CPAL Exectuative Summary for Core Competency Framework

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Executive Summary C-PAL (the Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning) is a group of professional arts organisations based in the North West, who specialise in participatory practice. C-PAL was created to promote and support the learning and development of arts practitioners within the region. It quickly saw the need to “establish a framework that [would] establish a common understanding of expectation and assist in communication across the sector.� Through in depth consultation with member organisations, Gerri Moriarty and Jacqui Ruding developed the Core Competency Framework. (See page 3 for biographies)

Above all we value creativity as a tool to inspire learning and change, and as a personal resource to be discovered and developed. We believe that our passion and energy is the best advocacy, and that personal integrity lies at the heart of work that moves and motivates. Our unquestioning commitment to inclusivity recognises that everyone has something to contribute, and that only through collaboration will we achieve outcomes that truly add value to groups, communities and individual lives. To deliver all of this we dedicate ourselves to continuous learning and professional excellence.’%

These are the values that unite us at C-PAL, and it is from this basis that we have created our competency framework. We have identified the specific behaviours that demonstrate these values and the document provides detailed descriptions of how we might observe them within the different participatory arts roles.

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Who is it for? Throughout the consultation and development of this document it became clear that we are part of a very diverse sector, with a wide range of participants and varied organisational types. It was clear that the document should highlight commonalities,%rather than try to distil many of the unique elements of the organisations. The framework therefore looks at “how” things are delivered rather than “what” is delivered.%The framework is for any organisation or individual artist already working in, or planning to work in, the participatory arts sector. It will help them to examine their own work in the light of best practice in the wider field, or analyse others’ practice or set up.% The document has been designed as a reference document to aid organisations and individuals in the sector:


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To articulate and assess professional practice To advocate professional practice within the arts sectors, both internally and externally. For project planning and implementation For mapping responsibility to experience and as necessary to pay rates

What is the content? At the beginning of the document you will find some detailed explanations on, what a competency framework is, an overview of the framework structure and some clarity on how you would use a competency framework. It then goes onto define the competencies, which are divided into four categories as shown to your right: For each of the competencies there is a description of what the competency means, and then below are descriptions of how an individual will demonstrate that competency by their behaviour.

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The behaviour descriptions are divided into three levels: Level 1: A Doer or Learner. Describes what you would expect to see from someone operating at the “doing” and/or “learning” levels. This would likely be someone in the role of Administrator, Trainee or Arts Worker

What can it be used for?

Level 2: A Leader. Describes what you would expect to see from someone operating at the team/group/project leading level. This would likely be someone in the role of Lead Arts Worker or Project Manager.

A competency framework has many uses. The framework is essentially a guide for defining what is excellent professional practice. For every occasion where you might need to review performance or make a judgment regarding quality, set a development goal or a benchmark for outcome you can use the framework, and be confident that your definitions will be commonly understood.

Level 3: A Manager. Describes what you would expect to see from someone operating at the strategic leading level. This would likely be someone in the role of Creative Director, Business or Organisational Manager.

Once you start to use the framework regularly, you will notice that the competency headings and their definitions become part of your everyday language and the more people that start to use them the easier communication will become.

Finally there is more detailed information on some generic job roles and descriptors, and the relating competency’s and levels for those roles.


Since it’s development the core group involved in phase two of the framework now includes: Adam Holloway - Cheshire Dance Ben Hunt- Your Prescap Lucy Jones – Action Factory Simon Ruding – TiPP Sarah Thornton – Collective Encounters ! Consortium for Participatory Arts Learning 2011 @&&%5"#$'%())*'++*,&-./0$1+2&34#5(&6-78+95)0(:1&+%5=?%%999/*5,).0.*5)$,<5,)#"&5,=.=>/9$,?*,&##/0$1%


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