Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning 2011
Thank you for your interest in using C-‐PAL’s Core Competency Framework. This is a unique opportunity to be part of its pilot project, where participation will be recognised, backed and supported by the leading participatory arts organisations in the North West. Your involvement will provide you with access to free use of materials at individual and organisational levels: • To help you articulate and assess professional practice • To help advocate professional practice within the arts and non-‐arts sectors • For project planning and implementation • For mapping responsibility to experience and as necessary to pay rates • As a pure learning opportunity C-‐PAL (the Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning) was created to promote and support the learning and development of Arts practitioners within the North West. It quickly saw the need to “establish a framework that [would] establish a common understanding of expectation and assist in communication across the sector.” “Above all we value creativity as a tool to inspire learning and change, and as a personal resource to be discovered and developed. We believe that our passion and energy is the best advocacy, and that personal integrity lies at the heart of work that moves and motivates. Our unquestioning commitment to inclusivity recognises that everyone has something to contribute, and that only through collaboration will we achieve outcomes that truly add value to groups, communities and individual lives. To deliver all of this we dedicate ourselves to continuous learning and professional excellence.” C-‐PAL Members are currently: Action Factory, Cartwheel Arts, Cheshire Dance, Collective Encounters, Community Arts Northwest, Lanternhouse, LIME, Ludus Dance, Mid Pennine Arts, More Music, Osun Arts Foundation, Prescap, TIPP and Whitewood and Fleming. Thank you for your time. Please send all feedback, reflections or queries to: Naomi Whitman, C-‐PAL Development Worker: Also see:‐me/ &
Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning 2011
Through in depth consultation with member organisations, Gerri Moriarty and Jacqui Ruding developed the Core Competency Framework. It was endorsed by the C-‐PAL core group and renamed in 2011 to “Excellence in Arts Practice: A core competency framework for participatory arts”, to communicate the content more clearly. “ I was really excited about being invited to work on this C-‐PAL are now in a position to see the framework trialled and tested across the project. I am passionate about people development, and sector by individual artists and practitioners as well as any organisation believe that successful organisations are those that delivering significant participatory arts activity. To look at how the framework acknowledge the importance of their people, as the supports artists, practitioners and organisations working across different art inspiration for their development. Participatory Arts is all forms and in different settings. And to see how the framework can be used, about recognising and developing the creative potential of adapted and drawn from for strategic, operational and personal development. everyone, and understanding that everyone contributes to the character and spirit of a collaborative enterprise. I On using and applying the framework we hope you might come to a greater knew that a competency framework for this sector had to understanding of how it can be used, both within the ongoing aspects of your be grown from the common values at the heart of work as well as feedback to what context the framework may best reside. Participatory Arts.” Jacqui Ruding C-‐PAL freely provides access to the Core Competency Framework to anyone wanting to implement and draw from it, on the understanding that feedback and reflection on the process are an open source also. We would request you to seek to answer the following question whilst you undergo this process and share this with C-‐PAL and the sector nationally:
• What do you want to achieve in using the framework, what do you hope success will look like?
• What were the outcomes, what have you changed, what worked, what didn't? • Any specific challenges, what would you recommend to others? • Anything unexpected? • How did you go about it? • How long did it take? • How much did it cost (inc. time)?
Thank you for your time. Please send all feedback, reflections or queries to: Naomi Whitman, C-‐PAL Development Worker: Also see:‐me/ &