Coys Paris Auction Catalogue

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Importante Vente aux Enchères De Véhicules de Collection, de Sport et de Compétition An Important Auction of Sports, Competition and Collectors’ Motor Cars

Samedi 8 octobre 2016 Pavillon 3 Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles - France Saturday 8th October 2016 Hall 3 At Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, France


Paris An Important Auction of Sports, Competition and Collectors’ Motor Cars Importante Vente aux Enchères De Véhicules de Collection, de Sport et de Compétition

Saturday 8th October 2016

Hall 3 At Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, France

Samedi 8 octobre 2016

Salle 3 Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles - France














An Important Auction of Sports, Competition and Collectors’ Motor Cars

Importante Vente aux Enchères De Véhicules de Collection, de Sport et de Compétition

Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, France Saturday 8th October 2016 Motor Cars 3:00 PM

Dans le cadre du Mondial de l’Automobile Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles - France Samedi 8 octobre 2016 à 15 heures

On view: Saturday 1st October to 16th October from 10.00 am to 8.00 pm Saturday 8th October from 10.00 am to the start of the sale

Exposition et Informations Du samedi 1er octobre au dimanche 16 octobre de 10h à 20h Le samedi 8 octobre de 10h à 14h

Admission: Admission to auction by catalogue only (admits two)

Seuls les détenteurs d’un catalogue seront admis à la vente (Admission valable pour 2 personnes)

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Samedi 8 OctObre 2016 autOmObileS de cOllectiOn

Coutau Begarie sarl - ventes aux enchères publiques - agrément n° 2002-113

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Importante Vente aux Enchères De Véhicules de Collection, de Sport et de Compétition à 15 heures

Lot 101

ACO Le Mans Weekend - Charity Lot Estimate: NO RESERVE

In June 2016, the parents of a young boy, a police officer and his wife, a police secretary, were murdered in their own home in Magnanville by a ruthless terrorist. Aware of this appalling tragedy, Frédéric Lenart, CEO of the ACO and Pierre Fillon President of the ACO would like to show their compassion and donate the proceeds of this lot to the boy’s charity. They offer a one-off package which includes luxury accommodation and 2 Ultra VIP passes for “Le Mans 2017 race weekend”. Access-all-area passes, a guided tour of the circuit and seats unobtainable to the General Public complete this unique opportunity to experience a Le Mans weekend like no other, all for a fantastic cause. En juin 2016 un sauvage a tué les 2 parents policiers d’un petit garçon à Magnanville 78. Sensibilisé à ce drame, Monsieur Frédéric LENART, Directeur Général de l’ ACO ainsi que Monsieur Pierre Fillon Président de l’ ACO veulent témoigner leur compassion ainsi que le caractère caritatif de l’ ACO. Un lot comprenant hébergement ainsi que 2 places ultra VIP au salon d’ honneur de l’ ACO est mis en vente à titre caritatif. Le produit de la vente sera entièrement reversé à la Fondation Louis Lépine pour le petit garçon ayant été frappé par ce drame. Ce package “VIP 24h du Mans 2017” inclut également visite des stands, du circuit , de la direction de course. Il s’agit de passes exceptionnels non commercialisés.”

Lot 102 & 103

Bonnet Canvassed Artwork by Natacha Toutain Ayrton Senna and Daniel Craig Estimate: €20,000 - €25,000

Natacha Toutain, who was the daughter of a talented portrait artist, inherited an unrestrained passion for painting from early on in her life, including sculpture, drawing, photography, music, cinema and everything with regard to art in general. Not only was her father an exquisite artist, he was also passionate about the cinema and her mother was a singer in the coir at the Notre Dame. All of this provided a foundation for her creativity development which began at a very early age. Like her father, she launched into portrait painting and very quickly achieved success. She painted icons from around the world and took a keen interest in those from American cinema. Some of her more preferred models included the likes of Marylin, Clint Eastwood, Steve McQueen, Sharon Stone, Brigitte Bardot and the French star Alain Delon with whom she exhibited in 2012 at Fouquet’s. She also had a great passion for painting animals, and to name a few of her favourites she painted horses, felines and birds of prey, of which she made special collections. She had such huge success that she became a very prominent figure in the art world, the centre of which being Paris, and organized exhibitions in the most fashionable places of the capital. She was selected in 2007 by Artprice and the Figaro amongst a number of other prominent artists. Through her career she has received numerous special requests from of the great leaders of the twenty-first century including the King of Morocco, the King and Queen of Jordan and the Royal family of Monaco to name a few. She is best known today for her paintings of Steve McQueen, who she painted with a number of the blue chip items from his car and motorcycle collection. Fille d un dessinateur de talent,NATACHA TOUTAIN a hérité dès son plus jeune âge d un gout immodéré pour la peinture ,la sculpture le dessin, la photo, la musique,le cinema et tout se qui touche a l ART en général. Son père artiste dans l âme et passionné de cinema ,sa mère chanteuse dans les coeurs de Notre Dame,tout cela a fourni un terrain plus que favorable a l épanouissement de sa créativité. Comme son père ,elle se lance dans le portrait ,et a très vite du succès.elle peint les icônes du monde entier et particulièrement celles du cinema américain,MARYLIN, CLINT EASTWOOD,STEVE MCQUEEN,SHARON STONE…etc…et français tel ALAIN DELON , avec qui elle expose en 2012 au Fouquets, BB un de ses modèles preferes. Mais elle a aussi une grande passion pour les animaux qu’elle peint également, surtout les Chevaux, les Felins et les Rapaces, elle en a fait une collection à part…. Ainsi elle expose dans les endroits les plus branchés de la capitale !! Elle a été sélectionné en 2007 par Artprice et le Figaro parmi les 1000 artistes de l année!! On lui commande aussi les grands de ce monde , tel le Roi du Maroc,,le Roi et la Reine de Jordanie et la famille royale de Monaco pour ne donner que quelques exemples… Elle est surtout connue aujourd’hui pour ses peintures de STEVE MCQUEEN, qu’ elle peint avec ses voitures et ses motos… The two magnificent pieces we are proud to offer today, depict two icons of the last two decades. Using a Ferrari bonnet panel as a canvas she portrays perhaps the most iconic Formula 1 driver of them all, Ayrton Senna. Locked in his ever-present thoughtful gaze, what better fitting tribute is there to a legend of motorsport than on the bonnet panel of the famous Ferrari marquee. The second of these pieces depicts an icon of a very different field, this time film. James Bond, played here by Daniel Craig in one his more rugged attires, is a man on a mission. An extraordinarily accurate and lively picture, the piece represents excellent value for money and best of all it is being sold here today for a marvellous cause.

Lot 104

1987 Porsche 944 Registration Number: French registered

Chassis Number: WP0ZZZ942HN421870

Estimate: €7,000 - €11,000

The model history can be split in to two distinct periods: 1982 to 1989 (S1 cars with 2.5 & 2.7 litre engines) and 1989 to 1991 (S2 cars with 3.0 litre engines). In mid-1985, the 944 underwent its first significant changes, including a new dash and door panels, embedded radio antenna, upgraded alternator, increased oil sump capacity, new front & rear cast alloy control and semi-trailing arms, larger fuel tank, optional heated and powered seats, Porsche HiFi sound system, and revisions in the mounting of the transaxle to reduce noise and vibration. The ‘cookie cutter’ style wheels used in the early 944s were upgraded to new ‘phone dial’ style wheels. For the 1987 model year, the 944 Motronic DME (digital engine control unit) was updated, a newly incorporated anti-lock braking system became standard as did air-bags. The car presented here is a 1987 944 2.5-litre, in stunningly original condition. The sheer state of preservation of this car is remarkable. This is not a restored car, just one that has been used and maintained to the highest standards with a good service history. The 1987 S1 is the 944 in its purest and most unspoilt form. The 944, the 968 and even the 928 are seeing their values rise in the wake of the ‘911 explosion’ and the smooth and nimble 944 is now happily being recognised as a very desirable classic car. La voiture présentée ici est une 944 2.5 litres de 1987 dans un excellent état d’origine. L’état de conservation de ce véhicule est remarquable. Ce n’est pas une voiture qui a été restaurée mais juste une voiture qui a été utilisée et entretenue avec des services de haute qualité. En 1987 la S1 est la 944 dans sa forme la plus pure. La 944, la 968 et même la 928 ont vu leur valeur exploser avec l’arrivée de la 911 et la douce et agile 944 est maintenant reconnue comme une voiture classique très désirable.


Lot 105

1960 Renault Tractor 2715 Registration Number: Italian registered

Chassis Number: 7021274

Estimate: €6.000 - €10,000

In 1920 Renault founded the Le Mans engineering centre. Shortly after plans to move the agricultural machinery production to the new site were revealed. However, the new factory was inaugurated in 1940 and the production was stopped because of World War II. Following the war and nationalisation, the Le Mans plant resumed production. The location was divided into a foundry section, a mechanical parts section (supplying the factories of Flins and Billancourt), a painting section and a tractor manufacturing section. At the time, Le Mans was the third largest Renault’s operation in France after Billancourt and Cléon. The following years saw the arrival of the D, N, R and Super model series. Between 1949 and 1958 Renault production increased from 9,000 tractors per year to 21,551. By the next decade, the tractor division of Renault begun a series of partnerships with other manufacturers. Apart from its own engines, Renault used MWM and Perkins units. By 2005, the Renault marque was phased out and all the tractor models produced at Le Mans were badged as Claas. The Renault tractor on offer today has been restored in the wonderful colour combination of beige over light-blue . It is equipped with the correct partnership 2715cc 3 cylinder 40hp MWM engine , which is said to run very smoothly. The tractor is sold with Italian paperwork. A good opportunity to acquire one of the most beautiful and attractive tractors on the market today, offered with a sensible reserve. Ce tracteur Renault que nous présentons aujourd’hui a été restauré dans une belle couleur beige et bleu clair. IL est équipé d’un moteur 40hp MWM 2715cc 3 cylindres dont on dit qu’il tourne très doucement. Le tracteur est vendu avec des papiers Italiens. Une bonne opportunité d’acquérir un des plus jolis tracteurs du marché actuel , proposé à un prix raisonnable.


Lot 106

1999 Land Rover Defender “No Limits” Cabrio One of 100 produced, only 31,000 km from new Registration Number: EU taxes paid

Chassis Number: SALLDVA68W154659

Estimate: €45,000 - €55,000

How does one distinguish a Defender 2.5 Tdi 300 series from the previous 2.5 Tdi 200 Series? Essentially from the hood which no longer provides a space to house the spare wheel. Under the hood however, it all changes. Instead of the proven 2.5 Turbo Diesel 200 series, the new turbodiesel engine was to produce 113 more horse power. Combined with the new 5-speed gearbox, not only was the engine quieter and smoother but far more economical. In July 1998 Land Rover developed a special ‘No Limits’series. Complete with larger, exclusive design alloy wheels and considerably larger tires than the original 265/75 R16s, the car had rolls bars front and rear, as well as a canvas sunroof. One of 100 built, this is likely to be one of the best examples still in existence. Registered in January 1999, it is a one owner car and has travelled just 31,000km. The interior is described as being in ‘good condition’ and comes with: Italian registration, platforms side, front bumper with bull bar and 2 lights and 5 alloy wheels with new tyres. Sur les 100 qui ont été construits c’est le meilleur exemple encore existant. Immatriculé en Janvier 1999 ce véhicule n’a eu qu’un seul propriétaire et n’a fait que 31.000 km. L’intérieur est décrit comme étant en bon état. Il est livré avec une immatriculation Italienne, pare choc avant avec pare buffle et deux phares et 5 roues en alliage avec des pneus neufs.


Lot 107

1966 Mercedes-Benz 230SL Pagoda Registration Number: French registered

Chassis Number: 11304210018523

Estimate: €45,000- €60,000

A roadster model finished in red with beige leather interior, this car is a righthand drive example of the 230SL, a landmark model which founded a sports car dynasty that would prove an enormous commercial success for Mercedes-Benz. Introduced at the Geneva Salon in March 1963 as replacement for the 190SL, the 230SL abandoned its predecessor’s four-cylinder engine in favour of a 2.3-litre fuel-injected six derived from that of the 220SE and producing 150bhp. An instant classic, the body design was all-new while beneath the skin the running gear was conventional Mercedes-Benz, featuring all-round independent suspension (by swing axles at the rear), disc front/drum rear brakes and a choice of four-speed manual or automatic transmissions. Top speed was in excess of 120mph. The 230SL even managed a debut competition victory, as Sporting Motorist noted: ‘Performances of the Mercedes-Benz range in the competition field are legendary, and we think particularly of participation in the most rugged of rallies where the cars have proved their strength and stamina beyond doubt. Soon after the 230SL was announced, Eugen Bohringer drove one to victory in the Spa-Sofia-Liège Rally, and although competition outings are rare, this was the sort of debut one would expect from the Stuttgart factory.’ Christened ‘pagoda top’ after their distinctive cabin shape, these SL models were amongst the best-loved sports-tourers of their day and continue to be highly sought after by collectors. This rare manual transmission 230SL was purchased new in 1966. Restored in 2016 the car has remained part of a wellknown French private collection in Nice for many years. Its condition can only be described as excellent, with its resplendent Riviera Blue coachwork gleaming over its equally stunning beige interior. Equipped with Borrani wire wheels , the car has an aggressive stance, whilst the more sporting manual gearbox offers an exceptional driving experience. Cette rare 230 SL à transmission manuelle a été achetée en 1966. Restaurée en 2016 cette voiture faisait partie de la collection privée d’un Français bien connu à Nice. Elle est en excellent état avec sa carrosserie Bleu Riviera resplissant sur son intérieur beige. La voiture a une allure aggressive, alors que la boite de vitesses manuelle offre une exceptionnelle expérience de conduite.


Lot 108

2009 Tesla Roadster ‘Signature Edition’ 1st Ever European Delivered Tesla Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: SFZRE2B35A3000002

Estimate: €55,000 - €65,000

Tesla is fast becoming the modern-day-car market leader and with the way things are going currently, both in terms of fuel efficiency and performance, one would be bold to bet against the marque. Tesla’s first offering, the Roadster was the first highway legal serial production all-electric car built to use lithium-ion battery cells, and also the first production allelectric car to travel more than 200 miles (320 km) per charge. Combing fuel efficiency, style and performance, this was Tesla’s answer to a modern-day sports car.

VIN #000002 is the second of just 250 ‘Signature Edition’ Tesla Roadsters delivered throughout Europe in late 2009, early 2010.With VIN #000001 being held back for Tesla director Elon Musk’s private collection, this car, VIN #000002 was the first ever Tesla to officially reach Europe, marking it a hugely significant vehicle in Tesla’s history. Having covered just 1,780 miles since being first registered in London on 6th August 2009, this left-hand-drive example is presented in unmarked Stirling Silver and benefits from a carbon-fibre interior, full leather upholstery, reverse camera and upgraded Kenwood entertainment system. The car has received regular maintenance by its first and only owner, with its most recent visit to Tesla Motors in September 2015 at 1,751 miles and a replacement battery pack fitted in November 2013. Prior to auction, the vendors will give the car a health check and provide a fresh MOT. At just €55,000 - €65,000, the estimate represents a considerable saving on the initial €111,973 purchase price and affords the lucky buyer the unique opportunity to own one of the most important future-classic vehicles of modern times.


VIN #000002 est le second d’une série de 250 « Signature Edition » Tesla Roadsters livrés en Europe à la fin de 2009, début 2010. VIN 000001 étant réservé à la collection privée du directeur de Tesla Elon Musk, VIN 000002 a été le premier modèle officiellement livré en Europe , donc très significatif dans l’histoire de Tesla. Ayant fait uniquement 1.780 miles depuis sa première immatriculation à Londres en Aout 2009, cet exemple de conduite à gauche est présenté dans un Stirling Silver impeccable avec un intérieur en fibre de carbone, capitonnage en cuir, caméra de recul, et un ensemble de loisirs Kenwood de haute qualité. Cette voiture a toujours été régulièrement entretenue par son premier et unique propriétaire avec sa plus récente visite chez Tesla en Septembre 2015 à 1.751 miles et une nouvelle batterie à été posée en Novembre 2013. Avant la vente le propriétaire fera un contrôle de la voiture et fournira un récent MOT. A seulement 55.000 Euros – 65.000Euros l’estimation représente une considérable économie par rapport au prix initial de 111.973 Euros et donne à l’acheteur chanceux l’opportunité de posséder le véhicule le plus « futuriste classique » des temps modernes.


Lot 109

1991 Alfa Romeo Spider “Duetto” Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: ZAR11500006014789

Estimate: €15,000 - €19,000

A modern classic by Pininfarina, the simple-yet-elegant Spider bodywork premiered on the 1966 Alfa Romeo Duetto would prove enduringly popular, lasting on into the 1990s. The Spider’s mechanicals were essentially those of the Giulia saloon, comprising independent front suspension, coil-suspended live rear axle and four-wheel servo-assisted disc brakes while the engine was the Sprint GTV’s 1.6-liter, double-overhead-camshaft four. The Duetto was produced for just two years before being superseded by the 1.8-liter ‘1750’ Spider Veloce, the latter lasting until the advent of the 132bhp 2000 model in 1970. Wind tunnel testing resulted in the 2000 and final 1750 models sporting a drag-reducing Kamm tail while other improvements included bigger brakes and a limited-slip differential. Outstanding speed, acceleration and handling were all characteristics of this classleading model, which nevertheless possessed a quite remarkable docility, even at high speeds. This Alfa Romeo Spider Duetto, presented in black with a beige hood and interior is in good condition. It comes with its original owner’s manual and Italian paperwork. These iconic cars made famous in the film The Graduate, are extremely popular and great fun to drive, with the typical Alfa Romeo road handling make it exciting on country roads. Cette Alfa Romeo Spider Duetto, présentée en noir avec un capuchon beige et l’intérieur est en bon état. Elle est livrée avec la paperasse manuelle et italienne de son propriétaire d’origine. Ces voitures emblématiques rendues célèbre dans le film The Graduate, sont extrêmement populaires et très amusantes à conduire, avec la manipulation typique de route Alfa Romeo qui rend les trajets sur les routes de campagne passionnants.


Lot 110

1983 Renault 5 Turbo 2 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: VF1822000E06000036

Estimate: €65,000 - €75,000

In 1980 Renault introduced the new R5 Turbo as a pure homologation special to compete in Group 4 racing and international rallies. The 5 Turbo was based on the production Renault 5 Alpine, but Renault engineers scrapped the standard front-engine, front wheel drive layout in favour of a mid-engine, rear-drive setup. In 1981 Jean Ragnotti and his co-driver Jean-Marc Andrie won the Monte Carlo Rally outright for Renault, and the following year Ragnotti won the Tour de Corse. In 1984 Group B homologation was sought for the Renault 5 Maxi Turbo to enable it to contest the World Rally Championship. Ragnotti added another Tour de Corse win with the 5 Maxi Turbo in 1985. After the first batch of 400 road cars had been made to satisfy Group 4 homologation volume requirements, a second generation, known as the Turbo 2 was to follow. The car you see here is a rare example of the early “8221” homologation version of the car, of which only 200 were produced, built to homologate the car in the over 1400cc class, allowing the car to use wider tyres. As such the “8221”s were fitted with a slightly larger 1430cc motor and a weight saving aluminium roof panel.

In good order in all respects, this example has been in the long term ownership of a collector of Group B homologation cars. During this time the car has been well maintained, driven and enjoyed carefully. Turbo IIs are hugely enjoyable and rewarding cars to own, a genuinely iconic example of the ultimate era in rallying. En bon état général, cet exemplaire a été pendant longtemps la propriété d’un collectionneur du Groupe B des voitures homologuées. Pendant tout ce temps elle a été bien entretenue et conduite avec soin. Les Turbo II sont des voitures très agréables à posséder, un véritable exemple d’une époque iconique des rallies.


Lot 111

1969 Mercedes-Benz 280SL Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: 11304412007134

Estimate: €65,000 - €75,000

In March 1963 the new generation of SL sports cars was launched with the debut of the 230 SL at the Geneva Show. This revolutionary new model replaced the now ageing 190 and 300SL models. Mercedes engineering, together with elegance and practicality, made the pagoda top SL one of the most distinctive designs of its era. In closed form it offered handsome proportions and coupé-like comfort, whilst the easy removal of the pagoda hard top turned it into an open top sports car for the summer months.

During the 1960s Mercedes-Benz refined the model, later fitting the 250 engine and finally arriving at the 280SL. As today, Mercedes-Benz motor cars were never cheap, but superb build quality and sophisticated styling made the 280SL an extremely popular sports car with the rich and famous. This lovely example is presented in dark green and comes with a black interior, a new black hood and a factory hard top. The super smooth 2.8 litre engine is mated to an automatic gearbox and the car is in excellent condition throughout. These are the most desirable of the “ Pagoda” Mercedes and are sought after by many of the finest collectors and investors. This wonderful looking Mercedes would be at home in any collection or indeed just enjoyed on the road as it was originally built for.


Ce superbe modèle est de couleur vert sombre avec un intérieur noir, un nouveau capot noir et un toit en dur d’origine. Le moteur 2.8 litres d’une grande souplesse a une boite de vitesses automatique et la voiture est en excellent état général. C’est une des plus désirables Mercedes « Pagoda » qui sont très recherchées par les plus grands collectionneurs et les investisseurs. Cette magnifique Mercedes sera à sa place dans n’importe quelle collection ou donnera juste le plaisir de conduire , ce pour quoi elle a d’ailleurs été conçue.


Lot 112

1992 Lancia Delta HF Integrale Evoluzione Registration Number: French registered

Chassis Number: TBA

Estimate: €38,000- €45,000

The development programme aimed at transforming the boxy-shaped, Giugiaro-designed Delta hatchback into a competitive rally car had been necessitated by the banning of the Group B supercars at the end of 1986. Having experimented with a system combining both a conventional (Volumex) supercharger and a turbo on their Delta S4 Group B rally car, Lancia eventually opted for turbo-charging alone for the less exotic Group A Delta HF. Already a fine handling car courtesy of its tuned suspension, the Delta HF moved up a class with the introduction of a state-of-the-art four-wheel-drive transmission incorporating Ferguson viscous couplings and a Torsen differential. Badged as the ‘Delta HF 4WD’ on its introduction in 1986, the model retained the Volumex blower initially before switching to a straightforward turbo when transformed into the legendary Integrale in 1987. The latter would prove a supremely capable rally car yet in road trim remained a thoroughly practical family hatchback. Integrale performance was boosted further by the introduction of a 16-valve cylinder head for the 2.0-litre four-cylinder engine in 1989, maximum power increasing to 200bhp and top speed to 220km/h (137mph).

Homologated to maintain the works rally team’s competitive edge, the first Evoluzione models were manufactured towards the end of 1991, incorporating wider front and rear track, appropriately altered bodywork and an engine re-mapped to produce 210bhp among many other detail improvements. Although the model was sold officially in the UK, the Integrale was only ever available with left-hand drive. One of the final Evoluzione models completed before the introduction of the catalyst equipped Evoluzione II, the example offered here in very good general condition, finished in black with Alcantra interior. Recently serviced the car is sold with its French Carte Grise. L’un des modèles Evoluzione finaux achevés avant l’introduction du catalyseur équipé Evoluzione II , l’exemple proposé ici en très bon état ​​général , a terminé en noir avec Alcantra intérieur . Récemment desservi la voiture est vendue avec son français Carte Grise


Lot 113

1960 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint 750 B Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: AR149321189

Estimate: €50,000 - €60,000

Alfa’s classic twin-cam four was downsized to 1,290ccc for the 750-Series Giulietta, gaining an alloy cylinder block in the process. The Sprint coupé was soon joined by Berlina and Spider versions, the latter styled by Pininfarina and built on a slightly shorter wheelbase. The Giulietta family’s success surprised even Alfa themselves; production targets were revised upwards and to satisfy demands for increased performance, upgraded Veloce versions of the Sprint and Spider were introduced. The combination of a rev-happy engine, fine-handling, responsive chassis and excellent brakes make the Giulietta Sprint a driver’s car par excellence and explains why these stylish Alfa Romeos continue to attract the discerning enthusiast today. The Giulietta Sprint on offer today comes in full race specification. Presented in a light blue colour within an Italian racing stripe the car comes from a very famous French collection. With just 5000kms since its most recent restoration the car is steeped in racing history. Having completed the Panamerica, the ‘Rallye D’Acapulco’, the ‘Trophee en Corse’, the ‘Rallye de Lozere’ and the ‘Rallye du Gard’ there seem to be few events that this car hasn’t done. Competitive and unfaltering in each of these events the car still runs and drives as if it had just left the factory. An incredible opportunity to acquire an immaculate and most importantly fun racing car. La Giulietta Sprint sur l’offre aujourd’hui vient dans la spécification de course complète. Présenté dans une couleur bleu clair au sein d’une bande de course italienne la voiture vient d’une très célèbre collection française. Avec seulement 5000kms depuis sa restauration la plus récente de la voiture est ancré dans l’histoire de la course. Après avoir terminé la Panamerica, le «Rallye D’Acapulco», le «Trophée en Corse», le «Rallye de Lozère» et le «Rallye du Gard ‘il semble y avoir peu d’événements que cette voiture a pas fait. Compétitive et unfaltering dans chacun de ces événements, la voiture fonctionne et conduit toujours comme si elle venait de quitter l’usine. Une opportunité incroyable d’acquérir une immaculée et voiture de course le plus important plaisir.


Lot 114

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File Images

The ‘Enzo Ferrari Film’ 1973 Ferrari 365 GT4 2+2 Ex Fabritzio Violote Collection Registration Number: Italian Registered

Chassis Number: 17261

Estimate: €60,000 - €80,000

Ferrari’s dominance of the sports car market in the 1960’s is legendary. The models produced were ground breaking, elegant and were instant classics even then. Their popularity has only increased with age and the values have continued to rise, gaining the cars iconic status throught the World of fine Automobiles. It is the company’s foray into the luxury Grand Touring market that is perhaps undervalued in today’s market as these cars were equally as exciting and ground breaking. For without their conception, modern luxury GT performance cars would have no marker to start from. Keen to fill this spot Ferrari aimed these cars directly at wealthy business men, customers who in fact may have already possessed an existing two seater Ferrari. This style of Grand Tourer started with the 365 Series, introduced in the late 1960’s and stayed in production until the early part of the 1970’s when it was superseded by the 400 series. The first version was the 365 GT 2+2, was powered by the Columbo designed single overhead cam 4390 cc V-12 engine which breathed through three Weber carburetors and was capable of producing around 300 bhp. This in turn was replaced by the 365 GT4 2+2, the familiar Pininfarina style body staying in production until the final 412 version ceased in 1989.

This example here on offer today, is arguably the most significant of all 365 cars in existence having formed part on one of the worlds most recognised collections of Ferrari- the Voilote Collection. Offered on its original Modena number of MO 39333 the car was used and featured significantly within the 2003 Film Ferrari. Ferrari is a film based on the book by Enzo Biagi. It depicts Enzo Ferrari’s rise from a successful race driver to one of the most famous entrepreneurs of all time. Being interviewed by a fictitious, intrusive young journalist he recalls his setbacks and personal losses. He also expresses his regrets about race drivers who met with an accident. The film finishes with a dedication by Piero Ferrari: “In loving memory of my father and of my brother Dino”. Finished in Azur Blue over black, this example is Supplied with the car is a history file containing bills for work undertaken. Fitted with the same V12 4 cam engine used in the Ferrari Daytona this is great example of a true GT Ferrari with a wonderful history to match. Le modèle présenté aujourd’hui est , sans aucun doute, le plus significatif des 365 voitures existantes qui composent les collections de Ferrari « The Voilote Collection » dans le monde entier. Cette voiture a son immatriculation de Modène d’origine MO 39333 . Elle a été utilisée dans le film « Ferrari » en 2003 . « Ferrari » est un film basé sur le livre de Enzo Biagi. Il décrit l’ascension de Enzo Ferrari qui était un brillant pilote de courses et qui est devenu un des plus célèbres entrepreneurs de son temps. Interviewé par un jeune et curieux journaliste fictif il se rappelle ses hésitations et ses échecs. Il exprime aussi ses profonds regrets pour les pilotes qui ont eu des accidents. Le film se termine par une dédicace de Piero Ferrari : « A la mémoire de mon père et de mon frère bien aimé Dino ».


Lot 115

1958 Porsche 356 A 1600 Speedster Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 84466

Estimate: €270,000 - €320,000

Although Ferdinand Porsche did not commence building cars until 1948, his engineering pedigree was well established with designs ranging from the awesome Auto Union V16 Grand Prix car to the Tiger tank. After World War Two, however, and fresh from serving a two year prison sentence as a result, Porsche decided in 1947 to build his own sports car. Given project number 356, by August 1948 the first production model had been completed. With aluminium fastback coachwork, pressed steel chassis and the engine behind the rear axle, manufacture began late in 1948 and the 356 debuted at the 1949 Geneva Motor Show. The Speedster was an immediate hit from its 1954 introduction. Steve McQueen even had a Speedster of his own, which he adored and which became one of the cars most closely associated with “The King of Cool.” The Speedster holds a special place in Porsche history, not only as a sales success but also as an icon of minimalist automotive design. It remains a beloved vehicle today, a Porsche 356 A Speedster is on the wish list of nearly every car enthusiast the world over. This status has also contributed to a meteoric rise in desirability for these cars, as they lead the charge for all 356s and 911s that are gaining momentum in the market place. Simply put, no important collection would be complete without a proper Speedster. Motoring enthusiasts new to the classic car world are well served to acquire a “blue chip” car such as this. This charming 356 A1600 is presented in an ivory white colour with a beautiful red interior. Having enjoyed an extensive top to bottom restoration the car is described as being in very good condition throughout. A magnificent example of the iconic 356 design, whilst oozing style, these cars are a joy to drive. A car that is as competent on the roads as it is an investment tool. D’une belle couleur ivoire contrastant avec l’intérieur rouge, cette voiture est une vraie chance d’acquérir une des plus rares et désirable 365 qui existent. Pas seulement ça mais aussi la #84466 a été récemment restaurée ce qui fait que cette voiture est prête à être appréciée telle qu’elle est.



Lot 116

1967 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL – 2 owners from new Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 11304212019586

Estimate: €80,000 - €90,000

Featuring an excellent factory colour combination of DB670 Light Ivory with its tan convertible top the car presents itself beautifully. The interior also is new with Cognac leather and German Square Weave carpet in oatmeal colour. The hardtop, often neglected due to high renovation costs, has also been fully restored to perfection with new headliner, wood, seals, chrome work and rare green tinted glass. The attention to detail and the extent of the renovation is detailed extensively within the history file. It was undertaken by a top restorer in the USA with the accompanying invoices all on file. The car, being from California, has no corrosion repairs and also no accident damage. All the panels are original and still wear the original spot welds, wing notches and under bonnet paint runs that only the discerning enthusiasts and investors look out for. Complete with the car is the original book pack with service history, the rare metal 1st owner’s data tag, tools, spare keys, huge amounts of invoices and hundreds of photos. Cette 230SL, avec transmission automatique en option et direction assistée était la propriété d’un Californien jusqu’à très récemment. Une restauration complète des écrous et boulons a été faite et la voiture a peu roulé depuis. Présentée dans une excellente association de couleurs de DB670 ivoire clair avec une capote convertible marron la voiture est très belle. L’intérieur aussi est neuf, en cuir couleur Cognac et un tapis de sol couleur avoine. Le toit , souvent négligé à cause du coût très élevé des rénovations, a complètement été restauré avec un nouveau ciel de toit, du bois, des joints d’étanchéité, des chromes et des vitres teintées d’un vert très rare. L’attention portée au moindre détail et l’ampleur des rénovations est totalement détaillée dans le dossier historique. Elles ont été réalisées par un restaurateur hors pair aux Etats Unis et toutes les factures sont dans le dossier. Venant de Californie cette voiture n’a eu aucune réparation de dommages dus à la corrosion et n’a jamais été accidentée. Tous les panneaux sont d’origine et portent encore la marque des points de soudure d’origine, l’intérieur des ailes et du capot ont encore des traces de peinture que seuls recherchent et peuvent discerner des investisseurs avertis. Avec la voiture sont fournis le livret d’entretien complet, des outils, des clés de rechange et une grande quantité de factures et des centaines de photos.


Lot 117

1977 Ferrari 308 GTB Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: F106AB22449

Estimate: €85,000 - €90,000

Offlcially introduced at the Paris Salon in October 1975, the 308 GTB’s styling was all new but incorporated all of the old magic by blending aspects of the Dino 206/246 with the later 365 GT4/BB. Reminiscent of the Boxer was the dihedral groove at bumper level splitting top and bottom, the plunging nose and the sail panels reaching back to meet a shallower spoiler, while the conical side air intakes and recessed concave rear window were familiar from the Dino. The very first 308 GTBs produced, until the end of 1976, were the fastest and best handling, thanks to a fibreglass body that weighed substantially less than the steel coachwork which replaced it. These first cars also featured race-bred dry sump lubrication, which again was replaced after a short period in favour of the less expensive wet sump system. For both of these reasons the first 308 GTBs are the most sought-after nowadays and are justly regarded as the finest of the 308/328 range. This lovely example in Chiarro Rosso with black leather interior comes with its original manuals and is in good condition throughout. Ce bel exemplaire de Chiarro Rosso avec son intérieur en cuir noir est livré avec son manuel d’origine et est en bon état général.


Lot 118

1963 Deep Sanderson 301 Coupe – Le Mans Entrant 1963 Registration Number: N/A

Chassis Number: 1003

Estimate: €70,000 - 80,000

The brainchild of gifted engineer Chris Lawrence, the Deep Sanderson 301 Coupe was conceived in the early Sixties and features the unique Lawrence – link trailing arm suspension, first pioneered on his Formula Junior cars bearing the same Deep Sanderson name. This rare early vehicle was completed in January 1963 and originally fitted with a Downton supplied and modified BMC 997cc unit with twin H2 carburettors. The car carried Chris Lawrence usual registration number of 2 ARX. In February/March 1963, Downton delivered and the car was fitted with a Formula Junior specification engine, H4 carbs and a 3 syncro SC/CR gearbox in preparation for an assault on Le Mans in June of that year.Unlike later production road versions, this car was built with race suspension incorporating coil over fully adjustable shock absorbers and modified trailing arm pick-up points. The rear tipping bodywork was still in prototype form being made of aluminium rather than fibreglass adopted for later cars. At Le Mans, the car, numbered 44, was driven by Chris Lawrence and Chris Spender. Unfortunately a trip to the gravel traps early on, lost a number of precious laps but continuing strongly a total of 55 laps had completed by one quarter distance. By half way, a class lead had been established but the lack of the necessary qualifying laps led to disqualification and the final withdrawal from the race at 4am. After Le Mans, the car passed to a French enthusiast, one Monsieur J M Muratore, who campaigned it in various National events, under the Ecurie Bleu banner until the early 1980s. Repatriated to the UK, the car sat neglected in the corner of a lock up until “ rescued” by its present owner in 2002. Although the vehicle’s chassis remained in good condition, the rest of the car required complete restoration - a task that began in earnest in 2007. A significant project, in terms of both time and parts sourcing, it was made considerably easier with the significant contribution from the car’s designer and builder, Chris Lawrence, to whom a huge debt of gratitude is owed. Née de l’imagination du talentueux Chris Lawrence la Deep Sanderson Coupé a été conçue au début des années 60 avec un bras de suspension longitudinal, complètement nouveau sur les voitures de la Formule Junior portant le même nom « Deep Sanderson » Ce véhicule a été terminé en Janvier 1963 , elle était équipée d’un bloc moteur Downton BMC 997 avec double carburateur H2. La voiture portait l’immatriculation habituelle de Chris Lawrence 2 ARX.


En Février / Mars 1963 la voiture a été équipée d’un moteur spécial Formule Junior , carburateurs H4 et boite de 3 vitesses synchrones SC/CR en vue d’un assaut au Mans en Juin de cette même année. Contrairement aux modèles pour la route , cette voiture avait une suspension étudiée pour la course avec des absorbeurs de chocs ajustables. La carrosserie était encore un prototype car elle était en aluminium plutôt qu’en fibre de verre comme ce sera le cas plus tard. Au Mans, la voiture qui portait le numéro 44 était conduite par Chris Lawrence et Chris Spender. Malheureusement une embardée sur les graviers , très rapidement, leur a fait perdre beaucoup de tours ils ne firent que 55 tours. En milieu de course ils étaient bien classés mais le nombre de tours insuffisant a entrainé leur disqualification et leur retrait de la course à 4 heures du matin. Après Le Mans la voiture a appartenu à un Français du nom de Monsieur JM Muratore, qui l’a présentée dans de nombreux évènements nationaux sous la bannière de « l’écurie bleue » jusque dans les années 1980 Rapatriée au Royaume Uni, la voiture a été négligemment .reléguée jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit « sauvée » en 2002 par son actuel propriétaire. Bien que le chassis du véhicule soit en bonne condition, le reste de la voiture nécessite une complète restauration, une tache qui a débuté en 2007. Un projet significatif , en termes à la fois de temps et de ressources, a été facilité par la contribution du concepteur et constructeur Chris Lawrence à qui ont doit beaucoup de gratitude.

Lot 119

2006 Ferrari F430 Challenge Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: ZFFEX63X000147104

Estimate: €75,000 - €90,000

The Ferrari F430 Challenge is a production-based race car built by Ferrari. The car is directly based on the standard F430 and uses the same 4.3L V8 engine. It was introduced at the 2005 Frankfurt Motor Show to supersede the Ferrari 360 Challenge in the Ferrari Challenge and the Rolex Sports Car racing series. The F430 Challenge is a non-road legal variant of the road-going Ferrari F430, it has been extensively modified by Ferrari to boost its on circuit performance with extensive weight reduction and suspension changes. Just like in previous Ferrari Challenge cars the engine has largely

remained the same as on the production road cars except for some enhanced breathing by means of a racing exhaust system and some engine management tweaks and fine blueprinting. Furthermore the body styling has received very few styling changes with the Formula One inspired single central nut (slick shod) BBS wheels hiding enormous carbon brakes. The transmission is derived from Ferrari’s Formula One program, and offers the same 150 ms shift times as in the standard Ferrari F430 with no option of a manual H-gate gearshift. Fifth and sixth gears have been tweaked, as well as the final drive ratio, specifically for the Challenge car. Weight saving efforts have affected all areas of the car, the most noticeable of which being the cockpit. Inside, the F430 Challenge has no carpets or sound deadening, no stereo, and the standard leather seats have been replaced with ultra light FIA approved carbon racing seats.


This car is presented in light blue and is in excellent condition. These are thoroughbred racing cars which are exhilarating to drive and will provide the incumbent with all the necessary thrills to enjoy on the track. With pedigree like this, one can only succeed against others in similar machinery on any track day!

De couleur bleu clair cette voiture est en excellent ĂŠtat. Ces voitures de courses sont de vrais pur-sang et procurent Ă leurs propriĂŠtaires de vrais sensations sur les pistes. Avec un pedigree comme celui-ci elle ne peut que dominer ses concurrentes.


Lot 120

1965 Lotus Elan - to FIA specification Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 26/4061

Estimate: €70,000 - €100,00

Lotus hit the big time in 1962 with the introduction of the Model 26 Elan; it was a tiny, lightweight road car that brought all of designer Colin Chapman’s racing lessons to the street, at last. The fibreglass, monocoque Elite Coupé of 1958 had been a successful race car, but it was harsh and uncompromising on the street. Car & Driver described the cockpit as being “as noisy as the boiler room of a tramp steamer”. By comparison, the Elan Roadster was small and solid. It was only 12-feet long and weighed only 1,485 pounds. The steel backbone frame was bonded to the fibreglass body, the suspension was soft and compliant, and it had disc brakes all round. The 1,558-cubic centimetre Ford twin-cam engine cranked out 115 brake horsepower in Special Equipment form, and 0–60 mph came up in 7.1 seconds, with a top speed of 120 mph. The Elan’s glamour was assured when the Emma Peel character (actress Diana Rigg) drove one in The Avengers spy-spoof TV series. Chapman wasn’t interested in racing the Elan, as he was in pursuit of his first Formula One Championship with the Lotus 25. But privateers like Ian Walker and Chequered Flag modified the Elan’s steering and brakes, and soon Chapman uprated his own cars in the same manner. The little cars turned out to be giant killers, and Jim Clark, Jackie Stewart, and Sir John Whitmore were very successful racing them from 1963–1964. The Lotus Elan was homologated in 1964 as the 26R, and it continued to be competitive for about 10 years, with John Miles winning 15 races and the Autosport championship in 1966. An estimated 97 Elan 26Rs were built, and many of them still dominate vintage racing.


Registered on the 14th January 1965, this Lotus Elan is offered with French title papers and FIA documentation, showing eligibility for FIA Class GTS 10. These Elans really fly on the track - what a great way to enjoy competitive historic motorsport. Immatriculée le 14 Janvier 1965, cette Lotus Elan est orésentée avec ses documents Français et une documentation F.I.A. montrant qu’elle peut prétendre à la F.I.A Class GTS 10 Ces Elans volent littéralement sur la piste . quel plaisir de profiter d’une voiture de sports de collection.


Lot 121

1986 Citroen 2CV Charleston Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: VF7AZKACCKA215258

Estimate: €14,000 - €17,000

Widely remembered as one of the most popular versions of the Citroën 2CV, the Charleston started life as merely the latest in a long line of special editions designed to keep sales from embarking on a free fall. It was based on the 2CV6 Club and introduced in France in September of 1980. Outside, the the 2CV Charleston featured an eye-catching burgundy and black paint job with white highlights that harked back to the late 1920s and early 1930s. The headlight housings were black, the 15-inch steel wheels were painted in the same shade of burgundy as the body, and chromed hubcaps came as standard. Inside, the only Charleston-specific modification was a cloth upholstery borrowed from the Peugeot-based LN. All Charlestons came with separate front seats (as opposed to the single bench that other models models could be ordered with at the time), but the rest of the cockpit was standard 2CV fare. In late 1980, the Charleston cost 24,800 francs, a premium of 4,820 francs over a 2CV6 Spéciale and 1,500 francs over a 2CV6 Club. For the sake of comparison, that same year a two-door Volkswagen Golf cost 29,490 francs. The 8,000 examples of the Charleston sold out very quickly and the car was added to the Citroën catalogue as a regular production model in July of 1981. In its transition from a limited-edition to a regular-production model, the Charleston gained disc brakes up front, chromed headlight housings and a a diamond-stitched cloth upholstery. The car became an instant hit and it enabled Citroën’s top brass to justify keeping the car around for a little longer. In July of 1982, Citroën offered the Charleston with a yellow and black two-tone motif that was not particularly popular among shoppers. It was replaced by a grey and black motif in July of 1983. The Charleston became the best-selling 2CV in the 1980s, and it was part of the lineup up until the deux chevaux was given the axe on July 27th, 1990. Finished in the very stylish combination of black over light grey, this is an excellent example of what is one of the most iconic cars of the last century. Fini dans la combinaison très élégante de noir sur gris clair, ceci est un excellent exemple de ce qui est l’une des voitures les plus emblématiques du siècle dernier.


Lot 122

1969 Ford Shelby GT350 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 9F02M480900

Estimate: €105,000 - €115,000

The first-generation Ford Mustang was manufactured by Ford from April 1964 until 1973. The introduction of the Mustang created a new class of automobile known as the pony car. The Mustang’s styling, with its long hood and short deck, proved wildly popular and inspired a host of imitators. It was initially introduced as a hardtop and convertible with the fastback version put on sale the following year. At the time of its introduction, the Mustang, sharing its underpinnings with the Falcon, was slotted into a compact car segment. With each revision, the Mustang saw an increase in overall dimensions and in engine power. The 1969 Shelby GT350 featured a 351 Windsor V8, a 290 horsepower unit that replaced the 302 used in 1968. As was the case with all Mustangs, these exhilarating sports cars featured a live rear axle and independent front suspension and front disc brakes and rear drums. From a design standpoint, the 1969 Shelby differed greatly from the 1968 examples, featuring crisper lines, large brake and engine ducts, and 4 inches added to its overall length, giving it a long, potent, and venerable presence.

Presented in a stunning blue black colour combination this GT350 is in very good condition throughout. Mechanically and aesthetically pleasing, a fantastic opportunity to acquire what many argue to be the best looking example of the 1966-1969 line of the marque. Présentée dans une couleur bleu noir étonnante cette GT350 est en très bon état général. Mécaniquement et esthétiquement agréable , une fantastique occasion d’acquérir ce que beaucoup considèrent comme le plus bel exemple de la production de cette marque dans les années 1966-1969.


Lot 123

1955 Porsche 356 Pre - A Cabriolet Registration Number: EU - registered

Chassis Number: 60898

Estimate: €240.000 - €270.000

There are numerous reasons why the 356 series came into being, and also why Porsche became a major sports car manufacturer; the main one is that Professor Porsche was very impressed with what Piero Dusio was doing with uprated Fiat parts in the construction of his Cisitalias. These were excellent little sports and racing cars and Dr. Porsche wondered if he could do the same with Volkswagen parts. The first 356 was sold in July 1948, and production continued right through to 1965 in various guises and with numerous engines. As the company’s first production model, the Porsche 356 set a new standard for small sports cars and gained its laurels in all manner of circuit racing and rallying.

From the earliest, 1100 cc Gmünd beginnings, the overall shape of the 356 remained more or less set. In 1951, 1300 and 1500 cc engines with considerably more power were introduced. By late 1952 the divided windscreen was gone, replaced by a V-shaped unit which fit into the same opening. In 1953, the 1300 S or “Super” was introduced, and the 1100 cc engine was dropped. In late 1954 Max Hoffman, the sole US importer of Porsches, convinced Porsche to build a stripped down roadster version with minimal equipment and a cut-down windscreen. Towards the end of the original 356’s time (in 1955, when the 356 A was about to be introduced) Hoffman, wanting a model name rather than just a number got the factory to use the name “Continental” which was applied mostly to cars sold in the United States. Ford, makers of the Lincoln Continental, sued. This name was used only in 1955 and today this version is especially valued. For 1956, the equivalent version was briefly sold as the “European”. Today all of the earliest Porsches are highly coveted by collectors and enthusiasts worldwide based on their design, reliability and sporting performance. This superb Pre A 356 Cabriolet on offer today comes in its original livery of graphite metal ( 5403 ) and red leather interior. The car was delivered new to Germany via Porsche Mahag, as shown in its old road document, where it is still registered today.


In 1959 the car received an exchange engine supplied by Porsche to the same specification as when delivered new ( Engine number 22426 ). This is documented in the old style German registration document (Pappbrief) which comes with the car. Today this early 356 cabriolet presents itself in wonderful overall condition after a thorough restoration to original specification and you can see today. Without any doubt, this is a genuine collector’s car for the serious Porsche collector with its stunning iconic looks and is also a very usable sports cabriolet. Ce superbe Cabriolet Pre A 356 est présenté aujourd’hui dans sa version gris métallisé ( 5403) et intérieur en cuir rouge. Comme on peut le voir sur ses anciens documents, la voiture a été livrée neuve en Allemagne par Porsche Mahag, et elle y est encore immatriculée aujourd’hui. En 1959 on a fait un échange standard du moteur fourni par Porsche sur exactement le même modèle que l’original. ( moteur n° 22426 ). Tout ceci est consigné dans les anciens documents Allemands ( Pappbrief ) qui sont fournis avec la voiture. Aujourd’hui ce cabriolet de la première époque est en magnifique état général après une complète restauration fidèle aux spécifications d’origine, comme vous pouvez le voir. C’est, sans aucun doute, la bonne voiture pour un collectionneur de Porsche avec sa ligne extraordinaire et elle peut être utilisée comme cabriolet sportif.


Lot 124

1960 Jaguar XK150 Fixedhead Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 5825298 DN

Estimate: €70,000 - €80,000

The final rendition of the XK appeared in May 1957. Easily identifiable by its higher scuttle and door line, and much wider grille, the XK150 retained the mechanical layout of its predecessor; in 210bhp XK150 S form, however, it marked a Jaguar first in having all-round disc brakes, an asset with 0-60mph acceleration of 8.5 seconds and a 125mph maximum. For 1960, the penultimate year of production, the 3,781cc engine was fitted, which in S guise produced 265bhp, sufficient for 132mph and 0-60mph in just 7.5 seconds.

This close continuation of a 3.8L “S” was delivered new to London in the summer of 1960. Powered by a reconditioned 3.8L “S” engine with overdrive, the car found a new home at the Savoy hotel where it enjoyed an extensive restoration. Coming complete with a detailed service history file along with bills and receipts, the car is described as being in ‘excellent condition’ and ready to enjoy.


Cette descendante de la 3.8L « S » a été livrée neuve à Londres pendant l’été 1960. Propulsée par un moteur 3.8L à vitesse surmutipliée, la voiture a trouvé un nouveau foyer à l’hôtel Savoy où elle a bénéficié d’une importante restauration. Livrée avec un dossier historique complet, des factures et des reçus, la voiture est décrite comme étant en excellent état et prête à être appréciée.


Lot 125

1995 Porsche 993 Turbo Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: WPOZZZ99ZTS371090

Estimate: €120,000 - €140,000

993 is the company’s internal name for the version of the Porsche 911 model manufactured and sold between late 1993 and early 1998 (model years 1995-1998 in the United States), replacing the 964. Its discontinuation marked the end of aircooled Porsches, with the 993 being not just the last air-cooled 911, but also the last of the hand built 911s. The 993 generation of the 911 is often referred to as the best and most desirable of the 911 series, not only because of its beauty, but also because its performance is very good, even by modern standards, and the 993 was “the last complete ‘modern classic’”; “the 993 was and forever will be that last fresh breath of air that Porsche gave the world; elegance and muscle all in one package.”The book “Porsche 993 - Essential Companion” refers to the 993 as the “King of Porsche,” and it is generally acknowledged as “The purists’ Holy Grail. This wonderful example is presented in metallic dark blue with black leather interior. The 3.6 litre engine is mated to a manual gearbox and these turbo models are much sought after today. An exhilarating sports car made even quicker by its turbo. Cet exemple merveilleux est présenté en bleu foncé métallisé avec intérieur en cuir noir. Le moteur de 3,6 litres a une boîte de vitesses manuelle. Ces modèles turbo sont très recherchés aujourd’hui. Une excitante voiture de sport fait encore plus rapide par son turbo.


Lot 126

1988 BMW M3 E30 – Only 1000 miles from new Registration Number: EU registered

Chassis Number: WBSAK0106021913221

Estimate: €60,000 - €80,000

Based on the 1986 model year E30 3-Series, the E30 M3 used the BMW S14 engine. In contrast to later M3 iterations, the E30 M3 was campaigned by BMW as well as other racing teams including Prodrive and AC Schnitzer in many forms of motorsport, including rallying and racing. The latter included campaigns in the World Touring Car Championship, Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft, British Touring Car Championship, Italian Touring Car Championship, French Touring Car Championship and the Australian Touring Car Championship. The production of the E30 road car was to homologate the M3 for Group A Touring Car racing. It was to compete with various models including the “2.3-16V” variant of the MercedesBenz W201 190E that was introduced in 1983. Finished in white with a black interior, this 1000 mile from new car is in excellent condition throughout as you would expect. It has BBS wheels and these iconic German sports cars are highly sought after - this particular example would be a wonderful addition to any collection or indeed a museum. De couleur blanche avec l’intérieur noir cette voiture qui n’a fait que 1000 miles depuis son origine est en excellent état général. Elle a des roues BBS et ces voitures de sport Allemandes sont très recherchées. Cet exemplaire particulier serait un magnifique ajout à une collection ou même un musée.


Lot 127

1970 Mercedes-Benz 280 SE Cabriolet Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 111025

Estimate: €195,000 - €210,000

When Mercedes-Benz replaced the popular W111 220 series in 1966, the first S-Class range was born. Much of the mechanical specification remained as before, but a new, sleeker bodyshell with lower roof and waist lines and a larger glass area proved to be a far more modern design than the dated, finned wing appearance of its predecessor; supplementing the saloons there were, as always, both coupé and cabriolet derivatives.

All of these W108 models, however, shared similar all independent suspension, by wishbone/coil spring at the front together with a coil sprung swing axle at the rear; all round disc brakes and power assisted steering were also standard equipment. Power was initially provided by a choice of three overhead camshaft six cylinder engines: for the 250 S, the 2,496cc motor produced 130bhp via twin carburettors, with the 280 SE benefitting from Bosch fuel injection and an increase in output to 150bhp (rising in 1968 to 160bhp); transmission was invariably an automatic four-speed unit. This 1970 280 SE is finished in Impala brown with a wonderful magnolia hide interior, and is described by the vendor as being in excellent condition throughout having enjoyed an extensive restoration. The all-round electric windows combined with frameless doors allow for relaxed window-down motoring.


This stylish coupe is ready to be used and enjoyed, and is a splendid example of this stylish and usable Mercedes-Benz. Cette 280 SE de 1970 est de couleur brun Impala avec un magnifique intérieur Magnolia, elle est décrite par le vendeur comme étant en excellent état général bien qu’elle ait été très restaurée. Les vitres électriques combinées à des portières sans cadre sont idéales pour une conduite vitres baissées. Ce coupé stylé est prêt à être utilisé et apprécié et est un superbe exemple du style Mercedes-Benz.


Lot 128

1958 Lancia Aurelia B20 S GT Registration Number: EU taxes paid

Chassis Number: 1771

Estimate: â‚Ź120,000 - â‚Ź150,000

Despite sometimes being overshadowed by flashier Italian cars of the post-war period, Lancia’s Aurelia GT was one of the most ground-breaking and important sports cars of its era. The Aurelia began life in 1950 as the B10 saloon, co-designed by family scion Gianni Lancia and ex-Alfa Romeo engineer extraordinaire Vittorio Jano. With principle considerations of space constraints and racing potential, the Aurelia was equipped with a new lightweight alloy V-6, now recognized as the first series-produced V-6 ever constructed.

A year later, the Aurelia was offered with a fastback sports saloon body designated the B20 GT, which historians generally agree was designed by Ghia stylist Mario Felice Boano, despite the fact that the coachwork is now largely identified with Pininfarina. Though Ghia was contracted to build the first 90 examples of its design, the company did not have the capacity to produce the full order of cars, and therefore, subcontracted numerous examples to Farina and a lesser-known carrozzeria called Viotti. In addition to being notable for its cutting-edge engineering, sleek design, and surprising competition history, the Aurelia GT is also significant in that it is generally regarded to be the first car ever named with the GT suffix in its nomenclature and is thus the progenitor of a long tradition of grand touring sports cars that followed.


Finished in a wonderful metallic grey, this elegant Lancia B20 S GT comes with F.I.V.A. papers and ASI Gold plate and it is equipped with a Audiovox radio. The interior cloth seat coverings are edged in blue leather that reflect parts of the dashboard.

D’un magnifique gris métallisé, cette élégante Lancia B20 S GT a des papiers F.I.V.A. et une plaque ASI Gold, elle est équipée d’une radio Audiovox. Le tissu qui recouvre les sièges est bordé de cuir bleu dans lequel se reflète le tableau de bord.


Lot 129

1926 Bentley 3 litre Short Chassis Sports Tourer Matching Numbers - Original Vanden Plas Coachwork Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: SR 1421

Estimate: â‚Ź420,000 - â‚Ź450,000

With characteristic humility W.O. was constantly amazed by the enthusiasm of later generations for the products of Bentley Motors Limited, and it is testimony to the soundness of his engineering design skills that so many of his products have survived. From the humblest of beginnings in a mews garage off Baker Street, London in 1919 the Bentley rapidly achieved fame as an exciting fast touring car, well able to compete with the best of European and American sports cars in the tough world of motor sport in the 1920s. Bentley’s domination at Le Mans in 1924, 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930 is legendary, and one can only admire the Herculean efforts of such giants as Woolf Barnato, Jack Dunfee, Tim Birkin and Sammy Davis, consistently wrestling the British Racing Green sports cars to victory. W O Bentley proudly unveiled the new 3-litre car bearing his name on Stand 126 at the 1919 Olympia Motor Exhibition, the prototype engine having fired up for the first time just a few weeks earlier. Bentley’s four-cylinder ‘fixed head’ engine incorporated a single overhead camshaft, four-valves per cylinder and a bore/stroke of 80x149mm. Twin ML magnetos provided the ignition and power was transmitted via a four-speed gearbox with right-hand change.

The pressed-steel chassis started off with a wheelbase of 9’ 9½”, then adopted dimensions of 10’ 10” (‘Standard Long’) in 1923, the shorter frame being reserved for the TT Replica and subsequent Speed Model. Rear wheel brakes only were employed up to 1924 when four-wheel Perrot-type brakes were introduced. In only mildly developed form, this was the model that was to become a legend in motor racing history and which, with its leather-strapped bonnet, classical radiator design and British Racing Green livery, has become the archetypal Vintage sports car. Early success in the 1922 Isle of Man Tourist Trophy, when Bentleys finished second, fourth, and fifth to take the Team Prize, led to the introduction of the TT Replica (later known as the Speed Model) on the existing 9’ 9½” wheelbase, short standard chassis. Identified by the Red Label on its radiator, the Speed Model differed by having twin SU ‘sloper’ carburettors, a higher compression ratio, different camshaft and the close-ratio A-type gearbox, the latter being standard equipment prior to 1927 when the C-type ‘box was adopted. These engine changes increased maximum power from the standard 70 to 80bhp and raised top speed to an impressive 90mph.


Other enhancements included the larger (11-gallon) fuel tank and (usually) Andre Hartford shock absorbers. Bentley made approximately 1,600 3-Litre models, the majority of which was bodied by Vanden Plas with either open tourer or saloon coachwork. This fabulous matching-numbers Bentley left the works in 1926, fitted with an Open Sports body supplied by Vanden Plas. Amazingly the Vanden Plas body (number 1266) is still fitted to the original chassis, as is the original 3 litre engine. Registered in the United Kingdom with the number YN 9348, the proud first owner was a Mr. C.G. Baxster. Pleasingly this 3 Litre is offered in unmolested and unmodified condition, as shown in the Dating Certificate supplied, which was signed in 2006 by Mr. Michael Worthington-Williams of The Society of Automotive Historians. Notably chassis SR 1421 is also referred to in Michael Hay`s book ‘Bentley - The Vintage Years’. Although mechanically restored in 2014, the current long-term European owner decided to preserve where possible this wonderful car’s patina. Invoices for the mechanical work, at a cost of c.€70.000, are available in the car’s file. Words can barely express how much of an opportunity this vintage Bentley provides; an original 3 Litre Bentley, on its original chassis, and fitted with its original Vanden Plas body. Simply unrepeatable and not to be missed. Cette fabuleuse Bentley “ matching numbers” a quitté l’usine en 1926, équipée d’une carrosserie “ Open Sport “ fournie par Vanden Plas. Bizarrement la carrosserie Vanden Plas ( n° 1266 ) est encore sur le châssis d’origine, tout comme le moteur 3 litres. Immatriculée au Royaume Uni sous le n° YN 9348, son premier fier propriétaire était Mr C.G. Baxster. Ce moteur 3 litres est présenté non abimé et non modifié, comme l’atteste le “Dating Certificate” fourni, et qui a été signé en 2006 par Mr Michael Worthington-Williams de la “ Society of Automobile Historians “. Michael Hay fait d’ailleurs référence au châssis SR 1421 dans son livre : “ Bentley- The Vintage years “ Bien que la mécanique ait été restaurée en 2014, son propriétaire Européen a décidé de préserver autant que possible la patine de cette magnifique voiture. Les factures des travaux de mécanique, pour un coût de 70.000 Euros, sont disponibles dans le dossier de la voiture. Les mots ne suffisent pas pour exprimer la chance de posséder cette Bentley vintage; un moteur 3 litres d’origine sur son châssis d’origine et sa carrosserie Vanden Plas d’origine. Simplement à ne pas manquer.


Lot 130

1983 Ferrari 512 BBi Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: ZFFYAO9B000046511

Estimate: €220,000 - €260,000

Ferrari’s newest Berlinetta Boxer model was introduced at the 1981 Frankfurt Salon, and although it appeared to be very similar to the outgoing model from a distance, its biggest change was found under the rear clamshell and in the new model’s nomenclature. The 512 BBi replaced the 512 BB’s four Weber carburettors with a Bosh K-Jetronic fuel-injection system, hence the “i” in 512 BBi. This upgrade proved the 512 BBi to be much more user-friendly, making the car not only easier to start but also easier to maintain.

For many clients, the addition of the fuel injection was a welcome change, and the 512 BBi is often considered to be the most liveable of Ferrari’s Berlinetta Boxer models. The 512 BBi also received a handful of cosmetic updates, including fitting exposed driving lights in the nose, shortening the aluminium egg-crate grille, and fitting rectangular parking lights in a new shroud for the exhaust at the rear. Just 1,007 examples were built from 1981 to 1984, before production transitioned to the Testarossa. Italian-delivered from new in 1983, this late model Boxer was specified in the traditional colour scheme of Rosso Corsa with a Nero leather interior. The mileage is a very sensible 31,000 recorded kilometres from new, with we are pleased to note a major service completed in 2015 at a cost of €11,000. Offered with the relevant tools, books, invoices for maintenance and repair, and described as being in good condition in all respects, these Boxers are amongst our favourite Ferraris from all eras.


Délivré de nouveau de l’Italie en 1983, cette modèle Boxer a été spécifiée dans le schéma de couleur traditionnelle de Rosso Corsa avec un intérieur en cuir Nero. Le kilométrage est 31.000 kilomètres enregistrées de nouveau et la voiture a eu un grand entretien en 2015 à un coût de 11.000€. La voiture et livrée aves les outils, les livres, les factures pertinentes pour l’entretien et la réparation, et décrite comme étant en bon état à tous égards, ces boxeurs sont parmi les Ferraris préférées de toutes les époques.


Lot 131

1965 Citroen DS 21 M Cabriolet Original Coachwork by Henri Chapron Registration Number: French registered

Chassis Number: 4460041

Estimate: €180,000 - €200,000

Just as it had done 21 years previously with the revolutionary ‘Traction Avant’, Citroën stunned the world again in 1955 with the launch of the strikingly styled ‘DS’. Beneath the shark-like newcomer’s aerodynamically efficient, low-drag bodyshell there was all-independent, self-levelling, hydro-pneumatic suspension; plus power-operated brakes, clutch and steering.

No European car would match the DS’s ride quality for several years, the fundamental soundness of Citroën’s ahead-ofits-time hydro-pneumatic suspension being demonstrated by its survival in present-day top-of-the-range models. The DS’s original 1,911cc, overhead-valve, long-stroke engine was replaced in 1966 by a short-stroke 1,985cc unit, also available in 2,175cc and 2,347cc versions, while other DS developments included swivelling headlights, fuel injection and a five-speed gearbox. Other models offered alongside the original DS were the ID (a simplified, cheaper version), the cavernous Safari estate and the two-door Décapotable (convertible), the latter created by the celebrated Parisian coachbuilder Henri Chapron. The arrival of the Citroën DS in 1955 presented Chapron with a fresh opportunity that would result in his name being forever linked with this remarkable car. His first convertibles were produced independently of Citroën but the factory eventually gave the project its blessing, the factory-approved Décapotables being built on the longer, stronger chassis of the ID Break (Estate). In total, 1,365 (factory) convertibles were made with either the DS 19 or DS 21 engine between 1960 and 1971, while Chapron built a further 389 of his own, the last in 1973.


Sold new on December 24th 1965, this example is beautifully finished in Sahara grey with black leather interior and presents itself very well indeed. In recent years the engine and hydraulics have been completely restored with bills amassing to over €30,000. The engine, transmission and chassis are described to be in excellent condition throughout. Included in the history file are numerous invoices and a certificate of authenticity. Vendue neuve le 24 Décembre 1965, cet exemplaire d’une belle couleur Sahara présente très bien. Récemment le moteur et le système hydraulique ont été complètement refaits, les factures attestent d’un coût de 30.000 euros. Le moteur, la transmission et le châssis sont décrits comme étant en excellent état général. Dans le dossier historique se trouvent de nombreuses factures et un certificat d’authenticité.


Lot 132

File Images

1987 Ferrari 328 GTS Registration Number: TBA

Chassis Number: 68485

Estimate: €60,000 - €80,000

Debuted at the 1985 Frankfurt Auto Show, the Ferrari 328 was the second model in Ferrari’s long and popular line of mid-engine V8 sports cars, continuing through the upcoming 488 GTB. The 328 was the replacement to the popular 308 and featured notable performance and design advancements over the outgoing model. The mid-mounted V8 engine was increased from 3.0 to 3.2 liters and the iconic Leonardo Fioravanti-designed body was updated for a smoother, more contemporary appearance with integrated bumpers and revised cooling ducts, resulting in a more cohesive and streamlined profile. Pininfarina built two variants of this mid-engine sportscar, the Gran Turismo Berlinetta Coupe and the Gran Turismo Spider, featuring a removable Targa top. While performance of the GTS was not the same as the GTB, it offered an exhilarating open-air driving experience, and afforded the driver and their fortunate passenger unbridled access to the unmistakable sound of the dry-sump Ferrari V8. In the short four year run of the 328, 6,068 examples were produced, a great success which, combined with the success and popularity of the 308, ensured the position of the mid-engine V8 in Ferrari’s permanent stable. This particular 328 GTS finished in a very traditional combination of Rosso Corsa with a Nero leather interior. Offered in good to excellent condition in all respects, these 328s really are one of the best sports cars of the 1980s. Cette 328 GTS est de couleur très classique: Rosso Corsa avec un intérieur en cuir Nero. Proposées en bon, voire excellent état général , ces 328 sont parmi les meilleures voitures de sport des années 1980


Lot 133

1955 Ford Thunderbird Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: P5FH2344790

Estimate: €40,000 - €50,000

The Thunderbird was launched in 1955, being Ford’s answer to the Chevrolet Corvette, which was having things largely its own way in the rapidly growing market of rich young Americans who wanted a sleek and sporting car. Sales estimates for the first two years of production were far in excess of the predicted figures, trouncing the Corvette and forcing some dramatic rethinking at General Motors. Ford, however, deemed that the only modifications that needed to be made to the Thunderbird were safety features like energy absorbing instrument panel padding and safety door latches, plus practical developments that enhanced the car’s usability. This example has the standard (for 1956 only) ‘Continental’ spare wheel mounting which gave extra luggage space in the boot and the 12 volt electrics which replaced the six volt system used on the 1955 model. This lovely and evocative example is presented in white with a black hood and black interior, powered by a V8 mated to an automatic gearbox. These motor cars are synonymous with the American dream and boulevard driving in the hot Californian sunshine – which can be repeated today and still turn heads. Ce bel exemplaire est présenté en blanc avec un capot noir et un intérieur noir. Equipé d’un moteur V8 associé à une boite de vitesses automatique. Ces voitures sont synonyme du rêve Américain et de la conduite sur les boulevards au chaud soleil de la Californie… ce que l’on peut refaire aujourd’hui et faire encore tourner les têtes…

Lot 134

1950 Jaguar XK120 SE Roadster Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 670814

Estimate: €110,000 - £130,000

It was at the 1948 London Motor Show that Jaguar virtually threw the sports car world into turmoil with its stunning XK120. Here was a car with incredible style and looks, a powerful six cylinder engine installed in an outstanding chassis and a remarkably low price, a quarter that of a V12 Ferrari, but with similar performance. At the heart of the William Lyons styled roadster was that all-new 3,442cc twin overhead camshaft XK engine, producing 160bhp via twin SU carburettors, sufficient for 126mph and 0-60mph in 10 seconds. The XK120 became a massive success, both on the road and the track, where it scored numerous victories. The many drivers included Stirling Moss, Peter Walker, Peter Whitehead, Leslie Johnson and lan Appleyard. In XK120C/C-Type form it won Le Mans in both 1951 and ‘53, while its engine was to power three more Le Sarthe winners and a whole host of successful Jaguar models for the next fifty years. Rolling off the production line on 6th October 1950, chassis 670814 has enjoyed a large amount of restoration work in the last few years - notably the engine has been rebuilt with new pistons, and a number of other items attended to. Presented in Grey Metallic with a Blue leather interior, this is an very good example of one of Jaguar’s finest post-war efforts. Sortie des lignes de production le 6 Octobre 1950 avec le numéro de chassis 670814, cette voiture a subi beaucoup de restaurations ces dernières années, principalement le moteur qui a été refait avec de nouveaux pistons et beaucoup d’autres choses remplacées. Présentée en gris métallisé avec un intérieur en cuir bleu c’est un très bon exemple d’une Jaguar d’après guerre.


File Image

Lot 135

1954 Chevrolet Corvette C1 “ Blue Flame” Registration Number: UK Registered

Chassis Number: E54S004622

Estimate: €55,000 - €70,000

The Chevrolet Corvette C1 was envisioned as an American interpretation of the European sports car. With the use of fiberglass for its body, it was hoped that it represented a new form of personal and leisure transportation. Launched in 1953 with the 235 ci ‘Blue Flame’ inline six which featured three single-barrel Carter side-draft carburetors attached to an effortless Powerglide automatic transmission. The ‘Blue Flame’ cars were produced for just two years making them amongst the rarest.

The majority of Corvette C1’s sported Polo White exterior with red vinyl interior and a beige convertible top, a now iconic colour combination, as demonstrated by this fantastic example. This Corvette was built in the summer of 1954 and is one of the last 20 Corvettes built for that model year. From 1996 to 1999, this Corvette was thoroughly restored by the Al Prueitt and Sons restoration shop. Prueitt to this day, carry out world class restorations for inclusion in the top Concours events such as Amelia Island and Pebble Beach. Over $180,000 related receipts from Prueitt are available with the car. The quality of this older restoration, and the fact that it has had very little use since, shows in how the car presents itself so gracefully today.


Cette Corvette a été fabriquée pendant l’été 1954 et est une des dernières Corvettes de cette année là. De 1996 à 1999, cette Corvette a été complètement restaurée par les ateliers spécialisés Al Prueitt and Sons. Prueitt a fait une restauration permettant à ce modèle de figurer dans les meilleurs concours comme ceux de Amelia Island ou de Pebble Beach. Des reçus , pour plus de 180,000$sont fournis avec la voiture. La qualité de cette restauration et le fait que la voiture ait peu servi depuis expliquent la beauté du modèle présenté aujourd’hui.


Lot 136

2005 Ferrari F430 F1 Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: ZFFE258B000150500

Estimate: €75,000 - €85,000

A successor to the Ferrari 360, the F430 was debuted at the 2004 Paris Motor Show and produced up until 2009. Designed by Pininfarina, under the guidance of Frank Stephenson, the body styling of the F430 was revised from its predecessor, the Ferrari 360, to improve its aerodynamic efficiency. Although the drag coefficient remained the same, downforce was greatly enhanced. Despite sharing the same basic Alcoa Aluminium chassis, roof line, doors and glass, the car looked significantly different from the 360. A great deal of Ferrari heritage was included in the exterior design. At the rear, the Enzo’s tail lights and interior vents were added. The car’s name was etched into the Testarossa-styled driver’s side mirror. The large oval openings in the front bumper are reminiscent of Ferrari racing models from the 60s, specifically the 156 “sharknose” Formula One car and 250 TR61 Le Mans cars of Phil Hill. Designed with soft-top-convertible. The F430 features a 4.3L V8 petrol engine of the “Ferrari-Maserati” F136 family. This new power plant was a significant departure for Ferrari, as all previous Ferrari V8’s were descendants of the Dino racing program of the 1950s. This fifty-year development cycle came to an end with the entirely new 4.3L, the architecture of which is expected to replace the Dino-derived V12 in most other Ferrari cars. Despite a 20% increase in displacement, engine weight grew by only 4 kg and engine dimensions were decreased, for easier packaging. The connecting rods, pistons and crankshaft were all entirely new, while the four-valve cylinder head, valves and intake trumpets were copied directly from Formula 1 engines, for ideal volumetric efficiency. The F430 has a top speed in excess of 196 mph (315 km/h) and can accelerate from 0 to 62 mph (100 km/h) in 3.9 seconds, 0.6 seconds quicker than the old model. Finished in Red with black leather interior, this car is described to be in very good overall condition throughout. Included in the cars history file are numerous invoices, service book and keys. The F430 represents a significant step in evolution for Ferrari as it moved away from the 50 year reign of the Dino racing program and towards the entirely new compact 4.3L engine and therefore one can argue that these cars are considerably undervalued and represent a fantastic investment opportunity, especially seeing as their cost from new was over €175,000. De couleur rouge avec un intérieur en cuir noir, cette voiture est décrite comme étant en très bon état général. Avec le dossier historique de la voiture il y a de nombreuses factures, le carnet d’entretien et les clés. La F 430 représente un pas significatif dans l’évolution des Ferrari car elle sort des 50 ans de reigne du programme de courses des Dino avec un tout nouveau moteur compact 4.3 L. et cependant on peut dire que ces voitures sont totalement sous estimées et représentent une occasion d’investissement surtout si on considère leur prix d’achat neuves qui est de plus de 175.000 Euros.


Lot 137

1968 Jaguar E-Type Series I 4.2 Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 1E35220

Estimate: €70,000 - €90,000

On its Geneva Show debut in March 1961 the Jaguar E-Type caused a sensation, with all the promise of its looks confirmed by a 150mph top speed and 0-60 and 0-100mph in 6.9 and 16.2 seconds respectively; fast indeed, and combined with superb roadholding and remarkable docility. In October 1964 it was superseded by the 4.2 litre model; apart from the capacity increase from 3,781cc to 4,235cc and improved torque but the same power, it boasted a new all synchromesh gearbox, improved brake servo and seats, an alternator and the dashboard was now leather faced rather than aluminium dashboard. This classic left hand drive example is presented in white with black interior and is in good condition throughout. With its 4.2 engine, these wonderful British sports cars whisk along with the style and grace that was so intended in the 1960s. This particular motor car is no exception. Ce classique exemplaire de conduite à gauche est présenté en blanc avec l’intérieur noir et est dans un très bon état général. Avec son moteur 4.2 cette magnifique voiture de sport Britannique file comme une flèche avec le style et la grâce que l’on aimait dans les années 1960. Cet voiture n’est pas une exception.


Lot 138

1973 Porsche 2.4 S Targa Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: 9113310416

Estimate: €150,000 - €180,000

Porsche’s long-running 911 arrived in 1964, replacing the 356. The latter’s rear-engined layout was retained, but the 911 switched to unitary construction for the body shell and dropped the 356’s VW-based suspension in favour of a more modern McPherson strut and trailing arm arrangement.

In its first incarnation, Porsche’s single-overhead-camshaft, air-cooled flat six displaced 1,991cc and produced 130bhp; progressively enlarged and developed, it would eventually grow to more than 3 liters and, in turbo-charged form, put out well over 300 horsepower. The first of countless upgrades came in 1966 with the introduction of the 911S. Easily distinguishable by its stylish Fuchs five-spoked alloy wheels, the ‘S’ featured a heavily revised engine producing 160bhp, the increased urge raising top speed by 10mph to 135mph. A lengthened wheelbase introduced in 1969 improved the 911’s handling, and then in 1970 the engine underwent the first of many enlargements - to 2.2 liters. The S’s power output then was 180bhp, increasing to 190bhp with the introduction of the 2.4-liter engine for 1972. Tenacious adhesion, responsive steering, very good flexibility, superb brakes, meticulous finish and a solid, unburst able feel were just some of the virtues praised by Motor magazine in its test of a Porsche 911 in 1973. This wonderful blue 2.4S Targa was delivered in January 1973, and today is presented with both its matching numbers engine and in its original colour. The car was delivered new to Germany, and so is a desirable European model. It has been restored in the 1990 and is still in wonderful order- reported to drive and break well.


Both door shuts and chrome work are reported to be in excellent condition. The interior is fitted with its original BlauPunkt radio and is finished in Black- it is again in very good order. Offered with a Porsche Certificate of Authenticity Offered with its Carte Grise and Control Techniques. Cette magnifique Targa 2.4S a été livrée en Janvier 1973 et aujourd’hui elle est présentée avec, à la fois, son moteur « matching numbers » et sa couleur d’origine. La voiture a été livrée neuve en Allemagne et de ce fait est un modèle Européen. Elle a été restaurée dans les années 1990 et est encore en excellent état, elle roule et freine bien. Les deux portières ferment correctement et les chromes sont en excellent état. L’intérieur est équipé de la radio d’origine BlauPunkt, les finitions sont noires, il est aussi en excellent état. Livrée avec un certificat d’authenticité Porsche, sa carte grise et son contrôle technique.


Lot 139

1960 Mercedes-Benz 190SL Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: 12104010016863

Estimate: €140,000 - €160,000

In 1954, Mercedes displayed a concept at the New York Auto show of a beautiful twoseat roadster with a removable hardtop. This concept came to market in 1955 as the 190SL, a more approachable, less intense sports car compared to the record-breaking 300SL ‘Gullwing’. While the 190SL features a carbureted 1.9 liter inline four cylinder engine compared to the 300SL’s direct-injected 3 liter slant six, they share basic engine design, suspension system, and level of detail and craftsmanship that defines Mercedes-Benz. The new engine, which shared the same bore and stroke of the 300SL, was paired with dual Solex carburetors and produced 120 horsepower. This powerplant was paired with a fully synchronized 4-speed transmission that sent power to the rear swing axles. The 190SL implemented the same suspension systems as the 300SL, affording it confident handling and drivability. The 190SL is immediately recognizable as a Mercedes, featuring dramatic curves and through yet restrained use of brightwork that defined this era of Mercedes. Many styling cues are borrowed from the 300SL as well, notably the massive three-pointed star in the grille as well as the ‘eyebrows’ over the wheels. While the 190SL did not quite offer the performance of other sports cars of the era, the impeccable quality and attractive styling made the 190 a massive success- selling over 25,000 units before production ceased in 1963. Many of these models were delivered to the United States, where its driving demeanor and elegant styling were highly valued. The 190SL is an important part of the culture of small roadsters in the 1950s, as it demonstrated how luxurious the platform could be. This beautiful 190SL, sporting a wonderful white over red color combination, was originally delivered has had just three owners from new. The first , taking delivery in 1960 kept the car until 1969, when the car changed to its second owner. In 2009 the car was purchased by the third and current owner ( having covered just 58,000 km in this time). A rotisserie restoration was completed in 2015- and now the car, complete with hardtop can only be described as excellent. Well sorted throughout, the fine brightwork compliments the paintwork nicely. Mechanically, this car is in fine working order, recently undergoing a rebuild of the braking system and tuning. With French Control Technique until 2018 and with its French Carte Grise this wonderful 190 presents a rare opportunity to acquire a great example one of the most stylish roadsters of the 1960s with exceptional driving pleasure.


Cette belle 190 SL d’une belle couleur blanche et rouge n’a eu que trois propriétaires. Le premier qui a pris possession de la voiture en 1960 l’a gardée jusqu’en 1969 où elle a été rachetée par son second propriétaire. En 2009 elle a un troisième propriétaire (pendant tout ce temps elle n’a fait que 58.000 km) une restauration a eu lieu en 2015 et maintenant la voiture complétée par un toit en dur peut être décrite comme excellente. En bon état général la peinture est belle et sur le plan mécanique elle est en très bon état de marche , le système de freinage ayant été refait récemment. Avec un contrôle technique Français valable jusqu’en 2018 et sa carte grise Française cette magnifique 190 présente une rare opportunité d’acquérir un des roadsters les plus stylés des années 1960 et d’avoir un exceptionnel plaisir à le conduire.

Lot 140

1972 Jaguar E-Type Series III Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: IS73513

Estimate: €50,000 - €60,000

One consequence of the E-Type’s long process of development had been a gradual increase in weight, but a good measure of the concomitant loss of performance was restored in 1971 with the arrival of what would be the final version – the Series III V12. Weighing only 80lb more than the cast-iron-block 4.2-litre XK six, the new all-alloy, 5.3-litre, overhead-camshaft V12 produced 272bhp, an output good enough for a top speed comfortably in excess of 140mph. Further good news was that the 0-100mph time of around 16 seconds made the V12 the fastestaccelerating E-Type ever. Other mechanical changes beneath the Series III’s more aggressive looking exterior included ventilated front disc brakes, anti-dive front suspension, Lucas transistorised ignition and Adwest power-assisted steering, while automatic transmission was one of the more popular options on what was now more of a luxury Grand Tourer than out-and-out sports car. Flared wheelarches, a deeper radiator air intake complete with grille, and a four-pipe exhaust system distinguished the Series III from its six-cylinder forbears, plus, of course, that all-important ‘V12′ boot badge. The interior though, remained traditional Jaguar. Built in two-seat roadster and ‘2+2′ coupé versions, both of which used the longwheelbase floor pan introduced on the Series II ‘2+2′, the Series III E-Type continued the Jaguar tradition of offering a level of performance and luxury unrivalled in its price range. First registered on 1st July 1972, this Series III Coupe is offered with French papers, and is presented in good order throughout, having benefitted from a change of oil and fluids at 63,000 kilometres. Finished in Black with a Red Leather interior, these later V12-engined E-types are much more relaxing long distance GT cars than earlier models. All in all we feel this is a good example of the iconic E-Type, and excellent value in the current market. N’ayant parcouru que 30.000 km ce magnifique coupé Bertone est de la plus belle couleur pour un Bi-turbo : bleu et gris. Il est présenté en bon état d’origine et avec une carte grise Française.


Lot 141

1983 Alfa Romeo “Disco Volante” Tribute by Carrozzeria Ferrero Registration Number: EU tax paid

Chassis Number: ZAR115380*02478775

Estimate: €150,000 - €180,000

The Alfa Romeo 1900 C52 “Disco Volante”, commonly known simply as Alfa Romeo Disco Volante (Italian for «Flying Saucer»), is a series of experimental sports racing cars produced between 1952 and 1953 by Italian car manufacturer Alfa Romeo in collaboration with Milanese coachbuilder Carrozzeria Touring. The car was distinguished by streamlined, wind tunnel tested bodywork. Three spiders were made in 1952, with a 2-litre all-alloy four-cylinder engine; a year later one was modified into a coupé, and another one into a more conventional-looking spider. Two more examples were built fitted with a six-cylinder 3.5-litre engine from the Alfa Romeo 6C 3000 CM racing car. Four of the five cars built in total survive today. The 1900 C52 was originally developed in 1952 to take part to Sport category races. Its fully enveloping aerodynamic bodywork was developed and built together with Carrozzeria Touring, and wind tunnel tested. Studied to achieve a low drag coefficient even in crosswinds, the body featured a lenticular cross-section both viewed from the front and from the side; the underbody was faired-in. According to some the design of the Jaguar E-type has some design cues similar to the Disco Volante. This tribute to the Disco Volante was built by Carrozzeria Ferrero of Milan during the 1990s and it was restored recently. This car was built on the base of an Alfa Romeo Spider “Duetto” 3rd series 2000cc. The body is in aluminium and the 4c Alfa Romeo engine sounds fantastic. It comes with the Italian Libretto of the Alfa Romeo Spider which is based. Cet hommage à la Disco Volante a été construit par Carrozzeria Ferrero de Milan au cours des années 1990 et elle a été restaurée récemment. Cette voiture a été construite sur la base d’une Alfa Romeo Spider «Duetto» 3ème série 2000cc. Le corps est en aluminium et le moteur 4c Alfa Romeo ont un son fantastique. Elle est livrée avec le Libretto italien de l’Alfa Romeo Spider sur laquelle est basée.


Lot 142

1966 Lancia Flaminia Touring 2.8 GT Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 826.138.1120

Estimate: €85,000 - €100,000

At the 1957 Geneva Motor Show the replacement for the legendary and highly successful Lancia Aurelia was revealed. Named the Flaminia, after a famous Roman road (just as the Aurelia and the Appia had been), it made a profound impression on the automotive world, with its good looks and with Lancia’s traditional quirky and interesting engineering. The Flaminia body design set the stylistic benchmark for saloon cars for years to come and is perhaps Pininfarina’s most influential work of the era. It was clear that also a Flaminia convertible had to follow, and the answer of course was already staring Lancia management in the eye: the Flaminia GT by Carrozzeria Touring. Equipped with the desirable triple-carburettor (3C) engine, this Touring-bodied Flaminia 2.8-litre GT is one of only 168 of its type produced compared with over 1,500 of the 2.5-litre version. This Belgian example, finished in Grigio Metallic with a Tan leather interior, has been with one owner from 1991 until recently. The car has benefitted from an older restoration, supported by documentation and photographs. The Flaminia is said to run well with a lovely patina, although the vendor tells us that the body and paint could benefit from a little attention. Interestingly, this Flaminia is fitted with a very special sliding sunroof, an exceptionally rare and desirable option, and one we have not seen before. It’s exciting to see an example of this rare quick and stylish model, and with prices of contemporary Touring-bodied Astons now in the region of €600-€700,000, this delightful Italian GT presents a wise choice for the smart investor. Equipée du moteur triple carburateur (3C), cette Touring-bodied Flaminia 2,8 litres GT est l’une des seules 168 de cette type produite par rapport à plus de 1500 de la version de 2,5 litres. Cette exemple belge, a terminée en Grigio métallisé avec un intérieur en cuir Tan, a été avec un propriétaire de 1991 jusqu›à récemment. La voiture a bénéficié d›une restauration plus ancienne, soutenue par la documentation et des photographies. Le Flaminia est dite de courir bien avec une belle patine, bien que le vendeur nous dise que le corps et la peinture pourraient bénéficier d’un peu d’attention. Fait intéressant, cette Flaminia est équipée d’un toit ouvrant coulissant très spécial, une option exceptionnellement rare et souhaitable, et celui que nous n’avons pas vu auparavant. Il est passionnant de voir un exemple de cette modèle rapide et élégante et rare, avec des prix de Touring-bodied Astons contemporaine entre 600€ et 700 000€, cette charmante GT italienne présente un choix judicieux pour l’investisseur intelligent.


Lot 143

1960 Ferrari 246 GT “Dino” Type L 1st Dino delivered and registered in France – 11th Dino ever made Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 00428

Estimate: €320,000 - €350,000

This classic and nowadays much sought-after Ferrari was named after Enzo Ferrari’s son Alfredino, who died in 1956, aged 24. Enzo Ferrari credits his son with the inspiration for a series of successful small and medium capacity V6 racing engines built by Ferrari from 1956, and in turn the name was given to a new line of mid-engined production Ferrari V6 coupés which first went on sale in 1969 in two-litre form.

The definitive 246 Dino, with its 2.4 litre V6, appeared in late 1969 and fewer than 4,000 were built (about 1,200 of them the detachable roof Spyder version) before introduction of the slightly larger, and completely re-styled V8 engined 308 Dino in 1973. The delightful bodywork was designed by Pininfarina, and was built in steel by Scaglietti. It covered a straightforward chassis of tubular steel which carried wishbone independent suspension at each corner. The compact engine, with four chain-driven overhead camshafts, was mounted transversely above the five-speed gearbox and just ahead of the rear axle line, allowing both a comfortable cockpit and usable boot space. With its flexible engine, uncomplicated chassis and outstanding handling, and superb looks the 246 Dino is a true classic the like of which has made the name Ferrari possibly the most revered of all motor manufacturers. It is certainly one of the most collectible of all Seventies sports cars. This Dino 246 GT is perhaps the most important Dino in France being the 1st delivered and 1st registered in the country (As confirmed by the Dino register). Only the 11th Dino ever made chassis 428 was, according to Charles Pozzi S.A documents in September 1969 in the L Type Series (chassis 406 to 1116).


Presented in the stunning Lotus JPS Black with gold wheels colour scheme, this matching numbers Dino has only had 4 owner’s since new and only 2 in the last 41 years. Delivered new in light metallic grey, it was the third owner of the car, a Mr Peter Sanguszko, that changed the colour scheme to the now Black and Gold combination. It was at this point the interior was also changed to the 1970s style velvet fabric. In June 1992 Pierre Ventadour acquired the Dino after it had been serviced and extensively checked and proofed by Charles Pozzi. S.A. with whom Pierre enjoyed a close relationship. From 1992 to the present day the car has covered an average of 120 kms per year, driving regularly and consistently in the vicinity of its temperature controlled storage garage in Normandie. Described as working ‘mechanically very well and lying in an unrestored and fundamentally honest state’, this hugely significant example of a Ferrari classic is the perfect base for a high quality restoration. Cette Dino 246 GT est peut être la plus importante Dino de France car elle a été la première à être livrée et immatriculée dans ce pays ( comme le confirme le registre des Dino) C’est seulement la 11ième Dino ,faite avec le chassis 428, d’après les documents de Charles Pozzi S.A. de Septembre 1969, dans la série des L Type ( chassis 406 à 1116) D’une superbe couleur Lotus JPS Black avec des roues dorées , La « matching numbers » Dino n’a eu que quatre propriétaires et seulement deux ces 41 dernières années.Livrée neuve de couleur gris métallisé , c’est son troisième propriétaire , Mr Peter Sanguszko, qui en a changé la couleur. C’est aussi à ce moment là que l’intérieur a été changé pour un tissu velours dans le style des années 1970. En Juin 1992, Pierre Ventadour a acquis la Dino après qu’elle ait été révisée, sérieusement contrôlée et certifiée par Charles Pozzi S.A. avec laquelle pierre a de très bonnes relations. De 1992 à nos jours la voiture a parcouru en moyenne 120 km par ans conduite régulièrement aux alentours de son garage à la température contrôlée en Normandie. Décrite comme mécaniquement bien et partant du fait qu’elle n’a jamais été restaurée, elle est dans un état honnête , l’exemple même d’une Ferrari classique qui est la base parfaite pour une restauration de grande qualité.

Lot 144

1970 Porsche 914/6 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 9140432498

Estimate: €85,000 - €100,000

Porsche’s strong historical links with Volkswagen were reaffirmed in 1969 with the launch of the Porsche-designed VWPorsche 914, a mid-engined, Targa-top sports car to be assembled by Karmann of Osnabrück. At the time Volkswagen needed a new car to replace the ageing Karmann-Ghia while Porsche was looking for another option to add to its line-up.

First seen at the Frankfurt Auto Show, the 914/4 used the 1,679cc, four-cylinder, air-cooled motor of the Volkswagen 411 while the 914/6 was powered by the Porsche 911T’s 2.0-litre six, which was installed at the Zuffenhausen factory where the 914/6 was finished off. Both cars employed all-independent suspension - a mixture of 911 and VW parts - to which were married four-wheel disc brakes and a five-speed gearbox. The 914’s reputation for excellent handling was somewhat marred by criticism that the four-cylinder version was too slow, though lack of speed was never a shortcoming of the 914/6. Porsche being Porsche there was, inevitably, a competition version of the 914/6 – the 914/6GT – a small batch of which was built in 1970. The GT’s engine was tuned for around 220bhp, while glass fibre panels and Plexiglas windows helped get the weight down, and dramatically flared arches accommodated wider wheels. In addition, the factory offered a GT kit that could be ordered with a regular 914/6 to be installed by designated Porsche dealers. The 914/6 was a relatively short-lived model, with only 3,360 examples produced between 1970 and 1972.


This glorious 914/6, supplied from new in a very period shade of Signal Orange with a contrasting black vinyl interior, was delivered new to the USA, where it spent many years before returning to Germany in 2008. Although never completely restored, the car enjoyed a repaint some years ago, which still presents well. Since being repatriated, the car has enjoyed an engine rebuild by Porsche restorer and race preparer Freisinger Motorsport of Karlsruhe in Germany. There are invoices to support this rebuild and other work to the car. Offered with German registration papers, original instruction book, original jack and the all-important Porsche Certificate of Authenticity, this is a well sorted example of the father of the modern Boxster.

Cette glorieuse 914/6, fourni à partir de nouveau dans une période d’ombre même de Signal orange avec un intérieur contrastant en vinyle noir, a été livrée nouvelle aux Etats-Unis, où elle a passée de nombreuses années avant de retourner en Allemagne en 2008. Bien que jamais complètement restaurée, la voiture bénéficié d’une repeindre il y a quelques années, qui se présente encore bien. Depuis son rapatriement, la voiture a bénéficié d’un moteur reconstruit par un Porsche rénovateur et course préparateur Freisinger Motorsport de Karlsruhe en Allemagne. Il y a des factures à l’appui de cette reconstruction et d’autres travaux à la voiture. Livrée avec les papiers d’enregistrement allemand, livre d’instruction d’origine, la prise d’origine et le tout-importante Certificat d’Authenticité Porsche, cette voiture est un très bon exemple du père de la Boxster moderne.


Lot 145

1981 Ferrari 308 GTSi Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: ZFFAA02A8B0036529

Estimate: €65,000 - €80,000

October 1975 saw the debut of the most successful shape ever to wear the Cavallino Rampante emblem. Over 20,000 examples of all engine types and sizes were produced from 1975-1989. The 3 litre four cam V8 was more or less unchanged until March 1981 when Bosch fuel injection was added in place of the 4 double choke Webers, the Bosch K-Jetronic mechanical fuel injection dropped its power to 214 hp. Two years later, the 4-valve per cylinder Quattrovalvole or QV model pushed output back up to 240 hp restoring the performance. The European version boasted higher horsepower than the American model due to lightness and less stringent Federalizing. Only 748 308 GTB QV models were produced. Presented in the classic combination of Rosso Corsa with a contrasting Beige leather interior, This is a nice original car showing 55,000 kilometres recorded, and having just benefited from a major service. Offered with the relevant title document, and supplied in good to excellent condition in all respects, this is a great entry-level Ferrari which we are sure will offer many days of driving fun in the summer months. Présentée dans la combinaison classique de Rosso Corsa avec un intérieur en cuir beige contrastant, c’est un joli modèle qui a parcouru 55.000 km et vient juste d’être sérieusement révisée. Vendue avec les documents adéquats et étant en bon, voire excellent état général, c’est une Ferrari de bonne entrée de gamme qui, nous en sommes sûrs, vous procurera beaucoup de plaisir à conduire pendant les mois d’été.


Lot 146

2001 Harley Davidson Softail Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: 1HD1BTY131Y046629

Estimate: €20,000- €25,000

This excellent example, was supplied new in April 2001 in Black. With very few km displayed on the odometer, the machine is reported to start and run well. A true collectors’ piece with wonderful custom coachwork. Cet excellent modèle a été livré en Avril 2001 en noir. Avec peu de kilomètres au compteur, ce véhicule démarre et marche bien. Une véritable pièce de collection avec une belle carrosserie .

Lot 147

1972 MG B Roadster Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: GHNJL39123G

Estimate €18,000 - €22,000

The MGB was a very modern design at the time of its introduction, utilizing a monocoque structure instead of the traditional body-on-frame construction used on both the MGA and MG T-types and the MGB’s rival, the Triumph TR series. The lightweight design reduced manufacturing costs while adding to overall vehicle strength. The MGB’s performance was considered brisk at the time of its introduction, with a 0–60 mph time of just over 11 seconds, aided by the relatively light weight of the car, which also ensured that handling was one of the MGB’s strong points. The roadster was the first of the MGB range to be produced. The body was a two-seater roadster but a small (to say the least) rear seat was a rare option at one point. By making better use of space the MGB was able to offer more and better passenger and luggage accommodation than the earlier MGA. This wonderful example with us here today is finished in White with black interior. Provided with its full weather equipment, this particular example is very interesting as it comes with its full history. These are fantastic little cars and this particular LHD example is perfect for the European roads. Ce magnifique modèle est présenté aujourd’hui en blanc avec l’intérieur noir. Livré avec son équipement pour tous les temps, ce modèle est très intéressant car il a une histoire. Ce sont de fantastiques petites voitures et ce modèle LHD est parfait pour les routes Européennes.

Lot 148

1931 Cadillac Fleetwood Drophead Coupe Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 809471

Estimate: €80,000 - €90,000

The Cadillac Series 355 was manufactured from 1931 to 1935. They were 8-cylinder cars, sold in several models: a 2-door club coupe, a 2-door convertible, 4-door convertible, a 4-door sedan a 4-door town car and a 4-door limousine. This rare 1930’s Cadillac 355 (Golfers) Drophead Coupe by Fleetwood, is liveried in real 23 carat Gold Leaf and is believed by the vendor, to have once belonged to the mega star pianist Liberace. While not pristine, the car is described as being in lovely condition and has been the subject of a considerable renovation at a cost of tens of thousands of pounds. The car spent 12 years in a German museum purporting to be Liberace’s Cadillac.

As the car now stands, you can still see the gold plating on the inner door handles and even the wiper arms. The precious stones are still present in the hub caps but the mascot has lost one its rubies. The gear knob is now wood and the exterior handles would appear to be chrome. Another unique feature of the car is the driving lights, which swivel in concert with the steering wheels. The gold leaf coachwork is offset by the full, white leather upholstery and a working hood completes this stunning vehicle. The car is powered by a 5.7 Litre V8 engine which is mated to a 3 speed manual transmission. The has recently been fully serviced. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a piece of history with exceptional additions and cosmetic enhancements one can only dream of! Cette rare Cadillac 355 (Golfers) Drophead Coupe by Fleetwood de 1930 est recouverte de véritable feuille d’or 23 Carats et le vendeur pense qu’elle a appartenu au célèbre pianiste Liberace. La voiture est décrite comme étant en très bon état et a subit de considérables rénovations pour des dizaines de milliers de Livres. Elle a passé 12 ans dans un musée Allemand en tant que la Cadillac de Liberace.

Actuellement on peut encore voir le revêtement doré sur les poignées intérieures des portières et même sur la base des essuie glaces. Il y a encore des pierres précieuses sur les enjoliveurs des moyeux mais la mascotte a perdu un de ses rubis. Le pommeau des vitesses est maintenant en bois et les poignées extérieures sont en chrome. Une autre particularité de cette voiture ce sont les phares qui pivotent avec le mouvement du volant. La carrosserie dorée est mise en valeur par le capitonnage en cuir blanc et le capot qui complète ce véhicule étonnant. La voiture est propulsée par un moteur 5.7 litres V8 relié a une transmission manuelle 3 vitesses. La voiture a été récemment complètement révisée. C’est une rare opportunité d’acquérir une pièce historique avec des améliorations et des embellissements dont on peut simplement rêver !


Lot 149

1967 Alfa Romeo Giulia Super 1600 Bollino Oro Registration Number: EU taxes paid

Chassis Number: AR341038

Estimate: €32,000 - €37,000

The Alfa Romeo Giulia (Type 105) was a sports saloon produced from 1962 to 1978. Weighing about 1,000kgs, the Giulia was powered by a light-alloy DOHC 4-cylinder engine similar to that fitted to the earlier Giulietta models. Engine capacity was 1,290cc or 1,570cc, and with various carburettor and tuning configurations they produced power outputs from about 80bhp to 110bhp. Almost all Giulias had a 5-speed manual transmission, and Giulias were noted for their lively performance, especially considering their modest engine size. The popular Super version with the twin carb 1.6-litre engine had a top speed of 170km/h (106mph), while 0-100km/h (62mph) took about 12 seconds – better performance than many sports cars of the late 1960s and early 1970s. The Giulia’s body styling was quite straightforward, but it featured much interesting detail. Due to wind tunnel development, the Giulia was very aerodynamic with a drag coefficient of 0.34 – particularly low for a saloon of the era. This 1967 Giulia Super 1600 Bollino Oro on offer today is presented in very good original condition throughout. The car comes with its original owner’s manual and its original Italian registration papers. The car is presented in green paintwork and has light brown/beige cloth interior. Cette Giulia Super 1600 Bollino Oro est présentée dans un très bon état général. La voiture est fournie avec le manuel d’origine et les papiers d’immatriculation d’origine Italiens. La voiture est verte et le tissu intérieur et brun/ beige clair.


Lot 150

1954 Jaguar XK120 Roadster Registration Number: EU taxes paid

Chassis Number: 674466

Estimate: €100,000 - €140,000

It was at the 1948 London Motor Show that Jaguar virtually threw the sports car world into turmoil with its stunning XK120. Here was a car with incredible style and looks, a powerful six cylinder engine installed in an outstanding chassis and a remarkably low price - a quarter that of a V12 Ferrari with similar performance. The combination was unbeatable and without doubt the XK120 was an absolute milestone for both Jaguar and the motor industry as a whole. XK120 orders flooded in, ironic as it was designed as an interim model to publicise the XK engine for the new Mk VII saloon - Jaguar had only planned to produce around 200! At the heart of the William Lyons styled roadster was that all-new 3,442cc twin overhead camshaft XK engine, producing 160bhp via twin SU carburettors - sufficient for 126mph and 0-60mph in 10.0 seconds. The XK120 became a massive success - both on the road and the track where it scored numerous victories, the many drivers including Stirling Moss, Peter Walker, Peter Whitehead, Leslie Johnson and Ian Appleyard; indeed, in XK120C/CType form it won Le Mans in both 1951 and ‘53, while its engine was to power three more Sarthe winners and a whole host of Jaguars right up to the present day.

The car offered today is a beautiful XK 120 Roadster. Finished in a dark green with light brown leather interior, it also comes with a black hood. The car also comes with a C Type cylinder head and has the 3.4cc engine installed. This car comes with its Italian registration and the ASI Gold plate certification. La voiture présentée aujourd’hui est un beau XK 120 Roadster. Vert sombre avec un intérieur en cuir marron clair, elle a une capote noire. Elle possède une culasse de Type C et a un moteur 3.4cc. Elle est immatriculée en Italie et a un certificat de plaque ASI Gold.


Lot 151

1957 Bentley S1 Continental Sports Saloon Coachwork by James Young Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: BC 26 CH

Estimate: €130,000 - €170,000

Launched in April 1955 the Bentley SI and the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud were virtually identical with the exception of the grille and badging details. Both of these models were recipients of Managing Director Arthur Sedgreaves’ new production and manufacturing techniques, which produced the Standard Steel Saloon. The Standard Steel Saloon fulfilled the company’s commercial requirements, but not necessarily those of all its customers. For those preferring something more elegant or more exclusive, England’s coachbuilders were still offering bespoke coachwork. As in true coachbuilding tradition, many design variations were possible on the same theme. Those who could afford such cars were limited only by their imagination, particularly regarding interior furnishings and custom touches. Most of the Bentley Ss were bodied by H.J. Mulliner and Park Ward, but James Young of Bromley also decided to produce bespoke coachwork for the S Continental. This four door Continental sporting saloon, often referred to as the “James Young Flying Spur” was very similar in design to the H.J. Mulliner “four light”, but the James Young design was smoother and more subtly curvaceous than the Mulliner version. The doors and wings were more rounded in profile with greater “tumblehome” and the boot line curved distinctly downwards in comparison to the more rectangular boot of the Mulliner Flying Spur. This beautiful example was restored in the late 1980s by the renowned Peter Fischer of London, and is now presented in excellent condtion in all respects. This supremely stylish Bentley is finished in a stunning combination of Pewter with a Tan leather interior. Cette berline quatre portes Continental est souvent appelée la « James Young Flying Spur », elle ressemble à la H.J. Mulliner « four light » mais la ligne de la James Young est plus douce et a des courbes plus subtiles que la Mulliner. Les portières et les ailes ont un profil plus arrondi avec plus de « rentrée » et la courbure du coffre s’incline distinctement vers le bas contrairement au coffre rectangulaire de la Mulliner Flying Spur. Ce beau modèle a été restauré à la fin des années 1980 par le célèbre Peter Fischer De Londres et est maintenant en excellent état. Cette Bentley très stylée est de couleur étain avec un intérieur en cuir marron.


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Lot 152

1958 Porsche 356A Cabriolet by Reutter Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: 150531

Estimate: €160,000- €190,000

Although Ferdinand Porsche had established his automotive design consultancy in the early 1930s, his name would not appear on a car until 1949. When it did, it graced one of the all-time great sports cars: the Porsche 356. Having commenced manufacture with a short run of aluminium-bodied cars built at Gmünd, Porsche began volume production of the steel-bodied 356 coupé at its old base in Stuttgart, at first in premises shared with coachbuilders Reutter and then (from 1955) in its original factory at Zuffenhausen. The work of Ferry Porsche, the 356 was based on the Volkswagen designed by his father, and like the immortal ‘Beetle’ employed a platform-type chassis with rear-mounted air-cooled engine and all-independent torsion bar suspension. Regularly revised and updated, Porsche’s landmark sports car would remain in production well into the 911 era, the final examples being built in 1965. Cabriolets had been manufactured right from the start of 356 production, but the first open Porsche to make a significant impact was the Speedster, introduced in 1954 following the successful reception in the USA of a batch of 15 special roadsters. The Speedster was dropped in 1958 and replaced by the more civilised Convertible D, which differed principally by virtue of its larger windscreen and winding side windows. Porsche subcontracted cabriolet body construction to a number of different coachbuilders including Drauz of Heilbronn, d’Ieteren of Brussels and, of course, Reutter. By the time the 356B arrived in September 1959, the car had gained a one-piece rounded windscreen and 15”-diameter wheels, and the newcomer’s introduction brought with it further styling revisions and an engine now standardised at 1,600cc. This wonderful matching numbers example is finished in its original colour combination of Red over Beige Leather and left the factory on the 06th June 1958. Remaining in the warm and sunny climate of Arizona it was repatriated back to European shores in 2012. During 2013 it was subject to a mechanically restoration which still remains in very good order. Complete with Porsche Certificate of Authenticity and its French Carte Grise papers. With its unusual but strikingly handsome beige interior and matching soft-top, this beautiful Porsche makes a lasting impression and should provide the fortunate new owner with plenty of immensely enjoyable wind-in-the-hair motoring next summer.


Ce magnifique modèle aux couleurs assorties : Rouge sur cuir Beige a quitté l’usine le 6 Juin 1958 .Il est resté un temps à la chaleur et au climat ensoleillé de l’Arizona avant d’être rapatrié en Europe en 2012.En 2013 il a subit une restoration mécanique et est encore en très bon état.Il est accompagné du certificat d’authenticité Porsche et de sa carte grise Française.Avec son intérieur beige, inhabituel mais très beau et sa capote souple assortie, cette magnifique Porsche fait beaucoup d’effet et procurera à son chanceux nouveau propriétaire l’immense plaisir de conduire cheveux au vent l’été prochain.

Lot 153

1968 Lancia Fulvia Coupè Rallye 1.3 Registration Number: EU taxes paid

Chassis Number: 818330*013320*

Estimate: €17,000 - €20,000

The introduction of the Fulvia saloon in 1963 maintained Lancia’s reputation for innovation in automobile design. Designed by Antonio Fessia, the boxy-styled Appia replacement featured an all-new, narrow-angle, V4, overhead-camshaft engine; front wheel drive; independent front suspension by double wishbones; and disc brakes all round. A 2+2 coupé on a shorter wheelbase was launched in 1965. Though mechanically similar, the beautiful newcomer had all the visual presence its progenitor lacked and came with a 1,216cc engine producing 80bhp. In 1967 the model was up-rated with the 1,298cc, 85bhp engine, becoming the Fulvia Rallye 1.3. Tuned, lightweight ‘HF’ versions provided increased performance and formed the basis of the works’ highly successful rally programme that saw the Fulvia HF1600 secure Lancia’s first Manufacturers’ World Championship in 1972. This wonderful example comes to the auction with Italian documents. Finished in red Montebello with black interior, it is described as being in very good overall condition. This original Fulvia Rallye 1.3 S was produced even when the manufacturer ‘Lancia’ was not incorporated by the Fiat group. The engine has been prepared well and participated in some historic rallies over the last few years. A truly iconic Italian rally car! Cette voiture merveilleuse vient à la vente aux enchères avec des documents italiens. Terminé à Montebello rouge avec intérieur noir, elle est décrite comme étant en très bon état général. Cette originale Fulvia Rallye 1.3 S a été produit même lorsque le fabricant ‘Lancia’ n’a pas été incorporé par le groupe Fiat. Le moteur a été bien préparé et participé à des rassemblements historiques au cours des dernières années. Une voiture de rallye italienne vraiment emblématique!


Lot 154

2004 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA

Estimate: €210,000 - €230,000

Commencing with the 348, Ferrari had started the first factory-backed, one-make race series for amateur and semi-professional racing drivers back in 1993, and the immensely successful Ferrari Challenge increased in popularity with the subsequent introduction of the F355 and 360 Modena. The latter first appeared on the grid in Challenge form in 2000, featuring a multitude of alterations making it more suitable for track use. Three years later, at the Geneva International Motor Show, Ferrari introduced the 360 Challenge Stradale, which in essence was a lightened version of the 360 Modena incorporating some of the racer’s suspension and braking improvements while remaining sufficiently civilised for road use. This car was ordered and carefully specified through Ferrari VIP, Italy by 17 times GP Podium winner, Norick Abe. Abe was one of the most famous and admired Japanese GP motor cycle rider. Famed for his pugnacious style and flare he was sadly killed in a road-bike collision on the 7th October 2007. This car was tailored with a racing theme having the CS factory stripe, yellow brake callipers all the standard carbon fibre pieces and being a euro spec car has the full throttle exhaust system so sounds amazing. Having covered just 14,000 kms from new this immaculate car comes with a full Ferrari service history. A fine, rare example of this sought after collectors’ car! Cette voiture a été commandée à Ferrari VIP en Italie par Norick Abe le vainqueur de 17 GP Podium. Abe était le plus célèbre des coureurs de GP moto. Pugnace et brillant il a malheureusement été tué dans un accident de moto le 7 Octobre 2007. Cette voiture a été faite dans un style de voiture de course avec les étriers de freins jaune , toutes les pièces standards en fibre de carbone. Et étant une voiture faite pour l’Europe elle a un système d’échappement complet et ne fait pas de bruit .N’ayant fait que 14.000 km depuis l’origine cette voiture immaculée est livrée avec un historique complet du service Ferrari. Un beau et rare exemple de ce que recherchent les collectionneurs.


Lot 155

1983 Maserati BiTurbo Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: ZAM331B00DB103504

Estimate: NO RESERVE

Maserati’s mainstream model throughout the 1980s and the first series-production road car to employ a twin turbo-charged engine, the Biturbo debuted in two-door form 1982. Intended to challenge BMW and Mercedes-Benz in the luxury sporting saloon market, the Biturbo was of conventional, front engine/ rear drive layout and featured all-independent suspension, four-wheel disc brakes, and an interior boasting sumptuous leather upholstery and plentiful wood veneer trim. The all-steel unitary chassis/body was styled in-house and built by Innocenti, part of the De Tomaso Empire like Maserati. ZF five-speed manual and three-speed automatic were the two transmission options, while a limited-slip differential came as standard. Produced initially with a 2-litre, threevalves-per-cylinder, 90-degree V6, the Biturbo gained 2.5-litre, 2.8-litre and four-valves-per-cylinder engines as the model range expanded throughout the 1980s to include four-door saloon and open-topped spyder variants. The 2.5-litre unit was the first addition to the range of engines and like the 2.0-litre original was an all-alloy, two-cam V6 with three valves per cylinder, the two inlets being different sizes to promote efficient cylinder filling over a wide rev range. Turbo lag, a not uncommon problem with this form of forced induction, was addressed by using two small IHI turbochargers rather than a single large one, fed by a solitary Weber carburettor. In this form the Biturbo engine produced 192bhp (DIN) and 220lb/ft of torque when installed in the two-door saloon, figures good enough for a top speed in excess of 130mph. Having covered just 30,000 km from new this wonderful Bertone coupe is finished in arguably the best colour combination for a BiTurbo- blue over grey. Offered in highly original and good order, and with its French Carte Grise.


Lot 156

1961 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: SXC651

Estimate: €40,000 - €50,000

The advent of the Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud and Bentley ‘S’ series in 1955 was surely one of the main reasons behind the demise of most of the few remaining coachbuilders still producing bodies for Rolls-Royce and Bentley chassis. The Silver Dawn standard steel saloon, being effectively a Bentley in disguise, had not really intruded upon the coachbuilt Silver Wraith market. The Silver Cloud however, with Silver Wraith track and a longer wheelbase that the Silver Dawn, clothed with a beautifully proportioned body, was a far more formidable opponent. Here was a car which looked so ‘right’ that there was little incentive for customers to order bespoke coachwork, and soon afterwards both Freestone & Webb and Hooper ceased coachbuilding. If anything detrimental can be said about the Silver Clouds, it is probably that one can have too much of a good thing. As a result of the standard steel design being such a success, some of the most favoured bespoke Silver Cloud coachwork was adapted from the standard shape. The two with the most enduring appeal are the Mulliner adaptation drophead and the longer wheelbase saloon with division by Park Ward. Put simply, Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud II’s rarely come better than the masterpiece offered here. Presented in a two-tone Navy Blue and Silver with a Grey interior the car has been looked after with the upmost of care throughout its life. Offered with a full service history along with extensive documentation of bills and receipts the car has full French Carte Gris with a Contole Gris until April 2018. Ce magnifique exemplaire de voitures majestueuses est presenté en bleu nuit. C’est une conduite à droite et elle est en excellent état avec son intérieur en cuir noir à la belle patine. C’est une de ces voitures de luxe Britanniques iconiques , elle permet de voyager luxueusement et peut rivaliser avec des exemplaires modernes .


Lot 157

1955 Austin Healey 100/4 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: BN1

Estimate: €50000 - €60,000

In 1951, when the established range of Healey cars was selling steadily but out of the price range of most enthusiasts, Donald Healey realised there was a market for a relatively low-priced but high performance sports car. A readily available, reliable and tuneable engine was required and BMC agreed to supply the 2,660cc four cylinder unit from its Austin A90 model, together with Austin’s three-speed with overdrive gearbox.

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For the chassis of the new car Healey and his son Geoffrey designed a simple but torsionally strong ladder frame using the A90’s independent coil spring/wishbone front suspension and a leaf-sprung rear axle located by Panhard rod, with drum brakes all round. Finally, an attractive, open two seater body was penned by Gerry Coker, the final rendition of which incorporated some last minute changes by Donald Healey himself. The result, launched to a surprised public at the 1952 London Motor Show, caused a sensation and met with immediate approval from press and enthusiasts alike. It looked superb with performance to match; producing 94bhp at 4,000rpm, it could achieve 111mph with the windscreen folded flat and 0-60mph acceleration in 10.3 seconds. Called simply the Healey 100, the new car also caught the attention of BMC supremo Leonard Lord who at once struck an agreement with Healey to market the car as the Austin Healey 100. Production began in May 1953 and it wasn’t long before the model was selling like hot cakes and featuring strongly in production racing on both sides of the Atlantic. This beautiful 100/4 is presented in a dark aubergine colour with beige trim. Having enjoyed a thorough restoration in 2015, costing €25,000 with bills to prove it, the car can rarely have been looking better. To many collectors and enthusiasts, the Austin-Healey 100’s are the purest of the big Healeys. They’re sleek, stunning to view and have that big, torquey engine, and though a good example like this one is ideal for carving up deserted back roads, it is also capable of keeping up with modern traffic.


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Baptisée simplement la Healey 100 , cette nouvelle voiture a attiré l’attention de Leonardo Lord de BMC qui a passé un accord avec Healey pour commercialiser la voiture sous le nom de Austin Healey 100. La production débuta en Mai 1953 et très vite la voiture s’est vendue comme des petits pains des deux côtés de l’Atlantique. Cette belle 100/4 est présentée en couleur Aubergine et beige. Ayant été restaurée en 2015 pour un coût de 25.000 Euros , avec factures à l’appuie , elle ne peut paraitre mieux. Pour les collectionneurs et les amateurs la Austin Healey 100 est la plus pure de toutes les Healey. Elle est brillante , superbe à regarder et un modèle comme celui-ci est idéal pour parcourir les petites routes, mais est aussi capable d’assumer la circulation moderne.

Lot 158

1963 Porsche 356 B 1600S Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 120709

Estimate: £€60,000 - 70,000 Estimate:

The Porsche 356 is a luxury sports car which was first produced by Austrian company Porsche Konstruktionen GesmbH (1948-1949), and then by German company Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche GmbH (1950-1965). It was Porsche’s first production automobile. Earlier cars designed by the Austrian company includes Cisitalia Grand Prix race car, and the Volkswagen Beetle as well as Auto Union Grand Prix cars were designed by the German company. In late 1959 significant styling and technical refinements gave rise to the 356 B (a T5 body type). The mid-1962 356 B model was changed to the T6 body type (twin engine lid grilles, an external fuel filler in the right front wing/fender and a larger rear window in the coupé). The Porsche factory did not call attention to these quite visible changes with a different model designation. However, when the T6 got disc brakes, with no other visible alterations, they called it the model C, or the SC when it had the optional extra powerful engine. A unique “Karmann hardtop” or “notchback” 356 B model was produced in 1961 and 1962. The 1961 production run (T5) was essentially a cabriolet body with the optional steel cabriolet hardtop welded in place. The 1962 line (T6 production) was a very different design in that the new T6 notchback coupé body did not start life as a cabriolet, but with its own production design—In essence, part cabriolet rear end design, part T6 coupé windshield frame, unique hard top. Both years of these unique cars have taken the name “Karmann notchback”. This lovely example is presented in red with tan interior complimented by its red dash. The bodywork is in good condition as indeed is the rest of the car. These are highly sought after German sports cars and this particular car would be a great addition to any collection. Ce beau modèle est présenté en rouge avec un intérieur marron mis en valeur par des touches de rouge. La carrosserie est en bon état ainsi que le reste de la voiture. Elle fait partie de ces voitures de sport Allemandes très recherchées et sera un plus dans n’importe quelle collection.


Lot 159

1984 Mercedes-Benz 380 SL Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: WDBBAAUSA3EA004025

Estimate: €9,000 - €14,000

The Mercedes-Benz R107 and C107 are automobiles which were produced by Mercedes-Benz from 1971 through 1989, being the second longest single series ever produced by the automaker, after the G-Class. They were sold under the SL (R107) and SLC (C107) model names as the 280 SL, 280 SLC, 300 SL, etc. up to the 560 SL. The SL variant was a 2-seat convertible/roadster with standard soft top and optional hardtop and optional folding seats for the rear bench. The SLC (C107) derivative was a 2-door hardtop coupe with normal rear seats. The SLC is commonly referred to as an ‘SL coupe’, and this was the first time that MercedesBenz had based a coupe on an SL roadster platform rather than on a saloon, replacing the former saloon-based 280/300 SE coupé in Mercedes lineup. The SLC was replaced earlier than the SL, with the model run ending in 1981, with a much larger model, the 380 SEC and 500SEC based on the new S class. This is the 380 SL model and is presented in metallic silver with black leather interior with black hood and is powered by the popular and smooth V8 which provides luxury fast travelling on any main or minor road. These are now highly sought after models of this iconic marque. Ceci est le modèle 380 SL et elle est présentée en argent métallique avec l’intérieur en cuir noir avec capuchon noir avec le populaire V8 qui offre une voyage luxurieuse et rapide sur une route principale ou secondaire. Ceux-ci sont maintenant très recherchés modèles de cette marque emblématique.


Lot 160

1990 Lamborghini Countach Anniversary - one owner for 25 years Under 400 miles from new Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: ZA9C005A0KLA12031

Estimate: €325,000 - €365,000

Few would deny that Lamborghini’s Countach is the quintessential supercar of its era. It was built by a talented and passionate team of designers and engineers with the purpose of being the most extrovert and outrageous of cars available for the street. As a replacement for the fabulous Miura this was a tall order, but there can be no doubt that it succeeded and even today, though there are more modern cars and faster cars, the Countach will draw people’s attention like nothing else. The stunning styling was by Bertone’s Marcello Gandini and when the first prototype was revealed as project 112, one of the factory workers exclaimed Countach, a local Piemontese expletive, politely translated as Wow! The name stuck. Incorporating much race car technology, it was an automotive tour de force. With its back-to-front, longitudinally mounted, V12 engine and gearbox, independent double wishbone suspension all round and rigid space frame, it was easily the fastest production car around, reaching a claimed 190mph. Like its predecessor, the car quickly found favour with enthusiastic drivers and wealthy playboys alike. One of Lamborghini’s most loyal customers was Formula One race team owner, Walter Wolf, who owned several examples, one of which was modified for him by the factory to be quicker still. Suspension revisions allowed the fitting of much wider wheels mounted with Pirelli’s brand new P7 tyre, designed especially for this car. Flared wheel arches sprouted from the flanks and at the front an air dam was fitted, while a huge delta wing sprouted from the rear bootlid. With engine modifications, Wolf reckoned his car was fast enough to be competitive at Le Mans. Lessons learned from Wolf’s car were put into practice with the introduction of the S variant, essentially a cosmetic replica. 667 units came off the production line at Sant Agata before the Diablo was scheduled to replace it in 1990. It wasn’t ready however so the ‘Anniversario’ stepped up to the plate. Based on the current QV chassis, much had changed. The front and rear bumpers were re-designed, now with extra cooling vents for the front brakes. Sills had additional cooling streaks for the rear brakes and more cooling could be found on the rear shoulders. The suspension was modified in order to accommodate the new Pirelli P Zero tyres and OZ split-rim wheels and all modifications were executed under the watchful eye of champion racing driver, Sandro Munari.


Purchased in August 1990 directly from the factory, this fabulous matching numbers example of the 25th Anniversary was owned by the same enthusiast from 1990 to 2015. The Countach has now covered a mere 625 kilometres from new, at the hands of two careful owners, and has just enjoyed a comprehensive service by the Lamborghini Centre Belgium, to the tune of €18,000. As such, and bearing in mind the extremely low mileage, this immensely impressive car is said to be in as new, factory condition, both on the inside and outside. Offered with both keys, relevant Lamborghini Manuals, Service Book and proof of matching numbers, this is effectively a brand new, barely run in Lamborghini Countach. This incredible car provides a genuinely once in a lifetime opportunity for the true enthusiast. Acheté en Aout 1990 directement à l’usine ce fabuleux modèle « matching numbers » du 25ième Anniversaire a fait le bonheur de ses deux soigneux propriétaires de 1990 à 2015. La Countach » a parcouru à peine 625 kilomètres. Elle vient juste de subir une révision au Lamborghini Centre Belgium pour un coût de 18.000 Euros. Ainsi, et en tenant compte de son faible kilométrage, on peut dire que ce formidable véhicule est comme sorti d’usine, neuf autant à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur. Livré avec ses deux clés, le manuel Lamborghini , le carnet d’entretien et la preuve des « matching numbers » C’est , en fait une Lamborghini Countach neuve qui a à peine roulé.

Lot 161

1968 Citroen DS 21 Cabriolet Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA

Estimate: €70,000 - €90,000

Rewind to 1968 and the stunning Citroen DS 21 was rolling off production lines. It featured a powerful (for the time) 139bhp, 2.2-litre petrol engine with an innovative four-speed semi-automatic transmission and knee-trembling styling. There was arguably very little as stylish and as comfortable on long, cross continental cruises as the DS 21. Other neat features include Citroen’s self-levelling suspension, a stylish single-prong steering wheel and an in-built Continental radio that looks as if it should take centre stage in an art gallery. This supremely stylish DS was converted into a cabriolet when new in 1968 by the French coachbuilder Ivanoff, who is believed to have produced a mere 26 examples in total.

The DS was later restored in 2005 to the standard you see here today. A beautiful example of a one of the most elegant designs of the period.


Cette DS très stylée a été transformée en cabriolet alors qu’elle était neuve en 1968 par le carrossier Français Ivanoff, qui en a produit 26 exemplaires en tout. La DS a été restaurée en 2005 telle que vous la voyez aujourd’hui. Un bel exemple d’un design des plus élégants de cette époque.


Lot 162

1994 Porsche 964 Speedster One owner from new Registration Number: French registered

Chassis Number: WP0CB2966RS465926

Estimate: €120,000- €160,000

With the introduction of the 911 Speedster in January 1989, Porsche revived a charismatic model from its past, the name previously having been applied to that most stylish of the many Type 356 variants. Based on the 911 Turbo Cabriolet, though normally aspirated, the 3.2-litre Speedster was launched immediately prior to the introduction of the new Type 964 bodyshell, and thus was the last 911 model to feature the ‘old style’ body. The latter was reworked by chief stylist Tony Lapine, incorporating numerous references to the original 356 Speedster as well as a pair of controversial ‘camel

hump’ cowlings behind the seats that concealed the stowed-away manual hood. A mere 2,102 Speedsters had been completed by the time of the new Type 964’s introduction in August 1989. Their arrival representing a major step forward in the development of Porsche’s perennial 911, the Type 964 Carreras marked the first time that four-wheel drive had been seen on a series-production model, appearing on the Carrera 4. Porsche had experimented with four-wheel drive on the 959 supercar, and many of the lessons learned from the latter influenced the design of the new Carreras’ chassis and suspension. Face-lifted but retaining that familiar shape, the newcomers had been given a more extensive work-over mechanically, 87% of parts being claimed as entirely new. The pair shared the same 3.6-litre flat-six engine, while power-assisted steering (another 911 ‘first’), anti-lock brakes and a fivespeed manual transmission were standard on both, with the Tiptronic auto ‘box a Carrera 2-only option. Its new engine enabled the 964 to out-perform the old ‘3.2’ yet still met the latest emissions regulations, top speed increasing to 162mph with 60mph attainable in 5.4 seconds (5.6 seconds Tiptronic). It took Porsche a couple of years to re-introduced the Speedster to the 911 line-up, the Type 964 version being announced in October 1992. Based on the Carrera 2, it looked very like its immediate predecessor, but unlike the latter was not


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initially available with the ‘Turbo-Look’ body style. It is estimated that only 936 Type 964 Speedsters were built for the 1993 model year, with some of the later examples being completed as 1994 cars and sold alongside the successor Type 993 Porsches. With the latter’s introduction, the Speedster once again disappeared from the 911 catalogue, only to be revived a few years ago as part of Porsche’s ‘Exclusive’ programme of strictly limited edition models. This rare Type 964 Speedster was delivered new to Europe. It was delivered to the owner’s specification, being most handsomely finished in white with complementary black interior trim, carpets, hood and hardtop. Other noteworthy features include a stereo system, while the car also comes with its ‘space saver’ spare tyre, compressor, tyre gauge, tool roll and wheel brace. The Speedster has been fastidiously maintained by the vendor and is presented in generally excellent condition having recently received a mechanical overhaul to the value of 25,000 euros. Invoices are present within the cars file. Stylish, rare, highly desirable and superbly presented, the car comes complete with its leather wallet; instruction book (including section for a Speedster); service booklet. With only 930 examples built this is a car for the connoisseur Ce rare Type 964 Speedster a été livré neuf en Europe. Il a été fabriqué selon les vœux de l’acheteur : une peinture blanche, avec un intérieur, des tapis, une capote et un toit en dur noirs. Il y a aussi un système stéréo. La voiture est livrée avec une roue de secours, un compresseur, des outils et un vilebrequin. Ce Speedster a été fastidieusement entretenu par le vendeur et est présenté en excellent état général ayant récemment subi une révision mécanique pour la somme de 25.000 euros. Les factures sont dans le dossier de la voiture. Stylé, rare, désirable et superbement présenté ce véhicule est livré avec une mallette en cuir, un livret d’instructions (comprenant une partie sur les Speedster) et le carnet d’entretien. Avec seulement 930 exemplaires produits c’est une voiture est faite pour un connaisseur.

Lot 163

1964 Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Series 1 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 6265

Estimate: €230,000 - €250,000

The 330 GT 2+2 remains one of Ferrari’s finest four-passenger touring cars. With its 300-horsepower, 4.0-litre engine, it is powerful yet easy to drive around town, while its luxurious appointments make it as ideal for today’s road tours and events as when it was new. As 330-series Ferraris become more desirable to collectors, the 330 GT 2+2 provides an opportunity into Ferrari ownership at a reasonable price. A ‘Series 1’ model, chassis number ‘6265’ was delivered new in Italy in September 1964 and shortly thereafter was exported to the USA, and the custody of two owners. The car was repatriated into Italy by the mid-1990s, and owned by a Mr. Pagliarini who commissioned a comprehensive restoration. The bodywork was taken care of by the specialist Carrozzeria Brandoli of Modena, and the paint was handled by Cemonini. There are invoices on file to support the restoration. More recently ‘6265’ was brought into the UK, where the car is currently registered. Offered with a British title document, Ferrari build sheet, also a copy of older Italian registration papers, this is a hugely stylish, and understated classic GT car of the 1960s, with great investment potential for the future. Un modèle «série 1», numéro de châssis ‘6265’ a été livrée neuve en Italie en Septembre 1964 et peu de temps après a été exportée aux États-Unis, dans la garde des deux propriétaires. La voiture a été rapatriée en Italie par le milieu des années 1990, et possédé par M. Pagliarini qui a commandé une restauration complète. La carrosserie a été prise en charge par le spécialiste Carrozzeria Brandoli de Modène, et la peinture a été traitée par Cemonini. Il y a des factures au dossier pour appuyer la restauration. Plus récemment «6265» a été introduite dans le Royaume-Uni, où la voiture est actuellement enregistrée. Livrée avec un document de titre britannique, Ferrari construire feuille, une copie des documents d’enregistrement italiens âgés, ceci est une énorme élégante et discrète voiture GT classique des années 1960, avec un potentiel d’investissement idéal pour l’avenir.


Lot 164

1963 Cadillac DeVille Convertible Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 63F061703

Estimate: €30,000 - €35,000

In overall terms 1963 Cadillac was essentially the same as the previous year. Exterior changes imparted a bolder and longer look. Hoods and deck lids were redesigned. The front fenders projected 4.625 inches further forward than in 1962 while the tailfins were trimmed down somewhat to provide a lower profile. Body-side sculpturing was entirely eliminated. The slightly V-shaped radiator grille was taller and now incorporated outer extensions that swept below the flush-fender dual headlamps. Smaller circular front parking lamps were mounted in those extensions. A De Ville signature script was incorporated above the lower beltline molding near the rear of the body. A total of 143 options including bucket seats with wool, leather, or nylon upholstery fabrics and wood veneer facings on dash, doors, and seatbacks, set an all-time record for interior appointment choices. Standard equipment was the same as the previous year. The engine was entirely changed, though the displacement and output remained the same, 390 cu in and 325 hp. Finished in a very period colour scheme of white with a red interior, what a great way to enjoy a slice of the golden era of American car making. Fini dans un schéma très couleur période de blanc avec un intérieur rouge, quelle belle façon de profiter de l’âge d’or de la fabrication automobile américaine.


Lot 165

2004 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale - Only 16 Kms from new Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA

Estimate: €180,000 - €200,000

Commencing with the 348, Ferrari had started the first factory-backed, one-make race series for amateur and semi-professional racing drivers back in 1993, and the immensely successful Ferrari Challenge increased in popularity with the subsequent introduction of the F355 and 360 Modena. The latter first appeared on the grid in Challenge form in 2000, featuring a multitude of alterations making it more suitable for track use. Three years later, at the Geneva International Motor Show, Ferrari introduced the 360 Challenge Stradale, which in essence was a lightened version of the 360 Modena incorporating some of the racer’s suspension and braking improvements while remaining sufficiently civilised for road use. Believed to be “the only one of its kind in the world” finished in metallic black with grey leather, this rare one-registered-owner car is finished with contrasting and desirable yellow brake callipers and matching Scuderia shields. Having covered just 16k kms from new coming with a full Ferrari service history this car is a rare find and is a great investment for collectors and drivers alike.

Réputée être « la seule au monde de ce genre » de couleur noir métallisé avec un intérieur en cuir gris, cette voiture rare qui n’a eu qu’un seul propriétaire a des étriers de freins contrastants et les écussons assortis de la Scuderia. N’ayant fait que 16.000 km et fournie avec son historique d’entretien Ferrari, cette voiture est un rare exemple de grand investissement pour un collectionneur mais aussi pour un conducteur.


Lot 166

1958 Mercedes-Benz 190SL Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: 12110408500897

Estimate: €120,000- €160,000

For those insufficiently wealthy to afford its hyper-expensive, race-bred sports car - the 300SL - Mercedes-Benz offered the less exotic but no less refined 190SL. Announced in 1954 and based on the 180 saloon, whose all-independentlysuspended running gear it used, the 190SL did not enter production until January 1955, the delay being caused by alterations aimed at strengthening the saloon’s shortened platform to compensate for the open body’s reduced stiffness.

“Very few new sports cars have been so eagerly awaited or so long in coming as the moderately priced SL version of the Mercedes-Benz,” observed Road & Track magazine. Mounted on a detachable subframe along with the four-speed manual gearbox, front suspension and steering, the power unit was a 1,897cc overhead-camshaft four, the first such engine ever to feature in a Mercedes-Benz. Breathing through twin Solex downdraft carburetors, this M121 power unit produced 105bhp at 5,700rpm, an output sufficient to propel the 190SL to 100km/h in 14.5 seconds and on to a top speed of 171km/h. The fact that the 190’s ride was more boulevard than sporting, and that many contemporary sports cars could outperform it while costing a good deal less, did nothing to deter sales. The model was a big hit in the US, where a good percentage of the slightly fewer than 26,000 produced between 1955 and 1963 found homes. Delivered new on the 26th March 1958 this wonderful 190SL was imported from Spain to a French collector in 2006. The paintwork as well as the brightwork was finished to the highest standard, and today this elegant 190SL is an excellent representation of the model.


A photographic documentation of the restoration work carried out comes with the car, as well as French Carte Grise documents. This delightful 190SL is certain to turn heads wherever it arrives and certainly warrants further inspection. Livrée neuve le 26 Mars 1958 Cette magnifique 190SL a été importé d’Espagne par collectionneur français en 2006. La peinture ainsi que le chrome est terminée au plus haut niveau, et aujourd’hui cette élégante 190SL est une excellente représentation du modèle. Une documentation photographique des travaux de restauration effectués est disponible avec la voiture, ainsi que des documents Carte Grise français. Cette charmante 190SL fera certainement tourner les têtes partout où elle sera, et mérite une attention particulière.


Lot 167

1972 Ferrari 365 GTC/4 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 15615

Estimate: €230,000 - €270,000

The Ferrari 365 GTC was developed to meet the ever-growing demand among Ferrari’s clientele for high performance automobiles, while also accommodating up to four passengers. It was introduced in March 1971 to replace the 365 GTC, which had been phased out two years earlier. Enveloped in a sinuous and streamlined shape, it was clearly developed in Pininfarina’s new wind tunnel, which came into operation at the time the car was being developed. It was clear that Ferrari intended this to be a much sportier alternative to other 2+2 grand tourers on the market at the time. Its engine was based on the Daytona’s 4.4-liter dual overhead-cam V-12, but the major difference was that the 365 GTCs utilized side-draft carburetion, which allowed for a sleeker and lower hood line. The chassis of the 365 GTC/4 was essentially that of a Daytona as well, albeit it was stretched an additional 100 millimeters for extra cabin room. As the 356 GTC/E employs completely unique body panels that were in no way continued from or carried over to any other model, it remains a particularly singular link in the Ferrari road car lineage, with just 500 examples built over an 18-month period. As with all of Ferrari’s four-seat models throughout the company’s history, the 365 GTC/4 was lavishly appointed with sumptuous Italian leather, ZF power steering, a radio, and many models were equipped with air conditioning. Power steering and power brakes were standard, as well as a hydro-pneumatic self-levelling device on the rear suspension, which presumably helped to accommodate its owner’s luggage. The 397th of 500 examples produced, ‘15615’ was supplied new to the USA in the classic combination of Argento Silver paint with a Nero leather interior, a combination it still wears today. Some years ago the 365 was repatriated into the EU, and into long term ownership (we note that the car was with the previous owner for 12 years). This beautiful Ferrari comes complete with jack, tool roll, instruction books and copies of previous South Carolina title and also the more recent French Carte Grise. This is a rare unrestored 365, enjoying only a repaint in its original colour some years ago. Four-seater Ferraris of any kind are ideal for grand touring, as they combine the best elements of Italian engineering and luxury. This 365 GTC/4 would be excellent for the individual looking to enjoy many fast-paced kilometres across Europe. Le 397e de 500 exemples produit, ‘15615’ a été fourni nouvelle aux Etats-Unis dans la combinaison classique de Argento Argent peindre avec un intérieur en cuir Nero, une combinaison qu’il porte encore aujourd’hui. Il y a quelques années, le 365 a été rapatrié dans l’UE, la voiture était avec le propriétaire précédent pendant 12 ans. Cette belle Ferrari est livrée complet avec cric, porte-outils, livres d’instruction et des copies de titre précédent du Caroline du Sud et aussi le plus récent carte grise française. Ceci est une rare 365 pas restaurée, profitant seulement repeindre dans sa couleur d’origine il y a quelques années. Quatre places Ferraris de toute nature sont idéales pour grand touring, car elles combinent les meilleurs éléments de l’ingénierie italienne et de luxe. Cette 365 GTC / 4 serait excellente pour l’individu qui cherchent à profiter de nombreux kilomètres au rythme rapide dans toute l’Europe.


Lot 168

1964 Panhard 24 CT
 Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 2308765

Estimate: €9,000 €11,000

The Panhard 24 is a compact twodoor coupé automobile produced between 1964 and 1967 by French manufacturer Panhard. It was powered by a frontmounted aircooled twocylinder boxer motor: the basic design of this unconventional engine dated back to the 1940s. In 1965 a lengthened Panhard 24 was launched and promoted as a twodoor four or fiveseat saloon. Plans for a fourdoor version which might have enabled the car more effectively to replace the commercially successful Panhard PL 17 saloon were never implemented, however. Although the 24 had no Panhard badged successor, a number of the features of the Citroën GS which appeared (after an unusually long gestation period) in 1970 respected Panhard traditions. The Panhard 24 may be thought of as the swan song of Panhard automobile production (since 1967 the Panhard business has concentrated on manufacturing light military vehicles). This is an excellent example of a most interesting marque, one which presents very good value for the Panhard enthusiast. Ceci est un excellent exemple d’une marque la plus intéressante , celle qui présente un très bon rapport pour les amateurs de Panhard .


Lot 169

1971 Citroën Méhari Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 9000419

Estimate: €15,000 - €19,000

Almost certainly inspired by BMC’s Mini Moke, the Citroën Méhari first appeared in prototype form in 1967 and like its British counterpart was based on a standard production car. In the Citroën’s case it was the Dyane 6 version of the inimitable 2CV, so the Méhari featured the latter’s torsion-bar suspension and aircooled 602cc twin-cylinder engine driving the front wheels. The open body was made of ABS plastic and, like the Moke, a detachable soft-top and side screens served as weather protection. Taking its name from a type of Camel known for its speed, the Méhari was launched at the Paris Auto Show in October 1968 and would remain in the range for the next 20 years, only disappearing when 2CV production ceased in France in 1988, by which time a total of 144,953 had been made. Méharis are a true expression of the sense of freedom we enjoyed the 1960s and 70s, and this excellent example none more so. The perfect way to enjoy the summer! Meharis sont une véritable expression du sens de la liberté des années 1960 et 70, et cet excellent exemple pas plus. Le moyen idéal pour profiter de l’été!


Lot 170

1973 De Tomaso Pantera Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: THPNNM05410

Estimate: €70,000 - €90,000

The Pantera (Italian for “Panther”) was a mid-engined sports car produced by the De Tomaso car company of Italy from 1971 to 1991, the last one being delivered to a customer in 1992. It was the automaker’s most popular model, with over 7,000 units produced during its 20-year run.

The car was designed by American designer Tom Tjaarda and replaced the De Tomaso The car made its public debut in Modena in March 1970 and was presented at the 1970 New York Motor Show a few weeks later. Approximately a year later the first that production Panteras were sold, and production had been increased to three per day. The first 1971 Panteras were powered by a Ford 351 cu in (5.8 L) V8 engine that produced a severely underrated 330 hp (335 PS). Stock dynos over the years proved that power was more along the lines of about 380 hp (385 PS). The high torque provided by the Ford engine reduced the need for excessive gear changing at low speeds: this made the car much less demanding to drive in urban conditions than many of the locally built competitor products. Several modifications were made for the 1972 model year Panteras. A new 4 Bolt Main Cleveland Engine, also 351 cu in, was used with lower compression ratio (from 11:1 to 8.6:1, chiefly to meet US emissions standards and run on lower octane standard fuel) but with more aggressive camshaft timing (in an effort to reclaim some of the power lost through the reduction in compression). Many other engine changes were made, including the use of a factory exhaust header. The “Lusso” (luxury) Pantera L was also introduced, in August 1972 as a 1972½ model. It featured a large black single front bumper for the US market, rather than the separate bumperettes still used abroad, as well as a 248 hp (185 kW) Cleveland engine. During 1973 the dash was changed, going from two separate pods for the gauges to a unified unit with the dials angled towards the driver. This wonderful example is presented in yellow with black cloth interior and is in excellent condition. These muscle cars of the 1970s are particularly sought after now and this example is fabulous, still turning heads with the sound from its mighty V8 engine which howls when flat out – fantastic!


Ce magnifique exemplaire est présenté en jaune avec un intérieur noir et est en excellent état. Ces voitures musclées des années 1970 sont particulièrement recherchées et celle-ci est fabuleuse, faisant se retourner sur son passage à cause du son de son puissant moteur V8. Fantastique !

Lot 171

2004 Porsche Carrera GT - 1,722 miles from new Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: WP0CA29804L001040

Estimate: €650,000 - €700,000

The story of Porsche’s Carrera GT starts five years before the first production model left Porsche’s facilities in Leipzig, Germany. Porsche sought to develop a new Le Mans prototype to replace the venerable GT1, which was powered by a 5.5 litre V10 engine. However, a change in FIA rules quickly shelved their racing plans while the model was in development, but Porsche remained undeterred and continued forward with plans to make the platform suitable for road use. To attract attention to their stand at the Paris Motor Show in 2000, Porsche displayed a road going concept of the car alongside their other production models. Combined with the amount of attention that the concept received, along with additional revenue from the Cayenne, Porsche decided to go ahead and produce the car. The Carrera GT was first offered for sale in 2004, alongside the Ferrari Enzo, Ford GT, and Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren, and it more than held its own in what proved to be an incredible year for supercars. The materials that went into the construction of the Carrera GT were simply that of an engineer’s dream. By utilising a carbon fibre monocoque and sub frame, as well as carbon ceramic brakes, Porsche’s engineers pushed the envelope of what was mechanically possible in order to offer a car that was as light as it was strong. Porsche also designed a threedisc carbon fibre racing clutch for the car, which measured 7.5 inches in diameter and was about a third of the size of a normal clutch. Similar attention to detail was applied to nearly every facet of the car. The ultra-lightweight forged magnesium wheels had centre-locking bolts that were colour-coded for each side of the car, ensuring that wrong bolts were never put on the incorrect side of the car. At the heart of the Carrera GT lies a monstrous 5.7 litre V10 engine, the first V10 produced for use in a Porsche. Performance was incredible, with 605 horsepower and 435 foot-pounds of torque. The Carrera GT could rocket from 0–60 mph in 3.6 seconds, towards a top speed of 205 mph. The Carrera GT truly showed its racing roots when one, piloted by Walter Rohrl, lapped the July 2004 Nürburgring Nordschleife in 7:28, a record for a Porsche, which was not broken until the release of the 911 GT2 RS in 2010.


Slip into the Carrera GT’s carbon fibre bucket seats and it is clear that Porsche’s engineers did not limit the car’s track-focused nature to just the exterior and mechanical components. Every surface within reach is either leather, aluminium, or carbon fibre, and nothing in the car, minus the requisite stereo with CD player and air conditioning, distracts the driver from the task at hand. Everything else in the cockpit is typically Porsche, from the instrument layout with the tachometer in the centre, to the left-hand placement of the ignition. Porsche topped the gearstick, which was mated to a six-speed manual transmission, with a knob made of walnut, tying an organic link from past models into their technological tour de force, thereby showing that their most powerful creation to date indeed had a soul. By the time production ceased, 1,270 examples had been built. Chassis 92 is a two-owner car which was first registered on New Year’s Day 2004, and has covered a mere 1,722 miles (2,700 kilometres) from new. Since being imported into the UK in 2012 the car has been in the custodianship of Porsche GB in Reading, United Kingdom, where it enjoyed a service in September 2016.

Presented in the beautiful colour scheme of Solid Black with a Natural Dark Grey leather interior, and supplied with a UK MoT, this is a wonderful example of one of greatest supercars of all time.

Châssis 92 est une voiture avec deux propriétaires qui ont enregistré la voiture au jour de l’An 2004. La voiture a couverte à peine 1.722 miles (2.700 kilomètres) de nouveau. Depuis qu’elle a été importée dans le Royaume-Uni en 2012, la voiture a été dans la garde de Porsche GB à Reading, Royaume-Uni, où elle a eu un entretien en Septembre ici 2016. Présenté dans la belle palette de couleurs de Solid noir avec un intérieur naturel Gris foncé en cuir, et fourni avec un UK MoT, c’est un merveilleux exemple de l’un des plus grands supercars de tous les temps.


Lot 172

1988 Ferrari Testarossa - one owner from new Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: ZFFAA17B000081921

Estimate: €85,000 - €100,000

Rivalling Lamborghini’s Countach for presence, the Pininfarina-designed Testarossa succeeded brilliantly, the gill slats feeding air to its side-mounted radiators being one of the modern era’s most instantly recognisable – and widely copied – styling devices. A larger car than the 512BB – the increase in width being necessary to accommodate wider tyres – the Testarossa managed the trick of combining high downforce with a low coefficient of drag, its graceful body being notable for the absence of extraneous spoilers and other such devices. Despite the increase in size over the 512BB, the Testarossa was lighter than its predecessor, the body – its steel doors and roof excepted – being, somewhat unusually for a production Ferrari, of aluminium. Luxury touches in the well-equipped cabin included air conditioning, electrically adjustable seats, tilting steering wheel and plentiful leather. Unlike some of its rivals, the Testarossa possessed light controls and was relatively easy to drive, factors which, allied to its outstanding performance and stunning looks, contributed to an instant and sustained high level of demand. Leaving Maranello in 1989, this stunning later model Testarossa has covered a mere 46,000 kilometres miles from new, at the hands of just one Italian owner. This fabulous supercar is said to be in good condition in all respects, and pleasingly still wears its factory paint from new. Offered with its books and toolkit, and finished in the traditional combination of Rosso Corsa with a contrasting Nero leather interior, the Testarossa represents Pininfarina at its best – flamboyant yet futuristic - a true classic. Laissant Maranello en 1989, cette superbe modèle Testarossa a couvert à peine 46.000 kilomètres miles de nouveau, dans les mains d’un seul propriétaire italien. Cette supercar fabuleuse est dit être en bon état à tous égards, et plaisamment porte encore son usine de peinture de nouveau. Livrée avec ses livres et boîte à outils, terminé dans la combinaison traditionnelle de Rosso Corsa avec un intérieur en cuir Nero contrastante, la Testarossa représente Pininfarina à son meilleur - flamboyant encore futuriste - un vrai classique.


Lot 173

1979 Ferrari 308 GTS Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA

Estimate: €85,000 to 100,000

For 1977 three important changes took place to the 308: steel replaced fibreglass for the body structure, adding some 200lb in weight, dry sump lubrication was dispensed with and the GTS model with targa top was introduced. The GTS proved a big success, outselling the GTB to which it offered similar performance combined with the joys of open top motoring. This low owner car has enjoyed a repaint in recent years, and still presents well. We are pleased to report that we have invoices for €20,000 of maintenance work, which included a cambelt service in 2015. Furthermore a full check of the engine and carburettor has been performed, in addition to a retrim, new carpets, engine bay detailing, wheel refurbishment, a new exhaust system, and sundry other items. Finished in Grey with a Red leather interior, this is matching numbers example of a truly classic Ferrari. Ce véhicule a été repeint récemment, et présente encore bien. un investissement de 20.000 Euro a été réalisé en travaux de maintenance, incluant le changement de la courroie de l’arbre à cames en 2015. De plus, le moteur et le carburateur ont été complètement contrôlés , une remise en état a été faite: changement des tapis, roues remises à neuf, un nouveau système d’échappement , et divers autres choses. De couleur grise avec un intérieur en cuir rouge, c’est un exemple de Ferrari “matching numbers” classique.


Lot 174

1969 Citroen 2CV AK350 Van Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 91952B1

Estimate: €12,000 - €15,000

The 2CV Van was launched in 1950 as the AU. In 1954 the engine was uprated from 375cc to 425cc, and the model renamed AZU. This model was to remain in production until 1972, with many detail changes over the years, and was the last A-Series to keep ‘old-style’ mechanicals, with 425 engine and chassis-mounted pedal gear. The stunning and rare 2CV AK350 you see here is one of the most desirable versions, with a low roof, small corrugated sheet and iron steering wheel. Until only a few years ago it was still in regular service in southern France. When purchased, the car was rust-free but did have traces of use, therefore it has enjoyed a program of refurbishment by the current owner, a serial Citroen collector. The AK350 benefitted from mechanical refurbishment by a 2CV specialist, with components being dismantled, cleaned and fitted with new seals where necessary. The carburettor and brakes system have been rebuilt, a new exhaust system fitted was installed, and then the whole van was repainted inside and out in its original colour of Gris-Rosé. As a finishing touch the wheels, tires, wheels, batteries and seat covers were renewed. Offered in excellent condition in all respects, this delightful AK350 provides fantastic fun for the Citroen enthusiast, or alternatively an interesting an unusual way to promote your small business. Cette camionnette AK350 a bénéficié d’une rénovation mécanique par un spécialiste 2CV. Composants étaient démontés, nettoyés et équipés avec des nouveaux joints où il était nécessaire. Le système de carburateur et les freins étaient reconstruits, un nouveau système d’échappement était installé. Suivant, le véhicule a reçu une nouvelle peinture dans la couleur originale (Gris- Rosé). En fin, les roues, les pneus, les batteries et les housses de siège ont été renouvelés. Proposé en excellent état, cette camionette charmant AK350 serait un plaisir fantastique pour les amateurs Citroën, ou encore un d’une manière inhabituelle intéressante pour promouvoir votre petite entreprise.


Lot 175

2004 Porsche 996 GT3 Club Sport Mk II Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA

Estimate: €70,000 - €90,000

The Porsche 911 GT3 is a high performance version of the Porsche 911 sports car primarily intended for racing. It is a line of high-performance models, which began with the 1973 911 Carrera RS. The GT3 is named after the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) Group GT3 class in which it was designed to compete.A number of variations, designed for road and track duty, have been introduced since its launch in 1999. More than 14,000 911 GT3 cars have been produced.

The GT3 has had a successful racing career in the one-make national Porsche Carrera Cup series, and the international Porsche Supercup. It has won championship and endurance races, including the GT class of the American Le Mans Series seven times, first overall in the 24 Hours of Daytona, and first overall at the 24 Hours Nürburgring six times. Porsche made significant updates to the GT3 for 2004 (the first year the car was offered to US customers), using the 2002 996 facelift including headlights that were differentiated from the Porsche Boxster. In track testing by American automotive journals, the GT3 managed a 0-60 mph (97 km/h) time of 4.5 seconds and a quarter mile time of 12.0 seconds at 118 miles per hour (190 km/h). During skidpad testing the vehicle posted 1.03g. Porsche’s official test-driver Walter Röhrl completed the Nürburgring Nordschleife with the 996 GT3 in 7 minutes 56 seconds, a feat which was used by Porsche to promote the car. This lovely example is presented in Speed yellow with black leather interior and being a Club Sport, of course it comes with its sports bucket seat with harness and partial roll cage. An exhilarating car and much sought after.


Ce beau modèle est présenté en jaune Speed avec un intérieur en cuir noir, et étant un « Club Sport » il a , bien sûr, des sièges baquet avec harnais. Une voiture émoustillante et très recherchée.

Lot 176

1963 Mercedes-Benz 220 SEB Coupè Registration Number: EU taxes paid

Chassis Number: 11102110050194

Estimate: €29,000 - €35,000

Design of a replacement for the two-door Pontons began in 1957; as most of the chassis and drivetrain were to be unified with the sedan, the scope was focused on the exterior styling. Some of the mockups and prototypes show that MercedesBenz attempted to give the two-door car a front styling almost identical to what would be realised in the Pagoda roadster, but ultimately favoured the work of engineer Paul Bracq. The rear bodywork however, persisted, and thus though officially still called a fintail, the rear end design had no chrome fin highlights. Production began in late 1960, and in February of the next year the coupe was premiered in Stuttgart for the 75th anniversary of the opening of Mercedes-Benz Museum.

Unlike the previous generation of two-door ponton series, there was only one model for the two-door vehicle, the 220SE on both versions, with the identical M127 2,195cc engine. Options included a sliding sunroof for the coupe, automatic transmission, power steering, and individual rear seats.

This wonderful example was registered the 30 October of the 1963 and is finished in white with red interior which is in good condition. The car comes with its ASI certificate. These stylish 2 door coupes are very much sought after today and make wonderful touring cars still providing luxury travel as they do in their cars of today. Cet exemplaire magnifique a été enregistré le 30 Octobre 1963, finitions blanches et un intérieur rouge qui est en bon état. La voiture est livrée avec son certificat ASI. Le style de coupe des portes est très en demande aujourd’hui et font office de superbes voitures de tourisme tout en permettant le luxe du voyage dans une voiture moderne.


Lot 177

1977 Ferrari 308 GT4 Dino - same ownership for 27 years Registration Number: EU taxes paid

Chassis Number: 13006

Estimate: €55,000 - €75,000

The Dino 308 GT4 was introduced at the Paris Motor Show in November 1973. The 308 GT4 finally gained the “Prancing Horse” badge in May 1976, which replaced the Dino badges on the hood, wheels, rear panel and the steering wheel. This has caused major confusion over the years by owners, enthusiasts and judges. During the energy crisis at that time many prospective owners were hesitant to buy such an expensive automobile not badged “Ferrari” being confused at the significance of the Dino name. Dino was Enzo Ferrari’s son died in 1956 and his name was considered to honor his memory on the models it was placed. The styling featured angular lines entirely different from its curvaceous 2-seater brother, the Dino 246, and was controversial at the time. Some journalists compared it to the Bertone-designed Lancia Stratos and Lamborghini Urraco, also penned by Marcello Gandini. From the cockpit the driver sees only the road. It has perfect 360 degree visibility, no blind spots, upright and comfortable seating position, a real trunk, a back seat for soft luggage, and very easy engine access. Enzo Ferrari himself took a major role in its design, even having a mock-up made where he could sit in the car to test different steering, pedals and cockpit seating positioning. This lovely Ferrari 308 GT4 Dino is finished in the classic chiaro rosso and has its original black interior. First registered in 1977, this car shows only 38,000 km on the odometer and was last serviced in July this year. This example comes with 14” alloy wheels and its original exhaust. It also comes with its Italian registration documents. Cette belle Ferrari 308 GT 4 Dino est rouge chiaro classique et l’intérieur d’origine est noir. Immatriculée pour la première fois en 1977, cette voiture n’a que 38.000 km au compteur et a été révisée pour la dernière fois en Juillet cette année. Elle est fournie avec des roues 14’’ en alliage et son pot d’échappement d’origine. Elle a aussi ses papiers d’immatriculation Italiens.


Lot 178

1989 Porsche 911 Turbo S “Sonauto” The 7th of 10 produced worldwide Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: WPOZZZ93ZKS000578

Estimate: €520,000 - €560,000

Beginning in the early 1970s, Porsche had demonstrated the worth of an exhaust-driven turbine for developing tremendous power for a given engine displacement, astounding the racing community with its World Endurance Championshipwinning 917s. The company was quick to adapt turbocharging to its Group 4 Type 934 and Group 5 Type 935 racing coupes, basing those ferocious machines on the street-driven Type 930. Throughout the later 1970s and into the 1980s, the 930 evolved into an ever-more sophisticated, luxurious, and powerful road car.

By 1987, the Turbo boasted a 3.3-liter engine, which was connected to a smooth four-speed manual transaxle and could produce 282 horsepower at 5,000 rpm and 289 foot-pounds of torque at 4,000 rpm, The ventilated brake rotors were drilled for increased efficiency, and a large intercooler was housed within the “Tea-tray” rear spoiler. The 1987 930 Turbo, of which 1,695 were built for the U.S. market and another 786 for the “Rest of the World” (RoW), was capable of a near-160 mph top speed.Type 930. 282 bhp, 3,164 cc SOHC horizontally opposed aircooled six-cylinder engine with a single turbocharger and Bosch electronic fuel injection, Type 930/36 four-speed manual transmission, independent front and rear suspension, and four-wheel ventilated disc brakes. “Dear Dealer, In order to ceremonially mark the end of this legendary model and at the initiative of Sonauto, the plant has proposed that we produce a special final series of ten 911 Turbo Coupes. Ten - and no more!” Towards the end of the production run of the 930, the official importer for Porsche in France, Sonauto, approached the


Porsche team and requested a limited edition of cars to mark the swansong of the 930 Turbo in the French market. After a little negotiation the car was signed off, and a very limited run of units with the best possible specifications was commissioned. 10 cars in total were produced. At the time the cost of a new 930 Turbo was FF 614,700. The Sonauto Turbo with its performance kit cost FF 870,000, over 40% more than the standard Turbo. These cars were hand picked from the production line and reconstructed specifically for Sonauto. The engines were upgraded to “S” specification, producing 330bhp, and breathing through dual twin exhausts. An oil cooler was fitted at the front, as was a front spoiler with ducting for the oil cooler. The suspension was upgraded and lowered, fitted with Bilstein shock absorbers, and the rear track widened by 35mm. As a result of these performance upgrades the Sonauto 930s were capable of a top speed of around 280km/h. The interior was treated to tricolour seats from the Porsche 959, additional instruments, a fitted Pioneer CD player, and a number plaque on the dashboard. Ten cars were produced in total, eight of which were despatched to owners in Germany, and only two were sent to France. It comes as no surprise to hear that these very final editions of the iconic 930 are highly prized by the world’s most serious Porsche collectors. The car you see here is number 7 of the 10 made, and has recently come from the collection of a very senior board member of Toyota in Japan. Since being repatriated into Europe, Number 7 has enjoyed an assessment and valuation by Classic Data in Germany. Before coming to Paris the car will also benefit from a 100 point inspection by Porsche in Dortmund. Supplied with the German TuV and Fahrzeugbrief, and showing a mere 67,000 recorded kilometres from new, this is an investment grade Porsche of the absolute highest order. Cette voiture est la septième d’une série de 10. Elle est arrivée récemment de la collection d’un membre du conseil d’administration de Toyota au Japon. Depuis son retour en Europe elle a été évaluée par le “ Classic Data” en Allemagne. Avant de venir à Paris la voiture aura été inspectée sur 100 points par Porsche à Dortmund. Fournie par “ German TUV and Fahrzeugbrief” et affichant 67.000 km au compteur c’est un investissement de premier ordre.

Lot 179

2005 Renault Clio V6 Phase II Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: VF1C61A06252755602

Estimate: €20,000 - €24,000

At the time of its launch in 2003, the upgraded Phase 2 Clio V6 was the most powerful serial produced hot hatch in the world with 255 bhp (190 kW), exceeding the Alfa Romeo 147 GTA (250 PS (184 kW; 247 bhp)) and the SEAT León Cupra R. Based on the Phase 1 engine, its extra performance was helped with assistance from Porsche. Though based on a utilitarian hatchback, the Clio V6 is not a practical family car. With an average fuel consumption of 24 miles per imperial gallon this resulted in an empty fuel tank in just over 300 miles. The loss of the back seats and most of the boot space, due to the engine placement, results in a severe restriction in luggage space – there is only a small space in the front where the engine used to be, suitable for a holdall or week-end groceries, a small netted area behind the seats plus a small stash area under the tailgate. The Clio V6 Phase 2 gained even more weight, but offset it with an additional 25 horsepower. This resulted in a reduced 0–60 mph run at 5.9 seconds and a top speed of 153 mph (246 km/h).

File Images

Standard equipment includes rain sensing windscreen wipers, automatic headlights, air conditioning, and six speakers and CD changer. The Phase 2 Clio V6 retailed for £27,125 in the United Kingdom, until it was withdrawn from sale in 2005 coinciding with a facelift for the Clio range. The long-term reviews in Evo magazine were enthusiastic, claiming “It’s a modern classic” for the Phase 2 version. Supplied with a UK registration document, and offered in excellent condition in respects, this Clio V6 looks striking in its combination of Silver Blue metallic with a navy blue leather/alcantara interior. With the price of the older Maxi Turbos of the 1980s shooting through the roof, the Clio V6 is we believe a great buy for the smart collector. Livrée avec un document d’enregistrement du Royaume-Uni, et a offert en excellent état à bien des égards, cette Clio V6 semble très attractive dans sa combinaison d’argent métallique bleu avec un intérieur bleu marine en cuir / alcantara. Avec le prix des anciens Maxi Turbos des années 1980, la Clio V6 est un excellent achat pour le collecteur intelligent.


Lot 180

2010 Fiat 500 Jollycar Registration Number: EU tax paid

Chassis Number: ZFA31200000350272

Estimate: €25,000 - €35,000

As redolent of La Dolce Vita Italy as the immortal Vespa scooter, the ‘beach car’ concept is most famously embodied by Ghia’s ‘Jolly’. A novel and quintessentially Italian idea that first emerged in the 1950s, the Jolly transformed humble saloons such as FIAT’s 500 and 600 from basic transport into conspicuous indicators of wealth. The Jolly found favour as courtesy transport for patrons of luxury hotels and golf courses or for use ashore after one had docked one’s yacht on the Italian or French Riviera. Lacking doors and equipped with wickerwork seats, it was only practical as leisure transport, thus confirming its owner’s status as someone who could afford a car ‘just for fun’. Given the success of the original Fiat 500 Jolly Ghia, it is not surprising that someone would attempt an interpretation of the legendary spiaggine using a modern FIAT 500. Produced by ‘Jollycar’ in limited numbers, the car has been defined as a work of art. Impressive craftsmanship has been employed to produce the wicker seats. The frame has been stiffened using techniques commonly used on rally cars to ensure the rigidity of the car is sound. The design and development of the car is performed in collaboration with major German companies that develop components for racing cars while the work is done in Italy by highly skilled artisans. This car is the #5 of 500 produced by Jollycar and was prepared in 2015. It is equipped with awning and nautical-inspired seat covers which complements the wicker seat very well. The base car is a 2010 model and has covered only 14000 km. It comes complete with spare wheel, tool kit and user manual.


Lot 181

1976 Alpine 1600 SC Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: 20452

Estimate: €100,000 - €120,000

Like other road-going Alpines, the 1961 A110 used many Renault parts – including engines. But while the preceding A108 was designed around Dauphine components, the A110 was updated to use R8 parts. Unlike the A108, which was available first as a cabriolet and only later as a coupé, the A110 was delivered first with “Berlinetta” bodywork and then as a cabriolet. The main visible difference with the A108 coupé was a restyling of the rear body to fit the larger engine, which gave the car a more aggressive look. Like the A108, the A110 featured a steel backbone chassis with fiberglass body. The A110 was originally available with 1.1 L R8 Major or R8 Gordini engines. The Gordini engine delivered 95 hp 6,500 rpm.

The A110 achieved most of its fame in the early 1970s as a victorious rally car. After winning several rallies in France in the late 1960s with iron-cast R8 Gordini engines the car was fitted with the aluminium-block Renault 16 TS engine. With two dual-chamber Weber 45 carburetors, the TS engine delivered 125 hp (93 kW) DIN at 6,000 rpm. This allowed the production 1600S to reach a top speed of 210 km/h (130 mph). The longer wheelbase 2+2 Alpine GT4, originally considered a version of the A108, was updated with A110 engines and mechanicals, now being marketed as the “A110 GT4”. The car reached international fame during the 1970–1972 seasons when it participated in the newly created International Championship for Manufacturers, winning several events around Europe and being considered one of the strongest rally cars of its time. Notable performances from the car included victory in the 1971 Monte Carlo Rally with Swedish driver Ove Andersson. This fine example of an Alpine A110 1600SC is presented in the classic Renault Blue colours with a black interior. Steeped in racing history these Alpine 1600 SCs have become one of the most collectable rally-themed cars of the modern era. Described as being in excellent condition throughout, one is hard-pushed to find any faults with the car at all.

As immaculate in its presentation as its performance, this is a chance to acquire a masterpiece as close to factory condition as one can find. Ce bel exemplaire d’Alpine A110 1600SC est présentée dans la couleur classique Bleu Renault avec un intérieur noir. Entrées dans l’histoire de la compétition ces Alpine 1600 SC sont devenues les voitures les plus collectionnées dans la catégorie des voitures de rallye de l’ère moderne. Aussi belle dans sa présentation que dans ses performances c’est une occasion d’acquérir un chef d’œuvre aussi proche que possible de l’état de sortie d’usine


Lot 182

1975 Ferrari 308 GT4 Dino Registration Number:

Chassis Number:

Estimate: €60,000 - €80,000

Introduced at the 1973 Paris Motor Show, the Dino 308 GT4 was a significant departure for Ferrari in several ways. It was the first production car from Modena to feature a mid-engined V8, a layout that would become common to their core range for decades to come, along with the first production model to feature Bertone styling rather than Pininfarina bodywork. The styling was controversial at the time, with some journalists comparing it to the Bertone-designed Lancia Stratos and Lamborghini Urraco. The chassis was based on the Dino 246 but was stretched to make space for a 2+2 Configuration. The 3.0 Litre V8 was integrally joined with the gearbox and had an alloy block and heads with dual overhead camshafts fed through 4 Weber 40 DCNF carburettors. The GT4 was replaced by the Mondial 8 in 1980 after a production run of 2,826 308s and 840 208s. Interestingly, this very late 308 GT4 was supplied new in February 1981, after official production ended. The car is finished in the extremely Avant-garde combination of Marrone Metallizzato with a beige leather interior, which we feel is a very suitable colour combination for a car designed to be a little more grown up than the preceding Dino 246. Presented in good condition in all respects, and offered with French registration documents, what an exciting, yet slightly more subtle way to enjoy Ferrari motoring. Présentée en très bon état et accompagnée des documents d’immatriculation Française, cette voiture offre l’occasion de profiter de la motorisation Ferrari.


Lot 183

2009 Ferrari 430 Scuderia – One owner and only 5KMs from new Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: TBA

Estimate: €170,000 - €190,000

In August 2007 Ferrari has released the official photos of the 430 Scuderia, a lightweight and enhanced version designed for the track and heir of the 360 ​​ Challenge Stradale. The Scuderia was developed in collaboration with Michael Schumacher and weight was reduced by 85kg to reach 1,350kg, whilst the engine was boosted to 510hp and 470Nm of torque at 8500rpm. Acceleration from 0 to 100km/h was achieved in 3.6 seconds along with a top speed of 320km/h. Powerful ceramic brakes gave immense stopping power and contributed towards weight saving. The Scuderia also benefited from improved transmission software known as ‘superfast’ which allowed for 60 millisecond shifts. The 430 Scuderia was unveiled by Michael Schumacher at the Frankfurt Motor Show in September 2007. Aesthetically this model differs from the normal version with the introduction of a the new bumper (characterized by a “sharp design”) as well as slightly different skirts including air vents in front of the rear wheels. There are two large twin tailpipes that are centrally placed to replace the standard exhaust system. The body of the car is crossed longitudinally by a pair of dark grey bands (optional). The interior also receives special attention and is even more sporting than the standard F430. Production numbers were limited ensuring that the Scuderia is highly sought after. This Ferrari Scuderia was specified and supplied by main Ferrari dealer of Spain and is “the only one of its kind” coming from the factory with both matching gold stripes and wheels, and finished in the more sought after colour of Rosso Scuderia. Having covered just 5k kms, this one owner car comes with a Full Ferrari Service History and an extensive list of extras such as racing harness, alcantara seats, and a bespoke Ferrari sound system. Very low production levels were made due to world banking crisis in 2008, thus this style and car is a true collectors Ferrari and sound investment. Cette Ferrari Scuderia a été vendue par le principal dépositaire Ferrari en Espagne et est la seule de ce genre. Sortie d’usine avec des rayures dorées assorties aux roues, et de couleur Rosso Scuderia . N’ayant fait que 5000 km cette voiture qui n’a eu qu’un seul propriétaire est livrée avec l’historique d’entretien complet et plusieurs extras dont un harnais de course, des sièges en alcantara et un sound system Ferrari . Très peu de ces voitures ont été produites à cause de la crise financière de 2008 aussi cette voiture est une véritable pièce de collection et un investissement sûr.


Lot 184

1953 Porsche 356 pre A 1500 S Coupe Registration Number: German historic registration

Chassis Number: 50894

Estimate: €230,000 – €290,000

The 356 was created by Ferdinand “Ferry” Porsche (son of Ferdinand Porsche, founder of the German company), who founded the Austrian company with his sister, Louise. Like its cousin, the Volkswagen Beetle (which Ferdinand Porsche Sr. had designed), the 356 is a four-cylinder, air-cooled, rear-engine, rear-wheel drive car with unitized pan and body construction. The chassis was a completely new design as was the 356’s body which was designed by Porsche employee Erwin Komenda, while certain mechanical components including the engine case and some suspension components were based on and initially sourced from Volkswagen. Ferry Porsche described the thinking behind the development of the 356 in an inter-

view with the editor of Panorama, the PCA magazine, in September 1972. “….I had always driven very speedy cars. I had an Alfa Romeo, also a BMW and others. By the end of the war I had a Volkswagen Cabriolet with a supercharged engine and that was the basic idea. By the early 1950s the 356 had gained some renown among enthusiasts on both sides of the Atlantic for its aerodynamics, handling, and excellent build quality. The class win at Le Mans in 1951 was a factor. It was common for owners to race the car as well as drive them on the streets. This very early and rare Porsche 356 from 1953 was delivered on 13th July 1953 to Mr. Georg Rittersbacher - Reichsgraf von Kesselstadt at Trier/Germany. A copy of the 1953 works data sheet is available in the car’s file, stating the Car’s specification and its 1500 S engine, providing 70 HP. This specification is also confirmed by Porsche in a letter to Mr. Heinz Kauhsen of Kauhsen Classic Racing Cars of 17.09.2015. Mr. Kauhsen’s well known specialist restoration company of Würselen Germany undertook a ground up and no expenses spared restoration of # 50894 to its now superb condition.


This is documented in a 79 page expert evidence of 14.03.2016 by german automobile expert Dipl. - Ing. Klaus Kukuk and further documentation in the cars file. The extensive expert evidence also describes the various steps to receive a finished end - product in such a quality in any respect. This report is backed by many detail photos of the car in various phases. A Porsche 356 - pre A in this condition must definitely be the jewel in the crown of the most prestigious collections of Porsche cars, especially within the 356 range. Cette très rare Porsche 356 de 1953 a été livrée le 13 Juillet 1953 à Mr Georg Rittersbacher- Reichsgraf von Kesselstadt a Trier en Allemagne. Une copie du certificat de 1953 est fournie avec le dossier de la voiture précisant les spécificités de la voiture et de son moteur 1500 S 70 HP. Ces specificités sont confirmées par Porsche dans une lettre à Mr Heinz Kauhsen de chez Kauhsen Classic Racing Cars du 17.09.2015. La compagnie de Mr Kauhsen, spécialiste de la restauration a remis la #50894 dans son actuel superbe état. Ceci est exposé dans un rapport d’expert de 79 pages du 14.03.2016 par l’expert automobile allemand Klaus Kukuk et il y a encore plus de documentation dans le dossier de la voiture. Le rapport de l’expert décrit les étapes pour arriver à un produit fini d’une telle qualité. Ce rapport est étayé de nombreuses photos de la voiture dans ses différentes phases. Une Porsche 356 pre A dans cet état doit absolument être le bijou dans la couronne des plus prestigieuses collections de Porsches, spécialement parmi les 356.


Lot 185

2001 Ferrari 550 Barchetta – One owner from new Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: 75ZHR52B000126233

Estimate: €380,000 - €420,000

‘The 550 Barchetta Pininfarina was designed to recall the glories of successful road racers of the past, such as the 166 MM, and thoroughbred front-engined 12-cylinder Ferrari roadsters of the calibre of the 250 GT California and 365 GTS/4 Daytona. Ferrari has always created very special runs of cars, and the 550 Barchetta Pininfarina was developed with the aim of being a unique Ferrari - one that deliberately seeks to be more provocative and less rational than the rest of the range.’ - Ferrari. The long association between Ferrari and Pininfarina has been responsible for the creation of some of the most sublime fusions of art and automotive technology, and to mark the world renowned Carrozzeria’s 70th Anniversary in 2000, Ferrari supremo Luca di Montezemolo invited Sergio Pininfarina to submit designs for a front-engined roadster embodying the spirit of past Maranello classics. Choosing the 550 Maranello coupé as the basis, the maestro proposed a return to the traditional barchetta style. File Image

In Ferrari’s own words: ‘Functional and unadorned with a simple manual soft-top, the barchetta-style solution has enabled Ferrari’s engineers to offset the additional weight gained by reinforcing the chassis and fitting rear roll bars. Consequently the 550 Barchetta Pininfarina weighs no more than the 500 Maranello.’ The heart of any Ferrari is its engine, and the Barchetta Pininfarina’s 48-valve, 5.5-litre V12 is the same as that of the 550 Maranello, developing 485bhp at 7,000rpm. All main engine castings of this state-of-the-art power unit are in light alloy, the aluminium wet liners are Nikasil coated and the connecting rods are titanium alloy. The design of the inlet and exhaust systems is derived directly from that of Ferrari’s Formula 1 engines, providing the optimum balance between volumetric and combustion efficiency. Variable intake geometry helps increase both torque and maximum power as its manufacturer explains: ‘Ferrari’s patented system incorporates a third plenum in the intake manifold which varies the fluid dynamic characteristics. Air is taken in via 12 electro-pneumatic throttle valves which are governed by the engine’s CPU. This control ensures optimum performance at all engine speeds, guaranteeing excellent torque delivery throughout the rev range.’ One expects nothing less from Ferrari.


Finished in Blue tour de France and Dark grey interior, this car is presented in excellent condition throughout. Interestingly, the 550 was the last Ferrari to go given numeration which informs us that this is number 221 out of 448. Included in the history file are all its original books and numerous invoices documenting a full service history by Ferrari specialists Pozzi. Additionally you will find a bill of sale for the car dated the 29th October 2001 for 1.5million French francs. Having undergone an engine belt change in April 2016, this car is truly ready to be enjoyed by its new owner. A very rare opportunity to purchase a privately owned, one owner from new car. The vendor will kindly leave two helmets and two caps in the trunk as a gift. De couleur bleu Tour de France avec un intérieur Gris foncé , cette voiture est en excellent état général. La 550 a été la dernière Ferrari avec un numéro indiquant que c’était la 221 sur 448. Dans son dossier se trouvent les livrets originaux, et de nombreuses factures témoignant d’un entretien complet par le spécialiste de Ferrari, Pozzi. Vous y trouverez aussi une facture d’achat de la voiture datée du 29 Octobre 2001 pour 1.5 millions de Francs français. La courroie ayant été changée en Avril 2016 la voiture est prête à donner satisfaction à son nouvel acquéreur. Une très rare occasion d’acquérir une voiture qui a appartenu à une seule personne auparavant. Le vendeur laissera aimablement, en cadeau, 2 casques et 2 casquettes dans le coffre.

Lot 186

1952 Peugeot 203 Cabriolet Registration Number: French registered

Chassis Number: 1252624

Estimate: €80,000-€90,000

Produced from 1948 to 1960, the Peugeot 203 was not offered for sale in the UK until 1954. Its relatively high price in this country restricted sales, but the car was a familiar sight to British tourists in France where fleets of 203s saw service with the French police. The 203 was powered by a 1,290cc four-cylinder engine of advanced design - incorporating over-square dimensions, overhead valves, hemispherical combustion chambers and wet cylinder liners - that produced 42bhp and drove via a four-speed gearbox with column ‘change. Solidly constructed and possessing exemplary reliability, the tough 203 proved durable enough to win the 1953 Redex 6,500-Mile Trial in Australia and take class wins in the Safari Rally in 1954 and ’59. Finished in a Green with tanned leather interior, this fantastic example of the most iconic French cars of the post war era is described by the vendor to be in excellent condition throughout. Having undergone a complete nut and bolt restoration 45,000km ago, the car’s fantastic condition is a true testament to how well the car has been looked after by its owner. De couleur verte avec un intérieur marron, ce fantastique exemple de la plus célèbre des voitures d’après guerre Française est décrite par son vendeur comme étant en excellent état général. Les écrous et les boulons ayant été changés il y a 45.000 km, l’état fantastique de cette voiture montre à quel point son propriétaire en a pris soin.


Lot 187

1963 Morris Minor Traveller Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: MAW5D10112826

Estimate: NO RESERVE

The Morris Minor is a British car that debuted at the Earls Court Motor Show, London, on 20 September 1948. Designed under the leadership of Alec Issigonis, more than 1.3 million were manufactured between 1948 and 1972 in three series: the MM (1948 to 1953), the Series II (1952 to 1956) and finally the 1000 series (1956 to 1971). Initially available as a two-door saloon and tourer (convertible), the range was expanded to include a four-door saloon in 1950, a wood-framed estate (the Traveller) from October 1953 and panel van and pick-up truck variants from May 1953. It was the first British car to sell over one million examples] and is considered a classic example of automotive design, as well as typifying “Englishness”. This lovely example is presented in Bordeaux with a contrasting red interior and is in very good all round condition. An iconic early family “ estate” car which is extremely practical. Ce joli modèle est de couleur Bordeaux avec un intérieur rouge contrastant, et est en très bon état. Un des premiers Break familiaux qui est très pratique.


Lot 188

1995 Porsche 993 RS Registration Number: EU Registered

Chassis Number: WPOZZZ99ZTS3390639

Estimate: €300,000 to €330,000

993 is the company’s internal name for the version of the Porsche 911 model manufactured and sold between late 1993 and early 1998 (model years 1995-1998 in the United States), replacing the 964. Its discontinuation marked the end of air-cooled Porsches, with the 993 being not just the last air-cooled 911, but also the last of the hand built 911s.

The 993 generation of the 911 is often referred to as the best and most desirable of the 911 series, not only because of its beauty, but also because its performance is very good, even by modern standards, and the 993 was “the last complete ‘modern classic’”; “the 993 was and forever will be that last fresh breath of air that Porsche gave the world; elegance and muscle all in one package.”[3] The book “Porsche 993 - Essential Companion” refers to the 993 as the “King of Porsche,” and it is generally acknowledged as “The purists’ Holy Grail. The Carrera RS is a lightweight variant of the Carrera. It features a naturally aspirated 3.8 liter engine with 300 hp (DIN). On the outside it is easily distinguishable by a special non-retractable rear wing, small front flaps and 3-piece 18-inch (460 mm) aluminum wheels. The headlight washers were deleted for weight saving reasons. Inside the rear seats were removed, and special racing seats and spartan


door cards were installed. Sound proofing was also reduced to a minimum.

There are further RS variants, in particular a track-oriented Carrera RS Clubsport (also referred to as the RSR in some countries) with relatively limited road usability. The Clubsport came equipped with a welded roll cage and certain comfort features such as carpets, power windows, air conditioning and radio were deleted. Externally it sports a larger rear wing and deeper chin spoiler than the standard RS. This fabulous example in metallic silver with black leather interior is presented in very good order throughout. These are one of the most exhilarating of all the models Porsche made and are extremely rare and sought after. This example is surely one for the collector. Ce fabuleux modèle de couleur argent métallisée avec un intérieur en cuir noir est présenté dans un très bon état général. Ce sont les plus excitants des modèles Porsche, ils sont extrêmement rares et très recherchés. Ce modèle est à coup sûr fait pour un collectionneur.

Lot 189

1962 Jaguar E-Type 3.8 Series 1 Flat Floor Roadster Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: 876963

Estimate: €170,000 - €200,000

On its 1961 Geneva Show debut the E-Type caused a sensation, with all the promise of its looks confirmed by independent road test results that not only recorded a 150mph top speed, but also 0-60mph and 0-l00mph in 6.9 and 16.2 seconds respectively; fast indeed, and the match of any exotic thoroughbred then available, combined with superb road-holding and remarkable docility. One of the greatest post-war sports cars, Jaguar’s E-Type made immediate headlines on its launch in March 1961. Here was a sleek and beautiful 150mph car with a competition pedigree that could be bought for just over £2,000 almost half the cost of an Aston Martin or Ferrari. A direct descendant of the XK120 and competition C and D-Type models that so dominated fifties sports car racing, the E-Type shared its 265bhp 3.8 litre twin-cam straight-six engine with the XK150 ‘S’, mated to a Moss four-speed gearbox with synchromesh on the top three ratios. Beneath the William Lyons/Malcolm Sayer-styled body, available in either closed or roadster form, the steel monocoque chassis sported all-independent suspension and four-wheel disc brakes, mounted inboard at the back. Beautifully finished in Peal black with matching Black leather interior, this rare and desirable flat floor has benefited from a comprehensive restoration of its bodywork and general cosmetics. In 2016 further attention has been given to the mechanics where necessary, including work to the carburettors and electrics. One of the most revered E-Types, offered in its earliest and purest form this fine example is supplied with EU Taxes paid and is described to be in good condition all-round. This is a particularly notable, rare example of one of the most iconic sports cars of the 1960s. D’une belle couleur noir nacré avec un intérieur en cuir noir assorti cette rare voiture à plancher plat a bénéficié d’une restauration de sa carrosserie et d’un embellissement général. En 2016 on a accordé plus d’attention à la mécanique avec en particulier des travaux sur les carburateurs et le circuit électrique. Une des E-Types les plus admirées, présentée dans sa forme originale des plus pures, ce beau modèle est livré avec les taxes Européennes payées et est en très bon état général. C’est un exemple particulièrement rare de ces voitures de sport iconiques des années 1960


Lot 190

1931 Ford Model A Doctor’s Coupè Registration Number: None

Chassis Number: 2256396

Estimate: €30,000 - €35,000

Replacement for the ubiquitous Model T, the Model A went on sale in December 1927. A more complex car than its predecessor, the ‘A’ was also more powerful, its four-cylinder sidevalve engine producing 40bhp - double the output of the T - which was good enough for a top speed of 65mph. A three-speed sliding gear transmission replaced the T’s planetary gears, there was coil-and-battery instead of magneto ignition and at last there was a brake for each wheel. The T’s ungainly styling was abandoned, and the eagerly awaited Model A’s up-to-the-minute looks, choice of colors and, needless to say, competitive pricing, helped ensure its success. Ford priced the new Model A at just $450 and would go to build 4.8 million over the next four years despite the prevailing economic gloom. After two years in production the Model A was face-lifted for 1930, receiving wider tires on smaller-diameter (19”) wheels and being mildly restyled with wider mudguards to achieve a lower, more modern look. Ford outsold Chevrolet 2-to-l in 1929/30 when more than 1.4 million were sold - the Model A’s best year - and production continued until the V8’s arrival in 1932 saw Ford’s four-cylinder car renamed ‘Model B’.

This Model A Doctor’s Coupè is in general good conditions. Restored about 10 years ago, this car is finished in an elegant combinatiotion of grey, dark grey and black, with yellow wheels. It comes to the sale with English registration papers, where it was registered in the 1989 coming from the USA, and it’s ready to enjoy its next owner. Cette modèle A Doctor Coupè est dans de bonnes conditions générales. Restaurée il y a environ 10 ans, cette voiture est terminée dans une combinaison élégante de gris, gris foncé et noir, avec des roues jaunes. Elle est à la vente avec des papiers d’enregistrement en anglais, où elle a été enregistrée en 1989 en provenance des USA, et elle est prête à profiter de son prochain propriétaire.


Lot 191

2002 Ferrari 575 Maranello - one owner from new Registration Number: EU Taxes Paid

Chassis Number: ZFFBT55B000130814

Estimate: €85,000 - €100,000

In 1996 Ferrari introduced the 550 Maranello in a bid to revive their fabled line of grand tourers, and the 550 quickly proved to be an overwhelming success. Six years later, in 2002, they introduced the 575M Maranello, which brought about a host of healthy updates to make an incredible car even more potent. Increasing the displacement of the V-12 by 250 cubic centimeters, resulting in a total of 5,748 cubic centimetres and brought a healthy increase in power and torque, giving the 575M a top speed of 202 mph. The front end was slightly revised with newer headlights, a revised air intake and front spoiler, and the weight distribution was improved to 50/50. Buyers also had the opportunity to outfit their new car with an F1-style gearbox, which proved to be a very popular option. To help rein in the increased performance, the 575M was also fitted with larger brake discs. Inside, the interior was modernised and refreshed with an updated dashboard, trim, and steering wheel, amongst other minor updates. This beautiful example, finished in black with a matching black hide interior, is showing a mere 40,000 kilometres from new, with just one owner. 575 Maranellos are amongst the very best of modern Ferraris, a fantastic all round GT car with a front mounted V12 in the spirit of the iconic 275s and Daytonas of the 1960s and 70s. Offered with an Italian title and just one Italian owner from new, also all relevant books and tools, this 575 represents a very attractive proposition. Cette belle exemple, fini noir avec un intérieur correspondant de cuir noir, montre à peine 40.000 kilomètres de nouveau, avec un seul propriétaire. 575 Maranello sont parmi les meilleures de Ferraris modernes, une fantastique voiture tout au long de GT avec un front monté V12 dans l’esprit des 275S iconiques et Daytonas des années 1960 et 70. Proposé avec un titre italien et un seul propriétaire, aussi tous les livres et les outils pertinents, cette 575 représentent une proposition très attrayante.


Lot 192

2002 Porsche 996 Targa Registration Number: French Registered

Chassis Number: WP0ZZZ99Z2S631111

Estimate: €28,000- €35,000

The return of the Targa marks its third generation. First introduced in 1967, the Targa gave buyers the thrill of an open-air coupe while retaining the 911’s stiff body structure. The concept returned in 1996, with a power sliding sunroof replacing the fully removable panels on the original. This latest version further refines the concept with even more glass overhead and a new hinged panel in back for easier access to the rear storage area. The rest of the Targa’s interior is standard 911, although there are some minor upgrades for the 2002 model year. A real glovebox now resides in front of the passenger, while the cupholder, stilly poorly placed above the dash, has been redesigned for a better grip on your morning coffee. A digital Bose sound system in now available, finally bringing the 911 up to speed in the arena of high-end audio systems. Unfortunately for the salespeople at Bose, Porsche also refined the exhaust system for the revamped engine, rendering the new stereo a somewhat questionable option. Now displacing 3.6 liters, the 911’s flat six boasts 320 horsepower and 273 poundfeet of torque. The addition of the VarioCam Plus valve timing system from the Turbo and a dual-stage intake system gives the engine incredible flexibility, allowing it to deliver up to 86 percent of its peak torque output between 2,500 and 7,000 rpm. V8 fans might find it a little soft off the line, but the power builds quickly thereafter, continuing well into tachometer ranges that would leave most eight-cylinders gasping for air. The slightly revised mufflers make for an even sweeter sound when running wide open, but even at idle, there’s still that unmistakable Porsche purr. The standard transmission remains a six-speed manual, with the five-speed Tiptronic automanual optional. Certain key components on the manual unit were beefed up with stronger steel to handle the added engine power, but the shifter retains the lightweight feel of last year’s model. It’s still a little too notchy for our tastes, but for most driving situations, and most drivers, the shifter works well. This Nordic Gold tiptronic Targa on offer today is reported to be in excellent general condition. The black interior and carpets are in excellent order. Delivered new to France it comes with full service history, having being serviced by Porsche themselves its entire life. With just 98,000 km from new, it is offered with its Control Technique until 2018 and with French Carte Grise Papers. La Nordic Gold Toptronic Targa que nous présentons aujourd’hui est en excellent état général. l’intérieur noir et les tapis sont impeccables. Livrée neuve en France elle possède un dossier retraçant tout son entretien toujours réalisé par Porsche eux- mêmes. Avec juste 98.000km elle est proposée avec son contrôle technique valable jusqu’en 2018 et avec une carte grise Française.


Lot 193

1971 Fiat 595 Evocation Registration Number: Italian registered

Chassis Number: 2785788

Estimate: €14,000 - €17,000

After leaving Cisitalia in 1948, Austrian-born engineer Carlo Abarth set up as an independent in Turin, the home of the Italian auto industry. From producing induction and exhaust systems, Abarth branched out into selling performance kits for - mainly FIAT - production cars, later building a highly successful series of sports prototypes and limited-series production cars, many of which were produced in conjunction with Carrozzeria Zagato. An innovative concern with a sporting pedigree second to none, Abarth was taken over by FIAT in 1972. With their FIAT 500-based 595, Abarth adopted the most cost-effective method of coaxing greater power from a small engine, a new big-bore cylinder block boosting the previously 499cc air-cooled twin to 593cc. Higher-compression pistons, re-worked inlet ports, a special camshaft and exhaust system, and a larger carburettor helped raise power from 22 to 30bhp, though the biggest gain was in midrange torque. Abarth’s conversion halved the standard car’s acceleration times and endowed the 595 with a top speed of more than 75mph. Lowered suspension and wider wheels and tyres helped the baby FIAT utilise the increased performance. Those still not satisfied could opt for the 595SS (Sprint Speciale), with 34bhp on tap and an 80mph top speed. And if that wasn t enough, there was a further stretch available: to 695cc in the form of the formidable 695SS. Based on a Fiat 500 L, this Fiat 595 Evocation was prepared with a kit Abarth during the 90s: carburettor double body, exhaust, oil cup, camshaft, increased pistons and cylinders. The original Fiat 500 was total modified with a 5-speed gearbox, the engine was prepared and his cubic capacity was upgrade at 595cc, it is also equipped with disc brakes, aluminium wheels and it has a racing trim. Any Fiat 500 is an absolute joy to drive, but this extremely well prepared 595 Evocation really is fantastic; a great car for club event, sprints, or merely just to jump in and drive as fast as possible! Toutes les Fiat 500 procurent un véritable plaisir de conduire, mais cette 595 Evocation est vraiment fantastique; une grande voiture pour des réunions de clubs ou simplement pour sauter dedans et conduire auusi vite que possible!


Lot 194

1937 Rolls-Royce 25/30 Limousine Registration Number: French registered

Chassis Number: NA

Estimate: €25,000-€35,000

The Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost 40/50 was one of the world’s great cars, not only in terms of prestige and cost, but also in its size. Many early admirers of the RollsRoyce marque must have longed for a smaller version that could thread through increasingly congested traffic with more ease. Some even relished the idea of driving the Rolls-Royce their self…a task most Silver Ghost owners deemed best left to a trained chauffeur. In 1922, Rolls-Royce revealed a new, smaller car designed for the owner-driver (although many would be chauffer driven). It was called the Twenty, after its taxable horsepower rating, and ably provided the quality, quiet and durability that was by then immutably associated with the Rolls-Royce nameplate. The Twenty proudly carried the world-famous Parthenon-inspired Rolls-Royce radiator design, as would all its similarly sized successors to come. The Twenty was replaced in 1929 by the 20/25, which was then succeeded in early 1936 by the 25/30 chassis. The 25/30 was powered by a 4.3-liter OHV six engine that was a larger displacement derivative of the 20/25 design that preceded it. The 25/30 was produced during the 1936-1938 period and by the time it was retired, 1,201 chassis had been produced in the series. The model was replaced for 1939 by a new small Roll-Royce, called the Wraith (later to become the post-WWII Silver Wraith). The Rolls-Royce 25/30 offered here today has just received a thorough inspection and is described to be in good to excellent condition throughout. Offered are a very reasonable reserve, this is an opportunity not to be missed. Known to reach speeds of up to 75mph, what a remarkable and elegant way to travel. La Rolls-Royce présentée aujourd’hui vient d’être inspectée et est décrite comme étant en bon, voire excellent état général.Offerte à un prix raisonnable, c’est l’occasion à ne pas manquer. Connue pour atteindre 75 miles à l’heure, quelle façon remarquable et élégante de voyager.



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INDEX Lot 149 109 141 113 157 129 151 126 148 164 135 169 121 174 131 161 170 118 114 117 132 136 154 145 182 130 167 163 191 172 185 119 173 177 165 183 143 193 180 122 133 190 146 124 137 134

Year Make Model 1967 Alfa Romeo Giulia 1600 Bollino Oro 1991 Alfa Romeo Duetto Spyder 1983 Alfa Romeo “Disco Volante” Evocation 1960 Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint 1955 Austin Healey 1926 Bentley 3 1/2 Vanden Plas 1957 Bentley By James Young 1988 BMW M3 1931 Cadillac Fleetwood Drophead Coupe 1963 Cadillac De Ville 1954 Chevrolet Corvette C1 1971 Citroen Mahari 1986 Citroen 2CV 1969 Citroen AK350 Van 1966 Citroen DS Cabriolet 1968 Citroen DS 21 Cabriolet 1975 De Tomaso Pantera 1963 Deep Sanderson 1973 Ferrari 365 GT 1977 Ferrari 308 GTB 1987 Ferrari 308 2005 Ferrari F 430 2004 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale 1981 Ferrari 308 GTS 1975 Ferrari Dino GT4 1983 Ferrari 512 Bbi 1972 Ferrari Ferrari 365 GTC/ 1964 Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 2004 Ferrari 575M 1988 Ferrari Testarossa 2001 Ferrari 550 Barchetta 2006 Ferrari F 430 Challenge 1978 Ferrari 308 GTS 1977 Ferrari 308 GT4 Dino 2004 Ferrari 360 Challenge Stradale 2008 Ferrari F430 Scuderia 1969 Ferrari 246 GT Dino 1971 Fiat 595 Evocation 2010 Fiat 500 Jolly Car 1969 Ford Mustang Shellby 1955 Ford Thunderbird 1931 Ford Model A Doctors Coupe 2001 Harley Davison Softail 1960 Jaguar XK 150 1968 Jaguar E-Type 1950 Jaguar XK 120

Lot Year Make Model 150 1954 Jaguar XK 120 Roadster 189 1962 Jaguar E-Type 140 Jaguar E-Type V12 160 1990 Lambourghini Countach 128 1971 Lancia Aurelia B20 153 1968 Lancia Fulvia Rallye 1.3 142 1966 Lancia Flaminia GT 112 1992 Lancia Delta Evo 1 106 1999 Land Rover Defender “ No Limits” 120 1964 Lotus Elan Type 26 R 155 1983 Maserati Bi-Turbo 166 1970 Mercedes 190 SL 127 1970 Mercedes 280 SE Cabriolet 139 1960 Mercedes 190 SL 107 1966 Mercedes 230SL 159 1984 Mercedes 380SL 176 1963 Mercedes 220 SEB Coupe 111 1969 Mercedes-Benz 280 SL 116 1967 Mercedes-Benz 230 SL 147 1972 MG B 187 1963 Morris Minor 168 1964 Panhard 186 1952 Peugot 203 Cabriolet 123 1952 Porsche 356 Pre A Cabriolet 152 1959 Porsche 1600 Cabriolet 125 1994 Porsche 993 Turbo 138 1973 Porsche 911 2.4 S Targa 162 1994 Porsche 964 Speedster 104 1987 Porsche 944 S2 Cabriolet 178 1989 Porsche 911 Turbo S 188 1995 Porsche 993 RS 175 2004 Porsche 996 GT3 114 1970 Porsche 914/6 171 2004 Porsche Carrera GT 115 1958 Porsche 356 Speedster 192 2002 Porsche 996 Targa 158 1963 Porsche 356 B 1600 S 184 1953 Porsche 356 Pre A S Coupe 179 2006 Renault Clio V6 105 1960 Renault Tractor 181 1976 Renault Alpine 110 1983 Renault 5 Turbo II 156 1961 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud II 194 1937 Rolls Royce 25/30 108 2009 Tesla Roadster “ Signature edition”

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