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Grounding Wool
March is upon us here in the beautiful Cowichan Valley. As a family we go outside right away during the sunny stretches. Our three year old has been climbing trees while our six month old watches with wonder in her eyes.
The other day my wife decided it was finally time for our little one to feel the ground below her. The ground is still frozen and the wind still tells us Winter is here, but we pulled out the wool play mat and plonked her onto the ground. It is a signature Soul Comfort baby item and we use everywhere! Inside for play time, and as a “pop-up” space for Grace if we are visiting. She gladly went onto the ground and promptly shuffled on her belly to the edge of the play mat and took a huge handful of tasty leaves, dirt and bits of decomposing bugs. This baby was in heaven! on her fluffy mat that connects her to the ground while keeping her warm and safe. What more could a baby ask for? The room and authority to explore in a brand new environment on her terms, while being connected to the safety of home, warmth of mummy and feelings of safe boundaries on her wool.
The mat was filthy after we were done playing for the afternoon. I washed it in some warm water and some special wool detergent and then popped it in the dryer. All clean and good to go for diaper free time before bed. I like diaper free time because Grace gets to explore her ability without the hindrance of the diaper that is on her most of the time. If pee or poop happens the ability to clean the wool play mat is as easy as I experienced with the massive amount of dirt, leaves and pumpkin seed butter that was adorned on the mat by my son. I am amazed by wool and the way it works into our life. Wool truly fascinates me for some odd reason. Perhaps it is the good vibrations of my children using it, or perhaps wool is one of the objects in this world that connects us to something bigger.

Submitted by Andrew Sawyer