Questions Linger Over Credit Card Use in the Harbor

City Introduces Pump Track Ordinance

BY ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc.
City and Contractor call the Pump Track an Awesome Addition to the City The Crescent City Council introduced Ordinance 844, Establishing Rules for the Pump Track at Beachfront Park.
The City contracted for the construction of a pump track which can be utilized by persons riding any type of non-motorized recreational wheeled device (bicycles, skateboards, skates, scooters).
The Track is a closed-circuit loop consisting of rollers and
banked turns which when ridden correctly, does not require peddling or other self-propulsion.
Crescent City Counsel Martha Rice delivered the details of the recommended ordinance. The primary purpose of the proposed Ordinance is to limit City liability; the secondary goal of the pump track is to promote a thriving economy.
Health and Safety Code limits the liability of public agencies that requires riders to wear helmets, elbow and knee pads and the prominent posting of signage notifying of the requirement. Violators will be subject to
BY ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc.
It’s certainly not business as usual at the Crescent City Harbor District, these days. Massive Harbor debt for the next decade should raise lots of red flags to pull in the belt buckle a notch or two. Apparently, this belt tightening wisdom is not reaching some commissioners including the harbormaster.
Following a Del Norte Grand Jury Report of an isolated misuse of the Agency credit card in 2021, questions continue to linger over alleged dubious use of credit card and other imprudent financial authorizations and possible misuse of public funds by Harbormaster Tim Petrick. Last year, a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) was sought by the Harbormaster against a Bayshore RV resident who shall remain an anonymous John Doe, over a long-standing multi-year feud between tenant Doe and the harbormaster in 2023. The questionable statement involved the quote, “I’m going

The Crescent City Harbor District (CCHD) called a Special Meeting, Thursday, September 5 to discuss direction of a proposed Ordinance prohibiting all fireworks in the marina basin.
Commissioners heeded the advice of the CCHD Ad Hoc Committee in directing the harbormaster to draft an Ordinance banning all Fireworks, including Safe’n Sane Fireworks from the entire Harbor, north of Anchor Way. Discussion to include South Beach enforcement excluded.
The vote to ban the entire menu of legal fire-
works was directed to protect moored vessels. The vote was unanimous.
In other business, the CCHD voted to join the City and County in dissolving the Tri-Agency Economic Authority and agreeing to equally divide the debt of approximately $10,000-$15 000 in mostly unpaid legal fees.
Finally, a Closed Session item regarding a pending legal action for enforcement of the California Public Records Act involving CCHD receipts was held, with no public announcement made.
Golden State High School Rodeo Kicks Off Its Season

BY ROGER GITLIN Country Media, Inc.
The California High School Rodeo Association will kick off its season, later this month. Governed by the National Rodeo Association, Del Norte County is part of District 2 High School Rodeo that also includes Humboldt, Lake, Mendocino, Napa, Sonoma and Mendocino counties. This is the 7th Year Del Norte County has participated in the District 2 High School Rodeo season. Del Norte will commence competition Sept. 27-29 in Corning.
Rough Stock Boys competion includes bareback, saddle bronc, bulls tie down roping and team roping.
Please see HS RODEO Page 10

Courtesy Photo The Harbor Office.
Courtesy Photo Crescent City Pump Track
Photo credit Roger Gitlin Crescent City Harbor
Photo credit Roger Gitlin Group photo at the Fairgrounds
Recognize Harbor Problems and Fix Them If We Can
by miChael sayre Crescent City
With the upcoming elections and the existing total fiscal failure, the harbor ‘s future is an active topic. Some of the solutions require major improvements in the city, and ongoing success of the Native American business. However, the Harbor individually faces major problems. Every fishery is either depleted or failing. Catch improvements must involve the entire West Coast. Isolated local catch restitution will not be enough. Even income from sport fishing is at risk because of increasing species closures and reduced bag limits.
Then, there is the matter that the harbor is NOT a natural flushing bay. Dredging is required inside this man-made breakwater. A massive amount of sand is now inside the harbor. Usable harbor areas are decreasing and becoming tide dependent. Dredging has been delayed so long the problem is now an insurmountable fiscal hurdle for an organization with empty bank accounts. Obviously, failed sources of income need to be replaced with new entities. Increased income cannot come only from local consumers. We are past car washes and pasta dinners. These monies cannot be onetime grants. Ongoing profitable
new ventures are essential. Let me rule out a current suggestion. Yacht clubs are more than expensive visiting boats. They are local social entertainment venues for a local elite. They are (and should be) self-financed and organized. Unfortunately, there are few residents that would meet the criteria or interest. Additionally, successful yacht clubs involve multiple types of boats beyond small, trailered motorboats and large docked vessels. Currently no fixed keel sailboat can be launched locally. I defy any but the best sailor to sail a trailered sailboat (larger than a pram) out of the current launching area. Rebuilding the current trailered
launch area would be a budget buster. This harbor was built only for only two types of boats: not the diverse boating of a yacht club. The simple truth is we have great competition and high-performance sailing water. My suggestion is the creation of a profitable sailing center for events and individual use. We could create a new income-generating activity. For budget reasons, existing resources need to be re-allocated.
Portions of Citizens’ Dock and/or the processing plant docks need to become boat hoisting stations with nearby rigging areas. A heavy lift hoist would need to be on a pier in water deep enough
for a keel boat, trailer access and no overhanging wires. Floating docks attached to the hoist pier would suffice for the other criteria. The current empty RV parking could become event camping, and food truck parking for visiting boaters.
Then, with these changes in place, the harbor could reach out to sailing clubs, one-design boat organizations, publications, and racing organizations. With low cost directed contact, we could become the site for multiple events per year. We could become a hot spot for regional regattas and sailing vacations.
911 Dispatch: The Sheriff Is Unavailable For Emergencies at this Time. Please Call Back Later
by samuel strait
Don’t be surprised when you make an emergency 911 call and hear the following:
“ The Sheriff is unavailable for emergencies at this time. Please call back later.”
I have recently had the time to view the Board of Supervisors eleventh-hour video window for the Public into the County’s 2024-2025 annual budget. My view: it was a pointless waste of taxpayer resources, poorly attended by the Public and exposes the
invasive nature of a growing local government that is ill- equipped to address the most critical need that residents have needed for decades: An effective Del Norte County Sheriff. It is beyond comprehension that the collective, cognitive abilities of
the five members of the Board do not recognize the severity of the ineffectiveness of the local Sheriff’s department to provide the most basic of public safety throughout the county. It is even more egregious when the Sheriff, in a Public Forum, lays out a clearly worded prescription on how to address the problem and the Board behaves as if he were speaking in a foreign tongue. While the problem has been an issue for years, no effort by the current Board to offer even the slightest assistance has come about, nor do I expect anything in the future. The much- talked about Measure R which was widely advertised to correct deficiencies in such vital services has failed to materialize. The Board’s financial contributions to augment pay, morale and equipment issues seem paltry to the extent that Scrooge’s behavior seems
generous in the extreme.
A recent example of the Sheriff’s Office’s inability to provide 911 emergency assistance at a deadly confrontation in a timely manner would have been 59 minutes and 59 seconds too late. A neighbor’s wife was confronted by a homeless individual waving a hatchet under her nose, threatening to shoot her and her dog unless she produced the miscreant’s imaginary cow. Fortunately for her, a neighbor heard the altercation and defused the situation.
This was not a one-time event in our neighborhood and it is likely to repeat throughout the County. What is truly preposterous is that the woman could have called our recently hired Measure R building inspector for a nail inspection and may have received service before the deputy arrived or had the plans approved by a recent Measure R hire in Planning
for an Acessory Domicle Unit (ADU) before the same occurred. While focusing on growing local government for ridiculously inappropriate employee hires and valueless services, our local Board seems oblivious to the nature of what supervisors and are meant to be doing. The functionality of the Sheriff’s office should be the ultimate of services that the Board of Supervisors should get right. There is no excuse for the Board’s dereliction by not taking steps to immediately correct this colossal failure on its part. Unfortunately, I do not see the will on the part of this Board to move forward in any substantive way. Supervisors must adhere to Sheriff’s needs to increase compensation for all law enforcement personel. Sam Strait oCrescent City
This newspaper’s letters to the editor are limited to a maximum of 350 words and will be edited for grammar, spelling and blatant inaccuracies. Unsubstantiated or irresponsible allegations,or personal attacks on any individual, will not be published. Letters containing details presented as facts rather than opinions must include their sources. All submissions must include the author’s full name, local street address and telephone number (only the name and city of residence will be published).

Art Gallery Honors Its Very Talented

Pump Track
The Pump Track Ordinance is a “hazardous recreational activity.”

Upon adopting the Ordinance, the City’s liability will be limited to its duty to maintain the track in a safe condition. Liability is limited to injuries or damages for using the track for its intended purpose. Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by an adult.
to get you,” uttered by the John Doe toward the oftstrong armed harbormaster. It should be duly noted there was never any physical contact or violence between the pair, just an angry exchange of words resulting in a frustrated hissyfit by the tenant.
Not according to the harbormaster.
Petrick responded with an order to have the CCHD attorney, Kyler Raden whose office is in Sacramento, fly to Arcata, rent a vehicle, reside in a local hotel for two nights, have meals and file an appearance in Superior Court to effectuate the TRO. Of course, attorneys do not work for free.
The charge for the going rate of attorney’s fees is several hundred dollars per hour. The matter required a continuance for another hearing and decision when the request for the TRO was suddenly withdrawn
Councilors voted unanimously to introduce the first reading
The City will post the 12 rules for Pump Track participation, 30 days after the Council approves the Final Reading at its October 7 meeting.
The Official Grand Opening of the Pump Station may be postponed from September 21, pending the contractor adding
legal expenses between $6000-$7500; another burden put upon the beleaguered taxpayer on an already financially-strapped Harbor District.
The Harbor remains mired in massive debt of $793,000 of annual debt caused by the Fashion Blacksmith lawsuit decision and Dept. of Agriculture loan to repair the Harbor following the last Tsunami event.
The payment of that indebtedness will ensue for the next nine years.
Harbor candidate and paralegal Linda Sutter attempted to obtain copies of receipts for calendar year 2024 and was confronted with significant resistance from the Harbormaster at an August 22 meeting at the Harbor office. Ms. Sutter has filed a Court action for all receipts and verifiable documentation as legitimate Harbor business.
Harbor counsel Ruben Duran of Best, Best and Krieger law firm provid-
approximately $23,000 in artificial turf, landscape and sculpture improvements to the $575,000 contract.
The total cost of the Pump Track is just under $600,000.
According to the contractor, small angle adjustments on the track and foundational rock landscaping will improve the ride and ensure longer life for the asphalt track.
necessary redact exempt information.” Duran underscored the District’s commitment for full compliance with the CPRA.
One might conclude the list for justification of these expenses shows indifference to the current financial quandary the CCHD in which finds itself mired in. Questions continue to fester.
The CPRA request mandates release of all public documents. Ms. Sutter alleges some document receipts remain undisclosed. Petitioner Sutter alleges an undisclosed receipt for air tickets for Petrick and his wife on the CCHD credit card. Other reported questionable receipts, many small, reveal $127 for a round of golf, $362 purchase of golf balls, a seemingly endless list of door dash food deliveries, promotional gift cards for employees and attendees who attended a recent conference and much more on the list of items listed

a critic; he and other commissioners were left in the dark on many of these financial issues. Weber specifically highlighted the recent Harbormaster’s Annual Meeting in Monterey. Weber was not advised the Crescent City Harbor District was a sponsoring participant of this event which included additional costs for promotional activities. He cited “… the lack of sharing information about Harbor costs by some commissioners in a public venue at a Harbor meeting; nonetheless, the Commission bears responsibility in overseeing Harbormaster Petrick and we’ve not done that to my satisfaction.”
Regrettably the Harbor has yet to adopt a credit card policy; but in the absence of agency policy, California law and IRS guidelines govern spending limits on public employees, during the course of conducting

public business. The Harbormaster has far exceeded spending limits for meals and promotional outreach. Commissioners held a Closed Session item last week to discuss the latest legal action; it has not revealed the details of that Closed Session matter, to date. It is not business as usual at the Crescent City Harbor. The Harbor meets the first and third Tuesdays monthly at 2pm at the CCHD office on Citizens Dock Way.

Photo credit Roger Gitlin Crescent City Harbormaster Tim Petrick.
From page 1 Courtesy Photo Rules for Pump Track Use.
Last Week, the Crescent Harbor Art Gallery honored its very talented at a reception for the Gallery’s National Juried Art Show.
50 entries vyed for the prestigious Harbor Gallery recognition and ribbon among an audience of about 60.
• 1st Place: Sheila Mason, Cave Junction
• 2nd Place: Arlene Krogstad, Crescent City
3rd Place: Rebecca Russell, Crescent City
People’s Choice, Tiffany Brown, Crescent City Entries came from as far away as Monterey.
The Gallery announced Deborah Dawson Art class has a few openings available it’s class starting September 28. The Crescent Art Gallery will display all the exquisite and talented art works through September 30 at the Harbor Gallery, 140 Marine Way.

Crescent City 117 Lenore Way (between Cook and Clyde) • Sat &Sun, 9:00am – 3:00pm
In home moving sale. Furniture, shing gear, quality odds and ends.
Smith River 10700 Hwy 101 (Near Sarina Rd) • Saturday, 8:00am Storage Unit Sale. Lots of Stu ! Start your day with energy! Casita Co ee will be there. Mention this ad and get a free baked good with purchase while supplies last.
3. Brookings 98126 W. Benham Ln. Sat & Sun, 9:00am – 4:00pm Park-Wide Garage Sale!
Brookings 6577 Lucky Ln. Unit 802 • Sat, 8:00am – 2:00pm Yard Sale!
Brookings 15061 Hwy 101 S. • Sat, 9:00am – 5:00pm Yard Sale! Apple Hill RV Park. Misc household items. Clothes, shoes, tools, RV equipment. Taking o ers on everything.
6. Brookings 98680 & 98690 N Bank Chetco • Sat & Sun Two family sale. Complete Shopsmith Tool Set, RV Supplies, power tools, cookware, stepping stones and more. 7. Brookings 14703 Oceanview Dr. Sat, 8:00am – 4:00pm • Sun, 8:00am – 12:00pm Garage sale at AAA Store-All.

Intarsia Wood Art pieces at half price. Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $300.00. One Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $150.00. Two Victorian red lamps $150.00 each. Work Bench 36" Wide x 72" Long x 36" Tall $100. HEAVY DUTY GARAGE/SHOP STORAGE UNITS: 8 ree Shelf @ 36" Tall, 48" Wide, 18" Deep, $30 Each. FOLDING TABLES: 1 Table @ 36" Tall, 72" Long, 31 Wide, $40. 1 Camping Table @ 36" Tall, 72" Long, 32" Wide, $30. Model 1857/67 Zulu Hunter 12 Gauge Snider Conversion Shotgun, New York Mohawk Indian Art covered in rawhide beads and silver conchos. $1200.00 with Black Powder Amo. Siletz Indian made Knife with scabbard $150.00. Western wooden Keno Goose $300.00. Old Kellogg Oak Wall Phone "works" $150.00. Five wild horse display $50.00. Portable 1507 Singer sewing machine with foot pedal and manual $25.00 2 Oak 4 drawer le cabinets like new $375.00 Each. Note: Internet price $925.00 each. Original Painting consigned for the cover of "Western Magazine" $100.00. GENUINE FRANKLIN MINT WELLS FARGO OVERLAND STAGECOACH HORSE TEAM DISPLAY $500.00. Note: $1500.OO on EBAY.

Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
Eliminate gutter cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter estimate today. 15% off Entire Purchase. 10% Senior & Military Discounts. Call 1-855-536-8838. (ONPA)
Senior Services
Safe Step. North America’s #1 Walk-In Tub. Comprehensive lifetime warranty. Top-of-the-line installation and service. Now featuring our FREE shower package and $1600 Off for a limited time! Call today! Financing available. Call Safe Step 1-833-3951433. (ONPA)
Misc Services 150
Call LeafGuard and say goodbye to gutter cleaning for good. No cleaning. No leaking. No water damage. No more ladder accidents. Get LeafGuard today and be protected for life. FREE estimate. Financing available. 20% off total purchase (Restrictions may apply.) Call 1-844-3451537. (OCAN)
DIVORCE $130. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www. paralegalalternatives.com legalalt@msn.com (ONPA)
Donate your car, truck, boat, RV and more to support our veterans! Schedule a FAST, FREE vehicle pickup and receive a top tax deduction! Call Veteran Car Donations at 1-866-695-9265 today! (ONPA)
Get a break on your taxes!
Donate your car, truck, or SUV to assist the blind and visually impaired. Arrange a swift, no-cost vehicle pickup and secure a generous tax credit for 2025. Call Heritage for the Blind Today at 1-844-533-9173 today! (ONPA)
Get Boost Infinite! Unlimited Talk, Text and Data For Just $25/mo! The Power Of 3 5G Networks, One Low Price! Call Today and Get The Latest iPhone Every Year On Us! 844-955-3417. (ONPA)
Jacuzzi Bath Remodel can install a new, custom bath or shower in as little as one day. For a limited time, waving ALL installation costs! Additional terms apply. Subject to change and vary by dealer. (Offer ends 8/25/24.) Call 1-855341-5268. (ONPA)
Prepare for power outages today with a Generac Home Standby Generator. Act now to receive a FREE 7-Year warranty with qualifying purchase* Call 1-877-557-1912 today to schedule a free quote. It’s not just a generator. It’s a power move. (ONPA)
Switch and save up to $250/year on your talk, text and data. No contract and no hidden fees. Unlimited talk and text with flexible data plans. Premium nationwide coverage. 100% U.S. based customer service. For more information, call 1-877-9160803. (ONPA)
The bathroom of your dreams in as little as 1 day. Limited Time Offer$1000 off or No Payments and No Interest for 18 months for customers who qualify. BCI Bath & Shower. Many options available. Quality materials & professional installation. Senior & Military Discounts Available. Call Today! 1-844-847-9778. (ONPA)
MOBILE WASH N’ WAX Detail Cars n’ Trucks Service to your door License # 3763 541-661-0807
Residential drafing and design by Dex. 541-2514969 or email dexatwork@ aol.com.
The Generac PWRcell, a solar plus battery storage system. SAVE money, reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare for power outages and power your home. Full installation services available. $0 Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844989-2328. (ONPA)
Wesley Financial Group, LLC. Timeshare Cancellation Experts. Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt and fees cancelled in 2019. Get free informational package and learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call 844-487-0221. (ONPA)
Health & Nutrition 301
Is 2024 your year? We’re here for it and here for you. Reach your goals this year with WeightWatchers. Get started with THREE months FREE, visit www. weightwatchersoffer. com/39. (ONPA)
Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855839-0752. (ONPA)
Stroke and Cardiovascular disease are leading causes of death, according to the American Heart Association. Screenings can provide peace of mind or early detection! Contact Life Line Screening to schedule your screening. Special offer - 5 screenings for just $149. Call 1-844655-0972. (ONPA)
Employment Opps 515
McLennan Excavation / Da-Tone Rock are hiring for lube tech, experienced equipment operators, laborers, and local dump truck drivers. Health insurance, 401k, email lily@pipeandrock.com or stop by the office at 98109 N. Bank Chetco River Road in Brookings. 541-412-0106
Recreational Vehicles 604
For Sale 2003 36’ Big Sky Montana 5th Wheel. Non-smoking, no pets. Excellent condition. $15,000 509-380-1210 in Crescent City
Sport Quad Bombardier DS650. Excellent condition. $1950. Also available trailer, wheels, ramp. See at swapmeet. 707-954-1977
Domestic Autos 618
97 Silver Corvette C-5 T-Tops convertible. Manual trans. 55k mi. Aftermarket tires/rims w/ less than 1k mi., have orig. tires/wheels. Stored in garage. $17,500. Stephen 541-254-4069
Misc/Trade 700
Porter Cable air brad gun nailer, with extra brads. Like new. $20. 707-464-5515
Tin coated end mill 10 piece set. $30. 541-469-4948
Garage Sales 702
3 Family Garage Sale! Sat only, 8:am-3pm. 1115 Ransom Ave. New child’s stroller 3-wheel, coffee table, small appliances, household items, area rugs, home decor, mirrors, dvd’s, extension ladder, clothes, 4-piece white wicker set, rattan dinette set 4 chairs glass top, bookshelf.
Garage sale at AAA StoreAll on Saturday 9/21 and Sunday 9/22 from 8-4 Saturday and 8-12 on Sunday.
Garage sale Saturday, September 21st, 2024
Michael P. Noonan 510 Velopa Ct. Brookings. 541 813-2787
Lots of Intarsia Wood
Art pieces at half price. Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $300.00. One Antique Victorian red lamp unconverted $150.00. Two Victorian red lamps $150.00 each. Work Bench 36” Wide x 72” Long x 36” Tall $100.
Three Shelf @ 36” Tall, 48” Wide, 18” Deep, $30 Each. FOLDING TABLES: 1 Table @ 36” Tall, 72” Long, 31 Wide, $40. 1 Camping Table @ 36” Tall, 72” Long, 32” Wide, $30. Model 1857/67
Zulu Hunter 12 Gauge
Snider Conversion Shotgun, New York Mohawk Indian Art covered in rawhide beads and silver conchos. $1200.00 with Black Powder Amo. Siletz Indian made Knife with scabbard $150.00. Western wooden Keno Goose $300.00. Old Kellogg Oak Wall Phone “works” $150.00. Five wild horse display $50.00. Portable 1507 Singer sewing machine with foot pedal and manual $25.00 2 Oak 4 drawer file cabinets like new $375.00 Each. Note: Internet price $925.00 each. Original Painting consigned for the cover of “Western Magazine” $100.00. GENUINE FRANKLIN MINT WELLS FARGO OVERLAND STAGECOACH HORSE TEAM DISPLAY $500.00. Note: $1500.OO on EBAY.
Garage Sale! Tools, sports equipment, and misc household items. Sat only 9am - 3pm. 970 Hassett St. (left off 5th)
Garage sale, 935 Pioneer Ln. Brookings. (7th & Pioneer). 9/21-9/22 8am3pm. Rock hopper bike, model cars, housewares, and 3/4 hp. reciprocating saw.
In home moving sale. Furniture, fishing gear, quality odds and ends. 117 Lenore Way (between Cook and Clyde). 9am-3pm Sat and Sun.
Park-Wide Garage Sale! 98126 W. Benham Ln. 9am - 4pm Saturday & Sunday.
Saturday & Sunday, 9/21-22. Two family sale. Complete Shopsmith Tool Set, RV Supplies, power tools, cookware, stepping stones and more. 98680 & 98690 NB Chetco.

Storage Unit Sale. 10700 Hwy 101 (near Sarina Rd). Lots of Stuff! Sat 8am-? Start your day with energy! Casita Coffee will be there. Mention this ad and get a free baked good with purchase while supplies last.
Yard Sale! Apple Hill RV Park, 15061 Hwy 101 S. 9am-5pm Sat only. Misc household items. Clothes, shoes, tools, RV equipment. Taking offers on everything.
Yard Sale! Sat 9/21 8am2pm. 6577 Lucky Ln. Unit 802.
Stereo, TV & Video 713
DIRECTV OVER INTERNET Get your favorite live TV, sports and local channels. 99% signal reliability! CHOICE Package, $84.99/mo for 12 months. HBO Max and Premium Channels included for 3 mos (w/ CHOICE Package or higher.) No annual contract, no hidden fees! Some restrictions apply. Call IVS 1-855-602-2009. (ONPA)
Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet! Free Install, Free HD-DVR Upgrade, 80,000 On-Demand Movies, Plus Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift Cards. Call Today! 1-866-373-9175. (ONPA)
Pets 736
Furnished 1 bedroom 1 bath Apartment/Ste. Upstairs Apt. w/ utilities paid. Includes: W/S, garbage, electric, wi-fi & cable. No pets. $1140.00 a month plus security deposit. $25 Fee for Credit Check. Call (541)469-6119 for appt or questions

9 week old black male Shih Poo’s. $800. Vaccinated and wormed. 707-458-3124 Available For Rent
For Rent
0 Retirement/Asst Living
1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. Washer/dryer/refrigerator included. No pets. Water and sewer paid. $1,250 per mo. First and last. 01008 Winchuck Road Brookings 541-412-7518.
2+2 Newer home on half acre fenced. 2 car att garage, hardwood floors, all appliances, tenant pays util, 325 Olive St, CC, $2K/ mo, 1 & deposit req. 1 year lease pref, no pets, 7079549855 Sam
3 Bed, 2 bath, 3 car garage, on 1/3-acre quiet lane in Crescent City. $2500/mo + utilities + sec deposit. Pets ok. 707-464-3725
For rent 1 br apartment. Partially furnished. Owner provides water and sewer. $1200/mo. 1st+last month in advance. 541-661-1222

Public Notices 999 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DEL NORTE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the County of Del Norte will hold a public hearing to consider the requests listed below. All persons are invited to appear and be heard. Comments may be submitted in writing at, or prior to, the hearing. Those wishing to be notified of the final action must submit a written request. Appeals must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by October 15, 2024. If you challenge the decision of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. The following project(s) are located within the California Coastal Zone: DATE OF HEARING: October 2, 2024 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF HEARING: 981 H Street, Suite 100, Crescent City, CA 95531 *** Applicants propose to boundary adjust along a shared property line. The transfer would result in APN 110-020-087 receiving 2.75 acres with a final resultant parcel size of 14.13 and APN 110-020078 giving 2.75 acres for a final resultant parcel size of 20.05 acres. Zoning on the parcels in the area of the boundary adjustment is A-5 (Agriculture, 5 acre minimum parcel size) and the underlying general plan land use is Agriculture General, 5 acre minimum. The giving parcel is undeveloped and the receiving parcel is developed with a residence and outbuilding. The parcels are located on Lakeside Loop and Lakeview Drive, Crescent City CA. Please contact the County Planning Division at (707) 464-7254 with any questions.
DATE: September 9, 2024 Del Norte County Planning Division Community Development Dept. Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400394
PLT24-3023 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CURRY PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: WILLIAM CRAIG LAGE, Deceased. Case No. 24PB07799 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Roberta Barnes has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at c/o K. R. Olin, Attorney at Law, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, K.R. Olin, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISHED: September 18, 2024. /s/ K.R. Olin, K.R. Olin, OSB #903547, Attorney for Personal Representative, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, (541) 469-2669, olinandassociates@gmail.com.
CITY OF CRESCENT CITY NOTICE OF ADOPTION ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 843 (RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT UPDATES) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, the City Council of the City of Crescent City adopted Ordinance No. 843, which amends Chapters 17.10 (R-1 Low-Density Residential), 17.14 (R-2 Moderate Density Residential), 17.16 R-3 High Density Residential), 17.18 (R-P Residential Professional), and 17.48 (Special Zoning Uses) of Title 17, Zoning, of the Crescent City Municipal Code. The revisions to the zoning regulations for residential districts are to provide for improved clarity, consistency within the municipal code, and compliance with State law. This ordinance applies citywide. A copy of the ordinance may be obtained by contacting City Clerk Robin Altman [realtman@crescentcity. org; 707-464-7483] or by visiting City Hall at 377 J Street, Crescent City, CA, during regular business hours, Monday - Thursday between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. The ordinance was adopted by the following polled vote: AYES: Council Members Altman, Greenough, Schellong, Wright, and Mayor Inscore NOES: None ABSENT: None /s/ Robin Altman, City Clerk Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400113

Wild RiversCoast Classifieds
NAMED: You are hereby directed and required to appear in, and defend against, this legal action within 30 days after the first date of publication of summons, which is the 28th day of August, 2024, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff NEWREZ LLC D/B/A SHELLPOINT MORTGAGE SERVICING, and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorneys for plaintiff, ZBS LAW, LLP, at their office below stated; and in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This is a Complaint for Judicial Foreclosure of Deed of Trust. You must “appear” in this case or the other side will win automatically. To “appear” you must file with the court a legal paper called a “motion” or “answer.” The “motion” or “answer” must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff’s attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service online at www. oregonstatebar.org or by calling (503) 684-3763 in the Portland metropolitan area. If you are a veteran of the armed forces, assistance may be available from a county veterans’ service officer or community action agency. Contact information for a local county veterans service officer and community action agency may be obtained by calling a 2-1-1 information service.
DATED: August 13, 2024 ZBS LAW, LLP. By: /s/ Dirk Schouten. Dirk Schouten, OSB# 115153 Amber L. Labrecque, OBS No. 094593 dschouten@zbslaw. com alabrecque@zbslaw. com Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Yurok Indian Housing Authority respectfully requests bids from responsive, responsible, qualified, and licensed Contractors for the 245 Maiden Lane Apartments. Project consisting of the Demo/Replacement of Existing Siding (Southern facing sides of 11 different apartment buildings) located in Crescent City, Del Norte County, California. For complete project details email Merdi Lewis at mlewis@yurokhousing.com or call 707.482.1506 ext. 1013. Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400385
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DEL NORTE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the COUNTY OF DEL NORTE will hold a public hearing to consider the requests listed below. ALL PERSONS ARE INVITED TO APPEAR AND BE HEARD. Comments may be submitted in writing at, or prior to, the hearing. Those wishing to be notified of the final action must submit a written request. Appeals must be filed with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors by close of business by October 15, 2024. If you challenge the decision of the Planning Commission, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing.
DATE OF HEARING: October 2, 2024
TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 p.m. PLACE OF HEARING: 981 H Street, Suite 100, Crescent City, CA 95531
*** Applicant proposes to adjust his northern property line 10’ to the north. Both parcels involved in the boundary adjustment are under common ownership. Zoning for the area is RR-1 (Rural Residential, one acre minimum parcel size) with an underlying general plan land use designation of Rural Residential 1 dwelling unit per acre. Both parcels are nonconforming sizes (less than one acre) and are currently developed with singlefamily residences. The boundary adjustment will result in parcels still less than one acre in size but will move them both toward being more consistent with existing parcel sizes in this area. The resulting transfer will amount to approximately 1593 square feet from APN 124-160005 to APN 124-160-007. Parcels are located at 400 Douglas Park Rd and 120 Neighbors Lane, Crescent City, CA.
*** Boundary Adjustment
- AB2503 - The applicant proposes to adjust the lot line between two parcels under common ownership to correct the current lot line that bisects a detached accessory building. The adjustment will move the south boundary line of the parcel containing the residence further south so that the accessory building is fully contained on the parcel with the residence. Both parcels are non-conforming sizes (less than 3 acres) and have a General Plan Land Use designation of Rural Residential 1 dwelling per 3 acres (RR-1 du/3 ac) and are zoned Rural Residential - 3 acre minimum (RR-3). Parcel 106-112-013 is developed and is 1.68 acres and will be the receiving parcel. Parcel 106-112-014 is undeveloped and is 2.42 acres and will be giving acreage to the developed parcel. The parcels are located at 4925 Kings Valley Rd, Crescent City, CA.
*** Use Permit for a residence in TPZ (Timberland Preserve) - UP2501. The applicant has requested a use permit to construct a 900 sq. ft. residence on a 20.10-acre undeveloped parcel. The General Plan Land Use designation is Timberland, and the zoning is Timberland Preserve. The development will utilize onsite water and a sewage disposal system. The parcel is accessed from Ruiz Canyon Drive, Crescent City, CA. APN 122-030-072. Please contact the County Planning Division at (707) 464-7254 with any questions.
DATE:September 9, 2024 Del Norte County Planning Division Community Development Dept. Published: 9/18/2024, Triplicate 400396
Mary Ann Korsten Case Number: PB247062
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of Mary Ann Korsten A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Dianna Narron, in the Superior Court of California, County of: Del Norte. The petition for probate requests that: Dianna Narron be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This Authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: Date: October 4, 2024 Time: 10:00am Dept.: 2
Address of the Court: 450 H Street, Crescent City, CA 95531
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney.
If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for Petitioner: Gino de Solenni 384 G Street Crescent City, CA 95531 (707) 464-6181
Published: 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2/2024, Triplicate 400093
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: OXYIE 1775 Northcrest Drive #19 Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: n/a I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). Signed:/s/ Alejandra Dominguez This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/14/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Claire Landay, Deputy File No. 20240070
Published: 8/28, 9/4, 9/11, and 9/18/2024, Triplicate 399031
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Cholwell, Benz & Hartwick Accountants & Consultants 1225 Marshall St, Ste 2 Crescent City, CA 95531
This Business is conducted by: a general partnership
Registered Owners: Matthew Wakefield, Kevin Hartwick, Clar Byers III
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 9/1/1989
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Matthew Wakefield
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on:
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder
Claire Landay, Deputy File No. 20240072
Published: 9/4, 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25/2024, Triplicate 399374
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: Liberty Process Services 355 E Denny Lane Smith River, CA 95567
Mailing address: PO Box 268 Smith River, CA 95567
This Business is conducted by: an individual
The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 7/19/2024 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Angelina Countess
This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 7/19/2024
Alissia D. Northrup
County Clerk-Recorder
Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240062
Published: August 28, September 4, 11, and 18, 2024, Triplicate 398876
PLT24-3022 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF CURRY PROBATE DEPARTMENT In the Matter of the Estate of: MICHAEL KENNEDY, Deceased. Case No. 24PB07992 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Peter Kennedy has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at c/o K. R. Olin, Attorney at Law, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, K.R. Olin, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415. DATED AND FIRST PUBLISHED: September 18, 2024. /s/ K.R. Olin, K.R. Olin, OSB #903547, Attorney for Personal Representative, PO Box 7530, Brookings, OR 97415, (541) 4692669, olinandassociates@ gmail.com.
Case Number: PB247057
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of John W. Salgado, Jr.
A Petition for Probate has been filed by: Jennifer Lee Salgado, in the Superior Court of California, County of: Del Norte.
The petition for probate requests that: Jennifer Lee Salgado be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent.
The petition requests the decedent’s will and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court.
The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This Authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows:
Date: October 4, 2024
Time: 10:00am Dept.: 2 Address of the Court: 450 H Street, Crescent City, CA 95531
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing.
Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law.
You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for Petitioner: Jennifer Shelton PO Box 1255 Yreka, CA 96097 530-918-4343 Published: 9/11, 9/18, and 9/25/2024, Triplicate 399896
The following person(s) is/ are doing business as: F/V Nadine 105 Lakeside Loop Crescent City, CA 95531
This filing is a refile of previous file # 20190096 with changes.
Name of owner: Frank Dowd
This Business is conducted by: an individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed on: 9/18/2019 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to this section that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000).
Signed:/s/ Frank Dowd This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Del Norte County on: 8/28/2024
Alissia D. Northrup County Clerk-Recorder Hannah Gill, Deputy File No. 20240073 Published: 9/11, 9/18, 9/25, and 10/2/2024, Triplicate 399902 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF DEL NORTE 450 H Street Crescent City, CA 95531 Petition of: Ferne Alane Estep CASE NO. CV241088 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME To all interested persons: Petitioner: Ferne Alane Estep filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present name: Ferne Alane Estep to Proposed name: Ferne Alane Umphress THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 10/18/2024 Time: 10:00 am Dept.: 1 The address of the court is same as noted above. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Del Norte Triplicate Date: July 16, 2024 /s/ Darren McElfresh Judge of the Superior Court
Published: 9/18,
• Crescent City Art. 1228 2nd St., Crescent City: Wednesday – Saturday, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm. Member art exhibits at the Del Norte County Library, the Smith River Library, Sutter Coast Hospital Infusion Center, and in the Main Hall at Sutter Coast Hospital. For more information, call 707-460-1414.
• Crescent Harbor Art Gallery. 140 Marine Way: 11:30 am - 4:00 pm, Tuesday – Saturday and 11:30 am – 7:00 pm on the first Friday of each month. For more information call 707464-9133 or visit crescentharborgallery.com.
• National Juried Fine Arts Show hosted by The Coastal Redwoods Art Association, Crescent Harbor Art Gallery, 140 Marine Way: 9/1 – 9/30. We are inviting Artist to participate in the show. Cash prizes are being given for First, Second, Third Places as well as Honorable Mention. Entry forms are available at the Gallery or on the Crescent Harbor Art Gallery Website, https:// crescentharborgallery. com/ .
• DNACA’s Annual Juried Multimedia Art Exhibit, Del Norte County Courthouse, 450 H Street, August 7 through October 2. Intake will be on August 7th, 4:00 pm -5:00 pm at the Courthouse. All styles of hanging visual art are welcome! Acrylic-Watercolor-Photography-Pastels, etc. For more information and prospectus, email: office@DNACA.net.
• Art in Public Places featuring artist Terance Lusich, CEC Airport upper mezzanine, 1650 Dale Rupert Rd, July 17 through October 9.
• Del Norte & Tribal Lands Local Food Month Art Competition. Submit a picture of your artwork online with #Eatlocal DNATL or at https:// forms.gle/FD44afqMHqNCYU9Q7 for a chance to have your art turned into stickers, printed on our vendor appreciation cards or featured in our Seed & Plant Exchange event. Local Food Month Photo Competition. Submit your best picture of local food for a chance to win different prizes! A picture of local food can be: Your
garden, meal featuring local food from a local restaurant, homemade meal featuring local food, local food found on a hike / in nature, any other picture featuring local food! Submit your photos between September 1-14, 2024. Local Food Photo Competition Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/3JDYtBrLhXLG2zxC8. Learn about these competitions at the Wednesday Farmers Market, First Friday event, or at www.dnatlfood.com.
• Men’s Group, 920 C Street, Crescent City: 6:30 pm. Led by Keith B. Rigby, LCSW. Call (541) 9414209 for more information or if you plan to attend.
• Crescent Harbor Art Gallery “Date Night”, 140 Marine Way: 5:00 pm –7:00 pm.
• Lyceum of Universal Teachings of Earth’s Ancestors Saturday Morning Meditation. Crescent City and zoom: 900 am – 10:00 am. For more information
and to participate Contact info@lutea.org or 530419-4827.
Mondays • Women’s Wellness Talking Circle Online: 7:00 pm. For more information and to participate Contact info@lutea.org or 530419-4827
• Drawing Group, Crescent Harbor Art Gallery, 140 Marine Way: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. Open to the public as well as members. To take part, you must bring your own materials (sketch pads or drawing pads) and equipment (pens or pencils).
Wednesday September 18
• Del Norte Republican Party Central Committee Monthly General Meeting, Del Norte Republican Headquarters, 290 I St: 6:00 pm. Event Details: Monthly meeting. Get involved.
Thursday, September 19
• Homemade Broth Workshop, 494 Pacific Ave: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm. Learn the art of making and canning homemade broth. This free workshop
is part of September’s Local Food Month celebrations and just in time for soup season. For more information go to www. dnatlfood.com or email agray@frcredwoods.org.
Friday, September 20
• Music In the Redwoods with Ilya Yakushev, Crescent Elk School Auditorium, 994 G St: 7:00 pm. This is the first concert for the 76th season of the Del Norte Curry Community Concert Association. Ilya is an award-winning Russian pianist. Returning by popular demand, he is joining us for the third time to perform for the Anniversary concert. Admission to all this season’s concerts is free. Donations are gratefully accepted. For more information go to www.musicintheredwoods.com or Facebook: Del Norte-Curry Community Concert Association. • Family Fun Festival, Pelican Bay Evangelical Church, 130 Blueberry Ln: 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. There will be free hot dogs, chips, root beer floats, popcorn, games and prizes, a bounce house, Maze,
hayride, face painting, arts and crafts, petting zoo and more. The Sonshine Mountain Bluegrass Band Ambassadors for Christ will be playing! All are Welcome. Fun for all ages.
Saturday, September 21
• Crescent City Pump Track Grand Opening, Beach Front Park: 12:00 pm. Free give aways for kids. Riding demonstrations. Kids, bring your bikes and helmets! Sponsored by Del Norte Trail Alliance and the City of Crescent City.
Saturday, September 29 –Sunday September 29
• Crescent City Classic Longboard Festival, South Beach: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm. Two days of thrilling longboard surfing action with live music, vendors, and a beer garden at Crescent City Harbor overlooking the beach. Proceeds from this event are used to fund essential projects throughout our redwood parks and public lands. For more information, go to https://redwoodparksconservancy.org/cc-longboard/.

Two Artists Selected for Fall Residency
Redwood National and State Parks and Redwood Parks Conservancy have selected Janine Mapurunga and Janine McGarry for the Fall 2024 Artist-in-Residence Program.
Mapurunga is a documentary photographer and filmmaker working for over 20 years in the U.S. and abroad. “I observe life unfolding and use the camera to capture what is easily felt but difficult to portray- the eextraordinary experience of being alive,” said Mapurunga. Creating imagery
that conveys a sense of belonging with nature is a goal of her residency.
McGarry works primarily in watercolor with an emphasis on the natural world. “I’ve recently been experimenting with watercolor collage and assemblage and hope to use these techniques to add depth and perspective to my paintings during this residency,” said McGarry. Both artists are based in California and have extensive experiencing creating art in their respective commu-

Each artist will provide a public presentation before the end of their residency to help the next generation of artists seen the Parks from new perspectives.
During the residency, artists will have ample time to find inspiration and opportunities to interact with Park staff and the public. The program includes housing and stipend of up to $5000 to cover logistical needs

Wild Rivers Coast Brookings

Photo credit: Redwood Parks Conservancy)
(L-R) Maureen McGarry and Janine Mapurunga, selected artists
Police Blotter
The police blotter is a public record of incidents as reported by law-enforcement agencies. All individuals arrested or charged with a crime are innocent until proven guilty. The information printed is preliminary and subject to change. Monday, 9/2/24:
• 12:30 am, burglary, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 12:49 am, disturbing the peace, 600 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 1:31 am, disturbing the peace, 200 block of National Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 2:45 am, burglary alarm, 200 block of Klamath Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 3:57 am, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Minnesota Avenue, Police.
• 7:35 am, burglary alarm, 6900 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 8:13 am, burglary alarm, 200 block of H Street, Police.
• 11:38 am, disturbing the peace, 1500 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 11:50 am, smoke alarm, 4500 block of Northbank Road, Fire.
• 12:32 pm, disturbing the peace, 700 block of J Street, Police.
• 12:39 pm, motor vehicle accident, area of Highway 101, Police.
• 1:31 pm, unattended fire, area of Anchor Way and 101, Police.
• 3:30 pm, smoke, 1400 block of Parkway Drive, Police.
• 3:46 pm, theft, 900 block of Northcrest Drive, Police.
• 4:55 pm, vandalism, 2200 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 5:12 pm, hit and run, 300 block of M Street, Police.
• 5:22 pm, burglary, 500 block of Bertsch Avenue, Sheriff.
• 5:51 pm, reckless driver, 200 block of M
Thomas Mahon 6/7/1941 – 8/29/2024
Thomas Mahon of Evanston, IL, 83, a beloved figure of Crescent City, tragically left our world on 8/29/24 after a life of generosity and kindness. Preceded in death by brother Clyde and leaving behind wife, Laura Mahon; daughter, Verona Sorensen; grandsons, Derek and Caleb; son, Gerald Parmarter and his fiancé Kelly Wolfe; grandchildren, Abby Mann and Mazikeen Wolfe-Parmarter; daughter, Anne Murray and her husband Brad; grandchildren, Ariel Farrell and Ariel’s two children,
Barbara Callison
11/10/1935 – 8/26/2024
Barbara Johnston Parker Callison, died on August 26, 2024, in Pleasanton, California. She was born November 10, 1935, in Merced, California. Growing up in Merced she loved horses, neighborhood hijinks with her sisters, swimming in the community pool and music. Barbara attended the University of California at Davis where she met Jack Callison. She transferred to Berkeley where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in June 1957. She married Jack Callison on June 23, 1957. The newlyweds moved to Chicago where Jack was assigned as a first lieutenant in the Army. Their daughter Sandy was born in Chicago in 1958, They moved back to California in 1959 where Jack worked for a number of veterinarians in Lancaster, San Fernando and Bishop. Sheila was born in Lancaster in 1959 and David in San Fernando in 1961. In 1964, Jack bought a veterinary practice, and they moved to Smith River. Roberta was born that year. Bárbara was a loving mother and Nana. She was active in the Smith River
Street, Police.
• 5:54 pm, brandishing a firearm, 3100 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
• 6:01 pm, shots fired, area of Douglas Park Drive, Sheriff.
• 7:05 pm, dispute, 500 block of Pacific Avenue, Police.
• 7:47 pm, harassment, 200 block of Jackie Street, Police.
• 8:41 pm, missing person, 6600 block of Lake Earl, Sheriff.
• 9:16 pm, vandalism, area of Macken and El Dorado, Sheriff.
• 9:18 pm, threats, 13900 block of Highway 199, Sheriff.
• 10:05 pm, threats, 2000 block of Highway 199, Sheriff.
• 11:24 pm, shots heard, 500 block of Wilson Avenue, Police.
Tuesday, 9/3/24:
• 12:57 am, vandalism, 100 block of I Street, Police.
• 8:34 am, fraud, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 9:02 am, sex offender registration, 600 block of 5th Street, Sheriff.
• 9:12 am, missing person, 6700 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 9:51 am, vandalism, 800 block of J Street.
• 9:52 am, disturbing the peace, area of Parkway and James, Sheriff.
• 10:09 am, scam, 200 block of Joaquin Street, Sheriff.
• 10:18 am, theft, area of Parkway and Jakes, Sheriff.
• 11:03 am, trespassing, 1300 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
• 12:22 pm, scam, 1500 block of Summer Park Court, Sheriff.
• 12:24 pm, fire, area of Highway 101 and Anchor Way, Fire.
• 12:50 pm, disturbing the peace, 800 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 2:43 pm, hit and run, 900 block of G Street, Police.
• 3:12 pm, fraud, 100 block of Chis-Chu Lane, Sheriff.
• 3:35 pm, trespassing, 200 block of Olive Street, Sheriff.
• 4:43 pm, harassment, 1200 block of 6th Street, Police.
• 4:58 pm, theft, 200 block of Essex Street, Police.
• 5:12 pm, burglary alarm, 1300 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 6:04 pm, threats, 1600 block of Railroad Avenue, Sheriff.
• 7:10 pm, theft, 400 block of Terwer Riffle Road, Police.
• 7:55 pm, hit and run, 200 block of Salmon Harbor Road, Police.
• 9:16 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 10:06 pm, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 10:07 pm, disturbing the peace, 100 block of M Street, Police.
Wednesday, 9/4/24:
• 1:49 am, prowler, 12400 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 5:07 am, burglary alarm, 300 block of M Street, Police.
• 6:48 am, theft, area of Highway 101 and Rowdy Creek Road, Sheriff.
• 7:38 am, burglary
alarm, 600 block of Elk Valley Road, Sheriff.
• 8:24 am, missing person, 3200 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 8:31 am, vandalism, 9800 block of Highway 199, Sheriff.
• 8:43 am, trespassing, 2100 block of Malone Road, Sheriff.
• 11:21 am, disturbing the peace, 1000 block of Highway 101, Fire.
• 11:33 am, theft, 3400 block of Cunningham Lane, Sheriff.
• 12:34 pm, motor vehicle accident, area of Kings Valley Cross and Highway 101, Del Norte Area.
• 1:09 pm, theft, 1500 block of Hunter Creek Road, Police.
• 1:32 pm, vandalism, area of Highway 199 and MPM 19.8, Sheriff.
• 1:50 pm, shoplifter, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 1:52 pm, motor vehicle accident, area of Washington and 101, Police.
• 2:34 pm, elderly abuse, area of Old Mill Road, Sheriff.
• 4:49 pm, runaway juvenile, 200 block of Salmon Harbor Road, Sheriff.
• 5:00 pm, car fire, area of Washington and Harrold Street, Police.
• 5:20 pm, burglary alarm, 2200 block of Collins Road, Sheriff.
• 5:35 pm, theft, 300 block of M Street, Police.
• 5:43 pm, intoxicated driver, 900 block of G Street, Police.
• 5:44 pm, burglary alarm, 800 block of Northcrest Drive, Police.
• 7:09 pm, intoxicated
subject, area of Elk Valley Cross and Lake Earl, Sheriff.
• 7:39 pm, runaway juvenile, 3200 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 7:42 pm, disturbing the peace, 12400 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 9:02 pm, disturbing the peace, 900 block of Pacific Avenue, Police.
• 9:42 pm, disturbing the peace, 700 block of Inyo Street, Sheriff.
• 9:43 pm, burglary, 800 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 9:50 pm, burglary, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 11:31 pm, theft, 300 block of Indian Road, Sheriff.
Thursday, 9/5/24:
• 12:07 am, shots heard, 2000 block of Elk Ranch Road, Sheriff.
• 2:05 am, burglary, 2600 block of Fred Haight, Sheriff.
• 4:56 am, burglary alarm, 1000 block of Play Street, Police.
• 5:02 am, burglary, 1200 block of Gainard Street, Police.
• 6:05 am, vandalism, 900 block of G Street, Police.
• 7:21 am, fire alarm, 1100 block of El Dorado Street, Fire.
• 7:36 am, vandalism, 900 block of 9th Street, Police.
• 9:24 am, vandalism, 100 block of Mobile Lane, Sheriff.
• 9:41 am, vandalism, 900 block of H Street, Police.
• 9:49 am, disturbing the peace, 400 block of Harding Street, Police.
• 10:12 am, motor
vehicle accident, area of Macken and Glenn, Police.
• 10:25 am, vandalism, 400 block of C Street, Police.
• 11:52 am, disturbing the peace, 1300 block of Morehead Road, Sheriff.
• 12:40 pm, distressed kayaker, area of Pebble Beach and Washington, Sheriff.
• 1:17 pm, disturbing the peace, 1100 block of 3rd Street, Police.
• 2:58 pm, disturbing the peace, 200 block of Olive Street, Sheriff.
• 3:20 pm, disturbing the peace, 300 block of Adams Avenue, Sheriff.
• 4:09 pm, fraud, 100 block of Wier Lane, Sheriff.
• 4:17 pm, burglary, 100 block of Shorecliff Drive, Sheriff.
• 5:13 pm, theft, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 6:49 pm, disturbance, 100 block of Coolidge Avenue, Police.
• 7:15 pm, suspicious subject, 2600 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 7:28 pm, trespassing, 200 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 7:59 pm, vandalism, 100 block of Del Norte Street, Sheriff.
• 8:22 pm, brandishing a firearm, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
• 11:08 pm, dog issue, 1000 block of Highway 101, Police.
Friday, 9/6/24:
• 3:41 am, burglary alarm, 200 block of H Street, Police.
• 11:57 am, trespassing,
Cassie Murray, Olivia, and Everett; son, Steven Mahon; daughter Susan Collins; grandchildren Shea and Emberly Russel and Emberly’s fiancé Austin Korth; daughter Barbie Johns and her husband Jeff Johns Sr.; grandchildren Jeffrey Johns Jr., Jennifer and Jennifer’s fiancé Lucas Monroe; son Paul Mahon and his partner Marsha Siekert; grandchildren Alexis and Breanna Mahon; and numerous nieces and nephews. Tom had an enduring and lifelong friendship with his ex-wife
United Methodist Church, sitting on leadership committees, playing the organ and piano, singing in the choir and arranging flowers. When her kids were young, she was a Girl Scout and Cub Scout leader. Barbara received her teaching credential from Humboldt State in 1978 and worked as a substitute teacher for DNUSD. After she and Jack divorced, Barbara worked at Parsons Paints and later at the Del Norte County Library. Barbara had a life-long love of music, flowers, birds and reading. She was a member of the North Coast Chorale, The Barbershop Quartets After 5 and Mixed Company, and The Orca Singers. She also sang in Lighthouse Repertory Theater plays. Although she suffered several heartbreaking losses, Barbara remained an optimistic and kind person throughout her life. Barbara is survived by two daughters – Roberta Steinberg (Bruce) and Sheila Callison (Matt Sneddon). Her children Sandra Callison and David Callison predeceased her. She is also survived by her two sisters, Sally Landels

Sandy Prettenhofer. We lovingly honored Tom’s memory at a funeral on 9/10/2024.

of Belmont, California and Judy Payne of Thousand Oaks, California. She has four grandchildren –Hayley Sneddon, Colin Sneddon, Julian Steinberg and Jeremy Steinberg. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Smith River United Methodist Church on September 30th at 3:00 pm. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions to one of the following: Smith River United Methodist Church, Sandra Callison Memorial Scholarship (through DN Scholarship Foundation), or KEET public television. A Celebration of Life will be held at Smith River United Methodist Church Monday, September 30th at 3:00 pm.

3400 block of Lake Earl Drive, Sheriff.
• 12:33 pm, theft, 100 block of Lela Street, Sheriff.
• 12:59 pm, disturbing the peace, 200 block of Maiden Lane, Sheriff.
• 1:29 pm, vandalism, 100 block of Del Norte Street, Sheriff.
• 3:01 pm, animal issue, 2600 block of Maher Avenue, Sheriff.
• 3:13 pm, vandalism, 900 block of H Street, Police.
• 3:20 pm, disturbing the peace, 500 block of M Street, Police.
• 3:23 pm, disturbing the peace, 2600 block of Oliver Avenue, Sheriff.
• 3:32 pm, trespassing, area of State and Olive Street, Sheriff.
• 4:04 pm, trespassing and vandalism, 1100 block of Northcrest Drive, Police.
• 5:38 pm, threats, 12400 block of Highway 101, Sheriff.
• 5:59 pm, burglary alarm, 2300 block of Parkway Drive, Sheriff.
• 6:01 pm, disturbing the peace, 300 block of Del Norte, Sheriff.
• 6:05 pm, burglary, 1700 block of Riverside, Sheriff.
• 8:10 pm, assault, 200 block of Little Redwood Lane, Sheriff.
• 8:25 pm, theft, 1200 block of Harrold Street, Sheriff.
• 9:56 pm, disturbing the peace, 900 block of Washington Boulevard, Sheriff.
Saturday, 9/7/24:
• 1:08 am, disturbing the peace, 200 block of Maiden Lane, Sheriff.
• 5:12 am, disturbing the peace, 1700 block of Riverside Avenue, Sheriff.
• 8:06 am, disturbing the peace, 400 block of M Street, Police.
• 8:21 am, structure fire, area of end of Redwood Drive, Fire.
• 8:52 am, assault, 5000 block of Kings Valley Road, Sheriff.
• 9:18 am, reckless driver, 200 block of Salmon Harbor Road, Sheriff.
• 9:35 am, disturbing the peace, area of Peacock and Tan Oak, Sheriff.
• 10:08 am, theft, 200 block of M Street, Police.
• 11:10 am, panic alarm, 2200 block of Norris Avenue, Sheriff.
• 11:19 am, burglary, 2200 block of Norris
Avenue, Sheriff.
• 12:21 pm, disturbing the peace, 500 block of I Street, Police.
• 12:38 pm, motor vehicle accident, area of Front and L Street, Police.
• 2:51 pm, vandalism, 400 block of Pacific Avenue, Sheriff.
• 3:09 am, disturbing the peace, area of Totem Villa, Police.
• 5:08 pm, motor vehicle accident, area of L and 3rd Street, Police.
• 5:33 pm, shoplifting, 500 block of Highway 101, Police.
• 5:51 pm, disturbing the peace, area of Pacific and Fresno, Sheriff.
• 6:09 pm, trespassing, 3200 block of Lake Earl, Sheriff.
• 7:42 pm, disturbing the peace, 400 block of Humboldt Street, Sheriff.
• 8:08 pm, animal welfare check, 900 block of Sunset Circle, Police.
• 8:25 pm, suspicious circumstance, 4600 block of Kings Valley Road, Sheriff.
• 10:45 pm, disturbing the peace, 2000 block of Elk Ranch Road, Sheriff.
Sunday, 9/8/24:
• 12:09 am, fire alarm, 1400 block of Breen Street, Fire.
• 1:45 am, lost animal, 1900 block of Northcrest Drive, Sheriff.
• 2:28 am, reckless driver, 100 block of Pebble Beach Drive, Police.
• 7:37 am, id theft, 2000 block of Elk Ranch Road, Sheriff.
• 7:57 am, reckless driver, area of Highway 101 and Elk Valley, Police.
• 9:42 am, burglary alarm, area of Azalea Lane, Sheriff.
• 10:20 am, fire alarm, 300 block of Ferin Lane, Fire.
• 12:29 pm, fire, 100 block of King Street, Fire.
• 1:19 pm, theft, 3400 block of Cunningham Lane, Sheriff.
• 1:30 pm, theft, 500 block of highland Avenue, Sheriff.
• 2:28 pm, trespassing, 200 block of North Street, Sheriff.
• 4:41 pm, disturbing the peace, 600 block of Macken Avenue, Sheriff.
• 4:58 pm, theft, 100 block of Elk Valley Road, Police.
• 7:58 pm, harassment, 1200 block of 9th Street, Police.
• 11:36 pm, suspicious person, 200 block of Standard Veneer, Sheriff.

HS Rodeo
From page 2
Girls competition includes goat tying, barrels, poles, breakaway roping and team roping. The girls conducted a practice at the Del Norte Fairgrounds, last Monday that included the following: Seniors Remi Green, Marlee Harper, Audrey Phillips and Destiny Leishman. Juniors Ethan Werner and Baile Fox. Sophomores Patience Parkhurst, Lynlee Starkey and Brexlee Hampson. Freshmen, Allie
Bartley, Morgan Scott, Tobi Beshirs and Brexlee Starkey. 8th Grader Alexis Freeman.
Carlee and Audrey have participated in all seven years of Del Norte’s Rodeo participation in District 2. Last year Remi, Carlee and Ethan all qualified for the State Finals in Bishop.
Longtime sponsors include Pelican Bay Athletics, Lake Earl Grange, Wild Rivers Foundation, Western Valley Insurance, Elk Valley Casino and Group advisor Helen Ferguson.