Appendix Role Profiles

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Appendix The generic role profiles Organisational Level 5 • Creative Director Organisational Level 4 or 5 • Business Development Manager Organisational Level 4 • Organisational Development Manager Organisational Level 3 • Lead Arts Worker • Project Manager • Lead Arts Worker / Project Manager Organisational Level 2 or 3 • Arts Administrator Organisational Level 2 • Arts Worker Organisational Level 1 • Trainee Arts Worker

C-PAL Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning  Copyright Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning 2011

Level 5: Creative Director Role purpose To lead and develop organisational, vision, strategy, image and creative direction; and to manage and develop resources and relationships, in order to collaboratively produce an innovative programme of work that meets the goals and expectations of all stakeholders. The key features of a Creative Director are: Creative Development A Creative Director will work to continually develop an innovative programme of creative work, by taking risks that stretch the skills and capabilities of all participants and challenge pre-conceptions and expectation of potential. She/he will ensure that projects add value with outcomes that are relevant, by collaborating with client organisations to define and manage expectations and always giving attention to the detail of developing and achieving, to pre-determined goals and professional standards. By promoting systematic reflective practice and taking time to analyse and evaluate work, the creative director will always work to check and develop the quality of creative output. Business Development A Creative Director will work to advocate the value of the creative programme by building relationships and promoting the organisation with tenacity and passion. He/she will skilfully manage and develop a substantial knowledge of the sector, using it to forward plan and develop and promote the ownership of, challenging strategic programmes in collaboration with client organisations. People Development A Creative Director will lead and motivate the organisation by being a role model; inspiring others with the passion to deliver the organisational vision. She/he will work to build strong relationships with team and board members, by demonstrating commitment and consistency of leadership. She/he will respect and value all contribution, while continually setting the challenge to deliver excellence. Resource Development A creative Director will use knowledge of financial management and funding application processes to ensure that financial forecasting and forward planning of resource availability and requirement, are sound enough to ensure the survival and development of the organisation. He/she will continually analyse and evaluate the prudent use of resources and will be able to call upon a significant resourcefulness to approach situations where resources are challenged. Infrastructure Development A Creative Director will look to innovate in developing technology, communications and standard assessment systems, to enable and encourage involvement within the organisation, sector or network. Skills and experience Well-developed skills/experience in: • Relevant art form • Leadership and strategic planning • Networking • Negotiation and influencing • Research and analysis • Fundraising, Financial Good skills/experience in: • Marketing and promotion • IT systems technology

Knowledge and understanding Substantial knowledge/understanding of: • Legislative frameworks • Policies and issues relevant to sub-sector Basic to good understanding of: • Financial statements

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Creative Director Role purpose To lead and develop organisational vision, strategy, image and creative direction. To manage and develop resources and relationships, in order to collaboratively produce an innovative programme of work that meets the goals and expectations of all stakeholders. Key Activities and Competencies Creative development activities and responsibilities • Strategic development of creative direction and ideas • Quality control of all artistic/creative output • Programme management • Programme evaluation Key competencies Innovation, Risk taking, Attention to detail, Reflective practice Collaboration, Managing expectations Analysing and evaluating Business development activities and responsibilities • Development of organisational image and marketing strategy • Identification and development of strategic client relationships • Strategic programme planning and management • Advocacy and development of work via teaching and consultancy Key competencies Advocacy, Tenacity Relationship Building, Challenging, Collaborating, Promoting ownership Forward planning, Knowledge management People development activities and responsibilities • Leading and motivating staff, freelancers and Board • Development of HR strategy – organisational structures, staff recruitment, reward and development (organisational or cross-sector) • Performance management and development of staff • Liaising with and management of Board Key competencies Inspiring others Relationship Building, Challenging, Role modelling, Valuing contribution Consistency, Commitment, Adherence to policy Forward Planning 3, Analysing and Evaluating 3, Knowledge Management 3 Resource Development activities and responsibilities • Management of organisational resources and resource requirements • Identification of funding sources and opportunities • Completion of funding applications • Costing, pricing and contract negotiation • Development of financial strategy • Management of programme resources Key competencies Forward Planning, Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management Resourcefulness Infrastructure Development • Development of strategy regarding IT/systems/communications infrastructure (organisational or across sector) • Project management of organisational infrastructure projects Key competencies Innovation Encouraging Involvement Forward Planning, Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management Other Relevant Competencies Self-development, Supporting diversity, Valuing contribution, Maintaining confidentiality, Judgement and decision making

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KPIs Programme meets criteria for innovation and relevance

Satisfactory evaluation of programme against goals, and professional standards

Business development meets target Strategic planning contains effective use of resource and shows connection with external drivers

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Staff demonstrate understanding of vision and commitment to goals and values Staff demonstrate competency Board demonstrate understanding of vision and are a significant support to organisation Financial management systems and reporting are accurate, up-to-date and “understandable” to board Finances show healthy cashflow Evaluation shows prudent and creative use of resource.

Evaluation shows value added by strategy

Level 4/5: Business Development Manager Role purpose To work with the Creative Director to develop the organisation’s vision, strategy and the delivery of its creative programme of work. To manage and develop project management staff and delivery standards; long term partner relationships; and funding opportunity and strategy, to ensure that programmes are strategically relevant and are collaboratively and professionally delivered to meet the goals and expectations of all stakeholders. The key features of a Business Development Manager are: Programme Management A Business Development Manager will take overall responsibility for co-ordinating the programme of work, ensuring attention to detail and challenging project managers and Leads Arts Workers, where necessary. He/she will encourage and facilitate reflective practice and lead the overall evaluation of the programme. Business Development A Business Development Manager will work to advocate the value of the creative programme by building relationships and promoting the organisation with tenacity and passion. He/she will skilfully manage and develop a substantial knowledge of the sector, using it to forward plan and develop and promote the ownership of, strategic programmes that challenge, in collaboration with client organisations. People Development A Business Development Manager will coach and motivate Project Managers and Lead Arts Workers by being a role model, inspiring them with the passion to play their part in delivering the organisational vision and strategy. She/he will work to build strong relationships with them, by demonstrating commitment and consistency of standards and support. They will respect and value all contribution, while continually setting the challenge to deliver excellence. She/he will also develop learning and development strategy, by keeping up to date with knowledge of best practice and evaluating the learning needs of individuals. Resource Development A Business Development Manager will use knowledge of funding sources application processes and considerable resourcefulness to ensure the forward planning of resource availability and requirement. He/she will continually analyse and evaluate the prudent use of resources.

Skills and experience Well-developed skills/experience in: • Leadership and strategic planning • Coaching • Networking • Negotiation and influencing • Programme management • Research and analysis • Fundraising, Financial Good skills/experience in: • Marketing and promotion • Creative practice

Knowledge and understanding Substantial knowledge/understanding of: • Legislative frameworks • Policies and issues relevant to sub-sector • Relevant Art form Basic to good understanding of: • Financial statements

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Business Development Manager Role purpose To work with the Creative Director to develop the organisation’s vision, strategy and the delivery of its creative programme of work. To manage and develop project management staff and delivery standards; long term partner relationships; and funding opportunity and strategy, to ensure that programmes are strategically relevant and are collaboratively and professionally delivered to meet the goals and expectations of all stakeholders. Key Activities and Competencies Programme Management • Quality control of project management • Programme management • Programme evaluation Key competencies Attention to detail, Reflective practice Challenging, Managing expectations Analysing and evaluating Business development activities and responsibilities • Supporting in the development of organisational image and marketing strategy • Identification and development of strategic client relationships • Strategic programme planning and management • Advocacy and development of work via advisory support to community and client groups Key competencies Advocacy, Tenacity Relationship Building, Challenging, Collaborating, Promoting ownership Forward planning, Knowledge management People development activities and responsibilities • Leading, coaching and motivating Project Managers and Lead Arts Practitioners • Identification of development needs for creative practitioners • Development of Creative Practitioner Learning and Development strategy • Performance management and development of Lead Arts Workers and Project Managers Key competencies Inspiring others Relationship Building, Challenging, Role modelling, Valuing contribution Self-development, Consistency, Commitment, Adherence to policy Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management, Forward Planning Resource Development activities and responsibilities • Identification of funding sources and opportunities • Completion of funding applications • Costing, pricing and contract negotiation • Development of financial strategy • Management of programme resources Key competencies Resourcefulness Forward Planning, Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management Other Relevant Competencies Self-development, Supporting diversity, Valuing contribution, Maintaining confidentiality, Judgement and decision making

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KPIs •

Programme meets criteria for innovation and relevance

Satisfactory evaluation of programme against goals, and professional standards

Business development meets target Strategic planning contains effective use of resource and shows connection with external drivers

Staff demonstrate understanding of vision and commitment to goals and values Staff demonstrate competency

Financial management systems and reporting, show evidence of strategic fundraising success Evaluation shows prudent and creative use of resource.

Level 4: Organisational Development Manager Role purpose To work with the Creative Director to manage and develop the organisation’s structure, support infrastructure, in order to support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation. To network with other organisations to identify best practice and opportunity for collaboration in the development of common standards and assessment measures. The key features of an Organisational Development Manager are: Resource Development An Organisational Development Manager will use knowledge of financial management to ensure that financial forecasting and forward planning of resource availability and requirement are sound enough to ensure the survival and development of the organisation. He/she will lead strategic financial planning and continually analyse and evaluate the prudent use of resources. He/she will be able to call upon a significant resourcefulness to approach situations where resources are challenged. Infrastructure Development An Organisational Development Manager will manage all administration and reporting associated with Organisational Management and board reporting. He/she will to ensure that standards and reporting systems are tailored to ensure ease and accuracy of information management, and look to innovate in developing technology, communications and standard assessment systems, to enable and encourage involvement within the organisation, sector, or network. Best Practice Advocacy An Organisational Development Manager will use networking to benchmark and advocate best professional practice. He/she will analyse best practice and pro-actively look to identify opportunities to build relationships and networks, where best practice views and approaches can be regularly shared. He/she, will look for opportunities for cross-sector collaborative and innovative projects to advance professional standards and to develop common consistent approaches regarding technology; communication and information management; assessment and reporting. She/he will act as Company Secretary, demonstrating commitment to best practice and standards, and inspiring the Board with confidence in the financial viability and professional integrity of the organisation. HR and People Development An Organisational Development Manager will lead and manage the admin team in supporting the organisational vision. He/she will develop HR and payroll strategy and systems, to ensure consistent maintenance of confidential and accurate records, and will keep up to date with knowledge of employment legislation and best practice, in order to adhere to policy and support diversity, when planning and managing recruitment, training or performance management activity. Skills and experience Well-developed skills/experience in: • Fundraising, Financial management • IT, systems technology • Leadership and strategic planning • Networking • Research and analysis • Negotiation and influencing Good skills/experience in: • People management

Knowledge and understanding Substantial knowledge/understanding of: • Financial management and reporting • Legislative frameworks • Policies and issues relevant to sub-sector Basic to good understanding of: • Participatory Arts

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Organisational Development Manager Role purpose To work with the Creative Director to manage and develop the organisation’s structure, support infrastructure, in order to support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation. To network with other organisations to identify best practice, and opportunity for collaboration in the development of common standards and assessment measures. Key Activities and Competencies


Resource Development activities and responsibilities • Management of organisational resources, and resource requirements • Identification of funding sources and opportunities • Completion of funding applications • Costing, pricing and contract negotiation • Development of financial strategy • Management of programme resources Key competencies Forward Planning, Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management Resourcefulness

Infrastructure Development • Development of strategy regarding IT/systems/communications infrastructure (organisational or across sector) • Project Management of Organisational infrastructure projects Key competencies Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management Encouraging Involvement Innovation Best Practice advocacy and networking • Benchmarking best practice • Networking and development of best practice sharing events • Development and management of internal cross-sector projects • Liaising with Board in capacity of Company Secretary Advocacy, Self-development, Supporting Diversity, Consistency Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management Forward Planning Relationship Building, Valuing contribution, Collaboration Innovation HR and People development activities and responsibilities • Performance management and development of Admin. staff • Development of HR strategy – organisational structures, staff recruitment, reward and development. (organisational or cross-sector) • Development of HR monitoring systems, standards and paperwork (organisational or cross-sector) Key competencies Relationship Building, Forward Planning, Analysing and Evaluating, Knowledge Management Supporting Diversity, Consistency, Adherence to policy Other Relevant Competencies Self-development, Valuing contribution Judgement and decision making

Evaluation shows value added by strategy

Network feedback and reporting Evaluation of projects, shows “added” value Board demonstrate confidence in organisation and are a significant support to organisation

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Financial management systems and reporting, are accurate, up-to-date and “understandable” to board Finances show healthy cashflow Evaluation shows prudent and creative use of resource.

Staff demonstrate understanding of vision, and commitment to goals and values Staff demonstrate competency

Level 3: Lead Arts Worker Role purpose To lead a project team in designing, planning, delivering and evaluating a programme of work or a large-scale project/s and to liaise with client groups and external partners in these processes. To support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation, contributing to the overall strategic development of the organisation. The key features of a lead arts worker are: Programme/Project design and delivery The lead arts worker will inspire project teams and partners on an emotional and/or intellectual and imaginative level to collaborate in the design, planning, delivering and evaluating of a programme of work or large-scale project/s. He/she will identify strategic options for innovation and will encourage the team and partners to take creative risks by actively scanning for opportunities and identifying the kinds of support necessary to take such risks. He/she will demonstrate resourcefulness by developing a delivery strategy that combines flexibility with creative vision. He/she will analyse and evaluate to ensure that all lessons are learned and applied both during and after programme delivery and manage the knowledge gained to contribute strategically to both programme and organisational development. He/ she will consistently role model high creative and professional standards to the project team, participants and client groups and advocate for the work by articulating the vision and value of the work to existing and potential partners. He/she will confidently use judgement and decision-making based on knowledge, skills and experience to guide and support the team and the project towards successful operational and strategic outcomes. He/she will be inspire and support team members to address difficulties with tenacity and challenge resistance appropriately. People Development He/she will work to build relationships with, encourage the involvement and promote the ownership of members of the project team, client groups, and partners, with strategic as well as immediate aims in mind. He/she will build a project team that can draw upon a diversity of skills, experience and creative energy and will proactively plan and lead projects and programmes with diversity and inclusion issues in mind. He/she will lead project/programme team meetings to forward plan to assess progress against plans He/she will encourage and support the project team in achieving their self development plans and continue to use a Continuing Professional Development log (or similar) and reflective practice to consider own professional development needs Resource Management The lead arts worker uses judgement and decision making to help develop and allocate a project/ programme resources. He/she may have an operational budget, directly related to project expenditure or to project income. He/she will ensure attention to detail in maintaining accurate records and adhere to organisational policy concerning finances Skills Relevant art form/creative practice Interpersonal skills Team building and development skills Self management skills Evaluation skills Resource Management skills

Knowledge and understanding Organisational policies Organisation’s current practice Current/best practice in the sector Strategic issues affecting clients and contexts Potential barriers to participation and inclusion Health and Safety policies and procedures and relevant legal issues (e.g. disclosure)

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Lead Arts Worker Role purpose

To lead a project team in designing, planning , delivering and evaluating a programme of work or a large-scale project/s and to liaise with client groups and external partners in these processes. To support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation and to contribute to the overall strategic development of the organisation. Key Activities and Competencies Project activity responsibilities • To inspire a project team in design, planning, delivery of arts programmes or largescale projects • To evaluate arts programmes and projects Key competencies Inspiring Others, Resourcefulness, Innovation, Risk-taking , Attention to Detail, Reflective Practice Collaboration, Role Modelling,Challenge Advocacy, Consistency, Tenacity Analysing and Evaluating , Managing Knowledge, Judgement and Decision Making, Forward planning Organisational activities and responsibilities • To contribute to overall strategic development of the organisation • To model the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation Key competencies Managing Knowledge, Forward planning Adherence to Policy, Consistency

People development activities and responsibilities • To coach and motivate arts workers and other project team members • To continue own professional development Key competencies Encouraging Involvement, Building Relationships , Promoting Ownership Supporting Diversity, Self Development, Maintaining Confidentiality, Reflective Practice

Resource activities and responsibilities • Advising on the development and allocation of programme/project budgets • Ensuring operational budgets are managed correctly Key competencies Attention to Detail Judgement and Decision Making Adherence to policy

Other Competencies

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KPIs Project team are enthusiastic and working well together Evaluations that include input from a range of stakeholders and recommend immediate and strategic actions

Strategic planning process informed by input Client groups and external partners satisfied

High levels of motivation in project team CPD plans addressed

Good feedback/evaluation re resource management Regular budget monitoring reports

Level 3 : Project Manager Role purpose To lead creative projects, in collaboration with client group Project Partners, to deliver an outcome that meets the goals and expectations of all stakeholders; and to manage the project journey in a way that maintains clarity and governance, whilst being flexible enough to accommodate and recognise, the value added by inclusive contribution and creativity. The key features of a Project Manager are: Project Initiation and engagement A Project Manager will collaborate with the client to facilitate the definition of project goals, scope and timescales; and will identify all stakeholders, and work to build relationships, and manage expectations. He/she will analyse context and resources, in order to forward plan project activity and milestones. He/she will work to launch the project with an energy, advocacy and commitment, that will inspire all stakeholders to play their part in delivering project goals. Project activity management A Project Manager will continually update knowledge of sector context and developments, reviewing planning, to enable proactive decision making, and to manage expectations in light of changes to risk, resource or creative direction. In building relationships with stakeholders she/he will value their contribution, or challenge any lack of engagement, and promote ownership., He/she will promote collaboration by keeping stakeholders engaged through project meetings and reporting; providing structure, consistency, and tenacity of purpose. She/he will be proactively resourceful, to enable creative flexibility, while ensuring delivery with an attention to detail. Project evaluation A Project Manager will facilitate and promote reflective practice from the outset of a project, setting standards and measures for success early on. At the project completion, he/she will conduct a more formal and structured analysis and evaluation, ensuring that a record of achievement and learning is created, that values the contribution of all stakeholders, and promotes client ownership of the achievement and legacy. People management and development A project manager will inspire his/her project team by consistent and committed leadership, based on a strong sense of purpose, and a structured approach. He/she will work to build relationships with team members and stakeholders that allow the confidence to challenge, and promote ownership of their own part in the achievement. Resource management A Project Manager will ensure, through analysis and forward planning, that resources are in place for a project. Where resources are restricted, he/she will show resourceful flair, collaborating with the client to manage expectations and be creative with the resource available Skills and experience Well-developed skills/experience in: • Project leadership • Relevant art form/creative practice • Planning and risk management • Presentation and facilitation • Negotiation and influencing • Problem solving approaches • Analysis and evaluation models and technique

Knowledge and understanding Substantial knowledge/understanding of: • Project management theory • Sub-sector policies and structures • Health and Safety legislation and policy • Good knowledge/understanding of: • Legislative frameworks

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Project Manager Role purpose To lead creative projects, in collaboration with client group Project Partners, to deliver an outcome that meets the goals and expectations of all stakeholders; and to manage the project journey in a way that maintains clarity and governance, whilst being flexible enough to accommodate and recognise, the value added by inclusive contribution and creativity. Key Activities and Competencies KPIs Project initiation and engagement activities and responsibilities • Common understanding of • Facilitation and capture of project goals goals and expectations • Definition of project scope, resources, timescales, and budget • Project scoping and • Identification and formal engagement of stakeholders and roles definition documentation • Development of project structure, plan and governance • Project launch, and communications Key competencies Analysing and evaluating, Forward planning Relationship building, Collaboration, Managing expectations Advocacy, Commitment Inspiring Others Project activity management activities and responsibilities • Project is on time and on • Planning and scheduling of activity budget • Facilitation of project workshops and meetings • Groups are enthusiastic about participation • Interim update and reporting • Common understanding of Key competencies progress and achievement Relationship Building, Challenging, Collaborating, Valuing contribution, Promoting ownership, Managing expectations Resourcefulness, Attention to detail Consistency, Tenacity Forward planning, Knowledge management, Judgement and decision making Project evaluation activities and responsibilities • Satisfactory evaluation • Development of evaluation strategy, measures, data capture methods report • Conduction/facilitation of review and assessment activity • Production of evaluation report Key competencies Reflective practice Analysing and evaluating Valuing contribution, promoting ownership People management and development activities and responsibilities • Leading and motivating project team and stakeholders • Identification of people skills required; “recruitment” of project team • Performance management and development of project team Key competencies Inspiring others Analysing and evaluating, Forward planning Relationship Building, Challenging, Promoting ownership Consistency, Commitment

Resource management activities and responsibilities • Budget tracking and management • Procurement and management of project resources Key competencies Forward planning, Analysing and evaluating, Knowledge Management Resourcefulness Collaboration, Managing expectations

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Other Competencies Self-development, Supporting diversity, Adherence to policy Role modelling, Maintaining confidentiality, Innovation?

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Project team are motivated and enthusiastic Team can demonstrate learning

Cost/budget tracking data Good feedback/evaluation regarding resource management

Level 3: Lead Arts Worker/Project Manager Role purpose To lead a project team in designing, planning , delivering and evaluating a programme of work or a large-scale project/s and to liaise with client groups and external partners in these processes, delivering an outcome that meets the goals and expectations of all stakeholders. To manage the project journey in a way that maintains clarity and governance. To support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation and to contribute to the overall strategic development of the organisation . The key additional features of a lead arts worker when acting as project manager are: Project Initiation and engagement A lead arts worker acting as project manager will collaborate with the client to facilitate the definition of project goals, scope and timescales; and will identify all stakeholders, and work to build relationships, and manage expectations. He/she will analyse context and resources, in order to forward plan project activity and milestones. He/she will work to launch the project with an energy, advocacy and commitment, that will inspire all stakeholders to play their part in delivering project goals. Project activity management A lead arts worker acting as project manager will promote collaboration by keeping stakeholders engaged through project meetings and reporting; providing structure, consistency, and tenacity of purpose. Resource Management A lead arts worker acting as project manager will ensure, through analysis and forward planning, that resources are in place for a project. Where resources are restricted, he/she will show resourceful flair, collaborating with the client to manage expectations and be creative with the resource available Skills Project leadership Relevant art form/creative practice Negotiating and influencing skills Planning and risk assessment skills Interpersonal skills Team building and development skills Self management skills Evaluation skills Resource Management skills

Knowledge and understanding Project management theory Organisational policies Organisation’s current practice Current/best practice in the sector Strategic issues affecting clients and contexts Potential barriers to participation and inclusion Health and Safety policies and procedures and relevant legal issues (e.g. disclosure)

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Lead Arts Worker/Project Manager Role purpose To lead a project team in designing, planning , delivering and evaluating a programme of work or a large-scale project/s and to liaise with client groups and external partners, delivering an outcome that meets the goals and expectations of all stakeholders. to manage the project journey in a way that maintains clarity and governance, To support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation and to contribute to the overall strategic development of the organisation. Key Activities and Competencies Project activity responsibilities • To initiate and scope a project with client groups and external partners and manage expectations • To keep stakeholders engaged through project meetings Key competencies Inspiring Others, Resourcefulness, Innovation, Risk-taking , Attention to Detail, Reflective Practice Collaboration, Role Modelling,Challenge Advocacy, Consistency, Tenacity Analysing and Evaluating , Managing Knowledge, Judgement and Decision Making, Forward planning Resource activities and responsibilities • Ensure resources are in place for the project /programme • Manage project budget Key competencies Forward Planning Resourcefulness, Attention to Detail Judgement and Decision Making Adherence to policy

Other Competencies

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KPIs Common understanding of goals and expectations Project scoping and definition documentation

Cost/budget tracking data consistently available

Level 3: Arts Administrator Role purpose To manage all administration activities, resources and infrastructure, to support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation. The key features of an Arts Administrator are: Office management An Arts Administrator will build supportive relationships with creative practitioners and project managers by ensuring that the office is a well-organised and dependable environment. He/she will demonstrate a commitment to an attention to detail in producing documents and communications that are consistently accurate and timely, and ensuring that information is managed logically and consistently. He/she will promote the professional image of the organisation by demonstrating adherence to policy, and maintaining confidentiality of records, and challenging staff who may like to cut corners! Project/event support An Arts Administrator plans and co-ordinates the arrangements for meetings and events, building relationships with venue staff, caterers and invitees, to achieve flexibility, so that the capacity and needs of all parties can be met. Where time, availability or resources are an issue, he/she will be tenacious in pursuing the commitment of invitees, and will analyse options, and be resourceful, making decisions that optimise turnout. He/she will always pay attention to detail, ensuring that venue and catering arrangements are correct, and that agendas, minutes and other supporting documents, are accurate, and circulated in a timely manner. HR, or People management An Arts Administrator supports HR activities by managing recruitment, payroll and training administration and co-ordination. He/she ensures attention to detail by the consistent maintenance of confidential and accurate records, and keeps up to date with knowledge of employment legislation and best practice, in order to adhere to policy and support diversity. Resource management An Arts Administrator manages operational resources, supplies, and expenditure. By analysing usage and forward planning, he/she makes an important contribution to the cost efficient running of the organisation. She/he ensures attention to detail, by managing financial records consistently and accurately, and build good working relationships with suppliers and clients, by issuing and paying invoices in an accurate and timely manner.

Skills and experience Well-developed skills/experience in: • The use of word processing, spreadsheet and database software • Information management • Event organisation • Written and telephone communication

Knowledge and understanding Basic understanding of: • HR legislation • relevant sub-sector • Invoicing and book keeping

NB In larger organisations there may be a need for an Arts Administration Assistant. In these cases, the Arts Administrator would delegate elements of his/her role, as appropriate, The organisation could create a role description based on the Arts Administrator role, but tailored to specific nature of that role.

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Arts Administrator Role purpose To manage all administration activities, resources and infrastructure, to support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation. Key Activities and Competencies KPIs Office management activities and responsibilities • Office runs efficiently (no • Ensuring that IT and communications are fit for purpose complaints) • Handling of mail • Filing of documents and organisation of information • Production of standard / general documents or forms • Responsibility for office facilities, security and H&S • Handling general client queries, and speculative enquiries Key competencies Attention to detail Adherence to policy, Consistency, Commitment Maintaining confidentiality, Building relationships, Challenging, Managing expectations Knowledge management Project/event support activities and responsibilities • Events run smoothly • Produces / sends invites for events/meetings, and co-ordinates responses • Practitioners are happy • Takes responsibility for venue hire, refreshments, equipment with support • Produces and circulates, agendas and minutes • Production and proof-reading of project documents, or proposals and reports as required • Supports with data collation and analysis Key competencies Judgement and decision making, Forward planning, Knowledge management, Analysing and Evaluating, Attention to detail, Delivering, Resourcefulness Tenacity Relationship Building, Challenging, HR, or People management activities and responsibilities (*if relevant) • Records are up to date • Manages recruitment activity (i.e. interviews, advertising, appointment) and accurate • Manages payroll/liaises with outsourced payroll manager • Communication is timely • Takes responsibility for accurate and timely maintenance of HR and CPD records and accurate • Takes responsibility for maintaining and communicating HR policy • Leads admin. team, and manages performance and development* Key competencies Forward Planning, Knowledge Management Maintaining confidentiality, Relationship Building , Role modelling*, Valuing contribution* Consistency, Supporting diversity, Adherence to policy Attention to detail Resource management activities and responsibilities • Ensures stationery (or other, as relevant) supplies are maintained; orders/negotiates • Supplies are managed with suppliers, and manages supplier relationship. effectively • Manages and tracks resources. • Invoices are paid and • Accurate and timely maintenance of financial records. issued accurately and on • Manages petty cash time. • Deals with invoice payment and issue Key competencies Attention to detail Consistency Forward planning, Knowledge management, Analysing and evaluating Maintaining confidentiality, Building relationships Other Competencies Self-development, Advocacy Reflective practice Collaboration

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Level 2: Arts Worker Role purpose To work with the Lead Arts Worker to design, plan, deliver and evaluate arts workshops and projects and to liaise with client groups in these processes. To support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation. . The key features of an arts worker are: Workshop/Project design and delivery The arts worker will collaborate with other workers and/or client groups in the design, planning, delivery and evaluation of arts workshops and projects. He/she will be innovative combining knowledge, skills and experience to suggest new ideas and approaches and will be open to take creative risks, assessing these for value and relevance in the planning stage and using judgement when such risks have to be taken reflexively, ‘in the moment’. He/she will analyse and evaluate to ensure that lessons are learned and applied both during and after project delivery. He/she will pay attention to detail to ensure the small steps needed for successful delivery and outcomes are achieved and consistently aim for high creative and professional standards. He/she will be prepared to address difficulties with tenacity and challenge resistance appropriately and to share concerns with colleagues and/or senior staff when necessary. He/she will contribute to the organisation’s overall programme by using and managing knowledge gained through practice People Development He/she will work to build relationships with, encourage the involvement and promote the ownership of participants and client groups, supporting diversity by pro-actively planning and leading sessions with diversity and inclusion issues in mind. He/she will He /she will maintain confidentiality by not disclosing private and personal data, except if required to do so for legal or Health and Safety reasons and will role model professional standards to participants and client groups The arts worker will have a Continuing Professional Development log (or similar) which supports their self development and will use reflective practice as a way of considering developmental needs. Resource Management The arts worker may have an operational budget, directly related to materials or other project expenditure or to project income. He/she will ensure attention to detail in maintaining accurate records and adhere to organisational policy concerning finances Skills Relevant art form/creative practice Interpersonal skills Self management skills Evaluation skills

Knowledge and understanding Organisational policies Organisation’s current practice Potential barriers to participation and inclusion Health and Safety policies and procedures and relevant legal issues (e.g. disclosure)

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Arts Worker Role purpose

To design, plan, deliver and evaluate arts workshops and projects and to liaise with client groups in these processes. To support the creative aims and professional standards of the organisation. . Key Activities and Competencies Project activity responsibilities • To design, planning, delivery of arts workshops and projects • To evaluate workshops and projects • To contribute to design of organisation’s overall programme Key competencies Collaboration, Resourcefulness, Innovation, Risk-taking , Attention to Detail Consistency, Tenacity Analysing and Evaluating , Managing Knowledge Organisational activities and responsibilities • To understand and uphold relevant policies of the organisations and of the client, particularly as these apply to practice Key competencies Adherence to Policy, Maintaining Confidentiality, Consistency

People development activities and responsibilities • To encourage participants and client groups to become involved and have ownership of workshops and projects. • To continue own professional development Key competencies Encouraging Involvement, Building Relationships , Promoting Ownership Supporting Diversity, Self Development Reflective Practice Resource activities and responsibilities • Managing project materials budget Key competencies Attention to Detail Adherence to policy

Other Competencies

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KPIs Participant and client satisfaction Specific project outputs or outcomes achieved

No complaints

Participants and groups enthusiastic about project and discussing potential of future work Participants and groups wanting to use any final product in their own contexts CPD plan reviewed

Receipts submitted on time and in required fashion

Level 1: Trainee Arts Worker Role purpose To participate in and learn from a series of structured and semi-structured training opportunities, with the aim of becoming an arts worker or equivalent. To contribute to and support the design, planning and delivery of creative workshops and projects and encourage the involvement of participants, with an appropriate level of supervision and support . The key features of a trainee arts worker are: Workshop/Project design and delivery The trainee arts worker will collaborate with the project team in the design, planning, delivery and evaluation of arts workshops and projects as a supervised member of the project team. He/she will be resourceful in adapting existing approaches and integrating new learning and consistent in aiming for high standards. He/she will work to build relationships with and encourage the involvement of participants, supporting diversity by demonstrating respect for the beliefs, values and commitments of others. He /she will maintain confidentiality by not disclosing private and personal data, except to the Project Manager, if required to do so for legal or Health and Safety reasons. People Management and Development The trainee arts worker will have a written self-development plan with clear actions identified and agreed with his/her supervisor. He/she will work with commitment and tenacity to ensure this plan is achieved, whilst respecting the needs of the project and of fellow workers. He./she will understand and adhere to the policy of the host organisation and of the client, as appropriate. The trainee arts worker will regularly use reflective practice, and review and evaluate the self development plan at regular intervals with his/her supervisor, to identify when goals have been achieved and what new actions are required. The role description of the arts worker offers a measuring tool for this review process. Skills Relevant art form/creative practice Interpersonal skills Self management skills

Knowledge and understanding Organisational policies Organisation’s current practice Potential barriers to participation

 Copyright Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning 2011

Trainee Arts Worker Role purpose To participate in and learn from a series of structured and semi-structured training opportunities, with the aim of becoming an arts worker or equivalent. To contribute to and support the design, planning and delivery of creative workshops and projects and encourage the involvement of participants, with an appropriate level of supervision and support . Key Activities and Competencies Project activity responsibilities • To contribute to design, planning, delivery of arts workshops and projects • To contribute to the evaluation of workshops and projects Key competencies Resourcefulness Collaboration Consistency, Tenacity Analysing and Evaluating Organisational activities and responsibilities • To understand and uphold relevant policies of the organisations and of the client. Key competencies Adherence to Policy, Maintaining Confidentiality, Consistency

People development activities and responsibilities • To encourage participants to become involved in workshops and projects. • To make the most of the opportunities offered by the training programme. Key competencies Encouraging Involvement, Building Relationships Supporting Diversity, Self Development Reflective practice Other Competencies Attention to Detail

 Copyright Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning 2011

KPIs Trainee’s contribution observed and specifically identified in training supervisor’s report

Trainee’s adherence to policy observed and specifically identified in training supervisor’s report

Trainee’s contribution to involvement of participants observed and specifically identified in training supervisor’s report Goals of self development plan achieved

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