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across the partially-eclipsed sun.

homeless sheltering locations inside city limits. City Manager Erin Reynolds explained that the process is very fluid as the council takes in input and revisits issues and gets feedback from the community. Community Development Director Wendy Farley-Campbell opened by noting that the session was the third time the council met to discuss the issue. Councilors were given a memo of information including a new version of Title 1 chapter 9 and a zoning map for reference. It was noted at the previous meeting that for definitive terms, camping would instead be referred to as sheltering. Farley-Campbell said she and City Attorney Ross Williamson made edits to proposed codes, based on council input from previous meetings.

At the previous meeting, councilors discussed allowable tent sizes, suggesting only that industrial and circus size tents be prohibited. Regarding sizes to be allowed in a private yard where the owner allows them to camp, Farley-Campbell said she did a lot of research into tents. She said while considering how many people could be hosted in a typical backyard, she found that a 90 ft tent can accommodate four people, and up to six, but in cramped conditions. She said she chose to propose a maximum tent height of 6 ft, 5 in. which would be tall enough for people to stand in and would make organization easier.

“Backyard fences are usually 6 ft tall,” she said.

She said tents could be placed pretty much anywhere other than in in places where they would block traffic or sidewalks. Mayor Rob Ward questioned whether tents would be allowable in undeveloped areas blocking right of ways and for how long.

“The intent is that if you are camping in the public right of way or a public place, on public land, that it’s allowed and yes, there is a time limit.

Florence, Oregon Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Number 16 • 133 years Siu s law News News & views that define our community SN Siuslaw News SN $1.25 thesiuslawnews.com Siuslaw News 2 Sections | 16 Pages Copyright 2024 Follow us for the latest news: /SiuslawNews@Siuslaw_News TheSiuslawNews.com Obituaries — A2 Sports & Lifestyle — B1 Opinion — A3 Classifieds — B5-B6 INSIDE By TONY REED The Siuslaw News Florence residents who were looking forward to seeing the partial solar eclipse April 8 may have been hopeful when it started but likely went back indoors before too long. At 8 a.m., skies were mostly clear over town but by each hour, became more cloudy until the shape of the sun couldn’t be seen at all. The sun and moon first “touched” at about 10:35 a.m. before Oregonians watched it pass over the bottom third of the sun. While visible from the Siuslaw News office at the start, the event was clouded over within the next half-hour. Around Florence, some residents could be seen outside looking up into the clouds while others occupied highway pullouts along Highways 101 and 126. Thinner inland clouds in Mapleton allowed for sporadic viewing of the eclipse as clouds passed
541.997.7777 “WE’RE NEXT TO THE BRIDGE.” 100 HWY. 101 SEE ALL FLORENCE LISTINGS AT CBCOAST.COM COAST REAL ESTATE FEATURED OFFERINGS IN FLORENCE 5198 VERSANT DRIVE 3 Bed/2 Bath, 1440 SF $464,900 3744/3742 SPRUCE ST. 5 Bed/3 Bath, 2188 SF, includes Apt. $785,000 1625 38TH LOOP 4 Bed/3 Bath, 2102 SF $569,000 2105 WILLOW LOOP 3 Bed+DEN/2 Bath, 2009 SF $698,000 BRANDNEW! BRANDNEW! Rent Your Party Boat Today!! Mercer Lake Resort 541-997-3633 See ECLIPSE, Page A4 INSIDE VIKINGS’ ALLEN TAKES 3A LEAD IN POLE VAULT Peacehealth names Ruscher CMO of Oregon network | PAGE A5 Sun eclipsed by clouds, mostly At 10:35 a.m., left, the moon was just touching the bottom of the sun. By 11:44 a.m., the moon had moved across the lower part of the sun. While it’s known that the next eclipse will occur in 2044, that one will only be visible in Montana and North Dakota but the next one to span the U.S. from coast to coast will happen Aug. 12, 2045. Starbucks Coffee to take over Old Pizza Hut building Council continues homeless camping code discussions By TONY REED The Siuslaw News The Florence City Council spent another couple hours April 4 discussing potential changes and adjustments to proposed codes that will determine allowable
or a residence, as proposed, then
is no time limit.” Lawful reasons Much discussion came from a recommendation by Williamson in regard to revoking permission to By TONY REED Siuslaw News All but the basic framework and roof have been removed from the former Pizza Hut building at 1940 Highway 101 in Florence, leaving some to wonder what’s going on with the property and what will happen there. When reconstruction is complete, the building will house a Starbuck’s Coffee shop with a dining area and drive-through. “The interior and exterior of the building will be remodeled to reflect the Starbucks branding,” according to the planning application. “The floor area and the building footprint will remain the same.” Proposed plans show that the roof shape will be modified and will not retain the former Pizza Hut shape. No estimated completion or opening date could be found in planning documents for the project. Another local building making residents ask “what’s going on?” is the former Hoberg’s Auto Repair at 345 Highway 101. A “Coming Soon” sign was placed on the building the first week of April, along with other signs parodying known franchises. City Manger Erin Reynolds said the City is aware that the building has a new owner, but more information hasn’t been provided. She said the city hasn’t been informed of the owner’s intentions, and no development applications have been submitted. Reynolds said the property owner has been made aware of city code regarding signs, and will need to file a development application and go through the city’s land use process if they plan to change the use of the building. Signs have since been removed. Hoberg’s Auto Repair was closed by its owners in June 2023, about the same time Starbucks filed applications with the City to renovate the Pizza Hut building. If you see a yellow sign with the words “Land Use Decision Pending” on a property within the city limits, go online to https://www.ci.florence.or.us/planning/land-use-decision-pending to learn more about it. See CODE, Page A2
proposed, if you
private property, either

Dennis Eugene Ellis

Dennis (Denny) Eugene Ellis went to heaven on December 27, 2023, at 79 years of age, surrounded by his family. He had a very strong love for the Lord and his family.


Council continues homeless camping code discussions

From Page A1

shelter on private property, saying that removal of a guest be done for “lawful reasons.”

Councilor Sally Wantz questioned it, saying a property owner could ask someone to leave for any reason, personal or otherwise.

Williamson explained his suggestion was simply to not allow someone to act illegally, since the code section previously said, “for any reason.”

“Say for instance, a property owner wants to revoke permission because they don’t like the color of someone’s skin or the language they’re speaking, and they say, ‘well, the city says I can revoke permission for any reason,’” Williamson explained. “No, the city doesn’t say that, it says you can revoke permission for any lawful reason… A lawful reason includes any non-discriminatory, [legal] reason, which can be a change of mind. The reason doesn’t need to be in law, it just needs to be a lawful reason.”

Mayor Rob Ward questioned whether that would be understandable to most, adding that a property owner may terminate permission to stay at any time and for any reason.

Reynolds said some could take the term, “for any reason” to allow discriminatory practices.

“Most likely, if you have a change of mind or decide this is not working out for you and your family, having somebody shelter in your backyard, that is a lawful reason as long as you don’t add on unlawful reasons,” she said.

Ward said it might become a “can of worms” if someone refuses to leave, claiming the property owner did not have a legal reason to disallow permission.

Councilor Bill Meyer suggested it could cause problems if higher courts change laws in the future.

“We don’t know yet what the 9th Circuit [Court] is going to determine six months from now,” he said.

Councilor Robert Carp asked what happens if a property owner rescinds permission for legal reasons and a person refuses to leave.

Reynolds reminded the council to look in other parts of city code, wherein it says anyone participating in the sheltering program does so at their own risk, and nothing in the section creates or establishes duty or liability of the city or its officers in respect to loss or bodily injury, including death or property damage. She added that code includes methods for removing property and people. She suggested adding language to say the program does not constitute or create a legal tenancy situation. Williamson agreed and said such language could be added.

Councilor Jo Beaudreau noted that people illegally squatting on a property can sometimes establish a form of legal tenancy, and suggested further research to keep it from happening with the city’s codes. “What we’re talking about is a program where

Denny was born in Emmett, Idaho on January 14,1944, to Erwin and Marie Ellis, joining his older brother Thomas and later by his younger sister Carolyn. His family moved several times while growing up. He graduated from Creswell High School in 1962. His athletic achievements during his high school years included winning first place in the shot put, discus and javelin at the State Track and Field Track meet. He received the MVP trophy for the State Meet. Denny was inducted into the Creswell High School Hall of Fame. After graduating from high school Denny attended

we, the city, are allowing this additional occupancy on private property, so if you have invited someone onto your property to stay, and they’ve worn out their welcome and you want them to leave, you ask them to leave, just like you’d ask someone you invited over for Thanksgiving,” Williamson said. “ If they refuse to leave, then that’s an issue between the person you invited… and the homeowner. I guess at some point, if the person really refuses to leave… you involve the police and say this person is trespassing.” Williamson said he didn’t see the situation as being different from any other homeowner/ guest situation. He said the process would be the same as when a business invites the public and someone steals or creates a scene, police will remove the subject and tell them charges will be pressed if they return.

Ward asked if people would be allowed to camp on private property through a city program.

“What we are allowing is a property owner to allow someone on their property,” Williamson said, “but we’re setting the process for the property owner, not the person staying there.”

However, Ward said that if paperwork is filled out at the city level to allow it, a homeless guest may claim that the paperwork allows them to be there.

“Is there anything in there that’s going to come back and bite us,” he asked, “or interfere with the property owners’ rights to remove that person?”

Police Chief John Pitcher said that in conversations with a judge, he was told that without a monetary agreement between a homeowner and guest, the illegal eviction framework would not apply. Pitcher added that for longer term situations, such as for a


Southern Oregon College (SOC) where he had many athletic accomplishments. He was a four-year letterman in Football and Track, finishing in the top four nationally each year. He averaged 48.3 yards punts in 1965, which led NAIA schools. Denny holds SOC school records for the longest punt 87 yards, punt average for a game 55 yards, in 1965. He held SOC’s records in the shot put and javelin in the district championship in 1965. He also won the national championship in the javelin. Denny became the first Track and Field All American for SOC in 1965. Denny was inducted in the SOC’s Hall of Fame in 1996.

year or more, he is uncertain and would have to seek legal clarification.

However, he added that if his officers found a property owner to be seeking and eviction for unlawful reasons, such as discrimination, his officers would not assist the property owner.

Wantz returned to the Thanksgiving dinner analogy, asking Williamson whether a property owner would be legally allowed to ask someone to leave their property because they don’t like their lifestyle, politics, etc.

“Do I have to come up with a lawful reason to ask them to leave?” she asked.

“That’s not what I am saying,” Williamson replied, “The only reason for that to be inserted… is so that the property owner doesn’t then turn to the code and say ‘the city allows me to do whatever I want, even if it’s unlawful.’ Before, the code as I read it, said someone can be removed for any reason. I simply said ‘let’s make it any lawful reason’ so then it doesn’t come back on the city for someone to complain that ‘the city allowed me to discriminate against this person.’”

When asked if the words “for any reason” could be taken out to leave “may revoke permission,” Williamson said yes, but did not see reasons for concern about the addition of the word lawfully.”

“When we get a driver’s license, we are required to drive lawfully,” he said. “The state of Oregon is not giving us authority to act unlawfully. All we’re saying is if you invite someone onto your property, the city is not giving you authority to act unlawfully.”

Then what?

Mayor Rob Ward asked if notice would be given to those experiencing homelessness.

Denny received and turned down offers from The Dallas Cowboys and Detroit Lions to punt in Pro Football in 1967. While attending SOC, Denny met and married Barbara Gardner in 1965. After graduating from college, with his teaching degree Denny accepted a job offer from the Mapleton School District, in Mapleton, Oregon, where they raised their family, Greg, Lori and Chris. He taught and coached at Mapleton for 32 years. He coached an “All Star Track and Field team from Oregon and Washington that competed in Hong Kong and Communist China.

“If we adopt this code, which means no more permanent tent camps on public property, and I think you said there are about 30 people, in 30 places that we would call permanent tent campers, how do we deal with those?” He asked. “Are we going to be going out to each of them and saying, ‘a new code has been adopted and you’re no longer allowed to stay here?’ What’s going to be the process?”

Police Chief John Pitcher said his officers won’t likely patrol all known camps at 9 a.m., since many are out of public view. He said officers will work with Code Enforcement to try to notify as many people as possible. Ward said he felt it pointless to have an unenforced codes on the books.

Asked how soon after adopting ordinances become effective, Reynolds said 30 day, unless indicated otherwise. Ward suggested that upon adoption of the new ordinances, notification could be delivered to people taking shelter on public properties around town.

Councilor Bill Meyer said that since the city enforces alleged violations on a complaint basis, notices could be given during this contacts. Reynolds said that’s pretty much how it works already and the city would rather spread the word through education than enforcement.

Ward noted that officials know the basic locations of about 30 campsites around the city.

“Because we know where they are, I would hope that, once this is adopted, we provide them specific notice that this has been adopted, these are the new rules, this is going to take effect on a certain date, and you will no longer

When he was not teaching and coaching, he enjoyed hunting, fishing camping and golfing. He sang in a gospel quartet the “Trust and Obey Boys” and they sang throughout Western Oregon. He also sang in the Barbershop Choirs.

Denny was a very active member of the Lions Club for 35 years. Some of Denny’s joys was going on Work and Witness trips to build churches, teaching Bible study and Sunday school.

Denny is survived by his wife Barbara of 58 years, his sons Greg (Becky) and Chris (Augusta) and his daughter Lori (Nick) and their spouses. His grandchildren, Will,

be able to be where you are, in some instances because they are not in a designated area where sheltering is allowed but also, the date that they would have to be out of there,” Ward said.

Chief Pitcher said code enforcement personnel did exactly that when it came to

BreaAnna (Josh), Bailey and Braiden, his brother Thomas and wife Colleen, and his sister Carolyn and husband Art and their families. There will be a Memorial Service for Denny on April 27, at the Mapleton High School Gym at 1:00 P.M. All are welcome.

Don Wesley Long

Don Wesley “WES” Long of Mapleton passed away March 1, 2024. He is survived by his children Rich, Matt and Mike and his daughter in law Melissa and many other relatives. Memorial services will be held at a later date.

enforcing new parking ordinances in the city. Reynolds added that the city would not set out to single out and inform particular people, and that the homeless community

85566 Maple St - Enjoy filtered views of Siuslaw River and Old Town. Minutes from sand dunes, ocean, Bay St, this 2 bdrm, 2 bath home is close to all the fun that Florence has to offer but out of the hustle and bustle. $235,000. #3516-24237444 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Let me Showcase your property Wendy Krause Broker 541 999-7765 myflorencedds.com Space #2 in the Old Hospital on 12th Street
See CONT., Page A3

“I never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.” — Thomas Jefferson (1800)

is also adept at informing one another.

Test of reasonableness

After discussion about vacating notices, nuisance abatement, group sizes, and development of a future map, councilor Meyer asked a pointed question of Williamson.

“Early on, you emphasized that anything we do must meet the test of reasonableness,” Meyer said. “Does this document that we have gone through, in your opinion, meet the test of reasonableness in terms of what the law requires us to enact ?”

“I don’t know because I haven’t seen a map,” he said. “I don’t know how many homeless folks you have in your communities so I think it’s going to be a matter of putting this into action and seeing how it shakes up and

Locally Owned. Community Minded 4515 Hwy. 101 541-997-8052 Over 19 years experience
Siuslaw News 4969 HWY. 101, North, #4 PO Box. 10 Florence OR, 97439 541.997.3441 The newspaper is published every WEDNESDAY. A member of the National News- paper Association and Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association. Periodicals postage paid at Florence, Ore. Postmaster, send address changes to: Country Media, PO Box 670, Salem OR 97308. OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed between the hours of 12pm & 3pm DEADLINE WEDNESDAY EDITION General news releases, Classified line ads, Legal Notice WEDNESDAY end of day one week prior. Display ads, WEDNESDAY, 10:00 am one week prior Please submit press releases to treed@countrymedia.net NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Lane County 1 year subscription | $84 1 month Subscription | $12.50 Out of Lane County 1 year subscription | $107 1 month Subscription | $16.67 E-Edition Online Only (Anywhere) 1 year subscription | $69 1 month Subscription | $6 *** Ask about our senior discounts Mail subscription includes E-Edition. Website & E-Edition: TheSiuslawNews.com OUR STAFF ADMINISTRATION Joe Warren | Publisher jwarren@countrymedia.net Misty Berg | Office Manager 541.997.3441 |snofficemanager@countrymedia.net ADVERTISING Frank Perea | Director of Sales fperea@countrymedia.net Jeanna Petersen | Senior Sales Consultant 541.902.3529 | jpetersen@countrymedia.net EDITORIAL Joe Warren | Executive Editor (Dist. 5) Email: Sen.DickAnderson@oregonlegislature.gov Florence City Council Mayor Rob Ward & Councilors Bill Meyer, Sally Wantz, Robert Carp & Jo Beaudreaux Florence City Hall, 250 Highway 101, Florence, 97439 541-997-3437 ci.florence.or.us Dunes City Council Mayor Ed McGuire & Councilors Rory Hammond, Tom Mallen, Susan Snow, Melissa Stinson, Robert Orr & Melissa Stinson Dunes City Hall, 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493 541-997-3338 dunescityhall.com SN USPS# 497-660 Copyright 2023 © Siuslaw News WWW.POLKIO.COM Siuslaw News News & views that define our community www.thesiuslawnews.com Cont. Council continues homeless camping code discussions From Page A2

Oregon advocates for marginalized communities are speaking out on behalf of the state’s homeless and downtrodden as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear a case that started in Grants Pass and could set parameters for how cities nationwide can deal with homeless camps.

The case, Grants Pass v Johnson, began as a lawsuit by a group of homeless people against restrictions in the southern Oregon city on outdoor sleeping. Although the case’s outcome will have a national impact on homeless camping laws, there will be less of one in Oregon. That’s because Oregon lawmakers passed a state law in 2021 that prevents cities from punishing people sleeping outside on public property. Under the state law, cities can put “objectively reasonable” restrictions that regulate the time, place and manner of camps without outright bans.

As the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments on April 22 on the case, Oregon advocates are asking the court to remember the broader principles that frame the homeless issue, both in Oregon and across the nation.

Disability Rights Oregon, the Oregon Food Bank and 15 other Oregon groups, including the Cascade AIDS Project, Habitat for Humanity of Oregon and Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon, have signed onto amicus briefs in support of the plaintiffs. At the core of their arguments, advocates say, is that homeless people should not be punished as jail time and fines will only deepen their challenges.

“Criminalization just doesn’t work as a tool to help people exit their experience from housing insecurity, their experience from homelessness,” Loren Naldoza, Oregon Food Bank public policy advocate, said in an interview. “It only makes it worse.”

The Grants Pass case initially sought to overturn a local ordinance that barred homeless people from using blankets, pillows or cardboard boxes while sleeping outside in public to guard against the rain, snow and wind.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the ordinance was the equivalent of cruel and unusual punishment because it penalized people because they are

homeless, violating the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Disability Rights Oregon

signed onto a separate brief filed by disability advocates from across the nation. The brief notes that homeless people are more likely to suffer mental health conditions and other disabilities that contribute to their homelessness and encourages solutions like affordable and stable housing – not criminal penalties. “No mother chooses to raise her children without stable housing, but when she finds herself in that situation, that family needs a safe place to rest,” Jake Cornett, executive director and CEO of Disability Rights Oregon, said in a statement. “Criminalizing homelessness is not going to solve any problem in our communities. It’s past time for Oregon to focus on affordability, accessible shelters, low-barrier housing, and building a functioning behavioral health system.” Separately, nearly 50 groups nationwide, including the Equality Federation in Portland, filed a brief urging the Supreme Court to declare that ordinances that criminalize homelessness are unconstitutional, including for members of the LGBTQ+ community who are disproportionately harmed by such ordinances.

The filing draws upon statistics to show the disproportionate impact of homelessness on the LGBTQ+ community. For example, LGBTQ+ youth make up 40% of unhoused youth and 65% of youth with frequent homelessness, even though they make

up less than 10% of the population, the brief said.

“Since a disproportionately high number of unhoused people are from the LGBTQIA+ community, this is an issue of particular importance for the organizations who joined our amicus brief,” said Chinyere Ezie, a senior attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, a New York-based

will recognize the dangers posed to all unhoused people by the discriminatory ordinances at stake.” Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 Serving Florence since 1990 We’ve got you COVERED business • homeowners • auto • life • health • medicare plans ASK US ABOUT MULTIPLE POLICY DISCOUNTS! Contact Angela, Jodi or Paul to discuss your policy needs. www.AbelInsuranceAgency.com 875 Hwy 101 • Florence, OR • (541) 997-3466 This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND Thursday, April 25, 2024 5:30 7pm at The Laughing Crab Gallery and Tasting Room 1341 Bay Street, Florence, OR No cover charge! Florence StoryBridge Connecting people through first person true stories told live! Storytellers put their name in a hat for the chance to tell a story that is true, told live on stage, and focused on the theme for the night, “Lucky.” Stories need to be five minutes or less, told without notes, and appropriate for all audiences . For more information, contact FlorenceStoryBridge@gmail.com Advocates urge U.S. Supreme Court to protect homeless PHOTO BY BEN BOTKIN/OREGON CAPITAL CHRONICLE The U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on April 22 in a case about homeless ordinances that started with the regulations in Grants Pass that prevented sleeping in public areas. A makeshift campsite for people experiencing homelessness in downtown Salem on Monday, Jan. 29, 2024. According to NASA, the next solar eclipse over the U.S. won’t happen until 2044 and will only be visible in North Dakota and Montana. The next eclipse to span the entire U.S. will occur August 12, 2045, according to NASA. Should you find yourself in lower South America or Antarctica this October, you’ll have a chance to take in an annular eclipse and the next total eclipse will be visible from Greenland to Spain and other areas on Aug. 12, 2026. However, a full lunar eclipse will occur March 13 to 14, 2025 just before midnight. Eclipse Sun eclipsed by clouds, mostly From Page A1
social justice center. “We hope the Supreme Court

PeaceHealth names Ruscher CMO of Oregon network

Kim Ruscher, MD, MPH, has accepted the position of Chief Medical Officer for the PeaceHealth Oregon network, effective April 1. Dr. Ruscher was serving as interim chief medical officer following the appointment of Jim McGovern, MD, to chief hospital executive for the PeaceHealth Oregon network in February. Dr. Ruscher had also been serving as chief medical officer — surgical since being named to the position in March 2023.

“Dr. Ruscher is the perfect person to fill this position,” McGovern said. “The breadth and depth of the experience that she’s amassed throughout her career serves as an excellent foundation for her to excel as PeaceHealth Oregon’s new chief medical officer. I have been consistently impressed with Kim’s leadership approach and perspective on safety, and I look forward to working alongside her as we continually strive

to provide the best care to the people of western Oregon.” In her new role, Dr. Ruscher will be accountable for quality, patient safety, medical staff and utilization management for PeaceHealth’s hospitals in Springfield, Cottage Grove and Florence. Dr. Ruscher joined PeaceHealth in 2013 as a pediatric surgeon, taking on progressive leadership roles throughout her career. As the Pediatric Specialties Chief for PeaceHealth Medical Group since 2020, she has implemented organizational and structural improvements to increase efficiency and effectiveness. Dr. Ruscher has served as an active member of many hospital and medical group committees, including as vice chief of medical staff for Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend.

As part of her commitment to lead, she has strived to create a more equitable workload distribution for surgeons, revised clinic workflows and led outreach programs to bring care closer to underserved communities.

Dr. Ruscher donates her time and expertise to Parenting Now, where she serves on the board of directors. She also serves on the board for the Springfield Chamber of Commerce. She and her husband support FOOD for Lane County through fundraising and event planning.

Dr. Ruscher earned her undergraduate degree and Doctor of Medicine from Florida State University, and completed her general surgery residency at the University of Connecticut. She earned her master’s degree in public health from Harvard University School of Public Health and completed a fellowship in pediatric surgery at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center at the University of Connecticut.

OSU tuition rates approved

The Oregon State University Board of Trustees approved tuition rates and student fees for the 2024-25 school year snd accepted an updated 10-year business forecast.

The undergraduate tuition rates for the 2024-25

academic year include an overall increase of 4.65% for continuing students.

At the same time, Oregon State will increase student financial aid funded by the university by $9.5 million to more than $125 million, a

level that is almost three times what it was five years ago. “In the face of rising costs, we are responding to sustain the high-quality services and support that we provide at Oregon State while mitigating the impact on tuition as much as possible,” said OSU President Jayathi Murthy. “We understand the impact that inflation is having on students and families, and in response we are again significantly increasing financial aid, especially for families with the greatest need.”

Other tuition increases include:

4.65% for continuing and new students at Ecampus, Oregon State’s online education unit.

2% for resident graduate students.

15% for non-resident graduate students.

2% for continuing and new Ecampus graduate students.

3% to 7% for professional graduate programs.

The increases are driven by inflation related to labor, and goods and services; costs associated with increasing enrollment, such as additional instructional and support staff; and investments in expanded programs and services associated with the university’s strategic plan.

Student fees will also increase, including for counseling and psychological services in Corvallis (11% increase), financing capital projects for non-instructional buildings, primarily student centers, student health facilities and student recreational facilities ($10 per quarter increase in Corvallis and $4 per quarter increase in Bend) and student health services (4.7% increase in Corvallis and 4.6% in Bend).

The board also approved a short-term debt resolution; adopted a shared governance philosophy; approved amendments to the bylaws and three of its policies in compliance with Senate Bill 273, passed by the Oregon legislature in 2023;

and heard a report on the 2024 state legislative session and upcoming 2025 legislative matters. An executive session was held pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 192.660(2)(d) to conduct deliberations with persons designated by the governing to carry on labor negotiations. No decisions were made in the executive session. www.polkio.com Pencil usin! Siuslaw News News & views that define our community www.thesiuslawnews.com Serving the entire Oregon Coast. Staffed locally with factory trained professionals. Residential and Commercial Garage Door Installation. 541.997.5008 www.overheaddoor-eugene.com CCB# 50460 Overhead Door Company of The Oregon Coast™ All month long in April! UP TO 15% OFF MOST BRAND NAMES MAIL IN-REBATES ON SELECT BRANDS! WHEN YOU BUY A SET OF 4 OR MORE TIRES. WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP CAR CENTER •Full Service Repair • Tire sales •Over 20 years experience Locally Owned. Community Minded WE ALSO OFFER ROAD HAZARD $30 FOR A SET OF 4 TIRES A GREAT WARRANTY COVERAGE FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL OUTSIDE OF FLORENCE. 4515 Hwy. 101 • 541-997-8052 This message brought to you by: If you would like to meet them or any of their friends, please visit us at: OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY 2840 Rhododendron Drive • Florence • 541-997-4277 www.oregoncoasthumanesociety.org Shelter hours are 10am until 5pm seven days a week. Pet of the Week MEET BRIE! Brie is a three-year-old cattle dog mix. She loves to play ball and walks nicely on a leash. Brie is currently in a foster home learning what it’s like to have a family of her own. She’s ready to meet you, so call the shelter to schedule an appointment to meet this special girl. 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Heidi White Broker 541-600-6058 642 35th Ct - Comfortable, open floorplan includes a spacious kitchen with island and new stainless-steel appliances. Private back patio area off den and lovely side-yard with lots of Rhodies! Formal dining and breakfast nook. $475,000. #3514-24031755 Buying or Selling? I can help! Dan and Teresa Lofy, Owners And Watson WE DO IT ALL! Free Estimates Licensed & Bonded Florence, OR 97439 CCB#221760 • Pressure washing • Gutter cleaning • House washing • Clean and vacuum lint from dryer vent. Check washer lines for leakage • Inspect exterior door hardware; fix squeaky handles and loose locks. AND MUCH MORE for your home.
Kim Ruscher, MD, MPH,

SIUSLAW SCHOOL DISTRICT: Family Bilingual Literacy

Siuslaw School District is hosting “Family Bilingual Literacy Nights”, an evening program for families who are learning English as a second language or who want to work on their reading and writing skills together. The evening program is set up to assist and support families and individuals with English literacy development. Programming values literacy in the home language as well as English, and is for people who value biliteracy as a relevant skill.

Lessons will develop language skills for individuals, parents, and their children. Activities are planned to promote families learning together in a family friendly setting. There are lessons planned for preschool children and adults. The district hopes that participants will come to learn English, work on reading and writing skills, work


on communication skills, network with other families, and encourage multilingualism. Lessons, materials, and a meal are provided each night.

The variety of reasons adults are gathering to learn is surprising. From assisting children with homework, getting better jobs and having an easier time communicating with customers, to working towards getting their United States citizenship, the reasons people want to improve their English skills are vast.

Classes are typically held on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, depending on what the group needs each week. They start at 4:45pm and go until 6:30pm, and are open to all ages.

Classes are held at Siuslaw Elementary School, Room 9.

People who are interested in joining the class should email Kassy Keppol for more information at: kkeppol@siuslaw.k12.or.us.

objective evidence needed for investigations. The camera will capture license plates and vehicles characteristics, not people or faces. Each search requires a justification, and the data is never sold or shared with third parties. The camera is used to solve and reduce property

and violent crime, and not intended for minor traffic or parking violations. This Flock ALPR camera system was acquired via a reimbursement grant program through the City’s insurance provider. The Police Departments wants to reiterate that the ALPR camera does not detect speed and is not for the purposes of issuing citations for traffic violations. To view the presentation

presentation begins at 2:28:15. For more information or questions, contact the Florence Police Department at (541) 997-3515

A6  SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 WALLY’S Septic Tank Pumping $25.00 off Pumping or $10.00 off a Service Call Call Today to Schedule an appointment Call 541-997-8885 Payment must be made at the time of service to receive discount. Discount does not apply to credit card or mailed payments. Coupon expires April 30, 2024 Bud’s Upholstery 10% off Materials on any new job When you present this coupon. expires April 30, 2024 541-997-4856 87637 Hwy. 101 N, Florence SAVE. SHOP SUPPORT ZERO/US TOO Florence Prostate Cancer Education Support on the Oregon Coast www.ustooflorence.org BOTH MEETINGS ARE CURRENTLY ON HOLD. WATCH SIUSLAW NEWS FOR RESUMPTION Tuesday Evening Group (2nd Tuesday) 5-7 p.m. - Ichiban Chinese/Japanese Restaurant • Urologist Dr. Bryan Mehlhaff attends. Tuesday Lunch Group (3rd Tuesday) 12 noon – 1:00 p.m. – Ichiban Chinese/Japanese Restaurant • Urologist Dr. Roger McKimmy attends. Contact Bob for more information: (H) 541-997-6626 • (C) 541-999-4239 47maribob38@gmail.com OREGON COAST HUMANE SOCIETY The Thrift Shop April, 2024 Purple Tags are 50% off! Hours: 10am - 5pm Seven days a week! (541) 997-5705 1193 Bay St., Old Town Florence Shoppe LOCAL #MyFlorence Shop. Eat. Support. A weekly roundup of shopping, savings and doings around town. BARGAINS TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 1750 HIGHWAY 126 DUNES VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER FLORENCE, OR PHONE (541) 997-8024 SALE DATE: APRIL 1 - APRIL 31, 2024 Make your life easier with HONDA. Florence Saw Shop is your local HONDA Power equipment dealer. Come see our selection of Generators, Mowers, Tillers and Pumps. BARGAINS OF THE MONTH TRUE VALUE HARDWARE 1750 HIGHWAY 126 • DUNES VILLAGE SHOPPING CENTER, FLORENCE, OR PHONE (541) 997-8024 • SALE DATE: APRIL 1 - APRIL 30, 2024 BARGAINS OF THE MONTH STOCK UP & SAVE MORE AT TRUEVALUE.COM OLD D SCHOO O RECLINE & REWIND WITH POWER BOOST FABRIC AND LEATHER 1550 6TH ST. & HWY 101 MONDAY—SATURDAY 10-5 541-997-9424 1749 Highway 101 • 541-997-1200 Buying or Selling? I can help. Amy Johnson Broker, CSA 541 999-7875 11047 E Mapleton Rd - Wonderful 4 bdrm home on one acre, riverfront in Mapleton. Manicured yard with river views from most rooms. Deep water frontage, covered back patio, garage, carport and basement. Room for all your toys in a beautiful setting. $750,000. #3520-24437392 PD implements Flock Camera System From CITY OF FLORENCE In March 2024, the Florence Police Department presented the Florence City Council announcing the acquisition of one automated license plate reading (ALPR) camera to solve and reduce crime. The ALRP camera was installed on April 2, 2024, near the Hwy 101 and Hwy 126 intersection. The camera is built by Flock Safety, the public safety technology company that helps neighborhoods, communities and law enforcement work together to fight crime. The ALPR camera will send a real-time alert to law enforcement when a stolen vehicle or known wanted suspect from a State or National crime database is detected. They also send alerts if a vehicle associated with a missing person in an AMBER or Silver Alert is detected. The Flock system is utilized by jurisdictions throughout the country, allowing information to be shared when law enforcement is in search of a suspect. This system helps law enforcement solve crime by providing the
Chief Pitcher made to the City Council on March 18th, visit www.ci.florence.or.us/ council/city-council-meeting-260 and click the link for the meeting video,
under Web Links. Chief

Mapleton Community Foundation grant applications available

“Mapleton Community Foundation” grant applications and guidelines for 2024 are available at the Mapleton and Deadwood Post Offices and at the Mapleton Library on Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m.. The deadline for submission is April 30, 2024.

Funds are to be used to benefit students or residents living within the Mapleton School District boundaries.

Grant applicants must be a qualifying, not for profit organization (501c3).

Funds will not be awarded to individuals, or for operating expenses.

Please contact Kathy West at 541-268-4665 or Jay Hendricksen at 541-268-9900 for any questions or to receive an electronic copy.

MyHeritage at Siuslaw Library

Siuslaw Genealogical Society will be presenting a class on “MyHeritage,” a family history web site, on Thursday, April 18th, 3 p.m., in the Bromley Room at the Siuslaw Public Library, 1460 9th St. in Florence.

MyHeritage lets users upload their family tree, family photos, search over 19.9 billion historical records on their site, and keep your information public or private. DNA kits

may be purchased from them or your past test results may be uploaded from other locations. They also offer online genealogy courses and videos, photo animation, newspapers, and family connections through hints. Come learn how this valuable resource can help you with your genealogy search. Please join us for this free monthly event.

OCHS Thrift Store to host Peter Vanderwall Reading Event

Author and Screenwriter Peter Vanderwall is coming to Florence to read his new children’s book, Mac’s Big Wish, to children of all ages on Thursday, April 18th. He’ll be visiting the Siuslaw School District and then end the day with a reading at the Oregon Coast Humane Society’s Thrift Store at 1193 Bay Street in Florence. Children and adults of all ages are invited, and the event starts at 4:30pm.

Mac’s Big Wish is a tale about the true meaning of friendship told through the eyes of a shelter dog. After spending much of his life alone at Puddleton’s Pet Rescue, Mac gets a chance to find his purpose when he finds his spot at the Oak Knoll Care Center. Children and adults alike will appreciate the timeless message of how giving back enriches our lives.

Oregon Coast Humane Society’s Thrift Store will have adoptable dogs and cats at the event along with light snacks and drinks for visitors to enjoy. The store will stay open until 7 pm that night so that customers can shop and meet the author, OCHS staff and volunteers, and shelter

pets. Books will be available for purchase at the event.

Oregon Coast Humane Society is a nonprofit, limited-intake shelter that promotes a lifetime commitment to pets. Visit oregoncoasthumanesociety.org or call 541-997-4277

Is SelfPublishing Right for You?

Self-publishing has become a preferred option for many writers, but is it right for you? Join publishing specialist Vinnie Kinsella and the Willamette Writers Coast Chapter for an exploration of how self-publishing compares to both traditional and hybrid publishing, on April 20, at the Newport Public Library from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

Drawing from nearly twenty years of experience working with self-published authors, Kinsella will discuss the risks and rewards of publishing your own work. Attendees will gain a clear picture of what the process involves and how to avoid some of its more common pitfalls.

Vinnie Kinsella has helped guide hundreds of authors through the publishing process. He has worked as an editor, book designer, publication manager, and publishing instructor. He is the owner of Paper Chain Book Publishing Services, offering book design and publishing assistance to authors and publishers. He lives in the book-loving city of Portland, Oregon. This program is co-hosted by the Newport Public Library.

The WW Coast Chapter hosts presentations, a mix of in-person and virtual events, from September through June. Willamette Writers, the parent organization of the Coast Chapter, is the largest writer’s association in Oregon and one of the largest in the nation. Programs are free and open to all writers eighteen and up. There are Young Willamette Writer chapters for those under 18. To become a member of a chapter and the parent organization, join Willamette Writers at their website, https://willamettewriters.org

Sip and Stroll in Yachats

The Yachats Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to

announce the return of the Spring Sip and Stroll event, set to take place on April 20th, 2024 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This popular event invites locals and visitors alike to explore the charming coastal town of Yachats while enjoying a variety of wines, brews, and bites from over 20 local businesses.

Start at the Overleaf Lodge Event Center and wander through various locations in Yachats.

Tickets are $20 and are available for purchase online at www.Yachats.org/events or on the day of the event. All ticket purchases prior to the event day will receive an extra drink ticket! More drink tickets will be available for purchase throughout the day.

Participants will receive a commemorative glass and a map guiding them through the picturesque streets of Yachats, where they can stop at participating businesses to sample an array of wines, craft beers and spirits, and delicious appetizers. The event is a perfect opportunity to discover new favorite beverages, shop at local stores, and enjoy the stunning coastal scenery.

To enhance the experience, a shuttle service will be available to help attendees navigate the town with ease. Additionally, a wine and goods courier service will be offered, allowing participants to send their purchases back to the starting point for convenient pick-up at the end of the day.

In addition to the tastings, attendees can look forward to music, art displays, and special promotions at various locations. The event promises a fun and relaxed atmosphere, making it an ideal outing for friends, couples, and anyone looking to savor the best of Yachats.

For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www. Yachats.org/events.

Yachats features ridge preservation discussion

The Yachats Academy of Arts and Sciences is thrilled to announce a special

presentation featuring John Theilacker and Joanne Kittel, the Co-Chairs of View the Future, a local land trust. This educational event will shed light on the critical mission of preserving and restoring Yachats Ridge, a stunning coastal landscape spanning over 1,100 acres.

Scheduled for Sunday, April 21st, at 3:00 PM at the Yachats Commons, this presentation offers a unique opportunity for the community to engage with the efforts aimed at safeguarding Yachats Ridge, which serves as an iconic backdrop to the picturesque town of Yachats.

Attendees will have the chance to delve into the rich history and ecological significance of Yachats Ridge while gaining insights into View the Future’s tireless commitment to land and cultural preservation in our area. The presentation will also highlight the ongoing initiatives aimed at protecting and restoring this natural treasure for future generations to cherish and enjoy.

View the Future’s mission aligns closely with the Yachats Academy of Arts and Sciences’ commitment to fostering knowledge and understanding of the natural world. Together, they strive to promote environmental cultural conservation and sustainability practices that resonate with the local community and beyond. YAAS is supported by Polly Plumb Productions. All interested individuals are encouraged to attend this informative presentation and learn how they can contribute to the preservation of Yachats Ridge. Admission is by a suggested donation of $5.00. No prior registration is required. For more information about this event and the Yachats Academy of Arts and Sciences, please visit https:// Suslaw School science books available for review

SIUSLAW SCHOOL DISTRICT Every seven years, each academic subject area selects and adopts new core curriculum materials. Science is the subject area up for consideration in the curriculum cycle for 2024-2031. The elementary school team has completed their evaluation process. The core Science Adoption Materials listed below will be available at the Siuslaw School District Office, 2111 Oak Street, between 9am and 5pm, from April 8th through May 7th, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact the district office at 541-997-2651. Materials being considered for elementary core Science Adoption 2024-2031 Siuslaw Elementary School – Science Techbook for Oregon K-5; Publisher – Discovery Education, Inc. Copyright 2024 The materials for review also have digital components and can be accessed online: Discovery Education Science Techbook for Oregon K-5 can be accessed online for review at https://www.discoveryeducation.com/ Once there, go to Log In and select educator. The case-sensitive user name is OR_SCIMEDO and the password is discovery Hover over the three lines to “OPEN Global Nav and under Curriculum Packs, select Science Textbook. All grade levels are available throughout the menu in the top left corner of the screen. Do you part and volunteer today to help support these organizations in our community. Peace Harbor Volunteers Want to make a difference in the community and make new friends? Do you have a few hours a month? If so, we would love to have you join the Volunteer Program at PEACEHEALTH PEACE HARBOR MEDICAL CENTER. Opportunities are available both in and out of the Hospital setting. All training provided. Applications are available at the Lobby Volunteer Desk or the Gift Shop located in the Hospital at 400 9th Street, Florence, OR 97439. Us Too Florence Saving men one PSA test at a time. “Someone to talk to...who understands!” 541-997-6626 • 47maribob38@gmail.com www.ustooflorence.org To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 2024 Rhododendron Festival Court Introducing... Thank You To Some of Our Diamond Sponsors Coronation: May 11th at 7 p.m. Florence Events Center Tickets: $15 + FEC Processing Fee EventCenter.org | 541.997.1994 Save the Date! Princess Rosa Velasco Mendez Prince Cort Waggoner Jr. Princess Delia Quinn 541.997.7653 visit us online at www.jimhoberg.com sales@wcresi.com • rentals@wcresi.com in Real Estate Celebrating over 30 Years LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED JIM HOBERG, ABR,ABRM,CRS, GRI, SRES, GREEN Broker/Owner • • • 1870 Hwy. 126, Suite A • PO Box 3040, Florence, OR • RESIDENTIAL • LAND • COMMERCIAL • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 777 Maple Street (across from Post Office) 541-997-3455 We provide a focused staff that is small-town oriented to deliver the most precise and thoughtful customer service in the area. We specialize in property/casualty policies, including home, auto, rental, personal umbrella, boat, commercial property, inland marine, excess, bonding, general liability, and commercial auto. One of our licensed agents will sit down with you to discuss details about your policy needs and create a plan tailored just for you. We provide vehicle, property, business, public entity, and life insurance services for individuals and businesses in Oregon. Community Briefs
A8  SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 F eatured N ew L istiNgs , P rice r eductioNs & u Pdates F or t he w eek oF a PriL 17, 2024 Check out our Website @ cbcoast.com New Search Features, Videos and More. See ALL of Florence’s Listings. Lynnette Wikstrom Broker missy Johnson Broker shirLey hunt Principal Broker Wanda Johnson Broker randy Paredes Broker ryan denning Broker sadie Ward Broker Justin young Broker rick cox Broker aLva Bracey Broker aric sneddon Broker John Barnett Broker dani FLescher Broker Jack Johnson Broker andy Johnson Principal Broker/Owner sam Johnson Broker Experience lakefront luxury at its finest! Behind a private gated entrance, this stunning Woahink Lake home offers captivating eastward views. 3536 SF of living space, including a 240 SF mechanical area, revel in hand-crafted wood floors, vaulted ceilings & abundant natural light. 2016 renovation by Neil Kelly Design ensures unparalleled quality. 3 bdrms, an office, and 2.5 baths, home boasts spacious comfort. Panoramic lake views from the dramatic living room & chef’s kitchen, equipped w/ top-of-the-line appliances. Primary bedroom suite, office, living area, and kitchen reside on the main level for convenience. Lower level offers additional living spaces & patio, all with mesmerizing lake panoramas. A detached studio provides flexibility. Equipped with a whole-home Generac generator system. Outside, a large, deeded dock & full boat house promise endless enjoyment of lake activities. Whether a primary residence or vacation retreat, this property invites you to savor every moment in unparalleled elegance and serenity. $2,450,000 83837 HIGHWAY 101 Welcome to this immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath home nestled in the heart of Spruce Village. Built in 2016. Meticulously maintained, offers comfortable and inviting living space for you and your family. Quartz countertops in the kitchen & bathrooms. Tile entry, kitchen, and dining areas. Plush carpeting throughout the home. Tall 9-foot ceilings, vaulted in the great room and primary bedroom. Great room perfect for entertaining guests. Cozy dining area ideal for family meals and gatherings. Move-in ready condition. Situated in desirable Spruce Village. $464,900 5198 VERSANT DR. Updated single story home features 3 bedrooms, 2 baths in the gated community of Mariner’s Village.. The kitchen opens to the dining and living rooms with updated solid surface countertops and stainless steel appliances. French door off the dining area welcomes you to the back yard with its beautiful landscaping and oversized 2-car garage. Exterior painted in 2022. This home is located next to common space for added privacy. Make this move-in ready home yours with functionality & privacy within a gated community. The community has its own fenced parking area for your RV/boat. $462,000 1 MARINERS LANE Immaculate property offers spacious living, modern amenities, and stylish design elements throughout. Property offers 4 bedrooms 3 full baths in the very desirable 38th loop neighborhood. On the main level, the primary suite offers a spacious retreat complete with a luxurious full bath w/ low threshold walk-in shower & convenient access to a fully enclosed sunroom. Also situated on the main level, the junior suite provides comfort & privacy, ideal for guests or family members. 2 additional bedrooms upstairs provide ample space for family members or can be utilized as a home office or hobby room. Full bath upstairs ensures convenience for all. Kitchen is thoughtfully designed w/ newer appliances, quartz countertops & ample storage space. Luxury Vinyl Plank flooring throughout main living areas offers durability, while tile flooring in all bathrooms adds a touch of sophistication & practicality. $569,000 1625 38TH LOOP “We’re next to the Bridge” 100 Hwy. 101, Florence, OR COAST REAL ESTATE 541-997-7777 Servicing Florence Since 1956 NEW NEW New construction, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom 1800 sq ft home. Upgrades throughout. Quartz countertops, undermount sinks, stainless steel appliances, LVP flooring in the main living spaces and a covered front and back porch. $585,000 4764 STONEFIELD CT. Come see this highly desireable area of Reedsport. 3 Bed/ 2 Bath home has a roomy lot at 0.21 acre and a convenient location that is close to schools, shopping, medical and golf courses. This property is subject to a 5-day first look period. Seller will negotiate ALL offers after the period expires. $267,750 2940 RIDGEWAY DRIVE REEDSPORT PRICE REDUCED Oceanfront living/investment opportunity with a rental pool! This is an A unit that has been remodeled w/ amazing views from the highest floor. The resort has a brand new deli/convenience store, indoor pool, hot tub, and children’s water play area. There is a space saving kitchenette in the unit. Own your access to miles of beautiful beach! $ 215,000 88416 1ST AVE. #401 This three bedroom, two bath home is located in the new and quickly growing subdivision of Three Mile Prairie located in beautiful Florence, OR. Just 1.5 miles from the beach and close to shopping, golf courses and much more, don’t miss out on the opportunity to be the first home owner on this newly constructed home. The home features spacious living rooms with an open kitchen to living room concept, fiber cement siding, a 2 car attached garage which is paired at the garage with the adjacent home, a pit-set concrete foundation and professional landscaping. $380,000 5223 NOPAL ST. Fisherman’s paradise on the Siuslaw River. South of the Tiernan boat landing at Milepost 9 sits this 1947 farmhouse on over 6 acres. Not only do you have your own dock with a well engineered ramp, but acreage to garden, keep animals, set up a fish cleaning station or just expand your outdoor living area. The home was raised in 1998 to make it fully prepared for flooding. The first story is now a 2 car garage with significant additional space to store a boat, fishing supplies or any recreational equipment you have. The home has a primary bedroom and bathroom on the main floor with 3 additional bedrooms upstairs. A spacious living room with a separate dining area and an updated kitchen. This home is ready for you to make it your own. $595,900 9400 HWY 126 Seller to pay for 1 year home warranty! Delightful 3 BD, BA home conveniently situated within the urban growth boundary, offering the perfect balance between coastal living & easy access to the amenities of historic Old Town Florence. Open floor plan with a combination of Oak hardwood, newer laminate, new carpeted flooring & updated kitchen cabinets. Updated vinyl windows & new mini blinds allow natural light to fill the space while providing energy efficiency. Nearly an acre of land, there’s room for gardening, play areas, & more. Additional attached 1-1/2 car garage provides parking & extra storage space. Home has been recently updated. Don’t miss the opportunity. Schedule a showing today & discover the charm and potential this property has to offer. $299,000 87831 HWY 101 PRICE REDUCED Perfect oasis in the gated 55+ community of Greentrees Village. 2018 1 bedroom 1 bath Salem Villa Estate Forest River park model features four slides, a full kitchen with all stainless steel appliances and quartz countertops. Additional buildings include a “multi-purpose” room (168 square feet) w/ 1/2 bath. Plus Casita (356 square feet) w/sunroom, kitchenette & full bath. Full laundry room with w/d and even more storage is included as well. RV parking with hookups. Your retreat is waiting. Selling fully furnished. $279,900 1600 RHODENDRON DR. #45 This sweet 1955 cottage is conveniently located in the heart of West Old Town, making shopping, dining and all of the in-town resources walkable. Clean, light and waiting for a new owner’s touches. The charm of wood paneling in the living room, built -ins throughout the home and an interior mud roomlaundry room combo will catch your eye. Plenty of outdoor space for gardening, expanded living or possibly a garage. This is one you don’t want to miss. $295,000 1179 6TH STREET One-of-a-kind iconic Geodesic Dome located in the heart of Florence with 120 ft. of Hwy 101 frontage and ample off-street parking. Zoning is H (Highway District)- see attached city zoning documents. New roof with extensive treatment/preservation in 2019. Recent interior paint. Small office space with an additional kitchen, storage, receiving room. Ample second story with full bath. $498,000 2217 HIGHWAY 101 Centrally located townhome in Oyster Cove w/ attached 2 car garage. Amenities include high vaulted ceilings, wood, tile and carpeting, stainless steel appliances. Upper level has open entertainment area, 2 bdrms. and full bath w/ one bdrm having an additional vanity with an additional ½ bath on the main level. Walking distance to shopping, medical facilities, library & post office. Close to historic Old Town Florence and riverfront. New appliances in the kitchen, new ½ bath, newer interior painting. Whether you’re seeking an excellent investment opportunity or a cozy full-time residence, this well-maintained condo presents an ideal option. Don’t miss out on this chance to own a delightful slice of convenient Florence living. Schedule a viewing today & experience the convenience & comfort this condo has to offer! $388,900 925 HEMLOCK ST. Discover your own waterfront sanctuary in this inviting 2-bedroom, 1.5-bathroom condo, a haven for water enthusiasts. Embrace endless outdoor adventures with exceptional fishing, boating, and kayaking opportunities just moments away from your doorstep. Enjoy captivating views of the Umpqua River from every window, immersing yourself in its scenic beauty from the comfort of your home. Nestled in a prime location, this condo offers the perfect blend of serenity and convenience. Situated a mere 8 miles from the charming coastal town of Reedsport, you can relish in peaceful seclusion while remaining within easy reach of urban amenities. Seize the chance to make the Umpqua River your new backyard retreat! $217,000 43605 HWY 38 #16 REEDSPORT Escape to the heart of Siuslaw National Forest w/ your own majestic log home! 5.5 acres of pristine forest, this custom-built haven offers breathtaking views & unparalleled tranquility. Fully furnished w/ bespoke, handcrafted furniture, this home exudes rustic charm and comfort. Main level boasts a spacious great room & chef’s kitchen. Primary suite features a claw foot tub & walk-in shower. Two additional bedrooms on the top level, downstairs offers two more bedrooms, a living room, bathroom & laundry room. Covered porch wraps around the house. Entire property is fenced. A 12x20 shed/ studio with a loft and a 20 x 40 shop with a loft provide space for hobbies or storage. Additional features include a pond, firepit, gazebo, greenhouse & sauna. Located in the coveted North Fork Siuslaw valley. With an assumable loan of $220,000 at 2.3%, this property offers unmatched value. $979,900 9373 NORTH FORK SIUSLAW RD. Perfect Old Town location at Laurel Crossing Condos. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit is on two levels. Delightfully decorated and comes furnished. Stairs to main level dining and kitchen with 2 bedrooms, bathroom and laundry on next level. Great deck for outside viewing. Separate storage area for bikes, etc in carport area. Unit also has keys to a viewing tower that gives great views of the Old Town and river, that has seating for your comfort. This unit, at this time, has a tenant. Needs 24 hours to show. Please call listing agent to show. This unit is great for your home or to use as a vacation rental. Call today! $385,000 179 LAUREL ST. #16 Nestled North of Florence, this wind-sheltered haven is just around the corner from Sutton Lake & a stone’s throw away from several other pristine lakes. 4 bedrooms & 2 baths, this spacious 1630 SF home beckons with its well-thought-out floor plan, featuring a separate family room & living room. Recently updated kitchen. Fully fenced backyard. RV parking space & a double attached garage. Whether you’re seeking a primary residence or a lucrative rental opportunity, this property is a gem waiting to be discovered. Don’t let this chance slip away! Seize the opportunity to call this coastal retreat your own! $459,000 5590 S. SHORE DRIVE Panoramic ocean view home in Fawn Ridge West. 4,244 square feet, 3 bdrm, 3.5-bath including a Mother-in-law suite w/separate entrance and elevator. Expansive great room with gourmet kitchen, high end appliances & butler’s pantry. Large .54 acre lot & a 2nd buildable .74 acre lot adjacent on Bambi Court which is included, plus a 53’ deep by 20’ RV garage w/ full RV hookups & 16-foot door. $1,550,000 25 TWIN TREE COURT Welcome to your dream home in the heart of Florentine! Remodeled triple wide manufactured home. 2,562 SF of spacious living space. 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, and large vaulted ceilings. New paint interior and exterior. This residence offers comfort and style in every corner. Florentine offers a charming community atmosphere while being close to shopping, dining, and outdoor recreational activities. $539,500 845 MUNSEL CREEK LOOP New single family residence with an attached ADU. Rare opportunity in the City to own a brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with oversized 22 x 27 garage and 608 SF 2 bedroom and bath ADU above the garage. Endless options include a full time residence + 2nd residence for family, 2 full time rentals, vacation home or any combination of these. $785,000 3744/3742 SPRUCE ST. Split-level home in highly desirable neighborhood. 1477 SF of living space. Inviting fireplace in spacious living area, perfect ambiance for relaxation and warm gatherings. New roof Jan. 2023. While this home needs some additional love, it presents a fantastic opportunity for those with a creative eye and a desire to make it their own. End of street privacy within walking distance to shops & Old Town. $434,900 812 8TH ST. BRAND NEW CREEKFRONT HOME IN WILLOW DUNES. 3 bedrooms + den and 2 baths. Shop space in garage. Kitchen features a center island and pantry, beautiful quartz countertops throughout and custom cabinetry. Separate bedroom wings and tall ceilings in great room. Cedar shingle accents on exterior. Pre-wired for hot tub on patio and electric car charging station in garage. Super efficient hybrid hot water heater. Tons of features and amenities. Quality finish work throughout with great attention to detail. 2 covered patios. Lots of value here in a great neighborhood. Call for appointment today! $698,000 2105 WILLOW LOOP CEDAR RIDGE ON LITTLE WOAHINK. This beautiful 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1,735 square foot south lakes home is the perfect family residence, lake getaway or second home. The center of the home is an open concept plan with fireplace. The dining room opens onto a large rear covered porch extending your living area to the outdoors. $695,900 5498 LITTLE WOAHINK DR. NEW SALE PENDING SALE PENDING

Low 5:18 p.m. ..................1.0

High................. 11:38 p.m. .................6.6


Low 5:54 a.m. ..................1.0

High................. 11:54 a.m. .................6.0

Low 5:50 p.m. ..................1.2


High................. 12:01 a.m. .................6.8

Low 6:28 a.m. ..................0.4

High................. 12:35 p.m. .................6.1


High................. 12:25 a.m. .................7.1

Low 7:02 a.m. ..................0.0

High.................. 1:16 p.m. ..................6.1

Low 6:50 p.m. ..................1.9


High................. 12:49 a.m. .................7.2

Low 7:35 a.m. -0.4

High.................. 1:56 p.m. ..................6.0

Low 7:21 p.m. ..................2.3


High.................. 1:15 a.m. ..................7.4

Low 8:09 a.m. -0.5

High.................. 2:37 p.m. ..................6.0

Low 7:52 p.m. ..................2.6


High.................. 1:43 a.m. ..................7.4

Low 8:46 a.m. -0.6

High.................. 3:20 p.m. ..................5.8

Low 8:25 p.m. ..................2.9


High.................. 2:15 a.m. ..................7.4

Low 9:27 a.m. -0.5

High.................. 4:09 p.m. ..................5.6

Low 9:02 p.m. ..................3.2


High.................. 2:53 a.m. ..................7.3

Low 10:13 a.m. -0.4

High.................. 5:03 p.m. ..................5.4

Low 9:45 p.m.

Girls Sophomore Danin Lacouture won the shot put with a PR 34-10 and the discus at 89-5

Junior Raymundo

Brito Xilot won the 400 in 55.30a

Junior Wesley Nicholls won the 800 in a PR 2:09.67a

Sophomore Kale Jensen was first in the 300 hurdles in a PR 43.08a, second in the long jump at

Freshman Quayle Kramer was third in the 1,500 in a PR 5:04.90a Freshman Jimmy Phillips was third in the shot put with a PR 38-8.75 Freshman Caleb Gray was third in the javelin at 136-5 Senior Derrick Vanduch was third in the 300 hurdles in a PR 45.56a

Senior Jane Lacouture won the javelin at 94-4, was second in the shot put at 31-2.75, third in the discus at 77-1

Sophomore Keira Johnson won the pole vault at 8-0 Senior Corduroy Holbrook was second in the 800 in 2:49.25a Senior Madison Carnahan was second in the discus at 80-2

Klampe fires Vikings to 32-shot win


Siuslaw junior Ryan Klampe fired a 3-under-par 69 Monday to lead the Vikings to the 3A/2A/1A Special District 2 boys league match title at Florence Golf Links. The Vikings had scored a total of 333 for a 32-shot victory over second-place East Linn Christian Academy in the 11-school competition.

Siuslaw sophomore Will Johnson was fourth with an 82 and Braxton Hulet eighth with an 87. Camden Linton completed the team scoring with a 95 for 14th place.

Team Siuslaw 333- East

Linn Christian Academy

365- Blanchet Catholic

384- Harrisburg 395- Regis

396- Creswell 396- Newport

408- Waldport 425- Salem

Academy 434- Amity 446- Siletz Valley 584- Taft


Individual 1 Ryan Klampe, Siuslaw

Masterworks Chorale will debut its spring concert, “Music to Lift the Heart”, on

April 21, at the Presbyterian Community Church in Florence, 3 p.m. Created to perform classical choral works, the program will contain pieces from Bach, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Saint-Saens, and Faure. The Chorale will be accompanied by Masterworks Chamber Players, a dedicated orchestral ensemble assembled specifically for this concert.

“We’re filling a gap”, said Sylvia Hartman, Director of “Music to Lift the Heart” concert. “No one has done an all-classical concert with choir and orchestra in Florence for quite some time. There are many people in our area who appreciate the classics.” Hartman, local musician and Music Director for the Presbyterian Community Church, commented, “The great composers are called great because they last for generations. This beautiful music speaks to my heart and hopefully will inspire others.”

Born into a musical family, Sylvia started piano lessons at age 5, adding clarinet, oboe, harp, organ, and string bass through school years. Always a singer with the family choir, she became a church organist at age 12. Sylvia’s great love for musical theater led her to such roles as Mabel in Pirates of Penzance, The Witch in Into the Woods, and Dolly in Hello, Dolly! She has also been featured as both soprano and instrumental soloist in the U.S and abroad. Sylvia is currently an accompanist for the Community Chorus of Florence and enjoys playing chamber music with local musicians.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 1 Low 12:05

Peter Tomaszewski, Baritone, joins the Chorale both as soloist and ensemble member. Peter has extensive experience in concert performances, opera productions, and theater engagements. He has performed as a soloist for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and Charleston Symphony Orchestra. Peter has played roles on stage with Santa Fe Opera, Palm Beach Opera, and locally with Last Resort Players. Tomaszewski earned a Master of Music at The Peabody Institute in Baltimore but hails from the outskirts of Bellingham, WA.

Heather Williams, Soprano, sings in the Chorale and solos. Heather dabbles in opera, jazz, and musical theater. She has performed with groups throughout California and Oregon as a vocalist and trombonist. Heather has a Bachelor of Music in Music Education from University of the Pacific. She works as a radiation therapist treating cancer patients and is currently seeking a Master of Science in Medical Dosimetry. The concert is free.

JIM HOBERG, ABR,ABRM,CRS, GRI, SRES, RESIDENTIAL LAND • COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • 541.997.7653 Toll Free 1-866-967-7653 visit us online at www.jimhoberg.com or www.wcresi.com Jim Hoberg, ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI BROKER/OWNER PHONE 541-997- SOLD (7653) FAX 541-997-7654 T F 1-866-967-7653 jim@jimhoberg.com www.wcresi.com P.O. Box 3040 1870 Highway 126, Suite A• Florence, OR 97439 sales@wcresi.com rentals@wcresi.com Jim Hoberg, ABR, ABRM, CRS, GRI P 541-997- SOLD (7653) 541-997-7654 jim@jimhoberg.com www.wcresi.com P.O. Box 3040 1870 Highway 126, Suite A• Florence, OR 97439 Windermere Real Estate 1625 12th St Florence Oregon Introducing Windermere Ready A program for sellers to be fronted up to $100,000 for repairs and/or upgrades to get you top sold price in shorter time. Roof - Siding - Dryrot - Exterior/Interior Painting - Kitchen/Bathroom Upgrade Landscaping - Flooring Repair/Replace - Cosmetic Updates - And More Visit www.FlorenceORBroker.com/WindermereReady for more information LauraWilson@Windermere.com - 541-999-9688 2021 Top Producer - Residential Listing Specialist Laura Wilson License #201216446 SPORTS & LIFESTYLE www.thesiuslawnews.com WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 SECTION B Tide Table Siuslaw River Entrance saltwatertides.com WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 Low 2:35 a.m. ..................3.7 High.................. 8:05 a.m. ..................5.8 Low 3:11 p.m. ..................0.7 High................. 10:13 p.m. .................5.7
3:45 a.m.
High.................. 9:19
4:01 p.m.
High................. 10:46
a.m. ..................5.7 Low
p.m. .................6.0
FRIDAY, APRIL 19 Low 4:36 a.m. ..................2.4
10:20 a.m. .................5.8 Low 4:42 p.m. ..................0.8
11:13 p.m. .................6.3
SATURDAY, APRIL 20 Low 5:18 a.m. ..................1.7
11:10 a.m. .................5.9
Low 6:20 p.m. ..................1.6
3:38 a.m. ..................7.1 Low 11:07 a.m. -0.2
6:06 p.m. ..................5.3 Low 10:44 p.m. .................3.7
TUESDAY, APRIL 30 High.................. 4:36 a.m. ..................6.8 Low 12:08 p.m. -0.1 High.................. 7:13 p.m. ..................5.3
a.m. .................3.7 High.................. 5:48 a.m. ..................6.4 Low 1:12 p.m. -0.1 High.................. 8:15 p.m. ..................5.6 THURSDAY, MAY 2 Low 1:36 a.m. ..................3.2 High.................. 7:13 a.m. ..................6.1 Low 2:14 p.m. ..................0.0 High.................. 9:07 p.m. ..................6.1 Vikings’ Allen takes 3A lead in Pole Vault Siuslaw junior clears 13-4, Will Johnson PR 13-0, Dylan Jensen 12-6 EXPLODING WHALE SPORTS Siuslaw junior Justin Allen took over the 3A state lead in the pole vault from senior Dylan Jensen on Tuesday, clearing 13 feet, 4 inches in a track and field meet at Hans Petersen Memorial Field. Jensen was named Coast Radio’s athlete of the week Tuesday for going a 3A statebest 13-3 Saturday at the Sisters Invitational. Allen also was second in the 110 hurdles (19.40a) and Jensen second in the 800 hurdles (2:18.80a) and third in the pole vault (12-6). Tuesday’s meet included four 3A Special District 4 teams — Siuslaw, Creswell, Pleasant Hill and Sutherlin — and 1A Pacific. Other top marks included: Boys Junior Charles Nelson won the 200 in a PR 24.55a and placed second in the 100 with a PR 11.97a Sophomore Will Johnson won both the long jump (PR 20-1) and the triple jump (40-11.25) and was second in the pole vault with a PR 13-0
Freshman Davian Frazier won the high jump with a PR 5-8 Siuslaw won both the 4x100 and 4x400 relays Senior Hunter Pimolott was second in the discus with a PR 107-6
19-10 and second in the triple jump with a PR 39-10.
69 2 Blake Knuroswski, East Linn Christian Academy
85 tie, Greyson
Siuslaw 106 48 Jackson Hickman, Siuslaw 130 Jensen named Athlete of the Week Siuslaw senior Dylan Jensen has been named Coast Radio athlete of the week after posting a 3A state-best 13 feet, 3 inches in the pole vault at Saturday’s Sisters Invitational.
2 feet, 3 inches.
same event. Shot put in the same event April 9.
a PR 34-10
place in 3A this season.
athlete of the week award is co-sponsored by Coast Radio, the Siuslaw News and the Sports Club.
76 3 Joseph Beyer, Blanchet Catholic 79 4 Will Johnson, Siuslaw 82 tie, Trenton Crane, Salem Academy 82 6 Rylan Bischoff, Regis
Sewell, East Linn Christian Academy 85 8 Braxton Hulet, Siuslaw 87 9 Tyler Whitson, Creswell 89 10 Adam Mullen, Newport 90 Also 14 Camden Linton, Siuslaw 95 26 Jaxon Chiang, Siuslaw 104 31 Micah Blankenship,
Jensen improved his personal record by
Lady Vikings sophomore Danin Lacouture
honorable mention after
shot put
Lacouture had
to second
Masterworks Chorale debuts in Florence

Rhododendron Quilt Guild (RQG) is pleased to announce a quilt show and sale taking place from 10:30 am to 5 p.m. on Friday May 17th and 10:30 to 4 p.m. on Saturday May 18th. This exciting event will feature a stunning display of beautiful and intricate quilts, handmade by local artisans. Visitors to the quilt show and sale can expect to see a variety of quilt styles, including traditional, modern, and contemporary designs. The

quilts on display will feature a range of colors, patterns, and techniques, showcasing the diverse talents of the local quilting community. In addition to the quilt show, visitors will have the opportunity to purchase quilts, as well as other handmade items such as table runners, wall hangings, and tote bags. There will also be fabrics, patterns, and quilting supplies sold, making this event a one-stop-shop for all quilting enthusiasts.

Rhododendron Quilt Guild is proud to host this event and celebrate the talent of the local quilting community.

We invite everyone to come and admire the beautiful quilts on display, meet the talented artisans, and perhaps take home a unique and handmade item to cherish for years to come. Admission to the quilt show and sale is free and all are welcome to attend.

The event will take place at Old School furniture, located

at 1550 6th Street on Highway 101, and will run 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, May 17th and 10:30 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 18th. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to see some truly amazing quilts and support local artists. Local quilters not associated with RQG are also invited to show their quilts. For more information, please text Sandy Davidson at 541-991-0837 or visit our website

B2 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 Residential & Commercial Complete Asphalt Installation & Service • Roads • Driveways • Parking Lots • Seal Coating Call Your Asphalt Specialist Today 541-870-2302 FREE ESTIMATES Family Owned & Operated CCB#214400
at rhodyquilt.com. Jobs, terrific bargains, useful services, legal notices and announcementsthese are some of the great things you’ll find in your newspapers classified ad section. Classifieds When buyers & sellers need to connect... CALL TO PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN TODAY 503.623.2373 Siuslaw News News & views that define our community www.thesiuslawnews.com 503.997.3441 541.997.3441 Brought to you by DISH Get Boost Infinite 1-844-955-3417 Plans starting at $25/mo Unlimited Talk, Text and Data America's Smartest Network Smart Switching Between 3 Wireless Networks Get the latest iPhone every year �60/mo iPhone 15 included with no trade-in needed to get started UnlimitedTalk, Text and Data Free upgrade to the latest iPhone EVERY YEAR. Receive a free 5-year warranty with qualifying purchase*valued at $535. Call 877-557-1912 to schedule your free quote! Make the smart and ONLY CHOICE when tackling your roof! Before After + New orders only. Does not include material costs. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Minimum purchase required. Other restrictions may apply. This is an advertisement placed on behalf of Erie Construction Mid-West, Inc (“Erie”). Offer term and conditions may apply and the offer may not available in your area. If you call the number provided, you consent to being contacted by telephone, SMS text message, email, pre-recorded messages by Erie or its affiliates and service providers using automated technologies notwithstanding if you are on a DO NOT CALL list or register. Please review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use on homeservicescompliance. com. All rights reserved. License numbers available at eriehome.com/erie-licenses/ LIMITED TIME OFFER! SAVE! UP TO 50% INSTALLATION AN ADDITIONAL 10% for military, health workers and first responders OFF OFF + 1.855.483.1089 FREE ESTIMATE Expires 4/30/2024 Faith – Friendship - Fellowship – Fun CHURCH DIRECTORY To include your organization in this directory, please call us @ 541-997-3441 ANCHOR OF HOPE CHURCH Live like Jesus, share His Love. 1318 Rhododendron Drive www.anchorofhopeflo.com Sunday Service 11am Livestream on Facebook @anchorofhopeflo BAHA’I FAITH OF FLORENCE Monthly Interfaith Devotions in-person & Zoom 4th Monday 7:00 pm “Ye are all leaves of one tree ...” -Baha’i Writings Join us on Facebook: Florence Baha’i Community For info and meeting location: 541-590-0779 ALL ARE WELCOME! COMMUNITY BAPTIST CHURCH 4590 Hwy. 101 N, across from Fred Meyer541 997-7418 SUNDAY SERVICES - Adult Bible Study 9:30 AM; Worship 10:45 AM; High School Youth 7- 9 PM MID-WEEK- Women’s Bible Study-Tuesday 10:00-Noon and Thursday 7:00-8:00PM; Men’s Bible Study Thursday 8:00-9:30 AM; Middle School Youth Wed. 7-9 PM. Sunday Worship streams live at Community Baptist Church Facebook Page CROSS ROAD ASSEMBLY OF GOD Corner of 10th & Maple- 541-997-3533 Sunday Services 9am 1st Service in person Sunday Services 11am 2nd Service in person & livestreamed Wednesday kids/youth night is at 6:30 NOT livestreamed. https://www.florencecrossroadag.org/church-online Other platforms update after the service. florencecrossroadag.org office@florencecrossroadag.org FLORENCE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2nd & Ivy - 541-997-2961 - Non-Denominational Service is on Sunday at 10:00 am Sunday Service also streaming live at 10am at florencechurch.com FLORENCE UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP 87738 Hwy 101 at Heceta Beach Road RUAUU? Come explore the answer with us. Sunday Worship Services ~ 10:00am www.florenceuuf.com FLORENCE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 2nd & Kingwood • (541) 997-6025 Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School for adults is at 9:00 a.m. Online services at www.florenceunitedmethodist.org or find us on Facebook. FOURSQUARE CHURCH 1624 Highway 101 (next to A&W) –- 997-6337 Pastor George Pagel – Something for the entire family. Sunday Service 10:00 am Wednesday Bible Study returns this Fall. Website: florence4square.com NEW LIFE LUTHERAN E.L.C.A. NEW LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH, E.L.C.A. “Serving Christ by serving others.” 21st & Spruce Streets—(541) 997-8113 Sunday worship is at 10:30 a.m. Online services available on our FaceBook, YouTube, and website: www.florencenewlifelutheran.org PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH 3996 N Hwy 101 541-997-7136 Internet and in person Sunday Services at 10:30am, Adult Sunday School is at 9:30am. Call the church for details. Reverend Greg Wood All Welcome. Come as you are. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) “War is still not the answer.” FCNL We meet Sunday’s at 11am in our homes. Call 541-515-8191 for locations. RESURRECTION LUTHERAN CHURCH, L.C.M.S. Worship Services 10 am • Bible Study 9:00 am Pastor Steve Waterman 85294 Hwy. 101 S. – 997-8038 Facebook.com/ResurrectionLutheranChurchFlorence www.puppro.wixite.com/rlcflorence ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL Church Welcomes You Worship Sun. 10am Wed 11am 2135 19th St. 541-997-6600 standssecretary19@gmail.com Labyrinth & Garden daily 8am-5pm “Be the change.” SAINT MARY, OUR LADY OF THE DUNES CATHOLIC CHURCH 1.5 miles south of river on Hwy 101 – 997-2312 Mass Times: Daily: Tue, Wed, Fri 9:00 AM Adoration & Confession Fri 9:30-10:30 AM Saturday 5:30 PM and Sunday 11:00 AM Fr. Amir Welcomes All to Attend JOIN US IN WORSHIP 4 lines, approx 15 words, $15 a week • 4 week Minimum •Deadline: Wednesday end of day one week prior FEATURED HOME OF THE WEEK “We’re next to the bridge” 100 Hwy 101 Florence, OR 97439 COAST REAL ESTATE (541) 997-7777 cbcoast.com 2105 WILLOW LOOP BRAND NEW CREEKFRONT HOME IN WILLOW DUNES. 3 bedrooms + den and 2 baths. Shop space in garage. Kitchen features a center island and pantry, beautiful quartz countertops throughout and custom cabinetry. Separate bedroom wings and tall ceilings in great room. Cedar shingle accents on exterior. Pre-wired for hot tub on patio and electric car charging station in garage. Super efficient hybrid hot water heater. Tons of features and amenities. Quality finish work throughout with great attention to detail. 2 covered patios. Lots of value here in a great neighborhood. Call for appointment today! $698,000 CB#12556/MLS#23552443 BUD’S UPHOLSTERY Boat Tops & Cars • Complete auto & boat interiors • Canvas work 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Mon.-Sat. 87637 Hwy. 101 Florence, Oregon 97439 541-997-4856 Make Your Appointment Now! Over 49 Years Experience LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTERS Tires • Brakes Shocks • Alignment 4325 Highway 101, Florence 541-997-7178 HOME OF THE BEST TIRE VALUE PROMISE Come take a look at our ever changing inventory! Johnston Motor Company Since 1939 2150 Hwy. 101 • Florence (541) 997-3475 541-997-8885 Has it been 5years ormoresinceyour tank was pumped?Then it’s time! Callustotoday to schedule an appointment. CheckToday’s paperforacoupongoodonyournextservice. Lowest Prices Guaranteed—Wewillmatchanycompetitorsprice! Folk Concert New York-based musician and activist George Mann will give a folk concert at the Florence Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on Wednesday, April 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m. The concert is sponsored by FUUF’s Starlight Cabaret and Citizen’s Democracy Watch. Mann would just as soon share stories and songs from the long history of folk music as sing his own songs, and his concerts are sing-along sessions and more. George has produced albums featuring such folk music legends as Utah Phillips, Pete Seeger and Tom Paxton, and produced national tours of the US and Australia in honor of the Almanac Singers (2013) and Joe Hill (2015). George brings his experience as a union organizer and educator to his concerts-stories and songs about real events and the struggle for a better life. He released his latest CD “This Chain” in October 2023 and toured folk clubs and festivals in Australia. His website is www.georgemannmusic.com and there are plenty of videos of his songs and concerts on YouTube. The concert will start at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 17, doors open at 6 p.m. Florence Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is located at 87738 Highway 101 (at Heceta Beach Road) in Florence. George will perform two sets with an intermission. Admission is by donation, $10 suggested; all are welcome and no one will be turned away for lack of funds. Quilt
sale Visit us online at www.thesiuslawnews.com
show and

Asked how the business is going, Alex said the market is on the rise.

“It turned out to be better than our expectations,” he said. “For the average person, this doesn’t look logical. They don’t understand, but there’s a lot more interest than you’d think. It’s a niche market but it’s there, There are more people on the coast interested in this than you’d think.”

Alex is very knowledgeable when it comes to vintage records, collectibles and says all his records are clean and ready to play.

The store is open from 11 to 5 Thursday through Saturday.

Alex D’Angelo helps a customer at Albatross Records in Florence.

Tony Reed photo

SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 B3 Your connection to local professionals in every area of home improvement. CCB# 221760 541-590-7027 • coastalhomeservicesflorence.com COASTAL HOME SERVICES Duct Cleaning, Dryer vent Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Pressure Washing and more. Your Full Service People “For All Things Forgotten” OPSC# 39458 / SAM# 831298500/7E6J9 541-997-3825 NEIL’S CARPET CLEANING Steam or Dry • Smoke • Water Cleanup Carpet & Upholstery Florence, Oregon 541-350-7506 TOM BURKE DRYWALL & PAINTING Lic#162935 All Phases of Drywall & Painting 509 Hwy 101 • 541-997-3781 PEST TECH, INC. Honesty • Quality • Integrity Pest control & carpenter ant specialist Free Estimates, Licensed & Insured. Residential & Commercial 1645 Kingwood St, Florence • CCB#64 541-997-2422 • www.trane.com FLORENCE HEATING & SHEET METAL Heating Systems•Heat Pumps Sales/Service•Architectural Flashing Florence’s Oldest & Largest Heating Contractor 1645 Kingwood St, Florence • CCB#64 541-997-2422 • www.trane.com FLORENCE HEATING & SHEET METAL Heating Systems•Heat Pumps Sales/Service•Architectural Flashing Florence’s Oldest & Largest Heating Contractor 564 E 13th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 541-342-3678 • atiyehbros.com ATIYEH BROS CCB#3590 Area Rug Cleaning & Repair 509 Hwy 101 • 541-997-3781 PEST TECH, INC. Honesty • Quality • Integrity Pest control & carpenter ant specialist Free Estimates, Licensed & Insured. Residential & Commercial To include your business in this monthly section call 541-997-3441. CCB# 221760 541-590-7027 • coastalhomeservicesflorence.com COASTAL HOME SERVICES Duct Cleaning, Dryer vent Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Pressure Washing and more. Your Full Service People “For All Things Forgotten” Florence, Oregon 541-999-9521 • CCB# 202395 COOL BREEZE REFRIGERATION HEATING & AIR We’re here to provide solutions to all you’re refrigeration, heating and air conditioning needs. Give us a call today! 394 Kingwood Street, Florence 541-997-1080 GOODMANS’ FLOOR COVERING CCB#84593 • Since 1979 ‘We Put the Floor in Florence’ *Includes product and labor; bathtub, shower or walk-in tub and wall surround. This promotion cannot be combined with any other offer. Other restrictions may apply. This offer expires 6/30/24. Each dealership is independently owned and operated. **Third party financing is available for those customers who qualify. See your dealer for details. ©2024 BCI Acrylic, Inc. The Bath or Shower You’ve Always Wanted IN AS LITTLE AS A DAY (844) 847-9778 CALL NOW OFFER EXPIRES 6/30/24 $1000 OFF No Payments & No Interest For 18 Months AND Local record store doing well after a year in Florence By TONY REED Siuslaw News Perusing a calendar, one may notice that April 20 is national Record Store Day. If you’re wondering where to find the nearest record store in Oregon, it’s actually right here in Florence and it’s more than you’d expect from a store selling vintage records in 2024. Alex and Peggy D’Angelo own Albatross Records at 211 Harbor Street Suite 1, and have been at that location for one year, as of April 10. Alex has a long history in the business, having started his first record store in Wisconsin in 1978, which still exists. Later, while living in Paradise, CA, he owned Spin Again records in Chico. When the fires destroyed his home in Paradise, he moved to Eugene. He and Peggy wanted to open a store part-time in Florence.
Albatross Records,”
“There’s a four-year gap between
Again Records and
he said. “I do this because I like to do it.”
buy or sell new
He deals in vintage records from
60s and
but does not
release records.
B4 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 Classified 104 - LANDSCAPING 105 - CLEANING SERVICES Florence Cleaning LLC - Licensed, Bonded, & Insured, Provides Consistent, High Quality Residential Cleaning. Call today at 541-999-5033 or Book at www.florencecleaning.com. 111 - LANDSCAPE MAINT Landscape MaintenanceTrimming, needles, weeds, hauling, etc. Low Rates! Free Estimates! 541913-4416. 300 - ANNOUNCEMENTS SENIOR SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL SEEKING NEW MEMBERS Are you a senior? Do you have a passion for working with seniors? Consider applying to be on the Senior & Disability Services (S&DS) Senior Services Advisory Council. S&DS provides all of Lane County with a wide range of publicly funded services for older adults and people with disabilities. Council members advise S&DS on services and programs, and they advocate on senior topics.For more information, call 541682-4512 or e-mail. sdsadvisorycouncil@ lcog.org or download an application on our website at www.lcog. org/sdslane. Application deadline: May 3rd, 2024. 301 - HEALTH & NUTRITION SN30124-Portable Oxygen Concentrator May Be Covered by Medicare! Reclaim independence and mobility with the compact design and long-lasting battery of Inogen One. Free information kit! Call 855-792-9764. 500 - EMPLOYMENT All Positions - Papa Murphy’s- $14-16/hr. includes tips. Apply in person or at indeed.com. 1737 12th Street, 541-997-7272. Crew Members - McDonalds is seeking enthusiastic & outgoing individuals looking for flexible schedule flexible hours. TEXT: OR192 to 38000 to apply. Customer Service Rep resentative- Zolezzi Insurance Agency looking for a licensed customer service repre sentative at their Florence location. Email resumes to craig@zianw.com Part-time Office Assis tant- Answer phones, receive payments, handle correspondence, copies. Proficient in Microsoft 365 Word/Excel. Excellent cus tomer service skills. Wage DOE. Submit resume’ to nancybetzoneill@gmail. com. 606 - CAMPERS & TRAILERS 8ft. Lance Camper $5,000. 530-526-0419. 616 - TRUCKS 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Regular cab work pick-up truck. 2dr., 8ft., 6 cylinder, white, only 62,890mi. Tires, body work and paint in excellent cond. $12,750. 541991-3091. 714 - APPLIANCES I800 - RENTALS $1,850/mo.- 3bdrm., 1.5ba.Central location, recently remodled, w/d hook-ups, includes water/ sewer. For info call Advanced Property Management: 541-269-7210. 903 - CONDO FOR SALE Condo in Florence? 999 - PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Paige DeBarge please contact Attorney Edward K. Bauman, (337) 491-0570 or ed@lakecharlesattorney. com. PUBLIC NOTICE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations OLYN J. PALMER 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The real property is described as follows: Lot 24, SPRUCE VILLAGE PHASE 1, as platted and recorded June 12, 2008, Reception No. 2008-032898, Lane County Deeds and Records, in Lane County, Oregon 3. RECORDING. The Trust Deed was recorded as follows: Date Recorded: December 17, 2014 Recording No. 2014049838 Official Records of Lane County, Oregon 4. DEFAULT. The Grantor or any other person obligated on the Trust Deed and Promissory Note seINFORMATION Office Hours: Monday–Friday • 8am to 5pm Phone: 541-997-3441 Sales: 541-902-3529 Address: 4969 Hwy. N. 101, #4 Florence, OR 97439 DEADLINES: All classified ads- lined, box, display, legals: Wednesday end of day. ADJUSTMENTS: If your advertisement appears incorrectly, notify us immediately. We will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion. Such responsibility is limited to correct insertion of advertisement. Yard work wanted! Local Lifetime Resident & Veteran. Reasonable rates, professional & courteous. Mowing, Trimming, Hauling, Driveway Power-washing, etc. 541-999-4656. SERVICES ANNOUNCEMENTS • Residential • Land • Commercial • Property Management Remodeled in-town 2 bdrm, 2 bath home with 1461 sq. ft. of living space and a 2-car garage. This home is designed to have great curb appeal and privacy. Bamboo flooring, double pantry, lots of storage. $429,900 List #1223/24397277 living room with vaulted ceilings. Attached 2-car garage. Landscaped yard & covered patio. $585,000 List #1195/24678346 In-Town investment opportunity! Two-level building consists of a commercial unit on the lower level and four residential apartments above. Covered parking & storage for apartments. $995,000 List #1186/23321931 Great 3 bdrm, 1 bath home on a .94 acre corner property in Westlake with attached 2-car garage & detached RV garage. Siltcoos Lake views & deeded access. Outbuildings, garden & natural landscaping. $725,000 List #1224/24672418 .85 Ac lot in the Pacific View Business park with buildings. One houses the Florence Tennis/ Pickleball court, storage areas & 12x14’ roll up door. Other building has manufacturing space, offices & 12x16’ roll up door. $1,500,000 List #1220/24694920 Mapleton double-property investment opportunity. Two separate lots, each with a 2bdrm, 1 bath MFD home. Combined both properties measure just over 2 acres. Renovate or replace! $219,900 List #1201/23269720 Build your custom home or place a MFD home on this great lot across from the Munsel Lake boat landing. Septic approval on file. Great location ready to go! $155,900 List #1185/23145536 Beach area 2 bdrm, 1 bath MFD home with about 900+ sq. ft. of living space on .45 of an acre. Property has carport & workshop space. Room for RV parking. $259,000 List #1213/24013136 Florentine Estates 2-bdrm, 2 bath, 1075 sq. ft. of living space with a detached single car garage. Split bedroom floorplan with a laundry room and washer & dryer. Well appointed kitchen & dining area. $324,500 List #1200/23242637 1870 Hwy 126, Suite A PO Box 3040 Florence, OR VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.WCRESI.COM PENDING COAST REAL ESTATE Each office is Independently Owned and Operated EMPLOYMENT FOR SALE HEALTH & MEDICAL WANT TO BUY REAL ESTATE PUBLIC NOTICES Country Media has immediate openings for Reporters to cover the news that matters to our communities. Successful applicants will have an enthusiasm to cover enterprise journalism, civic meetings, school news, community events, and more. You’ll be writing for multimedia platforms including print, social media, and websites. If writing is your passion, this is the job for you! Positions are Full-time. We will also consider applicants for freelance work. We offer an above average wage with paid holidays, health insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, and more! Submit your resume and cover letter today to Executive Editor, jwarren@countrymedia.net. Reporters JOIN OUR TEAM Country Media has immediate openings for advertising representatives. Sales experience is preferred, but not required for the right person. You do need to enjoy meeting people and learning about their business needs, and you must be able to ask for the sale! You must be dependable, with reliable transportation. You should have the drive to succeed in a goal-oriented, highly accountable fun environment. We offer a competitive wage plus unlimited commission potential. This is a full-time job, Monday through Friday! Benefits include paid holidays, health insurance, paid vacation, sick leave, and more! Submit your resume and cover letter today to Director of Sales, fperea@countrymedia.net. Advertising Representatives JOIN OUR TEAM PUBLIC NOTICES

due the seventeenth (17) of each month, for the


Mar 21/Apr 20

Aries, this is a great week for transformation.

Be careful where you direct your attention, as what you do will have lasting effects. Choose your plans wisely.


Apr 21/May 21

Use this week’s powerful energy to strip away all of the unnecessary static in your life right now. It is doing more harm than good. Open yourself up to new opportunities, Taurus.


May 22/Jun 21

Gemini, there is a lot of stuff going on around you, and you need to sort through the noise to determine your priorities. Things will start to become more clear this


Jun 22/Jul 22

You are in a great position to make some lasting and strong impressions on others, Cancer. Focus on group work, as this will showcase how well you work with others.


Jul 23/Aug 23

Leo, you do not know which direction to go in this week, and that is perfectly fine. Try out different options and figure out what fits best. This will require some trial and error.


Aug 24/Sept 22


Sept 23/Oct 23

A conflict in your life that you may feel is beyond your control may crop up at the worst time, Libra. Use this as a learning opportunity on how to cope under pressure.

CAPRICORN Dec 22/Jan 20

Nothing can stop you when you put a lot of gusto behind your efforts, Capricorn. Just be mindful of who you might affect if you take things with a little too much ambition.


Oct 24/Nov 22

Scorpio, you have the power to produce a powerful outcome, even if it seems that forces are working against you. Do not give up; in fact, double down your efforts.


Nov 23/Dec 21


Jan 21/Feb 18

Aquarius, are you getting the sense that something is going on around you that you’re simply not a part of? Maybe your exclusive invitation is just waiting in the wings. Be patient.

PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20

Virgo, you have a tremendous amount of power at your disposal this week. Use all of it wisely and thoughtful ly. Others will be strongly affected by your presence.

Sagittarius, take things with a grain of salt if people seem insensitive to your feelings this week. You don’t know what others have going on in their lives.

Pisces, stand up for what you want, even if means that you are taking a different stance than others. You don’t have to please everyone in every endeavor.

months of August 2023 through January 2024; plus monthly buyer fee payments in the amount of $14.00 each, due the seventeenth (17) of each month, for the months of August 2023 through January 2024; plus reserve monthly payments in the amount of $345.00 each, due the seventeenth (17) of each month, for the months of August 2023 through January 2024; plus late charges and advances; plus any unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. 5. AMOUNT DUE. The amount due on the Note which is secured by the Trust Deed referred to herein is: Principal balance in the amount of $174,595.40; plus interest at the rate of 3.000% per annum from July 17, 2023; plus late charges of $225.00; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6. SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee’s Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been recorded in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon. 7. TIME OF SALE. Date: June 20, 2024 Time: 11:00 a.m. Place: Lane County Courthouse, 125 E. 8th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 8. RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.778 has the right, at any time that is not later than five days before the Trustee conducts the sale, to have this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, by curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with the trustee’s and attorney’s fees not exceeding the amount provided in ORS 86.778. - NOTICE REGARDING POTENTIAL HAZARDS (This notice is required for notices of sale sent on or after January 1, 2015.) Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. - You may reach the Oregon State Bar’s Lawyer Referral Service at 503-6843763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: www.osbar.org. Legal assistance may be available if you have a low income and meet federal poverty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid programs, go to http:// www.oregonlawhelp.org. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 (TS #42470.1). DATED: January 29, 2024. Nancy K. Cary, Successor Trustee, Hershner Hunter, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, OR 97440. 4/17, 4/24, 5/1, 5/8 PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN Undersigned is appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Violet Wilma Bechtol, deceased, by Lane County Circuit Court, Oregon, #24PB02436. Persons having claims against Estate must present with proper vouchers within 4 months after publication date of this notice to undersigned or claims may be barred. Persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the Court, Undersigned, or Undersigned’s attorney. Dated and first published April 17, 2024. Allen Westley Bechtol c/o Joseph O’Connell 8555 SW Apple Way, Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97225 Phone: (503) 227-2900 joconnell@ohmtaxlaw.com PUBLIC NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF, JOSEPH MARK WAGENER, DECEASED Case No.: 24PB02328 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at P. O. Box B, Florence, Oregon, 97439, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorney for the personal representative, Scott T. Bailey, Attorney at Law, P.C. at P.O. Box B, Florence, Oregon 97439. Dated and first published April 10, 2024. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Public Sale: Florence Mini Storage intends to sell at public auction storage contents to enforce a lien imposed according to the provisions of the Oregon Self-Service Storage Facility Acts (ORS 87-685 to 87-695 inclusive). The contents of the storage units listed below will be sold to the highest bidder unless payment is made in full before day of action. The live public auction will be held at Florence Mini Storage, 4099 Hwy 101, Florence OR 97439 at 12pm on Friday, April 26, 2024. The storage units are Unit #G87, 5x5 (Richard Gillispie), Unit #c-99, 10x10u (Ronald Taylor), and Unit #L-30, 10x15 (George Steenton). PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING A PUBLIC MEETING OF THE Budget Committee of the Siuslaw School District, Lane County, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, will be held at the Siuslaw Middle School Commons, 2525 Oak St., Florence, Oregon. The meeting will take place on April 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to hear public input. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on the district website or at the school district office, 2111 Oak St., Florence, Oregon between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. or on the district’s website at www.siuslaw. k12.or.us. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee. Please see Siuslaw School District’s Website for additional information and future scheduled budget meetings. Future meetings: April 24, 2024 - Public Input; Committee Considers Approving Proposed Budget. May 15, 2024 - Final Budget Meeting; Board Finalizes Budget. June 12, 2024 - Board Adopts Approved Budget with Amendments Publication date: 4/17/24 & 4/24/24. CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 tfc CCB#164861 CONSTRUCTION , Inc. New Homes, Additions Remodels & Home Repair CCB#197439 Ant’s Concrete Excavation, flat work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SUBDIVISIONS LAND CLEARING • PAVING • TRUCKING BRUSH & DEBRIS RECYCLING • DEMOLITION Ph. 541-997-2054 • Fax 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 P.O. BOx 3467 • 1770 LaureL PL • FLOrence, Or 97439 EXCAVATING 1845 Connie, SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 • sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES CONCRETE / PAVING CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Call your advertising representative to 541-997-3441 We Pride 541-746-4621 NowFlorence!Serving DIRECTORY Business & Service CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 CCB#197439 Ant’s Concrete Excavation, flat work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SUBDIVISIONS LAND CLEARING • PAVING • TRUCKING BRUSH & DEBRIS RECYCLING • DEMOLITION Ph. 541-997-2054 Fax 541-997-3499 1-877-201-0652 cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 P.O. BOx 3467 • 1770 LaureL PL • FLOrence, Or 97439 EXCAVATING 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffice.net Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations 541.991.8121 LEGAL SERVICES Yes! WE DO WINDOWS! Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Window Cleaning WINDOWS SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 • sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES CONCRETE / PAVING CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Call your advertising representative to advertise. PROPANE SERVICES We Pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible. 541-746-4621 • www.rdpropane.com R&D Propane Residential and Commercial delivery service Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 DIRECTORY Business & Service CARPET CLEANING Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc E XCAVATING • S EPTIC S YSTEMS • S UBDIVISIONS L C • P • T cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 EXCAVATING 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffi ce.net Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations 541.991.8121 LEGAL SERVICES WINDOWS SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel WayAirport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 • sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES PROPANE SERVICES We Pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible. 541-746-4621 • www.rdpropane.com R&D Propane Residential and Commercial delivery service Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 Now ServingFlorence! DIRECTORY Business & Service CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 tfc CCB#164861 CONSTRUCTION , Inc. New Homes, Additions Remodels & Home Repair CCB#197439 Ant’s Concrete Excavation, flat work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS DeQ#37263 SIUSLAW RESIDENTIAL Forrest P.O. Box Ore. BBR No. 8689 CLEANING SERVICES CONCRETE / PAVING CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS representative Business & Service CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 tfc CCB#164861 CONSTRUCTION , Inc. New Homes, Additions Remodels & Home Repair CCB#197439 Ant’s Concrete Excavation, flat work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS DeQ#37263 SIUSLAW RESIDENTIAL Forrest P.O. Box Ore. BBR No. 8689 CLEANING SERVICES CONCRETE / PAVING CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS representative Business & Service CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 CCB#197439 Ant’s Concrete Excavation, flat work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SUBDIVISIONS LAND CLEARING • PAVING • TRUCKING BRUSH & DEBRIS RECYCLING • DEMOLITION Ph. 541-997-2054 • Fax 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 P.O. BOx 3467 1770 LaureL PL FLOrence, Or 97439 EXCAVATING 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffice.net Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations 541.991.8121 LEGAL SERVICES Yes! WE DO WINDOWS! Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Window Cleaning WINDOWS SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 • sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES CONCRETE / PAVING CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Call your advertising representative to advertise. PROPANE SERVICES We Pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible. 541-746-4621 • www.rdpropane.com R&D Propane Residential and Commercial delivery service Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 NowFlorence!Serving DIRECTORY Business & Service CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 CCB#197439 Ant’s Concrete Excavation, flat work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial • 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SUBDIVISIONS LAND CLEARING • PAVING • TRUCKING BRUSH & DEBRIS RECYCLING • DEMOLITION Ph. 541-997-2054 • Fax 541-997-3499 • 1-877-201-0652 cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 P.O. BOx 3467 • 1770 LaureL PL • FLOrence, Or 97439 EXCAVATING 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffice.net Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations 541.991.8121 LEGAL SERVICES Yes! WE DO WINDOWS! Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Window Cleaning WINDOWS SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby • Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 • sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES CONCRETE / PAVING CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Call your advertising representative to advertise. PROPANE SERVICES We Pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible. 541-746-4621 • www.rdpropane.com R&D Propane Residential and Commercial delivery service Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 NowFlorence!Serving DIRECTORY Business & Service CARPET CLEANING Upholstery STEAM OR DRY Smoke • Water Cleanup 997-3825 Certified-Bonded CCB #96660 Major credit cards accepted Tweety Sez: Consistent, Quality Cleaning. For clean as a whistle, call 997-2385. Florence Janitorial Services Bill and Jo Hine, Owners CERTIFIED, LICENSED, BONDED & INSURED tfc CCB #96660 tfc CONSTRUCTION , Inc. New Homes, Additions Remodels & Home Repair CCB#197439 Ant’s Concrete Excavation, flat work, sidewalks, patios, demos and much more! Call Anthony at 541.735.4836 Blinds • Shades • Draperies • Shutters We Design ~ We Install Residential • Commercial 30 Years Experience CCB#212734 541-991-3405 Located in Florence BLINDS / WINDOW TREATMENTS Ray Wells, Inc EXCAVATING • SEPTIC SYSTEMS • SUBDIVISIONS LAND CLEARING • PAVING • TRUCKING BRUSH & DEBRIS RECYCLING • DEMOLITION Ph 541-997-2054 Fax 541-997-3499 1-877-201-0652 cB# 91052 DeQ#37263 P.O. BOx 3467 1770 LaureL PL FLOrence Or 97439 EXCAVATING 1845 Hwy 126 Unit A-10, Florence, OR 97439 www.garnerlawoffice.net Business Law Real Estate Law Free Consultations 541.991.8121 LEGAL SERVICES Yes! WE DO WINDOWS! Commercial • Residential Connie, Bill & Mike Spinner–997-8721 Window Cleaning WINDOWS SIUSLAW VALLEY ELECTRIC, INC. RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL CONTRACTING 1710 Laurel Way - Airport Industrial Park Store Hours: Mon. thru Fri., 8 A.M. to Noon Forrest G. Grigsby Stanton E. Grigsby P.O. Box 1216 sve-1973-grigsby@hotmail.com Ore. BBR No. 8689 Phone 997-8821 FAX 997-3723 ELECTRICAL CLEANING SERVICES CONCRETE / PAVING CONSTRUCTION/CONTRACTORS Call your advertising representative to advertise. 541-997-3441 PROPANE SERVICES We Pride ourselves on providing the best customer service possible. 541-746-4621 • www.rdpropane.com R&D Propane Residential and Commercial delivery service Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 NowFlorence!Serving DIRECTORY Business & Service 541-902-3529
SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 B7 1. MOVIES: Which dramatic film features the character "V"? 2. GEOGRAPHY: Luzon belongs to which island nation? 3. LANGUAGE: What is the Latin phrase for "before the war"? 4. U.S. STATES: Which state has the most national parks? 5. LITERATURE: Which 1950s novel includes the line, "Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road." 6. CHEMISTRY: What kind of gas makes a drink bubbly? 7. TELEVISION: Which sitcom features a mom named Debra Barone? 8. MUSIC: What was the former name of the English band Muse? 9. SCIENCE: What are the gaps between nerve cells called? 10. THEATER: Who wrote the play "The Crucible"? © 2024 King Features Synd., Inc. Answers 1. “V for Vendetta” (2005). 2. The Philippines. 3. Antebellum. 4. California, with nine. 5. “On the Road” by Jack Kerouac. 6. Carbon dioxide. 7. “Everybody Loves Raymond.” 8. Rocket Baby Dolls. 9. Synapses. 10. Arthur Miller. Posting Date April 15, 2024 OLIVE & Donate Your Car Imagine the Di erence You Can Make Vehicle donations are fully tax-deductible and the proceeds help provide services to help the blind and visually impaired. Help Prevent Blindness Get A Vision Screening Annually FREE TOWING & TAX DEDUCTIBLE a $200 restaurant voucher ✔ a 2-night, 3-day hotel stay at one of 50 locations Call 1-844-533-9173 When you donate your car, you’ll receive: Get Screened for Risks of Stroke and Cardiovascular Disease Special Screening Package for $149 Call 844-655-0972 Are you at risk? + See Representative for full warranty details. *One coupon per household. No obligation estimate valid for 1 year. 1Subject to credit approval. Call for details. MA #176447, MD #MHIC148329, MI # 2102212986, #262000022, #262000403, #2106212946, MN #IR731804, MT #226192, ND 47304, NE #50145-22, NJ #13VH09953900, NM #408693, NV #86990, NY #H-19114, H-52229, OR #218294, PA #PA069383, RI #GC-41354, TN #7656, UT #10783658-5501, VA #2705169445, WA #LEAFFNW822JZ, WV #WV056912 2010%% OFF OFF Your Entire Purchase*Seniors + Military ++ We o er financing that fits your budget! 1-855-536-8838 CALL TODAY FOR A FREE INSPECTION!
B8 SIUSLAW NEWS • WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17, 2024 Tim Sapp Owner / Principal Broker 541 999-8230 Richard Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-6677 Melody Beaudro Principal Broker 541 991-2151 Crystell Wise Principal Broker, CRS, SRS, SRES 541 991-9487 Kyle Lewis Broker 541 991-6728 Aileen Sapp Broker, SRS, SRES 541 999-5396 Amy Johnson Broker, CSA 541 999-7875 Megan Shervin Broker 307-690-4497 Bonnie Welch Broker 310-487-3013 Wendy Krause Broker 541 999-7765 Mike Blankenship Broker 541 991-7826 Brandi Hart Broker 541 999-2671 Nichole Lewis Broker 541 999-8786 Heidi White Broker 541 600-6058 5761 Lake St - Panoramic views of Siltcoos Lake! Completely remodeled, upgraded 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on an acre. Granite counters, cook island, LVP floors, stainless appliances. Views from each room, RV parking or room for toys. This is a must-see! $597,900. #347123189605 165 Outer Dr - 1992 Park Model, 1 bdrm, 1 bath with vaulted ceilings and a loft area, plus an enclosed office entrance. Property also has a neat detached guest unit that is 1 bdrm, 1 bath with kitchenette. Large, covered patio deck includes hot tub and yard. $199,000. #344823366180 63 Shoreline Dr - Wonderful home with amazing views in gated Shelter Cove. Nestled on top of a hill catch beautiful Siuslaw River and distant ocean views. This home has both a breakfast nook and a formal dining room, plus full-span deck in front. $835,000. #344323215919 TR Hunter Real Estate 1749 Highway. 101, Florence OR 97439 www.trhunter.com 541-997-1200 • 800-210-7453 88875 Bayberry LN #20 - Wonderful home in the Mercer Lake Resort RV Park with 2 bdrm, 2 bath, an updated white kitchen with built-in microwave. The home comes fully furnished and sold as is. No land included in this sale. A covered front porch and large carport, with tool shed and small yard in back. $125,000. #349923246291 1600-91 Rhododendron Dr - Cute as a button! Freshly painted with lots of built-ins and character throughout. Nice deck and garden space, plus bonus art studio/ shop with sink. $230,000. #3510-24006067 206 Bourbon St - Located in the unique community of Coast Village, this charming 2 bdrm, 2 bath mobile home offers the comforts of an office, utility room, garden area, as well as covered parking and a workshop. Embrace relaxation and excitement in this gated community! $225,000. #3470-23574411 50 Shoreline Dr - Builder built home in Shelter Cove with 4 bdrms, den, sunroom, 3-car garage and RV barn. 3856 sqft with views of the Siuslaw and the Pacific Ocean from nearly every room. Private path to river/ beach. Beautiful home, come see it today! $1,600,000. #3505-24011570 89510 Hwy 101 #10 - A peaceful setting for this 1975 Manufactured Fuqua mobile home. Backs up to the forest/greenbelt for great views and wind protection. Workshop has new pressure-treated wood floor and new sliding glass door. $125,000. #3412-23373792 1198 Winsome Cir - Great in-town home on quiet culde-sac. This home has a beautiful kitchen with granite counters, stainless appliances and open concept living. 3 bdrms, 2 baths with a large bonus room above the oversized garage. $630,000. #3418-23197925 11781 Alder Avenue, Mapleton - Lovely 3 bedroom home with additional back lot, fruit trees, mountain views and many upgrades. Wood floors, high ceilings, wood burning fireplace, and an additional 4th bedroom suite with its own exterior entrance. $349,000. #348123614222 642 35th Ct - Comfortable, open floorplan includes a spacious kitchen with island and new stainless-steel appliances. Private back patio area off den and lovely side-yard with lots of Rhodies! Formal dining and breakfast nook. $475,000. #3514-24031755 88998 Hwy 101 - Sutton Creek frontage home with workshop and RV parking, on 1.42 acres just minutes north of Florence and across from Sutton Lake boat launch. Walking trails and nature all around. Come see this wonderful 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1398 sqft home today. $445,000. #3513-24514405 11882 E Mapleton Rd - Beautiful NW-style manufactured home on nearly an acre, across the road from the Siuslaw River. Well maintained home with tankless hot water heater, wood burning stove, upgraded laminate floors, pine interior doors, gas cooking range, and more. $439,000. #3518-24692039 1260 10th St #18 - Charming 1 bdrm, 1 bath condo in Courtyard Condominiums East. 2nd-floor corner unit has dedicated parking. Cozy living area, ample natural light. Well-equipped kitchen, spacious bedroom with large closet. Offered furnished. On-site laundry, near amenities. $160,000. #3519-24335673 85566 Maple St - Enjoy filtered views of Siuslaw River and Old Town. Minutes from sand dunes, ocean, Bay St, this 2 bdrm, 2 bath home is close to all the fun that Florence has to offer but out of the hustle and bustle. $235,000. #3516-24237444 1600-171 Rhododendron Dr - Big results in a small package. Cool Greentrees home, single-car detached garage with wall of windows. Sizable RV cover. Kitchen has floor to ceiling windows, living room has spacious bump-out. Extra storage building, private backyard! $290,000. #3517-24060967 11047 E Mapleton Rd - Wonderful 4 bdrm home on one acre, riverfront in Mapleton. Manicured yard with river views from most rooms. Deep water frontage, covered back patio, garage, carport and basement. Room for all your toys in a beautiful setting. $750,000. #352024437392 25 Yearling Ct - Beautiful newer 2021 home in the highly desired gated community of Fawn Ridge East. Superior quality with vaulted 11’ and 9’ ceilings, 2,076sqft living area, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, with 780sqft, 3-bay, attached garage. 0.33 acre cul-de-sac location. $859,000. #352124314234 3980 Nandina Dr - 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 car garage 2017 custom built home located in Sandpines East. Open floor plan, stainless steel kitchen appliances with quartz counters. Primary bedroom features French doors, walk in shower, dual sinks and walk in closet. $475,000. #3526-24452818 89525 Shore Crest Dr - Beautiful North Lakes home. 3 bdrm, 2 bath on a 0.37 acre lot. Open living with beautiful exposed beams and large backyard. $425,000. #3525-24363147 89749 Ben Bunch Rd - Secluded 9.95-acre property boasting a tri-level 5 bdrm, 4 bath home, a pond, a creek and pastureland. Includes 36x24 shop with rollup door and attached, covered 72x33 work area, as well as two 30x24 metal carports, one with a car lift. $850,000. #3522-24378325 11425 E Mapleton Rd - Great views of the Siuslaw River, valley, and mountains from your own spacious deck. Located about 2 miles up river with a lovely place to swim. This 1440 sqft manufactured home has 2 bdrms and 2 full baths. Lot size is 2.75 ac split by the road. $397,500. #3500-23049644 458 Sherwood Lp - Florentine Estates gated community home. A 1995 built manufactured home, 3 bdrms and 2 full baths with an open concept. 35' RV garage and hookups. Primary suite has a walk-in tub. Spacious kitchen with center island. Fenced for pets. $470,000. #3512-24408827 New Listing New Listing Price Reduced Price Reduced Price Reduced

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