“Azaleas” Painting of Mississippi County, Charleston, Missouri By Billyo O’Donnell RANDOM MUSINGS from Gerry Mandel DEVILS AND ELBOWS by John Drake Robinson
What You Need to Know: To improve and enhance your home and landscape Experts to help you get fit and stay healthy For more info or to read online
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8 RANDOM MUSINGS from Gerry Mandel
LANDSCAPES & EXTERIORS 10 Vintage Style Adds to Outdoor Living Space 12 A Stronger, More Durable Residential Fence 14 Landscape and Architectural Lighting Add Beauty, Intrigue, Enjoyment 15 Keeping Wooden Roofs Beautiful 16 Enjoy a Natural Water Feature in Your Own Yard 18 Does Your Home Have Damage from Wind or Hail? 20 Homeowners Discover a Better Alternative to Painting or Siding 21 Does Your Home Have Uneven Concrete Surfaces?
WEEKEND GETAWAYS 22 Late Summer Activities & Events Calendar 24 Devils and Elbows by John Drake Robinson 26 Painting Missouri – The Counties en Plein Air
22 24
HOME REMODELING 30 Make Your Home’s Features Outstanding 32 Shower Yourself with Remodeling Savings this Summer 34 Why Tear Out Your Old Counters and Cabinets? 36 Stone and Tile Floors Looking Dull? Ugly Grout? 38 Eliminate Temperature Variances in Your Home 40 The Basement Egress Window 41 How is Your Home Performing?
HEALTH & FITNESS 42 Weight Loss and Fitness Myth 44 Hypnosis Can Be Your Key to Change 45 Preventing Falls is Critical for Helping Seniors Stay In Their Homes 46 Fun and Fitness in Your Own Back Yard
FOR YOUR INFORMATION 47 What if You Could Eliminate the Task of Bill Paying? 48 The History of St. Louis County, Missouri SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 5
26 45
Publsher’s Message
REAL Reality: Welcome Back We spend vast parts of every day on the Web, emailing, texting, Facetiming or Skyping, on social media, playing video games, and also using traditional media - television, radio and recorded music. So much of our lives are lived virtually that like the proverbial frog in boiling water, we start to see the boil of virtual media as normal life and forget what it was like to live in those precious cooler waters of live, real-time, face-to-face, on-site actual interactions with human beings and environments. In this issue we feature a great touchstone of our former lives. On the cover and in the spread on pages 26-27 we feature the wonderful landscape paintings by local painter of national renown, Billyo O’Donnell. He and award-winning writer Karen Glines embarked on a project fifteen years ago documented in their book Painting Missouri. Billyo traveled to all 114 counties in Missouri and the City of St. Louis to paint landscapes en Plein Air – capturing the land, sky, flora, fauna and buildings, recording all with paint, by hand, on canvas in real space and in real time. Karen researched each county and wrote accompanying essays providing historical and contemporary perspective. Billyo’s journals detail the journeys arriving at the locations, weather encountered, what he saw, the painting experience, interesting lives touched and that touched his, learning and emotions along the way. What we learn from Karen and Billyo about the places and experiences adds to the emotion we feel when we see the paintings. I hope you get the opportunity to see the Painting Missouri works live and in person. You can come close by getting your very own quality prints of any painting in the collection, available at Todd Abrams
on the cover This gorgeous painting is one of 115 works by master landscape artist and native Missourian Billyo O’Donnell for the book he and Karen Glines published called Painting Missouri, The Counties en Plein Air. The landscapes in the collection were painted on location in all of Missouri’s 114 counties, plus the City of St. Louis. A very popular exhibit of the paintings has traveled since 2008 to venues across the state, along with presentations about the journey. You can see more of the paintings, read Billyo’s journal notes for them and learn more about this project in the article on page 26. To see all the paintings, you can visit, where prints of the paintings may also be purchased. 6 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM
staff PUBLISHER/EDITOR Todd Abrams Creative Director Fran Sherman PRINTING ADVISOR Creative Printing Services DISTRIBUTION DATABASE Target Marketing Technologies PRODUCTION Sherman Studios FOR INFORMATION REGARDING ADVERTISING CALL County Living Publications 314-432-1171 phone 314-569-3380 fax P.O. Box 411036 St. Louis, MO 63141 County Living Magazine is published quarterly by County Living Publications and distributed to select homeowners in the St. Louis area. Articles are selected to provide useful information about home, lifestyle, health, travel and recreation. Opinions expressed in articles and editorials are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of County Living Publications. While every effort is made to assure accuracy, we are not responsible for how information found in County Living Magazine is used. We are very interested in reader comments or suggestions. Correspondence should be sent to the address above or to
Reproduction of content of this magazine without permission is prohibited. All submitted materials, including images, logos and text for advertising, articles and editorials are assumed to be the property of the contributor, and County Living Publications does not take responsibility for unintentional copyright infringement. County Living Publications has the right to refuse advertising and content not deemed appropriate for this publication. Circulation is verified by U.S. Postal receipts.
e are a nation that thrives on choices.
You can blame the whole thing on Patrick Henry. In 1775 at St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia, he gave a speech urging independence for “the colonies,” even if it meant war. His final line helped seal our national character: “. . . I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
Patrick demanded a choice. As we want choices today. Look at the marketplace today and the products that struggle to be different from each other. I’m sure there are designers and manufacturers who stay up late, trying to eke out another option in an established category. You probably know what I mean, but here are a couple examples. The other day my wife asked me to pick up a quart of vanilla ice cream on the way home from tennis. “No problem,” I said. Boy, was I wrong. You might think vanilla is a simple proposition, but let me tell you what I found in the ice cream case. Yes, I found Vanilla. Like seeing an old friend. But then I saw French Vanilla. Did she want that? French sounds richer than regular. “Maybe I should get . . .” But right next to that sat a row of Classic Vanilla. My options were up to three now. Or so I thought. In rapid succession I saw other versions of vanilla. Vanilla Bean. Homemade Vanilla. Extra Creamy Vanilla. That last one’s got to be the best, right? Next to it was Double Vanilla. Think of that. Double! I was faced with a choice among seven vanillas. Thank you, Patrick. And that didn’t include Sugar Free Vanilla, Fat Free Vanilla, or - slightly outside the category - Vanilla Frozen Yogurt. I settled for Classic. Ate two helpings when I got home, just to relieve the stress. Now let’s get to a totally different category. Sneakers. Have you bought any lately? Before you buy a pair, you have to decide what you’re going to wear them for. You see, there are sneakers designed for just about any activity that requires athletic-type shoes. I stopped by a couple of these sneaker stores at West County Shopping Center recently. Sort of a mall research trip. Both stores were divided by category, with dozens of sneakers displayed on little platforms sticking out from the walls.
I saw sneakers designed for walking. I saw sneakers meant for running. I wondered what the difference was. Probably a trade secret, something to do with padding, stability, flexibility and looks. I think the running sneakers had a speedier look than the walking sneakers. I moved on to the next section. Training sneakers. Then Classic sneakers. Next, Tennis sneakers, which I’m most familiar with. Also a category called Active sneakers, just in case you want to be more active than tennis or running. There are Workout sneakers, as well as sneakers for basketball. I even saw sneakers designed for walking or running through water. Basically, they are open-toed sneakers. So here’s a possible scenario in today’s World of Sneakers. You put on your walking sneakers to walk to the bus. If the bus is coming, you change into your running sneakers so you won’t miss it. When you get to the gym, you change into your Active or Workout sneakers. If you want to shoot a few baskets at the gym, you change into your Basketball sneakers. And so it goes. I won’t even touch three other classifications: low top, high top, and slip on sneakers. I didn’t see any sneakers just for sneaking. Here’s some exciting news, though. I’m coming out with a new line of sneakers. They’re called Shopping Sneakers. It’s a special sneaker you wear when you go shopping for sneakers. I’ll let you know when they’re on the market. First I need to find a venture capitalist who shares Patrick Henry’s vision. Gerry Mandel is a free-lance writer and video producer. For information on his video biographies, visit His novel, “Shadow and Substance: My Time with Charlie Chaplin,” is available through Amazon or directly from the author, clm
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Landscapes & Exteriors
Vintage Style Adds to Enjoyment of Wonderful
Outdoor Living Space
ret and Missy Lewis had nothing but grass outside their back door, but always knew they wanted to add outdoor living areas when they built their O’Fallon home. What they have created combines new construction with a vintage feel. Websites like Pinterest and Houzz are great sources of ideas for building, adding on, and decorating your home. The Lewises found a photo they loved on Pinterest, then searched online for local builders that specialized in outdoor living spaces. After reading reviews, they met with several companies and chose Heartlands Building BEFORE Company, who they felt they best understood their vision, showed an excellent portfolio of past projects, and were recommended as honest and reliable. According to Dan Gleason of Heartlands, AFTER “The Lewises had a specific vision for the style and function of the outdoor area. The challenge for Heartlands was to make it work structurally and aesthetically with their home.” During the planning phase he brought their photo and sketches to life with renderings and a virtual tour of the proposed finished space, including modifications to fit their home and budget. Missy said, “The planning phase was probably the most exciting for us!” The construction phases of any project can be stressful, but Missy says, “I really can’t say enough great things about the Heartlands employees. We worked with Dan in developing concept drawings and building plans and very much enjoyed having Adam Twellman as our point of contact throughout the construction phase. The guys on the job daily were just as great. They were always professional and answered our questions. Making changes and
additions was never a problem. We could tell that the quality of work would be excellent, which really put our minds at ease.” The Lewis’s new outdoor living area has a decorative concrete patio surface and features a roof structure over dining, cooking and bar seating areas. Outdoor kitchens, once known as summer kitchens, are an old idea that’s come back for everyday meals as well as entertaining, both intimate and large. The adjacent uncovered patio includes a fire pit with cozy seating. According to Missy, “I would say that that the finished product really exceeds RENDERING our expectations. It was so rewarding to see our idea come to fruition.” Once construction was complete, Missy started decorating in a rustic farmhouse style. Most of the vintage pieces are actually from her grandparents’ old shed. The result is a very inviting space that brings back wonderful memories. Bret and Missy agree, “We’ve never seen any other outdoor living area that really compares to ours. We have a wonderful addition to our home that meets all of our needs and wants. We absolutely love everything about it and receive so many compliments on it. It’s such a fun and relaxing place to be and we couldn’t ask for anything better!” To learn how Heartlands Building Company can create your outdoor living dreams, and see more photos of completed projects, you can visit their updated website at You can also visit their attractive new showroom at 680 Crown Industrial Court in Chesterfield weekdays 8-5 or Saturdays 10-3. To discuss a project at your home, you can call Heartlands for a free in-home consultation at 636-728-0003. clm
“We’ve never seen any other outdoor living area that really compares to ours.”
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Landscapes & Exteriors
A Stronger, More Durable
Residential Fence For a safer and more secure perimeter around your yard or pool
any homeowners have found that their fences made with standard 5/8” aluminum picket are just not holding up like they expected. Over time, kids, lawn service providers, bicycles and large dogs are able to bend the pickets. In some cases dogs and kids have been able to get through these fences. To address these concerns, Fence & Deck Depot Inc. has introduced Montage Plus, a stronger, more substantial ¾” picket steel fence. These pickets are commercial grade, not easily bent or penetrated between pickets, a lot stronger and more stabile than standard residential fences. The American-made, high-quality Galvanized Steel with Zink Phosphate, Epoxy Primer and an Acrylic Topcoat give Montage Plus long service life and the end of tiresome maintenance. Montage Plus Ornamental Fences feature an engineered Profusion Weld Technology that holds pickets tight in the rails, with no unsightly screws or loosely held pickets that can rattle in the wind. Gates are fully welded and E-Coated, and include high quality hardware and safety latches for secure entryways. Every Montage Plus Fence comes with a 20 year limited warranty and a five year labor warranty from the manufacturer. The Montage Plus Ornamental Fence is available in the St. Louis area at Fence & Deck Depot Inc. You can see the fence and test its strength for yourself in their showrooms in St. Charles, MO, O’Fallon, IL and their new showroom coming soon at 513 North Eatherton Rd in Chesterfield Valley. To schedule a no-obligation athome consultation, you can call them at 636-352-2645, email at, or visit their website clm
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Expres 8-31-15 Must present this ad. Call for details.
SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 13
Landscapes & Exteriors
Landscape and Architectural Lighting: BY JEFF MITCHELL
Add Beauty, Intrigue and Enjoyment to Your Home
am sure you have had the experience of driving down suburban streets on dark nights and seeing in the distance, dramatically standing out against the black sky, the glowing image of a home beautifully lit by outdoor lighting. As you get closer you see the highlighted architectural features gracefully showcased by precise accent lighting, or sparkling foliage in the yard – glowing trees, bushes, plantings, water features, or softly lit pathways. As much as you might appreciate how gorgeous these lighted homes look, to really understand their appeal you should talk to homeowners who have custom outdoor lighting. They will tell you that it provides a magical experience they enjoy every night and also early in the morning before the sun comes up. Custom outdoor lighting highlights a home’s special features, adding curb appeal, intrigue and enjoyment for your family and visitors. Here are some ways that you can experience the benefits of custom outdoor lighting at your home. Architectural Lighting Architectural lighting emphasizes the unique built features of your home and yard. Targeted lighting can accentuate entryway arches, door frames, and columns. Lighting can call attention to statues, sculptures, outdoor gazebos, water fountains, all normally enjoyed in daylight but that become truly magical highlighted at night. Garden, Landscape and Pathway Lighting Have you ever enjoyed your garden in the evening? With landscape lighting you can. Flowers have a different glow, pathways feel majestic. Uplit trees and bushes look like glowing sculpture, and with seasonal changes and movement in the wind they become living pieces of art. Shrubs, flower beds and paths can be softly illuminated at ground level. Or moonlighting, lights in the tops of trees aiming down onto
walkways, driveways, patios or yards, provide dramatic effects and improve safety and security for visitors, friends, and family. Deck and Patio Lighting Entertaining at night is so much more fun with landscape lighting, and having your deck or patio well lit allows the party to last longer and makes the evening more memorable. Steps are safer, guests are more at ease. Submersible Lighting The sounds of a waterfall, pond, or stream are relaxing and refreshing. Now imagine lights dancing off the reflections, or the glow coming from a pond. And your swimming pool, with improved lighting in and surrounding it becomes your own private Blue Lagoon. Jeff Mitchell is the founder, designer and president of Jeff Mitchell Lighting, the St. Louis area’s most experienced outdoor lighting professionals. He is a certified landscape lighting professional and has attended numerous seminars to stay current with the most up-to-date artistry and technology. He has developed a number of innovative techniques and revolutionary systems for achieving breakthrough results. Since 1997 Jeff Mitchell Lighting has installed and maintains lighting systems at many of the finest homes and most visible public attractions in the St. Louis area. They also provide turnkey service installing, removing and storing custom Christmas lighting. They have excellent references from their enthusiastic customers. Their passion for providing quality products, creative designs and installations and customer service continues to be shown year after year. You can learn more about them at If you would like to schedule a design consultation or simply need information, you may call Jeff Mitchell Lighting any time at 314-665-2500 TU5 clm
Keeping Wooden Roofs
BEAUTIFUL Periodic treatment preserves & protects
o other exterior building material compares with wood for its warm, natural look, resilience and versatility. Cedar shake roofs, oak or pine log or cedar walls, down to redwood decks, a wooden home has a distinctive look that improves with age. However, to keep wood exteriors looking their best and prevent deterioration that can lead to costly repairs, it's important to periodically treat wood surfaces that start to dull or darken with mold, show signs of mildew or have lost protection from the elements. Wood surfaces that are unprotected degrade from exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. These harmful rays turn bare wood dark, dull and uneven in color. Rain penetrates the wood, causing it to swell. Then blistering heat from the sun dries it. This cycle can cause wood to warp, splinter and crack. Moisture also can make cedar and other woods conducive to mold and mildew. Unlike most other building materials, however, wood exteriors can be restored and maintained through proper care and treatment. Preserving wood protects it from moisture and sunlight, and helps it last twice, even three times as long. This extended life makes cedar roofs, wood siding and decks cost-effective building solutions. The experts at Aspen Touch Cedar Restoration & Installation have more than 25 years of experience in preserving, repairing and replacing wood roofs, natural wood siding and decks on St. Louis’s finest homes. Their restoration process uses a high pressure wash to remove algae, moss and lichen, returning wood to its natural color. Shingles are repaired, replaced and nailed as needed. Finally, a quality sealer/stain is applied. This restoration is also effective for asphalt roofs. Aspen Touch is also expert in installing new cedar shake roofs, siding and decking. They can help you make informed decisions about preserving the beauty and value of your wood exteriors. You can call them at 636-458-8878, email or visit their website clm SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 15
Landscapes & Exteriors
Enjoy A Natural Water Feature In Your Own Yard
f you are thinking about having a water feature installed on your property, this provides some considerations that should be helpful in your planning. First, you need to realize that a water feature isn’t just landscaping, it is a way of life, a lifestyle. It is, after all, a living thing. It changes with the seasons, it matures, and it becomes a retreat when life becomes stressful. A water feature becomes the centerpiece of a backyard paradise that can breed biodiversity, attracting wildlife including birds, frogs, butterflies and hummingbirds. LINER POND WITH FALLS Your budget will directly affect the type and size of your water feature. Spending a little more at the beginning will save you much more in the long run. Not just money, but time. Think it through and plan well. In the end, it will save you time and frustration. By designing it well, you will also reduce your need LINER POND WITH FALLS AND KOI for maintenance. For the purposes of this discussion, we are focusing on water gardens, those features that have a natural look and feel – where you can have plants and rock that look like the outcropping of a natural spring. While pre-formed ponds and container water gardens are inexpensive and fairly easy to set up, they are very limited in what you can do to dress them up to look natural with fish and plants, and they are not easily upgraded. Similarly, a formal water feature like a fountain is usually stand-alone and not part PONDLESS FALLS of a natural setting.
Water Garden Options to Consider A “liner” pond uses a fish-safe rubber liner, giving you the most versatility of any of the features. Because of its flexible membrane, the design possibilities are endless. They are easy to customize and if constructed correctly, require significantly less maintenance than a pre-formed pond. This is the most commonly chosen style of water feature. A Pondless® Waterfall is the way to achieve a natural-looking feature without having a body of water. It provides the sparkling visuals and sounds of a natural fall, and allows for many varieties of plants at the margins. This is one of the fastest growing segments in waterscaping today. It is especially appropriate where children are present or liability is an issue. The one thing to keep in mind during the design phase is that you want to create something that appears to have been placed there by Mother Nature herself. The most common complaint that pond owners have is that their feature is too small. You want to design a pond that allows for growth and expansion. Remember that fish grow and plants will mature and spread – give them the room they need!
Chris Siewing is owner and president of Nature’s Re-Creations, nationally recognized as Master Certified Aquascape Contractors, first place winner of the North American Pond/Waterfall Competition, and named by Aquascape as Artist of the Year in 2012. Nature’s Re-Creations stays on the cutting edge of technology and installation techniques to continually improve their projects and the environment. To discuss a water feature project, you can contact Chris Siewing at 314-220-3841 or check out their portfolio at NaturesReCreations. clm
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Landscapes & Exteriors
Does Your Home Have Damage from Wind or Hail? A Consumer Advocate on your side can determine any claims you may have. They work for you, not the insurance company.
Consumer Advocate gives you a voice in the claims process by assessing and informing you about the true condition of your home’s exterior, before you file a claim. They also offer assistance when you believe the insurance company has missed damage, or if they have devalued or minimized your claim. Homeowners in the St. Louis area are certainly aware of the hail, windstorms and even tornadoes we experienced in 2012 and 2013. It is important to understand that damage to homes and businesses is not always obvious and may not be easily detected by the average homeowner – especially high on the roof. Photos on this page show typical damage that can occur from hail and severe windstorms. Impact holes and tattered edges of cedar shingles, denting on a roof vent cap, a dented gutter downspout and a torn window screen help verify hail impact. Hail dam- DAMAGED SHAKES age to asphalt roof shingles includes tattered edges, shingle loss, extreme granule loss and penetration holes. Damage from severe winds to asphalt roofs includes lifting, tearing and even missing DENTED VENT CAP shingles. A driving hailstorm can also dent the fins of an air conditioning unit. When the wind gets under asphalt shingles and lifts them, it can pop the glue tabs DENTED DOWNSPOUT and nails, causing shingles to tear, not lie down and re-adhere. Damage to shingles can reduce their useful life and also expose cracks where water can penetrate, making the roof vulnerable to future leaks and more severe exterior and interior damage. If the roof is compromised in this way, it is important that it is completely replaced rather than patched or partially replaced, since there are very likely other areas where the damage is not so obvious. Damage to gutters can cause leaks that rot the soffits where they are attached or cause water to pour down to the foundation or fill window wells, causing further problems. Damage to
air conditioning fins can impair operation, reducing air flow and raising the refrigerant temperature, leading to lost performance and reliability. To determine damage, insurance companies will send an inspector to your home, right after the storm or up to several months later. Inspectors often miss these signs of damage, causing claims to be denied or limited to only what the inspector has seen. It is important that homeowners have an advocate who can provide a “second opinion” in the event that their insurance company denies or limits their liability to lesser damage than actually exists. Someone who can guide you through the claim process to make it easier, and assist in getting the maximum benefit your policy allows. Midwest Roof Restoration Consulting & Design, an affiliate of Aspen Touch LLC Home Restoration & Remodeling, is a local, third-generation contractor and the advocate LIFTED SHINGLES for homeowners with expertise in storm damage and repair, including not just roofs but also siding, gutters, windows and more. Midwest Roof Restoration Consulting & Design TORN SCREEN helps homeowners streamline the insurance process, while assuring that you get the maximum benefit your policy allows. Many homeowners have found that damage to their roofDAMAGED AIR CONDITIONER FINS ing, siding and gutters have met their insurance company’s criteria to authorize full replacement. Before contacting your insurance company, you can contact Midwest for a free evaluation and consultation on your home’s exterior and any storm damage. They are fully insured, and have helped numerous homeowners acquire new roofs, siding, gutters and repairs to their property affected by storms. You can reach their experienced inspectors at 636-458-8878 or by email at You can learn more on their website clm
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Landscapes & Exteriors
Homeowners Discover A Better Alternative to Painting or Siding Ceramic Coating Provides Fresh Look, Ends the Cycle of Repainting.
oe and Jeanene Dugan live in a distinctive frame house in Sunset Hills built in 1929. In 1976 they had their home sandblasted to remove many layers of paint, and then painted their home. Since then they have had to have the house painted every five or six years which took two to three weeks every time. The Dugans got tired of the inconvenience and expense of this frequent painting routine, so in 2009 they looked for other options. They considered siding, but ruled that out because it would not be consistent with the home’s Bavarian architectural style and clay tile roof. Around this time, the Dugans received an issue of County Living Magazine, and read an article about a different process for exterior finishes, a very durable ceramic coating called Rhino Shield. They appreciated that it forms a thick protective coating that blocks out 100% of moisture and 90% of UV rays from the sun, the two most destructive issues in deteriorating exterior surfaces. They found the 25 year warranty very appealing. The Dugans were also impressed with the Rhino Shield team here, which serves Missouri, Illinois, Kansas and Northwest Arkansas. They called several of their previous customers and all were unanimous in praising the Rhino Shield product and also their workmanship and integrity. Once the Rhino Shield team started on their home, the Dugans really gained an appreciation for the Rhino Shield difference. First, they completely power-washed the exterior, replacing boards as needed. They then coated every crack with a 60 year elastomeric caulk. They thoroughly masked all of the non-wood surfaces before applying an adhesive prime sealer that waterproofs and bonds to the coats of durable ceramic finish.
The Dugans said that when the job was finished, they noticed a real difference in the look of Rhino Shield. There is a clean sparkle to the finish, a richer look then they remembered from having their home painted. They also got favorable comments from friends who noticed their home as they drove by.
Lake of the Ozarks
In the fall of 2014, the Dugans faced a similar need at their condominium at The Breakers at Lake of the Ozarks. The Homeowners Association was looking at alternatives to painting the buildings every six years. Because the job required multistory scaffolding, frequent painting had become very costly. Dugan encouraged the homeowners to consider Rhino Shield ceramic coating as an alternative to siding. The Breakers decided to try Rhino Shield on two of the 14 buildings. The Rhino Shield team did the same very thorough job they had done at the Dugan home, and the results speak for themselves – owners were pleased with the process and workmanship, and many commented on the rich look of the beige and dark brown ceramic coated cedar. Based on this experience, the Breakers will use Rhino Shield on the rest of the buildings in the complex. When it’s time for an exterior finish for your home that will really last, you can call the professionals at Rhino Shield for a free inspection and estimate at 877-257-4466. They are rated A+ with the Better Business Bureau, and consistently win Super Service awards locally and nationally. You can visit their website for videos, photos and testimonials from other homeowners in this area who have discovered the difference Rhino Shield makes on their homes and also commercial properties. clm
Does Your Home Have Uneven Concrete SurfacesWalks, Steps, Patio, Pool Deck or Driveway? These are unsightly and also tripping hazards that could cause injuries.
ou may have tilting concrete steps or sidewalks, driveways or patios where a seam has turned into a step, or repeated cracking in sections of concrete slabs. These problems are often the result of a shifting or a weak soil base or erosion. In the past, contractors relied upon mud jacking or slab jacking to level concrete that had settled over time. This involves pumping concrete slurry under the settled slab to raise it, hoping that the settlement won’t continue. But that requires large holes in the concrete - about the diameter of a soda can. It can take an entire day to cure and the mixture itself is heavy – about 100 pounds per cubic foot, which can lead to further sinking. There is now a great alternative called PolyLEVEL™, which uses a lightweight polyurethane mix that expands to fill the
void beneath sunken concrete. This not only results in a solution that lasts longer, but also it looks better because it is less destructive to the applied surface. PolyLEVEL requires a much smaller hole – about the diameter of a penny, cures in 15 minutes and weighs much less – about two pounds per cubic foot. It lifts concrete slabs to a level position with less weight and disruption than the legacy mud jacking or slab jacking process. The result is a safe, secure and level concrete slab. In the St. Louis area, Woods Basement Systems is the authorized contractor for PolyLEVEL concrete lifting. They will inspect your concrete walk, steps, pool deck, patio or driveway and provide an estimate to have your sunken concrete slab lifted with PolyLEVEL. To meet with one of their concrete repair experts, you can call them at 866-735-1890 or learn more at clm
Enjoy Your
Pool, Deck, Or Patio Rain Or Shine The attractive DRY-TOP UNDER DECK CEILING uses interlocking aluminum panels to collect water, and empties into a gutter and downspout along the perimeter, keeping the space below dry during rain.
RETRACTABLE AWNINGS create shade or allow sunlight when you want it. Available for patios and decks, windows, and sunrooms, they are beautiful and energyefficient, reducing indoor glare and air conditioning costs.
$350 OFF Must present code “CLM” at time of quote. Offer expires 8/31/15. Not valid with any other offer.
SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 21
The AMERICAN LOUVERED ROOF is an aluminum louver structure that opens and shuts at the touch of a button. It is water-tight when closed, and when open allows light, sun and air to pass through.
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Weekend Getaways
County Living Magazine August-September Activities & Events T
ake advantage of these wonderful annual events. Make this the year you get out beyond your own neighborhood and enjoy the special festivals and entertainment events across the St. Louis metro area.
Feast in the Park at Faust August 13, September 10 Faust Park
Festival of Nations
Great Forest Park Balloon Race
Grooving in the Garden with Gary Sluhan September 18-19 Forest Park August 29&30 Tower Grove Park August 14 The Magic House
Taste of St. Louis
Big Muddy Blues Festival
Festival of the Little Hills September 18-20 Chesterfield Amphitheater August 21-23 Frontier Park St. Charles Lantern Festival
September 5&6 Laclede’s Landing
Kirkwood Greentree Festival
Art Outside at Schlafly Bottleworks September 9 Maplewood Loufest September 18-20 Kirkwood Park Webster Groves Jazz Festival September 19 Downtown Webster Groves
Through Aug 22 Missouri Botanical Garden Moonlight Ramble August 29 Busch Stadium
September 12&13 Forest Park 22 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM
Faust Heritage Festival September 19 & 20 Faust Park
SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 23
Devils and Elbows Cranking out good times since 1929.
found a hideaway. When I rolled to its door, a thundershower was beating down on the low slung structure made mostly of logs with mud chinks, its back wall standing just a couple of feet above the swollen Big Piney River. It was still before lunch, and the neon beer signs were switched off. A dog with pit bull jaws and a decidedly defensive attitude greeted my car door. I sat frozen for a moment, undecided about dipping my leg out of the car to troll for jaws. Lightning flashed, and the dog retreated into the woods across the road. He knew he couldn’t bite thunder. I dashed through sheets of rain to the front door. The Elbow Inn— named for Devil’s Elbow, a big rock in a hairpin turn in the Big Piney River—has been cranking out good times since 1929. Today, it’s a waypoint for every motorcycle couple that enters the Ozarks, and a watering hole for many of the soldiers who set foot in Ft. Leonard Wood, a short cab ride up the hill on old Route 66. The barbecue brings customers from as far away as Sweden. Most women walk into the bar wearing their brassieres; some leave without them. I walked in and let my eyes adjust to the dim light that managed to penetrate through rain-spattered windowpanes. A voice greeted me from beside the thick shellac that preserves the rust and cream colored wood of a cedar-top bar. “Can I help you?” “You open?” “Kitchen’s closed, but the bar’s open.” Terry Robertson is the perfect typecast for this historic bar. He’s a retired game warden who knows the area and its history, and he loves to visit with wayfarers. “Great place,” I offered, looking up at the low ceiling covered with a unique decor: dollar bills papered the ceiling, and hanging from it was a rainbow coalition of brassieres, liberated from the shoulders of a thousand women who got swept up in the moment in this living history museum.
This bar sits on the original Mother Road, now an appendage to the newer Route 66 that was carved through Hooker’s Cut in 1946, at the time the deepest road cut in the world. Now, even Hooker’s cut has been bypassed by Route 66’s granddaughter, I-44. The door swung open and two middle-aged men walked in. “You open?” “Kitchen’s closed, but the bar’s open,” Terry replied. “Great! A round for everybody,” one of the men said. Terry obliged, pulling an unholy alliance of Miller Lites and Busch cans from the cooler, abstaining himself, as all good bartenders do before noon. The two men were from Chicago, a fact verified by their Ditkaesque accents. Their goal was to drive an old Ford Econoline van along the Mother Road from pier (Navy) to shining pier (Santa Monica). They knew about this roadhouse, and within minutes we were swapping tales about the Elbow Inn’s connection to the Windy City. Al Capone sent his henchmen down here to hide. A guy named Bud Medina showed up here after his role as triggerman at the St. Valentine’s Day massacre. Bud’s name doesn’t show up in any history I could find. But it probably was an alias. According to everybody at the bar, a whole rogue’s gallery of mobsters used to hide out here, in the middle of nowhere. Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and the rain beat down harder on the old roof. Time has been kind to the Elbow Inn; so has the Big Piney River, only occasionally threatening the old tavern with its floodwaters. I thanked the bartender, offered best wishes to the Windy City wanderers, and walked out into the storm. The pit bull was still hiding from the lightning and thunder, and I jumped in the car to follow this ancient path that winds up the hill, across the interstate, from pier to shining pier. clm See more stories at
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SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 25
Division of Aspen Touch LLC
The Counties en Plein Air
ecently, I had the opportunity to speak with the painting/writing duo of Billyo O’Donnell and Karen Glines and learn about their project – Painting Missouri: The Counties en Plein Air. The project is twofold: the collection of 115 original oil paintings in museum quality frames designating each of Missouri’s 114 counties and the City of St. Louis and the book, Painting Missouri: The Counties en Plein Air– released in 2008, printed three times, and recently sold out. (Plans are in the works for a future reprint.) Author Karen Glines, says: “Painting Missouri features Missouri’s many counties in paintings by master landscape artist Billyo O’Donnell – who was recently included in the elite group of the Plein Air Painters of America. Billyo views his efforts with Painting Missouri as a true American project and feels that the experience has given him a stronger and richer connection to his time and place as a native Missourian. This vast collection of artwork reveals a story within every painting. Forging ahead with his mission to paint Missouri, Billyo faced almost every weather element imaginable from sub-zero temperatures in Holt County to humid and 100-degree heat in other counties while he logged over 150,000 miles during the seven years painting across the state. During the same time, I researched late into the night, created mailings, made contacts for interviews, visited libraries and historical societies, and drove to near and distant counties while writing the book – which has managed to find readers not just in Missouri but around the world as well.” The popular exhibit has traveled since 2008 to venues across the state along with presentations about the journey. This educational endeavor drew record-breaking, enthusiastic crowds from a diverse audience ranging from children and collegeaged students to senior citizens. The project’s goal is to find a permanent home for the collection. The acquisition would include all 115 paintings along with sketches, journals and artifacts from the project. This would continue the mission of sharing the beauty, history and heritage of Missouri for generations to come. Interested parties can contact Billyo at billyo@ or through the website at www.PaintingMissouri. com, where prints of the paintings may also be purchased. Here are select paintings from the collection, along with Billyo’s journal notes specific to each one. - Todd Abrams
Ozark County - Old Mill I was painting along Highway 181 when passengers in a fast-moving Suburban saw me and suddenly hit the brakes, stopping hard, and wave me over. I noticed their Georgia license plates. Several men in Confederate uniforms piled out, and I could tell they were in a bit of a hurry. “You guys are a long way from home,” I said. One of the men asked me, “Could you tell us how to get to Rockbridge? There’s a battle going on, and we need to be there!” I responded, “Boys, I think you’re about 150 years late.” We all laughed together. Once I showed him on the map where to go, they left as quickly as they had come.
Harrison County - Old Mule Barn I made up my mind to do a painting of the giant old mule barn – built in 1918. The tough thing was that the large white building hadn’t worked well in a painting in the past, as each time I painted, it turned into just a large white block between the sky and the earth. I had driven here three times – about three hundred miles each way – only to scrape the painting off each time. Finally, I had the beauty of the snow and a full moon contrasted by bitter cold. Arriving late in the moonlight, I hesitated to knock on the farmer’s door to let him know I wanted to paint his place. When he came to the door, he said, “Couldn’t you find a better time to paint than this?” Linn County - The Dreaming Tree I arrived in Marceline on May 1, 2003 at 1:30 a.m. Severe storms with heavy rains had followed as I drove up from southwestern Missouri. Earlier in the day, I received permission and set up my tent on the soaked ground under the Dreaming Tree. This is where Walt Disney spent time as a child fascinated with the natural world that would later influence his creative mind. I was excited to sleep and dream under this tree. I was so tired that I slept through the alarm clock. In the morning, it seemed that every bird had come from miles around to chirp in the nearby pines. Marceline’s Main Street USA looked cleaner than any town I had visited. I thought about how a childhood amid such beauty can impact one’s future. Lawrence County - Pierce City I stopped at the newspaper office in Monett and spoke with a writer who was very excited about the Painting Missouri project. When I told her I wanted to paint the downtown area of Pierce City, she almost cheered, since this was where she lived. I knew the exact spot where I wanted to paint, so I set up and began to work while she interviewed me. This town charmed me with its beautiful buildings and many friendly people. A horrible disaster came upon the town just a little over a week later, on May 4, 2003, when a tornado destroyed most of what I had painted. Upon my return, almost six months later, the incredible loss brought tears to my eyes. DeKalb County - Maysville Red and Green Barn I arrived in Maysville hoping to paint one of the county’s many Century farms. I noticed that the DeKalb County Historical Society building was open and stopped in to look around. It just so happened that a meeting was taking place, and I inquired about finding a Century farm to paint. The people kindly invited me to go upstairs and view the rest of the exhibits until the meeting was over. I was amazed at the small number of graduates in the high school classes of long ago. Then I stopped, out of respect, under the cold flickering florescent light to see how many men had died in World War II – forty-eight in this county. I thought of the impact this must have had on small agricultural populations in counties throughout the state. I wondered if every county had paid such a high price. Bollinger County - Pink House in Marble Hill Dodi Conrad and I had planned on painting the downtown area, or possibly the old tunnel, since she knows the people who own the property. But when I pulled up and saw her and Dave’s old pink house, it was in full sun, and the flowers in the foreground were in the shade. It came across to me as an American icon. I was struck with the image and didn’t leave her front yard until the painting was finished. Later that day, we talked about art while having some of the finest barbecue ever at a restaurant in town. clm SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 27
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Home Remodeling
Make Your Home’s Features Outstanding
ou never hear . . . “We always put the pretty girls in the back row of our group photos.” “That guy sings well. Let’s not feature him in the talent show.” “What an attractive dress. I better not buy it; I might end up wearing it.” “Let’s paint the walls some ugly color.” We never hear those things because no one ever says something so silly. We like to showcase things like talent and beauty. Even so, when it comes to houses and their interesting architectural features, sometimes great features are not highlighted. What are some examples of “Architectural Features”? Coffered or vaulted ceiling. . . wide molding . . . a wall niche . . . beamed ceiling . . . pillars . . . fireplace . . . wainscoting . . . arched doorways or windows. When we refer to an architectural feature, we’re talking about anything extra that helps to enhance the appearance of a room. Often, such items are painted the same color as their surroundings. However, if they were to be painted a slightly different color, that would make them more prominent. It’s not recommended to enhance these features just because they can be adorned. The virtue is in creating a finish that fits with your taste. You want it to be an expression of your family’s style. That’s what makes home, sweet home, even sweeter. If your taste is refined, there are many finishes that could be used to add a refined element to a space. Likewise for rustic style, or contemporary, or whatever style you favor.
Perhaps you have a niche that is just the right size to display a favorite piece of art. Use subdued colors from the art to create a suitable background to highlight the art. Perhaps you have painted columns somewhere in your home but think that pillars that look as if they are made of stone would be better. Many different types of stone, whether smooth or pitted can be simulated with beautiful lime-based plasters. One customer wanted to have the appearance of a chair rail, so as to create a separation between one color on upper walls and another color on the lower walls. However they preferred not to have an actual chair rail, merely the appearance of one painted on the wall in a technique known as Grisaille. One County Living Magazine reader contacted us who wants to cover their existing tile backsplash with an engineered cement to create the look of natural stone tiles. To this we can only respond with “Bravo!” Their plan is to change the look of the backsplash without removing the existing cabinets. If you’ve come up with a great idea for enhancing an architectural feature, I’d love to hear about it! John Bubenik is owner and principal craftsman at The Color Craftsmen. They custom-tailor finishes to the tastes of clients, seeking out little-known products from around the world. John is a member of Painting and Decorating Contractors of America, the Metro Artisans Guild and the International Decorative Artisan League. To see a gallery of The Color Craftsmen work, you can visit www.colorcraftsmen. com. To learn about how they can custom tailor the surfaces in your home or office, you can call John at 314-313-1495 or email him at clm
Who Knew that Concrete Could be
MARBLELIFE’s EnduraCrete craftsmen can transform your dull and dusty concrete into an attractive, functional floor that adds beauty and value to your home or business.
EnduraCrete concrete services include honing, polishing, staining and sealing, to deliver a customized floor designed to meet your desired look and feel.
GARAGES • PORCHES • BASEMENTS • SUNROOMS • DRIVEWAYS Call today for a free in-home estimate
Not valid for jobs in progress or with any other offer. Expires 8/31/15
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SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 31
Home Remodeling
Shower Yourself with Remodeling Savings this Summer!
Summer is a great time to tackle those needed home improvement products.
f your tile shower is dated, some of the grout is missing, the pan is leaking, or your fiberglass unit is faded or cracked, you don’t necessarily have to tear it out and replace the entire shower. There are proprietary processes to repair a leaking shower pan without removing and replacing the tile. This will save you time and money and the end result will be both beautiful and durable. Loose tile grout can be repaired and you can also replace dated colors with high-tech surface refinishing instead of expensive replacement or re-grouting. “Having your tile regrouted is a temporary solution,” says Terry Kavanaugh, owner of Miracle Method of St. Louis. “If grout is not routinely sealed, it can deteriorate and absorb water, which can cause leaks and possibly black grout and mold.” The process Kavanaugh recommends permanently seals grout, eliminating potential leaks, and it is also easy to maintain. Do you have problems with a fiberglass bath or shower unit? Miracle Method has an answer for faded and cracked showers and pans. “Cracked fiberglass does not need to be replaced. We can fix the cracks and refinish the dull surface, and it will be stronger than new,” adds Kavanaugh. “Our customers love the look and they love the money they save over replacement even more.” Most customers are opting for the Natural Accents™ stone finishes for their tile and fiberglass shower walls. This designer look creates the updated impact homeowners are looking for in a makeover. As the nation’s largest surface refinishing network, Miracle Method has been helping St. Louis area homeown-
ers save on remodeling costs for over ten years. Whether it is a porcelain, fiberglass, cultured marble, acrylic, Formica or even Corian® surface, Miracle Method can fix it, update it, and have it looking like new. “It takes just a day or two and our work is guaranteed.” says Kavanaugh. To see just how good refinishing can be, you can read reviews from satisfied customers by logging on The Natural Accents™ stone finish color choices can be seen at You can call 888-819-4399 for a free estimate, or schedule an appointment to visit their new showroom at 414 Gravois Rd in Fenton 63026. clm
Your front door is the first impression of your home...
Make yours a lasting one with a ThermaTru Entryway from Heartlands. Heartlands Building Company installed a new front door on our 47 year old home. They came out and measured the openings to guarantee the correct size doors were ordered. Installation of the door and another on our basement, were completed in one day. Their crew was on time, neat, professional, courteous, efficient and very knowledgeable. Their carpenters use quality materials and are exceptional craftsmen. They did an excellent job! We absolutely love the way the new doors have changed the look of our house. We plan to use Heartlands again in the near future. George and Joan Bible SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine
Held to high standards. Set the standard for beauty, quality and perfomance at an excellent value.
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Home Remodeling
Why Tear Out Your Old Counters and Cabinets, When
You Can Beautifully REFACE Them?
tandard kitchen remodeling can be costly, messy and may take weeks to complete. Tearing out and completely replacing cabinets and countertops leaves you without use of a kitchen for an extended period, inconveniencing your family and leaves you with a house full of dust. Thankfully, there is another option. You can get beautiful new cabinets, countertops and backsplashes in just a few short days by having them refaced with all new surface materials. This is done without demolition, so you are not adding to landfills. Quality surface refacing is an innovative and green approach that can cut costs and give you a fabulous new kitchen with very little downtime. For countertops, a beautiful slab of granite or sleek recycled glass is custom measured and cut to fit snugly over your countertop, for a completely new look. These slabs have
superior heat, scratch, stain and bacteria resistance compared with standard granite. They never need to be sealed, come in a wide array of materials, colors and textures, and are backed by a lifetime warranty. Cabinet refacing provides all new solid wood, painted or thermo-foil finish doors. Cabinet frames and all exposed sides are covered with matching material. Hidden hinges and an unlimited choice of handles and knobs provide a clean new look. Granite Transformations is the St. Louis area’s kitchen surface experts. They can reface your cabinets, install new granite over your existing countertops and add complementing backsplash. You can see examples of their work at For a free in-home quote you can call them at (636) 449-1579, or visit their showroom in Chesterfield Valley at 17409 Chesterfield Airport Road. clm
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SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 35
“My shower is beautiful again, and easy to clean!�
Home Remodeling
Stone and Tile Floors Looking Dull? Ugly Grout?
ost stone or tile damage can be corrected. Whether it’s dull, stained, suffering water spots, cracks or chips, the problem can be addressed. A true stone professional will work with you to assess the root cause and to formulate a strategy to avoid a recurrence. For the stone or tile surfaces in your home, it makes sense to contact a local specialist to discuss what can be done to restore them, and how to maintain them day-to-day. A brief dialog can extend the life of your stone and tile and save you from costly errors. The good news is that most problems are repairable and cost substantially less than replacement. Proper selection and application of a sealer can reduce or prevent damage from stains and water.
A ColorSeal treatment of your sanded grout can not only restore your original grout color but also topically seal it to better resist future stains. Many glass and tile cleaners will actually dissolve grout, leaving a rough spot. Fortunately, even this can be repaired. Grout repair and sealing are part of the repair and restoration process. Experienced stone and tile craftsmen can provide pointers on how to maintain your stone and tile surfaces to keep them looking like the day they were installed. Your ceramic, porcelain, marble, granite, terrazzo, limestone or travertine will look new when your great-grandchildren come to visit generations from now. Don’t give up on your stone, tile or grout. For expert advice and restoration, you can call the professionals at MARBLELIFE-Groutmasters at 636-639-1304 or visit their website at clm
Demolition-Free Remodeling
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With Your Kitchen Remodel* Only valid on initial consultation. Expires 8/31/15
This is What Dream Kitchens Are Made Of. • Maintenance-Free • Never Requires Sealing • No Demolition, Less Mess • Fits Over Existing Surfaces • Scratch and Stain-Resistant • Classic Beauty of Granite
• LIFETIME WARRANTY • Durable, Lasting Beauty • Cabinet Refacing Available
Call 636-449-1579 for a free in-home design consultation today. *Minimum countertop purchase required. May not be combined with other offers or discounts. See store for details. Each Granite Transformations® franchise is independently owned and operated. ©Granite Transformations 2014. .
Home Remodeling
Eliminate Temperature Variances in Your Home
Comprehensive Approach Addresses Homeowners’ Biggest Complaints
ost homes have challenging rooms for controlling temperature – upstairs bedrooms that are too hot, lower level rooms that are too cold. Sometimes it varies by the season or time of day - rooms that face west get too hot in the afternoon, while areas on the east side of the house are too cool. The fact is that different rooms in your house have different climate control needs. Areas with a lot of glass are often more sensitive to outdoor temperature changes than conventionally insulated rooms. If your house has two floors but only one thermostat, then it’s almost s sure thing that you’ll be warm in summer. Solving these problems is made more challenging by the tendency of whatever company you call to want to solve your problem with what they primarily sell – more insulation, a new HVAC system, or new windows. But there is a company in the St. Louis area that has the ability to diagnose all of the systems and conditions that impact the climate of rooms of your home, and provide you with a comprehensive list of solutions, prioritized by effectiveness and cost efficiency. SmartHouse has solved these temperature control problems for many homeowners in our area. Solutions can be as simple as improving the circulation of air through your HVAC system by sealing leaks or improving the flow of conditioned air delivery or returns. They can seal cracks at floor level or around doors and windows that may be creating drafts, and improve or add insulation where it is deficient.
For more challenging needs, SmartHouse provides more comprehensive solutions, such as creating separate zones on your existing heating and cooling system, each with its own thermostat controlling motorized dampers in your ductwork to direct air flow to specific rooms. There is also a new portable wireless thermostat that sets the temperature specifically for the room you are in. Where the problems are caused by an overtaxed or ineffective HVAC system, they can recommend a replacement or second system. Also, for rooms that can’t effectively be reached by ductwork, there are ductless solutions that address those areas specifically. A SmartHouse Home evaluation is the first step to help you find the exact causes of common comfort problems or high utility bills. SmartHouse will present you with a detailed list of improvement suggestions, an actionable and cost effective plan to fix the problems, rather than bandage the symptoms. In addition to full-service heating and cooling maintenance, repairs and installation, SmartHouse also has on staff experts in insulation and air sealing, including ducts and crawlspaces. You select the improvements you want, and their expert crews will perform the services. As your whole-home energy consultant, they don’t just “sell” something, they show you exactly what you need and why you need it. Their technicians are not paid commissions, so there is no incentive to sell something you don’t need. To schedule your comfort evaluation or annual maintenance, and learn about savings on more efficient equipment, you can email or call 314-644-1570. You can learn more by visiting clm
HAVE YOUR WOOD FLOORS REFINISHED BY THE EXPERTS Champion Floor Company is the established hardwood floor experts. They install the full range of new hardwood floors, and offer all options for restoring and protecting wood floors. Only Champion refinishes and recoats with UV-curing, for a durable, commercialgrade, scratch-resistant finish and immediate use – no waiting. Champion also offers ecofriendly, dust-free Bona AtomicŽ Dust Containment Sanding. High-powered vacuums eliminate dust.
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Wildlife and Native Landscaping Bring the delight of perennial wildflowers and native grasses to your own yard. Butterflies, hummingbirds and migratory birds will follow. GARDEN GREEN provides landscape design and installation of annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, soil, stone and mulch. Offers maintenance and renovation of residential and commercial properties; spectacular gardens, identification and removal of invasive plants, organic lawn treatment and more. Summer is a great time to plant. Call or email today for a free consultation.
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Home Remodeling
Get a New The Basement Game orGame GetCourt A New Court or Resurface w Resurface Your Egress Window Get A New Game Court or Resurfacew w Court or Resurface Tennis Court
Improve Your Play-Ability! Give your children a
safe and beautiful court in your own yard that they will play on for years to come. Help them improve their skills while enjoying quality family time together.
Improve Your Play-Ability! Give your children a safe an court in your own yard that they will play on for years to c them improve their skills while enjoying quality family time Improve Your YourPlay-Ability! Play-Ability!Give Giveyour yourchildren childrena asafe safeand an Improve courtininyour yourown ownyard yardthat thatthey theywill willplay playononfor foryears yearstotoco court Let HOMECOURT SPORTS make your backyard dream c themimprove improvetheir theirskills skillswhile while enjoyingquality qualityfamily familytime timet them Plan your own backyard game enjoying court now.
Get A New Game Court or Resurface with Get A New Game Court Court or or Resurface Resurfacewith with
Let HOMECOURT SPORTS make your backyard dream come true. Plan your own backyard court now.
Let HOMECOURT SPORTS make your backyard dream Let HOMECOURT SPORTS Improve Your Play-Ability! Give your children a safe and beautifulmake your backyard dream c Plan your own backyard game court now. Improve Play-Ability! Give yournow. children a safe and Plan own backyard court court in your own B yard that they will your play onYour for years to Help Improve Your Play-Ability! (JWF ZPVS DIJMESFO TBGF them improve their skills whilecourt enjoyinginquality time together. yourfamily yard that they will play on for years to co BOE CFBVUJGVM DPVSU JO ZPVS PXO ZBSE UIBU UIFZ XJMM QMBZ PO GPS Improve Your YourPlay-Ability! Play-Ability!Give Giveyour yourchildren children asafe safeand andbeautiful beautiful Improve aown courtininyour yourown ownyard yardthat thatthey they willplay playononfor foryears years come.while Help ZFBST UP DPNF )FMQ UIFN JNQSPWF UIFJS TLJMMT XIJMF FOKPZJOH court will totocome. them their skills Let HOMECOURT SPORTS make yourimprove backyard dream come Help true. enjoying quality family time t themimprove improvetheir theirskills skillswhile whileenjoying enjoyingquality qualityfamily familytime timetogether. together. them RVBMJUZ GBNJMZ UJNF UPHFUIFS Plan your own backyard game Improve court now. Your Play-Ability! Give your children a safe an Improve Your Play-Ability! GiveSPORTS your children a safe and beautifuldream Let HOMECOURT SPORTS make yourplay backyard Let HOMECOURT HOMECOURT SPORTS make your backyard dream cometrue. true. Let make your backyard come court in your own yard that they will on for dream years toco court in your own yard that they will play on for years to come. Help -FU )0.&$0635 410354 NBLF ZPVS CBDLZBSE ESFBN DPNF Planyour yourYour ownbackyard backyardgame game court now. Improve Play-Ability! Give yournow. children a safe and beautiful Plan own court Improve Your Play-Ability! (JWF ZPVS DIJMESFO them B TBGF Plan your own backyard game court now. improve their skills while enjoying quality family time together. them improve their skills while enjoying quality family time COURT SIZE:Improve 27’Your X Play-Ability! 30’ Improve Your Play-Ability! Give your children asafe safe and beautiful USVF 1MBO ZPVS PXO CBDLZBSE HBNF DPVSU OPX Give your children and beautiful court in your own yard that theya will play on for years to come. Help BOE CFBVUJGVM DPVSU JO ZPVS PXO ZBSE UIBU UIFZ XJMM QMBZ PO GPS
Get Game Court or Resurface with with GetAANew New Game Court or Resurface Get A New Game Court Court or or Resurface Resurfacewith with
Get A New Game Court or Resurface with
HOMECOURT SPORTS SPORTS Get A New Game Court or Resurface with HOMECOURT SPORTS Get A New Game Court or Resurface with HOMECOURT Homecourt SportSSPORTS Inc. HOMECOURT SPORTS F Homecourt SportS Inc.
courtininyour your own yardthat thattheir theyskills willplay playononfor for yearstoto Help court own yard they years come. ZFBST UP DPNF )FMQ UIFN JNQSPWF UIFJS TLJMMT XIJMF FOKPZJOH them improve enjoying Let HOMECOURT SPORTS makewill your while backyard dreamquality come Help true. time together. themimprove improvetheir theirskills skillswhile whileenjoying enjoyingquality qualityfamily familytime timetogether. together. them RVBMJUZ GBNJMZ UJNF UPHFUIFS Plan your own backyard game court now. Improve Your Play-Ability! Give children a safe and beautifulmake your backyard Letyour HOMECOURT SPORTS Let HOMECOURT SPORTS make your backyard dream true. inishing your court inSPORTS your own yard that theydream will play on true. for years tocome come. Help Let HOMECOURT HOMECOURT SPORTS make your backyard dream come true. Let make your backyard come -FU )0.&$0635 410354 NBLF ZPVS CBDLZBSE ESFBN DPNF Plan your own backyard game court now. Plan your own backyard game them improve their skills whilecourt enjoying family time together. Planyour yourYour ownbackyard backyard game court now. Play-Ability! Give your children a safenow. beautiful Plan own game court now. SIZE: 27’ X 30’ Improve YourCOURT Play-Ability! (JWF ZPVS DIJMESFO B TBGF Improve USVF 1MBO ZPVS PXO CBDLZBSE HBNF DPVSU OPX basement isandquality
COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ 30’
“Jeff, thank you for all the work you did for us on the court. ection The boys absolutely love playing on it! Feel free to use us as a reference for any future business and our door is always ction open if anyone would like to seeCOURT the court.� SIZE: 27’ X 30’
BOE CFBVUJGVM DPVSU JO ZPVS PXO ZBSE UIBU UIFZ XJMM QMBZ PO GPS court in your own yard that they will play on for years to come. Help ZFBST UP DPNF )FMQ UIFN JNQSPWF UIFJS TLJMMT XIJMF FOKPZJOH them improve their skills while enjoying quality family time together. Let HOMECOURT SPORTS make your backyard dream RVBMJUZ GBNJMZ UJNF UPHFUIFS Improve Your Give your game childrencourt a safenow. and beautiful COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ 30’ PlanPlay-Ability! your own make backyard Let HOMECOURT yourplay backyard true. court in your own SPORTS yard that they will on for dream years tocome come. Help -FU )0.&$0635 410354 NBLF ZPVS CBDLZBSE ESFBN DPNF Plan your own backyard game court now. them improve their skills while enjoying quality family time together. COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ USVF 1MBO ZPVS PXO CBDLZBSE HBNF DPVSU OPX
the most efcome true. ficient way to add useable space to COURT SIZE: 30’ X 50’ home. If dream you come true. - Andrew LetCarter HOMECOURT SPORTSyour make your backyard COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ 30’ Inc. Plan your own backyard game court now. Homecourt SportS haveCOURT or are planSIZE: 30’ X 50’ COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ “Installing a game court in my back yard is one o ning sleeping rooms COURT SIZE: 30’ SIZE: 30’X X50’ 50’ “Installing a game court indecisions my back yard is one ofCOURT the best Our I’ve ever made. children enjoy countl COURT SIZE: 30’ SIZE: 30’X X50’ 50’ you decisions I’vedownstairs, everCOURT made. Our children enjoy countless hours COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ of outdoor athletic play. Although the primary f COURT SIZE: 30’ X 50’ COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ of outdoor athletic play. Although the primary focus was needalso to make we’rehockey also and able to use it for tennis, h basketball, we’re ablebasketball, tosure use it for tennis, “Installing a game court in my back yard is one of the best COURT SIZE: 30’ X 50’ The surface provides a softer solid provides a softer impact SIZE: 30’are X 50’ rollerblading. The than surface that there two decisions rollerblading. I’ve everCOURT made. Our children enjoy countless hoursimpact concrete is less the traumatic for your and joints. COURT SIZE: 27’ X 30’ of outdoor athletic which play. Although primary focus waskneesis concrete which less traumatic for your knees a exits forand Working with Jeff Ott Homecourt Sports made the entire basketball, we’re also able to use itemergenfor tennis, 30’ hockey and COURT SIZE: X 50’ BEFORE Based in Waterloo, IL rollerblading. The surface provides softer impact thanwith solid Working Ottabove and Homecourt project a breeze. Theyawere professional and Jeff delivered COURT SIZE: 30’Sports X 50’made cies. If your home concreteILand whichbeyond is less my traumatic for your knees and joints. Based in Waterloo, expectations.â€? project a entire breeze.BEFORE They were professional and delive Working with Jeff Ott and Homecourt Sports made the COURT SIZE: 30’ X 50’ 314-374-3030 618-939-1542 - Darin Lee does not have a beyond Based in Waterloo, IL project a breeze.BEFORE They were BEFORE professional and delivered above and my expectations.â€? BEFORE WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM toLL Collinsville High School Varsity Basketball Coach COURT SIZE: 30’ X and 50’ and beyond my expectations.â€? Free 866-51-court walk-out basement, 314-374-3030 618-939-1542 2011 Illinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductee 314-374-3030 618-939-1542 Darin Lee Darin Lee BEFORE BEFORE Tennis Court Renovation BEFORE WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM Collinsville High School Varsity Basketball Coach and BEFORE WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM COURT SIZE: 30’ X 50’ this usually requires an escape, orVarsity egress Basketball window. Collinsville High School Coach WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM 866-51-court We repair cracks and fill toLL low spots, then resurface2011 with Illinois Basketball COURT SIZE: 30’ X and 50’ Coaches Association Hall of Fame Inductee WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM Free 866-51-court Tennis Courtlooks Renovation 2011toIllinois Basketball Coaches Association Hall of Fame new tile which and plays great, ideal for older tennis It is important know your local residential building codes Tennis Court Renovation WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM We repair cracks and Renovation fill Court low spots, then resurface with Tennis Renovation WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM Tennis Court BEFORE courts. This surface reduces aches with and Wetile repair cracks and fillgreat, low joint spots, resurface Tennis Tennis Court Renovation new which looks and plays idealstress forthen olderand tennis Tennis Court Renovation for egress. St. Louis County building permit requirements Tennis Court Renovation WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM We repair cracks and filljoint lowstress spots, then resurface with then resurface pains. Water drains through tile and off thespots, court. Court Renovation We repair cracks and fill low BEFORE with courts. This surface reduces aches and newrepair tile which looks and plays ideal for older tennis 8F SFQBJS DSBDLT BOE žMM MPX great, TQPUT UIFO SFTVSGBDF XJUI WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM We cracks and fill low spots, then and resurface with Tennis Court Renovation new tile which looks and plays great, ideal for older tennis We repair cracks and through fill low spots, then resurface with state that all basement bedrooms must have one window for Eliminates constant repairs with a 15 year limited pains. Water drains tile and off the court. OFX UJMF XIJDI MPPLT BOE QMBZT HSFBU JEFBM GPS PMEFS UFOOJT courts. This surface reduces joint stress and aches and ideal for older tennis new tile which looks and plays ideal forSFTVSGBDF older tennis 8F SFQBJS DSBDLT žMM MPX great, TQPUT UIFO XJUI new tileBOE which looks and plays great, WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM new tile which looks and plays great, ideal for older tennis courts. This surface reduces joint stress and aches and Tennis Court Renovation Eliminates constant repairs with aJEFBM 15 year limited warranty and 25-30 year life expectancy, DPVSUT 5IJT TVSGBDF SFEVDFT KPJOU TUSFTT BOE BDIFT BOE OFX UJMF This XIJDI MPPLT BOE QMBZT HSFBU GPS PMEFS UFOOJT courts. surface reduces joint stress and aches and pains. Water drains through tile and off the court. emergency escape more than 44 inches above WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM Tennis Court Renovation courts. This surface reduces joint stress and aches and warranty andTVSGBDF 25-30 year lifethrough expectancy, BEFORE with a sill no BEFORE DPVSUT 5IJT SFEVDFT KPJOU BOE BDIFT BOE courts. This surface reduces joint stress and aches BEFORE and pains. Water drains tile and off the court. QBJOT 8BUFS ESBJOT UISPVHI UJMF BOE PGG UIF DPVSU &MJNJOBUFT pains. Water drains through tileTUSFTT and off We repair cracks and fill low with Tennis Court Renovation Eliminates constant repairs with a the 15 court. year spots, limited then resurface Tennis Court Renovation BEFORE BEFORE pains. Water drains through tile and off the court. QBJOT 8BUFS ESBJOT UISPVHI UJMF BOE PGG UIF DPVSU &MJNJOBUFT DPOTUBOU SFQBJST XJUI B ZFBS MJNJUFE XBSSBOUZ BOE Tennis Court Renovation the floor and a minimum clear opening area of 5.0 square feet. Eliminates constant repairs with awith 15 year limited Eliminates constant repairs a 15 year limited We repair cracks and fill low spots, then resurface with pains. Water drains through tile and off the court. 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This surface reduces joint stress aches and courts.This This surface reduces joint stress andand aches and courts. surface reduces joint stress and aches WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM inside without need for special knowledge, tools, or extra force courts. This surface reduces joint stress and aches and warranty and 25-30 life expectancy, DPVSUT 5IJT TVSGBDF SFEVDFT KPJOU BOE the BDIFT BOE pains.Water Water drains through tileyear and off the court. pains. drains through tile and off the court. Tennis Court Renovation Tennis Court Renovation pains. Water drains through tileTUSFTT and off court. BEFORE BEFORE Eliminates constant repairs with awith 15resurface year limited pains. Water drains tile and off the court. beyond that required for a normal window. 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It canAFTER also add natural light and ventilation and AFTER pains. Water drains through and off thegreat, court. ideal for older tennis new tile which looks Eliminates constant repairs with atile 15and yearplays limited WWW.HOMECOURTSTL.COM Putting Green Eliminates constant repairs with a 15 year limited with an expanded window well it can be an attractive feature, AFTER warranty and 25-30 year life expectancy, courts. This surface reduces joint stress and aches and Putting Golfers, we’ll help designGreen your own Bullseye Homegolf professional AFTER AFTER warranty and 25-30 year life expectancy, with flowers and plants on the terraced Putting Green with Astroturf. Select the level of difficulty and we’ll Green pains. Water drains through Putting tile and offwe’ll thehelpcourt. Golfers, design your own Bullseye Homegolf professional AFTER steps. The overall Tennis Court Renovation Putting Green build it. we’ll Golfers, help design your ownAstroturf. Bullseye Homegolf professional Putting Green with Select the level of difficulty and we’ll and more attractive Putting Green enhancements of safety, light, ventilation Eliminates constant repairs with a 15 year limited We repair cracks and fill low spots, then resurface with Golfers, we’ll help design yourSelect own Bullseye Putting Green with the level Homegolf of difficultyprofessional and we’ll Putting Green build it. Astroturf. Golfers, help Select designthe your own Bullseye Homegolf Putting Green with we’ll Astroturf. level of difficulty and we’ll ofprofessional build it.ideal AFTER appearance add to the value your home. warranty and 25-30 year life expectancy, We repair cracks and low spots, then resurface with new tilefillwhich looks and plays great, for older tennis Golfers,Green we’ll help yourSelect own Bullseye with design Astroturf. the level Homegolf of difficultyprofessional and we’ll build it. Putting Putting Green with Astroturf. Selectthat the is level of difficulty and we’ll basement new tile which looks and plays great, ideal for older tennis One company expert in structural build it. AFTER Putting Green courts. This surface reduces joint stress and aches and Putting Green build we’ll your own Bullseye Homegolf professional (PMGFST XFÂľMM IFMQ EFTJHO ZPVS PXO #VMMTFZF )PNFHPMG courts. This surface reduces joint stress and achesGolfers, andand A improvements is Woods Basement Systems. They will be pains. Water drains through tile offAstroturf. the court. Putting Green with Select the level of difficulty and we’ll QSPGFTTJPOBM 1VUUJOH (SFFO XJUI "TUSPUVSG 4FMFDU UIF MFWFM PG Putting Green Putting Green AFTER pains. Water drains through tile and off the court. ElimiEJGžDVMUZ BOE XFÂľMM CVJME JU build it. a Golfers, happy to give you a free estimate to install a basement egress Eliminates constant repairs with 15 year limited we’ll help design your own Bullseye Homegolf professional (PMGFST repairs XFÂľMM IFMQ EFTJHO PXO #VMMTFZF )PNFHPMG and nates constant with a 15ZPVS year limited warranty PuttingPutting GreenGreenwindow with Astroturf. Select the levelYou of difficulty and them we’ll at QSPGFTTJPOBM 1VUUJOH (SFFO XJUI "TUSPUVSG 4FMFDU UIF MFWFM PG Putting Green in your home. can AFTER call AF and 25-30 year life expectancy, 25-30 yearEJGžDVMUZ BOE XFÂľMM CVJME JU life warranty expectancy. Golfers, we’ll help build it. design your own Bullseye Homegolf professional Golfers, we’ll help design your own Bullseye Homegolf prA 866-735-1890 ordifficulty learnand more clm Putting Green with Astroturf. Select the level of we’ll at build it. Putting Green Putting Green with Astroturf. Select the level of difficult Putting Green Golfers, we’ll| help design your own Bullseye Homegolf professional 40 | COUNTY LIVING magazine WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM Putting Green build it. help design your own Bullseye Homegolf pr Putting Green with Astroturf.Golfers, Select thewe’ll level of difficulty and we’ll Golfers,Green we’ll help yourSelect own Bullseye build it. Putting with design Astroturf. the level Homegolf of difficultyp toLL Free
How is Your Home Performing?
Solutions for Increasing Comfort and Reducing Energy Bills
chieving these improvements starts with proper evaluation and testing. A Home Energy Evaluation identifies causes of comfort problems and high energy consumption, and suggests cost-effective remedies. A Blower Door Fan draws outside air into the house to detect and diagnose air leaks. Thermal Scanning with an infrared camera that “sees through walls” can measure how effectively your insulation is working.. Solving the Problems Based on the findings, a proposal is developed that identifies steps to reduce energy use and increase comfort. Recommendations are provided that can have the biggest impact on energy use, comfort and savings. Common recommended improvements often include: Air Sealing - Your home may be leaking air, resulting in drafts and rooms that don’t heat or cool effectively. Air sealing is the first step to a more comfortable and energy-efficient home. Insulation is also important to an energy-efficient home.
Find out how much insulation you have, how it’s performing and whether you need more. Crawlspace Sealing - Cold floors, poor air quality and energy inefficiency can be caused by unsealed crawlspaces below. Sealing prevents moisture and air infiltration. In the St. Louis area, one long-established company is helping solve home performance problems. Dr. Energy Saver STL, part of the Woods Basement Systems organization, performs the Home Energy Evaluation at no charge – totally free - to help you discover where your home is using, losing, and wasting energy. Dr. Energy Saver also can perform the critical home energy-saving services needed to address the specific problems identified, such as adding insulation, sealing air leaks in your home, crawl space encapsulation and more. The results will show up in lower energy bills. To schedule a no-obligation Home Energy Evaluation in your home, you can call Dr. Energy Saver at 866-735-1890, or you can learn more about them at clm
If Your Roof Looks Like This... We Have The Solution!
Mold, mildew, fungi and algae not only make your roof look bad, but they cause premature deterioration.
We use low-pressure power wash with no chemicals to clean the roof, but leave embedded granules
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Mold and mildew inhibitor and sealer preserve your roof and keep it looking good for 3-5 years.
Midwest Restoration SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 41
Division of Aspen Touch
Health & Fitness
Weight Loss and Fitness Myth: BY BRET KLIETHERMES
A regimen of aerobic exercise will burn the most fat.
see women who spend 4 days a week, 40 minutes at a time, on the stairstepper, treadmill or bicycle who don’t lose weight! I know men who run 6 miles a day who have no muscle tone and rolls of fat around their waists. You’ve been led to believe that if you want to lose fat, all you have to do is regular aerobic exercise. There’s more to it than that. You must be able to monitor and control your cardiovascular intensity to maximize the number of calories you burn. And, if aerobic exercise is not supplemented with resistance training (lifting weights) to at least maintain muscle mass, you cannot effectively accelerate the fat loss process. Each pound of lean muscle tissue burns 3550 calories a day while your body is at rest. Body fat is not metabolically active, so little to no fat is burned for each pound of body fat. Combined with aerobic exercise, resistance training enables you to rapidly burn the most amount of fat as well as provide you with the added benefits of greater strength, muscle tone and endurance.
Trish Burton lost 42 lbs. and 19 total inches in 20 weeks!
Bret Kliethermes is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist with a Bachelors of Science in Health & Wellness Promotion from Missouri State University who provides complete fitness programs to help his clients reach their personal health and fitness goals. Bret offers both private and semi private training to fit all budgets and schedules. For a no obligation, no pressure consultation to discuss your goals and programs you can call Bret at 314-691-9040, email, or visit:
Bret works with his clients at The Fitness Partner Inc., a boutique gym located in the Corporate Plaza Building at 14528 South Outer 40 Road, Chesterfield 63017. For 22 years the Fitness Partner has offered its members a more private alternative to the large box gyms that are often noisy and overcrowded. Owner/operator Randy Stone has more than 25 years of personal training experience, knows all members by name, and SPECIAL NOTE: This can be found in the gym 6 may sound like it’s involved Avi Goldfarb lost 31 lbs. and 6% body fat in 16 weeks! days a week. The Fitness and time consuming. It’s Partner is also a proud not! With the proper fitness and nutrition system in supporter of the Joshua Chamberlain Society, a grassplace, you can quickly burn fat, lose weight and get fit roots 501c3 that provides long term support to severely in as little as 60 minutes per session! And in 12 weeks wounded veterans and their families from the greater you can dramatically transform your body. Saint Louis area. clm 42 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM
Whether you want a comfortable sitting room, a greenhouse to cultivate exotic plants, or both. Your customdesigned glass addition will be the favorite room in your house, and will look like it’s always been there.
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SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 43
Health & Fitness
Hypnosis Can Be Your Key to Change would like to take the mystery out of hypnosis as an effective therapy for enabling behavior change, by explaining how it works. Your conscious mind contains your active thoughts, and the subconscious mind contains information that you act on. The unconscious is like a big filing cabinet that holds a record of everything BY JOAN KRUEGER, you’ve ever experienced. CERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST All your habits, behaviors, responses, reactions, memories and emotions are stored there, as though there is a file for each. Hypnosis is the process of communicating with the subconscious mind. Before a hypnosis session, your therapist should ask specifically what behavior you would like to change. This identifies the file that you are currently working from. Hypnosis gets the subconscious part of your mind to open up so that a new file can be added about how you want to function. For instance, if you want to be a non-smoker, change your eating habits, or be more confident. After the session, your mind has new information to begin to work from instead of working from the old information. With hypnosis you can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do. For hypnosis to work, the subject must willingly accept the change, because the conscious mind is still very aware of what is going on. At all times, the subject has complete power of selectivity, reacting only to suggestions that are reasonable and pleasing to them.
Joan Krueger has a private practice with offices in Kirkwood and Pevely. Many individuals have achieved their goals, both personally and professionally, through guidance they have received in her hypnosis sessions. About 80% of people who Joan hypnotizes to stop smoking will quit after just one session. You can contact Joan to discuss how hypnosis could help you achieve positive change in your own life by calling her at (314) 962-7558, or visiting her Web site at clm 44 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM
Preventing Falls is Critical for Helping Seniors Stay In Their Homes
he incidence of falls suffered by older adults is shocking: one third over age 65 fall at least once in a year. It is 50% for those over age 80. Falls account for 40% of nursing home admissions. Hip fractures are a common result, and only 50% of seniors hospitalized for a hip fracture can go on to live independently. It is especially important to know that the largest number of falls – 55% - happen in seniors’ own homes. This means that the critical need is to make their homes safe for seniors and prevent falls, before they happen. Fortunately there are effective technologies and tools to accomplish this. These include pathway lighting in hallways, motion sensors and remote controls for lighting, and in the bathroom, where 80% of falls occur, there are stability assist bars, barrier-free showers and walk-in tubs, adult height toilets
and more. And, to get immediate help after a fall, there are one-touch help buttons and wearable medical alerts. It can be daunting to try on your own to prepare your home or the home of a senior loved one in order to to prevent falls. The best way to reduce this risk is to have professionals advise you on the most effective changes. Happy at Home is a local, familyowned company that will listen to your needs and advise on making homes safer and more comfortable for seniors, enabling them to stay in their homes longer. Happy at Home starts with a no-cost 15-point inspection, leading to a priority based list of recommendations for making a home safer for all occupants. To get started in making a home safer for a senior loved one, you can call 636-244-5229, or to learn more about their services you can visit clm
Cedar Roof & Siding Restoration and Installation Specialists
edar siding, roofs and decks can lose virtually all of their natural preservatives and oils in as little as five years in the Midwest weather. Oak and pine log homes and redwood decks can also show premature aging from the effects of the weather. But all these exterior wood surfaces can be restored and protected through proper care and treatment, often doubling or tripling the remaining life.
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SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 45
Call the experts with more than 25 years of experience caring for, repairing and replacing cedar roofs, natural wood siding and decks. We are also experts in installing new cedar shake roofs, siding and decking. Fully Insured • References Available On Request
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Health & Fitness
Mold In Your Home Can Threaten Your Health
Don’t delay addressing the problem, or it could get worse.
old has received a great deal of media attention in recent years. The effects of mold on our bodies are just now being understood and while rare, serious health effects from exposure do occur. Black mold can cause allergic reactions that include runny noses, itchy and watery eyes, coughing, sneezing and throat irritation. This can develop into asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease. When moisture is present, molds can grow on virtually any substance, and people are more susceptible to the health effects when it occurs indoors. Prompt attention to water damage or visible mold can often keep a minor problem from becoming major. It is important that experts in interior mold are called in when it is first suspected to determine the scope of the damage as well as action plans for removal. One company with extensive experience in mold inspection and remediation is Steamatic of St. Louis. Their technicians and environmental professionals have the experience and tools to assess mold damage and also the cause, including ambient moisture and humidity problems. They will determine if a loss is indicated, the scope of work required and a cost estimate for removal. Once the estimate is accepted, work can begin quickly. Steamatic has experience working in collaboration with insurance companies and has earned their trust and respect. They use only the highest quality HEPA filtration equipment and state-of-the-art technology to treat and abate fungal contamination. Technicians will first stabilize the environment to control moisture levels if necessary. Areas with heavy mold growth will be cleaned, sanded, HEPA vacuumed or removed as necessary. If there is microbial growth within your air system, Steamatic technicians will use their proprietary equipment to clean and treat the system with an anti-microbial solution. If you suspect a mold problem in your home or place of business, you can call Steamatic of St. Louis at 314720-1684, and you can learn more about their services at clm
For Your Information
What if You Could Eliminate The Task of Bill Paying?
hat Would You Rather Do Than Pay Bills? If you’re like a lot of people, just about anything. Even visit the dentist. The Problem For our elderly parents, the tasks of bill paying and keeping track of all the paperwork and receipts can be a real burden. Also, people who travel frequently or spend months at a time away from home often worry that they might miss paying a bill. Others simply find the task stressful and would rather not have to do it. Unlike businesses, most individuals and families don’t have a bookkeeper to handle this task. You probably use an accountant or attorney to handle your taxes, but for regular ongoing bill paying you’re on your own. The Solution It was in helping my own mother with her bill paying that I came up with a solution. As a CPA with over 45 years experience working with clients, I have seen many successful people who wrestle with the task of bill paying. This is what motivated our company five years ago to start Checks & Balances Plus, a personal bill processing service. For an affordable fee, we will securely handle bills for anyone who physically cannot, is to busy to, or just does not want to pay their own bills or those of their parents. We know that life is too precious to spend it on activities that produce stress or drain you of your valuable time. Joel Kamil is president and owner of Checks & Balances Plus, a service to assist individuals and families with organizing and paying their monthly bills, giving them the confidence and trust that their finances are being managed and handled securely. They are bonded and insured, track and ensure timely payments and help protect clients from fraud and late fees. They also provide payment history reports to help in income tax preparation. For a no-obligation consultation, you can call Checks & Balances Plus at 636-4491298, or visit their website, and fill out the form on the Contact Us page. clm SUMMER 2015 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 47
Not Your Typical Road Trip
For Your Information
The History of St. Louis County, Missouri by William Lyman Thomas
Celebrating the Heritage of St. Louis County
M County Living columnist
John Drake Robinson won an
for his unique travelogs based on his books.
Coastal Missouri and A Road Trip Into America’s Hidden Heart
In this age of interstates and instant gratification, Robinson took the long way around the state, with his only constant companion: his car. “. . . we’ve dodged rabbits and turtles, texters and drunks. We’ve slid sideways in sleet, jumped curbs and low-water crossings. We’ve passed every pun on every roadside marquee, every time and temperature sign, every clip joint and carny barker and corn dog vendor, every barbeque shack and Tex-Mex taco stand. And we’ve stopped at most of ‘em.”
any of us have lived here our whole lives, yet there is so much we don’t know about the rich history of our county. County Living Publications has re-published this 100year old book that documents the county’s first 100 years. It covers the period from the earliest settlers in the region, up through the Civil War and into the first decade of the 20th Century. Originally published in 1911, it is was re-published to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the organization of St. Louis County on October 1, 1812. Every time you pick up the book and read a chapter you come away with an appreciation of life here 100 years ago, or a little nugget of information that has relevance to today. This book makes a great Holiday, business or personal gift. For quantity pricing, more information or to order the book, please visit clm
Available at: Left Bank Books and other fine bookstores. Or on
Read more stories at 48 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM
NOW IS THE TIME TO REMODEL YOUR LANDSCAPE! Call Us For Custom Outdoor Living Spaces You Will Love • Personalized Landscape Design • Patios, Walks and Retaining Walls • Planting and Landscape Lighting • Certified Installation, Fully Insured • 30+ Years In Business • Centrally Located With A New Facility • Year Round Scheduling And Staff • Serving Central St. Louis County
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NEED HELP WITH YOUR PRINTING? For over 30 years we have helped clients eliminate the headaches, wasted time and expense of sourcing and managing their printing.
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Finest Custom Table Pads at Factory-Direct Prices The way to assure perfect fit for table pads is for the provider to visit your home to accurately measure and show you sample colors and textures to match your table and décor. Custom Table Pads & Linens, an independent St. Louis dealer, provides the finest custom American-made table pads at factory-direct prices. They measure at your home or business, and show you a choice of 23 vinyl tops and 5 velvet bottoms. Perfect fit is guaranteed. Pads are heat resistant to 550o, moisture and warp resistant. Patented hidden magnets minimize separation and slippage on your table. Custom Table Pads & Linens also sells country club quality table linens and accessories in hundreds of colors and textures, with the look and feel of cotton linen at a fraction of the cost.
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Are You an Effective Connector & Communicator? County Living Magazine is seeking a full or part time independent commissioned advertising sales and writer representative. Flexible hours Special Fall Issue and opportunity for recurring income. Qualified candidates should have direct selling experience, be energetic, personable, with good presenting and writing skills and have your own transportation.
FALL 2014
RANDOM MUSINGS from Gerry Mandel KING OF THE ROAD with John Drake Robinson WORKING FOR MISSOURI FAMILIES by State Rep Jill Schupp
Health & Fitness Sensory Pleasures Home Remodeling For Your Business Weekend Getaways Fall Activities & Events Landscapes & Exteriors
More Resources:
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Taking Care of “Honey Do’s” ...and “Honey Don’t Try That’s”
very home has problems that need fixing – wall cracks, roof leaks, loose tiles or deck boards, a dripping faucet, cabinets or countertop that needs replacing. Some are things you just don’t get around to, and some are things you may not want to try – like working on the roof or with power tools.
Real Estate Maintenance Solutions is a locally owned company with the experience and commitment to provide costeffective repairs and replacements at your home or business that save you time, inconvenience and money. Their craftsmen are knowledgeable, trained and screened employees, not sub-contractors. They are courteous, quality-minded workers that are bonded and insured. You can call or email Chris at Real Estate Maintenance Solutions to solve your repair and replacement needs. clm
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