Log In to Your Web Site
1. Access the Employee Self Service* Web site. Note: If this is your first time logging in, you will need to click on Register Here, then you will need to enter the Registration code that should be provided by the company. If you need help getting started, click the appropriate link for instructions and assistance.
2. Click User Login.
3. Enter your User ID and Password. Note: To retrieve a lost User ID or Password, click the appropriate link for online Help.
4. Click Log In. Once the employees will log in, they will see the enrollment note. They can then click on Start this Enrollment or Remind me Later:
Once the Start this Enrollment is clicked, the page below will show. This is where you can update the dependents and/or beneficiaries.
On the lower part of the page is the selection on how they want to process their election. Walk Me through My Benefits Options - you will be able to see each benefit selection I Know What I want to Change - If you want to only view the plans you want to change I do not want to make any changes - This option may not be available for each employee. This option will show if there are no new plans. Employee can select this if they want to keep the same plans.
Then click Continue. You will then be routed to the benefits page:
On the benefits enrollment, you can navigate in 2 ways: Using the Arrow button or Clicking down on the benefits,
You can then select the plan you wish to enroll. Click on Enroll in this Plan:
The More Info button will display the cost of the plan per coverage level. You can select if you wish to display the cost in Monthly or Pay period.
If you are enrolled in a plan, it will show that you are already enrolled. You can Un-enroll from the plan if you wish to enroll to a different one:
You can then select the option to Finish Later if you are not yet sure of the benefits. If you are certain of the plans, you can select Review & Complete.
If you click on Review & Complete, the benefit summary page will show:
If you have not made any enrollment or selection, you will be asked to enter the Waive Reasons:
The below options will show. You can still make changes to your plans or Complete Enrollment.
Once you clicked the Complete Enrollment, the following will show: