THH 2-27-13

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Headlight Herald


would be $78.00.) The rate would likely decline in subsequent years, Baertlein said, if assessed values in the county rose, because what’s being levied is a fixed dollar amount rather than a fixed rate. The only other money measure on the May ballot is likely to be Tillamook School District’s $1 million request that would pay for a list of security and safety improvements at District schools, county clerk Tassi O’Neill told commissioners ear-

BY JOE WRABEK Tillamook County was recognized as having bad roads 20 years ago; they’ve only gotten worse as Federal timber money – the mainstay of road maintenance in most rural Oregon counties – declined and then disappeared. Wednesday evening, the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved placing a $15 million general obligation bond for road repair and improvements on the May 2013 election ballot. The bond issue was recommended by the Sustainable Roads committee, chaired by former TBCC president Jon Carnahan. The county commissioners were meeting in Manzanita – one of their quarterly evening meetings. The committee had recommended arranging for two bond issues, five years apart (in 2013 and 2018), which would allow roughly $1.5 million of the money to be spent every year. The measure on the ballot would authorize both the bonds at the same time. Having two separate bond issues will save money on interest, Carnahan told commissioners. The bond measure would raise property taxes by 39 cents per $1,000 of assessed value in the first year, commissioner Bill Baertlein told the Headlight Herald. (That means the owner of a property with an assessed value of $150,000 would pay $58.50. If it were $200,000, the bill


lier that day. A legal notice that will appear in the Headlight Herald Wednesday (Feb. 27) will let people know they have until the following Wednesday (March 6) to appeal the ballot title, county chief of staff Paul Levesque said. If appealed, the measure will still appear on the May ballot, he said, but a court, rather than the county, will write the ballot title. The public information campaign between now and May will be important, Carnahan

said. “We have not done a good job of telling the story,” Carnahan told commissioners. “It’s not enough to say ‘you should vote yes,’” he said. The Sustainable Roads Committee is contacting people and organizations that provide services asking for personal anecdotes about how county roads impact their dayto-day lives – firefighters, the hospital, law enforcement, school districts, the post office,


LCDC wave energy decision will be appealed

Deterioration on Fairview Road. County Public Works Director Liane Welch has a strategic plan – but no resources.

See BOND, Page A8

Passing the crown


The controversial amendment to the state’s Territorial Sea Plan by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) is being appealed. Nehalem mayor Shirley Kalkhoven made the announcement at the Tillamook Board of County Commissioners’ Feb. 20 meeting at Manzanita City Hall. LCDC included an area offshore of the Nestucca River as a wave energy development site, number 2 on a list of four; ignoring (opponents charged) extensive public testimony and the recommendations of two advisory committees. “The LCDC decision did not set well,” Kalkhoven told commissioners. David Yamamoto of Pacific City and Charles Ciecko of Neskowin are filing the appeal, Kalkhoven said. Newport attorney David Allen “is doing the work pro bono (for free),” she said. The appeal – to the Oregon Court of Appeals – will be based on procedural grounds, Kalkhoven told commissioners. The appeal will likely be filed in March.

Corrections In a Feb. 20 article about the Smoker boxing event we misidentified Eric Beggs, MMA fight trainer at Blend of Zen, as Eric Banks. We apologize for the error. In a press release about increased Oregon State Police enforcement on state highways, the abbreviation OSP was changed to OSY in our computer. We apologize for the error.


From left, former Charity Drive queen Marissa Zerngast is all smiles after crowning new queen Autumn Josi with former king Brock Lourenzo and newly crowned king Dalton Bertrand.

Seniors break charity drive record


Tillamook High School Charity Drive 2013 is complete. The numbers are in: the class of 2013 won the annual Charity Drive competition for the fourth year in a row, breaking a record set 41 years ago by the class of 1972.

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“Kara Rhodes and I started with these kids when they were freshman and we've gone all the way with them,” said class of 2013 advisor Shelley Hurliman. “I remember the first meeting with the parents. We had a great turnout with lots of support and

people who were willing to work.” No one could have predicted at that first meeting four years ago that the class of 2013 would achieve what they have.

The class of 1972 now shares the record

1908 2nd St. 503-842-7535

See APPEAL, Page A3

See CHARITY, Page A3


Vol. 124, No. 9 $1.00


The new methane digester at the Port of Tillamook Bay should be complete in 3-4 weeks, and operational in May.

New methane digester will be online in May BY JOE WRABEK

The new methane digester at the Port of Tillamook Bay should be finished in 3-4 weeks, Eric Eckfield told port commissioners. Eckfield is POTB “Owner’s Representative,” in charge of the construction projects being funded

by Federal Emergency Management Agency money.) The generator hasn’t arrived yet, he said; it’s coming from the East Coast, which has been plagued by major snowstorms. By the end of May, “we’ll have good gas and be generating good power,” he said.

See PORT, Page A2

For the past 41 years the Tillamook High School class of 1972 has held the school record for winning all four years of the Charity Drive class competition. This year, they proudly pass the baton to the class of 2013 for winning the Charity Drive competition for all four years of high school. In a tradition that’s at least 60 years old, THS classes compete with one another to bring in the most money for Charity Drive. Generally, as the classes get older, they get more focused and competitive; it’s is unusual for a freshman class to win the competition. It is exponentially more rare for a class to win every year for all four years; in fact it hasn’t been done since 1972. The class of 1972 remains proud of their accomplishment, 41 years later. “We didn’t bring in anything like the amount of money they bring in now,” said Lori Carpenter, class of 1972. “It is


The 40th class reunion of the THS class of 1972.

incredible, how much money the kids make for Charity Drive. When we were doing it, it was still a March of Dimes fundraiser, our senior class brought in $1,900, and we thought that was a lot.” $1,900 in 1972 is the equivalent of $10,550 in 2013. But the parameters of the fundrais-

er were different. “The rules were that we did the work completely by ourselves. Our parents couldn’t help us, they weren’t involved at all. We were always very proud of that. And we couldn’t accept donations. We had to provide

See 1972, Page A2



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Page A2 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald


Continued from Page A1

It hasn’t been determined whether Tillamook PUD will be purchasing the new digester’s megawatt of electricity, or whether POTB will be “wheeling” it to another utility, port manager Michele Bradley advised the Headlight Herald. “PUD has not stated they do not want the power,” she said. However, they don’t want to pay what they’re paying for electricity from the port’s older digester. They are reportedly willing to pay “avoided costs” (the cost of purchasing power from BPA). “We are still doing the analysis of revenue vs. fees,” she said. POTB would have to pay to “wheel” the power to another utility. “It’s a lot tougher than just selling it (the power) to the PUD,” Young commented. “We’re in competition with BPA in this area,” commissioner Bob Olsen complained. “No one mentions that.” Tillamook PUD is buying the power from the port’s older digester, which produces less than half as much electricity as the new one will. It’s the port’s responsibility to provide the manure, which is coming from approximately 8,000 cows on eight farms. Unlike the Farm Power digesters, where the manure is piped in, manure for the port’s digester has to be delivered by truck. It takes a minimum of 4,000 cows to supply enough “product” to run the digester, Eckfield said. On a 2-1 vote, Port of Tillamook Bay commissioners approved renewal of Richard Patten’s lease of a portion of S. Miller St. in Rockaway Beach. Miller, not actually a street, is part of the right-of-way of the Port of Tillamook Bay Railroad. Businesses along Miller are leasing portions of the “street” in front of their buildings. Patten’s leased space is about 50 feet long and stretches 7 feet out from the curb, port manager Michele Bradley told the Headlight Herald. Patten “has created a little stir,” Bradley advised commissioners. “He’s put up barricades in his space.” The barricades don’t impede traffic, Bradley said; she showed commissioners photos of a garbage truck driving down the street – with plenty of clearance as it passed Patten’s barricades. Port commissioner Bob Olsen objected to the cost -- $40 a year. “It costs $46 to record,” he said. “I don’t think $40 is enough for anything legal.” It’s not paying the cost of administration, he said. “Most of our railroad encroachments are not recorded,” Bradley advised, “and should be.” POTB commissioners approved at the same time renewal of a lease to Connie Mackrill, who Bradley said was Patten’s neighbor. Approval of the leases passed with commissioners Carolyn Decker and Jim Young voting in favor, and Olsen voting no. (New POTB commissioner Jack Mulder was out of town, and Georgine Beveridge, who was chairing the meeting, can’t vote.) Port commissioners also approved an agreement with Tillamook PUD to relocate a power pole close to the port’s administration building. The new parapet on top of the building reduced clearance between the building and power line below safety standards, POTB project coordinator Aaron Palter said, making it necessary to relocate the pole. “The PUD will charge us for placing the pole,” he said. “It’s a FEMA cost,” he said – meaning the money would come from funds received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Young questioned whether the PUD had an easement for their power line. “Let’s charge them an equivalent amount for an easement,” he suggested. Palter said he had managed to get the PUD’s standard-form contract modified. As originally written, the PUD had the right to remove “any man-made obstacles,” Palter said. The pole, he said, is in the port’s parking lot. With the various construction projects using FEMA funds, “We’re still holding at 53% of FEMA money committed,” Eric Eckfield told commissioners, “same as last month.” Road paving is “dormant” until June, he said, and water line work until April or May – and work on the port’s administration building is “winding down,” he said. Work on the airport business park should be completed in mid-March. The port is still waiting on a final decision from FEMA headquarters on the port’s appeal of the Southern Flow Corridor Project, which FEMA had denied at both the local and regional level, Bradley told commissioners. “Wyden and Merkley and Schrader’s offices are still calling,” she said. “As we wait for a decision, we are pushing harder against our ability to take advantage of the coming construction season,” Eckfield added. “Some 2013 proj-

ects may get extended into 2014.” In other business, Bradley advised commissioners it was necessary to appoint new representatives to the Northwest ACT, which deals with transportation issues and funding, and the Oregon Tillamook Railroad Authority (OTRA), which oversees the non-functional POTB Railroad. Former port commissioner Bill Baertlein had been the port’s representative on both boards. Commissioners appointed Jim Young to the ACT, which is meeting March 14, and held off appointing anyone to OTRA (“I don’t have an OTRA meeting scheduled any time soon,” Bradley advised). And now that the port commission has five members again, it’s necessary to elect a new president, Bradley told commissioners.


Continued from Page A1

services that people paid for.” Carpenter and her friend and classmate Debbie Reeves remember “mostly carwashes and bake sales and scrap metal. Oh my gosh, we baked and baked and baked. And back then you’d sell a couple of cookies for a quarter,” said Reeves. “We washed a lot of cars,” said Carpenter. “People paid us a dollar. We thought we were making big bucks when we washed log trucks for $10. Who would wash log trucks? That’s insane. And our class advisors were sticklers that if we did something, we had to do it right, so we had quality control for car washes. If they weren’t perfectly clean they got washed again. Basically we learned hard work and integrity.” The class of 1972 also

developed a heart for service. “We talked about it at our 40th class reunion,” said Carpenter. “We talked about how many of our class are educators, doctors, nurses, emergency responders, in law enforcement, in public service, business owners, politicians, as a class we’ve really touched the world through acts of service.” It boosted their selfesteem as a class, to have accomplished something big together, and to have done it on their own steam. “I think it made a big impression on us. Our class has been pretty successful, and I think that started in high school, with us believing that we could accomplish whatever we set our minds to.” Holding the Charity Drive

record for four years also bonded them as a class. “We have remained very close,” said Reeves. “”There are 50 or 60 of us who come to every reunion, wouldn’t miss one. We have a lot of fun together. We have people who want to come to our reunions who weren’t in our class, because we have so much fun,” said Reeves, who organizes the reunions. “Things have changed so much in forty years, it’s incredible,” said Carpenter. “Things were a lot simpler then. “Gas cost .36 cents a gallon, a loaf of bread was a quarter and a call at a pay phone was a dime.” “Kids nowadays probably don’t even know what a pay phone is,” said Reeves. “A booth that you stand in and pull the doors shut behind

you to make a call...and sometimes all your friends tried to cram in there with you,” the two friends laughed. In 1972 there were no cell phones, the VW Beetle was the most popular car and it had a price tag of $1,500. HBO launched the first cable service and Atari released the first ever video game: ‘Pong.’ “I can barely wrap my mind around how much money the kids bring in for Charity Drive now,” said Carpenter. “$77,000 is unbelievable. But what remains with me is how hard our class worked. We were proud of doing it and we were proud of holding the record for 41 years.”

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Page A3


Continued from Page A1

At their Feb. 20 meeting, county commissioners also voted to renew for another two years an option to purchase property owned by Diamond F Inc. The property, located in the Southern Flow Corridor, was originally optioned by the county two years ago, Levesque told commissioners, but purchase has been delayed by the Federal Emergency Management

Agency (FEMA) denying funds for the project, first at the local and then at regional levels. “We may have a decision by next Wednesday� from FEMA headquarters in Washington, D.C., said county Chief of Staff Paul Levesque. In other business, county commissioners approved an intergovernmental agreement with Oregon Fish & Wildlife

that would provide another $7,000 toward the Southern Flow Corridor Project; renewed a lease with North Coast Storage for storage of old county records, some furniture, and an aluminum boat used by the county surveyor; and approved a grant application to Tillamook PUD to install electric service at 6-7 tent sites in Barview County Park.

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The Tillamook High School Class of 2013 celebrates raising the most money at Charity Drive for the fourth year in a row.

CHARITY: But, Hurliman says that a group decision led them to achieve record-breaking results. “We decided our very first year that if we were going to do something, we were going to do it with excellence,� Hurliman said. “The parents told me that this particular group of kids were good workers and go-getters, but I didn't know until I saw it. They really are!� The class of 2013 has a wide variety of of strengths and skills, and each member of the class has certain things they contribute to make the group better as a whole, be it an interest in steelhead fishing, the ability to cook or the know-how to take apart machinery to get the valuable metal it's made of. Plus, this particular group of kids has a very team-oriented mentality and every player on that team is happy to do what they can if it helps the whole group. “We run our class Charity Drive like a business,� Hurliman said. “We split the into committees and delegate responsibilities to different people. Once everyone knows their role, the kids put their minds to it and they and they do what they set out to do.� To get as much production and benefit out of each Charity Drive event there was one thing

the class of 2013 knew they had to make sure they did right. “We made sure we had good food and lots of it,� Hurliman said. “It's something this class has become known for. “We also have always made sure we had quality activities that people really wanted to come watch." Besides the main Charity Drive events, there are also some specific things this particular class excels at that add significant amounts of money to their total. “We have a crew of boys who are very good workers and they absolutely rock at collecting scrap metal,� Hurliman said. “All the money we raise comes from every part of the team. It all adds up and everyone knows that, so they are all happy to fill their roles.� The total amount taken in for 2013 Charity Drive was $211,220.57 with the seniors bringing in $77,127.18 or about 36.5 percent of the total. The sophomores brought in $53,942.22 for second place; freshmen came in third with $49,152.99; followed by juniors with $30,998.18. While Hurliman and Rhodes

have been enthusiastic advisors for the class, there are a lot of students within the class who have stepped up to take Charity Drive leadership roles. “We have an awesome group of student chairs,� Hurliman explained. “Emily Schwend, Logan Schieno and Kennady Johnson have all done a great job. As juniors, Hailey Travis and Autumn Josi have been a huge help too.� The stated goal of Charity Drive is to raise money for Doernbecher Children's Hospital, local non-profits, and a THS scholarship fund. Beyond the financial accomplishment, Charity Drive builds character and teaches skills that will be important for the students later in life, including giving kids a chance to take the bull by the horns. “As the class advisors, we've been giving the kids more and more responsibility so they can run events completely on their own,� Hurliman said. “This is an awesome group of students. They are the reason we have been successful. We have a ton of participation from the whole class and they see everything through from the beginning to the end.�

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Continued from Page A1

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Wave energy

The sea plan and the role of the Tillamook PUD

BY REPRESENTATIVE DAVID GOMBERG Wave Energy. The words alone stimulate our imagination. They conjure up images of futuristic technologies, new industries, jobs and a limitless supply of renewable power. Of course anytime we consider major new projects along our Oregon Coastline, we need to move cautiously. Study and research is a good thing, but we want to know- will this new technology work? What will it cost or what kinds of subsidies will be necessary? What happens to these huge machines when we are done with them?? For these reasons and more, I was pleased with the announcement earlier this year that the Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC) will be sited off of Newport. This is a study and testing zone of limited size which will strive to answer many of our questions. The siting was supported by city and county leadership, the fishing community and by local business organizations. I supported it as well, seeing PMEC as an excellent extension of the local research cluster at Yaquina Bay including the Hatfield Marine Science Center, NOAA and the Ocean Observatories Initiative. As pleased as I was with the PMEC announcement, I was hugely disappointed days later with decisions to place one of the actual wave generation zones off the coast of Southern Tillamook County. Two volunteer advisory boards have spent the past three years developing proposals. They held informational meetings and public hearings. They negotiated, compromised and eventually developed a consistent plan. The Territorial Sea Plan Advisory Committee is a working group formed by the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) to make recommendations regarding the impact of wave energy sites along the Oregon Coast. TSPAC ranked Nestucca 6th out of 8 sites ranked. Oregon's Ocean Planning Advisory Council (OPAC) is a legislatively mandated marine policy advisory body to the Governor. OPAC recommended three sites while at the same time voting to remove the Nestucca site from further consideration. But LCDC approved four sites with Nestucca as the second. And they gave no explanation at all for disregarding literally thousands of hours of community conversation and consensus. Whenever we consider new opportunities, we have to bal-

ance them against any effects on existing industries, communities and traditions. New jobs are good, but not if they replace or harm existing jobs. The Nestucca wave energy site includes the major fall/winter fishing and crabbing grounds of the historic Pacific City Dory Fleet. The dories have been plying the waters off of Pacific City for over 100 years. Being small boats, they have limited range and cannot be safely diverted to other fishing grounds. I had written previously to oppose the Nestucca site. In fact, many letters of opposition were submitted to LCDC from the Tillamook County Commission, Lincoln County Commission, Oregon People's Utility District Association, Pacific City-Nestucca Valley Chamber of Commerce, Pacific CityWoods Community Planning Advisory Committee, Neskowin Citizen's Planning Advisory Committee, Fishermen's Advisory Committee Tillamook and the Pacific City Dorymens' Association. Oregon has a long tradition of public participation in the decision-making process. Yet, as I said previously, I am seriously disappointed that the recommendations of formal advisory groups and local communities were not considered in this site selection process. I have now begun meeting with the Coastal Caucus - an influential group of legislators representing districts along the Oregon Coast. We are continuing to review legislative and administrative alternatives to the LCDC decision. In addition, I am having conversations with the Governor’s office about the issue and have been assured a clearer explanation of the decision will be forthcoming. Meanwhile, let's be clear that wave energy devices are not going into the water off the Coast of Tillamook County yet. That date is far off, and the results of research from the PMEC site may determine if such a time will ever come. Even so, we need clear answers to why OPAC and TSPAC recommendations were not addressed by LCDC. Failure to do so undermines confidence and cooperation with government. Finally, we need to ensure that if wave energy does come to Tillamook County it addresses fishing, crabbing and view shed issues. David Gomberg represents District 10 from Waldport to Tillamook and inland to Sheridan; for further questions, concerns or other issues, he may be reached at

CONTACT ELECTED OFFICIALS State Rep., District 32 Deborah Boone (D-Cannon Beach) Room H-375 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 986-1432 State Senator, District 5 Arnie Roblan (D-Coos Bay) Room S-417 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 986-1705 State Rep., District 10 David Gomberg (D-Lincoln City)

Room H-371 State Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: (503) 986-1410 County Commissioners: Courthouse 201 Laurel Ave. Tillamook, OR 97141 Phone: (503) 842-3403 Fax: (503) 842-1384 • Mark Labhart, chair; • Bill Baertlein; vice-chair; • Tim Josi

ABOUT US The Headlight Herald is published weekly by Country Media, Inc. at 1908 2nd St.,Tillamook, OR 97141 (503) 842-7535 •Toll Free 1-800-275-7799 USPS 238-300

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COUNTRY MEDIA The Headlight Herald is part of the Country Media family of newspapers.

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BY DOUG OLSON Now that the State of Oregon, through its Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC), has identified a site in the ocean near Pacific City and Neskowin as a possible location for ocean energy, the next questions are why is this happening and what is the role of the Tillamook People’s

Utility District (TPUD)? Leaving aside the disgraceful “public” process used to select possible sites in the open sea for electric energy, the process is complete and a site between the mouth of the Nestucca River and Neskowin is now the number two site on the Oregon coast proposed for ocean energy testing and possible placement. The first is a


location just off Camp Rilea in northern Clatsop County which is proposed as a backup energy site for military needs. The process to update Oregon’s Territorial Sea Plan began over four years ago under an agreement with the federal government to identify potential sites for ocean energy generation. Two separate citizen groups met dozens of times

by Dave Coverly

in many locations with literally thousands of people. The Territorial Sea Plan is in essence a zoning of the sea. In order to preserve state control rather than federal control, the planning process moved forward under the agreement with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

See SEA PLAN, Page A5

Write to us We want to hear from you, and encourage you to write letters to the editor. Because of space limitations, shorter letters have a better chance of being printed. We may edit your letter for style, grammar and clarity, although we do as little editing as possible. Letters longer than 350 words will be edited. Thank-you letters are limited to mentioning individuals and non-commercial organizations. Letters received after noon on Friday may not be in time for the following Wednesday’s paper. We also encourage your longer, guest editorials. These might be columns written by newsmakers, public officials or organization representatives. These can run a little longer in length. To verify authenticity, all guest opinions must be signed and include your address and daytime phone number. We won’t print your street address or phone number. Submissions may be emailed to editor@orcoast or sent via mail or dropped off to Headlight Herald, 1908 Second St., Tillamook, OR 97141. Any guest opinion may appear on the Headlight Herald’s website.


our information. Thank you!

Concerning the Tillamook to Oceanside 115KV transmission line, I contacted Bob White of Tillamook PUD a couple of months ago about approximate location for a pole on our property. His response was simply ‘just inside your property line.’ Not satisfied I called and asked him to come out to our property and show us roughly where the pole might be. On Feb. 15 Mr. White and an engineer showed up. Still, his only response was just inside the property line. Basically this was a wasted trip out here to show me nothing. After thinking about this a little more I finally realized that my property line has nothing to do with this. ODOT right of way is the determining factor of where this pole will go. PUD wants the poles on private property just outside the ODOT right of way. Any widening of Hwy 131 in the future will put the expense on ODOT. This is the information that was given to us by PUD. After talking with ODOT, we found the right of way is 35 ft from the centerline of the road. This will put the pole a very short distance from our house. From the creed on the back of the Ruralite magazine,the one that reads ‘Cooperation and open communication among customers, board of directors, management and employees of PUD.’ In the future I hope they can be more straightforward with their customers.

Ron Marolf Tillamook

Dear Headlight Herald Readers, My name is Logan and I am a sixth grader at Faith Christian School in Kearney, Nebraska. My class is studying the 50 states and I have chosen Oregon as my state. Our assignment is to find out as much about our states as we can and I was wondering if you would help me out. Would you please send me any information you can about your state? Some examples could be maps, brochures, souvenirs, or anything else that would be helpful. We will be having a state fair at the end of the year to display all

Logan Mr. Van Winkle’s 5th/6th grade class Faith Christian School, P.O. Box 3048 Kearney, NE 68848

What a disgrace The A-4 Navy aircraft on Hwy 101 for the Air Museum. What a disgrace to the Military and Navy. It's so green and moldy and the insignias are all most worn off. I think the Navy should take the once proud aircraft back and scrap it so it can come back as something useful instead of an eyesore. But this is Tillamook County for you. Get some money and do a project with no money to maintain or repair it. You’re doing a great job County Commissioners, keep up the good work (pun intended). Now I suppose we will have to float a bond to pay for it to be cleaned and painted.

Tom Alford Cloverdale

“An important part of our small town” When the Tillamook P.U.D., Tillamook City Council and the Tillamook County Commissioners consider their decisions regarding the proposed Tillamook P.U.D. 115kV transmission line route down Front Street of Tillamook, we hope that the decision made goes by the mission statement professed by the Tillamook P.U.D. It reads: “Tillamook People’s Utility District is dedicated to delivering the best value of electric services, while continuing our commitment to the customers and communities we serve. CREED: We shall work together to: Provide exceptional customer service; anticipate and strive to exceed our customers’ needs; Provide high-quality and cost-effective services to our customers; Assure a safe electrical system and working environment for our customers and employees; Operate a financially-stable business; Encourage cooperation and open communication among the customers, Board of Directors, management and employees of Tillamook PUD; Support all the com-

munities we serve; and Be environmentally responsible.” When ODOT starts their proposed project, our town will be changed forever. On top of that, we have the P.U.D. considering more invasiveness to an important industrial part of our small town.

Don & Linnea Burden Tillamook

To the community with gratitude Community Arts Project (CAP), it’s board and staff, and the elementary students who will benefit extend sincere thanks to all who participated in the recent Art Literacy Program fundraising event, “Your Heart’s Desire.” It was a very successful event, again, because of the many generous supporters in the community, including sponsors, professional and student artists, financial contributors, silent auction and raffle donors, dessert-makers, food and beverage donors, afternoon and evening attendees, and many volunteers. Thanks to all of you who have made an important contribution to the development of the young artists among us.

Kim Cavatorta, Exec. Director Community Arts Project

Helpers in the community I am writing this letter to share my experiences since moving back to Tillamook after living 38 years in a much larger area. I came back in May 2010. I bought a house and had a big list of changes I wanted made. I found the most amazing men in our community: Keith Thompson, for painting, drywall and counters; Jimmy Coons for flooring and carpet; Jeff Naegeli for plumbing; John and Matt from Angus Electric; Terry Phillips for a huge and beautiful landscaping project. I was able to get 99 percent of everything I needed at Rosenberg's. These men are selfemployed. They will work 10 hour days, evenings and weekends. They are timely, honest and perfectionists. They employ skilled people that add to our community. Over the last couple of years I have had more projects done and always been

pleased with their work. They take pride in their work and take that extra step. I'm very thankful to have found them. I'm sure there are many more local skilled craft people here. I encourage everyone to use our local resources for your projects. You will not be disappointed.

Sandy Blaser Tillamook

Excellent Company I would like to give a compliment for North Coast Lawn. They do excellent work, are courteous and prompt. I have used their services many times and had excellent results. I would recommend them to anyone

Larry Salo Tillamook

Lines should go underground I was delighted to read last weeks editorial "Let's put it underground." At the February meeting of the PUD Board of Directors, they voted to accept the staffs' suggested route for their new high voltage power line which will cross Tillamook's Front Street, follow Hwy. 131 to Tomlinson Road and place the poles and high voltage wires through our cow pasture within 50 feet of our home. These large high voltage wires could cross in front of our main view window, making our present, very pleasant and attractive view into an industrial area. We told the PUD staff when they came to our house that there was not enough money in the world for us to consent to that. However, if they were run underground, there would be no problem. PUD replied that they could not do that for the short distance for us unless they did it for the whole line through Tillamook. If this line is really necessary, that is what should be done. If the cost is more for underground placement of wires, all certainly should pay; not just those of us who would lose the value of our property and lifestyle.

Roy and Claire Peterson Tillamook

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Page A5

CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS SEA PLAN: On Jan. 14, Christopher Arthur Monroe, 32, pleaded guilty to (1) Unlawful Possession of Heroin, a Class B felony, committed on or about Nov. 6, 2012, was sentenced to 6 months in prison with 12 months post-prison supervision; and (2) 3rd degree Escape, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Nov. 6, 2012, and was sentenced to a consecutive 30 days in jail. No costs assessed except for restitution of $97.13 to Safeway. On Jan. 25, Juan Emigdio Valencia Ayala, 23, convicted Nov. 2, 2012 of (1) 1st degree Assault, a Class A felony, committed on or about Oct. 15, 2011, was sentenced to 90 months in prison with 36 months postprison supervision, (2) 3rd degree Assault, a Class C felony, committed on or about Oct. 15, 2011, sentenced to 6 months in prison (concurrent with the above sentence) with 24 months post-prison supervision, and (3) 2nd degree Assault, a Class B felony, committed on or about Oct. 15, 2011, and was sentenced to 70 months in prison (36 months consecutively and 34 months concurrently); Ayala was ordered to pay restitution of $19,036.17 to Sean Bennett, Regence Blue Cross, and Crime Victims Services. On Feb. 7, Patricia Maria Mendez, 23, pleaded guilty to Harassment, a Class B misdemeanor, committed on or about Oct. 13, 2012, and was sentenced to 48 hours in jail, placed on 18 months’ probation, and fined $460. On Feb. 8, Rachel Jae Markus was found in contempt of court, was placed on 18 months’ probation and ordered to pay costs of 460. On Feb. 11, Ralph Jay Sisco, 54, pleaded guilty to 2nd degree Theft, a class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Jan. 16, 2013, and was sentenced to 30 days in jail, assessed costs of $400, and ordered to pay restitution to Company David Dieter cash of $35. On Feb. 11, Rebecca Annette Drake, 52, pleaded guilty to Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Jan. 19, 2013, and was sentenced to 10 months in jail (the court recommended an inpatient treatment program), with driver’s license suspended for 1 year; and (2) 2 counts of Recklessly Endangering another Person, a class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Jan. 19, 2013, and was sentenced to two 120day jail terms (concurrent with each other and with the above sentence). No costs imposed because of inability to pay. On Feb. 11, Cheryl Leeanne Purcell was found in violation of probation and ordered to pay costs of $225. Probation was continued. On Feb. 11, Ruben Wayne Blakeslee, 56, pleaded guilty to Unlawful Taking of Wildlife, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Nov. 23, 2012, was sentenced to 48 hours in jail, placed on 36 months bench probation, and assessed costs of $660. On Feb. 11, Joey Ray Fields, 26, pleaded no con-

test to Harassment, a Class B misdemeanor, committed on or about Feb. 3, 2013, and was sentenced to 30 days in jail and ordered to pay costs of $460. On Feb. 11, David E Mills, 57, pleaded guilty to Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Dec. 6, 2012, was sentenced to 48 hours in jail, placed on 24 months supervised probation, and assessed costs of $1,000. On Feb. 11, Jacob Henry Meeker, 24, pleaded guilty to Resisting Arrest, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Oct. 17, 2012, was sentenced to 10 days in jail and assessed costs of $1,185. On Feb. 12, Joel Justin Nethercroft was found in contempt of court (2 counts), and sentenced to 2 consecutive 60-day terms in jail, placed on 24 months bench probation, and prohibited from entering a specified area of Tillamook County. No costs assessed because of inability to pay. On Feb. 12, Christine Rae Fleming, 38, pleaded guilty to Unlawful Possession of Heroin, a Class B felony, committed on or about Jan. 19, 2013, and was sentenced to 6 months in prison with 12 months post-prison supervision and ordered tom pay costs of $1,110. Her driver’s license was suspended for 6 months. On Feb. 12, Christopher Joseph Luke, 22, pleaded guilty to 2nd degree Criminal Mischief, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about Oct. 20, 2012, was placed on 12 months bench probation and assessed costs of $340. On Feb. 14, Dustin Michael Jordan, 25, pleaded guilty to Fleeing or Attempting to Elude a Police Officer While in a Motor Vehicle, a Class C felony, committed on or about Sept. 8, 2012, and was sentenced to 20 days in jail, placed on bench probation for 18 months, and ordered to pay costs of $350. His driver’s license was suspended for 90 days. On Feb. 14, Anthony Mario Marziano, 25, pleaded guilty to (1) Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about June 24, 2012, was sentenced to 30 days in jail, placed on 36 months bench probation, and assessed costs of $2,215.00; and (2) 3rd degree Escape, a Class A misdemeanor, committed on or about June 24, 2012, was sentenced to an additional 15 days in jail and placed on 36 months bench probation. On Feb. 19, Christopher Wayne Kelly, 28, pleaded guilty to (1) Unlawful Manufacture or Delivery of a Controlled Substance in Schedule I, a Class A felony, committed on or about Dec. 17, 2012, was sentenced to 23 months in prison with 3 years post-prison supervision, and his driver’s license was suspended for 6 months; (2) Felon in Possession of a Firearm, a Class C felony, committed on or about Dec. 17, 2012, and was sentenced to 6 months in jail (to be served concurrently with the above).

That process was driven by the need for Oregon to control use of the sea for the first three nautical miles outward under state jurisdiction. Also driving the process is a state mandate for increased renewable energy and recognition that the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) cannot economically provide additional power in some cases. The federal hydro system on the Columbia River system, which supplies power to nearly all consumer owned utilities including TPUD, is at capacity during certain times of the year. It’s very unlikely additional dams will be built. Wind energy, while significant, cannot meet all future growth because it is operational only about 30 percent of the time when the wind blows. Hydro or other sources are needed as backup when the wind subsides. Oregon’s recently released energy plan specifies that all future electrical load growth will be met with a combination of conservation or renewable energy. That, of course, means wind, wave, tidal, solar, geothermal and other renewable sources. Excluded are coal and natural gas generation plants. In addition, hydro is not classified as renewable. It’s important to note that nearly all renewable energy today exists only because of significant federal or state subsidies. For example, the

Continued from Page A4

numerous windmills east of the Cascades contribute about 7000 megawatts of energy to the BPA system. That’s the equivalent of six Bonneville dams. But the federal subsidy to those generators is $.022 per kilowatt hour or about $425 million per year. Then there are some state and local subsidies or incentives as well. Most renewable energy business models are built around federal and state subsidies, not the commercial sale of power. Solyndra comes to mind. If an ocean energy developer proposes to place a device in the sea off the coast of Oregon, that developer will be required to obtain various permits and submit environmental impact data. It most certainly will be a long, difficult and quite expensive process, with no guarantee of success. The developer will also need to find his own market for electricity. Tillamook PUD is not required to purchase any power unless the cost is equal to PUD’s current avoided cost, which is the wholesale cost from BPA, about $.035 per kilowatt hour currently. That’s a federal administrative rule, which, of course, could be modified in the future. It’s extremely doubtful that any ocean energy producer can profitably sell electricity on a commercial scale at that cost, even with substantial subsidies. If the developer finds a

willing buyer elsewhere, the developer can connect to the western grid through a Tillamook PUD substation. All costs, including engineering, design, construction, transmission lines, permits and more will be the entire responsibility of the developer. Tillamook PUD can and will charge the developer all direct and indirect costs associated with connecting ocean energy to its market. In addition, Tillamook PUD will collect “wheeling” fees over time as the power moves across the Tillamook PUD system. One of the larger issues in the energy business today is who should pay the costs of enlarging or strengthening the electric grid. Current practice is for ratepayers who benefit from an improvement to pay through the rate structure. The other school of thought is for all citizens (taxpayers) to pay some or all costs through various subsidies determined by our policy makers in Salem and Washington D.C. Currently Senate Bill 354 is before the Oregon Legislature. It would provide $25 million in general obligation bonding authority for the state to use in subsidizing transmission requirements for producers of ocean energy. That’s a good

example of spreading the cost of renewable energy to all Oregon taxpayers, not just ratepayers who may benefit from a particular project. Agree or disagree, that’s where our current elected officials are heading. The ocean does indeed contain enormous amounts of energy. Many companies are designing various devices to harness this renewable, clean and plentiful energy. There has been some success in waters off Europe. Testing is currently underway just off Reedsport. Whether something on a commercial scale can be viable in the waters off the Oregon coast remains to be seen. And it’s not likely to occur for a number of years. But the electrical energy business operates on a very long planning horizon. It is the intent of your consumer owned Tillamook PUD that if and when any ocean power seeks to come ashore in our territory, there will be no cost or impact to our ratepayers. Olson is the president of the Tillamook PUD Board of Directors and the past president of the Oregon PUD Association. He represents South Tillamook County on the PUD Board and lives in Pacific City.


Tillamook County General Hospital’s

TCCC Board Members Wanted The Tillamook County Cultural Coalition ( is seeking applicants for vacancies on the coalition board. The board meets quarterly to set policy and to lead our community in implementing the County Cultural Plan. Board members serve a 3-year term. Project applications are reviewed by the board each January to disperse money from the Oregon Cultural Trust Fund (, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization funded through tax-credited donations from individuals and businesses and by the sale of Cultural Trust license plates. Funds are dispersed by the OCT to each-

county in Oregon in accordance with their population, size and density. Tillamook County Cultural Coalition board positions will be open for terms running from June 2013 through June 2016 for one representative each from south, central and north Tillamook County. Interested persons are asked to write a letter of interest including information on qualifications, experience and interest in the areas of education, community arts, heritage, environment and traditions. Address letters to the Tillamook County Cultural Coalition Board by April 16, 2013. Please email letters to

January 2013 Arrivals

Chance Troy McKinney Born on 1-8-13

Wyatt Anthony Lewis Born on 01-11-13

Tillamook County General Hospital 1000 Third Street Tillamook, Oregon 97141 (503) 842-4444 H35474

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Page A6 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald

The Silverspot Butterfly of Mount Hebo BY MELONIE FERGUSON

The last stable population of the endangered Silverspot butterfly in the world lives here in Tillamook County, on our own Mount Hebo. An audience numbering more than fifty from as far away as Eugene gathered at The Pelican Pub and Brewery in Pacific City on February 19 for a presentation on the Silverspot butterfly. The event, scheduled to coincide with the regular meeting of the Nestucca Watersheds Council, was a joint effort between the Council and Hebo Stewardship Group for community education and outreach. According to presenters Anne Walker and Michelle Dragoo, scientists observed the first dangerous decrease in population for Silverspot butterfly after an especially wet, cold spring in 1993. The Silverspot could once be found all along the Pacific coast from northern California clear into central Washington. Today there are only five known colonies of the endangered insect, and the only stable population lives on Mount Hebo. Less stable colonies survive at Cascade Head, Lake Earl, Ray’s Point, and Rock Creek. A PowerPoint presentation illustrated the life cycle of the Silverspot. They hatch from tiny yellow eggs that winter under plant debris in native coastal meadows. Newly hatched caterpillars start out smaller than the letters imprinted on a penny. At this stage,

(like the Monarch and milkweed) the Silverspot depends on a single species of plant to survive. They feed exclusively on a wildflower, the Early Blue Violet (Viola adunca.) Coastal residents who want to support the survival of the Silverspot can plant the native violets, or the plants it needs as a butterfly, Dragoo suggested. “One caterpillar can feed on more than two hundred violet leaves over the course of a spring,” she told the group. After the caterpillars transform through their life cycle into butterflies, their diet requires nectar plants. Four native species support them: Aster, Golden Rod, Pearly Everlasting, and Yarrow. Besides plant-

ings to support the butterflies, community members who’d like to help the plight of the Silverspot may volunteer to assist with maintenance at the Cascade Head site. Contact Watersheds Council Coordinator Alex Sifford, 503-965-2200 to get started. “We really appreciate board member Stephanie Starostka Welch arranging the evening’s event with The Pelican Pub,” Council Coordinator Alex Sifford told the crowd earlier in the evening. “Pelican Pub has gone so far as to craft and name an ale to benefit the endangered specie, The Silverspot IPA, and it’s delicious!” he quipped. As the audience sipped and

snacked, Jane Booth, who is Hebo Stewardship Group’s Facilitator, explained the group’s makeup and purpose and invited community involvement. The Hebo Stewardship Group includes folks with a stake in local natural resources including Cascade Pacific Resource Conservation and Development, Hebo Ranger District, Nestucca Watersheds Council, Oregon Wild, The Siletz Tribe, Tillamook Soil and Water Conservation District, United States Department of Fish and Wildlife, and local business people and residents. They meet monthly at 3:00 p.m. on the second Thursday, rotating between Driftwood Library in Lincoln City and the Pelican Pub in Pacific City. March 14 the meeting will be in Lincoln City; all are welcome. The regular meeting of the Neskowin Nestucca Watersheds Council (NNWC) had kicked off the evening. Highlights include news that thrifty habits will allow for publication mailing of “The Flow,” the NNWC newsletter to postal patrons in the watershed. Upcoming council projects include restoration work on Butte Creek, Farmer Creek, and George Creek and a Bay cleanup scheduled from 8:30noon on Saturday, April 20. Community volunteers will gather at Bob Straub Park for assignments to clean up Nestucca Bay and the vicinity; everyone is invited.

OBITUARIES Larry White Larry White, 59, passed away February 18, 2013 and is now with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was born May 14, 1953. He was born and raised in Tillamook, Oregon. Larry and his wife LARRY have lived in WHITE the Portland area for the past 30 years and are the owners of the popular Alibi Restaurant and Lounge. Larry loved telling stories, good food, laughing, gardening, and lounging in the sun on the white sand beaches of Jamaica. He was a beloved husband, father, grandfather, son, brother, cousin, and friend to many. He is survived by his wife Karla; daughters, Kristi Miller and Marci Wagner; three precious grandchildren, Jack, Elise and Ryan; mother, Colleen Fossbind; sisters, Connie Johnson, Donna Larson, Julie Grothmann and Kathy Johnson; brother, Gordon White and many extended family members. A memorial service will be held at 2:30 p.m. on March 3, 2013 at the Horizon Community Church in Tualatin, Oregon. In lieu of flowers the family requests contributions be made in Larry's memory to Embrace Compassion Ministries, 15922 SW 2nd Street, Sherwood, OR 97140.

William Alfred Howard Sr.

HONOR ROLL Tillamook Bay Community College Honors List Fall Term 2012 President's List 3.75-4.00 GPA Hailey Albin, Chabeli Arreola, Mitchell Baertlein, Gabriel Bigelow, Nicole Bishop, Jasmine Boisa, Samantha Boring, Aaron Brumbach, Morgan Burgess, Angela Byrne, Karrie Call, Zachary Capell, Mariah Castro, Monica Chatelain, Mari Cobb, Jerry Creasy, Marie Davis, Cheryl Dawson, Alexis DeNoble, Shelli Dial, Jade Downs, Gary Elliott, Kasondra Duncan, Lisa Forster, Anna Franke, Hillary Gallino, Joshua Gerlt, Cody Hale, Dora Guerrero, Eva Gustafson, Diana Gutzke, Michael Hains, Julia Harvey, Ashley Kent, Alana Hennings, Mitchell Hennings, Eduardo Hernandez, Cambrey Jewell, Justin Meyer, Marvin Kerwin, Angela Johnson, Kennady Johnson, Rosalie Johnston, Brook Klahn, John Krane, Sara Lane, Shane Larson,

Brooke Loffelmacher, Dylane Thomas Maddox, Michaela Mahnke, Jacey Matthies, Jessica Mick, Kara Moore, Daniela Moreno, Gregory Mosser, Tabatha Noffsinger, Elizabeth Noregaard, Joshua Parsons, Melinda Peets, Kristen Persons, Nathaniel Peterson, Perry Picking, Melissa Richey, Kycie Richwine, Tamara Rodrigues, Patrick Ryan, Jamie Ryen, Rebecca Saunders, Christine Schilliger, Kelly Schroeder, Kimberly Seals, Heather Sheppard, Salvador Solis, Kathryn Springs, Charlie Stewart, Brandy Tharp, Darrell Tow, Ira Velasquez, Maria Velazquez, Daniel Wakefield, Tyler Weber, Logan Weeks, MorganWexler, Tracy Wilcock, Patrick Willison.

Jonathan Gonzalez-Leon, Kenia Gracia, Annessa Hahn, Dylan Hayes, Christie Hill, Allison Hinderer, Aaron Josi, Jessica Johnson, Shannon Jones, Zachary Kephart, Christopher Kettner, Dylan King, Carol Lewis, Andrew McGuire, Leeann McNutt, Grace Mick, Audra Obrist, Kelly Olson, Jennifer Palos, Sarah Patterson, Matthew Pearson, Marilyn Perl, Rachel Phaksuwan, Shannon Reiff, Robert Sheridan-Richey, Susan Ryen, Kalli Sherer, Lyndsay Skinner, Gary Stevens, Shane Stoughton, William Stowers, Michael Talerico, Hannah Thompson, Laird Tuel, DianaVan Cleave, SaraVega, Aaron Waymire, Stephany Whitaker, Carol White.

Dean's List 3.50-3.74 GPA Kaylee Atchison, Yuridia Benito Maldonado, Austin Bentley, Lacy Boisa, Tobin Capell, Nickolaus Campbell, Kari Carola, Charles Clemme, Trever Cooley, Claudia Cordeiro, Shannon Dolan, Phyllis Eklof, Catherine Essary, John Garcia,

Honor's List 3.25-3.49 GPA Ricky Aguilar, Megan Blair, Amanda Braden, Tonya Brown, Cameron Butler, Jacob Cavanaugh, Elizabeth Chavez-Cortez, Jedidiah Coon, Theresa Franco, William Gendron, Riley Gilhuly, Jodi Green, Samantha Hyde, Katherine Jones,

Dylan King, Payton Lea, Ashlynn Leuthold, Adrianne Madman, Noe Martinez, Tami McVay, Rachel Myshak, David Neaves, Tamra Owens, Mireya Palominos, Montana Pullen, Morgan Remington, Stephanie Rodriguez, Joseph Rogers, Pamela Stanfield, Alisa Strohmaier, Alisa Surette, David Waud, Kyle Wetzel.

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Arthur James Longfield Jr. was born on November 25, 1954 and passed away on February 15th, 2013 in Turner, Oregon. Arthur was born in Dallas, ARTHUR Oregon and LONGFIELD JR. later moved to Tillamook, where he attended school and graduated from Tillamook High School. Arthur enjoyed many things including baseball, basketball, and football. He particularly loved the Portland Trailblazers and the Seattle Mariners and also had the opportunity to go to several games with friends and family. After moving to Turner in 1993, Arthur enjoyed attending church at the Turner Christian Church. He loved helping at the church and attending social events. In 2005 Arthur became a volunteer firefighter with the Turner Fire District. He was a beloved member at the fire station. Arthur is survived by his family, Louie and Thelma Plantenga of Turner; Willona (Mike) Bielenberg of Turner; Alex (Melissa) Plantenga of Dallas, TX; and Paul (Delissa) Plantenga of Tillamook. He is also survived by his sister, Telva Maben and brother Willie Longfield of Tillamook and stepsister Mary of Washington. A memorial service for Arthur will be held on Saturday, March 2 at the Turner Christian Church in Turner at 11 a.m.

The Basics of Government Contracting

Waud’s Funeral Home (503) 842-7557


Arthur James Longfield Jr.



Tillamook Bay Commuity College is proud to recognize the following students for their outstanding academic acheivement during Fall Term 2012.

William Alfred Howard Sr., 88 years old, passed from this earth February 20, 2012 in Bountiful, Utah, surrounded by family. He married Jane and they lived happily ever after for 69 years this month. WILLIAM He served HOWARD SR. in WWII, U.S. Coast Guard. He was a cowboy at heart, loved John Wayne movies, music, football and his family. He was a loving husband, an unconditional dad and the greatest grandpa. He was an active member of the LDS Church. He had a great sense of humor, told wonderful stories and built anything from birdhouses to play-

houses. Others always came first. Dad and Mom’s favorite duet “Skinny Marinky Dinky Dink” was also a family fave. He was preceded in death by his daughter Chari and son-inlaw, Mickey. William is survived by his wife Jane; son William Jr. (Sandy), daughter Karen (Jimmy), daughter Kelly, 7 grandkids and 11 great-grandkids who adored him. Special thanks to the VA Medical Center and Caregiver Support Network. No flowers please, instead thank a veteran, volunteer or donate to your local VA or Hospice Center. A family gathering will be held at a later date. Cremation under the direction of Lindquist’s Bountiful Mortuary. Condolences may be shared at

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Come join us March 2, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the cafeteria for our 2nd Annual Crab Feed and Silent Auction. The proceeds will benefit our Baseball & Softball Teams. The price will be $25 dollars and will include crab, salad, bread, drinks and dessert. Please contact Laura in the office at 503-355-2272 to purchase tickets or to donate items for the silent auction.

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Page A7

Two Neah-Kah-Nie School board members indicate they will not run in the May election Neah-Kah-Nie School District will have two school board positions where the incumbent will not run in the upcoming May election. Sue Vincent announced to the public at the February 11 board meeting that she would not run again for her seat. Ms. Vincent has served the Neah-Kah-Nie School Board faithfully for the past twelve years. Ms. Vincent serves in Zone 3. According to the county clerk description, “Zone 3 has a common boundary with Zone 4 and encompasses the common areas included in the Wheeler, South Rockaway and North Rockaway precincts including that area of the Twin Rocks precinct

which is contiguous with the south boundary of the Wheeler precinct and the north boundary of the North Rockaway precinct.” Frank Knight Jr. has also announced that he will not run for his position in May. Mr. Knight has served the district for the past four years. Mr. Knight serves in Zone 1 which is included in the Pine Grove Precinct. Ms. Vincent and Mr. Knight have contributed to the overall financial stability of the district, high student achievement standards, high quality staff and most recently the hiring of new superintendent Paul Erlebach. Superintendent Erlebach

North County services for women The Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center (TCWRC) is now providing north Tillamook County services for persons impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking. Kimber Lundy, a TCWRC advocate, will be offering services at the Rinehart Clinic on

Thursday and Friday afternoons from 12-5 p.m. Kimber can be reached by calling the Rinehart Clinic during the hours listed above, at 503-3685182 x 108 or 1-800-8249284. If unable to reach Kimber during the hours posted, please call TCWRC at 503-842-9486 to access advocacy services.

District of State Lands meeting about diking districts The Tillamook County Commissioners and Tillamook Farm Bureau are hosting a meeting to discuss the latest DSL rules and regulations involving dikes, levees, tide gates, maintenance, fees, etc. Anyone concerned with these issues is invited to attend and ask DSL staff questions about the rules and regulations and how they apply locally. It is also an opportunity for you to express any concerns you may

have regarding the District of State Lands rules and regulations. This meeting will be held on March 7, 2013 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the commissioners’ conference rooms at the County Courthouse, 201 Laurel Av., Tillamook. Sue Becraft, at the County Commissioners office, would appreciate hearing whether you will be attending. 503842-3403.

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acknowledges the many years of service Ms. Vincent and Mr. Knight gave to the students, staff and patrons of Neah-KahNie School District. If you are interested in knowing if you reside in the correct zone that would allow you to file for one of these vacancies, you may contact the Tillamook County Clerk’s office at 503-842-3402. You may also contact Kathie Sellars at 503-355-3506 or by email at for a detailed map of zone boundaries. The deadline for filing for the May election is March 21, 2013.


Boulders fall onto Hwy. 101

Despite safety netting on the mountainside adjacent the highway, this large boulder and others came tumbling down Neah-Kah-Nie Mountain onto Hwy. 101 N. at milepost 41 around 11:45 a.m. Friday, narrowly missing vehicles. The northbound lane was blocked until O.D.O.T. crewmembers arrived to remove the rocks.

Page A8 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald

Supporters sponsor Freedom to Marry initiative When Tillamook County Citizens for Human Dignity and Basic Rights Oregon hosted a happy hour on Valentine’s Day, nearly 50 people attended and signed sponsorship petitions to advance a Freedom to Marry initiative. They joined thousands of people across Oregon who attended 17 similar events on February 14 to sign the petition prepared by Oregon United for Marriage and to become leaders in this important effort to ensure all loving and committed couples can marry. Tillamook City Council member, John Sandusky, spoke to the issue of marriage equality and said he would “share the message and look for support from the City Council, the college, and his congregation.� Though some clergy and faith leaders currently bless same-sex unions, Oregon United for Marriage’s ballot measure includes clear religious protections. Civil marriage for gay couples does not affect religious marriages, religious institutions

or clergy in any way. No religion would be forced to marry same-sex couples, or recognize same-sex marriages within the context of their religious beliefs. At a Portland event, former Governor Barbara Roberts said, “As more and more people come to understand that committed couples, whether they are gay or straight, hope to marry for similar reasons, they’re coming to realize that this is much more than a political issue. This is about love, commitment and family.� Tillamook County Citizens for Human Dignity (TCCHD) will join with Basic Rights Oregon and Oregon United for Marriage to qualify the “Freedom to Marry and Religious Protection Initiative� for the November 2014 election. TCCHD meets every second Tuesday for potluck and conversation from 6-8 p.m. at the Tillamook County Library, 1716 Third Street. For more COURTESY PHOTO information call Linda Werner Drew Gonrowski and Michael Johnson of Manzanita flank Basic at 503-398-5223. Rights Oregon staff member, Khalil Edwards (holding sign) and Zack Mohamed at a Freedom to Marry event in Tillamook.

Martine arraigned for hindering prosecution BY JOE WRABEK

Thomas R. Martine, a member of the Rockaway Beach City Council, was arraigned in Tillamook County Circuit Court Monday, Feb. 25. Martine is charged with hindering prosecution and tampering with physical evidence in connection with the case against former Rockaway Beach police officer Aaron Clark. Clark, arrested back in August 2011 on charges of using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct and encouraging child sex abuse,

pleaded guilty March 26, 2012 to a lesser charge of hindering prosecution and tampering with physical evidence. Martine is THOMAS alleged to MARTINE have unlawfully concealed and destroyed an electronic device, described as “physical evidence which might have aided in the apprehension of Benjamin Aaron Clark.�

New Tillamook Jr. High Speech Team competes in Eugene The newly formed Tillamook Junior High speech and debate team went to Eugene to compete at its first tournament February 22, 2013. Marcine Jenck (teacher at Tillamook Junior High) and Brett Hurliman accompanied them. The team is the Senior Project for Luke Haenggi, under the supervision of Bryan Marvis. Ryland Pampush took first place in Radio, and Sage Bailey took fifth in Prose. Tillamook High School’s speech and debate team also went to Eugene; Taylor Kittell, Steve Dutton, Brett Hurliman, and Rose Wilson went with the team. “This was one of the largest tournaments in Oregon, and included competitors from as far away as Oakland, California,� Hurliman said. Standout individual speakers were Mackenzi Cook, who took third place in Dramatic Interpretation and finalist in Poetry, and Nick Wilson, who was a finalist in Radio. “We had several of our debate teams finish the weekend 3-3,� Hurliman said. “While good against this kind of competition, it’s not good enough to advance at this tournament.� March 16 will see Tillam-

ook hosting this year's District Speech and Debate Tournament. Local folks are still needed to help with judging the “speechies,� Hurliman said. “The nice thing about having District in Tillamook is the travel time is so much less for all three of the local schools.� The District Tournament will determine which students go to the statewide tournament at Western Oregon University in Monmouth later in the spring. Neah-Kah-Nie, Tillamook, and Nestucca speech teams tend to place high in these tournaments, despite their schools’ small size.

At the arraignment, Martine was represented by attorney Thomas O’Neil from Salem. Clatsop County district attorney Joshua Marquis, who is prosecuting the case, “appeared� by phone from Astoria. Judge Jonathan R. Hill scheduled a pre-trial conference for April 1 at 9 a.m. Hill himself won’t be there: “The next appearance will be with Judge Roll,� he said. The pre-trial conference will take place in Courtroom 102 (the large one) in the county courthouse. Martine remains free on bail, subject to a number of

conditions. Defense attorney O’Neil objected to one that prohibited Martine from having contact with Jessica Johnson; “That’s his daughter,� O’Neil said. (Martine is also prohibited from having contact with Connie Mackrill, Ashley Mackrill, Frieda Farr, and convicted police officer Aaron Clark.) O’Neil also objected to a condition that prohibited Martine from possessing a police scanner. “My client is on the volunteer fire department in Rockaway,� he noted. Marquis, the prosecutor, agreed to removal of both conditions.

Tillamook Council to hear appeal of PUD line March 5


Continued from Page A1

the Wave bus service, and individuals and companies that use the roads on a daily basis. “Our intent is to do a better job,� Carnahan said. Commissioners also unanimously approved a resolution “declaring intent to seek additional funds� for repair and maintenance of county roads. The resolution asks the Economic Development Council (EDC) to bring county commissioners a recommendation “that would fairly tax tourists and visitors to Tillamook County and would provide approximately $500,000 per year,� the “visitor’s share� of the county road sustainability program, the resolution said. “Everybody agreed we have a responsibility (for the roads),� Carnahan said, “but we aren’t the only ones who use the roads. Everyone feels we should look for another resource,� he said. “We initially looked at a tran-

sient occupancy tax,� Carnahan said. Most of the cities have one, “but there’s a large unincorporated area of Tillamook County where people stay.� A seasonal sales tax or a food and beverage tax have also been discussed, he said. Sustainable Roads was asking that the Economic Development Council “vet� all the proposals, Carnahan said. “There are as many ideas as people we talked to,� he said. “I think everyone’s aware that timber revenues in all Oregon counties have disappeared,� Carnahan told commissioners. Thanks to the loss of Federal timber monies, which were dedicated to roads, Tillamook County’s road department budget – and number of employees – have declined by more than 50%, he noted. “You are seeing counties begin to fail,� he said. “We could be in that position in 5 to 10 years.�

Roads advisory committee meeting Notice is hereby given that the Tillamook County Roads Advisory Committee will be holding a public meeting on MONDAY, March 4th, 2013 beginning at 3:00 PM in the Tillamook County Courthouse Conference Room Room B, 201 Laurel Ave, Tillamook, OR 97141 The meeting facility is

handicapped accessible. If special accommodations are needed for persons with hearing, visual, or manual impairments who wish to participate in the meeting, please contact 842-3419 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting in order that appropriate communications assistance can be arranged.

Port of Garibaldi Budget Workshop March 6, 2013, at the Port Office, 402 S. Seventh St. Garibaldi OR 97118. Agenda: opportunity for the budget committee to review staff recommenda-

tions for the coming budget cycle. Contact: Kevin Greenwood 503-322-3292. Online at

Thank you friends and relatives for making my 90th Birthday Party such a happy and memorable day in my life. May you all be so fortunate as to reach 90 years of age. Thanks for the memories. God Bless You Old Doc Peterson H35475

The Tillamook City Council’s hearing on the appeal of Tillamook PUD’s proposed transmission line will take place Tuesday, March 5 at 5:30 p.m. in the city council chambers, Tillamook City Hall. The transmission line is intended to run from the PUD’s substation east of Tillamook, west along POTB right-of-way, then overhead on Front St. to the city limits, and continuing west towards Oceanside. The route required conditional-use approval by the Tillamook Planning Commission, which was granted after a planning commission hearing Jan. 3. The planning commis-


sion’s decision was appealed Jan. 17 by Dennis Johnson and Don Aufdermauer, two landowners along the route. The city council’s hearing will be “on the record,� meaning that no new testimony will be permitted. The PUD also has to get conditional use approval from Tillamook County for the 5.9 miles of the transmission line that will be outside the Tillamook city limits. An application has reportedly been filed with the Tillamook County Community Development Department, but no hearing had been scheduled yet as the Headlight Herald went to press.

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The family of Zanoni (Zan) Hartford wish to extend a big heartfelt thank you to all the members of this beautiful community. The love and support received over the last few weeks has been so greatly appreciated and has made this difficult time a bit easier. There are too many people to list and for fear of forgetting anyone, we thank you all. Special Thanks to: Waud’s Funeral home for their outstanding caring and professionalism. Tsumani Bar and Grill in Wheeler for the donation of the space for the really big show. Wisteria Chic in Manzanita for the lovely flower arrangements.

(503) 355-2071 or Ed Dunn, Independent Oregonian Dealer Garibaldi through Neah-Kah-Nie




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Trophy just out of reach for Tillamook



Out of fuel for the fire


Tillamook’s boys basketball team came on stong with a late playoff surge, but three games in five days knocked the life from their legs.

Headlight Herald Sports

“It was a grinder against Banks,” Werner said. “The kids showed great resolve and I thought they played with great determination. That game was a free-forall!” With the win at Banks, Tillamook was thrust into a tie for the last playoff spot with Seaside, and due to the game bing a playoff tie, the game was played at a neutral site at Neah-Kah-Nie High School on Feb. 18.

Hour and hours of sweating and working in a pungent room full of other perspiring high school wrestlers striving for the same goal finally came to fruition on Feb. 22-23. Tillamook’s 17 qualified wrestlers headed to the Memorial Coliseum in Portland to take on the rest of the top wrestlers in the state at Oregon's 4A State wrestling meet. Tillamook's qualified wrestlers entered in the tournament were: Justin Coon at 106; Austin Werner at 113; Anthony Imel at 120; Logan Weeks at 132; Kody Prulhiere at 132; Jake Fowler at 138; Drew Owens at 138; Ronald Allen at 152; Micha Kawano at 152; Jonas Ayala-Sanchez at 160; Myron More at 170; Billy Prince at 170; Jordan Thompson at 182; Rafael Gomez at 195; Marcus Cheney at 220; Jose Santiago at 285; Dylan Jackman at 285; and Tya Tharp in the women's division. With those numbers, Tillamook had a realistic chance of achieving their goal of finishing in at least fourth place and being a trophy team. Sadly, Tillamook came up just short of the goal head coach Lonnie Eggert knew they were capable of achieving. if all his individuals wrestled as well at they have in the past. Instead Tillamook finished in fifth place behind champion Crook County, Henley, Sweet Home and Cascade. “It's a little disappointing not to have the trophy to take home, but I'm not disappointed with my team,” Eggert said. “Being a top five team in the entire state is awesome.”

See HOOPS, Page A11

See STATE, Page A10

BY JOSIAH DARR Headlight Herald Sports

The Tillamook boys basketball team had a preseason to forget. They were 3-8 in their first eleven games before the Cowapa League got underway. Many of those losses were by narrow margins against very good teams and Tillamook head coach Greg Werner expressed over and over that his team was preparing for a tough Cowapa League and he wasn't overly concerned with his non-league record. All he cared about was his team getting better and trying to peak at the right time of the season. That seemed a little lofty when the Cheesemakers were an unimpressive 3-2 in the first half of league play. But, just like Werner had hoped for, his team turned it on towards the end of the season. They won their last three league games and forced a playoff game for third place in the league. A game in which they also won before eventually falling to Astoria by a single point to end their season. “We had a very tough schedule this season, but I'm not making excuses,” said Tillamook head coach Greg Werner. “We played hard and we got hot at the end. It was a good way to send out the seniors. “We'd loved to have made a playoff game in Corvallis but it is what it is. We gave a valiant effort and these kids gave everything they had to the program.” Tillamook's hot streak to end the season started back on Feb. 8 when they hosted Yamhill-Carlton and put up


From left, Jacob Hurliman, Jeramy Poyer and Nate McRae all watch a free throw in flight as it sails towards the basket in Tillamook’s final game of the season where a single free throw made all the difference.

79 points against the Tigers. “Jacob Hurliman was a big part of that win against Y.C., but we got a good game from a lot of players and ended up with three guys getting double-doubles,” Werner said. Hurliman led the Cheesemakers with a monster 32 point and 17 rebound game, but he wasn't the only standout that night. Joey Hancock had a great game at the point and ended with 15 points of his own and 10 rebounds while David Waud added 11 points and 10 rebounds. “Being healthy and being able to defend and run was the key for us,” Werner explained. “Up until the Y.C. game, we hadn't been doing that and we weren't in rhythm. Everything started with our defense and rebounding. If we play good defense, we get rebounds and we can run.” With Tillamook dispatching Y.C., they were hosting Astoria four days later on Tillamook's senior night with a legit shot at a playoff spot. “They tried to press us and we had very few

turnovers,” Werner said about Tillamook's game against Astoria. “Because we didn't have many turnovers, we capitalized on fastbreak points.” In Tillamook's first game against each other, Astoria's Jeramy Poyer and his teammate Nick Strange both had 18 points. This time Tillamook held Astoria's best two players to just 14 points and 9 points. “We didn't put Strange to the line as many times as we did the first time,” Werner explained. “We also got some lock down defense on him from Nate McRae.” Tillamook's scoring came from a variety of players including 14 from Hancock, 12 from Waud, 15 from Hurliman and eight from McRae. When it was all said and done, McRae finished off the game with a breakaway dunk that capped off a 61-45 win for Tillamook and jacked their momentum through the roof going into to their next game at Banks. “If we lost to Banks, we knew we were out,” Werner said. “Our playoffs started that night.”

Tillamook's game against Banks was far from pretty. Both teams were slugging it out from the beginning to the end. Tillamook led by one at half and it came right down to the very last second before it was decided. Hurliman grabbed a rebound and got the put back to fall giving Tillamook a one point lead with a second left to play. They managed to hang on and keep their season alive with a 47-46, win.

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Page A10 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald


Continued from Page A1

Of the 17 wrestlers entered, Tillamook had 11 qualify for the second day of the tournament. In fact, Tillamook wrestled so well on day one they were sitting in fourth place ahead of Cascade at the end of the day. On day two, Cascade had four wrestlers make it to the finals and Tillamook didn't have any. That gave Cascade the extra points they needed at the end to get past the Cheesemakers for the last trophy spot. There's no question Tillamook had the potential to do even better than they did, but a few close losses and a some poorly timed injuries didn't go the Cheesemakers way. One of the main mishaps was the loss of Jake Fowler's ability to be full strength less than two weeks before the meet. “Jake getting hurt didn't help us, but I'm not making excuses,” Eggert said. “It's the state tournament and there's always going to be some disappointments and injuries are going to happen. If you don't have any injuries, you're going to be a bottom of the barrel team because the kids aren't working hard enough in practice.” Fowler's dislocated elbow last week only slowed him down, but couldn't stop him. He still managed to win a match and districts last week and his opening match at state with his arm heavily bandaged this week, but couldn't get as far as he would have prior to the injury. “I have to give Jake (Fowler) a lot of credit,” Eggert said. “He wrestled a Cascade

Leslie and Quintana lead their teams at State



Logan Weeks on his way to taking fourth place at 120 pounds for the Cheesemakers. Weeks should be a force next season for Tillamook if he stays healthy.

kid who'd beat him before really well with one arm,” “ When a meet is over you can always go back and think about where you should have scored a few more points, but it doesn't help,” Just because Tillamook as a team didn't do as well as they'd hoped, they were still a very good team all season and got some excellent wrestling from some of their qualifiers in the tournament. Logan Weeks and Cody Prulhiere were both wrestling at 132 pounds for Tillamook and they were excellent. Weeks, ranked No. 4 going into State, won his first two matches before falling to No. 1 ranked Zech Bresser from Henley. But, Weeks kept battling and ended up placing fourth overall. Prulhiere won his first match but lost his second and ended up wrestling all the way back to fifth place. He would


Marcus Cheney wreslted well all season long for the Cheesemakers.

have done even better had he not had to wrestle his teammate Weeks along the way. Micha Kawano did a good job for Tillamook and ended taking sixth place at 152 pounds. Another Tillamook wrestler who went above and beyond his potential was Jonas AyalaSanchez. Ayala-Sanchez upset the No. 1 seed at 160 pounds and ended up taking fourth place for Tillamook. At 170 pounds, Myron Moore and Billy Prince both wrestled well and met each other along the way. Prince got the better of Moore and ended up taking fourth place overall. In the ladies tournament, Tya Tharp also wrestled well and ended up taking second place in her division. Tillamook ended up with seven kids placing at State. “The kids did a good job and had a good run. Especially the seniors,” Eggert said. “This was a fifth place team this season. We were only returning one state placer and that was Fowler. Plus a lot of those other schools who finished in front of us wrestle all year long. We didn't buy into that.” Eggert was pleased with his team’s finish, but especially pleased with what this group of kids means to him. “They did a great job,” Eggert said. “I'm glad we had the opportunity to give the kids a fifth place finish and I'm glad they seized it. “Next year we'll have two kids returning who placed and we could have the opportunity to be even better than we were this season.”

Neah-Kah-Nie’s Alejandro Quintana looks for the pin on his way to his second place finish.


Headlight Herald Sports

The Neah-Kah-Nie Pirates and the Nestucca Bobcats sent their best wrestlers to the State Wrestling Tournament on Feb. 22-23 with high hopes of a few of the individuals making some noise and reaching the State finals. For the Pirates, Logan Romig, Alejandro Quintana and Matt Clayson were the representatives with Quintana and Romig both wrestling at 132 pounds and Quintana being the No. 1 ranked wrestler. Unranked Romig did the best he could, but lost his first match in overtime 8-6. The match easily could have gone either way. Then he led going into the third period in his next match but according to Romig, made a mistake that

cost him the match. “I was trying to get the pin and not the win,” Romig said about the last match of his junior year. Matt Clayton didn't fare much better for the Pirates at 120 pounds. Clayton lost his first match, won his second and ended up losing his third to end his tournament. Quintana was the one Pirate who really made a run and the championship. Quintana, a junior, wrestled his way through the field and made it to the finals. He wrestled a great finals match against Bolt Anglen from Culver, but lost 7-4 to take second place. The Bobcats had Lucas Leslie, Nate Parks and Sam Kenagy as their three State qualifying wrestlers.

Kenagy lost his first match, won his second and lost his third knocking him out before he made it into placing position. Parks lost his first two matches and was eliminated. Leslie won his first match and lost his second, but ground out another win and ended up finishing the tournament in fourth place. Lucas might have been in the deepest weight class in the state,” said Bobcat coach Cameron Mitchem. “There were three different wrestlers in that group who'd all been to the finals in the last three years. “We ended up with the three wrestlers at State. I thought we could have had a couple more, but with the kids we had come out, I thought the team did well this season.”

Five Sharks make it to 10 & under championships Headlight Herald Sports

Five swimmers from the Tillamook YMCA Sharks Swim Team competed in the Oregon Swimming 10 & Under Championships on February 16th and 17th in Springfield, OR. It was an amazing weekend for all the swimmers. Everyone had a top 8 placement in at least one individual event and several personal bests. The weekend couldn’t have gone better for these kids. They have all worked so hard this season and it’s all paying off. Marshall Allen who is 9 years old placed 11th in the 50 breaststroke, 12th in the 50 backstroke, 8th in the 100 IM, 7th in the 50 freestyle, 3rd in the 50 butterfly, and 3rd in the 100 freestyle. Whitney Averill who is 10 years old placed 1st in the 50 breaststroke, 1st in the 100 breaststroke, 5th in the 100 IM, 3rd in the 50 free, 4th in the 50 fly, and 7th in the 100 freestyle. Ryan Porter who is 8 years old placed 16th in the 100 freestyle, 12th in the 50 backstroke, 13th in the 50 free, 8th in the 25 backstroke, 8th in the 25 fly, 13th in the 25 freestyle. Monique Romero who is 9 years old placed 13th in the 50 backstroke, 7th in the 50 free, 16th in the 50 fly, and 9th in the 100 free. Nina Zweifel who is 10 years old placed 2nd in the 100 backstroke, 3rd place in the 100 freestyle, 4th place in the 50 backstroke, 3rd place in the 200 freestyle, 8th place in the 100 IM, 7th place in the 50 freestyle We would also like to congratulate Gabriella Vultaggio for also qualifying for this meet but was unable to attend due to other commitments!

CRAB DERBY BENEFIT On behalf of the Wildlife Center of the North Coast in Astoria and the Rinehart Clinic in Wheeler all of us at The Jetty Fishery on Nehalem Bay would like to thank everyone who helped make JETTY FISHERY’S Eighth Annual NEHALEM BAY CRAB DERBY BENEFIT a success last June 2012. We sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions in the following list of contributors and volunteers and sponsors. Sea Haven Motel Aaron Dunn-Farmer’s Ins. Get The Scoop Gregg Estell-Wells Fargo Shanny’s Nail Shop Anderson Florists Siggy G Charters Advisors Apex Pro Silver Sands Motel Grumpy’s Café Astoria C of C Snap On Hidden Treasures Astoria Hemp Stephanies Cabin Hudson Ins. Astoria Safeway Sterling Saving’s Bank Jane’s Fabric Bay Breeze Tan Sunset Dist. Jen’s Nails Bay Front Bakery Sweet Perfection Karla’s Smoke House Beach Crafters T.C. Home Furnishings Keepsake Tattoo Beauty at the Beach Tami’s Barber Shop Klassy Kloset Bent Needle Tapa Larson’s Noble Fair Blaser’s Dist. The Beach Bite Loop Jacobson Blue Heron The Ship Inn Maritime Museum Blue Moon Tillamook Motor Muddy Waters Blue Scorcher Tillamook Air Museum Mystic Mermaid Blue Star Espresso Tillamook Cheese Factory N.W. Lending Bob’s Barber Shop Tillamook Fairgrounds N.W. Natural Gas Bow Picker Tillamook Farmer’s Co op Nicole’s Fish Trap Cascade Tackle Tillamook Pud City of Rockaway Beach Ole Bob’s Seafood Tom Kramer-Prographics Oregon Coast Rail Road Coast Printing Trash n Treasures Oregon Dew Drops Columbia Chocolate Twin Rocks Motel Paint The Town Red Com. St. Antiques Video Horizon Papa Murphy’s-Astoria Deals only Papa Murphy’s-Tillamook Wet Dog Divine Bistro What Not & Whimsey Paramount Drugs Don Nisbett Audio Video Connection Pig N Pancake-Astoria Englund Marine Pioneer Museum Farm House Funk Also Purple Cow Fernhill Glass Clatsop Dist. Rinehart Clinic Finn Ware Rockaway Beach Market Rockaway Lions Club Four Seasons Jetty Fishery Employees Ron’s Barber Shop Frank’s Barber Shop Rosenburg Builders Supply Laviolette Family Volunteers Garibaldi Cannery Karaoke Steve Rusty Cup Garibaldi Charter Costco Sahara Pizza Garibaldi Museum All of the Vendors Salon Verve’ Garibaldi Pharmacy Distributers and Sea Hag Garibaldi Pub Sales Persons Beginning March 1st.we will again begin canvassing the Astoria, Tillamook, Bay City, Garibaldi, and Rockaway Beach areas for this year’s June 1st. and 2nd.Derby Weekend. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-821-7697 or email us at regarding donations, vendors, volunteers or any questions regarding either of the 2 non-profits involved.


H35493 493

McKibben wins steelhead tourney

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Page A11

Tillamook USBE Open Championship Tournament TEAM EVENT (9 Entries) 1.LANE MONKEYS 3,173 (Ron Steiger, Dan Alexander, Josh Stockdale, Bob Davis, Gerry Betzer) 2.Tillamook Lanes #2 3,150 3.Traskvale Farms 3,100 4.Godfrey Pharmacy 3,093 5.Precision Team 3.091 DOUBLES (16 Entries) 1.Brad Gitchell & Butch Schriber 1,401 2.Larry Joe Wilson & Rich Himes 1,347 3.Chris Clapp & Jerry King 1,309 4.Betty Randall & Jack Randall 1,286 5.Marlene Stephens & Casey Wilks 1,284 SINGLES (29 Entries) 1.Butch Schriber 708 2.Andrew Kleeman 707 3.Albert Haertel 703 4.Rich Himes 702 5.Travis Faller & Mike Landolt 681 ALL EVENTS (47 Entries) 1.Butch Schriber 2,172 2.Rich Himes 2,019 3.Andrew Kleeman 1,977 4.Travis Faller 1.950 5.Dennis Kooy 1.930



Tillamook resident Mike McKibben and his son Parker proudly display Mike’s 16.3 ounce hatchery steelhead that won him first place in Tillamook’s first ever Charity Drive Steelhead Fishing Tournament. 43 people entered the tournament raising $1,075 for Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.


Continued from Page A9

Tillamook battled with all they had against Seaside with their season on the line and when the final buzzer sounded, Tillamook's heart was still beating with a 64-61 win. A win that forced another playoff game against Astoria the following day at Seaside. “We had even scoring with Hancock, Strang and Stelflug all having eight points and almost every Cheesemaker scoring at least one point, but it wasn't quite enough. “We didn't have any legs left at all,” Werner said. “It was our third game in five days and everything comes from your legs. Our toughest opponent was not enough time to rest.” To make matters worse, Astoria's Strange was 8-10 form the line and Astoria as a team was 13-22 while Tillamook was 12-16. Despite Waud hitting a last second three as time expired, Tillamook fell to the Fishermen, 44-43 to end their season. Despite, finally having their season and careers come to an end, Tillamook's seniors Matt Travers, Nate McRae and Jacob Hurliman had wonderful high school careers and will be missed by Tillamook basketball, but will always be part of the Tillamook basketball family.

Alderbrook Men’s Club Men’s Club dues are $50 this year. Team sponsors fees will be $35. Schedules are available at the pro shop. Anyone sponsoring teams should concats Chett at 50-8422337.

BOWLING Industrial League 2/19/13 Teams 1. Trask Vale Farm 45-18 2. Dairy & Water Systems 45-18 3. Precision Timber LLC. 34-29 4. Tillamook Tire 29-34 5. Tillamook Lanes 25-38 6. Jay Sheldon construction 11-52 Teams High Games & Series Precision Timber LLC. 1140 3230 Trask Vale Farm 1092 3178 Tillamook Lanes 1084 3119 Individual High Games & Series Gerry Betzer 243 650 Karl Coleman 235 Josh Stockdale 639 Josh Stockdale 233 Jerry Crist 602 Brad Gitchell 233 Albert Haertel 600 Independent League 2-20-13 Teams 1. Godfrey’s Pharmacy 9-0 2. Tom’s Electric 9-0 3. Greg’s Marine 9-0 4. Tillamook Lanes 7-2 5. Barclay Heating & Sheet Metal 7-2 6. Noel’s Timber Cutting 2-7 7. Don Averill Recycling 2-7 8. Tom Dotson Construction 0-9 9. Tillamook Eagles 0-9 10. Den-Jo Farm 0-9 Teams High Games & Series Tillamook Lanes 1144 Godfrey’s Pharmacy 3299 Godfrey’s Pharmacy 1137 Tillamook Lanes 3202 Don Averill Recycling 1135 Tom’s Electric 3169 Individuals High Games & Series Dennis Wilks 299 David Wilks 687 David Wilks 265 Jason Beatty 679 Jason Beatty 256 Dennis Wilks 672 Thursday Morning Mixed Trios 2-21-13 Teams 1. Trask Vale Farm Two 24-16 2. LM & The Kid 24-16 3. Just Us 23-17 4. Skelton Construction 22-18 5. The 3 J’S 21-19 6. Pioneer Vet. Hospital 17-23 7. A&M Auto 17-23 8. Whitehead Reforestation 14-2 Teams High Games & Series Skelton Construction 737 2871 The 3 J’S 700 Trask Vale Farm Two 2531 Just Us 690 Pioneer Vet. Hospital 2463 Women High Games & Series Tina Crabtree 247 905 Betty Randall 185 649 Edith Noteboom 177 Susan Taylor 640 Men High Game & Series Gary Lee 244 Terry Sunseri 839 Terry Sunseri 243 Dennis Wilks 758 Dennis Wilks 223 Stew Irwin 753 Lane Strikers 1) Lane Brains 22 – 10 2) Feisty Four 20 – 12 3) We/)Otta 19 – 13 4) Foxy Grammies 15.5 – 16.5 5) Shooters 15 – 17 6) Alley Cats 15 - 17 7) Gutter Guys 13.5 – 18.5 8) 324’s 13 – 19 9) Hip Chicks 12.5 – 19.5 Individual Women’s High Game and Series Cindy Oswald 198 Twila Niemi 190 Kathy Burrill 167 Cindy Oswald 540 Bonnie Plumb 494 Betty Randall 490 Individual Men’s Hiigh Game and Series Stew Irwin 185 Moses Plumb 182 Dennis Agliotis 181 Dennis Agliotis 493 Moses Plumb 488 Albert Haertel 477


NOW through March 6, 2013

ODDBALLS WEEK 24 -- 2/21/13 TILLAMOOK CO. SMOKER 23.5-12.5 THE WAVE 19 - 17 JERRY'S UPHOLSTERY 15.5 -20.5 STIMSON LUMBER 14 - 22 Team High Game / High Series Jerry's Upholstery - 581 / Tillamook Country Smoker - 1699 Individual High Game / Individual High Series Carolyn Scherzinger 186 / 472 Eagles Senior League 1.Fern Burger 28.0-12.0 2.Friday Surprise 25.0-15.0 3.Yankee Doodle Dandy 23.0-17.0 4.Tillamook Lanes 22.0-18.0 5.Lucky Four 21.0-19.0 6.Square Pegs 19.0-21.0 7.West Siders 18.5-21.5 8.Fresh Approach 18.0-22.0 9.Roller Coaster 17.0-23.0 10.Eager Beavers 16.5-23.5 11.Forever Young 13.0-27.0 High Team Game & Series Forever Young 831 ---2340 Lucky Four 817---2334 Friday Surprise 804---2325 Womens High Game & Series Susan Pierce 166 Susan Pierce 425 Doris Nelson 160 Kathy Burrill 415 Joan Hurliman 158 Doris Nelson 408 Mens High Game & Series Dennis Agliotis 191 Bill Bridgeman 514 Jerry Crist 188 Dennis Agliotis 509 Albert Haertel 185 Dan Turner 503 Albert Haertel 503

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Page A12 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald

Tilla amook amook k to O Ocean cean nside nside Tillamook Oceanside Transmission Trans ransmission smiss sion Line Liine Project Prrojectt The Oceanside TTransmission ransmissionn Line Project proposed by Tillamook Tillaamook People’s People’s Utility District (District) consists of a new 115-kilovolt 5-kilovolt (kV) transmission linee and 24.9/14.4 kV distribution about substation that would run ab bout seven miles from the BPA BPA Tillamook Tillamook Substation located on Oregon Highway 6 to a new substation to be built near Oceanside. eanside. The estimated $7 million ion pproject j is anticipated p to be constructed c in 2014. Engineers anticipated the ne ed for the project a number of years ago. It was identified in a 2005 long range planning document ocument and 2007 work plan, both of which are detailed District ict need engineering documents that identify and prioritize future pr rojects needed to improve the adequacy and reliability of the Distri ct’s electric system. projects District’s There are 124 miles of existi ing transmission lines in the PUD PU UD ser vice area owned by BPA, BPA,, Pacific Power and TTillamook illamook PUD. P o 00 existing service In addition, the District owns and maintains nearly 2,000 miles of distribution lines. The TTillamook illamook to Oceanside TTransmission ransmission Line Project is necessary neecessary for a number of reasons, ons, including load growth, reliability ability of the system and replacement cement of aging infrastructure.

Load Growth The proposed transmission line and substation would incre ease the amount of electricity that hat can flow into and through the he District’s District’s electric increase system. While load growth - or the amount of increase in ccustomer electricity needs - hass slowed from projections of ten en years ago, there is still steady growth on the system m, and the District is tasked wit pplies. Shifting Shifting about 10 system, withh ensuring a system capable off providing adequate power supplies. megawatts of power from TTillamook illamook PUD’ ubstation to the new substationn would relieve the potential capacity pacity issues and enhance PUD’ss Wilson River Su Substation overall per formance of the system. system. performance Reliability The project would also incre ease the reliability of ser vice to customers in the entire Tillamook Tillamoook valley floor, floor, including Bay City, City, as well as in the com increase service com-munities of Netarts and Ocea anside. Electric loads at the W ilson River Substation in Tillamook T Oceanside. Wilson reach near capacity and stress the electric system at high-demand periods, such as during cold winter weather when w heating loads are highest. t. This raises serious reliabilityy concer ns and can lead to concerns power interruptions for not only o residential customers, but commercial commercial and industrial customers stomers who rely on TTillamook illamook PUD for power to conduct business. The new substatio on would provide additional res serve capacity to allow the Dist rict to transfer loads from the Wilson River Substation substation reserve District during outage or maintenanc ce conditions. maintenance Additionally suubstation would provide a second secoond source source of power near the end nd of the existing distribution line. line. If an outage occurs, Additionally,, the proposed substation the damaged sections could be isolated and repaired, whilee the undamaged portions couldd be restored to ser vice from ssubstations at each end of service the line. The new substation would hhave ave two distribution feeders. O Outages on one feeder would not ot affect the other ng the number of custom other,, thus reducing custom-ers affected by outages. Infrastructure The transmission line and su ubstation would ser ve approximately approxim mately 3,800 customers in the geographic area along Highwayy 131 west of the TillaTillasubstation serve mook River and the commun nities of Oceanside and Netarts, Netartss, as well as Whiskey Creek Road. ad. This area currently receivess electrici ty via a 14-mile communities electricity long radial distribution line ffrom the Wilson River Substation Substatioon in Tillamook. Tillamook. The proposed transmission line and substation substatiion would provide a new, new, more reliable sour ce of power poweer to this area and substantiallyy reduce the duration and number ber of customers involved in ann outage. source Approximately two miles of the t existing radial distribution lline serving serving the Netarts, Oceanside Oceansside and Whiskey Creek Road areas a double-circuit is a double-circuit line that is more than 50 yea ars old. The top circuit circuit is a Copper-Weld Coppper-Weld Copper wire that is failing ailing due to the rusting of its inner nner steel core. This years double-cir cuit line needs to be b replaced with a much largerr single-cir cuit wire. Currently, Currently, this work cannot be accomplis shed without multiple double-circuit single-circuit accomplished extended outages to these aareas. reas. With the addition of the project, p uld be removed from service service and and reconductored without this segment of line could ser vice interruptions. service W ave Power Wave The project is not being builtt to transport energy produced by offshore generation devices. s. TTillamook illamook PUD and TTillamook illamoook County comprise TIDE - TTillamook illamook Intergovernment tal Development Entity – which was formed to help ensure that at TTillamook illamook County citizens would ould have a say in responresponIntergovernmental sible forms of ocean-derivedd generation. Four years ago, TTillamook illamook PUD signed a non-binding nding Memorandum of Agreement Agreem ment (MOA) with Principle Power ore wind power generating plan nts, in order for Principle Powerr to investigate offshore wind power generat ion. The Power,, a developer of offsho offshore plants, generation. District’ deliver d y to the PUD system andd provide the developer with thee required interconnection interconnection District’ss role was to identifyy prospective points of energy delivery specifications. Project deve lopment never materialized andd the MOU expired in August 2010. 010. Latest efforts on TIDE have ve been ttoo monitor the development development of the TTerritorial erritoriaal Sea Plan. Route Selection In siting the route, the Distri ct has worked to balance its ob bligation to provide adequate, reliable eliable power in a safe manner wit District obligation withh its commitment to being a good neighbor merous routes and route segme ents were analyzed and a proposed osed route was selected. Visit www, click on neighbor.. Num Numerous segments, Ser vices and Billing, then click click Projects for detailed maps of o evaluated routes. Services The proposed route was sele ected following a detailed analy ysis using criteria including permitting, mitting, access, constructability ty aand nd a series of other selected analysis environmental, social, land-u use and financial factors. land-use The District worked to minim mize visual and environmental impacts, impacts, minimize WŽůÄž W ŽůÄž ddLJƉĞĆ? LJLJƉĞĆ? conflicts with existing land uuses, structures, congestion, the thhe number of landowners and propertie ost, special propertiess affected, the need for high-co high-cost, structures, space requireme nts, and the need for new access ss roads. requirements, Where possible, the line wass routed adjacent to existing lin ear corridors linear and used existing rights-of-w way and pole locations. Parall el construc rights-of-way Parallel construc-tion or colocation with existi ng linear corridors minimizes ppotential imimexisting pacts to additional landowne ers, may reduce the need to cle ear new cor landowners, clear cor-ridors, and lessens the poten ntial environmental impact when wheen compared potential to the clearingg of new routess through g previously p y undevelop pped areas. undeveloped The proposed overhead tran smission line would be placed on singletransmission pole structures in the City an nd valley floor. floor. In the forested aarea, twoand pole (H-frame) and three-po le wood structures would typic cally be used. three-pole typically ^Ĺ?ĹśĹ? ĹŻÄžͲWŽůÄž ^ƚĞĞů ^ƚĞĞů ^ĆšĆŒĆľÄ?ĆšĆľĆŒÄžĆ? ^ĆšĆŒĆľÄ?ĆšĆľĆŒÄžĆ? dÇ Ĺ˝Í˛WŽůÄž ĂŜĚ dĹšĆŒÄžÄžͲWŽůÄž dĹšĆŒÄžÄžͲWŽůÄž Ĺ˝ tŽŽÄšÄžĹś tŽŽÄšÄžĹś ^ĆšĆŒĆľÄ?ĆšĆľĆŒÄžĆ? ^ĆšĆŒĆľÄ?ĆšĆľĆŒÄžĆ? ^Ĺ?ĹśĹ?ĹŻÄžͲWŽůÄž dÇ Ĺ˝Í˛WŽůÄž Distance between poles and the actual pole heights would var v y depend vary depend- Ĺ?ƚLJ ĂŜĚ sĂůůĞLJ &Ĺ˝ĆŒÄžĆ?Ćš sĂůůĞLJ &ůŽŽĆŒ &ĹŻĹ˝ ŽŽĆŒ &Ĺ˝ĆŒÄžĆ?Ćš >ĂŜĚĆ? ing on topography topography,, location of jurisdictional waters, existin existingg land use and clearance requirements. Undergrounding portions of the transmission line was reviewed. revieewed. Placing high-voltage transmission ansmission lines underground has many cconstraints. onstraints. It was found to be cost prohib itive, generally 8 to 12 times th he cost of overhead. Different than distribution lines, undergr ounding of transmission prohibitive, the undergrounding lines require specialized des ign, construction and maintena ance. Undergrounding requiress continuous trenches for construction truction aand nd continuous design, maintenance. access for maintenance and repairs. p Few utilities or contra actors on the West West Coast are trained traained to work on underground g contractors transmission lines which would pose additional challe enges. challenges. Dozens of meetings and con nversations have been held over over the past five years with resour rce and public agencies, landowners wners and the public. conversations resource District staff has met and sp oke with state and local agenci es to comply with applicable regulations. egulations. Many agencies have ve been consulted, includ spoke agencies includ-ing the Bonneville Power Ad ministration, the Corps of Engi neers, US Fish and Wildlife, Or regon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife, Department of Administration, Engineers, Oregon State Lands, TTillamook illamook Coun nty Planning Department, City of o TTillamook, illamook, Pacific Power, Power, Rural Rural Utility Services Services and Oregon Department of TransporTransporCounty tation. Landowners and other stake eholders have been provided opportunities oppportunities to make suggestions ns and comments about the project. oject. Public meetings stakeholders have been held where the pr roposed route and route segments segmeents were discussed and comments ments were received. District staff aff has met aand nd talked proposed with individuals and small gr roups to discuss concerns and impacts. Notices for all publicc meetings were published. Affected fected llandowners andowners were groups notified via mail,, and in som p calls were extended. e somee cases,, telephone Route segments var gth and cross private- and public-owned public-owned city T varyy in leng length city,, Port of Tillamook Bay and county land. The segment through the City of TTillamook illamook as proposed runs approximately 1.1 miles. It ex tends west from the BP A Tillamook Tillam mook Substation to the north side ide of Front Street, to the extends BPA City limits behind TTillamook illamook County General Hospital. The D District has applied for and rece eived FFA FFA approval for four poles es in the area of the hospihospireceived tal’ Conditionnal Use Permit was approved byy the City of Tillamook Tillamook Planningg Commission, but was appealed ed to the City Council. An tal’ss helo pad. The Conditional appeal hearing is scheduled for Mar ch 5 at City Hall. March The TTillamook illamook PUD Board ad dopted the Tillamook Tillamook County segment seegment of the proposed transmission transm mission line route at its February February 12, 2013 regular meetmeetadopted ing and directed staff to proc ceed with the Conditional Use Permit P Tillamoook County. County. This route segment nt extends 5.9 miles along proceed Application with Tillamook Highway 131 to TTomlinson omlinson Road, R through farm land and th hen through forest lands to the proposed substation site. then Route segments have been adjusted a from the original prop posed route as a result of publicc input and concern. Segmentss may continue continue to be proposed adjusted j as the District cont inues discussions with landowners landowners and pperforms performs detailed design sign g work to developp each segment gment into a final transmistransmiscontinues sion line route. Visit our website at www for detailed maps and information. Tillam mook People’ s Utility U Tillamook People’s District BOARD MEMBERS: Doug Olson, President Ed Jenkins, Vice President Ken Phillips, TTreasurer reasurer Harr Secretary Harryy Hewitt, Secretary Barbara TTrout, rout, Director


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Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Page B1


Brinley Kaye-Marie Churchill and Wyatt Anthony Lewis PHOTO BY DAVE FISHER

Actress Liz Cole and historian Mark Beach collaborated, with help from Portland playwright Ellen West, to produce the 45minute-long play that will be performed on Sunday, Mar. 10, at Pine Grove Community House, and Sunday, Mar. 17, at TAPA in Tillamook.

Back by popular demand, ‘Lost Pioneer’ offers a look at early pioneer life in Tillamook County BY DAVE FISHER The Citizen

If you missed it the first time around last fall, the play, Lost Pioneer, is back for two performances, one in Manzanita at Pine Grove Community House on Mar. 7, and the other on the following Sunday, Mar. 17, in Tillamook at TAPA. The play is the result of a collaborative effort between Neahkahnie residents Mark Beach and Liz Cole, based on research by historian Beach of three Tillamook County pioneer women, with the acclaimed actress, Cole, in the lead role. Neither Beach nor Cole had written a play before the debut of Lost Pioneer last fall and that was problematic. In enlisting the help of award-winning Portland playwright Ellen West, Beach’s idea of a play depicting pioneer life in Tillamook County began to take shape. It also got a shot in the arm financially receiving a grant of nearly $2,000 from the Tillamook County Cultural Coalition in partnership with the Nehalem Valley Historical Society, Tillamook County Pioneer Museum and Tillamook County Historical Society. “We were surprised at the interest level, particularly in Manzanita,” said Beach of Lost Pioneer. “As soon as we started selling tickets it became clear we needed to schedule

another performance in Manzanita at Pine Grove. Even after that, people asked us, ‘When are you going to do it again?’ And, now is that time.” The two performances at Pine Grove last year sold out, as did another in Tillamook. A fourth performance was staged in Pacific City, but perhaps the most memorable happened at Neah-Kah-Nie High School in the library before a freshman class. “It was on a Friday, and it happened to be Homecoming Day. The kids were full of Pirate pride, decked out in school colors and had their faces painted,” said Beach. “They were a great audience.” Following the production, Beach and Cole received upwards of 25 letters from grateful students. “I was skeptical about hearing a lady talk to herself for an hour but you (Cole) made it really amazing. You made it so I could fill in the blank parts with my imagination,” said one student. “I enjoyed how you could scream with such poise,” said another. And then this telling observation: “I’m 14 years old, so when the early marriage topic came up it was hard for me to imagine having a hubby in two years. I can barely keep my room clean so taking care of a whole house and soon a family

would be utter chaos. Not to mention weird.” Beach was aided in his research by relatives of the three pioneer women and the fact that they kept a good record of their life experiences. Frannie, the main character, is a compilation of the three women, featuring bits and pieces of each with the imaginations of Beach and Cole filling in the gaps to give the play life. The play takes place on Christmas Eve 1941, three weeks after Pearl Harbor was attacked. Frannie, 66, is on her way to Portland to spend Christmas with her children, but suffers a bump on the head when she drives her vehicle off the road and becomes lodged between a couple of trees not far from her home. In her delirium that follows, reality is blurred as she meets up with the ghosts of those who have preceded her. In the process, audience members become better acquainted with the pioneer woman, her husbands and children. As for how the play ends, you’ll have to buy a ticket to find out. Is there a sequel to Lost Pioneer? Maybe. Beach has a couple of ideas in mind; spin offs of other characters in the original play. “It took us over two years to produce Lost Pioneer and I suspect if we decide to do a

Get Tickets Now!!

sequel, and I think we will, the timeline is probably another two years.” In the meantime, Beach and Cole are appreciative of the audience support and the fact that the interest level has afforded them the opportunity to present Lost Pioneer two more times in March. “It has been a very rewarding experience and we’re grateful to the Nehalem Valley Historical Society and Tillamook County Historical Society for all of their support,” Beach said. The Manzanita performance on Sunday, Mar. 10, begins at 3 p.m., at Pine Grove Community House. The Tillamook performance takes place a week later, on Mar. 17, and also starts at 3 p.m., at TAPA at 12th and Ivy. Ticket sales for each performance ($10 per ticket) are expected to be brisk, and sell outs are expected. Call today and reserve your tickets for the event. Manzanita tickets may be reserved by calling the Nehalem Valley Historical Society at (503) 368-7460 and leaving a message. For the Tillamook event, call the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum, (503) 842-4553. Performances will include a question and answer session following the play with historical researcher Mark Beach and the play’s star, Liz Cole.


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Sisters Whitney Lewis and Tara Churchill, both of Tillamook, gave birth to babies Wyatt Anthony Lewis and Brinley Kaye-Marie Churchill on the same day, Jan. 11, 2013, at Tillamook County General Hospital. Tara gave birth to daughter, Brinley at 6:15 a.m., and Whitney gave birth to son Wyatt at 9:21 p.m. “I was in labor for a couple of days, I don’t even know how long,” said Whitney, “and when Tara checked in to the birthing center, a nurse was joking with me, and she said, “wouldn’t it be something if your sister has her baby in two hours?” That is just what happened. “I was in labor for an hour and fifteen minutes,” said Tara, smiling. The sisters can laugh about it now. Brinley’s dad is Joel Churchill. She joins brothers Jace, 3, and Lance, 5. Her grandparents are Lori and Carl Delanoy (who are also grandparents to baby Wyatt) and Randy and Karlene Cornett, and Dave and Tracy Churchill. Great grandmothers are Dorothy Churchill and June Olsen, both of Tillamook. Wyatt’s dad is Wayne Lewis Jr. He joins brother Wayne, 2. Wyatt’s grandparents are Lori and Carl Delanoy and Steven Wilks, and his great grandmother is Patricia Wilks, all of Tillamook.

HONOR ROLL Neah-Kah-Nie Middle School second quarter honor roll 6th Grade: EmaLea Armitage, Alicia Cruz Lilly, Logan Dean, Dixi Esplin, Jubileesius Foster, Marie Graff, William Grimes, Joshua Hamilton, Heaven Knight, Alexis Marshall, Chassidy Motsinger, Allen Pieper, Kasey Purcell, Avery Smith, Shayla Wacker, Alexandria Woodward, Brianna Woodward 7th Grade: Isis Breazile, Nick Burns, Gabriel Calkins, Hunter Cram, Ryan Dillard, Adam Giles, Jacob Handler, Sean Harth, Ashley Henderson, Gene Henderson, Nicole Henderson, Samuel Holm, Kara Kipling, Tabitha Meyer, SeOnna Moreland, Hannah Mott, Asa Parker, Nula Reid, Jarod Scribner, Leif Tuel, Robby

Waldron, Moira Welsh 8th Grade: Wade Becker, Sari Booth, Kaylah Bridges, Madison Chestnut, Roan Childress, Katelyn Clifford, Ivan Davidson, Austin Dean, Dylan Dunlap, Simon Elinsky, Matthew Grimes, Max Halverson, Dylan Hanson, Colby Hixson, Seth Houchins, Kindness Hyde, Samantha Noregaard, Madisen Steinbach, Meghan Welsh In addition to earning a GPA of 3.5 or above, students must maintain minimum attendance rate of 95 percent, perform a minimum of 5 hours community service during the quarter, and demonstrate good behavior to qualify for honor roll. Middle school students performed over 500 hours of community service during the second quarter.

Page B2 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald

COMMUNITY CALENDAR WEDNESDAY, FEB. 27 SUPPORT GROUP FOR LOVED ONES OF THE MENTALLY ILL – The group will be every fourth Weds. 6:30pm-8pm. At the Tillamook County Library in the Hatfield Room. Come share your stories and know you are not alone. Refreshments served. For more information call Kathy Christensen 503-815-1561 or Victor Bofill 503842-8201. HOME-HEATING ENERGY SOURCES MEETING – Oregon State University Tillamook County Extension Service and Tillamook Bay Community College are presenting a workshop to discuss traditional heating fuels and their production, consumption and costs. You must register by Monday, February 25th. For more information contact Jim Reeb at MANZA-WHEE-LEM KIWANIS – Noon-1 p.m., second and fourth Wednesdays, Pine Grove Community Club, Manzanita. Call Jane Beach, 503368-5141. ROCKAWAY BEACH CITY COUNCIL – 6 p.m., second and fourth Wednesdays, City Hall. Open to the public. SUPPORT GROUP FOR MENTALLY ILL OR CHALLENGED – 6:308 p.m., Tillamook County Library Hatfield Room, fourth Wednesday of the month, beginning Jan. 23. Support group for families and/or caregivers who are dealing with those who are mentally ill or challenged. Come share your stories and know you are not alone. Refreshments served. For more information call Kathy Christensen 503-815-1561 or Victor Bofill 503842-8201.

THURSDAY, FEB. 28 ASSOCIATION OF NORTHWEST STEELHEADERS NORTH COAST CHAPTER – 7 p.m. Fourth Thursdays, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife meeting room, 4909 Third St., Tillamook. Call Bill Hedlund at 503-8152737. ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP – 11 a.m.-1 p.m. fourth Thursday, Nehalem Bay House, 35385 Tohl Rd. Free lunch included. Call Patty Fox, 503368-5171. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., second and fourth Thursdays, Beaver Community Church. 503-815-2272. MARIE MILLS FOUNDATION – Fourth Thursday of January, April, July and October, 10:30 a.m., Marie Mills Center, Tillamook. Call Ron Rush at 503-8422539, ext. 12. YMCA ANNUAL MEETING – 5:15 p.m., Tillamook YMCA Baord Room, 610 Stillwell Ave. Includes election of officers, year-end reports and special recognitions.

FRIDAY, MAR. 1 COMMUNITY/SCHOOL TALENT SHOW – At 6 PM in the Tillamook High School Auditorium, Aaron Edens will be hosting a Community/School Talent Show for his Senior Project. An entrance fee of $5.00 will be taken at the door. The Talent Show is a fund raiser for the THS Choral Department. For more information contact Aaron Edens @ 503-812-4223 or Jerilee Henderson @ 503-812-8580. 2ND STREET MARKET – From 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Apple Chin and Jeremy Allen: Two youth performers playing back to back acoustic style SOUTH COUNTY LIBRARY CLUB BOARD MEETING – 10 a.m. first Friday, Pacific City Library branch. Call Julius Jortner, 503-965-7016. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., first Saturday, Tillamook Transfer Station, 1315 Ekloff Rd, Tillamook. 503815-3975. There will be no event in January 2013. TILLAMOOK BAY BOATING CLUB – 4 p.m. first Saturday, Bay City Hall. Call Paul Schachner, 503-322-0313. VFW KILCHIS–TILLAMOOK BAY POST #2848 AND LADIES AUXILIARY – 12:30 p.m. first Saturday, Bay City Hall, 5525 B Street. BLUEGRASS OPEN JAM SESSION – First Sunday, Tillamook Forest Center. All ages and abilities welcome. Call 503-815-6800 or 866-930-4646. TAPA PRODUCTION OF 'MEMORY' TAPA’S – Memory consists of two one-act plays exploring memory and growing older in different ways. Production begins at 7 p.m.. For information, please visit them on facebook, at or contact RIVERBEND PLAYERS PRODUCTION – New Riverbend Players production, ‘Saving Cedar Grove,’ written and directed by Sue Jelineo at 7:00 p.m. at NCRD Auditorium Theater in Nehalem. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for children under 12.

SATURDAY, MAR. 2 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., first Saturday, Tillamook Transfer Station, 1315 Ekloff Rd, Tillamook. 503-815-3975. There will be no event in January 2013. TILLAMOOK BAY BOATING CLUB – 4 p.m. first Saturday, Bay City Hall. Call Paul Schachner, 503-322-0313. VFW KILCHIS–TILLAMOOK BAY POST #2848 AND LADIES AUXILIARY – 12:30 p.m. first Saturday, Bay City Hall, 5525 B Street. SECOND STREET MARKET – From 3 p.m.- 5 p.m. artist reception for Chazz Lake Munsell. Local spray paint artist will showcase his latest work SECOND STREET MARKET – 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Eric Sappington playing his original music TAPA PRODUCTION OF 'MEM-



TILLAMOOK KIWANIS CLUB – Tillamook Kiwanis Club Meets on Wednesdays at 12 p.m. at the Pancake House.

AL-ANON – 7-8 p.m. Mondays, North Coast Recreation District, Nehalem. 503368-5093.

OPEN MIC NIGHT – Wenesday nights, from 7 p.m. top 10 p.m. at the Dutchmill there is an open mic and jam.

TILLAMOOK SWISS SOCIETY – Breakfast served every 3rd Sunday, Brookfield Ave.

WEEKLY SENIOR ACTIVITIES – Laughing yoga, 4 p.m. Mon., Pinochole, 2 p.m. Tues., Bunco, 1 p.m. Wed., Dominoes, 7 p.m. Thurs., Poker, 1:30 p.m. Sat. Everyone welcome. 503-842-0918.

FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC – 2-3 p.m. Wednesdays, Tillamook County General Hospital cafeteria.

STORYTIME – Tues. 10 a.m. (24-36 months); Wed. 10 a.m. (3-5 years); Thurs. 10 a.m. and 4-5 p.m. (6-12 years); Fri. & Sat. 10 a.m. (birth-24 months); Saturdays, 10 a.m., 11 a.m. Main Library. START MAKING A READER TODAY – Volunteers needed to read to Nestucca Valley Elementary students. 12:45-2:15 p.m. Tues. and Thurs. Call Diane, 503965-0062. TILLAMOOK SENIOR CENTER – Meals at noon Mon-Fri; pinochle at 10 a.m. Fri.; free bingo 10 a.m.-noon third Thurs.; cards 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Tues.; Senior Club meeting and potluck at 11:30 a.m. second Fri.; pool and drop-in center 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Mon-Fri. 316 Stillwell Ave. Call 503-842-8988. SENIORS NONDENOMINATIONAL WORSHIP – 6 p.m. Tues. Five Rivers Retirement & Assisted Living Community, 3500 12th Street, Tillamook. 503-8420918. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS – 5:30-6:30 p.m. Mondays, Tillamook County General Hospital, Room D (third floor). 503-842-8073. CIVIL AIR PATROL – 6-8 p.m. Thursdays, ATV center, 5995 Long Prairie Road. Volunteer, nonprofit auxiliary of U.S. Air Force. Call Major Michael Walsh, Commander, at 503-812-5965.

ORY' – TAPA production of 'Memory,' 7 p.m. See Feb. 22 listing. BAY CITY ARTS CENTER PERFORMANCE SHOWCASE – Bay City Arts Center Performance showcase. 7 p.m. Chocolate Mousse, JIm Loughrie, Will Duncan, Benny and the Bay City Rockers. for more information call 503-377-9620. 13TH ANNUAL OSU EXTENSION SMALL FARMS CONFERENCE – Registration is now open for the 13th annual Oregon State University Extension Small Farms Conference to be held at the LaSells Stewart Center in Corvallis, Oregon. Register online at: $50 per person or $90 for two people from the same farm/organization until Feb. 15. Fee includes refreshments and lunch with locally sourced products. TAPA PRODUCTION OF 'MEMORY' – Memory consists of two one-act plays exploring memory and growing older in different ways. Production begins at 7 p.m.. For information, please visit them on facebook, at or contact 16TH ANNUAL SPAGHETTI DINNER & SILENT AUCTION – The 16th annual Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction will be held on Saturday, March 2nd from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (auction ends at 7:15) at the Rockaway Beach Civic Center. This event is a fundraiser for Rockaway Beach Parks and Recreation, and helps fund the summer youth program, Easter Egg Hunt, adult activities and more. Call 503-355-2291 for more information. RIVERBEND PLAYERS PRODUCTION – New Riverbend Players production at 7:00 p.m. at NCRD Auditorium Theater in Nehalem. See March 1 listing.

SUNDAY, MAR. 3 BLUEGRASS OPEN JAM SESSION – First Sunday, Tillamook Forest Center. All ages and abilities welcome. Call 503-815-6800 or 866-930-4646 RIVERBEND PLAYERS PRODUCTION – New Riverbend Players production at 2 p.m. See March 1 listing. TAPA PRODUCTION OF 'MEMORY' – TAPA production of 'Memory' matinee performance at 2 p.m. See March 1 listing.

MONDAY, MAR. 4 TILLAMOOK COUNTY ROADS ADVISORY COMMITTEE – will be holding a public meeting on Monday, March 4th, 2013 beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Tillamook County Courthouse Conference Room Room B, 201 Laurel Ave, Tillamook TILLAMOOK CITY COUNCIL – 7 p.m., City Hall.

TUESDAY, MAR. 5 TILLAMOOK COUNTY WOODTURNERS GROUP — first Tuesday, Bay City. Call Alan Leach, 503-801-0352. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP – 34:30 p.m., first and third Tuesdays, Tillamook County General Hospital, Conference Room B (fourth floor). BOY SCOUTS – Roundtable every first Tuesday, 7 p.m.; District meeting every third Tuesday, 7 p.m., LDS Church, 4200 12st Street, Tillamook. New members welcome. Call Julie Fletcher, 503842-2737. WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP – 10:30 a.m.-noon first Tues, 312 Laurel Ave., Tillamook. Free. Call Jan Bartlett, 503-842-4508.

WEDNESDAY, MAR. 6 TILLAMOOK CHAPTER OF BETA SIGMA PHI – 1:30 p.m. first Wednesday. International women’s organization. Call Verna Creech, 503-842-7868. INTERNATIONAL ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS – 7 p.m. first and third Wednesdays, Tillamook Masonic Hall. 503-842-6758. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m-4 p.m., first and third Wednesdays, Tillamook Seventh-day Adventist Church. 503-815-2272. NESTUCCA FIRE BOARD MEETING – 7 p.m., first Wednesday of the

ROCKAWAY LIBRARY – Pre-school storytime for ages 3-5, 3 p.m. Tuesdays 503-355-2665.

month, Station 83 Beaver. Contact Chief Kris Weiland 503392-3313.

THURSDAY, MAR. 7 TILLAMOOK COUNTY QUILT GUILD – 10:30 a.m. third Thursday, Latimer Quilt and Textile Center, 2105 Wilson River Loop Rd., Tillamook. WELLSPRING ADULT RESPITE CARE – 10 a.m.-4 p.m., first and third Thursdays, Covenant Community Church, Manzanita. 503-815-2272. DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP – 2-3 p.m. third Thursday, Middle Way Health Clinic, 2615 Sixth St, Tillamook. Call Kathie Graves, 503-842-5451 or Rose, 503-842-4809. BAY CITY VFW POST 2848 – 7 p.m. third Thursday, Bay City Hall. NORTH COUNTY GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP – 3-4:30 p.m., first and third Thursdays, Calvary Bible Church, Manzanita. Call 503-368-6544, ext. 2313. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP NORTH COUNTY – First and third Thursdays, 3-4:30 p.m. at Calvary Bible Church in Manzanita. Tillamook Hospital's relief chaplain Michael Gabel presents information to help with the grief process. AARP DRIVER SAFETY CLASSES – A class will be held at the Clatskanie PUD from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Don Hawley will be teaching and it will be completed in one 6 hour lesson with a 45 minute break for lunch. To register call the State Farm Office in Clatskanie at 503728-2800 or Clatsop Community College at 503-338-2408 or you may register on line at TILLAMOOK COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE – 7 p.m., Tillamook PUD building meeting room.

FRIDAY, MAR. 8 TAPA PRODUCTION OF 'MEMORY' – TAPA production of 'Memory' matinee performance at 2 p.m. See March 1 listing. SECOND STREET MARKET – 6 p.m. - 8 p.m.Benny and the Bay City Rockers.

SATURDAY, MAR. 9 TAPA PRODUCTION OF 'MEMORY' – TAPA production of 'Memory' matinee performance at 2 p.m. See March 1 listing. KIDS KARAOKE - Noon, 2nd St. Public Market, 2003 2nd St., Tillamook. Second Saturday every month. $1 a song, ages 20 and under. Info: 503-842-9797. SECOND STREET MARKET – 11 p.m - 2 p.m. Kids Karoake with Carl Wilson. SECOND STREET MARKET – 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Wil Duncan, local musician playing his original music.

SUNDAY, MAR. 10 PACIFIC I.O.O.F. PANCAKE BREAKFAST – 8 am -11 a.m. second Sunday, Bay City I.O.O.F. Hall. $5 per adult, $2.50 per child under 12.

SUNDAY, MAR. 11 CLOVERDALE WATER DISTRICT – 7 p.m. second Monday, Cloverdale Sanitary District Building, 34540 U.S. Hwy. 101. Call 503-392-3515. NEHALEM CITY COUNCIL – 7:30 p.m. second Monday, City Hall. Open to the public. TILLAMOOK SCHOOL DISTRICT – 6:30 p.m. second Monday. Open to the public. Call for meeting location, 503-8424414. NEAH-KAH-NIE SCHOOL DISTRICT – 6:30 p.m. second Monday. Open to the public. NESTUCCA VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT – 6 p.m. second Monday. At Nestucca Junior/Senior High School. Open to the public.

TUESDAY, MAR. 12 TILLAMOOK COUNTY CITIZENS FOR HUMAN DIGNITY – 6 p.m. second Tuesday, Tillamook County Library. Open to the public.

PROMOTE YOUR EVENT You’re invited to add your group’s listings to our online event calendar at calendar. Listings posted online also will be added to the Community Calendar that appears in our print edition. You also can mail event listings to the Headlight Herald office at 1908 Second St., Tillamook, OR 97141, or call 503-842-7535. Information must be received by noon Thursday the week prior to publication, please.

COMMUNITY CHORUS – 7-9 p.m. Thurs., Tillamook. New members welcome. 503-842-4748. CELEBRATE RECOVERY – 6 p.m. Tues., Tillamook Church of the Nazarene. Child care provided. KIAWANDA COMMUNITY CENTER – Yoga Mon. and Thurs., stitchers group Tues., bingo Wed., card playing Fri. 503965-7900.

ODDBALLS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS – 2 p.m. Sundays, 7 p.m. Mondays & Thursdays, Bay City Odd Fellows Lodge, 1706 Fourth St. EAGLES LODGE PINOCHLE NIGHT – 7 p.m. Thursdays, Tillamook lodge. BRIDGE, PINOCHLE AND CRIBBAGE – 1-3 p.m. Wed., North County Rec. District, Nehalem. 503-355-3381. FAMILY HOOPS NIGHT – 6:30-8 p.m. Tues., Garibaldi Grade School gym. Children under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. 503-355-2291. ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH – 6-8 p.m. Fridays, on the Dance Floor at Garibaldi City Hall. ROCKAWAY BEACH-GARIBALDI MEALS FOR SENIORS –11:45 a.m. Mon., Wed. and Fri., St. Mary’s by the Sea. Call Bob Dempster, 503-355-3244. MEDITATION, PRAYER – Silent meditation, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Mon. and 8:45 a.m. Tues.; Lectio Divina, 10-11 a.m. Tues., St. Catherine’s Center for Contemplative Arts, Manzanita. Call Lola Sacks, 503-368-6227. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS WOMEN’S MEETING – 10 a.m. Sundays, Serenity Club, 5012 Third St. TODDLER ART – 10-11 a.m., Wed., Bay City Arts Center. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 503-377-9620. VETERANS’ EMPLOYMENT HELP – 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Tues., WorkSource Oregon, 2105 Fifth St., Tillamook. 800-6435709, ext. 227. SENIOR SERVICES – Provided by Northwest Senior & Disability Services at Sheridan Square Apts. Dates, times vary. 503-842-2770. GARIBALDI LIBRARY STORYTIME – 3 p.m. Thursdays. 503-322-2100. TILLAMOOK LIBRARY LIVE MUSIC – 2-4 p.m. Saturdays.

MANZANITA PACE SETTERS WALK/JOG/RUN GROUP – 7:30 a.m. Sat., parking lot behind Spa Manzanita.

CHRISTIAN MEN’S GROUP – Noon Tues., 8 a.m. Thurs., Cow Belle Restaurant, Rockaway Beach. 503-355-0567.

ROTARY CLUB OF NORTH TILLAMOOK – Noon Wed., North County Recreation District, Nehalem. 503-812-4576.

PINOCHLE AND BUNCO – 2 p.m. Tues Pinochle/ 1:30 p.m. Weds Bunco at Five Rivers, 3500 12th St. 842-0918. Free.

ROTARY CLUB OF TILLAMOOK Noon Tuesdays, Rendezvous Restaurant 214 Pacific, Tillamook. TILLAMOOK DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB – 6:30 p.m. Tues., 10:30 a.m. Fri., Tillamook Elks Club, 1907 Third St. $2.50 per session. Call Barbara, 503-842-7003.

WOMENS CLOSED AA BOOK STUDY – 6 p.m. Tues., I.O.O.F Hall Bay City 4th and Hays Oyster Bay City. Info: Lee H. lovleemom 503.377-9698. Free

BAY CITY ART CENTER TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY – 911 a.m. Thursdays, Bay City Odd Fellows Hall, 9330 Fourth St. Call Pat, 503-3556398.

Yoga continues on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 p.m.

Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Page B3




elean Rouse presented the program at February’s Nesko Club meeting a week ago Friday. Keeping within the assigned theme of romance, Ielean had a clever attention getter to start off the discussion when she unbuttoned her pink overcoat to reveal a silky kimono printed with red roses. She and her guests informed the assembled South County Fencepost throng that excess outdoor lighting, the easiest form of pollution to combat, not only robs us of a romantic view, but can confuse young or migrating wildlife, even endangering their very lives. Street lights in Tierra del Mar have been converted to International Dark Sky Lighting Standards, so we that are curious about the difference can take a field trip there an observe for ourselves. There’s quite an education available online, try a google search. Tillamook P.U.D. will install shields on your outdoor light for free; call them at 503-842-2535. On the subject of all night events, Tillamook’s Relay for Life is recruiting acts to perform throughout the annual fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, from 11:30 a.m. on June 29 through 9:00 a.m. on June 30. Family friendly entertainment may include bands, dancers, singers, comedians, clowns, or others willing to donate their time and talent to benefit the cause and receive free promo-


“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” – Albert Einstein


ope Benedict XVI broke a 600-year tradition and resigned on Monday, February 11. Within hours, a single bolt of lightening struck the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica… Four days later, a huge meteorite exploded into a “ball of fire” as it came streaking out of the sky and smashed into Russia… The same day, February 15, in a chilling coincidence, a massive asteroid narrowly missed the earth as it flew across the sky over Florida. It was about 17,150 feet up in the atmosphere, as it dodged communication and defense satellites. It came closer to hitting the earth than any asteroid in history. The U.S. Congress proved human stupidity; while they were on vacation, Americans worried about their own jobs, finances, health, security,



hanks, first, to Ruby Smith. Ruby donated two books to the Garibaldi Library, in memory of Evelyn Dikeman: "Science of Good Cooking," by the editors of America's Test Kitchen and Guy Crosby, and "Stitch by Stitch: One Project at a Time," by Deborah Moebes. Both books are apparently popular items; they’re already currently checked out. The two TAPA plays collectively called “Memory” will be playing Friday, Saturday and Sunday this weekend – 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 2 p.m. on Sunday. “I Can’t Remember Anything” by Arthur Miller stars Sandra Koops and Robert Kratz, and “The 75th” by Israel Horovitz stars Terri Winkle and Bill Farnum (Bill also directed the performances). Reserve your seats at Diamond Art Jewelers, 503/842-7940. And it’s a good idea to do it early – TAPA’s performances have regularly been

tion; all signs and banners are welcome. For more information or to sign up call Tammy Samagaio, 503-812-8286. When I penned last week’s Fencepost column, I got so caught up with bragging about my piece selling at the Community Arts Project’s fundraiser, that I misreported a detail. I did previously create “art” for public consumption when I mailed a hobo style handbag that I crocheted from Fred Meyer bags to last year’s CARTM Trash Art Show. It was title “stretchy Vessel” and sold for $20. I was reminded when email landed in this week’s inbox, calling for 2013 entries. The show happens the weekend after July 4th at The Hoffman Center in Manzanita. Artists may submit up to three pieces of work for the show. There is no entry fee and the only stipulations are that all artwork must be made with recycled, repurposed or reused materials and fit through a standard size door. Each submitted piece must have a title and be ready with appropriate hardware for hanging or display. The work must be for sale with the split being 50 percent to the artist and 50 percent donated to CARTM and Hoffman Center. You can deliver Trash Art for the show to the Hoffman Center on Saturday, June 29, or Sunday, June 30, between 1 and 4 pm; late entries will not be accepted. For more information contact Carl Vandervoort at 503-3683805 or Speaking of garbage, the Tillamook County Solid Waste Department will hold its free monthly collection of Household Hazardous Waste , from 91:00 this Saturday, March 2 at the Tillamook Transfer Station, 1315 Ekloff Road in Tillamook. Collection occurs between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm. There will be no collection in

April. Fire Chief Kris Weiland recently wrote an open letter to owners and tenants of public spaces in our neck of the woods. In it he explains that a recent complaint alerted him to possible safety hazards in public buildings. He plans to set appointments to inspect such spaces for fire hazards in the coming weeks. He’ll be watching for: posted occupancy limits, functioning emergency lights where required, use of extension cords in place of permanent wiring, multi plug adaptors that do not have built in circuit breakers or “piggybacked” one to another, clearances to electrical panels and labels on circuit breakers, current hood and duct cleaning and servicing in restaurant kitchens, current serviceable fire extinguishers of the correct type and quantity, and clearly marked and well lit exits. “These are general life safety items and precautions to prevent fires. The goal is make your business safe for your customers, employees and to prevent fire, loss of life, property and business,” Kris wrote. He’ll be contacting affected businesses soon to set a time to meet with you. It’s not too late to order Dutch Mill Bulbs from Cedar Creek Childcare’s fundraiser happening through Friday, March 1. Hanging begonias or strawberries, an herb garden greenhouse, gladiolas, lilies, and amaryllis, all are $7.00 each Call Director, Dian Wilkinson at 503392-4449. Happy birthday this week to: Justin Buford, Shane Dedmon, Carl Dietz, Jodi Green, Eric Hanson, Logan Kellow, Chad Larimore, Louise Nims, Bob Parks, George Sisson, Ginger Slavens, Elizabeth Tondreau, Pierce Trent, Madeline Trost, McKenzie Webster and Ryan Wickham.

schools and the “little things” the big boys didn’t have time for. I can honestly say that we are blessed to live in Netarts and Oceanside, with our mild weather, clean water and clean air, blue sky, sunshine and peace… The St. Valentine’s Day Masquerade fundraiser for the Tillamook Animal Shelter that was held at the Schooner was a HUGE success. The grand total raised at the benefit was $2,035 in cash, 450 pounds of dog food and a large box full of dog beds and blankets! Debbie Lusk won the “Week-end in a Basket” raffle. This was the single biggest fundraiser for the Tillamook County Animal Shelter - EVER! A huge thank-you goes to Seana Louise Stephenson, Tom and Tommy Flood, all of the Schooner staff and the local merchants who gave donations. Thanks also go to the community for all of the love and support that was given. The “dogs” are lucky to have people like you! The seismic upgrade and remodel of the Netarts Fire Station and hall is 90 percent finished with the exception of one office, and finish details in the hall. Volunteers and staff will do the work. The entire building will be repainted gray with red trim. Slowly, items and equipment are being moved in from storage, so as to sort, clean and organize as they go. Oceanside Station #62, has new “Living Quarters” that were

constructed in the north end of the building. The Fire District will have an open house when the projects are completed. Mr. Malcom Bernard Haddon Watts departed this world at 4 p.m., “Tea time,” on February 16, 2013, surrounded by his loving family. He was born on November 9, 1928. He and his beautiful wife, Natalie immigrated from England and neither ever lost their charm… My thoughts and love are with Natalie, Nick, his brother, and sister, Jenny. The Netarts Community (County) Park meeting was held February 17. The new Officers are: Tim Carpenter - Pres., Maxine McDonald Ryland - VicePres., Mary Jo Dzundza - Sec., Andy Stephens - Treas., and Lori Carpenter - Historian. The next meeting is scheduled for March 16 at 10 a.m. in the park. Next week I will announce the winners of the 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off and report on how much money was raised for Hospice. The 2013 Tillamook High School Charity Drive is over… I do not know yet which class raised the most money and won this year. But… if the senior class was successful in winning all four years, they tied the record (albeit not $ amount) that has been held for forty years by the Class of 1972! If not – the challenge is on for the Class of 2014… Congratulations to students, teachers, parents and the community for an outstanding accomplishment!

sellouts. Saturday evening, March 2 at 7 p.m. there will be another of the Bay City Arts Center’s Performer Showcases. They’ll have “Chocolate Mousse” (that’s Joan Petty on piano, Jeanna Stephens on cello, and Dennis “Doc” Wagner on blues harp), Jim Loughrie, Wil Duncan, and the area’s newest band, Benny and the Bay City Rockers. Coffee, tea, cookies, and admission are all free. The following weekend, March 9-10, is the kids’ coloring contest at the Garibaldi Museum, open to kids 7 and under with paid admission ($3 for adults, $2.50 for seniors and kids under 12). What everybody’s going to be coloring is a crab (of course – it’s Crab Races Weekend). Remember that the Pacific Northwest Championship Crab Races (so called because no one else has one) are the biggest fund-raiser of the year for the Garibaldi Lions Club, our oldest, biggest and most active charity. This event is run totally by volunteers – a big crew of volunteers – and they could use your help. Contact Lions Club president Judy Riley at the Post Office. The deadline for filing for one of the seats on the Garibaldi Port Commission is March 21. There are three 4-year positions – those held by Bob Browning, Val Folkema, and John Luquette – and one 2-year one, the one to which Paul Daniels was appointed after Dave May resigned. You

can file either by circulating a nominating petition (obtained from county clerk Tassi O’Neill’s office) and getting the requisite number of signatures, or by paying a $10 filing fee. Tassi’s office is open Monday through Friday, 8-5; phone is 503/842-3402. The Port of Garibaldi’s territory is huge – 350 square miles, stretching from the Wilson River to Nedonna Beach and from the ocean to the east county line. The territory includes the cities of Garibaldi, Bay City and Rockaway Beach. Questions about being a Garibaldi Port Commissioner should be directed to the Port’s office (503/322-3292). Lastly, there still a couple of slots available for the Garibaldi Library’s one-on-one computer class Friday, April 12. (This is being mentioned early because those slots fill up early and quickly.) The syllabus reads like a basic introduction to the 21st century: basic word processing, email, Internet and (yes) Facebook, and how to use one of those new e-Book readers and work the library system’s new card catalog. Interested? Contact Norma at the Library, 503/3222100. And March 2, in case you’d forgotten, is Dr. Seuss’ birthday. He was a great promoter of reading, especially for youngsters – and his “One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish” could have been written about Garibaldi.

cutting that we would lose it, but now a we can breathe a sigh of relief as it starts to grow and take shape. If you missed the NCRD showing of the Riverbend Players’ musical performance of "The Cedar Grove" written by Sue Jelineo you still have a chance on March 1st and 2nd at 7:00 p.m., or on March 3rd for the 2:00 p.m. matinee. Tickets are $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for all children in a family. Snacks are provided at intermission. A friend of mine thought it would be a good idea to post a list of things needed to be prepared in an emergency: 1. Have a family plan and a neighborhood plan. 2. Prepare a 72-hour kit and make sure it is easily accessible. 3. Have a pre-determined contact outside the state, preferably one that you can text. Let other family members know who that contact is. 4. Specify ICE (In Case of Emergency) information on your cell phone. 5. Always keep gas in your vehicle. These are really good ideas for an emergency. Some things may need to be different for each individual depending on where you live and how many people are in your family or if you don't drive and depend on someone else for transportation. Just a reminder about the Manzanita Beach Walk/Run that is on Saturday July 20, 2013 -- don't forget to register early to get a better rate.

Just go to the NCRD website, locate the Manzanita Beach Walk/Run (easy to find) and follow the registration process. Participants start arriving at 6:30 a.m. There is a participant pep talk at 8:50 a.m. and the event begins at 9 a.m. So keep working and get ready -- it will be here before we know it. Sending a reminder out to all the High School senior girls: the Manzanita Women's Club would like to remind you to contact your counselors or advisers to get information on the Women's Club of Manzanita/North County's scholarships, they have two they will be giving out this year and applications must be in by March 30th. Good Luck! March 1 is National Peanut Butter Lovers Day! And March 3 is National Anthem Day! So if we get some nice weather on March first, have a picnic and bring along a PB and J, or as one of our kids likes a PB and Honey. On March 3, no matter where you are, why not go ahead and sing or even hum our national anthem. Happy Birthday to a great little girl who turned 9 on February 13, 2013 -Michelle Zamora! Happy Birthday to Marty Davidson and Carrie Vermilyea! Anything you think you’d like to share for the Fencepost, send it to me at See You Soon!

great grandson Aidyn to the beach. He is walking, running all over the place. He walked to the beach (fell a couple of times, but doesn't have far to fall). I took my walking stick so I could steady myself and not fall. Lots farther for me to go CAPE MEARES down. Granddaughter BARBARA BENNETT Chelsea, and Justin (parents 503-842-7487 of Aidyn) gave me a ful pink hydrangea plant. It may change color in our acid soil. They usually ell now, I made change to a lovely purple & it to 81 and lavender color here. It takes caught up with awhile though. Mark and James who is 3 months older than me. It was a won- Elaine knew just what I needed. A new garbage can derful day of celebrating with family on Sunday, Feb- with wheels on it. Just roll it out of the garage onto the ruary 17 as Saturday most cement driveway. So easy. of them worked. Chinese Old one had a damaged lid food was brought out from and leaked and it was heavy Lin’s and daughter-in-law to drag out to where the sanJackie baked a delicious itary truck picks it up. Nice coconut cake. She poured to be remembered. Severcoconut cream into holes in al birthday card greetings the cake and was that ever received. Grandaughter, Brigood. Frosting was covered anne, called from Portland with toasted coconut. Three of the people we planned on to wish me a happy birthday. Her and Rob Margolin's were not able to come, but wedding in September was the eight of us sure enjoyed the day together.We watched last time I have seen them. Merry Ann Bennett called pictures on the television of from Cottonwood, Arizona. Steve and Jackie's trip to Said they were having very Kuaii in December. Saw boring weather there. Everythose huge albatross nesting day warm and sunny. They in one area and chickens all are enjoying living in their over the place. A dry and new house they built there. sunny day allowed 5 of us We had a nice day last Frito take little 18 month-old day here with spring-like

weather. I wore a thin sweatshirt outside to trim down a hydrangea that either elk, deer or wind damaged. Half of the bush was bent to the ground and broken in several places. Now I have a new little shrub to replace it as I don't think the damaged one will make it. How did they know I needed a replacement plant? Today is sunny here and then I guess we are back to rain the rest of the week. I didn't get around to registering for the Master Gardener Pruning Day. Had to register by February 18. Pruning Day is March 2. Now I will have to do what I can to prune the shrubs myself. Would liked to have had some help. But that's how it goes. Didn't look at the calendar in time again. I don't have much to report on this week. I didn't make it to the Cape Meares Community Association meeting and spaghetti meal at the community building on February 9. Hope to get a report on the meeting and emergency information given. Also, missed the Cape Meares Lighthouse and Wildlife meeting on February 9. Didn't miss my birthday though, so all in line again.




ou can tell spring is in the air even as chilly as it's been. The tulips in our planters are starting to come up and we’re seeing some of the other trees and flowers blooming. I love spring when it's not raining (which is not very often) -everything in bloom and the hints of summer coming. It almost makes the rain bearable. The Manzanita library is a great place to spend an hour or so if you looking for something for the little ones on a Saturday. Story time is 11:00 a.m. Boy Scout Troop 178 will start selling candy bars for $2 and pepperoni sticks for $1 to fund their trip to Boy Scout camp. Please support our local Boy Scout Troop 178. Our bonsai adventure is going very well, we got the roots trimmed and our 12 year-old son did the design of the tree; it's been almost a month now and we are already starting to see new growth on the tree and green on some of the branches. I was so worried after all the


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Newly renovated Five Rivers Coffee Roasters & Café, across from the Tillamook Cheese Factory, open daily 6am – 6pm, serving fresh in-house roasted coffee. FREE WI-FI, DRIVE THRU and Pelican beer to-go.



Pelican Pub & Brewery is family-friendly with views of Cape Kiwanda & Haystack Rock. Fresh seafood, gourmet pizza & fantastic clam chowder, plus our award-winning beer! Full breakfasts daily. Sun.-Thurs., 8 a.m.10 p.m., Fri.-Sat. 8 a.m.-11 p.m. 33180 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City. (503) 965-7007


and amazing food, located in Hebo, on the corner of the scenic 101 Pacific Coast Highway and Highway 22 (Next door to the old Hebo Grade School). Stop in for a breakfast burrito smothered in made from scratch pork green chili. Try some hot cakes, made fresh every order. Oh and the Biscuits and Country Sausage Gravy, well simple words could not describe how my taste buds went back to great grandma’s table. So next trip to the Oregon Coast if you find yourself in Hebo, stop by and say hello and stay for breakfast or lunch, you’ ll be glad you did. Monday: 6 a.m. – 11a.m. • Closed Tuesday Wednesday – Sunday: 6 a.m. – 3 p.m. (503) 392-4422 • 31145 Hwy 22, Hebo

DORYLAND PIZZA Doryland Pizza is the place to go for great food and a fun family atmosphere. We offer a variety of excellent pizzas, a fresh salad bar, warm and delicious sandwiches, spaghetti, beer and wine, and free popcorn. Enjoy the big screen TV and video games during your visit. Located at the beach in Pacific City, directly across the street from the dory landing area at Cape Kiwanda. Orders to go and Take and Bake! 33315 Cape Kiwanda Dr., Pacific City • (503) 965-6299


Want to add your restaurant to these special weekly listings? Call (503) 842-7535 to find out how today!

Page B4 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald



SUGAR BROSIUS 503-653-1449


e have new residents in our town. Several Muscovy ducks have made Lake Lytle their new home. You can check the city's Facebook page, or heck, just go visit them in person and welcome them to our community. We are a friendly neighborhood, right? I received a call telling me I won second place in the Neahka-nie S.A.F.E. fundraiser. Dale and I had bought tickets at the Spaghetti Dinner several months ago and had forgotten we had. Kristine Hayes called to let us know we had won. How cool is that? Time to hit the beach to find goodies from the Japanese current. Clyde Barnhill found a 17" glass float on Thurs, Feb 7th. He found it at high tide on his morning walk. It must have been that morning I didn't jog on the beach, as that is my usual route. Curses, foiled again! St. Mary's by the Sea is collecting canned goods and toiletries for the North County Food Bank. As you are going through your home, keep them in mind. The Food Bank could also use new or slightly used men's winter coats and socks. Drop your clean and usable items at St. Mary's by the Sea Parish Hall. Stop by any Mon, Wed, or Fri morning. The Food Bank will really appreciate it! The Annual Parks and Rec Spaghetti Dinner is coming quickly. It is from 5-7:30, Sat,

BAY CITY KAREN RUST 503-300-0019 503-377-9669


just got back from visiting my salmon Auti at the Library. They are hoping for release around March 9th, but if you want to be included in the release you need to get down to the library and leave your name and phone number so you can be notified of the exact date. The babies are all getting so big, Auti seemed a bit smaller than the rest and was still in his usual alone space. Here is your latest life of a salmon history lesson: By the time the fry are ready to begin migrating to the ocean, their bodies have developed so that they will be able to make the change from fresh to salt water. They are called smolts at this stage. Rain is often the signal for smolts to begin migrating downstream to the ocean, traveling by night, hiding and resting in pools by day. If they lare forced to linger too long in any resting place along the way to the ocean, they may lose the urge to migrate. To get to the ocean smolts swim through an estuary, a coastal wetland where they may stay for a while to get used to salt water before swimming out to sea. Someone requested a “Music Note” portion to my column, so Louise Bogard, this is especially for you: Benny and the Bay City Rockers will be performing with a sing a long at the Art Center here in Bay City on March 2nd, from 7-9pm. And then again on March 8th from 68pm at the 2nd Street Market in Tillamook. This important information is from our own Gordon McCraw: To keep food safe from harmful bacteria: • Clean. People should wash their hands thoroughly before and after handling meat. Clean all food preparation surfaces, cooking utensils and cookware after they come in contact with raw poultry. • Separate. When handling poultry, keep it and its juices away from ready-to-eat foods. Use one cutting board for fresh produce and a separate one for raw meat, poultry and seafood. • Cook. Always cook poultry to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit as measured with a food thermometer. Check the internal temperature in the innermost part of the thigh and wing and

NOTES FROM THE COAST March 2nd at the Rockaway Beach Civic Facility. This event is one of our major fundraisers for the program and loads of fun for all. I will be serving again this year. Dale will be seating you. Our friend, Chrissy Carney will be making her debut volunteering. They are always in need of volunteers for this event, so if you can spare an hour or two, they would love it. Anyone who would like to help out can contact Laurie DeKleyn by leaving a message at City Hall 503-355-2291 or send an email to Meanwhile, if you just want to come and eat it will also be fun. Be sure to say hi. I can't promise to remember all your names, but I never forget a face. The "Circle of Caring" group meets on the first and fourth Thursdays of the month. This is a wonderful group of like-minded folks who get together to knit, sew and crochet for various charities in our community. These folks have made baby blankets, sweaters and caps for two Tillamook County Health Department Programs; the Health Families and Cocoon Nursing Programs. A wonderful and I'm sure, humbling service just for our children. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." I love to browse The Hope Chest in Rockaway Beach. They are an all-volunteer store. They also have a store in Nehalem and they give 100% back to the community. Your donations are always welcome. And volunteers are always needed and appreciated. Call Terry Walhood at 503 355 0782. Terry's name comes up a lot when volunteers are needed. A big kudos' to you Terry. "You can't discover new oceans unless you have the courage to leave the shore." That's Rockaway Beach "Sugar Coated!"

Turns out, laughter is always the best medicine


hen I was a teen, I read that feature in Readers Digest, a small, fat magazine found now only in doctors’ offices. It was a collection of condensed anecdotes that were supposed to make you chuckle. I heard recently Readers Digest doesn’t have much longer. They didn’t make the transfer to the digital age. Does that mean eventually there will be no reading materials in your dentist’s office? Will you find a stack of digital readers with Sunset Magazine downloaded on them or will Dr. Thompson expect you to bring your own iPad or smart phone? You’ll have to bring your own humor. Laugh and the whole world laughs with you. You become human when you laugh at yourself, which is why Donald Trump is an alien. I was on my daily errands in Pacific City, which includes the post office. I started around a blind corner and suddenly confronted a man. He looked at me for ½ second, dropped his eyes, said, just picking up my mail, and laughed, heh, heh, heh. Have you noticed we laugh when nothing’s funny? We laugh all the time. Sorry, didn’t mean to bump you, hee, hee. Ha, I grabbed the wrong item, Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas. Thomas Carlyle said, only humans laugh, but Tom should have spent more time with chimpanzees. When chimps are scuffling and another

chimp approaches, one of the chimps will make a breathy, rapid, exhalation, a sort of pant, pant, pant. This is the precursor to our ha, ha, ha. This signals to others we’re not really fighting. It diffuses tension, reduces conflict and makes our lives safer. Actually I think all of us should spend more time with chimpanzees. The man I nearly ran SCHUBERT into at the post office was telling me, I’m no threat, MOORE so let me pass in peace. That’s why John Wayne said, you better smile when you call me that, Pilgrim. Laughter releases endorphins, a natural painkiller, the same as running, chocolate, or sex, but with your clothes on. Making someone else laugh is almost as good as laughing. This explains tickling, stand-up and William Shatner. Mice laugh. A researcher was rubbing mice with the tip of his finger. Rather than run away, the mice would chase his finger about and press themselves against it. Wondering if they were laughing but he just couldn’t hear, he recorded them at 50K/cycles/sec (humans hear up to 20K) slowed it down and played it back. Hee, hee, hee the mice went, they’re little legs clawing the air, his fingertip scratching their stom-

achs. My father was so ticklish he couldn’t bear to watch us kids wash our feet. The third type of laughter comes from tragicomedy, represented for millennia by the drama masks of Dionysus, one laughing, and one crying. This symbolized his dual nature, or who gets the pie in the face. Me falling off a cliff is tragedy. You falling off a cliff is comedy. Comedy is tragedy after a bathroom break. Occasionally grieving is mistaken for laughter. The face behaves the same – bared teeth, tears, howls. Expecting one thing and getting another creates comedy or tragedy. Grandpa is a woman is either comic, tragic, or a countrywestern song. And then there is the language – a comic claims, they laughed until they cried. I killed last night. At the highest level of humor is the biggest joke. You want to live. You’re going to die. Isn’t that a riot? Whether you decide to laugh or cry about it is the most important decision you will ever make. It also determines if people still think you’re funny after you’ve forgotten to bring the Cheetos. You might as well laugh; you can’t do anything about it. So Carlyle got it wrong. Other animals laugh. Perhaps the only valid quote about humankind’s uniqueness is what Mark Twain said. Man is the only animal that blushes – or has reason to.

GARDENING MATTERS Ideas for native plants in your garden


ast year I missed the Yard, Garden and Patio Show due to a conflict in schedules, so this year I was determined not to let anything stand in the way of me going to my favorite gardening show. I went alone this year, but stayed for seven hours and took advantage of several seminars and demonstrations. The planners GARDENING MATTERS of the YGP seem to realize that CARLA ALBRIGHT having knowledge of a particular aspect of gardening isn’t enough one caught taking native plants for this gardening audience. We from the wild. demand to be entertained as well I don’t have many natives in as learn something. I was not dis- my garden other than an Oregon appointed, nor was anyone else I grape, ferns, and a couple of redtalked to about the seminars. twigged dogwood, so I was interthe thickest part of the breast. Sean Hogan of Cistus Nursested in what Sean had to say. • Chill. Uncooked poultry ery on Sauvie Island is one of His first point was that we may, should be refrigerated no my favorite YGP Show speakers. as gardeners, have to give up on longer than two days and kept He fills the criteria of a knowlthe need to nurture. These hardy in the freezer no more than edgeable and entertaining speakplants don’t need our help once four months. Cooked poultry er to a tee. This year the topic of they are established. They love can be refrigerated for three to his seminar was “Best in New our cool, wet winters and our four days and frozen for two Natives for Design,” and it was mild, dry summers. to three months. all about using native plants in Sean suggested doing the OHA’s Public Health Divi- the garden. While Sean had a lot easy things first. Start with a few sion is working with Washing- of photos of wonderful natives, tried-and-true natives that will ton State Department of most of his pictures were taken add to your garden without overHealth and the U.S. Centers “in the wild.” He goes all around powering the other plants. But for the Disease Control and Oregon and the Pacific Northfirst, before planting new plants, Prevention to track cases of west to find hybrids of the old go through your garden and see salmonellosis and to promote standards and then brings back what you can edit. That way you food safety. cuttings to propagate in his nurswill have an idea of how much Symptoms usually develop ery. Of course, he cautioned space you need to fill and what within one to five days of about needing permits to be able conditions – sun or shade, sandy exposure to the contaminated to do this type of harvesting as or clay soil, moist or dry areas – product. Some people with fines can be quite steep for anyare available to the natives. Then salmonellosis develop serious illness that can lead to hospitalization and even death, Cieslak says, although most people who get the infection have milder symptoms that resolve on their own. Please mark your calendars Bay y City Netarts Netar ts for this important information: Household Hazardous Waste HIS H IS GATHERING GATHERING NETARTS N ETAR RTS FRIENDS FRI EN DS C CHURCH H U RCH 93 30 4th St., (5 03) 8 12-1974. P astor 4685 Alder Cove Rd. W est, (5 03) 9330 (503) 812-1974. Pastor West, (503) Collection Date On Saturday, Bill Creech. Sunday evenings 6:00 p.m. m. 842-83 75. P astor Jerry Baker ay 842-8375. Pastor Baker,, Sunda Sunday March 2, 2013, the Tillamook Y ou o are welcome l to t join j i us in i celebrat l b att School S h l 9 a.m., Morning M i W orship hi You celebratWorship County Solid Waste Departing God’s awesome message of love 1 0:10 a.m. Call for information on 10:10 and g race. www . Bible studies and youth activities. grace. ment will hold its monthly collection of Household HazBeaver Bea ver Oceanside ardous Waste at the Tillamook BEAVER B EA A VE R COMMUNITY CO M M U N IT T Y C CHURCH H U RC H OCEANSIDE OCE ANSI DE CHAPEL CHAPEL Transfer Station, located at 2 4720 Hwy y. 1 01S, Cloverdale, OR 1590 Chinook Avenue, Avenue, Oceanside, 24720 Hwy. 101S, 1590 1315 Ekloff Road in Tillam(5 03) 398-5508. 398-5508. Sunday School (503) 812-2493. 812-2493. Pastor Pastor Larry HamilHamil(503) (503) ook. Collection occurs 9:5 0 a.m. W orship Service 1 1 a.m. l) 9:50 Worship 11 ton. (Christian Non-denominational) Bible Study 1st & 3rd Monday 7 p.m. m. worship Saturday evenings at 7 p.m. between the hours of 9:00 am A WANA W ednesday 406 p.m. Josh in AWANA Wednesday with fellowship following. Please join and 1:00 pm. THERE WILL Gard, P astor together. Pastor us as we worship together. BE NO COLLECTION IN APRIL. WHAT TO BRING? Cloverdale Clo overdale Pacific P acific City Tillamook County’s Solid HEALING H EALING W WATERS AT TERS B BIBLE IBLE C CHURCH HURCH NESTUCCA N ESTUCCA VALLEY VA ALLEY Waste Department sponsors (Used to be Oretown Bible Church) PRE SB BYTERIAN CH U RCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4 1505 Oretown Rd. E, Cloverdale. 3 5305 Brooten Road, (5 03) 96541505 35305 (503) this service, providing FREE P astor Blake T ebeck. e (5 03) 3 92-3001.. 62 29. P astor Rev v. Ben Dake. W eekly y Pastor Tebeck. (503) 392-3001. 6229. Pastor Rev. Weekly Household Hazardous Waste Come worship in the P entecostal bible study g roups F ridays at 1 0 Pentecostal groups Fridays 10 Collection so that residents tradition. Adult and Children Sunday a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. Open School at 9:3 0 a.m. with Church communion the first Sunday of each h 9:30 may safely dispose of items services star ting at 1 0:30 a.m. on month. Adult Sunday School 9 a.m. starting 10:30 such as: Sundays. Spirit filled sing ing with the Y outh Snday School 1 0 a.m. Regularr singing Youth 10 • Paints and Stains sermon scripted from a chapter of the e services Sunday 1 0 a.m. Everyone iss 10 Holy Bible. F ollowed by a “free meal” welcome. Followed • Pool and Spa Chemicals and friendly conversation. T hursday Thursday • Pesticides, Herbicides, evening Bible Study at 6 p.m. V isitors Visitors Rockaway Rocka way Fertilizers, and Poisons warmly welcome. ROCKAWAY RO C KA A W A Y COMMUNITY CO M M U N ITY C CHURCH H U RC CH • Motor Oil, Antifreeze, S T. JJOSEPH’S OSEPH’S C HURCH ST. CHURCH 400 S. 3rd., (5 03) 3 55-2581. Pastor Pastor (503) 355-2581. 3 4560 P arkway Drive, Cloverdale, 34560 Parkway and other Automotive Fluids David W hitehead. Sundays: Contem mWhitehead. Contem(5 03) 3 92-3685. Services 5:3 0 Satur (503) 392-3685. 5:30 Satur-• Thinners and Solvents porary/T raditional W orship Service porary/Traditional Worship day night, 9:3 0 a.m. Sunday y. 9:30 Sunday. 9-1 0:30 a.m. Kids Zone 9:3 5-11:40 9-10:30 9:35-11:40 • Household Cleaners and WI-N E-MA C HRISTIAN C HURCH WI-NE-MA CHRISTIAN CHURCH a.m. T een and Adult Sunday School,, Teen Disinfectants W i-Ne-Ma Christian Campg round, Wi-Ne-Ma Campground, 1 0:45-11:30 a.m. Nursery provided.. 10:45-11:30 • Batteries 5 195 W i-Ne-Ma Road, 7 mi. south of 5195 Wi-Ne-Ma Community g roups meet during the e groups Cloverdale, (5 03) 3 92-3953. Sunday (503) 392-3953. week. Call church office for more • Art and Hobby ChemiSchool 9:3 0, Wo orship 1 0:45 a.m. 9:30, Worship 10:45 information. cals S T. MAR RY B Y TH ES EA ST. MARY BY THE SEA • Aerosol Spray Products Garibaldi CA ATHOLIC C H U RCH CATHOLIC CHURCH • Propane Tanks or Bottles 2 75 S. P acific St. (5 03) 355-2661. 355-2661. 275 Pacific (503) NORTH N ORTH CO COAST AS ST Saturday: Confessions 5 p.m.; Mass • Compact Fluorescent C HRISTIAN C HURCH CHRISTIAN CHURCH 5:3 0 5:30 p.m. Sunday: Confessions: 8 Light Bulbs or CFLs, Fluores3 09 3rd St., (5 03) 3 22 2-3 3626. 6 P astor 309 (503) 322-3626. Pastor a.m.; Mass 8:3 0 a.m. and d 10:30 10:30 a.m. m. 8:30 Duane Hall. Sunday W orship Service Worship cent Tubes, Ballasts Daily Mass: T ues 5:30 5:30 p.m. and Wed. Wed d. Tues 1 0:30 a.m., Bible class 9:3 0 a.m. W e 10:30 9:30 We F ri. Fri. 9 a.m. • Mercury Containing invite you to join us. Items, such as Thermometers Tillamook T illamook and Thermostats Hemlock • Fire Extinguishers BETHEL B ETH EL BAPTIST BAPTIST CHURCH CH U RCH (CBA) (CBA) HEMLOCK H EMLOCK COUNTRYSIDE COUNTRYSIDE 5 640 U.S. 1 01 S. (2 miles south of 5640 101 WHAT NOT TO BRING:? C HURCH O F TH E NAZAR EN E CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE T illamook), (5 03) 842-5 598. Sunday y Tillamook), (503) 842-5598. Hwy y. Corner of Blanchard Rd. and Hwy. This facility DOES NOT School for all ages 9:3 0 a.m. Mornin ng 9:30 Morning 101S. (503) (503) 398-5454. 398-5454. Pastor Pastor Jim 101S. W orship 1 1:00 a.m. Evening service Worship 11:00 ACCEPT Ammunition, ExploOakley y. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Oakley. 6:00 p.m. Nursery provided for all sives of any kind, Medical Worship Service: 11 11 a.m. Bible Study: Worship services. Everyone welcome! Wednesday 7 p.m. Everyone welcome! e! Wednesday Waste, including Sharps/MedCH RIST REFORM ATION CH U RCH H CHRIST REFORMATION CHURCH ical Syringes, Prescription (Reformed Baptist Church) Nehalem Medications. For more infor7 450 Alderbrook Road, T illamook,, 7450 Tillamook, OR, 9 7141. (5 03) 842-83 17. P astor 97141. (503) 842-8317. Pastor NEHALEM N EHALEM BA BAY AY U UNITED NITED mation about this event or Jeff Crippen. F amily Sunday School ol Family M ETHODIST CH URCH METHODIST CHURCH hazardous waste in general, 0 a.m. (Nursery provided). Morn n9:30 Morn10th and A Streets, Nehalem. m. 9:3 Corner of 10th please visit Tillamook Couning worship 1 0:45 a.m. W ednesday ay 10:45 Wednesday (503) 368-5612. 368-5612. Sunday Worship Wo orship 11 11 (503) Ladies Luncheon/Bible Study 1 2:00 0 12:00 hearts. Open minds. Open n a.m. Open hearts. ty’s Solid Waste Administranoon. English as a Second Language. ge. www w. doors. www. tion website at or call 503815-3975. Have a great week and see you around town!

find natives to fill just that spot. And there are lots of natives that do well on the coast! Many of them offer flowers, too, so your garden won’t need to be all foliage plants. Sean’s favorite seemed to be Manzanita (the plant, not the town), but he also mentioned Ceanothus, coast huckleberries, and dwarf coyote bush. All of which have lovely flowers in the spring, summer and winter, respectively. Sean also pointed out that spring for native plants starts in the fall with the rains. That’s when they are lush, lovely and green. They generally turn brown in the summer, going dormant as the rains end. Some great perennials for the native garden are California poppies, bleeding hearts, penstemons, and blueeyed grass. One plant we rarely think of using in the home garden is skunk cabbage, but those bright yellow leaves can be very dramatic in a wet, shady spot. The Columbia lily and Pacific coast iris are lovely as is the native Trillium. I have a trillium that has bloomed every year for the past five years, and I consider this a real coup. They don’t really like to be moved and can take up to seven years to settle in and be mature enough to bloom. Wild ginger is also a lovely woodland plant that will do well in the garden. (Sometimes a little

too well.) There are lots of lovely native ferns, too. Sword ferns, maidenhair ferns and deer ferns are easy in cool, shady spots, although I find the sword ferns do just as well in full sun as in shade. Lady ferns are good for shade or morning sun, too, although they can become bullies if let to grow unchecked. I have one that is now getting to be almost 4 feet tall, so I need to cut her back every fall just to keep her in line. Sean talked about how to get natives through the first, crucial summer. We need to extend the rainy season into June and July by watering the new plantings. But we also need to water when temperatures are cooler (beginning of the day) rather than at noon or in the evening. Ideally we should plant natives in late October, but mid- to late-February or early March should be okay, too. And most natives don’t like a rich soil, so there is no need to add more than a little compost to poor soils. The exceptions to this rule are the plants that naturally grow on the forest floor where debris from the trees breaks down into nice, rich compost. You can see why I take a notebook with me to the YGP Show each year: who could remember all that long enough to pass it along?

Tillamook T illamook ook County unty Churches hurchess Tillamook T illamook CH U RCH O CHURCH OF F TH THE E NAZAR NAZARENE EN E 2611 3rd, (503) (503) 842-2549. 842-2549. Pastor Pastor 2611 Sever. Sundays: Sunday School Sid Sever. f all ll ages 9:30 9:3 9 30 a.m., Morning M i for Worship 10:45 10:45 a.m. Childcare for Worship Tuesdays:: infants to age 5 available. Tuesdays: WednesCelebrate Recovery 6 p.m. WednesTeen Fellowship Fellowship 7 - 8 p.m. days: Teen We welcome you to join us as we We together. worship together. E M MAN U EL M ISSIONAR RY EMMANUEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH CH U RCH BAPTIST 1311 3rd St. (503) (503) 842-7864. 842-7864. Pastor: Pasto or: 1311 Sterling Hanakahi. Sunday School Worship 11 11 a.m., Sunday y 9:45 a.m., Worship Evening Bible Studies 4 p.m., EveWednesday y ning Message 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Bible Study 7:00 p.m. FI RST CHRISTIAN CH RISTIAN CHURCH CH U RCH FIRST 2203 4th St., (503) (503) 842-6213. 842-6213. Senior Senior 2203 Pastor: Dean Crist, Sunday, Sunday y, Prayer Pastor: 8:30 a.m., Worship Worship Celebration & 8:30 10:45, classes for all ages, 9 a.m. & 10:45, Casual attire. Nursery facilities and Programs handicapped accessible. Programs Trave elavailable for youth of all ages. Travelers and newcomers welcome. G RACE LUTH ERAN GRACE LUTHERAN M ISSION - W.E.L.S. W.E.L.S. MISSION Pastor Warren Warren Widmann. Widmann. Sunday Pastor Worship Service 6 Bible study 5 p.m., Worship (503) 842-7729 842-7729 forr p.m. Please call (503) information. LIVI NG WATER WATER FELLOWSHIP FELLOWSH I P LIVING 1000 N. Main, Suite 12, 12, (503) (503) 1000 842-6455. Pastors Pastors Marv and Judie 842-6455. Kasemeier (Charismatic, Nondenomi-national) Sunday Morning 10. Nursery through sixth Service 10. grade children’s church provided. grade m. Sunday Evening Prayer Service 7 p.m. Wednesday; Generation Unleashed Wednesday; Youth Service for ages 12-18 12-18 6:30 6:30 Youth p.m. LI FECHANGE C H RISTIAN LIFECHANGE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSH I P FELLOWSHIP 3500 Alder Lane, Tillamook, Tillamook, OR 3500 97141. (503) (503) 842-9300. 842-9300. Pastor Pastor Brad d 97141. Worship: Bible Study y Smith. Sunday Worship: Worship and Message 9:45 a.m., Worship 11 a.m. Do you know God’s 11 plan for your life? - Jerehiah 29:11 29:11 REDEEM ER LUTHERAN LUTH ERAN REDEEMER CH U RCH (LCMS) (LCMS) CHURCH 302 Grove Ave., Ave., (503) (503) 302 842-4823. The The Church of 842-4823. the Lutheran Hour (7 a.m. Sunday y, KTIL) KTIL) Reverend Sunday, We esley Beck. Sunday J. Wesley 9:20 School for all ages, 9:20 a m ; Divine Service, 10:30 10:30 a.m.; a.m. Midweek Bible studies. Everyone welcome! Call for more information.

Where W here you are always welcome w

Tillamook T illamook SEVENTH-DAY S EVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH CH U RCH ADVENTIST 2 610 1st St., (5 03) 842-7 182. P astor or 2610 (503) 842-7182. Pastor T i Mayne. im M E English/Spanish lish/Spanish Services. es. Tim Wo orship Service 1 0:45 a.m. Saturdays. ys. Worship 10:45 Sabbath School, Children & Adults 9:3 0 a.m. All visitors welcome. W eb9:30 Website: www S T. ALBAN’S E PISCOPA AL C H U RCH ST. EPISCOPAL CHURCH 2 102 Sixth Street., (5 03) 842-6 192. 2102 (503) 842-6192. Jerry Jefferies, Priest-inCharge. Sun Priest-in-Charge. Sun-day W orship Service - Holy Eucharistt Worship 9 a.m. Sunday school and child care. e. Everyone is welcome. Handicapped accessible. www .StAlbansTillamook.. www.StAlbansTillamook. com. S T. JJOHN’S OH N’S U N ITED ST. UNITED CH U RCH OF CH RIST CHURCH CHRIST “No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey y, you are welcome me journey, here. .” P astor John Sandusky y. 602 Lau auhere.” Pastor Sandusky. Laurel A ve., T illamook, (5 03) 842-2 242.. Ave., Tillamook, (503) 842-2242. Wo orship & Church School: 1 0:30 a.m. m. Worship 10:30 We eb site: www w.stjohnsucctillamook. k. Web www.stjohnsucctillamook. net. Handicapped accessible. S T. P ETER LUTH ERAN C HURCH (E LCA) C ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH (ELCA) 40 1 Madrona, (5 03) 842-4 753, P astor tor 401 (503) 842-4753, Pastor Jerry Jefferies. T raditional Sunday Traditional morning worship 1 1 a.m. Y ou are 11 You warmly invited to join us. T I LLAMOOK CH U RCH OF CH RIS ST TILLAMOOK CHURCH CHRIST 2 506 First St., (5 03) 842-43 93, 2506 (503) 842-4393, Minister: F red Riemer nFred Riemer.. Sunday morn morning Bible class 1 0, Wo orship service 10, Worship 1 1 a.m., Sunday evening service 6, 11 We ednesday evening Bible class 7 Wednesday 7.. Noninstrumental sing ing - come as singing you are. V isitors are always welcome. e. Visitors TI LLAMOOK U NITED TILLAMOOK UNITED M ETHODIS ST CH URCH METHODIST CHURCH 3 808 1 2th St., (5 03) 842-2 224. P as3808 12th (503) 842-2224. Pastor Jerry Jefferies and Carol Brown. Sunday Services 1 1 a.m.; F ood Bank: k: 11 Food T hursdays 1 2:30-3 p.m. F ully a ccesThursdays 12:30-3 Fully accessible facility y. All are welcome! facility.



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Looking for Team Drivers!! Excellent $$$ and Benefits! t 'SFRVFOU )PNFUJNF t "VUPNBUJD %FUFOUJPO 1BZ t 1SJPSJUZ %JTQBUDI .VTU IBWF $%- " BOE NP 053 FYQ )B[NBU QSFGFSSFE +PJO .BSUFO 5SBOTQPSU $FSUJĂśFE 5PQ 1BZ DBSSJFS (866) 326-6168 or &&0& ""1

It works when all else fails. Call 842-8958 for Info

DIVORCE $155. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www.paralegalalternativ


Coordinator P/T: Locate and screen host families, provide support and activities for exchange students. Make friends worldwide! www.aspectfoundation. org

Grateful Bread Bakery. F/T breakfast & lunch prep cook. 503-965-7337

Drivers - $0.01 increase per mile after 6 and 12 months. $.03/mile quarterly bonus. Daily or Weekly pay. CDL-A, 3 months current exp. 800-414-9569

$ $ $ $


Campers & Trailers

PICKUP CANOPIES We sell aluminum, fiberglass, commercial

48th St. & TV Hwy, SE Hillsboro


(503) 648-5903


Jewelry For Sale

Attention: Classic Car Enthusiasts Astoria Oregon’s 21st Annual Swap Meet.

Clatsop County Fairgrounds.

Fuel & Firewood

Please contact Rod at (971)219-5517 or Fred at (800)220-0792 days or (503)325-8437 evenings.


Wanted Autos Cash for Junk, Broken & Wrecked Autos. 503384-8499 or 541-2163107. I will Travel! Cash for Junk, Broken & Wrecked Autos. 503384-8499 or 541-2163107. I will Travel!


Garage Sales Multi-Family Garage Sale, Something for Everyone, Treasures from years & years, Fri & Sat Mar 1-2, 9am6pm Beaver Fire Hall

Misc Household Items, Antiques, Sat Mar 2nd 7am-5pm, Sun Mar 3rd 9am-2pm, No set prices, Make Offers 17175 Wilson Rvr Hwy 8.5 mile



Jewelry For Sale

NEED SOME QUICK CASH? COME SEE US! 535 HWY 101 N. • TILLAMOOK, OR 97141 PHONE # 1-503-842-8232 • OPEN MON - FRI 9-6; SAT 9-5



Golden Fire Pellets

OďŹƒce Space for Rent

Tim Croman, Real Estate Broker

35840 Hwy. 101, downtown Nehalem. Approx. 600 square feet, shared rear space with the North Coast Citizen newspaper. Retail space considered. Hwy. 101 frontage. $500/month. Call 503-368-6397.

Full Time Rentals Available & Commercial Retail


Go to for More Rental & Sales Listings WWW.TCROMAN.COM

clean burning

Serving Property from Neskowin to Manzanita for over 20 years.

100% Doug Fir 2180 Larson Rd. Tillamook (503) 842-2039

Croman & Associates Realty Inc.

Visit Our Web Site

$222 /ton


Apts Unfurnished

$200 OFF FIRST MONTH’S RENT Sandpiper apartments, clean,1bdrm units 495.00 To 520.00. Water, sewer garbage and hot water included, low utilities. No smoking/pets. Contact: 503-842-4882 for more information. 2 Br, Rockaway Beach, Quiet & Convenient, Off-Street Parking, Short Walk to Beach & Town, w/s/g & cable incl. 503-812-2164 Wheeler 1 br all util included, view of bay. $495mo. No pets 503812-3560 or 503-3772394.


Houses Unfurnished 4 Bd 1.5 ba 1 car garage, Stillwell, Till $850+dep. No Smk/pets 503-7816417 Charming 3 Bd, 1 Ba Farmhouse on Trask River Rd, View, Lots of Sun, Garage, $825/mo Avail Apr. 1st, 503-8425726



Commercial Space

(Tillamook starting at $300/mo) Apts to Houses from $650-$1200

“The original and still the best“

Saturday, March 9th 8:00–3:00



Furniture 2pc Suede Couch $300 excellent shape 503-355-3010

Estate Sales

for a Nissan Murano (65R18) $300 for set. One winter of use. Contact Patty @ 503-842-7535.


Spaces AvailableParts and Cars.

Rickreall Gun Show Sat. 3/9, 8am-5pm & Sun. 3/10, 9am-4pm @ Polk County Fair Ground503-623-3048

Tires & Wheels



Houses Unfurnished



For Your

RVs Boats Household Items

Contact Tim for a courtesy rental or sales evaluation.

Tillamook & Cloverdale 503-815-1560 or 503-392-4533

116 Hwy. 101 S, Rockaway Beach (503) 355-3036 Garibaldi, 2 Bd, 1 Ba, Bonus Rm, Appliances, Woodstove, Carport, w/s/g paid, Pets Nego, $850 503-701-2810 or 503-254-3992 Manzanita Remodeled Duplex, Ocean view, Lg Lv & Bd, FP, 2 Ba, Laundry, Kitchen, New Appl, $1100/mo 1 Yr Lease 503-292-3608

Warehouse Space w/Loading Dock & Bathroom from $525 &/or

Office Space w/Bathroom from $625 Deals for multiple spaces



Pasture & Acreage 11 Acres, Barn w/hay storage & loafing shed 503-368-6198


Homes for Sale 4 Bd, 1 Ba, 1482 sq. ft, garage, tlc needed, good bones, 611 Main, Till, Do not disturb tenants, $114,950, Res/Commcl 503-4229222


Public Notices

H13-044 PUBLIC NOTICE Tillamook County Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Local Work Group and Public Input Meeting When: March 19, 2013 Time: 10:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. Location: OSU Extension Training Room — 2204 4th Street, Tillamook, Oregon 97141 The purpose of the meeting is to receive agency and public input to help guide natural resource conservation priority efforts of the Natural Resources Conservation Service in Tillamook County. Through continued identification and development of opportunities, collaborative investments can be made for the future. For further information contact Mitch Cummings with the USDA-NRCS at (503) 842-2848 Ext-107. is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer�

Till, 2 Bd House w/ Gar, Lg Yrd, $775/mo + dep, No Smkg, Pets Nego. 503-842-2686 eves Twin Rocks 3br 2ba deck hot-tub garage $1190. No smk/dogs. 206-890-6151.


Duplexes Near Oceanside, view, 4 br, 2 ba. $1100/mo. 541-416-0704.


Mobile/Manuf. Homes Rockaway 3Bd, 2Ba, New Hardwood Floors, w/d, 2 decks, 658 S. Easy St. $725 + 1/2 1st Mo, 503-355-8770

ASSISTANT PROPERTY MANAGER Responsible for the day-to-day administration and implementation of those policies, procedures and programs that will assure a well managed well maintained property. The Assistant Property Manager will be assigned to specified action areas at the discretion of the Property Manager and/or Sr. Property Manager. Send resume (


Albert K. Overbay


Auto Parts


Drivers - GORDON TRUCKING-CDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicated and OTR Positions Now Open! $1000 SIGN ON BONUS. Consistent Miles, Time Off! Full Benefits, 401k, EOE, Recruiters Available 7 days/week! 866-4358590



$ $ $ $

Accounts Receivable Administrator

Tillamook Ford is seeking to fill a full time accounts receivable administrator position. Candidate must be able to work well with customers and handle multiple tasks. Knowledge of accounting as well as computer and switchboard experience required. Competitive hourly wage and benefits. Send resume to Tillamook Ford, 501 Main Avenue, Tillamook, OR 97141 or email tillamookmotors

Computer Services


Help Wanted


Oregon state law requires anyone who contracts for construction work to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board. An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractor s CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website www.hirealiscensedc




Help Wanted



Home Repair


Housekeepers Wanted

‡–ƒ‹Ž —•–‘†‹ƒ�


ÂƒÂˆÂ‡Ć´ ‘‘Â? ƒÂ?† ÂƒÂˆÂ‡Ć´ —’’‘”–

Connor is a youngster who is all about motion — he’s either on, playing furiously, or off, slumped in a lap, out of gas. Rescued at a local park after being abandoned, he’s now in foster care unlearning a few bad habits. But he’s a quick study, and soon won’t mistake people hands for cat play toys. This 9-month-old black and white tuxedo has been neutered, is current with shots, house trained and full of affection.

…‡ ”‡ƒ� …‘‘’‡”

‹•‹–‘” ‡”˜‹…‡ ‡’”‡•‡�–ƒ–‹˜‡

Adopt anytime: contact United Paws hotline 503-842-5663 or 6Y JVTL [V [OL UL_[ YLN\SHY <UP[LK 7H^Z (KVW[H[OVU ‹ Saturday, March 16, Noon - 3 p.m. Tillamook County Fairgrounds 4H Dorm, 4603 Third Street

Brought to you by:

T.C.C.A. FARM STORE Front & Ivy Tillamook (503) 842-7566 Hwy. 101, Cloverdale (503) 392-3323

”‘†—…–‹‘� Žƒ��‹�‰ ••‹•–ƒ�– ‡–ƒ‹Ž —•–‘†‹ƒ�

ƒŽ‡• †�‹�‹•–”ƒ–‹˜‡ ••‹•–ƒ�–

0DLQ ‡ 7LOODPRRN ‡ 842-5543 Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


‹–‡ ƒ�‹–ƒ–‹‘� ‡…Š�‹…‹ƒ�

Kiwanda Hospitality is looking for hardworking dependable housekeepers to clean hotel rooms and beach houses. This is part-time work, flexible hours with more hours available during busy season. Must be able to work solo or as a team and follow instructions. Duties include: making beds, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, windows, etc. Apply in person at the Inn at Cape Kiwanda or call Stephanie for an application. (503)9657779 ext 307 www.yourlittlebeachtown/jobs H35422

Page B6 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald


Public Notices

H13-053 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Tillamook County is completing the Cedar Creek Child Care Center construction project funded with Community Development Block Grant funds from the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. The location of the project is in the community of Hebo. It is estimated that the project has benefited at least 45 persons of whom 51 % are low or moderate income. A public hearing will be held by the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners at 10:30 a.m. on March 13, 2013 in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room A at the County Courthouse, 201 Laurel Avenue in the City of Tillamook. The purpose of the hearing is for the County Board of Commissioners to obtain citizen’s views about the project and to take comments about the local government’s performance. Written


Public Notices

comments are also welcome and must be received by March 13, 2013 at 10:30 a.m. at 201 Laurel Avenue. Both oral and written comments will be reviewed by the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners. The location of the hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities. Please let staff at the Commissioners’ office at 503-842-3403 know if you need any special accommodations to attend or participate in the hearing. More information about the Oregon Community Development Block program and the project is available for pubic view at County Commissioners’ office during regular office house. Advance notice is requested. AVISO PÚBLICO Y NOTICIA DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA Este es el Segundo Noticia de Audiencia Pública. El propósito de este Segundo Audiencia Pública es que los ciudadanos se pueden examinar los resultados del proyecto


Public Notices

y para tomar comentario del ejecuciĂłn de gobierno municipal en parte del proceso de cerrar el subvenciĂłn. Cada audiencia tiene que tener suficiente tiempo de estar segura que suficiente oportunidad por ciudadanos y grupos interesados pueden participar. El Condado de Tillamook estĂĄ completando un proyecto de construcciĂłn del Cedar Creek Child Care Center (Centro de Cuidado Infantil), financiado con Community Development Block Grant (una subvenciĂłn) del Oregon Economic and Community Development Department. La ubicaciĂłn del proyecto estĂĄ en la comunidad de Hebo, condado de Tillamook. EstĂĄ estimado que el proyecto propuesto beneficiarĂĄ a por lo menos 45 personas, de los cuales 51% serĂĄn de ingresos moderados o bajos. Una audiencia pĂşblica

KING REALTY (503) 842-5525 2507 Main Ave. North, Suite A Tillamook, OR 97141


NEWER HOME BY THE BAY! Newer 3bd, 2bth mfg home on quiet street near Netarts Bay! Well maintained and beautifully decorated! Used primarily as weekend getaway. Laminate floors, stainless appliances & vaulted ceilings. Low maintenance yard & outbuilding. Close to crabbing, clamming, fishing and public boat launch! #12-1090‌$142,000 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208

REMODELED TIERRA DEL MAR CABIN! Great 3bd home cabin on large corner lot is just blocks to the beach! Updated in ’05 with new windows, roof, siding ,electrical, plumbing fixtures, kitchen cabinets, appliances & MORE! Detached garage, RV parking & fenced yard. Commercial zoning for your home based business. OWC. #12-17‌$175,000 Call Real Estate Broker Wendi Hacker @ 503-842-5525 or Patti Tippett @ 503-812-6508

PRIVACY & SECLUSION ON THE TRASK RIVER! Impeccably maintained 3bd, 2bth home on 2.5 acres! Spacious deck, outbuilding and insulated 24x36 shop with concrete floors & power. Own your piece of paradise in the woods with the river running by! Spring water system with 2 holding tanks. All appliances included. Most furnishings negotiable. #12-916‌$325,000 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS, Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208

WONDERFUL 1 LEVEL HOME & ACREAGE NEAR THE BAY! 3bd, 2bth home on 1.10 acres. Make this your full or part time home located just 1 mile from the quaint villages of Manzanita & Nehalem. Close to beach, bay & many outdoor activities. Large, immaculate shop, garden shed and abundant storage! #12-612‌$245,000 Call Real Estate Broker Patti Tippett @ 503-812-6508

IMPECCABLY MAINTAINED ONE LEVEL HOME & ACREAGE! Beautiful valley & mtn views from this 3bd, 2bth home on 2.07 acres! Paved road & driveway. Recently painted with cedar shingle peaks. Open floor plan. Stainless appliances included. Attached oversized dbl garage w/extra storage. Newly built shed, chicken coop & fenced garden area. Built in 2004 with updates in 2010 & 2012 make it feel like new! #13-74‌$299,000 Call Marilyn Hankins, PC, GRI, CRS, Principal RE Broker @ 503-812-8208

BEAUTIFUL PANORAMIC VALLEY VIEWS! Immaculate 3bd, 2.5bth custom home on over ½ acre! Bay windows, French doors, granite countertops, slate, marble & limestone floors all add to the richness! Two newly finished decks are ready for your BBQ’s and entertaining. Quality finish work! Convenient location in a rural setting make this a very special property not to miss! #12-1003‌$299,900 Call Real Estate Broker Patti Tippett @ 503-812-6508

w w w. K i n g R e a l t y B r o ke r s . c o m All land or lots, offered for sale, improved or unimproved are subject to land use laws and regulations, and governmental approval for any zoning changes or use. H35485


Public Notices

se llevarĂĄ a cabo por la Junta de Comisionados del Condado de Tillamook a las 10:30 AM, el miercoles, el 13 de marzo, 2013, en la sala A de los Comisionados en el edificio de la corte, 201 Laurel Avenue, en la ciudad de Tillamook. Los comentarios escritos tambiĂŠn son bienvenidos y deben ser recibidos el 13 de marzo, 2013, at las 10:30 AM en la 201 Laurel Avenue. Ambos comentarios, orales y escritos, serĂĄn considerados por la Junta de Comisionados. La ubicaciĂłn de la audiencia es accessible a personas con discapacidad. Por favor de avisar al personal en la oficina de los Comisionados al 503842-3403 si se necesita alguna acomodaciĂłn especial para asistir o participar en la audiencia. MĂĄs informaciĂłn sobre los Oregon Community Development Block Grants, el proyecto propuesto y los pasados registros sobre el condado de Tillamook en el uso de los subsidios del Community Development Block Grant estĂĄn disponibles para la revisiĂłn pĂşblica en la oficina de los Comisionados del Condado de Tillamook durante las horas de operaciĂłn regular. Se requiere aviso de anticipado.

H13-052 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK THOMAS AND SUSAN EMERSON, Plaintiffs, v. GRANT MIDDLETON, MELISSA MIDDLETON, SCOTT MIDDLETON, BRIAN MIDDLETON, BRUCE MIDDLETON, GRANT MIDDLETON as the personal representative of THE ESTATE OF ISABELLE MIDDLETON, GRANT MIDDLETON as the trustee of the MIDDLETON FAMILY TRUST and SURVIVOR’S TRUST, and UNKNOWN PERSONS, Defendants. No. 13-2028 SUMMONS TO:All other persons or parties claiming any right, title, lien or interest in the property described in the Complaint for Suit to Quiet Title. Object of Complaint and demand for relief: suit requesting the Court quiet title in farm property purchased by Plaintiffs on contract. You are hereby required to appear and


Public Notices

answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within thirty (30) days from the date of first publication of this Summons upon you along with the required filing fee, and in case of your failure to do so, for want thereof, Plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint for Suit to Quiet Title. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY You must “appear� in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear� you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion�, “answer� or “response�.The “motion�, “answer� or “response� must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee.� The date of first publication will be February 27, 2013. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at (503) 6843763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 4527636. ALBRIGHT KITTELL PC Michael B. Kittell #112345 Attorney for Plaintiffs P. O. Box 939 Tillamook, Oregon 97141 (503) 842-6633 STATE OF OREGON ss. County of Tillamook I, the attorney of record for the Plaintiffs, certify that the foregoing is an exact and complete copy of the original summons in the above entitled cause. ALBRIGHT KITTELL PC Michael B. Kittell #112345 Attorney for Plaintiffs P. O. Box 939 Tillamook, Oregon 97141 (503) 842-6633 TO THE OFFICER OR OTHER PERSON SERVING THIS SUMMONS: You are hereby directed to serve a true copy of this summons, together with a true copy of the complaint mentioned therein, upon the Defendant, and to make your proof of service below or upon a separate similar document which you shall attach hereto. Michael B. Kittell #112345 Attorney for Plaintiffs H13-051 NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION PURSUANT TO ORS


Public Notices

CHAPTER 87 is hereby given that the following vehicle will be Sold, for cash to the highest bidder, on 3/11/2013. The sale will be held at 10:00am by Tillamook RV Repair 4190 Hwy 101 N, Tillamook, OR Winnebago Brave M/H VIN=1GBKP37J0X330 0428 due on lien $5627.00 owner(s) Christina Ping H13-050 SURPLUS PROPERTY SALE School District 56 will hold a surplus property sale in the Quonset hut at 504 North Third Avenue, Rockaway Beach, Oregon on March 8, 2013 from 9am to 3pm. No early entrance or sales allowed. Items for sale include, computers without monitors, chairs, desks, tables, miscellaneous PE equipment and supply items, TV/VRC combo sets, table saw, books, encyclopedias, filing cabinets, microwaves, pottery kiln, microscopes and other miscellaneous classroom audio/visual equipment & supplies. All items sold as is and all sales are final. Parking available only at front of District Office Building. property for sale by sealed bid: 1997 Ford Escort Wagon, automatic transmission, 108K miles. Body and interior are in fair condition. Sold as is with a minimum bid of $900. Call 503-3552222 for more information. Please send your bid to Ford Escort Wagon bid, C/O Neah-Kah-Nie School District 56, 504 North Third Avenue, P.O. Box 28, Rockaway Beach, OR 97136-0028. Bids are due and will be opened March 11, 2013 at 2pm local time. Surplus property for sale by sealed bid: Freeman Safe, vintage 1929, to be sold as is where is. District assumes no liability for Buyer’s moving of safe. Call 503-355-2222 for more information. Please send your bid to Freeman Safe bid, C/O Neah-Kah-Nie School District 56, 504 North Third Avenue, P.O. Box 28, Rockaway Beach, OR 97136-0028. Bids are due and will be opened March 11, 2013 at 2pm local time. H13-049 PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE PACIFIC CITY JOINT WATER-SANITARY AUTHORITY PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The PCJWSA Board of Directors will hold their March 2013 Board of


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Carolyn Decker (503) 842-8271

LAID BACK PUP His face may not show it, but Sage is very casual and laid back for a pup. He loves everyone, and really loves playing with kids, so he’ll make a terrific family dog. At 4- to- 6-months-old, he already knows basic manners, walks well on a leash, and learns quickly. Sage is neutered, current with shots, has microchip identification and is anxious to have a new home.

Adopt anytime: contact Maria at 503-812-0105 or Or come to the United Paws/Tillamook Animal Shelter (KVW[H[OVU ‹ :H[\YKH` 4HYJO 5VVU W T ;PSSHTVVR *V\U[` -HPYNYV\UKZ / +VYT ;OPYK :[YLL[

COMMERCIAL SPACE AND !0!24-%.4 Garibaldi is the place fronts on Hwy. 101 with parking available. OWNER WILL CARRY, Call for details. -,3

2%3/24 02/0%249 About 7 acres grand-fathered in for RV park and grocery adn potential grocery story. The RV park needs to be re-established. Trask River Valley location. MLS #12-912

4),,!-//+ 6!,,%9 6)%7 On a clear day you can see the ocean Breakers and the beautiful green valley below. Two acre building site with road, power and septic approved. MLS #12-782

,)'(4 ).$5342)!, :/.).' Just outside the city limits is over 3 acres of level land fronting on Third Street. The price is right! MLS #12-71

)YV\NO[ [V `V\ I`!

Butch Olson Garage Doors, Inc. 3KRQH ‡ %D\ &LW\ ZZZ EXWFKROVRQ FRP ‡ &&%






Mark Decker (503 801-0498


Public Notices

Directors’ Business Meeting at 5:00 pm on Tuesday, March 5, 2013 in the PCJWSA meeting room, located at 34005 Cape Kiwanda Drive in Pacific City, Oregon. The public is welcome to attend. Please notify Michelle Hughes at (503) 965-6636 of any physical or language accommodations that you may need as far in advance of the meeting as possible. Tony Owen, Authority Manager H13-048 MEETING NOTICE Tillamook County Transportation District PUBLIC MEETING NOTICES Meetings are held at the Transportation Building located at 3600 Third Street, Tillamook unless otherwise indicated. Persons requiring physical or visual accommodations or would like a copy of the meeting agenda may contact the District office at (503) 815-8283 before noon, meeting day. Thursday, February 28, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. Board of Directors Regular Monthly Meeting Agenda items may include General Manager’s Financial & Operational Reports, Action & Discussion Items, Executive Session ORS 192.660(2) and Director’s Comments & Concerns. Persons requiring physical or visual accommodations or would like a copy of the meeting agenda may contact TCTD at (503) 815-8283 before noon on meeting day. Public Welcome. H13-047 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING OREGON DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) has scheduled public hearings on proposed changes to Oregon Administrative Rules governing the classification of stateowned forestlands. The proposed rule refines language within ODF’s Forest Land Management Classification System (Oregon Administrative Rule 629-035-0055) to add the classification of “High Value Conservation Areas� within state forest management plans. Public hearings on the proposed changes are scheduled in Cannon Beach and Hillsboro: Cannon Beach Tuesday March 12 at the Community Hall, 207 North Spruce beginning at 6:00 p.m. Hillsboro - Wednesday March 13 at the Hillsboro Main Library, 2850 Brookwood Parkway, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The hearing locations are accessible to persons with disabilities. Requests for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to the meeting by calling the Department of Forestry at 503-9457427. Public comments along with staff


Public Notices

responses and recommendations will be provided to the Board of Forestry for review prior to final rule adoption, which is anticipated in June 2013. The draft rule language is available for review on the Oregon Department of Forestry web site at: odf/Pages/FLMCSRulemaking.aspx Written comments on the proposed amended rule are being accepted through April 5, 2013, and may be sent to ODF through several routes: Email to ODFStateForestsCom Fax to — (503) 9457376 Attn: John Barnes Standard mail to -John Barnes, Oregon Dept. of Forestry, 2600 State Street Building D, Salem OR 97310. H13-054 NOTICE OF LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATIONS Pursuant to Tillamook County Ordinance #23, the following businesses are undergoing the annual review of their liquor licenses: Alice’s Country House, Barview Jetty Store, Bayside Market & Deli, Brewin In The Wind, Cloverdale Pharmacy, Fox Grocery, Grateful Break Bakery & Restaurant, Hebo Market, Jetty Fishery, Lee’s Camp Store, Los Caporales Restaurant, Pleasant Valley RV Park, Ron’s Lighthouse, Sandlake Grocery, South Prairie Store, Super Mart #7, Upstairs Bar & Grill. Written comments will be accepted by the Liquor License Review Administrator until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. All comments must be signed and must specify the business for which the comments are to be made. These comments will be considered in conjunction with the review of the application for a local recommendation to the OLCC. Please direct all comments to Commissioners’ Office, 201 Laurel Avenue, Tillamook, Oregon 97141. Susan Becraft, Board Assistant H13-055 NOTICE OF COUNTY BALLOT TITLE FOR ROAD BONDS Published pursuant to ORS 250.175 (5) & 250.185 Notice is hereby given that a ballot title for a measure referral by the Tillamook County Board of Commissioners has been filed with the County Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon on February 22, 2013. This ballot title is proposed for the May 21, 2013 Special Election that would be conducted by mail pursuant to ORS 254.465. An elector may file a petition for review of this ballot title in Tillamook County Circuit Court no later than 5:00 p.m. March 5, 2013. CAPTION: TILLAMOOK COUNTY GENERAL OBLIGATION ROAD BONDS QUESTION: Shall Tillamook County be


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD tollfree at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-9279275.



Public Notices

Tillamook County

Public Notices



Public Notices

Public Notices

authorized to issue bonds for road improvements not exceeding $15,000,000? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution. SUMMARY:If approved, this measure would provide funds for County road capital costs and bond issuance costs. Specifically, bond proceeds would be used for paving, repair, drainage and other road and bridge improvements and equipment for work on the county road system in north, south and central Tillamook County. A citizen oversight

committee would ensure funds are used as intended. Bonds would mature in eleven (11) years or less from issuance and be issued in one or more series. If approved, the County anticipates issuing the bonds in two series. Under this structure, property owners would pay approximately $0.39 per $1000 of assessed value or $39 per year on $100,000 of assessed value. The actual rate may vary depending upon interest rates, assessed value growth, and other factors. Once both the existing jail and hospital bonds are paid off in 2016, the estimated yearly property tax rate for the proposed road bonds is expected to not exceed the combined tax rate on





Headlight Herald - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Page B7

Public Notices

the expired levies for such bonds. Tassi O’Neil, Elections Officer Tillamook County, Oregon Publication Date: February 27, 2013

H13-056 PUBLIC AUCTION Garibaldi Self Storage Pursuant to its lien rights Intends to hold for sale At Cash Only public Oral auction The property of: Gjenaii Enciso Givhan #39 Richard Childs #02 Whitney Hilby #07 Barbara Catron #80 At 707 E. Garibaldi Ave Garibaldi, Oregon 3/14/2013 at 11:30am (503) 322-4334 H13-045 Notice: Pursuant to ORS 294.250 Tillamook County expenditures over $500 for January 2013 are posted in the Courthouse lobby at 201 Laurel Ave,

Public Notices

Tillamook, and all County Libraries. A copy is available upon request at the Courthouse for a fee equal to the actual cost of the copy.


Public Notices

Defendants. Case No. 122155 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION TO THE DEFENDANTS: UNKNOWN HEIRS OF DELWIN A. WRIDGE: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the aboveentitled Court and cause on or before the expiration of 30 days from the date of the first publication of this summons. The date of first publication in this matter is February 20, 2013. If you fail timely to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the above-entitled court for the relief prayed for in its complaint. This is a judicial foreclosure of a deed of trust in which the plaintiff requests that the plaintiff be allowed to foreclose your interest in the following described real property: Lot 13, Bay Place, in Tillamook County, Oregon. Commonly known as: 35420 Swan Avenue, Nehalem, Oregon 97131. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled court by JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, successor by merger with Chase Home Finance LLC, plaintiff. Plaintiff’s claims are stated in the written

Public Notices

complaint, a copy of which was filed with the above-entitled Court. You must “appear� in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear� you must file with the court a legal document called a “motion� or “answer.� The “motion� or “answer� (or “reply�) must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at http://www.oregonstate bar. org or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. This summons is issued pursuant to ORCP 7. ROUTH CRABTREE OLSEN, P.C. Michael Botthof, OSB # 11337 Attorneys for Plaintiff 511 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 400 Portland, OR 97205 P: (503) 977-7840 F: (503) 977-7963 mbotthof@rcolegal. com




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Page B8 - Tillamook, Ore., Wednesday, February 27, 2013 - Headlight Herald


Public Notices

H13-034 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF TILLAMOOK PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: HELEN M. GORDON, Deceased. No. P7378 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the personal representative of the estate. All persons having claims against the estate are hereby required to present the same, with proper vouchers, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the personal representative at 2308 Third Street, P.O. Box 939, Tillamook, Oregon 97141, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published: February 13, 2013 MARK E. ANDERSON Personal Representative P.O. Box 939 Tillamook, Oregon 97141 CHRISTOPHER M. KITTELL ALBRIGHT KITTELL PC Attorneys at Law 2308 Third Street P.O. Box 939 Tillamook, Oregon 97141 H13-027 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing instrument shall constitute notice, pursuant to ORS


Public Notices

86.740, that the Grantor of the Trust Deed described below has defaulted on its obligations to beneficiary, and that the Beneficiary and Successor Trustee under the Trust Deed have elected to sell the property secured by the Trust Deed: TRUST DEED AND PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: This instrument makes reference to that certain Trust Deed and Security Agreement dated February 9, 2009 and recorded on May 14, 2009, as Instrument No. 2009-003469, in the real property records of Tillamook County, Oregon, wherein Neskowin Heights Development, Inc., an Oregon corporation, is the Grantor, and William N. Mehlhaf is the original Trustee, and John W. Ericksen and Kathryn C. Ericksen, are the Beneficiary (the “Trust Deed”). The aforementioned Trust Deed covers property (the “Property”) described as: See Exhibit A attached. Also commonly described as: not yet assigned, Neskowin, OR. The tax parcel number(s) are: 412599. The undersigned hereby certifies that he has no knowledge of any assignments of the Trust Deed by the Trustee or by the Beneficiary or any appointments of a Successor Trustee other than the appointment of Christopher M. Walters as Successor Trustee as recorded in the property records of the county in which the Property described above is situated. Further, the undersigned certifies that no action has been instituted to recover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaining secured by the Trust Deed. Or, if such action has been instituted, it has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 86.735(4). The name and address of


Public Notices

Successor Trustee are as follows: Christopher M. Walters, Successor Trustee, Ball Janik LLP, 101 SW Main Street, Suite 1100, Portland, Oregon 97204-3219. The Trust Deed is not a “Residential Trust Deed”, as defined in ORS 86.705(3), thus the requirements of Chapter 19, Section 20, Oregon Laws 2008, and Chapter 864 [S.B. 628], Oregon Laws 2009, do not apply. DEFAULT BY BORROWER: There are continuing and uncured defaults by Kent H. Zeigler, Ronald H. Zeigler and Forest Lake Development Company, Inc. (each a “Borrower” and, collectively, the “Borrowers”) that, based on the provisions of the Trust Deed, the Settlement Agreement dated February 9, 2009 between the Beneficiary and the Borrowers, and the promissory note dated and effective as of February 9, 2009 (the “Note”), authorize the foreclosure of the Trust Deed and the sale of the Property described above, which uncured and continuing defaults include but are not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Borrowers’ failure to pay to Beneficiary, when and in the full amounts due, monthly installments as set forth on the Note secured by said Trust Deed. Monthly principal installments in the amount of $10,000.00 are due for the months of October 2011 and each and every month thereafter until paid. ALL AMOUNTS are now due and payable together with all costs and fees associated with this foreclosure. 2. As to the defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary of the Trust Deed, the Borrowers must cure each such default. Listed below are the defaults which do not involve payment of money to the Beneficiary of the Trust Deed. Opposite each such listed default is a brief description of the


Public Notices

action necessary to cure the default and a description of the documentation necessary to show that the default has been cured. The list does not exhaust all possible other defaults; any and all defaults identified by Beneficiary or the Successor Trustee that are not listed below must also be cured. OTHER DEFAULT Description of Action Required to Cure and Documentation Necessary to Show Cure. Non-Payment of Taxes and/or Assessments - Deliver to Successor Trustee written proof that all taxes and assessments against the Real Property are paid current. Permitting liens and encumbrances to attach to the Property, including 12 liens by Michael Erickson and/or Michael Erickson, trustee of the Michael K. Erickson Revocable Trust - Deliver to Successor Trustee written proof that all liens and encumbrances against the Real Property have been satisfied and released from the public record. TOTAL UNCURED MONETARY (PAYMENT) DEFAULT: By reason of said uncured and continuing defaults, the Beneficiary has accelerated and declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by the Trust Deed and the Property immediately due and payable. The sums due and payable being the following: Unpaid principal amount owing pursuant to the Obligations, as of November 6, 2012: $300,000.00. Accrued and unpaid fees, costs and collection expenses, including attorneys fees and costs to November 6, 2012: $23,000.00. TOTAL DUE: $323,000.00. Accordingly, the sum owing on the obligation secured by the Trust Deed is $323,000.00, as of November 6, 2012, plus additional


Public Notices

costs and expenses incurred by Beneficiary and/or the Successor Trustee (including their respective attorney’s fees, costs, and expenses). ELECTION TO SELL: Notice is hereby given that the Beneficiary, by reason of the uncured and continuing defaults described above, has elected and does hereby elect to foreclose said Trust Deed by advertisement and sale pursuant to ORS 86.735 et seq., and to cause to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the Grantor’s interest in the subject Property, which the Grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time the Grantor executed the Trust Deed in favor of the Beneficiary, along with any interest the Grantor or the Grantor’s successors in interest acquired after the execution of the Trust Deed, to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed as well as the expenses of the sale, including compensation of the Trustee as provided by law, and the reasonable fees of Trustee’s attorneys. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the sale will be held at the hour of 11:00 a.m., in accordance with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, on April 8, 2013, on the front steps of the Tillamook County Courthouse located at 201 Laurel Ave, Tillamook, OR 97141 in Tillamook County, Oregon. RIGHT OF REINSTATEMENT: Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five (5) days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed satisfied by (A) payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, together with the costs


Public Notices

and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the terms of the obligation, as well as Successor Trustee and attorney fees as prescribed by ORS 86.753); and (B) by curing all such other continuing and uncured defaults as noted in this Notice. DATED: November 6, 2012. By: Christopher M. Walters, OSB 901310, Successor Trustee, Ball Janik LLP, 101 SW Main Street, Suite 1100, Portland, Oregon 97204-3219. Telephone: (503) 2282525. Facsimile: (503) 295-1058. Email: cwalters@balljanik. com. EXHIBIT A Legal Description Parcel 3 of Partition Plat 2007-13, Tillamook County, Oregon. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of said parcel that is contained within the boundaries of Parcel 3 of Partition Plat 1996-65, Tillamook County, Oregon. TOGETHER WITH a non-exclusive easement for ingress, egress and utilities over a strip of land situated in the Southeast quarter of Section 35, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Tillamook County, Oregon, as described in document recorded December 31, 2002, in Book 442, Page 796, Records of Tillamook County, Oregon. ALSO TOGETHER WITH A perpetual, nonexclusive easement for ingress, egress, pedestrian access, and utilities over the following described tract, more particularly described as follows: A strip of land 60.0 feet in width lying 30.0 feet on either side of the centerline described as: Beginning at Engineer’s right-of-way station 267+20 on the Southerly right-of-way line of Relocated Oregon Coast Highway No. 101; thence South 55 degrees 25’ West, 110.00 feet; thence on a 200 foot radius curve


Public Notices

right (long chord bears South 76 degrees 43’ 10” West, 145.32 feet) an arc distance of 148.72 feet; thence North 81 degrees 58’ 40” West 705.43 feet; thence on a 222.96 foot radius curve left (long chord bears South 82 degrees 57’ 38” West, 115.88 feet) an arc distance of 117.22 feet; thence South 67 degrees 53’ 56” West, 125.68 feet; thence on a 171.52 foot radius curve to the left (the long chord bears South 32 degrees 54’ 58” West, 196.65 feet) an arc distance of 209.42 feet; thence South 2 degrees 15’ 11” East, 55.24 feet; thence on a 550.61 foot radius curve right (long chord bears South 11 degrees 01’ 53” West, 253.04 feet) an arc distance of 255.32 feet; thence South 24 degrees 18’ 57” West, 130.79 feet; thence on a 702.11 foot radius curve right (long chord bears South 30 degrees 48’ 57” West, 158.93 feet) an arc distance of 159.30 feet; thence South 37 degrees 18’ 57” West 226.05 feet; thence on a 395.02 foot radius curve right (long chord South 42 degrees 31’ 52” West, 133.31 feet) an arc distance of 134.33 feet; thence on a 74.10 foot radius curve right (long chord bears South 85 degrees 37’ 14” West, 70.40 feet) an arc distance of 73.36 feet; thence North 65 degrees 50’ 33” West, 111.46 feet; thence on a 138.31 foot radius curve left (long chord bears North 85 degrees 50’ 33” West, 94.04 feet) an arc distance of 95.96 feet; thence South 74 degrees 16’ 57” West, 116.77 feet; thence on a 409.28 foot radius curve left an arc distance of 125 feet, more or less, to the Easterly right-of-way line of the private roadway designated as Lot 99, NESKOWIN HEIGHTS, in Tillamook County, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof, recorded in Book 3, Page 13, Plat


Public Notices

Records. FURTHER TOGETHER WITH A perpetual, nonexclusive easement for ingress, egress, pedestrian access, and utilities over the following described tract, more particularly described as follows: Lot 99, NESKOWIN HEIGHTS, in Tillamook County, Oregon, according to the official plat thereof, recorded in Book 3, Page 13, Plat Records, and Lot 99, FIRST ADDITION TO NESKOWIN HEIGHTS, in Tillamook County, Oregon, according the official plat thereof, recorded in Book 3, Page 16, Plat Records. AND FURTHER TOGETHER WITH A perpetual non-exclusive pedestrian easement for ingress and egress over and across the following described tract of land, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the initial point of the Plat of NESKOWIN HEIGHTS, said initial point being the quarter section corner common to Sections 35 and 36, Township 5 South, Range 11 West of the Willamette Meridian, Tillamook County, Oregon; thence West 12.78 feet to the Easterly sideline of Tract 99 of NESKOWIN HEIGHTS; thence Northerly along said Tract 99 Easterly sideline to the most Southerly Southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 1, NESKOWIN HEIGHTS; thence North 157.51 feet along the East boundary of said Lot 8 to the Southeast of Lot 1, of said Block 1, NESKOWIN HEIGHTS; thence North 109.74 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1; thence South 78 degrees 50’ 00” East 10.19 feet, more or less, to the Easterly boundary of NESKOWIN HEIGHTS; thence South 350.00 feet, more or less, to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

R to L: Noah Elinsky, Branson Laszlo, Andrew Baker, Willa Childress, Dana Moore, Nathan Imholt, Beth Gienger, Austin Buckmeier, Jonathan Woodward, Chris Mills, Eric Clifford, Peter Walczak. Photo by Jennifer Childress

Neah-Kah-Nie wins the 16th annual Salmon Bowl Coaches Beth Gienger and Peter Walczak were grinning from ear to ear Saturday evening. Their two Neah-Kah-Nie National Ocean Science Bowl (NOSB) teams traveled to Corvallis last weekend to compete in the 16th Annual Salmon Bowl regional competition for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl. The competition, sponsored by Oregon State University’s College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, focuses on all aspects of ocean sciences and this year there was an additional focus on the Great Lakes and freshwater science. Both teams played in a round robin, 5-round morning session, competing against teams from Oregon and one team from Boise, Idaho.

Gienger and Walczak were very proud of both teams; they performed very well over the course of the competition and were excellent representatives of Neah-Kah-Nie High School and Tillamook County. Coach Gienger is ecstatic to win and added, “This is really a win for both teams, one team could not learn nearly as much or perform as well on the buzzers without the other team pushing them. I really wish we could all travel to Wisconsin and continue on together, this is a great group of students.” The NKN-A, consisting of seniors Branson Laszlo, Chris Mills, Willa Childress and Chris Mills and junior Nathan Imholt won in a nail biting final round against last year’s champions, the Treasure

Valley Math and Science Center from Boise, Idaho. After a narrow loss to TVMSC in the morning, the two teams met again in the final round. The teams were tied at the half and at the end of the round! Salmon Bowl coordinators had to pull out the national rulebook to determine the format for the 5-question tiebreaker. After four questions, both teams were tied once again, with the final question set to determine the championship or face another tiebreaker. Captain Branson Lazslo was quick on the buzzer and delivered the correct answer to win the championship. Branson Laszlo summed it up when he said, “In one moment, all of the late nights, dedication and determination paid off. We had done what

we set out to do. I couldn’t be prouder of both Neah-KahNie teams.” The A team will travel to Milwaukee, Wisconsin April 18-21 to compete at the national level against NOSB teams from 25 regional competitions around the United States. NKN-B team undefeated in the morning rounds, and went into the afternoon with a higher ranking than NKN-A. NKN-B Captain, senior Austin Buckmeier did a great job of leading senior Andrew Baker, juniors Noah Elinsky and Dana Moore and sophomore Jonathan Woodward throughout the day. They were eliminated by the team from Westview in the quarterfinals after a day of big wins and hard fought

rounds against teams from McMinnville (A, B and C) Benson B, Astoria B, and Seaside. NKN-B provided great support for the remainder of the day to the NKN-A team. On Friday, the teams were able to tour the newly remodeled fish library on the Oregon State University campus where they saw preserved anglerfish, snipe eels, gulper eels and a variety of other fish, including a boxfish collected by Walczak in 1971. They met with three research scientists and learned about current research by Department of Fisheries and Wildlife professors and students. The next stop was down to visit Walczak’s son Paul, an employee of the College of

Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences. Paul was able to show students a variety of bottom sampling devices used in both ocean and freshwater research. This proved to be invaluable information; it provided the knowledge for winning the tiebreaker round and advancing to the national tournament! The afternoon ended at the LaSalle Stewart Center where students heard OSU alumni and astronaut Don Petit speak about life, research and free time on the International Space Station. Petit kept a full house engaged well beyond his hour commitment and university staff made him wrap it up; he needed to attend his induction into the OSU College of Engineering Hall of Fame.

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