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SB’s homelessness crisis: a local emergency

Rising tuition costs make college unaffordable

The cost of higher education has been on an upward trend for decades now, and from my perspective, the rising cost of college tuition seems to have no end in sight. As a college student, I know firsthand how rising tuition costs can be a major source of frustration for many students.

According to, the cost of an undergraduate degree has increased by 213% at public schools and 129% at private schools. In other words, tuition costs are nearly three times what they were in the 1980s.

The high amounts of student loan debt seem less shocking when considering how expensive tuition costs have become.

Many students attend public universities because it’s the most affordable route, but that isn’t always true.

According to Forbes’ author Edward Conroy, only 24% of four-year and 40% of two-year public colleges can be considered affordable based on a new report from the National College Attainment Network (NCAN). Students then end up with greater loan debt because the supposedly affordable choices are no longer that, says Conroy.

Of course, some may argue that rising tuition is necessary for educational institutions and that the student loan debt will be worth it in the long run.

An article on theclassroom. com supports this by highlighting some potential benefits of rising tuition costs, such as improved teaching equipment, renovations on campus, and improved campus safety and notification systems, which can give universities a competitive edge. Universities may also use the money to improve resources and centers to help students with their careers, disabilities, and physical or emotional support.

However, it seems that the disadvantages of rising tuition outweigh the advantages here, particularly for students. When considering affordability issues in everyday necessities in addition to the skyrocketing student loan debt, the burden of debt becomes too heavy for many students to bear.

In an article by the Los Angeles Times, author Teresa Watanabe states over half the population of students attending the University of California or California State University believe their schools are unaffordable. They also believe that community colleges and vocational training are becoming better paths to career success.

According to Watanbe, more than three-fourths of state residents think four-year degrees are valuable. When asked if they believe higher education is useful to achieve better economic opportunities, like in the past, 53% said “yes” and 45% said “no.”

63% of respondents believed multiple pathway

educations that include attending college and participating in apprenticeships lead to success in a profitable career. Only 33% think four-year degrees are needed.

Watanbe states that the estimated 2022-23 cost of attendance for California residents who live on campus is $38,504 for UCs and $30,676 for CSUs.

It’s not only California public universities and residents struggling with unaffordability. I think if more participants from other states were surveyed, the number of people who think college is unaffordable would increase, especially when including private universities and educational institutions in expensive cities.

About forty-eight million people have student loan debt and collectively owe more than 1.6 trillion in federal student loans, according to The total amount increases to 1.7 trillion when including private loans.

Student loan debt surpasses auto loans and credit card debt, making the $12 trillion home mortgage debt the only larger one, according to the article. In 2021, almost two-thirds of recent college graduates enrolled at a college or university and most took out student loans.

Many students have to take out bigger loans because college tuition has

increased dramatically, while income has not increased at the same rate. This creates a vicious cycle of debt, where students are forced to borrow more money to pay for their education, but then struggle to repay their loans because they can’t find jobs that pay enough.

The U.S. is among the countries with the most expensive university costs, and it’s time for a change. It’s no wonder that many students are looking for alternative paths to success. Many countries offer much more affordable and sometimes free post-secondary education.

The government must take action to reduce the cost of tuition and student loan debt. There are many ways to do this, such as increasing funding for public universities and community colleges, providing tax credits and deductions for

education expenses, and creating income-based repayment plans for student loans.

Moreover, educational institutions must take responsibility for their part in this crisis. They must look for ways to reduce costs and make education more accessible to all students. This includes providing more scholarships and financial aid to students in need and streamlining administrative processes to reduce overhead costs.

It’s time for our society to recognize the importance of education and make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. The burden of student loan debt is too great, and we cannot continue to ignore this issue. It is time for universities and policymakers to work together to find solutions that make higher education more accessible and affordable for all.

dominates New JFK assasination documents The power of ASMR IN THIS ISSUE Pg 6. Pg 12.
chiradech - In this issue photo credit: Kavindu- Firn- spaxiax- MERCURY studio-



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San Bernardino’s homelessness crisis: a local emergency

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The Coyote Chronicle is published every other Thursday during the academic session by the Communication department. The opinions expressed in the Chronicle are those of the student writers and editors and do not reflect the views of the university, its faculty, or any other person or institution unless expressly noted. The appearance of any advertisement in the Chronicle does not represent an endorsement of the products or services advertised. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit or reject all materials submitted to the paper.

The San Bernardino community has long been aware of the crisis affecting the city’s homeless population. Not only has homelessness increased, but residents of the city continue to watch the same problems recur before their eyes.

According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), an individual is referred to as homeless if their way of living is recognizably unstable. This can include living in cars, RVs, parks, sidewalks, or emergency shelters. These variables are all examples of homeless transitional housing.

In San Bernardino, the homeless population was expected to grow significantly between 2018 and 2023. However, the rise was mainly reflected in the years 2018–2020; since then, the city has remained somewhat stable with only a slight increase in the number of homeless individuals.

San Bernardino is home to 40% of the county’s homeless population; numbers were at an all-time high during this period. The year 2021 was not accounted for due to the Covid-19 pandemic’s decision to social distance causing a skip of the annual count.

Looking into additional reports, approximately 79.2% of the homeless population resided in the cities of Barstow, Colton, Fontana, Ontario, Redlands, San Bernardino, and Victorville.

The majority of unsheltered people (70%) who gave their ethnicity were non-Latinos, while 30% gave their ethnicity as Latino. The highest percentage within this category declared themselves white at 57%. The third-highest percentage was 21% for respondents who said they were Black. The other 18% resided with people who were in different racial categories.

About half of the unsheltered people recorded in this year’s evaluation were considered chronically homeless,

which is defined as being in these living conditions for one year or more.

It is common for homeless individuals to experience debilitating conditions, such as mental illness, chronic health conditions, and/or physical impairment.

When discussing ways to help decrease this epidemic, the Second District Supervisor Janice Rutherford mentioned that the county “must provide wraparound services such as mental health care, addiction treatment, financial counseling, and other aid that helps people rebuild their lives.”

While there is a multitude of factors causing this issue, the continual increase in the cost of living in San Bernardino County is often looked at as one main cause. The lack of affordable housing affects the majority of the county’s residents.

The lack of income for 80% of San Bernardino’s homeless population is also a major factor in fueling this epidemic.

Throughout the years, cities such as Los Angeles and Long Beach have declared emergencies to try and contain increasing homeless populations. San Bernardino has now done the same for their county.

“We want to make it clear to our residents that addressing homelessness is San Bernardino’s priority number one.” said Mayor Helen Tran.“We must focus our efforts, implement our plan, and demand

nothing less than better results.”

By declaring a state of emergency, the city will be able to simplify its zoning laws, make it easier to find interim, temporary, and permanent housing, and allow emergency shelters that are either permanent or temporary. The city will continue to collaborate with nonprofits, healthcare providers, and the county while also seeking financial assistance through grants and programs introduced by the state.

During San Bernardino’s council meeting over the subject, Councilmember Kimberly Calvin attempted to appease the community’s concerns.

“How we’re going to address it is multifaceted. It will take a lot of people, a lot of time, a lot of money, groundwork, and volunteers. All of us coming together to make sure we can do whatever possible to make sure we don’t continue to add to the homelessness on our own will,” said Calvin.

Homelessness is not a new problem, it has been present in the county for a while and has required different approaches from different cities. Residents need to have a thorough understanding of the common challenges homeless populations routinely face to tackle the situation appropriately. Although the issue won’t be solved overnight, progress always starts with a single step, and San Bernardino has taken theirs.

Community Page 2 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
Final report of sheltered vs. unsheltered numbers from San Bernardino County’s subpopulation survey. Photo by Cassandra Moreno. The annual point-in-time count in San Bernardino County is a yearly count of the homeless people in the area. Photo by Watchara

Ban declawing cats in San Bernardino County

Declawing cats has been banned in many cities, states, and even entire countries, but the U.S. and the states within it often fall behind in the effort to ban this process. Declawing cats is an extremely painful and dangerous procedure with many downsides to it, and so I argue that we need to call on the officials of San Bernardino County to ban this procedure in its collective cities.

The procedure for declawing a cat involves amputating the third bone for each toe. To get an image of what this must look and feel like, imagine having one of the bones in your fingers removed or partially removed. That is what such a procedure entails.

Declawing a cat has many negative effects such as pain in the back, and the paw, and they could get an infection. The process can cause the death of tissues in the paw. The way a cat walks is altered, and in some cases, claws regrow anyways making the process unnecessary or forcing the owner to repeat the declawing process and further harm the cat. Repeating the process can also cause bone spurs and even nerve damage.

Many places have banned declawing but it is still allowed in many parts of the world. America, for example, has yet to ban declawing, while places like the UK have already done it


In sunny California, there are “only a handful of cities that have banned declawing, but the cities of San Bernardino County aren’t among them.”

I have personally reached out to the San Bernardino County local newspaper The Sun to write a piece on why declawing should be banned in San Bernardino County and have yet to hear back.

Spreading this awareness is a personal goal of mine because I am a mother of an orange cat named Mikoto. Imaging someone cutting through his bone just to have him stop scratching scares me to death.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) “strongly opposes declawing (onychectomy) as an elective procedure.”

For those interested in declawing or looking to get more information, the AAFP provides owners with a brochure for alternatives for keeping cats’ claws busy in a healthy way, rather than removing them. Some of the suggestions they give include getting a scratching post, trimming the nails of a cat, and using spray or diffusers when they scratch in unwanted areas or on people.

“It is the obligation of veterinarians to provide cat owners with alternatives to declawing,” said an AAFP spokesperson.

Roughly 23 million cats are declawed in the U.S., which means many cats are still being

put through such a dangerous and unsuggested procedure.

Why exactly is declawing so bad? Because cats walk in a way that their toes carry their weight. Each step is protected due to the pad underneath their toes. But declawing cats forces the segment of their third toe bone to be awkwardly, and painfully, placed backward underneath their feet.

It can also cause a problem when it comes to nail-forming tissue which can get infected or inflamed or both. This causes pain for the cat as it stands and walks.

Declawing can also lead to many risks like an increase in infection or diseases.

Because it loses its “pride walk,” which refers to the confident walk wild cats use in the wild, its hunting instinct, climbing, and scratching abilities are also removed. This can create distrust and tension between the cat and its owner. It also takes away the cat’s confidence and pride, sometimes leading to unwarranted feelings of fear in its everyday life.

In the county of San Bernardino, someone can own up to five cats depending upon the size of their living space. In the year 2009, the San Bernardino County newspaper The Sun wrote their personal opinion about declawing cats, to which they agreed to keep declawing cats stating that it will do more harm than

good if this process is banned. This article of course has no facts included but rather states an opinion about the issue at hand. Any written article without facts can be dangerous because it spreads ignorance to those that read it.

I argue that the county of San Bernardino should hop on board and ban declawing because it often harms and endangers the cat unnecessarily. Its negative aspects outweigh its positive ones, in my opinion, and I don’t believe it is OK to remove a living creature’s ability to live the best life that it can. As it is now, the alternative to letting cats keep their claws is the literal removal of parts of their bones, and no creature should go through such suffering as that.

Public demands raising the legal drinking age

The legal drinking age in the United States has been a topic of debate for decades. Currently, the legal drinking age is 21, but there is growing evidence that suggests that this age limit may be too low. There is a compelling argument for raising the legal drinking age to 25 years old, due to the development of the frontal cortex lobe and its impact on decision-making.

The frontal cortex lobe is the part of the brain responsible for decision-making, judgment, and impulse control. It is not fully developed until the mid-20s, and this development can be impacted by alcohol consumption.

Individuals under the age of 25 may not be fully equipped to make responsible decisions about alcohol consumption. They are more likely to engage

in dangerous behaviors, such as binge drinking or driving under the influence which has launched numerous organizations, such as M.A.A.D (Moms against drunk driving).

This is a significant concern, as alcohol-related accidents are a leading cause of death among young adults aged 21 and younger.

Raising the legal drinking age to 25 could aid in promoting responsible alcohol consumption among individuals. This would be particularly advantageous for college and university students, as it could lower the incidence of binge drinking and other hazardous behaviors that are linked to alcohol.

Moreover, it may result in a decrease in alcohol-related fatalities and accidents among young adults.

An added benefit to raising the legal drinking age to 25, is preventing 21-year-olds from purchasing alcohol. While 21

is the legal drinking age, it is also the age of many collegelevel students. This creates a dangerous situation, as young adults may be tempted to drink excessively or engage in risky behaviors to fit in with their peers.

By raising the legal drinking age to 25 years old, we can help prevent this type of behavior and ensure that young adults are making responsible decisions about alcohol consumption. Furthermore, raising the legal drinking age could have positive long-term effects on public health.

Research has shown that individuals who start drinking at a younger age are more likely to develop alcohol dependence and abuse later in life. By raising the legal drinking age, we can help prevent young adults from developing these types of problems.

This could lead to a reduction in the number

of individuals who require treatment for alcohol-related issues, which would be beneficial for both individuals and society as a whole.

Some of the risks associated with the current drinking age include physical harm such as liver damage, brain damage, and damage to other vital organs. It can also lead to accidents and

injuries, including car crashes and falls.

Mental health risks are also linked to underage drinking; these can include long-term mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, and addiction.

Community Page 3 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
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Photo by Mirko Vitali -

AR-15s popularized for mass shootings

Guns are a hot topic in all news and media today, and for good reason. Controversies have arisen as the number of mass shootings across the nation have continued to rise, with AR’s and AR-15’s often at the heart of them. Many argue that one of the most beneficial measures would be stricter laws on actually purchasing such weapons, but there are still many gun enthusiasts who disagree with such a notion.

Background checks are essential for purchasing guns to ensure the safety of the individual using the rifle.

Background checks consist of forms from the ATF, and the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Individuals wanting to purchase a gun can do so relatively easily.

A background check from (Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NICS) has to be conducted but can take up to as little as a couple of minutes for an individual to purchase a gun right away.

However, at most gun shows, buyers do not need a background check to purchase guns. ARs were originally made for military use, but now anyone can purchase the rifle by easily passing the background check. AR-15s have evolved into

being the primary choice for mass shootings, and there should be a change in gun laws where they do not just let any ordinary person purchase these guns.

I firmly believe that background checks should be more than just a couple of minutes. The individuals purchasing AR-15s should have a further evaluation of their mental health due to all the recent mass shootings that have been happening. Being denied the purchase of a gun is rare. With all the gun violence in America, specifically revolving around ARs, that have happened over the past years why would it still be fairly easy to purchase an AR?

Many of the school and

mass shootings have been done by individuals with ARs and who were not in a good mental state.

The most recent school shooting was on March 27 from Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old who killed 3 children and 3 faculty from the Covenant school.

After Hale’s attack on the school it was revealed that Hale was venting about their depression on their social media weeks before the shooting. It was also revealed that Hale was under a doctor’s care for an emotional disorder and had a suicide note.

Hale legally purchased seven guns and used three in the attack including an AR.

In the Uvalde School shooting, Salvador Ramos, who murdered 19 kids and two teachers, was also known to have been bullied and also had mental obstacles in his life.

Ramos made warnings on his social media before the attack. Ramos also had an AR.

Nicholas Cruz, who killed 17 people and injured 14 in the Parkland shooting, was also known to be mentally disturbed. Cruz also posted disturbing things on social media. He used an AR in the shooting.

According to “Where AR15-style rifles fit in America’s tragic history of mass shootings,” by Jonathan Franklin, the following shootings include the use of an AR-15:

church shooting that claimed 26 lives; June 12, 2016: The Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, FL, that left 49 dead; December 2, 2015: The San Bernardino, CA, shooting that killed 14 people including 5 of our alumni students; December 14, 2012: The shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that took 27 lives.

Although there have been attempts to regulate guns in America, it is obvious that it is not enough.

According to “The History of the AR-15 and how it became a Symbol of American gun culture” by Sara Swan, the AR-15 is most commonly used in US mass shootings, with a 2020 study showing an increase in the use of semi-automatic rifles. From 1966-2009, one-third used a semi-automatic rifle, rising to 56% in the next decade.

If people want to protect themselves they do not need an AR, they can use handguns including revolvers or pistols.

I believe that one solution is to not ban all guns but to implement common-sense gun control measures that limit access to high-powered firearms like the AR-15’s and to thoroughly do background checks on individuals, particularly to limit purchases by those with mental health illnesses that may impair their judgment.

Although individuals will always find a way to get a firearm to commit illegal acts, limiting access will help prevent mass shootings and violence.

New JFK assassination documents

In December, 2022, documents were released revealing direct knowledge of the upcoming assassination attempt on former President John F. Kennedy. While these

documents were released to the public, there is still much contention and speculation about any involvement by the government, and individuals don’t seem to have paid much attention to this event of the past. Still, others believe that these documents reveal evidence supporting long-standing beliefs that the government is corrupt and works against those in the highest powers when it wants to.

On November 22, 1963, the assassination of former President Kennedy sent shockwaves across the U.S. and the world. The official narrative was that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting the President from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, Texas.

However, recent documents released in December 2022 show a much different story. The documents suggest that the government had a significant involvement in the assassination and subsequent cover-up.

In December, 2022, documents were released revealing direct knowledge of the upcoming assassination attempt on former President John F. Kennedy. While these documents were released to the public, there is still much contention and speculation about any involvement by the government, and individuals don’t seem to have paid much attention to this event of the past. Still, others believe that these documents reveal evidence supporting long-standing beliefs that the government is corrupt and works against those in the highest powers when it wants to.

On November 22, 1963, the assassination of former President Kennedy sent shockwaves across the U.S. and the world. The official narrative was that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting the President from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, Texas. However, recent documents

February 14, 2018: Shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida leaves 17 people dead; October 1, 2017: The Las Vegas, NV, slaughter of 58 people; November 5, 2017: The Sutherland Springs, TX, (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had a great deal of knowledge and involvement in the events leading up to the assassination.

released in December 2022 show a much different story. The documents suggest that the government had a significant involvement in the assassination and subsequent cover-up.

Despite this evidence, many Americans seem to be indifferent to the possibility of government involvement in the JFK assassination.

The newly released documents reveal that the Central Intelligence Agency

The documents also indicate that there were multiple plots to kill former President Kennedy and that some members of the government were aware of these plots.

News Page 4 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
Required paperwork for purchasing a gun. Photo credited to Bureau of Firearms. A newly released FBI document from Controversial FBI director at the time Edgar Hoover. Credited to Reuters via PBS.
Continued on pg.6

Group projects are unnecessary

Group projects have been a staple in higher education for many years. In theory, they are supposed to teach students the valuable skill of working collaboratively with others, preparing them for their future careers.

However, in practice, group projects often become a frustrating, time-consuming, and ineffective experience for many students.

Group projects are often plagued by the problem of free-riding. Students who are less motivated or less invested in the project can rely on their groupmates to do the bulk of the work, while they contribute little to nothing.

I firmly believe that this dynamic not only creates an uneven distribution of labor but also undermines the integrity of the assignment and the learning experience for everyone involved.

In addition, group projects can be incredibly time-consuming. Students must coordinate their schedules, negotiate roles and responsibilities, and ensure everyone is on the same page.

This can take up valuable time that could be spent studying, attending lectures, or engaging in other activities that are more directly related to their academic success. This can be especially challenging for students who have demanding schedules or limited resources.

Many critics argue that group assignments do not necessarily teach students how

to work collaboratively, and may even result in some students feeling resentful or exploited by their group members. Some students may feel that they are doing all the work, while others are not contributing as much, leading to feelings of frustration and disillusionment.

As far as I’m concerned, group projects can lead to conflicts and tensions among group members. When different personalities and perspectives come together, disagreements are bound to arise. These conflicts can not only be emotionally draining but can also detract from the overall quality of the project.

Group projects do not always reflect the real-world scenarios they are supposed to emulate. In many work environments, individuals are assigned tasks and responsibilities based on their strengths and areas of expertise. Group projects, on the other hand, often require students to work outside their areas of expertise, which may not be an accurate reflection of what they will encounter in their future careers.

individual initiative, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities may be more important in many industries. While group assignments may have some value, they may not be the best way to help students develop these crucial skills.

According to Gillespie, Rosamond, and Thomas (2006), it is advisable to avoid using group projects in every class, as this can cause logistical problems and lead to “group fatigue” among students. Instructors need to consider whether an assignment that requires substantial outside-ofclass group work is appropriate and adds value to the course. To avoid overwhelming students, instructors should coordinate with other programs to ensure that students are not inundated with group work.

appropriate option. This may require more time and effort to set up the assignment and manage potential conflicts (Buck, n.d.).

According to David Buck, it is important for instructors to explicitly teach students how to work effectively in groups, including communication and conflict management skills. These should be made explicit learning goals, and instructors should invest the necessary time to teach these skills before group collaboration begins. Failure to do so can result in frustration and ineffective group work. However, this requires instructors to make a significant investment of time and potentially sacrifice other content. If instructors are unwilling or unable to do so, it may be best to avoid using group work altogether (Buck, n.d.).

College is without a doubt one of the most beneficial investments one can make in the effort to educate themselves personally and professionally. The first thought that comes to mind for many people when college is the topic of discussion is the importance of passing all of your classes, obtaining an above-average grade point average, and successfully receiving a degree in whichever field you pursue. Even though all of these are pivotal parts of college, it is just as important to find yourself. A way someone can help find themselves is by discovering interests and finding a hobby! Most people would consider that they have a hobby, but is it a hobby that truly makes a positive impact on your life?

A hobby that you enjoy can help you find your true passion, it can positively impact your mental health, and it can decrease the amount of burnout a typical college student feels due to the intensity of the college education system. So, finding a hobby is extremely important and pivotal during college life.

For most students, college

gives them a platform to discover what they enjoy learning about and what career field they want to pursue. Most students then attend many classes over four or more years to learn and gain expertise within the career field and then hopefully land a job in the sector. During that time, there are extracurricular activities that can boost the experience and knowledge that they are gaining through their studies. For instance, a CSUSB kinesiology student can join the Kinesiology Student Association. The CSUSB. edu website states “KSA also offers leadership opportunities for students to enhance their resume and cover letter, while providing opportunities to develop communication and enhance team building skills that would provide benefit in future careers.” So, post-college these students could even continue to contribute to the KSA club as a hobby! So, a hobby can be discovered straight through a student’s department of their major and increase the passion they hold for their career path.

Mental health goes handin-hand with the education system since it can be draining at times. Many college students are encouraged to

Some researchers argue that the emphasis on group work may be misguided, as teamwork and collaboration are not necessarily the most important skills for success in many fields. Instead, partake in different self-care activities or adapt an exercise regime to positively impact their mental health. While including more exercise and self-care is important, finding a hobby can help mental health! Many CSUSB students enjoy participating in intramural sports on campus. They can create a team, compete, and still get their intake of exercise throughout their busy school day schedule.

As stated on the website, The Intramural Sports program offers a variety of sports leagues and tournaments, “whether you are an experienced athlete or just looking to learn a new sport, we are dedicated to providing our participants enjoyable, innovative and safe activities for all skill levels and interests.” So, this program is a great outlet for students to look into as they may enjoy a sport that they have never had the opportunity to partake in before! Also available at CSUSB is the newly reopened bowling alley since the Fall 2022 campus flooding. Students are most commonly seen at the bowling alley during their free time between classes. Some of these students may continue bowling throughout their life!

Finding a new sport or

Smaller groups are more manageable and less prone to free-riding. However, the idea of allowing students to self-select their groups requires further examination. While research suggests that self-selected groups may perform better and have less conflict, they are more likely to be homogenous, which may not simulate real-world experiences. If instructors’ goals include exposing students to diverse perspectives and simulating workplace environments, teacher selection might be a more joining a club are not the only options when it comes to finding a hobby. Simply visiting a local farmers market or reading a book in the convenience of your home are also great hobbies to consider exploring! Regardless of the hobby a college student chooses, it can help decrease the risk of burnout. Burnout is most commonly understood as feeling completely depleted due to the stresses of life during college. So, sometimes it is important to take a break, go outside, and explore the community. Cities such as Redlands, offer a weekly market night, now known as the Saturday morning market. As stated on, open from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m. during the spring, summer, and

While group projects may have some benefits in theory, they are often a waste of time for college students in practice. They can lead to unequal distribution of labor, conflicts among group members, and take up valuable time that could be better spent on other academic pursuits. As educators, it is essential to consider the downsides of group projects and to provide students with alternative methods for learning collaboration and teamwork that are more effective and efficient.

A hobby in college can impact your life

fall seasons and includes 100 vendors. Through these vendors, there are artists, chefs, and small-business owners. This would be a great opportunity to ask questions and possibly find a new hobby to look into. So, not only would this be a break from hitting the book, but it could be a platform to start a new hobby.

Taking action to find a hobby is crucial because a hobby can continue throughout the entity of lifespan. Finding a hobby during college can decrease the likelihood of burnout, positively impact mental health, and even aid in a future career path. Do you have a hobby that you love? If not, it is valuable to start your journey in finding one!

Page 5 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023 Opinions
Photo by Yadira Pinedo CSUSB students enjoy bowling in between classes, possibly finding a new hobby! (Photo by @csusb on Instagram)

The sun’s hottest year in over a decade

2023 is leading up to being the hottest year in centuries, and for once, it isn’t because of climate change. This is happening because of the sun’s orbit with the Earth as this year the sun will orbit closer than ever to Earth, making humans more aware of their sunscreen and AC use but also causing major problems beyond sunburn or heat stroke.

According to Forbes, 20242025 is expected to be the ending of the sun’s Solar Cycle number 25, an 11-year orbiting cycle, called the “solar maximum.” This means that this year, as we approach the end of this cycle, the sun is at its closest distance to the Earth that it has been and will be for at least a decade.

Forbes added that this year will be “theoretically one of the most powerful periods for the Sun for almost a decade.”

But the problems caused by the sun’s orbit are not limited to that human comfort and skin safety alone. This portion of the sun’s cycle can also do outrageous damage such as force planes to ground due to its effect on their radio signals and potentially bring great harm to astronauts in space.

In an article by Insider, they discuss the cause of this issue with Professor of Space Physics

Matthew Owens, who stated that “the sun becomes so unstable that the magnetic north and south poles abruptly flip, throwing our star’s polarity out of whack.”

The instability that this flip causes changes the stability of the sun’s magnetic fields and affects much of our stability within Earth’s ionosphere, an area used by plane radios to connect and communicate with other planes and stations on the ground.

it is still a potential threat that humans on planet Earth must be aware of as we go into this final phase in the sun’s cycle.

But this irruption of energy from the sun has caught some positive attention because the energy in the ionosphere is what causes the beautiful auroras we often see in the night sky. So, this may be one of the most active years for auroras and may be a reason to get out there and view them when available.

humans skin and health, and those are Ultraviolet A (UVA) and B (UVB) rays which are two of the three types of ultraviolet rays that reach the earth’s surface.

“A suntan represents the skin’s response to injury from the sun,” said a spokesperson for Johns Hopkins Medicine. “A small amount of sun exposure is healthy and pleasurable. But too much can be dangerous.”

The Johns Hopkins

sources of vitamin D, such as through supplements or dietary choices; and avoiding tanning, especially in tanning beds, due to the excessive exposure to UV light.

They also encouraged individuals to be aware of their skin and notice any increases in spots caused by the sun, blemishes that may appear as cancerous, or other skin changes. Additionally, they suggested increasing protective eyewear and the use of sunscreen lip balms.

Other things to remember included certain prescription medicines’ ability to increase an individual’s vulnerability to the sun, and that sun’s rays reflect off of the pavement, sand, and snow.

This effect on the ionosphere also influences the structures in power plants that supply electricity across the Earth. Surges of energy from the sun can influence energy in the ionosphere and that energy can influence energy sources on the ground, such as the infrastructures that supply electricity to large populations of people all around the world. While this would require a very substantial geomagnetic storm to occur on the sun’s surface for enough energy to flood the ionosphere and reach the ground, flooding, and overpowering power circuits,

The sun is an essential provider of nutrients, as it is humans’ first source of Vitamin D, but it is essential to remember that it is a burning ball of fire floating very far from, but also very close to, the Earth that we live on.

So, one thing we can do going forward into this year and the following two years of the sun’s solar maximum is to attempt to protect our skin and find ways to utilize the sun’s energy positively.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, there are two main concerns when thinking about the dangers of the sun for

Medicine website states a few ways we can protect our skin from the sun, and it starts with applying sunscreen.

“Generously apply a broad-spectrum water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 30 to all exposed skin,” the website stated. “Broad spectrum means the sunscreen protects you from both UVA and UVB rays.”

Additionally, they suggested wearing clothing to cover the skin, such as long-sleeve shirts and pants; seeking shade when “your shadow is shorter than you are,” such as between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.; finding alternate

“Remember, sand and pavement reflect UV rays even while under an umbrella. Snow and water are also good reflectors of UV rays,” the website stated. “Reflective surfaces can reflect most of the damaging sun rays.”

It is important to remember the day damages the sun can cause, including sunburns and skin cancer, as the Earth enters this dangerous portion of the sun’s solar cycle. While the sun is a provider of rich vitamins, light, and beautiful views such as sunsets, it is also important to remember and protect ourselves from the dangers it brings.

New JFK documents cont.

Continued from pg.4

One of the documents released suggests that the CIA had contact with Oswald before the assassination, which contradicts the official story that he acted alone. The documents also reveal that the government covered up the extent of its involvement in the assassination.

For example, the Warren Commission, which was established to investigate the assassination, was flawed from the start. The commission relied heavily on the FBI and CIA for information, and both agencies had an interest in covering up their involvement. In addition, the commission was restricted in its ability to investigate and was not allowed to question certain witnesses or review certain evidence.

So why don’t people seem to care about this evidence? One possible explanation is that many Americans have become desensitized to government

corruption and scandals.

Due to a high amount of politically charged news and news involving political figures, the release of these documents in December 2022 barely made a blip on the news radar. The current political climate is so filled with scandal and corruption that it has become almost commonplace.

Additionally, with all this heavy weighted news that is happening currently, people are too busy handling events in their day-to-day lives to be concerned about government involvement in an event that happened nearly 60 years ago.

Another possible explanation is that some Americans have a blind faith in their government. They trust that their government would never do anything to harm them or their country, despite numerous historical examples to the contrary.

This blind faith in government can be dangerous because it allows those in power to act without accountability.

It also prevents people from demanding transparency and accountability from their government.

Perhaps the most disturbing explanation for why people don’t seem to care about the evidence of government involvement in the assassination of former President Kennedy is that they simply don’t believe it.

Conspiracy theories surrounding the assassination have been around for decades, and many people dismiss them as fanciful and baseless.

Additionally, the government has spent years and countless resources pushing the official narrative of a lone gunman. This official story has been ingrained in the American psyche, and many people resist anything that challenges it.

However, it is important to remember that the government has a long history of covering up its involvement in scandals and crimes. From the Watergate scandal to the Iran-Contra affair, the government has been caught

red-handed covering up their involvement in many illegal activities. The release of the documents in December 2022 only adds to this long list of government cover-ups.

It is time for Americans to demand transparency and accountability from their government officials. The evidence of government involvement in the assassination of former President Kennedy should not be dismissed as a conspiracy theory or an unimportant historical event. Instead, it should serve as a reminder of the need for transparency and accountability from the government.

The American people have a right to know the truth about what happened on November 22, 1963, and they deserve a government that is honest with them. The scary part about all of this is that there are more documents that are still classified. Why won’t they release them all? Why don’t they want us to know what happened?

In the end, the truth may never be fully known about what happened on that fateful day in November 1963. However, the release of these documents provides important insights into the government’s involvement and cover-up of the assassination. It is up to the American people to demand the transparency and accountability that they deserve, and to continue to push for the truth about what happened on that day over 50 years ago.

As a society, we must be willing to confront uncomfortable truths, even when they challenge our long-held beliefs and narratives. Only by doing so can we move forward and work to create a more just and equitable society, one that is built on transparency, accountability, and a commitment to truth. The release of these documents provides us with an opportunity to do just that, and we must seize it.

News Page 6 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
“This portion of the sun’s cycle can also do outrageous damage...”

Say “no” to animal breeding

On a day-to-day basis, the majority of dog owners have bought most of their dogs from animal breeders, instead of just adopting dogs who need a home at animal shelters. Breeding dogs for profit is morally wrong as it contributes to pet overpopulation, animal cruelty, and neglect. Adopting dogs from animal shelters is a responsible and compassionate choice that benefits both the animal and the adopter, and should be favored over breeding dogs.

Breeding dogs has become a popular choice for pet owners, extending from breeding within one breed as well as breeding amongst different breeds of dogs to creating new mixed breeds, or “mut” breeds of dog. However, most dogs who are crossbred have health issues, cannot reproduce naturally, and have shorter life spans.

Breeding dogs is unnecessary and often is used for the profit and gain of the owners of such dogs, and it also leads to human intervention in crossbreeding which is both inhumane and unnecessary.

Adopting shelter dogs, on the other hand, is a humane and responsible choice as it saves the lives of innocent animals, reduces the demand for bred dogs, and promotes the ethical treatment of animals.

By adopting a shelter dog, individuals can give a second chance to animals that have been abandoned, lost, or surrendered, while also demonstrating

compassion and empathy towards sentient beings that deserve love and care.

The adoption of shelter dogs is not only a more reasonable choice but also a way to help address the societal and environmental issues related to pet overpopulation and help save the lives of euthanized pets.

Overbreeding and irresponsible breeding practices can result in health complications and behavioral issues in dogs, which can cause suffering for the animals and financial burdens for their owners.

The Bulldog and French Bulldog are great examples of why too much breeding can be harmful to prospective puppies that are born from bred dogs. Due to human owners over breeding of these breeds, Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are Brachycephalic breeds.

Brachycephalic breeds are dogs that have flat faces and short muzzles which makes it incredibly hard for them to breathe normally.

This also causes them to overheat quickly due to their narrow airways making it hard for them to cool down.

The only way to reverse this condition is through surgery, which costs thousands of dollars to dog owners. Most people do not know this mainly because breeders would lose money if they shared this information, so it is kept quiet.

The same condition affects other breeds as well, such as Pugs, Boxers, Boston Terriers, Shih Tzus, and Bull Mastiffs.

issues worse and more expensive but having such large amounts of puppies makes breeders inclined to sell them quickly, even to individuals who aren’t equipped to handle them, which leads to abandonment.

Hypoallergenic dogs are pretty commonly found in animal shelters because they require daily maintenance of brushing which often means a lot of work for owners or going to the groomers, which can be expensive.

People who don’t know how to handle this type of dog leave their dog extremely matted which causes skin issues and pain for the dog when it’s time for a haircut.

Huskies and German Shepherds are also frequently bred but suffer high rates of abandonment as owners are not prepared to maintain these high-energy dogs.

These dogs require lots of walks and physical play to compensate for their high energy, which is hard for most adults who are at work most of the day and rest when they come home.

Oftentimes, lack of attention leads to the dog becoming bored, sometimes even destructive. They also are quick to escape when they have the chance or find ways to escape, to feed their boredom.

These two breeds are the most forfeited dogs in animal shelters because people can’t keep up with the lifestyle they deserve.

because if not they have no choice but to euthanize the dogs.

Euthanasia is used to end the suffering of an animal that is severely injured, ill, has aggressive behavioral issues that cannot be managed, or has met the required amount of days at the shelter without being adopted. Too many dogs lead to an overuse of scarce resources provided to care for the dogs, so every dog is on a time limit at the shelter.

The Riverside County Animal Shelter currently holds more than 500 animals and euthanizes around 100 every week due to overpopulation, among other circumstances.

Dogs are beloved pets that bring joy and companionship to millions of people worldwide, so they don’t deserve to be abandoned and led to their death as they wait for a home in shelters. Breeding dogs has

its advantages, but it also has significant downsides that should be considered, and that often outweigh the benefits.

On the other hand, adopting dogs from animal shelters is a compassionate and responsible choice that benefits both the animal and the adopter. By adopting a shelter dog, you save a life, support the ethical treatment of animals, find a pet for your home, and save money.

Animal shelters work hard to promote adoption and reduce the need for euthanasia, so individuals can help that effort by adopting and making a significant impact on the lives of shelter animals. Additionally, even if you make the ethical choice to adopt, it’s also important to remember responsible pet ownership is key to ensuring that dogs receive the care and attention they deserve.

Ticketmaster is a ticket sales and distribution company that dominates the ticket industry worldwide which leaves consumers no choice but to purchase from their platform. Although they may be known to guarantee tickets as they sell directly from their clients, Ticketmaster continues to exploit and take advantage of consumers with their fee charges for each purchase made on their platform.

Ticketmaster has been under fire for their unorganized presale events as well as the fees that come along with the ticket with very little detail as to what the customers are being charged for. This in turn caused an emergence of complaints from not only the consumers but artists as well.

Taylor Swift is one of the

Not only are the health artists who recently spoke up about problems with attending her shows and buying tickets. Although she didn’t specifically mention Ticketmaster by their name, she did make a statement about how she discussed with them before the sales if the company would be able to handle the demand, which they failed to do.

The tour had been anticipated by her fans after her previous tour was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During that time off, she released many albums and gained many more fans who were excited to see her perform again.

The presale for her tour required fans to sign up ahead of time to be placed in the raffle to get a code for the presale.

However, Ticketmaster sent out too many codes for the demand and at the time of the presale many fans were kicked

As the rates of dogs running away or being turned over to shelters increase, animal shelters need more people to adopt out of the line and lost their chances of getting tickets as the website continuously glitched.

The fate of concert ticket prices

In an attempt to relieve the scandal, Ticketmaster gave fans a second chance to get tickets afterward but this incident shouldn’t have occurred, to begin with. Being the biggest ticket sales company in the world and not being able to handle that much demand, and failing their clients and consumers in the process, looks terrible on their behalf.

They have the money to get the resources they need to ensure the site won’t crash and make sure the proper amount of codes are sent out without selling the whole event out before the general public sale.

I recently bought concert tickets which I found affordable as they were $77 each. Without even taking the fees and taxes into consideration, the fees

increased my total cost by $22.15 before taxes. I bought 5 tickets and each ticket was charged these fees which were estimated to be around $90 of my total cost going towards fees.

Ticketmaster may provide a reliable transaction, yet they scam their consumers knowing they have no other choice but to purchase tickets on their platform. When the demand is high, they also increase their sales and do nothing to stop resellers from increasing the prices as well which they don’t go to extreme measures to stop because it benefits their company.

Recently, Maggie Rogers announced she is going on tour yet her tickets will not be sold online to avoid scalpers and increased prices due to fees. She will only be selling her tickets directly from the box office with a ticket limit of 2.

Although this may be a

struggle for those who do travel to other cities for concerts, it may have a better chance of allowing fans to purchase tickets without worrying about resellers or the extra costs of fees. It may benefit some but it could be unrealistic for those who don’t live near a venue.

Opinions Page 7 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
Poodle adopted from the riverside animal shelter. Photo by Kolbie McQueen
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Achieving the American dream

Over the past few days, I got to know the story of a man who was born in Mexico but immigrated to the United States and who had various struggles and tough decisions to make to get to the place where he is now. That man is Juan Ramon Reyes Gaspar.

Juan Reyes was born in 1979 in the town of San Andreas Etzatlan Jalisco Mexico. He is one out of six siblings. At a very young age, Juan had to grow up fast due to his father passing away due to alcoholism. Juan had to become an adult at the very young age of 14 because he wanted to support his family now that his dad passed away.

This took a toll on Juan and he decided to stop going to school and start working at one of his uncle’s farms. The reason why he decided to quit school was that he was going to work in the morning and then attending school in the afternoon.

“When I was 14 when my father passed away so when my father passed I quit school and I just worked to try to help my mom,” Juan said.

So after working on the Farms for two years and not

Juan said.

The way Juan found out He was going to the United States was through a letter saying that in a couple of days, he was going to get picked up and sent to the United States. At the time Juan was only 17 years old and he could not speak English.

When Juan arrived in Tijuana he started to get a bit worried because he wanted to cross the border but it wasn’t that simple. He needed to find the right person to help him cross the border because at the time it was scary trusting a person to cross you over because sometimes they just leave you stranded and take your money.

“When I crossed the border I walked for two nights and one day,” Juan said.

After getting situated in the United States Juan decided to move into his uncle’s house in East Los Angeles. At this point, Juan is working at a factory making cups of noodles and he’s been at this job for around a year or two. During this time Juan was struggling because he was supporting his family in Mexico. He was getting the money he was earning in the United States and sending it back home.

Later on, once Juan got used to living in the United States he decided to try to move up

Those connections that Juan made in his past jobs helped him get a job at a restaurant where he was able to get knowledge about the restaurant business as well as start to practice his English because he first started working as a busboy and a dishwasher.

One interaction he experienced while being a busboy was when he had to bus a table that was occupied by police. He was scared to go up because he did not want to get asked the question do you have papers but once he dared to go up to the table he got a positive interaction. After all, they were asking each other how their day was going.

Furthermore, Juan kept moving up and started to go from dishwasher to prep and then to prep to line cook. Juan was liked by the restaurant’s owner and as he gained experience he got more responsibilities. Juan started to train other cooks on how the restaurant works. He started to set schedules for the employees and at this point, Juan became a supervisor while still being undocumented.

“When I learned the process of working at a restaurant, the inventory, schedule, and supporting the people, the owner made another restaurant where I was in charge of hiring people, making the recipes, and scheduling the people,” Juan said.

After getting all the experience in the restaurant world Juan decided to rent his very own apartment with the family he started. During this time he struggled because one of his kids had a tumor on their back so he had to go from the hospital to work and then back to the hospital.

Juan’s goal was just to be there for his family and support them in any way he can and that meant working long days and long nights.

Time went on and then Juan got the opportunity to move to a different location because the restaurant where he was working started to franchise and they needed someone to train and teach the new owners of the restaurant at a different location.

going to get sent back to Mexico and that’s the end of my story.

“The police drove me to White Water to transfer me to the immigration and when I saw the immigration I said okay this is game over I need to go back to

he got a phone call asking if he could start working the next day.

attending school Juan gets a letter from his uncles that live in East Los Angeles telling Juan’s mom to send him to the United States so he could get more money and could support the family better.

“I was so happy working in Mexico but there was no money,”

in life and start looking for a different job occupation. While he was working cleaning hotels he connected with a person called Rudy who was a cook at the hotel. Rudy taught him the basics of working in the kitchen. At that moment his passion for cooking began.

So Juan decided to move from Santa Ana to Banning and then to Indio to be able to work as a new franchise in Palm Desert California. During this period when he was working for a different franchise, he got pulled over by the police due to a traffic violation. Juan has kept his record clean and has not done anything to be pulled over during his time in the United States.

At this point, Juan has been in the United States for around 10 years and when he got stopped by the police he went through the process of thinking well my life is over this is it I’m

Mexico, ” Juan said.

After Juan was processed by the immigration department he got sent to a prison in El Centro where he spent a month in jail and he missed Christmas and New years with his family. Moreover, when Juan got a lawyer and his family raised enough money he was able to get bailed out.

Once Juan got bailed out he was not able to work for a couple of months but the positive that came out of this experience was that now he got his workers permit. So when he got his workers’ permit he went back to the restaurant that helped him get his experience in the restaurant industry but he felt like he wanted to do more now that he had his workers permit.

Over the years Juan was able to make connections with other people that work in the same industry so when one connection told them that there is an opening at a resort and hotel he decided to go to the hotel and ask if they were hiring. After Juan talked to the human resources office they told him there were no positions available but Juan was motivated to get a job there. So what Juan did is that he went to the chef’s office and asked if he could work for them.

Right then and there he got interviewed then later in the day

Juan started to work at Omni Rancho Las Palmas and he got motivated by the chefs that hired him because they were treating him like a student. They taught him even more stuff regarding the restaurant industry and taught him how to be a leader in the group.

Furthermore, after Juan demonstrated to the chefs at Omni Rancho Las Palmas and gained experience working with numerous chefs around the United States Juan got an amazing opportunity.

After working for Omni Rancho Las Palmas for various years Juan got the job offer of becoming the Chef of Cuisine. A man that came from Mexico with basically no education at all slowly got experience in the restaurant industry and got almost deported now has become the Chef of Cuisine.

Juan accepted the job offer which gave him enough money to support his family without working multiple jobs. Juan is working along with the hotel to open a new pool and he will be in charge of making the menu.

Juan finally became what he wanted to be so many years ago and that is becoming a chef.

Furthermore, a couple of months after Juan became a Chef he finally finished his court battle with immigration. Juan has reached his dream of becoming a Chef and becoming a legal resident of the United States. Juan has come from a struggling background and now is living the American dream.

Features Page 8 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
Juan demonstrating a new menu item. Juan is recognized for becoming the Chef of Cuisine

The cost for first-generation students

Being first in any aspect of life can be a major accomplishment. To have the ability to say “I am the first in my family to attend college”, is a highly regarded achievement. Beginning a new chapter in life is difficult especially when you don’t have any point of reference or someone to help guide you through the process. Firstgeneration students are often faced with the immense pressure of staying financially stable and living up to the expectations of their families.

To get a full perspective of a First-generation student’s life, let’s hear from the students themselves. A few students attending universities and community colleges around Southern California gave their experiences with college life.

Starting with a student attending California State University, San Bernardino, Denise Reyna Del Castillo is a first-generation fourth-year student enrolled in the nursing program.

How would you describe your college experience, financially and emotionally?

“I have had some ups and downs, the nursing program is

very stressful and at times feels hard to make new friends. I receive some financial aid which is helpful, but if I need anything that the financial aid doesn’t cover I also have my part-time job. The fear of failing classes is also something that stresses me out, not only could I get dropped from the nursing program but the financial aid could be dropped.”

As with all students, they never want to fail a course. It is even more concerning when not only does failing set you back a class but can lead to the downfall of your college experience. Being at risk of getting dropped from a curriculum and losing financial aid adds even more pressure to a student’s psyche.

This next student’s name is Raymond Jose Denis, he is attending Chaffey Community College, and is in his fourth year pursuing a degree in children’s psychology. Raymond was not qualified to receive financial aid and speaks on his experiences in community college.

Since you do not receive financial aid, how have you managed to attend college?

“My parents try to help me out to the best of their ability, I also have a sister in college so it can be hard at times for them to support me financially. Since I have been going to school, I’ve picked up two jobs. I’m in the

process of finding a third so I can try and pay for my own education and get myself a new truck.

Students sometimes do not have the benefit of receiving financial aid or having parents that can pay for their education in full. Some have to juggle multiple jobs to make sure they can afford to go to school. In Raymond’s case, he does not have to worry about student loans, but other students aren’t so fortunate. Students have to store the knowledge that eventually they will have to pay back loans sometime in the future, adding fuel to the raging fire known as stress.

Moving on to the next student, Jaydin Yhamel is a firstyear student attending California State University, Fullerton. Jaydin is pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice and is receiving financial aid to help with all his college expenses.

What are your expectations for yourself while you pursue your Bachelor’s Degree?

“Obviously I want to graduate, no one from my family has been to college before, so basically whenever I need advice I ask my friends for help. I also want to be involved in activities on campus but it’s hard since I commute. I live in Ontario so it’s a 30-45 minute commute

depending on traffic. I also work a part-time job too, so it’s not like I really have much time to stick on campus either. I just want to enjoy these first couple years before I start having to focus up and do the hard work that comes Junior and Senior year.”

It isn’t easy but students need to find a balance between school, work, and having a social life. Facing this obstacle is difficult enough, being the first in your family to attend college is hard to relate your struggles with your other family members. At times it may be difficult for students to speak about their problems and for their families to understand what they are going through.

College is a stepping stone for some, it is a path to a future that leads to a career. First-generation students have to find their footing with little to no guidance. The ideas of maintaining a financially stable life and dealing with the stress of family expectations can derail students from pursuing a degree. Having the ability to say “ I am the first in my family to attend college”, is a highly remarkable achievement, but having the ability to say “I am the first in my family to get a college degree” is special.

San Bernardino DJ scene shakes up downtown

With the popularity of house music on the rise, a group of local DJs from the community have been hosting underground concerts in the heart of downtown. These events offer an alternative to those who don’t want to make the drive to Los Angeles.

The scene in the Inland Empire has been growing in recent years, with a lively crowd of young people coming out to dance the night away. The events

are held in various locations throughout downtown, from warehouses to empty storefronts, and often attract a diverse group of music enthusiasts.

One of the local DJs behind the movement is 26-year-old Alicia Rodriguez, who has been hosting events for the past two years. The goal is to bring people together by creating a sense of community through music.

“We’re all about creating a safe and inclusive space for everyone to come together and enjoy the music,” said Rodriguez.

“We want to showcase local talent and give people an alternative to

the usual club scene.”

The events are often organized through social media, with word-of-mouth spreading the news about upcoming shows. The crowds that come out are known for their energy and enthusiasm, with many dancing until the early hours of the morning.

“It’s a really unique experience,” said Jacob Gonzales. “The music is amazing, and the crowd is always so lively. It’s a great alternative to going to LA.”

Features Page 9 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
Photo by Pixabay via, 2017 A peek into the underground house music scene in Downtown San Bernardino. Photo by Jesse Vargas. Continued on pg.9

San Bernardino

DJ scene shakes up downtown cont.

Continued from pg.9

House music has been around since the 1980s, but its popularity has seen a resurgence in recent years. The genre originated in Chicago and is known for its repetitive beats, synthesized melodies, and use of samples. It’s often associated with the rave culture of the 1990s but has since evolved to include a wide range of sub-genres.

It’s a way of life for DJ and event coordinator Ricardo Perez.

“It’s more than just a genre of music. It’s a culture, a community, and a lifestyle. It’s about bringing people together and creating a sense of belonging,” said Perez.

The events in San Bernardino have also become a platform for local talent to showcase their skills. Samantha Gomez is a 24-year-old DJ trying to break into the scene.

“It’s amazing to have this platform to showcase my music,” said Gomez. “It’s a great way to get exposure and connect with other DJs and music enthusiasts.”

The events have also caught the attention of the city mayor, John Valdivia who sees this as an opportunity for the downtown area to attract a young crowd.

“The DJ scene in San Bernardino is really starting to take off,” said Valdivia. “We see these events as a way to bring people downtown and showcase what our city has to offer.”

As the popularity of house music continues to grow, so does the San Bernardino DJ scene. The events have become a staple of the city’s nightlife and a way for locals to connect through music.

“We’re really proud of what we’ve created here,” says Rodriguez. “It’s not just about the music, it’s about bringing people together and creating a sense of community. We’re excited to see where this scene goes in the future.”

With a thriving music scene and a lively crowd, San Bernardino is quickly becoming a destination for those looking for an alternative to the club scene in Los Angeles. The city’s underground music events offer a unique experience for music enthusiasts and a way for local DJs to showcase their talent.

The power of ASMR

ASMR has been gaining popularity over the years as a method to promote relaxation, however, with the growing community of loyal viewers, researchers have found that ASMR has helped many students improve their academic performance and mental health as well.

Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response, or ASMR, is a term used to describe a tingling sensation in response to audio and visual stimuli. These sensations are said to spread throughout the body creating a soothing state, enhancing sleep patterns, and reducing stress and anxiety.

With the growing interest, research done by the National Institute of Health reported, “...86% of participants watch ASMR videos to relax or trigger ASMR, 41% use videos to help them sleep, and 11% to reduce anxiety, and others have similarly found that 98% of participants reported watching ASMR to relax, 82% to sleep, 70% to cope with stress, and 80% reported a positive effect on their mood.”

Casual viewers reported that they only watch clips of ASMR when it appears on their social media timeline while everyday users reported experiencing ASMR intensity and that sleeping without ASMR content has been extremely difficult.

However, research among students has found that ASMR’s effects and potential uses could be used to contribute to improving their academic abilities.

The National Institute of Health highlights how their study found, “...that ASMR is used as a distraction technique from anxious thoughts and distressing physiological responses when individuals are actively anxious.”

This means students who face anxiety during presentations or exams may benefit from watching ASMR videos to reduce anxiety levels and improve their performance.

With these findings, some ASMR content creators adapted to specific content geared toward academic purposes. For example, there are ASMR videos that provide study tips and sounds of a library.

A few college students opened up about their experiences with immersive ASMR content and how it impacted their health. College student Esteban Salas-Sarmiento described his experience of multitasking with ASMR and studying.

“It’s good background noise that isn’t too distracting but still keeps the brain active. Music is too distracting because I get involved so having wordless ASMR can help,” said Salas-Sarmiento. “Stuff like keyboard ASMR to replicate an environment that can improve study habits helps because it feels like you’re somewhere studious.”

The American College

Health Association’s (ACHA) Spring 2022 National College Health Assessment surveyed how many college students experienced poor mental health conditions. It was reported that within those 30 days, about 79% of students experienced moderate or high-stress levels and 35% had been diagnosed with anxiety.

The benefits of ASMR videos are not limited to only helping students focus and improve study habits. It also contributes to falling asleep quicker, and in some cases, decreasing insomnia.

“ASMR is now a part of my routine honestly. I’m a creature of habit and I can sleep without it, but it now feels too strange not to,” said Salas-Sarmiento.

College student Britney Casillas agrees on the benefits of ASMR videos helping with her sleep routine but disagrees on how it can improve academic performance.

“It creates an effortless environment that calms the mind and prepares the brain to shut down. Based on experience, I think it’s beneficial when it comes to sleep,” said Casillas. “However, for studying purposes, I don’t necessarily see studying benefits for it. With ASMR my brain is conditioned to sleep rather than being productive.”

ASMR videos can also provide a sense of community and emotional support for students who are struggling with mental health.

College student

shared how ASMR was one of the solutions that helped him avoid anxious feelings.

“I’ve struggled with minor anxiety that sometimes sleep isn’t possible because I am constantly overthinking. With ASMR playing, my whole body feels at ease and I feel less tense,” Lopez expressed. “With sound stimulation, it distracts me from all anxious thoughts. It’s much easier than tossing and turning or even taking a sleeping pill.”

The ASMR social media communities also create a sense of social connectedness and belongingness that can help one who may struggle with feelings of isolation.

“Isolation is something I’ve struggled with once starting college. The stress from classes and the heavy workload caused me to cram homework and stay up late almost every night to study in my dorm,” shared college student Carolinne Marquez. “Despite being tired and physically exhausted, I couldn’t turn off my brain to go to sleep. ASMR helped with that and as a bonus helped reduce my stress levels.”

The phenomenon has captured the attention of people around the world and may have the potential to innovate approaches to promoting health and well-being in the future.

Whether it is defined as a tool for relaxation and stress relief or a tool for promoting academic success, ASMR has proven to be a mainstream solution and an enjoyable resource among college students.

Arts & Entertainment Page 10 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
Photo credits to Lauren Bocalan, Multimedia Editor for The Observer.
Page 11 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
Arts & Entertainment

Men’s basketball dominates at CSUSB

Despite a tough loss to Nova Southeastern University in the quarterfinals of the NCAA 2023 season, the California State University of San Bernardino’s men’s basketball team had a historic year with an overall record of 31-4, including several key accomplishments that have put the Coyotes on the map.

This year’s team was the only team in CSUSB history to win 30 or more games in a single season, breaking the previous record of 27 wins set by the 2008-2009 team. The Coyotes also set another school record, becoming the first team in CSUSB history to score 3,000 points in a single season.

Throughout the season, the Yotes displayed an impressive level of teamwork, discipline, and dedication, which translated into excellent performances on the court. They showed great resilience in their games, often coming back from behind and clinching victories in the dying minutes of the game.

In the playoffs, the team stepped up their game even more, displaying a higher level of intensity and focus.

The team’s dominance was on full display at home, where they went undefeated with a perfect 11-0 record.

The Yotes managed to maintain an impressive winning streak which is a testament to their grit and determination. The team’s cohesive play has been a key factor in their success, with every player contributing towards their victories. The

coaching staff has done an excellent job in preparing the team, and their effective game strategies have paid off.

Part of the team’s success was their outstanding defense, which proved to be a major asset throughout the season. They consistently held opponents to low shooting percentages and turnovers, creating numerous scoring opportunities for themselves. Additionally, the team had a well-balanced offense, with multiple players stepping up and contributing to the team’s success.

They received numerous individual awards and accolades, including four CCAA Players of the Week, five All-CCAA Selections (including four First Team), Darius Mickens was

NCAA NIL deals: a game changer for college athletes

awarded the CCAA Defender of the Year, and Dontrell Shuler was named the CCAA Newcomer of the Year. Head Coach Andy Newman was also named CCAA Coach of the Year.

“I’m very happy for Darius and Dontrell to receive these individual awards. Mick leads the league in rebounding and has been shutting down the opposing team’s best player all year. For him to receive Defensive Player of the Year is very well deserved and I’m happy to see his hard work being recognized. Dontrell being awarded Newcomer of the Year is also a great individual accolade for one of the most dynamic scorers in the league. His ability to play on both ends of the floor has been a huge piece to our success this year.”

The recent decision by the NCAA to permit Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) deals has ushered in a new era for college athletes. This groundbreaking change has created unprecedented opportunities for student-athletes to monetize their skills and maximize their collegiate careers.

Although the decision has elicited mixed responses, nearly two years since its inception, it’s evident that NCAA NIL deals have revolutionized the game for student-athletes. By providing much-needed financial support, these deals have empowered them to build a brighter future.

Historically, college athletes faced legal barriers that limited their ability to profit from their name, image, and likeness.

– Head Coach, Andy Newman Newman is widely regarded as one of the most successful and respected coaches in the program’s history and has been instrumental in the team’s recent success in the NCAA playoffs.

The Coyotes’ success in the regular season continued into the postseason, where they were crowned CCAA Tournament Champions after an impressive win against Cal Poly Pomona. The team then made history by ending Point Loma’s 25-game win streak in front of a sold-out crowd, winning the NCAA West Region Championship and securing a spot in the Final Four. The team’s success has not gone unnoticed, and they have garnered attention from both fans and critics alike.

However, with the introduction of NCAA NIL deals on July 1, 2021, college athletes are now able to leverage their brand and capitalize on their popularity.

This has been a gamechanger for many studentathletes, who have seized the opportunity to secure lucrative deals with popular brands based on their name, image, and likeness.

One of the most compelling arguments in favor of NCAA NIL deals is the economic impact they have had on college athletes. During the first year of inception, college athletes earned an estimated $917 million in NIL deals, providing them with a much-needed source of income during their time in college.

This has been particularly impactful for athletes in nonrevenue sports who may not have had access to traditional avenues of income. For instance, Angel

Their consistently excellent performance has placed them among the top-ranked teams in their conference. With their exceptional record, the Yotes are undoubtedly poised to achieve great things in the upcoming games and tournaments. While the team’s journey ended with a loss in the NCAA semifinals, their impressive season and numerous accomplishments will go down in CSUSB history. The team and its fans can take pride in the hard work and dedication that led to this unforgettable season, and they look forward to another exciting year of Coyotes basketball in the future.

Reese, the LSU Women’s NCAA Star Forward, has reportedly earned an estimated $395,000 in NIL deals with a record-breaking 29 deals, making more money than some top-level WNBA players. This newfound financial support has relieved the financial burden on many college athletes, allowing them to focus on their sports and education without worrying about financial instability.

NCAA NIL deals have leveled the playing field for college athletes, allowing them to compete with professional athletes regarding earning potential. It’s no secret that college sports generate billions of dollars in revenue, and until recently, student-athletes could not share in the profits.

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Sports Page 12 Coyote Chronicle May 2, 2023
The CSUSB Men’s Basketball Team (2022-2023 season), photographed by CSUSB Staffmember Corinne McCurdy, had a successful end to their season regardless of their final score in the NCAA Tournament. This season’s team set multiple records as they reached the Final Four in the NCAA for the second time in school history.

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