October 2022 Issue 167

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October 2022 Issue 167

Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine

Publisher Richard Badman

Editor Sheila Badman

Contact us at: editor@cowichanvalleyvoice.com

250 746 9319 6514 Wicks Rd, Duncan BC V9L 5V2

Visit us online at www.cowichanvalleyvoice.com

Distribution Proofreader Calendar

Advertising Enquiries Please Contact us at info@cowichanvalleyvoice.com for A rate card, monthly offers and print ad specials.

Next Ad Deadline October 15 for November 2022 Issue 168

*Non Profit Community Ad Rates available please enquire.


Next EVENTS DEADLINE October 15 for November 2022 Issue 168 E-mail: Date, Event Title, Time, Location and Cost w/ subject “EVENT” to events@cowichanvalleyvoice.com

Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine reserves the right to, omit and/or edit submitted listings due to space limitations


Jen Rose-Miller, Shannon Van Hemert, Laura Boyd Clowes, Denzy James, Brad Boisvert, Arie Vander Reyden, Karen Allen, James Darin Corbiere, Martin Comtois, Cari Burdett, Jesse Wente, Jennifer Lawson, Catherine Fraser, Margit Nellemann, , Bev Robertson, Stuart Pagaduan, Amy Caine, Melanie Watson, Sonia Furstenau, Peg Ainsley, Suzan Kostiuck, Vedrana Ashcroft, Hwiemtun, Paul Fletcher, Bernie Dinter, Kamilla Milligan, Amy Luck-MacGregor, Liz Maxwell Forbes, Jessica Howarth, Gina Malkin, Terence Miranda, Patty Abbot, Melissa Brown, Diana Sharpe, Catherine Harding–Simons, DeAnna Cross, Debbie Wood, Icel Dobell, Shiloh Badman, The lovely Georgia Nicols, Nicolette Genier, Cindy Jolin, and the Wonderful Staff at the Community Farm Store.

We welcome your story ideas & photo submissions; however Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine reserves the right to omit and/or edit all submissions for space, clarity, content and style. The opinions expressed in Valley Voice Magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or other contributors. Please send a query email with your suggested topic prior to sending your article as space is limited and may not always be available.

Valley Voice Magazine is distributed through 450 + select locations throughout the Cowichan Valley- Malahat, Mill Bay, Shawnigan Lake, Cherry Point, Duncan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Chemainus and Salt Spring Island and to Cowichan Lake, Ladysmith, Victoria, Tofino and Parksville.

Cover Image; Return of the Stseelhtun, Stuart Pagaduan. Stuart Pagaduan was commissioned by Lance & Liz at Just Jakes Restaurant to create this year’s WildWings art work. This is Stuart’s second time being selected as the Artist of the Somenos.


October Events 5

2nd Annual Fall Makers Market 6-7

Kirtan Gratitude Celebration 21

The Truth in Truth & Reconciliation Game 25

13th Annual Green Gala 27

Giant Garden House Charity Book Sale 29

WildWings Nature and Arts 42

Drum Making with Hwiemtun 43

WildWings Nature and Arts Festival Schedule 44-45

Kitchen Skills Series for Neurodivergent Youth 58 October Forecasts 69

Cowichan Valley Election Pages 71-85 Directory 86-87


A Local Thanksgiving 10

Duncan Farmers Market Local Food Guide 11

Fall Harvest Bounty at Cow-Op 12 50km Local Food Diet 14-15

Recipe: Timeless Apple Crumble 19 Cheese of the Season 20

Recipe: Italian Sausage Pecorino Cheese Stuffing 20 Thanksgiving Wine Pairings 22 Healthy Smoothies 55


Trees for a Small Garden 48 Compost with Confidence this Fall 50 Project Nest Box 51


Glory: The Rise of Cambridge’s Preston Rivulettes 8

Cowichan Artisans Studio Tour 30-31 Studio Highlights 32-33 Artist Stuart Pagaduan 35 Downtown Duncan Art Pages 38-39 Public Art is Coming! 41 Ratty by Shiloh Badman 52


Farm to Table - The 100 mile Diet 13 Astrology and Dream Analysis 26

Why We Should Read: Unreconciled by Jesse Wente 28

Fall Author Event Series hosted by Volume One Bookstore 34 Fall Fashion Advice 36-37 Food Security & Climate Resiliency 40

Excerpt from “River Tales” 53 Stress and Your Adrenals 56 Cleansing With Juice 57

What is the best hearing aid for me? 60



Standing On Your Own Two Feet 62 Living Your Design Immersion Workshop 63 The Secret Season 64


A Brief History of Earth’s Climate 46 Nature Play with Cari Burdett 52 Birders and Broomsticks 47

Wheelchair & Stroller Accessible Trails 61

Lucky Dog - What are you feeding your dog? 67 Voice of the Unexpected 71

Get in touch for our holiday specials, seasonal features and ways we can put your business in front of local readers! Call 250 746 9319 / text 250 709-8846 info@cowichanvalleyvoice.com


GLORY The Rise of Cambridge’s Preston Rivulettes Women’s Hockey Team Chemainus Theatre Tickets @ chemainustheatre.ca or 250-246-9820 to 10/9

Thu-It, multimedia Cowichan Elders exhibit, CVAC Gallery 2687 James St., Duncan to 10/06 FREE

Thu-It, Indigenous Youth art exhibit, Cowichan Valley Arts Council Annex runs to 10/06 FREE

1Live Music with Lawson Kelly @ Riot Brewing Co. 6-9pm 3055 Oak St. Chemainus coop@ riotbrewing.com

2Warmland Book & Film Collective, discussing All the Quiet Places by Brian Thomas Isaac 5-7 pm online. Zoom link: WarmlandBFC@gmail.com

“Hay Y’all” Local Vendors, Food, and Music by The Mom Market Vancouver Island 12-4pm Keating Farm, 5250 Miller Road, Duncan FREE

Times They Are A Changing Exhibit, Sundays 11-3pm, Heritage Museum, 2851 Church Way, Mill Bay, , by donation, also 9/16/23/30

Classical Concerts: Catherine Lan, piano Tao Lin, piano. 2pm St. Michael’s Church, Chemainus. $25/$10 Reserved $20 250-7488383

South Cowichan CVRD Area Director Candidates Meeting 1-3pm Cobble Hill Hall

3“Coexisting with Wildlife” w/ Lesley Fox of The Fur Bearers 9:30am via Zoom, Email cvns@ naturecowichan.net for the link FREE

7HUB Cafe Fridays Coffee/ Baking/Lunch 8:30-2pm The HUB at Cowichan Station 2375 Koksilah Rd, 10/14/21/28

8Fall Makers Market @ Miller + Co. Wood Studio and Pottery 10-3pm, 4540 Koksilah Rd, Duncan FREE

Charbonneau, Cutler & Walsh Folk Fusion Trio, 7pm Cowichan Folk Guild Coffeehouse Duncan United Church 246 Ingram St. $5/members $10/non cowichanfolkguild.ca

Astrology & Dream analysis readings w/Martin Comtois, 11-4pm @ The Community Farm Store, $100/1hr spiritofthetimes108@gmail.com to book by 10/6

9Kirtan Jam! w/ Loves Triangle 2:30-4:00pm Collective Space 166 Station St, Duncan, by donation lovestriangle108@gmail. com

11Beyond the Path, Visual Art Show, CVAC Annex 2687 James St., Duncan runs to 10/25 FREE

Figure Drawing, non-instructional studio sessions, 2-4:30 pm CVAC Studio 2687 James St., Duncan $180, adv reg 250-746-1633

12Photography and Beyond, talk on digital photography, 1:30-2:30pm, Cowichan Valley Arts Council Studio. 2687 James St., Duncan RSVP online FREE

13Maple Bay Painters, group art show CVAC Gallery, 2687 James St., Duncan runs to 11/10 FREE


Children of War Fundraiser for Ukraine, Doors 4:30pm Dinner 5:30pm Speaker7pm Birds Eye Cove Farm, Maple Bay $125.00 e-transfer childofwar2022@gmail. com

15&16Cowichan Artisans Fall Studio Tour, multiple studios,105pm FREE www.cowichanartisans.com

15-17Farmer’s Market watercolour scenes, watercolour workshop w/ Harold Allanson, CVAC Studio 2687 James St., Duncan $370 Reg online: cowichanvalleyartscouncil. ca

16Backyard Sessions w/Cari

Burdett, Ingrid Martens & Guests Nature Play, Weave, Song Connection, 9-1pm, Lila Music Centre, 3228A Gibbons Rd. www. joythroughmusic.com

18The Legendary Downchild Blues Band w/ guest Miss Emily 7:30 pm, Cowichan Performing Arts Centre cowichanpac.ca $52

“Dragonflies Can Change Your Life” w/ Cameron Eckert, Yukon Ecologist, 7:30pm via Zoom, Email cvns@naturecowichan.net for the link. FREE

20Looking at Abstract Art, how to appreciate schools of art, 1:30–2:30pm CVAC Studio 2687 James St., Duncan RSVP online:co wichanvalleyartscouncil.ca FREE

Beyond Boating Basics Course, 6 Thursday evenings, Contact N

Dower 250-710-2726

21Dead Ringer, special presentation Musical by Zachary Stevenson, Tickets start at $25Tickets @ chemainustheatre.ca or 250-246-9820 runs to 11/13

Cowichan Public Art Gallery info session 3:30-5pm Cowichan Library meeting room 2687 James St., Duncan info@cowichangallery. ca FREE

23Love’s Triangle Community Kirtan 2:30–4:00pm Collective Space 166 Station St, Duncan. by donation lovestriangle108@gmail.com

24Reel Alternatives Movie Night ‘Run Woman Run’, 7pm Cowichan Performing Arts, 2687 James St, Duncan $17 250748-7529 Cowichanhospice.org


Fleece & Fibre Fair, 10-4pm, The Hub at Cowichan Station, www. cowichanfleeceandfibrefestival. com FREE

Dancers of Damelahamid: Mînowin 7:30pm Cowichan Performing Arts Centre www.cowichanpac.ca $46 adult $5 student

22 Daniel Cook Trio Doors 7pm Providence Farm Chapel Concert, 1843 Tzouhalem Rd Tickets $15 members/$20 non members

Cowichan Consort Orchestra presents Suites and Preludes Concert 7:30pm Chr R. Church 930 Trunk Rd Duncan, Tickets @ door

27Impressions, art show by the Printmakers Only Group, CVAC Annex. 2687 James St., Duncan runs to 11/10 FREE

Six by Six, tiny art show silent auction, Cowichan Valley Arts Council Studio 2687 James St., Duncan runs to 11/3 FREE

28Friday Night Kirtan 7-8:45pm VI Yoga School (Harmony Yoga) #103 360 Duncan St. By Donation kirtan@ choosingtothrive.com

28-29Charity Book Sale for Garden House Foundation 9am-5pm (ends 2pm Sunday), George Bonner School, 3060 Cobble Hill Rd. Mill Bay To donate books call 250-743-4627 www.gardenhousefoundation. wordpress.com FREE

Daytime • Evening • Weekends • By Appointment Only • 250-743-8122 #13- Upper Level • Valleyview Centre • Cobble Hill www.reikiwellness.ca • reiki-wellness@shaw.ca REIKI WELLNESS FOOT DETOX PACKAGE SPECIALS BEFORE AFTER 4x $300 (reg $360) 6x $420 (reg $540) 10x $600 (reg $900) relax, detox, energize


The nights are growing longer and there is an undeniable chill in the air… fall is fast approaching and so is the 2nd annual Fall Makers Market - a curated outdoor market featuring incredible local small businesses providing perfect handmade items to complete your home decor and/or meals for Thanksgiving weekend … or perhaps get a head start on your holiday shopping!

To bring calm and cozy into your home, in addition to their crystal candles, Crowfoot Collective will have 4 ounce candles in seasonal scents only available at the market! Keep an eye out for an upcoming collaboration between them and host, Miller + Co. Pottery…

To fill your tables and stomachs with Werewolf Doughnuts - featuring their artisan vegan doughnuts in yummy seasonal fall flavours. From Nanaimo, Uncharted Chocolate will be bringing a collection of their ethically sourced, single origin bean, handmade chocolate bars. The Sourdough Flourist will have a limited quantity of her artfully made, delicious sourdough loaves.

Over the weekend known for delicious food and gathering together - it’s certain you are going to need Searl Soap Company soap and zero waste products made completely with quality natural ingredients.

If you are looking for unique host/hostess gifts, a new business to the valley, Deeddle Dee Designs makes laser cut and up cycled jewelry which started with guitar strings from her husband building and fixing said guitars. Papertrail Goods will also be here with her small edition letterpress projects such as her “paradise” tote and/or print of Vancouver Island - who wouldn’t love a local piece of art like these?!

Relax and treat yourself with Forest Etiquette. Forest Etiquette products are made “… using a variety of potent, organic, wild, and locally harvested botanicals… free from chemicals and harsh additives, inspired by nature…” and are absolutely luscious.

If your fall wardrobe does not yet include a touque from Cozy Threads by Sarah, you need one.

fieldandvinegiftco.com I 250-701-1131

Handmade using the best quality yarn that is washer safe, warm and cozy.

Make your home feel festive with sustainably grown local flowers and over 25 varieties of specialty and heirloom pumpkins from Miller + Co. Flower Farm.

Fresh and dried flowers, pumpkin arrangements, heritage chicken and duck eggs and other goodies from the farm will also be available on the farm stand.

To top off your dining table spread - the host studio Miller + Co. Wood Studio and Pottery will be open for you to shop

from their inventory of local wood bowls, charcuterie boards, pottery serving plates and more.

We invite you to meander through the outdoor vendor stalls, staying awhile to play some yard games. You can also count on an “fall vibe/Instagram moment” photo opportunity… See you there! October 8th - Fall Makers Market, Hosted @ Miller + Co. Wood Studio and Pottery 4540 Koksilah Road, Duncan. 10am3pm, rain or shine! Free event.

Small Batch Pasteurized Whole Guernsey Milk

Thick and Creamy Yogurt

Fresh Baked Granola

Feta Cheese

Milk on tap at 7088 Richards Trail, Duncan I www.promisevalleyfarm.ca


She shoots! She scores! A local legacy comes to life on stage as a new Canadian play chronicles the impressive rise of the Preston Rivulettes Women’s Hockey Team. Chemainus Theatre Festival is proud to present GLORY on stage from Sep 16 to Oct 9.

GLORY is written by Canadian playwright Tracey Power who saw a historical photo of the Preston Rivulettes women’s hockey team in a coffee table book. She was inspired to learn more about them and tell the story of how they became one of the most successful hockey teams in Canadian history.

This exciting stage production follows two sets of sisters –Hilda & Nellie Ranscombe and Helen & Marm Schmuck – who set out to show the nation that Canada’s favourite pastime isn’t just for men. After playing together on the Preston Rivulettes summer softball team, the four women seek out a winter sport to play; they form Preston’s first women’s hockey team under the same name – the Rivulettes.

The four friends face several personal and professional obstacles as they work to make a name for themselves in the world of hockey – a world that seems content to keep them on the bench. At first, only Hilda knows how to play the game, Nellie can’t skate, and they are all struggling to make ends meet during the Great Depression. Herb Fach, the grumpy manager of Preston’s Lowther Street Arena, is their only option for a coach … and he initially says no because “girls don’t play hockey.” Herb comes around, the ladies figure out how to play the game, and astonishingly, they win the Ladies Ontario Hockey League championship in their first season. With bumps along

the way, the team rises to earn one championship after another, ultimately building an impressive winning streak that is the stuff of legends. Along with their on-ice triumphs, the story also revolves around their personal lives, their relationship with Coach Fach, and their struggles as women fighting to be recognized in a male-dominated sport.

“GLORY is not just a sports story – it’s a story of a country, of a time in our history, of determination, and of passion. Passion for what you want in your life and passion for beating the odds,” says playwright Tracey Power. “This incredible piece of our history is far too relevant because women are still fighting for equality and recognition both on and off the ice today. The Rivulettes inspired me to write this play, and we hope to entertain and inspire, all who come and watch it.”

GLORY is on stage to October 9 at the Chemainus Theatre Festival. Celebrate this amazing Canadian story about a group of girls who proved that a woman’s place is on home ice. Tickets may be purchased in person at the Box Office, online at chemainustheatrefestival.ca/glory or by calling the Box Office tollfree at 1-800-565-7738.



Cowichan Folk Guild Coffeehouse presents... Charbonneau, Cutler and Walsh. Three accomplished singer songwriters taking turns singing lead and leaning heavenly into gorgeous three part harmonies. With guitar, piano, accordion and bouzouki..... they meld Irish, Bluegrass and Pop to create a fusion folk full of flavour. Don’t miss this one. October 8. Duncan United Church Hall, 246 Ingram st. Duncan B.C Doors open at 7pm. $5 for members and $10 for non members. Memberships available on line at cowichanfolkguild.ca and at the door.

concert presentation performed by award-winning actor, Zachary Stevenson and his all-star Vancouver Island band.

In this Canadian premiere, Zachary takes you on an unusual journey of an actor with the unintentional propensity for musical resurrection. This production features intimate stories, iconic songs, and a charming glimpse inside the actor’s life and the artists he inhabits.

With vivid characterizations and meticulous musical authenticity, this intimate tribute concert is proof that legends never die.

Opens October 21. chemainustheatrefestival.ca



What do Buddy Holly, Hank Williams, Jerry Lee Lewis and Phil Ochs have in common? Why, Zachary Stevenson, of course! Dead Ringer is an intimate

‘Run Woman Run’ When a woman is forced to change her lifestyle after developing diabetes, she is visited by the spirit of indigenous running legend, Tom Longboat. This Canadian Indigenous award winning film is funny and touching and captures grief, family and triumph. Critically acclaimed writer/director Zoe Hopkins is a Heiltsuk and Mohawk woman whose personal connections to these communities serve as inspira tion for her work. Drama/ Comedy 1 hour 40 minutes October 24th, 7pm 2687 James Street, Duncan. www.cowichanhospice.org

9 4830 Stelfox Rd, Duncan For ReservationS 250 748 7450 For full details visit www.deerholme.com BY RESERVATION ONLY November 5 & 6 Foraging Weekend (forage & cooking class) November 19 Japanese Pine Mushroom Dinner Upcoming Events October 22 7PM Providence Farm, Chapel Concert 1843 Tzouhalem Road, Duncan $15 FOR MEMBERS $20 FOR NON-MEMBERS tickets available at tickit.ca Daniel Cook TRIO 35+ years experience- Private / One 2 One / Customized / Fun Beginner to advanced - In your home or in my studio in Duncan DRUM KIT AND HAND PERCUSSION LESSONS PAUL JUTRAS Rock I Funk I Blues I Reggae I Latin I Metal 250-732-7735 I chopsdrumschool@gmail.com

Kids are back in school, the pumpkins are ripening, and the bounty of the land is showing up at your local farmers’ market. We’ve got a lot to be thankful for. Many crops are catching up from the super late spring, and fire season has been relatively light. It’s time to rub our palms together in anticipation of that wonderful holiday, Thanksgiving. And Canadian Thanksgiving is scheduled during the perfect part of the year, right when all the food is actually ready to be savored, fresh from the fields.

A Local Thanksgiving

I like to tell people “Come Here First.” So with the season coming to a close, and Thanksgiving right around the corner, write down your list of ingredients, and first head to downtown Duncan on Saturday morning and check out what the vendors are bringing that will make your feast great. Miniature

pumpkins contribute to a wonderful centerpiece, and you can eat them too, like cute individual servings scooped out with a spoon. Potatoes and other root vegetables, roasted and crisped slightly in the oven. Wines for any pairing. Sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, or kale for a fresh salad, sprinkled with late summer berries and a savory punch of

bacon bits. Different meats for that roast beast—there are chickens that are as big as a small turkey. Ready-made pies and other pastries are already prepped with perfect crusts so you don’t have to do that part. Otherwise go with apples and sugar pumpkins for that perfect pie, garnished with a curl of local cheese on the top of each wedge. Yum! So come on down to Duncan on Saturday, to the Square and Ingram Street, and see all the food and other wonderful items that your hard-working neighbours have been getting ready for you this year. Come here first, and have a lovely, happy, healthy and thankful holiday.


Shannon Van Hemert, Duncan Farmers Market Vendor Island Shire


Local Potatoes

Local Carrots

Local Pumpkins & Squash

Local Leeks, Onions & Scallions

& Spirits

Locally Prepared Foods


• Yellow Point Farms • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Island Shire • Ol’ Macdonald Farm • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Ol’ Macdonald Farm • Katie Farm • Yellow Point Farms Local Garlic Local Turkeys & Chickens • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Yellow Point Farms • Katie Farms • Yellow Point Farms - turkeys • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture - non GMO roasting chickens • Drift Meat and Seafood Local Cabbage Local Kale & Greens • Katie Farms • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Ol’ Macdonald Farm • Yellow Point Farms • Ol’ Macdonald Farm • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Yellow Point Farms Yellow Point Farms Boots n’ Roots Permaculture Boots n’ Roots PermacultureBoots n’ Roots Permaculture
• Island Shire • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Holy Stick Farms Local Eggs • Kilrenny Farm - fresh pasta and sauces • Scorpion King - Empanadas • Island Shire - jam, pickled dill beans, and salsa
Cheese Local Wine
• Enrico Winery • Ampersand Distilling Co. • Cherry Point Estate Wines • Cowichan Station Creamery Fresh and aged cheese, curds, gouda, swiss, cheddar and • Haltwhistle Cheese Yellow Point Farms Kilrenny FarmEnrico Winery Cowichan Station Creamery
• Yellow Point Farms • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Ol’ Macdonald Farm • Holy Stick Farms • Ol’ Macdonald Farm • Boots n’ Roots Permaculture • Yellow Point Farms Boots n’ Roots Permaculture Yellow Point Farms Boots n’ Roots PermacultureYellow Point Farms Visit these and other local market vendors for all your Thanksgiving food! DUNCAN FARMERS MARKET 50km LOCAL SHOPPING AT A GLANCE

Cow-op.ca is an online farmer’s market operated by the Cowichan Co-operative Marketplace. We are a co-operative of 75+ members – all local farms and food businesses in the Cowichan Valley and surrounding regions. Our mission is to support local farms for the future. We are building a system to ensure fresh, local foods can be accessed by Vancouver

Islanders year-round. This creates crisis-proof income for our farms and businesses, while providing customers with high-quality foods that don’t cost the earth.

The market “Opens” every Thursday morning, and “Closes” on Monday night. Customers can shop from dozens of vendors by adding items to their cart. When the shop closes, a “Pick List” is emailed to each vendor. They bring their products to the co-op warehouse, where staff pack orders into reusable totes. On Thursdays, those totes leave the warehouse, to be

Fall Harvest Bounty at Cow Op

delivered to homes and pickup locations from Victoria to Nanaimo. On Thursday morning, the market “Opens” again for a fresh order period.

When Covid caused closures of markets and restaurants, Cow-op was there. Riding the waves of economic uncertainty, our humble community co-op has now become a crucial sales, marketing and sustainability hub for local businesses who rely on the revenue for their livelihoods.

Customers can order all the finest food that this region has to offer. October is the time to stock up on vegetables, as farms have abundant crops such as Squash, Garlic, Leeks, Carrots - and keep your eyes peeled for potatoes! ;) Roast a

chicken from Stocking Creek Farm, and be generous with herbs when seasoning your stuffing: Parsley, rosemary, tarragon, thyme, sage, and savory are available to be harvested fresh.

Good bread is necessary for any Feast, so we’re Thankful that True Grain Bakery supplies Cow-op with a variety of sourdough loaves, baguettes, and buns baked fresh for same-day delivery!

For dessert, try a pie from South Island Saskatoons, or make a crumble with apples from Fruit Forest Farm, and pair it with Promise Valley Creamery’s Vanilla Bean yogurt.

Check out shop.cow-op.ca to discover more seasonal treats from our hard-working producers! Duncan Office: #101-126 Ingram Street 1-866-609-9998 www.alistairmacgregor.ndp.ca Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for supporting the farmers that feed our community with abundant harvests each year. LOOKING FOR MICROGREENS? We grow plenty of them! t.250-710-6135 www.asmicrogreens.com A&S MICROGREENS Laura is a market gardener, garden ing teacher, and an active member of Cow-op.

Denzy is a senior in high school interested in advocating for the Cowichan community.

put it towards the things that you believe in. Don’t overlook the impact of your spending; every penny is a vote.


hard to believe that common fruits and veggies like bananas and broccoli weren’t available on Vancouver Island - or anywhere in Canada - half a century ago. Our society has become so unconsciously reliant on international food suppliers that most of us don’t even know where our food comes from. In turn, locally sourced produce has become less accessible. It’s easy to get discouraged by high food prices and unpredictable supply chains within the community. However, it is still important to support our farmers and eat locally sourced food. It is estimated over half of Canadian produce goes to waste. A large chunk of this statistic can be attributed to big-box retailers that flood the country with imported produce, kicking local suppliers to the curb of the market. Over 35 million tons of Canadian food ends up in landfills each year. The environment is screaming for solutions to our economyinduced turmoil and the locally made movement might just be the answer to a future of food sustainability.

The evolution of the supermarket began in the 1950’s when large grocery stores began ordering produce from national suppliers due to their lower prices. This switched the narrative for small scale markets from a common necessity to a pricey privilege. Big supermarkets don’t need high price tags because they cheat the system by using cheap oil, underpaid workers, and government

Farm to Table: The 100 Mile Diet

subsidies for commodity crops. Society unfortunately, yet understandably, adapted in favor of the affordable alternative. Finding locally sourced food became an unprioritized inconvenience for many shoppers. The 100 mile diet quietly transformed into a 1500 mile diet in one swift movement. Food miles can have devastating impacts on the environment. Food transportation is a contributing force for climate change. Food miles from planes, trains, and automobiles degrade air quality and increase greenhouse gasses. Once carbon is emitted, it gets trapped in the atmosphere, contributing to global warming. Crop failures are largely influenced by climate change. It’s impossible to ensure sustainability if our environment is constantly being manipulated. Adapting to a farm to table diet would be extremely beneficial for our environment and the food that we grow in it.

Health is another key aspect of eating locally. Nationally imported produce has to be shipped thousands of miles just to reach the shelves at our

grocery stores. This food is depleted of the nutrients found in seasonal fresh produce grown within the community. Eating food with high nutritional value is essential for a proper vitamin intake. Local fruit is allowed to ripen naturally, whereas many imported fruits that are out of season may have been artificially ripened with ethylene gas. Generally, it is common for small scale farms to use far fewer chemicals and pesticides than larger, industrialized farms. Avoiding unnecessary chemicals is a safer option for a healthier diet.

Food security and sustainability relies heavily on the local economy. Local businesses are usually more community oriented. They serve as patrons to society by supporting each other and boosting the local economy. Chain businesses aren’t usually as invested in buying local. They can be more concerned with building big profits by accumulating cheaper corporate suppliers. Your money builds the backbone of society’s systems. Question the influence that it is having on society and

The 100 mile diet is a courageous undertaking. It requires personal accountability, compassion, and inspiration for a community oriented society. The farm to table movement is a great way of reducing your personal carbon footprint, supporting local businesses, and eating nutrient rich foods. Understandably, not everyone has all of the resources required to eat entirely organically. However, everyone has the ability to be mindful and choose to contribute to a sustainable future. The 100 mile diet is a great challenge for anyone willing to hold themselves accountable for supporting their communities and the environment they live in.

Our mandate at Cowichan Green Community is to improve food security by developing local capacity for food production, supporting equitable access, and strengthening our community’s health and resilience through food.

If you are looking for locally grown food, resources or information on food security in our region, visit www. cowichangreencommunity.org, reference the free local farm map, attend the Duncan Farmers Market on Saturdays, or browse the online farmers market www.cow-op.ca.


your online guide to a

Farming family! Heather and Aiyana offering fabulous fall veggies such as carrots, peppers, collards, leeks, gourmet potatoes and fresh herb bundles.

A variety of veggies to offer in the month of October including leeks, onions, tomatoes, frozen tomatoes, kale, garlic, and winter squash including butternut, spaghetti, and

Raw, local, honey. This season, Wild Style Farms has three varieties of local honey: Fireweed, Mountain Wildflower and Blackberry. Also offering a very limited supply

Chef Marcelo Artisan Empanadas are handcrafted to perfection offering an amazing appetizer. Traditional pastry filled with Beef & Caramelized Onions, Chorizo & Jalapenos, Grilled Lemon Chicken and Inspired 5 Veggies

This fall we will have an abundance of winter squash, colourful cauliflower, rainbow carrots, cabbage, salad greens, turnips and more. Stock up for your Thanksgiving feast!

A modern twist to traditional and rustic French Charcuterie items such as a signature Chicken Pâté with Burnt Honey and Apple, or a Country Terrine with Fig and Pistachio, as well as many others such as Traditional Pork Rillette.

Offering a wide variety of certified organic, sprouted, gluten free pantry staples and low carb baking mixes. Try their UBake Pumpkin Spice Cookies, Bread or add their Candied Walnuts to your Thanksgiving Feast.

A co-operative of indigenous-owned fisheries that use traditional and selective harvesting techniques. Flash frozen wild salmon filets. Try the new candied salmon, from Pacheedaht.

Liven up your grateful Thanksgiving meal with Elderberry Sauce! Offering frozen elderberries and bare root elderberry plants this month.

ACORN VEGGIES & UNDER THE OAK FARM Local food at your fingertips www.cow-op.ca

50km local food diet

Order by Monday for pick up or delivery by Thursday


Local artisan made cheese made from milk from happy, grass fed cows. Perfect for a thanksgiving feast! Taste the difference kindness makes.



Looking for microgreens? We grow plenty of them, indoors, year-round. Microgreens are superfood. They’re delicious, flavourful, and nutritious.


Thanksgiving offerings at Cure: Turkey Roulade, mulled red wine cranberry, turkey gravy, pecan bourbon smoked chocolate tarts. Charcuterie and of course cheese.


Star and Sarah have a delicious variety of gourmet heat and serve meals available to bake and enjoy. Hearty stews, homemade soups, whole marinated chickens and more!


100% vegan kitchen where creativity and local ingredients mix to make you feel Rad! Now selling frozen marinara sauce, vegan cheesecake bites and Breakfast Bombs.


We are dedicated to growing and raising food as sustainably and naturally as possible. We grow many different vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries.


Orchard and gardens in Cobble Hill, where resident ducks patrol for pests, and over 30 varieties of apples are grown. Also offering fresh herb mixes, figs, and salad greens this Fall.


A small-scale market garden and nursery north of Duncan, specializing in potted culinary herbs, carrots, spinach, and ‘Bullhorn’-type sweet peppers. Limited supply of sweet potatoes available this month only!


As fall rolls in, make sure to stock up on PopArt! Upgrade your popcorn game when you curl up to watch a movie this fall. Watch for PopArt on Cow-op.ca as well as our locally sourced frozen meals!


A Timeless Classic Apple Crumble

Courtesy The Olive Station


6 local Apples

½ Lemon - juiced

¼ cup Sugar

2 tbsp Olive Station Cinnamon Pear Balsamic Vinegar

2 tbsp Olive Station Maple Balsamic Vinegar

1 tsp Cinnamon

¼ tsp Sea Salt

1 tbsp Corn Starch


¾ cup Brown Sugar

½ cup Whole Wheat Flour

¾ cup Rolled Oats

¼ tsp Sea Salt

½ cup Olive Station Butter Infused

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

½ cup Pecans, chopped


1. Slice apples and place in a large bowl.

2. Add remaining filling ingredients to the bowl and toss with the apples until well combined.

3. In a separate bowl, combine topping ingredients. The topping should resemble wet sand once mixed well. 4. Pour apple mixture into a small pie or casserole dish.

5. Cover evenly with the topping.

6. Bake at 350ºF for 55-60 minutes, or until the apples are bubbly and the top starts to brown.

7. Allow to cool for 10-15 minutes before serving.

8. Serve with ice cream and an extra drizzle of Olive Station Cinnamon Pear Balsamic!

Pumpkin Scones, Pumpkin Muffins, Butter Rolls and the BEST Pumpkin Pies out there!
We’re thankful for a lot of things, and Thanksgiving is surely one of them!
Pick up by October 8. Closed Monday October 10.


ust as produce or flowers have seasons, so does good cheese.

When animals eat grasses grown in the spring and summer, the milk that these animals produce bring forth more prominent grassy and floral flavours. The warm season air makes us want to eat these light fresh cheeses, such as burrata and buffalo mozzarella.

Cheese of the Season

In the fall and winter, milkgiving animals eat heartier grasses, hay, or grains, giving

Italian Sausage Pecorino Cheese Stuffing

Courtesy Brad Boisvert, Cure Artisan Meat and Cheese


2 cups celery, finely diced

1 onion, chopped

1/2 cup unsalted butter

1 lb mild bulk Italian sausage

2 garlic cloves, chopped

1 tsp kosher salt

1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper

2 day-old baguettes, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

1/2 cup freshly grated Pecorino cheese

1 1/2 cups chicken stock

1/4 cup olive oil


1. In a large, heavy skillet pan over medium-high heat, sauté the celery and onion in the butter 5 minutes. Add the sausage and garlic and cook, stirring and breaking up the sausage with a wooden spoon, just until the sausage is no longer pink, about another 5 minutes. Remove the skillet from the heat. Season with salt, and pepper.

2. Place the cubed bread in a large bowl. Add the sausage mixture and 1/2 of the Pecorino and toss to combine. Bring chicken stock to a boil , Gradually add the tossing gently to moisten all of the bread. Transfer the stuffing to a buttered 13-by-9-inch baking pan.

3. Drizzle the olive oil evenly over the top. Cover tightly with buttered foil and bake 30 minutes, then uncover and bake until the top is golden brown, about 15 minutes more. Sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 cup Pecorino and serve.

their milk earthy and nuttier flavours. At different times of the year the amount of sugar, protein, and butterfat also varies in milk from season-to-season. Butterfat is a key factor in cheese quality. More butterfat translates to richer flavor and a creamier texture. The fat content is therefore almost like the milk it is made from, ranging roughly from 0.2% to 3% fat. Cheese always has a notably higher fat content, although a very broad range. Cheddars and triple cream brie usually contain the most. As the weather turns from summer to fall, you’ll also find fewer fresh cheeses, such as ricotta, Crumbly feta, fresh mozzarella to name a few and far fewer goat and sheep cheeses like fresh chevre. This is because breeding for these animals usually only occurs in the spring. No babies, no milk. Alternately, cows can be bred nearly yearround, so these cheese types of cheddar, fontina, blue vein cow cheeses are more abundant.

When the cold weather comes

our bodies naturally crave more fatty and rich cheeses; this is a time for aged cheese like cheddars and goudas. Great for your fall entertaining we have an ever-rotating selection of cheeses from many different cheese producing regions around the globe. From Whiskey Cheddars and truffle Gouda to hard pecorino cheese that are also grated shaved on your fall pasta dishes to name a few.

Welcome rainier and windy days with salty spicy blues like Point Reyes Bay Blue, Stinky cheeses with rinds the colour of falling leaves. As we head into the holiday season be sure to add richer double and triple cream brie and booze-soaked cheeses like port-soaked or washed stilton. At Cure we will make a stilton soaked in port wine. Traditionally in England they would carve out a bowl shape of an 8-kilo wheel and dump in a bottle of port. That takes a lot of people to enjoy so we do our version of triangle pies soaked for 10 days in port wine. This is easier for smaller crowds to enjoy. If stilton and port is not your fancy, try beer cheeses like Le Bocké, a nice rich Canadian beer cheese.

As you plan your Thanksgiving gathering, stop into Cure and let us help you pair your cheese to the season and with your favourite beverages. WE LOVE TO TALK CHEESE! Happy Thanksgiving. Pre order your turkey rolls by Wednesday, October 5. Valley View Centre, 5-1400 Cowichan Bay Road 250-929-2873.

Taking orders for Thanksgiving:

~ Sausage Stuffed Turkey Roll

~ Mulled Wine Cranberry Sauce

~Bacon and Herb Bread Stuffing

~Cure Gravy

~Bourbon Pecan Chocolate Tart

Chef Brad Boisvert, Cure Artisan Meat and Cheese

Thanksgiving. Is it a challenge to find something for which to be grateful?

Gratitude requires a shift in attitude. One that can be cultivated. It is a heart-centred practice; one that provides a multitude of benefits. Being grateful is a way of life! The grateful person accepts life as a gift.

Often, we linger in the ‘grey latitude’ of dangling in the freedom to choose between being ‘irritated’, doubt, and’ satisfaction’, created by gratitude. We have the ability to choose which way to direct our feelings and consequent thinking.

The choice is ours to make. The blackness of potential anger, or the cleansing white of appreciation.

The easiest way to create the healing feeling of satisfaction, and consequent appreciation, compassion, respectfulness, is to trigger ‘gratitude’. Just create a reason to be grateful. It can be as simple as the fact that you are breathing and alive.

Gratitude puts a smile on your face. Suddenly the world is your oyster. Life turns promising and bright. Our thinking is clear because our mind is at peace. Our heart beat is steady and calm, our breathing becomes slow

and deep, and we feel great. That is healing! A committed practice of gratitude over time has been shown to reduce blood pressure, enhance sleep, enhance behaviour, strengthen social ties and reduce depression.

How do we develop a practice of counting our blessings? It takes intention and some effort! According to gratitude researcher Dr. Robert Emmons, there are 3 stages of gratitude: recognizing what we are grateful for; acknowledging it, and finally, appreciating it. He suggests to count your blessings everyday!

Be creative – keep a gratitude journal. Or a gratitude jar by adding something daily. You may find yourself surprised and delighted when you open the jar at the end of a year! Plus you will have reaped huge benefits from the practice.

Thanksgiving reminds us to choose gratitude! This Thanksgiving give lots of it. It will make you, and every one close, feel great.

We, Love’s Triangle, are grateful to the Valley Voice and say thanks for the ongoing service to the community. Bravo!

Love’s Triangle, Karen Allen: Guitar, Frame Drum, Bowls, Arie Vander Reyden: Harmo nium, Drum, Contact: lovestriangle108@gmail.com

Gratitude Celebration www.cowichanfolkguild.ca CHARBONNEAU, CUTLER AND WALSH $5 Members / $10 non Members Duncan United Church Hall 246 Ingram St. Duncan OCTOBER 8 7pm Doorscoffeehouse


Blue Grouse Estate Winery

2021 Quill Rosé

This is a well-balanced wine, with flavours of strawberry, pink grapefruit, and forest floor on both the nose and palate. This wine has the delicious juxtaposition to the savory herbs and spices of Thanksgiving recipes. It will go perfectly with your turkey or salmon this holiday. $24.99, 10% off when you purchase a case!

Unsworth Vineyards


What Thanksgiving meal could be complete without Turkey and Cranberry Sauce? Grab a bottle of 2020 Unsworth Pinot Noir to complete the festivities. A light and vibrant expression of coastal Pinot Noir with a depth of flavour and complexity that impresses the most discerning of drinker. $38.90/btl

Cowichan Station Creamery

PAIRINGS www.cowichancream.ca “Come taste the di erence kindness makes.” 4354 Howie Rd, Duncan I Open 11-5 Fri-Sun
2020 Pinot
23 www.themastheadrestaurant.com LIVE MUSIC EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT! 7 Nights a Week Dinner Service 5pm - Close Saturday Lunch 11:30 am - 2 pm Sunday Brunch 11 am - 2 pm Weekly Table D’hote Menu Sunday - Wednesday 2 courses $37 I 3 courses $45 vegetarian option available, no substitutions Cider Braised Pork Belly (GF) charred creamed corn concasse, pickled red cabbage, chicharrón Red Wine Braised Beef Short Rib (GF) cauliflower purée, sauteed chanterelles and cabbage, jus, gremolata Okanagan Apple Tart salted caramel, ice cream 1701 Cowichan Bay Road, Cowichan Bay Reservations (250) 748-3714 October Menu taxes and gratuities not included

The Path Less Travelled By

Isaak Takao’s metal and mixed media pieces tend to take on very feminine forms: flowers, seed pods and other fantastic and surprising shapes.


Don’t miss the last few days of the Thu-it (Truth) show, an immersion, a journey in a multi-media experience that takes you through 150 years of colonial history and its impacts in the voices of Quw’utsun’ Elders. A companion art show featuring Indigenous youth is also running until October 6. More info: https://www. journeyofourgeneration.ca/thu-it

What do those red blotches and blue squiggles mean? Appreciating art can be a challenge, especially when it’s abstract art. That’s why CVAC has scheduled free talks (October 12 and 20) on digital photography and looking at abstract art leading up to our Driven to Abstraction show in 2023. And this month, CVAC has a new fundraiser – Six by Six – that features six-inch square art donated by our members to auction off (starting October 27) in support of CVAC programs.

Duet on the Docks, acrylic, 18x36, by Roger Jackson

The small size means buyers can always find a space for another piece.

Two very popular art groups will show their work in the CVAC galleries this month. Maple Bay Painters is a long-running group that holds one big show annually. The Printmakers Only Group, known as POG, displays a variety of printing types from etching and embossing to woodblock and monotypes. The show includes a selection of prints and cards, too.

Stanek lets her imagination lead her to a refracted view of space and time, striving to “ live simply so that others may simply live.” Astrid Notte has an art focus on acrylics, mixed media and neuro art. In addition, she has built puppets for many years. Bonnie Leighton most often works in acrylic, oil and mixed media, departing from her formal art training towards a reinterpretation of something fresh and unexpected. Brenda

Shows at a Glance

Thu-It – to October 6 Beyond the Path, October11-25

Maple Bay Painters

October 13- November 10

Printmakers Only Group, October 27 – November 10

Six by Six, October 27 to November 3

Art by Janine Duns, Finding Connection, monotype print, 16x20.

About Us

The five artists in the Beyond the Path show have all found their own unique voices on their artistic journeys. Neil Fatin is an award-winning hobby photographer who has gone from traditional picture taking, to digital design. Abstract painter Carmen

CVAC operates two community art galleries, hosting up to 30 shows annually at its art space in the Cowichan Community Centre in Duncan. Founded in 1971, CVAC programs workshops for youth and adults in its studio space. 2687 James Street, Duncan www.cowichanvalleyartscouncil.ca


Truth & Reconcilliation Game

In September 2016, I was selected as part of an Indigenous writing team by the Ontario teachers union to design a workshop to teach about Truth and Reconciliation. I was to create an activity to engage participants. I offered a puzzle, and in June 2017, I created the board game. (photo) The Union chose the puzzle.

Since the Game was now available, I talked to a graphic designer about incorporating my own artwork. I was quoted $3500, money I did not have so the Game was shelved.

In October 2017, I attended an education conference in London, Ontario bringing the prototype of the Game that caught the interest of Nelson Education. We agreed to meet again in January 2018. I didn’t have a polished, printed copy nor did I have cash to pay for digitizing, but in December 2017, things changed.

I recorded a series of Anishinaabe language videos through Sault College that were posted on YouTube. One viewer recognized my voice at that meeting back in

October and invited me to an arts market in Orillia in late November. A good friend of mine was at the One of A Kind Show in Toronto selling his work. He introduced me to a German art collector who loved my artworks purchasing several. The money went into digitizing and printing the Game.

In February 2018, I contacted Nelson showing them the new printed version of the Game. They loved the artwork and the Game, but when they tested it, there were “concerns” from the Catholic boards in Ontario. In the Game, the Church and Crown players earn SHAME cards as a Consequence of their actions, and the Catholic Boards did not want their students questioning why the Church earns SHAME cards and wanted them removed.

I said “NO”. That was in June 2018 and I still have the Game.

It’s 2022, and everyone knows what the Church and Crown have done and why they need SHAME cards.

You can help. Make a donation. I will print 22,000 copies of the game so I can give them away for 30 September 2023.

Donate through GoFundMe.

Look for the “Truth in Truth and Reconciliation Board Game www.gofundme.com/f/ the-truth-in-truth-andreconciliation-board-game


25 Imagine That! Artisans’ Designs 251 Craig St., Downtown Duncan imaginethatartisans.com I 250-748-6776
WITH US! Tuesday – Friday 11 am to 4 pm Saturday 10 am to 3 pm

For thousands of years humans have turned to the wisdom of the stars and the messages of their dreams to gain insight on life’s journey. Carl Jung, the renowned psychologist used the art of astrology in his practice and he also used dream analysis to help his clients heal from psychological illness. The synchronicity that takes place between astrology and dream work provides a check and balance system of insight that leaves the client with the clarity and inspiration he or she needs in navigating our complex times.

Astrology & Dream Analysis

Martin brings a lifetime of studies in astrology and mysticism and an in-depth study of the psychology of Carl Gustav Jung to help his clients thrive in the chaos of our times. He weaves alchemy, astrology, dream work and analytical psychology to provide insight and tools for self development and self realization. He will be offering 1 hour introductory sessions that include an overview of your natal chart and the upcoming transits. The natal chart is the map of the stars at the time of your birth and it reveals your life path along with assets and challenges you face. Transits are the current planetary

alignments in real time and their effects on the natal chart mirror the unfolding of your destiny. After the astrological study we will explore your significant dreams for confirmation of our astrological exploration and to gain further insight and clarity on your path.

Soulful Saturday takes place on October 8th from 11am- 4pm, upstairs in the Community Farm Store in Duncan. To book an appointment with Martin email: spiritofthetimes108@ gmail.com by October 6th- please include your birth information and a brief intention for your reading; you can also collect your dreams in a journal leading to the session. Visit healerdreamerastrology.ca to learn more about Martin’s work.

Venita Chow is an Integrative Energy Healer, and Crys tal Keeper at CFS for the SOUL.


Wild Wings Nature & Arts Green Gala


he 13th annual 2022 WildWings Nature & Arts Festival ‘Green Gala’ ‘ AKA ‘The It Ain’t Easy Being Green Gala’ Saturday October 22, starting at 6pm at the Birds Eye Cove Farm.

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society and the 13th birthday of our WildWings baby, we will be hosting our third ‘Green Gala’ Saturday October 22, 6pm at the Birds Eye Cove Farm in beautiful Maple Bay. Farm’s Gate Foods and Catering will be serving up a special plated dinner, Averill Creek Vineyards wines

will be pouring, Stillhead Distillery’s wonderful products are at the bar, and we will have Craig Street Brew Pub’s WildWings beer on tap. A cash bar will also be available. There will be fine background music by John Wade & the WildWings Kings who will later step it up for a little dancing time after dinner. There will be a small, but wonderful silent auction to support future WildWings Festivals and the Somenos Marsh Wildlife’ Society’s GreenStreams Project in the S’amunu/Somenos Watershed.

Tickets are $175 with a $50 tax receipt for the soiree and include a couple of glasses of Averill Creek’s finest, Craig Street Brew Pub’s WildWings Beer, or other beverages of your choice. Hope to see you there

For more information info@ somenosmarsh.com or to buy tickets www.wildwingsfestival. com/events

27 9738 Willow St, Chemainus 250-246-9838 Hours Mon-Sat 9-5 • Closed Sun & Stat holidays Your one stop shop for natural products for home and body Come in for great natural products, organic produce and so much more! • more healthy snacks • more natural bulk foods • more cleaning products • more vitamin selection • more household for YOU! • more sustainable fashions • more natural make up • more body products • more mens products • more natural pet supply PRODUCE SECTION

Why We Should Read Unreconciled

of the residential school system. That the descendants of survivors are left on shaky ground benefits the colonial system.

In a discussion of cultural appropriation, Wente again stresses the primacy of story. Rather than focus on prohibitions of what nonIndigenous people can do, he places importance on narrative sovereignty – the right of Indigenous people to control their own stories. This powerful and clear reframing of an on-going debate calls for agency for Indigenous peoples to protect their culture.


Wente knows the power of story. He has spent his career as a film critic considering the significant power of movies to shape culture through the stories they tell. In his memoir Unreconciled, he examines how the stories Canada tells itself about its past and present shape its tragic relationship with Indigenous peoples. He says that “Storytelling is one of the key methods used by colonizers to explain and obscure their lawless treatment of the lands and people over which they claim dominion. But storytelling is also one of our best weapons in the fight to reclaim our rightful place.” In this book Wente shows himself to be a passionate and eloquent voice in that fight.

Wente weaves the intimacy of his personal story of growing up in Toronto alienated from his Ojibwe culture with the universal Indigenous experience in Canada. He recounts his own struggle with his sense of identity – he felt shame and confusion, a direct and intentional result

The final chapters may be challenging as Wente does not flinch from following his reasoning to the end. He argues that there never was a relationship between settlers and Indigenous peoples to reconcile. Rather than reconciliation, what is needed is the forging of an entirely new relationship. Even so, Wente says, “I’m optimistic because more and more Canadians seem to know that great change is required.”

The Warmland Book & Film Collective – begun in 2018 as a response to the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada – explores, celebrates, and learns from Indigenous authors and filmmakers. We are welcoming new members – if you enjoy friendly, spirited, and interesting conversation, email us at WarmlandBFC@ gmail.com for the zoom link. We next meet online October 12th to discuss All the Quiet Places by Brian Thomas Isaac.

28 TEN OLD BOOKS Always something for everyone Great Selection of Used & New Books • Bestsellers & Award Winners • Classic Novels & Timeless Favourites • BC & Canadian Authors Plus Local Cards • Crafts • Children’s Books • Jewelry • Unique Gift Ideas and More! 102-330 Duncan St 250 -715-1383 Find us inside the historic Duncan Garage 111 jubilee st, duncan I 778 • 422 • 3000 menu online at: freshkennys.com Sunday- Thursday | 11:00 - 9:00 Friday & Saturday | 11:00 - 10:00 fresh cut kennebec fries • crispy battered fish • delicious tacos • pizzas • poutines • burgers and more! dine in I patio service I take-out
Reiki/Chakra Therapy - Classes - Foot Detox Acupuncture - Reflexology Young Living Essential Oils & Supplements Sara Tillie Reiki Master-Teacher-All Levels Usui-Karuna-Komyo-Seichim Registered Acupuncturist Traditional Chinese Medicine Daytime • Evening •Weekend • By Appointment Only #13- Upper Level • Valleyview Centre • Cobble Hill www.reikiwellness.ca • reiki-wellness@shaw.ca 250-743-8122 Debbie Shkuratoff REIKI WELLNESS SARA TILLIE ACUPUNCTURE Submitted by Ranji

Giant Garden House Book Sale Coming Up

Mark your calendars, get your book bags ready and prepare to stock up on some amazing fall and winter reading at the upcoming Garden House Foundation charity book sale! Buyers will continue to get outstanding value for their money, with prices for most of the 20,000 quality used books staying between 50 cents and $3.00.

Good news awaits shoppers who will have two more hours on the first day of the sale to check out all the enticing adult and child reading materials, valuable auction books, CDs, DVDs and jigsaw puzzles. A new special Christmas section will be available, so donations of Christmas-themed books in any genre, including children’s books,would be appreciated.

The Garden House Foundation is a fund held at the Victoria Foundation. Annual grants are given in perpetuity from the fund to Cowichan Family Life, Cowichan Women Against Violence and the Duncan and District S.P.C.A. Services provided by those organizations are available to residents of the Cowichan Valley.

The grants support affordable counselling, volunteer counsellor training, healing

anger and self-esteem workshops, and programs for youth and men to build relationships based on safety and respect. They also support animals through the S.P.C.A.’s shelter and emergency response services, cruelty investigations and advocacy for more effective laws.

Thanks to the consistent support of book purchasers, donors, volunteers, schools, businesses and organizations in the Cowichan Valley and beyond, the permanent fund has grown to the extent that the yearly interest it generates is now about double that of the annual book sale proceeds! Every year, the fund we are building together is making a difference in the lives of those in our communities who need a helping hand. We hope to see you at the sale at Bonner School in Mill Bay on Saturday, October 29th 9am to 5pm and Sunday, October 30th 9am to 2 pm. The sale dates have been changed this year. Cash and cards accepted. To donate books, please visit www.gardenhousefoundation. wordpress.com or call 250-743-4627.


LIFE #28, 127 Ingram Street (next to Merit Home Furniture) Phone 250-748-8281 email: cfla@cowichanfamilylife.org Visit our website and our Facebook page! www.cowichanfamilylife.org HEALING ANGER workshop October 8, 15, 29, Nov 12, 2022 Saturdays 11 am to 2 pm Topics include understanding anger, conflict resolution and healing triggers Always popular! Seating is limited $75 Contact us to register We gratefully acknowledge funding support from BC Community Gaming

Come tour our Studios and explore our valley.

Art is our memory of love. The most an artist can do through their work is say, let me show you what I have seen, what I have loved, and perhaps you will see it and love it too.

– Annie Bevan

Come and see who we are and how we create it for you to enjoy. The Cowichan Valley Artisans are a group of 13 professional artisans with an eclectic range, offering such arts as metal sculpture, pottery, paintings, glass art, mixed media and collage art. Their studios are unique spaces, where they create and perfect their craft. To learn about the artisans and their studio locations, pick up a brochure from around the valley and beyond or visit our website cowichanartisans. com, Facebook or instagram. You’ll find a tour map and artist info.

Mark your calendar, plan your route, call a friend and

Cowichan Artisans

painter Bev Robertson, in her Shawnigan Lake studio, where she creates bold, floral paintings, seascapes and more. Then to Cobble Hill, Hayes Glass Designs where you discover Tyler’s glass sculptures, globes, mugs and custom creations.... over to Cowichan Bay, visit Jennifer Lawson’s Studio, a well known watercolour artist, Jennifer depicts historical houses and gardens and nearby is Catherine Fraser studio. A world renowned painter/mixed media artist, Catherine paints thought provoking, vibrant images from her home and travels.

make it a “weekend getaway” or at least “a get out and explore” weekend. Your starting point can be north,

south or in between. The tour map is numbered, starting at the southern end, with

Then to Duncan’s, Live Edge Design, where world famous furniture creations are designed and built from local wood, letting the tree tell their stories. A visit to Stitched Pictures, Caroline Storie uses a combination of fabric, thread, paint, and ink to make fun art and continuing on with the whimsy, Laurel Hibbert

Jennifer Lawson, Catherine Fraser, Wilma Millette, Cathi Jefferson, Laurel Hibbert, Margit Nellemann, Caroline Storie, Julie King, Travis Rankin

paints whimsical, folksy characters that tell the stories of hardworking village women.

Cathi Jefferson’s Pottery Studio or Travis Rankin’s, Wroughten Art workshop both have tucked away, riverside oases where creativity flows. Cathi’s unique, sculptural and functional salt fired pottery and Travis’s iron artistry, from grand gates, down to earth fire pits and iron wall sculptures should both make your “don’t miss list”.

Working from her Westhome Studio, Margit Nellemann hand builds ceramics that are inspired by her love of tea (in particular Westholme Teas) from there visit Wilma Millette’s Maple Bay studio, it’s like stepping into a cabinet of curiosities. Wilma takes found object and collage artistry to a new artistic level. Next is Julie King, who paints

vibrant abstract paintings in her quiet studio overlooking Maple Bay....

Last (or maybe first on your tour) in tranquil Genoa Bay, Linda Helm makes unique clay pieces, using ancient Raku firing methods that produce spontaneous earthy designs.

Cowichan Artisans invite you to explore, welcome you to our studios and thank you for supporting local artists. www.cowichanartisans.com


Fall Studio Tour October 15 & 16 www.margitnellemann.com 8350 Richards Trail, Westholme I 250-748-3811
Submitted by Bev Robertson Live
Edge Design
Wilma Millette Margit Nellemann



FRASER Painter

Exploring ideas and experiences bringing new images that are realistic and abstract into form with a strong narrative and sense of design brings me and the viewer joy. Come to view mixed media works on paper, and canvas. New work consists of pastel landscapes, acrylics, oils, watercolours and drawings inspired by two recent residencies, “People, Time and Place- Drawing Into Being” one in Scotland in May and another in Italy in July as well as weekly Plein Aire painting will be shown. Visitors appreciate the varied approaches. 5412 Gore-Langton Road, Duncan 250-748-2067, 250-732-6440 email irisconnection123@ yahoo.com

the Cowichan Artisans Fall Studio Tour, and enjoy the her original paintings, art cards, prints, giclées and signs. Bev is best known for her floral oil on canvas but also paints many portraits, seascapes and birds. Bring your ideas and order a commission piece for yourself or to give as a unique gift for someone you love.

2152 Wildflower Road, Shawnigan Lake www.bevrobertsonwild flowerartstudio.ca/

TRAVIS RANKIN Metal Sculptor

Travis has been creating with metal for 20 years. He works closely with his customers commissioning unique west coast work for all parts of their home and property. From gates and railings to fireplaces and wall hanging art. Travis’s passion comes alive when he creates art that reflects nature and geometry in a sacred way.



Visit Bev Robertson Art, home studio/ gallery October 15th and 16th as part of

5648 Riverbottom Road West, Duncan 250.709.7585 email travis@wroughtenart. com fb @wroughtenart www.wroughtenart.com

32 https://catherinefraserart.weebly.com CATHERINE FRASER MULTI MEDIA ARTIST ART THERAPIST 5412 Gore-Langton Road, Duncan Come and meet me and view my artwork October 15 &16. Original Paintings and over 100 Prints for sale. Jennifer Lawson jlart@telus.net www.jenniferlawsonart.com 250 748-2142 Come & enter the draw to win a framed original!




I warmly welcome you for an Open Studio visit October 15 & 16 here at 1516 Khenipsen Road in Cowichan’s oldest and most historical home.

Enjoy the fall colours while overlooking the Cowichan River, Bay, Estuary and Mt. Tzouhalem. See some of the views I paint as well as my latest paintings and well over 100 prints and card images. Although raised in England, most of my 45 years of painting have been in Cowichan - you’ll recognize many of the well loved

MARGIT NELLEMANN Hand Built Ceramics

Working from her Westholme studio, Margit creates one-ofa-kind ceramic art. Inspired by the Japanese concept of wabi-sabi—the wisdom and beauty of imperfection—she uses the traditional method of hand-building and forms and finishes each piece individu ally by either slab or coiling methods. The raw clay texture

and the smooth finish of the glaze balance each other in a beautifully functional fashion. All Margit’s ceramic pieces are created with love and care for every-day enjoyment. Westhome Tea Farm 8350 Richards Trail, Duncan www.westholmetea.com


Custom West Coast Furniture

At Live Edge Design we have a driving passion for

“Bringing Nature inside” through functional art furniture.

Our super power is the ability to supply clever, beautiful and long-lasting solutions for client’s spaces. Long and rewarding relationships with customers, suppliers and employees is what makes our hard work worthwhile. At our studio on Mearns Rd we enjoy seeing the wonder that emerges on clients faces as they tour the studio and workshop and watch intangible design ideas become tangible art pieces made for generations. 5195 Mearns Road, Duncan

and views
paint! (250) 748-2142 www.jenniferlawsonart.com

Fall Author Event Series hosted by Volume One Bookstore

After a hiatus Volume One Bookstore is very happy to announce that we will begin to host author events once more. We hope to offer food for thought and enrich the literary life of the wonderful community of readers (and writers!) in the Cowichan Valley and beyond.

Vancouverite & internationally acclaimed author Gabor Maté is our first event of the Fall, then later in November we will be hosting an evening with wellloved Island writer, humorist & journalist, Jack Knox at the Duncan Showroom on Nov. 10th (his new book Fortune Knox Once is out Oct. 18th). It is also the bookstore’s 50th year of operation and we will be unveiling something special soon to commemorate this, stay tuned! On Monday, October 24th author Gabor Maté will be in conversation with Robyn Burns (Ms. Burns is an award-winning journalist & former host of CBC Radio’s All Points West.) THIS EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT. Tickets sold so quickly that we unexpectedly have none to offer as of the date of publication of this month’s Valley Voice! For those lucky ones with tickets,

doors will open at 6:30PM, seating is not assigned, festival seating is in effect.

Dr. Maté’s new book, The Myth of Normal ($39.95 HC) is available now at Volume One Bookstore or reserve a copy online at volumeone.ca and pick-up in store. We will also have books for purchase at the event while supplies last. The Myth of Normal offers a new perspective on health and wellness; and is the first of two books that Gabor Maté is writing with his son Daniel Maté (an award-winning composer and emerging wellness expert in his own right). With over 4 decades of experience Gabor sees our society’s version of “normal” as a false construct and reveals the multidimensionality of the physical, mental, and social forces that impact our well-being.

Review: “Gabor and Daniel Maté have delivered a book in which readers can seek refuge and solace during moments of profound personal and social crisis. ‘The Myth of Normal’ is an essential compass during disorienting times.” —Esther Perel, psychotherapist, author, and host of Where Should We Begin?

Volume One Bookstore is located in the heart of downtown Duncan at 149 Kenneth St. You can contact us at 250-7481533 / books@volumeone. ca / volumeone.ca / or find us on Facebook and Instagram. The bookstore is open Monday through Saturday 9:30-5:30pm.

Proudly featuring locally made creations from both Indigenous
& non-Indigenous
in our
Open Mon-Sat 10 - 5
www.picklespantry.ca I 250-266-2464 Charcuterie, Grazing Boxes and Entertaining Ideas Find us at the Duncan Farmer’s Market on Saturdays!
Melanie Watson Volume One Bookstore Event Coordinator

Artist Stuart Pagaduan

Stuart Pagaduan is a local Cowichan Tribes member and active community advocate for Cowichan teachings and language. Stuart has spent most of his life living as an inspirational Coast Salish Artist, while using his creative flow to build bridges between the Cowichan People and the larger Cowichan Valley community. He also creates a lot of imagery used within many schools and classrooms that help enhance student learning of Hul’q’umi’num’.

Stuart was fortunate enough to be raised by his grandparents, late Ben & Violet George. They shaped and guided him to be the speaker and leader he is today. Stuart still has the guidance of his mother, Philomena Williams, and has fortunately been able to do presentations alongside her to many students of all ages from Kindergarten to University levels. Stuart has lived in Cowichan for his

whole life and continues to guide his 2 children, and granddaughter like his parents and grandparents did for him.

When Stuart is not creating art images or working on other major projects’ he is teaching for the Cowichan Valley School District as a Cultural and Language Teacher in various schools. Stuart is also serving his third term as a Elected Council member of Cowichan Tribes. Recently married to Darla Smith they both are committed to language and carrying on the legacy of their Elders.

Huychq’u www.margotpage.com 250 746 8446 Rainforest Arts • Artzi Stu • Millstone Gallery quaylecard.indd 1 8/8/2011 3:23:00 PM Music Education Specialist VOICE & PIANO www.mulberrylanemusic.com Kathy Lassche 250.709.2541 https://catherinefraserart.weebly.com CATHERINE FRASER MULTI MEDIA ARTIST ART THERAPIST OPEN STUDIO OCTOBER 15 & 16 5412 Gore-Langton Road, Duncan 8’ Eagle Spindle Whorl - Red Cedar Lady Spirit Print 13”x19”

Fashion advice provided by Amy Caine, Goldstone & Twice As Nice Quality Consignment Boutiques.

Fall has always been one of my favourite seasons . Although we have all relished in the beautiful warm summer like weather I think we would all agree that the sprinkle of fall that we can see and feel brings a longing for comfort, routine and those favourite pumpkin spice snacks!

Fall fashion and transitioning our wardrobe never disappoints either. We all love to grab out those favourite knits and lovely to touch fabrics. Get cosy with a good book or head out into the beautiful valley to enjoy the

Mix and Match Fall Fashion

lovely fall festivities. In this article I will talk about the trending fall items and my favourite fall and winter staples that will allow you to have an

idea of what to add to your closet and what we are looking for at your local consignment boutiques at Goldstone Boutique Duncan and Twice As Nice boutique Oak Bay.

This fall, back to school is not just for the kids. On the runways, we are seeing the trend for uniform pieces added to enhance any look. Crisp white blouses, plaids and tartan patterns with ties and scarves worn in multiple ways to finish the look.Heading back to office is big this year as well. Power suits- vintage or new, pencil skirts and oversized handbags for all your work items or things for your day out are both handy and practical. Don’t be scared to grab a suit either, it’s a perfect piece to mix and match with making it economical for you and because of this ability it makes it one of my favourite fall wardrobe additions. Now I know I’ve mentioned this before but blazers are big once

again this season. Grab a blazer in a rich camel, navy or black making this another one of my fall must haves. You can dress it up with a dress heading or for the night or wear it with jeans, a white tee and loafers for a casual and effortless look. Also back in a big way is leather in any way you can get it on! I’m seeing pants, crop tops, blazers, dresses and jackets. Another good investment for you if you don’t have a leather piece and to be able to pick it up second hand is just like red wine it gets better with age. Faux fur is another way to get cosy and look cute as well. Adding a touch with a jacket, scarf or simple fur collared sweater or shirt brings a touch of fun to any look. If leather jackets aren’t your thing this fall and you have too many blazers, try investing in a trenchcoat or bomber jacket. These jackets are a great addition to any casual outfit and anyone can wear them and look great. Another absolute must to add to your wardrobe this fall and winter is an oversized sweater in a stripe or a pattern of your choice. Investing in an amazing cashmere sweater is another must for any wardrobe and if taken care of well, will last you years and years. Bright colours in any blouse, top or sweater is also big this season, which make me so happy as often Fall has too many shades of grey that can look tired after a while.

Now my personal favourite for trends this fall and winter is getting anything upcycled or vintage. Remembering the 90s is big and being able to get your


hands on a one-of-a-kind 90s piece would be only possible at a local consignment or vintage boutique. Remember that when you choose sustainable fashion you give back to your communities in more ways than just the initial treasure hunt purchase. With the cost of everything in our daily lives going up, choosing to buy a consigned piece is great for your pocketbook, gives you much more for your dollar and you can rest assured that you and your friend won’t be going out in the same piece.


Most consignment stores give back to the community programs with any unsold items and the consigners that bring in their clothes often have fascinating stories of what they do with their additional monies paid out from the store. Many of our clients give to church programs, save

it for a holiday they wouldn’t be able to afford otherwise, invest it in their children or grandchildren’s education funds or keep it for new wardrobe purchases when they head to other consignment stores. The stories are endless and if you have ever considered consigning your wardrobe items now is a great time to do it. Grab a friend, a glass of wine and pick out your best fall and winter items. I tell clients to start with 10-15 and keep an eye on the season’s trending fashion items and articles to get an idea of what we are looking for. Timeless classic and name brand vintage and new items always sell quickly. For more information please call one of our stores.

Looking for high end, current and classic apparel. Now booking for spring and summer appointments.


Violet Reynolds, RMT Now practicing at CN Health & Wellness 715 Canada Avenue, Downtown Duncan To Make an Appointment 250 597-3959 or somayogaviolet@gmail.com Practice focuses on pain management, Somatics and Stress Reduction


This autumn season at Excellent Frameworks we are featuring the black and white work of local artist Nik Sylvan. “Memento Nevermori” is a meditation on the dark and frightful things in life, an exploration of the equal measures of terror and beauty—what art historians call the sublime—to be found in the natural world. It is a reminder that our existence, while short, can still be full and meaningful.

A Thriving Arts and Cultural Community

Memento mori is Latin for “remember you die.” It is a concept at least as old as Classical Antiquity and has waxed and waned in popularity in Western art since the Middle Ages. In Christian thought, the memento mori was a reminder that earthly pleasures are fleeting, and an invitation to reflect on the promise of the afterlife. Similarly, in Edgar Allan Poe’s 1845 narrative poem “The Raven,” the titular bird exclaims “Nevermore!” while the narrator broods over the death of his beloved Lenore and gradually descends into madness.

Nik takes inspiration from the natural world and the cycle of life and all their pleasures and

His Bonny Blue Een,” by Nik Sylvan, pen & ink on illustration board.

“Ghost Pipe,” by Nik Sylvan, pen & ink on illustration board.

terrors. While mainly working with print media such as linocuts and letterpress, for this show she had chosen to work mostly with ink on illustration board, experimenting with the lines and shapes that a traditional dip pen and a simple brush can make with fluid India ink on a smooth white surface.Douglas-fir,” by Nik Sylvan, pen & ink on illustration board.

As the days grow shorter and the dark of night lingers, let us remember to seize what time we have, and make it count.

Excellent Frameworks

Home of the EJ Hughes Gallery 115 Kenneth St., Duncan, 250-746-7112 www.excellentframeworks.ca www.ejhughes.ca



Known for proudly representing its talented assembly of over 20 Canadian artists, Aquamaris Art Gallery has become one of the gems visitors to the Cowichan Valley mark on their “to do list.”

Yet, many may not realize the gallery owner and curator, Vedrana Ascroft, is an awardwinning artist in her own right, whose paintings can be found in private collections in Canada, United States, Europe and Japan. Always knowing she was destined to live on these shores, Vedrana immigrated to Canada from her native Croatia in 1992.

Nearly three decades of career in the tourism industry, and being immersed in life in many cities across Canada (and beyond) added rich visual and cultural content to her “inspiration well” and deepened her appreciation of

Autumn Beauty Acrylic on Canvas, 30” x 30” by Vedrana Ascroft

the beauty and diversity of this country’s landscape, nature and people.

“The element of water is frequently present in my paintings and I am always drawn to the shorelines, tidal pools, waterfalls, streams and high

alpine lakes. I work primarily with acrylic and oil on canvas. In my representational style, the layering technique is integral to achieving desired effects of depth, translucency and movement.”

While the gallery now acts as a space to express both her own creativity and her life long love of art and the appreciation of the creative process, Vedrana continues to paint every chance she gets. She recognizes the signifiant role her artistic sensibilities play in her ability to curate art with discernment.

Aquamaris Art Gallery

in the historic Duncan Garage Building

Duncan Street




Memento Nevermori

01-31 October 2022 Excellent Frameworks 115 Kenneth St, Duncan the dark art of Nik Sylvan Excellent FrameworksHome of the EJ Hughes Gallery 115 Kenneth St., Downtown Duncan 250-746-7112 excellentframeworks.ca



Whether you are a visitor on a quest for a piece of local art to take home, or a local in search of a unique gift, the cornucopia of our October arrivals is bound to feature smaller gift-size works of art by our gallery artists.

Fall Hours: TuesdaySaturday, 10 am - 5 pm Suite 202-330 Duncan St. Downtown Duncan 250-597-2798 aquamarisartgallery. com


Excellent Frameworks Home of the EJ Hughes Gallery 115 Kenneth St, Duncan 250-746-7112 excellentframeworks.ca ejhughes.ca

Aquamaris Art Gallery in the historic Duncan Garage Building Suite 202 - 330 Duncan Street 250-597-2798 aquamarisartgallery.com

Suite 202 - 330
(250) 597-2798 aquamarisartgallery.comIn The Flow, Acrylic
on Canvas,
36” x 60”
by Vedrana Ascroft

Food Security & Climate Resiliency

When I walk through the Duncan Farmers Market,

I am once again reminded of my childhood on an acreage in Alberta, when we’d enjoy the bounty from our garden. Being surrounded by locally grown produce and the bright smiles of familiar faces, I think of how grateful I am to live here. But amidst these glimmers of nostalgia and joy, I find it hard to forget just how fragile globalized food systems are.

Living on an island, we are uniquely vulnerable to supply chain disruptions, especially when it comes to our food system. On Vancouver Island only 10% of our food is sourced locally, meaning that almost all of our food comes from elsewhere. Amidst pandemicrelated supply chain disruptions, labour shortages, and severe weather events, many of us have become acutely aware of just how vulnerable we are.

Until we prioritize climate resilience, supply chain disruptions will become more common. Climate change will continue to have severe impacts on transportation and infrastructure. We only have to look back to November 2021 when the atmospheric river events wiped out major rail lines and highways, severely limiting access to essential goods and services for much of BC and Vancouver Island. As we move forward, a key goal for all governments must be to work together to increase our local, regional, and provincial food security.

As a first step, we need a provincial strategy for food

security: making BC agriculture more climate resilient, supporting local food producers, restoring ecological integrity and watersheds, and investing in resilient local distribution systems.

Locally, community groups have shown inspiring leadership and initiative in supporting local food security. Under the leadership of Cowichan Tribes and the Cowichan Watershed Board, restoration efforts along the Cowichan River have greatly enhanced salmon returns and raised awareness of the essential relationship we have with our watersheds.

The Cowichan Green Community and the Cowichan Farm Hub have led the way in producing local seeds, educating the public through workshops and events, and providing fresh produce to local communities. Collaborative initiatives like the Cowichan Valley Co-operative Marketplace have revolutionized the way we think about shopping locally, by combining the convenience of the internet with the joys of local food to create Cow-op.

I’m inspired by the example of so many in Cowichan to strive for a thriving, food secure, and sustainable community. This harvest season let’s support local food producers and work together for a food secure future.

Sonia Furstenau, MLA for Cowichan Valley, (250) 7152792

Sonia.Furstenau. MLA@leg.bc.ca

40 VALLEY DENTAL CLINIC reception@valleydentalclinic.ca Dr. Gordon Levin DMD Dentist # 101-321 Festubert St Duncan, British Columbia V9L 3T1 250-746-9697 Qualified Dentist American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine Please see our YouTube Video: “How We Made Our Dental Office Completely Safe for Patients and Staff “ https://youtu.be/tMvTDHfTP10 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME

There is exciting news for everyone in the Cowichan Valley. Artists and Arts lovers will especially be interested in joining the current active membership of the Cowichan Public Art Gallery Society (CPAG) as they look forward to opening their first official Art exhibition space early in 2023. The new gallery will utilize and protect The Green Door building at 126 Ingram Street in downtown Duncan. Our first exhibition space will be in the downstairs of The Green Door.

What is the difference between the Public Art Gallery planned and the Community Art Galleries we have all over the Valley right now? And are Commercial Art Galleries different from both of these? Yes. Commercial Art Galleries are the shops we find downtown and they are full of art choices for people to purchase. These are businesses who must sell enough to pay rent, their staff, and hopefully enjoy a profit. Artists benefit when their artworks sell in these vibrant shops.

A Community Art Gallery, such as those

Public Art is Coming!

operated often by local Arts Councils will rent their space to artists so they can display their works in the hope of making sales, and have their art hang in homes everywhere. These galleries also offer shows to their membership in order to provide the experience of exposure for newer artists.

The mandate of a Public Art Gallery differs from that of Community and Commercial galleries in that it pays artists to exhibit their work, seeks to inspire people, introduce new ideas,

spark conversation, and to enrich the local community through art. A Public Art Gallery would be able to host ongoing international, national and local art exhibitions and associated programming which is not currently available on Vancouver Island.

The CPAG Society is a diverse group of local artists and Arts lovers who desire to add to the existing cultural richness of the Cowichan Valley. We are a dedicated team, intent on raising awareness and funding in order to realize this project. Please join us at a Public Meeting to be held on Friday, Oct. 21, 2022, 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., in the Cowichan Branch of the Vancouver Island Regional Library meeting room at 2687 James St, in Duncan. You will hear all about it.

For more info: info@cowichangallery.ca

Peg Ainsley, PR committee Cowichan Public Art Gallery

The 13th annual 2022 WildWings Nature & Arts Festival begins Saturday October 1st

The Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society (SMWS) is pleased to announce that the 13th annual WildWings Nature & Arts Festival launches Saturday October 1 with a full roster of almost 30 events running to the end of October.

WildWings is a month-long community-wide celebration hosted by the SMWS in partnership with our cultural advisor, Cowichan Tribes. Established in 2009 by the SMWS, the purpose of the festival is to bring attention to the important natural ecosystems of the Cowichan Valley by celebrating the interconnectedness of nature,

WildWings Nature and Arts Festival

art, culture, and community.

The festival launches with S’amunu Make a Difference Day where groups of volunteers fan out into the S’amunu/Somenos Watershed streams in search of garbage and other human-left debris. This is followed the next day with Celebrate Somenos Family Day, a family activity day at the Somenos Marsh Open Air Classroom followed by the evening WildWings Launch Party and WildWings Nature Art Show opening reception.

The rest of October features 25 more art, cultural, and nature events. Returning

favourites include the Pi’kwun on the beach at Cowichan Bay with Chef Qwustenuxun (Jared Williams) assisted by the Community Farm Store’s Chef, James Day, a Medicinal Plant Walk in Bright Angel Park, Afloat in a Boat tour of Somenos Lake, and the Green Gala, aka The It Ain’t Easy being Green Gala Fundraiser, at the Birds Eye Cove farm.

Other events include exploring the Koksilah ancient forest, learning about estate gifts for conservation hosted by the Pacific Salmon Foundation, and some handson activities including a drum making workshop with Fred

Roland and basket weaving using invasive plants from Somenos.

Many events are free, by donation, or with reduced prices for families. Tickets are on sale now and to learn more about any festival events or to book tickets, please visit www.wildwingsfestival.com/ events.

Funds raised from WildWings are used to support future WildWings Festivals and the SMWS GreenStreams project. To learn more about GreenStreams and the work of the SMWS, please visit www.somenosmarsh.com.

This year’s Patrons of the WildWings Nature & Arts include the Community Farm Store, Duncan Paving, LT Roofing, Beverly Corners Liquor Store, Duncan Garage Café, Madrone Environmental, Valley Voice Magazine, Mosaic Forest Management, and Lance & Liz at Just Jakes Restaurant.

You can find it all at www.wildwingsfestival.com/ events

WildWings Nature and Arts Festival, Saturday October 1 to Sunday October 30

Providing professional, eco friendly cleaning services. 250 929 8381 www.cleanchoicecleaners.com Licensed - Insured - Bonded Giving you back the luxury of time and a naturally clean home to enjoy it in! WILD WINGS NATURE & ARTS FESTIVAL OCTOBER 1ST - 30TH

Drum Making with Hwiemtun

Iwouldlike to thank Paul Fletcher and his team for all they do for the Somenos Marsh conservation group. My name is Hwiemtun and I was born and raised in the Cowichan Valley and have seen many changes in the past six decades of being on the land. We have seen the biodiversity shift as the land scape changed, the land around us grew with development and the environment adjusted as it was displaced. The Return of the Stseehtun was one of the events shared in the recovery of the fish populations in the S’amunu Watershed. Salmon being one of the major food resources for the Cowichan Tribes people dietary resources has seen depletion of returns to our water ways. When I do workshops if its presentations of First Nations history, cedar weaving or drum making, I like to bring forward the stories of our elders and how they had seen the change since they were children and the stories from their elders. Stories of the Cowichan Valley have been told since time in memorial about how the land held so much for First Nations being it building resources, food or

cultural locations, we have held onto the stories to keep our culture alive.

It is nice to work with Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society to create a bridge to share stories and look towards preservation of some of the landscapes that hold stories for the First Nations of the Cowichan Valley.

When I tell stories of our elders I would rather be on the land where this story took place be it a mountain a lake or river .The stories have more intimate connection to the land rather then being in a closed space . As one of our elders would say we are all just a story what is your story how did you come to the Cowichan Valley ,how did you learn of the Cowichan First Nations history.

We can continue to bring forward events like Stseehtun to work toward conservation and have more groups come together to share in preserving some of our landscape story lines.

Huych’qa Siem


Sunday October 2Saturday October 29 Just Jakes Restaurant An exhibition and sale of nature art by Southern Vancouver Island nature artists, is on display at Just Jakes restaurant in the heart of downtown Duncan.


Sunday October 2Saturday October 29 Participating Downtown Duncan stores Downtown goes wild during October with southern Vancouver Island nature artists showing off their painted Swallow nest boxes in store windows.


Saturday October 1, 10-3pm Meetup at Open Air Classroom – Please join the Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society for a community cleanup of the S’amunu/ Somenos watershed streams.


Sunday October 2, Noon to 3pm Somenos Marsh Open Air Classroom

Our annual Open House with self-guided tours to learn. Spots at each boardwalk pullout and along the trails occupied by nature, fish, plant, and other nature and cultural professionals.


Sunday October 2, 5 – 9pm

Just Jakes Restaurant

The annual kickoff celebration for 4 weeks of cultural and nature events, activities, hands-on experiences, and outdoor learning adventures at Somenos Marsh and around the Cowichan Valley.


Wednesday October 5, 11am, Location tba Join Cowichan Tribes, the Municipality of North Cowichan, and the SMWS to celebrate the completion of the S’amunu Trail Signpost Project, 18 informational signposts installed at the S’amunu Trail entrances.

1ST - 30TH

sockeye salmon the traditional Salish way and then enjoy eating it afterwards on Tl’ulpalus Beach with the panorama of Cowichan Bay, Pi’paam and Swuq’us in front of you.



Saturday October 8, 10am Ye’yumnuts Harold Joe walks you through the history of the Quw’utsun People while sharing with you the oftenmisunderstood ways of the Cowichan people and their practices.


Saturday October 8, 6:3010:30pm Bright Angel Park Learn how to easily find your way around the night sky with ‘A Laser Guided Tour’ and discover our place in the universe with Byron Thompson


WATERSHED NORTH COWICHAN all-candidates forum Thursday October 13, 6:30pm Duncan United Church Heritage Hall A forum exploring candidate’s positions on ecological and environmental issues in the S’amunu Watershed.


Friday October 14, 7pm Stillhead Distillery

Everything you need to know about fish and whisky and aren’t afraid to ask. An evening of fish and whisky, the perfect combination to encourage Fish Tales on a grand scale.



Tuesday October 4, 9am Meet at the Open Air Classroom

Test ride an electric bicycle and try birding at the same time with Broomstick Bicycle Rentals and tour leader/birder Bryon Thompson on a circle tour of birding hotspots.


Thursday October 6, 8am onwards Tl’ulpalus Beach in Cowichan Bay Learn about cooking


Saturday October 8, 10am Bright Angel Park Join indigenous plant expert, Huyamise, Della (Rice) Sylvester for an old growth walkabout and explore the use of everyday plants, and some rare ones too.

Saturday October 15, Sponsor: Mosaic Forest Management Hosted by: Cowichan Valley Naturalists’ Society Join Warrick Whitehead and the Cowichan Valley Naturalists on a hike to the Koksilah Ancient Forest to experience this incredible old growth forest


Sunday October 16, 112pm Meet at Drinkwater Dock The Somenos Marsh


Wildlife Society leads a leisurely BYOB (Bring Your Own Boat) 3-hour storytelling circumnavigation of Somenos Lake.


Tuesday October 18, 10 am Fred’s Yurt, 2579 Boys Road Make a deer hide drum with precut materials and hear about the traditions behind the drum in this small group session led by Hwiemtun

Attend a free 1.5-hour estate planning program hosted by the Pacific Salmon Foundation and presented by Cory Towriss, a local lawyer specializing in wills and estates.


Friday October 21, 6:30, Speaker at 7pm Craig Street Brew Pub, 3rd floor The SMWS presents its GreenStreams Strategy to the monthly gathering of green leaning folk at Green Drinks hosted by the Craig Street Brew Pub.


Tuesday October 25, 10 am Fred’s Yurt, 2579 Boys Road Come and enjoy the various frequencies that heal your body while you are transported by song and sound from Hwiemtun and Helpers.




Wednesday, October 19th, 10:30 to noon Meet at Somenos Dog Park Learn from Paul Gowland about the environmental issues in the way of Somenos Creek remaining a safe passageway for salmon and trout.

NATURAL AND ANTHROPOGENIC CLIMATE CHANGES, CLIMATE LESSONS FROM 3 MOUNTAINS Thursday October 20, 7pm VIU lecture theatre Author Steven Earle will describe some of the mechanisms of past natural changes in Earth’s climate, and how they all differ from what is happening now.


Saturday October 22, 6pm

Birds Eye Cove Farm

Please join us to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society as well as the 13th anniversary of our baby, the WildWings Nature & Arts Festival.


Sunday October 23, 9:304pm Location: tba Jan MacKirdy is leading our annual basket making workshop using natural materials found in Somenos Marsh.


Wednesday, October 26th, 10:30 to noon Meet at Somenos Marsh Open Air Classroom Paul Gowland leads a tour of recent salmon enhancement projects in Bings Creek and tells the story of voyage to get here.


Thursday October 27, 7pm Elks Lodge in Downtown Duncan, Join Mario peruzzo for a night of fine art, with all materials provided, as we create personal masterpieces of what was once British Columbia’s 2nd largest Garry Oak tree.

Saturday October 29, 10am to 1pm Cowichan Food and Farm Hub at 2431 Beverly St Come out and learn to plant native wildflowers as part of the Green Community’s effort to rewild community parks and green spaces.


Sunday October 30, 5pm Old Firehouse Wine Bar The end of the road wrap up party for WildWings 2022 and an livestreamed auction of the 20 artistpainted Swallow nest boxes displayed in downtown store windows.

Return of the Stseelhtun, by Stuart Pagaduan 2022 Artist of Somenos.

has changed naturally so much in the past, what’s the big deal about climate change now? There are two big deals. One is that none of these natural processes has caused the changing climate that we are experiencing now—it’s all on us. The other is that most natural climate change processes have happened very slowly compared with what’s happening now, so that plant and animal communities had a chance to evolve or move.

A Brief History of Earth’s Climate

At the risk of sounding trite, I want to remind you that if we choose to ignore history, we are condemned to repeat it. That applies to human history of course, but also to natural history, and to geological history. The geological record, which goes back billions of years tells us, among many other things, that the Earth has a very long history of changing climates. By carefully investigating that record we can learn why, how, and when the climate changed in the past, and how it affected life.

In A Brief History of Earth’s Climate, I summarize a range of different natural geological processes that have led to climate changes in the past. These include variations in the positions of the continents, formation of mountain ranges, massive volcanic eruptions, and changes in the Earth’s orbital parameters. These types of processes (and others) resulted, for example, in an ice-age so extreme that the oceans froze over, and climate warming so intense that 95% of species went extinct. So, if the climate

This is the 56 million year old Willwood Formation in northern Wyoming. The red-coloured layers represent a period during which the Earth’s climate suddenly warmed by about 5° C. That warming is thought to have been started by an increase in atmospheric CO2 that then triggered climate feedbacks that triggered other feedbacks that sent the world into a climate crisis. The crisis was short, only about 200,000 years, but it had profound impacts on life on land and in the oceans. The amount of CO2 that started it all off was similar to what we have emitted over the past century. (Author photo)

On October 20th, I’ll be talking about some of these natural processes of climate change, how they work, and how they are pumped up by feedback processes. I’ll also review some of the things that we are doing now that are the main causes of our changing climate, and some of the ways that we could modify our behaviours to reduce our impacts, save money and improve our health outcomes at the same time. I will end with an overview of how our changing climate is affecting natural systems here on Vancouver Island.


Birders and Broomsticks

In support of the Wild Wings Nature & Arts Festival this October, The Somenos Marsh Wildlife Society and Broomstick Bicycles are cohosting an e-bike ride led by knowledgeable local birder and naturalist, Bryon Thompson, assembling at 0900 am at the Open Air Classroom at Somenos Marsh on Tuesday, October 4th.

Bryon is a retired teacher and active Naturalist from the Cowichan Valley and has been giving Astronomy presentations for over 30 years. Whether it is Birds, Stars, or Cultural History, his passion for connecting his audience to the world around them is prevalent in all his talks. He has an engaging style that engenders a sense of curiosity and awe in his participants. Come and enjoy this entertaining and informative presentation from a seasoned professional. Be prepared for fall weather and bring binoculars and a bird book if you have one. Each participant will receive a Cowichan birds checklist to start their life lists. We will have extra binoculars for those without any.

Bryon will lead participants from the Outdoor Classroom on a tour of the S’amunu dike trail atop the dikes alongside the marsh, the sewage lagoons (a birding hotspot), and the Cowichan River before a coffee

break at the Duncan Garage café en route back to the Open Air Classroom.

This birding opportunity will also provide participants a chance to explore e-biking. Rupert Koyote of Cowichan Valley-based Broomstick Bicycles, will deliver e-bikes to the Open Air Classroom, where participants will be met and matched with an e-bike and fitted with a helmet. An introduction to the e-bikes will be provided, and ‘birdingbicyclists’ will be accompanied on the tour.

A combined price of $80 covers the activities, and includes e-bike rental, provision of a helmet (where necessary, as participants are welcome to bring their own) and birding instruction. There will also be binoculars provided, for those who do not have their own. Though there is a planned coffee break, coffee is not included.

Signed waivers will be required. Those interested should contact Rupert by email at broomstickbikes@ gmail.com, or contact Somenos Marsh Society ED Paul Fletcher paul.fletcher@ somenosmarsh.com. Tickets are available at www. wildwingsfestival.com/events

47 www.broomstickebikes.ca 3623 Gibbins Rd, Duncan 250 709 5495 Up to 12 Bikes delivered to destinations across the Cowichan Region. Contact us for details! WE DELIVER!

IS FOR PLANTING Trees for a Small Garden

Bernie Dinter, Dinter Nursery.


With the decreasing size of properties, gardens are becoming smaller and the size of plants must be scaled down. More thought must be given to the selection of plants. Functions to consider include creating privacy, shade, seasonal colour, texture, edible food, attracting wildlife and creating a restful space.

When selecting trees, look at their ultimate size. Pruning can control size but should not destroy the trees natural form. Dwarf trees mature in the 8 ft. range with small trees growing into the 15 ft. range. Trees do not stop growing, so when selecting for size, look at what height they will reach in a 15 to 20 year time span, rather than their ultimate size when fully nature.

Characteristics for selecting trees include flowers, form and structure, leaf colour and texture, fall colour, fruit and finally winter form and bark. Some trees are well suited for training and can be held to very precise sizes and shapes. This adds a maintenance component that you must be willing master.

most popular

small gardens include Japanese Maples, Dogwoods, Hawthorne, Japanese Snowbell and Sumac. For more control of the tree size, nurseries will top graft onto a compatible trunk, weeping branches or a compact form of the species. Another nursery technique is to take a vigorous shrub that is trained with a single trunk and pinched at the desired height to create a bushy top. This is labeled as a standard form and commonly done with PG Hydrangeas, Portuguese Laurel, and Wisteria.

For the edible garden, dwarf and semi-dwarf forms of apple and cherry are available. Any variety can be selected, as the rootstock determines the tree size. With knowledgeable plant selection, a beautiful and healthy garden can be created in any size of space.

Fibre: A Beginner’s Mind


no, I can’t. That’s too hard.”

As visitors walked by our weaving demonstration at the Cobble Hill Fair, I cringed in rueful identification. Trying something new pushes our identity in uncomfortable ways. I walked through the same discomfort when I began learning to weave.

Early in the pandemic, my daughter’s fibre arts teacher offered me a loom so that I could realize my magical fabric-making dreams. Even though I’d wanted to learn for years, resistance kicked in.

Was it self-indulgent to take up an intensive new hobby with a sizeable piece of equipment? After wrestling with this question, I now believe that everyone deserves the time and support to pursue what we’re drawn to. The dishes really can wait.

Learning a new skill has shown me the gifts of being a beginner. To wit:

1. You’ll get it wrong. Letting go of the need to be right and successful is the first gift. If something is new, you’ll get it wrong, at least sometimes. Because of this,

2. You’ll need help. Other people—experts and other beginners—will teach you. You might resist asking for help, but:

3. People want to help to share

trees for www.dinternursery.ca 250 748-2023 5km South of Duncan on Hwy 1 Serving local gardeners since 1973 small
• Japanese Maples - large selection of colours and textures • Dogwoods - Hybrids, Eastern and Chinese varieties • Maples - Paperbark and Vine (Native) • Magnolia - Compact Star varieties • Crabapples -Colourful flowers and fruit • Japanese Snowbell • Weeping forms of Cherry, Birch and other species • Dwarf and Columnar Apple Trees and more ..... Fall Hours: Weekdays: 8:30 to 5:30 Weekends and holidays: 9 to 5 FALL
Family owned and operated since 1973

their knowledge and support someone in a pastime they love. With their encouragement, you’ll try hard to make wonderful things, but know that…

4. It doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, there is no such thing as perfect, which is good because

5. It won’t be perfect. Because of this,

6. You’ll want to give up. But if you persist…

7. You’ll be glad you did as your project takes shape.

8. Unless, of course, you’re not glad. In which case, no problem! You can start another project.

9. Or try another fibre.

10. Or try again later.

11. But no matter what, you can step back and take pride in your creation.

No matter what, you’re learning something new. And isn’t that what life is for? Come to the Cowichan Fleece and Fibre Festival at the HUB on October 22, and see what new directions you may be inspired to pursue.

Sheep images courtesy Janette Lorimer. Weaving images courtesy Kamilla Milligan

Kamilla Milligan is a writer and beginning weaver in the Cowichan Valley.


Compost with Confidence this Fall

The other day I was asked

“how can a compost pile fail?”. This is an excellent question and the answer depends on your definition of compost. The most amusing one I have heard is that “compost is organic matter that has been decomposed in a process called composting.”

The Queen of Compost, Dr Elaine Ingham, has a better one – the “aerobic decomposition of a mix of highly diverse organic materials on which resides a high diversity of indigenous organisms, performing all the soil food web functions.” When compost doesn’t meet minimum biological requirements, including pathogen control measures, we can consider it a failed pile. Possible reasons could be that it was allowed to become anaerobic, moisture was not maintained, and/or starting materials were improperly stored or in unbalanced ratios. Whatever the reason, what’s in your compost is what you are inoculating your soil with. And it matters.

Fall is hands down the best time to apply compost. Soil microbes need moisture to go about their business, and so long as temperatures remain above 4

degrees celcius they will happily keep building soil structure while we find our toques and munch on pumpkin pie. Research has shown that soil microbes can even thrive beneath a thick layer of snow, which provides insulation and a layer of moisture at the interface. Give your microbes fall and winter to settle in, and by spring your plants will have an incredible head start with their microbial allies already well established.

So how can you tell if that pile in your backyard meets minimum biological requirements? What does your soil need in the first place, anyway? For $195, our Fall Compost Confidence Package includes:

1) A full analysis of your compost (or compost you are intending to buy)

2) An analysis of your soil. Who is already home? Who is missing? Will your compost help or hinder?

3) Repeat analysis of the application area come spring. What does the soil food web look like now, and what is it best suited to grow?

Contact us at info@ springhillsoil-lab.ca, and take out the guess work.

Amy LuckMacGregor Certified Soil Food Web Laboratory Technician

Project Nest Box

The swallow nest box program at Somenos Marsh has existed since the early 1970’s when nest boxes were installed by Cowichan Valley Naturalists Society member, John Comber. Later in the 1990’s, long-time birder and naturalist, Derrick Marven, installed many more boxes on fence post extensions throughout the marsh. The nest boxes are frequented in spring by many breeding Tree Swallows who benefit from this important support. Invasive species such as House Sparrows also like to make their nests in these boxes if they can get in.

Project Nest Box’s purpose is to collect data about the species that use the nest boxes and submit the data to a national bird data tracking program. Nest boxes are monitored and cleaned in the fall and data is collected on which species has been nesting in each box. The project engages students in building, maintaining, and monitoring nesting boxes for Somenos Marsh native cavity nesters.

This year’s WildWings Nature & Arts Festival has added a new event, Downtown Wild Art to support Project Nest Box. 20 downtown store windows will feature an artist-painted Swallow nest box in their store windows for the month of October and finished nest boxes will also be available for viewing on the WildWings Festival website. The Nest boxes will be auctioned off at the WildWings Wrapup party October 30 at the Old Firehouse Wine & Cocktail bar. The auction will be live streamed courtesy of the Duncan Showroom.

We are hoping to grow the event larger next year by inviting more artists and downtown stores to participate. Funds raised from the sale of the nest boxes will be directed to Project Nest Box future efforts which include installation of many more nesting boxes and to replace those boxes that are in poor shape. Wildwings Wrap And Artist’s Nest Box Auction Sunday October 30, 5pm Old Firehouse Wine Bar, 40 Ingram St, Duncan.

Sands Funeral Chapel

Cremation & Reception Centre-Duncan by Arbor Memorial

Janice Winfrey Funeral Director

tel: 250-746-5212 • fax:250-746-7034 sandsfuneral.com/duncan email:sandsduncan@arbormemorial.com

187 Trunk Road, Duncan, British Columbia V9L 2P1

Nest Box by Shirley Dickie

Image above right courtesy Cari Burdett Wild hand crafting at river with fresh plant material harvested along the way from the forest: Ivy, red osier dogwood and wild willow, creating a hoop basket, as I listen to the sacred Quwut’sun river.

Nature Play With Cari Burdett


deepen your connection with the elements, meet others in the Quwut’sun Valley and learn how to make cordage, weave baskets, make medicine with plants, work with the wonders of kelps, learn how to make fire by friction and work with wood?

We created this humble offering to bring together a passionate diverse village of all ages and stages. We imagine us all gathering as a village, sipping tea from freshly picked wild harvested plants, crafting beautiful,, simple, useful objects from nature, sharing stories, singing songs and joining our hearts around a sacred fire. We will also be moving on the land and through landscapes, awakening our senses, playing games, harvesting, building shelters, foraging and more…

individuals who wish to connect through nature and with nature. Cost exchange $30/35 reduced fee for those needing financial support $40 regular fee, $50 those that can offer extra help to others

Children/ teens by Donation Come with a friend for $60 Join all 8 months for $250 paid in full.

No one ever turned away for lack of funds. Scholarships available for trade support. Please enquire – cari@cariburdett.com

https://www.joythroughmusic. com/backyard-sessions/

Please register beforehand so we can gather enough materials for everyone to be able to create.


My predicament sank in. I was terribly vulnerable. I was standing in a small, enclosed space wearing no clothes, holding a terrified and vicious animal.

Chickens have few defences against preda tors. Roosters can attack with their talons, but they’re no match for the hunters that come in the dark. A good chicken house is essential to keep out night raiders such as mink, otter, raccoons, even rats in search of the fresh-laid eggs. Fortunately, our chicken house was well designed, thanks to the farmer we had inherit ed it from. One end had a full-sized door with a latch that could be opened from either side; inside to the left, at shoulder height, were sleeping perches for the chickens; to the right, six nest boxes where the hens laid their eggs. Above the boxes there was a big screened window and the pigeon loft, no longer used following my failed pigeon experiment. At the far end of the house, at floor level, was a chicken-sized opening with a sliding trap door above it that we could drop down to close the chickens in. The chickens automat ically went to roost at dusk, and we dropped the trap door once it was dark.

It was a foolproof system, except for the human factor. In other words, we had no problems until the night I forgot to close the trap door. A dreadful racket woke me up: the screaming of chickens. I jumped into my gumboots and grabbed a flashlight, both of them sitting near the back door as usual, and raced out to the hen house. Once through the entry door, I saw a raccoon on the floor of the hen house with a chicken in its mouth. In a fury, and without thinking, I dropped the flashlight and used both hands to grab the raccoon by the scruff of its neck, then shook

it until it dropped the hen. Only then did I look down and realize that except for the gumboots, I was stark naked.

My predicament sank in. I was ter ribly vulnerable. I was standing in a small, enclosed space wearing no clothes, holding a terrified and vicious animal. The main chicken house door had swung closed behind me, and the free hand I needed to lift the latch to open it was busy hanging on to the raccoon. Bending down to shove the raccoon out the open trap door would mean it was dangerously close to parts of my anatomy that I particularly did not want attacked. I knew my flashlight was lying beside me on the floor and would make a good weapon for hitting the critter over the head, but picking it up, like lifting the door latch, required a free hand that I didn’t have. I had to get rid of this raccoon fast while I still had it gripped in both hands.

Because shaking seemed to have stunned it when I’d first grabbed it, I gathered my courage—fear, actually—and shook the raccoon as hard as I could, crouched down and stuffed it through the chicken door, shrieking “Get out!” as I half shoved, half threw it out into the night. It didn’t give me a backward glance. I shut the door securely, checked on the hen that had barely escaped becoming a midnight snack for the now van ished raccoon, and found her already settled back on her roost with the rest of the flock. I walked back across the field and home, adrenalin still pumping through my body. The raccoons gave our chicken house a wide berth for quite awhile after that.




In, Take Out, Order

Healthy Smoothies

“Ifyou haven’t already noticed, Urban Forest Bistro has added a line up of refreshingly delicious selection of smoothies to their menu.

Continuing along with their whole foods approach each recipe has been thoughtfully made to include all organic ingredients of fresh frozen fruits and vegetables, select seasonings, and our in house made non dairy “mylks”. If you’re looking for something that’s more of a treat the mylk-shake list includes a simple yet traditional Pina colada (pineapple, banana, coconut mylk), creamsicle (mango, orange, hemp mylk) tastes like the popsicles of childhood memories, and cocolicious (banana, raw cacao, hemp mylk) a chocolate delight that is guaranteed to please. For those who are looking for a more serious boost in nutrition you will find a nice balance in the rest of the smoothie line up; our most complex refresh (cucumber, avocado, green apple, coconut water & ice, lime, mint, pink salt & pepper) has a light citrus note to an otherwise very hydrating and fiber filled green drink, energy (choice or mix of: blueberry, raspberry, strawberry, with banana, pomegranate, hemp mylk) a sure way to keep you packed full of antioxidants at any point in your day and the mix of berry options means you

can find your fav and stick to it or mix it up day after day, and slightly spicy carrot zinger (carrot, banana, ginger, cinnamon, hemp milk) as a cold drink still has a slightly warming effect thanks to its immune boosting ginger and cinnamon. For those who aren’t familiar with hemp seeds, these little guys are packed full of healthy fats an protein making a great addition to any smoothie! The avocado and mylks in all our smoothies add plant based healthy fats to all our recipes ensuring you have the best opportunity to adsorb your fat soluble vitamins and minerals as well as the water soluble vitamins and minerals not to mention the avocado is an excellent source of soluble fibre to create a lovely smoothie texture and a filling treat. Have a sweet tooth? Or just craving something whole foods but want to add a little extra energy? We’ve got you covered there too, you can easily request to add honey or agave syrup to any of our smoothies! Open MondaySaturday to serve you deliciously hand crafted food, what are you waiting for?”

Urban Forest Bistro, 23 Kenneth St, Downtown Duncan

55 Jessica Howarth
(250) 737-3933

Traditional Chinese Exercise for Health

Stress and Your Adrenals

The pace of our lives has changed drastically from stone-age times, but evolution moves extremely slowly, and our stress response still works similarly to how it did back then. This was nature’s built-in alarm system, also known as the fight or flight response. The idea was, a danger presented itself, your body was flooded with adrenalin and cortisol, and this gave you the instant strength and energy to escape. However, fast forward a few thousand years, and the stressors have changed. For the most part they are both less catastrophic and far more frequent. The body, however, continues to function as it always has.

As the stress piles up, the body is continually flooded with adrenaline and cortisol. This puts a major strain on the system itself, and can be very debilitating to the body. It can worsen pre-existing conditions, such as heart issues or diabetes. Some of the mental and physical effects of chronic stress on the body are muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, depression, weight gain, diarrhea, sugar and carb cravings, irritability, IBS, skin issues...the list goes on.

None of these are pleasant. So what are the options for reducing our bodies’ hypersensitivity to stress? Practices such as meditation, stretching, deep breathing, spending time outdoors, are well-known to help us decompress. Also, there is a group of herbs classified as “Adaptogens”. Their main purpose is to restore balance to the body, and they are a major weapon in the battle against stress burnout.

Rhodiola has been shown to have a calming effect, while also having an energizing aspect which helps with the lethargy that can come with adrenal burnout. It can help fight depression, improve memory function, enhance immunity, and work to balance abnormal levels of cortisol. If it is too high, it works to bring it down, and vice-versa.

Suma, commonly referred to

as Brazilian Ginseng, has been used for years as an energy tonic, a treatment for anxiety, to treat ulcers, and more.

Schisandra is known to improve blood flow in the body, to combat stress, to reduce cortisol, and to increase energy, as well as being an overall health booster.

Ashwaganda can soothe anxiety and promote relaxation. It helps to regulate the stress response, as well as increase resistance to stress. Studies show it can reduce harmful cortisol levels significantly.

Siberian Ginseng has been shown to reduce the heart rate in times of stress.

In the WomenSense line they have combined these adaptogens in a supplement called AdrenaSense. This excellent gluten free, non gmo formula helps our bodies to be less reactive and susceptible to the effects of stress. This can help in so many ways; more energy and mental clarity helps with performance of tasks, and that can make us perform better at work, (a frequent source of stress). They enable us to remain more calm during trying situations, with better results all around. With the added energy, we are more likely to stick to exercise routines, which further add to de-stressing. Another benefit is that our stress hormones are not getting overused, so they are able to be fully there when we really need them. It’s always good to be prepared, in case you need to outrun something.


be found at quality health food stores such as Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery in Duncan.

56 Northern Shaolin Chun Yuen Quan Dynamic movement • Improves posture • Increases energy • Strengthens bones Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm (combined Qigong and Chun Yuen)* Wednesdays 9 am - 10 am www.WildGooseQigongCentre.com 250 748 4060 rivendellrhythm@shaw.ca
Wild Goose Qigong (Chi Gong) Gentle movement • Calms your mind • Heals internal organs • Develops flexibility Mondays 9 -10 am Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm (combined Qigong and Chun Yuen) Wednesdays 10-11:15 am Fridays 10-11:15 am (Victoria)* All Classes in the Cowichan Valley *unless stated
250-748-4421 4-180 Central Rd, Duncan - Village Green Mall www.lynnsvitamingallery.ca Stressed? No Energy? Losing Sleep? Improve Stress Symptoms
Gina Malkin

Cleansing with Juice

You are the only person responsible for your health, or the lack thereof. Every choice that we make in our day either adds or subtracts to our overall health. Every thought we have, every emotion we feel, every person we choose to be around, and everything we put into our bodies is our choice. This concept is truly remarkable if we allow it to penetrate into the depth of our being. We can literally choose our way towards health (or sickness). Some may debate, “But we live in a toxic world. Toxins are in our air, water, food and environment.” Yes, I agree. Our world is more polluted than ever, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t take control of our health. With society’s increasing obsession with allopathic medicine and doctors dictating our health regime, we have forgotten ancient wisdom that humans of the past fully understood. We have a God-given right to natural health! When the body is supported with the right nutrients and circumstances, incredible healing and detoxification will occur.

I recently decided that my own complacency and excuses were getting in the way of my higher health. So I approached Brandy Mandrusiak, owner of Glow Juicery and Organic Cafe, to discuss detoxification options through juice cleansing.

“When doing a juice cleanse, you consume only fresh, coldpressed organic juice, clean water and herbal teas. All of our juice cleanses will give your digestion a break so the body can use it’s energy entirely on detoxing and healing the body where it needs. However, if you want to focus on a specific organ, we can custom design a cleanse to support your needs. It’s crucial to only drink clean, filtered water (not tap water), as well as for the herbal teas. If you have a friend with a well, bottle it up and bring it home.

Celery juice supports the kidneys, beet juice builds the blood, watermelon juice hydrates at a cellular level, activated charcoal/ bentonite clay removes heavy metals, lemon and tumeric juice are anti-inflamatory and alkalizing, carrot juice pulls out excess estrogen.”

Brandy says, “The combination of fruit and vegetable juice is optimal. Don’t be afraid of the sugars naturally found in these juices. Cold-pressed juices are not the same as the pasturized ones sold in stores. Pasturization denatures the enzymes your body needs for healing.”

Spring and fall are ideal times for doing a cleanse. Just like we do a spring and a fall cleaning of our homes, we benefit when we use these times to raise our health to a higher vibration.

Please head to Glow to talk to the friendly juice experts about what cleanse might be right for you. Happy juicing!

Rachel is an entrepreneur, living, loving and thriving in the Cowichan Valley





What things do we do in kitchens? This question was posed to youth who join our first kitchen group. Food preparation comes to mind first, then there is washing dishes, eating, and putting away dishes and food.

Living without reliable access to affordable, nutritious food can significantly impact a young person’s well being (Community food centres Canada, June 20/22). What happens when an adolescent develops food skills? Positive experiences with food can create a positivity spiral about eating & preparing food which can then be carried forward throughout many years.

Locally, our team gives youth opportunity to interact with food while being with others who may also feel challenged, anxious, or uncertain around sharp or loud kitchen tools & appliances. Activities are designed for multi-sensory learning (tactile, visual,

auditory) and adjusted to become strengths-focused for all participants, celebrating the smallest wins together. Youth can watch and talk with others experiencing similar difficulties in the kitchen, while choosing their own level of participation.

Youth benefit from having adults in their life other than their parents, of whom they can ask questions and with whom they can build confidence. It may take several sessions for a youth to master a safe chopping or sawing action with a knife, and they may require several breaks. We have adjusted tools (e.g. plastic serrated knives) and the patience to serve all interested learners. When a youth is not able to interact with food, they can be given another job (e.g. participating in planning, discussion about food, or pouring a drink for everyone).

There is a place for every youth in the kitchen! Food is one of our most basic human needs. There is a local opportunity to belong to a group of youth who have not yet developed basic kitchen skills. Let’s see what we can plan, prepare, wash, and discuss - contact us to join every 2nd Tuesday (October 11 & 25) 4:15-5:45pm in Cobble Hill. Kitchen skills group for Youth with Special Needs at Sharpe OT Services Inc., 1550 Thain Road, Cobble Hill $375.00 to join the series of 5. Fall program runs October 11, 25, Novenbet 8, 22, December 6)

Diana Sharpe,

Capability, Confidence and Connection for Children With Special Needs
Offering INDIVIDUALIZED ASSESSMENTS AND LESSONS since 2014, including work in developmental and therapeutic areas for children who are STRUGGLING TO LEARN TO READ. KATE WOODLAND, BEd BC Certified Teacher readnow180@gmail.com On Cloud 9 Cleaning • Full Service Cleaning • Move ins or Move Outs • Vacation Rental Services • Pet Friendly Cleaner BACK TO SCHOOL DEEP CLEAN SPECIAL Full Day Clean $250 Half Day Clean AM/PM sessions $150 NOW BOOKING NEW CLIENTS Eliza: 250 715-3182
OT(C) Occupational Therapist www. FB: Sharpe Occupational Therapy Services

At Resonance Hearing

Clinic we often get asked “What is the best hearing aid?”. The core purpose of a hearing aid is to make soft sounds audible, conversational sounds comfortable and keep loud sounds loud but not uncomfortably so, in the tones where there is hearing loss. This can usually be accomplished with a relatively low cost, entry level hearing aid and can provide significant benefit to the user. Today’s

Completely in ear canal hearing aids made of titanium

What is the best hearing aid for me?

Premium Sensei hearing aids.

most advanced hearing aids have many more additional features and benefits. Some use artificial intelligence and learn how to cut out background noise based on your preferences. Others use highly sophisticated processing to automatically cut out background noise and increase speech sounds. Some are super small, invisible and fit deeply in the ear. Others sit behind the ear, are rechargeable and leave the ear unoccluded. Some measure your heart rate and the steps you take, others have special programs to relieve tinnitus. Some are so small that they

have no space available for buttons to adjust, others can be adjusted with buttons, remote controls or one’s cell phone. Some have bright colours, some are made of titanium, others are waterproof and can be worn in the shower. Some hearing aids will detect when/if you fall down and automatically email your loved ones. With other hearing aids you can ask ‘Siri’, ‘Echo’ or ‘Alexa’ a question and get an answer with just a tap of the ear. Still others will translate a different language and send this to your ears.

As you can see, there are many different attributes

that a hearing aid can have and there are almost always tradeoffs - there is no single hearing aid that has all the features mentioned in this article. The best hearing aid for you depends on what is most important to you. It depends on your ears and your hearing loss, your budget and your lifestyle. At Resonance, we take the time to find the best hearing aidfor you.


Terence Miranda, AuD, RAUD, RHIP Doctor of Audiology Resonance Hearing Clinic Thin, rechargeable ‘Stiletto’ hearing aids

1. Ladysmith Transfer Beach Park is ideal for wheelchair accessibility with many paths travelling through the park. This centrally located park with ocean views offers access to the playground area, picnic and large amphitheatre. There is ample parking as well as washrooms. This is a great park for everyone to enjoy and perfect for viewing the changing of the seasons.

2. Crofton Seaside Boardwalk is the pride of the community. This is a great location to enjoy the ocean with a seaside walk along a well-maintained boardwalk. There are several benches along the way to sit and enjoy the tranquility of the area. There is parking access at the end of Joan Ave very close to the ferry terminal. Enjoy the colours of Osborne Bay and Maple Mountain.

3. Chemainus murals is easily accessible by many sidewalks and new paved

Autumn Walks

Wheelchair & Stroller Accessible Trails in the Cowichan Region

bike lanes around town. We recommend parking at the Chemainus Visitor Centre Parking lot and picking up a Chemainus Mural Map to make your experience more enjoyable.

4. Somenoes Marsh Trail offers you two options: We recommend parking at the small parking area off the Trans Canada highway just north of Beverly St. in Duncan. The first option is a tour of the marsh on a

planned board walk. The boardwalk meanders over the marsh with amazing views of the wetlands and its wildlife. There are educational signs as well as a series of benches to stop and enjoy. The second option is from the same parking lot with access to the Beverly Street dike walk. This walk is longer and offers you a higher vantage point to enjoy the marsh.

5. Al Wilson Grove Rotary Park in Duncan gives you

the opportunity to enjoy the Cowichan River. Ideal place to park is located east of Trunk Road on Mckinstry Street It is a favourite gathering place as locals and offers an off-leash park for dogs.

6. Cowichan Bay Wilmot Road walk is a couple of kilometres long. We recommend parking at Cloverdale Watson Park and accessing the trail across Wilmot Road. It is a hardpacked gravel path that follows Wilmot on one side. Beautiful farm fields with mountain views of both Mt. Prevost and Mt. Tzhouhalem.

7. Shawnigan Lake Village Rail Trail is a newer trail that travels along the old rail bed. This trail connects Masons Beach to Shawnigan Wharf Park. There is a newer parking lot with ample parking near Masons Beach. It is a very pretty walk with wonderful views of the lake and some cottages along the lake shore.

Image Shawnigan Lake Rail Trail courtesy Patty Abbot

Patty Abbott-Visitor Services Cowichan Regional Visitor Centre Children with Special Needs Capability, Confidence and Connection in the Cowichan Valley Sharpe OT Services Inc www.cowichankidsoccupationaltherapy.com 250-710-7060 client intake form available online Pediatric occupational therapy working from a foundation of attachment and child-directed, active play.
www.cowichanfolkguild.ca CHARBONNEAU, CUTLER AND WALSH $5 Members / $10 non Members Duncan United Church Hall 246 Ingram St. Duncan OCTOBER 8 7pm Doors coffeehouse

notice any sensations in your body or emotions and feelings that may surface.

Standing On Your Own Two Feet

Standing on your own two

finding your ground

support is an essential resource for regulating your nervous system and coming back into your ventral vagal which is the area of the nervous system that brings you connection, vitality and joy.

Take the next moment to feel into your feet, wiggling your toes. Notice if you stand on one foot/leg more than the other. Finding a balance between both feet. Notice if you can feel the connection with the earth, sensing gravity and how the earth pulls you closer to her.

Connecting with your two feet, take a breath that starts from your feet and moves all the way up to the top of your head. Imagine a line that is coming from the core of the earth and grounding through your feet. This line continues up through your legs, pelvis, torso, neck and exits out the top of your head continuing up into the sky and providing support from above and below.

Now ask yourself, what do I stand for? How do I find support in my life? How do I support others? Where do I find my Grounding? As you inquire into these questions,

It is easy to lose your ground in times of stress, anxiety and depression. Connecting with your feet, the earth and the sky, as well as strengthening your energetic line can be a resource to help bring more support and regulation into your life.

In the Hellerwork Series we explore these themes to allow you to start to connect with your own inner resources and start the process of embodiment. In Session 1, we explored our breath and our inspiration.

In Session 2, we ground this inspiration with breath and explore our energetic line and how we find support in our lives. In the structural aspect we open and align the arches of the feet and work with the superficial fascia of your legs and support the alignment of your legs in relation to your pelvis. This provides a solid foundation for you to start this process of unwinding, integration and embodiment.

Melissa Brown is a Certified Hellerwork SI Practitioner, Lead Hellerwork Instructor and Somatic Counselor Practicing in Cowichan Valley and Victoria. www.islandhellerwork.com islandhellerwork@gmail.com

62 •Functional Medicine and Nutrition Consultations •Lab Assessments/Education •Individualized Lifestyle and Wellness Plans 250-931-0012 sageheartnutrition@gmail.com www.sageheartnutrition.wordpress.com 778 587 2901 ATMA MANPREET KAUR Certified Dr Hauschka Esthetician - rooted in the principals of anthroposophy Certified Kundalini Yoga Teacher - classes held in a forest yurt setting Holistic Facials & Kundalini Yoga atmamanpreet.com

Living Your Design Immersion Workshop

This workshop will be led by Catherine Harding–Simons, International Human Design School Certified Analyst, and IHDS Certified Living Your Design Guide. This class will be taught alongside Stephanie Orion, a Human Design Guide and Coach, Systemic Coach and Yoga Teacher. See website offering of this class for more details.

We are offering a unique Living Your Design Immersion Workshop. The Living Your Design Immersion Workshop is a life-transforming journey. It will provide teaching that will further expand your understanding of what it is to live YOU as well as exploratory exercises to deepen your experiment. Each week there will be experiments given to the students that will allow them to explore the mechanics of their Design. Each following week thereafter, will be a time to share what was seen from those experiences as a result. It can be a very insightful time to see the information come to life. It also is helpful to hear what others may have experienced as well in a safe and supportive space.

This course is open to anyone, although it is helpful to have had a Human Design Overview and/or Foundational Reading,

but not required. This workshop teaches the most important foundational and transformational aspects of The Human Design System in an immersive experiential way.

The Human Design System empowers us to live according to our own true nature, and to know what is correct or not for us through our unique Strategy and Authority. We can use this information to keep ourselves on our path in life by specifically understanding what takes us off track. It aligns you to those people, opportunities, and places that you are meant to experience.

The Living Your Design Course leads you down an incredible unfolding path of self-discovery and knowledge over an 8 week time period. It can assist you with your own personal experimentation as well as clarify what it means for you to live who you were born to be and who you truly are.

I hope that you will be able to join us for this life-changing workshop experience.

Class dates: October 16th to December 4th Sunday mornings, 10:00 am lasting approximately 1 ½ to 2 hours.

All classes will be recorded and emailed to you if you cannot attend every class it’s not an issue. $350 investment, previous students are welcome to audit the class for $75

Please feel free to contact Cathy with any questions or support. crystalclearawakening@gmail.com www.crystalclearawakening.com


By coming to meet this body of knowledge,
are embarking on an adventure; a journey of discovery towards totally embodying what it means
has been studying and living her
for over 10 years.
Certified Professional Human
Design Analyst
I invite you
to be in touch with
any questions,
let’s chat about
HD! crystalclearawakening@gmail.com


The seasons are changing again. Some days still feel like summer, but the nights are much cooler and the days, shorter. There is a magical quality to the sunlight. My husband calls this time of year, “honey-coated days.”

The quality of light reminds me of what the Celt’s described as a ‘thin place’ when speaking of the light during dawn and dusk. Local First Nations peoples, with their strong connection to the rhythms of nature, were well aware of this ‘extra’ season.

Traditional Chinese Medicine calls this time of year ‘late summer’ and considers it a completely separate season, the fifth season. In spring and summer, energies are said to be expanding (yang) while in autumn and winter, they are said to be contracting. (yin) Only during this fifth season, do we get the perfect balance of yin and yang. Thus, it is considered to be the most balanced time of year.

Recommended diet incudes simple food, not too heavily spiced, with lots of goldencolored fruit and veggies, like cantaloupe, peaches and corn. It is the perfect time of year to start nurturing selfcare practices for the body and mind. Actions taken at this time of year have a high success rate of sticking in the long run.

What every mind and body needs most is downtime. This may be easier said than done in today’s busy world, but one of the best ways to start is to bring in healing practices through the skin. Dermal selfcare practices are an underappreciated technique for building personal wellness. The skin is the largest organ of

the body, and the only organ we can easily access. Relaxation through the skin coaxes the mind to unwind and relax.

Here are a few ideas:

1. Treat yourself to a therapeutic bath by adding a high-quality bath balm, bath salt or bubble bath to your tub. Immersing yourself in infused water is probably the easiest way to affect the entire organ of the skin. Essential oil ingredients in respected salts and balms may include treeneedles for invigoration, citrus for upliftment, and flowers for relaxation. They each produce a completely different experience. See which one you like best.

2.Treat yourself to an applied body butter, body whip, or body oil after your shower. If you are not a ‘bath’ person, here’s another great way to nurture the entire surface of the skin. Ingredients in select butters, whips and oils may include coco butter, vanilla, and essential oils of cedar and orange. They leave the mind deeply relaxed and the body delicately perfumed.

3.Treat yourself to a nourishing facial mask. Facial masks may come in the form of a luscious cream, or as a sheet mask which drapes over the entire face. These are not generally considered a daily practice. They are a special treatment, which can be looked forward to weekly, or even monthly, as a special event. Deeply penetrating facial masks may include ingredients such as aloe, willow bark and yogurt.

Take advantage of the changing season to eat simple nourishing food and to nurture the skin with healing selfcare practices. It’s the perfect time to indulge in these simple pleasures before the colder weather sneaks up on us. Come into Prudence to peruse our large assortment of sustainable skin and body care products, as well as vegan, nontoxic makeup.

Prudence Natural Beauty and Fashion 155 Craig Street, Duncan www.prudencenaturalbeauty.ca
Cross is a simple-living enthusiast and marketing consul tant for Prudence Naturals Edible Landscapes Yard Maintenance & Organic Garden Care Ado Grimwood-Adam Ado is an organic gardener, foodie and father of three living in the Cowichan Valley. He holds a Certificate in Permaculture from Langara College, and is passionate about sustainability, food security, climate change and organic gardening. Whether you need yard maintenance, or want to establish Edible Landscapes, Ado is a reliable, friendly and helpful person to work with. Services offered include: ~ Edible Landscapes ~ Yard Maintenance ~ Organic Garden Care Call or text for a free on-site consultation! 250.815.5789 Sustainable Ado’s

Daniel Cook is a singer songwriter who fuses contagious melodies with timeless stories creating a fresh brand of Original West Coast Roots Music, and a guitarist who blends melody and minimalism into a sweet mix of jazz and country guitar traditions. For over twenty-five years Daniel has performed, written and recorded with a multitude of original BC bands, including: Ngoma, East Vancouver’s quintessential hippy dance, drum, party ensemble; Bangers, one of Vancouver’s first instrumental acid jazz collectives; Lawnmower, a subterranean power punk trio; Solid 7, Victoria’s funk odyssey with Kia Kadiri & friends; Washington & Cook, a Funkified Urban Jazz partnership with Maureen Washington; and Daniel Cook & The Radiators, an all-original roots band. Joined by Ryan Rock on the bass and Norm Macpherson on guitar, these three musical friends

blend together an eclectic mix of indie-folk, funk and country music. October 22, Doors 7PM Providence Farm - Chapel Concert - 1843 Tzouhalem Road. Tickets at the door. $15 Members $20 Non Members


They danced in the sky with the dinosaurs!. Join Cameron Eckert for this illustrated introduction into the fascinating world of dragonflies and damselflies and the special places they live. Cameron is an ecologist from Whitehorse who explores, studies, and documents the rich biodiversity and ecosystems of the Yukon and British Columbia. Webinar“Dragonflies Can Change Your Life” October 18th, 7:30PM Email cvns@ naturecowichan.net for the Zoom link.

65 Monday-Friday 9-5pm Saturday, Sunday and Holidays – Closed 109-2673 Beverly St., Duncan (Thrifty’s Plaza) 250 748-2056 I www.soulescape.ca Find balance and comforted, luminous skin with this microbiome-friendly treatment that includes a complimentary 30 minute back massage. With a so scent and relaxing textures, this facial will leave your spirit calm and your skin smooth, glowing and visibly healthy. $105 (regular $167) Kombucha Microbiome Facial LeLe Fashion 250 746 0036 I 47 Station Street, Downtown Duncan • Custom Designs • Custom Fits • Alterations We design and produce all of our clothes on site. Custom ts are our specialty! Beautiful Ladies Wear For All Sizes DANIEL COOK TRIO OCTOBER 22


What are you feeding your dog?

Debbie Wood owns Lucky Dog U-Bath. She

Cowichan Valley

Raw feeding has become mainstream, finally. If you don’t feed raw, at least you are aware of it. I’ve been feeding raw meat and bones to my dogs for nearly twenty years. In those old days it was seen as a crazy notion, but my inner scientist wanted to know more. There was no research on feeding your dog raw, but it made sense to me that fresh food was better for a living body than a mono diet of beef flavoured corn balls.

Four of my dogs have thrived on the varied fresh food diet. Based on the premise that a dog is a carnivore (recent studies have noted that they are slightly omnivorous) they should be fed raw meaty

bones, fresh organs, and a bit of other things. Eggs, fish, fruit and veg, a small amount of whole grain, and even… hold your forks people… table scraps! (No cooked bones)

Like our own diets, fresh and varied works best. Not every meal is expected to be “balanced”. Balance comes over the week. Make a menu if you like.

The idea is to feed 75% raw meaty bones, (chicken carcass, animal neck bones) and 15% organs (ideally liver for its dense nutrition. Green tripe belongs here for beneficial bacteria and digestive enzymes) and 10% other (fruits and veg, whole grains, dairy).

There are now lots of ready to feed frozen meals for dogs. They have good ratios and loads of variety. Stores that sell ready-made raw for dogs have staff that can help you do it right. (I recommend Buddie’s and Island Pet Zone.) Switch between proteins and brands often to keep it from

being just another mono diet. Make fresh at home. Share your table scraps.

Scientific research is still in its infancy, but is starting to agree with the testimonies. Your best source right now is to find the charming Rodney Habib. He’s written the books, done the blogs, and did the Tedx talk. His fulltime job is finding the raw feeding facts and making the complicated simple. His side kick, Dr Susan Becker joins Rodney in their Youtube videos busting myths and sharing the latest research results.

My dogs rarely have digestive upset. Never a hot spot, no food allergies or ear infections. They don’t have doggie odour or bad breath. That’s my testimonial. Feeding raw is just a part of my life and it’s easier than ever. Ask your Dog if feeding raw is right for you.

67 250 597-7DOG or Book Online 1059 CANADA AVE DUNCAN Just north of Pots & Paraphanelia U Bath or WE Bath Home of the Drop-in Toe Nail Trim LUCKY DOG PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING! by STEPH STEW’S DOG DO’S luckydogubath.ca
can be found on trails in the
with her BF, Bonnie.
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Duo Beaux Arts was formed in 2008 by internationally renowned concert pianists and recording artists Catherine Lan and Tao Lin. The husband-and-wife duo is known for their exciting performances driven by Dr. Lan’s fluent technique, sensitive musicianship and probing intellect, and Mr. Lin’s keen musical intelligence and excellent facility. Their program contains some of the most beautiful music composed for piano duet, as well as some solo piano works. Sunday October 2nd at 2pm at St. Michael’s Church, Chemainus. Tickets: $25 at the door. Under 18: $10 Reserved tickets $20 Phone 250-748-8383

Been missing square dancing? Or never tried but always wanted to? Or maybe you just need to get out of the house and meet new folks? The Cowichan Square & Contra Dance Society presents an evening of dancing and live music with Jeremy Walsh and Friends. Caller Galen Armstrong will lead and instruct the dances so no experience is necessary. Wear a costume for fun prizes! All proceeds to a local charity. BooGrass! Live music square & contra dance @ The Hub in Cowichan Station Wear a costume. Tix $10-20 Licensed event. All proceeds to local charity. Saturday, October 22, 2022. Doors 6:30. Dance starts @ 7pm. Tickets at door or online at: http://boograss.eventbrite.ca/


Georgia Nicols

M.A. Georgia’s book, You and Your Future is a best seller with international printings in 3 languages.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Of course, the Sun is 93 million miles away. But your astrological chart is about 7 inches wide; and this month, the Sun will be as far away from your sign as it gets all year. The Sun represents energy. Therefore, your energy will be flagging. You will need more sleep. Furthermore, this polarized position of the Sun will give you greater objectivity to examine your friendships, partnerships and marriages. Because this is the only time all year when you have this increased objectivity, make use of it!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

This month, the Sun will travel through your House of Employment. You will feel inspired to get better organized. You want to work hard and work smart! You want to be efficient and effective to make every action count. You want to manage your life well. This is also the House of Service, which means you might have to work according to someone else’s wishes or needs. Hey, you can handle this. You might derive a lot of satisfaction and increased self-respect by helping someone.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

This month, the Sun is in Libra, your fellow Air Sign. This is good news! This solar energy will be supportive. This is an excellent time to socialize! Accept all invitations to party and have fun with others. All relationships (especially romance) will be more lighthearted and playful. This is a wonderful window of time to enjoy fun activities with kids. This benefit occurs twice a year about four months before and four months after your birthday. Check to see if your projects are working out?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Sun will travel along the bottom of your chart this month. (Wear waterproof

shoes.) This means that your focus will shift to home, family and your private life. Many of you will be involved more than usual with a parent. Some might want to withdraw from the busyness of the world. Past memories and childhood events will bubble to the surface of your mind. This is an excellent time to seek out counsellors, astrologers or anyone who will help you examine the role of your past in your present life.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

The pace of your days will accelerate this month because suddenly, you have things to do, people to see and places to go! Short trips, errands and appointments will keep you hopping. Many of you will write, read and study more than usual. One way to best use this influence is to look at how you handle your relationships. Are you a clear and polite communicator?

This is an excellent time to tell someone how you feel about something. Make your position clear. This is a great time to socialize and enjoy a vacation. Yay!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

“Show me the money!”

The Sun will travel through your House of Earnings this month. This means you want to establish control in your life through your assets, your wealth and your possessions. You might buy things to help you do this. Meanwhile, at a deeper level, you will also reflect upon your values, and what it is that is important to you in life. For example, do your possessions own you, or do you own them? Do they serve your needs, or are you a slave to them? Hmmm.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Once a year, the Sun is in your sign for four weeks and that time has arrived. Because the Sun symbolizes regeneration, this is your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of

the year. This means you will project yourself with more forcefulness. You’ll make a great impression on others. (Naturally, you want to be boss.) In fact, because you feel that your own concerns come first, this could trigger tension with partners. Be careful. Nevertheless, your need to express yourself now is very real. Do it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

As your birthday approaches, your personal year is coming to an end. Between now and your birthday, is the ideal time for you to meditate, ponder, and think about your life. How well are you doing at the art of living? What kind of a report card would give yourself? How do you want next year to be different? Evaluate yourself with complete honesty. Acknowledge your faults and your virtues so that you are empowered to enter your new year when it arrives with a plan and some positive goals. Ideas?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Because you are a breezy, upbeat optimist, you will welcome this month because you’ll be popular! You will give more focus to your friendships. You will strive to be who you are, without artifice, without fear or apology. Like Popeye, “I yam what I yam!” This is not something that is casual to you. As the philosopher of the zodiac, it’s important for you to maintain your individuality without losing your integrity. You have standards! Meanwhile, it will be easy to work and cooperate with others.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Throughout the year, the Sun moves through the 12 signs of the zodiac. If you look at an astrological chart (which is like a pie divided into 12 slices), you will see that the Sun moves around the 360° circle in 12 months. This month the Sun will cross the top of your

chart, something that happens only once a year. Symbolically, this thrusts you in the limelight – and this light is flattering!

You will be admired by others, even if you don’t do anything special. Use this to your advantage!

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

You are the freedom-loving nonconformist of the zodiac, plus the scientist – the computer geek. You will love that this month brings you chances to take a new course of study or explore intellectual disciplines like religion, metaphysics, philosophy or anything that interests you. You’ll be hungry to learn! You will also be hungry to travel! You want to explore! Respect this need and give yourself a chance to experience new and unfamiliar places, as well as meeting fascinating people from different backgrounds.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

This month you will direct your attention to the more subtle aspects of your consciousness and take a look at your inner self. You might notice your own compulsive behaviour. You will be more aware of your passionate desires. In fact, you might meet someone who produces the need for psychological self-inquiry in you. (“Why am I always standing in front of the fridge?”) An excellent time to take care of insurance disputes, wills, estates, inheritances, debt and details about shared property.



Our municipal election could determine the future of the North Cowichan forests. Or at least for the next few hundred years while evolution sets a new course.

For four years, public consultation about the future of the Six Mountain Forest has unfolded as the North Cowichan Forest Review. Where Do We Stand (WDWS) has just released Voice of the Unexpected, a video about the community forests, to remind citizens to get out to vote, to protect the forest ecosystems that are our backyard— the place where change in the world begins.

Unexpected tells the story of the past four years of the forest campaign and review, not as a forest documentary, more like a forest fairytale, allegorical, metaphoric, and also literal.

But it is not the whole story — so many things that have happened since February 2019 when Council declared a pause of logging of the community forests for public consultation about their highest good. The story is too big to be covered in four little videos.

For those how are new to the story, WDWS is a public platform advocating for the protection of the Six Mountain Forest, as our group calls the North Cowichan Forest Reserve. In December 2018, WDWS released its first video, Legacy, to alert citizens about logging coming over the tops of six mountains. It touched thousands of residents and so began the grassroots forest campaign.

Legacy tells the history of what we believe is our greatest gift as a community — the right to protect 5000 hectares of forest— for our community owns the six mountains. Four years ago few people in North Cowichan knew this. Now thousands do.

Like our second video, Owl and Hummingbird, a story for children of all ages, there is a First Nations feel to Unexpected,


but the videos are not about tribes and nations— they are about individuals and communities coming together. Our group happens to be of diverse backgrounds, cultures, genders — the differences are superficial. What is real is the love we share for nature, forests, children. What is real is the power of our community, including people of all ancestors, to come together to enact profound change as no other community on the continent. Together, we have a remarkable opportunity to commence a reconciliation with

nature. Perhaps by doing this we may reconcile deeply within and between ourselves.

sovereignty of six mountains of rare, endangered forest ecosystems.

We do not need to argue over who should own them. We do not need to negotiate over who should profit from them. Carbon credits are a means to pay for all that must be done to allow the forests to become old growth. Much of the six mountains, second-growth, naturally regenerated forests, is already functioning as old growth— it is the story of Dobell’s fourth video, New Old Growth: Voice of Promise— soon to be released.

So what do we do now, as citizens of North Cowichan? Will voting make a difference?

Enormous resources have gone into the forest review. There have been public workshops, surveys, many meetings. Staff, council, consultants and citizens have invested thousands of hours into the consultation process. We are nearly done— could be done by end of 2022. To not finish the review would be shameful.

We can all trace our roots back to ancestors who revered nature as all powerful, beyond human possession and succession. There is an international movement to establish the legal personhood and inviolable rights of ecosystems. We have the legal right to proclaim the personhood and

People have asked us, “If we want to protect the forests who do we vote for.” To be fair, we arrived at two simple questions we put forward to all North Cowichan candidates. To answer the questions does not require knowing all the complexities of the forest review:

If elected will they commit to finish the forest review? And until the review is completed, will they commit to continue the moratorium on logging?

The candidates’ answers are posted on WhereDoWeStand.ca. Those who did not respond have done so eloquently—for what we do not say, may say everything.

In North Cowichan we live in a paradise. We have the right to vote to protect it. Great gifts come with responsibility. It is a responsibility to vote.

Legacy and Voice of the Unexpected are on WhereDoWeStand.ca

Available EVERY DAY at The Community Farm Store or WEEKLY online at cow-op.ca. Direct orders can be placed to hello@euphoricjuicery.com Providing the Cowichan Valley with Raw Cold Press 100% Organic Juices & Nut Mylks NEW Bone Broths with Medicinal Mushrooms!


All municipal candidates running were invited to be part of this paid Election Feature.

Only those candidates who responded were featured in these election pages.

For a complete list of candidates please visit www.elections.bc.ca

North Cowichan faces real challenges from a lack of affordable housing and homelessness, to environmental degradation and the effects of climate change, to a loss of high-paying jobs and a rising cost of living. As a two-term North Cowichan Councillor and long-time community volunteer, I am ready to provide the strong leadership and new ideas that the municipality will need to work with local residents to address the big issues facing the community.

My top priorities as Mayor would be to tackle the housing crisis, defend the environment, build a strong local economy, create safe neighbourhoods, and maintain our rural character.

Born and raised in North Cowichan, I currently live near Mount Tzouhalem with my wife and two daughters, and am employed as a director of post-secondary education and skills training with the Province. To learn more about my priorities or to contact me directly, please visit my website at: www.robdouglas.ca

I’m running for Mayor of North Cowichan because we need leadership that brings people together and ensures their perspectives are heard by council. By working together, we can make progress on our most difficult challenges and right now this community needs that more than ever.

My priorities as Mayor of North Cowichan are to find balance between the housing we desperately need and protecting the green spaces we all love. We also need a vibrant economy that is innovative, diverse, resilient and sustainable.

Climate change and health and safety are also top priorities but if people are constantly living in survival mode, they will never be able to include themselves in the conversation or see themselves as able to participate in solutions.

As Mayor, I will fight hard for funding from higher levels of government and will work closely with other Cowichan leaders to improve local services for everyone in our community. For more information on my priorities www.rosaliesawrie.ca

ROB DOUGLAS for North Cowichan Mayor ROSALIE SAWRIE for North Cowichan Mayor

Dana Arthurs, an independent candidate from the Cowichan Valley, the unceded traditional territory of the Coast Salish peoples. For more than 30 years I have called the Cowichan Valley home. Raising 2 daughters and now sharing the Valley’s gems with my grandchildren. While I live in Duncan, North Cowichan is a block from my home where much of my time is spent. Whether I am at work in Chemainus, working out at the aquatic center or gardening at my plot in Kinsmen Park, I find myself in North Cowichan. Working as a team member and listening to the voice of the North Cowichan community is my goal. Asking questions and learning from the community to support decisions that are in the best interest of all. To see change, I was told you need to be part of the change. As such I request your support and vote.

middle class, and pledges to do so by supporting housing development and entrepreneurship. Charles has seen how businesses, families and individuals working together towards peace and prosperity can build vibrant, resilient communities, and wants to encourage this collaboration as it is the core of what makes the district a great place to live. Charles will bring honour, accountability and integrity to North Cowichan’s municipal hall. On October 15, please vote for Charles Borg for a fresh perspective, and strong and effective leadership.

MIKE CALJOUW for North Cowichan Councillor

I care deeply about North Cowichan and its future. My key priorities are to: 1. Focus on core municipal issues

2. Manage forests responsibly

3. Balance progress and the environment 4. Engage meaningfully with the community all while keeping taxes as low as possible. I will help to build a cohesive and effective council, as I am:

• Free-thinking and openminded • Calm and reasonable • An active listener

CHARLES BORG for North Cowichan Councillor

Charles Borg is a 10-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces and has been a resident of North Cowichan for 4 years. Charles believes our communities deserve councillors who focus on supporting the

• A team builder, celebrating diversity. My vision for North Cowichan is a livable and affordable community where everyone is included and prosperous. Where we can continue to live in this beautiful place, not forced to move away to find meaningful work and a decent place to live. I do believe this is possible. The hard work starts now. I am committed to be part of the solution. I welcome your questions and comments. Facebook page @ electmikecaljouw or e-mail me: mikecaljouw2002@gmail. com.

RE-ELECT • KNOWLEDGE • ACTION • TIME • EXPERIENCE Building meaningful relationships as Council with First Nations, staff, citizens, CVRD and other governments. Ensuring growth in our community that leads to a livable legacy for the next generations. STAY IN TOUCH katemarsh@shaw.ca fb:Kate Marsh Councillor reelectkate.weebly.com Authorized by Delores Wagg, Financial Agent 250 748-3973 I Contact to Donate

Elizabeth Croft is known as a former manager at the Duncan Cowichan Chamber where she advocated for business and organized the prestigious Black Tie Awards. She’s been a Director for the Raptor Rescue Society and Cowichan Public Art Gallery. She is a School Trustee and works at the Cowichan Intercultural Society in grant management. She recently oversaw the Society’s racism and marginalization study. As the District’s Climate Action Committee Chair, Elizabeth brings an overview of communitywide climate change gaps and strategies to Council. With decades of governance experience, Elizabeth has served on Boards of provincial and national professional associations. She was a founding Director of the Oakdale Neighbourhood Association when she and her family lived in Coquitlam. The Association remains active today. “North Cowichan residents signalled that they want balance from Mayor and Council. With a multi-sectoral view, governance experience, and a balanced, values-based approach, I will deliver exactly that.”

a voice for my community. My platform is simple, reduce the overall noise from our local politics and redirect focus to what matters to locals. Small businesses, housing, and our environment are the primary focus of my campaign. The message from our community is loud and clear, we need to protect local businesses, build more housing, and do so while respecting our wonderful landscape. The next few years will pave the way for the next few decades, we set the stage for a wonderfully diverse North Cowichan this fall. I urge everyone to get out and vote to ensure all voices and viewpoints are represented on our council.



JOSEPH ENSLOW for North Cowichan Councillor

My name is Joseph Enslow,

I’m honoured to serve as

BRUCE FINDLAY for North Cowichan Councillor

I am a North Cowichan resident & business owner, frustrated with the direction of the current council. We have had a housing crisis for several years, and no approved large developments within those four years of this council. I am pro-business & pro-development, looking to promote different options for home ownership & quality rentals, along with an “open for business” mindset. I am pro-sustainable resource development. I believe we need to have significantly more community engagement when moving forward on major decisions & infrastructure projects. I believe our property taxes for residents are far too high & we need to tear the budgets apart, line by line, to find savings or efficiencies. www.brucefindlay.com

75 DISTRICT of NORTH COWICHAN CANDIDATES www.christopherjustice.ca A strong voice for healthy communities and environmental protection
Candidate for North Cowichan Council Authorized by Christopher Justice, financial agent (250) 466-4449

For North Cowichan Councillor

I have called North Cowichan home for nearly a decade and in that time have become deeply connected to the region. I own and operate our successful small retail business in Chemainus on the same street as our home. I serve as the President of the Chemainus Business Improvement Association currently as well as director for the Cowichan Trail Stewardship Society. I also bring experience from my past hometown as a 2-term elected city councillor.

I am running for council to help bring together the varied voices of our community to tackle the challenges of growth in a sensitive time for our youth, economy, and environment. We need to work together as a community to support those in need like residents trying to afford a housing, needing easy access to transit or wanting to walk and ride, concerned about cost of living, wanting local employment opportunities, and concerned about our changing climate. My goal is to serve my neighbors, fellow business owners, and each and every person in North Cowichan.

JUSTICE North Cowichan Councillor (INCUMBENT)

A strong voice for healthy communities and environmental protection


Christopher has a proven track record on Council as a thoughtful, collaborative and dedicated advocate for the community. His priorities are: responsible land-use and growth management, affordable housing in thriving and safe communities, protection and restoration of our natural environments, a strong and diverse local economy, and accountable government spending and taxation. Christopher finds creative solutions to the pressing problems our community is facing while protecting and even enhancing the natural environment, the character of our existing neighbourhoods and towns, and the quality of life we are so lucky to enjoy here. He would be grateful for your support on October 15 and honoured to again serve you and this community to the best of his ability. www.christopherjustice.ca

rural character, and adaption to a changing climate. Cleaner air, care for watersheds that recharge aquifers. A Zoning By-law that matches the Official Community Plan, a completed review that results in a decision on the highest and best of the Municipal Forest Reserve.

community needs; promoting economic health; preserving our environmental health; and providing a range of socialhealth solutions.

My Planks: Renewed environmental and tree protection, striving for fair taxes, making our neighbourhoods safer, preserving our threatened water supplies, providing better waste treatment, promoting smart growth and planning through our new Official Community Plan, building truly affordable housing, growing local food security, and boosting local jobs.

Support focused growth, safe and resilient communities; improving local food security and access; attracting investment in affordable, attainable housing for those who need it. Support a local circular economy that reduces, reuses and repurposes waste, and saves taxpayer dollars spent on its disposal. A local economy that provides more livable wages. Partnership with business, agencies, province and RCMP to reduce crime, and senior government support for substance use disorders and for an end to the opioid crisis. These issues are not in our wheelhouse and we can’t address them in a meaningful way without their help. Protect biodiversity,

I moved my family to the Valley 14 years ago to live a peaceful rural life. I spent 11 years working closely with local small businesses, am a mother, volunteer, and a freelance researcher. I feel the Valley needs an injection of new ideas around affordable housing, addiction crises, REAL stewardship of the land, scrutanization of our tax spending, more transparency in government, less government, more job/career opportunities, and citizen led OCPs. Let’s create a more business and family friendly valley together. Vote for one or more #UnitedIndependants October 15th.

My Vision: Listening and helping citizens on a creative, co-operative council team. The status quo is unworkable. We need new ideas and more public input. As a 30-year resident, and 66-year-old retired local reporter, I know the background to most issues. I have the time to work hard for North Cowichanians.


PETER RUSLAND for North Cowichan Councillor

My name is Peter Rusland. I aim to gain one of six North Cowichan council seats because I am deeply concerned and passionate about finding solutions to our complex issues. My Platforms: Serving

I believe in-bottom up democracy, full transparency in government, true environmental sustainability, protecting workers’ rights and livelihoods, and full equality for all inhabitants of the Cowichan Valley in all health choices. I also believe that real action in all of these areas can best be done at local/regional levels.

I am running because I see serious gaps in the current North Cowichan Council with the proposed OCP showing significant failures in each of these areas. Rather than a local initiative, the OCP represents an agenda-driven cut and Chris Shaw continued pg 78

North Cowichan Councillor (INCUMBENT) for North Cowichan Councillor
On OCTOBER 15, 2022 VOTE RUSLAND FOR NORTH COWICHAN COUNCIL •GREEN •LEAN •KEEN YOUR VOICE FOR ACTION ON: Environmental Protection Fair Taxes Safer Neighbourhoods Water Supplies Waste Treatment Smart Growth & Planning Affordable Housing Homelessness & Poverty Food Security Local Jobs www.facebook.com/rusland.for.council Email: peterrusland@shaw.ca Phone: 250-748-8855 Authorized by Financial Agent Peter W. Rusland PETER W.

paste approach that does not actually represent the beliefs and goals of most citizens. I am working with members of the United Independents slate and with others who share similar values and goals to restore accountable government to North Cowichan.

I wish to work towards finding the right balance of economic, environmental and social issues that we all care about. There are many critical issues, for example Water, Affordable Housing, A Healthy Environment, Food Security and others issues which are important to you and your family. I had worked as a Constituency Assistant for 12 years for 2 MLA’s. I am a fourth term elected Cowichan Tribes Councillor and a North Cowichan Councillor. I am the Chair of the First Nations Relations Committee and appointed to the CVRD Board of directors and sit on the Cowichan Watershed Board. I became Deputy/ Acting Mayor on March 1, 2022.


Area A Mill Bay/Malahat

1990 consulting for various government agencies and private businesses in Ireland, the UK and India. - Retiring in 2015, Paul and family (wife Therese and 3 sons) returned to Canada

Position: - Working to provide potable water security for residents of CVRD

was born and raised in the Cowichan Valley, with a First Nation and Chinese Heritage.

I was appointed to the Pacific Salmon Commission, Southern Panel MemberCanadian Section in 20202025 and was appointed Indigenous Watershed Champion Initiative in May 2021.

Personnel: Paul Olthof’s family moved to Duncan in 1955 - He graduated from Cowichan High in 1968 -He graduated from Bio-Resource Engineering (Environmental) in 1974 - Following 6 years of working for the Provincial Government in the Pollution Control Branch, Paul became self employed, working internationally from his home in Shawnigan Lake. - Paul moved to Ireland in

- Working to provide housing opportunites to all residents of CVRD - Working to ensure value for tax dollar

Statement: Having over 40 years of experience in providing Environmental engineering services, I am looking forward to using this experience to the benefit of the residents of Area A and the CVRD.

B residents care about

78 I
DEBRA TOPOROWSKI North Cowichan Councillor (INCUMBENT)
• a lifetime of community service • a proven track record of success • passionate about addressing the issues Area
Chris Shaw continued CVRD

KATE SEGALL for CVRD Director Area A Mill Bay/Malahat

My husband and I arrived in Mill Bay seven years ago and knew instantly that this was a place where we could put down roots and raise our family. I’ve since become a proven community leader. I’ve been appointed to the Advisory Planning and Parks Commission by current Area Director Blaise Salmon where I oversee the sustainable development of our community. I’ve advocated for road safety with the MOTI (the flashing speed signs!).

As Vice President of the Mill Bay Community League I spearheaded a survey to identify community needs, and organized monthly meetings to address water, emergency preparedness, and fire safety. As your Area Director I will govern transparently and sustainably, continue to speak up for Mill Bay residents, and advocate for safety. I’m university educated, dedicated, highly organized and resourceful. I get things done! Most importantly, I am committed to serving the residents of Mill Bay.

SIERRA ACTON for CVRD Director Area B Shawnigan Lake (INCUMBENT)

It has been an exciting and rewarding past 4 years serving the community of Shawnigan Lake (for highlights please visit iloveshawnigan.com).

Our community’s top priorities continue to be:

Fiscal responsibility and affordability; There is a Regional Recreation Referendum that, if approved, it will significantly increase taxes. We already pay more than our fair share (see iloveshawnigan.com/blog/ property-taxes). Refeendum info: (https://www. planyourcowichan.ca/recfund)

Lake access and outdoor recreation; My opponents want to stop one of the best things coming for this community; the rest of the Rail with Trail, which will create a continuous trail from Mason’s to Old Mill Park. Sustainable Development; Keeping the charm in Shawnigan is important to the community. Development must be thoughtful and REALISTIC. We as a community have so many pressures we can’t afford to have someone learn it all again. Please support my reelection on Oct 15th.

continue what we started, Sierra.

Running for the position of Area B Shawnigan Lake Director, my priorities are Community, Ecology and Economics. I have found a supportive community willing to work for a resilient future. People treasure and want to preserve the ecology that remains to us.

I have a proven track record of success. As an Ecoforestry Institute Society board member, I worked to ensure Wildwood Ecoforest remains in the public domain and also co-managed the Homestead Restoration. Today EIS holds Wildwood in trust for the people of BC and the Homestead is a key revenue generator.

I’m a member of the Fairy Creek Legal Defenders. The recent injunction decision cites the good character of the people of Fairy Creek and the grave climate crisis upon us.

I’m also a director for the Cowichan Family Life Association, offering free and affordable mental health services.

A retired economic development policy analyst, I have deep interest in forestry, agriculture, economics and building resilient communities.


Area C Cobble Hill

I am a life-long resident of South Cowichan with deep roots in the community. For over 40 years, I worked as an employee, manager and owner of Drillwell Enterprises, a third-generation family-owned water well drilling business, now employing more than 30 people.

Priorities: Creating more affordable housing; expansion of parks and trails including safer walking and cycling options; environmental protection (water supply, air quality, and protecting Cobble Hill mountain from logging); resolve persistent problems with Fisher Rd industrial area; improvements in CVRD organization; and creating a multi-purpose path along the entire length of the derelict E and N rail corridor.

Community service: Member of the Cobble Hill Advisory Planning Commission, Mill Bay Fire Department trustee for 23 years (16 years as board chair), former Cowichan Bay Firefighter, founding member and current treasurer of the Cowichan Watershed Board, former President of the BC Groundwater Association, volunteer cancer driver and much more.

Please reach out to share thoughts, ideas, concerns at

iloveshawnigan@gmail. com (250)-715-6763
KATHY CODE for CVRD Director Area B Shawnigan Lake

HILARY ABBOTT for CVRD Director Area D Cowichan Bay

I’m Hilary Abbott — running for Electoral Area D (Cowichan Bay) Director on the CVRD board.

I ran a small business in Cowichan Bay for 18 years and served in roles in Area D commissions and committees and local charities.

My focus is on three areas: greater control over taxation and spending; housing & business affordability; environmental sustainability. Taxation & Spending

Was there sufficient community involvement and cost control in the new $16 million fire hall raising average taxes by $350 a year?

Property Affordability

Affording property isn’t just purchase and finance cost, it’s taxes and services costs. Maintaining and replacing aging infrastructure is rapidly raising property owner costs.

Environmental Sustainability

We have seen climate impacts from wildfires and floods that are costly to fight and recover from. More Provincial and Federal resources are needed to assist in climate mitigation at the local level, including the protection and preservation of our fragile water supply.

for CVRD Director Area D Cowichan Bay

I’m committed to local action for positive impact. I’ve been engaged in resolving community concerns in my own time and without additional cost to the citizens of Cowichan Bay, even before entering office. In the last 4 years I’ve developed a relationship with the Ministry of Transport and created safety for children and citizens walking in the hightraffic pedestrian corridors of Cherry Point Road and Bench Elementary School zone by lobbying for painting designated walking shoulders and installation of speed reader signs. I’ve also helped raise and donated tens of thousands of dollars to Cowichan Valley charities through the Show & Shine Society. When elected, I intend to streamline the residential build permit process and create zoning bylaws for tiny homes to increase affordable rental availability. As a concerned citizen, it is my job to hear what you want, present you with solutions, and provide you with results.

I fell in love with the Valley over 30 years ago and settled with my family in Cowichan Station to be on the land growing food. My passion is volunteering on projects like creating the HUB at Cowichan Station and caring for the Koksilah Watershed. People coming together to tackle a community problem is incredibly inspiring. I studied ecology and spent my career working to understand and soften our environmental footprint. I am grateful for the deep wisdom First Nations people offer in this regard. It is no surprise that protecting water and improving land use practices are my priorities as is helping to build a community that works together, is welcoming and respectful, and looks to the future. If reelected to the CVRD Board I will continue to listen deeply, respectfully ask questions, and support solutions that will best serve our families and our watersheds into an uncertain future.

Director. I’ve lived and worked in the Cowichan Valley for forty years. I am a Registered Nurse with a degree in Science.

I worked in Home and Community Care in all regions of the CVRD and am well acquainted with a large number of residents and their concerns.

Most Area E residents live in rural or semi-rural locations. We are resilient, independent, self-reliant and resourceful. Many residents have voiced fears of being forced off their land due to the unsustainable and rapidly increasing tax burden.

A new and equitable taxation formula must be developed tied to inflation or cost of living.

Our community has the knowledge and skills to determine and implement local solutions to our problems. Please vote for me and continue to share your innovations for a healthy and prosperous future for Area E and beyond.


My name is Ruth Waddell and I am running for Area E.

Prudent and fair taxation is a top priority. Working to capture Federal and Provincial grant funding for our communities is another of my top priorities. During my next term, I will be advocating for additional grant funding for the Stocking Lake Dam replacement, Thetis Island Wharf restoration, Centennial Park revitalization, and our Saltair water distribution system upgrades.

The nine CVRD Electoral Area Official Community Plans Modernization (MOCP) phase has just begun. What will sustainable land management

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look like in the future?

Community input is essential. I believe a community working together cooperatively is the most powerful force there is for positive change.

CVRD projects that are in progress do not end at the end of our term. Continuity and experience is an asset for any community and I will be able to hit the floor running for Area G Saltair/Gulf Islands in the next term.


I believe in openness, neighbourliness, and community. As your Director in Area I, I will listen to your concerns, communicate openly and consistently through inperson meetings, mailouts and digitally, and work tirelessly to make sure your voice is heard at the CVRD. Learn more at KarenDeck.ca and get in touch at info@karendeck.ca


KAREN DECK for CVRD Director

Area I Youbou, Meade Creek

I moved to Youbou after a career teaching young children with extra needs, where I learned a lot about love, hope and determination. As president of Save Our Holmes, I brought people together to successfully stop logging on the steep hills above our community in order to protect our watersheds, preserve fish and wildlife and prevent dangerous slides.

We can keep making a difference at the local level: we can build more walkable communities, address the speed and noise of traffic, make public transit more convenient, and promote the use of clean electricity for new buildings.

Area I Youbou, Meade Creek

I never thought I would be running for a public political position, but would continue to stay as a closet politician like so many. However, it is time to step up to be a part of the future proposed growth, change, and development of our area, CVRD Area I and the Region as a whole. The past 40 years I have worked in the private sector in business administration, accounting, sales, management, fiscal planning and budgeting. I believe these attributes that I would bring to the CVRD Board table as Area I Director, would assist in better representing the large and diverse Area I lifestyles and communities. max.4areai@ gmail.com


BOB BROOKE City of Duncan Councillor (INCUMBENT)

I am Bob Brooke and am running for re-election in the Duncan civic election. in my past term, I have been on numerous committees including The Joint Utilities Board, and was fortunate to chair the Official Community Plan. I have represented the city in tourism, The Chamber of Commerce, the Duncan seniors Center, and sit as a director of the Cowichan Housing Association.

While the responsibility of Council is geared more to a fiscal role, we have worked diligently to face many social issues that are visible in all urban areas. I propose to continue to find the balance between social issues and community needs recognizing that the city has very limited financial resources. If reelected I will continue to lobby higher levels of government on behalf of the Duncan citizens to provide the resources we need to flourish and find the solutions to the needs of our citizens.


City of Duncan Councillor (INCUMBENT)

It has been a privilege serving the citizens and businesses of Duncan over the past four years. I am seeking re-election so I can continue to support diverse housing (primarily affordable rentals, though we need a variety of options), high environmental standards, and keeping tax rates reasonable without sacrificing quality of life.

Over the years I have volunteered for many causes: Safe Youth Cowichan, The Cowichan Folk Guild, the Cowichan River Cleanup, and more. I was born and raised here, and served three terms as Duncan Youth Council’s Jr Mayor. I work and live in the downtown core, and am now raising my own child here. As a councillor, I always strive to be a thoughtful, respectful, and diligent community representative. I love living here, and I love working on your behalf as a member of council. I would greatly appreciate your support in the upcoming election. Thank you!

Our community has seen unprecedented challenges, an ongoing pandemic, population growth resulted in additional policing costs, homelessness and addiction services are urgently needed we must advocate for services and funding. Mental illness services, need a long term solution. Our Council will continue to work with other levels of Government for the mental Illness services we need in the Valley. I have served 4 terms on council, including Chairing the Tourism Committee, which is planning a renewal of the Marketing strategy. I have represented the City on the Cowichan Community Centre Commission, Summer Festival Committee and am the Alternate Director on the Cowichan Valley Regional District Board.

My Priorities are, Implement our new Official Community Plan and Transportation Mobility Strategy refreshing our Tourism Marketing plan, and continue collaborating with Provincial and Federal governments for Homelessness and Addiction solutions.

I am Mike McKinlay. Born and raised in the Cowichan Valley, with pioneer roots to the Evans family. Prior to running for council, I was a fire fighter with the Duncan Volunteer Fire Department for 34 years, spending my last 13 years as Fire Chief. I retired from the City of Duncan, Public Works department after 30 years of service, 20 years spent as foreman. With this supervisory background this has give me boots on the ground experience to recognize the needs of present and future infrastructure. My current areas of focus are the future growth of the city, while keeping its small-town charm, as well as the need for senior housing.


CAROL NEWINGTON for City of Duncan Councillor

I recognize the importance of keeping Duncan Green, Clean and Safe! Born and raised in Duncan. I live in my family home in the Cairnsmore area with my dog, cat, hens and bees.

As a tax paying resident of Duncan, I am invested in this City!

In my spare time I volunteer with the Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Store, the Cowichan Music Festival and Meals on the Ground.

Common sense fiscal responsibility is very important as our city grows. Infrastructure in the City is aging and Council needs to find an economical, long-term solution for the future of the community. Finding solutions for affordable safe housing in this city that will be of benefit and safety for all the residence, including seniors and families and the community.

We must continue to work with the Downtown Business Association to ensure a city core that will be the centre of the Cowichan Valley.

Elizabeth Croft is running for her third term as a School Trustee. Elizabeth supported many accomplishments at the School District, including: - Cowichan Secondary School - the “greenest” secondary in BC

- 70+ new before and after school child care spaces - Four new facilities for all-day child care providers - Indigenous graduation rates are on the rise

- The award-winning trades program continues to grow with more graduates than ever - Meal programs expanded.

“We’re so grateful to the generous donors, volunteers and sponsors who support Nourish Cowichan and Rotary’s Starfish Backpack Program.”

If elected, Elizabeth will increase resources for mental health and well-being as the community recovers from the effects of pandemic restrictions. She also believes in applying District surplus to hire more educational assistants for special needs students. As Chair of the Climate Action Committee, she’ll push to review the District’s climate adaptation readiness.

PATRICIA DAWN for Cowichan Valley SD 79 School Trustee

Acknowledging the Unceded territories of the Coast Salish Cowichan Nations. Huy ch’ qu’ - O’siem Hul’qumi’num

teaching: Nuts’a’maat -We are One.

As a local advocate, I see the ongoing homelessness and opioid crisis. I, myself, have 20 years of remission from the disease of addiction and survived precarious housing. I’ve raised two children who have both graduated, continuing onto college. This is because of the care of our community, who stood with us. I offer my lived experience, and advocacy education to contribute insight and hope to this growing epidemic. Our schools are the ‘village center’, where we can meet families farther upstream, empowering them long before they reach the pits of homelessness and addiction. We can reclaim our children’s potential to thrive and succeed. I’ve experienced this with families who are served at this level. Our children of all Nations deserve a future they can be proud to walk in.

JOHANNE KEMMLER for Cowichan Valley SD 79 School Trustee (INCUMBENT)

I have lived and raised my family in the Cowichan Valley, my children attended our schools and my grandchildren are being educated in our schools.

I believe in Public Education.

I am committed to:

• Education happening in a positive, caring, inclusive environment.

• Informed, heard and respected students, educators, families and partner groups

• Truth and Reconciliation

• Mental Health Initiatives

• Inclusion, Harmony, Environment and Community

I have:

• Served on the Board for the past 4 years in various committees including: Vice-Chair of the Board, Chair of Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair of Board Education and Business Standing Committee, Audit Committee and Early Childhood Committee.

• Served on the executive of CUPE local 5101 (support staff) for 6 years

• 25+ years experience in the district as an Administrative Secretary working in schools with families, students and staff.

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CINDY LISE for Cowichan Valley SD 79 School Trustee

I am a long serving community volunteer always striving to improve the lives of children, youth and families. I have experience as an education assistant in the Cowichan School District, Success By 6 Regional Facilitator, Our Cowichan Communities Health Network Facilitator, and Board Member of Social Planning Cowichan. I will ensure that students are first in the implementation of the strategic plan “Our Story is Beyond Education”.

I will:

• work to ensure our staff have resources to ensure students are on track with literacy and numeracy, post pandemic

• advocate for mental health and wellness programs

• stand with the Board of Education and implement the Community of Care Pledge

• work to increase funding and supports for diverse learners and advocate at a provincial level for additional funding

• Work in collaboration with community partners to address the social determinants of health

• Bring experience in policy development, board governance and collective problem solving


healthy relationships and reconciliation, and addressing the unspoken impacts of the pandemic.

Climate Readiness: We need to prepare our children for the crisis upon us – through K-12 dialogue, as well as instilling a sense of hope: there are solutions, and they have the power to create their own. I also want to review/update policies to ensure facilities and operations are climate ready. Diligence: Budgetary due diligence must be applied with a curious mind, particularly with respect to mental health issues, and meaningful reconciliation. We must hold ourselves accountable to the investments and decisions we make to ensure great outcomes for our learning communities.

JENNIFER STRACHAN for Cowichan Valley SD 79 School Trustee

EDUARDO SOUZA for Cowichan Valley SD 79 School Trustee

Care for All: Let’s foster learning environments where students, teachers, parents and mentors are empowered to be their best –prioritizing inclusion, safety,

My family lives alongside Cowichan Lake and our child attends elementary school in the District. I will bring strong leadership and new ideas as a Trustee with School District #79. As a retired RCMP executive, I have an extensive background in corporate management and community engagement; and have led projects having a positive impact on children.

I am relationship focussed, results driven and integrity led. I will put kids’ needs first and seek to understand community perspective. I believe in challenging the status quo while respecting the opinions of others.


Forefront issues for me are public engagement and feedback on important issues such as: student success, safety in schools, student/family services, effective facility management and balancing budgets.

I believe we need to invest in and value school district employees which will then have a positive impact on students.

I welcome feedback: Email: vote.jenniferstrachan@ gmail.com Facebook: Vote Jennifer Strachan SD#79 Trustee


for Cowichan Valley SD 79 School Trustee (INCUMBENT)

Hello I’m running again for School District #79 trustee. We’ve made many positive changes in our education system that helped to promote our district in BC. I’ve never wavered from Students First only increased my passion for healthy, happy students both academic and wellness. There are still issues to overcome with budgets, salaries and preparing our students for jobs yet unknown. So much to do for education and technology you’ve all seen the existing boards in action doing the utmost best for students so please give me the opportunity to do more for all students. As BCSTA first ever indigo knowledge keeper I can only promise to work harder to increase grad rates with genuine dogwoods. This may not cover what you want to hear I can only speak on what’s been done and won’t make any promises I can’t keep. Just know Students First.

Saturday, October 1, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Maple Bay Fire Hall, hosted by the Quamichan Lake Neighbourhood Association Thursday, October 6, 5:30 to 8 p.m., Chemainus Secondary School, hosted by Chemainus Residents’ Association, Chemainus & District Chamber of Commerce, Chemainus Business Improvement Association


All municipal candidates running were invited to be part of this paid Election Feature.

Only those candidates who responded were featured in these election pages.

For a complete list of candidates please visit www.elections.bc.ca

organic craft coffee and mmmore by the sea across from Salt Spring ferry terminal


Jennifer Strachan continued

The Clay Hub

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