CCME Mediakit 2013

Page 1




JUNE 2007


IDEA District Cooli Symposiumng Dubai

JCI e-e report Gulf Sail opens RAK branch Spotlight on Fouad Younan, Emicool


With this issue...


dialogue LET’S TALK O&M


McQuay gets Qatar project


Amana in Metro ride

key perspectives on the region’s hvacr industry

august 2008

pAlm progress

fIrst phAse of dc work on AtlAntIs And Jlt proJects

cleAn energy

where Are we heAded?

In the looP

refrIgerAnts: the dIscussIon contInues


ASHRAE Update, Marketplace, Tenders & Contracts, Events Watch

heAlth check-up IAQ And hospItAls


Yazaki chillers for Masdar

MAF, Dalkia extend JV


Sign of tHe timeS

a bUSier big 5 SHow giveS SHape to perSiStent talk of a looming recovery

logStor bagS Qatar project aleSSa SignS partnerSHip witH eaton-williamS

SpotligHt Solar abSorption air conditioning

Qatar’s cup of joy Hope SoarS at diStrict cooling SUmmit even before bid annoUncement



D-Code: Select the appropriate material to ensure high indoor quality p30 News Yanbu to get stone wool manufacturing facility p7

Idrobase to showcase new products p10 Perspective Revisiting flammable refrigerants –

Country Report

Product Focus

South Korea: a highly Humidifiers and dehumidifiers: competitive market p32 A breath of fresh air p26 checks and balances p58 | Keeping HVAC systems clean p56 Plus: Marketplace, Comings&Goings, Event Round-Up

MAY 2012

Media information 2013

The energy champions

Which companies across the region are taking the initiative to optimise comfort while improving buildings’ energy efficiency in the transition towards smarter energy management? PUBLICATION LICENSED BY IMPZ


Perspectives: BMS and the importance

News DUBAL initiatives Siemens gets

Optimising mechanical Air throw: Theory and room efficiency p59 practical reality p66

Empower bags

of specialist maintenance p64

save energy p6

gold at IDEA p8

GEA joins

new CEO p7 VDMA blue p21 Environmental groups call

for F-gas phase-out p19

D-Code: Yikes, mould! p28 Interview: Testing the waters p30 Plus: Marketplace, Comings&Goings


Downturn’s Ch lD? If the mid-Noughties clearly belonged to DC, the post-Lehman years have seen the emergence of VRFs. The big question, though, would be, 'Are they here to stay?'



Magazine Focus: Th e wor

Perspective : A rethink

Climate Control Middle East

Up close

Frequency: Monthly

on refrig

ld of HVLS


www.clim ateco

The role of eran ntrolme.c p26 filtration in ts p30 News Meti om Spotlight: tower effic to wins cooling particle sizeAir filters and and persona iency p20 contract p6 QR 10 mn distribution l: Dr Iyad Al-A p34 In-transit: ttar, EMW DuPont earns CSR hono Filtertechnik Torque impa ur ct p44 Plus p11 transport refrigerati on p16 on : Marketp

lace, ASH RAE


opics like energy efficiency, renewable energy, IAQ, and food and drug safety have moved into the collective psyche of the HVACR industry like never before. Generally, there is a clamour for efficient, cost-effective and elegant engineering solutions. Established in 2006, Climate Control Middle East magazine recognises this sentiment among engineers and technocrats and strives to perpetuate it among the readers. Playing the role of a conduit, the magazine, the only focused HVACR publication in the Middle East, aims to share innovations, policy decisions, best practices and bold engineering approaches. A case-in point is the field of district cooling in the region, where the very best of minds have assembled to deliberate and hammer out top-notch solutions to technical as well as gripping economic challenges. Broadly speaking, the magazine looks beyond district cooling, or standalone solutions, for that matter; while the specifics are crucial, it is earnest about the broader picture of power security through perspective efficient cooling approaches. Much in the same way, it looks at refrigeration from a broad perspective that includes food safety and food security. Be it power security or food security, the magazine takes upon itself the responsibility of channelling the solutions on offer to the wide readership, so that everybody can benefit and push an entire industry forward. While technology remains a prime area of focus, the magazine is as much about the people in the industry and a sharing of their concerns, ideas, a RELOOK aT thoughts and perceptions.

REFRIGERaNTS international ementation of tries With the impl the GCC coun l protocols in the environmenta my examines t, Dr M Ramaswa inen imm offers becoming refrigerants and e nativ alter ry us Sto er Cov merits of vario into practice. s ocol GCC prot the in put the rs sector suggestions to A report on the fans and blowe

DISTRIBUTION: The print edition reaches in excess of

12,000 decision-makers


Climate Control

Middle East



years. favour in recent nts, like Natural refrigera hydrocarbons, ammonia and t have excellen properties, thermodynamic Protocol. and countries Since the GCC but flammability materials major users with compatibility are one of the and air for refrigeration used of refrigeration limit their technology, system design conditioning to have a only certain to required ions are applicat they r, this a road map in systems. Howeve strategy and supported by with serious being deal is to group place ly from issues researchers, especial due to environmental INTRODUCTION and food their heavy Union, the European resulting from Air conditioning Encouraging technology. are the basic its lower GWP. reliance on the preservation to be in most the use of natural In fact, this needs . requirements attention, various tion Council recycling merit refrigerants in given high prioritymany Gulf Coopera to the g the tion and due s In recent years, as well as followin possible refrigera (GCC) countrie applications technical re and temperature right procedu air conditioning one of workshops and high ambient ODS for ng with red documentation. can be conside seminars dealing conditions prevaili s and, conducted months in the possible solution issues are being seven to eight tion discussion. RECOVERY, countries REFRIGERANT therefore, merits across the GCC a year. The refrigera major ss among and RECYCLING of the RECLAMATION, The use of HFCs interim to create awarene industry is one e makers an ISSUES consum AND SAFETY their blends as engineers, policy sectors which is the This careful chemicals used Refrigerant recovery solution needs and technicians. refrigerants – the removal of as well as refrigeration suggestions term given to consideration, article offers to produce the of good from a system lead to further a refrigerant the implementation which could effect. . One HVAC s to save installing Global concern for reuse or disposal this is practices while discussion among from the with refrigeration way of dealing and servicing professionals. the environment n outlets heric on of to establish collectio systems. Promoti depletion of stratosp in pump TO CFCS s among the resulted petrol to ATIVES have practice similar good ALTERN ozone locations regulate fraternity can outlets, at selected refrigeration AND HCFCS restrictions to an important exchange the and trade Professor to collect and be regarded as According to the production r, the g direction, n, Research cylinders. Howeve step in the right Mark McLinde of ozone- depletin r at like management be taken system and its and needs to Chemical Enginee substances (ODS) g bonsInstitute of need proper plannin further. the National Chlorofluorocar ogy among Technol ation hydro and and coordin Standards (CFCs) and lders of the LEAKAGE 30 years of bons (HCFCs) various stakeho REFRIGERANT in the US, over chlorofluorocar l CES industry. In this development refrigeration AND GOOD PRACTI ous research and through the Montrea ional ment to arrive internat regard, the establish Regular and meticul in would be required family Protocol – an recycling ance n the warming due of recovery and locations system mainten at and maintai treaty. Global systems which are gases (GHGs) centres at various s can any of the HVAC of refrigerants to greenhouse in mental used reduce in the GCC countrie for is essential to presently being is another environ Protocol ant industry. a topic Kyoto be considered leakage. Refriger at the refrigeration research, concern. The of on. been formed can occur further discussi Despite decades has, therefore, ce which leakage throughout the emission time a single substan any not to regulate the CFCs While the HVAC plant. REFRIGERANT lifetime of an can exactly replace of these gases. system l primarily STRATEGY emerged so MANAGEMENT Therefore, diligent and HCFCs has Montreal Protoco alternative for HVAC ozone layer performance It is important maintenance, far. The present deals with the g y fall Kyoto ensure through engineers to monitoring, reportinare refrigerants generall protection, the nt groups: in 1997 accurate refrigera and documentation into three broad Protocol, signed ibilities s Green blends, contractors reporting, that the prime respons air HCFC and HCFC in Kyoto, concern and Global of refrigeration blends and and suppliers of refrigeration HFC and HFC House Gas and nts. Most Broadly and repair service and (GW). ning refrigera g identify units conditio natural Warmin Depletion use the engineers. blends have all leaks and maintenance of the HCFC speaking, Ozone experience and Global venting ed to provide knowledge and In this regard, been develop Potential (ODP) l for l (GWP) fill, and to the to correct potentia of refrigerants a low-cost retro Warming Potentia to be be in not systems. useful should other issues arly on ere leakage atmosph are particul are the two dealing selecting it would . However, In this context, permitted. While DX CFC systems considered while to issue ive to be of refrigerants, be good practice with leakage HCFCs are listed a suitable alternat hence the and addition to their recovery phased out, and refrigerant in gained much ynamic and group has not other thermod l properties. thermo-physica 2012 www.clim


brewing no major storm ls that there is ing at direction revea market is whirr A reading of wind the in the region. The g to blow away blowers sector in the fans and en gusts threatenin comfort , with no sudd ng used to the Getti . news a regulated speed bad windless is good news and is better than the it But status quo. This ess. busin ers. augur well for ve industry insid belie dip, zone does not le by the doub trough created UmASHANKAR


based on the While ODP is l, GWP Montreal Protoco the Kyoto is covered by

Despite decad Spotlight on of research, not a Contro ls substanceThe single


which can exactly replace CFCs and HCFCs has emerged so far



world of scr ew

compressor s

The signif icance of


The base line redu for hcfc cT n da Te s in The io is fasT ap e proachua ing 69


March 2012

See US at


Stand no : concoU rSe 113

SUpplem ent: DC over 10 yeaaDe ChroniCl e rs of dis TricT coo in The uae ling aloha-la nd embr Seawater ace cooling S SiemenS caSe StUdy: offerS co to dc fac mbo-deal ility plUS co mingS marketp lace, eve& goingS, ntS watch US$10


.” But steady and growingmarket a he warns: “With cautious getting more ents, there towards investm pockets doing are only a few tion But the competi okay. y, rent, FAR … is fierce. Strangel THE STORY SO ty and other recap, cost of electrici Aboobacker Aslam,Manager, Taking a quick not come ng slowdown, overheads have Sales & Marketi the economic East, Dubai, the slow pace hit the fans down despite Systemair Middle undoubtedly, hard. a fixed cost is the market is of things. But believes that and blowers industry across the impact of with than the declined from work ng to demand better recoveri The fluctuations, is compensating sectors in the sudden rise or recession. “It most business mical n due to the d earlier. The blowers as it happene for the reductio region. The petroche tion The fans and in more but stable. spreading out construc market has become of downturn by industry, the market is quiet, terms es,” he says. an even a corollary, the predictable. In more territori sector and, as It is moving at Assistant have been year appears saw cutbacks Rakesh Mistry, business, this HVACR sector pace. This would on the to last Air e” and in many more or less similar Manager, Leminar on new orders, labelled “Averag no takers can work with Company, decade ago. year. But we Conditioning cases, there were report card a ents. Casals allwith bility and compon of robust that. Predicta Dubai, dealing for the stock But with the s were news after brands, experienced stability is good and Twin City Global MEP package There round growth and the new view slump.” rds. of this ted g the unexpec corroborates reviewed downwa at the beginnin way reduction in the adds, “In the post-global Amit Ahuja, General was a drastic millennium making ic , work. scenario Gulf, n of pace econom Manager, Maico financial downtur once frenetic for the global , Dubai, unanimous is gaining some 2008-09, the (Dynair and Elicent) But now, the downturn in in the market analysis , and so, we main players has now gives a detailed kind of stability verdict of the market slump market frame blowers : “As the of the situation see the fans and the fans and blowers ted by become the acceptedwhich g more market becomin in the GCC, represen ning of reference against be now Leminar Air Conditio all progress must this in gauged. Judged


Readership profile Retailers, shopping malls: 2,455 (6%)

Hospitals and health institutions: 1,733 (5%)

Airports: 1,728 (5%)


Climate Control

Municipalities/government offices in the Middle East: 937 (2%)

Oil & gas executives: 3,022 (8%)

appears to context, the sector But the itself. have steadied spectacular. recovery is not

Middle East

ir Middle Company, Systema is that Gulf East and Maico d. things have stabilise


The working life of The fan is drasTically reduced when The righT fan is noT chosen for The righT applicaTion June 2012 www.climatecontro


June 2012

MEP and general contractors, consulting engineers, architects and designers: 7,720 (19%)

Property developers, real estate and facilities management companies: 6,325 (16%)

Hotels: 3,703 (9%)

Industry professionals (Food, IT, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Telecom, Cold Stores): 5,988 (15%)


Demystifyi ng the wor ld of ductin g


with a readership of over 39,000 readers


HVACR professionals (OEMs, distributors/ dealers/installers/maintenance and district cooling companies: 5,932 (15%)

2013 Editorial programme (subject to change) Months January

Country Reports USA

Features Heat Exchangers


Guides & Directories

Events* (with extra distribution) DC Dialogue (spotlights on hydraulic balancing, submetering); AHR Expo (Dallas, TX, USA)


Var-fair (Abu Dhabi, UAE); Gulfood (Dubai, UAE); Climatización 2013 (Madrid, Spain)




Pumps (purview Climate Control includes O&M: coatings, Middle East (Arabic), Saudi Arabia de-scaling – acid, oil Food Chain charging, oil removal)

Insulation Data Centre Buyer’s Guide (cooling and filtration)

Data Centric (Dubai, UAE); Acrex (Mumbai, India), The Big 5 Saudi (Jeddah) The Climate Control Conference (C3), Kuwait (co-located event: TIAC Talk); Wetex (Dubai, UAE)


Ventilation systems; cooling towers


Air-moving equipment (purview includes: AHUs, FCUs, motors, actuators, fans & blowers

Industrial Refrigeration

Food Chain (Dubai, UAE); Project Qatar (Doha), Saudi Aircon (Riyadh)



Data centre cooling, rental cooling, O&M in district cooling

Chill, Climate Control Middle East (Arabic)

Refrigerants Review (Dubai, UAE); 104th Annual IDEA Conference & Trade Show (Miami, USA)



Acoustics and vibration equipment



VRFs (also known as VRVs, TVRs), concrete cooling Climate Control Middle East (Arabic), Power Factor

Made in the UAE (Dubai, UAE ); The Climate Control Conference (C3) Doha, Qatar; Saudi Build (Riyadh)





Glass; valves



Paints and coatings; adhesives and sealants

Food Chain (Doha, Qatar)

Germany, Canada

TIAC solutions, fire safety equipment

Climate Control Awards, D-Code, Food Security Conference (Dubai, UAE); The Climate Control Conference (C3), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; The Big 5 Show (Dubai, UAE); Saudi Build (Riyadh); Dubai International Food Safety Conference, UAE


Air-treatment equipment (purview includes filtration, cooling, heating, humidification, dehumidification)



Climate Control Guide & Directory

Climate Control Middle East (Arabic), Food Chain

Sound Bite (Dubai, UAE)

Events that CPI Industry is organising are mentioned in bold in the above table. They include DC Dialogue, Var-fair, Data Centric, The Climate Control Conference, Food Chain, Refrigerants Review, Made in the UAE, Climate Control Awards, D-Code, Food Security Conference and Sound Bite. Climate Control Middle East is also distributed at various regional and international events that the magazine participates in, as a media partner (some of the partnerships are yet to be confirmed at the time of going to press).




hill is Climate Control Middle East’s answer to a strong demand for an in-depth and focused look at the district cooling industry in the Middle East. Published semi-annually as a pull-out supplement of the magazine, Chill contains analyses, technical papers and guest columns on district cooling. The prime objective is to present solutions and strategies that can be adopted to surmount challenges in a still young district cooling industry. To meet this, Chill is willing to adopt innovative communication methods. A case-in point is the June 2007 supplement, which featured a verbatim account of a roundtable discussion on the O&M aspects of district cooling. Called DC Dialogue, the discussion involved key personalities in the industry. They brought to the table their day-to-day experiences on such issues as low delta T, controls and measurement, maintenance of chillers, and cooling towers. The discussions were intense and detailed; the solutions were relevant and immediately applicable.

10‫الفواكه واخل�صروات �صفحة‬

‫باحلرارة الدبناميكية على‬

‫ملعرفة قوة تاأثري نظام التعقيم‬


‫دراسة حالة‬

Months of publication: January, June


30‫والتوقعات امل�صتقبلية �صفحة‬ 6‫املزرعـة اإىل املائـدة �صفحة‬ ‫�صــوق ال�صمامات باملنطقة‬ ‫وجهة نظر من‬ ‫ تقرير تقييم‬26‫�صفحة‬ ‫ماء تعرق اجهزة التكييف‬ 34‫املناطق يف الكويت �صفحة‬ ‫وجهة نظر ان�صداد م�صالك‬ ‫لتنظيم قطاع تربيد‬

‫لتطبيق خطة ذات بعدين‬ 42 ‫لتجديــــــــــد الهــــواء �صفحـــــــة‬ ‫تقرير من الكويت م�صاعي‬ ‫وجهـة نظـر الأف�صليـــــــة‬ 36 ‫تنقيــــــــة الهــــــواء �صفحة‬ 46‫ �صفحـــة‬QPM‫امل�صاريع‬ ‫أحد رواد �صركة قطر لإدارة‬ ‫تحت المجهر‬ ‫ و ا‬، ‫ت�صميم التنمية امل�صتدامــة‬ ‫قصة حياة �صالح نزار خبري‬

‫ م‬2011 ‫الربع الثاني لعام‬


‫كالميت كنترول الشرق االوسط‬

Climate Control Middle East (Arabic) ‫ملحق ربع سنوي جمللة‬

‫ملحـق إضافـي‬


he Arabic edition of Climate Control Middle East, a quarterly, contains the best feature stories and interviews of a financial quarter, plus news and perspectives in Arabic. Translated by native Arabic-speaking veterans of the HVACR industry, the supplement is an accurate representation of the mother magazine. It is primarily distributed in Saudi Arabia. Months of publication: MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER AND DECEMBER

‫البينة على من ادعى‬

‫بين مناصري تبريد المناطق‬ ‫ظرة على شاكلة محكمة‬ ‫منا‬ ‫وأنواع التكييف األخرى‬ PUBLICATION LICENSED BY IMPZ

Food Chain



A C L I M AT E C o n Tr o L MI d d L E EAsT s up p lement


CHAIN DIFSC 2012: raising global


food safety standards

ood safety and quality assurance (QA) are indispensable need for health and well-being, and the roles of the refrigeration and the air filtration industries, to name two, are crucial in this regard. Launched in September 2010, Food Chain closely tracks trends, key concerns, technological innovations, standards and policies related to industries linked to food safety. The scope of the supplement is vast, examining as it does the various stages of transportation and storage of food… from field to fork. The varying needs of different products – dairy, poultry, seafood, fruits and vegetables add to the complexity of issues. Food Chain attempts to provide answers and solutions by engaging different stakeholders – equipment and service providers, logistics experts and endusers – in discussion. Further, key players are invited to assemble for a dedicated conference (also called Food Chain) that brings together equipment and service providers, regulators and end-users (see events). Months of publication: MARCH, DECEMBER

Industrial Refrigeration (process cooling)


hile comfort cooling is a key need, so is industrial refrigeration. An annual supplement that complements regular coverage on the subject, Industrial Refrigeration discusses critical issues concerning the cooling needs of different sectors, be they iron and steel or petrochemicals. Through case studies, technical articles and perspectives, the supplement attempts to answer questions related to energy efficiency, reliability and sustainable financial models.

We brIng you exCluSIve poSt-event Coverage oF the Seventh DubaI InternatIonal FooD SaFety ConFerenCe (DIFSC), aS part oF our halF-yearly Supplement, FooD ChaIn.

power FACTor

Month of publication: MAY

IndustrIal refrIgeratIon

Power Factor


his supplement recognises the larger role of the HVAC industry in ensuring power availability and power security in the GCC. It is a well-documented fact that air conditioning systems in buildings account for 70% of the total power consumption. It is equally well known that the consumption of fossil fuels for power generation is on the rise, which has a direct impact on oil exports and, hence, is of national concern, considering that oil exports significantly contribute to the GDP. In view of this link, the HVAC industry can significantly alleviate the power situation through such means as district cooling and cogeneration, not to forget solar cooling and solar-assisted cooling. Power Factor examines the various HVAC-related possibilities to reduce power consumption and features reports, case studies and guest columns that reflect the current thinking and trends. Month of publication: SEPTEMBER

climate control middle east

arabic edition is distributed quarterly to over

4,600 decision-makers with a readership of over 25,000 readers



he readers of Climate Control Middle East include key decision makers in Government and in HVACR, utility and construction industries. They comprise technical and non-technical personnel, including regulators, suppliers, distributors, contractors, independent and institutionalised consultants, procurement managers, designers, engineers, architects, researchers, logistics facilitators, financial analysts and legal advisors. In short, the magazine covers the entire industry, and for this, we are armed with appropriate databases and expertise gathered over 14 years of serving the industry.


Technical specifications (WxH)

Advertising rates (4 colour, 1 insertion); discounts available on series Normal page rates: PRINT PRINT+DIGITAL (Zinio) Full-page colour USD 5,900 Double-page spread USD 9,900 Special Gatefold USD 10,500 Centrefold DPS USD 12,000 2/3 page USD 3,800 offer! 1/2 page - island USD 3,600 1/2 page USD 3,300 Only USD 600 extra for 1/3 page USD 2,500 a digital ad on all 1/4 page USD 1,950 sizes! Cover positions: (Zinio compulsory) What is Zinio? Fake front cover USD 8,500 See “Global Reach” Outside back cover USD 7,500 on page 8 Inside front cover USD 7,500 Inside back cover USD 6,500 Zinio only available Belly band USD 6,000 with print Company profile: Full page USD 6,500 Guaranteed position: +10% Two pages USD 10,500 Three pages USD 12,500 PAYMENT: Four pages USD 13,500 On receipt of invoice Four pages (centrefold) USD 14,500 Four pages (thick paper, centrefold) USD 16,500 Classified ads: 3 issues USD 750/issue Size: 6 issues USD 650/issue 9cm x 6cm 12 issues USD 495/issue FREE online listing for bookings of 6 issues or more!

10‫واخل�صروات �صفحة‬

‫الدبناميكية على الفواكه‬

30‫امل�صتقبلية �صفحة‬

34‫يف الكويت �صفحة‬

‫نظام التعقيم باحلرارة‬

‫بحث ملعرفة قوة تاأثري‬

Full page (FP)

Double-page spread (DPS)

Two-thirds page vertical (2/3V)

‫دراسة حالة‬

18.5cm x 18cm

12cm x 18cm

Two-thirds page Half-page island horizontal (2/3H) (HPI)

9cm x 27cm

18.5cm x 13cm

6cm x 27cm

Half page vertical (HPV)

Half page horizontal (HPH)

One-third page vertical (1/3V)

18.5cm x 9cm

9cm x 13cm

18.5cm X 7cm

One-third page horizonal (1/3H)

Quarter page portrait (QP)

Quarter page strip (QS)


‫باملنطقة والتوقعات‬ 6‫اإىل املائـدة �صفحة‬ ‫تقييم �صــوق ال�صمامات‬ ‫وجهة نظر من املزرعـة‬ ‫ تقرير‬26‫التكييف �صفحة‬ ‫لتنظيم قطاع تربيد املناطق‬ ‫م�صالك ماء تعرق اجهزة‬ ‫لتطبيق خطة ذات بعدين‬ ‫وجهة نظر ان�صداد‬

42 ‫الهــــواء �صفحـــــــة‬ ‫لتجديــــــــــد‬ 46‫�صفحـــة‬

‫من الكويت م�صاعي‬ ‫نظـر الأف�صليـــــــة‬ ‫تقرير‬ ‫ وجهـة‬36 ‫الهــــــواء �صفحة‬ QPM‫لإدارة امل�صاريع‬ ‫المجهر تنقيــــــــة‬ ‫اأحد رواد �صركة قطر‬ ‫تحت‬ ‫ و‬، ‫التنمية امل�صتدامــة‬ ‫�صالح نزار خبري ت�صميم‬ ‫قصة حياة‬

‫ م‬2011 ‫الثاني لعام‬

‫ملحق الربع‬ ‫كنترول الشرق االوسط‬

‫ربع سنوي جمللة كالميت‬


‫ملحـق إضافـي‬

‫بينة على من ادعى‬ ‫ال‬

‫مناصري تبريد المناطق‬ PUBLICATION LICENSED BY IMPZ

‫شاكلة محكمة بين‬ ‫مناظرة على‬ ‫أنواع التكييف األخرى‬ ‫و‬


LOOKING FOR A JOB OR TO RECRUIT AN HVACR PROFESSIONAL? Advertise your requirements in Climate Control Middle East like Econosto, Guentner, Hira and other leading companies!

Bleed: 43cm x 30.7cm Trim: 42cm x 29.7cm

12.3cm x 27cm

Advertising in Arabic supplement (print only) Advertising rates (4 colour, 1 insertion); discounts available on series Size: Rate: Fake front cover USD 7,500 Full-page colour USD 4,200 Double-page spread USD 6,500 Half Page (Island) USD 2,800 Half Page (Hor/Vert) USD 2,600 Quarter Page USD 1,600 Inside Front Cover (IFC) USD 5,200 Inside Back Cover (IBC) USD 4,900 Outside Back Cover (OBC) USD 5,500

Bleed: 22cm x 30.7cm Trim: 21cm x 29.7cm Type area: 18.5cm x 27cm


Climate Control Middle East is in A4 format and saddle stitched. The magazine is distributed at relevant regional industrial shows. (Number of copies)

Special offer!

Print ads will be repeated online for FREE for 3 months on

Send your CV to: Call +971 4 3756833 / (050) 714 7204 or e-mail

Innovative digital solution PI Industry will convert Climate Control Middle East, CCG&D 2013 and Data Centre Buyer’s Guide into digital e-books, which will be available for sale through C the popular ZINIO™ format (a feature it has pioneered in the region), at no extra cost to the advertiser. This interactive format will be e-mailed to a Middle East-wide database of HVACR product buyers, with direct on-line links to your Web sites for direct orders. This online solution offers a direct and instant interaction between supplier and buyer.

Please check

The Levant: 887 (7%)

International: 432 (4%)

Saudi Arabia: 3,188 (26%)

Bahrain: 902 (8%) Oman: 1,003 (8%) Kuwait: 1,065 (9%)

tes: United Arab Emira 3,237 (27%) Qatar: 1,425 (11%)

Guides and Directories Data Centre Buyer’s Guide (cooling and filtration)

Climate Control Guide & Directory (CCG&D)

S Nt oW ta N Ul o K NS t t Co gh W! oU NEoU Y


ata Centre Buyer’s Guide (DCBG) complements Climate Control Middle East’s regular coverage of data centre-related issues, specifically on cooling and filtration aspects. As industry insiders, including CIOs will attest, the two aspects are crucial to the reliable functioning of data centres. DCBG recognises this and bridges the data centre and HVAC industries by providing a wealth of contacts. The guide is a unique and focused resource for IT decision-makers to acquire in-depth knowledge of companies that specialise in providing cooling and filtration solutions. DCBG also contains articles that reflect key aspirations of CIOs and the like to enable the HVAC industry to better understand the specific needs of the IT industry. Month of publication: MaRCH


nto its sixth year, this standalone annual book is a ready-reckoner that lists all the players connected to the HVACR industry. The book, in Super-A5 format, offers the buyer a comprehensive directory of manufacturers, resellers, agents and service providers, so that readers across the Middle East will be able to find products in their territory. The book offers the vendor a widespread targeted distribution to customers they need to reach, whether a manufacturer, reseller, maintenance or construction company, unlike the usual crowded directory in a general-industry magazine. Today, thousands of consultants, contractors and buyers of HVACR products, in general, consider CCG&D as the most-focused HVACR reference book for the Middle East region. Published every November, the book enjoys immediate exposure, thanks to The Big 5 Show, Dubai (, held in the same month. Further, it is distributed at all major HVACR- and construction-industry events in the Middle East and elsewhere, including AHR EXPO, The Big 5 Show Saudi, IDEA ’s Annual Conference & Trade Show, Mostra Convegno, Saud Air-Con and Saudi Build. In short, it enjoys a long shelf-life. The Guide section of CCG&D contains detailed profiles of suppliers and service providers. A typical profile includes a description of the company and its products, information on the company’s warehousing facilities, and inventory and delivery profiles. The aim is to give readers content beyond the conventional, so they can make informed buying decisions. Your gateway to the HVACR industry in the Middle East


Month of publication: November

the guide’s Advertising rates Normal page rates PRINT PRINT+DIGITAL (Zinio) Full-page colour USD 5,900 Double-page spread USD 9,900 Gatefold USD 10,500 1/2 page USD 3,300 Special 1/4 page USD 1,950 Cover positions (Zinio compulsory) Fake front cover USD 8,500 offer! Outside back cover USD 7,500 Inside front cover USD 7,500 Only Inside back cover USD 6,500 USD 600 extra for Belly band USD 6,000 a digital ad on all sizes! Company profile Full page USD 6,500 What is Zinio? Two pages USD 10,500 See “Global Reach” Three pages USD 12,500 on page 8 Four pages USD 13,500 Four pages (centrefold) USD 14,500 Four pages (thick paper, centrefold) USD 16,500 OTHER OPTIONS (includes print+digital editions) Zinio only Bookmark (one only for complete print run) USD 7,000 available with print Section dividers (printed on thicker paper) USD 7,000 Directory listing (company name, address, Guaranteed position: +10% contact person and e-mail address under the relevant product/service categories) FREE PAYMENT: Business card format USD 1,000 On receipt of Company logo USD 500 invoice Enhanced listing USD 300

A typical company profile will include:

• Vision Statement • Profile of company • Interview with CEO • Profile of projects/products • Contact information

page specifications (in centimeters, w x h) Bleed: 17.5cm x 24.5cm Trim: 16.5cm x 23.5cm Type area: 14.7cm x 22cm

Bleed: 34cm x 24.5cm Trim: 33cm x 23.5cm

Full page (FP)

Double-page spread (DPS)

14.7cm x 10.7cm

7.4cm x 22cm

7.4cm x 10.7cm

Half-page horizontal (HPH)

Half-page vertical (HPV)

Quarter-page portrait (QP)

14.7cm x 5.3cm

5cm x 16cm

7cm x 5.3cm

Quarter-page strip (QS)


Business card

Please contact Sri Vidya ( to be listed in the next edition for free.

Web sites and online solutions T

he objective of is to improve access to information on people, companies, products and services relating to the Middle East HVACR industry, from a (but not restricted to) business-to-business perspective, with the ultimate objective of transforming into a portal where buyers and sellers in the Middle East HVACR industry can connect, transact and conduct business online. In addition to news and articles appearing in the magazine, the web site contains web-exclusive content. Another feature is CCTV, Climate Control Middle East’s very-own, dedicated television platform, which contains footage of conferences, roundtables and seminars conducted by the magazine and also interviews with key personalities in the region.

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PI Industry has built up the most extensive database of decision-makers in the HVACR industry, who want to know about your products. We make sure your e-shot reaches those who need to know about the latest HVACR technologies, services or products in the market today. Whether you are looking for new clients or distributors, reach them directly on their virtual doorstep, i.e. their e-mail box, with an enticing advertisement to promote your products or services on an exclusive basis.

Our extensive database will lead you to the right people in your industry. DESIGNATION profile Municipalities/government offices in the Middle East: 1,494 (2%) Hospitals and health institutions: 3,735 (5%)

Airports: 3,742 (5%)

DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE in cpi industry’s database

MEP and general contractors, consulting engineers, architects and designers: 14,194 (19%)

addresses 74,702 e-mail

Property developers, real estate and facilities management companies: 11,953 (16%)

International: 2,475 (3%)

Retailers, shopping malls: 4,482 (6%)

The Levant: 5,312 (7%)

UAE: 19,975 (27%)

Oman: 6,175 (8%) Bahrain: 6,281 (9%) Kuwait: 6,366 (9%)

Oil & gas executives: 5,976 (8%) Hotels: 6,723 (9%)


Industry professionals (Food, IT, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Telecom, Cold Stores): 11,205 (15%)

HVACR professionals (OEMs, distributors/dealers/installers/ maintenance and district cooling companies: 11,205 (15%)

• USD500 per 1,500 names with a minimum order of USD1,000 • HTML design: USD500 extra

Saudi Arabia: 19,818 (26%)

Qatar: 8,300 (11%)

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Events (conferences, seminars, roundtables, awards)

DC Dialogue | January | Dubai, UAE


he prestigious, triennial roundtable event is a unique opportunity to listen to and participate in focused discussions on a range of current district cooling-related issues – all in a unique setting that fosters effective communication. The 2013 edition’s focus is on hydraulic balancing and on the progress made in addressing end-user issues.

Var-fair | February | Dubai, UAE


ar-fair is a two day conference on the world of VRFs (also known as VRVs and TVRs). The conference features presentations and case-studies on the technology, R&D, installation challenges, piping, energy efficiency (compliance with standards like that by Estidama), controls, diversity (indoor units) and acoustics. A key feature of Varfair is a site visit of a large villa project. A special section, titled ‘Possibilities’ showcases VRF/VRV/TVR projects around the world, with a special emphasis on the various applications possible.

Data Centric (Cooling and air filtration solutions) | March | Dubai, UAE


ata Centric is a seminar that addresses cooling and air filtration issues in data centres. It is a joint initiative of CPI Industry and CPI Technology & Business and brings together suppliers, service providers, consultants, contractors and IT specialists to discuss best practices in data centre design, keeping in mind cooling and filtration requirements and the best practices that need to be in place. CPI Technology & Business is the IT division of Corporate Publishing International, which is the regional partner of the International Data Group (IDG).

The Climate Control Conference (C3)Co-located event: TIAC TALK | April | Kuwait City, Kuwait


he Climate Control Conference, also known as C3, fulfills a long-felt industry need for a focused and uncluttered HVACR event. First conducted in April 2008, the Conference is a gathering of the HVACR fraternity in the region and a free-flowing exchange of news, ideas and observations. Typically, the Conference aims to cover all the key areas of the industry, be they standalone systems, district cooling, ventilation or refrigeration. This stems from a goal it has set for itself to be as comprehensive an HVACR event as possible. To date, C3 has had successful runs in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Al Khobar and Doha. TIAC Talk is a quadrennial event on turbine inlet air chilling. Modelled as a day-long seminar, the event is a platform to review successful projects in the region; track technological developments; examine factors affecting the selection, installation and operation of TIAC systems; look at the psychrometry of inlet air cooling and examine TIAC feasibility guidelines from a broad economic perspective. A second day will feature training sessions on fundamental and advanced concepts related to turbine inlet air chilling. Climate Control Conference 2011 Al Khobar Saudi Arabia

Climate Control Conference 2011 Doha, Qatar

Events (conferences, seminars, roundtables, awards)

Food Chain | May | Dubai, UAE


ood Chain is a coming together of the refrigeration and the air filtration industries on one side and the food industry on the other. The event, spread over two days, aims to bring food establishments (be they retail, wholesale, catering, processing or farming) face to face with equipment suppliers, O&M service providers, and specialised refrigeration contractors and consultants in a bid to address food safety- and quality assurance-related concerns in an in-depth manner. The event follows a unique format of matching the precise requirements of food establishments with the technological capabilities of companies involved in refrigeration and air filtration. Broadly speaking, the event addresses three key areas: food safety, quality assurance and profitability. Topics for Food Chain are avowedly storage and handling issues. They encompass all the links in the farm-to-fork chain, including transport refrigeration – embedded in these are topics relating to ultra-low oxygen chambers, ripening facilities, distributions hubs and supermarket and catering facilities, including niche areas like blast freezers and display cases. Stakeholders interested in the event include hypermarket and supermarkets chains, catering companies (airline, healthcare, etc.), food manufacturing and food processing entities, farming cooperative societies, supply chain and logistics providers, equipment manufacturers and service providers, regulatory bodies and other government bodies. Food Chain serves as a platform for Climate Control Middle East’s community-outreach programme, called ‘I care about food safety’. The food safety campaign is a fixture at all Food Chain seminars and enjoys the active involvement of food establishments, in particular.

Food Chain Saudi Arabia 2011

Food Chain Dubai 2012

Food Chain Dubai 2011

Refrigerants Review | June | Dubai, UAE


efrigerants Review is a summit-level discussion on refrigerants that involves all stakeholders. The aim of the summit is to conduct an assessment of refrigerants from a Middle Eastern perspective, keeping in mind all factors, be they health & safety, Lifecycle Climate Performance (LCCP) or energy efficiency. In the fray are HCFCs, HFCs, HFOs and natural refrigerants. Other issues of discussion include leakage concerns and the trading of refrigerants.

Made in the UAE | September | Dubai, UAE


ade in the UAE is an exhibition that proudly showcases the energy efficiency and reliability that is embedded into the HVACR-related products manufactured on UAE soil. The exhibition celebrates the best practices adopted in R&D, innovation, design and manufacturing.

The Climate Control Conference (C3) | September | Doha, Qatar

(Please see earlier description)

Food Chain | October | Doha, Qatar (Please see earlier description)

The Climate Control Conference (C3) | November | Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

(Please see earlier description)

Climate Control Awards | November | Dubai, UAE


black-tie, gala dinner event, the objective of Climate Control Awards is to recognise merit across the various disciplines of the HVACR industry. To achieve the objective, CPI Industry enlists the services of a third-party certification agency to evaluate companies under several categories. MONITORED BY KPMG


Michael Palmieri, Partner – Corporate Finance, Global Infrastructure & Projects Group, KPMG



D-Code | November | Dubai, UAE


-Code is a presentation of technical papers, case studies and general best practices by industry experts in duct manufacturing, installation, operations and maintenance, plus IAQ and policy issues.

Food Security Conference | November | Dubai, UAE


ood Security, in the context of the GCC, is an issue of mammoth proportions. With limited water resources, the region imports most of its food needs. When viewed from that perspective, it becomes compelling to adopt the best possible refrigeration technological and policy approaches to preserve the food that is produced here and that which is brought here. Food Security Conference addresses key cold chain issues and explores areas for improvement and for expansion, keeping in mind the collective aspiration to build strategic food reserves.

Sound Bite | December | Dubai, UAE


ound Bite is all about HVACR-related acoustics and vibration issues in a focused day-long seminar. Sound Bite aims to increase understanding of noise and vibration, sources of noise and vibration, cutting-edge technologies and best practices in design. The seminar examines best approaches to control and reduce excessive noise and vibration levels, be they through engineering controls, the use of absorption materials, isolation strategies, or barriers and dampening materials.

Global reach T

he magazines of CPI Industry reach a worldwide audience through Zinio, a unique proprietary digital delivery service that CPI has pioneered in the region. The technology enables readers to access CPI Industry magazines on-line and/or in a digital format anytime and any place, thus adding to the marketing reach of advertisements and increasing the user-friendliness of the titles.

Key benefits include: Instant delivery to readers before the magazine is even printed – particularly valuable to readers based in countries where postal systems are unreliable and/or slow. Advertisements can become fully interactive – direct hot links to your Web site or embedded video files, for example. Instant reader-response facility is provided on clicking on the e-mail address embedded in the advertisement. Instant auditing of readership as downloads and page clicks are monitored via management reports.

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