2017 Summer County Living Magazine

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Learn Horsemanship and How to Play Polo

Add Beauty to Your Home with Landscape Lighting

Experience the Michael Phelps Signature Swim Spa

Solve Yard Problems with Native Plantings

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SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 3






08 RANDOM MUSINGS from Gerry Mandel


10 The Proven Alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery 12 The Relaxing Way to Feeling Better and Better Health 14 A Personal Trainer is the Key to Achieving Your Fitness Goals 16 Scientific Breakthrough for Strength, Balance and Bones 18 An Effective Solution for an Uncomfortable Problem 19 Hypnosis Can Be Your Key to Change 20 The Village at Cape Albeon Offers the Best in Assisted Living 22 Mold in Your Home Can Threaten Your Health 23 Taking the Stress Out of Getting an MRI 24 Radon is a Silent Killer



26 The Basement Egress Window 28 Great Room Comfort 30 Keeping Wooden Roofs Beautiful 31 Does Your Home Have Uneven Concrete Surfaces? 32 Discovering Pleasures of Outdoor Living 35 Homeowner Discovers a Better Option than Painting 36 Does Your Home Have Damage from Wind or Hail? 38 Add Beauty, Intrigue and Enjoyment to Your Home and Yard 40 Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate with Your Own Natural Water Habitat 42 Native Plantings: Solutions for Dull or Problem Landscapes



44 Summer Activities & Events Calendar 45 Active Discovery Cruises from Avalon Waterways 46 Learn Horsemanship and to Play Polo from Experts 48 Oh, the Trumanity! Harry’s Home Town 49 Reclaim Family Time at Innsbrook



50 Planning Your Home for the Next Third of Your Life 52 A Building Consultation for Your Home 53 Closet and Home Office Solutions 54 Stone and Tile Floors Looking Dull? Ugly Grout? 55 Care and Counseling


56 Rural Land – For Enjoyment and Investment in Timber 58 A Book that Should Be in Every Home in St. Louis 59 Protecting and Securing Your Computer, Network and Smartphone


Publisher’s Message

on the cover




staff PUBLISHER/EDITOR Todd Abrams CREATIVE DIRECTOR Fran Sherman GRAPHIC DESIGN Terry Tomlinson PRINTING ADVISOR Creative Printing Services DISTRIBUTION DATABASE Target Marketing Technologies FOR INFORMATION REGARDING ADVERTISING CALL County Living Publications 314-432-1171 phone 314-569-3380 fax P.O. Box 411036 St. Louis, MO 63141

An outdoor room offers a relaxing retreat after a long day. Heartlands Building Company captures that serenity in this outdoor living area at a home in Creve Coeur, complete with comforting fireplace and large-screen TV. The room overlooks the nearby pool, and was designed with retractable screen walls that roll up, completely opening the room with just the touch of a remote control. By day, the family has a shaded area that is completely accessible to the pool, and by night an elegant outdoor room protected from insects and still accessible to the pool through a side screen door. Creating custom outdoor living areas in the metro St. Louis area for over 15 years, Heartlands has received numerous awards and recognition from institutions including the NARI, BBB, and Houzz. For more in-depth information, see their article on page 32, and their ad on page 17. Their portfolio can be viewed at www. heartlandshome.com, or you can contact them at 636-728-0003 to discuss what Heartlands can do to add beautiful and functional outdoor living for your home.

CARTOON CREDITS: All cartoons in this issue are by Bob Eckstein, cartoonist, snowman expert and author of the NY Times bestseller, Footnotes from the World’s Greatest Bookstores. @BobEckstein www.CountyLivingMag.com County Living Magazine is published quarterly by County Living Publications and distributed to select homeowners in the St. Louis area. Articles are selected to provide useful information about home, lifestyle, health, travel and recreation. Opinions expressed in articles and editorials are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of County Living Publications. While every effort is made to assure accuracy, we are not responsible for how information found in County Living Magazine is used. We are very interested in reader comments or suggestions. Correspondence should be sent to the address above or to editor@CountyLivingMag.com.

Reproduction of content of this magazine without permission is prohibited. All submitted materials, including images, logos and text for advertising, articles and editorials are assumed to be the property of the contributor, and County Living Publications does not take responsibility for unintentional copyright infringement. County Living Publications has the right to refuse advertising and content not deemed appropriate for this publication. Circulation is verified by U.S. Postal receipts. 6 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM

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Arts & Thoughts



The Season of the Open Road


his is one of those moments in a movie you never forget. A whole new world suddenly opens and says, “Come on in. Join us.” Summer revitalizes that memory every year.

The movie begins. Title: “Columbia Pictures presents A Stanley Kramer Production.” The music is foreboding, even scary. The camera sits low, locked down on a wide angle shot of a two-lane highway. A white stripe runs down the center, and in the distance stand a couple of sparse trees. A young man’s voice-over talks about the events that lay just ahead. Then - and this is the part that is burned into my memory to this day - a gang of motorcycles appears at the end of the road, headed towards camera. And right at me, a skinny 18-year-old kid in my seat at the Varsity Theater in the Loop. The bikes (a term I learned in the movie) come closer until they swarm over the audience, their engines roaring, the music building in volume and excitement. Cut to a closeup of Brando on his bike, aviator- style sunglasses, cap, and that confident look on his face. The next day I bought a pair of those goggle sunglasses (couldn’t find a hat like his) and assumed that same tough “Don’t mess with me” expression. And nobody messed with me as I bought my milk shakes at Velvet Freeze or strode across the Quadrangle at Washington U. In fact, nobody even noticed me, to be honest. Skinny kids carrying text books don’t stir up much dread. This all comes back to me about this time of year, when the highway beckons. No, I never rode a bike (except for my Schwinn with the balloon tires and a really dumb horn). My mother had instilled a deep-seated fear of motorcycles in me, along with bb guns and switchblade knives. Mind you, it wasn’t the biker culture that intrigued me. It was the freedom it signified, a freedom not limited to motorcycles. By the way, a bit of trivia here. Brando and his gang rode Triumph bikes. The enemy, headed by Lee Marvin, rode Harleys. Just thought you should know for your next biker meeting. The other day I was driving on I-270 and went to pass

a large “residence” on wheels. I don’t know if it was an RV, camper, trailer, coach, or motor home. All I know is that it could probably accommodate my entire subdivision. It was pulled by a Ford F-350 with Colorado plates, tooling along at 65 mph. What is it like to travel in that? I wondered. How many miles do they put on each year? Do they go to Canada, to Alaska, to Mexico? How much do they spend on gas each year? Each day? I caught a glimpse of the driver. No, not a Brando, no cool sunglasses. In fact, he looked more like a checkout guy at Schnucks. I honked my horn and waved. No reaction. He probably didn’t hear me, or even see me in my little Hyundai Elantra. Two books I’ve read stirred my wanderlust, the pull of travel on new roads through unfamiliar terrain. One is John Steinbeck’s “Travels with Charley.” The other is “Blue Highways” by William Least Heat Moon. Maybe at one time in my life I would have been inspired to take off into the unknown. But that’s another lesson I learned - Don’t drive anywhere unless you’ve made room reservations. Maybe the best part of my summer Open Road Fantasy is just that - a fantasy. Better left to the imagination. Sure, I’d like to get on a Harley - or a Triumph - and fly along blue highways. Or sit behind the wheel of a Ford pickup with my “home” behind me, headed for the wilds of Canada with my wife and golden retriever. For now, I’ll watch “The Wild One” again and dig out my old sunglasses. When someone asks me, “Hey, Gerry, what are you rebelling against?”, I’ll answer as Marlon did: “Whadda you got?” Gerry Mandel is a free-lance writer and video/biography producer. He also writes two blogs, which he invites you to enjoy. HeyYouHoser.blogspot.com, and TimeWithCharlieChaplin.blogspot.com. Your comments are welcome. clm


SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 9

Health & Fitness

Is Knee Pain Making Your Life Miserable? Consider the Proven Alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery What causes osteoarthritic knee pain?

It is critical to address the underlying causes of knee pain. Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic joint condition. It occurs when the cartilage or cushion between joints breaks down, leading to pain, stiffness and swelling. Sometimes called degenerative joint disease, the arthritic process begins for many people as the joint fluid of the knee starts to break down with age. Like the oil in your car’s engine, joint fluid lubricates and protects the tissue within the joint as well as the cartilage that covers and cushions the ends of knee bones. As lubrication decreases, friction increases and the cartilage starts to break down and wear away. Once bone is exposed, bone spurs can develop as the body attempts to heal itself. The knee joint no longer glides as it should, making simple movements difficult and painful. If nothing is done to increase the quality and quantity of joint fluid, the breakdown of the cartilage accelerates—leading to disabling bone-on-bone arthritic knee pain. The Alternative to Knee Replacement There is one proven treatment program available in the St. Louis area that has helped area residents reduce or eliminate their pain without surgery or long-term pain medications -- even for those who have sought treatment elsewhere without success. Associated Physicians Group provides a nationally acclaimed, evidence-based and patented program that has been used to treat more than 7,800 patients, many of whom already had bone-onbone osteoarthritis and still found real relief without surgery. Their program has an 87% success rate, defined as significant or complete reduction of pain with no knee replacement needed. The Associated Physicians Group program has three phases: Accurate Diagnosis This begins with a detailed medical consultation, orthopedic exam, X-rays and an evaluation performed by a licensed physical therapist specializing in knee arthritis. Pain Relief Your treatment team identifies the best pain relief modalities for each individual patient. One example is the unloader brace, which provides stability, support and dramatic pain relief by unloading pressure from the bone-on-bone side of the knee. This enables patients to once again participate in activities they

have been unable to do. This brace also opens up the joint space to make treatment more effective. Prevent & Restore In addition to relieving pain, APG’s program aims to inhibit further deterioration of the knee joint, restore function and build strength, so patients can participate in activities they enjoy. Viscosupplementation is a procedure in which lubricating fluid is injected into a joint. It stimulates the natural production of thick viscous joint fluid in the knee that enables long-term pain relief and restored quality of life. Unlike steroid injections that simply provide short-term pain relief, viscosupplementation injections remain in the joint and improve internal conditions within it. At APG, these injections are visually guided using a fluoroscope (live motion x-ray) and dye, to ensure that the fluid is precisely placed into the proper joint space. APG’s licensed therapists also use physical therapy to enhance the beneficial effects of the viscosupplementation. This helps develop a thick joint fluid that cushions the knee, inhibits accelerating joint damage, and reduces pain and inflammation. Their specialized progressive physical therapy works synergistically with the fluid injections to improve range of motion and strength. This course offers progressive improvement in movement and flexibility with decreasing pain and inflammation. Increased motion in turn stimulates the natural lubrication of the knee. While it does not eliminate osteoarthritis, it can significantly reduce pain—which in turn reduces stiffness – enabling patients to return to activities they enjoy. Associated Physicians Group is a health care practice focused on improving patients’ quality of life. Their team approach combines the expertise of medical providers, licensed physical therapists and advanced high-tech rehabilitation equipment. Physicians from leading medical institutions across the US have come to APG for training on this program. APG accepts almost all major insurances, including Medicare, TriCare and Essence. Associated Physicians Group is located at CityPlace 5, 845 N. New Ballas Road Suite 120 in Creve Coeur. You can reach them to schedule your free consultation at 314-200-0997, and you can learn more about this program at www.associatedphysicians.com/programs-services/knee-pain/ clm


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Health & Fitness

The Relaxing Way to Feeling Better and Better Health With a Master Spas Therapeutic Spa or Swim Spa


here are plenty of things you know that you “should” credits instruction in the swim spa with helping him develop the do to be healthier, but there is one very enjoyable best freestyle stroke of his career. option that can improve your health, help you sleep While the aerobic benefits of swimming are well known, a better, feel better and enhance your outlook on life. Michael Phelps Signature Swim Spa by Master Spas is for more A therapeutic spa than just swimming. The buoyancy of or swim spa at your home is an the water removes 90 percent of the affordable enhancement to your stress that land-based exercising places family’s well being that you can on the body, making it the ideal place to use every day. Before bed, a recover from hip, knee or back surgery. soothing hot water massage in The powerful therapy jets help to relieve a therapeutic spa is a peaceaches and pains. The standing therapy ful respite when you can relax cove brings that powerful therapy to and reflect on all that is right. It hard-to-reach places such as the lower calms you down for a peaceful back, hips and legs. night’s deep sleep. A swim spa The adjustable continuous current provides those benefits, and and temperature, full range of moenjoyable ways to achieve yeartion and lack of impact make the round fitness. And Master Spas Michael Phelps Signature Swim Spa offers the advanced design and ideal for year-round fitness exercises, MICHAEL PHELPS SIGNATURE SWIM SPA technology that has perfected jogging in place, usboth options. ing a kickboard or The Master Spas Therapeutic Spas rowing kit with resisimprove circulation, relieve joints, tance bands. soothe aching muscles and melt away The exclusive dealtension. The Xtreme Therapy Seat wraps er for Master Spas you in comfort while delivering hydroand Michael Phelps thermal therapy with its unique jets. The Signature Swim Spas, Xtreme Therapy Cove provides a comas well as Infrared plete therapeutic massage of lower back, Saunas in St. Louis is hips, thighs and calves. An optional surSpas and More! LLC round sound system allows you to enjoy with over 300 Swim music through the water. Five unique Spas and 1,800 Masspa lines offer over 40 models to choose ter Spas currently inLEGEND SERIES SPA from. Master Spas has a spa to fit stalled. As they say, any needs. “We put the Aaaahh Master Spas worked for 30 years in Spa.” Their large 6,000 square foot Showroom/Distribution to perfect the spa experience. Center has over 20 hot tubs, spas and swim spas on display, Each design is master crafted to starting as low as $3,995. You can call to arrange for your own achieve enhanced, innovative ther“wet test” appointment in a Master Spa or a Michael Phelps apy and ease of operation through Signature Swim Spa. high tech advancements in conSpas and More! stocks a complete struction, performance, insulaline of parts and supplies to support tion, filtration and heating. Master Spas and other brands. SerIn 2010 Michael Phelps and his coach Bob Bowman vice personnel are factory trained on were introduced to the top-performing Master Spas swim all products they sell. They are the spa. They loved the Wave Propulsion System and its adbi-state’s only Certified Spa Dealer by justable SwimNumber System. But for a unique athlete Spasearch Magazine and are a BBB Aclike Michael—who is tall and has long arms—the swim credited Business. area needed to be made deeper and longer, and the Wave PropulYou can visit their showroom at 12957 Gravois Road off Highsion System needed to be 40% faster so Michael had a speed that way 30 and Rahning Road, one mile west of I-270 in Sunset Hills, would be challenging in his everyday workouts. The result of their from 9am to 5pm Monday through Saturday. Website is www. suggestions is the Michael Phelps Signature Swim Spa. Michael spasandmorestl.com and phone number is 314-843-7727. clm 12 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 13

Health & Fitness

A Personal Trainer is the Key to Achieving Your Fitness Goals BY BRET KLIETHERMES


Solving the Three Barriers to Reaching Your Desired Weight, Strength and Appearance

here are important reasons why people want to start an exercise and nutrition program. To lose weight, get strong and healthy, look and be their best for an upcoming event, or to simply be a positive role model for their family. These reasons take on personal importance that is unique to each individual. What is not unique, however, are the three major barriers to success that my clients faced when they tried to reach these goals on their own. These issues are exactly why they turned to me to achieve the success you see in the example on this page, and why you may consider doing the same if you are having a hard time reaching your health and fitness goals:

inevitable that you will come up against frustrations, uncertainties and questions along the way. Having someone there to guide, motivate, educate, support and hold you accountable to what you have committed to do for yourself will prove to be one of the best ways to reach your goals.


If you are struggling with one or all of these problems on your path to improved health and fitness, then I would recommend not to waste another single day. I have helped dozens of clients achieve their goals and I can help you as well!

Bret Kliethermes is owner of Strong Human Fitness LLC, a personal training company that offers Complete Fitness 1. Not knowing how to put a complete Programs to help his clients reach their program together. A comprehensive personal health and fitness goals. Bret health and fitness program should has a Bachelors of Science in Health & consist of all the following with the Wellness Promotion from Missouri State proper amounts/ratios related to your University, is a Certified Strength & specific goals: Nutrition, SupplemenConditioning Specialist and Professional tation, Resistance Training, Cardiomember of the National Strength and vascular Exercise, Flexibility or MoConditioning Association. bility Work, and Proper Rest. If this Bret offers private and semi private trainseems a little overwhelming, you’re ing to fit all budgets and schedules. For a no not alone. obligation, no pressure consultation to discuss your goals and their programs to help AFTER 2. Not having a workable plan of ac- Wally Balden lost a total of 38 lbs. and dramatically lowyou achieve them, you can call Bret at 314tion. You can try the latest and great- ered his blood pressure and cholesterol. 691-9040, email bret@stronghumanfitness. est diet and exercise program known com, or visit www.stronghumanfitness.com. to man, but if it doesn’t fit into your schedule or physical Bret works with clients in private and semi private training at capabilities, as well as integrate all the components listed The Fitness Partner Inc., a boutique gym located in the Corporate above, then you’re simply wasting your time. A health and Plaza Building at 14528 South Outer 40 Road, Chesterfield 63017. fitness plan must be “doable” for the individual - otherwise it For 22 years they have offered members a private alternative to the is useless. large box gyms that are often noisy and overcrowded. Owner/operator Randy Stone has more than 25 years of personal training 3. Not having a proper support system in place. Making experience, knows all members by name, and can be found in the changes in your routine necessary for achieving specific gym 6 days a week. They offer 3, 6 and 12-month memberships to health and fitness goals can be extremely challenging. It’s fit your needs. clm 14 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 15

Health & Fitness

Now You Can Improve Bone Density, Muscle Strength and Balance Ten-minute session, once a week, provides measurable results.


or over a century it has been believed that simple weight-bearing exercise would increase bone strength, and could help prevent osteoporosis. Recent research, however, shows that standard exercise isn’t nearly as effective as had been traditionally believed for strengthening bones. A peer-reviewed study in 2012 determined that to increase bone density faster than one is losing it requires osteogenic loading, which is resistance of at least 4.2 times one’s body weight. Based on this research, Dr. John Jaquish in 2011 designed devices that could create the ideal set of resistance triggers to achieve these results. His patented machines provide brief osteogenic events that together take less than 10 minutes a week, yet are powerful enough to stimulate new bone. When done properly, osteogenic loading also triggers muscle development that is qualitatively different than from conventional exercise. Myofibrils are proteins within muscle cells that are responsible for contracting muscles. Only structural fatigue of muscle cells through high-resistance loading stimulates increased density of myofibrils, thereby strengthening the structure of muscle cells. The relationship between bone and muscle strengthening is important, because the central nervous system will not allow your muscles to become stronger than your skeletal system can handle. When you strengthen the skeletal system with osteogenic loading, you also unleash the true potential of your muscles. Developing skeletal strength and bone density will enable you to get more out of strength training. In 2012, wellness company OsteoStrong began offering Dr. Jaquish’s patented osteogenic loading system in centers across the US. To date thousands of people have experienced the benefits. A ten-minute sweat-free session in four different posi-

tions — loading the chest, leg/ hips, core and spine - triggers an adaptive flexing response in bones and connective muscles. This is done in safe positions self-imposed for maximum impact. The system improves overall strength, balance and posture, without fatigue or soreness. This system can yield improved bone density, muscle strength and balance. What’s more surprising is that it works for people of all ages. World-famous author and philanthropist Tony Robbins has taken a big interest in OsteoStrong and is convinced it will become a global phenomenon. He has personally experienced this system and at age 57 says he’s in the best shape of his life after adopting it. He is convinced that nothing else can develop strength of the bones and muscles with such minimal effort. Athletes, weekend warriors, and those well into their senior years are all benefiting greatly from the OsteoStrong system. For those looking to increase bone density and prevent fractures, it may be the answer. The first OsteoStrong center in the St. Louis area is now open in Creve Coeur at 12333 Olive Blvd, just west of Highway 270. You can call them at 314-300-6902 to schedule your free first session, which includes a complimentary HydroMassage. You can learn more about OsteoStrong, view members’ testimonials and schedule your complimentary session at http://www.osteostrongstlouis.com. clm

Tony Robbins Partners with OsteoStrong Entrepreneur, author and self-help guru Tony Robbins is also known for his dedication to fitness. Tony has been a long-time user of osteogenic loading, and is now a partner with OsteoStrong. Tony says, “I’ve improved my body’s strength by 164% in the past 10 months, and I am in better shape than I have ever been.” In addition to making a commitment to help grow the brand, he has contracted to open three OsteoStrong facilities of his own.


SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 17

Health & Fitness

An Effective Solution for an Uncomfortable Problem Infrared coagulation is a painless, lasting treatment for hemorrhoids.


lmost everyone suffers from hemorrhoids at some time in their lives. Hemorrhoids are normal “cushions” of tissue filled with blood vessels at the end of the rectum. If enlarged, they can cause unpleasant symptoms. If left untreated, surgery may be BY BETSY CLEMENS, M.D. required, which can be painful and require days in hospital and at home. Treatment options depend on the size of the hemorrhoids and severity of symptoms. Topical medications can relieve itching and shrink mild hemorrhoids. But for enlarged or bleeding hemorrhoids, options for longer-term relief have been limited to sclerotherapy, involving injections similar to those for varicose veins, rubber band ligation, stapling and surgery. Each of these can have varying results, cause days of discomfort and additional bleeding. But another option is available, an outpatient procedure called infrared coagulation (IRC). It provides long-term relief and is a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that many studies have shown to be the optimal non-operative treatment of choice.

It is fast, effective, well tolerated by patients and has fewer complications than other options. The IRC treatment focuses infrared light on hemorrhoidal tissues. This coagulates blood vessels, causing the hemorrhoid to shrink and retract. Scar tissue formed holds nearby veins in place so they don’t become enlarged. The IRC procedure does not require anesthesia or special preparation, and is covered by most insurance plans. Patients may feel a slight warm sensation but it usually is painless, and most patients return to work the same day. Betsy Clemens MD is owner and medical principal at Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, located at 450 North New Ballas Road in Creve Coeur. They are the St. Louis area leaders in infrared coagulation treatment, which received FDA clearance in 1984. Dr. Clemens is a board-certified physician licensed to practice medicine in Missouri. She received her medical degree from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and completed her residency at St. Johns Mercy Medical Center. For an appointment at the Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, you can call 314-384-5710. To learn more about them and about IRC, you can visit MWHTCmissouri.com. clm


Hypnosis Can Be Your Key to Change would like to take the mystery out of hypnosis as an effective therapy for enabling behavior change, by explaining how it works. Your c on s c i ou s mind contains your active thoughts, and the subconscious mind contains information that you act on. The unconscious is like a big filing cabinet that holds a record of everything you’ve ever experienced. All BY JOAN KRUEGER, your habits, behavCERTIFIED HYPNOTHERAPIST iors, responses, reactions, memories and emotions are stored there, as though there is a file for each. Hypnosis is the process of communicating with the subconscious mind. Before a hypnosis session, your therapist should ask specifically what behavior you would like to change. This identifies the file that you are currently working from. Hypnosis gets the subconscious part of your mind to open up so that a new file can be added about how you want to function. For instance, if you want to be a nonsmoker, change your eating habits, or be more confident. After the session, your mind has new information to begin to work from instead of working from the old information. With hypnosis you can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do. For hypnosis to work, the subject must willingly accept the change, because the conscious mind is still very aware of what is going on. At all times, the subject has complete power of selectivity, reacting only to suggestions that are reasonable and pleasing to them.


Joan Krueger has a private practice with an office in Kirkwood. Many individuals have achieved their goals, both personally and professionally, through guidance they have received in her hypnosis sessions. About 80% of people who Joan hypnotizes to stop smoking will quit after just one session. You can contact Joan to discuss how hypnosis could help you achieve positive change in your own life by calling her at (314) 962-7558, or visiting her Web site at www.jfkhypnosis.com. clm SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 19

Health & Fitness

The Village at Cape Albeon Offers the Best in Assisted Living Decades of Experience and Quality Staff Make the Difference


hen an elderly family member needs greater help in everyday living, the option for assisted living care comes into focus. For families that have a loved one with a need for assisted living, it’s not always readily apparent what distinguishes one facility from another. It is important to research their histories and check references from families based on experience with them. One assisted living community located in the heart of St. Louis County that is very well established, with a 17-year heritage and long-term, quality staff providing loving care is The Village at Cape Albeon. Unlike some of the new large, multi-story assisted living facilities located on busy thoroughfares, The Village offers assisted living in its own one-story building, so there are no steps or elevators that can be safety hazards. The Village is located on a quiet lane on the Cape Albeon campus, in a natural setting with two lakes. The Village offers comfortable living in a beautiful setting. Dining room, living room, chapel, enclosed courtyard, outdoor lake scenery and wildlife encourage gathering, social interaction and quiet contemplation. A full calendar of activities and events on the Cape Albeon campus, as well as group outings to points of interest contribute to the quality of life and provide residents with plenty to look forward

to. The cuisine is a true point of distinction, and family members often bring friends to enjoy meals with them in a private dining room available for those occasions. A nurse and well-trained aides attend to the needs and condition of assisted living residents. By encouraging residents, staff empower them to do more and enjoy life more. As a Life Plan Community, Cape Albeon are able to accommo-date changing needs of residents over the years they are there. The Village provides a home-like atmosphere and their mission is to always put residents’ needs first. Cape Albeon is a faith community that welcomes all faiths, and as a not-for-profit organization they never have to cut corners to make a profit. Cape Albeon is a beautiful, caring community that also offers retirement apartments, independent living cottages and top-quality transitional memory and respite care. Cape Albeon is a member of the St. Andrew’s Resources for Seniors family, a highly respected senior service provider founded in 1961. Cape Albeon is located just west of the intersection of Big Bend and Dougherty Ferry Roads. To learn more about Cape Albeon, you can call (636) 861-3200 to arrange a visit and tour, and you can visit their website at www.CapeAlbeon.com. clm

Recent Comments from Residents and Their Families “I have lived at Cape Albeon for 18 years. I started out in one of the independent living Cottages, and transitioned to assisted living at The Village. There are numerous activities like yoga and exercise, and lots of fun people around. We have 24-hour care; it’s good to know that help is here when I need it.” — Lolly Wehrli

“My mother is 95 and moved to Cape Albeon a year ago from a senior facility in Iowa. She is in assisted living but receives extra help with their Navigator's Club for residents needing memory care. It is perfect for her - the privacy and comfort of an apartment with assistance she needs and activities she is capable of doing – the best of both worlds. The Village is decorated very nicely and the food is far superior to Mom's previous facility, with fresh fruits and vegetables, quality meats and yummy desserts. I did not see another place for my mom that would compare.” — Judy Comfort 20 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM

“Our family visited ten or twelve care facilities and found Cape Albeon to be ideal for my sister’s needs. The assisted living facility is on one floor, and each resident has a private room. The nurses and staff are well qualified and competent, and gave me a lot of confidence. They always show compassion and understanding toward the residents.” — Garrett Headrick

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 21

Health & Fitness

Mold In Your Home Can Threaten Your Health Don’t delay addressing the problem, or it could get worse.


old has received a great deal of media attention in recent years. The effects of mold on our bodies are just now being understood and while rare, serious health effects from exposure do occur. Black mold can cause allergic reactions that include runny noses, itchy and watery eyes, coughing, sneezing and throat irritation. This can develop into asthma and obstructive pulmonary disease. When moisture is present, molds can grow on virtually any substance, and people are more susceptible to the health effects when it occurs indoors. Prompt attention to water damage or visible mold can often keep a minor problem from becoming major. It is important that experts in interior mold are called in when it is first suspected to determine the scope of the damage as well as action plans for removal. One company with extensive experience in mold inspection and remediation is St. Louis Cleaning & Restoration, formerly known as Steamatic of St. Louis. Their technicians and environmental professionals have the experience and tools to assess mold damage and also the cause, including ambient moisture and humidity problems. They will determine if a loss is indicated, the scope of work required and a cost estimate for removal. Once the estimate is accepted, work can begin quickly. St. Louis Cleaning & Restoration has experience working in collaboration with insurance companies and has earned their trust and respect. They use only the highest quality HEPA filtration equipment and state-of-the-art technology to treat and abate fungal contamination. Technicians will first stabilize the environment to control moisture levels if necessary. Areas with heavy mold growth will be cleaned, sanded, HEPA vacuumed or removed as necessary. If there is microbial growth within your air system, their technicians will use their proprietary equipment to clean and treat the system with an anti-microbial solution. If you suspect a mold problem in your home or place of business, you can call St. Louis Cleaning & Restoration at 314-3845707, and you can learn more about their services at www.stlcandr.com. clm 22 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM

Taking the Stress out of Getting an MRI When traditional MRIs make you uncomfortable, an Open Upright MRI may help you get the scan you need.


RI scans can be stressful – even if you’re not usually claustrophobic. The traditional “tube-style” MRIs are often the ones to cause the most anxiety. There are also “open” MRIs – that help some feel comfortable enough to get a scan. But for those who struggle to get through an exam on an open MRI, there’s an alternative. While an open MRI scans you lying down, an Open Upright MRI scans you seated or standing. The machine components are located on either side of you, and there’s nothing overhead. You can easily see in front of you. Sometimes you can watch TV as a distraction. For many, the design of the Open Upright scanner makes the difference in getting the scan they need. One patient, Penny, says traditional MRIs make her feel ill. “I feel sick to my stomach. I am really claustrophobic,” she states. But Penny had a completely different experience with an Open Upright MRI. She could see the technologist, Travis, and talk to him. “He was in the room with me. I could see him, and it was okay,” she adds. “We’re trying our best to help out so we can get them on to their next part of treatment,” notes Travis, “because a lot of

times they can’t move on.” He says an MRI is the gold standard because it shows much more detail. And the Open Upright MRI works for nearly all of his patients. He asserts that 99% of patients tell him they’d come back if they needed another scan. With a doctor’s referral, you may schedule an appointment for an Open Upright MRI in Creve Coeur, by calling 314.291. OPEN (6736). For more information about the Open Upright MRI or about the high-field open MRI scanner at Ellisville, you can visit myCDI.com/StLouis. clm

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 23

Health & Fitness

Radon is a SILENT KILLER You can’t see, smell or taste it . . . and it may be in your home.


adon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. Radon is drawn into homes from the surrounding soil, through foundation cracks and other openings. Radon gas decays into radioactive particles that can get trapped in your lungs when you breathe. These particles can damage lung tissue and lead to lung cancer over the course of your lifetime. It’s estimated that radon causes over 21,000 deaths each year in the U.S, and it is now the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. About one in three homes in the Midwest has detectable levels of radon, but you can protect the future of your family’s health by addressing radon risks now. RADON TESTING You can purchase a do-it-yourself testing kit, or hire a radon measurement specialist to do it. If you are buying or selling a property, it is recommended that a licensed professional conduct the test to furnish a certified radon level report. RADON MITIGATION If your radon levels are found to be elevated, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends that you have a qualified radon mitigation contractor reduce your radon levels. Air drawn through cracks in your foundation that contains radon needs to be redirected. One or more holes are drilled in the concrete basement floor and connected to a PVC pipe that directs the air up to a fan unit that draws and vents it safely away from your home. Other cracks, spaces and joints are sealed to keep radon from entering. Within thirty days, retesting is done to make sure that the system is effectively removing any radon from your home. A leader in radon mitigation in our area is Woods Basement Systems, Inc. They can provide you a radon testing kit for just $22.00, including lab fees. Woods is also is certified to provide radon mitigation, to make your home a healthier, safe environment. You can call them to discuss radon at 866-735-1890, and you can learn more about their radon services at www.betterbasementvalue.com. clm


Give Your Home a Fresh New Look this Spring Kathy Arnold Painting & Remodeling is a professional full service painting company. We provide exceptional interior and exterior painting, kitchen cabinet refinishing and remodeling.

We have over 30 years experience and are considered one of the best residential painters in St. Louis. Let us bid on your project to help give your home a new personality, c ha r m a nd a t r u ly d i s t i nc t ive appea ra nce. We a r e happy to provide excellent references.

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Wildlife and Native Landscaping Bring the delight of perennial wildflowers and native grasses to your own yard. Butterflies, hummingbirds and migratory birds will follow. GARDEN GREEN provides landscape design and installation of annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, soil, stone and mulch. Offers maintenance and renovation of residential and commercial properties; spectacular gardens, identification and removal of invasive plants, rainscaping, deerresistant gardens and more.

Summer is a great time to plant. Call or email today for a free consultation.


Horticulture Service

314-288-5036 garden_green@live.com

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 25

Landscapes & Exteriors

The Basement Egress Window Adds safety, appeal and value to your home

inishing your basement is the most efficient way to add useable space to your home. If you have or are planning sleeping rooms downstairs, you need to make sure that there are two exits for emergencies. If your home does not have a walk-out basement, this usually requires an escape, or egress window. It is important to know your local residential building codes for egress. St. Louis County building permit requirements state that all basement bedrooms must have one window for emergency escape with a sill no more than 44 inches above the floor and a minimum clear opening area of 5.0 square feet. The emergency escape window must be operable from the inside without need for special knowledge, tools, or extra force beyond that required for a normal window. But don’t just think of the basement egress window as a requirement. It can also add natural light and ventilation and with an expanded window well it can be an attractive feature, with flowers and plants on the terraced steps. The overall enhance-


ments of safety, light, ventilation and more attractive appearance add to the value of your home. One company that is expert in structural basement improvements is Woods Basement Systems. They will be happy to give you a free estimate to install a basement egress window in your home. You can call them at 866-735-1890 or learn more at betterbasementvalue.com. clm


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www.marblelife-stlouis.com email:SUMMER stlouis-office@marblelife.com 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 27



Landscapes & Exteriors

Great Room Comfort Many homeowners complain about excessive heat and glare from the sun


reat rooms, with their large windows and b eautiful views, provide a wonderful open feeling and their large windows provide great views of the outdoors. For many homeowners the great room was the feature that convinced them to purchase their home, and is the room they enjoy the most. However, many homeowners with great rooms complain about excessive heat from the sun and glare they experience during hours of direct sunlight. And the problem is not only during warm weather months. During winter the sun is actually lower in the sky, meaning that it shines more directly into the great room. Now there is a new generation of exterior shading products that dramatically reduce heat and glare, especially in great rooms, without requiring a change to the beauty of the interior craftsmanship. These solar screens shade from the outside. If you can stop the harmful rays from passing through your window with an outdoor solar screen, you will eliminate the inside greenhouse effect which captures and retains the excessive indoor heat. Outdoor Shade is so much more effective than the best windows, tinting, or blinds. You will stop the heat, stop the glare and stop the fading. Great Room Solar Screens cover windows from the outside, while still permitting light to come through, maintaining outdoor views. They are motorized and easy to operate with either a hand-held remote control or a wallmounted remote control. When the sun is not blazing through the window, you can simply retract the solar screen into its discreet, overhead cassette. The smaller screens are fully wind resistant and the larger ones are rated for winds of 40 miles per hour (and winds seldom exceed 40 mph on sunny days). Adding to the convenience is the option of having a sun sensor that automatically extends the solar screen during times




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of intense sunlight and then retracts the solar screen during dim lighting or cloudy conditions. You can reduce air conditioning and fading of furnishings and woodwork by blocking undesirable heat and ultraviolet light. During cooler weather you can retract them to allow the warmth of the sun to enter your home, keeping your heating costs down. For more information on this new generation of Great Room Comfort, you can contact Shade Your World. Entering their 25th summer of business, this company has provided more

retractable awnings than any other company in this area, as well as a full range of outdoor shading products. Their mission is to Shade Your World and Brighten Your Day. Each product is custom designed to your individual specifications and will be built and installed within three weeks. Now you can shade your windows like never before. To learn more about shading products from Shade Your World, or for a free in-home estimate, you can call them at 314.740.5100 or visit their website at ShadeStL.com. clm



Outdoor Living Spaces l u f i t u Bea Bringing Friends & Family Together . . . One Backyard at a Time





Deck & Patio Living creates outdoor living spaces you will love - great for dining, entertaining or simply relaxing - so you can enjoy the outdoors come rain or shine. Decks • Under Deck Ceilings • Retractable Awnings • Louvered Roofs • Solar Shades • Sunrooms

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with Under Deck Ceiling or Louvered Roof projects of $2500 or more!*

*Minimum purchase required. Includes up to 8 LED lights. Not valid on prior sales or with any other discounts or offers. Offer expires 8/30/17.

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 29

your free design consultation


Landscapes & Exteriors

Keeping Wooden Roofs Beautiful Periodic treatment preserves & protects


o other exterior building material compares with wood for its warm, natural look, resilience and versatility. Cedar shake roofs, oak or pine log or cedar walls, down to redwood decks, a wooden home has a distinctive look that improves with age. However, to keep wood exteriors looking their best and prevent deterioration that can lead to costly repairs, it's important to periodically treat wood surfaces that start to dull or darken with mold, show signs of mildew or have lost protection from the elements. Wood surfaces that are unprotected degrade from exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun. These harmful rays turn bare wood dark, dull and uneven in color. Rain penetrates the wood, causing it to swell. Then blistering heat from the sun dries it. This cycle can cause wood to warp, splinter and crack. Moisture also can make cedar and other woods conducive to mold and mildew. Unlike most other building materials, however, wood exteriors can be restored and maintained through proper care and treatment. Preserving wood protects it from moisture and sunlight, and helps it last twice, even three times as long. This extended life makes cedar roofs, wood siding and decks cost-effective building solutions. The experts at Aspen Touch Cedar Restoration & Installation have more than 25 years of experience in preserving, repairing

and replacing wood roofs, natural wood siding and decks on St. Louis’s finest homes. Th eir re storation pr ocess us es a hi ghpressure wash to remove algae, moss and lichen, returning wood to its natural color. Shingles are repaired, replaced and nailed as needed. Finally, a quality sealer/stain is applied. This restoration is also effective for asphalt roofs. Aspen Touch is also expert in installing new cedar shake roofs, siding and decking. They c an h elp y ou m ake i nformed d ecisions about preserving the beauty and value of your wood exteriors. You can call them at , email aspentouch.rick@gmail.com or visit their website www.aspentouch.com. clm


Does Your Home Have Uneven Concrete SurfacesWalks, Steps, Patio, Pool Deck or Driveway? These are unsightly and also tripping hazards that could cause injuries.


ou may have tilting concrete steps or sidewalks, driveways or patios where a seam has turned into a step, or repeated cracking in sections of concrete slabs. These problems are often the result of a shifting or a weak soil base or erosion. In the past, contractors relied upon mud jacking or slab jacking to level concrete that had settled over time. This involves pumping concrete slurry under the settled slab to raise it, hoping that the settlement won’t continue. But that requires large holes in the concrete - about the diameter of a soda can. It can take an entire day to cure and the mixture itself is heavy – about 100 pounds per cubic foot, which can lead to further sinking. There is now a great alternative called PolyLEVEL™, which uses a lightweight polyurethane mix that expands to fill the void beneath sunken concrete. This not only results in a solu-

tion that lasts longer, but also it looks better because it is less destructive to the applied surface. PolyLEVEL requires a much smaller hole – about the diameter of a penny, cures in 15 minutes and weighs much less – about two pounds per cubic foot. It lifts concrete slabs to a level position with less weight and disruption than the legacy mud jacking or slab jacking process. The result is a safe, secure and level concrete slab. In the St. Louis area, Woods Basement Systems is the authorized contractor for PolyLEVEL concrete lifting. They will inspect your concrete walk, steps, pool deck, patio or driveway and provide an estimate to have your sunken concrete slab lifted with PolyLEVEL. To meet with one of their concrete repair experts, you can call them at 866-735-1890 or learn more at www.betterbasementvalue.com. clm

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 31


Landscapes & Exteriors

Discovering Pleasures of Outdoor Living It’s about the outdoor spaces now most desired by homeowners


recent survey of American homeowners and those actively looking for a house produced some surprising findings. One of the biggest was the desire for outdoor living spaces. It was the No. 1 “must-have,” even among those who live in climates where outdoor areas can’t be used completely year-round. Here in St. Louis, our weather allows you to live outdoors for more than half the year, plus those winter days when we wonder if spring is arriving early! These outdoor spaces are not just patios, decks or gardens. They are furnished outdoor retreats, providing convergence between indoor and outdoor living. They are similar in size, design, features and quality materials to the adjacent indoor spaces that feel both expansive to nature and intimate at the same time. To maximize year-round enjoyment, many additions can be made such as: covering outdoor areas, adding ceiling fans, installing outdoor fireplaces and fire pits, cozy seating, and often can include complete outdoor kitchens. Full wall-size screens and solar shades protect from bugs and the sun, and then can be retracted to open up completely to the outdoors. In the St. Louis area, one company that has been leading this trend to creative outdoor living spaces is Heartlands Building Company. Since 2002, Heartlands has become known as a designer and builder of custom outdoor living areas, with over 2,000 satisfied customers. Their success is fueled by their passion for delivering quality. Larry Brost, founder of Heartlands, focuses on listening to customers and working with their ideas for how they would like to use outdoor living areas. “Customer thoughts and desires are compiled into a design document and eventually into building plans. They can’t always visualize the final product, but they can describe how they plan to enjoy their outdoor areas, ranging from date nights to barbecuing to entertaining family and friends.” Customers are pleasantly surprised that their design is exactly what they wanted. Larry believes in fully integrating outdoor

living spaces into the existing home. These outdoor retreats are constructed for frequent high traffic use, and to be worryfree long after completion, Heartlands uses the most durable exterior rated products. This passion for quality is shared by co-owners Dick O’Brien, Adam Twellman and Jake Halloran. Heartlands Building Company has enhanced many of St. Louis County’s finest homes, and will work closely with you to develop a design, work plan and a fixed price for your dream project. You can call Heartlands for a free an-home consultation or an appointment at their showroom in Chesterfield Valley at 636-728-0003. You can learn more about them and view a gallery of their screen rooms, decks, homes and additions at www.heartlandshome.com. clm WHAT HEARTLANDS CUSTOMERS HAVE TO SAY “I had a vision in my mind of what we wanted, but as much as we’ve enjoyed this room, it has exceeded our expectations. I don’t think we’ve ever spent this much time outside as we have since we had the room built. When we come home from work we go out to our screen room and relax. It’s like coming home to a mini vacation.” – Bob and Marty Lutter “We’ve never seen any other outdoor living area that really compares to ours. We have a wonderful addition to our home that meets all our needs and wants. We absolutely love everything about it and receive so many compliments on it. It's such a fun and relaxing place to be and we couldn't ask for anything better!” – Brett and Missy Lewis “We visited the Heartlands website and showroom, met with owner Larry Brost, and were immediately impressed. It gave us hope that we could achieve our backyard dreams. We just love to spend time in the backyard now. It’s so relaxing! We never imagined how dramatic the difference would be.” – Matt & Rhonda Liesenfeld



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Mold, mildew, fungi and algae not only make your roof look bad, but they cause premature deterioration.

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SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 33

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Landscapes & Exteriors

Homeowner Discovers a Better Option Than Painting Friends’ advice made a big difference for two of his homes



hris Berry and his family had lived in the stucco and stone home they built in Sunset Hills about 11 or 12 years when it again came time to paint the exterior. As he was planning to have the job done, Chris learned from some good friends about an alternative to painting that they encouraged him to consider. One couple lived in an older home nearby that he had always admired. And his sister and her husband had a condominium at Lake of the Ozarks with a lot of exterior cedar siding that previously had required repainting every few years. What these friends had in common was that instead of having to paint on regular basis, they had discovered a better solution that is warrantied for 25 years. It is a different product and a different process for exterior finishes, a very durable ceramic coating called Rhino Shield. Chris really liked the idea of not having to paint his home again, and he found the warranty very appealing. So he called Rhino Shield for an inspection and estimate. He was impressed by their comprehensive approach to not just coating, but fully protecting his home. Once they started the job, Chris really gained an appreciation of the Rhino Shield difference. First they completely power-washed the exterior, replacing boards as needed. He liked that he didn’t have to separately hire a carpenter to do repairs needed. They then coated every crack with a 60-year elastomeric caulk. They thoroughly masked all of the stone surfaces before applying an adhesive prime sealer to the stucco that waterproofs and also bonds to the coats of durable ceramic finish. Chris said that when the job was finished, the home looked brand new. He never knew that painted stucco could look that good. There is a clean crisp vibrancy to the finish, a thicker, richer look than paint. He also had comments from friends and neighbors who complimented him on the appearance.


As it turned out, Chris and his family moved from that home just a few years later, so they personally didn’t get the full benefit of the 25-year warranty. However, when they sold their home, not only did it still look great, but they found that the transferrable Rhino Shield warranty was an impressive selling point. They moved to a townhome complex nearby, and soon Chris was recruited to join the homeowners’ board. One immediate project they faced was the need to restore the exteriors of their Tudor style buildings. They had been thinking about adding siding, but were concerned about the cost. Chris suggested that they consider Rhino Shield. The other board members had seen his previous home and liked the look and quality of the job. So they got bids on painting, siding and Rhino Shield. The other board members decided not to use siding, and they really liked being able to get out of the cycle of repainting every few years. They agreed that Rhino Shield would be a sound investment, and hired them to do the exterior coating. Chris was especially pleased that the same crew that had worked at his house would be doing the work on the townhomes. He had found them to be very methodical, respectful and responsive to his requests. That project is currently underway, and should be completed by the time you read this. When it’s time for an exterior finish for your home that will really last, you can call the professionals at Rhino Shield for a free inspection and estimate at 877-257-4466. They are rated A+ with the Better Business Bureau, and consistently win Super Service awards locally and nationally. You can visit their website www.87725RHINO.com for videos, photos and testimonials from other homeowners in this area who have discovered the difference Rhino Shield makes on their homes and also commercial properties. clm

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 35

Landscapes & Exteriors

Does Your Home Have Damage from Wind or Hail?

A Consumer Advocate works for you, not the insurance company.







Consumer Advocate gives you a voice in the claims process by assessing and informing you of the true condition of your home’s exterior, before you file a claim. They also offer assistance when you believe the insurance company has missed damage, or if they have devalued or minimized your claim. Homeowners in the St. Louis area are certainly aware of the severe weather we have experienced over the past few years. It is important to understand that damage to homes and businesses is not always obvious and may not be easily detected by the average homeowner – especially high on the roof.

DAMAGE FROM HAIL AND SEVERE WINDSTORMS Photos on this page show typical damage that can occur from hail and severe windstorms. Impact holes and tattered edges of cedar shingles, denting on a roof vent cap, a dented gutter downspout and a torn window screen help verify hail impact. Hail damage to asphalt roof shingles includes tattered edges, shingle loss, extreme granule loss and penetration holes. Damage from severe winds to asphalt roofs includes lifting, tearing and even missing shingles. A driving hailstorm can also dent the fins of an air conditioning unit. When the wind gets under asphalt shingles and lifts them, it can pop the glue tabs and nails, causing shingles to tear, not lie down and re-adhere. Damage to shingles can reduce their useful life and also expose cracks where water can penetrate, making the roof vulnerable to future leaks and more severe exterior and interior damage. If the roof is compromised in this way, it is important that it is completely replaced rather than patched or partially replaced, since there are very likely other areas where the damage is not as obvious. Damage to gutters can cause leaks that rot the soffits where they are attached or cause water to pour down to the foundation or fill window wells, causing further problems.



Damage to air conditioning fins can impair operation, reducing airflow and raising the refrigerant temperature, leading to lost performance and reliability. IMPORTANCE OF A SECOND OPINION To determine damage, insurance companies will send an inspector to your home, right after the storm or up to several months later. Inspectors often miss these signs of damage, causing claims to be denied or limited to only what the inspector has seen. It is important that homeowners have an advocate who can provide a “second opinion” in the event that their insurance company denies or limits their liability to lesser damage than actually exists. Someone who can guide you through the claim process to make it easier, and assist in getting the maximum benefit your policy allows. Aspen Touch is a roof restoration, consulting and design company. It is a local, third-generation contractor and advocate for homeowners, with expertise in storm damage and repair, including not just roofs but also siding, gutters, windows and more. Aspen Touch helps homeowners streamline the insurance process, while assuring that you get the maximum benefit your policy allows. Many homeowners have found that damage to their roofing, siding and gutters have met their insurance companies’ criteria to authorize full roof replacement. Before contacting your insurance company, you can contact Aspen Touch for a free evaluation and consultation on your home’s exterior and any storm damage. They are fully insured, and have helped numerous homeowners acquire new roofs, siding, gutters and repairs to their properties affected by storms. You can reach their experienced inspectors at 636-458-8878 or by email at aspentouch.rick@gmail.com. You can learn more on their website www.aspentouch.com. clm


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SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 37

Landscapes & Exteriors

Landscape and Architectural Lighting Add Beauty, Intrigue and Enjoyment to Your Home and Yard


ou have undoubtedly had the experience of driving down suburban streets on dark nights and seeing in the distance, dramatically standing out against the dark sky, the glowing image of a home beautifully lit by outdoor lighting. As you get closer, you see the highlighted architectural features gracefully showcased by precise accent lighting, or sparkling foliage in the yard – glowing trees, bushes, plantings, water features, or softly lit pathways. As much as you might appreciate how gorgeous these lighted homes look, to really understand the appeal of custom outdoor lighting, you should talk to homeowners who have it at their homes. They will tell you that the lighting provides a magical experience they enjoy every night and also early in the morning before the sun comes up. Custom outdoor lighting highlights a home’s special features, adding curb appeal, intrigue and enjoyment for the homeowner, visitors and those who drive by. The lighting becomes part of the unique signature of the home; it changes with seasonal foliage and evolves as the plantings grow over the years. Here are some ideas to inspire you to take advantage of the benefits of custom outdoor lighting at your own home. ARCHITECTURAL LIGHTING Architectural lighting emphasizes the unique built features of your home and yard. Targeted lighting can accentuate entryway arches, door frames, and columns. Lighting can call attention to statues, sculptures, outdoor gazebos, water fountains, all normally enjoyed in daylight but that become truly magical when highlighted at night. GARDEN, LANDSCAPE & PATHWAY LIGHTING Have you ever enjoyed your garden in the evening? With landscape lighting

you can. Flowers have a different glow, pathways feel majestic. Up-lit trees and bushes look like glowing sculpture, and with seasonal changes and movement in the wind they become living pieces of art. Shrubs, flower beds and paths can be softly illuminated at ground level. Or “moonlighting” - lights high up in trees aiming down onto walkways, patios or yards provide dramatic effects and improve safety and security for visitors and family. DECK AND PATIO LIGHTING Entertaining at night is more festive with landscape lighting, and having your deck or patio well lit allows the party to last longer and makes the evening more memorable. Steps are safer and guests are more at ease. SUBMERSIBLE LIGHTING The sounds of a waterfall, pond, or stream are relaxing and refreshing. Now imagine lights dancing off the reflections, or the glow coming from a pond. And your swimming pool,

with improved lighting in and surrounding it becomes your own private Blue Lagoon. When it comes to landscape and architectural lighting for your home, experience counts. Jeff Mitchell Lighting is the St. Louis area’s most experienced professional outdoor lighting provider. Since 1997 they have installed and maintained lighting systems at many of the finest homes and most visible public attractions in the St. Louis area. They also provide turnkey service installing, removing and storing custom Christmas lighting. Jeff Mitchell Lighting has excellent references from their enthusiastic customers, and their passion for providing quality fixtures, creative designs, professional installation and customer service continues to show year after year. You can learn more about them at www.jeff-mitchell-lighting.com. If you would like to schedule a design consultation or simply need information, you may call Jeff Mitchell Lighting any time at 314-665-2500. TU7 clm


Finest Custom Table Pads at Factory-Direct Prices The way to assure perfect fit for table pads is for the provider to visit your home to accurately measure and show you sample colors and textures to match your table and décor. Custom Table Pads & Linens, an independent St. Louis dealer, provides the finest custom Americanmade table pads at factory-direct prices. They measure at your home or business, and show you a choice of 23 vinyl tops and 5 velvet bottoms. Perfect fit is guaranteed. Pads are heat resistant to 550 o, moisture and warp resistant. Patented hidden magnets minimize separation and slippage on your table. Custom Table Pads & Linens also sells country club quality table linens and accessories in hundreds of colors and textures, with the look and feel of cotton linen at a fraction of the cost.

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SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 39

Landscapes & Exteriors

Relax, Refresh, Rejuvenate Create a Natural Water Habitat that will enhance your lifestyle


magine yourself swept up in a daydream, trying to escape the frustrations of the day. You close your eyes and fill your head with thoughts of that favorite vacation to the lake, the ocean or the mountains. The tranquil sounds of nature and the water sooth your soul and instantly melt away all your stress. The memory is so vivid you can actually hear the trickling movement of the water, and dragonflies singing in your ear. You slowly open your eyes and realize that those sounds of nature are echoing from your own personal aquatic paradise. You look around your yard in amazement at your gorgeous waterfall and flowing stream cascading into the pond below decorated by a variety of luscious aquatic plants. The majestic Koi seem to almost float through the crystal clear water as they eat from your hand. You think to yourself. . . This is Paradise! . . . Life is Good! Nothing brings people together more than water. Having a professionally designed, eco-friendly, low maintenance water feature installed at your home not only improves the environment, but also your lifestyle. The next time you need a break from the rat race, consider enhancing your life with a custom aquatic paradise of your own. And it gets even more relaxing than that. As you imagine your lush water feature, picture yourself and your family right in there yourselves, communing and swimming with nature. These are not murky, smelly ponds, but lush waterscapes where plants thrive, beautiful koi playfully swim, and are pristine enough that you can get in and enjoy a swim. The water quality of these swim ponds, when designed and built correctly, and with minimal maintenance, makes them a great alternative to a traditional swimming pool that will give you enjoyment all year round. Welcome to the world of natural swimming ponds, where growing plants and natural filtration make it possible to enjoy

a safe dip in clean, fresh water. A recreational pond is an eco-friendly alternative to building a traditional pool, and one that is integrated with nature and pleasing to look at year-round. And unlike a pool, a pond becomes the centerpiece of a backyard paradise that can breed biodiversity, attracting wildlife including birds, dragonflies, frogs, butterflies and hummingbirds. Chris Siewing is owner and president of Nature’s Re-Creations, nationally recognized

as Master Certified Aquascape Contractors, first place winner of the North American Pond/Waterfall Competition and named by Aquascape as Artist of the Year in 2012. Nature’s Re-Creations stays on the cutting edge of technology and installation techniques to continually improve their projects and the environment. To discuss a water feature project, you can contact Chris Siewing at 314-220-3841 or check out their gallery at www.RecreateNature.com or their portfolio at Facebook.com/NaturesReCreations. clm


SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 41

Landscapes & Exteriors

Native Planting Conversions

Are Solutions for Dull or Problem Landscapes Those Areas Become Beautiful Self-Managing Naturescapes


f there is a section of your lawn that needs to be mowed, BY STEVE CALLOWAY fertilized and weed killers applied, and after all that is still just ordinary, uninteresting lawn, there is an alternative that is worth considering. Instead, you can convert that part of your lawn to a naturescape meadow, an expanse of native plant varieties that doesn't require mowing, chemicals or even watering. Create a diverse array of perennial plantings, including beautiful wildflowers that bloom from April through October and come back better year after year. This organic, self-managing meadow eliminates exhaust emissions, air and ground pollution, herbicides and pesticides. And your natural prairie will absorb water and reduce erosion problems. The result of this conversion is an ever-changing naturescape that improves your quality of life by attracting birds, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators, attractions that enhance your home’s connection with nature. If you have sections of lawn under trees where grass just doesn’t seem to consistently grow, or that are over-exposed to sun where grass burns out, you can convert them to mulched perennial gardens. You can eliminate the frustration of seeing grass in those areas that may start out looking nice in the spring, but by mid-summer has worn away to bare dirt where crabgrass and weeds quickly fill in. Instead you can have creative arrays of bluebells, groundcover ginger, Ohio horsemint, white anemone and other native perennials that will thrive and with just once-a year composting will burst out of the ground into

a beautiful variety of colors and shapes year after year. There are also economic benefits: in those areas you have eliminated mowing, fertilizing, weed killers and upkeep. And, real estate professionals will confirm that these plantings increase property values. If you have wooded borders that are overgrown with honeysuckle, kudzu and other invasive species, you can replace those with attractive native shrubs and flowering trees. Eliminating these dense clusters of gnarled plants will open up areas of your yard to sunlight, providing more pleasant views and a neater appearance for your yard. You will be amazed at the difference a professional crew can make in tackling these areas, and how attractive they can become with planting of native shrubs and flowering trees. Steve Calloway is owner of Garden Green Horticulture Service. They revitalize and restore gardens, and convert areas of ordinary lawn or problem growth with beautiful native plantings that will make landscapes better year after year. Steve also helps homeowners select the plants, trees and shrubbery that best meet their aesthetic desires and that will thrive in the sunlight, soil and moisture conditions in their yards. You can call or email Steve for a complimentary consultation in your yard, to identify your plants and advise on how to keep them healthy and looking their best. You can reach Steve at 314-288-5036 or garden_green@live.com. clm


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mobot.org St. Louis Art Fair


County Living Magazine Late Summer/Early Fall Activities & Events August 12 The Magic House magichouse.org


September 9-11 Downtown Clayton ake advantage of these wonderful annual events. Make this the season you get out beyond your own Festival of the Little Hills culturalfestivals.com neighborhood and enjoy the special festivals and entertainment events across the St. Louis metro area.

St. Louis County Parks Food Truck Fest & Entertainment

7/26 - Creve Coeur Park Soulard Blues Band 8/4 - Laumeier Sculpture Park Power Play Band 9/1 - Laumeier Sculpture Park The Tail Poppies 9/15 - Pavillion at Lemay Ralph Butler Duo stlouisco.com/parks/faust Grooving in the Garden Celia’s Sing-A-Long Party

Festival of Nations

Loufest Loufest


August 26 & 27 Tower Grove Park festivalofnationsstl.org

August 19-21 Frontier Park St. Charles Japanese Festival festivalofthelittlehills.com

September19-10 10-11 September Forest ForestPark Park loufest.com loufest.com 48 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | WWW.COUNTYLIVINGMAG.COM Mosaics, Festival of the Arts

CLM fall2016.indd 48

Sept 2-4 MO Botanical Garden mobot.org

September 15-17 Main Street, St. Charles historicstcharles.com Great Forest Park Balloon Race

Labor Day Bash with The Bucket List Band

September 15-16 Forest Park greatforestparkballoonrace.com August 11 The Magic House magichouse.org Festival of the Little Hills

September 1, 6-10 p.m. Aspen Center, Innsbrook Call 636.928.3366 x0

Taste of St. Louis

Labor Day Monday, September 4 St. Louis Art Fair September 15-17 Chesterfield Amphitheater tastestl.com

August 18-20 Frontier Park St. Charles festivalofthelittlehills.com

Sep Kirk gree

September 8-10 Downtown Clayton culturalfestivals.com

Saint Charles Oktoberfest September 22-24 Frontier Park historicstcharles.com


Sep Dow oldw

Charting a Whole New Course of Action

Introducing new Active Discovery Cruises from Avalon Waterways


veryone travels to see new things, but many travel to do new things as well. With the introduction of the new Avalon Waterways Active Discovery Cruises on the Danube and Rhine, there is something for travelers with varying interests and for all fitness levels. You can now hike, bike, and explore your way through the scenic and historic wonders of the world. On these interactive and energetic cruises, you have opportunities to spend time with locals and learn about local traditions and culture with hands-on activities, and they pack in real get-up-and-go for those who like to do the same. Of course Avalon travelers have the opportunity to get their hearts pumping on every cruise. All of their ships are equipped with bicycles for those who wish to pedal their way through the villages and vineyards of Europe. Travelers can opt for guided bicycle excursions or set their own pace along the banks of legendary rivers, through aromatic orchards and down vibrant city streets. PACK YOUR PASSIONS FOR AVALON SPECIAL INTEREST RIVER CRUISES When packing your polos and pashminas, there’s no reason to leave your passions and pursuits behind. Your eye for impressionist brushstrokes— bring it along. Your appreciation for a well-crafted Pilsner—no need to leave it behind. Your insatiable appetite for the world’s most fascinating chapters of history—you can pack that too. From food and wine to art, history, and music, Avalon Waterways Special Interest Cruises unite you with your pastimes—and other likeminded enthusiasts—both on the ship and off. Enjoy cruises such as Wine Appreciation, Culinary, Beer Tasting, Jazz, Music & Opera, Art & Impressionism, History, Jewish Heritage, Festive Time, Golf and more. AVALON INTRODUCES NEW EXCITING SPECIAL INTEREST CRUISES FOR 2018! Be sure to check out the new Author Cruise with author of the No. 1 New York Times-bestselling “Outlander” novels and godmother to the Avalon Tapestry II, Diana Gabaldon. She is exclusively hosting the June 5th departure of The Legendary Danube Cruise in 2018! The new Garden & Nature River Cruise features discovering some of the most beautiful and famous parks and gardens throughout Europe, many unseen ever by tourists! Avalon Waterways is the only river cruise company that’s figured out how to give cruisers everything they want in on-board accommodations – more space, indoor/outdoor living and huge views in the comfort and privacy of their rooms. To learn more about Avalon Waterways or to book a cruise, you can contact the professionals at TravelPlex, the St. Louis-based leaders in leisure travel whose journeys always exceed their clients’ expectations. You can reach them at (888) 962-7488, by email at vacations@travelplex.com, or visit them on the Web at www.TravelPlex.com/countyliving. clm SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 45


Learn Horsemanship

and to Play Polo from Experts Diego Gross and Tina Natorp share their expertise and horses at Buckaroo Polo.


iego Gross and Tina Natorp are a perfectly matched couple. They both grew up on horseback, and each has played polo competitively for over 25 years for top teams in matches all over the US. Their many championships and trophies attest to their love for and expertise in competitive polo, and they still play matches here in St. Louis most weeks during the season. At their 20-acre Green River Ranch near Eureka, Diego and Tina train their own polo horses, all retired thoroughbred racehorses that they rescued from tracks across the country. They are also raising their three young sons at the ranch to share their love of horses. Now they are applying their horses and expertise at their company Buckaroo Polo, where they train people of all ages and riding experience in the basics of care and grooming, horsemanship and in playing polo. While it takes considerable experience and skill to play at the level of Tina and Diego, polo is a game that many riders can

enjoy. Diego is the trainer, offering private instruction, small group lessons and he also conducts trail rides in the wooded properties around their ranch. Diego is a real live cowboy, having grown up on a cattle ranch in Argentina. He has trained horses on four continents and for the leading polo teams here in St. Louis. He begins instruction for riders with basic understanding of horses – how to respect and approach them, being confident and safe moving around them, how to groom, saddle and bridle them. He also emphasizes the need to appreciate the individual personalities that distinguish each animal. It is important to learn how to communicate with the horse, to signal the rider’s intention and direct the horse. There is much that horses can teach riders, both in everyday riding and for learning how to play polo. Diego is an expert at breaking young racehorses to help them become more responsive and comfortable with recreational riders, and when he thinks they are ready to play polo, he hands them off to Tina.


Diego prides himself on his ability to match a potential owner or rider with the right horse, for general riding or the sport of polo. Diego tells many stories about buyers who didn’t take the care to really understand the horse they were considering buying, and wound up very disappointed with their purchase. For horses to be trained to play polo, it starts with assessing how the horse is built, and from being around the horse and a few rides Diego gets a good sense for their athleticism to maneuver to the ball and their competitive spirit to play the sport well. Diego offers his expertise to consult prospective buyers on horses they are considering for purchase, and provides training for problem horses and their owners. For select horses requiring a longer training regimen, he may offer to board a horse at their ranch to work with for a few weeks or months. Buckaroo Polo is a family ranch where kids and adults are all welcome. What distinguishes their training from other riding schools or stables is that even beginners don’t get the greenest instructor or the worst

horse. All instruction is by Diego himself, and every horse is a thoroughbred trained to be comfortable around other horses and people, and responsive to hands-on touch. If you or your children of any riding experience would like to learn the basics of horseback riding, or to play polo, or if you need expertise for purchasing or training a horse, you are welcome to call Diego Gross at Buckaroo Polo, located just 12 minutes from Six Flags. Diego will provide a horse matched to the rider, tack and helmet to get started. You can reach him to set up an appointment by calling or texting 636-393-9900, or by email at buckaroopolo@icloud.com. clm

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SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 47

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Arts & Thoughts


Harry’s Home Town

“Give me the Elvis.” hadn’t expected to encounter food fit for the king. Not here, within a wedge shot of so much history. But that’s what makes the journey so rewarding. I finished my Elvis, a peanut butter sandwich slathered with marshmallow crème and bolstered with bacon and bananas, served on grilled whole wheat. It’s a big seller at Clinton’s Soda Fountain on the Independence town square, although young Harry never sold one in his first job there, since Elvis didn't put his first peanut butter in his diaper for decades after Harry worked there. “Where’s the Harry Truman?” I asked my server across the counter. She pointed to the menu on the wall. “Right there: The chocolate sundae with butterscotch.” I had one, in due course. Thus fortified with the favorites of the king and the leader of the free world, I set out to scratch the surface of this historic town. Guarding the courthouse, Truman's statue shares the grounds with the county's namesake, Andrew Jackson. In America there are more counties named Jackson than there are rabbits or zucchinis. This Jackson County has a wild history. Old Hickory could care less, by the looks of his statue, mounted on horseback, sitting slim and grim. He looked pissed. But Andrew Jackson always looked pissed. Today he’s pissed that he got kicked off the


$20 bill. In contrast, Harry Truman’s statue is smiling as he strikes a walking pose. Locals saw a lot of Harry Truman. They saw him across the street during the centennial of the old 1859 jail, its future looking squarely into a wrecking ball until Truman helped save the structure. The Independence jail appeared on the world stage many times. Its most infamous resident was so popular among townsfolk that the jailer never locked his cell. Wanted for robbery and murder, Frank James chose to turn himself in to Governor Thomas Crittenden at the state capitol in Jefferson City, and that odd couple rode the train west to Independence. The event was more like a homecoming than a surrender. For six months over the winter of 1882, inmate James came and went as he pleased, before he was shipped off to trial at Gallatin. Crisscrossing downtown, I must’ve run a dozen stop signs, smiling broadly as I crossed each intersection. “The mules are immune” to things like stop signs and traffic tickets, my guide told me as he held the covered wagon’s reins to Harry and Ed, named for two partners in a bygone local haberdashery. Ralph Goldsmith was born for this job. He looks like he could be a member of the Cole Younger gang, whose ranks lived in this area, or maybe a wagon master among the millions of people who launched from here on the perilous journey to a new life on the western frontier. Ralph’s been guiding this tour long enough that the mules probably

Photo Courtesy Truman Library

could haul the wagon along his route without him, but it wouldn’t be the same. Ralph delivers his lines with conviction, having cut his acting teeth at Silver Dollar City. “You know my favorite Truman quote?” he asked. I didn’t. “There’s nothing new in this world, except the history that you don’t know.” The 30-minute wagon tour, a bargain at fifty cents a minute, sets the scene for digging deeper into the many layers of history preserved in Independence. As Ralph talked about the pioneers and the Mormons and Truman and Frank James and the origin of Bill Hickok’s wild nickname, we rode in the very ruts – swales, they’re called – formed by a hundred thousand wagons headed west. Deep swales, too, even tinhorns could see that. With a firm foundation of tales about the town, I thanked Ralph Goldsmith, and drove a short hop to the magnificent museum called the Truman Library. After all, “There’s nothing new in this world, except the history that you don’t know.” Excerpt from John’s upcoming book, Pioneers Need Pants. Many of John’s travel stories are available at http://johndrakerobinson.com. clm


Weekend Getaways

Reclaim Family Time at Innsbrook A Vacation Home Community




ake a trip to Innsbrook this weekend to explore a recreational community where cell phones and data plans are optional, but quality family time and relaxation are required. Feel the stress of everyday life melt away as you drive through the gates and mentally cross everything off your daily “to do” list and just enjoy the day. All of these things still very much exist today at Innsbrook, a recreational lake community centered on nature and family. At Innsbrook you can recapture beauty of the simple life, like going for a family hike or making s’mores around the campfire. And since Innsbrook is located less than an hour away from your “everyday life” you can stay as connected as you want to be. Make this summer the start of a new family tradition with a vacation home at Innsbrook. Many of the families that own a cabin at Innsbrook return for generation after generation. “Kids” that grew up at Innsbrook are now coming back with their own kids. Innsbrook offers more than 100 lakes, several hiking trails, horse stables and family events for all ages – truly making it nature’s playground. This year Innsbrook is opening a new amenity complex that will feature a nature-themed children’s playground, swimming pool with lazy river, fitness center and an outdoor amphitheater for concerts under the stars. Experience the new amenity complex, featuring a naturethemed children’s playground, swimming pool with lazy river, fitness center and an outdoor amphitheater for concerts under the stars. You can explore Innsbrook displays open daily, open houses every weekend or online at www.innsbrook-resort.com. clm

Introducing Wildwood Valley Gardens at Bellefontaine. Wildwood Valley Gardens is an inviting garden and memorial space offering traditional ground burial and cremation options. With intertwining paths, streams and terraces, the gardens provide a beautiful setting where you and your family can celebrate the memories of loved ones for years to come. Make Bellefontaine yours. Visit us online for more information.

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 49

BellefontaineCemetery.org/County ©2017 Bellefontaine Cemetery

Home Remodeling



Planning Your Home for the Next Third of Your Life

hat if you could re-configure your home’s layout and interior for how you really want to live in coming years? As Baby Boomers finally have their homes to themselves, there are exciting new design choices to consider. The opportunity is to see your current home or next home with new perspective that reflects how you want to live today and in the future. Re-Defining Your Interior Environment Consider the opportunity to expand the areas you use most in a more open, airy flow to maximize the overall enjoyment of your home every day. You will be amazed to see how much life and light this brings to all areas of your home, and the emotional response the changes evoke. It’s about making better use of the space that’s already there, breathing new life into what was a predictable interior. If there is a wall that interrupts the flow in a floor plan, don't plan around it; decide how to eliminate it, to give you the flowing space you really want. Think about re-defining the relationship of your kitchen to the rest of your home. Kitchens have become prime gathering places for entertaining and everyday living, adding enjoyment to the preparation of food along with lively conversation. A kitchen that is out and open, with comfortable seating, music and electronics, adds to the enjoyment. Another room that has taken on new meaning is the bathroom. For too long the lowly bathroom in most homes has been a very typical layout with focus only on functional aspects, without much thought given to the concept of enjoying time spent there. Instead, look at the bathrooms as a personal sanctuary to relax and get away from it all. We can achieve bliss with unexpected choices for materials and surface textures, wonderfully designed plumbing fixtures, making daily necessities a wonderful part of your lifestyle.

The appeal of Modern As we open more flowing spaces, increase natural light and eliminate clutter, homeowners are discovering the pleasure and appeal of clean, modern design. Open space, interior architectural details, clean surfaces and primary objects become focal points. When you design and decorate with fewer things, those things can take on much more power and significance. Luxury and sophistication are not a state of bank account, but a state of mind. Great design is within reach for all who desire and embrace the concept. The first thing you do is to work with an interior architect with the vision and knowledge to help you re-configure existing space or plan the space in a new home. To achieve results you will be thrilled with, share your thoughts and ideas with the designer, then have the courage to step back and let them create beyond your imagination. Most of all, it should be an expression of who you are and where you are willing to go. Peg Hammerschmidt leads Hammer & Schmidt Design Inc. Her firm specializes in modern residential architectural interiors for both remodeling and new construction. Peg has a passion for contemporary architecture and her appreciation is reflected in the collaborative way she works with architects and keeps contractors on track with the new design sensibility, assuring that all details reinforce the desired look and feel. Peg is a graduate of Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, one of the top design schools in the world. She works as an advocate for the homeowner in the design and selection process. Custom work includes not just architectural interiors, but custom design furniture, cabinetry, lighting and other features. An important part of her work is 3D visualization techniques with CAD or hand rendering. You can contact Peg to discuss your project by phone at 310-435-3294, and to see examples of their work you can visit their website www.hammerandschmidt.com. clm


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SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 51

Home Remodeling

A Comfort, Safety and Energy Consultation for Your Home BY PAUL MACNEILL


To identify building performance issues and reduce repair and maintenance costs

ith the rising cost of repairs and home maintenance, there is increasing interest in how a home is performing, and discovering hidden issues. This joins the list of other concerns homeowners often have about air circulation, uncomfortable temperatures and humidity, and even carbon monoxide leaks. In the past homeowners have not had comprehensive information to pinpoint specific problem areas in their homes. “Building perforBASEMENT INTERIOR mance” is the belief that buildings, and especially homes, can and should be made safe, comfortable, durable, energy-efficient, and weather proof. A building performance contractor takes a whole-house perspective to assess a probGOOD RADIATOR lem's causes and to propose the most effective solution. Now for the first time there is technology available for homeowners that provides "whole house or specific issue" inspections to identify causes of problems and the best way to address them, either in their own homes or in a home they are considering purchasing. The building performance consultant uses instruments to measure and document issues or concerns to assure the homeowner a safe and comfortable building. A building consultation begins by interviewing the homeowner about their specific concerns – issues of comfort or

maintenance problems they may be experiencing - moisture intrusion, a musty smell, cold rooms. A basement-to-attic noninvasive inspection is conducted to spot existing and potential problems, moisture stains (are they active?), and other building envelope issues. Infrared imaging is used to investigate walls and identify thermal weak spots such as missing or inadequate insulation. This infrared scan reveals excessive heat loss through both windows and walls as well as hidden moisture THERMAL IMAGE OF MOISTURE BEHIND WALL leak conditions. Infrared imaging can also reveal hidden moisture intrusion that can lead to health issues such as mold, as well as expensive repairs. Moisture meters can measure surfaces as well as probe specific areas to confirm the BAD RADIATOR moisture condition, determine severity and assist in pointing to the source of the moisture. If your current home has a performance issue and you want to investigate the Systems that can be investicondition without magated for performance issues in jor repairs, opening walls your home: or making a big mess, we can • Hot rooms in the summer help. If you are purchasing a • Cold rooms in the winter new home and have concerns, • Condensation on walls, you can call us to discuss how ceilings, windows, we can help provide more facts duct work to assist in your decision. • Moisture/water stains on walls, ceilings Paul MacNeill is owner of • Musty smells, moisture Apple Infrared Consulting. He is suspected in basements or a certified Forensic Investigator rooms and is also FAA sUAS certified. • Radiant/hydronic heat in He is a former president of the floors, not working or locatSt. Louis chapter of the Ameriing the pipes can Society of Home Inspectors • Hot water boiler or radiator (ASHI). Apple Infrared is fully performance or leaks insured and inspections can be • Hydronic heated customized to fit your needs. driveways You can learn more about their • Electric heated services at www.AppleInfrared. bathroom floors com or reach them by phone at • Flat roof leakage, surveys 314-800-5731. clm


Custom CLOSET AND HOME OFFICE SOLUTIONS For better-organized storage and work spaces


t seems that when most homes were built, little thought was given to wardrobe, storage or at-home work needs of families who were going to live there. Maybe that’s why most of us have closets where there never seems to be room to put everything or ways to find anything. And according to the National Association of Home Builders, a walk-in closet rated number one in the amenities builders planned to include in homes they were building in 2015. Fortunately for homes built before 2015, today there is the opportunity for closet systems and other space solutions that are customdesigned to meet specific and changing needs of each member of the family. For closets and workspaces that are more functional and enjoyable to use, it pays to consider a custom system. A professional designer can provide a solution that will work best for your specific needs, and flexibility to adapt as needs change over time.

The process starts from scratch with the designer creating an organizational portrait of family members who will use the space, asking about their needs, accurately measuring and inventorying items that need to go in it. And to make it your own, offering choices of hardware, materials, specialized accessories and finishes. The leader in custom-designed storage and workspaces for the home is Closet Factory. They emphasize customization in every step of their process, which begins with a free in-home consultation by an experienced designer. You’ll be presented with a selection of drawers, shelving, handles and knobs in an extensive array of the finest materials and finishes, from basic laminates to dramatic solid woods. Once you’ve approved every feature and finishing touch, each piece is manufactured to specification in their own factory. For your own custom consultation, you may call Closet Factory at (314) 227-1936. clm

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Home Remodeling

Stone and Tile Floors Looking Dull? Ugly Grout?


ost stone or tile damage can be corrected. Whether it’s dull, stained, suffering water spots, cracks or chips, the problem can be addressed. A true stone professional will work with you to assess the root cause and to formulate a strategy to avoid a recurrence. For the stone or tile surfaces in your home, it makes sense to contact a local specialist to discuss what can be done to restore them, and how to maintain them day-to-day. A brief dialog can extend the life of your stone and tile and save you from costly errors. The good news is that most problems are repairable and cost substantially less than replacement. Proper selection and application of a sealer can reduce or prevent damage from stains and water. A ColorSeal treatment of your sanded grout can not only restore your original grout color but also topically seal it to better resist future stains. Many glass and tile cleaners will actually dissolve grout, leaving a rough spot. Fortunately, even this can be repaired. Grout repair and sealing are part of the repair and restoration process. Experienced stone and tile craftsmen can provide pointers on how to maintain your stone and tile surfaces to keep them looking like the day they were installed. Your ceramic, porcelain, marble, granite, terrazzo, limestone or travertine will look new when your great-grandchildren come to visit generations from now. Don’t give up on your stone, tile or grout. For expert advice and restoration, you can call the professionals at MARBLELIFE-Groutmasters at 888-254-9488 or visit their website at www.marblelife-stlouis.com. clm


For Your Information

Care and Counseling A Unique Resource serving St. Louis area Families, Individuals and Clergy


any families in our community have someone who has faced psychological and emotional problems. And nearly all clergy have had a member of their congregation who was in need of help to address such issues. But often those needing help, or looking to help members of their communities find counseling, have not known where to turn. Care and Counseling is a private, not-for-profit organization incorporated in the State of Missouri in 1968 as an multi-faith agency to combine the work of several faith-based counseling centers. Today the services offered include direct care of children, adults and families needing professional counseling services, pastoral training and psycho-educational programs. These services enable adults, families, children, and clergy to get the help they and their members need to enhance their emotional, relational and spiritual well being through affordable, high quality counseling, regardless of their ability to pay. Financial

support from individuals, foundations, corporations, organizations and faith communities help make counseling services available to those who would otherwise be unable to afford the full cost of psychotherapy. The counselors at Care and Counseling assist people to successfully address life issues they are facing. These include depression, anxiety, relationship problems, pain and heartbreak, among others. Their counselors make it possible for people to make positive change in their lives and transition to greater health and well being. Care and Counseling serves those in need at their main office at 12141 Ladue Road in Creve Coeur and at nine satellite offices in St. Louis County, St. Charles County and the City of St. Louis. To learn more about accessing the services of Care and Counseling, or about supporting the organization, you can contact them by phone at (314) 878 4340 or by email at info@careandcounseling.org. clm

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For Your Information

Rural Property is a Great Investment BILL ZIERCHER


Shared Family Memories Are Priceless, and Harvesting Timber Provides a Great Return

any of us long for the simpler times of our childhood; dangling a fishing pole over a mirror-smooth lake, chasing fireflies at twilight or roasting marshmallows under a star-filled sky, and there’s no better way to create some new memories than by purchasing your own piece of rural America. In a fast-paced world, the idea of owning your own rural property is becoming increasingly popular with urban and suburban residents. Whether it’s a farm, ranch or wooded retreat, there’s simply no better way to recharge your batteries than a weekend away doing what you love and making memories that will last a lifetime. The freedom of being able to do so whenever and however you please is uniquely fulfilling. If your dream is bagging that trophy buck, hunting an elusive tom or just spending a quiet day in the woods, the experience is all the more satisfying when it occurs on your own land. Owning rural property allows you the opportunity to create food plots and practice responsible land management, thus making your property more attractive to game animals and potentially increasing their populations. Rural recreational property is also a sound investment. Many owners see significant financial benefits, including value appreciation and income from renting out their getaways during times they don’t plan to use them. Unlike other investments, this is one you can actually enjoy as it appreciates. And if you do decide to sell, all signs point towards a healthy appreciation in value for rural properties in the coming years. Another advantage of owning rural property is the ability to customize it as your tastes and needs change. You may decide

you’d like to build a barn and keep horses, construct a home and outbuildings, or lease part of your acreage to grow crops or sell your marketable timber. According to Investing in Timberland published in March of 2014, timberland on average outperformed the S&P 500 Index over the 10-year period 2002 to 2012. Our region has an abundance of the most desired timber species – elm, hickory, maple, walnut and the oaks: red, black pin and white. The truth is that trees and marketable timber grow even through recessions and through crashes. And wood prices have grown consistently throughout the years. Very few companies can increase prices of their products by 6% every year, but the price of wood, according to money manager Jerry Grantham, has increased by that amount for the last 100 years. He says that prices have beaten inflation by an average of 3% a year over the last century. Timberland is a sustainable asset that can provide returns for centuries. It is less volatile than the stock market and constantly grows in value. And if conditions aren’t right for harvesting your timber in a particular year, you just keep letting it grow, waiting for a more profitable time to sell. It is for investors who think long-term, and as with all investments, you have to make sure you buy timberland at a reasonable price. Bill Ziercher is CEO at United Select Properties. He has been active in building, buying, selling, and managing real estate and income property for over 20 years. Bill is a lifetime member of Quail Forever and the National Rifle Association. Uniting urban buyers with rural sellers is Bill’s specialty. For a free consultation on marketing your distinctive estate or rural property, you can contact Bill at 314.412.3966. clm


SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 57

Not Your Typical Road Trip

For Your Information

This Book Should Be in Every Home in St. Louis


County Living columnist

John Drake Robinson won an


for his unique travelogs based on his books.

Coastal Missouri and A Road Trip Into America’s Hidden Heart

In this age of interstates and instant gratification, Robinson took the long way around the state, with his only constant companion: his car. “. . . we’ve dodged rabbits and turtles, texters and drunks. We’ve slid sideways in sleet, jumped curbs and low-water crossings. We’ve passed every pun on every roadside marquee, every time and temperature sign, every clip joint and carny barker and corn dog vendor, every barbeque shack and TexMex taco stand. And we’ve stopped at most of ‘em.”


Available at: Left Bank Books and other fine bookstores. Or on Amazon.com

Read more stories at johndrakerobinson.com/blog

any of us who have lived in the St. Louis area our whole lives don’t know much about our own history. We learn in school about world history, US history and facts about Missouri government, but very little is taught about the history of our own county. And newcomers to St. Louis generally know even less about the area. To help all of us feel more connected to our own community, County Living Publications has re-published The History of St. Louis County, Missouri by William Lyman Thomas, a 100-year old book that documents our history from the earliest settlers through the Civil War and into the first decade of the 20th century. It documents what life was like 100 years ago here - the towns, neighborhoods, schools, churches, social societies, government, businesses, transportation and amusements of the period, and thousands of the people who were active in these endeavors. This is a quality softbound book of over 500 pages, with more than 100 historic photographs. Now available at: Amazon.com Book House in Maplewood Campbell House in Downtown St. Louis The Louisiana Purchase Gift Shop at Missouri History Museum Main Street Books in St. Charles Museum of Transportation Gift Shop in Kirkwood St. Louis Genealogical Society in Maplewood World News in Clayton For more information, you can visit www.StLCountyHistory.com clm




Your Network and All Devices That Connect to It Must Be Protected

iruses and Malware can be dangerous and destructive to computers. They can make a computer run slowly, prevent it from booting up, damage parts of the operating system or change how the system operates without the user's knowledge. They can also be used to steal personal details and send out unauthorized messages. While these technologies are becoming more user-friendly, that doesn’t mean they are without glitches, difficult-to-understand setup instructions, frustrations when they don’t work, and even some malicious online parties that are out to take your money with the threat of losing your functionality or data. How to protect computers, printers and other devices Your computer needs anti-virus and anti-malware software. One of the most common reasons for failures or problems in computers (both Windows and MACs!) is the lack of anti-virus software, or expired antivirus software. By making your computer as secure as possible with anti-virus and anti-malware software, you can help protect yourself from a variety of problems - including identity theft. Also, remember to always update to the most recent software available and apply the latest security patches to ensure no secu-

rity hole is left open to online predators. And be sure to have all your devices – computers, printers, monitors, modems and routers – plugged into surge protectors. Without them, an electrical storm can do real damage to any of these. How to protect your network Here are a few things you can do: First, change the name of your Wi-Fi network, also known as the SSID (Service Set Identifier). Changing this name makes it harder for malicious hackers to know what type of router you have. Then, create a strong wireless password – the password that came with the router is usually weak and easily hacked. Also, your router’s placement matters. Place the wireless router as close as possible to the middle of your house. The first benefit is that all the rooms in your house will have the same access to the Internet. The second benefit is that you don’t want to have your wireless signal range reach too much outside your house, where it can be easily intercepted by cybercriminals. In addition, keep your router’s firmware updated. Like any other software, it contains flaws which can become major vulnerabilities and be ruthlessly exploited by hackers, so it’s important to keep it updated. Sometimes this must be done manually because the manufacturer has not provided auto-updates. Your smartphone needs to have a password You need to put a password on your smartphone, so in case of loss or theft no one can get into your data or log in to your apps. Your email, work email, social media accounts, banking and credit card accounts, documents, etc. are all easily accessible should your phone get into the wrong hands. These are all necessary steps to protect your hardware, network and data. If you aren’t confident in doing these things yourself, they are important enough to get professionals to help you. Dede Catsavis is founder and owner of Computer Tutors. For 20 years, they have provided computer services to thousands of satisfied, happy customers. Computer Tutors comes to your home or office to work on Windows and MAC computers, set up home networks, put security measures in place and eliminate viruses. They can also help with any of your other electronics. You can reach them by phone at 314-608-7920, and you can learn more about them at www.computertutors.net. clm

SUMMER 2017 | COUNTY LIVING magazine | 59



An Elegant Replacement Roof Adds Value to Your Home




When you need a new or replacement roof - cedar shake, slate, composite, tile or asphalt shingle – call Aspen Touch Restoration Consulting & Design, the third-generation St. Louis contractor and consumer advocate for homeowners. Whether the need is from normal wear or wind or hail damage, we have the experience to determine whether your roof can be restored or needs replacing. Our company is the St. Louis expert in roof restoration, replacement, cleaning and sealing.

We are consumer advocates for homeowners, helping guide you through the insurance claim process and assisting you in getting the maximum benefit your policy allows. Before contacting your insurance company, contact us for a free evaluation and consultation on your home’s exterior and any storm damage. We are fully licensed, bonded and insured. Call or email today for a free inspection and no-obligation estimate.

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