Integrating KVM into the broadcast world Guntermann & Drunck (G&D) are
to applications, project parameters
regarded as leading manufacturers
and the existing IT structure.
of KVM products. With their variety of
With over 35 years of experience
Products KVM Extenders KVM extenders enable you to operate
KVM extenders, switches and matrix
as German manufacturers of KVM
your computers over IP systems or
switches for extending, switching and
systems, G&D are trusted by a host of
dedicated distances up to 10,000m
distributing keyboard, video and mouse
national and international TV stations
maintaining real-time performance.
signals, G&D offer users the broadest
and broadcasters. By short lines of
Systems consist of two units – a
KVM portfolio available in the market.
communication and the entire core
computer module (transmitter)
competencies such as development,
and a user module (receiver).
G&D’s KVM products optimise the application of IT equipment and
product management, sales, marketing
improve the working conditions for
and production under one roof, G&D
humans and computers. The spatial
support customers from the technical
KVM switches allow users to
separation between computers and
initial advice through to on-site and
operate two to 64 computers
workstations brings many advantages
after-sales support from a single source.
from one console consisting of
for the standardisation of process
G&D’s KVM systems provide a
KVM Switches
monitor, keyboard and mouse.
landscapes. Whether CAT or fibre,
perfect basis for flexible, distributed
modular, compact, classic KVM, or
switching of computer signals
KVM-over-IP – G&D always offer a
to allow producers the simplest
KVM matrix switches allow users to
bespoke solution – precisely tailored
and most efficient operation.
operate multiple computers from
G&D: the most comprehensive KVM range.
KVM Matrix Systems