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Guntermann & Drunck GmbH
from Pro 2021
Integrating KVM into the broadcast world
Guntermann & Drunck (G&D) are regarded as leading manufacturers of KVM products. With their variety of KVM extenders, switches and matrix switches for extending, switching and distributing keyboard, video and mouse signals, G&D offer users the broadest KVM portfolio available in the market.
G&D’s KVM products optimise the application of IT equipment and improve the working conditions for humans and computers. The spatial separation between computers and workstations brings many advantages for the standardisation of process landscapes. Whether CAT or fibre, modular, compact, classic KVM, or KVM-over-IP – G&D always offer a bespoke solution – precisely tailored to applications, project parameters and the existing IT structure.
With over 35 years of experience as German manufacturers of KVM systems, G&D are trusted by a host of national and international TV stations and broadcasters. By short lines of communication and the entire core competencies such as development, product management, sales, marketing and production under one roof, G&D support customers from the technical initial advice through to on-site and after-sales support from a single source.
G&D’s KVM systems provide a perfect basis for flexible, distributed switching of computer signals to allow producers the simplest and most efficient operation.
KVM Extenders KVM extenders enable you to operate your computers over IP systems or dedicated distances up to 10,000m maintaining real-time performance. Systems consist of two units – a computer module (transmitter) and a user module (receiver).
KVM Switches KVM switches allow users to operate two to 64 computers from one console consisting of monitor, keyboard and mouse.
KVM Matrix Systems KVM matrix switches allow users to operate multiple computers from
Worldwide access to your KVM systems thanks to the RemoteAccess-GATE.
multiple consoles. They consist of computer modules, central modules and console modules. The systems enable flexible and decentralised control of large, distributed IT installations or those equipped with many workstations.
G&D’s products and systems are designed for simple, intuitive operation. For example, the CrossDisplaySwitching function is designed for multi-monitor workstations that access multiple computers at the same time. The user’s mouse acts as if it is on a ‘virtual desktop’ and can be moved seamlessly across the connected displays. When the cursor moves from one display to another, the keyboard/ mouse focus automatically switches to the connected computer. This allows users to intuitively operate multiple systems simultaneously with just one keyboard and mouse.
Best of Both – Classic KVM and KVM-over-IP
Due to the enormous flexibility of IP networks, KVM-over-IP is becoming increasingly relevant in many areas. Using existing cabling, switches and routers does not only save costs but also provides operators and administrators with a flexibility that facilitates central administration. However, classic KVM systems, which essentially use dedicated cabling will not lose their importance. But depending on the application, it may be worth comparing classic KVM systems with KVM-over-IP.
G&D’s portfolio includes solutions for classic KVM and for KVM-over-IP such as the ControlCenter-IP. The system provides all the advantages of a classic G&D matrix with one major difference: signals are transmitted through standard IP-based networks instead of direct, dedicated cables. This ensures latencyfree operation and excellent video quality. In fact, video support includes all signals up to full 4K resolution.
RemoteAccess and Virtual Targets
In the fast-moving digital world, the ability to link company sites around the world and access computer systems at different locations from anywhere is becoming more important than ever. As a stand-alone device, the new RemoteAccess-GATE connects the two worlds of KVM and network. In this context, ‘GATE’ stand for ‘Global Access to Enterprise’, offering worldwide access to your KVM systems. It opens up completely new ways for remote operation from remote locations and also improves ways of providing IT support and collaboration between employees.
With the RemoteAccess-CPU, you integrate virtual machines into your KVM matrix installation and benefit from hands-on KVM functions even in hybrid systems.
G&D Feels Right
G&D’s customers can expect comprehensive expert advice and technical support during all phases of their projects. Whatever the KVM broadcasting requirement, G&D, their employees and trained partner network are pleased to offer support in finding the best possible and perfectly integrated KVM solution.
Guntermann & Drunck GmbH Obere Leimbach 9 57074 Siegen, Germany Tel: +49 271 23872-0 Email: sales@gdsys.de Website: www.gdsys.com
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