4 August 2022 Issue 165 Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine Publisher Richard Badman Editor Sheila Badman Contact us at: 250 746 9319 6514 Wicks Rd, Duncan BC V9L 5V2 Visit us online at Distribution Proofreader Calendar Shannon Faughnan Diana Pink Stephanie Sayers Advertising Enquiries Please Contact us at for A rate card, monthly offers and print ad specials. Next Ad Deadline August 15 for September 2022 Issue 166 *Non Profit Community Ad Rates available please enquire. COMMUNITY CALENDAR LISTINGS ARE FREE! Next EVENTS DEADLINE August 15 for September 2022 Issue 166 E-mail: Date, Event Title, Time, Location and Cost w/ subject “EVENT” to Cowichanevents@cowichanvalleyvoice.comValleyVoiceMagazinereserves the right to, omit and/or edit submitted listings due to space limitations SPECIAL THANKS TO FOLLOWING VALLEY VOICES
We welcome your story ideas & photo submissions; however Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine reserves the right to omit and/or edit all submissions for space, clarity, content and style. The opinions expressed in Valley Voice Magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or other contributors. Please send a query email with your suggested topic prior to sending your article as space is limited and may not always be available. Valley Voice Magazine is distributed through 450 + select locations throughout the Cowichan Valley- Malahat, Mill Bay, Shawnigan Lake, Cherry Point, Duncan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Chemainus and Salt Spring Island and to Cowichan Lake, Ladysmith, Victoria, Tofino and Parksville INTERESTED IN MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS IN THE VALLEY VOICE? Contact us for more information on ad rates, business features, specials and deadlines. call 250 746 9319 / text 250 info@cowichanvalleyvoice.com709-8846 OUR COMMUNITY August Events 5 Live Music in Waterwheel Park Chemainus 20 Clover Clothing Co. Celebrates 2 Years at the Public Market 21 Promise Valley Farm & Creamery Organic Celebration 26 See You at the 113th Cobble Hill Fair 28-29 Cobble Hill Village Commons Music in the Park - Caleb Hart Trio 30 Cowichan Cobble Hill 4H 31 Local Flair: Defining West Coast Style 32 Cleaning the River, Building Community 40 KinPark Kids Camp 57 Sunrise Waldorf School 59 Queen of Angels Cathloic School 60 Queen Margaret’s School 61 International Montessori Academies of Canada Inc. 63 Duncan Christian School 64 Evergreen Independent School 65 Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day 72 Arts on the Avenue Light Up The Night Ladysmith Arts Council 74 July Forecasts 77 Directory 78-79 LOCAL FOOD & DRINK Zanatta Winery Celebrates 30th Anniversary 10-11 Host an At-Home Wine Tasting with Cowichan Wines 13 Local Winemakers Picks of the Month 14-15 Pâté, Parfait, Mousse 16 Viva La Baguette 17 Cowichan Craft Beer and Food Festival 18 30th Anniversary Wine & Pasta Tasting Zanatta Winery 22 Sparkler Tasting Blue Grouse Wine Festival Special 22 Small Batch Gelato and Sorbetto 23 Watermelon Stack With Goat Cheese Recipe 24 Local Wine & Local Cheese 25 Farm Table Inn Summer BBQ Burger Pack 26 Green Tomato Pie Recipe 26 Wine is a Living Organism 27 A Taste of Morocco 46 Kelp: A Superfood from the Sea 55 HOME & GARDEN Reusable, Collapsible Cup by Stojo 22 Outdoor Dining 33 Connecting Dots and Biomes 42 Xeriscaping – Gardening with Drought 43 Fruit Save 45 Making the Move to a More Sustainable Garden 48 LOCAL ARTS Shawnigan Players Presents Shakespeare’s Cymbeline 8 Art Goes Outside 9 CPAG Summer Art Fair 35 Downtown Duncan Art Pages 36-37 Musical Revue Uplifting for Seniors and Community 56 CDH Auxiliary and Women’s Institute Featured at the CowichanMuseumValley70 Comic Strip - Ratty 74 BODY, MIND & SOUL Song of Laughter 34 Summer Fashion Advice 38 Using Psychology to Call in Your Ideal Clients 39 Why We Should Read “Witness, I Am” 50 Excerpt from “A Hard Place” 51 Sound Advice: The Acoustic Reflex 52 The Lowdown on Medical Aesthetic Treatments & Technology 53 Back to Basics - Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery 54 Preparing for Breastfeeding Success 67 Hellerwork: Inspiration and Vitality 68 Divine Soul Blueprint Readings 72 Creating a Summer Sacred Altar 73 PETS, RECREATION & NATURE Easy with an E-Bike! Glenora Trailshead Park/Holt Creek 7 Hot Days of Summer Fun 47 Women in Watersports 69 Why We Love to Live Near the Ocean 71 Musing from the Vine: Winery Dogs 74 Lucky Dog: Building Confidence 75 Cover Image; Sean Fenzl Loretta Zanatta and winemaker, Jim Moody with their Cayuga grapes at the Glenora vineyard.
Claire Sears, Louise Pickles, Sophia Jackson, Roger Painter, Ann Baty, Grant Easterbrook, Michelle Laszczyk, DeAnna Cross, Jane Nares, Dorian Melton, Amy Caine, Amy Luck-MacGregor, Bernie Dinter, Shayna Grimwood, David & Ranji & the WBFC, Terence Miranda, Gina Malkin, Tina Foster, Craig Spence, Christina Hamill, Melissa Brown, Jill Linde, Vida Glaser, Angel Jury, Debbie Wood, Alicia Fall, Dr. Lyn Pascoe, Patty Abbott, Danielle Paydli, Lynn Hawthorn, Karen Allen, Cristen DeCarolis Dallas, Krystal Adams, Shiloh Badman, The lovely Georgia Nicols, Nicolette Genier, Cindy Jolin, and the Wonderful Staff at the Community Farm Store.

5 1Broomstick Bicycles/Shawl Farm BC Day Grand Opener, 10 am - 2 pm. Home-base: the Bikeshed @ 3623 Gibbins Rd., $35/1hr. Ride a broomstick on BC DreamsDay!of a Dreamer: The Art of Icebear, Cowichan Valley Arts Council Gallery 2687 James St. Duncan FREE runs to 8/19 1Summer Share a Wall Show, Artwork by Larry Stuart, Heidi Summer, Gail Robb, Etsuko KajiHolley and Cindy Friesen-Ford Ashurst, 2687 James St. Duncan FREE runs to 8/18 2Skye Douglas Project 7pm Waterwheel Park 3828 Croft Street, Chemainus By Donation 3Chemainus Market 10-3pm Waterwheel Park 3828 Croft Street, Chemainus also 10/17/24/314CalebHart Trio at Music in the Park 6:30-8pm Commons Park 1461 Fisher Rd. Cobble Hill by 4-5donationCritical Alignment Yoga Workshop 6moreserenityyogaatthelake.comhttp://www.forinformation.DanielCook&TheRadiators2pmWaterwheelPark3828CroftStreet,ChemainusByDonation6SummerArtFair@CowichanPublicArtGallery,HeritageGreenDoorBuilding126IngramSt.Duncanalso13/20/27BreathofArtMarket,CowichanValleyArtsCouncil,10-5pmStationStreet,DuncanFREE 6Raspberry Tea and Quilt Display 2-4pm Sylvan United Church 985 Shawnigan Mill Bay Road, Mill Bay $12 or 2 for $20 7Broomstick Bikes Pop-up e-bike Trial, 10 am -2 pm, Glenora Trails Head Park, Vaux Rd., Glenora, $35 8Adult Art Camp, CVAC Studio 2687 James St. Duncan $95 call to register 250.746.1633 runs to 8/11 9The Capital City Syncopators 7pm Waterwheel Park 3828 Croft Street, Chemainus By 10DonationWarmland Book & Film Collective, discussing Unreconciled: Family, Truth and Indigenous Resistance by Jesse Wente 5-7pm Zoom 131211WarmlandBFC@gmail.comlink:BlackAngusatMusicinthePark6:30-8pmCommonsPark1461FisherRd.CobbleHillbydonationCowichanLawnBowlingClub“HotAugustNight”6-9pmCentennialPark3251stSt.DuncanFREECowichanCraftBeer&FoodFestival100+craftbeerfromover30breweriesfor$$100/1hrbookbyAug8soullevel.energyhealing@gmail.comAccordionFestival10:30am-4:30pmWaterwheelPark3828CroftStChemainusByDonation 13Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Annual Festival 11-4pm Charles Hoey Park 130 Canada Ave, Duncan FREE 13&14 Winery 30th Anniversary w/complimentary wine 5039 Marshall Rd. Duncan Pottery Pop-Up Market @ Miller + Co Pottery and Wood Studio, 4540 Koksilah Rd. FREE www. 181614millerandcowood.comLove’sTriangleCommunityKirtanw/AvinashTâm2:30–4pmCollectiveSpace166StationSt.DuncanByDonationlovestriangle108@gmail.comBroomstickBikesPop-upe-bikeTrial,10am-2pmCowichanBayBoatLaunchParkingLot(nearCowichanEstuaryCentre),CowichanBayRd.,$35TomMorrissey7pmWaterwheelPark3828CroftStreet,ChemainusByDonationTheProwlsatMusicinthePark6:30-8pmCommonsPark1461FisherRd.CobbleHillbydonation20MeettheArtist!SusanWhithamw/refreshments11-3pmExcellentFrameworks115KennethSt.DuncanFREE21BroomstickBikesPop-upe-bikeTrial,10am-2pmTBASeeFBfordetailsDublin2TraditionalIrishMusic2pmWaterwheelPark3828CroftStreet,ChemainusByDonation23SoulShakersFunkyR&B7pmWaterwheelParkChemainusbyDonation 25Whisky Business at Music in the Park 6:30-8pm Commons Park 1461 Fisher Rd. Cobble Hill by donation 27Cobble Hill Fair Oldfashioned country fair - family fun for everyone 7:30am5pm 302827-28“Winetrail,to$104:30pmoutdoorPromisewww.cobblehillfair.caValleyFarmEducationalfarmcelebration10am-Admission$5perpersonperfamily,allproceedsgoCharityWater.7088RichardsDuncan.andWoofs”DogfriendlyanddogtreatseventRockyWineryNoon-3pmTicketsUpTheNight6-9:30pmAvenueLadysmithFREEPaellatothankthecommunity@CherryPointEstateWines11-4pm840CherryPointRd.CobbleHillFREEQuw’utsunLowerCowichanRiverCleanUp9:30-2pmMiniBigHouse5536RiverRoad,Duncan,FREEhttps://cowichanwatershedboard.caLove’sTriangleCommunityKirtan2:30–4pmCollectiveSpace166StationSt.Duncan.ByDonationlovestriangle108@gmail.comArtsOnTheAvenue,10-4pmFirstAvenueLadysmithFREE,ChemainusByDonation


Many of us
continued on page 70 Park/Holt Creek 3623 Gibbins Rd, Duncan 250 709 5495 Up to 12 Bikes delivered to destinations across the Cowichan Region. Contact us for details! WE DELIVER!
7 Youth Adventures Register Online Now at 1 800 896 9525
links trail access to the Trans-Canada Trail in two directions: South and East to the world-renowned Kinsol Trestle, and Shawnigan Lake environs beyond, or heading West along the trail it parallels the south shore of the Quw’utsun’ Stalo (Cowichan River) to the vertigo-inducing trestle crossing the River at Mile 66, and on towards “Skutz Falls” and Cowichan Lake beyond. aside: Skutz is Hul’q’umi’num’ for and a site of long historical use by First Nations. settlers, Falls.”
unwittingly continue to redundantly refer to this site as “Falls
Summer Kids Camps Rupert Koyote is a cycling broomstickbikes.cawww.problem.withsustainability-nutandafarming Trail access from Glenora Trails-head Park is second to none in the Valley. Amenities include washrooms, picnic tables, a picnic shelter, a playground, and an ample parking area. The expansive parking area designed with horses horse-trailersandin mind provides a great staging ground to unload, ensure your mount is properly tuned and adjusted, and is open enough that it makes a great place to get a feel for an e-bike for firstTrailsheadThetimers.CVRD’sPark

Cymbeline, king of the Britons, has problems. His two sons were spirited away as children and have never been found. His only daughter and heir, the beautiful princess Imogen, has just eloped with a pauper. And now the Roman Emperor is threatening him with war. What’s a king to do? Find out this August, when the Cowichan Valley Shakespeare Festival celebrates its 11th year at lovely Gem o’ the Isle farm in Cowichan Station. On an outdoor stage surrounded by trees and under the stars, the Shawnigan Players will present Cymbeline, one of Shakespeare’s latest and leastknown works. The Players are thrilled to be back at Gem o’ the Isle again in 2022 after a year Don’taway!miss out: bring a friend, slip back in time and join the exciting tale of loyalty, love, and family brought to life in this little-known Shakespeare play. Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend! There are actually some children in the cast. Seating is available, but guests are welcome to bring their own chair or a blanket. There will be a concession stand with drinks and snacks.
Shakespeare’sShawniganPlayersPresentsCymbeline 250 746 8446 Rainforest Arts • Artzi Stu • Millstone Gallery quaylecard.indd 1 8/8/2011 3:23:00
Shawnigan Players present Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, Evening performances are at 7:30 pm August 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 and 13; matinees at 2 pm August 7 and 14. Tickets ($25 per person or $50 per family) are available at Ten Old Books in Duncan, Masons Store in Shawnigan Lake, or online at PM
Those who are always the first to be attacked by mosquitos should think about bug repellent and for the matinees sun screen and a head covering are recommended. Parking at the old St. Andrew’s church.

SALTMARSH GALLERY 2190 Cowichan Bay Rd. Cowichan Bay I 250
the first Breath of Art Market. The one-day outdoor art fair will be held in the middle of Station Street. Visitors can stroll through a traffic-free zone between Craig and Canada Avenue to see dozens of artists display their works and demonstrate their creativity. People can watch demonstrations of everything from watercolours to woodwork and marquetry. Musicians will be playing nearby in the park. There is still a chance for artists to book space at the art market (registration is on the CVAC website). “I can see this event growing to become a local tradition like Victoria’s Moss Street PaintIn,” said CVAC President Janet Magdanz. “This will be a relaxing way to explore new art forms and meet the well-known artists all in one place.” With support from the Downtown Duncan Business Improvement Association and local merchants, the Breath of Art Market will show off the region’s artistic soul. (Art shows are continuing in the CVAC Gallery spaces as well). Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 11-4 pm, Saturdays 12-4 pm About the Cowichan Valley Arts Council CVAC operates two community art galleries and a workshop space for youth and adults featuring about 30 exhibits annually at the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan. CVAC hosts the largest non-juried art show (held in May) on Vancouver Island. The nonprofit group was founded in 1971. 597
8037 CONTEMPORARY PHOTOGRAPHY abstract I representational I modern Hilary Huntley I 250-710-8758 Trial By Fire Pottery Studio 2 Week Wheel Classes
9 Artiststakingareto the street someofofferingArtsCowichanAugustondowntowninDuncanSaturday,6.TheValleyCouncilisabreathfreshairwithfreshartat
Goes Outside
Susan Down is managing director of the Cowichan Valley Arts Council. Art

Dennis Zanatta harvesting grapes Official opening day at Zanatta Winery. Left to right; Ileana Zanatta, Dennis Zanatta, Nonna Gina, Claudia Zanatta, Loretta Zanatta, Jim Moody, and Austen Fraser the then Economic Development Officer for the Cowichan Valley.
Zanatta Winery began in the 1950’s when family patriarch, Dionisio (Dennis) Zanatta and his wife Claudia, purchased a small dairy farm and farmhouse in the Cowichan Valley. Dennis saw the similarities in the climate from his original homeland of Treviso, Italy and was convinced that his farm had the ideal conditions for growing grapes. Determined to grow his own grapes and make wine, Dennis planted his first vines in the late As1950’s.hispassion for growing grapes and making wine became more serious, he began expanding his vines in the 1970’s with grape varieties he obtained from the federal government’s Plant Health Centre in Saanich. This led to the Zanatta Farm working with the provincial government in the 1980’s as a testing site, known as the Duncan Project, to determine the best grapes suited for growing on Vancouver Island. While many grape varieties were unsuited for the cooler climate of the Cowichan Valley, many varieties including Ortega, Auxerrois and Cayuga thrived. Today, these have become signature grapes of Zanatta Winery, with some of the oldest vines in GrowingCanada.up with her father’s Loretta holding our 1991 Ortega in front of our newly planted Auxerrois!

11 Submitted by Claire SearsWinemakers Jim Moody and Loretta Zanatta 261 Craig Street, Downtown Duncan 250 WOMENDOWNTOWN709-2195DUNCANWALKINSWELCOMEIMENICHILDRENWASHCUT&BLOWDRYBLOWOUTS•STYLINGCOLOUR•HILIGHTSBALAYAGE•PERMS Celebrates their 30th Anniversary TASTING ROOM & PATIO OPEN WED TO SUN 5039 MARSHALL ROAD, DUNCAN 250 748 2338 I TASTINGROOM@ZANATTA.CA Experience old world tradition. Wine, Cheese and Charcuterie. 30TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS August 13th & August 14th Join us at the vineyard for complimentary Wine & Pasta Tastings and Champagne Sabering love andwinemakerbecomedecidedLorettawinemaking,oftoatake the family’s homemade wines to the next level. While completing her degree at the University of British Columbia, Loretta was heavily involved in the Duncan project. She continued her education in Italy where she earned her credentials from the University of Piacenza in Enology. While working in the vineyards of Italy, Loretta also pursued her passion for champagne-making and specialized in sparkling wines under a Spumante House in the doc region of Prosecco. Returning to the Island, Loretta married her husband, Jim Moody who she had met while at the University of British Columbia. With a love of horticulture which began as a child growing up in the Pemberton Valley where he won many prizes for his home grown produce, Jim also became enamored with the art of growing grapes and making wine. In 1992, Loretta and Jim were married and the Zanatta family officially opened the doors for Vancouver Island’s first commercial winery and released the Island’s first sparkling wine, made in the longwinerymaking,decadesCelebratingBrut.Glenorachampagnetraditionalmethod,Fantasiathreeofwine-Zanattahascomeaway.Today, Zanatta is recognized as one of British Columbia’s premium sparkling wine producers with numerous awards and accolades. Their unique white blend wine, Damasco, is one of the bestselling wines in the Cowichan Valley and their Pinot Noir is recognized as one of the best from Vancouver Island. “We are so grateful for all the community support we have received for our winery through the years.” says Loretta Zanatta. “We love that our wines have been a part of so many families’ special occasions and memories as they have also been for our Tofamily”.celebrate this milestone anniversary, on Saturday, August 13th and Sunday, August 14th, the winery will be offering complimentary wine tastings and pasta along with champagne sabering. Zanatta Winery 5039 Marshall Road, Duncan
Loretta overseeing bottling of Damasco


You’ve got your tickets for the Cowichan Valley Wine Festival summer party August 4 where you and an intimate group of 250 of our closest friends will sample tastings from 12 wineries. You’ll be sipping on the grand lawn of Brentwood College School watching the sunset and listening to Rollie Barrett on his guitar, and nibbling crudités and charcuterie. You know you’re going to pick up several bottles of your new favourites. How can you end the festival with a splash? Host your own tasting party! Wine expertise is not required to host a fun and tasty event in your own home. Here are our best tips to create an afternoon or evening among friends and award-winning wine.
4. Buy more wine. Cowichan has its own regional designation that ensures the wine you’re buying was made with Cowichan grapes. It is the only region outside the Okanagan with this very special and’reWineforStillrecognition.well-deserveddon’thaveyourticketstheCowichanValleyFestivalsummerparty?onsalenowat
1. Plan your tastings based on themes. White, rosé, red, sparkling - choose 3-4 Cowichan wines for each category, but don’t let the tasters know what they’re drinking. Invite the group to swirl and sniff. Sip. Savour. And share what they see, smell, taste and feel.
Media Octopus
2. Invite a variety of wine drinkers. Even the most inexperienced wine drinker will have a noteworthy experience to share. Encourage your guests to use unique descriptors like vivacious, mellow and seductive in addition to observing the fruits and notes they taste. You will love what your guests come up with! Compare their observations to the wines’ real identities during the reveal.
3. Finish with a meal that pairs with your favourites. We know - it’s so hard to choose! Pick one white, one red, and one rosé and serve a meal with courses that complement each wine. Local chefs often pair with seafood, lamb, beef, but don’t discount unusual pairings like tacos, mac and cheese, and ribs. Ask the wineries what they recommend as well.

Charcuterie, Grazing Boxes and Entertaining Ideas Find us at theSaturdays!MarketFarmer’sDuncanon
$26/$312 case 2019 Merlot winemaker Zac Brown Our Merlot is fermented in a combination of egg-shaped and insulated fermenters for two weeks before pressing, allowing for a fuller, deeper extraction of flavours. 100% Cowichan Valley estate-grown, it is a nailbiter every year as to whether the Merlot will ripen well enough to make a red wine - we refer to it as the Miracle Merlot. This Merlot shows flavours of dark berries and forest fruit. Aged in a mix of new and older French oak barrels, this wine will age beautifully and gain additional complexity. An elegant pairing wine with round tannins, we love serving this wine with barbecued steaks, rich pasta dishes orcharcuterie boards. $27.70/$332.40 2021 Blanc De Noir winemaker Mike Nierychlo
The diversity of Pinot Noir here in the Cowichan Valley makes this grape so much fun to work with. With just a hint of skin contact, this Blanc De Noir is so lively and refreshing, perfect to beat the heat with your favourite summer dish. Fresh and lively garden strawberry meets, citrus and peach with hints of savoury minerality. Probably should have called it “Pink De Noir” because it is so pretty in your glass but it is simply white wine made from Pinot Noir grapes. Cheers. I 250-266-2464250-266-2464

It is Divino’s 40th Anniversary! A special mixed case of wine celebrating the 40th Anniversary will be available this summer. ere are limited cases available - reserve one now! We’re also celebrating over 50 years of the grape. Owner Joseph Busnardo is credited as the rst person to import and plant vinifera grape cuttings in BC, changing the future of the grape and wine industry. Come celebrate at Divino.
ZANATTAWINERY Glenora Fantasia winemaker Jim Moody Our Glenora Fantasia is a must try wine for the Festival. It was the very first sparkling wine made in the traditional method of champagne released on Vancouver Island in 1992. However the discovery that our Cayuga grapes could be an a truly special sparkling wine happened by accident. Dennis Zanatta had gone to pull out the Cayuga still wine for the family Christmas celebrations and discovered that it had fermented naturally in the bottle. It was a huge hit with our family and Loretta Zanatta decided that this would be the first wine she would make as a certified winemaker. $27/ $324 case Freeman Rd, Cobble Hill 250 743 2311
BLUEWINERYGROUSE 2021 Quill Rose winemaker Bailey Williamson PICK OF THE PARTY
“August in BC is Rosé month, so what not better to celebrate Cowichan than with a glass of pink wine!” 100% Gamay Noir from the Cowichan Valley. This is a well-balanced wine, with flavours of strawberry, pink grapefruit, and forest floor on both the nose and palate. A lovely sipping wine on a warm summer day. For the adventurous, pair it with cedar-planked salmon or a watermelon and goat cheese salad. $24.99/$254.88 case
depositandgsttosubjectarewinesAll 1500

I recommend heading to the Duncan Farmers Market to pick up a fresh french baguette, a jar of either the Duck Pate with Cranberry and Port Gelée or my favourite, the Chicken Pate with Burnt Honey and Apple Gelée, a glass of chilled something - and head for your nearest balcony, patio or garden to Asenjoy.for wine pairings, I’m partial to two local delights: The classic Charme de Lil from Averill Creek or the new Quill Rosé Frizzante from Blue Grouse Vineyards. Either one offers a lovely light refreshment for your palette and are a wonderful contrast to the buttery, smooth and rich IfPâté!you can’t make it to the Duncan Farmers’ Market then head on over to our website to find out where to get your pâté fix!
The term ‘pâté’ can be used to describe a multitude of classic french charcuterie dishes that are usually prepared in a terrine mould, and can be made up of a combination of ground or emulsified meats and paired with a never ending array of garnishes. Traditionally, if you were making a pâté, it was a way to use up the ‘unwanted’ cuts of meat such as the liver from chicken, pork or duck and transform them into something delicious. Any pâté (or parfait, or mousse) is best served chilled alongside some fresh baguette, and hopefully, a glass of wine. Luckily for us here in the Cowichan Valley and Vancouver Island we are spoiled for choices when it comes to wines (and cider, and beer, and spirits) that pair wonderfully with either of the two Pâtés available from Pickles’ Pantry.
Those who are fearful of trying a ‘liver based’ spread need not worry, for these two are full of flavour, well balanced with a smidge (ha!) of butter, sweet slow cooked onions, a delicate red wine and brandy reduction, and each topped with their own gelée (that’s fancy French for jelly).
Louise Pickles, Chef and Owner has over 15+ years food experience ranging from Relais & Chateau Resorts in BC to vegan surfing retreats in Western Australia.

beforeFrenchpickStopwine.chilledchocolate,slicetooth,thosesalmongrigioenjoyingonsauvignon.cabernetOrsittingasummerpatioacrisppinotwithsmokedcrostini.ForwithasweetnothingbeatsaofbaguettewithnexttoafruitordessertbyTrueGraintoupafreshorganicBaguetteyournextpicnic or winery tour. Or stop by our new cafe next door, Leeward Coastal Cafe, for a delicious authentic Parisien sandwich made on a fresh True Grain Baguette! We’re happy to be able to bring a slice of France to the beautiful Cowichan Valley.
Submitted by Sophia Jackson
17 Viva BaguetteLa COWICHANKAYAKINGBAY ADVENTURECENTRE 250-597-3031 All Levels of Paddling • Birding • Wildlife Tours • Rentals • Lessons • Scheduled and Custom Tours • Sunset and Bioluminescence ToursCanoeing Adventures Kayak & SUP Rentals
at Bluenose Marina, Cowichan BayWildlife ToursYouth Programs
It’s universally acknowledged that the French know a thing or two about good food and wine. They’ve been making an art of wine for two centuries, and every day the French consume more than 30 million baguettes.
On the Dock
There is no definitive history of the baguette, but our favourite theory links the origin of modern French bread to the French revolution. While the monarchy and upper classes feasted on fine loaves, the lack of quality bread among the general population was one of the driving forces of the uprising. In 1793, the post-revolution government made a law stating:“Richness and poverty must both disappear from the government of equality. It will no longer make a bread of wheat for the rich and a bread of bran for the poor. All bakers will be held, under the penalty of imprisonment, to make only one type of bread: The Bread of TheEquality.”shape of the baguette is said to have emerged in the 1920s, when a new law made it illegal for anyone to begin work between 10pm and 4am. As this didn’t leave enough time for bakers to prepare larger loaves before the morning rush, the baguette’s long, slim form would bake faster and be ready in time for their customers’ breakfasts. At True Grain, we make our French Baguettes as they’re made in France, with just five ingredients: White Flour (we use only BC-farmed organic), water, yeast, malt and a touch of sea salt. The bakers shape each baguette by hand and bake it with care, so the outside is robust and crunchy while the inside stays pillowy Asoft.baguette’s mild flavour makes it an ideal accompaniment to a wide variety of food and wine. Imagine yourself in winter, dipping hand-torn chunks of baguette into a beef stew between sips of

Celebrate our great province by supporting Made in BC Snacks, Bath & Beauty and Household Products! Submitted by Krystal Adams
18 Big Festival, Huge Excitement, Local To Cowichan!
The Cowichan Craft Beer & Food Festival is back on August 13 from 12-5pm. They will host a large selection of Vancouver Island and BC regional breweries, plus a selection of artisanal food pairings and live music from two BC bands: Redwoods and Vogue Villains. The Chemainus BIA (CBIA) creates this fantastic event that lacks nothing. Tickets are $27.99 for general admission, and include five tokens that can be used food or beer (additional tokens available for pre-purchase or at the event). Shuttles will run from all over Cowichan and as far as Nanaimo. $1 from every ticket goes to charity in the name of the Craft Brewers Guild, and as a not-for-profit festival any profits will go to local charities.
The Cowichan Craft Beer & Food Festival is unique in the Cowichan Valley because its focus is exclusively on the craft beer movement. It is the largest truly craft beer event of its kind in the Cowichan Valley. Just like their last event pre-COVID, this remains the second largest craft beer event (by variety of beer), on the entire Island. There are more than 30 craft breweries in attendance, pouring over 100 beer. There will be a variety of Cowichan local Ticketsfood.are for sale online comwww.craftbeerandfoodfest.atandthroughoutthe Island including purchase locations in Victoria, Langford, LadysmithNanaimo,andmultiple key locations through Duncan, Crofton, and Chemainus. See the website for purchase locations. Tickets will sell out so don’t delay!
100+ craft beer from over 30 breweries for $27.99 on August 13 12-5pmfrom
9738 Willow St, Chemainus 250-246-9838 Hours Mon-Sat 10am-5pm • Closed Sun & Statuatory Holidays Happy British Columbia Day!
Vogue Villains’ hard rocking alternative has a musical foundation planted firmly in catchy melodies and multipart harmonies. Uniquely wearing the boys many influences, this powerhouse of a band has created a sound that is undeniably and unmistakably VV.
Redwoods is a hard rock band from Vancouver, blending the coolness of 70s rock, vibrance of 80s metal, and grit of 90s grunge into a diverse rock sound offering nothing short of excitement in today’s music scene.


of 20s and
and country.
BIJOUX DU BAYOU best Cajun, Zydeco, TexMex band north the 49th.
TOM MORRISSEY East coast kitchen meets west coast rock.
Tuesday, August 30 7PM 20 2pm In your home or in my studio in Duncan DRUM KIT AND HAND PERCUSSION LESSONS
Paul Jutras Rock I Funk I Blues I Reggae I Latin I Metal 250-732-7735 I
Irish traditional
Quintet play a fun
Tuesday, August 16 7PM
Tuesday, August 2 7PM COOK funk
Saturday, August 6 2PM
Bijoux Du Bayou (Jewels from the Bayou) have been purveying the “good times” music of Louisiana and nearby parts for over 25 yrs. Initially started to share the much absent styles of Zydeco/Cajun/New Orleans musics the band’s styles have expanded to include TexMex, Latin, Reggae, Rock, Country, Acadien and their own fusion of Swamp Pop. On top of solid danceable rhythms emanating from the drums, bass and guitar count on melodic fiddle, accordion, mandolin riffs riding the wave of fun, uniqueness and joy. Hold on to yourself or move something as it may be inevitable anyhow. By donation, Waterwheel Park, Chemainus Terry Boyle (guitar and songs) and Martin Nolan (uilleann pipes and whistles) are two well-travelled masters of Irish traditional music and song. While Terry and Martin played in various groups in Dublin during the folk revival of the seventies and early eighties, often sharing the same stage, they never had the opportunity to play together until 2017. Since then, as DUBLIN2, they have played numerous house concerts, festivals and open air shows around Vancouver TogetherIsland. they bring the raw fun and excitement of “the session”, a lively mix of original and traditional tunes and songs. Dublin2 is delighted to welcome Victoria’s own Ceilidh Briscoe (fiddle) who has toured with the world famous “Riverdance”.
PRESENTS Local children in a wonderful performance.
THE CAPITAL CITY SYNCOPATORS mix Western Swing. Tuesday, August 9 7PM Saturday, August 13 10:30AM-4:30PM
LIVE MUSIC DowntownWATERWHEEL2022PARKChemainus Bring your own chair donationeventsAllby August
Bijoux du AugustBayou307pm 35+ years experience- Private / One 2 One / Customized / Fun Beginner to advanced -
& THE RADIATORS Vocal harmonies, indie-folk,
Funky R&B dance music. Tuesday, August 23 7PM
STEPHANIE ROTH Saturday, August 27 2PM
DUBLIN2 music song featuring Terry Boyle, Martin Nolan and Victoria’s award winning fiddle player Ceilidh Briscoe Saturday, August 20 2PM
ACCORDION FESTIVAL Accordion enthusiasts come and enjoy a wonderful group of accordionists.
20 For more details visit: SKYE DOUGLAS PROJECT Modern and historic interpretations of new music and jazz standards.

Clover Clothing Co. is located in The Public Market 9790 Willow Street, Chemainus
Afavourite spot for locals to shop is Clover Clothing located in the Public Market in Chemainus. The boutique specializes in womens’ fashions in all styles and sizes from petite to “Asplus.avid thrifters ourselves, we dreamt of opening a boutiquelike consignment store in an accessible space. Thus two years ago Clover Clothing Co was born carrying a carefully curated collection of both new and “new to you” clothing.” shares Bronwyn Berg co owner of beloved Clover Clothing. “A year later, we expanded our store to include new clothes as well and carry Canadian brands such as Blue Sky, Charlie B and BlueOrange.”Sky Clothing This season’s best sellers this have been colourful shrugs and bamboo skorts with pockets from North Vancouver based sustainable fashion company Blue Sky Clothing. Blue Sky Clothing uses sustainable fabrics like bamboo. Bamboo is soft on the skin and kind to the environment. It’s naturally moisture-wicking, anti-bacterial, and hypoallergenic, making it our go-to fabric for comfort in all situations. Available in underwear, socks, and fresh, fashionable outfits, bamboo consistently holds its shape and retains bright colours to help you tackle each day with comfort and confidence. A testament to their great business, owners Hal and Bronwyn are honoured to host over 200 local repeat consigners and are planning a special event on August 1 to show their appreciation of all the support. “We will be celebrating our two years in business with an anniversary party! There will be huge sales, fun prizes and our 200 consignors, who have supported us since day one will be put in a draw for a $200 gift certificate.” We have had overwhelming support from the community from the beginning when we opened with almost nothing. We now have over 200 consignors and many have become our good Mindfulfriends. shopping and inclusivity is a top priority at Clover Clothing. “We are wheelchair friendly and feature accessible change rooms for the comfort of our clients. Come and check out our shop this August before enjoying the music in Waterwheel Park.”

It’s never been easier (or more fun!) to BYO reusable cup. Stojo has created the ultimate pocket cup! Constructed using ultra flexible, easy-clean silicone, not only could your Stojo save thousands of disposable cups a year, but it’s also sure to spark new conversations, habits and adventures. To collapse, simply remove the temperature sleeve, open the mouth tab, and close your Stojo like an accordion. The sleeve stores in the bottom and you’ve got yourself a pocket-size travel mug. To clean, simply take it apart and wash all components on the top rack of your dishwasher. Available in an array of colours and sizes at plentiFILL Refillery & Sustainable Living Store.163 Kenneth St, Duncan
22 NOWNEWACCEPTINGCLIENTS $15 OFF FIRST TREATMENT Book online: unified.Jane 250.532.6362 iced coffees & ICED TEAS Blended REFRESHINGsmoothiesJUICES DAILY BREAKFAST & LUNCH SPECIALS Cin Cin! Zanatta Winery will be celebrating their 30th Anniversary with complimentary wine tastings and bowls of pasta to thank the community for their continuous support. Meet the winemaker and enjoy champagne sabering demonstrations. Saturday, August 13th and Sunday, August 14th, 11am to 5pm Zanatta Winery 5039 Marshall Rd, Duncan August is here to celebrate the wineries of the Cowichan Valley and Blue Grouse is raising a glass of sparkling wine to toast this month Join us every day in August for sparkling wine experience. You will learn about each style of sparkling, from natural to traditional methods. These sparkling wines will be matched with Sparkler Tasting Blue Grouse Wine Festival Special 30thTastingWineAnniversary&PastaZanattaWinery food pairings and then you will finish the visit with a glass of your favorite bubbly. This festival experience will be held on the Blue Grouse mezzanine, overlooking the vineyard. $25 per person | $15 per Wine Club Member Reserve your tasting today! CollapsibleReusable,CupbyStojo
Imagine That! Artisans’ Designs 251 Craig St., Downtown Duncan I 250-748-6776 Tuesday - Friday 11amSHOP4pm WITH10amUSSaturday-3pm

What’s the difference between ice cream and gelato? Ice cream starts with a custard base (and eggs) while gelato uses more milk and no eggs. Gelato has more milk and less cream and eggs than ice cream. It is churned at a much slower rate, incorporating less air and leaving it denser and in our opinion, more flavourful. Sorbet or sorbetto contains no dairy. How does it get so creamy? Fruit and sugar are churned together while freezing. It seems deceptively simple but we’re confident you’ll taste our strawberry sorbetto and be surprised at its “creaminess.” We all have lists of our favourite flavours. You might recall the saying, “so many books, so little time.” This is how we feel about gelato and sorbetto! So many flavours, so little time (to make and eat them all!) With a small freezer, we stick to making the favourites: Chocolate, Fiore di latte (sweet cream), Hazelnut and Mocha gelato and Strawberry sorbetto. We can’t resist making a seasonal or holiday flavour or two! Eggnog, Candy Cane, Pumpkin Pie have all been favourites. Chocolate Peanut Butter and Earl Grey are crowd favourites. We especially like to use tea from Westholme and Silk Road Teas. Our Hazelnut and Chocolate flavours remind us of eating gelato in Italy. Our Mocha gelato is made with coffee from island favourite We’veDrumroaster.stocked our Grab & Go cases with an assortment of flavours in 2 sizes! While we’re happy to have you dine-in, you Cristen DeCarolis Dallas Proprietaria, Pizzeria Prima Strada can easily pick up a favourite flavour or 2 to enjoy at your leisure. Prima Strada, Valley View Centre, Cowichan Bay.
Every week, the Prima Strada Production Kitchen becomes a gelateria. We use traditional methods and the finest ingredients to create small batches of gelato and sorbetto. Our equipment and base ingredients are imported from Italy and we use local dairy and fruits. It’s so good, it reminds us of Italy and that makes us really, we love gelato! From our start, we’ve offered the sweet treats. Initially sourced from a small gelateria on the main land, a few years into operations, we sent our Executive Chef Franz Dessombes to Gelato University! Franz came back a pro and has been leading our team in creating delicious gelato and sorbetto ever since!
Sorbetto Made Locally

Ingredients 3 slices of seedless watermelon, rind off 2 oz. goat cheese or feta cheese
1 tsp honey 5 oz. arugula 2 Tbls The Olive Stations Basil Olive Oil 2 Tbls The Olive Stations Sicilian Lemon White Balsamic Vinegar 3 basil leaves, julienned 3 mint leaves, julienned Salt and black pepper to taste
Method Whisk together the Basil Olive Oil, Sicilian Lemon Balsamic Vinegar, and the herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste. Toss about half of the vinaigrette with the arugula. Reserve remaining to drizzle on top. Lightly smear the goat cheese on two of the watermelon rounds with a light drizzle of honey on each. Arrange the arugula on a plate as the base. Stack the 2 watermelon rounds with goat cheese on top of the greens. Finish with one watermelon slice without cheese on top. Drizzle the remaining vinaigrette over the watermelon stack. Add mint leaves as a garnish, if desired. ENJOY
A delicious stack of arugula, watermelon, creamy goat cheese, or Feta with our Basil Olive Oil and Sicilian Lemon Balsamic Vinegar. A refreshing starter to a perfect meal!
Watermelon Stack With Goat Cheese
Courtesy Grant Easterbrook, The Olive Station

PROMISE DAIRY Farmstead Feta
Local Wine & Local Cheese Tzouhalem, although a smaller mountain than Prevost, is more of a challenge. This cheese has more bite. Still an alpine, but with zing. Pairs very well with a white sparkling dry. We are a vertically integrated cheese company. We grow the grass, milk the cows, make the cheese and sell directly to the consumer. We truly feel that the kindness to the cow really makes a difference in the cheese. “Come taste the difference kindness makes.” 4354 Howie Rd, Cowichan www.cowichancream.caStation
“Come taste the di erence kindness makes.”
4354 Howie Rd, Duncan I Open 11-5 Fri-Sun Cowichan Station Creamery
One of the most popular items at Cure since we opened is our signature house smoked cheddar, a great addition to any charcuterie or cheese board. We start with an organic extra old cheddar and then smoke it in a combination of apple and alder wood. Ingredients: Organic unpasteurized milk, salt, bacteria culture, enzymes. Available at Cure Artisan Meat and Cheese 1400 Cowichan Bay Rd, Cobble Hill (Valley View Centre) Check us out on Facebook.
“What grows together, goes together.” The best pairings are the ones from the same place, just down the street from one another are: Promise Valley Farm and Emandare Vineyard. The Farmstead Feta and the Emandare Vineyard Rosé are the perfect pairing for your plate this summer. With the creamy tex ture, sweet flavour and perfectly savoury saltiness, this cheese will make your mouth water for something to cleans your palate between bites like Rosé. Whether you have the feta on its own, in a greek salad or on skewers with fresh basil and watermelon, the juicy fruit forwardness of the Emandare Rosé is a delicious and refreshing match. $9.75 for 200g Promise Dairy 7088 Rich ards Trail, www.promisevalleyfarm.caDuncan
Made from the unpasteurized milk of our goats, Belmont is an alpine-style spring cheese. Its distinctive natural rind is carefully cultivated by regularly washing the cheese in white wine. After 3 months, it is firm and sweet with a hint of freshly cut spring grass. At six months, the cheese has developed a fudgy texture and full-bodied flavour. Available at the Duncan Farmer’s Market Saturdays until 2pm Ingram Street, Downtown Duncan and specialty www.haltwhistlecheese.comretailers.

26 Please join us at Promise Valley Farm and Creamery for our organic certification celebration. It has been a three year process and we are excited to begin this new chapter at Promise Valley Farm. Mark your calendar for August 27, you will not want to miss it. We will have cheese tasting as well as the release of a new flavour of yogurt. Come and meet the Guernseys and much more. Promise Valley Farm 7088 Richards trail, Duncan Organic Certification Celebration August 27, 10:00 to 4:30 Admission $5 per person $10 per family, all proceeds go to Charity Water. Promise Valley Farm & OrganicCreameryCelebrationAugust27 Nothing says summer better than a delicious burger siz zling on the grill! The Farm Store at the Farm Table Inn has the perfect burger for your next TheirBBQ!Summer Burger pack includes 4 frozen patties, made with only three ingre dients - local ground chuck, the farm’s own smoked bacon and the farm’s raised pork, a 4 pack of house made potato buns with herb butter, the Farm’s own BBQ sauce plus fresh potato salad and broc coli, kale and brussels sprouts coleslaw. Purchase a local wine to pair it with, such as the Clarinet from Alderlea TheVineyards.FarmStore is open Wednesdays 10am to 5pm, and Thursday, Friday, and Saturdays 10am to 9pm. 6755 Cowichan Lake Road 250-932-3205 Farm Table Inn Summer BBQ Burger Pack

1. Paired with food, the obvious, white wines are paired with white meats, fish, veal; red wines with red meats. However, nowadays there is no protocol. You can pair with what your intuition dictates. We recommend to build your dinner around your wines, what wine do you have and what will be the best food to enjoy it with; Cherry Point Estate Wines
Wine is a Living Organism 597-3473
– 4pm For
4pm Sunday,
Cherry Point Estate Wines believes that wine is a living organism, wine changes, wine develops, wine is never the same, and each bottle is different. Wine can be paired in many different ways. Wine is temperamental, wine is full of emotions, wine is creative, wine is passion, wine is art…there are multiple ways of defining wine. For us, there are three different ways of pairing :
2. Paired with your mood: if you are sad, you may want to liven up your day with a Gewürztraminer or a light Pinot Noir, plenty to choose from the island’s excellent selection; maybe you are in a festive mood: a fruity Rosé; maybe you are anxious and want to have a Bête Noire;
40 Ingram Street Downtown Duncan (250)
Saturday, 27th 11am –August 28th 11am the thirteenth consecutive year! Paella and Sangria way of thanking our community for its continuous support!
3. Wine paired for a special occasion, i.e. your grandparents’ anniversary, you may want to celebrate with a sparkling wine, a Pinot Gris or a heavy full bodied red, Lágrimas Negras, for a scrumptious dinner to celebrate. Wine is you! Bring the best of your emotions to the table with friends! Cheers!
JOIN US toWEDNESDAYSATURDAYlookforourdailyspecialson

Photo Isla Cameron
We’re all so looking forward to the Cobble Hill Fair this year. It will be wonderful to get out and meet our friends and neighbors again at the Fair. The Corona virus may never be fully gone from our lives, but we are now at the point where we can look forward to some sort of normalcy after a long tough two and a half years. This will be our 113th version of the Fair and we are excited to be able to bring it back in its traditional form. Our Fair committee is working hard to prepare for the August event. We hope you will come out and join us at our time-honoured gathering, as it is once again time for us all to come together in a sense of Thiscommunity.hastruly been an inspiring year for the members of our Institute. Since Covid we’ve been challenged to raise the financial resources we need to operate and just to keep the hall functioning even if the doors are not open. Previous methods were seriously curtailed during Covid due to government health regulations and safety concerns. Rentals and community events, like the Fair and Seedy Saturday were either not allowed or seriously restricted. However, we did find other ways to keep the organization viable. The thing we will all remember is the word “Pies”. This fundraiser became a huge success and not only kept us afloat during the pandemic but drew out many volunteers and people in the community who not only made the pies but also continued to support Roger FarmersCobblePresidentPainter,HillInstitute
See You at the 113th Cobble Hill Fair

29 this product.popular The profits allowedalso us to continue to curtailmentwithFortunately,others.Banktheprogram,mealsSeniorslikecommunityinothershelpourtheFoodandof pandemic restrictions we’re now seeing rentals increasing for our facilities along with our other business activities. It’s a pleasure to see the Halls filling up with groups again. I’d like to take this is Duncan Office: #101-126 Ingram Street www.alistairmacgregor.ndp.ca1-866-609-9998 Proud to support the 113th Annual Cobble Hill Fair. A wonderful family event! opportunity to thank all the volunteers and helpers who continued to contribute and support the Farmers Institute over the past year. Our organization is run totally by volunteers. We do not have any staff and it provides a perfect example of how communities are built and continue to grow. We rely totally on volunteers who come out and help support the numerous events, groups and activities that use our facilities. We are blessed by having so many people in South Cowichan that give of themselves to help others. We hope our celebration in August will once again bring people out and allow us to enjoy the best of our community, our fellow neighbours and the pride they take in their Food, Art, Crafts Produce and Agriculture. See you at the Fair! Cobble Hill Fair, Saturday, August 27 7:30am - 5pm Photo Brooke Lisson

September 1 • Born Reckless No admission. Donations accepted. Do you love the summer sounds of reggae, soul, folk and calypso music? Come feel the beat when the Caleb Hart Trio performs Thursday, August 4th from 6:30 to 8:00pm at Music in the Park at the Commons Park in Cobble Hill Novillage.matter how many changes the music industry experiences, the one thing that always remains, is the power of a passionate live show. Caleb Hart has the ability to bring something fresh, honest and powerful every time he steps on a stage. A natural born performer since he was a young boy growing up in Trinidad & Tobago, Hart has been taking his music across Canada and around the world to The Caribbean, Australia, USA and New Zealand full time since 2012. Along with racking up well over 700 shows in that time, he has also released 5 records, 6 singles, and won prestigious awards from the Edmonton Folk Fest, the Western Canadian Music Awards and more. Whether touring with a band or as a solo performer, Hart carries a singular ability to bring the audience together for the show and beyond. His songs spread hope and unity wherever he goes. His debut solo EP album ‘Island Soul’ was released worldwide in June 2017. After another busy summer of touring festivals and venues across western Canada this summer, you can expect a new album from Caleb Hart & The Royal Youths in the fall.
• September 1 – Born Reckless, a country rock band, that played at Sunfest, Laketown Ranch in July, will close our season. There is no admission, but your audience donations help support this great community-building event. We are pleased to offer a children’s arts and crafts tent hosted by Cowichan South Arts Guild this year. So bring your picnic and enjoy the good feelings of music and being with friends of all ages at the biggest ‘backyard party’ in the South
Caleb Hart brings Reggae Sounds to Cobble Hill Submitted by Ann Baty, Cobble Hill Event Society
• August 25 – Whisky Business, a rockin’ rhythm and blues group
Pack a picnic, blankets and lawn chairs to enjoy both solo and band acts with your friends and neighbours! Music nights are brought to you by
August 18 • The Prowls August 25 • Whisky Business
Our August line-up also features:
• August 11 – Black Angus, a Victoria band rooted in the Celtic tradition with the freedom to play
•more.August 18 – The Prowls, a cover band that pulls from various genres such as soul, pop, rock and funk.
ForCowichan.moreinformation visit us on Facebook at Cobble Hill Events Society or Music in the Park or email: cobblehillevents@gmail. com
August 4 • Caleb Hart Trio August 11 • Black Angus

Gift Baskets Meat & Cheese Platters Gourmet Foods Italian Imports Take Home and Serve 1400ValleyviewCentreCowichanBayRd So much to offer! Cobble Hill Dental Friendly,250-743-6698Family Practice We Welcome New Patients! Island Pharmacy 250 Open743-14487Daysa week for all your pharmacy needs. Reiki Wellness 250 Reiki,743-8122FootDetox, Infrared, Acupuncture, Reflexology Healthcare Valley Health and Fitness Full250-743-0511servicegym/classes Fitness Wellness Country Grocer 250 SupplementsProduce,Bakery,743-5639Meat,Seafood,Deli&Floral, Cure Artisan Meat & Cheese 250 HouseCharcuterie,929-2873CheeseMadePates Food Michelle Laszczyk, 4-HClubHolsteinleader Kaydence Baird enjoying time with her 4-H calf projectwiththeMembersLambeaufromsheepclubtheir4-Hs
Cowichan Cobble Hill 4-H 4-Hmembers in the Cowichan Cobble Hill 4-H District are well underway in working with their projects this year. Leading up to the fair members will be working on finishing touches to their projects. Members are likely bathing their animals in this beautiful hot weather, doing finishing touches with clipping, practicing their show walk, or adding those final nuts and bolts to their small engine projects. One thing is certain, these projects have a lot of hard work and time put into them up to this point by the Themembers.4-Hmotto is “Learn to do by doing.” This is why at the fairs, you will see members doing the hard work preparing their animals. The public can be assured that these animals are very well loved by the kids who work with them. They spend countless hours preparing for their big moment at the fair. For some it may be their first show ever, for others they may have had a couple already under their belt. 4-H members range in age from six years all the way to 19 years of age. Cloverbuds (ages 6-8) are not able to have a project themselves, instead they are able to explore several different projects to figure out which club they would like to join when they reach the age of 9. At the fairs watch for photographs, scrapbooks, and educational displays made by these young members. They will also be on hand lending assistance to older members if they should need an extra hand. From ages 9-19 members are able to have their own project whether it be an animal project or a non-animal the fair feel free to ask any leader or member about their project, or their club. Perhaps your child will end up with a 4-H project at the fair next year.

715 Canada Avenue, Downtown Duncan To Make an Appointment 250 597-3959 or focuses on pain management, Somatics and Stress Reduction
Violet Reynolds, RMT Now practicing at CN Health & Wellness
Come in and check out our new line of nontoxic nail polish, BKIND!
32 155 CRAIG STREET, DOWNTOWN DUNCAN Prudence Natural Beauty and Fashion Open Mon - Fri 10am-5pm Sunday 12-4pm
WestStyleCoastcan be perceived as overly casual, but when properly curated, it’s never resistant.itfabricBambooforwith(midibambooaFordilemma.solutionseparateshighitem.betheycelebrations,piecepurchasingtheirsometimesgrandmothersMothersboring!andsharefrustrationinaformalforsummerasfeelitwillaone-time-usePurchasingquality,elegantisthetothisexample,combinedarkwide-legorhemppantorfull-length)atailoredblouseaformalevent.isaperfectfortravel,asisfairlywrinkleUponarrival, simply hang in your closet, and the wrinkles will drop away. Hemp is another underappreciated fabric, which bounces light beautifully. It has a unique luxurious luster attributed to the refractive properties in this organic fiber. We carry several brands of wide leg pants, including that of Brenda Laine, who is a favourite local designer. After your formal event, pair the wide-leg pants with a tee and sandals, and the tailored blouse with jeans. In this way, you will wear these pieces many more times as a part of your every-day, refined look. Another simple way to elevate your summer style is to add a fun splash of colour to your fingers or toes. Our newest nail polish line, BKIND, is considered a “non-toxic” polish as it formulated without formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate. These toxic irritants are partly responsible for nail polish’s strong odor, and non-toxic brands are known to have a much milder aroma. We carry their full line of colors --from traditional pinks and reds to more whimsical colours, like Banana (bright yellow) or Karma. (denim blue) As a complement, we also carry a mild, non-acetone nail polish remover by Pure Anada. West Coast Style, at its best, perfectly exemplifies understated elegance. Come into Prudence to discover your own unique summer look. Prudence Naturals Beauty and Fashion 155 Craig Street, www.prudencenaturalbeauty.caDuncan DeAnna Cross is a simple-living enthu siast and denceconsultantmarketingforPruNaturals.
Local Flair: Defining West Coast Style

Thecreative!summer is relatively short, so let’s make the most of it and get outside! If you need any help planning your outdoor eating area, give me a call, I’d love to help. Proudly featuring locally made creations from both Indigenous & non-Indigenous artists in our Gallery! Open Mon-Sat 10 - 5 Jane Nares is an Interior Decorator based in comjanenaresdesigns.Ladysmith.250-252-0501
33 Outdoor Dining Now that summer is finally here, it’s time to think about eating outdoors. Whether you have several acres, a small patio or balcony, or somewhere in between, there’s something special about eating alfresco. Somehow food tastes so much better when eaten outside, and when it’s accompanied with a great glass of wine (from the Cowichan Valley, of course!) and you have the company of good friends, so much the better. When planning your outdoor dining space, here are some things to think about: How big a space do you have and how do you want to use it? Do you like to entertain, or is this a space for you to spend some quiet time and contemplate nature, with or without a special someone? Think about proximity to your kitchen, closer will make it easier to transport food and may mean that you use the space more often. Many of us in the glorious Cowichan Valley are blessed with beautiful views, make the most of them when planning the location of your dining space. Outdoor dining tables come in many different shapes and sizes. The size of your available space and the usage will determine the table size. Do you want a matching table and chairs, or do you want to add a bit of variety and mix and match (or not) the chairs for a more eclectic look? How much sun do you get? Do you need to provide shade? If so, you may want to look for a table that has an umbrella hole. Add some colour with the umbrella and cushions. And create beautiful place settings, have fun, use colour and pattern and take inspiration from the colours in your garden. If you’re entertaining, you may want to consider having a buffet. If you have a large enough space, you could create an exterior cooking/dining area and include a buffet. If you have a smaller space, you could repurpose a table from inside, or use something from your garage and cover it with a tablecloth – be

Music Education Specialist VOICE & PIANO Kathywww.mulberrylanemusic.comLassche250.709.2541
Song of Laughter Does your life depend on Whenit?our body produces either song or laughter, the body mechanics are quite •similar:Weproduce sound on •exhalationOurinhalation is short and •deepWe create deep feeling •soundWecreate a rhythm • It feels great And yes, of course, there are differences. No need to point those out. Dr. Katari, who introduced laughter yoga to the world, stated that you don’t need a reason to laugh. ‘Just laugh’ he would say, or, ‘Just fake it’. Wise words. Today laughter therapy is being used to support cancer patients in their healing. A lot of research has been done to determine the influence of laughter on patients. The results have been Mantakencouraging.Chia, the Taoist teacher and practitioner, wrote a book called ‘The Inner Smile’. In it he claims that just smiling, feeling the smile, and directing that feeling through our body is a very healing practice. Both laughter and smiling are contagious. There is some irresistible energy being transmitted when a person laughs or smiles. Apparently, our body picks up the feeling the person exudes when laughing or smiling. And for some reason we automatically mirror that. There is distinctly a collective conscious happening when several people laugh or sing. Pretty well every major religion, or spiritual practice, uses singing or chanting to generate that collective consciousness, that collective feeling of well-being. And, when the whole body is involved in singing, through dancing, movement, or just clapping or swaying, the experience of well-being is enhanced. Even more so when in the company of other participants, like minded people. You can find many opportunities to dance, sing, and drum in the community. Mind you it is nice to just sing on your own, dance on your own, laugh on your own. It definitely clears out toxic thoughts. And that of course is the challenge, to get past our critical, judgemental So,thinking.laugh, smile, sing, or chant as if your life depends on it. Because the ‘quality’ of your life does. Love’s Triangle Karen Allen: Guitar, Frame Drum, Arie Vander @gmail.comlovestriangle108Harmonium,Reyden:Drum

Iwas there at the Cowichan Public Art Gallery’s Summer Art Fair on its first Saturday and was reminded that every piece of art is just one part of a larger puzzle. If you see a work of art that attracts your interest; ask the artist “what’s the story behind this piece?”. The answer could be a short one or it might be the beginning of a very interesting conversation that could go anywhere. Individual works of art are like single footprints in the sand of a much longer journey. Every step of that journey adds to the interest of CPAG Summer Art Fair the whole, but it is the larger story that has the capacity to make a deeper connection. I had an conversationinterestingwithan older man who was enjoying the casual atmosphere of the Art fair that began with talking about the art on display and and then shifted to food, travel to other parts of the World and general philosophy of Life. We parted with a handshake and a smile, not knowing if we would ever meet again, happy that we had shared a few precious minutes connecting with a person we had never met before. Each of us has life experience to share and art can provide a rich opportunity to connect with others and enjoy the flow of ideas. Come to the Art Fair for the art and leave with the gift of stories to tell. I’ll see you there! Dorian Melton is an artist and Board member of the Cowichan Public Art Gallery

A Thriving Arts and Cultural Community
Excellent Frameworks is proud to host Susan Whitham’s newest body of clay works, created in her stunning home studio here in the Cowichan Valley. The show is on August 2-30, and all works are available for sale. These clay sculptures are essentially a culmination of my experiences on the planet. I am fascinated and drawn Susan C. Whitman to landscapes and seascapes. These sculptures embody all my hikes, treks, local walks, and snorkeling opportunities. All my feelings, concerns, triumphs, and failures live amongst the spaces of the sculptures. They are about connection with one’s surroundings and they are intensely personal, providing solace, discovery, and release. It is an ongoing series of work… the formation theme began in college some 44 years ago, an ongoing relationship via clay. I create without question, typically reflecting upon them after the pieces start to evolve. I marvel at the majesty in the mountains, the strength and softness in rock formations and under sea cliffs with their own mystery in the deep. I often find solace and trepidation in the landscape, a comfort in the vastness of beauty and realization of the danger that is inherent in every landscape. I never tire of the edges that lean into the ocean or edge up to the sky. May you find your way! FrameworksExcellentHome of the EJ Hughes Gallery 115 Kenneth Street. Duncan Open Tuesday to Saturday, closed long weekends. Susan C. WhitmanSusan C. Whitman

Susan Woolgar carved out a place of distinction on the Canadian arts scene and created her own brand of sublime visual Vancouverpoetry.based artist Eric Goldstein draws on the rich experiences of his 30 year long career as a Director of Photography, the alchemy of sciences, history, and technical skills all funnelled through a viewfinder and a lens to visually convey the emotional narratives set before him. As a mixed-media artist, inspired by our West Coast landscapes and stories playing out within them, he uses line, colour and texture to distill nature’s complexities down to an appreciable moment of sublime, wordless Unconventionallyunderstanding. constructed with various coloured fibers, metal foils and glass tile, Eric’s BuildingDuncaninGalleryAquamarisenergy.withpoeticcinematographer;strivesconceptsameexpresspaintingsluminoustheunderlyingthatheforasanarrativeskineticArtUpstairsthehistoricGarageSuite 202-330 Duncan www.aquamarisartgallery.comStreet.
37 FRAMEWORKSEXCELLENTAUGUSTEVENTS& EJ HUGHES GALLERY Saturday, August 20 11-3pm Meet the Artist! Susan Whitham Here’s opportunityyour to meet Susan Whitham and discover her new collection of works! Refreshment offered, everyone caexcellentframeworks.250-746-7112downtown115Hughes-Excellentwelcomed.warmlyFrameworksHomeoftheEJGalleryKennethSt.,Duncan ARTAQUAMARISGALLERY August hours: Tuesday - Saturday 10 am - 5:00 pm. Suite 202-330 Duncan St. Downtown comaquamarisartgallery.250-597-2798Duncan Excellent Frameworks Home of the EJ Hughes Gallery 115 Kenneth St, VISIT THESE DOWNTOWN DUNCAN GALLERIES Aquamaris Art Gallery in the historic Duncan Garage Building Suite 202 - 330 Duncan aquamarisartgallery.com250-597-2798Street SUBLIME ESSENCE OF A PLACE SUSANANDWOOLGAR ERIC AQUAMARISGOLDSTEINARTGALLERY Aquamaris Art Gallery is honoured to introduce Susan Woolgar and Eric Goldstein - two remarkable Canadian artists who, each in their own way, celebrate the sublime essence of a place though their luminous, abstracted landscapes. Alberta artist Susan Woolgar first found commercial success as a Designer / Illustrator with various Calgary firms before becoming a full time fine artist 40 years ago. Drawing inspiration from nature and the spectacular landscapes of Western Canada, she developed a style growingly unfettered by the confounds of realism, characterized by striking designs, rich texture and a soft palette punctuated with brilliant splashes of colour. Working primarily in acrylic and pastel, Castle Bridge, Acrylic on Canvas, 20” x 20” by Susan Woolgar Waterlines, Acrylic Mixed Media and Gold Foil on Canvas, 30” x 40” by Eric Goldstein

Fashion Boutiques.Quality&Caine,providedadvicebyAmyGoldstoneTwiceAsNiceConsignment 1-778-554-5434
38 Happy summer Cowichan Valley! As we all – outside to enjoy the long awaited hot sunny days filled with parties wine festivals music in the parks and all of the glorious activities our Valley has to offer we often wonder what to wear for these summer occasions. Here are a few tips when heading out. Remember ladies, that summer fashion should be fun and stress Thisfree. summer especially, anything goes. As we get away from the previous contoured styles and more formal looks, this year we are seeing a minimalistic and honest way of dressing which equals casual comfort for all. This is fantastic because as the heat increases nobody wants to feel Summeruncomfortable.bringsinthe vibe for floral dresses and feminine details such as bows. corsets and bell sleeves. Try pairing a feminine top with that pair of Levi’s cut offs for a little fun. Sparkles and sequins seem to be trending for the summer paired with casual T-shirts and don’t be afraid to wear them in the daytime. If you prefer a more bohemian look you’re in luck, as beaded accessories and anything homemade with colourful embellishments are hot this season. Platform and wedge heels are making a return big time too so head to your local vintage and consignment boutique or even your mother’s closet for a cool pair she may have kicking around. These style of shoes are great because they are comfortable to wear and give your legs tone and length instantly! Bright colours are everywhere as I’m hoping you are seeing too , so if you’re sick of all those earthy winter colours there is good news, you can now shine brightly with hot pink, cobalt blue, orange and yellow to give your outfit that bubblegum Choosepop. shades that excite you and if bright colours are too much, try adding pastels instead. Now let’s talk about everyone’s favourite fabric for summerlinen. This is not your grandmas drab fabric anymore. We are seeing this worn by all ages and genders. It is great for layering or to be work by mixing it up with other fabrics such as denim or silks. You will feel like the free flowing godesss you are as soon as you put it on . Kick it up a notch by adding heels and chunky jewelry for more of a statement. Scarves worn around your head, neck or waist or even as a belt is another hot trend this summer so if you’re not sure what to do with all those scars collecting dust in your closet try experimenting with a few different ways to wear them. There are many tutorials online to get you started. In conclusion to summer fashion please remember to try a little something new and have fun with whatever look you feel comfortable in. As we are becoming more and more aware of our consumer and environmental footprint remember that choosing sustainable fashion is another way to tackle the issues we are faced with today. It saves natural resources, reduces your carbon footprint, saves lives of animals and water supports fair and safer working conditions it is healthier for both the planet and people it doesn’t support child labour and my favourite it teaches us how to love our clothes once again. As Nice ConsignmentQuality Women’s Clothing, 2532 Estevan Ave, Victoria 250 Goldstone598-2049Consignment Boutique and Apothecary, 225 Canada ave, downtown Duncan 250 748-0251 Summer Fashion Advice I

provider or small business you need more than just a website. You also need clear and competitive packages and a way to call in your ideal clients or customers. You need to know your client ‘niche’ and how to speak their language, to signal that what you offer is a great match for what they’re seeking. It can feel overwhelming to not only get your website built, but to also get your systems in place and figure out how to market yourself. There are the highly technical components; the visual artistry; the use of language; and the psychological considerations. Every one of these is equally important to create a thriving business. Physis Publishing is a Cowichan Valley based “one-stop shop” for website design and internet marketing, serving clients locally and worldwide. With a Master’s degree in Psychology and a background as a Clinical Counsellor, owner and lead designer Lynn Hawthorn brings a uniquely human perspective to websites and marketing that emphasizes relationships and authentic communication in small business. Lynn maintains that to get or stay ahead in an increasingly strained economy, small businesses need to speak their client’s language… verbally, visually, and psychologically. Communicating what you offer in a way that is clear, visually stunning, and grounded in integrity will act as a beacon to your ideal clients and customers. This builds loyalty and word-of-mouth referrals, and ensures that you stand out from your Physiscompetition.Publishing offers everything that is required Using Psychology to Call in Your Ideal Clients
for a private practice or small business to thrive, including website design, web hosting, payment and scheduling system integration, marketing funnel design, and 1:1 consultation. Book a complimentary chat with Lynn by visiting 250-380-1222.physispublishing.comwww.orcall
39 Lynn Hawthorn, Physis Publishing GENTLY USED CLOTHING BOUTIQUE Looking for high end, current and classic apparel. Now booking for spring and summer appointments. SUITE 4 - 225 CANADA AVE I DOWNTOWN DUNCAN (250) 748-0251
These days when we are looking to hire a consultant or work with a practitioner, the first place we look is online. Having a website is essential, and those who don’t have one are more likely to be overlooked, losing potential clients and Thecustomers.nextthing we do when we visit that website is look for the service options and information about who is behind this business. We want to know what it will be like to work with them… are they going to be a good fit? This is especially true in the realms of consulting, counselling, and the healing arts, but a good fit is also a factor in hiring trades or choosing a Asrestaurant.aservice

Last year I attended the clean up for the first time with my two children. We started the day with tasty treats and coffee, a great orientation and welcome to make sure everyone was safely teamed up with others. I was able to visit with folks I’d met along my personal journey in getting to know my home watershed and other families that were helping out! I watched with gratitude as some crews were directed up and down river in canoes and diving gear, hearty souls attacked the hardest hit areas through the central corridor, while families like mine were also welcomed with open arms to pick along the shore near the headquarters where it’s safe for wee ones. It’s important for my kids to see how we give back to this place where we swim in the summer, whose banks we walk along in winter, where we canoe and find crayfish!
The rivershed, both the water and the land surrounding it, is the heart of our community. It brings us together, provides nourishment and improves our quality of life but sadly, the refuse in our river corridor is threatening the health of this river. Fortunately, from the lake to the estuary, First Nations, community stewardship groups, businesses, government agencies and dedicated individuals are stepping up all throughout the year to help. But during the low water of August, there is a need for an “all-hands-on-deck” annual effort when the water is low, before the big rains wash our trash out into the ocean. You can be part of the solution! On August 28th Cowichan Watershed Board and Cowichan Tribes are co-hosting the 12th annual Lower Quw’utsun (Cowichan) River Cleanup. Registration is at 9:30am,
• Sun protection • Water bottle
Welcomed and guided by Cowichan Tribes, who have taken care of the river in a reciprocal relationship since time immemorial, we are a community who is learning together and working Bytogether.joining this cleanup effort with others in your community, you can help make our river a safer, healthier place for wildlife and people (and enjoy a free BBQ lunch and neighborhood camaraderie in the process!).
Danielle Paydli, host of the Stz’uminusterritoryongratefullyStreamFreshwaterpodcast,residesthetraditionaloftheFirst Nation in the beautiful Stocking Lake watershed.
Cleaning the River, Building Community: August 28th Quw’utsun (Cowichan) River Clean Up
Bring your kids! Teach them that the river takes care of us if we take care of the river. Photo by Susan Dow A healthy river is what floats our boat! Hearty 2021 River Cleanup volunteers hard at work. Photo by Chloe Mitchell Group photo after River Cleanup 2019. Photo by Duncan Rotary
• Gloves • Life jackets, canoes, or anything else you may need if you plan to get into the water! followed by a welcome at 10am before teams go hit the riverbanks, by foot, canoe, and kayak! This is a great opportunity to meet other folks in your community who care about the health of the river. There is a free lunch for volunteers and usually by 2pm we are watching satisfying truckloads of hard work head for the CVRD’s garbage and recycling yards.
It’s where our children play, where the salmon spawn - it is an outdoor classroom, a playground and a source of water for people, for fish and for the abundant wildlife and plant life that call the Cowichan home.
• Appropriate footwear and a change of clothes


Duncan Farmers
ConnectingDotsandBiomes she wanted to know why her vegetables were having pest and disease problems, despite years of careful organic inputs. In a healthy soil food web, microbes are not only busily working below ground to support plant growth and nutrient density. They also make their way up to the above-ground portions of the plant, covering foliage surfaces to protect against pests and diseases. From here they hitch a ride into our own systems every time we grab a fresh tomato or crunch on a cucumber direct from the vine. This sharing of microbiomes between humans and soil has existed since we have. Until industrial agriculture came along. Through microscope analysis we learned that Rianna’s soil contained high levels of bacteria without any predators to keep them in check. Fungi was low, and root-feeding nematodes had moved in, a sure sign that things were headed in the wrong direction. Root-feeding nematodes plunge a spear into roots and consume the contents, thriving in conditions where beneficial organisms and their protective mechanisms are Riannalacking.was curious about the static compost pile she had been adding to all year. Would applying it help? The numbers were slightly better, but nowhere near being able to restore the soil food web. And so began Rianna’s own thermophilic compost quest. Today she has two aerobic piles, steadily working their way toward being fully heraherbothempoweringbalanced,herwithatooltorestoresoilfoodwebandpathwaytohealthforfamily.
Ol’ MacDonald Farm locally grown, organic and delicious sungold cherry tomatoes, basil for pesto, green beans, garlic, zucchini, cucumbers, salad mixes, free range eggs and more! Delicious, local food grown with love. Cremation & Reception Centre-Duncan by Arbor Memorial Sands Funeral Chapel Janice Winfrey Funeral Director tel: 250-746-5212 •,Duncan,BritishColumbia V9L 2P1
Rianna and I crossed paths at a friend’s farm. I was happily hauling buckets of manure, and she was curious. “What are you doing with that?” she asked. I explained my quest to make real compost – compost with high, balanced numbers of soil food web organisms in it. Rianna was intrigued. “I can haul poop too!” she said. Weeks later I was standing in Rianna’s garden, talking microbes. Rianna explained that she and her daughter were having digestive health issues. She had a strong feeling that the answer to their microbiome woes lay at our feet, in the soil’s own microbiome. And
Available Saturdays
Amy MacGregorLuckCertified Soil Food Web Laboratory Technician Image above; Rianna and her first thermo philic compost pile. Image left; Rianna’s root-feeding nematode. Look at that spear!at the Market.

Climate change is bringing extreme weather. With careful selection and changing garden management methods, we can have thriving gardens. Our climate pattern is wet winters and summer dry spells. This dry spell is when plants need water and must adapt to drought. Lawns are heavy users of water, requiring about 1 inch of irrigation per week. Fortunately, grass is adapted to going dormant and brown during dry spells. There are alternatives to lawns. For seating spaces, consider a hard surface such as pavers. For ground cover, consider bark which breaks down into useful organic matter. An alternative to lawns could be a natural meadow with a mixture of grass and self seeding and perennial flowers. This would benefit pollinating Reduceinsects. water loss by creating shade and wind barriers by planting shade trees and hedges. Trees should be positioned for shade from the afternoon sun. Hedges create shelter from prevailing winds. Make sure to select a drought tolerant hedge such as Leyland Cypress. Summer water restrictions are common so one must make the best use of what is available. A drip system or hand watering with a hose and trigger nozzle is desirable for planters, vegetable gardens and annuals. Overhead sprinklers are the least efficient. Mulching conserves soil moisture by reducing evaporation, supressing weeds and breaks down into organic matter. The most common mulch locally is bark with the finer grinds breaking down into useful organic material. Compost or products like fish compost work well. All plants, even the most drought tolerant garden.ecologicallyattractiveandgrowingtoplantConsultconditions.aplantsmanyconditionsadaptedplantsWerootsdeeplyability.watersoilmaterialAddthetimerootavailable,naturalinbycanestablished.irrigationrequiretobecomePlantsgetaheadstartbeingplantedtheFallwhenmoistureisgivingthesystemmoretopenetratenativesubsoils.organictoimprovestructureandholdingWatertodrawthedown.havenativethataretolocalplusornamentalsuitedtowidevarietyofalistofspeciessuitedchallengingconditionstocreateananddiverse Bernie Dinter, owner Dinter Nursery. Family owned and operated since 1973 offering 3 generations of knowledge.horticultural Leyland Cypress
Xeriscaping – Gardening with Drought
43 250 748-2023 5km South of Duncan on Hwy 1 Serving local gardeners since 1973 PLANTS FOR DRY LOCATIONS RussianLavenderSage CanesbillThymeSedum Geranium Rock BurningRoseBush Oregon Grape PineBluebeard Pampas Grass Potentilla Rosemary Shrub SenecioRoses St. John’s Wort Hawthorn Tree SUMMER HOURS: Weekdays: 8:30 to 5:30 Weekends and holidays: 9 to 5 Water GardeningWise

44 Come and meet the beautiful Guernseys who produce the high quality dairy products we enjoy. Find us at 7088 Richards Trail, Duncan Please join us at Promise Valley Farm and Creamery for our organic certifi cation celebration. It has been a three year process and we are excited to begin this new chapter at Promise Valley Farm. Mark your calendar for August 27, you will not want to miss it. We will have cheese tasting as well as the release of a new fl avour of yogurt. Educational Outdoor Farm Celebration August 27, 10:00 to 4:30 Admission $5 per person $10 per family, all proceeds go to Charity Water.

45 AugustinfatuatestheCowichanValleywithitslongwarmdays,beautifulmornings,andabundanceofsunshine.Asthesunextendsitsraysthroughoutourcommunity,itcreatesfavourablegrowingconditionsforfruitsandvegetables.Bymid-August,plumtreesareproducingcolourfulvarieties,pearsarematuring,andapplesarepreppedtobepicked.However,eachseason,thousands of pounds of ripe fruit fall to the ground only to rot in the summer sun. Tree-owners are often too busy to deal with their trees, or can no longer keep up with the demands of caring for, harvesting and processing an abundance of produce year after year. For over a decade, Cowichan Green Community’s (CGC) FruitSave program has stepped up to rescue fruit that would otherwise go to waste, and ensure it gets redistributed throughout the community. This volunteerled gleaning program organizes and connects volunteer pickers with fruit tree owners whose trees produce an overwhelming yield. The gleaned fruit is shared between the pickers, the tree owners, and emergency food service providers including the Duncan Basket Society. Additionally, the gleaned fruit is donated to local canning workshops and food skills programs that aim to teach the community about the importance of healthy food. CGC’s new Food Waste Recovery Team will be contributing to handling the excess produce and processing the fruit into value-added products for redistribution to those in need. With the collaboration of the Food Waste Recovery Team and the promising fruit season ahead, FruitSave is looking for fruit trees and volunteers to help our program achieve its full potential in reaching as many community members as possible. FruitSave is a wonderful program to make connections with the community, learn about local food, and spend time outdoors in our beautiful valley. Fruit Save To register as a tree owner or volunteer picker, please visit our website at fruitsave/org/community-action/cowichangreencommunity.https:// 3810 COBBLE HILL RD. COBBLE HILL (250) 743-9149 PleaseWednesday2022U-PICKSeason$5/ Silverside Farm

A Taste of Morocco Experience Moroccan tea culture right here in the Cowichan Valley with an authentic tea service and treat for the senses. Fresh sprigs of spearmint, the delicate perfume of green tea, and traditional sweets will be part of your tea experience at Westholme Tea. Tea is said to have been introduced to North Africa by the British and the Dutch in the 18th century, although some accounts describe tea arriving as early as the 17th century from Persia. Initially, tea was reserved for upper classes. However, by the 19th century tea became fully adopted into the rich socio-cultural fabrics of Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mauritania and especially Morocco – known for the famous Moroccan Mint Tea.
2901 ATMA
Certified Dr Hauschka Esthetician - rooted in the principals of anthroposophy Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher - classes held in a forest yurt setting Holistic Facials & Kundalini Yoga
A few years ago, Westholme was lucky to host (and be hosted by) several friends from Morocco who helped transform our garden into a space where Morroccan tea culture came to life.
Drawing inspiration from this, we now share our version of a traditional Moroccan tea: Gunpowder tea, freshly picked spearmint, a bit of sugar, and storytelling. Witness the long skinny spout of the traditional hand-hammered silver Moroccan teapot offering a dramatic pour into trays of tall, slim, colourful cups. This aromatic and sweet tea is enjoyed hot year-round, even in the Desert, as the customary way to welcome guests. In Traditional Chinese Medicine green teas are known for helping to release excess heat from the body. Mint is used all around the world as a cooling herb. It seems there is little hurry to do much of anything in Morocco until after tea and sweets are served. The appropriate time for tea is simply whenever the occasion calls for a cup of tea - often several times through the day. Even in the humblest of places, Moroccan tea service involves intricate brewing methods passed down over time. It is traditional to pour the tea from a silver teapot at significant height, creating a delightful foam to indicate the tea has been perfectly brewed. Tea is ceremoniously served multiple times in a sitting, each cup with its own unique flavour and symbolic meaning. We invite you to reserve a cushion with us in the Westholme Tea Garden at 3pm every Wednesday this summer for a colourful journey to the location where tea is an expression of conviviality, hospitality and good humour. 587 MANPREET KAUR
Alicia Fall is an employee at Westholme Tea Company, farmer, and ceremonialist in the Cowichan Valley

2.Lake.Transfer Beach in Ladysmith is ideally located with easy access off of the highway. This great park boasts a spray park for everyone as well as a sandy and pebble beach. SeaLeg Kayaking is nearby with rentals of SOP and Kayaks. Food trucks are quite often on site. Great Park for all ages.
8. Mill Bay Marina in Mill Bay offers tours on an 80’ historical tall ship. There are several options to touring as well as a trip to Saturna Island which includes wine tasting at Saturna Island Winery. Reservations
3. Arbutus Park in Youbou is a little further out but so worth the extra drive. Arbutus has a great swimming area with a dock and slide. During the summer months lifeguards are on duty at this park. Washrooms and change rooms are available.
10. West Shawnigan Lake Provincial Park is a day use park on the west side of the lake. Easy trails throughout the park for you to enjoy and safe swimming area for swimming. This park is situated very close to the Trans Canada Trail. There are many more options available and if you would like more information, please contact us or 250.746.4636 or stop by the Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre. Patty VisitorAbbottCentre Coordinator Monday-Friday 9-5pm Saturday, Sunday and Holidays – Closed 109-2673 Beverly St., Duncan (Thrifty’s Plaza) 250 748-2056 I Eminence Firm Skin Acai Facial $105
6. Cowichan Bay offers kayak tours and rentals of kayaks and SUP at Coastal Bliss Adventures located the north end of the village. Reservations required.
1. Fuller Lake Park situated just minutes north of Duncan in Chemainus is an ideal family destination. This area has a gentle sandy slope to the lake and perfect for the little ones to play in the sand. There are picnic tables and a playground area. This is also an ideal lake for paddle boarding and kayaking. Ample parking and easy to find. Take Highway 1 north and look for signs directing you to Fuller
7. Do you have your own Kayak or SUP board? Cowichan Bay boasts a great kayak launch at Hecate Park. Easy parking at the park which has a natural play area and picnic tables. Ocean Ecoventures in the village has incredible whale watching and wild life tours. They are very passionate and dedicated to responsible and ethical viewing. Reservations required.
9.required.Bamberton Provincial Park in Mill Bay is not only a campground but also has a fantastic day use area. Crystal clear water for floating around in with incredible views across the water. Easy access and great for the whole family.
47 Hot Days of Summer Water Fun
4. The Tube Shack in Lake Cowichan is a must do with friends and family. Enjoy a float down the Cowichan River on an all-inclusive tube adventure. Enjoy the crystal-clear water of Lake Cowichan. The journey is approximately 2 hours and includes tube rental and shuttle back to the parking lot in Lake Cowichan Reservations on-line required or book on site at 5.Cowabunga.GordonBay Provincial Park in Honeymoon Bay on the south shore of Lake Cowichan. Beautiful campground set amongst the trees and has a great day use area with beach. The lake is warm in the summer with a sandy beach which makes it a great spot to spend the day. Bring your kayaks and paddle boards for the day.

Making the Move to Sustainable Garden
a More
There is no better time than mid-summer to gauge how sustainable your home garden ecosystem is! Health of your plants, time spent on garden maintenance, and productivity of your garden, are key things to consider. While now may be a great time to enjoy abundance and full-bloom, it is also a great time to make a list of what is (and isn’t) working in your garden. How much time are you spending weeding and watering? What do you love about your garden? What would you like to change? What have your biggest challenges been, and what were your most successful planting practices been? Are you growing food, or would you like to? Shifting your perennial garden to incorporate more droughttolerant, indigenous, and edible plants is a great step towards garden sustainability.
48 Edible Landscapes Yard Maintenance & Organic Garden Care Ado Grimwood-Adam Ado is an organic gardener, foodie and father of three living in the Cowichan Valley. He holds a Certificate in Permaculture from Langara College, and is passionate about sustainability, food security, climate change and organic gardening. Whether you need yard maintenance, or want to establish Edible Landscapes, Ado is a reliable, friendly and helpful person to work with. Services offered include: ~ Edible Landscapes ~ Yard Maintenance ~ Organic Garden Care Call or text for a free on-site consultation! 250.815.5789 Sustainable Ado’s
Taking a
decreasingwhilemimicsyourapproach,permacultureworkingtobuildlandscapeinawaythatnaturalenvironments,maximizingproduction,relianceonwater use, and incorporating edible plants can have a huge influence on how much time you put into, and what you get out of, your landscapes. Incorporating edible landscapes, whereby a portion of your garden is allocated to edible plants (or where edibles are incorporated into your existing landscapes), can be a game-changer in cultivating a more sustainable garden ecosystem. Aiding in soil health, attracting beneficial pollinators, adding interest and biodiversity to your garden, while decreasing your bill at the grocery store, are some of the added benefits to Whenboot!the weather is dry and hot it is important to feed your plants beneficial nutrients that may be lost from soil and water run off. In August, we love to feed our plants easy DIY fertilizers made from locally available ingredients. Comfrey and seaweed are easily available biomass, that, when steeped, create an affordable liquid fertilizer for dry summer gardens.

49 Shayna Grimwood, BA CNP Founder & Executive Director Eco Mama’s Global Community Gardens. LOOKING MICROGREENS?FOR We grow plenty of them! t.250-710-6135 A&S MICROGREENS Simply place the plant material in a bucket press down to increase density, and cover with water. Two weeks later, remove the biomass, and you have natural liquid fertilizer that can be applied directly to your plants! If you’re needing a DIY recipe with a faster turnaround, try one of our favourites from local garden expert Stacey Toews: - 4 part Alfalfa Meal -(Nitrogen)1partBone Meal (Phosphorus & Trace -Minerals)1partKelp Meal -(Potassium)1partDolomite Lime (to increase pH) *note leave lime out for blueberries! To learn more about making your summer garden more sustainable, or to incorporate edible landscapes at your home, book your free consult with Sustainable Ado’s today. Sustainable Ado’s ~ Edible Landscapes, Yard Maintenance & Organic Garden Care our specialty is Sustainability

Acupuncture -
this collection of poems can be disorienting as one struggles to find one’s way when it is not always clear where one is. If we persevere, we are drawn into empathy for those who have experienced what for most of us is simply unimaginable. Witnessing is part of healing community. The Warmland Book & Film Collective – begun in 2018 as a response to the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada – explores, celebrates, and learns from Indigenous authors and filmmakers. We are welcoming new mem bers – if you enjoy friendly, spirited, and interesting con versation, email us at JesseandUnreconciled:onlinethelandBFC@gmail.comWarmforzoomlink.WenextmeetAugust10thtodiscussFamily,Truth,IndigenousResistancebyWente.
How does one speak of the unspeakable or de scribe the indescrib able? In his collec tion Witness, I Am, Métis writer Gregory Scofield shows that through poetry per haps one can convey the raw emotional core of legacy(MMIWG)WomenMurderedsuchcontemporarycreationCreeInterweavinganydirectlyexperienceharrowingmorethanthroughotherform.theandChristianstorieswitheventsasMissingandIndigenousandGirlsandtheofResidential
Schools, Scofield draws the reader close to the anguish which underlies the experi ence of this land’s Indigenous Aspeoples.thetitle suggests, many of Scofield’s poems tell of things he has seen happen to others. “Day by day I dream myself away from the witness ing, / the matted roots of all I cannot un-see.” He declares himself a witness as he tries to unpack stories he’s been told by women, to amplify them. He is a man writing about the horrors of the MMIWG and in doing so he invites us to question how to be a respon sible witness as opposed to a complicit one. Many of the poems are auto biographical. Scofield writes of the sometimes-ambiguous place of the Métis: “never brown enough / never white enough never good enough / to simply be a lifetime / member.” In some, Scofield celebrates those who have nurtured him and modelled for him what it takes to survive in this world: “This is an honour song for Billy Jack / the only man who stepped in to raise me / The one good man who took my hate / And made me Readingthink.”
Submitted by David & Ranji, on behalf of the WBFC Classes Foot Detox Reflexology
Reiki/Chakra Therapy -
Young Living Essential Oils & Supplements Sara Tillie Reiki Master-Teacher-All Usui-Karuna-Komyo-SeichimLevels Registered Acupuncturist Traditional Chinese Medicine Daytime • Evening •Weekend • By Appointment Only #13- Upper Level • Valleyview Centre • Cobble Hill • 250-743-8122 Debbie Shkuratoff WELLNESSREIKI SARA ACUPUNCTURETILLIE 111 jubilee st, duncan I 778 • 422 • 3000 menu online at: Sunday- Thursday | 11:00 - 9:00 Friday & Saturday | 11:00 - 10:00 fresh cut kennebec fries • crispy battered fish • delicious tacos • pizzas • poutines • burgers and more! dine in I patio service I take-out TEN OLD BOOKS Always something for everyone Great Selection of Used & New Books • Bestsellers & Award Winners • Classic Novels & Timeless Favourites • BC & Canadian Authors Plus Local Cards • Crafts • Children’s Books • Jewelry • Unique Gift Ideas and More! 102-330 Duncan St 250 -715-1383 Find us inside the historic Duncan Garage Why We ReadShould

Stephanie lay on her back on the rug, hands folded on her stomach. Zack placed a silken tasseled pillow under her head. “You’re a remarkable girl, you know that?” “Not so remarkable.” “Oh, but you are.” “All“Yes.”“No.”right. How so?” She was looking up at him and the large wrought iron chandelier with tiny amber bulbs that hung above his head formed a kind of crown of light, glowing, flickering. It made her think of something she might have seen in a painting in an art gallery or maybe something she had dreamed when she was a little“Howgirl. so?” She asked again. “You’re smart,” Zack said. “You’re someone who knows what she wants. That’s unusual and that’s good. There aren’t a lot of people around here who do know what they want. You work hard. You’re good at what you“Youdo.”don’t know that,” said Stephanie. “Yes, I do. I can tell.” Zack stroked a curl away from her forehead. “And you’ve suffered a loss, a big loss. I could tell that the day I saw you in the cafeteria and you let me hold your hand and you told me about it. And I could tell you would get through it because… I don’t know… you had taken it in, I mean really taken it all in and you were grieving for your friend, Rose-Marie. I didn’t know her but I knew who she was. She must have been a remarkable person too. I say that partly because she was your friend, but also because she must have been someone who lived life to the full in her own way, even if it didn’t make her happy.” He was looking at Stephanie and saw that she was moved by his mention of Rose-Marie. “I’m sorry, I’m talking too much about the bad things in your life. But that’s part of what makes you who you“Why?are.” Why are you telling me all this?” “And you’re beautiful. I don’t mean just in a physical kind of way, though you are, but in spirit. You’re a good person, you know that? I believe you are. And I know you have a boyfriend. Do you love him?”
51 A Hard Place by Tom (Excerpt)Masters
“Because I’m falling in love with you myself,” Zack said. “Don’t… don’t…” Stephanie reached up and tried to touch his lips with her fingers to make him stop talking, to stop making her think about her own life as it was just then. “If I asked you to kiss me right now, would you say “If“No,”yes?”saidStephanie.Iaskedyoutogoto bed with me right now, would you say yes?” “If“No!”Iasked you to marry me, would you say“No.yes?”Stop it. You’re making me…” “You’re“Cry.”“What?”not crying.” “I don’t know what I want.” “Will you kiss me? I’ll settle for that.” “I will if you’ll shut up.” Zack kissed her lightly on the lips. “There,” he said. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?” “You’re making me crazy.” “Good,” Zack said. “At least you’ll remember me.”
Stephanie reached up and tried to touch his lips with her fingers to make him stop talking, to stop making her think about her own life as it was just then.
Other conversations in the room continued though they were no more disturbing than the laughter of children or the rustle of wind in the trees. “Don’t ask me that.” Stephanie continued looking at the ceiling, an elaborate construct of oak beams and paneling, stained dark by smoke and age. Near the chimney someone had nailed a collection of horse brasses, probably long ago. One had come loose and hung down out of alignment with the rest. “Why do you want to know?”

52 Sound Advice: The Acoustic Reflex Have you ever been annoyed by the loudness of a truck as it passes by? If you want some relief from the loudness, try humming to yourself! Our auditory system has many moving and interesting parts. One such system is a reflex in the middle ear that immediately responds to loud sounds by dampening them in an attempt to protect the more sensitive structures in the inner ear. When a loud sound enters the ear, it vibrates the eardrum and the middle ear bones which then transmits the sound to the inner ear, auditory nerve and then up through the brain stem to the auditory cortex in the brain. The first station in the brainstem recognizes the loud sound and sends a signal back down to a tiny muscle in the middle ear (the stapedius muscle). The tendon of the stapedius muscle, which is attached to the last middle ear bone, stiffens thereby reducing the intensity of the vibrations. The reduction in intensity is primarily in the low pitches of sound. This reflex is a bilateral reflex which means that if only one ear is stimulated, loud sounds are attenuated in both ears. One way to invoke this reflex is to speak. Because of the short distance between the mouth and the ear, one’s own voice is considered to be a loud sound by the auditory system and the acoustic reflex is therefore trig gered when speaking. During an initial comprehen sive audiological evaluation, it is often important that a test is performed to determine whether the acoustic reflex is present or not and sometimes, if the strength of the reflex lessens with time. These tests can pro vide clues to the existence of medical conditions that may not otherwise be detected.
The presence or absence of these reflexes, and certain variations thereof, can be used in conjunction with other tests to determine the possible presence of conditions such as nerve hearing loss, conduc tive hearing loss and lesions or abnormalities of some cranial So,nerves.the next time you forget your earplugs, hum yourself a tune - it could help to save some of your hearing!
Terence Miranda, AuD, RAUD, RHIP Doctor of hearingclinic.comClinicResonanceAudiologyHearingwww.resonance

Submitted by Dr. Lyn Pascoe Viva Medical Aesthetics
be most beneficial. This treatment is ideal for achieving healthier, more exfoliated skin.
BELA MD Bela MD is an
Kristy Landry | Financial Advisor | (250) 743-1259 |
UltherapyULTHERAPYisan advanced technology that uses ultrasound to promote collagen production, which in turn supports the connective tissue in the dermis, thereby affecting lifting and tightening. Ultherapy is an ideal treatment for those who wish to see some lifting and tightening in the face and neck area. It is not a substitute for a surgical facelift but for those with mild to moderate laxity, it can provide good results. Because it stimulates your own collagen production, visible results will take 3 to 12 months.
It can be overwhelming when looking at the options for medical aesthetic treatments these days. Technologies have advanced dramatically over the last few years, and many great options are now available. Treatments and technologies can address superficial problems such as exfoliation as well as deeper issues like collagen production to support the dermal connective tissue to achieve lifting and tightening. Below are some treatments and technologies you may find helpful to improve your skin’s overall health and quality.
I hope this information is helpful to you. As always, the number one anti-aging ingredient is a proper mineral sunscreen worn daily. If you do nothing else, do this. your future with a free financial review!
The Lowdown on TreatmentsAestheticMedical&Technology
LASER HAIR REDUCTION Did you know that most advertised laser hair removal uses Intense Pulsed Light (not laser) and is performed with an IPL machine? However, true laser hair reduction devices are now available! These lasers can more effectively target both the thickness and colour of a client’s hair. This technology is also more comfortable, and treatments are quicker. If you are looking for hair reduction, be sure to ask if the machine used is IPL or an actual MicroneedlingMICRONEEDLINGlaser.isafabulous way to address many skin concerns, including acne scarring, melasma, and rosacea. It is also ideal for maintaining general skin health and improving collagen production. Microneedling uses your body’s own healing capacity. As the name indicates, the skin is treated with many needle punctures, which stimulates your own body to repair the micro-damage. Various devices are available, from home treatments where the needle depth is obviously less to in-office procedures where prior numbing is required. For in-office treatments, the depth of the needle can be changed depending on what issue needs to be addressed. Often, a series of treatments is required. INTENSE PULSED LIGHT IPL can be used to address superficial colour as found in rosacea. It is NOT suitable for melasma as melasma is worsened by light. An IPL treatment done on anyone with melasma will make it worse, so ensure you have your brown spots correctly diagnosed before proceeding with any treatment. Melasma is best treated with topical products and the daily use of mineral sunscreen. A Q-switched laser can also be VASCULARhelpful.
RESURFACING Fractional resurfacing devices usually use radiofrequency energy. This treatment promotes collagen production to address large poor size, acne scarring, and other scarring. It is an excellent treatment if you feel you would like your facial skin smoother.
SKIN TYPE & GOALS Before proceeding with any treatment, knowing your skin type and what you are trying to achieve is essential. This knowledge will help you decide which treatments will be beneficial to you. For some treatments such as hair reduction and photo facials using either IPL or laser, your provider must know your Fitzpatrick Skin Type. Your Fitzpatrick Skin Type is based on your ethnicity and ability to tan, among other considerations. It is expressed as a number between one and six, with one being light and six being dark. CHEMICAL PEEL Chemical peels are a cost-effective way to address exfoliation and give your skin a healthier glow. Peels are also an effective way to treat melasma and brown spots but must be done in a series for best results. Peels targeting melasma and brown spots also need to be combined with mineral sunscreen and topical products, including Retinol, Vitamin C, and lightening lotions. Peels can be done gently and do not necessarily cause visible peeling. Instead, they are more of a micro peel to the superficial epidermal cells.
LASER A true vascular laser is necessary to address the reds of rosacea, especially when there are small blood vessels on the cheeks and around the nose. These treatments must be done in the winter when there is no FRACTIONALtan.

Every Kid
colours, preservatives, or sweeteners, no common allergens, and no genetically modi ed organisms (GMOs). Choose the Big Friends® Kids Supplement at’s Right for Your Growing
Growing children need supplements specifically formulated to match their needs. When life speeds up, they need to be able to keep up. Looking after them on the inside helps the outside function better. More energy, better immunity, an enhanced ability to handle stress...
Needs a Big Friend
This is where a good line of supplements formulated specifically for growing children can really add to parental peace of mind. If you can find this from a company you trust, you are one step Aahead.multivitamin can help maintain normal development and general health, as well as hold the nutritional fort if the diet is Supplementaloverloadedcompromisedsometimesduetoanschedule.Vitamins such as C and D also have important parts to play, such as boosting immune function, as well as aiding in general health and development. Magnesium, which is needed for just about every function of the human body, is always a good idea. And, finally, a probiotic will provide live organisms to support the gastrointestinalimmaturesystem.It is becoming more and more evident that a healthy gut flora has a profoundly positive effect on every other aspect of physical and mental health. Ideally, these supplements should be made without added sugar, or any artificial colours or flavours. But they still have to taste good, because having the child as a willing participant is preferable to going into battle every morning at the breakfast
Thetable.Big Friends line from Natural Factors meets all of these criteria. It is a convenient and high-quality product that makes giving your child the best start to the day, (and the school year), an easy proposition. Parental peace of mind isn’t always easy to come by. The Big Friends line can definitely help with that. It is available at all quality health food stores, such as Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery in Duncan.
Gina Malkin, Lynns Vitamin Gallery
Summer is a wonderful time. That is even more true if you are a kid. The days flow by in a sunny haze of family, friends, barbeques, and all sorts of fun. Thoughts of back-to-school are distant, or nonexistent. That is a luxury not enjoyed by parents. They know that the pace of life is going to pick up significantly in the very near future. There will be more hectic schedules, more dinners on-the-go, more time spent indoors, and the usual exposure to germs and viruses that is always part of the start of another school year.
Big Friends supplements contain no arti cial Child!
Back to Basics
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Kelp is a large brown algae, a type of common seaweed. It grows in abundance in seawater off our very own Pacific Coast. As you probably know, its a nutritional powerhouse and a great natural-food source of essential vitamins and minerals. Algae are diatoms which are natural micro-filtrations for water systems and in natural cleansers. It also acts as thickeners in many products from toothpaste to many food products. Kelp has many health benefits. It is loaded with minerals and best known as the top source of iodine. Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone production which regulates metabolism and aids various metabolic functions in the body. Thyroid hormones contribute to energy production and utilization in nearly every cell of the body. Iodine is also a great defender against infectious microorganisms and good for your immune system. Other essential nutrients in kelp are vitamins A, C, K, B12, minerals calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and more! Antioxidants abound in all kelps. These are important for blood cells, vision, immune system, hair, skin, nails, lungs, heart, kidneys, bones, blood clotting, reproduction, to name a few. So you can see KELP is an excellent source of essential nutrients our body requires to live and thrive. Kelp is growth,anti-cancer/tumourprotectsfromradiation exposure, is a detoxifier, and aids in brain development. It is well-known as a weight loss aid by supporting the thyroid and metabolism, and also by way of its natural fiber it contains called alginate. Alginate can block fat absorption in the gut by 75%. It also lowers blood cholesterol and blood glucose(great for diabetics and those with metabolic Kelpsyndrome).issaid to be a contributing factor for the longevity and vitality in Japanese people, who have above average life spans. There, kelp is a dietary staple. Now how to consume this slimy brown algae? It does come in several forms. Raw, dried, powdered. Kelp noodles are great in salads or to sub pasta. Dried, it is found as dulse flakes to be sprinkled on any dish, in nori sheets for making sushi or torn into strips as a yummy snack. Powdered kelp can easily be added to smoothies, stirred into soups/meals, and be sure to add some to your furry-baby’s bowl Supplementstoo! are widely available too, for an easy daily dose of these essential minerals we likely are lacking, including iodine for healthy metabolism and thyroid. Here are some excellent brands we carry and what they offer. Assured Naturals KELP vegecaps. For basic thyroid support and daily energy. Naka Colloidal Iodine Drops, derived from kelp and seaweed. Liquid is easily absorbed, and this bottle is extra large!
Tina Foster, RHN Essential Remedies
Kelp: A Superfood from the Sea New Roots Potassium Iodide 65mg. This is a very large dose, and is only recommended for nuclear emergency only. So, not for daily super-powder.Schinoussause.SeaVegetablesContainskelp and seaweeds, spirulina, chlorella, and other superfoods! An excellent source of vitamins, and minerals, plant protein and vegan omega-3 for total body support.
Easy Oil Pie Crust Ingredients 2 cups flour 1/2 cup oil ( preferably canola) 5 tablespoons water Directions Mix oil and water and add to flour to form dough. Divide into two equal parts. Roll between wax paper. Cook pie as instructed above.
True Hope Nascent Iodine, an advanced form of Iodine, as it contains an electromagnetic charge. It is like the precursor form of iodine which converts into TSH. It permits greater release of energy once consumed. As a result, the human body can recognize and assimilate this form easily.
Green Tomato Pie Courtesy Kin Park Camp Cowichan Green Community Ingredients 1-1/2 cups sugar 5 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon Pinch salt 3 cups thin ly sliced green tomatoes (about 4 to 5 1medium)tablespoon cider vinegar
Pastry for double-crust pie (9 inches) 1 tablespoon butter Seasoning 1. In a bowl, combine the sugar, flour, cinnamon and salt. Add tomatoes and vinegar; toss to coat. 2. Line a pie plate with bottom crust. Add filling; dot with but ter. Roll out remaining pastry; make a lattice crust. Trim, seal and flute edges. Bake at 350° for 1 hour or until tomatoes are tender. Cool on a wire rack to room temperature. Store in the refrigerator. Yield: 6-8 servings.
Good health to you!

56 Offering KATESTRUGGLINGareasdevelopmentalsinceASSESSMENTSINDIVIDUALIZEDANDLESSONS2014,includingworkinandtherapeuticforchildrenwhoareTOLEARNTOREAD.WOODLAND,BEd BC Certified Teacher
Conceived as entertainmentan that would help cheer people through the social isolation of the pandemic,COVIDthe show is also a chance for a group of six youths to share in the excitement, fun – and the hard work – of pulling a musical revue Alltogether.those elements are top of mind for Roth, who has 35 years experience in theatre and is now turning her attention to training young people. The rehearsals, which take place at the Saltair Community Centre, are a blend of coaching and collaborating as the troupe hones its tunes and moves for their opening. Said Laura of the experience, “Just to see adrenaline, and to see happiness, and work put in, and that devotion, it really inspires people.”
“I think that performing is a really courageous and vulnerable thing that people do. You give to your audience, and I think that for these students there will be a lot of pride in what they have given,” Roth said. Especially during a time many are still struggling with the COVID blues. “There was a time when people were shut in,” she said. “I think there’s going to be a lot of pride in what they have given for people at the Health Care TheCentre.”Chemainus Valley Cultural Arts Society provided funding for the revue production. “Engaging young people in creative activity is one of the things we want to see more of in our communities,” Vice Chair Bev Knight said. “We see this as the kind of investment that brings the arts into people’s Seelives.”related video at CVCAS. ca/musical-revue
One of the participantsdiscoveriesmakewhen they come together to create a theatrical event is ‘their tribe. Said Roth, “That’s what’s great about having classes, is you can go and meet people who have the same passion as you do.” It’s that shared, evolving vision that drives actors, and artists in general, to engage in creative Asactivities.forstage fright, all the participants have been involved in theatrical productions before, and the audience is part of the energy they feel on stage. “It’s nice to give people the interaction of performing,” said Sierra. “They get to watch you and see you perform yourself, and that’s just a really nice experience for everyone.”
Stephanie Roth has been putting a troupe of young performers through their paces, creating a musical revue that will take to the stage at the Chemainus Health Care Centre August 23, then at the Waterwheel Park Bandshell August 27.


For parents, the most fundamental questions when choosing an education for our children are: “Will they feel happy and accepted in school?” and, “Will they get an education to prepare them for life?” The answer to these questions, coming from our graduating students, is a resounding “YES!”. A sense of belonging Students coming from other schools immediately notice how welcoming our classrooms are. With small class sizes that stay together throughout grade school, our students form strong, lasting friendships and skills in conflict resolution. “It’s easy to get on with everybody.You don’t have to be afraid to say anything.”Grade 8 Similarly,Studentteachers in Waldorf schools stay with one class for up to 8 years. This allows them to really get to know each student and be present to their needs and development through the years. “It helps build confidence because the teachers definitely have time for you.” - Grade 8 “TheyStudentreally respect you, and let you be creative in your own way.”
- Grade 8 Student Learning for life In Waldorf schools, children are taught from an early age to think creatively, aofeducationmoreThisinbuildconnections,interdisciplinarymakeandonknowledgedifferentsettings.createsaricher,experientialandalovelearningthatlaysstrongfoundation for higher education and the modern workplace. “A love of learning is pretty much essential in today’s workplace. You have to innovate by playing into situations and being comfortable failing before you succeed. I feel pretty lucky because that’s the training I got at Sunrise Waldorf School.” - Sunrise ApplyAlumniNow! We are currently accepting applications for school years 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. Our Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grade 2 are waitlisting for the 2022-23 school year. Please contact orgwww.sunrisewaldorfschool.@sunrisewaldorftourssunrisewaldorfschool.orgadmissions@forormoreinformation.
Cowichan Valley Private and Independent School Registration
Sunrise Waldorf School is located on seven beautiful acres in the heart of the Cowichan Valley offering Preschool through Grade 8. It is a full member of AWSNA (The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America), and a recognized Group One Independent School by the Ministry of Education. Our rigorous academic program integrates handwork, woodwork, language arts, movement, music, agriculture and sustainability, and visual arts. Technology is limited to allow the child to fully develop imagination and creative problem-solving. By consistently providing excellent and well-rounded education to our students, in an area vibrant with culture and natural beauty, we continue to attract families from BC and around the world.

Queen of Angels Catholic School is a faith-based school that has been operating in the Cowichan Valley since 1964. Students in grades K through 9 are taught in a family environment that is academically challenging and inclusive. We have specialist teachers in French, Music, PE, Special Education and Cowichan cultural studies. We offer an outdoor Kindergarten program and a free breakfast club. Each child is encouraged to develop their individual talents in academics, athletics, fine arts, and social responsibility. Our Catholic traditions of respect, stewardship, social justice, and prayer help students to develop to their full potential. We are determined to be the school of choice in the Cowichan Valley, raising well-rounded students guided by a strong moral conscience. To that end, we provide many opportunities for leadership through liturgical celebrations, helping others, buddy classes, conflict/resolution clubs on the playground, student government, house teams, and community service. We offer a variety of athletic programs such as rugby, rowing, running club and basketball to name a few. In fine arts, the intermediate students participate in an Artists and Angels program whereby local artists work with our students during January/February to create amazing projects for a display. Other students develop their musical talents by participating in band, guitar class, or choral classes.
Both Intermediate and Primary classes hold evening celebrations for parents to come and celebrate their child’s progress. We are a busy school. We are a happy school. Queen of Angels is a place where children learn to love and love to learn!
Cowichan Valley Private and Independent School Registration Guide
Queen of Angels also has many opportunities for using technology. Students have access to laptops or iPads in their classrooms. There are also computers in the library and in the computer lab. Technology is often included in the elective classes for the older grades as well. Other electives include cooking, coding, bicycle maintenance, hand textiles, electronics, and entrepreneurship. Some highlights for performing at Q of A include the annual Christmas concert held at the local theatre and a Middle School Fine Arts Night. Students participate in public speaking contests both locally and in Victoria.

Private and Independent School Registration Guide
For over 100 years Queen Margaret’s School (QMS) has offered an exceptional and rigorous education that builds confidence, character and compassion. Students develop and grow through signature programs that focus on experiential and inquiry-based learning, entrepreneurial thinking and equine-facilitated leadership Thedevelopment.School’s values of justice, curiosity, integrity, connection and courage anchor students in becoming trailblazers of tomorrow, as no two journeys are the same. Opportunities abound for students to engage in programming, athletics and co-curricular activities that foster wonder and excitement for learning and inspire a passion to look deeper. Whether in the classroom or in the equestrian ring, we create new generations of confident leaders empowered to create a more just and connected world. Nestled on 30 beautiful acres in the heart of the Cowichan Valley, QMS is proud to provide a diverse range of programs for young people to explore. These include a renowned Equestrian Marquee Program, a Grade 8–9 Project-Based Learning (PBL) Program and an ELL Prep Program for international students. Each is unique to the Cowichan Valley! The Equestrian Learning Centre at QMS provides enriched equine facilitated leadership and wellness programs for students as we continue to integrate all aspects of learning with our academic and co-curricular QMS’offerings.all gender day and boarding student population is an integrated, diverse, inclusive community where each student is recognized and our deep community connections are enriched through service, entrepreneurship, the fine arts, social justice initiatives and environmental stewardship Toursactivities.are available by appointment NewNewwww.qms.bc.caadmissions@qms.bc.ca250.746.4185world.Newchallenges.learning. Valley


PRESCHOOLCHRISTIANDUNCANSCHOOLDUNCAN –GRADE 12 Duncan Christian School welcomes a diverse group of families with children from preschool through grade 12 that integrates faith, family, and community. DCS aims to be an inclusive community that strives to support and celebrate all and every child by providing a welcoming and engaging learning DCSenvironment.provides a preschool program where young learners can enjoy a handson, exploratory program integrating Christian teachings. Our preschool program consists of theme studies, art, music, gym time, library, numeracy and pre-reading skills. We have a very experienced and caring staff who look forward to spending time each day with little learners. If you would like more information please contact the school at 250-746-3654 or program director Darlene Brandsma wideDCScom.dbrandsma@duncanchristian.atcontinuestoofferarangeofprogramsfor K-12 students. We offer full (8:00am until 3:00pm) and partial (8:00am -12:30pm) day kindergarten readiness programs. One day a week students in kindergarten participate in the outdoor education Sea-to-Sky Otherprogram.classes at DCS participate in an outdoor education program, projectbased learning, athletics and arts programs, service learning, opportunities,leadershipWest Coast Trail, and Mexico Missions trips. Those are all examples of how we celebrate the unique gifts of our learners and provide opportunities for all students to discover their gifts and find joy in their unique learning We’dopportunities.lovetoget to know you better. To set up your personalized tour, please call us at 250-746-3654.
Cowichan Valley Private and Independent School Registration Guide
64 Preschool - Grade 12 Faith. Family. Community. 495 BEECH AVENUE, DUNCAN 250-746-3654

families choose ApplyEvergreen!online
OT Services client intake form available online Pediatric occupational therapy working from a foundation of attachment and child-directed, active play. Cowichan Valley Private and Independent School Registration Guide Children
Evergreen Independent School has been a part of the Cobble Hill community for 40 years. The school was founded by a small group of parent educators who envisioned a caring, nurturing educational community that fostered responsible, selfaware and resilient learners. Those parents developed programs that reflected students’ interests, while accommodating individual learning needs. While some things have changed over 4 decades, those core values have not; Evergreen is committed to providing a safe, inclusive and nurturing environment with the goal of supporting students to reach their full potential, as individuals, and as members of a community. The BC Curriculum is delivered through themebased, inquiry-driven, and experiential means, engaging students meaningfully in the creation of knowledge. Multiage class groupings provide opportunities for students to access content at the most appropriate level, to develop leadership skills, and to learn to seek and accept support from others. True academic growth is achieved when emotional, physical and social needs are met, and Evergreen seeks to meet these needs through a variety of unique approaches. The 4-day school week prioritizes family connection and supports mental health. Emotional literacy, conflict resolution and communication programs are woven through all areas of the curriculum. An integrated gardening and food literacy program fosters healthy relationships with food and food production. A andvarietyareandbedietaryensuresgluten-freededicatedkitchenthatspecialneedscanaccommodated,thatstudentsintroducedtoaofcreativenutritiousfood experiences. Physical activity and play are recognized as being critical to academic success, and students at Evergreen enjoy ample time outdoors, through outdoor education programs, free play time, and daily Physical EvergreenEducation. is home to the Cobble Hill Community Pavilion – a gorgeous timberframed, shared community space for the school, parents, and local residents. Tour information out why or call to a 250-743-2433 with Special Needs Confidence and Connection in the Cowichan Valley Sharpe Inc


Preparing for Breastfeeding Success
Northern Shaolin Chun Yuen Quan Dynamic movement • Improves posture • Increases energy • Strengthens bones Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm (combined Qigong and Chun Yuen)* Wednesdays 9 am - 10 am 250 748 4060 Traditional Chinese Exercise for Health Wild Goose Qigong (Chi Gong) Gentle movement • Calms your mind • Heals internal organs • Develops flexibility Mondays 9 -10 am Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm (combined Qigong and Chun Yuen) Wednesdays 10-11:15 am Fridays 10-11:15 am (Victoria)* All Classes in the Cowichan Valley *unless stated
pregnant to set yourself and your baby up for success. Sadly, a lot of the new mothers who come to me for support are arriving into my office in a breastfeeding crisis and feel on the verge of giving up what they had undoubtedly wanted for themselves and their newborn. It became clear to me that these mothers were not prepared and that so much of their worry and discomfort could have been prevented with early guidance, practical knowledge, and a newborn breastfeeding assessment soon after the birth.
Christina Hamill offers services to prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy and to support lactation challenges that may come up postnatally.
Christina Hamill RCST® 250-748-5551TherapistCraniosacralBiodynamicRegistered
The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week. There are many reasons parents choose to breastfeed their baby. To start, it is proven to be the gold standard of nutrition for infants. Breast milk seeds your newborn’s gut microbiome for a lifelong healthy digestive system and immune system. Breastfeeding also cultivates a strong bond between mom and baby, as well as being convenient and economical. The majority of parents, however, don’t hear about breastfeeding being made up of three physiological functions 1) suck 2) swallow and 3) breathe and that all three must coordinate together for optimal latch, milk production and milk transfer. Parents also don’t get informed about how these contribute to their baby’s ideal
Breastfeeding should not be painful, nor should it be a struggle. There is so much that can be learned ahead of time to be ready and confident to nurse successfully so that a mother and her baby can relax together and enjoy this ultimate nurturing and bonding time. After all, it’s what boosts oxytocin levels in both of them and it what sets up babies for having an optimal foundation of health for life. get a chance write down what happened for you. If you had a difficult time finding something that inspires you right now that is ok too and often this can happen when life has been overwhelming. When this happens you can choose to create something that you may feel would inspire you or help you to feel vitality. The amazing part is your mind communicates with your body and by using your imagination you can create a similar feeling of vitality in your body. Now that you have found this resource, you can choose to embody this inspiration and have it as a tool when you may need more Whenconnection.weexperience stress this can deplete our inspiration and vitality, creating anxiety or depression. When we enter into these nervous system states of hyper arousal (anxiety) or hypo arousal (depression), we may forget what brings us inspiration and vitality. Deepening into our inspiration can be a solid resource for us to return to again and again. We can use this resource during times when we may feel lacking in our creative life force. Inspiration and vitality are always present inside of us. When we consciously connect to our Inspiration, our vitality will grow.
In the Hellerwork series I use these themes, fascia integration and movement to help unwind the patterns in the fascia and the nervous system. Integrating body, mind and spirit. Our next theme is Standing on your own two feet. Inquiring into support and finding our ground.
Melissa Brown is a Certified Hellerwork SI Practitioner & Somatic Counsellor Serving CowichantheValley and Victoria
Inspiration and Vitality
Iam inspired by connection. Connection to nature, beauty, and community. I experience Inspiration as a life force nourishing my vitality and wellbeing. Summer can be a powerful time to cultivate and explore what inspires you. I find summer such a beautiful time, witnessing the earth blossom towards the sun. A time to fill up and embody the yang energy. Do you have a moment to feel into your body and connect with your breath? If the answer is yes, let’s practice right now. Ask yourself this question “What inspires me?” As you tune in, notice what is happening in your body. Do you feel any sensations of expansion or contraction, temperature changes, or tingly sensations? Staying curious with all that is present within you. Exploring the felt sense in the body in the present moment is a way to start rewiring your nervous system

“There is a small piece of paradise called Nitinat Lake about an hour’s drive from Youbou. Here, my husband Marty and I run our kiteboarding and wing foiling school - Strong Kiteboarding, and enjoy playing in the wind and water every spring and summer. We both enjoy kiteboarding have recently started teaching wing foiling as well. Where kiteboarding is a sport involving a board similar to a wakeboard and a large kite attached to lines controlled by a bar, wing foiling is a hybrid sport developed from windsurfing and kiteboarding. It involves using a handheld wing to catch the wind, and riding a board (usually similar to a small SUP board) with a long mast attached below it. The mast has another ‘wing’ made of carbon or aluminum attached by a fuselage piece, which causes the rider to lift and hover over the water when they pick up speed. Like kiteboarding, it’s a bit of a challenge to learn, but doesn’t have the same intensity as learning to kiteboard. I have been kiteboarding for about 6 years and am now enjoying the new challenge of progressing in wing foiling too. I’ve invested most of my adult life in wind sports and the wind sports industry, and the most wonderful thing about teaching kiteboarding and wing foiling is seeing the confidence it gives students. While the journey is humbling, it will absolutely lead to an incredible sense of accomplishment. I also work as a sales rep for a kiteboarding brand called Ocean Rodeo, which is a local company located in Victoria. I’m fortunate to be right in the middle of the Windaction!sports in general have been a male-dominated sphere, and I am pleased to see more women entering the wind sports scene in recent years. One of the greatest rewards for me, as a woman working and playing in the wind sports industry, is to build up other women through teaching them to do something they may have thought they couldn’t do. Wind sports tend to have steep and intense learning curves, but the transformative and sometimes even lifechanging power of falling again and again, and then finding that “aha!” moment is an amazing thing to witness in others firstWhetherhand. it is learning to kiteboard or wing foil, I encourage everyone to approach it as the best gift they can offer themselves. Wind sports have given me a sense of confidence on and off the water - whenever I tackle a new challenge, I think back to what it took to kiteboard and wing foil: passion and lots and lots of time on the water! My aim is to empower more women (and men) through kiteboarding and wing foiling.” us for more information at 250-813-0035, strongkiteboarding.cominfo@ www.strongkiteboarding.comNitinat!)
(Reachable by WhatsApp and email only during summer season, as there is no cell reception at
Wilderness Kayaking LESSONS • TOURS • RENTALS • SALES Also Offering: • MAPLE BAY HARBOUR TOURS - 2 hour tour explores the shoreline, marine life, Chisholm Island in a protected harbour. • BIOLUMINESSENCE TOUR Come paddle and experience the Bioluminescent magical glow on this evening tour. • MOONLIGHT PADDLE Join us for guided evening paddle in Maple Bay and watch the full moon rising over Salt Spring Island. Call for more info and to book your tour now. 6683 Beaumont Ave, Maple Bay 250 746-0151 Cell: 250 715 info@wilderness-kayaking.com7482 KAYAK KIDS - INTRODUCTION TO SEA KAYAKING August 8-11 Session runs Mon - Thurs 9am - 1pm YOUTH DAY TRIP ADVENTURES – MAPLE BAY August 12 Friday 9am - 3pm Summer Programs From Maple Bay
69 CUSTOM LEARNING I WATERCRAFT ASSISTED PRIVATE 1-ON-1 LESSONS KITEBOARDING I WINGFOILING I RETAIL I RENTAL We are a certified IKO and IWO school offering watercraft assisted lessons for the safest, most comfortable and fastest learning experience. We have a full retail shop at the beach and are located at Nitinaht Lake which is the premier windsports training location in Canada! (250) 813 0035 I www.strongkiteboarding.cominfo@strongkiteboarding.comOPENEVERYDAY10:30am-6pm
Jill Linde, co-owner and instructor at Strong Kiteboarding is based in Victoria, Nitinat Lake and La Ventana Mexico
From Skutz, a short ride north up the hill on Mayo Rd. connects to the Cowichan Valley Trail, which links the town of Lake Cowichan and Duncan, terminating near Duncan in the vicinity of Berkey’s corner---with a spur paralleling Somenos Rd. along a section of the waterline easement connecting the Cowichan River to ForCrofton.beginner or seasoned e-bikers, an hour’s easy ride in either direction from the Trailshead Park provides vehicle traffic free cycling, gentle inclines and stops of scenic interest. A great activity on a hot summer day, the trail is shaded much of the way in both directions, though for a deeper “forest-bathing” experience under a shady canopy I recommend you head West to Skutz. Bring along plenty of drinking water, and plan to pack a picnic to enjoy by the river, or pedal on up to George and Evelyn’s at the Farm Table Inn on Old Lake Cowichan Rd., just minutes off the Valley Trail, and they’ll set you up with a readymade takeaway picnic if you don’t care to linger for a patio seat at their country idyll.
Women’s Institute member, Ruth Fenner, said: Submitted by Carolyn Prellwitz Vice-President, Cowichan Historical Society E-bikes
the Cowichan District Hospital and Cairnsmore Place. Included in the display is everything from archival ledgers of earliest activities, photographs of annual bazaar events and community services as well as archival charts of donations raised. In just the past five years the CDHA have raised $580,000.
Some of the current CDHA members are second generation. Local residents may well enjoy seeing their mother, grandmother, father, uncle or even mother-inlaw in the photos on display! The Women’s Institute of Canada is also commemorating an anniversary, its 125th, with a display of posters about its work in the Priscilla Lowe Gallery. Founded in Ontario in 1897 and active in BC since 1909, the vision statement of the of the WI is “Women interested, informed and involved in building a better tomorrow.” Here in the Cowichan Valley many school libraries, public libraries, 4-H programs, fall fairs and community halls were assisted by the members of local WI branches. Those same local branches were also instrumental in the founding of the Queen Alexandra Solarium in Mill Bay in 1927 (now the Children’s Heath Foundation of Vancouver Island) and the British Columbia Children’s Hospital in Vancouver in Somenos1928.
Two new temporary exhibits have opened at the Cowichan Valley Museum in the former federally heritage-designated 1912 Duncan Train Station at 130 Canada Avenue, Duncan and will be on display until August 31, The2022.Auxiliary to Cowichan District Hospital is commemorating its 90th anniversary of service to the local community through a wide-ranging display in the Priscilla Lowe Gallery inside the Museum. Since 1932 dedicated members have been committed to providing care and comfort for patients, first at King’s Daughter’s Hospital and today at CDH Auxiliary and Women’s Institute Now Featured at the Cowichan Valley Museum
Broomstick Bicycles regularly delivers e-bike rentals to the Glenora Trailshead parking lot, and will happily equip your group of 4 to 12 riders. E-bikes rentals are for adults 19 years or older, requiring the signature of a waiver and the use of an approved cycling helmet.
continued from page 7
“Too often we store our history and let it gather dust. We decided it was time to dust off and put on display in our community’s museum some of the WI’s history, in Canada, British Columbia and here in the Cowichan Valley. When WI was created to help women help women – in the home, in the community and our country. We hope our display will convey the important work we have done in the past and continue to do.” The Cowichan Valley Museum is open seven days a week from 10 am to 4 pm. Admission is by donation. All community members and visitors are welcome.
Arts on the Avenue Light Up The Night
LadysmithCouncilArts Arts on the Avenue is celebrating its 24th year! Proven to be a very popular summer attraction in Ladysmith, this two-day arts extravaganza is an iconic event for Vancouver Island that brings artists, local businesses, residents, and tourists together. Light up the Night is a fun-filled evening out for families and an event that invites participation from the whole community. This night market takes place on Saturday, August 27, from 6 p.m to 9:30 p.m. Featuring local arts vendors, the night will also consist of a kids’ art area, paint competition, food trucks, a street dance with the Del Rio Band, beer garden, and live music. Arts on the Avenue, which takes place on Sunday, August 28, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., is an outdoor juried original art show and sale, celebrating visual and performing arts, and it also offers demonstrations and hands-on activities for all ages. Hosted by the Arts Council of Ladysmith and District, these events will take place on First Avenue in Ladysmith from Warren Street to Buller Street.

Why We Love to Live Near the Ocean back luxury time and a naturally clean home enjoy it in! We are a very fortunate bunch to live by 3,400 km of coastline on Vancouver Island. It’s the place to be. Imagine yourself staring at the vast water, taking in a deep breath. Exactly, even thinking about it makes us feel Whyrelaxed!dowelove to sit in a lawn chair on the beach and face the ocean for hours?… or even look at it from an ocean view’ ? It’s obvious in the basic sense, ‘to relax’. In fact, there are several scientific reasons why the ocean is relaxing: The most basic reason is, we are part of the ocean. It is that scientific theory that life evolved from the oceans and later moved onto land. We are made of 60% salty water and have a natural affinity. We feel relaxed breathing in ocean air. The tiny ocean phytoplankton are responsible for producing an estimated 80% of the world’s oxygen (EOS News 2017) as well as taking in carbon dioxide. Negative ions abundant near sea help you absorb oxygen and improve body chemistry. In short, the sea air rejuvenates your body. If you are reading this sitting beside the ocean….Inhale… Theexhale….colour blue, is a naturally relaxing colour. (red makes humans energized or angry) We enjoy the ocean view and even more so on sunny days, when the clear sky reflects the blue of our earth’s atmosphere. Even as a distant ocean view …… Our brains, biologicallyhavingevolved near water, have a natural affinity to oceans. The rhythm of waves takes away our minds from day to day distractions and gives our minds a rest. The ocean is naturally Theremeditative.areplenty of opportunities for recreation living near the ocean, beach combing, water sports, boating, fishing…… Wouldn’t we all want to feel relaxed and refreshed every day, as if we were on vacation? Vida Glaser is a REALTOR working and selling homes on Vancouver Island Contact Vida Glaser - your oceanfront specialist - to help you find that perfect oceanfront home.
Providing professional, eco friendly cleaning services. 250 929 www.cleanchoicecleaners.com8381Licensed-Insured-Bonded Giving you

touch with any questions, lets chat about crystalclearawakening@gmail.comHD! Modern
* Card
After a two year hiatus, Vancouver Island Pagan Pride is back! The Vancouver Island Pagan Pride Day is an annual event held at various locations throughout Vancouver Island. The day is full of musical entertainment, speakers from around the province, demonstrations, workshops, vendor tables full of Pagan and Pagan friendly goods and services as well as great food! The general public is invited and there are usually tables of reading materials, staffed by members of a range of Neopagan denominations. Speakers may focus on dispelling common misconceptions about Neopaganism, or they may seek to educate outsiders about the details of their particular beliefs and Paganpractices.PrideDay has served to connect and educate people since the first event was held in 2005. This has facilitated the tremendous growth of our community. It has become a place to gather as a community and celebrate, and also to give back, through donations and support of the local food banks and other organizations.Saturday, August 13th, 11 am – 4 pm Charles Hoey Park, 124 Canada Ave.Duncan CHARLES
I invite you to be in Day Oracle Call Sacred Silence 250-710-5287 SYSTEMDESIGN
* Empowerment
The Akashic Records are a holographic memory library that holds the record of everything that has ever existed and occurred. You have your very own record that holds memory of your soul’s journey through this life and lives past. It also holds the key to your Divine Soul Blueprint. This is the framework for how you were designed by source to receive and run vital force energy. Through a Divine Soul Blueprint reading you will gain awareness as to how you were coded and created by source. I will help to shine awareness on your energetic gift, your starseed or earthseed origins, your talent and the themes you choose for this lifetime. This reading can offer clarity of who you are and inspire soul aligned choices in your life. Dana will be offering prebooked blueprint readings at Soulful Saturday on August 13th, upstairs in the Community Farm Store in Duncan. Email hertosoullevelenergyhealing.comtoenergyhealing@gmail.comsoullevel.bookbyAugust8th-visitlearnmoreaboutDanaandofferings.
Our uniqueness and differences is what makes life interesting, allows us to share our unique experiences with each other, enrich others lives, broaden our horizons and enjoy coming together into the bigger picture of families, communities, and life itself. Cathy has been studying and living her design for over 10 years. Certified AnalystHumanProfessionalDesign
* Energy or facebook: Sacred Silence Mediumship Healing Readings Sessions
* Spiritual

4. Start building your altar by intuitively placing your treasures on and around the sacred space.
2. Clean and declutter this sacred area of any 3.debris.Begin with gathering meaningful, or symbolic, items for the altar-like: Flowers and plants that are in full bloom to represent life. Candles, herbs or incense represent fire and creation. Items you may have collected from mother nature such as feathers, seashells, driftwood, a bird’s nest, insects, and animal bones represent summer’s beautiful bounty. Treasures of personal significance that represent energy, crystals, cards, buddhas, angels, bird baths, or wooden objects.
6. Create an opening ritual that is meaningful to you. This can be achieved with prayer, song or reflecting silently in your sacred piece of paper, write down your intentions for what you are wanting to manifest in your life over the next three to six months.
8. When you feel complete, sit before your altar and light your candles, envision the heat of the candle being the summer sun.
9. Reflect on your intentions and place your written paper on your Takealtar. this time and space to connect with the power of creation. Reflecting on where you are in your journey and where you wish to go. Then surrender your intentions to the altar. Now that your altar is complete, keep it sacred. Honour the beauty of this sacred space with cleanliness and respect. I keep my altar alive for as long as the weather permits me. I believe in the power of tending to and feeding it with pure love. You can do this by lighting the candles, freshening up the flowers or spending a moment of reflection there each day. When we create an altar, we are really creating a sacred space, so the more we feed the altar, the more powerful and alive this altered space becomes. I hope you enjoy your sacred altar and honour the beauty of the last weeks of summer.
Angel Jury the Modern Day Oracle - Spirit Journaling netwww.sacredsilence.-
Shift Intuitive/Psychic Readings/Hypnotherapy Call 250-619-3815 or email Leigh at: “Leigh is a very gifted psychic. I was in a transitional time in my life when I first met Leigh for a reading. She was able to translate what she was “getting” into concrete and practical applications for my life. That reading helped me to move forward with confidence that I was in the right place at the right time.” - Denise
Creating a Summer Sacred Altar Summer is the time of year that we experience the abundance of nature, with a bounty of blooming flowers, fruit and vegetables all ripening in our gardens. From this point forward, Mother Nature starts to draw us inwards as summer turns to autumn, and autumn will eventually turn to Aswinter.we celebrate the last weeks of summer, we become aware that from here on, we will slowly be moving back inwards as we retreat back into ourselves. What’s left of this buzzing energy and soulful abundance reminds us to fully celebrate all present moments with gratitude for all the things in our lives that brings us joy. One of the ways I do this is by building an outdoor altar. This high and creative energy that the late summer sun provides reminds me it is a great time to set intentions for the coming winter months. Honour your summer by creating your own sacred altar of treasures. Building your Summer Sacred Altar 1. Let your intuitive voice guide you to a sacred space to build your altar. A few suggestions would be, in your garden, on your porch, under a tree, beside a body of water.
5. Allow yourself to activate your soul’s intuitive voice to help with creation. Remember your representation of beauty is the best way to activate your love and connection with spirit.

If you’ve been to our tasting room recently, you may have met the newest addition to our team, Rey. She spends a lot of days helping out in our tasting room, trying to enhance our customer experience. Rey joined us at the end of April, and after a few weeks of initial training has quickly become our top Yes,greeter.Reyis a Golden Retriever puppy. And in case you were curious, her full name is Rey Skywalker (nerd alert). She is our second retriever from a local breeder who breeds “field retrievers”, a subset of goldens who have been bred for good hunting characteristics, and over the years are quite different then typical Goldens who have been bred for shows or as family pets. Rey will be smaller, slenderer and has a shorter reddish coat that repels water. Field retrievers are high energy and are bred to hunt and swim all day and love to be kept busy with tasks. It took us two years to finally get our new puppy, but we couldn’t Our previous Golden, Tawny, was always popular in the tasting room, but also loved to be out in the vineyard helping me with all sorts of tasks. When she wasn’t chasing down vineyard pests, she would guard picking bins or scare off starlings. In her spare time she was a calendar girl, and even made the cover of the Winery Dogs of BC calendar when she was just a puppy. Yes, there is a calendar for BC winery dogs, and it’s adorable.
I’ve always found it interesting that the majority of wineries have a resident dog (or dogs). I’m not quite sure what the connection is between vineyards, winemaking and woofs, but there’s no denying that there is one. Many of the local wineries have four legged mascots who can be seen running around the vineyards, guarding the winery or greeting guests in the tasting room. Quite a few local wineries also classify themselves as “dog friendly” and welcome you to bring your well behaved dog with you to enjoy your tasting or picnic experience. Some of the wineries that I know welcome four legged friends include Averill Creek, Blue Grouse, Cherry Point, Damali, Divino, Unsworth and Zanatta. Of course we welcome dogs at Rocky Creek Winery as well, and even have an event planned for the Cowichan Wine Festival in August featuring “Wine and Woofs”. On August 27th from noon until 3pm we will be having an afternoon focussed on combining these two fun activities with lots of dog-related activities along with wine and we will have a food truck onsite. There is even a “tasting bar” set up for dogs (with treats, not wine) Tickets and more information can be found on our website RATTY by Shiloh Badman
Musings From The Vines Winery Dogs Mark owner,Holford,winemaker Rocky Creek Winery Cowichan’s most award winery.winning Pele
“I was inspired to paint this picture of Pelè because he’s extraordinarilyis cute, quite possibly the best dog ever.” Bowie Puusa, Age 13 5”x7” acrylic on canvas board

When we take our dog out of a mildly scary situation right away, we are telling her that it is indeed a very scary situation and that the world is a dangerous Tinyplace.steps everyday will take your dog a long way to being confident. Being fearful is not a great way to live. Your dog deserves to be happy and relaxed. Ignore your instinct to smother your dog with praise when she’s fearful and think it through. She can feel that you anticipate her fear so you must be confident in yourself even if you fake it for a while. Relax your shoulders, your jaw, and breathe. Keep your voice low and calm. You’re both doing the best you can. Keep up the good work.
75 250 597-7DOG or Book Online 1059 CANADA AVE DUNCAN Just north of Pots & Paraphanelia U Bath or WE HomeBath of the Drop-in Toe Nail Trim LUCKY DOG DOGPROFESSIONALGROOMING! by STEPH STEW’S DOG DO’S LUCKYBuildingDOG confidence… Debbie Wood owns Lucky Dog U-Bath. She can be found on trails in the Cowichan Valley with her BF, Bonnie. Aconfident dog is a joy to have in your life. Not an arrogant dog, but a dog that knows you have their back. A dog that is willing to try new things and can handle failure if it doesn’t work Someout. dogs are born timid and some dogs have had their confidence stripped away before we met them. An unconfident dog will express themself in different ways. Fear aggression, being overly submissive, or a constant need for reassurance are all signs of low confidence. You can help your dog feel strong and brave. If your dog is submissive or constantly looking to you for answers, try to make them think for themselves sometimes. Solving our own problems builds confidence and the same is true for your dog. If your dog is spending too much time bumping your arm or licking your hand for attention, tell her to stop. This creates a small stressor in her brain and she may try other methods to get the reassurance she is addicted to. Be kind, but be firm. When she gives up, just ignore her for a few minutes. Let her think her thoughts and be in herself while the lesson is learned. That lesson is that you are still there and that her world did not implode by lying down for a Boundarieswhile. and schedules work well to create a secure feeling in your dog’s surroundings. Food is at a certain time, exercise is at a certain time, snuggles, rest, training, all on schedule makes her world predictable. This is not how I train fresh puppies; I like to mess with their schedules to build resilience, but when working with a timid second-hand dog, schedules are great. There’s nothing like succeeding to make your dog feel better. Overcoming a small stressor helps her see what she can do. Finding a treat under a paper cup (hooray!). Hide and seek with a favourite toy (hooray!). Going somewhere a little scary and not having a meltdown (hooray!) We want our timid dogs to succeed at every task after the small stress. This builds confidence. Babying your timid dog reinforces her fears. As her advocate it’s your job to help her through her fears, not encourage them by picking her up at the first sign of stress. Let her be in it for a moment, while you remain calm and reassure her with your voice. I’m not talking about truly dangerous situations; I’m talking about walking past a storm drain or whatever phobia your dog has. EstatesCollectiblesEclectibles&More! Come Snoop Around!
Week• Affordable Drop Off Services • Large Capacity Machines • Ask About Pick Up Service 1606 Joan Ave 250-324-2249Crofton
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Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) This month the Sun and Mercury are in your sign boosting your energy and confidence, which is why you make a great impression on everyone. When Mercury, the planet of communication, is in your sign, it helps you to communicate effectively because you put more of yourself into whatever you say. This winning combo puts you in the perfect position to impress others and be successful in going after what you want. Mercury will also give you an urge to get out and travel plus hone your skills in negotiations. Oh yeah, you rule! Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Because your birthday is a month away, your personal year is coming to an end. When this occurs, the Sun is “hiding” in your chart. Hence, you will prefer being in the background this month. This is an ideal time to go off by yourself to think, study or do research. It’s also an excellent time to make goals for your new year ahead (which begins on your birthday). Goals give you a clearer focus on what is important. They make future decision-making easier and they give you better control over your future. Ideas? Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You are the most social sign in the zodiac. This month the Sun and Mercury are in your House of Friends and Groups. This means friendships will become more important, and you will examine the role people play in your life. This is the perfect influence to help you work and cooperate with others. It gives you the personal courage to establish who you are with your friends. Team efforts will thrive. Personally, you will scrutinize the people you hang out with. “Are these my people?” “Do they have my back?”
77 Aries (March 21-April 19) This month your mantra is, “I want to be me, and enjoy myself!” You feel more lighthearted and playful, which is why you’ll make an effort to enjoy sports events, entertaining diversions, the theatre, fun luncheons, romantic dates, playful activities with kids and exciting vacations. Aries people also love to camp (which is more than getting drunk with insects.) This placement of Mercury will make you want to pursue mental activities for their own sake –games, puzzles and mysteries. Intriguing!
Georgia Nicols M.A. Georgia’s book, You and Your Future is a best seller with georgianicols.com3printingsinternationalinlanguages.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) This month you will get in touch with hidden aspects of yourself. This is because the Sun is now helping you to be more in touch with your inner being and do psychological self-inquiry and experience things beyond just an intellectual level. (Heady stuff.) You will also have more discussions about finances, property and shared possessions because these areas will concern you as well. Fortunately, Venus opposite your sign will pave the way for smooth negotiations. Good timing. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) This month the Sun and Mercury are opposite your sign, which means it’s not the time to go it alone. Work with others and create working units and partnerships. Now is the time to ask for help from consultants, lawyers, specialists or astrologers. Examine your closest partnerships. Discover what needs these relationships do or do not fill in your life. Mercury will help you to clarify issues to someone else. Mercury will also stimulate conversations with others – not only intellectual conversations but also arguments! Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You will accomplish a lot this month. Even if you are retired, this astrological energy will help you work on whatever task you set for yourself. Because of Mercury, this is an excellent time for all kinds of mental work. You will pay more attention to details, and enjoy planning and looking at something from every angle. Relations with coworkers will likely improve. In addition, you will explore ideas about how to improve your health, as well as your dealings with a pet. You can look forward to productive times www.georgianicols.comahead!
Taurus (April 20-May 20) This month your focus on home and family is strong. You might be involved more with a parent. You’ll enjoy spending more time at home, relaxing among familiar surroundings. Many of you will tackle home-repair projects and enjoy family discussions, including entertaining family and friends at your fine table. Because Mercury will be at the bottom of your chart, this is an excellent time for you to express important views to family members. “I want a pool.”
Gemini (May 21-June 20) This month is fast-paced and stimulating! Your ruler Mercury is in in its “home” in your chart, which intensifies its energy, pushing you to be more involved in group discussions and conversations with others. You will meet new people, take short trips and have more contact with relatives and neighbours. You will enjoy intellectual activities. You don’t want to settle down. The tempo of events in your life is accelerating! Do what you can to break free from your everyday routine. Enjoy short trips. Cancer (June 21-July 22) This is a lovely time for you because fair Venus is in your sign promoting your desire to relate to others, and making you warm, friendly, diplomatic and charming. This is an ideal time to make peace with others. It’s also a good time to buy wardrobe treasures and score bargains! This month, your interest in money, cash flow and taking care of what you own is stronger. You are giving more thought to your values and where you stand on certain issues.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Once a year, the Sun sits at the top of your chart, casting you in a flattering spotlight. (Good lighting is everything.) This means others admire you even if you don’t do anything special. Bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs see you as competent and capable. Obviously, this is the month to make your pitch or ask for permission or approval. Meanwhile, Mercury is also be at the top of your chart helping you to make plans about your professional life, and how to express yourself in society. It’s a great time to take up any study to help your career. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) This month the Sun and Mercury in your astrological “home.” This means you will feel energized to do all the things you love to do! You want to travel and broaden your horizons. You will enjoy studies and discover fresh, new experiences. Discover opportunities in publishing, the media and anything to do with medicine and the law. You will easily finish important papers or manuscripts. Study, learning and travel are the things you love to do! And fiery Mars will help you work hard to attain your goals.

78 A great way to discover local services and businesses. 2 sizes of ad space are available to suit every business message and budget. Affordable, stylish and straight to the point. More than a Meat Shop Gluten Free/Organic Pasta’s, Organic Meat, Homemade Sausage, International Foods. The Duncan Butcher 430 Trans Canada Hwy 250 748 -6377 Food Contact Group re 5G DIRECTORYOFLOCALSERVICES AdvertisingBeauty Prudence Natural Skincare & Cosmetics • 155 Craig Street, Downtown SundaysOpen:www.prudencenaturalbeauty.caDuncanMonday-Friday10am-5pm12-4pm Art Classes A concerned group “Cowichan Citizens for Safe Technology” has printed materials related to safe technology use. To connect with current information re radiation concerns drop by Thursday at noon at Glow for any in person updates. Dog Grooming Lucky Dog U-Bath, Duncan Now accepting new grooming Or call 250-597-7364 GLASS ART SUPPLIES GLASS ART CLASSES STUDIO DROP IN KILN RENTAL I 566 David Street, Victoria I 250-382-9554 Collaborative design towards ethical sustainability • workshops • consulting • grant writing Specialized Consulting Monthly Print Advertising Reach the locals! Contact us info@cowichanvalleyvoice.comat The Clay Hub Collective Pottery Classes and Open Studio see website for details Art Glass Victoria Hilary Huntley I 250-710-8758 Trial By Fire Pottery Studio 2 Week Wheel Classes Home Needed Directory Size A - 1 logo + 8-12 word listing Full Colour 1 X $63 6X $53 12X $43 Black & White 1 X $52 6X $42 12X $32 Contact us at for more information about print ads or to book a directory listing for the next issue. Deadline August 15 for September 2022 Issue 166. Rental Home needed, Presently in Glenora, quiet, nature loving, gardening, hiking and kayaking. Female business owner in Duncan, wanting a pet friendly home as my golden retriever is our Greeter in the store. Also willing to be of assistance to an Elder with a separate living space on the property. I come with excellent references. Please call or text, 250-893-2873

79 UniquelyAyurvedicwww.ayurvedicbliss.comLifeTransformationsAsrael2505973973TailoredExplorationsIntoTheSelf Coaching, Counselling, Yoga Therapies & Bodywork Nutrition Holistic Health and Healing Psychic Reflexology by Joy Relax and rejuvenate each and every part of your body, including the glands and organs. I 250 246 1401 specializing in toes•calves•lower legs• knees Modern Day Oracle Call Sacred Silence 250-710-5287 or facebook: Sacred Silence * Spiritual Mediumship * Energy Healing * Card Readings * Empowerment Sessions Hidden Gem Reiki Studio 250-661-0192 Judy Johnstone, Reiki www.hiddengemreiki.comMaster •Functional Medicine and Nutrition Consultations •Lab •IndividualizedAssessments/EducationLifestyleandWellness Plans www.sageheartnutrition.wordpress.comsageheartnutrition@gmail.com250-931-0012 NOWNEWACCEPTINGCLIENTS $15 OFF FIRST TREATMENT Book online: unified.Jane 250.532.6362 Website Design Yoga Reflexology I Swedish Massage Lymphatic Release Technique Enabling your body to heal itself, naturally. Call Helga 250-732-7988 Book online at Thank you Rainforest Flying Squad for taking a stand for the last stand. laststandforforests.comYOGA ON THE DOCK Classes held July & August at Mill Bay Marina For details call Merle 250-217-6255 BIOMAGNETISM & ENERGY HEALER Recover your health & well-being focus on root cause of illness Pets and Remote Sessions offered Kathryn Lowther www.biomagcanada.ca250-891-5138