Friends ” Franklin Prince Good Friends & Bash Prince Good Friends Cold Insanity! Shake It George Case Total ANT George Franklin Perfecter Deck Lopez & Bash Smile Deck George
Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray. King King King King King of Queens King Golden Golden Golden
Fight IntervenMaster tion iMPACT IntervenWrestling tion Beyond ” Scared ” Fight Beyond Master Scared Scarface Intervention ” Interven” tion ” Beyond ” Scared ”
O MLB Brother, Baseball: Where Royals at Art Twins Showville ” ” ” Town Twins Town Due Movie: World “Liar Poker Liar” MLB Baseball: ” Showville Royals at Twins ”
FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2013
Jude’s Prairie Mart Elgin, ND 58533 Hours: Monday-Saturday 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 701-584-2923 KENNON RENTAL PROPERTIES
• 24 Hr Access • Convenient & Well lighted • 125 Spaces for Rent • Just Completed New Storage Building Monthly or Yearly Pricing • 12x20, 12x40 Office Available Also!
701-206-0594 • 701-206-0595 401-3rd Ave N.E. Bowman, ND
Flying J Ranch Premium Beef •Local Ranch Raised •Source Verified •No Added Hormones •Natural Wholes, Halves, Quarters, Steaks, Roasts, Hamburger
Sold Year Round For More Information Call 605-278-6207
Dean and Lori Jenkins
Page 5
Trek Tr rek 820 820
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
:00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30
Under- NASCAR Mother cover Racing Mother Hawaii Mother ” Five-0 Mother ” Blue X MLB Bloods Games: Baseball: News Munich Chicago LetterCubs at ” man Seattle ” Ferguson Mariners ” Sports- News ” Friends Center Scrubs Sign Off Sports- 30 Rock Center Sunny ”
The Six Law & Dateline Big Bang Order NBC Bones Law & ” Order ” ” The Law & Curry Following Order Reports News Law & News Order Jay Leno ” Two Men CSI: Cri. ” Big Bang Scene Jimmy Office CSI: Cri. Fallon Jim Scene Daly Fam Guy Cirque Insider King/Hill Du Freak Paid
Trans- Wash Wheel formers Prairie Jeopardy Annie- Shark ” Knock Tank ” LidiaWhat ” America Would ” There Served? 20/20 There Business ” There Charlie Friday There Rose Jimmy There T. Smiley Kimmel Going Inside Nightline the This Old Katie Distance House ”
Cooper 360 Piers Morgan A Cooper Stroumboulop Cooper 360 A Cooper Stroumboulop
Movie: “Red” ” ” 72 Hours ” King & Maxwell Perception Angels & Demons ”
Blart: ANT Mall Cop Jessie Zookee- Gravity per Phineas Dog ” Good ” The 700 Austin Club Austin Prince Austin Prince Jessie Paid Jessie Paid Jessie Skincare Jessie Paid Cadet
Turtles Turtles Full H’se Full H’se Nanny Nanny Friends Friends Friends Friends George George Lopez George
Friends Rambo Storage Friends Storage ” Friends Storage ” Friends Storage ” Friends Storage ” The Storage ” Friends Departed Storage Storage Friends ” Friends Storage ” Storage ” ” The Exes Storage ” Friends Storage ” Friends Bar Storage Friends Rescue Storage
16 Blocks ” S.W.A.T. ” ” ” ” Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Breaking Bad
MLB Baseball: Royals at Twins ” ” Twins Boys in World Poker MLB Baseball: Royals at Twins
CBS This 2013 Morning WimbleDoodle. don Doodle. ChampiBusy. onships Busy. cont’d: Paid Early Paid Round, Omega Day 6 Paid ” Late ” Model ” PGA ” Tour ” Golf X Games: ” Munich ” ” ” SMART SportsNews Center News X Friends Games: CSI: Cri. Munich Scene ” Brooklyn ” DA ” 48 Hours ” ” ” News SportsSimpson Center CSI: SportsMiami Center EnterSportstainment Center Simpson SportsSign Off Center
Paid Paid Paid Paid Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Videos White MLB Baseball: Indians at White Sox ” Funny Videos Funny Videos Funny Videos News at Nine Bones ” Bones ” 30 Rock 30 Rock Rules Rules
Swap TV Royal Icons Pains Adven. Burn Pets.TV Notice Eco Co. GraceKds land Paid NCIS Paid ” Paid NCIS Paid ” Paid NCIS Buddy ” Williams NCIS Botox ” MLB NCIS Athlete ” Whacked NCIS Whacked ” Big Bang NCIS Big Bang ” MLB NCIS Baseball ” NCIS ” ” ” NCIS ” ” ” Simpson NCIS Simpson ” News NCIS Office ” Two Men GraceTwo Men land Hell’s GraceKitchen land Goodwin WWE Fam Guy A.M.
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Outside Sports SportsCenter X Games: Munich ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Soccer ” ” ” ” MLB Baseball: Yankees at Orioles ” SportsCenter ” SportsCenter ” SportsCenter
Paid Paid Paid Paid Movie: “Fallen” ” ” ” White MLB Baseball: Indians at White Sox ” 30 Rock Funny Videos Bloopers Bloopers Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother News Replay Species ” ” ” Scrubs Scrubs Sunny Sunny
Fox News V’Impe Feldick Main St. Living Paid Perf. Williams Paid Estate Garden Green Bob Vila Home. Cars.TV GospelSalute Feel the Beat Simpson Simpson Cleve Simpson Simpson Burgers Fam Guy Amer. News Simpson Bones ” Bones ” Cold Case
Necess. Meet the Rough Press Grace- Paid land Show. NCIS Paid Paid ” NCIS Paid 2013 ” NCIS Tour de France: ” NCIS Stage 2 U.S. ” NCIS Golf ” ” NCIS ” ” ” NCIS ” ” ” NCIS News News ” NCIS America’s Got ” NCIS Talent ” ” NCIS Law & Order ” NCIS Crossing Lines ” Burn News Notice Criminal The Minds Dilemma Access Hollyw’d ” Insider ” Dateline ” 9 Press
Friends Builder Sullivan Raggs Ray. Signing King Thomas King Martha Movie: Curiosity “Norbit” Enviro Great ” Perform” MLB ances at Baseball the Met ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Movie: ” “Joe Doc Dirt” Martin Moyers” Big Bang Comp Big Bang Antiques Big Bang ” The Han- L. Welk gover ” Call the ” Midwife ” Movie: Master“Joe piece Dirt” Mystery! Crisis ” The Love EastEnd. Guru EastEnd. Power ” Not Teen Prairie Mv Need Money ”
This Week Turning Point Worship Hour WHAD. Animal Animals Aqua Dog ” 2013 Wimbledon Championships ” Adven. ABC Castle ” Funny Videos Celeb.Swap Whodunnit? Castle ” News The Closer Criminal Minds Chris
State/ Union Fareed Zakaria Reliable Sources State/ Union Fareed Zakaria Newsroom Your Money Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Newsroom Anthony Bourd. Crimes of the Inside Man Anthony Bourd. Crimes of the Inside Man Anthony Bourd.
The Hero Cheaper Good Sponge. by the Good Sponge. ” Franklin Dozen 2 Good Sponge. & Bash Jessie Sanjay ” Falling Movie: Shake It Turtles Skies “Good Dog Monsters Law & Burger” Gravity Sponge. Order Gravity Sponge. ” Trans- Movie: Gravity Parents porter 3 “The Jessie Parents Pacifier” Jessie Sanjay ” Jessie Sponge. ” ” The Fast Willy ANT Sanjay and the Wonka Dog Sponge. Furious & Choc- Jessie Sanjay olate Shake It Sponge. ” Movie: Movie: Good Sanjay “The “Up” Good Sponge. Bourne Phineas Sanjay ” Identity” Movie: Sponge. ” Despica- “Camp Sam & ” The ble Me Rock” Sam & Bourne See Dad ” ” UltimaCamp Wendell ” tum Ice Age: Rock 2: Movie: The Final “Look The ” Falling MeltJam Who’s Skies down Shake It Talking” Falling Daddy Dog Friends Skies Daddy Dog Friends Sahara Osteen Good Friends K. Shook Good Friends ” Paid Shake It George ” Paid ANT George ” Walk Fit Deck Lopez ” Phone Paid Right George
Today There cont’d Jim Chica Rules Pajan. Rules Poppy Movie: Justin “She’s Lazy the Noodle Man” Swim- Movie: ming “17 Again” ” U.S. ” Golf Ray. Ray. ” Friends ” Friends ” Friends ” Friends ” Paid King News King Evening Fam Guy Report Fam Guy Crossing Big Bang Lines Big Bang Big Bang ” Big Bang ” Do No Big Bang Harm Big Bang News Sullivan Saturday Deon Night Movie: Live “17 Leverage Again” ” ” Criminal She’s Minds the Man
Mack E Street Kitchen Cook Family Cooking Lidias Cooking’ Market Almanac ” America Sewing Quilt Art Rough Painting Garden Gener Prairie Need This Old House Globe Trekker My Fam. Vicar Keep Up Hebburn EastEnd. EastEnd. Austin City Contrary Well Journal Inner
Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Recipe Food Into Wild Career X Games: Munich ” ” ” ESPN Sports Saturday ” Raceline ABC Castle ” Wheel Jeopardy Zero Hour 666 Park Avenue 20/20 ” News The Closer Criminal Minds Chris
New Day Money Saturday Morning CNN Newsroom ” Newsroom Money Next List CNN Newsroom Gupta Newsroom Situation Room Newsroom A Cooper Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Stroumboulop Anthony Bourd. Anthony Bourd. Stroumboulop
King & Cheaper Good Maxwell by the ANT Major Dozen Jessie Crimes Phineas ” Rizzoli Cheaper Austin & Isles by the Good Law & Dozen 2 Shake It Order Shake It ” Law & Miss Shake It Order Congeni- Good Movie: ality Good “2 Fast Good ” 2 Movie: Good Furious” “The Austin Movie: Pacifier” Austin “Red” Austin ” Zookee- Good ” per Dog ” Austin ” ” Count, Austin ” Green Movie: Jessie NASCAR “Up” Good Racing: Good ” Sprint Dog ” Cup: Despica- ANT Quaker ble Me Shake It State Good ” 400 Good ” The Hero Willy Good Wonka Good ” 72 Hours & Choc- Austin olate Austin ” The Fast Prince Austin and the Prince Shake It Furious Paid Shake It Paid You ”
Sponge. Parents Sponge. Sanjay Turtles Monsters Monsters Sanjay Rangers Sponge. ScoobyDoo ” ” Parents Parents Parents Parents Sanjay Sponge. Sponge. Sam & Sam & Marvin Big Time Wendell Nanny Nanny Friends Friends Friends Friends George George Lopez George
Golden Xtreme Criminal Golden Horse. Minds Cosby Trucks! Flip This Cosby Muscle House Cosby Police Flip This Soul Videos House Cosby Wildest Flipping Cosby Police Boston Cosby Videos Movie: Cosby Police “Signs” Rose. Videos ” Rose. The ” Rose. Departed Movie: Rose. “The ” Perfect Rose. ” Rose. Storm” ” Death ” ” Storage Death ” Death Storage ” Rambo Storage Death Death Storage ” Death Storage ” The Exes Storage ” Ray. Storage ” Ray. The Ex- Movie: Ray. penda- “Con Ray. bles Air” Ray. ” ” Ray. ” ” Ray. Shipping ” Universal Storage RaySoldier: Storage mond Regener- Movie: Ray. ation “Con Soul King Tattoo Air” King Tattoo ”
Rifleman Rooster Rifleman Paid Rawhide Woods Outdoors ” Movie: DW-TV “The Angling Last Outdoors Sunset” Polaris Baseball ” Movie: ” “Hannie Spotlight Caulder” Spotlight Spotlight ” Movie: Twins “16 MLB Blocks” Baseball: Royals at ” S.W.A.T. Twins ” ” ” ” Twins ” Polaris ” Movie: UFC Reloaded “The Mummy ” Returns” ” ” ” ” ” Movie: Car “The Warriors Mummy World Returns” Poker MLB ” Baseball: ” The Royals at Killing Twins
Other O ther m models o d els a v ailable. available.
Cosby Xtreme The The Due Cosby Horse. Glades Killing Angling Soul Trucks! Longmire Movie: Outdoors The Exes Muscle “Rudy” We Love ” Cleve. Ways Longmire Game ” Cleve. Bar Court. ” ” Stunt. Rose. Rescue Bates ” Gothika Polaris Rose. Bar Motel Rose. Rescue Bates TBA ” Rose. Bar Motel Twins ” Rose. Rescue Bates MLB ” Rose. Bar Motel Movie: Baseball: Rose. Rescue Bates “The Royals at Rose. Bar Motel Shining” Twins Rose. Rescue Bates ” ” Rose. Motel ” ” ” Golden Bar Shipping Twins ” Golden Rescue Shipping Boys in ” Golden Bar Shipping Movie: WestGolden Rescue Shipping “One Customs Cleve. Bar Duck D. Flew Bull The Soul Rescue Duck D. Over the Riding Man The Ex- Duck Cuckoo’s Car Golden penda- Dynasty Nest” Warriors Golden bles Duck D. The World Golden Duck D. Killing Poker ” Golden Storage The UFC Un” Golden Storage Killing leashed ” World Golden Universal Storage The Poker Golden Soldier: Storage Killing Golden Regener- Duck Gothika World Golden ation Dynasty Poker ” King Duck D. Sports ” ” King Bar Duck D. Unlimited ” King Rescue Storage Reign of MLB King Rescue Storage Fire Baseball
339 3 3999
Trek Tr ek K Kickster ickster
Trek T rek b bikes ikes fit fit k kids ids great, great and bec because cause o ur dialed dialed components comp our adjust along with w ith growth growth sspurts, pu yyou ou can can dial dial in in tthe p erfect ffit it ffor or perfect yyears ears to ccome. ome.
159 15 995
Steffan S teffan S Saw aw & B Bike ike 121 1 21 3rd 3rd Ave. Ave. East East D ickinson, N D 586 5 01 Dickinson, ND 58601 7 701-225-5075 01-225-5075
BB00004 0000 4
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
:00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30
Mother MLB Funny Mike Baseball: Videos Broke Teams Funny Mike TBA Videos Under- Baseball News at Dome Tonight Nine News Sports- Funny Letter- Center Videos man Sports- Rules Ferguson Center Rules Sports- 30 Rock ” Friends Center Scrubs Up to Sports- 30 Rock Minute Center Sunny
The Six WWE Big Bang Monday Raising Night Goodwin RAW New Girl ” Mindy ” News Graceland ” Two Men Royal Big Bang Pains Office House Jim ” Fam Guy Repo King/Hill Men
American Ninja Warrior Siberia ” News Jay Leno ” Jimmy Fallon Daly Insider Paid
Fam Guy Antiques Wheel Cooper Fam Guy Jeopardy 360 ” Fam Guy Antiques The Piers Fam Guy Bache- Morgan ” Deon Light of lorette Cooper Fam Guy Prairie 360 ” Conan Served? MisE. B. Business tresses OutFront ” Deon Charlie News Piers Conan Rose Jimmy Morgan T. Smiley Kimmel Cooper ” Office Religion Nightline 360 Almost L. Welk Katie E. B. Famous OutFront ” ”
Major Crimes Major Crimes King & Maxwell Major Crimes King & Maxwell Cold Case Franklin & Bash
Switched at Birth The Fosters Switched at Birth The 700 Club Prince Prince Paid Paid Paid Paid
Enchanted ” ” Jessie Good Austin Jessie Good Good Shake It ANT Deck Deck
Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Nanny Nanny Friends Friends Friends Friends George George Lopez George
Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray. King King King King Soul Cleve. Golden Golden
Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Cops Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail Jail
Criminal Movie: MLB Minds “King Baseball: The Kong” Yankees Glades at Twins ” Longmire ” ” ” ” ” Longmire Twins ” Spotlight ” ” Criminal Poseidon World Minds Poker ” The MLB ” Glades Baseball: ” Longmire Godzilla Yankees at Twins ” ”
Dan’s Body Shop • Major To Minor Collision Repair • Towing Service to Our Shop • Dickinson, ND Located 1 Block South of Hardee’s (Access from TMI)
CBS ESPN WGN FOX USA NBC TBS PBS ABC CNN TNT FAM DISN NICK TVL :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30
CBS ESPN WGN FOX USA NBC TBS PBS ABC CNN TNT FAM DISN NICK TVL CBS News Sunday Face the Nation Farm H20 Paid Paid Paid PGA Tour PGA Tour Golf: AT&T National, Final Round News 60 Minutes Big Brother UnderDome The Mentalist News Simpson CSI: Miami Entertainment Friends Minute
:00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30
7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Custom m ssteel teel frame f r ame mountain bike ntain b ike is is a versatile rsatile sstep tep in in tthe he mountain mountain direction. direction.
SUNDAY, JUNE 30, 2013
Bonnie J. Anderson, D.D.S.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Your Guide To Evening Entertainment
Includes up to 5 qts. of oil, filter &lube.
The Finder
Nine for Movie:
6 :00 :30 IX “Blown ” X Games Away” :00 Big 7 :30 Brother ” ” :00 Person- Baseball 8 :30 Interest Tonight Mother” News Sports- Funny 9 :00 :30 Letter- Center Videos man Sports- Rules 10 :00 :30 Ferguson Center Rules Sports- 30 Rock ” 11 :00 :30 Friends Center Scrubs Up to Sports- 30 Rock 12 :00 :30 Minute Center Sunny
The Six Law & Big Bang Order So You Law & Think Order You Can Law & Dance Order News CSI: Cri. Scene ” Two Men CSI: Cri. Big Bang Scene Office House Jim ” Fam Guy Law & King/Hill Order
Betty Betty America’s Got Talent ” News Jay Leno ” Jimmy Fallon Daly Insider Paid
Big Bang Statue- Wheel Cooper Big Bang Liberty Jeopardy 360 Big Bang Mt Rush- Extreme Piers Big Bang more Weight Morgan Big Bang Frontline Loss Cooper Big Bang 360 ” ” Conan Served? Body of E. B. Business Proof OutFront ” Office Charlie News Piers Conan Rose Jimmy Morgan T. Smiley Kimmel Cooper ” Office Asia Biz Nightline 360 Blonde Antiques Katie E. B. Ambition OutFront ” ”
Rizzoli & Isles Rizzoli & Isles Perception Rizzoli & Isles Perception The Mentalist The Mentalist
PrettyLiars Twisted ” PrettyLiars The 700 Club Prince Prince Paid Paid Paid Paid
Jessie Austin Starstruck ” Good ANT Austin Good Good Shake It ANT Deck Deck
Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Nanny Nanny Friends Friends Friends Friends George George Lopez George
Ray. Tattoo Ray. Tattoo Ray. Tattoo Ray. Tattoo Ray. Tattoo Ray. Tattoo King Tattoo King Tattoo King Tattoo King Tattoo Cleve. Tattoo The Exes Tattoo Golden Tattoo Golden Tattoo
Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Storage Storage Storage Storage Shipping Shipping
Movie: MLB “The Baseball: Mummy” Yankees at Twins ” ” ” Movie: ” “The Twins Mummy” Spotlight World ” Poker ” MLB ” Under- Baseball: world Yankees at Twins ”
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
:00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30 :00 :30
Big MLB Rules Brother Baseball: Rules Baking Teams Rules TBA Rules ” CSI: Cri. Baseball News at Scene Tonight Nine News Sports- Funny Letter- Center Videos man Sports- Rules Ferguson Center Rules Sports- 30 Rock ” Friends Center Scrubs Up to Sports- 30 Rock Minute Center Sunny
The Six NCIS Big Bang ” Master- NCIS Chef ” NCIS ” ” ” News NCIS ” ” Two Men Royal Big Bang Pains Office Necess. Jim Rough Fam Guy House King/Hill ”
America’s Got Talent ” Chicago Fire News Jay Leno ” Jimmy Fallon Daly Insider Paid
Fam Guy Nature Wheel Cooper Fam Guy Jeopardy 360 ” Fam Guy Into Middle Piers Big Bang Harm’s Family Morgan Big Bang Way Mod Cooper Big Bang Prairie Neigh. 360 Conan Served? The E. B. Business Lookout OutFront ” Office Charlie News Piers Conan Rose Jimmy Morgan T. Smiley Kimmel Cooper ” Office E Street Nightline 360 Charlie’s Statue- Katie E. B. Angels Liberty OutFront ”
Castle ” Franklin & Bash Castle ” Franklin & Bash Falling Skies The Mentalist The Mentalist
Melissa Daddy Daddy Melissa Twisted ” The 700 Club Prince Prince Paid Paid Paid Paid
ANT Jessie Phineas Dog Austin Jessie Shake It Good Movie: “Cadet Kelly” ANT Deck Deck
Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Full H’se Nanny Nanny Friends Friends Friends Friends George George Lopez George
Ray. Cops Ray. Cops Friends Cops Friends Cops Cleve. Fight The Exes Master Soul Fight King Master King Bellator King 360 Cleve. Bellator The Exes 360 Soul Bellator Golden 360
Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.
Movie: MLB “The Baseball: Mummy Yankees Returns” at Twins ” ” ” ” Movie: Twins “The Midwest Mummy World Returns” Poker MLB ” Baseball: ” The Yankees Marine at Twins
Phone 701-227-8688
Location of Lodge: 9 miles south of Scranton; Contact info: 9203 129th Ave. SE, Scranton, ND 58653 (701)275-8808 ~ Formerly Davis Barn ~ D a k o t a Wi n d s L o d g e o f f e r s y o u f i r s t c l a s s l o d g i n g a t a f f o r d a b l e p r i c e s . G re a t f o r H u n t e r s , We d d i n g s , R e u n i o n s , Q u i l t i n g , S c r a p b o o k i n g , Va c a t i o n e r s & H o l i d a y G u e s t s
& E asy K C UI
Page 6
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
The Finder
The Beauty Pawlor Professional All Breed Dog & Cat Grooming
Your Pet Will Look & Feel Amazing! Appointments To Fit Your Schedule Weekdays-Weekends-Evenings Call Today For An Appointment 406-778-3151
Baker, MT
X - Game - $409 Black Out - $1025
Advertising Specialist Stop in and speak with Sydnee today... find out what we can do for your business! The Finder/Pioneer Office 701-523-5623
The Finder email: Phone: 701-523-5623 1-800-732-0738
Prairie Dental, Inc.
Dr. Pat Kelly ~ Dr. Jennifer Sarsland 608 Hwy 12 W • PO Box 710 Bowman North Dakota 58623 701-523-3255
Sydnee Fjelstad
The Finder
& E asy K C UI Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Page 7
This Space for Sale 701-523-5623
The Finder email: Phone: 701-523-5623 1-800-732-0738 Bowman County Pioneer
Phone: 701-523-5623 1-800-732-0738
Investment Centers of America Investment Centers of America’s mission statement states it is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in client relationships. They are determined to know and understand a person’s financial situation and provide that person with only the highest quality information, services, and products to help reach goals. And with the current economic climate, having trust in an investment center is crucial. At the Bowman branch of Investment Centers of America, people will find assistance for a variety of investment options, as well as retirement planning. “Generally I see, about at the five-year mark, they start having a
lot of questions,” said Casey Hande, a financial advisor at the Bowman branch. “They want either a second opinion or feel the need to have advice on how to transition from working to retiring and living off those assets that they’ve saved.” The center maintains a large, diversified clientele from the tri-state area, with another location in Baker, Mont. Hande has served the Bowman area with Investment Centers of America for six years and said he believes that with the current economy there are more financial questions. “It’s challenging with the market uncertainty but also has created some opportunities as well,” he said. Tips from Investment Centers of America: SAVING FOR COLLEGE As tax laws change, college investment planning becomes increasingly complex. The most beneficial strategies for creating a college fund are quite similar to other investment tactics. Investment products that are tax deferred, tax exempt, or transferable without tax consequences can be especially advantageous. This could be even more effective if you do your planning
(701) 523-4949
early. One important aspect of an investment is its balance of yield and risk. Determine the amount of risk you can tolerate, given the amount of time you have to recover from any potential losses. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the financial aid formulas. This could help you determine whether assets and income should be in your name or your child’s name. Structuring your investments ahead of time can have a significant effect on the net amount of funds available for your child’s education. There are a number of funding options available for your college investment plan.
RETIREMENT PLANNING There are a variety of retirement planning options that can meet your needs. Your employer funds some; you fund some. Bear in mind that, in most cases, early withdrawals before age 59½ may be subject to a 10 percent federal income tax penalty. The latest date to begin required minimum distributions is usually April 1 of the year after you turn age 70½. In most cases, withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income.
Page 8
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Finder
The Naja Shrine Circus is coming to Buffalo, SD! Buffalo, SD July 1, 2013 7 p.m. At the fairgrounds Lemmon, SD June 30, 2013 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. At the fairgrounds
FT & PT-Cashier Positions Open Runnings Farm & Fleet is looking for an outgoing, friendly person to join our existing team at our Hettinger store. If you are an outgoing individual with a positive attitude who enjoys helping customers and working with a great company, we would like to talk to you about a career opportunity. Some responsibilities of this position include stocking merchandise, computer use, cashier duties and overall customer service. Prior customer service experience in a retail setting is preferred. Applications are available at Runnings Farm & Fleet, 103 Airport Rd. in Hettinger. Please talk to Kathy.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
Warehouse/Sales Position Opening Runnings Farm & Fleet of Hettinger is looking for an energetic individual to join our team at the Hettinger location. If you have a positive attitude and enjoy working in a team environment, we would like to talk to you about a full time career opportunity. Some responsibilities of this position include: forklift operation, merchandise distribution, floor sales and loading freight while practicing safety in the workplace. Prior experience in warehouse operations and computer knowledge is preferred. Runnings offers a comparable benefit package for full time employees as well as employee discount. Applications are available at Runnings Farm & Fleet, Hettinger location 701-567-4212.
ho’s W Look 70 on ning r u T ! 6 2 e Jun
Equal Opportunity Employer
The Finder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Page 9
Long-Term Care Registered Nurse – FT or PT Hospital Registered Nurse – FT or PT Dietary Aides –PT Paramedic – FT Housekeeping Aide – FT Helper – PT PC Technician – PT Community Care Coordinator – Supplemental Qualified candidates may apply to: Laci Coates Southwest Healthcare Services 802 2nd St NW Bowman, ND 58623 or apply online at:
Take a little piece of home with you wherever you roam... Bowman Pioneer SuBScriPtion Annual In County $39.00 Annual Out of County $44.00 Annual Out of State $54.00 Over 65? Save $3.00! Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Please start my subscription. Enclosed is my payment of: $ Please mail check or money order to: Bowman Pioneer P.O. Box F, Bowman, ND 58623 (701) 523-5623
Make Hay While the Sun Shines! Pre-Season Used Hay Equipment Sale Sale runs June 1st to July 15th
Up to ff! 20% O
Call our Office for more information: (701)523-5623
Pull Type Mower Conditioner (W) 1475 NH PIVOT TOUNGUE W/HS18A AGR HD ‘08 32113W $17,500 (F) H7150 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/HS18 ‘10 WUY302 $26,000 (W) A30 PREMIER 18’ PIVOT TONGUE ‘09 34056W $17,000
E-mail our Office Manager:
(H) 1170 HESSTON PIVOT TONGUE 16’ ‘96 34078W $6,300 (H) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/18FT AGR HD ‘00 32139W $9,500
(W)32112W ‘06 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE $14,500
(H) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/HS16 AGR HD ‘06 32140W $15,000 (D) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/16FT AGR HD ‘99 32143W $8,500 (H) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/16FT AGR HD ‘00 32145W $9,000
(D)30051W ‘02 SC100 CIH 16’PIVOT $11,500
(H) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE ‘03 32142W $11,000 (B) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/HS18 AGR HD ‘04 32150W $16,000 (H) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/16FT AGR HD ‘06 32151W $15,000 (D) H7150 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/HS18 AGR HD ‘09 32149W $25,750 (D) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/16FT AGR HD ‘98 32153W $16,000 (B) H7150 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/HS18 AGR HD ‘11 32154W $32,000
(F)WUY340 ‘11 NH DISCBINE $25,500
(B) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/18FT AGR HD ‘97 32156W $11,500 (F) SCX100 CIH 18’ PIVOT TONGUES ‘05 WUY381 $19,000 (F) 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/16FT AGR HD ‘97 WUY392 $12,000 (H) H7150 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/HS18 AGR HD ‘11 32157W $34,000
(D)38120W ‘09 BR7090 NH ROUND BALER $15,500
Balers (D) R780 NH ROUND BALER ‘04 38079W $16,500 (W) RBX562 CIH ROUND BALER ‘05 38060W $12,500
(H)38109W ‘99 8465 CIH ROUND BALER $8,000
(H) BR780A NH ROUND BALER ‘06 38119W $12,500 (W) BR780A NH ROUND BALER ‘07 38075W $16,000
Get your Garage Sale ad into The Finder for
ONLY $7.00!
(up to 25 words)That’s $1.50 savings!
(W) BR780A NH ROUND BALER ‘03 38127W $7,500 (B) BR7090 NH ROUND BALER ‘09 38130W $20,000 (D) BR780A NH ROUND BALER ‘07 38133W $21,000 (W) LB433 LG SQUARE BALER ‘12 37007W $114,000 (F) BR7090 NH ROUND BALER ‘10 WUY378 $27,000
(W)38078W ‘04 RBX562 CIH ROUND BALER $12,500
Self - Propelled Windrowers (D) WD1203 CIH SWATHER W/16’ AGR HD 750HRS ‘09 30047W $65,500 (D) 8100 HESSTON SWATHER W/16’ AGR&21’DRP HD 2650HRS 34082W $22,000 (D) 9352 MACDON SWATHER W/18’ AGR HD 3280HRS ‘02 34083W $56,000
Add the Pioneer for ONLY $5.00 more!
(F)WUY352 SC100 CIH 18’PIVOT TONGUE $15,000
Misc. Hay Equipment (D) (D) (D) (D)
(up to 25 words)That’s a $5.00 total savings!
Free - All Weather Garage Sale Sign with each ad placed
(W)32146W 1475 NH PIVOT TONGUE W/18FT AUGER HD $11,000
(D) 375 JD ROUND BALER ‘95 38132W $5,000
BIDI ADAPTER FRAME FOR 994 DRP HD 35023W $1,500 10 WHEEL 3PT RAKE 35050W $2,500 9 WHEEL SITREX RAKE 35063W $2,500 CIH WD1203 SWATHER W/16’ AGR HD 30047W $82,000
(W)38082W ‘06 BR780A NH ROUND BALER $14,000
West Plains Inc.
Frontier Equipment
Beach, Bowman, Dickinson, & Hettinger, ND 1-866-490-3602
‘09 CIH WD1203 W/16’ AGR HD $82,000
Williston, ND 701-774-0957
Stanley, ND 701-628-2950 Glasgow, MT 406-228-9341
Page 10
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Finder
Warehouse Fireworks Thursday, June 27 - Thursday, July 4 Junction Hwy 12 & 85 ◆ Bowman, ND
Open 9 AM to 9 PM June 27 - July 4
r e l k r a p less S
Flame ds’ FREE Ki et
cel a r B w Glo ace h c r u P With
Multi Shot with $100 purchase value $14.99
Match & Beat ALL Competitors!!
y Ite Buy ms 1 Get 1 FREE !!
ang Best B ur o For Y ! BUCK
Register to win a FREE Family Assortment value $99 B00620
Help Wanted
Here’s your chance for a career job with Bowman’s hometown newspapers and Internet sites! For the first time in more than 20 years, we have an opening for a full-time advertising sales representative. You’ll meet regularly with this region’s key businesses to help them sell their products through the weekly Pioneer and Finder newspapers. The Pioneer was established in 1907 and The Finder in 1962 – which makes us THE leading advertising agency for Bowman County and the surrounding area! Your compensation will include a very competitive wage.You’ll also receive six paid holidays, paid vacation and sick leave, reimbursement for business expenses and a group health insurance option. And as part of a regional media company that owns 12 newspapers and related websites, you’ll have plenty of opportunity for advancement, if that’s your desire. In return, we’re looking for a quick learner with demonstrated sales ability, high energy and strong work ethic, the ability to work as a member of a small team, and desire to get ahead.
Get your Garage Sale ad into The Finder for
ONLY $7.00!
(up to 25 words)That’s $1.50 savings!
Add the Pioneer for ONLY $5.00 more! (up to 25 words)That’s a $5.00 total savings!
Free - All Weather Garage Sale Sign with each ad placed
Send your letter of interest and resume right now to: We’re waiting to hear from you!
Finder THE
Presorted standard Us Postage Pd CoUntry Media inC
Postal Customer Reaching over 31,000 Buyers
Pioneer Bowman County
Country Media, Inc.
The Finder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Glad you survived the
Page 11
70th Anniversary Celebration Open House
Kasper & Josie Heidt
Randy and Renee Brown
request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter
Sunday, June 30th 1:00pm - 3:00pm The Enchanted Castle Regent, ND
Eliza Ann To
Eliason Langdon Bullock Son of Barbra DeVries and Michael Bullock
An outdoor ceremony will be held on Saturday, July 13, 2013 at 5:30 in the evening CDT at: Michael and Karen Brown’s Residence 9426 Island Road - Bismarck, ND
If you can’t attend, send a card to: 308 8th East, New England, ND 58647
Reception and dinner to follow. No local invetations will be sent; please join us! If you can attend, please RSVP by une 30, 2013 to Eliza via phone, text, or email. 701-527-9350 or
No gifts please! For more details call Vivian at 701-206-0129
Happy Hour-BaBy SHower for
addiSyn BayleigH ward parentS pat & MeliSSa ward grandparentS terry & lori ScHaaf Monday, July 1St froM 4-7 p.M. 412 4tH ave. Sw terry & lori’S HouSe
regiStered at alco & wal-Mart and BaBieS r uS (online) Stop & congratulate tHe wardS and welcoMe addiSyn
Birthday Open House
The couple is registered at Kohls & Target
Celebrating 50 years!
Jim and Ardis Hestekin
along with their family, would like to invite you to an
OPEN HOUSE CELEBRATION honoring their 50 years together.
Come Join the Family of
Saturday, July 6, 2013
To Celebrate Ada’s 90th Birthday June 30th 2-4 pm SW Healthcare Services Bowman, ND No Gifts Please
Scranton Community Center 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
48th Annual
Li t t l e M i s s o u r i S a dd l e C l u b Marmarth, ND
h t 4 July
Fi re io n s o n s s e wo r c n a Co t ks s S d u n u n se G ro Timed Event Slack - 8:00 a.m. t N. Ma Parade - 1:00 p.m. - Main St. in Games to follow the parade Bed Racing after games - Contact 701-279-5818
Rodeo - 5:00 p.m. Dance at Pastime
Wild Steer Race
Enter at rodeo Limit to 6-3 Man Teams $60 Entry Per Team $100 Purse added Winning Team takes all
Gate Tickets:
Adults - $6.00 ◆ 6 yrs. - 12 yrs. $3.00 ◆ Under 6 - Free Advance Tickets - $5.00 *Includes chance for: Pitchfork Fondue& Medora Musical for 4, Ruger K-10, 10/22 Rifle, Supper for 2 at Pastime Club, Marmarth
Tickets are available at Pastime in Marmarth, Cafe & Ministore in Marmarth, The Waterhole in Rhame, & Saddle Club Members.
Page 12
12 S. Main ST., Bowman, ND • OFFICE 701-523-3257 TOLL FREE 1-800-472-2218 • OnLine AFTER HOURS: Wayne Bergquist 701-523-536 Josh Lindstrom 701-523-6503 • Mark Wald 701-440-8789 Pat Rafferty 701-523-3145 Melissa Eslinger 701-206-0167
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
2010 Ford F150 4x4
2007 Ford F250 4x4
2006 Ford F250 4X4
2007 Ford Edge AWD
2000 Ford F350 4x4
$15,900 2004 Ford F150 4x4
2007 Ford Fusion AWD
2008 Ford Fusion
2004 Lincoln Town Car
2007 Ford Edge AWD
2003 Ford Expedition 4x4
2002 GMC Yukon XL SLT
2008 Chevrolet Equinox AWD
2006 Ford Expedition 4x4
2006 Chevrolet Trailblazer 4x4
2004 Toyota Matrix
1999 Ford F350 4x4
$9,900 2004 Ford F250 4x4
2005 Dodge Durango 4x4
$11,900 2004 Ford Explorer 4x4
2006 Buick Lucerne
2003 GMC Yukon 4x4
2004 Ford F150 Supercab Lariat
2008 Ford Focus
2006 Ford Five Hundred
1985 Chevrolet Corvette
2007 Mercury Montego
2006 Chrysler Town and Country
2009 Ford F150 4x4
2007 Mercury Grand Marquis
2007 Nissan Murano AWD
2006 Ford Expedition 4x4
2010 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail
2008 Ford Explorer 4x4
$18,900 2008 Honda Pilot 4x4
2006 Ford F150 4x4
2005 Buick LaCrosse
2009 Chevrolet K1500 4x4
1999 Ford F250 4x4
2003 Ford F150 Supercrew XLT
2002 Ford F150 Supercab XLT
1998 Ford F150 Supercab XLT
2000 Ford Taurus SES Sedan
Page 13
2007 Ford Explorer 4x4
2008 GMC Canyon 4x4
1998 Chevrolet Suburban LT Wagon
2008 Ford Expedition 4x4
2006 Ford F250 4x4
2004 Chevrolet Suburban
2007 Ford Fusion
2009 Chevrolet Colorado 4x2
2005 Ford Five Hundred
2008 Dodge Grand Caravan
2006 Ford Freestar
2000 Great Dane Hay Trailer
2009 Ford Focus FWD
$19,900 2007 Ford Edge AWD
2003 Ford F350 Dually 4x4
2007 Acura TL
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
$19,900 2004 Ford F350 4x4
2004 Ford F250 4x4
2004 Dodge D2500 4x4
The FinderThe Finder
2007 Lincoln MKZ
2007 Chevrolet K1500 4X4
$19,900 2007 Iron Horse Slammer
2007 Nissan Titan 4x4
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
866 acres pasture in Section 21 . 22 Pleasant Valley Township, Perkins County, South Dakota Asking $1,200/acre, but will entertain other offers. 5% down at time of Purchase Agreement, with the remainder due at closing in late October. Full possession at that time.
Call 701-567-3418 and please leave a message.
Rhame Motor Sports Club is looking for interested Lawn Mower Racers to participate in the
- Gala Days Race June 29, 2013.
Please call Jeremey Stotts 279-6886 or Andy Adkisson 279-6799. A free will offering will be asked at the races.
The Finder
What’s Your Story?
The Cavalier County Republican has an opening for a WRITER.
Baker, Montana
We are seeking an experienced tank truck operator with a valid Class A - Type 1 with Interstate Haz-Mat endorsement, Tanker endorsement, and Combination Vehicle endorsement. Must be able to pass a pre-employment drug screen and background check. Must be willing to relocate.
Applicant must have excellent communication & interview skills, be able to work under deadlines, and be a team player.
Health insurance available.
Wage depends on experience.
Contact Don 406-978-2939 or Angela 406-778-2939
s s a l C
Contact publisher Lori Peterson today at 618 3rd Street, Langdon, or call 701-256-5311 to learn more about this exciting opportunity!
3 7 9 1 of
Walleye Fillet or Cod Fillet
Bowman High School invites friends and former teachers to come visit
Chicken or Shrimp Alfredo SUNDAY: OPEN 9AM-9PM
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: Open 3pm-9pm Saturday & Sunday: 9am-9pm Wednesday: CLOSED July 3rd, 4th & 5th: Open 11am - 9pm for Fourth of July Holiday
June 29 ◆ 1-4 p.m. at the old Davis barn South of Scranton
Bowman Haley Marina 701-275-6316
Page 14
Bridal Registry Sydnee Fjelstad and Garrett Kidd Shower Date: July 20 Wedding Date: September 28
Flowers & Cappuccino
By Lasting Visions
19 Main Street North • Bowman, ND 701-523-3833 or 1-800-462-6519 Tuesday, June 25th is Ladies Day Meal served from 5:30-Dark ◆ Sponsored by GG’s Closet
Wednesday, June 26th is Men’s Day June 29th is Clean-up Day at 8 a.m.
Agenda: Filling in dirt around tree’s and painting the fence.
Sweetwater Open Moved to June 30th
$12 - 9 holes $20 - 18 holes
Registration 12:00 (closes) Tee off 1:00
Cost $30 (includes 18 holes golf & supper)
$6 - 9 holes $10 - 18 holes
Call Don Groll 701-523-6300 with any questions B00622
$17 - 9 holes $23 - 18 holes
Melissa Fleck and Matthew Buchholz Wedding Date: July 20
The Finder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
July 13th 2013
Page 15
KK Manure Hauling
We’ll haul it out!
Boss Cowman Fun, Run & Walk Kurt Heinrich 701-523-4862 Bowman
Kevin Heinrich 701-279-5576 Rhame
Call Evenings (if no answer PLEASE leave a message)
7:15 am – 7:50 am at Hands On Health Inc. 601 Main Ave
Entry Fees
$20 thru July 13th Only registrations received by June 14th are guaranteed a t-shirt on race day!
Start Time:
8:00 am – 5K Run/Walk
1st Place 5K Run by age: Male & Female 11 & under (must be accompanied by an adult), 12-14, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60 & over Fastest Overall Male & Female 5K Runner Youngest Participant/Oldest Participant PRE-REGISTER TO GUARANTEE YOUR SHIRT ON RACE DAY! Refreshments provided after the race for participants.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Upon submitting this entry form, I waive any and all rights and claims for myself, heirs and assigns for any personal and/or property damage I may have against the sponsors, organizers, agents, or anyone acting in their behalf for the organization of this event. The entry form will also authorize the release of my name and photo to the media. Name_____________________________________ Phone_____________________ Address___________________________________ Sex: M or F City/State/Zip______________________________ Age (as of 07/13/13)_________ T-Shirt Size: S M L XL XXL YM YL Registration Fee $___________ (34-36)
( $20 June 15 thru July 13)
Email address:_____________________________________________________________________________
We W e offer: offer: •F Full ull s service ervice • W Water ater rrights ights •F Financing inancing •D Design esign
•S Site ite C Construction onstruction •R Road oad C Construction onstruction
Full Ser Service vice Dealership Dealership • Zimmatic Cen Center nter Pivot Pivot • Ser Service vice • Comprehensi Comprehensive ve Project Design • Constr Construction uction • Finance A vailable Available • Water Water Rights Assistance
Construction • Design & Build Proje Projects ects • Roads & Blading •P Ponds onds • Pipelines • Ag Agrigate rigate of All types • GPS Land Le Leveling veling
Entry fees are payable to Boss Cowman Fun, Run & Walk. Submit completed form to:
Hands On Health, Inc. 601 Main Ave Lemmon, SD 57638 (605) 374-5844 email –
417 N 7th 7th,, Miles City, City, MT 593 59301 301 Office: Office e: (406) 234-2831 Fax: F ax x: (406) 234-8864
Calendar Photo Contest! Deadline – August 9th. Go to for details, click on “Company Tab”, “Photo Submissions” 483-4000 • 888-225-5282 •
Page 16
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Finder
6:00-8:00 PM
BADLANDS SADDLE CLUB CALCUTTA @ 8:00 PM STREET DANCE IN FRONT OF THE WATERHOLE BAR @ 9:00 PM Brought to you By the rhame community cluB and the waterhole Bar!
the rhame community cluB and waterhole Bar can not Be held responsiBle for accidents.
Several New ItemS to our SerIeS!
Located at the
Bowman county Fairgrounds
we wIll be doINg a Free Shot at the bowmaN baSeball FIeldS.
JuNe 27th at duSk we wIll be haNdINg out Shoot orderS at the baSeball FIeld.
SITE. With a strong lineup of premier bulk storage solutions, Meridian helps you store the commodities that drive your industry. Visit us today to learn more.
Darrell Getz, Sales Manager 8609 152nd Ave SW Bowman, ND 58623 701-440-8464 • 855-355-KHBH
© 2013 Meridian Manufacturing, Inc. Registered Trademarks Used Under License.
1-NeoN MeMory Stick 2-rockiN the BakkeN 3-BadlaNdS 4-Prairie roSe 5-Patriotic exotica 6-M3 artillery 7-M3 artillery 8-M3 artillery
9-MiNot Magic 10-cuSter’S reveNge 11-FeStival Ball 12-ghoSt rider 13-MeMory laNe 14-SedoNa 15-Medora NightS 16-PioNeerS oF the Prairie
our hourS: 8 am to 10 pm JuNe 27th through July 4th 8 am to 5 pm July 5th call duSty or lora at 701-523-5657 wIth queStIoNS
The Finder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Page 17
Drolc Electric
RegisteRed YeaRling angus Bulls
• Residential • Commercial • Farmstead • Wiring • • Heating • Air Conditioning • Sheet Metal • Trenching •
Curt Drolc Licensed • Insured
Production Records and ePds available
SD Lic. # 2328 • M# 2312
701-567-4420 • 701-567-3182 (cell) Trevor Wolff • 701-928-0102 B00049
stephanie Jensen – scranton nd
for farms and ranches in
Carter and Fallon Counties, Montana Bowman County, North Dakota
V Providing Transportation to the General Public V IN-TOWN SERVICE to residents in Hettinger & Bowman Monday-Friday 8:00 am. - 4:00 p.m. ($1.00 one-way or $2.00 round-trip)
CALL: Hettinger 701-567-2476 • Bowman 701-523-3241
Harding County, South Dakota Monty Cranston, Landman Experienced • Fast • Efficient Phone: 406-670-5409 Email:
OUT-OF-TOWN SERVICE to residents in Adams County – Hettinger, Bucyrus, Reeder Bowman County – Bowman, Rhame, Scranton, Gascoyne Hettinger County – New England, Mott, Regent Slope County – Marmarth, Amidon
Call for pricing and scheduling
Adams, Bowman, Hettinger & Slope Counties of ND
701-523-3241 • 1-800-280-0204
History of tHe City of Amidon 1913 - 2 013
The town of Amidon, named after Judge C.J. Amidon of Fargo, was established in 1913. At that time in the town, was a population of 325 people. A Catholic church was built in 1917. A community church later became the home of the courthouse when Amidon was named the county seat of Slope County before the construction of the present courthouse in the center of town. Later, the building was used as a Congregational and Presbyterian church. A school was built which at one time housed sixty students. Presently, a school still operates with many fewer students. A new Lutheran church was built in 1963, which still maintains an active membership. The beautiful Catholic Church closed and later was moved to Badlands Ministries Bible Camp south of Medora, where it now serves as a chapel. The Presbyterian Church now houses the Prairie Senior Citizens as a meeting center as well as the Amidon Community Cupboard food pantry. Although many businesses have come and gone, an antique store and a campground still remain. The Little Missouri Grazing Association has a log building on the east side of Amidon. A new county shop is located on the southeast corner of Amidon. A new fire hall was built in the 1980’s on the east side of town, and our post office still provides services for our community. Although we now only have thirty-three residents, we still remain a vibrant and active center of Slope County.
ALL 33 Residents
“Come H ome to Amidon” August 24th & 25th
Page 18
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Finder
West River Health Services Employment
For Sale
LIVING CENTERS If you are looking for a positive career change, check out the openings with Western Horizons Living Centers, located in Hettinger, ND
Employment Opportunities:
Food Service Worker RN/LPN Charge Nurse Certified Nurse Aide Ward Clerk
WHLC offers excellent pay & competitive benefits.
Interested individuals should contact Tera in the Human Resource Office: Phone: 701-567-6207 E-Mail: On-Line at
Western Horizons Living Center is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
W AN TED HELP WANTED Inspiraational company company Inspirational wanting to hire househousewanting keeper. $9.00 to $9.50 hour based an hour experience. on experience.
HELP WANTED: The Tip Top Motel is looking for a FT Assistant Manager. Must be reliable and able to multi-task. Stop in or call Darrell or Jody at 701-567-2437. TFN
Take a look at the excellent opportunities that West River Health Services currently has to offer qualified candidates. WRHS is located in Hettinger, ND.and offers excellent pay and benefits; including health insurance, vacation, sick leave and retirement plans.
Employment Opportunities:
Cook Housekeeping/Laundry Executive Secretary Assistant Lab Manager Utilization Review Nurse Physician Coder Ambulatory Care Officer EMT Registered Nurse – Surgery Paramedic Ultrasound Tech Registered Nurse, Hospital
Interested individuals should contact Tera in the Human Resource Office: Phone: 701-567-6207 E-Mail: On-Line at
West River Health Services is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
applicaation at at Pick up application
Vu Motel the El Vu
HELP WANTED WANTED A Plant M Plant Manager anager o off sspecialty pecialty ggrain rain h handling andling faci facility lity located located in R Rhame, hame, ND. ND. Competitive Competitive salary salary and and benefit benefit package. package. Duties Duties to to include include daily daily operations operaations of of facility, facility, assisting assisting in grain grain procurement procurrement and and managing managing employees. employees.
Cantact C antact Kevin Kevin n Kvamme Kvamme aatt 701-629 701-629-0591 9-0591
LEMMON AA MEETING: 7 pm Tuesdays at Lemmon Catholic Church Basement, Lemmon, SD. TFN
ALCOHOL ANONYMOUS: In Baker, MT, held Wednesday’s at 7:30 p.m. at American Lutheran Church, 315 West Kewanee Ave. TFN
AL-ANON: Monday night AlAnon at 8:00 pm in Bowman. Contact Kathy 701-523-4463. TFN
Marmarth School District is accepting applications for an Elementary Teacher for the 2013-2014 school year. Individual will be teaching basic academic, social and other formative skills, except music, art and special education. This is a full time position. Applicant must have a bachelor’s degree. Salary: DOE. Skills/Qualifications: Must be licensed to teach in North Dakota or willing to acquire a ND teaching certificate. Interested Candidates should submit a completed resume with references and cover letter to: Marmarth School District #12 P O Box 70 Marmarth, ND. 58643
Ekalaka Public Schools is accepting applications for the following FULL TIME POSITIONS: MAINTENANCE WORKER: Minimum duties include the maintenance of buildings (examples include ventilation systems, boilers, generators, lighting, etc.) and grounds (including snow removal, mowing, trimming, etc.) This person must hold or be able to obtain a boiler’s license in a timely fashion (training can be provided). CUSTODIAN: Responsible for clean and sanitary maintenance of assigned buildings and facilities. Strive constantly to promote the safety, health and comfort of the students and staff. Both positions include health, retirement program, vacation & sick leave days. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. For applications and/or additional information, please contact Allison Hardin, Superintendent, P.O. Box 458. Ekalaka, MT. 59324. 1-406-775-8767. 6/26
Don’t be left out in the cold. Advertise with THE FINDER Bowman, ND 58623 701-523-5623 1-800-732-0738
Going, Going... Yours!
Looking to make a change? Find what you are looking for! Quick and easy in the classifieds! Call today to reserve your ad space.
THE FINDER 701-523-5623 Fax: 701-523-3441 email:
Turn a new page! Place an ad with
Bowman, ND 58623 701-523-5623 1-800-732-0738
The Finder
For Sale
Farm & Ranch
2013 Raptor 384pk Triple axle 5th Wheel Camper with 3 flat screen tv’s , Generator and 3 slide outs, sleeps 8. $67.000 OBO. 701-440-1669. EMERGENCY SALE: ARIZONA. Own your own mountain, 600 acre ranch, I am a farmer, not a realtor, Ranch is between Phoenix and Las Vegas, a mile off HWY 93, surrounded by GOV. BLM land, Hunting – deer, lion, havalena pigs, coyotes. Rugged and Scenic, Must sell fast. 218-689-2659. Try different times.
Garage Sales Sunday, June 30 - 1:00 to 4:00 205 3rd Ave. SW Bowman, Selling 2 couches, recliner, rugs, mattress end tables. Dressers, other misc household items.
Miscellaneous ATTENTION CRAFTERS!! 1 lot contains wreaths, frames, old windows and more. Call for appointment. Goes as 1 lot. . Best offer. Also 2 Wingback chairs, cream color $35.00 OBO. Call 523-7523. PIANO LESSONS Ages 5 – Adult, 30 Minutes. Call Jennifer Kellner Hirst at 406-8910358.
Thank You I want to thank the Bowman Ambulance for their quick response, the S.W. Healthcare emergency room and Sanford Hospital for the wonderful care I received. Thanks for the flowers, candy, phone calls and visits also after I got home. I would like to thank my children for being with me in the hospital before and after my surgery of my broken hip. God Bless. Russell Kulseth.
Angus & Angus Anguus Hybrid Bulls Sons of TC Aber Aberdeen, d deen, Conneal Connealyy Thun Thunder, derr,, SAV SA AV Final Answer, Answerr, Mohnen M Dynomite, Dynomite, Sitz Sittz Bull Durham,, Connealy Conneal aly Packer Packker and S Chisum sum Some of these bulls b will w work ork on heif heifers. ers.
Contact Blainee or Cassie Mollman an 701-276-9215 701-276-9215
3 bedroom /3 bath, main floor laundry. Central air/2 car attached garage/steel siding. Close to downtown.
Thank You
Real Estate 3 ½ Lots at the Jct. of 1st Ave E. and HWY 12, Reeder, ND. Prime Location. Power, Sewer and Water available. 701-4407849. Call for more details.
FO OR O R SALE SA AL AL LE E FOR Mobiile/Man nufact tured Home Home Mobile/Manufactured 1989 SSchult chult 16x80 L ocated d near B uffalo, Located Buffalo, SSouth outh t D ak kota Dakota G ood sshape-new happe-new wind owsGood windowsver y effici ient very efficient t o hea t-c concrete b oar rd to heat-concrete board sskirting kirting g P rice: $15,000 0.00 o r Price: $15,000.00 or B e tO es ffeer Best Offer C ontact tK aren no r JJim im m Contact Karen or
even nings (605)) 892-3493 892-3 3493 evenings
For Rent NOW RENTING: 2- and 3- bedroom units at the Prairie West Apts. In Lemmon, S.D. Appliances and window coverings included, A/C and washer/dryer hookups. Rent based on income. Call Jezal with Thies and Talle Management for more information at 605-642-7400. Equal Housing Opportunity. TFN 3 Bedroom, 1 ½ Bath, attached garage, with central air. Contact 701-390-6267. 3 bedroom, 1 bath, central air. Great location, close to park, pool and downtown. NO pets, NO smoking. Available July 1st. Deposit $1000.00, Rent $1,175.00 per month includes water, sewer and garbage. 208 1st. St. N.W. Bowman. Call 701-751-3722.
On June 16th there was a surprise poker run held for Robert. He stated this was the best party he’s ever had, with over 35 cars and 60 people showing up. The first stop was at Tony Heick’s, followed by a trip to Scranton. To our surprise, Jim Sabe with the Buffalo Creek Bar not only opened the bar, he had the band play music for us. After leaving there, we moved onto the Bowman Haley Marina, than headed back to the car building for a bbq/potluck with the final draw for the poker run. Not only was it a beautiful day, it ended the perfect way with Robert having the winning hand. Robert was speechless and maybe even a little teary eyed when he saw the first car pull into the driveway, it was hard keeping everything a secret for so long, but seeing the look on his face was priceless. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for contributing in putting the poker run together. A special thanks to : Duane Hill and our son-inlaw Zac for spearheading the idea and the car club for organizing this event; Brent Nehring and Zac spending countless hours on getting extra cars to run just in case someone needed something to drive; Andy Mrnak and Jim Sabe for letting us use their tables and chairs; John Soreide and Deb Mrnak for taking pictures from their plane and Jessica and Kaitlyn Hill for videoing the car tour and poker run, but most importantly to all of our family and friends for coming out to join us and bringing all the food. It is a day of memories we will always cherish. God Bless you all. Robert and Louise Hilton.
Offer. Instant Rebates up to $1700. Mountain Pines Construction LLC 605-423-8113
Brooks Ranch Yearling Angus Bulls & Heifers For Sale Private Treaty
Looking For Junk Cars Will Buy: Junk cars and scrap metal. Please call 701-9280325. Please leave a message. Rob & Holly Brooks
Phone: 701-279-5896
7502 163rd Ave. S.W. Rhame, N.D. 58651
Cell Phone: 523-6733 701-440-8952
RED ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE Private Treaty A.I. to achieve the Best Genetic Advantage For more information contact:
Spur M Red Angus Spur M Red Angus McGee Red Angus Doug McGee Doug McGeeMeryl McGee 701-523-3635701-523-3635 701-279-5539
For Sale FOR SALE: John Deere 4640 Power Quad Transmission, very nice shape. Call 701-206-0970 TFN
21 ANGUS RANCH Yearling Black Angus Bulls for sale private treaty at the Ranch. Top quality genetics. Semen tested, delivery available.
Reasonably Priced Price $1800-$3000. Contact Marc Wolf, New England ND 701-579-4221
Livestock WANTED: Pasture for 300 pairs, summer – fall grazing season or year round lease in Northwest South Dakota, Southeast Montana, or Southwest North Dakota. Can split. Call 605-209-0603 or 605-2447226.
Central Boiler OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Limited Time
WANT TO PURCHASE: Minerals and Other Oil/Gas Interests. Send Details To: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO. 80201. 9/4/13
Registered Angus
FOR SALE; 1997 Jayco Eagle 29ft 5th Wheel camper. Self contained, new tires excellent condition very large slide-out. Reason for selling due to health problems. $10,000 firm OBO through July 31st, 2013. Call 605-723-7111 or cell 605-2101085. 7/31
G b Hill Gumbo Hill Ranch R h
House F House For or Sale Sale in B Bowman owman - 2,200 ssq. q. ffeet, eet, 3 b bedroom, edroom, 1 bath b ath m main ain floor. floor. Fini Finished shed b basement asement aapartment. partment. A Attached ttached ga garage. rage. G Great reat rrental ental p property roperty o opportunity. pportunity. Call Call 701-440-8918 701-4440-8918
Page 19
For Sale
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
FOR SALE: Registered Black Angus Bulls Private Treaty. Yearlings and replacement Heifers. Performance and fertility tested. Good selection of Heifer Bulls. Trangmoe Angus Ranch, Glendive, MT. 406-6873315 or (cell) 406-989-3315. 6/26 Pasture for 50 to 200 pairs. Call 406-939-1088. 7/10
New Holland 855 Baler. Good condition. Asking $2500.00. Call 701-275-8752. 6/26 2300 18’ Auger Grass Head with adaptor frame and pump, to fit 930 or 930E New Holland Bi-directional. $6500.00. 605-8552410. 6/26 2001 John Deere 717 3 point 7' wide rotary mower. $1,875.00 in excellent condition. Digital photos available. Call Tim or Dan 1-701-237-6181 - Regent, ND. 7/3 1988 Wilderness Camper 28ft Gooseneck Style, new tires, new awning, everything works. Asking $3500.00 OBO. Call 701-567-3621, Leave a message. 1994 4x4 ¾ Ton Dodge Pickup. 1996 4x4 ½ Ton Dodge Pickup. Call for more details. 701-4407849. Reeder, ND.
WANTED: Straw or corn stalks to bale in 2013. Round or square bales. On shares or will purchase in field. Contact Tom at 605-866-4605. TFN
Looking to make a change? Turn a new page! Place an ad with
Bowman, ND 58623 701-523-5623 1-800-732-0738 For Sale FOR SALE: 1980 Verstile swather with 15 foot header. Call 605-866-4445. 2009 Chevy Impala has 82,000 miles for $8500.00. Also 2003 Pontiac Grand Prix has 182,000 Miles for $3500.00. Call 701290-0205. EMERGENCY SALE: ARIZONA. Own your own mountain, 600 acre ranch, I am a farmer, not a realtor, Ranch is between Phoenix and Las Vegas, a mile off HWY 93, surrounded by GOV. BLM land, Hunting – deer, lion, havalena pigs, coyotes. Rugged and Scenic, Must sell fast. 218-689-2659. Try different times.
Get all of your ducks in a row. Place an ad with
THE FINDER Bowman, ND 58623 701-523-5623 1-800-732-0738
The Finder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Just Down the Road from High Prices!
Hwy 212 West Belle Fourche | 605.892.2766 | 800.677.5854 *Dealer Retains all Rebates. †36 or 48 Month, 12,000 miles per year lease. Trades based on NADA trade-in book price, less reconditioning & market value. Dealer not responsible for ad misprints.
Page 21
Scan with your smartphone to find your next vehicle!
Page 22
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Finder
The Finder
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
4 1 Y L & U J 13 2, 1 11,
Page 23
BOWMAN COUNTY FAIR Thursday, July 11th
4-H Fair Schedule Sunday, July 7th
Six Appeal at 7:00 p.m. ($8.00)
Horse Show 1:00 p.m. at the Bowman Dakota Winds Arena
Friday, July 12th
Thursday, July 11th
RODEO AT 6:00 p.m. ($8.00) Dirty Word at 9:00 p.m. ($10.00)
Saturday, July 13th
Teddy Bear Picnic for kids at 11:00 in the All Season Area with Penny and Pals at 12:00 p.m. again at 2:30 free stage Demolition Derby 1:00 p.m. ($8.00) Gwenn Sebastian at 7:00 p.m. $15.00 for both of Sat Night Performances Dustin Evans at 9:00 p.m.
Sunday, July 14
Rhame Fire Department Breakfast at 6:00 a.m.
Rodeo Slack at 8:00 a.m. Rodeo at 2:00 p.m. ($8.00)
Weigh Ins 12:30-2:30 p.m. Interview Judging 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Bookkeeper Want Friday, July 12th
Electric Cooperative, Inc.,Sheep New England, N Livestock Show atSlope 8 a.m. with Pigs, Goats and opening forShow a Bookkeeper. The Bookkeeper will assis Poultry/Rabbit at 2:00 p.m. forming the accounting functions and maintenance of Rocket Launch at 4:00 p.m. (Location TBD) erative’s financial records, prepare financial reports an accounting records utilizing sound accounting and bus Saturday, July 13th tices. Bachelor’s degree in business administration, fi Round Robin at 3:00 p.m. counting or comparable field is required. Minimum of t Sale at 5:00 p.m. prior experience required. To apply, submit cover letter, resume and application Sunday, July 14th to by July 18, 2013. Application Badlands Classic be found at
Wristbands are $25.00 and they get you into everything - Venders on fairgrounds and Beer Garden Free stages in the 4-Seasons building
Fair Schedule
Bookkeeper Wanted Slope Electric Cooperative, Inc., New England, ND, has an opening for a Bookkeeper. The Bookkeeper will assist with performing the accounting functions and maintenance of the cooperative’s financial records, prepare financial reports and maintain accounting records utilizing sound accounting and business practices. Bachelor’s degree in business administration, finance, accounting or comparable field is required. Minimum of three years prior experience required. To apply, submit cover letter, resume and application by e-mail to by July 18, 2013. Application form can be found at
Page 24
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
The Finder