the works of several local and international artists. Starting this summer, the Gallery at Westholme will yet again be welcoming the creations of a number of local artists working in a variety of mediums. Wilma Millette of Maple Bay is the first in a series of talented people who will be sharing the Gallery with me. Wilma’s work will be on display for the better part of the month of August. Wilma is a mixed media artist whose artwork features discarded papers from the past. With a keen eye for beauty, a sharp wit and ample amounts of creativity, Wilma envisions and solidifies new and untold stories through her creations. Wilma, who is also known as creartfuldodger has won multiple awards for her works and has been featured in a London, UK arts publication.
uilt in the 1950’s, the barn that is now home to the teashop at Westholme Tea Company and Tea Garden also housed an adjacent milking parlour now repurposed into the Gallery at Westholme. Since its initial construction, this little building has served a variety of different purposes. It turned from milking and dairy processing room, to tack and general storage area, until in 2010, it underwent a monumental renovation turning the original dairy parlour into a current gallery space to display my ceramics. All of the previous parlour construction was made of heavy-duty concrete, with multilevel sections - a trough, milk storage, a tack room, and a storage tower for feed. When the transition from parlour to gallery began, we soon realised that we wanted to maintain its funky feel and integrate this into the space. With the help of friends, our gallery was completed a few months later. For over 10 years now, it has been a home for all my ceramic creations. As well, it has hosted various gallery exhibits featuring
Wilma Millette’s work will be available for viewings and purchase July 28-August 22. Gallery Opening: Thursday July 29 7pm-9pm I invite you to stop by the Gallery at Westholme to enjoy Wilma’s whimsical sea creatures and impressive portrait series. Wilma will also be in the Gallery August 7 and 20 for a Meet & Greet 1-3pm Stay tuned for details about upcoming shows. Image above; Octopus Compass by Wilma Millette Collage on paper