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Council adopts amended ordinance for transitional housing

The Florence City Council adopted, as amended, a first-ofits-kind Housing Code update that defines where and how transitional housing, emergency shelter and mission facilities can be cited in the City of Florence.

On Feb. 5, the council held a public hearing and after receiving the presentation and having a discussion on the matter, the Council decided to move the ordinance reading and deliberation of this item to the March 4th City Council meeting.

over Florence that evening.

Snow melted by the afternoon, but the following evening, residents were awakened to the sound of hail piling up on rooftops. By morning, hail and frost remained piled up on cars and rooftops.

While skies cleared somewhat

Monday and Tuesday, temperatures remained mostly in the 40s into the week. Traffic had to be diverted to one lane of Heceta Beach Road

Tuesday while crews worked to pump and clear floodwaters over the roadway.

Residents set their clocks forward an hour on March 10 and the first official day of Spring is March 19

Commission continues trail design hearing

Highway 126 with trailheads on both Redwood and Quince streets.”

Showing an aerial map of the site, Farley Campbell said the trail would run between what was the old middle school property, but has come to be known as the hotel property across the street from the Florence event center. As proposed, the trail would be just over a quarter mile long.


“The trail is proposed to use the Highway 126 sidewalk and go down to Redwood for a new sidewalk would be put in starting along the base of the hill and then outfall down at the bottom to Quince Street,” she said. Saying that a number of small trees would be removed as a part of the project, FarleyCampbell said the path would be 8 feet wide, made up of crushed compact gravel.

Assistant City Planner Clare Kurth said the trail would contain several amenities, including a trailhead, signage, a pet waste station, possible If built as

Asked Feb 6. to boil the information down, City Manager Erin Reynolds said “this is very new code,” and is not a revision or update of previous city code. “It is in response to requirements to have the opportunity to meet the needs of all housing types for all kinds of people.”

The approved ordinance adopts legislative amendments to the Florence City Code to support missions, emergency shelters, and transitional housing, associated with phase 2 of the Housing Implementation Plan project and reduce lot dimensions for medium density single unit detached dwellings.

What it is Transitional Housing is “residential shelter provided for an extended but definite period that is integrated with other social services and counseling programs to assist in the transition to self-sufficiency through the acquisition of permanent housing.”

It defines Emergency Shelter as “a facility that has the primary purpose of providing shelter for those individuals and families experiencing homelessness in general or specialized populations of homeless and the use does not require occupants to sign a lease or occupancy agreements.” Mission is defined as a facility that provides on-site shelter, basic needs and comprehensive services for individuals and families who are impoverished or experiencing homelessness.”

According to a release issued Feb. 7, “The emergency shelter and mission criteria are intended for a similar population as the transitional housing. They are not intended for natural disasters or similar. That

Florence, Oregon Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Number 11 • 133 years Siu s law News News & views that define our community Siuslaw News SN $1.25 thesiuslawnews.com Siuslaw News 2 Sections | 20 Pages Copyright 2023 Follow us for the latest news: /SiuslawNews@Siuslaw_News TheSiuslawNews.com Obituaries — A2 Sports & Lifestyle — B1 Opinion — A3 Classifieds — B5-B6 INSIDE JIM HOBERG Broker/Owner 1870 Hwy. 126, Suite A • PO Box 3040, Florence, OR in Real Estate Celebrating Over 30 Years LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED
with weird
SIUSLAW NEWS STAFF A cold snap over the first weekend of March brought a variety of weather anomalies to Florence, ranging from rain to snow to hail, to wind, to frost and even some lightning and thunder over just a few days. Monday Morning, March 4, residents woke to see large snowflakes piling up. In Florence, crews immediately went to work clearing snow from local roads. On 36th Street, off Highway 101, a tree was uprooted and fell across the entire street. No damages were caused and the tree was cleared soon afterward. Motorists driving on Highway 126 in the 18 to 14 mile marker range, saw several vehicles had skidded off the road or were stuck. Highway 126 was closed for some time to allow snow clearing. Remaining clouds produced some awesome sunsets
March starts
By TONY REED Siuslaw News The Florence Planning Commission chose to continue a Conditional Use Permit application for the City of Florence to construct a woodland trail to connect Highway 126 to Quince Street, across from the Florence Events Center. Commissioners spent 2.5 hours hearing and considering the 90-page report from City staff. Community Development Director Wendy Farley Campbell gave a history of the proposed Trail going back to 2013 when the Siuslaw
public hearing
we’ll go before the City Council on April 15th.
Estuary Trail vision was approved. it’s gone through
public meetings before reaching the February 27th
this one originates at Highway
and continues
Quince Street and sometime in the future it will continue on around the port property and this particular project does include a parking lot at the southwest corner of Spruce Street and
are multiple segments,
South to
Siuslaw Estuary Trail will
Quince Street south
the Events Center with a trailhead and parking lot off Highway 126.
LeClear of the McKenzie River Trust to address City Club | PAGE A5
COUNCIL, page A2
See TRAIL, page A6

Born in Myrtle Point, Oregon on May 22, 1954, to Homer and Grace Sullivan, Beverly Maie was the second oldest of four siblings, with three brothers, Don the oldest and Terry and Bill younger. She was quite active in the Assembly of God church; and as a teen, she was a part of the Missionettes with her mother. She also volunteered part time at the Florence hospital in the Candy Striper program, delivering flowers, gift baskets, magazines and more

Council adopts amended ordinance for transitional housing

From Page A1

sheltering will be considered for a code update to FCC Title 1 through a future proposed ordinance process. The code update also does not apply to tent camping, trespassing for purposes of camping or issues related to homeless camping, which will be a separate topic to be addressed at future council meetings.

City Community Development Director Wendy Farley-Campbell gave a detailed history of the process to date and explained which types of shelters would be allowed.

She also noted that the city received several letters after the public record was held open and the relevant ones were addressed by staff.

What and where

Related council meeting materials totaled 114 pages, containing exhaustive definitions, regulations, tables, provisions, criteria, public testimony, legal requirements, findings, amendments, data and citations, but for the purpose of this report, essentially came down to where the three use types will be allowed.

Buildings for these purposes can be houses, temporary structures, converted hotels and motels, yurts, huts, pallet shelters and recreational vehicles. Those structures must be 300 feet from schools, childcare facilities, and Old Town Florence.

“Missions and Emergency Shelters are allowed to be sited subject to receipt of a conditional use permit,” according to reports.

“Transitional Housing is allowed to be sited subject to receipt of a conditional use permit on property in commercial zoning categories and on any public property and church, temple, mosque or synagogue property regardless of the underlying zoning designation. Missions, Emergency Shelters and Transitional Housing are not permitted in any district not listed above.”

Buildings and uses are permitted conditionally in Neighborhood Commercial District, Commercial District, Highway District, Mainstreet District and North Commercial District. Missions and emergency shelters are permitted conditionally in professional office/ institutional zoning district.

Can of worms?

to the residents. She was in the school and church choirs as well as symphonic band at Siuslaw Jr and Sr High.

After graduating high school in 1972 she attended Lane Community College for a year in general studies, she worked various jobs in Florence and then did a little cross country journey where she met her first husband Michael Pelham. They returned to and married in Florence, where they had their daughter Michelle in 1976. A few years later, she had moved over the mountain to Eugene where she met her second husband Larry Garneau and they had their son Timothy in 1983. She spent a lot of time with family and friends as well as being her husband’s biggest fan, he being the drummer for several local bands including Kush and Unexpected. Moving back to the coastal area she went to work for Safeway for several years until her husband Larry succumbed to cancer on Christmas Eve 1994, leaving

Carp said there is ample property to host such uses and added that state money has been allocated to local homeless assistance organizations. He said if the city starts to allow transitional housing, missions and shelters, those things will be impossible to remove later, if needed.

“It’s very simple. The taxpayers do not need to be providing that,” he said. “There’s plenty of property out there. Once you open the door, you cannot close it. You will never see a public official remove a homeless shelter, a nonprofit, no matter what kind of assisted housing you put on it, it will never disappear.”

Agreeing with Carp, Meyer said converting city property


Beverly and the two kids. She never remarried, but focused many years on her family and friends. She was a dedicated human to everyone. She thoroughly enjoyed baking, canning, spending time with her grandkids, nieces, nephews, cous

nephews and great nieces and nephews. She will be missed dearly by all who knew her, she had one of the biggest hearts of anyone around. At this time the plan for a service will be in the Spring.

Bobbie Joan Larson

Jan. 15,1931 Feb. 24, 2024

Councilors Robert Carp and Bill Meyer wanted city properties removed from the list of places where the housing types would be allowed.

sort derails any potential conversion of city lots. Meyer said the answer to any question about using public property for transitional housing should be “no.”

Councilor Jo Beaudreau said removing city-owned areas from consideration removes opportunities for future councils to Councilors Carp, Meyer and Mayor Rob Ward voted to remove city properties from the list of allowed locations.


Carp asked that city setbacks remain at 10 feet for all districts, rather than reducing it to 5 feet. Ward said the city has building with both 5


777 Maple Street (across

of land. They built a home and working farm. Bobbie attended a one room school house in Sodaville for primary grades and graduated form Lebanon High School. She shared many memories and stories from this chapter of her life with family and friends.

In 1949 she married Roy L. Larson. After several years of following logging jobs along the Oregon Coast they settled in Florence in 1955. It was here that Bobbie stayed to raise her sons and saw all four graduate from Siuslaw High School.

Bobbie Joan Larson passed away Saturday February 24, 2024 at age 93. She was born in Billings, Montana to Francis and Nellie Ames and joined big sister Betty. In 1934 the family moved to Lebanon, Oregon and settled on 100 acres

seem to work. Councilor Sally Wantz asked Carp to explain the benefit of his suggestion. Carp replied that any structure being used for transitional, emergency or mission use should be no closer than 10

In 1967 Bobbie went to work for Wave Beachgrass Nursery gathering and planting native plants. It was while working here during the next 25 years that she met many of the people that would become her closet friends.

In the early 1990’s she started Westlake Nursery which she ran until retirement in 2000.

Family and friends would all agree she was made of

feet from an adjacent property line. Ward asked what it would accomplish, noting that some businesses have setbacks of zero feet. No vote was taken on the issue, since four councilors saw no reason to change it.

strong stuff, independent, fiesty and stubborn. She was the best Mother and Grandmother a kid could want. Bobbie was a poet, storyteller, and short story writer as well as being able to belt out a song when so inclined (all lyrics included). Some things that defined who Bobbie was were her love of cats, gardening, baking, and reading. She was an avid reader and loved books. One of the highlights of her life was a trip to Greece with her Grandson Chris. Bobbie was preceded in death by her parents and sister Betty. She is survived by her sons Larry (Emily), Carl (Tammy), (former wife Carol), Philip (Diane) and Robert (Kristi). Grandchildren Lea, Adam, Chris, Tim, Te1Ta, Jennifer, Alicia, Neal, Drew, Anthoney and Raelyn. She had 17 Great Grandchildren. She will be missed by all who knew her especially her grandson Adam who had a special connection with his Granny.

Distance Staff reports said the uses are restricted to no less than 300 feet from Old Town, schools and childcare facilities.

See COUNCIL, page A5

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as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” — Thomas Jefferson

Dear Editor, I’d like provide clarity on Hillsdale College’s affiliation with its member schools and our curriculum. Although Siuslaw Valley Charter School (SVCS) will not be a Hillsdale College Member School, SVCS plans to join dozens of other schools throughout the country in making use of our K-12 curriculum. The curriculum, built over many decades, is excellent, time-tested, and effective.

Hillsdale College has sup

in nature. Any mention of religion is for the sake of cultural literacy in the context of literature and history with significant attention to Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and others.

Our History & Civics Curriculum seeks to tell the entire grand narrative of the American story — the promises, the perils, the tragedies, and triumphs. It’s an unabashed, candid look at the

Hillsdale College. I am disappointed and concerned SVCS intends to use Hillsdale’s curriculum.

‘Sample Books for the Hillsdale K-12 Curriculum’ is posted on their site.

‘Kindergarten’ lists 2 books as ‘literature’ : American Tall Tales, (Osborne) and The Children’s Book of Virtues, (William J. Bennett). These are not high quality children’s

Response: “I would pray to God that He give me strength …” A Child’s Prayer (p.63) “Lord teach a little child to pray …” Why Bennett? He has past affiliation with Hillsdale (1999). There are many beautifully illustrated/written, award winning children’s books. Bennett’s is none of

SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 A3 Locally Owned. Community Minded 4515 Hwy. 101 541-997-8052 Over 19 years experience
) LETTERS Siuslaw News 4969 HWY. 101, North, #4 PO Box. 10 Florence OR, 97439 541.997.3441 The newspaper is published every WEDNESDAY. A member of the National News- paper Association and Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Periodicals postage paid at Florence, Ore. Postmaster, send address changes to: Country Media, P.O. Box 35, Salem, OR 97301. OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed for Lunch Noon - 1 p.m. DEADLINE WEDNESDAY EDITION General news releases, Classified line ads, Legal Notice & Display ads, TUESDAY end of day one week prior Please submit press releases to treed@countrymedia.net NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION RATES 202-224-5244 | 541-431-0229 www.wyden.senate.gov U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley 202-224-3753 | 541-465-6750 www.merkley.senate.gov www.hoyle.house.gov State Sen. Dick Anderson (Dist. 5) 503-986-1705 Email: Sen.DickAnderson@oregonlegislature.gov 503-986-1409 | 541-361-6042 Email: Rep.BoomerWright@oregonlegislature.gov Lane County Dist. 1 Commissioner Ryan Ceniga 125 E. Eighth St. Eugene, OR 97401 541-682-4203 Email: Ryan.Ceniga@ co.lane.or.us Florence City Council Mayor Rob Ward & Councilors Bill Meyer, Sally Wantz, Robert Carp & Jo Beaudreaux Florence City Hall, 250 Highway 101, Florence, 97439 541-997-3437 ci.florence.or.us Dunes City Council Mayor Ed McGuire & Councilors Rory Hammond, Tom Mallen, Susan Snow, Melissa Stinson, Robert Orr & Melissa Stinson Dunes City Hall, 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493 541-997-3338 dunescityhall.com SN USPS# 497-660 Copyright 2023 © Siuslaw News
in religion,
WWW.POLKIO.COM Siuslaw News News & views that define our community www.thesiuslawnews.com


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PASTOR George Pagel

such behavior. She said many criminals in this country have money and are well-dressed but wouldn’t be stopped by a 600 foot buffer zone.

“I don’t think we need it at all,” she said. “If we’re trying to get people involved in our community and we’re saying, ‘you need to stay 300 feet from X,Y and Z,’ you’re not

including them. You’re not building ownership, you’re not building up citizens who may have messed up in the past…”

Meyer said he agreed with Carp, saying that while he doesn’t believe those who would use the proposed housing are bad people, but said having people in large numbers increases potential for such problems.

Councilor Sally Wantz said she didn’t see a reason to increase the distance, as doing so might limit opportunities for those transitional housing clients who want to also go to school.

However, when it came to a roll call, the increased distance was shot down by a 2/3 vote, keeping it at 300 feet.

After a confusing first and second reading of the ordinance, the council voted

4-1 to adopt it, councilor Beaudreau abstaining. The ordinance becomes effective 30 days from the March 4 meeting.

After the meeting, City Manager Erin Reynolds said the city needs to produce information with all updates, which will take some time. That information will appear here when available.

Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 14, 2024, at 1:30 p.m., for the next meeting of City Club of Florence when the special guest speaker will be Nathan LeClear, a Restoration Project Manager for the McKenzie River Trust. Among LeClear’s responsibilities is the restoration of the tidal wetlands that, over the years, have become known as the ‘old Waite Ranch’ on Highway

126, just east of Cushman. Nathan joined McKenzie River Trust in the spring of 2023 as a Restoration Project Manager focusing on tidal wetland restoration. He is working in partnership with the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians and the Siuslaw Watershed Council on the Waite Ranch Tidal Restoration Project near Cushman, Oregon, a

partnership that is being extended to additional projects of similar scope and aims in the North Fork of the Siuslaw River. Nathan was born and raised in the Flint Hills region of eastern Kansas, where he had close connection with nature via remnants of the area prairies and riparian woodlands. Family trips each summer to the San Juan Mountains of Colorado constituted a veritable pilgrimage for Nathan and helped form his deep sense of wonder for the natural world. Those trips helped spark his passion for the beauty, diversity, and distribution of wild plant species.

He pursued this passion at his hometown campus of Emporia State University, where he developed an appreciation of ethnobotany and Indigenous cultures and history. He subsequently completed his M.S. in Ethnobotany and Seed Oil Chemistry. This work took him into Mexico and subsequently led to his PhD in plant biology at the University of Texas - Austin where he used genetic data to answer evolutionary and biogeographic questions about the genus Jatropha. In 2007, prior to entering graduate school, for habitat restoration efforts, he spent a summer collecting seeds

of native plants in the West Eugene Wetlands. That began his introduction to Oregon. He has since worked as a field biologist across much of the western United States and deeply loves the diverse landscapes of Oregon from the Blue Mountains to the Siskiyous, and from the Owyhee Plateau to the Willamette Valley.

The McKenzie River Trust is a nonprofit land trust formed in 1989 to protect critical habitats and scenic lands in the McKenzie Basin. Since the year 2000, its service area has included the watersheds of the Long Tom, Upper Willamette, Coast and Middle Forks of the Willamette, Umpqua, Siuslaw, and coastal streams and lakes from Reedsport to Yachats. In 2021, the Trust expanded its coastal service area until now it stretches from Reedsport north to Lincoln City and opened its first field office in Newport. Throughout its history the Trust has partnered with its members, foundations, partner organizations and caring landowners to forever protect land and water in western Oregon. Thus far, the Trust has protected more than 9000 acres, planted more than a

million trees and shrubs, and restored mor than 25-miles of salmon-bearing streams. It was in the spring of 2023, that LeClear joined McKenzie River Trust as a Restoration Project Manager focusing on tidal wetland restoration. Today, he and his family are delighted to call Lane County home.

City Club, a local informational group, meets on the second Thursday of the month in the Bromley Room of the Siuslaw Public Library, 1460 - 9th St in Florence. Meetings begin promptly at 1:30 p.m. and the public is always invited and is encouraged to attend. For more information, call 541-999-0745 or go to Facebook.com/CityClubof Florence.

10% of all purchases during the 2 hour event will be donated to the Oregon Coast Humane Society! Boo Kitty came to the shelter in desperate need of medical attention. This little guy was dehydrated, anorexic, and had gastroenteritis and periodontal disease. He’s been with us for only a short time but with proper food and medical care, Boo Kitty is making a comeback and he’s ready for adoption. Stop by the shelter or apply online! OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 www.oregoncoasthumanesociety.org Shelter hours are 10am - 5pm seven days a week Thrift Store 1193 Bay Street Mon-Sat: 10am - 5pm Sun: 11am - 4pm BOO KITTY Albatross Records 211 Harbor Street, Old Town Florence 541-514-4713 Hours: Thurs, Fri and Sat from 11 am – 5 pm We have 1,000s of guaranteed records for sale! We buy, sell and trade records and CDs Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 541.997.7653 visit us online at www.jimhoberg.com sales@wcresi.com rentals@wcresi.com in Real Estate Celebrating over 30 Years LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED JIM HOBERG, ABR,ABRM,CRS, GRI, SRES, GREEN Broker/Owner • • • 1870 Hwy. 126, Suite A • PO Box 3040, Florence, OR • RESIDENTIAL • LAND • COMMERCIAL • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • Nathan LeClear of the McKenzie River Trust to address City Club, Thursday, March 14, 2024 Nathan LeClear Carp suggested that the distance be doubled from 300 to 600 feet, or about two city blocks. He called it a safety issue, saying local homeless services and their neighbors regularly experience damage and theft. Carp also noted that police recently arrested a transient homeless individual who broke into a Florence woman’s house to rob her. He asked the council to change the setback from 300 to 600 feet from childcare, schools and churches. He said the increased buffer would not reduce the inventory of available properties suitable for transitional housing. Beaudreau called it unfair to say all transient and homeless people are suspect of
From Page A2

Trail Commission

Continues trail design hearing

From Page A1

Preferred Locaon and Design’ report was prepared by project staff, with input and guidance from the Siuslaw Estuary Trail Technical Team and the Siuslaw Estuary Partnership Interdisciplinary Team.”

The technical team included the City, Port of Siuslaw, Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and

Siuslaw Indians; Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife; Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development; Oregon Department of State Lands; ODOT; Siuslaw Watershed Council; US Army Corps of Engineers; and US Bureau of Land Management.

Discussion Planning Commissioner

Renee Lo Pilato questioned an inclusion stating that after construction, the trail would be maintained by a community group. She said she was confused by the city would not maintain it. Public Works Director Mike Miller said later that it would be a primary concern for the city, but that volunteers may be used. He said the city highly encourages adopting programs where families and groups take responsibility for maintaining a predetermined area. Saying that many of the trail users will likely be pet owners and Senior citizens, Lo Pilato asked who will be responsible for their safety. Miller later said that bollards have both ends of the trail will be installed and can be removed to allow access of

smaller emergency vehicles, such as quads.

Lo Pilato suggested that the amount of vegetation should be increased wherever possible.

She later asked if the city would be liable, should an assault or other injury crime occur on the trail.

“That’s a great question, that I will not be able to answer other than that at our other facilities, whether it’s Miller Park or another facility there’s always a risk. We do have an excellent Police Department that does its best to provide coverage and we have one officer in particular who loves to walk the trails, especially Old Town areas, so I think we would have more of a presence. The police also have bicycles available and they’re starting up that program again, but I’d have to do some more research as to who is liable.”

Commissioner Debbie Ubnoske questioned the inclusion of an ADA parking space if the trail itself is not ADA accessible. She said she felt it was a shame to deprive some elderly and mobility-limited people from accessing the trail. Miller said later that ADA isn’t readily applicable

Looking at the proposed trail area from Highway 126 east of Florence.

to the natural environment. Miller said he proposed trail meets United States Forest Service guidance for providing access while preserving natural aesthetics. Commissioner Eric Hauptman noted homeless camping issues in the area asking if trail lighting has been proposed. After being told there would be no lighting on the trail, Hauptman said that even though it’s designated for day use only, he said people will use it at night and suggested that it be illuminated. Miller said the area would not be lighted, adding

that the city has no lights on any of its trails.

“Lighting is expensive,” he said, “especially off grid like this.” He said that the area is environmentally sensitive, and introducing lights at night would have impacts on wildlife there. He said using lighting to deter homeless encampments would likely not work.

In his presentation, Miller said the community has strongly supported the Estuary Trail, which has been mentioned in most city plans for almost 30 years.

“All the plans have pointed out how important a connection is from the residential areas of downtown are, how it would relieve pressure on the transportation system, and how it would allow access to historical, cultural, and

ecological resources that are relatively unknown to our community,” he said. Miller noted that the trail wraps around future developments including a hotel, a Homes for Good housing development and an undeveloped Urban renewal area property.

He noted that the city’s Transportation Plan encourages other transportation routes which would result in fewer conflicts between pedestrians and traffic.

The Siuslaw Estuary partnership, which was a collaborative effort between many different agencies and the community, designed the Estuary Trail to draw cyclists, runners, pedestrians away from those busy intersections

See CONTINUE, page A7

A6  SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 Familiar faces, expert care Here for your health and well-being. Nora Kirschner, MD Hospitalist and Lane County resident PeaceHealth Peace Harbor Medical Center peacehealth.org/familiar-faces Peace Harbor is a CMS 5-star facility, ranking it among the top 10 percent of hospitals nationally. Residential & Commercial Complete Asphalt Installation & Service • Roads • Driveways • Parking Lots • Seal Coating Call Your Asphalt Specialist Today 541-870-2302 FREE ESTIMATES Family Owned & Operated CCB#214400 Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERS Tires • Brakes Shocks • Alignment 4325 Highway 101, Florence 541-997-7178 HOME OF THE BEST TIRE VALUE PROMISE benches, interpretive signs, a bicycle rack, lighting and an information kiosk. The parking lot will feature one Americans with Disabilities Act parking space and 20 other parking spaces. “The Siuslaw Estuary Trail was developed collaboratively, with input from community members and the Siuslaw Estuary Partnership, a multi-year US Environmental Protection Agency grant funded project,” according to staff reports. “From November 2010 through January 2013, the ‘Siuslaw Estuary Trail Vision:

to a safer crossing, he said, adding, “it’s why we put in the Pedestrian activated crossing at Redwood.” He said users would be able to safely cross Highway 126 and access trails to the north.

Noting the pre-mentioned ADA accessibility, Miller said that in addition to meeting ADA requirements the city wants to include other universal features but does not want to bring in heavy equipment and paving machines which would disturb the sensitive area.

“So, coming in with gravel and compacting it in place and having impact travel as the surfacing material works very well for this area,” he said. “We plan on building the trailhead kiosk with interpretive signs, we have a map identifying distances and amenities, we will also install three signs on the trail and put in trail distance markers along with that. The crushed rock surface will be comfortable for runners and hikers and have a natural field that people are looking for And

it will resist indentation so wheelchairs And other devices can be utilized.”

Miller said there are nearly 66 miles of trails around the Florence area, but unfortunately, very few are accessible to all Americans with disabilities.

“It’s a common problem in our coastal areas and we hope that the Estuary Trail will allow for more use for people to safely explore the estuary forest, the wetlands and the wildland,” he said.

When asked, Miller said the final cost of the project is estimated between $1.5 million and $1.8 million and is currently grant funded through a recreational trail grant program.

Public comment

Jim Hoberg owns a business adjacent to the project, and said he has frequent problems with transient activity, vandalism and garbage in the area.

“It’s bad,” he said, noting that he had visited other trails in the area and submitted photos to the city of encampments he found in those areas.

“If you haven’t walked our parks and walkways, you need to,” he told the

commissioners. “ it’s scary. I’m more perplexed though not for or against this. We’ve got a great city and it’s hard to promote it when we have this at our entrance.”

Hauptman asked Hoberg if he felt the trail would encourage more homeless camping or less.

“I had the same question,” he replied, estimating it will likely be the same situation as he found in other parts.

Hoberg also questioned how the trail would need to be altered by a future street project in the area. He also questioned the distance of the proposed parking lot from Munsel Creek.

Saying his property is most affected most by the proposed trail, Terry Duman said he felt the city was “trying to force a square peg through a round hole.” He said the proposal would build sidewalks almost all the way around his property. He said there are ADA and emergency access conflicts with the proposed project along with environmental issues. He said the mean high tide mark would overlap the proposed parking lot and a nearby riparian area.

Duman also questioned the inclusion of a small bridge over Munsel Creek.

“This project is complicated in the fact that the property is owned by FURA (Florence Urban Renewal Agency),” he said, questioning who would maintain the trail once built. Duman questioned light impacts on his and Hoberg’s properties.

“The foot bridge, if you ever were to construct it, is going to be a minimum 120foot length, considering the riparian areas, the width of the stream, which allows you about 10 feet on my side, to construct your abutments and your trailhead,” he said.

Duman said the proposed sidewalks would impact the use of his property and said the placement of a nearby dog waste station was inconsiderate.

“My property will become a homeless encampment,” he said. “Furthermore, I’m afraid the half-steps you are taking … will hamper development of my property.” Duman said he was told that while the city can build and 8-foot-wide sidewalk in the area, he would not be allowed to as a property owner.

“I don’t think that’s fair,” he said. “They should be held to the same standard and any builder or developer and they are. Circumventing it to fit their narrative.” Miller addressed the future modification of 8th Street and a proposal to build a traffic bridge that would connect to Spruce Street.

“Back in the day, a portion of 8th street was vacated,” he said. “For this project we will be, for the Urban Renewal

Agency, will be reestablishing that line of the northern rightof-way of 8th Street. We don’t know until we have a design of how that road will have to curve toward the south a little bit to line up better with Spruce Street.” He said as the future gateway to Old Town, the area will feature some kind of traffic control device and other design elements are being examined to make the street and trail work together.

“That’s 10 or 15 years down the road,” he said.

As for concerns about homeless encampments, Miller said there are people experiencing homelessness in several areas of the city.

Miller said city staff have done a lot of work lately and report no encampments inside Miller Park. However, some are occurring in areas near Munsel Creek, and staff constantly need to monitor such issues.

Miller said survey work has been done. Miller said maintenance has been delegated to the city, since FURA does not have staff or equipment.

He added that the city has no plans to do work on Highway 126 sidewalks, but ODOT may do something there in the future if drainage improvements are made. After some related discussion and explanation, the commission voted to continue the public hearing to March 12.

SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 A7 Jobs, terrific bargains, useful services, legal notices and announcementsthese are some of the great things you’ll find in your newspapers classified ad section. Classifieds When buyers & sellers need to connect... CALL TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN TODAY 503.623.2373 Siuslaw News News & views that define our community www.thesiuslawnews.com 503.997.3441 541.997.3441 WALLY’S Septic Tank Pumping $25.00 off Pumping or $10.00 off a Service Call Call Today to Schedule an appointment Call 541-997-8885 Payment must be made at the time of service to receive discount. Discount does not apply to credit card or mailed payments. Coupon expires March 31, 2024 Bud’s Upholstery 10% off Materials on any new job When you present this coupon. expires March 31, 2024 541-997-4856 87637 Hwy. 101 N, Florence SAVE. SHOP SUPPORT ZERO/US TOO Florence Prostate Cancer Education Support on the Oregon Coast www.ustooflorence.org BOTH MEETINGS ARE CURRENTLY ON HOLD. WATCH SIUSLAW NEWS FOR RESUMPTION Tuesday Evening Group (2nd Tuesday) 5-7 p.m. - Ichiban Chinese/Japanese Restaurant • Urologist Dr. Bryan Mehlhaff attends. Tuesday Lunch Group (3rd Tuesday) 12 noon – 1:00 p.m. – Ichiban Chinese/Japanese Restaurant • Urologist Dr. Roger McKimmy attends. Contact Bob for more information: (H) 541-997-6626 • (C) 541-999-4239 47maribob38@gmail.com OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY The Thrift Shop March, 2024 Green Tags are 50% off! Hours: 10am - 4pm Seven days a week! (541) 997-5705 1193 Bay St., Old Town Florence Shoppe LOCAL #MyFlorence Shop. Eat. Support. FEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK “We’re next to the bridge” 100 Hwy 101 Florence, OR 97439 COAST REAL ESTATE (541) 997-7777 cbcoast.com 68 SAILORS RAVINE CT. Brand new panoramic river, ocean & lake view custom home with an open & spacious floor plan. Now completed & move-in ready! 3 bedroom 2 bath in the exclusive, sought after Shelter Cove Development. Open great room, quartz counters in kitchen, bathrooms & laundry, stainless kitchen appliances, custom cabinets & luxurious primary suite. Large porch & oversized covered patio. High ceilings, heat pump, excellent quality construction and much more. $787,000 CB#12478/MLS#22291880 myflorencedds.com We’ve got you COVERED business • homeowners • auto • life • health • medicare plans ASK US ABOUT MULTIPLE POLICY DISCOUNTS! COVERAGE FOR YOUR MOST PRECIOUS ASSET. YOU. Contact Angela, Jodi or Paul to discuss your policy needs. 875 Hwy 101 • Florence, OR • (541) 997-3466 www.AbelInsuranceAgency.com Serving Florence since 1990 Dan and Teresa Lofy, Owners And Watson WE DO IT ALL! Free Estimates Licensed & Bonded Florence, OR 97439 CCB#221760 • Pressure washing • Gutter cleaning • House washing • Clean and vacuum lint from dryer vent. • Check washer lines for leakage • Inspect exterior door hardware; fix squeaky handles and loose locks. AND MUCH MORE for your home. Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475
Continue From Page A6
A8  SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 F eatured N ew L istiNgs , P rice r eductioNs & u Pdates F or t he w eek oF M arch 13, 2024 Check out our Website @ cbcoast.com New Search Features, Videos and More. See ALL of Florence’s Listings. Lynnette Wikstrom Broker missy Johnson Broker shirLey hunt Principal Broker Wanda Johnson Broker randy Paredes Broker ryan denning Broker sadie Ward Broker Justin young Broker rick cox Broker aLva Bracey Broker aric sneddon Broker John Barnett Broker dani FLescher Broker Jack Johnson Broker andy Johnson Principal Broker/Owner sam Johnson Broker STONEFIELD 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom DEN 1805 Square Feet PRIMARY BEDRM 2 BEDRM 3 DEN GARAGE LIVING DINING P LAUNDRY UNDER CONSTRUCTION $585,000 OFFERED AT FLORENCE’S NEWEST BEACH AREA NEIGHBORHOOD Welcome to this immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath home nestled in the heart of Spruce Village. Built in 2016. Meticulously maintained, offers comfortable and inviting living space for you and your family. Quartz countertops in the kitchen & bathrooms. Tile entry, kitchen, and dining areas. Plush carpeting throughout the home. Tall 9-foot ceilings, vaulted in the great room and primary bedroom. Great room perfect for entertaining guests. Cozy dining area ideal for family meals and gatherings. Move-in ready condition. Situated in desirable Spruce Village. $464,900 5198 VERSANT DR. Imagine coming home to a meticulously maintained custom built log home. Enjoy beautiful river frontage & your own bountiful year-round freshwater creek. 22 acres of seclusion. Chef’s kitchen w/ a big island, plenty of counter space, open floor plan & wood stove. Relax by stargazing on your private balcony inside the owner’s suite! 2640 SF wrap around deck with breathtaking views. In the winter months enjoy storm watching and rest assured with a whole house 20,000 watt generator. Full RV hookups. $1,599,997 12212 E MAPLETON RD., MAPLETON Don’t miss out on this meticulously renovated home, featuring recent upgrades including a new ductless heat pump system, remodeled hall bathroom, and new vinyl windows. Situated in a serene neighborhood close to city amenities. Custom kitchen equipped with stainless appliances, solid surface counters, tile backsplash, and luxurious LVP flooring. With attached garage and a fully fenced backyard with new lawn and covered deck, this home is perfect for enjoying outdoor gatherings or relaxing in privacy. Home is in excellent condition and situated in a prime location. Don’t let this opportunity slip away. Schedule a viewing today as this gem won’t last long on the market! $334,900 2239 ARTHUR DR. REEDSPORT PRICE REDUCED “We’re next to the Bridge” 100 Hwy. 101, Florence, OR COAST REAL ESTATE 541-997-7777 Servicing Florence Since 1956 Escape to the heart of Siuslaw National Forest w/ your own majestic log home! 5.5 acres of pristine forest, this custom-built haven offers breathtaking views & unparalleled tranquility. Fully furnished w/ bespoke, handcrafted furniture, this home exudes rustic charm and comfort. Main level boasts a spacious great room & chef’s kitchen. Primary suite features a claw foot tub & walk-in shower. Two additional bedrooms on the top level, downstairs offers two more bedrooms, a living room, bathroom & laundry room. Covered porch wraps around the house. Entire property is fenced. A 12x20 shed/ studio with a loft and a 20 x 40 shop with a loft provide space for hobbies or storage. Additional features include a pond, firepit, gazebo, greenhouse & sauna. Located in the coveted North Fork Siuslaw valley. With an assumable loan of $220,000 at 2.3%, this property offers unmatched value. $979,900 9373 NORTH FORK SIUSLAW RD. 925 HEMLOCK ST. $388,900 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MARCH 16TH 11 AM – 2:00 PM NEW NEW New construction, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 1800 sq ft home. Upgrades throughout. Quartz countertops, undermount sinks, stainless steel appliances, LVP flooring in the main living spaces and a covered front and back porch. $585,000 4764 STONEFIELD CT. Fisherman’s paradise on the Siuslaw River. South of the Tiernan boat landing at Milepost 9 sits this 1947 farmhouse on over 6 acres. Not only do you have your own dock with a well engineered ramp, but acreage to garden, keep animals, set up a fish cleaning station or just expand your outdoor living area. The home was raised in 1998 to make it fully prepared for flooding. The first story is now a 2 car garage with significant additional space to store a boat, fishing supplies or any recreational equipment you have. The home has a primary bedroom and bathroom on the main floor with 3 additional bedrooms upstairs. A spacious living room with a separate dining area and an updated kitchen. This home is ready for you to make it your own. $595,900 9400 HWY 126 BACK ON THE MARKET WITH NO FAULT OF THE HOME! Seller has been doing some updating and maintenance to make it sure it is in pristine condition! An extraordinary & rare opportunity to own a truly magnificent south-facing home on the picturesque Woahink Lake. This stunning residence was custom built by the renowned Carter Brothers, featuring a unique timber frame construction with exquisite attention to detail throughout. The exterior of the home has beautiful cedar siding & boasts a dramatic tiled roof, making it an eye-catching architectural masterpiece. $1,650,000 5600 SHADY LANE Nestled North of Florence, this wind-sheltered haven is just around the corner from Sutton Lake & a stone’s throw away from several other pristine lakes. 4 bedrooms & 2 baths, this spacious 1630 SF home beckons with its well-thought-out floor plan, featuring a separate family room & living room. Recently updated kitchen. Fully fenced backyard. RV parking space & a double attached garage. Whether you’re seeking a primary residence or a lucrative rental opportunity, this property is a gem waiting to be discovered. Don’t let this chance slip away! Seize the opportunity to call this coastal retreat your own! $459,000 5590 S. SHORE DRIVE Panoramic ocean view home in Fawn Ridge West. 4,244 square feet, 3 bdrm, 3.5-bath including a Mother-in-law suite w/separate entrance and elevator. Expansive great room with gourmet kitchen, high end appliances & butler’s pantry. Large .54 acre lot & a 2nd buildable .74 acre lot adjacent on Bambi Court which is included, plus a 53’ deep by 20’ RV garage w/ full RV hookups & 16-foot door. $1,550,000 25 TWIN TREE COURT Welcome to your dream home in the heart of Florentine! Remodeled triple wide manufactured home. 2,562 SF of spacious living space. 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, and large vaulted ceilings. New paint interior and exterior. This residence offers comfort and style in every corner. Florentine offers a charming community atmosphere while being close to shopping, dining, and outdoor recreational activities. $539,500 845 MUNSEL CREEK LOOP New single family residence with an attached ADU. Rare opportunity in the City to own a brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with oversized 22 x 27 garage and 608 SF 2 bedroom and 1 bath ADU above the garage. Endless options include a full time residence + 2nd residence for family, 2 full time rentals, vacation home or any combination of these. $795,000 3744/3742 SPRUCE ST. Fantastic 1/3 acre lot located in close proximity to the beautiful Siltcoos Lake, making it an ideal recreational property that’s ready for you to use and enjoy. Thoughtfully prepared with essential infrastructure, making it convenient for you to build. Septic system installed. 200-amp power system has been set up, providing ample electrical capacity for your needs. Furthermore, a water system has been installed, providing a reliable water source for your future property. From this vantage point, you can enjoy filtered views of the Siltcoos Lake. With the potential for stunning second-story lake views, you can envision an amazing vantage point to take in the surrounding beauty. Close to fishing spots, hiking trails, and the renowned Oregon Coast Dunes. Don’t let this opportunity pass you by; seize the chance to own this peaceful and picturesque property. RV Not included in sale. $194,000 5343 BUCKSKIN BOB, TL 2500,2600,2800 This three bedroom, two bath home is located in the new and quickly growing subdivision of Three Mile Prairie located in beautiful Florence, OR. Just 1.5 miles from the beach and close to shopping, golf courses and much more, don’t miss out on the opportunity to be the first home owner on this newly constructed home. The home features spacious living rooms with an open kitchen to living room concept, fiber cement siding, a 2 car attached garage which is paired at the garage with the adjacent home, a pit-set concrete foundation and professional landscaping. $380,000 5223 NOPAL ST. Beautiful new home w/ construction beginning soon. Custom 3 bedroom 2 bath home in the Fairway Estates Development. Open great room, quartz counters in kitchen, bathrooms and laundry, stainless kitchen appliances, custom cabinets & custom primary suite. Large porch & oversized patio. High ceilings, heat pump, excellent quality construction and much more. Won’t last long, don’t miss this amazing home. $647,400 800 TOURNAMENT DR. BRAND NEW CREEKFRONT HOME IN WILLOW DUNES. 3 bedrooms + den and 2 baths. Shop space in garage. Kitchen features a center island and pantry, beautiful quartz countertops throughout and custom cabinetry. Separate bedroom wings and tall ceilings in great room. Cedar shingle accents on exterior. Pre-wired for hot tub on patio and electric car charging station in garage. Super efficient hybrid hot water heater. Tons of features and amenities. Quality finish work throughout with great attention to detail. 2 covered patios. Lots of value here in a great neighborhood. Call for appointment today! $698,000 2105 WILLOW LOOP Quaint home in town with large backyard ready for your imagination. This 3 bedroom home is walking distance from schools and is a shopping convenient “in town” location. This is a great opportunity for anyone looking for their first home or if you’re ready to doownsize or just want to be closer to town where everything is! $312,500 1640 34TH STREET This three bedroom, two bath home is located in the new and quickly growing subdivision of Three Mile Prairie located in beautiful Florence, OR. Just 1.5 miles from the beach and close to shopping, golf courses and much more, don’t miss out on the opportunity to be the first home owner on this newly constructed home. The home features spacious living rooms with an open kitchen to living room concept, fiber cement siding, a 2 car attached garage which is paired at the garage with the adjacent home, a pit-set concrete foundation and professional landscaping. $380,000 5211 NOPAL STREET Brand new panoramic river, ocean & lake view custom home has an open & spacious floor plan. Now completed & move-in ready! 3 bedroom 2 bath in the exclusive, sought after Shelter Cove Development. Open great room, quartz counters in kitchen, bathrooms & laundry, stainless kitchen appliances, custom cabinets & custom primary suite. Large porch & oversized covered patio. High ceilings, heat pump, excellent quality construction and much more. $787,000 68 SAILORS RAVINE CT.

p.m. -0.8


High................. 12:08 a.m. .................6.3

Low 5:55 a.m. .................1.4.

High.................. 1:44 a.m. ..................7.4

Low 6:30 p.m. ................-0.8


High................. 12:43 a.m. .................6.7

Low 7:45 a.m. .................0.7.

High.................. 1:37 p.m. ..................7.3

Low 8:10 p.m. -0.6


High.................. 2:19 a.m. ..................7.1

Low 8:33 a.m. ..................0.2

High.................. 2:29 p.m. ..................7.1

Low 8:49 p.m. -0.1


High.................. 2:20 a.m. ..................8.5

Low 8:41 a.m. ..................0.3

High.................. 2:48 p.m. ..................7.4

Low 8:41 p.m. ..................0.6


High.................. 2:55 a.m. ..................8.6

Low 9:30 a.m. ................-0.5

High.................. 3:42 p.m. ..................6.7

Low 9:18 p.m. ..................1.5


High.................. 3:32 a.m. ..................8.5

Low 10:21 a.m. -0.4

High.................. 4:41 p.m. ..................6.1

Low 9:56 p.m. ..................2.4


High.................. 4:12 a.m. ..................8.2

Low 11:17 a.m. .................0.0

High.................. 5:46 p.m. ..................5.5

Low 10:39 p.m. .................3.2


High.................. 4:58 a.m. ..................7.7

Low 12:22 p.m. .................0.4

High.................. 7:08 p.m. ..................5.1

Low 11:35 p.m. .................3.9


High.................. 5:55 a.m. ..................7.2

Low 1:38 p.m. ..................0.7

High.................. 8:54 p.m. ..................5.1


Low 1:03 a.m. ..................4.4

High.................. 7:10 a.m. ..................6.7

Low 2:55 p.m. ..................0.8

High................. 10:21 p.m. .................5.4


Low 2:49 a.m. ..................4.3

High.................. 8:35

at bit.ly/ siuslawtickets and at the gate (cash only).

The Siuslaw boys are the defending 3A state champions, and will be reloading after losing three individual title winners to graduation — Sam Ulrich in the 800 meters, Jonathan Rose in the discus

and Kyle Hughes in the pole vault.

Returning state place-winners include Will Johnson (pole vault, triple jump), Justin Allen (pole vault) and Dylan Jensen (800).

Johnson had 9 points with a third place in the triple jump and sixth in the pole vault, Jensen 5 points with a fourth in the 800 and Allen 2 points with a seventh in the pole vault.

Raymundo Brito Xilot was the only non-senior on Vikings relay teams that placed first (4x400) and fifth (4x100) last season. He also qualified for state in the 200 and 400.

Kale Jensen was a state qualifier in the long jump and Brayden Linton in the 800 and 3,000.

The Lady Vikings tied for 12th at state with 20 points, and all 20 return — Alison Hughes 8, Maya Wells 7 and Danin Lacouture 5.

Hughes was fourth in the 3,000 and sixth in the 1,500 at state, Wells fourth in the 1,500 and seventh in the 800 and Lacouture fourth in the shot put.

Assistant boys coaches include Chad Hughes, Max Perry, Snake Ulrich and Trent Reavis.

Assistant girls coaches include Amy Flora, Doug Pierce and Jennifer

Florence Golf Links to host Siuslaw High School Vikings Golf Team Fundraising Tournament on Saturday, April 6th.

After a long hiatus, the Vikings Golf Team was revitalized in 2022 when Nik Remer, General Manager of Florence Golf Links and Chuck Johnson, head golf coach, joined forces to make it happen. “Both Nik and I are so proud of these young golfers, who are committed to sharpening their game, and being a part of a team,” Chuck said. “Many of our players had never picked up a club before joining the team, which makes it so rewarding

to see them excel in so many areas.” Remer, who is a Siuslaw High Viking graduate himself, brought his family back to his roots in Florence after working as a PGA professional for over fifteen years in California. Chrissy Davis, assistant golf coach, has a great passion for golf, as well. Playing the game most of her life, she is enthusiastic about the team’s 2024 season, and is looking forward to seeing both the boys’ and girls’ teams qualifying for State

Finals. The season begins at Florence Golf Links on March 13th for the boys, and March 14th for the girls. Entry into the 4-person scramble is $100 per player, and includes prizes, putting contest, “Ace” the Par 3 hole-in-one game, mulligan package, luncheon and much more.

Check-in for preregistered participants starts at 8 a.m., and the tournament begins at 10 a.m. Printed entry forms are available at Florence Golf Links, 1201 35th Street,

or send an email to chrissyd4014@icloud.com to have one emailed to you.The net proceeds from the golf tournament will help cover the cost of team rain gear, uniforms, bags, pull carts, and more. Sponsorship opportunities available, and donations are always welcome. Email Chrissy Davis for more information at chrissyd4014@ icloud.com. Go Viks!

Scientists introduce local audience to snowy plover recovery efforts

A captive audience learned about a little coastal bird that came back from an extremely small population in Coos County to inhabit a string of coastal beaches throughout Oregon, thanks, in large part, to conservation efforts by local scientists.

Bandon-based biologists

Dave Lauten and Kathy Castelein talked about their work with the snowy plover during a “Brewed for thought” pub science event at the 7 Devils Brewing Company in Coos Bay on Thursday, Feb. 22.

They have been monitoring snowy plovers on the Oregon Coast for 28 years.

“So why are we here? Why are we talking about snowy plovers at all?” Lauten asked at the event.

“In the 1970s, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife started surveying for snowy plovers along the Oregon Coast, and slowly but surely watched their numbers decline, until around 1989,

there were about 50 left,” he said.

The remaining birds were all in Coos County, Lauten said. Biologists decided to monitor snowy plovers to see if there was anything that they could do to get the population back up.

Lauten and Castelein were among the first scientists to take on the task. The

biologists said the birds were declining for a number of reasons. One of the big reasons is European Beach grass that was introduced about 100 years ago.

The biologists showed the audience historical pictures of beach grass taking over the dunes.

“Snowy Plovers don’t nest in the grass. They don’t nest

in the trees. They nest right on the sand. And you can imagine, that’s a pretty vulnerable place to nest,” Lauten said.

The audience oohed and awed as the scientists showed pictures of plover nests in the beach sand and then

See PLOVER, page B3

Siuslaw bringing back golf teams

The Siuslaw Viking Golf Program is rebuilding its momentum after a 12-year-hiatus, but say the program could use some help to cover startup costs.

Siuslaw teacher and head golf coach Chuck Johnson said the golf program is now in its third year after returning and hopes to buy rain gear, carts, clothes and equipment for the young golfers.

He said that when the program was first brought back, the teams were entirely rookie golfers who finished last at almost every event.

“But at least we competed, m and we got better every tournament” he said. “Last year, our boys were district champions.”

He said he and the teams feel they’ve established themselves and gotten better, and want to compete.

He explained that golf and baseball season run concurrently, and the team plans to host an invitational tournament at Florence Golf Links.

Last year, we had about 40 golfers and we kept everyone because we didn’t know if there were any diamonds in the rough, and we found a couple,” he said. “Coming into this year we feel like we are two years ahead of where we thought we would ever be.” He said the team was downsized to ten boys and ten girls, and is stocking up the equipment needed to compete.

Search Siuslaw Golf on groundme.com to donate. As of March 6, the page had raised $1,040 of its $5,000 goal.

P.O. Box 3040 1870 Highway 126, Suite A• Florence, OR 97439 Jim Hoberg, ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI Windermere Real Estate 1625 12th St Laura Wilson License #201216446 HAPPY ST PATRICK’S DAY 541-999-9688 FLORENCEORBROKER.COM 541-999-9688 “May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door.” SPORTS & LIFESTYLE www.thesiuslawnews.com WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 SECTION B Tide Table Siuslaw River Entrance saltwatertides.com WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 Low 2:54 a.m. ..................3.3 High.................. 8:43 a.m. ..................6.5 Low 4:15 p.m. ................-0.2 High................. 10:54 p.m. .................5.2 THURSDAY, MARCH 7 Low 4:05 a.m. ..................2.8 High.................. 9:50 a.m. ..................6.9 Low 5:04 p.m. ................-0.6 High 11:32 p.m. .................5.8 FRIDAY, MARCH 8 Low 5:03 a.m. ..................2.2 High................. 10:49 a.m. ................7.2. Low 5:49
a.m. ..................6.5 Low 4:01 p.m. ..................0.6 High................. 11:11 p.m. .................5.8 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 Low 4:08 a.m. ..................3.9 High 9:49 a.m. ..................6.6 Low 4:52 p.m. ..................0.4 High................. 11:44 p.m. .................6.1 THURSDAY, MARCH 21 Low 5:03 a.m. ..................3.3 High................. 10:45 a.m. .................6.7 Low 5:32 p.m. ..................0.3 FRIDAY, MARCH 22 High................. 12:11 a.m. .................6.4 Low 5:45 a.m. ..................2.6 High................. 11:31 a.m. .................6.8 Low 6:05 p.m. ..................0.2 Track and Field heat up with annual icebreaker
Coquille, Douglas, Elmira, North Bend at Siuslaw on March 21 for season opener
EXPLODING WHALE SPORTS The Siuslaw Vikings boys and girls track and field teams are preparing to stand tall. Run fast. Jump high. And throw far. And they are back in business Thursday, March 21, at Hans Petersen Memorial Field, where Coquille, Douglas, Elmira and North Bend join in the annual Icebreaker. First field events are 3:30 p.m., track events 4:30 p.m. Tickets are $6 for adults, $4 for students, and will be available on-line
An assistant coach
is open for this spring. Details at https://siuslaw.tedk12.com/ hire/index.aspx. Salary range is $3,800 to $5,800.
PHOTO Chris Johnson, right, had three place-winners in the pole vault, including champion Kyle Hughes, second from left PHOTO BY BREE LAUGHLIN Bandon-based biologists Kathy Castelein and Dave Lauten talked about Snowy Plover ecology and management along the Southern Oregon Coast during a “Brewed for thought” event at the 7 Devils Brewing Company in Coos Bay on Thursday, Feb. 22.

Best bets for weekend fishing

year-round in central and eastern Oregon rivers. Consider the Deschutes,


the California border.

Crab Sport crab harvesting is OPEN along the entire Oregon coast from the Washington border to the California border. Always check the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) website for season opening and closing dates, rules and licenses for sport harvest of crab. Call the ODFW Newport Office at 541-8674741 Always gut the crab

and throw away the “butter” (guts) prior to cooking. When whole crab are cooked in liquid, domoic acid may seep into the cooking liquid and then into the meat.

Throw away the cooking liquid, and do not use it in other dishes, such as sauces, broths, soups, stews, stocks, roux, dressings, etc. Do not eat the ‘butter’ (guts) of the crab. Scallops are not being sampled for biotoxins at this time. Do not eat whole scallops because they can contain

biotoxins. However, the scallop adductor muscle does not build up biotoxins and may be safe to eat.

Commercial shellfish

Commercial shellfish products remain safe for consumers.

Biotoxins and illness

If you think you have become ill from eating shellfish see your doctor and contact your county health department to report your illness.


They´re called sneaker waves because they appear without warning, often surging high up on the beach with deadly force, and are impossible to predict. Sneaker waves also carry a large amount of sand that can saturate your clothes, weighing you down and making escape difficult if not impossible.

How to play it safe: Never turn your back on the ocean.


The ocean is strong enough to pick up even the biggest log and plop it down on top of you. Some logs may look small, but even the tiny ones can be waterlogged and weigh tons.

How to play it safe: If you see a log in the surf or on wet sand, stay off it.


Rip currents are strong currents of water that rush out to sea. They are stronger than even the best swimmer. These currents can swiftly sweep unwary beachcombers and waders off their feet and out to sea. Rip currents may appear as dark, choppy water. Any time you see debris and foam floating out to sea, chances are you have found a rip current. Avoid the area.

How to play it safe: Parents keep your kids close when playing in the ocean. If caught in a rip current, don’t panic Swim parallel to the beach until you are out of the current, then head for the beach.


Incoming tides isolate rocks from headlands and the shore. Avoid the temptation of strolling out to an interesting rock without knowing when the tide rolls back in. Free tide tables are readily available at state park offices, information centers and many shops and motels.

How to play it safe: Stay off rocks and small, enclosed beaches.

Know when the tide is coming in by visiting the tidetable website at the Hatfield Marine Science Center http://weather.hmsc.oregonstate.edu/weather/ tides/tides.html


Tides and waves can sweep over rocks, jetties and headlands, knocking you off and carrying you out to sea. How to play it safe: Assume nothing is “high enough” and avoid exposed rocks, jetties and headlands during strong wave action (like during and after storms).


Assume that all cliff edges are unstable. Wet trails or soft sand and earth can make for unstable footing. Rocks can be slippery even when it isn’t raining. How to play it safe: Make sure you wear proper footwear, and stick to the trails. Stay behind guard fences and railings, and don´t get too close to the edge.


Do you part and volunteer

Standing at the base of an Oceanside cliff can be dangerous, especially if it has an overhang. In some places, winter storms and high waves have eroded the shoreline, increasing the chance of collapse and slides. How to play it safe: Beware of falling rocks, and don´t climb on bluffs and eroding hillsides. Don´t walk along the base of cliffs unless absolutely necessary.

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HAVE FUN! BEACH SAFE! Heating Systems • Heat Pumps Sales/Service
Jim Hoberg, ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI BROKER/OWNER PHONE 541-997- SOLD (7653) FAX 541-997-7654 TOLL FREE 1-866-967-7653 jim@jimhoberg.com www.wcresi.com P.O. Box 3040 • 1870 Highway 126, Suite A• Florence, OR 97439 Be Safe! Be Cautious! Florence Police Department 541-997-3515 900 Greenwood St. Florence, OR 97439
today to help support these organizations in our community. Peace Harbor Volunteers Want to make a difference in the community and make new friends? Do you have a few hours a month? If so, we would love to have you join the Volunteer Program at PEACEHEALTH PEACE HARBOR MEDICAL CENTER. Opportunities are available both in and out of the Hospital setting. All training provided. Applications are available at the Lobby Volunteer Desk or the Gift Shop located in the Hospital at 400 9th Street, Florence, OR 97439. Us Too Florence Saving men one PSA test at a time. “Someone to talk to...who understands!” 541-997-6626 • 47maribob38@gmail.com www.ustooflorence.org To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 *Includes product and labor; bathtub, shower or walk-in tub and wall surround. This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer. Other restrictions may apply. This offer expires 3/31/24. Each dealership is independently owned and operated. **Third party financing is available for those customers who qualify. See your dealer for details. ©2024 BCI Acrylic, Inc. The Bath or Shower You’ve Always Wanted IN AS LITTLE AS A DAY (844) 847-9778 CALL NOW OFFER EXPIRES 3/31/24 $1000 OFF No Payments & No Interest For 18 Months AND 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Nicole Lewis Broker 541-999-8786 37th Street #1300 - Don’t miss out on this 0.14 acre parcel in the heart of Florence near shopping and schools. The owner is a known reputable builder can provide home plans to fit site for a fee. $125,000. #345723383628 Buying or Selling? I can help! MADE IN THE U.S.A. 1.855.483.1089 FREE ESTIMATE Expires 3/31/2024 Make the smart and ONLY CHOICE when tackling your roof! Before After TAKE AN ADDITIONAL Additional savings for military, health workers and first responders 10% OFF ON YOUR INSTALLATION 50% OFF Limited Time Offer! SAVE! New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer terms and conditions may apply and the offer may not available in your area. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on homeservicescompliance.com. All rights reserved. License numbers available at eriemetalroofs. com/erie-licenses/. Up to Brought to you by DISH Get Boost Infinite 1-844-955-3417 Plans starting at $25/mo Unlimited Talk, Text and Data Smart Switching Between 3 Wireless Networks Get the latest iPhone every year �60/mo iPhone 15 included with no trade-in needed to get started UnlimitedTalk, Text and Data Free upgrade to the latest iPhone EVERY YEAR. Receive a free 5-year warranty with qualifying purchase*valued at $535. Call 877-557-1912 to schedule your free quote! www.polkio.com Pencil usin! Siuslaw News News & views that define our community www.thesiuslawnews.com ODA closes razor clamming Due to reported unsafe levels of domain acid, a biotoxin, the Oregon Department of Agriculture has closed the harvesting of Razor clams. ODA made the announcement March 4, saying crab, mussel and bay clam harvesting remain open statewide. Razor clams The sport harvest of razor clams is CLOSED from Cascade Head to Seal Rock and from Cape Blanco to the California border for high levels of the marine biotoxin domoic acid. The sport harvest of razor clams is OPEN from the Washington border to Cascade Head and from Seal Rock to Cape Blanco. Re-opening beaches for sport harvest after a biotoxin closure requires two samples in a row with toxin results below the closure limit. These samples must be at least one week apart. Mussels The sport harvest of mussels is OPEN along the entire Oregon Coast from the Washington border to the California border. Bay clams The sport harvest of bay clams is OPEN along the entire Oregon Coast from the Washington border to
best fishing opportunities continue to be for trout and winter steelhead. Anglers are catching winter steelhead from the coast to Hood River.
spring trout stocking season is underway in the Willamette Zone and several waterbodies area being stocked this week. Native trout and mountain whitefish are available
Fall, Metolius, Blitzen and Wallowa. Several previously frozen lakes and reservoirs are melting around the edges, creating excellent bank fishing opportunities for holdover trout. Check the zone reports for more options. Columbia River spring Chinook seasons
spring Chinook fishery below Bonneville Dam will open
more details
on Friday, March 1. Get
the Multnomah
fishing equipment, techniques and styles; common violations; operating a boat safely on the river plus how to navigate the regs & staying in the loop on this dynamic fishery. Get more info and don’t forget to pre-register online via ODFW’s licensing system. RECYCLE
Free workshop on fishing the Columbia and Willamette Rivers – March 9 in Portland Join ODFW angler ed instructors, OSP and
County Sheriff at the Sportsmen’s Warehouse on SE 82nd Ave in Portland. Workshop will cover salmon

Florence Garden Club celebrating their 75th anniversary (greet attendees at the admissions table) and Laurel Bay Gardens our centerpiece display have both been an integral part of every one of them,” he said.

Plover recovery efforts

From Page B1

hatchlings of tiny, fluffy, baby plovers.

The job of the local scientists is to monitor where the birds are nesting. They explained how they track nests, tend to the birds when they hatch and color band the birds.

The monitoring system has proven successful in not only tracking the birds, but also providing strategies to repopulate them.

”I thought the variety of vendors, products and services and displays made it one of our best shows which was a comment I heard from several attendees.”

Thompson said over 2,000 people attended over the twoday event.

“Attendance was off 12 percent due to weather I’m sure,” he said. “All vendors I talked

In addition to taking out beach grass, scientists have been controlling predator populations, and educating the public about the presence of snowy plover breeding areas, so that they don’t inadvertently step on eggs or cause the parents to abandon their nests.

Through the collaborative efforts of scientists throughout Oregon, the birds are now nesting not only in Coos County, but in every county along the Oregon Coast.

When the recovery plan began in 1993, the goal was to get the population of snowy plovers up to about 200 birds.

to seemed very happy with the results.”

A $500 Cash Grand Prize went to Alan Matisoff of Florence, who attended with his wife Ann.

According to the Florence Event Center calendar, the next event will be the Florence Arts, Culture and Entertainment yard sale on March 23.

“We surpassed 200 in Oregon in 2012. We are now up to 500 or 600 birds in Oregon. So we’ve been really successful in getting those birds to repopulate the places that they used to be,” the scientists reported. The Snowy Plover presentation was one of several “Brewed for Thought/Pub Science Nights” that have been held at the 7 Devils Brewing Company. These events aim to bring together Bay Area residents for open and respectful discussions on topics ranging from marine biology to environmental sustainability.

SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 B3 A weekly roundup of shopping, savings and doings around town. Rental Center Backhoe / Excavator Hedge Trimmer / Tile Cutter And more…… For the homeowner or contractor Reservations taken for all Equipment Monday—Friday 8 to 5 1550 6th St. & Hwy 101 541-997-2653 Call today to reserve your rental equipment located at 1550 6th Street & HWY 101 Rentals are available on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Call 541-997-2653 OPEN: MONDAY – FRIDAY 8AM TO 5PM Honda Portable generators provide quiet power for camping, RVing, tailgating and more. Honda Home generators offer convenient, reliable back up power for outages. Honda Work generators are the number one choice in the construction and rental industry. Florence Saw Shop is proud to be a qualified elite retailer of the Stihl product line. Our friendly and Certified Gold Technician is always ready to help you select the equipment that meets your specific needs. Your equipment comes fully assembled and ready to use. Repair Center Have a piece of equipment with a small engine that needs a tune-up, needs rebuilt, or just isn’t running like it should? Bring it into our small engine repair shop for a quote. We also sharpen chains. 1550 6th St. & Hwy 101541-997-9424 Monday—Saturday 10-5 To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 ANCHOR OF HOPE CHURCH Live like Jesus, share His Love. 1318 Rhododendron Drive www.anchorofhopeflo.com Sunday Service 11am Livestream on Facebook @anchorofhopeflo BAHA’I FAITH OF FLORENCE Monthly Interfaith Devotions in-person & Zoom 4th Monday 7:00 pm “Ye are all leaves of one tree ...” -Baha’i Writings Join us on Facebook: Florence Baha’i Community For info and meeting location: 541-590-0779 ALL ARE WELCOME! COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4590 Hwy. 101 N, across from Fred Meyer541 997-7418 SUNDAY SERVICES - Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM; Worship 10:45 AM; High School Youth 7- 9 PM MID-WEEK- Women’s Bible Study-Tuesday 10:00-Noon and Thursday 7:00-8:00PM; Men’s Bible Study Thursday 8:00-9:30 AM; Middle School Youth Wed. 7-9 PM. Sunday Worship streams live at Community Baptist Church Facebook Page CROSS ROAD ASSEMBLY OF GOD Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533 Sunday Services 9am 1st Service in person Sunday Services 11am 2nd Service in person & livestreamed Wednesday kids/youth night is at 6:30 NOT livestreamed. https://www.florencecrossroadag.org/church-online Other platforms update after the service. florencecrossroadag.org office@florencecrossroadag.org FLORENCE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Service is on Sunday at 10:00 am Sunday Service also streaming live at 10am at florencechurch.com FLORENCE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP 87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road RUAUU? Come explore the answer with us. Sunday Worship Services ~ 10:00am www.florenceuuf.com FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025 Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for adults is at 9:00 a.m. Online services at www.florenceunitedmethodist.org or find us on Facebook. FOURSQUARE CHURCH 1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337 Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family. Sunday Service 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Website: florence4square.com NEW LIFE LUTHERAN E.L.C.A. NEW LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH, E.L.C.A. “Serving Christ by serving others.” 21st & Spruce Streets—(541) 997-8113 Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. Online services available on our FaceBook, YouTube, and website: www.florencenewlifelutheran.org PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH OF THE SIUSLAW 3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136 Internet and in person Sunday Services at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School is at 9:30am. Call the church for details. Reverend Greg Wood All Welcome. Come as you are. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) “War is still not the answer.” FCNL We meet Sunday’s at 11am in our homes. Call 541-515-8191 for locations. RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH, L.C.M.S. Worship Services 10 am • Bible Study 9:00 am Pastor Steve Waterman 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 Facebook.com/ResurrectionLutheranChurchFlorence www.puppro.wixite.com/rlcflorence ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL Church Welcomes You Worship Sun. 10am Wed 11am 2135 19th St. 541-997-6600 standssecretary19@gmail.com Labyrinth & Garden daily 8am-5pm “Be the change.” SAINT MARY, OUR LADY OF THE DUNES CATHOLIC CHURCH 1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312 Mass Times: Daily: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 AM Adoration & Confession Fri 9:30-10:30 AM Saturday 5:30 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM Fr. Amir Welcomes All to Attend JOIN US IN WORSHIP 4 lines, approx 15 words, $15 a week • 4 week Minimum • Deadline: Tuesday end of day one week prior Home and Garden Show brings in over 2,000 people SIUSLAW NEWS STAFF The Florence Events Center welcomed many in from the rain for a two-day Home and Garden Show, featuring local and regional vendors. Show Director Jon Thompson said the event was a great show overall. “It was the 26th Annual Show and the


Suduko Answers Suduko Puzzle

Campground Staff$16/hr. starting, Fulltime. Closing Date: Until filled. POSITION

DESCRIPTION: Campground Staff primarily performs customer service and clerical tasks involving direct contact with campground and marina users, Port employees and the public. This position is full time

8-4 for application information, Wage DOE. All Positions - Papa Murphy’s - Under New Ownership- $14-16/ hr. includes tips. Apply in person or at indeed. com. 1737 12th Street, 541-997-7272.

SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 B5 Classified
- LANDSCAPING Landscape MaintenanceTrimming, needles, weeds, hauling, etc. Low Rates! Free Estimates! 541-913-4416.
- CLEANING SERVICES Florence Cleaning LLC - Licensed, Bonded, & Insured, Provides Consistent, High Quality Residential Cleaning. Call today at 541-9995033 or Book at www. florencecleaning.com.
- HEALTH & NUTRITION Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855792-9764. 500 - EMPLOYMENT
Assistant- part-time for Florentine Estates HOA. The ideal candidate meets the following: Qualifications Strong organizational and computer skills Working knowledge of Office 365 to include Publisher & Microsoft Excel Prior experience in an administrative role Enjoys working in a small team environment. Positive attitude and strong communication skills Excellent critical thinking and problem-solving skills Close attention to detail Time management skills and self-directed in managing priorities and meeting deadlines. Responsibilities Other duties include greeting residents in a professional friendly manner, answering phones, new resident orientation attending meetings and processing receivables. Call 541-997-1762 M-F
with benefits. Must be at least 18 years of age. A valid Oregon Driver’s License is required. OBTAIN COMPLETE JOB DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION AT: Port of Siuslaw, 100 Harbor St., Florence OR 97439. 541-997-3426. kelly@ portofsiuslaw.com or www.portofsiuslaw. com. Crew Members - McDonalds is seeking enthusiastic & outgoing individuals looking for flexible schedule flexible hours. TEXT: OR192 to 38000 to apply. Customer Service RepresentativeZolezzi Insurance Agency is looking for a licensed customer service representative at their Florence location. Email resumes to craig@zianw.com. Housekeeper- help older person 2-3 days per week. One block to bus route in Florence. 503-551-4838. Vet Tech - Small clinic looking for vet tech to assist in small animal office visits, surgeries, light grooming, general clinic duties. Will train. Rate is DOE, +18. Resumes to mkello@ oceansidevetclinic. com or 1739 W. 22nd Street . 724 - BICYCLES 790 - MISC WANTED 819 - RV/BOAT SPACE Boat and/or Trailer with optional 200 sq. ft. inside storage. Space size 37’wide x 32’deep, ¼ mile from boat ramp. Can be subdivided. 541-997-6024. 999 - PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Central Lincoln PUD will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 2129 N. Coast Hwy. Newport, Oregon starting with a Public Hearing for taking comments on Central Lincoln’s findings supporting an exemption from competitive bidding for construction of a new headquarters building. An Executive Session will also be held in accordance with ORS 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated to carry on labor negotiations. To review the meeting agenda, please go to clpud.org. Customers interested in attending the meeting virtually can email info@clpud.org to make a request. Publication Date: March 13, 2024. INFORMATION Office Hours: Monday–Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Phone: 541-997-3441 Address: 4969 Hwy. 101, #4. PO Box 10 Florence, OR 97439 DEADLINES: All classified ads- lined, box, display, legals: Tuesday by 5 p.m ADJUSTMENTS: If your advertisement appears incorrectly, notify us immediately. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to correct insertion of advertisement. No information on the classified pages will be released prior to publication. Ads are in Area Code (541) unless otherwise indicated in ad. Yard work wanted! Local Lifetime Resident & Veteran. Reasonable rates, professional & courteous. Mowing, Trimming, Hauling, Driveway Power-washing, etc. 541-999-4656.
JOIN OUR TEAM Country Media has immediate openings for advertising representatives. Sales experience is preferred, but not required for the right person. You do need to enjoy meeting people and learning about their business needs, and you must be able to ask for the sale! You must be dependable, with reliable transportation. You should have the drive to succeed in a goal-oriented, highly accountable fun environment. We offer a competitive wage plus unlimited commission potential. This is a full-time job, Monday through Friday! Benefits include paid holidays, health insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, and more! Submit your resume and cover letter today to Director of Sales, fperea@countrymedia.net. Advertising Representatives JOIN OUR TEAM HEALTH & MEDICAL I Pay Cash for vinyl records, antiques & collectibles, hunting & fishing items, old toys. I can come to you. Local Florence Area. 425-387-6925 FANCY CUSTOM ELECTRIC VOLT BIKE w/cart. All terrain, only 57mi., Like new. Paid $6,800 will sell for $2,500. • Land • Commercial • Property Management Build your custom home or place your manufactured home on this .15 acre lot. Located on a cul-de-sac in the Siuslaw Village neighborhood of Florence. $75,000 List #1174/23622889 Commercial building features paved parking and a 4,156 sq. ft. building on a .21 acre lot. Two story with main commercial space below and bathroom, lounge & storage above. $619,000 List #1171/23549465 1870 Hwy 126, Suite A PO Box 3040 Florence, OR VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.WCRESI.COM For Every Real Estate Listing in Town See: www.trhunter.com 83244 Clear Lake RdCountry charmer on almost half an acre between Woahink and Siltcoos Lakes! Beautifully remodCOAST REAL ESTATE Each office is Independently Owned and Operated EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANT TO BUY EMPLOYMENT REAL ESTATE PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 Inspiration comes your way this week, Pisces. You will have plenty of time to do anything you want to put your mind to. Start making that running list of ideas. ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, if you notice you have been running into obstacles as you work to achieve your goals, you may want to step back and try to figure out another course of action. TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 Taurus, an offer that notes your efforts and achievements comes your way. Do not let this immediately go to your head, but enjoy the fruits of your labors. GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 Lately your willpower has been week, Gemini. If diet plans are getting sidelined by your inability to stay on track, you may want to enlist a buddy to keep you motivated. CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 Cancer, take a break when you can because there is soon to be a whirlwind of activity coming in your direction. Enjoy down time while it is still available to you. LEO Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, exercise caution so that your actions are not misinterpreted. You do not want others thinking you are doing things for the wrong reasons. Try to lighten up and be positive this week. VIRGO Aug
22 This week you could find yourself being the center of attention at a gathering with friends or family, Virgo. Use the opportunity to get your thoughts out there and heard. LIBRA Sept 23/Oct 23 Libra, you will need to pick a course and stick with it, especially over the next few days. There is a lot of temptation out there but if you don’t commit you’ll never get things done. SCORPIO Oct 24/Nov 22 Arguments that have been slowly building up may come to a head this week, Scorpio. Your best bet is to stay out of the fray by keeping your distance and avoiding commentary. SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, it is possible that someone new you will meet this week can become a close friend who sticks with you through thick and thin. Look for this person in the days to come. CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, now might be a time to figure out how to reduce some stress, especially if you find that people are avoiding you as of late. A change in attitude is all it takes. AQUARIUS Jan 21/Feb 18 You might be ready to delve into the next chapter of a relationship, Aquarius. Figure out what means the most to you and move those priorities to the forefront.

Create Compelling


Did you ever have an experience that you thought would make a good memoir but were not sure how to begin? Or have you started a memoir but have been stopped by narrative challenges?

Join the Willamette Writers Coast Chapter on March 16

from 2 to 4:30 pm at the Newport Public Library.

Memoir writing teacher Christopher Luna will present a workshop on writing memoir for both the beginner and seasoned writer. Please note the extra meeting time for generative writing.

Community Briefs

Dunes City budget meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Dunes City will hold a Budget Committee meeting on Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 6 p.m., in Dunes City Hall located at 82877 Spruce Street in the Westlake area.

The meeting is being held to hear the City Administrator’s budget message and proposed budget, and to conduct discussions and deliberations for establishing the City’s budget for the 2024/25 fiscal year. Dunes City residents are invited to continue.

Learn How to


Orchestra concerts coming in March

The Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra announced their spring 2024 concert series, “Spring Dances”. The concerts will feature works by Anthony Hedges, Sarah Wallin Huff, Scott Joplin, Carl Michael Ziehrer, and more.

Concerts are free and open to all. Due to the popularity of the orchestra’s Florence performances, this series includes two concert dates in Florence.

Florence: Sundays, March 17 & 24, 3 p.m., Presbyterian Community Church, Florence, 3996 Highway 101, Florence.

Friends of Florence Van Fans to host Card and Game Party

On Wednesday March 20 get a team of up to six players together, bring any game(s) you would like to play and come to the Elks Lodge in Florence.

Tickets on sale now $15 per person and reserve your table and lunch is included.

The party goes from 11:30 to 3. At the Florence Elks Lodge #1858, located at 1686 12th St.

How St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Ireland

How St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated in Ireland

patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day has since evolved into a global celebra- tion of Irish culture. In fact, it has become one of the most popular days of the year to throw a party and gather with others.

Initially a religious holiday to commemo- rate the patron saint of Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day has since evolved into a global celebra- tion of Irish culture. In fact, it has become one of the most popular days of the year to throw a party and gather with others.

So how do people in Ireland — the heart

So how do people in Ireland — the heart

Those who are already writing a memoir will leave with a potential chapter and some ideas about structuring a manuscript as well as process. Those new to memoir will leave with ideas for how to begin.



Feb 19/Mar 20

Jul 23/Aug 23

The Florence Food Share Community Garden will host a FREE Florence Compost Workshop Saturday, May 4, from 10 a.m., to noon.

Yachats: Friday, March 22, 7 PM. Yachats Community Presbyterian Church, 360 7th Street, Yachats.


Jul 23/Aug 23

The WW Coast Chapter hosts presentations, a mix of in-person and virtual events, from September through June.

Inspiration comes your way this week, Pisces. You will have plenty of time to do anything you want to put your mind to. Start making that running list of ideas.

Leo, exercise caution so that your actions are not misinterpreted. You do not want others thinking you are doing things for the wrong reasons. Try to lighten up and be positive this week.


Willamette Writers, the parent organization of the Coast Chapter, is the largest writer’s association in Oregon and one of the largest in the nation. Programs are free and open to all writers eighteen and up. There are Young Willamette Writer chapters for those under 18. To become a member of a chapter and the parent organization, join Willamette Writers at their website, https://willamettewriters.org

Mar 21/Apr 20

For beginning to experienced composters, these hands-on workshops will cover the basics of how composting works, which materials to use, and the different methods and types of compost bins available. Workshops are led by knowledgeable backyard composting information specialists.

Aries, if you notice you have been running into obstacles as you work to achieve your goals, you may want to step back and try to figure out another course of action.


Apr 21/May 21

Taurus, an offer that notes your efforts and achievements comes your way. Do not let this immediately go to your head, but enjoy the


Sept 23/Oct 23

Leo, exercise caution so that your actions are not misinterpreted. You do not want others thinking you are doing things for the wrong reasons. Try to lighten up and be positive this week.

The Florence Food Share is located at 2190 Spruce St., Florence, OR 97439.

For more information about composting and gardening: Visit or call the OSU Extension Service - Lane County Master Gardener Plant Clinic at: 996 Jefferson Street, Eugene (541) 344-5859

The Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra is an all-volunteer community orchestra that has been playing and performing together since 2001. Under the direction of conductor Paul Strike, the group includes musicians of all ages and abilities, from high school students to seniors, amateur musicians to retired professionals, and everyone in between. Members live on the central coast or travel from other coastal communities or the valley to participate. For more information, visit occorchestra.org.

All proceeds benefit the Cancer Bus which transport patients every weekday to and from Eugene/Springfield for cancer treatments For more information and to reserve your table, call Toni Young 541-9917212 or Sharon Gelmstedt 541-991-3209.


Sept 23/Oct 23

Libra, you will need to pick a course and stick with it, especially over the next few days. There is a lot of temptation out there but if you don’t commit you’ll never get things done.

Libra, you will need to pick a course and stick with it, especially over the next few days. There is a lot of temptation out there but if you don’t commit you’ll never get things done.

National Veteran K9 Day at the Heceta Head Lightkeeper’s House


Oct 24/Nov 22


Oct 24/Nov 22

Arguments that have been slowly building up may come to a head this week, Scorpio. Your best bet is to stay out of the fray by keeping your distance and avoiding commentary.


Nov 23/Dec 21

Adoptable dogs from the local Humane Society will be on hand March 13 from 11 a.m, to 2 p.m., at the Heceta Head Lighthouse. Visitors can take part in a 50/50 drawing, Free cookies and dog biscuits (for the dogs), tours of the Lightkeeper’s House and more. The gift shop is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and the first floor of the lighthouse is open from 11 a.m to 2 p.m.


Nov 23/Dec 21

Sagittarius, it is possible that someone new you will meet this

of where St. Patrick’s Day originated — cel- ebrate each March 17th? Should travelers find themselves in Ireland this time of year, here’s what to expect in terms of St. Patrick’s Day commemorations.

of where St. Patrick’s Day originated — cel- ebrate each March 17th? Should travelers find themselves in Ireland this time of year, here’s what to expect in terms of St. Patrick’s Day commemorations.

Since St. Patrick’s Day is a national holiday, expect schools, banks and some businesses to be closed around the country and in portions of Northern Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day tourism is big business, so restaurants and pubs likely will be open and may extend their hours. According to the vacationing resource Travel Awaits, more than 100,000 travelers visit Dublin from March 14 to March 18 to partake in St. Patrick’s Day festivities. COVID-19 likely will impact how many visit this year.

Arguments that have been slowly building up may come to a head this week, Scorpio. Your best bet is to stay out of the fray by keeping your distance and avoiding commentary.

Since St. Patrick’s Day is a national holiday, expect schools, banks and some businesses to be closed around the country and in portions of Northern Ireland. St. Patrick’s Day tourism is big business, so restaurants and pubs likely will be open and may extend their hours. According to the vacationing resource Travel Awaits, more than 100,000 travelers visit Dublin from March 14 to March 18 to partake in St. Patrick’s Day festivities. COVID-19 likely will impact how many visit this year.

As St. Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday, devout Irish Catholics will treat the day as a religious celebration and may attend mass at nearby churches. Even though St. Patrick’s Day falls during the solemn season of Lent, since St. Patrick’s Day 2022 falls on a Thursday this year, one does not need to worry about any Lenten fasting restrictions. However, abstaining from meat usually is put on pause when St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Lenten Friday anyway.

As St. Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday, devout Irish Catholics will treat the day as a religious celebration and may attend mass at nearby churches. Even though St. Patrick’s Day falls during the solemn season of Lent, since St. Patrick’s Day 2022 falls on a Thursday this year, one does not need to worry about any Lenten fasting restrictions. However, abstaining from meat usually is put on pause when St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Lenten Friday anyway.

The biggest St. Patrick’s Day parade takes place in Dublin, and it’s full of national pride. Additional smaller parades may be held across Ireland as well.

Sagittarius, it is possible that someone new you will meet this week can become a close friend who sticks with you through thick and thin. Look for this person in

The biggest St. Patrick’s Day parade takes place in Dublin, and it’s full of national pride. Additional smaller parades may be held across Ireland as well.


Dec 22/Jan 20

Capricorn, now might be a time to figure out how to reduce some stress, especially if you find that people are avoiding you as of late. A change in attitude is all it takes.

Jan 21/Feb 18

Travelers may experience “drowning the shamrock” as they visit Irish pubs on St. Patrick’s Day. It is traditional to drop a shamrock into customers’ drinks in the pub. As such, it is surmised that having many drinks undoubtedly means more good luck for the year ahead due to all those lucky shamrocks.

Travelers may experience “drowning the shamrock” as they visit Irish pubs on St. Patrick’s Day. It is traditional to drop a shamrock into customers’ drinks in the pub. As such, it is surmised that having many drinks undoubtedly means more good luck for the year ahead due to all those lucky shamrocks.

It’s common to come across religious rituals, pilgrimages and processions on St. Patrick’s Day, particularly to places associated with St. Patrick. Downpatrick in County Down is believed to be the final resting place of St. Patrick and many people visit the grave and cathedral there. Some also may want to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin.

It’s common to come across religious rituals, pilgrimages and processions on St. Patrick’s Day, particularly to places associated with St. Patrick. Downpatrick in County Down is believed to be the final resting place of St. Patrick and many people visit the grave and cathedral there. Some also may want to visit St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin.

Ireland celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in similar fashion as other countries, but the country offers unique takes on the festivities as well. TF223767

You might be ready to delve into the next chapter of a relationship, Aquarius. Figure out what means the most to you and move those priorities to the forefront.

Ireland celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in similar fashion as other countries, but the country offers unique takes on the festivities as well. TF223767

SOCIAL MEDIA TEXT: Should travelers find themselves in Ireland this time of year, here’s what to expect in terms of St. Patrick’s Day commemorations.

SOCIAL MEDIA TEXT: Should travelers find themselves in Ireland this time of year, here’s what to expect in terms of St. Patrick’s Day commemorations.

CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 tfc CCB#164861 CONSTRUCTION , Inc. New Homes, Additions Remodels & Home Repair Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SUBDIVISIONS LAND CLEARING • PAVING • TRUCKING BRUSH & DEBRIS RECYCLING • DEMOLITION Ph. 541-997-2054 Fax 541-997-3499 1-877-201-0652 cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 P.O. BOx 3467 1770 LaureL PL FLOrence EXCAVATING 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffice.net Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations 541.991.8121 LEGAL SERVICES Yes! WE DO WINDOWS! Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Window Cleaning WINDOWS SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Call your advertising representative to advertise. 541-997-3441 PROPANE SERVICES We Pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible. 541-746-4621 • www.rdpropane.com R&D Propane Residential and Commercial delivery service Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 NowFlorence!Serving DIRECTORY Business & Service Initially a religious holiday to commemo- rate the
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CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY • Water Cleanup Cleaning. 997-2385. Janitorial Services Owners BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 tfc New Homes, Additions Remodels Home Repair Draperies • Shutters We Install • 30 Years Experience 541-991-3405 Florence TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SUBDIVISIONS LAND CLEARING • PAVING • TRUCKING BRUSH & DEBRIS RECYCLING • DEMOLITION Ph. 541-997-2054 Fax 541-997-3499 1-877-201-0652 cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 P.O. BOx 3467 1770 LaureL PL FLOrence, Or 97439 EXCAVATING 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffice.net Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations 541.991.8121 LEGAL SERVICES Yes! WE DO WINDOWS! Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Window Cleaning WINDOWS SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Call your advertising representative to advertise. 541-997-3441 PROPANE SERVICES We Pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible. 541-746-4621 • www.rdpropane.com R&D Propane Residential and Commercial delivery service Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 NowFlorence!Serving DIRECTORY Business Service











SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 B7 & Donate Your Car Imagine the Di erence You Can Make Vehicle donations are fully tax-deductible and the proceeds help provide services to help the blind and visually impaired. Help Prevent Blindness Get A Vision Screening Annually FREE TOWING & TAX DEDUCTIBLE a $200 restaurant voucher ✔ a 2-night, 3-day hotel stay at one of 50 locations Call 1-844-533-9173 When you donate your car, you’ll receive: Price per person based on double occupancy plus $299 tax service/gov’t fees. Ask your Travel Consultant for terms & conditions. Add-on airfare with transfers available from most major gateways. Call for details. 12 DAYS: MAY-SEPT 2024 DEPARTURES Starting at $2149 $1899 Grand Alaskan Cruise & Tour USE PROMO CODE: YMT2024 1-877-230-4828 8AM-8PM EST MON-FRI EXCLUSIVE LIMITED TIME OFFER! Promo Code: 285 FREE GUTTER ALIGNMENT + FREE GUTTER CLEANING* CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE 1-855-536-8838 Mon-Thurs: 8am-11pm, Fri-Sat: 8am-5pm, Sun: 2pm-8pm EST CLOG-FREE GUTTERS FOREVER **Wells Fargo Home Projects credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., an Equal Housing Lender. Special terms for 24 mo. apply to qualifying purchases is 28.99%. Effective 01/01/2023 subject to change. Call 1-800-431-5921 for complete details.2The leading consumer reporting agency conducted a 16 month outdoor test of gutter guards in 2010 and recognized LeafFilter as the “#1 rated professionally installed gutter guard system in America.” *For those who qualify. One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. Offer valid at time of estimate only. See Representative for full warranty details. Manufactured in Plainwell, Michigan and processed at LMTMercer Group in Ohio. AR #0366920922, CA #1035795, CT #HIC.0649905, FL #CBC056678, #226192, ND 47304, NE #50145-22, NJ #13VH09953900, NM #408693, NV #0086990, NY #H-19114, H-52229, OR #218294, PA #PA069383, RI #GC-41354, TN #7656, UT #10783658-5501, VA #2705169445, WA #LEAFFNW822JZ, WV #WV056912. ++ 0 10 15% %% OFF OFF
TELEVISION: Which TV sitcom featured a father figure named Philip Banks?
LANGUAGE: How many letters are in the Greek alphabet?
MOVIES: Which movie features the line, "To be honest, when I found out the patriarchy wasn't just about horses, I lost interest"?
SCIENCE: How long is an eon?
GEOGRAPHY: In which country is most of the Kalahari Desert located?
MU SIC: Which singer once was called the Material Girl?
FOOD & DRINK: What is injera?
ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is a group of cockroaches called?
GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which large U.S. city is nicknamed Emerald City?
GAMES: How many blocks are in a Jenga tower? © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. Answers 1. “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.” 2. 24. 3. “Barbie.” 4. 1 billion years. 5. Botswana, Africa. 6. Madonna. 7. Fermented flatbread. 8. An intrusion. 9. Seattle, Washington. 10. 54. Posting Date March 11, 2024
B8 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2024 Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 Richard Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-6677 Melody Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-2151 Crystell Wise Principal Broker, CRS, SRS, SRES 541 991-9487 Kyle Lewis Broker 541 991-6728 Aileen Sapp Broker, SRS, SRES 541 999-5396 Amy Johnson Broker, CSA 541 999-7875 Megan Shervin Broker 307-690-4497 Bonnie Welch Broker 310-487-3013 Wendy Krause Broker 541 999-7765 Mike Blankenship Broker 541 991-7826 Brandi Hart Broker 541 999-2671 Nichole Lewis Broker 541 999-8786 Heidi White Broker 541 600-6058 5761 Lake St - Panoramic views of Siltcoos Lake! Completely remodeled, upgraded 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on an acre. Granite counters, cook island, LVP floors, stainless appliances. Views from each room, RV parking or room for toys. This is a must-see! $597,900. #347123189605 165 Outer Dr - 1992 Park Model, 1 bdrm, 1 bath with vaulted ceilings and a loft area, plus an enclosed office entrance. Property also has a neat detached guest unit that is 1 bdrm, 1 bath with kitchenette. Large, covered patio deck includes hot tub and yard. $199,000. #344823366180 88875 Bayberry Ln #24 - Discover lakefront living at Mercer Lake Resort! 2 bdrm, 1 bath manufactured home with spacious kitchen, laundry, and covered deck. Carport, boat access, and serene lake views. Perfect for 55+ residents. $850/month space rent covers trash, water, sewer. $139,000. #3489-23418307 Shoreline Dr #116-120 – Five small lots make up this one beautiful future building site. The CC&Rs state lots will not be buildable until they are serviced by the City sewer system. Currently adjacent to the grass field used as the community drain field. Wooded, rolling lots. $50,000. #332822033562 Hemlock Street #1508 – Wooded investment lot located South of Florence, but still just minutes from Old Town, dunes and more! No current improved access to the property. Buy now - build later! $20,000. #3378-22427654 Pacific View Dr #700 - This 0.69-acre lot in Pacific View Business Park is now available for your business venture. The park provides space for offices, service businesses, light manufacturing, research and development facilities, assembly, packaging, warehousing and supporting uses. $199,000. #3497-23155611 Bonnett Way #29 – Come build your custom dream home in beautiful, gated Fawn Ridge West. Unique, upscale neighborhood with city utilities ready and approved. Hear the ocean on this quiet cul-de-sac with potential ocean views from second story home. $130,000. #328221376459 63 Shoreline Dr - Wonderful home with amazing views in gated Shelter Cove. Nestled on top of a hill catch beautiful Siuslaw River and distant ocean views. This home has both a breakfast nook and a formal dining room, plus full-span deck in front. $835,000. #344323215919 11425 E Mapleton Rd - Great views of the Siuslaw River, valley, and mountains from your own spacious deck. Located about 2 miles up river with a lovely place to swim. This 1440 sqft manufactured home has 2 bdrms and 2 full baths. Lot size is 2.75 ac split by the road. $449,000. #3500-23049644 11781 Alder Avenue, Mapleton - Lovely 3 bedroom home with additional back lot, fruit trees, mountain views and many upgrades. Wood floors, high ceilings, wood burning fireplace, and an additional 4th bedroom suite with its own exterior entrance. $369,000. #348123614222 North Ln #7100 – Don’t miss this lot in the Sutton Lake by the Sea neighborhood! Enjoy the peaceful lake area setting this lot has to offer. Features a parking and RV pad. Brush on the lot has been cleared, exposing the terrain and trees. 0.25 acre gives privacy with a peek of the lake. $55,000. #3410-23603362 Levage Dr #5600 - Discover your piece of coastal heaven! This .26- acre lot is a hidden gem, perfectly situated within walking distance to Sutton Lake and the pristine Baker Beach. Build your dream home or vacation retreat amidst breathtaking natural beauty. $32,000. #3462- 23567810 TR Hunter Real Estate 1749 Highway. 101, Florence OR 97439 www.trhunter.com 541-997-1200 • 800-210-7453 4792 Seapine Dr - This unique 0.42 acre flag is ready for your dream home! Cleared with available power and water, just minutes away from the beach. The trees help make this lot relaxing and private. Seller has marked the main property corners. $189,000. #3502- 23604489 1198 Winsome Cir - Great in-town home on quiet culde-sac. This home has a beautiful kitchen with granite counters, stainless appliances and open concept living. 3 bdrms, 2 baths with a large bonus room above the otversized garage. $639,000. #3418-23197925 88875 Bayberry LN #20 - Wonderful home in the Mercer Lake Resort RV Park with 2 bdrm, 2 bath, an updated white kitchen with built-in microwave. The home comes fully furnished and sold as is. No land included in this sale. A covered front porch and large carport, with tool shed and small yard in back. $125,000. #349923246291 83244 Clear Lake Rd - Country charmer on almost half an acre between Woahink and Siltcoos Lakes! Beautifully remodeled kitchen and bathrooms. Room for RV and sand toys with fantastic location near lakes and sand dunes. $419,900. #3508-24643738 645 35th Ct - Desirable double primary suites in this secluded and private home on a dead-end street. New carpet, granite in kitchen, solid hardwood floors, cozy wood stove and extra-deep garage. $415,000. #350924009133 1600-91 Rhododendron Dr - Cute as a button! Freshly painted with lots of built-ins and character throughout. Nice deck and garden space, plus bonus art studio/ shop with sink. $230,000. #3510-24006067 458 Sherwood Lp - Florentine Estates gated community home. A 1995 built manufactured home, 3 bdrms and 2 full baths with an open concept. 35' RV garage and hookups. Primary suite has a walkin tub. Spacious kitchen with center island. Fenced for pets.$499,000. #3512-24408827 206 Bourbon St - Located in the unique community of Coast Village, this charming 2 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home offers the comforts of an office, utility room, garden area, as well as covered parking and a workshop. Embrace relaxation and excitement in this gated community! $225,000. #3470-23574411 26 Shoreline Dr - Absolutely stunning! Expansive river and ocean view home in gated Shelter Cove. Gardens both front and back. Open concept floor plan with large granite chef's kitchen. Spacious living room with propane fireplace, slider to the pergola patio. $1,300,000. #3479-23655322 New Listing 89510 Hwy 101 #10 - A peaceful setting for this 1975 Manufactured Fuqua mobile home. Backs up to the forest/ greenbelt for great views and wind protection. Workshop has new pressure-treated wood floor and new sliding glass door. $125,000. #3412-23373792 Price Reduction 50 Shoreline Dr - Builder built home in Shelter Cove with 4 bdrms, den, sunroom, 3-car garage and RV barn. 3856 sqft with views of the Siuslaw and the Pacific Ocean from nearly every room. Private path to river/ beach. Beautiful home, come see it today! $1,600,000. #3505-24011570 5655 Alder Ct - Charming and recently updated ranchstyle home in a desirable neighborhood! This 3 bdrm, 1 bath home offers a cozy and functional living space. Nestled on a peaceful tree lined cul-desac between Whoahink and Siltcoos Lakes. $399,000. #351524505180 Upper Deadwood Creek Rd #105 - For those looking for privacy on their own 7+ acres, this could be it. Over 300 feet of Cougar Creek frontage. Access will require a bridge. Buyer to check with Lane County for land use compatibility. $199,000. #3507-24169193 Clearwater Cove Way #2500 – This area of fine homes with partial lake views would make a wonderful site for your new home. Located in the South Lakes area on a paved cul-de-sac. Septic approved, cleared, sunny and ready to go. $220,000. #3216-21617899

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