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March Forecasts
Georgia Nicols M.A. Georgia’s book, You and Your Future is a best seller with international printings in 3 languages. georgianicols.com
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Your personal year is coming to an end, but your new year won’t begin until your birthday. This means this month you’re sort of in limbo. You will still schmooze with others, especially younger people. Venus and your ruler Mars at the top of your chart will make you look good to others, especially bosses, parents and teachers. And Mars will continue to rev your ambitions. Use this window of time to write down some goals for your new year ahead. Goals keep you on track and make it harder to kid yourself.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
This month, you’re more popular! Enjoy schmoozing with friends and getting involved with groups --in person or on-line. (Some of you will begin a romance with someone “different.”) This is a good time to share your hopes for the future because someone’s feedback will help you. Meanwhile, think about future travel. Mars and Venus are in a part of your chart that makes you want to expand your world, learn new things and seek adventure. If you can’t travel, then learn through courses, school, reading or film. You need a change of scenery!
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Ta da! Once a year, the Sun sits at the top of your chart for four weeks, which symbolizes that you are in a flattering spotlight. This makes bosses, parents and people in authority admire you, even if you don’t do anything special. This means that this month you have this wonderful advantage! Obviously, now is the time to make your pitch or advance your agenda. Meanwhile, both Mars and Venus are in one of your Money Houses, encouraging resources and money to come your way. You will more easily get a loan or a mortgage. This is a fortuitous. Use it!
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Grab every chance to broaden your horizons this month. Seek out new and unfamiliar experiences. Travel if you can. Explore hobbies. Discuss philosophy, religion and politics because intellectual stimulation will interest you. Obviously, travel will be exciting. With Venus opposite your sign, relations with others are smooth. However, Mars opposite your sign might indicate conflict with someone close to you. The solution is to focus more on what you share with this person instead of your differences. You must share a lot - or how else did they get so close to you?
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
You will feel more passionately about everything (including intimacy) this month, which is why certain compulsions might surface. You might feel obsessed about getting your own way. You might also feel obsessed about being right. Well, these are just ego trips. What’s really going on is that you want to experience life at a more feeling, passionate level. Conversations are not enough. Words, words, words. You want to experience something deeply! Some of you might meet someone who provokes self-inquiry in you. “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.”
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
The Sun is opposite your sign this month. (Symbolically, it means the Sun is as far away from you as it can get all year, and since the Sun is your source of energy – you will need more sleep.) Furthermore, this polarized position of the Sun to your sign will make you focus on your closest one-to-one relationships. The good news is you will have more objectivity about these relationships, which will give you a better chance of seeing how well these relationships fill your needs or the needs of someone else. This is also an excellent time to consult experts
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
This month, you’re going to pull your act together and get better organized. You’ll focus on tasks that need to be done, and will do them efficiently– making every action count. You might have to work on behalf of someone else. Fear not. This is not necessarily self-denial. You will derive satisfaction by doing a good job for yourself and others. You will take pride in your work. Because there is increased chaos on the home front, this attitude will serve you well. I remember that my mother-in-law had a white and blue serving plate with the script, “It’s a joy to labour for those you love.”
Scorpio (Oct. 23Nov. 21)
Once a year, the Sun travels through the most fun part of your chart and this is happening now. Lucky you! Your attitude toward your relationships will be lighter and more playful. Your focus will be on amusing recreations, games, sports, social outings, holidays and fun times with kids. Personally, you will feel free to express yourself without fear or apology because you want to be exactly who you are. How liberating and empowering! Some of you might encounter a new romance. Enjoy your good fortune!
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
This month your focus is on your most intimate, personal life and the people who affect it the most. You will cocoon at home more than usual. Your interaction with a parent might be more significant. This is a good tine to contemplate your navel and profound concepts, like why kleptomaniacs take things literally. Naturally, as you ponder family, memories from the past will bubble up in your mind. This is why psychological self-evaluation will promote personal growth this month. Sounds kind of heady, but we are always growing.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
The pace of your days is accelerating! You’ve got places to go, things to do and people to see! Fortunately, with fiery Mars in your sign, you have the energy to do this. Meanwhile, it’s a great month to learn how to better handle relationships. Examine your style of communicating to others. It will be easy for you to clearly state your wants and needs to others; however, remember to listen as well. Good communications are a two-way street. If you can get out and travel for even a short trip – this will please you, because you’re eager for new knowledge and a change of scenery.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Don’t be surprised to find yourself reflecting on your values and defining the things that are important to you this month. You might take a deeper look at what you own, and your relationship to your belongings. You might wonder, “Why do I keep this stuff?” Obviously, what you own defines you. Possibly, you want to show off what you own to others? However, at a deeper level, you want greater control over your life through the things that you own. But remember – you are the owner. Don’t be a slave to your possessions. Meanwhile, a secret love affair might be bubbling on the back burner.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
This month the Sun is in your sign, which is fabulous news! It’s your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of year! This means you will project yourself more successfully onto your world. You will be more confident, more courageous and more proactive. Naturally, you will feel a great need to express yourself. (This is the one time of year when it is appropriate to put your own needs first.) The Sun will also attract favourable situations and important people to you. Be passionate about your work. Be passionate about your play!