Alarming Spike of Suicides/Attempts Increases in Del Norte

BY ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc.
No one disputes Crescent City is a seasonal community, with the major source of income coming from visitors, business and hospitality venues, making their season from April through October. The rainy season starts in November and visitor traffic slows down significantly.
That does not mean Crescent City goes into grizzly bear hibernation. Work needs to be done. It’s still 24/7/365 business as usual.
The City has done a commendable job in the past in hiring part-time positions to keep things
working and functional throughout the year. Apparently, this employment dynamic is beginning to falter.
At a Special Meeting of the Crescent City Council, last week, City Manager Eric Wier shared the employment dilemma with councilors and asked for direction to make changes to how and whom to hire. “The City has trouble recruiting and retaining part-time employees. Currently the City has five part-time positions in Public Works and one position in the City Finance Department.” Wier expressed his frustration in recruiting (and
Rally at Elk Valley Huge Success
Country Media, Inc.
The Inaugural Northern Knights / Elk Valley Casino Rally at the parking Saturday, August 31 parking lot exceeded all expectations. The Free Registration event was hoping to attract 50 vehicles. 107 exotic classics, antiques, hot rods, and motorcycles revved their engines, with lots of food and entertainment from ZZ Tush and The Mighty Steelheads. The eye candy vehicles attracted an estimated 350-400
The goal of event was to help kids.
Northern Knights president Mark McIntyre announced $2917 in donations were collected. Northern Knights will round up to $3,000. Half goes to Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA); the other half goes to the Redwood Wrestling Club. Trophies and prizes were distributed later in the day.
Northern Knights and Elk Valley Casino thank you. Let’s do it again, next year.

BY ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc
Sheri Garrett Scott shared some very distressing news from August.
The Sheriff / Coroner reported in just under a week, there have been two suicides, at least two suicide attempts that were responded to and several Del Norters reporting someone talking about committing suicide.
These red flags are alarming and increasing, according to Scott. Here’s the latest sobering chronology:
• Thursday, August 22, a 55 year old Klamath resident was found deceased in his home due to a self-inflicted strangulation with a noose around his neck.
• August 22, a 59 year old Crescent City man was riding his motorcycle on 199 South when he reportedly shot himself in the head and drove off the road, just south of Gasquet. He later died en route to Sutter Coast Hospital.
• Sunday, August 25, a 45 year
old Crescent City man attempted suicide by hanging himself from a tree. CPR was performed and he was transported by Ambulance for further medical care, and reportedly is still in the hospital.
• Monday August 26, Sheriff’s Dispatch received a call from a 23 year old Crescent City woman that she had consumed a half-bottle of unidentified pills about two hours prior to her calling and was transported to Sutter Coast. Her status is unknown.
• Thursday. August 30, an-

BY ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc
official ribbon cutting for the Bike Pump course is Saturday morning, September 21.

Courtesy Photo Now, Hiring Crescent City, California
Roger Gitlin
(L-R) Teens Aidan Evans and T.J. Baptista of Crescent City breaking in the new Bike Pump course at Beachfront Park.
courtesy photos
Opinion & Letters
Del Norte Can No Longer Ignore
by sheriff Garrett
sCott Del Norte Coroner

is Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month.
As the Del Norte County Coroner, I would like to make our community more aware of the shocking spike in suicide attempts and the somber results of those who chose this sad exit from an ever more complicated world in which we live.
This past August, Del Norte County recorded its sixth suicide-related death. As your Coroner, I signed off on this terrible reality, with another four months remaining in 2024. There are many things one can do to help a loved one going through these difficult times. Being a good listener and knowing the signs of a person that may be pondering this final, devastating act. Often times it is so difficult to detect and we are very
surprised when it happens.
In my years in law enforcement, I’ve learned so many of our children have suffered trauma which have brought them to a level of pain unimaginable. Getting them proper treatment is so important, giving them the tools to cope as they grow older and lead productive lives.
I feel it is so important to recognize the Department of Health and Human Services, Mental Health Department for deploying its Mobile Crisis Unit to intervene in preventing this desperate and final act by some of our folks. I commend our DHHS folks for their efforts to combat mental illness in our community. The reasons one contemplates suicide are as
varied and complex as imaginable: drugs, alcohol, mental illness, trauma, stresses of life; nonetheless, all ages, genders, ethnicities, and races are affected. I was surprised to learn rural communities like Del Norte suffer more suicides than the bigger cities, based on ratios per 100,000 population. The reasons vary with many studies ranging from topography, weather, poverty, and lack of services. There really is no absolute reason. Other than I want our community to know that we have resources and can help in these situation. Del Norte sadly has a 14.8 suicide ratio per 100,000, which is above the National average. The Proclamation the City just adopted on
The last time I was at the post office, I overheard a conversation behind me that Jesus was doing baptisms at a river near San Diego. According to my knowledge, the Bible states that when the Son of God returns, it will be heard around the world. I don’t recall a world-wide trumpet concert. I began to think the person behind me might have been duped.
In 2016, there was a survey that found out 75% of those who consider themselves evangelical Christians never went to church nor read a Bible. It makes sense now when I watch the news about Christians attacking abortion offices,
Suicide Prevention Month tells us what we can do. Here are its highlighted points:
• Suicide is a major public health problem with immediate and long-term effects on individuals, families and communities.
• Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, race, orientation, income level, religion or background; suicide is a major public health issue that requires vigilant attention and preventive action.
• The ongoing stressor wrought by social unrest and growing inequality increase risk for self-harm.
• Each death by suicide directly impacts numerous family members, friends, loved ones, and by extension the entire rual community.
people with darker skin than they have, or those who use pronouns they do not agree with.
“Christian” means “Christ like.” These evangelicals may not know that Jesus hung out with thieves and prostitutes. He spent time with the broken to show God’s love and acceptance. The Bible makes it clear that we are not to judge others and leave it to God; we do not know a person’s past or what’s in someone’s heart.
Did Jesus get mad?
Of course. He chastised the Pharisees for being hypocrites. For those who don’t know, these were the religious leaders. Let’s
• Research shows that 95 percent of adults would do something if someone close to them was thinking about suicide, if they only knew what to say or do. The City Council encourages all citizens to learn the warning signs, trust their gut and use that information to ask a trouble friend, colleague or family member “R U O K? And be prepared to listen. That conversation could change a life. If anyone suspects a family member or loved one may be contemplating suicide please do not hesitate to reach out to DHHS or DNSO for assistance.
put these two thoughts together: Jesus loved those the community ejected and argued with the leaders the community accepted and trusted. The only time we see Jesus get angry was when he drove out the money changers from the temple. To look at it another way, He didn’t like people using the church to make a profit. I’m not trying to preach; this isn’t a sermon. We are told to have our peace in God but I just see so much hate and anger from those in the Christian community and it worries me.
Crossword puzzle answers, Page 7

Sales: Chuck Blakeslee
Of ce Manager: Shawn Hedgecorth
TriplicateOf ceMGR@ CountryMedia.net
Brian Farr Crescent City

National Parks Huge Impact on Del Norte

Kamome Foundation Receives Pacific Power Grant
The Pacific Power Foundation announced grant awards of $240,000 to educational recipients in California, Oregon and Washington
The Kamome Foundation, Crescent City received a major grant to cover travel expenses for Del Norte High School Seniors who belong to the Japan Club, allowing several students and chaper-

retaining) these positions multiple times, unsuccessfully.
The City Manager continued, “In the past, we’ve been able to fill these positions; however, given the current job market and with these positions not receiving health benefits and retirement full-time City positions receive, the City is not competitive with the private sector on wages alone.”
The vacant part-time Public Works positions are mostly to assist with the maintenance of City parks. Without having sufficient human resources, the City has been compelled to pull employees from other departments to provide additional resources in the parks.
The chronic vacancy in the Finance Department is in public utilities, specifically the Water and Sewer Dept. Wier states four attempts to recruit this position have failed to retain this assistance.
The Council also supported to change the title of Information System Administrator to information Technology Manager and move Economic Development under Administration
(City Manager). Councilors will decide to consolidate three part-time Public Works positions to one full-time (with benefits) position. Will these interventions help? Unknown. Hiring has become a very real problem, not just for the City, but across the County, State and even the USA. Filling jobs is not easy. Law Enforcement continues to suffer recruitment problems
The City Council will address other recommended consolidation options at its Monday, Sept. 16th meeting.
The Council meets at the Flynn Center at 6pm.

The Department of Interior’s National Park continues to make a profound economic influence on America. Just released figures: $55.6 billion benefit across 31 states and two territories which support some 415,400 jobs.
Nationally, 325.5 million visitors spent $26.4 billion in communities situated around National Parks. Lodging alone accounted for $9.9 billion in economic output. Restaurants were bolstered by $5.2 billion in economic output.
California has nine National Parks, the most prominent being Yosemite. Redwood National and State Parks and Prairie Creek State Park provide significant economic
impact within Del Norte County.
The impact on Del Norte could not be quantified but the Chamber of Commerce touted the dollars expended here are profound. Chamber Director Cindy Vosburg said, “ hundreds of visitors come to the Visitor Center weekly asking about the Redwoods, the Parks, where to go and what to see. The Parks have a significant economic impact on Del Norte.”
The busy Summer season will begin to wane after Labor Day as kids return to school but the Parks will continue to display its Autumn and Winter splendor. This time period may indeed be the best time to visit the National Parks.


This is the only day you can legally dispose of your pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, solvents, poisons, contaminated oils and fuels, cleaning and photographic chemicals, makeup, lamp ballasts, non-empty aerosol containers, and other hazardous wastes. No explosive or radioactive materials will be accepted. If you not sure about the best way to dispose of your wastes, call us at 707-465-1100.
This is the only day you can legally dispose of your pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, solvents, poisons, contaminated oils and fuels, cleaning and photographic chemicals, makeup, lamp ballasts, non-empty aerosol containers, and other hazardous wastes. No explosive or radioactive materials will be accepted. If you not sure about the best way to dispose of your wastes, call us at 707-465-1100.
Courtesy photo National Parks Economic Impact on Del Norte
Wild Rivers Film Fest Returns for Blockbuster Second Year
The South Coast’s film lovers rejoiced as the second annual Wild Rivers Film Fest hit the screens of the Redwood Theater and Chetco Playhouse this month. From genre fun, to compelling dramas, and revealing documentaries, the fest had a little something for everyone to enjoy this year.
“It was just beautiful,” said President of the Film Fest Board Sue Wright, “and I loved the energy of this film crowd.”
That energy was generated thanks to the diverse line-up of films and a true festival atmosphere for industry professionals and creatives to engage in. Red carpet ceremonies bookended the event on Thursday and Sunday, with an industry lunch and plenty of mingling and moviegoing in between.
Some film highlights included MJ Alhabeeb Jr.’s Plight, a taut thriller anchored in human drama and robust performances from Ada Pasternak and Matthew Plum. The latter was on hand for Sunday’s screening and accompanied Alhabeeb in a Q&A following the screening where they discussed the location scouting, accent work, and other fascinating filmmaking insights.
There were foreign films on offer including the emotional, speculative scifi feature Hakoniwa, which made the trip across the Pacific from Japan. Horror fans were treated to the retro romp of Deer Camp 86’, a summer camp slasher with some creative kills and an important message at its heart. While the more experimental Hercules Recycled 2.0 had the audience in stitches by piecing together old Hercules films for a ‘mash-up movie’.
A personal favorite of the fest was Ralph Liddle’s Spirit of the Wind the wind-swept true story of famous dogsled driver George Attla. Told through gorgeous natural cinematography, this film from 1979 won Best Picture at Sundance 79’ and multiple plaudits at the Cannes Film Festival of the same year.
Unfortunately, the film has never received an official release for physical or streaming. This was the first time the film had been shown since that initial run of festivals. After receiving a restoration, the film was shown on Thursday of the festival with the Liddles in attendance, which was an enthralling and emotional experience.
“I couldn’t believe it.
It looks better than it ever has,” said Liddle on the restoration.
Sunday’s festivities also included the awards ceremony MC’d by organizer Dan Springen, who brought his knowledge as the Executive Director of the Orlando Film Festival here to Brookings.
Filmmakers were recognized for their films in a variety of categories. Plight took home Best Picture, with Art Thief’s Arthur Egeli taking home Best Director. There were multiple local award winners as well. Calyton Sackett and Vincent DiFrancesco, two local students, each took home awards for their documentary shorts. As well as Brookings’ new city manager Tim Rundel, who won the Social Awareness Award for his documentary short B’CATS or The Bryan County Alternative Transportation Society. A full list of the Fest’s award winners is below.
“I’m thrilled for our filmmakers, our visitors, and our crew. Everyone just… Its so collaborative. I can’t wait to do it next year,” concluded Wright.
Best Picture - Plight
Best Director - Arthur Egeli (Art Thief)
Best Actor - Matthew Plum (Plight)
Best Actress - Jaquline Emerson (Art Thief)
Best CinematographyPlight
Best Supporting Performance - Keith Szarabajka
Best Short Film - Fish in a Barrel
Best Documentary Feature - Run Raven Run
Best Doc. Short - A Long Way to Nowhere
Best Animated ShortInnermost
Best Foreign Language Film - Night in the City (India)
Best Ensemble CastDeer Camp ‘86
Best Visual Effects- Hercules Recycled 2.0
Elmo Williams Award-Stephanie Williams (My Rockstar)
Jury Awards – Bad Fish & Spirit of the Wind
Best Musical – Les Filles Du Roi
Social Awareness Award – B’CATS
Most Inspirational –Space, Hope, and Charity Focus on Nature Award – Rolling Tides
Audience Choice Award (Feature) – Space, Hope, and Charity
Audience Choice Award (Short) – A Long Way to Nowehere
Best Trailer – Art Thief
Best Poster – Hercules Recycled 2.0

Courtesy of Wild Rivers Film Fest credited to Kevin Dinneen Film Fest Autograph: A young actress signs her first autograph after starring in the premier.
Courtesy of Wild Rivers Film Fest credited to Kevin Dinneen Film Fest Workshop Kids: Participants in the Wild Rivers Film Fest youth filmmaking workshop.
Courtesy of Wild Rivers Film Fest credited to Kevin Dinneen Film QA: Elmo Williams Award winner Stephanie Williams answers questions following a screening of shorts at the Chetco Playhouse.
Courtesy of Wild Rivers Film Fest credited to Kevin Dinneen
Courtesy of Wild Rivers Film Fest credited to Kevin Dinneen
Courtesy of Wild Rivers Film Fest credited to Kevin Dinneen
Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-536-8838. (ONPA)
Senior Services
Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-3951433. (ONPA)
Misc Services 150
Call LeafGuard and say goodbye to gutter cleaning for good. No cleaning. No leaking. No water damage. No more ladder accidents. Get LeafGuard today and be protected for life. FREE estimate. Financing available. 20% off total purchase (Restrictions may apply.) Call 1-844-3451537. (OCAN)
DIVORCE $130. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www. paralegalalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com (ONPA)
Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-866-695-9265 today! (ONPA)
Get a break on your taxes!
Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-533-9173 today! (ONPA)
Get Boost Infinite! Unlimited Talk, Text and Data For Just $25/mo! The Power Of 3 5G Networks, One Low Price! Call Today and Get The Latest iPhone Every Year On Us! 844-955-3417. (ONPA)
Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 8/25/24.) Call 1-855341-5268. (ONPA)
MOBILE WASH N’ WAX Detail Cars n’ Trucks Service to your door License # 3763 541-661-0807
Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 7-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-877-557-1912 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. (ONPA)
Switch and save up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-877-9160803. (ONPA)
The bathroom of your dreams in as little as 1 day. Limited Time Offer - $1000 off or No Payments and No Interest for 18 months for customers who qualify. BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Call Today! 1-844-8479778. (ONPA)
Residential drafing and design by Dex. 541-2514969 or email dexatwork@ aol.com.
The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844-9892328. (ONPA)
Wesley Financial Group, LLC. Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 844-487-0221. (ONPA)
Health & Nutrition 301
Is 2024 your year? We’re here for it and here for you. Reach your goals this year with WeightWatchers. Get started with THREE months FREE, visit www. weightwatchersoffer.com/39. (ONPA)
Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855839-0752. (ONPA)
Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-844-655-0972. (ONPA)
Employment Opps 515
Dental Receptionist
If you are ready to join a team that values your skills and promotes a fun, engaging work environment, we would love to talk with you! Equity Dental of Brookings is opening in October and we are looking for a full time front desk receptionist to work with a truly awesome dentist and team. Outstanding parttime candidates will also be considered. Compensation includes $20/hr - $26/hr DOE, health stipend, PTO and more. We would love to talk to you about our mission at Equity Dental and how you could play a vital role in helping everyone achieve their goals. Dental experience required. Send your resume to adamb@ myequitydental.com.
McLennan Excavation / Da-Tone Rock are hiring for lube tech, experienced equipment operators, laborers, and local dump truck drivers. Health insurance, 401k, email lily@ pipeandrock.com or stop by the office at 98109 N. Bank Chetco River Road in Brookings. 541-412-0106
Recreational Vehicles 604
For Sale 2003 36’ Big Sky Montana 5th Wheel. Nonsmoking, no pets. Excellent condition. $15,000 509-3801210 in Crescent City Sport Quad Bombardier DS650. Excellent condition. $1950. Also available trailer, wheels, ramp. See at swapmeet. 707-954-1977
Autos 618
97 Silver Corvette C-5 T-Tops convertible. Manual trans. 55k mi. Aftermarket tires/rims w/ less than 1k mi., have orig. tires/wheels. Stored in garage. $17,500. Stephen 541-254-4069
Beautiful 1999 Corvette convertible. $14,000 obo. Call 541-813-1160.
New 200 feet of 1-in Apollo PEX flexible tubing. Good for buried water lines. $30. 707-464-4862
Stereo, TV & Video 713
NET Get your favorite live TV, sports and local channels. 99% signal reliability! CHOICE Package, $84.99/ mo for 12 months. HBO Max and Premium Channels included for 3 mos (w/CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-855-602-2009. (ONPA)
Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-866-373-9175. (ONPA)
Retirement/Asst Living 801 Available For Rent 800
Available For Rent 800
CRESCENT CITY... Clean 1 Bedroom downstairs apartment. Sorry, no smoking or pets. WST included. Rent $1,050 plus deposit. JACQUELINE COCHRAN, REALTOR... 707-464-5812
For rent 1 br apartment. Partially furnished. Owner provides water and sewer. $1200/mo. 1st+last month in advance. 541-661-1222
Furnished 1 bedroom 1 bath Apartment/Ste. Upstairs Apt. w/ utilities paid. Includes: W/S, garbage, electric, wi-fi & cable. No pets. $1140.00 a month plus security deposit. $25 Fee for Credit Check. Call (541)469-6119 for appt or questions
Public Notices 999
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Veteran Painting and Pressure Washing 17283 US Hwy 101 N Smith River, CA 95567
This Business is conducted by: an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 1/1/2024
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Daniel E Mount Jr. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 7/30/2024
Alissia D. Northrup
County Clerk-Recorder Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240064
Published: 8/21, 8/28, 9/4, and 9/11/2024, Triplicate 398412
NAMED: You are hereby directed and required to appear in, and defend against, this legal action within 30 days after the first date of publication of summons, which is the 28th day of August, 2024, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, ZBS LAW, LLP, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is a Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of Deed of Trust. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at www. oregonstatebar.org or by calling (503) 684-3763 in the Portland metropolitan area. If you are a veteran of the
armed forces, assistance may be available from a county veterans’ service officer or community action agency. Contact information for a local county veterans service officer and community action agency may be obtained by calling a 2-1-1 information service.
DATED: August 13, 2024
ZBS LAW, LLP. By: /s/ Dirk Schouten. Dirk Schouten, OSB# 115153 Amber L. Labrecque, OBS No. 094593 dschouten@zbslaw. com alabrecque@zbslaw. com Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: A-1 Auto Wreckers 1100 Macnamara Road Crescent City, CA 95531
This filing is a refile of previous file # 201130126 after 40 days of expiration. This Business is conducted by: an individual
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 9/1/1996
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Bruce Gates
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/6/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240069
Published: 8/21, 8/28, 9/4, and 9/11//2024, Triplicate 398656
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Healthy Minds 434 9th Street Crescent City, CA 95531
Mailing Address: 1301 B Northcrest Dr. #313 Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: an individual
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: n/a
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Tonya Shantel Escobar
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/6/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder B. McCune-Sokoloski, Deputy File No. 20240068
Published: 8/21, 8/28, 9/4, and 9/11/2024, Triplicate 398394
PLT24-3016 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CURRY Probate Department Case No. 23PB08881 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of Mariano Martinez Robles , Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Rey Robles has been appointed as the personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned attorney for the personal representative at 388 State Street, Suite 470, Salem, Oregon 97301, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative. Dated and first published on August 28, September 4 and 11, 2024. Rey Robles Personal Representative. David A. Bearman, OSB# 170854
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Liberty Process Services 355 E Denny Lane Smith River, CA 95567 Mailing address: PO Box 268 Smith River, CA 95567 This Business is conducted by: an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 7/19/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Angelina Countess This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 7/19/2024 Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240062 Published: August 28, September 4, 11, and 18, 2024, Triplicate 398876 PLT24-3021 The Winchuck Rural Fire Protection District will hold its next Board of Director’s meeting on Wed. September 11, 2024 at 6:00 P.M., at the Winchuck Fire Hall, 363 Winchuck River Road. Agenda: 1. Call to Order and Roll Call 2. Reading of the

Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
John W. Salgado, Jr.
Case Number: PB247057
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of John W. Salgado, Jr.
A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Jennifer Lee Salgado, in the Superior Court of California, County of: Del Norte.
The petition for probate requests that: Jennifer Lee Salgado be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court.
The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This Authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the

authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows:
Date: October 4, 2024
Time: 10:00am Dept.: 2
Address of the Court: 450 H Street, Crescent City, CA 95531
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as
provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for Petitioner: Jennifer Shelton PO Box 1255 Yreka, CA 96097
530-918-4343 Published: 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25/2024, Triplicate 399896 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR CURRY COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of MARGARETE
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to me at the offices of Foster Denman, LLP, Attorneys at Law, 3521 East Barnett Road, P.O. Box 1667, Medford, Oregon 97501, within four (4) months from the date of first publication of this notice or the claims may be barred.
All persons whose rights may be affected by these proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, from me or from my attorney. DATED and first published this 11th day of September, 2024.
Personal Representative Published: 9/11/2024, Pilot 400042
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: F/V Nadine 105 Lakeside Loop Crescent City, CA 95531
This filing is a refile of previous file # 20190096 with changes.
Name of owner: Frank Dowd
This Business is conducted by: an individual
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 9/18/2019 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Frank Dowd
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/28/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240073
Published: 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2/2024, Triplicate 399902
PLT24-3020 The Port of Brookings Harbor Board of Director’s will hold a Regular Meeting Wednesday September 18 2024, at 2:00 P.M. For meeting agenda and packet please visit Port website: www. portofbrookingsharbor.com. This Institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Monday, September 30, 2024, the Del Norte Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) will hold public hearings on the: Smith River Fire Protection District proposed annexation and the Smith River Community Services District Draft Municipal Services Review / Sphere of Influence Update. The September 30 hearings will begin at 4:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matters can be heard, at the Del Norte County Flynn Center, Board of Supervisors Chambers 981 H Street, Crescent City, California. Hearing materials will be posted on the Del Norte LAFCo website: www.delnortelafco.org 72 hours prior to the meeting date. For more information contact the Del Norte LAFCo Executive Officer at: eo@ delnortelafco.org.
Published: 9/11/2024, Triplicate 399676
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: OXYIE 1775 Northcrest Drive #19 Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: an individual
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: n/a I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Alejandra Dominguez
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/14/2024 Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Claire Landay, Deputy File No. 20240070
Published: 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, and 9/18/2024, Triplicate 399031
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Cholwell, Benz & Hartwick Accountants & Consultants 1225 Marshall St, Ste 2 Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: a general partnership
Registered Owners: Matthew Wakefield, Kevin Hartwick, Clar Byers III
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 9/1/1989 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a
Nutrition Services or Deborah El ndale Nutrition Service Manager, 785 E Washington Blvd. STE 10, Crescent City, CA 95531, (707) 464-9828 ext. 2, o ce@shoresacademy.com.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To le a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form (PDF), from any USDA o ce, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. e letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in su cient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. e completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture O ce of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;
2. fax: 833-256-1665 or 202-690-7442; or
3. email: program.intake@usda.gov
is institution is an equal opportunity provider. Prepared by CDE-NSD | May2022

Daily: • Crescent City Art. 1228 2nd St., Crescent City: Wednesday – Saturday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Member art exhibits at the Del Norte County Library, the Smith River Library, Sutter Coast Hospital Infusion Center, and in the Main Hall at Sutter Coast Hospital. For more information, call 707-460-1414.
• Crescent Harbor Art Gallery. 140 Marine Way: 11:30 am - 4:00 pm, Tuesday – Saturday and 11:30 am – 7:00 pm on the first Friday of each month. For more information call 707464-9133 or visit crescentharborgallery.com.
• National Juried Fine Arts Show hosted by The Coastal Redwoods Art Association, Crescent Harbor Art Gallery, 140 Marine Way: 9/1 – 9/30. We are inviting Artist to participate in the show. Cash prizes are being given for First, Second, Third Places as well as Honorable Mention. Entry forms are available at the Gallery or on the Crescent Harbor Art
Gallery Website, https:// crescentharborgallery. com/ .
• DNACA’s Annual Juried Multimedia Art Exhibit, Del Norte County Courthouse, 450 H Street, August 7 through October 2. Intake will be on August 7th, 4:00 pm -5:00 pm at the Courthouse. All styles of hanging visual art are welcome! Acrylic-Watercolor-Photography-Pastels, etc. For more information and prospectus, email: office@DNACA.net.
• Art in Public Places featuring artist Terance Lusich, CEC Airport upper mezzanine, 1650 Dale Rupert Rd, July 17 through October 9.
• Del Norte & Tribal Lands Local Food Month Art Competition. Submit a picture of your artwork online with #Eatlocal DNATL or at https:// forms.gle/FD44afqMHqNCYU9Q7 for a chance to have your art turned into stickers, printed on our vendor appreciation cards or featured in our Seed & Plant Exchange
event. Local Food Month Photo Competition. Submit your best picture of local food for a chance to win different prizes! A picture of local food can be: Your garden, meal featuring local food from a local restaurant, homemade meal featuring local food, local food found on a hike / in nature, any other picture featuring local food! Submit your photos between September 1-14, 2024. Local Food Photo Competition Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/3JDYtBrLhXLG2zxC8. Learn about these competitions at the Wednesday Farmers Market, First Friday event, or at www.dnatlfood.com.
• Men’s Group, 920 C Street, Crescent City: 6:30 pm. Led by Keith B. Rigby, LCSW. Call (541) 9414209 for more information or if you plan to attend.
• Crescent Harbor Art Gallery “Date Night”, 140 Marine Way: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm.
• Lyceum of Universal Teachings of Earth’s Ancestors Saturday Morning Meditation. Crescent City and zoom: 900 am – 10:00 am. For more information and to participate Contact info@lutea.org or 530419-4827.
Mondays • Women’s Wellness Talking Circle Online: 7:00 pm. For more information and to participate Contact info@lutea.org or 530419-4827
• Drawing Group, Crescent Harbor Art Gallery, 140 Marine Way: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Open to the public as well as members. To take part, you must bring your own materials (sketch pads or drawing pads) and equipment (pens or pencils).
Thursday, September 12
• Ladies Christian Fellowship monthly luncheon, Apple Peddler Restaurant Conference Room, 308 Hwy 101 S: 10:30 am.
The ladies enjoy a time of fellowship, prayer, singing and sharing the scriptures. At this month’s meeting, a special Baby Shower will be celebrated.
Ladies Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational group and welcomes all. For further information, contact Liz at 707-580-9833 or Bonnie at 707-482-3705.
Wednesday September 18
• Del Norte Republican Party Central Committee Monthly General Meeting, Del Norte Republican Headquarters, 290 I St: 6:00 pm. Event Details: Monthly meeting. Get involved.
Thursday, September 19
• Homemade Broth Workshop, 494 Pacific Ave: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Learn the art of making and canning homemade broth. This free workshop is part of September’s Local Food Month celebrations and just in time for soup season. For more information go to www. dnatlfood.com or email
Friday, September 20
• Music In the Redwoods with Ilya Yakushev, Crescent Elk School Auditorium, 994 G St: 7:00 pm. This is the first concert for the 76th season of the Del Norte Curry Community Concert Association. Ilya is an award-winning Russian pianist. Returning by popular demand, he is joining us for the third time to perform for the Anniversary concert. Admission to all this season’s concerts is free. Donations are gratefully accepted. For more information go to www.musicintheredwoods.com or Facebook: Del Norte-Curry Community Concert Association. • Family Fun Festival, Pelican Bay Evangelical Church, 130 Blueberry Ln: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. There will be free hot dogs, chips, root beer floats, popcorn, games and prizes, a bounce house, Maze, hayride, face painting, arts and crafts, petting zoo and more. All are Welcome. Fun for all ages.
Wild Rivers Coast

See answers to the Sudoku Puzzle on Page 7
Suicide Rate
From page 1
other suicide attempt was made in the Preston Island parking lot. At approximately 8am, a 35-year old woman dialed 9-1-1. The family expressed emergency concern and went looking for her. The unidentified woman still in her vehicle, was coherent. She had ingested an excess of prescribed medications in an admitted effort to end her life. Recognition and praise was given to Sheriff Deputy Good and Sheriff Scott, along with Del Norte Ambulance and Crescent Fire expediently responded. The woman was transferred to Sutter Coast. She will survive. The Dept. of Mental Health responded to Sutter Coast.
More sobering statistics:
• In 2023, The Coroner reported four deaths ruled as suicide.
• To date. Sheriff / Coroner Scott states two-thirds through 2024, six deaths have been recorded as suicides in Del Norte County. Regrettably, Suicides and Attempts at taking of one’s life is on the rise. Five percent rise in ages

10 to 85. Shockingly the largest bracket is among the elderly, predominantly among elderly men. The Center for Disease Control reports some 50,000 folks, mostly men committ suicide, annually. The National rate of suicide is 14.8 deaths per 100,000 population. The sober statistic comes a National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey from 2021. The cause of death is ranked 11th in the USA. Del Norte County ranks on the upper half of this Ignominious statistic. The questions screams to asked, why is there a spate of suicide attempts. The reasons are many and varied. In the coming weeks, The Triplicate will be reporting this shocking dynamic of suicide.
The City recognized September as Suicide Awareness and Prevention month, at its September 3 meeting, encouraging all citizens to learn that warning signs, trust their gut and use that information to ask a troubled friend, colleague or family member. “R U OK” and be prepared to listen. That conversation could change a life.

John (Jack) Endert
4/1944 – 8/20/2024
Jack passed on August 20th, 2024, from life’s complications. Jack was born in San Jose, Ca. to William and Helen Endert. He was raised in San Jose and Crescent City, Ca. Predeceased by his parents and his brother, Bill Endert. Jack had a 32-year career in the beverage industry, followed by 16 years at Trader Joe’s grocery and Hacienda Hay & Feed in Monterey County. He was also a volunteer for Interim, Inc. for many years. Jack loved golf, though he was never very good at it. He loved being out on the course and was quick to make friends there. Jack is survived by his son, John Endert (Jill); his sister, Nancy Samsel (Bill); nephews, Mike Endert (Marina), Mark Endert (Sara), and grandsons Kyle
The California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has released the Klamath River Anadromous Fishery Restoration Monitoring Plan to guide the reintroduction and monitoring of Chinook and Coho Salmon, Steelhead and Pacific Lamprey in the now undammed Klamath.
The Plan’s principal goal is to reestablish wild, viable self-sustaining populations for species conservation, ecological benefits and enhance Tribal, commercial and recreational Fisheries.
The primary strategy is to allow these ocean-going fish species to naturally recolonize some 420 miles of newly accessible spawning and rearing habitat.
The last two remaining barriers- cofferdams at the former Iron Gate and Copco No. 1 dam footprintswere breached last week,

Endert & Eric Endert. At his request, no services are planned. A virtual celebration of his life will be announced. Jack will be buried with his father, William, at St. Joseph’s Catholic Cemetery in Crescent City.
returning the Klamath River to free-flowing in California, for the first time in a century.
“The largest dam removal project in American history is part of something even bigger as we work with countless partners to achieve the largest river restoration project in American history, which is now super exciting to be in,” said CDFW Director Charlton Bonham. “ Nature teaches us time and time again just how resilient she is. If we mostly stay out of the way, these fish populations will heal themselves.”
The Klamath River anadromous fishery plan was prepared in collaboration with Native American Tribes, the State of Oregon and federal partners including NOAA Fisheries and the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Wild Salmon and Steelhead Now Populate the Undammed Klamath

Curry County Cruisers Spread the Charity

by ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc
Courtesy photo The Undamned Klamath River
Photo credit Phil Nutzhorn Curry County Cruisers group photo after Benefit proceeds distributed
Monday, 8/26/24
• 12:42 am, burglary alarm, 400 block of Pacific Avenue, Sheriff.
• 6:58 am, disturbing the peace, 300 block of M Street, Police.
• 7:51 am, burglary, 2200 block of Norris Avenue, Sheriff.
• 8:12 am, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 8:55 am, disturbing the peace, 3100 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 9:07 am, threats, 800 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 9:23 am, burglary alarm, 1900 block of Pebble Beach Drive, Sheriff.
• 9:28 am, disturbing the peace, area of 7 and G, Police.
• 9:34 am, theft, 800 block of 5th Street, Police.
• 10:52 am, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 11:21 am, theft, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 12:44 pm, trailer fire, 100 block of Coolidge Avenue, Fire.
• 12:53 pm, threats, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 1:58 pm, harassment, 1300 block of Morehead, Sheriff.
• 2:41 pm, burglary and vandalism, 1400 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
• 3:44 pm, scam, 600 block of Bertsch Avenue, Sheriff.
• 3:52 pm, theft, 1000 block of Front Street, Police.
• 5:02 pm, disturbing the peace, 1200 block of 6th Street, Police.
• 5:37 pm, stalking, area of California and Harding Street, Police.
• 7:06 pm, disturbing the peace, 300 block of Butte Street, Sheriff.
• 7:07 pm, theft, 500 block of Elk Valley Road, Sheriff.
• 7:27 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 10:45 pm, burglary alarm, 500 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 11:03 pm, domestic, 200 block of Harbor View
Drive, Sheriff.
• 11:07 pm, fire alarm, 100 block of Devol Court, Fire.
• 11:16 pm, vandalism, 6700 block of South Bank Road, Sheriff.
• 11:33 pm, shoplifting, 1400 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
Tuesday, 8/27/24
• 12:58 am, disturbing the peace, area of Temple and State, Sheriff.
• 4:23 am, fire alarm, 1000 block of Scenic Creek Drive, Fire.
• 7:56 am, vandalism, 1500 block of El Monte Road, Sheriff.
• 9:13 am, theft, 900 block of Sunset Circle, Police.
• 9:14 am, disturbing the peace, area of 6 and H, Police.
• 9:32 am, threats, 200 block of Chevy Chase Way, Sheriff.
• 10:31 am, assault, 900 block of 8th Street, Police.
• 11:14 am, assault, 200 block of Washington Boulevard, Police.
• 12:14 pm, burglary alarm, 300 block of Douglas Park Drive, Sheriff.
• 2:04 pm, theft, area of Sandmine and 101, Sheriff.
• 3:18 pm, assault, 700 block of L Street, Police.
• 3:50 pm, burglary alarm, 300 block of DatNaa-Svt Loop, Sheriff.
• 5:47 pm, assault, 1400 block of California Street, Police.
• 6:26 pm, disturbing the peace, 100 block of Chis-Chi-Lane, Sheriff.
• 6:50 pm, burglary alarm, 500 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 8:30 pm, disturbing the peace, 400 block of El Dorado, Sheriff.
• 9:44 pm, disturbing the peace, 100 block of Dat-Naa-Svt Loop, Sheriff.
• 9:48 pm, burglary alarm, 1800 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 11:40 pm, shots heard, area of Leclair Avenue, Sheriff.
Wednesday, 8/28/24
• 1:57 am, shoplifter,
area of Safeway, Police.
• 4:56 am, assault, area of Harmony and Old Mill, Sheriff.
• 5:49 am, assault, 800 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 9:35 am, harassment, 1000 block of Scenic Creek Drive, Sheriff.
• 9:42 am, threats, 100 block of Washington Boulevard, Police.
• 10:23 am, vandalism and burglary, 200 block of Williams Drive, Police.
• 10:29 am, fraud, 2700 block of Maher Avenue, Sheriff.
• 10:38 am, theft, 10300 block of Highway 199, Sheriff.
• 11:12 am, theft, 600 block of M Street, Police.
• 3:49 pm, indecent exposure, area of The Maze, Police.
• 3:58 pm, disturbing the peace, 100 block of Price Mall, Police.
• 4:41 pm, animal issue, 2600 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 5:26 pm, threats, 700 block of L Street, Police.
• 6:26 pm, fire alarm, 4500 block of North Bank Road, Fire.
• 7:32 pm, smoke check, area of Inyo and Willow Glen, Fire.
• 8:05 pm, fire, area of Front Street bus stop, Fire.
• 8:58 pm, restraining order violation, 200 block of 4th Street, Police.
• 9:05 pm, missing juvenile, 200 block of 4th Street, Police.
• 10:34 pm, disturbing the peace, 1700 block of Arlington Drive, Sheriff. Thursday, 8/29/24
• 1:30 am, disturbing the peace, 600 block of 5th Street, Sheriff.
• 4:48 am, burglary alarm, 200 block of M Street, Police.
• 4:51 am, burglary alarm, 1000 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 8:25 am, theft, 300 block of Sarina Road, Sheriff.
• 10:17 am, threats, 500 block of Indian Road, Sheriff.
• 10:26 am, fire alarm, 700 block of Reddy Avenue, Fire.
• 10:53 am, theft, 800 block of Northcrest Drive, Police.
• 11:23 am, motor vehicle accident, 4200 block of Lake Earl Drive, Police.
• 3:34 pm, disturbing the peace, 200 block of Maiden Lane, Sheriff.
• 3:35 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 3:38 pm, trespassing, 200 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 4:33 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Front and H Street, Police.
• 4:37 pm, shoplifting, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 5:17 pm, animal issue, area of 2 and B, Police.
• 5:20 pm, smoke check, 900 block of Washington Avenue, Fire.
• 5:57 pm, fire check, 200 block of Salmon Harbor Road, Fire.
• 6:08 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 6:25 pm, disturbing the peace, 2700 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
• 6:51 pm, animal issue, area of Harrold and Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 9:00 pm, disturbing the peace, 2000 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
• 9:07 pm, disturbing the peace, 200 block of Maiden Lane, Sheriff.
• 9:12 pm, disturbing the peace, 100 block of Price Mall, Police.
• 10:05 pm, fire alarm, 9700 block of Highway 101, Fire.
• 10:33 pm, disturbing the peace, 1600 block of Highway 199, Sheriff.
• 11:29 pm, burglary alarm, 100 block of Starfish Way, Sheriff.
• 11:47 pm, trailer fire, area of Union and Dakota, Fire.
Friday, 8/30/24
• 1:54 am, burglary alarm, 100 block of Starfish Way, Sheriff.
• 7:05 am, burglary alarm, 300 block of M Street, Police.
• 7:18 am, theft, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 8:34 am, theft, area of
Highway 199, Sheriff.
• 9:04 am, reckless driver, 300 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 11:22 am, fire alarm, 1300 block of El Dorado Street, Sheriff.
• 12:10 pm, assault, 3100 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 12:45 pm, burglary alarm, 15000 block of Highway 101 North, Sheriff.
• 2:06 pm, fraud, 200 block of Brookings Avenue, Sheriff.
• 3:04 pm, trespassing, 1500 block of Boulder Road, Sheriff.
• 3:29 pm, hit and run, 900 block of G Street, Police.
• 3:56 pm, theft, 1400 block of Blackwell, Sheriff.
• 4:05 pm, brandishing a firearm, 3600 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 4:13 pm, threats, 100 block of Coolidge Avenue, Fire.
• 4:45 pm, disturbing the peace, 1700 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 5:05 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Highway 199, Sheriff.
• 7:22 pm, harassment, 300 block of M Street, Police.
• 8:40 pm, theft, area of State Street, Sheriff.
• 9:15 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Requa Boat Ramp, Police.
• 10:41 pm, assault, area of Washington and Northcrest, Sheriff.
Saturday, 8/31/24
• 12:25 am, hit and run, 1300 block of Harrold Street, Sheriff.
• 12:38 am, vandalism, 12400 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 1:49 am, burglary alarm, 200 block of Washington Boulevard, Police.
• 2:03 am, disturbing the peace, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 2:44 am, burglary alarm, 200 block of Battery Street, Police.
• 4:02 am, vandalism, 2000 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 4:58 am, disturbing the pace, 100 block of Elk Valley Road, Police.
• 10:32 am, theft, 300 block of 1st Street,

• 11:04 am, disturbing the peace, 100 block of Ehlers Way, Police.
• 12:22 pm, animal issue, area of 2nd and C Street, Police.
• 12:33 am, disturbing the peace, area of Maze, Police.
• 2:22 pm, reckless driving, 600 block of 5th Street, Police.
• 2:54 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Front Street, Police.
• 4:39 pm, smoke check, 14600 block of Highway 101, Fire.
• 9:21 pm, disturbing the peace, 600 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 10:11 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Gasquet Flat Drive, Sheriff.
Sunday, 9/1/24
• 2:03 am, disturbing the peace, 2700 block of Nickel Avenue, Sheriff.
• 3:10 am, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 3:42 am, shoplifter 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 3:59 am, disturbing the peace, 1300 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 6:14 am, fire, 6700 block of Highway 101, Fire.
• 6:29 am, theft, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 8:14 am, missing person, 400 block of Skycrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 11:47 am, burglary alarm, 300 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 1:45 pm, brandishing a weapon, 400 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 1:54 pm, vandalism, 1100 block of Northcrest Drive, Police.
• 3:06 pm, theft, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 3:22 pm, harassment, 400 block of Butte Street, Sheriff.
• 4:27 pm, theft, 600 block of 5th Street, Sheriff.
• 5:18 pm, assault, 100 block of Price Mall, Police.
• 5:43 pm, disturbing the peace, 200 block of L Street, Police.
• 11:41 pm, disturbing the peace, 600 block of Highway 101, Police.