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Cowichan Elder College Spring Program
Understanding the CanadaGAP Program
Understanding the CanadaGAP Program will be led by Danni Kneeland from Food Safety Solutions (FSS). Danni has 19 years of experience working in the field of food safety, has been a certified CanadaGAP auditor since 2009, and an approved CanadaGAP Auditor trainer since 2010. She delivers CanadaGAP audits, conducts technical reviews and provides technical assistance for two certification bodies. She has also provided auditor training directly at the request of CanAgPlus (the CanadaGAP scheme owner).
Participants will be taught using the CanadaGAP standardized materials and electronic course materials will be provided ahead of time with printing/ downloading instructions. Participants will be eligible to receive a certificate of attendance provided by FSS.
Note: there is no exam required for this class. The course materials that will be sent out ahead of time (either printed or an electronic version, you choose), probably a caffeinated beverage to keep you going through the day, an interest to learn, and a smile. CGC is committed to fostering an inclusive environment. Should you need accommodations, please reach out to Dani (dani@ cowichangreencommunity.org) at least 72 hours before the course starts.
March 21st and 22nd from 8:30am - 4:30pm PST, both days To register visit https://www. eventbrite.ca/e/267866274237 Cost: $25 BUT upon successful completion of the course, participants will have the choice of receiving a $25 gift card to be used in the reFRESH Marketplace at 360 Duncan St. Duncan or $25 worth of seeds in the mail as a thank you for attending.
Cowichan Green Community gratefully acknowledges the funding support of the B.C. Government’s Feed BC initiative, to help increase the use of B.C-grown and B.C.- processed foods in government-supported facilities and institutions.
bad comics

by Shiloh Badman