Fire season increased to ‘moderate’ Saturday
The fire danger level on lands protected by Coos Forest Protective Association (CFPA) District will increase to Moderate (Blue) Saturday, June 29th, at 12:01 a.m. Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL) will remain at 1(one) district wide.
Lands affected by this declaration include state, private, county, city and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) forestlands in Coos, Curry and Western Douglas counties.
create and enforce reasonable restrictions on homeless camps, except in Oregon, where legalized tent cities remain the law under House Bill 3115,” said Lathrop.
There is no evidence that this expanded power will be used ‘reasonably’. Experts argue that the only ‘reasonable’ solution to homelessness is to provide resources and housing. The best tool that a city can have in its arsenal against excessive public camping, is an adequate amount of shelter space. Stating that a City can now make it illegal to camp, without requiring that they provide shelter for said campers, does nothing to alleviate homelessness other than attempting to force them out of one community and into another.
Senator Kayse Jama and Representative Pam Marsh agree, as they released a joint statement as head of their respective Housing Committees in the House and Senate.
“Our goal remains making sure every Oregonian has access to safe, affordable housing so no one has to resort to sleeping on the streets. Homelessness will be solved by building more housing, supporting shelters and programs to get people on the path out of homelessness.
“Local jurisdictions have a duty to maintain livability for everyone in their communities – and, importantly, there needs to be a reasonable balance between those concerns and the reality that too many Oregonians don’t have anywhere safe to sleep. Today’s Supreme Court ruling does nothing to solve the housing and homelessness crisis in Oregon,” stated the legislators.
As stated, only time will tell how cities chose to use this now-protected power. Will they actually attempt to ‘maintain livability’, as suggested by the House and Senate Housing Committees? Or will cities choose ‘out of sight, out of mind’, and force their homeless populations elsewhere, or in the worst case, incarcerate them en masse.
Beginning Saturday June 29th at 12:01 AM, the following public fire restrictions will be adjusted:
• Campfires, cooking fires, warming fires and other open fires are only allowed at designated locations.
• Non-Industrial powersaw use allowed before 1PM and after 8PM.
• Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is allowed before 1PM and after 8PM.
• Mowing of dried, cured grass is allowed before 1PM and after 8PM.
• Any other spark emitting internal combustion engine not previously mentioned is allowed before 1PM and after 8PM.
All other public fire restrictions will remain in effect.
For more information about Coos Forest Protective Association’s fire season regulations, please call or visit the CFPA office nearest to you:
• Reedsport Guard Station 2925 Longwood Drive, Reedsport, Or. (541) 271-2224
• Coos Bay District Headquarters 63612 Fifth Rd. Coos Bay, Or. (541) 267-3161
• Bridge Unit Office 98247
Bridge Lane, Myrtle Point, Or. (541) 572-2796
• Fourmile Guard Station 46946 Hwy 101, Bandon, Or. (541) 347-3400
• Gold Beach Unit 94276 Gauntlett Street, Gold Beach, Or. (541) 247-6241
• Brooking s Guard Station 415 Redwood Street, Brookings, Or. (541) 469-2302
Fire season information is also available online at our and our website. or on our closure line (541) 267-1789
*Adams, Isaiah R. Adams, Logan J. *Bascom, Isla E. Bell-Cole, Deztinie X. *Bettencourt, Keira N. *Buckman, Jocelyn O. Carter, Kaiyan A. *Celoni, Karli M. *Collier, Raleigh J. Dennen, Patience I.0 *Dewhirst, Amelia K. Frazier, Benjamin S. Gill, Lorelai M. Gonsalves, McKenzie L. Gordon, Dixie B. Gulotta, Christopher L. III Hardman, Aria R. *Harnden, Bo D. *Hebert, Emma L. *Horton, Blake X. Hudman, Emma M. Ingersoll, Abigail B. *Jensen, Anders J. *Jensen, Torsten E. Jimenez, John R. Johnson, Steven D. Lin, Celina *Lu, Michael *Luo, Lucas R. McGill, Gaven A. Meighan, Gabriel A. Mendrin, Paisley D. Messner, Ally I. Moore, Adaline R. O’Neil, Gage C. *Paiva, Kairi L. Parra, Blake A. *Parra, Emily R. Praus, Abigail R. Prickett, Spencer L. Riley, Colton T. *Rodriguez, Lorelei H. Sanne, Colton L. Schnabel Martin, Castle R. Schwenk, Max S. Simpson, Alexys M. Smith, Bryn I. Smyth, Gabriel R. *Staley, Taylor R. *Storm, Bella J. *Switzer, Lyra C. Traylor, Evan C. *Vonderohe, Alayna J. Walsh-Headlee, Caileigh M. Walton, Hadley V. White, Gage J. *Whitsett, Emma D. Williams, Blane M. *Yu, WenJun *Zebadua, Sara K.
*Abrahamsen, Clarissa L. Aguirre, Tania G. Albers, Scarlett R. *Amato, Logan P. *Anderson, Brayden K. *Barber, Carly E. *Benney’Bettencourt, Annalisa M. Boersma, Emmet S. Bowlby, Hannah L. *Brophy, Liam E. Burns, Bryson V. Jr *Chen, Amanda J. Clark, Kaytlynn R. *De La Torre, Yonny Dehart, Makayla S. Fisher, Tristan R. Fulmer, Journee L. *Garrigus, Lauryn A. Gensorek, Abigail C. Givens, Hailey R. Graves, Iayana K. Green, Tulee B. *Hague, Mikyla E. *Haning, Oliver W. *Harbolt, Melina L. *Harbolt, Teagan S. *Harris, Skylar M. Hernandez, Dylan J. *Hudman, Sophia M. Ishida, Sophia M. Jewell, Ava L. Johnson, Braelyn S. *Kelley, Noah A. *London, Yasuni T. Lopez-Casas, Iker G. Ludovici- Simpson, Adrina P. Ma, Jordan *McInturff, Nikolai R. Moore, Annabelle G. Moore, Audrina *Mueller, Sophea M. *Muir, Rustin W. *Muth-Vu, Mira M. Neal, Mazzie L. *Netherton, Lola R. *Nyleen, Liam A. *Pedrini, Angelo O. Pullen, Makenzie R. *Qadir, Zoya H. *Rogers-Dupuis, Patrick O. Ronk, Caleb D. Smith, Barrett C. Snoddy, Gavin P. Stalcup, Brayden A. *Stout, Carter W. *Taylor, Liam J. Teshite, Allira M. Veloz, Jaxon W. Vo, Trang P. Washington, Violet R. Weber, Amber E. *Wheeling, Blaze E. *Willett, Anna M. *Wisbey, Zoie *Woods, Jacob R.
*Bailey, Jack L. Barrentine, Teagan E. Brayton, Lily B. *Campbell, Mollie M. Carmo, Joseph A. Favilla, Janessah H. *Flitcroft, Malia J. Flores, Sophia Carmina G. Ford, Easton J. *French, Thomas R. *Gaudette, Isabelle A. Gordon, Benelli A. *Hall, Kylee M. *Horning, Addison J. Jewell, Allexis Johnson, Rylee A. Johnston, Finnley P. Krossman, Maieina R. *Lu, Karen Lucas, Olivia M. McAllister, Jaden E. *Moore, Cadence M. Morrow, Keira A. *Murray, Natalie J. O’Neal, Tabytha R. *Paraguya, Aiko Amari M. *Phillips, Gaven B. *Phillips, Isis J. *Ponzini-Beck, Riley A. *Puckett, Tyler V. *Rexine, Rylee A. *Reyna, Mikayla L. Richards, Lily A. *Ryback, Morgan L. *Slade, Scotty A. Sosa, Benjamin A. *Stadden, Bella B. Wakeling, Kile *Warnock, Saylor M. Whitlatch, Emma H.
We offer the following: trimming, blower, weeding, aerating, mowing, fertilizing, edging, hauling, initial cleanups. Quality jobs done at a great price! Call today for your free quote! Licensed & insured. Lic #0009256. Contact us at 541-2175540 or 541-751-5864.
Cage/Kennel Liner? Fire Starter?
The World has bundles of newspaper 2 for $1!
172 Anderson Avenue, Coos Bay
Cheesecake of the week at The Fleet Deli is Snickers! Open WednesdaySaturday 11am - 5pm, located next to Face Rock Creamery. 541-290-7030 For sale! FreeStep elliptical recumbent cross trainer. Like new! $125. Call Linda 541-329-2341, leave message if no answer.
Pets 736
The Bay Area’s only pet crematory with COOS BAY CHAPEL 541-267-3131
Misc For Sale 750
Cal Spa Kona Plus Hot Tub for sale! 3-person capacity lounge with 33 jets, 226 gallon. Paid $6,000 May 2022, sell for $4,500. Call Jim at 808-347-8288.
1999 Ford WinStar Wheelchair Van low mileage. Windstar LX 3.9 l V6, 94,643 miles Van runs great and is in good shape. Side Entry Ramp. Serious Inquires only please. Located in Bandon 541366-1275 $6000.00
Real Estate/Trade 900
RURAL PROPERTY Farms. Ranches. Timberland. Mini-farms and Ranchettes. Vacant or improved. Coos, Curry and Douglas Counties. Whether buying or selling, call us today for a free consultation. 60+ years combined experience.
JOE WARD PROPERTIES Joe, 541-912-0934 RAYA ZIEGLER REAL ESTATE Raya, 541-297-5260
CW24-2141 Mapleton Water District Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to Provide Engineering Consulting Services for Water System Improvements and Engineer of Record Introduction and Scope of Services to be Provided The Mapleton Water District (District) is located between the Cities of Florence and Eugene, Oregon at the intersection of Hwy 126 and Hwy 36, approximately 22 miles east of Florence. Our service area is divided by the Siuslaw River. The District operates an 11mile long distribution system, with two storage tanks, and one water treatment plant that draws raw water from a surface source at Berkshire Creek. This RFQ is a request to serve as Project Engineer for the design and construction management of various water system improvement projects. This RFQ also serves to establish said engineer as the District’s Engineer of Record. The District is seeking qualifications from engineering consultants to provide general professional engineering services and to particularly assist with funding applications, master planning, design, and construction management of water system improvements. The selected consultant will assist the District with maintaining system compliance with applicable local, state, and federal regulations. The selected engineer will play an important and active role in project funding pursuits and applications.
Proposal Instructions Proposal Submittal and Due Date The proposer shall email their proposal (pdf format) with a subject line reading “Mapleton Water District Water System Improvements and EOR.”
Proposals should be addressed to: Vanessa West, District Board President, MWD Email: vwest@mapletonwd. org
Proposals are due by July 10, 2024 at 3:00 PM. Late proposals will not be considered. Questions should be submitted in writing to: Vanessa West, District Board President, District Email: vwest@
Questions are due by July 3rd, 2024 at 3:00PM. Proposal Format, Evaluation Criteria, and Selection Proposals shall be put together as efficiently and cost effectively as possible to minimize costs to the proposer. Proposals must conform to the format provided below to be considered. The proposal shall be a maximum of 8 pages (8.5 x 11 single sided), not including a cover letter and resumes. The selection process will use a 100-point scoring system to evaluate the quality of the proposal. Experience. Description of the proposing firm’s area(s) of expertise; previous experience working with small water systems; a history of working with funding agencies and acquiring needed project funding; and history of working with state regulatory agencies to collaboratively solve problems. (2 page; 20 points) Availability to the project locale and Familiarity with the project locale. Description of the proposing firm’s proximity to the project and history of working with the Mapleton Water District. Preference will be given to engineering firms with prior or current working relationships with the District and who have an office within 75-miles of MWD. (1 page; 30 points) Project Team and Work Approach. Brief description of key team members and their professional credentials with a discussion of their anticipated roles for this project. Please indicate the project manager and who will be performing the day-to-day work. Provide resumes of key staff for review. Also include a
general work approach for design/construction projects. (4 pages; 30 points) Similar Project Examples. Share two example clients/projects of a similar nature as MWD that the proposed engineer’s project office did. Provide contact information for an individual who can serve as a reference. (1 page; 20 points) The District is using a qualification-based selection process for the selection of an engineering consultant. Selection of the most qualified consultant will be made without regard to the price of services. The District will have 3-5 people on a Selection Committee. Consultants will be ranked and the top Consultant selected based on rankings (not total point score) from the evaluation process. It is anticipated selection will be from the written proposal; however, the District reserves the right to interview any or all of the consultant(s) if deemed advantageous. The District will enter negotiations with the highest-ranked consultant regarding the consultant’s scope of work, price for services, payment methodology, and any other provisions that the District believes are in the District’s best interest to negotiate. The negotiation process may continue in this manner through successive candidates until an agreement is reached or the District terminates this RFQ. This solicitation is not an implied contract and may be modified or revoked without notice. 07/02, 07/09.
In the matter of the Estate of: Faye Louise Taylor, Decedent.Case No.: 24PB04449 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY
GIVEN that John Taylor has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at PO Box 119, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorneys for the personal representative, Stebbins & Company, PO Box 119, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420. Dated and first published June 25, 2024. John Taylor, Personal Representative 06/25, 07/02, 07/09.
In the matter of the Estate of: Eugene William LaRochelle, Jr., Decedent. Case No.: 24PB04591 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Paul D. Comfort has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at PO Box 119, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorneys for the personal representative, Stebbins & Company, PO Box 119, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420. Dated and first published June 25, 2024. Paul D. Comfort, Personal Representative 06/25, 07/02, 07/09.
In the Matter of the Estate of: CHARLOTTE A. FLEURY, Deceased. Case No. 24PB04150
INFORMATION TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CAROL FLEURY has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate of CHARLOTTE A. FLEURY are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at 3160 Pine Street., North Bend, OR 97459, or through their attorney, Nathan B. McClintock, at PO Box 1178, Coos Bay, OR 97420, or in person at 936 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative, or the lawyer for the personal representative, Nathan B. McClintock. Dated and first published on June 18th, 2024. Nathan B. McClintock, OSB #841520 Attorney for Personal Representative 06/18,06/25, 07/02, 07/09.
Sealed Bids for the City of Coos Bay - EASTSIDE BOAT LAUNCH 2024 will be received via electronic means by Greg Hamblet, Operations Administrator, until 2:00 PM local time on 7/18/24 at which time the Bids received will be publicly opened at City Hall. The City will receive and accept bids only through www.questcdn. com via their electronic VirtuBid online service. No bids will be accepted after this time. The Project is for construction of: Removal of 2 piles, installation of 3 piles, and the installation of 8 floats. The Issuing Office for the Bidding Documents is: CITY OF COOS BAY; Greg Hamblet, CFM. Bidding Documents may be viewed at To be qualified to submit a Bid the Contractor must obtain the bidding documents and submit their bid electronically at www., QuestCDN Project No. 9176006. All pre-Bid questions and responses will be posted on QuestCDN. A pre-bid conference will not be held. Bidder must qualify with owner per ORS 279C.430 as specified in Instructions To Bidders. This contract is for public work and is subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 regarding prevailing wage rates. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive any technicalities or informalities in connection with the bids. No Bidder may withdraw their bid until thirty (30) days after the bid opening.
By order of: City of Coos Bay - Greg Hamblet, CFM, Operations Administrator
Published: The World, Coos Bay, OR, 7/2/24 and 7/5/24
CW24-2133 STORAGE AUCTION for Bay Park Mini Storage 93645 Shoshone Ln. Coos Bay, OR 97420 Bid online at: www.bid13. com July 18th, 2024 @ 2 p.m. #3 Jessica Scott, boxes/ totes, household items #8/9 Don Johnson, household and children’s items #27 Jessica Scott, boxes/ totes, household items Published on July 2nd and July 9, 2024
CW24-2138 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Probate Department Case No. 24PB05445 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the ESTATE OF JACK E. GOULEY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that JACKI L. LINDSEY has been appointed as Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned attorney for Personal Representative at 5200 Meadows Rd, Ste. 150, Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, Personal Representative or the attorney for Personal Representative.
JACKI L. LINDSEY Personal Representative Jennifer A. Trundy, OSB #201080 Attorney for Personal Representative Rose Elder Law, LLC 5200 Meadows Rd, Ste. 150 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 Published: July 2nd, 2024.
Notice is hereby given that the Oregon International Port of Coos Bay will conduct a public auction at 4:00 p.m. on July 18, 2024.
Sealed bids for the auction items will be received until 4:00 p.m. at the Charleston Marina office, at which time the sealed bids will be opened and publicly awarded to the highest bidder to satisfy moorage and/or storage charges for which the Port has possessory chattel lien under the provisions of ORS 87.152 through 87.212. All reasonable bids will be considered. The description of the items, the name of the owners or reputed owners of such items, and amounts due on the liens are as follows: Lucaina Camarillo Contents of Storage Unit #54 $1,120.05
Sealed bids will be stamped in date order and must have the bid numbers clearly marked on the envelope. All items can be viewed by appointment only on July 17, 2024, 9:00am-11:00am and 2:00pm-4:00pm.
Please call the Charleston Marina at 541-888-2548 to schedule an appointment. The purchasers will be required to remove the purchased items from Port property within five (5) working days. Oregon International Port of Coos Bay Charleston Marina PO Box 5409 Charleston, OR 97420 Telephone: (541) 888-2548
CW24-2022 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of: JAMES S. GOODISON, Deceased. Case No. 24PB04986 INFORMATION TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that DAVID GOODISON has been appointed personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate of JAMES S. GOODISON are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the personal representative at 11148 Hackett Court, Grass Valley, CA, 95949, or through their attorney, Nathan B. McClintock, at PO Box 1178, Coos Bay, OR 97420, or in person at 936 Central Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representative, or the lawyer for the personal representative, Nathan B. McClintock. Dated and first published on June 18th, 2024. Nathan B. McClintock, OSB #841520 Attorney for Personal Representative 06/18, 06/25, 07/02, 07/09.
CW24-2139 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of TIMOTHY J. GIBBONS, Deceased. Case No. 24PB05211 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned personal representative at Lawrence Finneran LLC, Attorney at Law, 405 North Fifth Street, PO Box 359, Coos Bay, Oregon, 97420, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attorneys for the personal representative. DATED and first published this 2nd day of July, 2024. Justin D. Pitts Personal Representative
CW24-2137 Public Notice: June 20,2024 The Libby Drainage District will meet Saturday July 20 2024, at Jack Chaney’s home located at 62948 Red Dike Road at 1:00pm. Published weeks of July 1st — July 8th — and July 15th, 2024.
or Persons Claiming an Interest in the Property, and Occupants and Parties in Possession
UNKNOWN HEIRS OR PERSONS CLAIMING AN INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY, one of the above-named defendants. You are hereby required to appear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of this summons, and in case of your failure to appear and answer, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in its complaint, to-wit:
1. For a declaration against defendant Estate of Devin Jeffrey Hanson in the sum of $18,813.91, plus late fees of $139.98, plus accrued interest of $1,783.64 through June 17, 2024, plus interest accruing thereafter at the current variable rate of 9.74 percent per annum ($5.00676 per diem) from June 18, 2024, until the date judgment is entered, the sum of $200.00 to cover the costs of searching and abstracting records, which sum accrues interest at the current variable rate of 9.74 percent from May 25, 2024, until paid, together with any additional sums required to be paid by Plaintiff during the pendency of this suit for the protection of the Property and Plaintiff’s interest therein,
2. That Plaintiff’s Trust Deed, dated September 3, 2019, and recorded September 16, 2019, as Recorder’s No. 201908220, Records of Coos County, Oregon, be declared a lien upon the Property for the amount of the judgment prayed for herein;
3. For judgment and decree that Plaintiff’s Trust Deed upon the Property be foreclosed, and that the title,
The police blotter is a public record of incidents as reported by lawenforcement agencies. All individuals arrested or charged with a crime are innocent until proven guilty. The information printed is preliminary and subject to change.
Monday 6/17: North Bend
• 7:21 am, disorderly conduct, area of Stanton & Oconnell Street.
• 10:06 am, threats, 2200 block of Broadway Avenue.
• 1:03 pm, child neglect, 600 block of Lewis Street.
• 2:27 pm, theft, 2400 block of Oregon Avenue.
• 3:59 pm, ID theft, 1200 block of Virginia Avenue.
Coos Bay
• 6:14 am, criminal trespass, 1900 block of Newmark Avenue.
• 7:31 am, criminal trespass, 1200 block of Newmark Avenue.
• 8:47 am, 38 year old female transported to Coos County Jail on driving while suspended, area of 26th Street.
• 9:29 am, theft, 1500 block of Ocean Boulevard.
• 10:38 am, criminal trespass, 500 block of South 4th Street.
• 12:26 pm, criminal trespass, 1200 block of Newmark Avenue.
• 12:43 pm, unlawful entry into motor vehicle, 100 block of North Broadway Street.
• 1:12 pm, burglary, 300 block of South Wall Street.
• 4:15 pm, 36 year old
claim, interest, or demand of defendants and each of them in said Property, and every part thereof, except their statutory rights of redemption, be foreclosed;
4. For judgment and decree that the Property, with all of its appurtenances, rights, privileges, and easements be sold on execution by the Sheriff for Coos County, Oregon, after giving notice as required by law; that Plaintiff may be and become a purchaser at said sale; that the Sheriff give the purchaser thereof a Certificate of Sale and, unless the Property is redeemed before the expiration of the redemption period, a deed; that said purchaser have immediate possession of the Property, and every part thereof; and that said purchaser be entitled to such remedies as are available at law to secure such position, including a writ of assistance, if defendants or any other parties or persons shall refuse to immediately surrender possession to the purchaser;
5. That the proceeds of the sale be applied as follows: first, to pay the costs and expenses of said sale; second, to pay the judgment of Plaintiff; and third, the overplus, if any, be paid to the Registry of the Court subject to further court order; and 6. That if any deficiency remains after application of the proceeds of the sale thereon, execution may not be issued for said.
1. For a declaration against defendant Estate of Devin Jeffrey Hanson in the sum of $18,813.91, plus late fees of $139.98, plus accrued interest of $1,783.64 through June 17, 2024, plus interest accruing thereafter at the current variable rate of 9.74 percent per annum ($5.00676 per diem) from June 18, 2024, until the date judgment is entered, the sum of $200.00 to cover the costs of searching and abstracting records, which sum accrues interest at the current variable rate of 9.74 percent from May 25, 2024, until paid, together with any additional sums required to be paid by Plaintiff during the pendency of this suit for the protection of the Property and Plaintiff’s interest therein; 2. For Plaintiff’s attorney fees, costs, and disbursements incurred herein; and
male transported to Coos County Jail on probation violation, area of Lakeshore & Stillwater.
• 4:42 pm, criminal trespass, 2000 block of Newmark Avenue.
• 6:39 pm, theft of bike, 100 block of Ocean Boulevard.
• 6:41 pm, harassment, 200 block of South Schoneman Street.
• 7:03 pm, disturbance, area of South 2nd & Central.
• 7:30 pm, disorderly conduct, area of East 2nd & North Baxter.
• 10:43 pm, criminal trespass, 400 block of Ackerman Street. Coquille
• 3:34 pm, 46 year old female transported to Coos County Jail on criminal trespass II, area of Highway 42 & Highway 42 South.
• 4:18 pm, phone harassment, 800 block of North Central Boulevard.
• 7:18 pm, 46 year old female transported to Coos County Jail on violation of restraining order, 600 block of North Central Boulevard.
• 9:02 pm, theft, 600 block of Southeast 3rd Street.
3. For interest on the sums of paragraphs B1 and B2 at the interest rate of 9.74 percent per annum from the date judgment is entered, until paid in full. C. Such other relief as the Court deems just and equitable. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ CAREFULLY!! YOU MUST “APPEAR” IN THIS CASE OR THE OTHER SIDE WILL WIN AUTOMATICALLY. TO “APPEAR” YOU MUST FILE WITH THE COURT A LEGAL PAPER CALLED A “MOTION” OR “ANSWER”. A MOTION OR ANSWER MUST BE GIVEN TO THE COURT CLERK OR ADMINISTRATOR WITHIN 30 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION SPECIFIED HEREIN ALONG WITH THE REQUIRED FILING FEE. IT MUST BE IN PROPER FORM AND HAVE PROOF OF SERVICE ON THE PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY OR, IF THE PLAINTIFF DOES NOT HAVE AN ATTORNEY, PROOF OF SERVICE UPON THE PLAINTIFF. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, YOU SHOULD SEE AN ATTORNEY IMMEDIATELY. IF YOU NEED HELP IN FINDING AN ATTORNEY, YOU MAY CALL THE OREGON STATE BAR’S LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE AT (503) 6843763 OR TOLL-FREE IN OREGON AT (800) 4527636. If you are a veteran of the armed forces, assistance may be available from a county veterans’ service officer or community action agency. Contact information for a local county veterans’ service officer and community action agency may be obtained by calling a 2-1-1 information service. This summons is published by order of the Honorable Andrew E. Combs, Judge of the above-entitled Court made on the 17th day of June, 2024, directing publication of this summons once each week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Coos County, Oregon. Date of first publication: June 26th, 2024. Date of last publication: July 16th, 2024 Eleanor A. DuBay, OSB #073755
Of Attorneys for Plaintiff TOMASI BRAGAR DUBAY 121 SW Morrison, Suite 1850 Portland, OR 97204
North Bend
• 1:05 am, criminal trespass, 1900 block of Meade Street.
• 1:57 am, criminal trespass, 1900 block of Virginia Avenue.
• 2:43 am, unauthorized use of motor vehicle, 3400 block of Liberty Street.
• 6:21 am, unlawful entry into motor vehicle, area of Monroe & Virginia.
• 8:13 am, criminal trespass, 3400 block of Ash Street.
• 7:02 pm, assault, 1700 block of Meade Street.
• 8:15 pm, threats, 2000 block of Connecticut Avenue.
• 8:37 pm, disorderly conduct, 1200 block of Virginia Avenue.
• 9:23 pm, criminal mischief, 1600 block of Virginia Avenue.
• 10:10 pm, criminal mischief, 1600 block of Virginia Avenue.
• 10:25 pm, threats, 2500 block of 1st Street.
Coos Bay
• 5:36 am, 43 year old
male transported to Coos County Jail on failure to appear on theft II, criminal trespass II, area of Broadway & Public Square Court.
TS No.
APN 564500 TO No
TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain Trust Deed made by, RICHARD L BAKER as Grantor to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO as Trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. (“MERS”), as designated nominee for COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC., Beneficiary of the security instrument, its successors and assigns, dated as of October 25, 2006 and recorded on November 13, 2006 as Instrument No. 2006-15236 and beneficial interest was assigned to M&T BANK and recorded March 19, 2012 as Instrument Number 2012-2119 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of Coos County, Oregon to-wit: APN: 564500 SEE EXHIBIT “A” ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF EXHIBIT “A” REF. NO.: OR0900001424 BEGINNING AT A POINT ON MCMULLEN BOULEVARD (COUNTY ROAD NOW MCLAINLIBBY DRIVE), FROM WHICH POINT THE CENTER OF SECTION ONE (1), TOWNSHIP TWENTY-SIX (26) SOUTH, RANGE FOURTEEN (14) WEST OF THE WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, BEARS SOUTH 78° 56’ WEST A DISTANCE OF 812.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 1° 12’ WEST A DISTANCE OF 292.12 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89° 13’ EAST A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 1° 12’ EAST A DISTANCE OF 223.60 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 54° 24’ WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF MCMULLEN BOULEVARD (NOW MCLAIN-LIBBY DRIVE) FOR A DISTANCE OF 120.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COOS COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly

& Garfield Street.
• 7:50 am, disorderly conduct, area of Firefighters Memorial.
• 8:07 am, fraud, 700 block of North Bayshore Drive.
• 8:25 am, criminal trespass, 2000 block of Newmark Avenue.
• 8:53 am, criminal trespass, 100 block of North Cammann Street.
• 9:47 am, criminal trespass, 1200 block of Newmark Avenue.
• 11:34 am, 34 year old
male transported to Coos County Jail on failure to appear on criminal trespass II, failure to appear on failure to appear II, area of Lakeshore & Fenwick.
• 12:58 pm, criminal trespass, area of Ocean Boulevard.
• 1:15 pm, 38 year old
male transported to Coos County Jail on criminal trespass II, felon in possession of restricted weapon, 2000 block of Newmark Avenue.
• 8:05 pm, criminal trespass, 1700 block of Lakeshore Drive.
• 9:25 pm, criminal trespass, 700 block of F Street.
• 10:11 pm, domestic harassment, 1600 block of Lakeshore Drive.
known as: 91031 LIBBY LN, COOS BAY, OR 97420-7647 Both the Beneficiary, M&T Bank, and the Trustee, Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112, have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Trust Deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.752(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes. The default for which the foreclosure is made is the Grantor’s failure to pay: Failed to pay payments which became due Monthly Payment(s): Monthly Payment(s) from 11/01/2023 to 04/01/2024 at $4,794.72 Total Late Charge(s): Total Late Charge(s) at $77.85 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said Trust Deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to-wit: The sum of $104,361.19 together with interest thereon at the rate of 4.00000% per annum from October 1, 2023 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all Trustee’s fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said Trust Deed. Wherefore, notice is hereby given that, the undersigned Trustee will on September 18, 2024 at the hour of 10:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by Section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, inside the main lobby of the Coos County Courthouse, 250 N Baxter St, Coquille, OR 97423 County of Coos, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the Grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with any interest which the Grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including
a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.778 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, Trustee’s or attorney’s fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. Without limiting the Trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Oregon law requires the Trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a Trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing methamphetamines, the chemical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospective purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the Trustee’s sale. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word “Grantor” includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, the words “Trustee” and “Beneficiary” includes their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: 5/2/2024 By: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 Successor Trustee Malcolm & Cisneros, A Law Corporation Attention: Nathan F. Smith, Esq., OSB #120112 c/o TRUSTEE CORPS 17100 Gillette Ave, Irvine, CA 92614 949252-8300 NPP0460332 To: WORLD (COOS) 06/18/2024, 06/25/2024, 07/02/2024, 07/09/2024

block of North Adams Street.
• 8:05 am, disorderly conduct, 50 block of Highway 42.
• 9:00 am, 53 year old
male transported to Coos County Jail on disorderly conduct II, area of 3rd & Baxter.
• 2:51 pm, theft, 1200 block of North Dean Street.
• 2:53 pm, 21 year old
female transported to Coos County Jail on criminal trespass II, 100 block of North Birch Street.
• 8:35 am, criminal mischief, area of 22nd Street & Forest Hills.
• 3:33 pm, disorderly conduct, 200 block of South 21st Street.
Wednesday 6/19:
North Bend
• 5:48pm, disorderly conduct, area of Lakeshore & Delores.
• 6:26 pm, 29 year old
male cited on criminal trespass II, 3200 block of Tremont Avenue.
• 8:56 pm, criminal trespass, 1700 block of Mcpherson.
Coos Bay
• 1:30 am, 38 year old
• 10:10 am, stalking, area of Lower Umpqua Hospital.
• 10:11 am, theft, area of Rainbow Plaza.
• 9:45 pm, fire, area of Sparrow Park Road.
Tuesday 6/18:
• 6:54 am, criminal trespass, 100 block of South 4th.
• 7:29 am, 31 year old
male transported to Coos County Jail on failure to appear on failure to appear on criminal citation, failure to appear on criminal driving while suspended or revoked, area of Morrison
• 12:43 am, 42 year old
female transported to Coos County Jail on criminal trespass II, theft, 300 block of East 2nd Street.
• 1:06 am, criminal trespass, 100 block of North Adams.
• 1:54 am, theft, 300
female transported to Coos County Jail on failure to appear theft II, failure to appear on theft III, failure to appear on criminal trespass II, failure to appear on failure to appear on citation, failure to appear on failure to appear II, 100 block of North 4th Street.
• 3:18 am, disorderly conduct, area of Central & 8th.
• 8:31 am, disorderly conduct,
Police Blotter
Sierra Adams, Robyn Bonner, Akshat Brar, Nevaeh Edera, Kaleigh England, Kendra Fleetwood, Gannon Frost, Brionna Fuller, Bridget Gould, Jake Green, Kayla Hayes, Joseph Herbert, John Hinkel, Esa Hinrichs, Natalie Jadin, Karli Kennedy, Mele Lutes, Paige Macduff, Finn Mander, Ethan McLaughlin, Isabelle McLaughlin, Gracie Peach, Izabel Perez, Liam Post, Amelia Schaefer, Joseline Sermeno, Jessica Sun, Noah Takis, Talon Thomas, Roman Trask, Heaven Williams, Danner Wilson
Ava Ainsworth, Minya Appel-Brigham, Helena Blood, Alexander Brouse, Hoyt Cherry, Olivia Conde, Cecelia Cox, Keira Crawford, Serenity Devins, Ada Mahaffy, Ryan McLeod, Natalia Mireles-Gallo, Selene Sambell, Zander Stoffers, Tayten Sutherland, Hannah Thomas, Mia Thorp, AbbyGayle Vaughn
Maya Aguirre, Benjamin Aley, Skyler Belzer, Sydni Davis, Rebecca DeGan, Mallory Edd, Abigail Erb, Jesse Frichtl, Angeles Gabriel-Kutsch, Isabella Grabinger, Charles Hatch, Britney Herrera, Justin Holmstedt, Myla Johnson, Ana Lemmons, Reanna Mathias, Kayleigh Schroder, Chandler Wyatt
Isabel Ashton, Avery Bartholomew, Kloie Beintker, Donald Brice, Skyla Castagnola, Glen Crook, Ella Croson, Finn Dollarhyde, Tony Edwards, Mara Elgin, Dannicka Gauvain, Elijah Goodson, Rowan Hampton, Kylie Horstman, Miranda Jester, Bailey Krussow, Hannah Lake, Kaia Mahaffy, Carter McGriff, Albert Metcalfe, Clark Metz, Addison Moss, Braden Patterson, Degan Pierce, Kaylee Rillon, Madison Sawyer, Kira Smith, Alexis Stoffers, Lily Thompson, Keller Vinyard, Juan Yanez Torres, Natalie Yost FRESHMAN
*Ava Bascom
Alexandra Benavidez
Grace Bertholet
Matai Brophy
Kamryn Collins
Matias Concha
Carson Cornell
Lucy Danforth
*Brooklynn Davis
Isabella Farmer
*Evan Garrigus
Amaya Graves
Tallis Green
*Mackenzie Hastings
*Elizabeth Helland
*Frances Helland
*Taylin Jenson
9th Grade
*Alizon Ledesma-Vazquez
James Lehto
Kiarra Lock
Isaac Adams
*Amber Bancroft
*Owen Bascom
*Jonathan Bertholet
*Fleur Bice
Peyton Allemani, Shyla Applegate, Dassel Aretz, Siena Beckett, Jake Bennett, Mark Bowles, Lorelei Brumit, Ryan Caldera, Wraith Calligori, Ronald Castor, Sophie Colm, Victoria Cordova, Alyrian Covey, Gabriel Darnell, Conner Deleon, Elyssa Diego, Aspen Elst, Willow Elst, Jenna Erickson, Teagen Forbes, Kiri Goodson, Saurina Hansen, Shawn Harlow, Faith Hite, Jayla Johnson, John Lemmons, London Lindsey, Christopher Manwill, Trevor Martin, Peter Mathias, Conner Middendorff, Katlyn Osborne, Megan Park, Jonathon Parks, Spencer Pederson, Jazmyn Perez, Morgan Picatti, Jonah Putman, Gabriel Ross, Faythe Schneider, Hope Schrag, Cameron Taylor, Ava Thomas, Harper Thompson, Hannah Willis, Jose Yanez Torres
Eliot Aley, Willow Bailey, Annika Bones, Shayla Brill, Chase Carpenter, Ashton Fitzgerald-Thornton, Ian Hammond, Deagon Jackson, Aria Johnson, Alanna Krewson, Dakota LaCorte, Abigail Lambert, Eli Luckman, Bodey Lutes, Alexandria Maggio, Juanita Martinez, Cole Matthews, Analise McCord, Tatum Montiel, Tadum Moreno, Jocelyn Mulkey, Devin Murrietta, Kaylei Olmedo, Lexus Pittman, Sophie Rhodes, Izabella RivasLake, Bella Roberts, Sebastian Rocha, Ashley RodriguezGutierrez, Kendall Rohlik, Ashton Russell, Shyanna Strong, Kierstin Summers, Ramon Villalejo, Kailee Wallack, Red Weatherford, Maggie Yost, Ryen Young.
Paulina Acuna Vasquez, Jamison Batdorff, Mercedes Bearden, Mahlia Black, Maddalyn Croff, Cyrene Dorfmeister, Alexander Dunning, Mackenzie FitzgeraldThornton, Giulietta Folck, Camillah Ford, Arabella Horstman, Eliza Howard, Samantha Howell, Tripp Karow, Patrick Lee, Kayden Loper, Elias Magdaleno Perez, Violet Mcguf n, Ayden McNamee, Devon Pederson, Alyssia Pottle, Cristina Rodriguez Aguirre, Skye Rodriguez, Melvin R. Rowlett, Chloe Stone, Arrayah Tyre-Gault, Coleman Yates
Cecilia Bollin, Dakota Brophy, Zoey Colm, Jacob Day, Reign DeGarmo, Tayla Didway, Kyle Frangopoulos, Braxton Franssen, Harper Godley, Mirabelle Goodrich, Summer Green, Paige Horlacher, Logan L. Hummel Jr, Lucas Hyatt, Hailey Lessley, Gabriel Liga, Brady Matthews, Trella McBroom, Natalie Messenger, Kenya OrtizMartinez, Hayley Pallin, Alicia Perez, Lesley RodriguezCastillo, Kaie Russell, Gage Saxon, Cason Sutherland, Rowan Swenson, Irelynn Trumbull, Annabelle Van Hoof.
Cayla Messner
Aleah Mueller
Alize Page
Alexander Peck
Kimberly Peck
*Bleiz Phillips
*Layla Prickett
Kenzie Prince
Carter Richards
Maximum Slack
*Hailey Speakman
*Summer Strausser
*Liam Stroud Ava Sullivan
Joshua Sullivan
Taylor Timmons
*Heidi Truong
*Gracy Webber
Airyana Wisegarver
Lauren Wolfe
11th Grade
Allison Lucas
*Connor MacBeth
Ilana Maguire
Kaylianna Mazzucchi
*Clara Messner
Javier Bocanegra Morado
*Allison Burgmeier
Dillon Chico
*Dylan Collins
*Emily Damerell
Elizabeth Derrick
Kaitlyn Farmer
Jacob Halzel
Maili Hiner-Ellis
*Drew Hood
Ashley Howard
Shelby Howard
Caden Hunt
*Jackson Jennings
Eva Jensen
*Stephanie Jiang
Sophie King
*Guadalupe Morado
Timothy O’Neal
Kilion Phaigh
Jordyn Prince
*Emilio Reyna
*Chloe Smith
Tierrcey Smith-Henderson
Sabrina Stroud
*Landon Takenaka-Gaul
*Taylor Thompson
Brooklyn Walling
*Talon Wenbourne
Olivia Williams
Braeden Winger
Elisabeth Woodruff
Michael Bishop, Carter Blair, Mylia Brackin, Samuel Brown, Chance Browning, Ricardo Chacon-Hughes, Novalee Covert, Leroy Cowan, Queenie Rose Crisostomo, Autumn Edwards, Ethan Flood, Andres Flores-Garcia, Damon Hamilton, Miah Harvey, Santos Hernandez-Granda, Nathan Hill, Preston Hill, Myles Hoffman, Anahlaya Johnson, Sergio Juan De Dios, Lucas Lee, Levi Mathias, Marlen Mendoza, Baylee Moore, Alexis Ortiz-Martinez, Kaden Osborne, Wesley Pruitt, Monica Rodriguez, Judah Simon, Jose Soto-Vega, Alexander Staves, Gavin Stovall, Harley Szenasi, Aidden Wilson, Destiny Wright SENIORS
Miguel Aguirre, Bella Arts, Eugene Bean, Kaitlyn Brunner, Jessica Brunner-Navarro, Elijah Cellura, EJ Cervantes, Nemias Chambers, Sean Clayton, Madison Cook, Jacella Corsaletti, Sierra Dickie, Lucas Folau, Hailey Garner, Brayden Gunn, Gracelyn Hamner, Dakota Hill, Reese Hite, Mikayla Horstman, Nathan Jester, Ethan Kirchner, Trenton Lawrence, Webster Ley, Emily Lilienthal, Saraia Lindt, Jonah Martin, Karly Matthews, Kelsey McKay, Logan Noblitt, Julian Ocampo-Neilsen, Stormi Osborne, Leonardo Pacheco, Wyatt Petley, Mariana Ramirez Duarte, Cameron Samuels, Abram Skinner, Cole Spann, Maria St. Clair, Satyr Staggs, Jake Summers, Austin Taylor, Jimy G. Villa, Holden Welsh, Allison Wright, Aryan Wright
Mason Aurdahl, Alexander Banks, Samuel Baugh, Evan Bell, Makenzie Bishop, Elizabeth Bourell, Isabella Breymier, Luke Bright, Cara Butlin, Braedyn Caldera, Garron Castro, Hunter Cheser, Mykenzie Christensen, Trayton Forbes, Jasmine Gabriel-Kutsch, Gunner Goergen, Gabriel Jimenez, Isabella Johnson, Traiven Karow, Airabella Kiewert, Mika Kister, Angel Manzanares, Marina Mascarenas, Jaielend Moore, Wesley Muffett, Enoch Niblett, Lane Olsen, Sage Quant, Fernando Ramirez-Reyes, Autumn Roughton, Chloe Runn, Shawn Sanderlin, Bryson Selzer, Braxton Smith, Emersyn Stallard, Jorja Stewart, Sierra Taylor, Remyk Villalejo, Shannon White, Hadyn Widdicombe, Maitea Zatica
Marina Alonzo, Hunter Baker, Benjamin Barker, Lillian Burch, Kylee Busch, Dayna Cavyell, Carlie Corona, Santiago Cortes Jimenez, Brody Cross, Yesica Denova-Lopez, Remington Duncan, Treyson England, Skylar Folau, Christopher Freeman, Alexander Goad, Avah Hawkes-Paul, Wade Hopper, Fraya Johnson, Matthew LaMar, Breeanna Langley, Dallas Marcott, Madison Martinez, Ariana Medina, Graddy Meyers, Shaila Millan Espinoza, Cooper Peach, Vy Phan, Holly Pittman, Madison Pylant, Joanna Salinas, Isaiah Stephenson, Avah Stump, Carter Swinson, Kassandra Tackett, Barrett Thomas, Nolan Thomas, Lilliann Thompson, Louis Wheatley, Jeromie R. Whitmer
10th Grade
*Bennett Ball
Lacy Butler
Nicholas Campbell
*Brayden Castilla
Nicole Chaparro-Garcia
Savannah Chico
*Grace Clark
*Lauren Efraimson
*Lexi Eiselein-Smith
*Raegan Farm
*Luna Fendler
Cameron Gaudette
Graham Gibson
*Selah Goslin
Cameron Grote
*Curtis Hill
*Sasha Holt
*Logan Jones
*Lucas Jones
*Julia Keizer
Lillian King
*Carley Lucero
Ellieana Massey
*Erica McClintock
*Marissa McClintock
Wyatt McLarrin
*Aubrey Moore
Malia Mosley
Dante Nicio
*Ashur Pate
Sierra Pattee
Elijah Pitts
Ignacio Polanco
*Rhyn Riddle
*Hailey Rinderle
Daisy Seiger
Lin Seiger
Olivia Smith
Isabelle Speakman
*Ella Warner
*Lara Werelus
*Benjamin Whitlatch
Haley Williams
Darrah Windham
12th Grade
*Heidi Quiroz-Garcia
*Wendy Quiroz-Garcia
Kiyannah Reed
*Mia Reynon
*Matthew Richards
*Trinity Richey
*Ayla Riddle
*Leland Rodriguez
Jaiden Rogers
McKenzie Saunders
*Gavin Schmidt
*Tiago Schrader
*Madison Simms
*Orion Sinko
*Trenton Snoddy
Isaac Solesbee
*Emma Spalding
*Grace Stephens
*Kailynn Taylor
*Eleanor Tonn
*Jada Unruh
Austin Vetter
*Philip Wales
*Kaia Wells
*Madison West
Jacob Williams
*Brody Wilson
*Abigail Woodruff