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Food for the Soul
Trisha Klus part of the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Artists show called Off the Wall: Redefining the Map
Cooks are artists, many would agree after consuming a fine dinner. And great artists nourish us in the same way, adding beauty and seasoning to our daily lives. That means the Cowichan Valley Arts Council is a virtual gourmet restaurant, a place where you can have a fine art sampling or go into the studio and learn some skills yourself.
In June, we are offering a buffet of different works. A book art exhibit called Off the Wall: Redefining the Map (June 5-19) is presented by the BC Islands chapter of the Canadian Bookbinders and Artists’ Guild (CBBAG). A map can mean the visual representation of an area, whether real or imaginary. Maps are the inspiration in this exhibit of artists’ books, calligraphy, fine binding, letterpress printing, marbling and more.
Human sculpture in bronze next to abstract painting is the other satisfying smorgasbord in June (Runs to June 19). The show is called Moments of Joy and features work by two Gulf Islands artists: sculpture by Bev Paterson and painting by Marsha Batchelor, also an author and book designer.
Finally, in the DIY category we have an online course on drawing pets with coloured pencil, starting June 19, given by an outstanding instructor from Salt Spring Island. Plein air painting is the subject of a June 15 presentation by Roger Jackson, who will lead a field trip in July.
And if you have artistic kids, CVAC is planning summer camps, each week with a different theme from recycling and sculpture to puppets and theatre. Sign up through the CVRD Recreation Cowichan. Or check out these and other events on our “menu” https:// cowichanvalleyartscouncil.ca/ whats-on/
Susan Down is managing director of the Cowichan Valley Arts Council.

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