AI and the labour market in Poland

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and the labour market in Poland Report 2023

Illustration created with AI


and the labour market in Poland

Table of contents

Report 2023

1. About the study 2. Glossary 3. About the Report 4. AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective 5. Questionnaire study – employee's perspective 6. AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective 7. Questionnaire study - company's perspective 8. AI, Chat GPT... - how does it work in practice? 9. Trends, forecasts, opportunities and threats related to

4 5 6 9 10 31 34 50 53

the presence of AI in the Polish labour market 10. Towards the future.... or what AI itself says about the


future of the labour market in Poland 11. Contact


Questionnaire study Employee’s Perspective

Questionnaire study Company’s Perspective

Page 10

Page 34

About the survey

AI and the labour market in Poland

The report „AI and the labour market in Poland” was created in collaboration between Cpl Poland and the job portals Just Join IT and The publication analyses the influence of artificial intelligence on the labour market in Poland. The report is a synthesis of the results of two surveys and articles by Experts, which were prepared with the aim of exploring and understanding important issues related to the impact of artificial intelligence on the labour market in Poland. The process of preparing the report was carefully planned and carried out in order to provide readers with comprehensive information on the subject under discussion and to present a variety of perspectives as well as quantitative data. The first stage in the preparation of the report was to conduct two surveys. The first survey aimed to gather information from employees, while the second one focused on gathering opinions directly from company representatives, thus presenting the voice of business. Both groups were key stakeholders in the context of our study and the data collected provides an important source of information for our analysis. In total, more than 100 companies and 600 employees were surveyed. Participants answered questions about the impact of AI on the labour market in Poland. Respondents to the survey were diverse in terms of work experience, length of service, gender, and demographics. Only those who answered all the questions displayed to them were analysed. The questionnaire contained the following types of questions: closed, open and multiple-choice questions. The results of the surveys were analysed in summary statements only. Selected questions from both surveys were also addressed to ChatGPT itself. You will find the Chat answers in the section presenting the survey results. A further step in the creation of the report was to invite prominent experts to share their insights and experiences in implementing AI-based solutions. The articles presented in this publication have been selected for their substantive value and ability to provide a deeper understanding of the issues discussed in the report. At the same time, the expert articles provide additional knowledge and context to the results of our survey research. The report "AI and the labour market in Poland" is the result of many weeks of work and commitment from the teams of Cpl Poland, Just Join IT and We hope that the information and analyses presented in it will be a valuable source of knowledge for all those interested in the topic.


AI and the labour market in Poland

Here are 8 basic concepts related to AI along with brief denotations: 1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): a field of computer science dealing with the development of computer systems capable of performing tasks requiring human intelligence, such as natural language understanding, image recognition or decision-making. 2. Generative Artificial Intelligence (Generative AI): a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on the creation of computer models capable of generating new, authentic-looking or sounding data, such as images, texts, sounds or other forms of content. These models are based on machine learning techniques, such as neural networks, which enable generating data based on patterns and information contained in training sets. 3. Machine Learning: an area of AI that involves the creation of algorithms and computer models that learn from data and can make predictions or decisions without being programmed explicitly. 4. Deep learning: a type of machine learning based on neural networks, which consists of many neuron layers allowing for an effective analysis and processing of complicated data, such as images and sound. 5. Natural Language Processing (NLP): a branch dealing with analysing, understanding, and generating human language by computers. It is used to create applications related to text-based communication or speech. 6. Narrow Artificial Intelligence: AI systems specialised in specific tasks or domains such as recommendation systems, speech recognition or autonomous vehicles. 7. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI): the theoretical level of AI at which systems are able to perform intellectual tasks at a similar level to humans, and not just specific assignments. 8. Synthetic intelligence: a concept referring to a potentially future form of AI that would reach or exceed the level of human intelligence, which is the subject of research and speculation. The above definitions provide a general overview of the key concepts related to artificial intelligence. It is worth noting that it is a dynamic and constantly evolving field, leading to the emergence of new terms and technologies.


AI and the labour market in Poland

About the survey The dynamic development of artificial intelligence in recent years has had a profound impact on various aspects of society and the economy. We can all agree that the Polish labour market is no exception. Developments related to the growing use of AI technologies have had a significant impact not only on the way people work, but also what skills are sought after by employers and the overall dynamics of the labour market. So, is artificial intelligence a guarantor of the future or a threat to the Polish labour market? Will AI influence jobs, and if so, which jobs and what new opportunities will it create? What skills should be developed in order to be a desirable employee in the future? These issues prompted us to produce this report. We asked both employees and employers how they perceive the impact of AI on the future of the labour market in Poland. In this material, together with our partner Just Join IT and, we analyse both the benefits and challenges of AI penetration in the Polish labour market. We consider how these changes are shaping the professional landscape, as well as what strategies can be adopted to effectively exploit the potential of a new technological era. As Chris Gillen said, “AI will not replace workers, workers using AI will replace workers who do not”. Dear reader, are you ready to discover the ways AI is shaping the present and the future of the Polish labour market. I invite you to read on to explore these important topics.

Katarzyna Piotrowska Country Manager

AI has taken the media by storm and is one of the most talked-about themes in recent times, generating great excitement among employees and employers alike. How will it affect the reality of work? Will it revolutionise the labour market? Which tasks will bots take over? We are all asking ourselves these questions today. The labour market is changing dramatically, and artificial intelligence is accelerating the changes taking place. It supports digital transformation, allows greater automation, brings innovation and new more profitable developments. ChatGPT and AI tools have already entered everyday use, including at work. Although interest in them has somewhat subsided after the initial boom, we are in for years in which AI will be widely implemented in business processes, changing the way we work. In our job boards – Just Join IT and we are always close to trends and people. We explore how technology influences the workplace, seek to educate about changes taking place in the market and identify pathways for development. With this study, we have joined forces with industry expert Cpl Poland to find out what attitude employees and employers have to the phenomenon of artificial intelligence. What are their hopes, expectations, and fears in relation to AI? Are they already using it, how do they see its impact on productivity and on the development of their industry, what changes do they expect? And finally, how does all this translate into their mental state and sense of security? Wanting to look at these issues even more extensively, we asked similar questions AI itself. What did ChatGPT say? See for yourself! We hope that this report will give you a broad perspective on the phenomenon of artificial intelligence in the labour market, as well as help you map your needs, expectations, and concerns, which will ultimately make it easier to manage the implementation of AI in your organisations. AI is certainly going to significantly change the market and the way companies operate. How will we use it? The future is in your hands! Enjoy an inspiring read :)

Piotr Nowosielski CEO


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective

Illustration created with AI


AI and the labour market in Poland

AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective

There are many interesting findings from our report on how employees perceive artificial intelligence. Based on this knowledge, managers and HR departments have the opportunity to build valuable action pathways. Approximately a third of employees declare that they have a good level of knowledge on AI and are already using it for professional purposes (although this is usually using ChatGPT for simple everyday tasks). However, more than 20% of office workers still know little about AI and only 11% use it to an advanced extent. HR professionals in organisations face a major challenge in raising employee awareness. They can do this, for example, through trainings and workshops, providing access to educational material, as well as through communication measures (using newsletters, the intranet) - informing about trends and solutions related to AI and their real impact on the organisation's operations. It is clear, though, that a large proportion of employees are also concerned about the potential negative consequences that AI may bring to the labour market - mainly that the technology will to some extent replace human labour (44% fear that AI will lead to an increase in unemployment, and more than half of respondents declare that they think AI will bring both opportunities and threats). Employees may experience excessive psychological strain due to the changes taking place, 23% expect increased stress levels or an imbalance between demands and their technical abilities. There are also concerns about excessive monitoring of employees through AI (among 27% of respondents). In my opinion, this relates to the fact that employees need the freedom to carry out tasks and to feel that they are valued and indispensable. Excessive monitoring can lead to a reduction in creativity, autonomy, and engagement. Given these challenges, it will be equally important for HR to prevent high levels of stress, which can lead to reduced productivity and, in extreme cases, burnout or absenteeism. What is also interesting to note is that almost half of employees (45%) do not see the opportunities that AI offers with regard to improving efficiency or optimising working time. It seems that employees are either still underestimating AI, or they are overestimating themselves?

Justyna Krzewska HR Generalist

Between December 2022 and June 2023, the number of AI job vacancies increased on Just Join IT by more than 40%. The biggest increases in the number of vacancies, several times over, were in the Deep Learning and Machine Learning specialisations. 9

AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

In which area do you work (your position/function)?

AI and the labour market in Poland



Sales and customer care












Data analysis




Order administration






Health care









What is your employment status? Employment contract


B2B /I work for somebody else, but I have my own business


Contract of mandate/Task specific contract


I am self-employed






I do not work (other reason)




Maternity/parental leave









How would you rate your knowledge on AI? 0,00%

Good – I use AI for work purposes


Good – I use AI for private purposes

11,01% 32,08%

Basic – I don’t know much about AI Advanced – I use AI for work purposes


Advanced – I use AI for private purposes 28,93%

None – I don’t know what AI is

In your opinion, what skills could AI replace in the Polish labour market?



Text writing


Graphic design


Handling customer queries

65,41% 58,49%

Photo editing


System data processing

Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych analysis 55,35% rodzajów pracy, aData tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ? 46,54%

Tech support Programming


Advisory (e.g., legal)













AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

What is your opinion on the AI revolution taking place? 70,00%


60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 21,32% 20,00% 7,84%





AI can be both an opportunity and a threat to the labour market

It will bring more opportunities than threats to the labour market

It will bring more threats than opportunities to the labour market

I don’t think it will change much in the labour market

I don’t have an opinion

AI Artificial intelligence's response

Artificial intelligence has great potential to bring positive changes in many areas, such as medicine, education, industry, transport, research and many others. All these developments related to artificial intelligence have great potential, but also carry certain risks. A key element is the proper management of AI development, taking into account ethical aspects, data security and sustainable social and economic development.


Are you concerned about the changes AI could introduce in the Polish labour market?

I don’t have an opinion yet, 19,75%

Yes, 27,90%

No, 52,35%

Artificial intelligence's response AI

As artificial intelligence, I do not have feelings or emotions, so I cannot experience concerns. Nevertheless, I understand that concerns about the impact of artificial intelligence on the labour market are understandable and important for many people. Artificial intelligence may bring changes to the Polish labour market, as well as to labour markets around the world. Some jobs may be automated, which may lead to a reduction theCiebie need forsztuczna workers in inteligencja certain sectors. (AI) On the other hand, artificial intelligencenowych may Czyinwg doprowadzi do stworzenia also create new career opportunities, generating demand for AI technology specialists, rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ? data engineers, AI analysts and other professions related to emerging technologies. It is important that both individuals and institutions are prepared to adapt to these changes. Education, development of digital skills, and professional flexibility are key elements in countering the negative effects of AI on the labour market. Governments and organisations can also support initiatives aimed at retraining employees and creating new jobs in areas that will grow with technological progress. In short, artificial intelligence can bring both challenges and opportunities to the Polish labour market. It is worth strengthening education and skills in order to enable people to adapt effectively to change and to take advantage of the potential that the evolving technology brings.


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

According to your current beliefs, will AI cause an increase in unemployment?






I don’t have an opinion 0,00%






Artificial intelligence's response AI

The question of the effect of AI on unemployment is widely discussed and a subject of many studies and debates. There are different points of view on the subject and the answer may depend on a number of factors. Arguments for rising unemployment related to the development of AI: 1. Work automation: Artificial intelligence can be used to automate many tasks and processes in various sectors of the economy. This could lead to a reduction in the need for human labour and potentially affect unemployment in sectors where robots can perform tasks faster and more efficiently than humans. 2. Replacing routine work: Routine and repetitive jobs that do not require a high degree of creativity or decision-making are more likely to be automated using AI. This could affect the disappearance of certain types of jobs. 3. Industry 4.0: The development of Industry 4.0, which includes the integration of digital technologies, automation, and intelligent manufacturing systems, may lead to restructuration of many branches of industry and a reduction in the need for employees.


Arguments against rising unemployment linked to the development of AI: 1. Creating new jobs: The introduction of AI may also create new employment opportunities in fields related to designing, creating, and supporting those systems. The development and management of AI requires advanced technical knowledge, which is likely to lead to an increased demand for specialists. 2. Economic growth: Artificial intelligence can contribute to the growth of the economy by increasing productivity, innovation, and efficiency in many sectors. This growth can in turn lead to the creation of new jobs in various fields. 3.Professional changes: A restructuring of the labour market may take place, with certain professions disappearing as a result, but at the same time new careers and new skills may emerge in response to changing market needs. In the end, the impact of AI on unemployment will depend on a number of factors, such as the pace of AI implementation, society's ability to adapt to change, government policies and the ability to educate and develop new skills. Many organisations and governments are making efforts to direct the development of AI in such a way as to bring economic and social benefits, minimising the negative effects on the labour market.

How do you rate the potential impact of the implementation of AI solutions on your workplace?

It would slightly improve my work


It would significantly improve my work


Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ? It wouldn’t affect my work


I don’t know


It would slightly complicate my work


It would significantly complicate my work

0,93% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00%


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective

AI and the labour market in Poland

Questionnaire study

In your opinion, what influence will the development of AI have on the labour market in Poland? (Select 5 most important) Changes in professions (new will be created and some old one will disappear)


Increase in productivity in companies and among employees

65,94% 65,63%

The emergence of new challenges in work management


Greater working comfort (fewer repetitive tasks) 41,88%

Changes in salary levels


Increased unemployment Difficulties in maintaining control over technological development

32,50% 26.88%

Increased employee monitoring


Increased stress level among employees We will work fewer hours (four-day workweek)


Better accuracy of performed tasks


Increase in Poland's competitiveness compared to other countries in Europe/the world




Increase in employment

6,25% 0,00%







AI Artificial intelligence's response

The development of artificial intelligence, as in many other countries around the world, has the potential to significantly affect the labour market in Poland. Below, I outline some of the main aspects that could affect the labour market in Poland in the context of AI development: 1. Routine work automation: The introduction of AI can lead to the automation of many routine and repetitive tasks. Physical and mental jobs that rely on simple algorithms can be replaced by AI-based machines and software. This could lead to a reduction in the number of jobs in certain sectors, such as manufacturing, customer service or office support. 2. Creation of new jobs: However, the development of AI also opens the door to new opportunities. Creating, managing, and maintaining AI systems requires specialised skills. In Poland, there may be a demand for AI engineers, data analysis specialists, data scientists, AI ethics and experts in fields related to automation and robotics. 3. Increased demand for digital skills: The development of AI is making digital skills increasingly crucial. People with the ability to work with data, understanding of algorithms and the ability to collaborate with machines will be more in demand in the labour market. 4. Changes in the service sector: AI can improve personalisation, efficiency and service quality in the service sector, such as finance, health, education or marketing. However, it may also result in a reduction in demand for certain jobs, for example in traditional banking, if more and more operations are performed automatically. 5. The need for retraining and re-education: In order to adapt to the changes in the labour market caused by the development of AI, there is a need for continuous retraining and re-education. Those who have skills that are more based on creativity, problem solving and collaboration will have a better chance of maintaining their position in the labour market. 6. Ethics and regulation: The development of AI poses ethical and regulatory challenges for Czy wg sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych society. TheCiebie introduction of automation and decisions made by machines can raise questions rodzajów pracy, data a tym samym powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ? about accountability, security and do equality. All in all, the development of artificial intelligence is likely to bring both challenges and opportunities to the Polish labour market. It will be crucial to adapt education systems in order to nurture a workforce that is prepared to work with technology and to continuously improve skills in response to changing market requirements.


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

How do you assess the impact of the introduction of AI solutions in the area in which you work? It’s beneficial to my industry


It’s very beneficial to my industry


It’s unfavourable to my industry


The introduction of AI won’t have an impact on my industry


It’s very unfavourable to my industry

0,94% 0,00% 10,00% 20,00% 30,00% 40,00% 50,00% 60,00%

What competences do you think will be crucial for employees to compete with AI in the labour market? 69,09%

Critical thinking ability Effective communication


Flexibility (rapid adaptation to changing conditions)

59,62% 57,10%

Creativity Decision-making


Complex problem-solving

50,79% 47,95%

Empathy Learning ability


Initiative and entrepreneurship

41,64% 3,47%

Other 0,00%






To what extent could AI support you in the realisation of your daily work duties?



51 - 99%


0% - AI can’t help me


100% - AI can completely take over my responsibilities







Maciej SysOps ITNS

What does artificial intelligence mean to you in terms of the work you do a threat, an improvement or perhaps an opportunity for greater development? In my case, it is both an improvement as well as an opportunity for further progress. To grow in IT, you need the ability to learn quickly. AI makes it possible to radically accelerate the learning of new technologies – thanks to well-structured queries, getting to the required information is much faster which, as a result, allows for dynamic learning. Moreover, AI helps automate routine activities, leaving space for tasks that require out-of-the-box and strategic thinking.


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

Which areas (groups of jobs) do you see as particularly at risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI)? 75,47%

Translations 62,26%

Customer care – call contact centre


Marketing – social media, content, PR, e-commerce


Design – graphic 41,19%

Data Analytics


IT – Software Development




Law HR – recruitment, EB, personnel


Finance – controlling, audit


IT – Database


Engineering - automation, electronics, technology


Logistics – forwarding trade


IT - Information Security


B2B/B2C sales


IT - Networking and Infrastructure


Consulting I don’t think there are any job posts particularly at risk











AI Artificial intelligence's response

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to replace or transform many jobs, especially those that rely on routine, repetitive tasks and data analysis. Here are some examples of jobs that may be particularly at risk: 1. Production and installation work: Robotics and automation can replace workers performing simple, repetitive tasks on production lines, such as assembling or packaging. 2. Warehouse and logistics work: Autonomous robots and warehouse management systems can take on roles in sorting, storing and delivering goods. 3. Checkout and customer service jobs: Automated checkouts, chatbots and AI-based customer service systems could reduce the need to employ humans for these tasks. 4. Banking and finance jobs: Simple banking operations, credit risk analysis and even investment portfolio management can be automated using AI. 5. Call centre work: Advanced chatbots and speech recognition systems could take over some of the duties of call centre operators. 6. Accounting and financial work: Routine tasks such as financial data entry and tax returns could be automated using appropriate tools. 7. Transportation work: Autonomous vehicles can replace drivers in some cases, especially in the transport of goods over long distances. 8. Agricultural work: Agricultural robots can perform tasks such as sowing, harvesting or cultivating Czy wg crops. Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych

rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ?

9. Data analysis and reporting: AI can help automate data analysis and report creation, which is likely to impact information processing jobs. It is worth noting, however, that while these jobs may be at risk of being replaced by AI, there are many skills and aspects of jobs that are difficult to automate. These are often soft skills such as creativity, empathy, the ability to make decisions in unusual situations and the ability to solve problems that require flexible thinking. Therefore, while automation and artificial intelligence may be changing the structure of the labour market, there are also many areas that will require human input in the long term.


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

In your opinion, will AI lead to the creation of new types of work and thus new positions?

No, 5,00%

I don’t have an opinion, 7,50%

Yes, 87,50%

Artificial intelligence's response AI

artificial intelligence potential to create new types of work create new jobs. Yes,Yes, artificial intelligence hashas thethe potential to create new types of work andand create new jobs. Here some of the ways AI can impact market: Here areare some of the ways AI can impact thethe jobjob market: 1. Creating managing There a need artificial intelligence specialists who 1. Creating andand managing AI: AI: There willwill be be a need for for artificial intelligence specialists who willwill responsible creating, developing, managing AI systems. These could experts be be responsible for for creating, developing, andand managing AI systems. These could be be experts in in areas such as machine learning, natural language processing or computer vision. areas such as machine learning, natural language processing or computer vision.


2. Data analysis: As the amount of available data increases, analysis interpretation 2. Data andand analysis: As the amount of available data increases, thethe analysis andand interpretation of this data become increasingly important. Data analysts data scientists dedicated of this data willwill become increasingly important. Data analysts andand data scientists dedicated to to extracting information from large data needed in many sectors of the economy. extracting information from large data setssets willwill be be needed in many sectors of the economy. 3. Industry In the industrial sector, development ofmay AI may lead to new positions 3. Industry 4.0:4.0: In the industrial sector, thethe development of AI lead to new positions related to automation, robotics, production management maintenance of advanced related to automation, robotics, production management andand maintenance of advanced production systems. production systems. 4. Medicine healthcare: AI has great potential diagnosing diseases, analysing medical 4. Medicine andand healthcare: AI has great potential for for diagnosing diseases, analysing medical images, or optimising healthcare processes. As such, new positions related to the analysis images, or optimising healthcare processes. As such, new positions related to the analysis of of research, development of medical algorithms or the management of healthcare systems research, thethe development of medical algorithms or the management of healthcare systems may created. may be be created. 5. Automation of routine tasks: Asbecomes AI becomes capable of performing routine tasks, certain 5. Automation of routine tasks: As AI capable of performing routine tasks, certain positions may automated, which in turn create a need staff responsible positions may be be automated, which in turn willwill create a need for for staff responsible for for thethe configuration, supervision, maintenance of these automation systems. configuration, supervision, andand maintenance of these automation systems. 6. Support in creativity: Artificial intelligence used to support creative tasks such 6. Support in creativity: Artificial intelligence cancan alsoalso be be used to support creative tasks such as graphic design, writing or composing music. could lead to new jobs combining creative as graphic design, writing or composing music. ThisThis could lead to new jobs combining creative skills with ability to use supportive AI tools. skills with thethe ability to use supportive AI tools. 7. Education training: development ofopens AI opens door to new methods of online 7. Education andand training: TheThe development of AI thethe door to new methods of online education trainings, which may lead a demand specialists in creating educational education andand trainings, which may lead to atodemand for for specialists in creating educational content, programming online courses, managing e-learning platforms. content, programming online courses, andand managing e-learning platforms. 8. Cyber security: As the dangers of cybercrime hacking attacks increase, there 8. Cyber security: As the dangers of cybercrime andand hacking attacks increase, there willwill be be an an increased need cyber security experts who responsible protecting systems from increased need for for cyber security experts who willwill be be responsible for for protecting systems from AI threats. AI threats. 9. Human-machine interaction: As the interaction between humans AI grows, new posts 9. Human-machine interaction: As the interaction between humans andand AI grows, new posts related to interface design or the development of chatbots virtual assistants may related to interface design or the development of chatbots andand virtual assistants may be be created. created.

Czy Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja do stworzenia nowych 10. AI ethics regulation: As the impact ofon AIdoprowadzi on various aspects of society grows, there 10. AIwg ethics andand regulation: As the impact of(AI) AI various aspects of society grows, there may be a need for AI ethics and regulation specialists to monitor and shape the relevant may be a need for AI ethics and regulation specialists to monitor and shape the relevant rules rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ? rules standards related to use. its use. andand standards related to its is however worth remembering development ofcould AI could lead to certain It isIthowever worth remembering thatthat thethe development of AI alsoalso lead to certain challenges, such as the replacement of humans by automated systems or the need to adapt challenges, such as the replacement of humans by automated systems or the need to adapt thethe skills of employees to new realities. is therefore important to continuously adapt to changing skills of employees to new realities. It isIttherefore important to continuously adapt to changing labour market conditions to invest in the development of competences overlap labour market conditions andand to invest in the development of competences thatthat willwill overlap with new AI-related roles. with new AI-related roles.


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective

AI and the labour market in Poland

Questionnaire study

Will the presence of AI have an impact on the faster implementation of the 4-day working week in Poland?

AI won’t have any effect




I don’t have an opinion




Definitely No


Definitely Yes








AI Artificial intelligence's response

Artificial intelligence may have some influence on the faster implementation of the 4-day working week in Poland, but many factors will influence whether and how this will happen. Here are some of the ways in which artificial intelligence can influence this process: 1. Workplace efficiency: AI can help automate many tasks and processes in the workplace, which can increase work efficiency and enable the same goals to be achieved in less time. This could make the case for a shorter working week. 2. Data analysis and scheduling: Advanced data analysis generated by AI can help businesses to better plan resources and working hours, which can enable a more flexible approach to organising working time. 3. Remote working: The growth of remote working, which has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has shown that many tasks can be performed outside the traditional workplace. This could influence more flexible working patterns, including a shorter working week. 4. Technological developments: If advances in AI lead to much greater automation, this could be the cause for less manual work and shorter working hours. But the implementation of the 4-day working week in Poland depends on many social, economic and political factors: 1. Work culture: Poland has its own unique customs and cultures related to work. The transition to a shorter working week may require a change in thinking about work and work-life balance. 2. Synergy with other factors: A shorter working week may work better in combination with other initiatives, such as greater flexibility of working hours or increased work efficiency 3. Economic conditions: The economy, labour market competition and wage levels will influence the feasibility of implementing a shortened working week without a loss of income for employees.

Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych 4. rodzajów Political decisions: policies, labour regulations and trade union relations pracy, Government a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracymay ? also influence the feasibility of introducing a shorter working week.

To conclude, artificial intelligence can help the process of introducing a 4-day working week in Poland by increasing the efficiency and flexibility of work. However, AI alone does not suffice to make this happen - many other factors must be taken into account, such as work culture, economic conditions and political decisions.


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

How do you think the development of AI will affect the salary levels of current positions in your company in the future? 60,00%


50,00% 40,00% 28,44%



20,00% 10,00% 0,00%

The development of AI won’t influence salary levels (these are separate topics)

The development of AI will cause a decrease in salaries

The development of AI will cause an increase in salaries

Łukasz, Product Owner Worksmile In your opinion, will AI lead to the creation of new types of work and thus new job positions? Definitely! There is already a lot of information out there about how important it will be for businesses to learn how to communicate with AI in order to maximise its potential. I believe that the ability to effectively implement "prompts", which can currently be categorised as "nice to have", will soon be the basis and an absolute must for newly created jobs that rely on communication with AI and the use of its support to achieve business goals.


AI Artificial intelligence's response

Yes, the development of artificial intelligence may have an impact on salary levels in the future. However, how it will affect salaries can be complex and dependent on many factors. Here are some of the ways in which artificial intelligence could affect salaries: 1. Automation of routine work: AI and automation can replace human labour in routine, mechanical and repetitive work. This can lead to a reduction in demand for workers to perform such tasks, which in turn can affect their wages. 2. Increased efficiency and productivity: Artificial intelligence can improve efficiency in many areas, which can lead to increased production and profits. This can affect the employers' ability to offer higher salaries if the company is successful thanks to the use of AI. 3. Creating new jobs: Although automation may replace some jobs, the development of artificial intelligence may also create new employment opportunities in fields related to the creation, management, and maintenance of AI systems. 4. Increase in demand for AI professionals: As artificial intelligence develops and finds its way into more and more fields, the demand for AI professionals such as AI engineers, data scientists and analysts may increase, which in turn may lead to higher salaries for these professionals. 5. Competition in the labour market: An increase in the use of AI may increase competition in the labour market, as workers can compete with automation and technology. This could affect wage negotiations and employment conditions. 6.Czy Flexibility and changes in work organisation: can enable greater flexibility in work wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI)AIdoprowadzi do stworzenia nowych organisation, working and flexible hours.nowych This couldstanowisk affect how employees rodzajówincluding pracy, aremote tym samym do powstania pracy ? assess the value of their salaries in terms of work-life balance. All these factors can correlate and influence future changes in salary levels. It is also important that governments, businesses, and society as a whole consider these changes and try to adapt policies and strategies to minimise the negative effects and take advantage of the positive aspects of the development of artificial intelligence.


AI in the labour market from an employee's perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

Which gender do you identify with? I don’t identify with any of the mentioned genders, 1,56%

Man, 77,19%

Woman, 21,25%

How old are you? 50,00%


45,00% 40,00% 35,00% 30,00% 24,69%



20,00% 15,00% 10,00% 4,06%












In which voivodeship do you work (indicate the actual place of work)? Masovian


Lower Silesian


Lesser Poland


Greater Poland
















Holy Cross




West Pomeranian





0,32% 0,00%








In which direction will the current AI revolution go and what price will we pay for it in the end? An expert’s commentary

AI and the labour market in Poland

Although I have been closely following the development of artificial intelligence for years, I must admit that I am not sure towards what future we are heading. It is therefore fascinating and surprising to see how much knowledge and confidence Polish employees have in AI solutions. Perhaps the IT sector (52% of the respondents), due to its greater exposure to technology, feels that it is familiar with the challenges and risks of generative AI. But what about the rest of society? Why are more than half of the respondents completely unfazed about the changes that AI could bring? After all, every day there are more and more tools that do not so much support us (co-piloting), but simply take the work out of our hands. The study was split almost evenly on whether AI will increase unemployment. This contradicts the next points, where the evaluation of AI assisting and streamlining work is very prominent. Perhaps those responding believe that the wave of job cuts will affect their colleagues and not them? Since 56% of people think AI is beneficial and 18% think it is very beneficial to the area they work in, the question is what they mean by this. From an employer's point of view, AI may improve productivity, but at the same time it may help to reduce the number of posts... What is certain is that AI will contribute to the creation of new professions – particularly the IT industry has seen several revolutions, each of which has created new specialisations and professions. Groups threatened by AI were identified as marketing, call centres, data analysis and, most significantly, translation and design, all of which are in line with observations of current trends in the development of generative AI. Sectors where we can see almost fundamental breakthroughs are content creation, content analysis and game creation. These are the kinds of tasks AI loves and will be very hard to compete with. How to defend yourself against this? Most people believe that the ability to think critically is a key competence to compete with AI. Effective communication was indicated by 60% and creativity by 57% of people. Subconsciously, the responders feel that AI is not going to turn into AGI (AI with human-level intelligence) any time soon, so what we can get ahead of the algorithms in is creativity and communication. It will take a very long time for machines to understand all the nuances of simple statements (e.g. irony). More than half of those surveyed indicate that the development of AI will have no impact on salary levels. If we already know what algorithms and ChatGPT are capable of, believing that they will not be able to replace a large group of people is very puzzling. Personally, I believe that AI will very quickly affect salary levels in the groups of professions most at risk - people will simply be laid off and their salaries reduced. By writing this, I do not mean to frighten anyone. As I mentioned at the beginning, no one knows the direction AI will take, and we are still waiting for its implementation on a large scale. As humans, we mostly have this pernicious belief that solutions created by "smarter" people than us are proven, and that technology develops to make our lives easier, not harder. However, I would advise you to be more cautious, given that the motor of innovation in most areas is money. Developers of AI solutions will make money from companies looking to optimise costs, and the human cost is one of the biggest they bear. It is therefore worth already reflecting on one's career path, taking into account the development of AI and, for example, choosing a hard-to-replace specialisation or moving to the other side of the power spectrum and working in the sector developing artificial intelligence solutions. Unlike machines, which will remain our advantage for a long time to come, we have a consciousness that gives us the opportunity to make a choice. For now.

Artur Kurasiński Entrepreneur and investor 30

AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective

Illustration created with AI


AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective

AI and the labour market in Poland

Over the past few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been invading our workplaces and homes. This year, Over the past few years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been invading our workplaces and homes. This year, however, however,itsitscareer careerand andinternational internationalrecognition recognitionhas hasaccelerated, accelerated,and andthe thelightning lightningspeed speedofofitsits development capabilities has introduced considerable confusion and multiplying questions. People around development capabilities has introduced considerable confusion and multiplying questions. People around the world began toto wonder what AIAI is,is, how toto use it, it, is is it safe? Finally, how can you make money from it and the world began wonder what how use it safe? Finally, how can you make money from it and dodo the potential profits outweigh the potential risks? the potential profits outweigh the potential risks? When Whenpreparing preparingthese thesepublications, publications,weweasked askedthese thesequestions questionstotorepresentatives representativesofofmultinational multinational corporations, corporations,large, large,medium, medium,and andsmall smallcompanies companiesfrom fromvarious variousmarket marketsectors. sectors.WeWewanted wantedtotoget getthe the perspective ofof those who shape the labour market onon a daily basis, and their organisations could bebe some ofof perspective those who shape the labour market a daily basis, and their organisations could some the biggest beneficiaries ofof the large-scale introduction ofof AI.AI. They can, but first the business must take the the biggest beneficiaries the large-scale introduction They can, but first the business must take the first step and.... take a risk. The vast majority ofof the companies surveyed believe that AIAI can bebe both anan first step and.... take a risk. The vast majority the companies surveyed believe that can both opportunity and a threat toto the labour market (77%). The good news is is that business representatives opportunity and a threat the labour market (77%). The good news that business representatives are using AIAI solutions (53%) and, forfor the most part, are not afraid ofof the changes this technology will are using solutions (53%) and, the most part, are not afraid the changes this technology will bring toto the Polish labour market (58%). This may bebe due, among other things, toto the fact that wewe areare bring the Polish labour market (58%). This may due, among other things, the fact that aware ofof the changes that areare currently taking place - the AIAI revolution has already begun, it is and aware the changes that currently taking place - the revolution has already begun, it inevitable, is inevitable, and the challenge forfor business leaders will bebe toto take advantage ofof the opportunity offered byby new technologies the challenge business leaders will take advantage the opportunity offered new technologies and minimise the risks that arise from their imperfections. and minimise the risks that arise from their imperfections. Observing representatives see inin this Observingwith withcuriosity curiositythe thedevelopment developmentofofartificial artificialintelligence, intelligence,business business representatives see this new newtechnology technologythe thepossibility possibilitytotoincrease increasethe thelevel levelofofproductivity productivityofofcompanies companiesand andemployees employees (62%) and the comfort ofof work (53%). AIAI can (and does!) provide solutions whereby some ofof the repetitive (62%) and the comfort work (53%). can (and does!) provide solutions whereby some the repetitive tasks - such asas processing data inin systems, translations, writing face-to-face texts, handling customer queries tasks - such processing data systems, translations, writing face-to-face texts, handling customer queries ororanalysing analysingdata data- -can canbebereplaced replacedbybyalgorithms. algorithms.Additionally, Additionally,the thebusiness businessrepresentatives representativeswewe interviewed highlighted changes inin jobs and the possibility ofof completely new professions and career interviewed highlighted changes jobs and the possibility completely new professions and career paths, with asas many asas 93% ofof those surveyed believing this. This is is anan accurate diagnosis, according toto 'The paths, with many 93% those surveyed believing this. This accurate diagnosis, according 'The Future ofof Jobs Report 2020' byby The World Economic Forum, AIAI could lead toto the creation ofof asas many asas 9797 Future Jobs Report 2020' The World Economic Forum, could lead the creation many million new jobs worldwide. There is is one catch, the currently familiar professions will also disappear. million new jobs worldwide. There one catch, the currently familiar professions will also disappear. InIn the long run, AIAI could replace professions whose majority ofof daily tasks are based onon face-to-face the long run, could replace professions whose majority daily tasks are based face-to-face activities and acting within a set ofof rules. According toto those surveyed, posts particularly atat risk ofof being activities and acting within a set rules. According those surveyed, posts particularly risk being replaced byby AIAI include: data analysts, translators, marketing and customer support specialists, accountants replaced include: data analysts, translators, marketing and customer support specialists, accountants and andprogrammers. programmers.It Itshould shouldtherefore thereforebebethe theresponsibility responsibilityofofemployers employerstotodevelop developemployees employees specialised inin these areas and toto enable them, also with the support ofof AI,AI, toto acquire the new competencies specialised these areas and enable them, also with the support acquire the new competencies they theywill willneed needininthe thenew newreality. reality.It Itshould shouldtherefore thereforebebethe theresponsibility responsibilityofofemployers employerstotoensure ensurethe the development ofof employees specialised inin these areas and toto enable them, also with the support ofof AI,AI, toto development employees specialised these areas and enable them, also with the support acquire acquirethe thenew newcompetences competencesthey theywill willneed needininthe thenew newreality. reality.Learning Learningplatforms platformsbased basedononAIAI algorithms can aid organisations inin preparing a personalised training programme, taking into account algorithms can aid organisations preparing a personalised training programme, taking into account individual learning preferences oror anan employee's interests and potential. individual learning preferences employee's interests and potential. Regardless Regardlessofofspecialisation, specialisation,artificial artificialintelligence, intelligence,ororatatleast leastitsitscurrent currentversion, version,will willnot notreplace replacethe the human element. According toto the business representatives wewe interviewed, inin spite ofof the development ofof human element. According the business representatives interviewed, spite the development AI,AI,competences competencessuch suchasascritical criticalthinking, thinking,empathy, empathy,creativity creativityand andflexibility flexibilitywill willstill stillbebeimportant. important. Development inin these areas will make it possible toto take advantage ofof the opportunities offered byby AI,AI, both Development these areas will make it possible take advantage the opportunities offered both inin terms ofof the development ofof the individual employee and the organisation asas a whole. It It will bebe crucial toto terms the development the individual employee and the organisation a whole. will crucial effectively select the available AIAI tools and verify their correct operation. effectively select the available tools and verify their correct operation.


AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective

AsAs farfar asas the ethical aspect ofof using AIAI is is concerned, it is important toto remember that it has been created byby the ethical aspect using concerned, it is important remember that it has been created humans and, although it does not actact under the influence ofof emotions, it is guided byby algorithms created onon humans and, although it does not under the influence emotions, it is guided algorithms created the basis ofof data uploaded byby It is therefore inin the hands ofof organisations toto create anan environment inin the basis data uploaded It is therefore the hands organisations create environment which AIAI can operate safely and inin accordance with the companies' policies and ethical principles. which can operate safely and accordance with the companies' policies and ethical principles. The AIAI revolution is is gaining momentum and gathering supporters. AsAs many asas 69% ofof the companies wewe The revolution gaining momentum and gathering supporters. many 69% the companies surveyed believe that the introduction ofof AIAI solutions will have a positive impact onon their industry. The key surveyed believe that the introduction solutions will have a positive impact their industry. The key will bebe toto read the changes and choose the right tools and procedures soso asas not toto get left behind. will read the changes and choose the right tools and procedures not get left behind.

Anna Mastalerz Division Manager

Mikołaj Jaśkiewicz Division Manager

Which AI jobs are most in demand? • • • • • •

Machine Learning Engineer Data Scientist AI Architect AI Researcher AI Engineer DevOps engineer related to AI


AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective Questionnaire study

How big is the company you work for in Poland? 35,00%



AI and the labour market in Poland


25,47% 25,00% 20,00% 13,21%

15,00% 10,00% 5,00% 0,00%

Small Up to 50 people

Big over 250 people

Medium up to 250 people

Micro Under 10 people

In which industry does your company operate in Poland? IT&Telco






Marketing / media




Finance / banking / insurance




Public sector


Transport / forwarding trade / logistics


Health care / pharmacy










What level of position do you work at? 50,00% 45,00%


40,00% 35,00% 30,00% 23,58%



20,00% 15,00%


10,00% 5,00% 0,00%


Specialist / Senior Specialist

Manager / Team Leader

Board Member / Senior Management

Junior Specialist / Intern

Manual worker

How would you rate your level of knowledge of AI?

38,10% 27,62% 25.71%

Basic – I don’t know much about AI Good – I use AI for private purposes Good – I use AI for work purposes

25,71% Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania Advanced nowych stanowisk pracy ? – I use AI for work purposes 8,57%

None – I don’t know what AI is

0,00% 0,00%


Advanced – I use AI for private purposes


AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective Questionnaire study

What is your opinion on the AI revolution taking place?

AI and the labour market in Poland



AI can be both an opportunity and a threat to the labour market


It will bring more opportunities than threats to the labour market

It will bring more threats than opportunities to the labour market



I don’t think it will change much in the labour market

I don’t have an opinion

Are you worried about the changes that AI may bring to the Polish labour market? I don’t have an opinion, 13,21%

Yes, 28,30%


No, 58,49%

What impact do you think the development of artificial intelligence (AI) will have on the labour market in Poland? Changes in professions (new will be created and some old one will disappear)



The emergence of new challenges in work management Increase in productivity in companies and among employees



Greater working comfort (fewer repetitive tasks)


Changes in salary levels Difficulties in maintaining control over technological development



Increased unemployment


Increased employee monitoring

Better accuracy of performed tasks


Increased stress level among employees



We will work fewer hours (four-day workweek) Increase in Poland's competitiveness compared to other countries in Europe/the world




Increase in employment









AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective Questionnaire study

In your opinion, what skills could AI replace in the Polish labour market? 79,25%

AI and the labour market in Poland

Data analysis


Text writing




System data processing


Graphic design Photo editing


Handling customer queries

57,55% 43,40%



Tech support 16,04%

Advisory (e.g., legal) Other











Artificial intelligence's response

Artificial intelligence can replace certain repetitive and routine tasks that are susceptible to automation. Here are some of the skills that AI can to some extent replace in the Polish labour market: 1. Data analysis: AI can analyse large data sets and detect patterns and trends, which was previously the job of data analysts. 2. Natural language processing: AI systems, such as chatbots, can replace some customer service and technical support positions by answering user questions.


3. Repetitive 3. Repetitive administrative administrative tasks: tasks: Artificial Artificial intelligence intelligence cancan automate automate certain certain administrative administrative tasks, tasks, such such as managing as managing schedules, schedules, processing processing invoices invoices andand other other routine routine activities. activities. 4. Financial 4. Financial analysis analysis andand control: control: AI can AI can support support processes processes related related to financial to financial analysis, analysis, control control andand reporting, reporting, identifying identifying anomalies anomalies andand detecting detecting errors. errors. 5. Pattern 5. Pattern andand image image recognition: recognition: AI can AI can replace replace some some pattern pattern recognition recognition tasks, tasks, e.g.e.g. in medical in medical or industrial or industrial image image analysis. analysis. 6. Forecasting 6. Forecasting andand predicting predicting trends: trends: AI can AI can help help predict predict trends trends using using historical historical data data analysis. analysis. 7. Production 7. Production processes: processes: In the In the industry, industry, AI can AI can replace replace human human labour labour in production in production processes, processes, including including robotics robotics andand thethe automation automation of production of production lines. lines. It isIthowever is however worth worth noting noting thatthat artificial artificial intelligence intelligence hashas its limitations its limitations andand willwill notnot completely completely replace replace humans humans in many in many keykey areas areas thatthat require require creativity, creativity, empathy, empathy, problem-solving, problem-solving, interpersonal interpersonal skills, skills, andand strategic strategic decision-making. decision-making. Many Many workers workers willwill continue continue to play to play a key a key rolerole in developing, in developing, managing, managing, andand implementing implementing AI technology AI technology andand utilising utilising its potential its potential in ainvariety a variety of professional of professional fields. fields.

In your opinion, will AI lead to the creation of new types of work and thus new posts?

No, 5,66%

Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ?

Yes, 93,40%

I don’t have an opinion, 0,94% 39

AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective

AI and the labour market in Poland

Questionnaire study

What competences do you think will be crucial for employees to compete with AI in the labour market?


Critical thinking ability





Flexibility (rapid adaptation to changing conditions)



Effective communication


Ability to manage people/teams

Initiative and entrepreneurship




Complex problem-solving



Learning ability


Other 0,00%






AI Artificial intelligence's response

The key competences for workers to compete with artificial intelligence in the labour market will focus on those areas that are harder to replace by machines. Here are some of these competencies: 1. Creativity: The ability to generate new ideas, solve problems in innovative ways and create valuable products or services. 2. Interpersonal skills: The ability to build relationships with others, empathy, teamwork, and communication skills will be key in interactions with clients, internal customers and colleagues. 3. Analytical skills: Ability to analyse data and information, detect patterns and trends and make decisions based on them. 4. Understanding of AI technologies: Even if the work will not be directly related to AI, an understanding of the fundamentals of AI technologies will be increasingly valuable to fully exploit the potential of those tools. 5. Adaptability and flexibility: Quick to adapt to changing market and technological conditions, as well as the ability to learn new skills. 6. Creative thinking skills: The need for a creative approach to solving problems and generating new ideas that are not easily automated. 7. Uniqueness: The ability to bring unique skills and knowledge to an organisation that cannot be easily replaced by AI. 8. Development of technical skills: Acquiring knowledge and skills related to AI technology, Czyaswg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI)learning, doprowadzi donew stworzenia nowych such programming, data analysis and machine can unlock career opportunities.

rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ?

9. Entrepreneurship and innovation: The ability to identify new business opportunities, create values and introduce innovative solutions. It is worth emphasising that AI can also support and complement the competences of employees, so finding synergies between human skills and technology will be crucial. Employees who are able to work effectively with AI and exploit its potential will gain advantage in the labour market and perform better in their professional fields.


AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

Will the presence of AI have an impact on the faster implementation of the 4-day working week in Poland? 33,96%

AI won’t have any effect Yes


I don’t have an opinion

24,53% 13,21%

No 2,83%

Definitely Yes


Definitely No






How do you assess the impact of the introduction of AI solutions in the area in which you work? It’s beneficial to my industry


It’s unfavourable to my industry


The introduction of AI won’t have an impact on my industry


It’s very beneficial to my industry


Very unfavourable to my industry








How would implementing AI solutions in your workplace improve task performance? 58,49%

Productivity would slightly increase

Productivity would significantly increase


It won’t influence the productivity


Productivity would slightly decrease


Productivity would significantly decrease






To what extent will AI be able to support you in your daily work duties? (percentage ranges)


1 - 50%

0% - AIinteligencja can’t help me Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna (AI)6,60% doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ?


51 - 99%

100% - AI can completely take over my duties









AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

Which areas (job groups), in your organisation, do you consider to be at particular risk of being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI)? Data Analytics






Customer care – call contact centre




IT - Database


IT – Software Development


Design – graphic


Finance – controlling, audit


HR – recruitment, EB, personnel


IT - Networking and Infrastructure


I don’t think there are any job posts particularly at risk


IT - Information Security


Logistics – forwarding trade


Engineering - automation, electronics


B2B/B2C sales







2,83% 0,00%








How do you believe the development of AI will affect the salary levels of current positions in your company in the future?

The development of AI won’t have an impact on salary levels (those are separate topics)


The development of AI will cause a decrease in salaries



The development of AI will cause an increase in salaries

Is your company planning to introduce AI as a tool? 40,00%


35,00% 28,30%

30,00% 25,00% 20,00%


Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do15,09% stworzenia nowych 15,00% rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ? 10,00% 5,00%



We already use AI

I don’t know

We don’t use AI

In the near future we plan on implementing AI-based solutions

There is ban on the use of AI


AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

Is your company considering downsizing due to the increased presence of AI in everyday work? 34,91%

I don’t know


No – AI won’t replace our employees We don’t know yet what influence on HR will AI have

Yes – sometime in the future

Yes – even this year 0,00%



1,89% 10,00%




If AI is implemented, are there plans to retrain employees whose roles will be replaced by it?

Yes, 7,55%

No, 29,25%


I don’t know, 63,20%

Is your company planning to introduce appropriate procedures to ensure that AI operates ethically and reliably?

No, 13,21%

Yes, 24,53%

I don’t know, 62,26%

Which gender do you identify with?

Woman, 62,27%

I don’t identify with any of the mentioned genders, 0,94%

Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych rodzajów pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ?

Man, 36,79% 47

AI in the labour market from a company’s perspective Questionnaire study

AI and the labour market in Poland

How old are you? 45,00% 40,00%


35,00% 30,00% 25,00%





15,00% 10,00% 5,00%


0,00% 27-35





0,00% 66+

Remuneration in the best-paid positions: Type of contract

Big Data



Contract of employment

15 000 – 23 000 pln

16 000 – 25 000 pln

17 000 – 24 000 pln


18 000 – 26 000 pln

19 000 – 27 000 pln

22 000 – 30 000 pln


In which voivodeship do you work (indicate the actual place of work)? Masovian


Lower Silesian




Lesser Poland


Greater Poland










West Pomeranian






Czy wg Ciebie sztuczna inteligencja (AI) doprowadzi do stworzenia nowych 0,95% rodzajów Podlaskie pracy, a tym samym do powstania nowych stanowisk pracy ? Lublin


Holy Cross




0,00% 5,00% 10,00% 15,00% 20,00% 25,00% 30,00% 35,00% 40,00% 45,00%


AI and the labour market in Poland

AI, Chat GPT… - how does it work in practice? At Cpl we encourage innovation and embrace new technologies that help us be more impactful for our clients. Given the potential impact of AI, however, we are looking to explore these areas with care, ensuring due consideration is made for data protection legislation and future requirements under the new EU AI Act. Currently we are exploring the use of AI in CRM through our Salesforce Einstein Analytics tool. Using no personal candidate details AI helps to create insight models based on a set of existing data to provide recommendations and predictions through prescriptive analytics. It helps ascertain which parameters within the recruitment process amount to the highest success rate. We also work with technology partners Salesforce, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Qualtrics and others to investigate trial areas for AI to improve our business including recruitment, digital marketing and administration. As ChatGPT and Bard started to emerge, Cpl carefully managed the use of AI-based tools across the organization, to ensure we are compliant with all GDPR legislation and with the future EU AI Act. Our Architecture Review Board (ARB) is a fortnightly meeting to discuss any new technology proposals. AI technology has started to form a large part of these discussions with senior stakeholders from across IT, PMO and Shared Services, together with Cpl’s Data Protection Specialist. In addition, the Change Approval Board (CAB) meets weekly with our IT Governance and Compliance Officer where any new technologies are discussed prior to being deployed live.

Lorna Conn Chief Executive Officer


At PwC, it was decided already two years ago to make extensive use of artificial intelligence to streamline internal processes within the company and improve the quality of work. As part of The New Equation strategy, we are innovating, including AI, in every area of the business. Examples include the automation of internal processes through the use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), the use of Generative AI to improve communication between employees (chat, email, calendar), or the work automation of our developers and engineers, e.g., by automating tests and scripts, which in turn speeds up delivery times for our clients. Additionally, this year PwC announced investments in AI technologies. Over the next three years, PwC US will invest $1 trillion in using AI tools to transform our clients' businesses. Together with Microsoft, using the OpenAI solution, we will create solutions and products based on Generative AI. I believe that Generative AI will change the way we work. We are in for a revolution. Already today, with solutions such as Copilot (Microsoft), we don't have to write emails or meeting notes, because AI will do it for us. In the future, email correspondence will be reduced to a minimum and artificial intelligence will take over most of the communication between employees (and machines).

Mariusz Chudy CEE Cloud & Digital Leader CEE Alliances Leader

AI and the labour market in Poland

AI, Chat GPT… - how does it work in practice? In the face of the growing dynamics of today's market, shaped by the inevitable technological evolution, Digital Transformation and AI have become the key to survival and a necessity for any company to build an effective competitive advantage. The ongoing development of technology requires companies to adapt to new realities and changing market conditions. At the AMA Institute, we ourselves use solutions daily to optimise the work of our Data Science team, for example in the area of code creation or work monitoring and planning. Our customers in the Polish market are more and more often using tools from the optimisers group (optimisation of goods supply routes, optimisation of the distribution of goods on the warehouse, optimisation of the distribution of the assortment on shelves, optimisation of purchase and sale prices) and from the predictive models group (prediction of demand for a given assortment, simulation of "what if" business scenarios, prediction of the moment of purchase of a given product, customer segmentation, analyses of shopping baskets). We are seeing a significant upward trend in awareness of the use of these types of solutions, but the key to using them effectively is to fully understand the transformation process, and to build strong and trusted business relationships based on advice. Finally, it is also worth remembering that no matter what technology is used, the most important decision is a human one, based on ethics and responsibility in the use of data sets and technology.

Adrian Suska Chief Executive Officer

AI has been around in the business world for many years. At TRUMPF, we have also benefited from the potential of this technology by implementing solutions based on Machine Learning in our machinery, software as well as quality control and service departments. However, I would like to focus on generative AI. Despite its enormous potential, many companies approach generative AI with trepidation. There are several reasons for this: concerns over data security, lack of confidence in the young technology and insufficient competence. There is a shortage of specialists who understand business and technology at the same time and are able to combine them effectively. OpenAI recently launched ChatGPT Enterprise – a business version of their tool that meets strict security requirements. While it is too early to assess its impact, I think it could encourage companies to explore the possibilities of language models in business more widely. For example, in terms of using AI to effectively onboard new employees or as an organisation's knowledge base built on a language model. I am convinced that the key to the business use of generative AI are not just expensive corporate projects. It is first and foremost a tool to support employees in their daily tasks. It is worth investing the time to better understand this technology and use it effectively.

Paweł Płocki Head of Global Business Services Europe


AI and the labour market in Poland

AI, Chat GPT… - how does it work in practice? The Husqvarna Group is on the eve of implementing the SAP4Hana solution, which will replace the ERP systems currently in use. In preparation for this implementation, the Group has started to automate many processes that, until now, were handled manually. A large proportion of these relate to centralised operational finance and HR processes - we are talking about both robotic and integration enhancements, which are being implemented or planned in the harmonisation and standardisation processes. A major automation effort is also being made in the area of analysis and the use of extensive data sets, which are analysed using, among other things, machine learning and other autonomous solutions. We are a production and sales company, and already today many of our production lines are operated by highly advanced robots, which have significantly helped to streamline and speed up production processes. In the after-sales area, our activities are or will be supported by chatbots that handle the customer enquiries. It can certainly be said that the company promotes the use of automation by implementing or reorganising procedures; the possibilities offered by automation are seen as one of the ways to develop the business, but also to allow employees to grow. The elimination of simple tasks, wasted time or repetitive errors, offers the chance to develop more complex skills and to improve one's qualifications, but also to engage in more interesting and demanding projects. I believe that AI should be seen as an opportunity rather than a threat: not only does it provide development opportunities, but it also allows you to reclaim some of your time and maintain an increasingly healthy work-life balance. And increasingly interesting work brings ever-greater satisfaction.

Katarzyna Zalewska SSC Head Global Business Solutions

Husqvarna Group


Trends, forecasts, opportunities and threats related to the presence of AI in the Polish labour market

Illustration created with AI


Planning and strategy for the implementation of AI in the company An expert’s commentary

AI and the labour market in Poland

Artificial intelligence has been igniting discussions for years about the future, about the changes, that could take place in the labour market. Although machine learning mechanisms are nothing new, the topic has returned with doubled force because of the launch of ChatGPT. The creation of a free solution with a user-friendly interface is a milestone in the popularisation of AI for personal as well as professional purposes. We see this in our report, where already 32% of respondents declare that they use AI at work, whereby for many people 'using AI' means ChatGPT assisting with simple tasks. From my perspective, the implementation of AI on a mass scale will not be a revolution, but an evolution, as can also be seen in the recent decline in the number of ChatGPT users for the first time since its launch, who, after an initial boom due to curiosity, have not found many practical uses for it. Using AI solutions also requires a change in habits, which, as we know, is a process that takes time. We probably won't read about the implemented solutions that can really breakthrough business and technological processes in the media, because their successful implementation will be a huge competitive advantage. I believe that the implementation of AI in companies will be gradual, it will probably take several years to a decade and will depend on a number of factors. The main obstacles will be the degree of digitalisation of the company's processes and the need for a database of sufficient size and quality. Not all organisations will have a parallel process, and the race will be won by those that represent a high degree of operational and strategic maturity. For each company, the timing of AI deployment should be very individual and dictated less by the general AI fad and more by the internal needs of the organisation, having adequate capital and process resources. With AI you can win the market, but you must know how to work out that puzzle for your company. In the context of AI implementation, each group of employees faces different challenges. At the professional level, AI's value lies primarily in automating routine tasks, thereby increasing productivity. Implementation is about learning AI tools, experimenting with their use in everyday tasks. At the managerial level, AI tools help, for example, to learn, researches and acquires knowledge faster and thus support the development of competence in project and product management. They also allow processes to be optimised, data to be analysed accurately and decisions to be made more quickly. Such support was until recently beyond the reach of small teams - today it is available for free. In this area, however, people-related competences, the ability to engage, motivate and create a good collaborative space will still be crucial. From a strategic perspective, the challenge lies in making important decisions about how to use AI. Into which processes to implement it and which ones should be left to employees? What can be done to give people the space to experiment with AI? These are questions that every CEO and executive should be seeking answers to. Implementing AI has the potential to help reduce costs, increase the quality of services provided or achieve both at once. However, while AI can automate tasks and streamline many processes, it can also raise concerns about data security, ethics, privacy, copyright, unstable content quality and potential job losses in some sectors. Here, great hopes are placed in innovator organisations that develop standards and guidelines to mitigate the various risks. Today, until we have this, it is crucial to plan and strategise the implementation of AI at work, taking into account both benefits and risks.

Piotr Durlej Head of Product


AI trainings and education An expert’s commentary Artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly important role in the transformation of the labour market in Poland, as confirmed by emerging research and statistics. For example, in the banking sector, algorithms are being used to manage risk and make credit decisions. According to a 2019 Deloitte report, 40% of banks in Poland use AI in decision-making processes. In industry, AI-equipped robots support employees in tasks that require precision. A 2020 PwC report indicates that 25% of manufacturing companies in Poland plan to implement AI within the next 5 years. A 2019 OECD report, ahead of the generative AI revolution, shows that AI education and training will be crucial to the future success of the workforce. Polish universities and research institutes, such as the Warsaw University of Technology, already offer specialised courses and programmes related to AI. However, according to the European Commission's Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 report, Poland is developing dynamically in the field of AI, but still has a lot of catching up to do in terms of investment in research and development, as well as AI education programmes, starting with primary education. These investments are crucial to keep up with the leading countries in this field. The integration of AI into various sectors of the economy can contribute to Poland's international competitiveness. However, it will be essential to understand and manage the impact of AI on workers and society to ensure sustainable development. My research focuses on understanding the impact of AI on the work of the future, analysing both the technological opportunities and ethical challenges, the current position, co-written with Prof. Dariusz Jemielniak, 'AI in Strategy and Education' (Cambridge University Press) provides guidance on how to use AI in business, but also in research, in a sound manner. AI has the potential to become a driving force for change in the Polish labour market, offering both challenges and opportunities. Further research, investment, and collaboration between the academic, business and government sectors will be instrumental to understanding the full impact of AI on the labour market and society in Poland.

PhD. Aleksandra Przegalińska-Skierkowska Professor at Leon Kozminski University Management in Digital and Networked Societies


Will chat GPT follow the fate of the first washing machine?

AI and the labour market in Poland

An expert’s commentary It is It the is the middle middle ofof the the 19th 19th century. century. A grey A grey dawn dawn emerges emerges from from the the gloom. gloom. A thick A thick fog fog settles settles over over the the Hudson Hudson River. River. The Theall-encompassing all-encompassingsilence silenceis isbroken brokenbybya aclatter clatter- it- itis isthe thebarnacle barnaclegeese geesetaking takingflight, flight,leaving leaving behind behind the the echoes echoes ofof their their steady steady crashes crashes against against the the stones. stones. OnOn the the bank bank ofof the the river, river, where where the the current current is is somewhat somewhat swift, swift, but but not not enough enough toto pose pose a threat, a threat, the the washerwomen washerwomen have have settled settled down. down. They They spend spend the the next next few few hours hours painstakingly painstakingly soaking, soaking, rubbing, rubbing, rinsing, rinsing, wringing, wringing, and and folding folding the the laundry. laundry. None None ofof them them yetyet know know that that King King James James has has just just washed washed hishis first first batch batch ofof laundry laundry inin a steam a steam washing washing machine. machine. WeWe will will still still have have toto wait wait half half a century a century forfor a spin a spin washing washing machine machine . Will . Will it be it be a joyful a joyful wait? wait? Not Not necessarily. necessarily. With With the the invention invention ofof the thewashing washingmachine machinecame camethe thefear fearofofwork. work.Just Justasaswith withthe theinvention inventionofofirrigation irrigationsystems, systems,sewing sewing machines, machines,tractors, tractors,ororelectric electriclanterns. lanterns. The Theprofession professionofofgas gaslamplighter lamplighterdoes doesnot notappear appearinintextbooks. textbooks. Neither Neither does does the the profession profession ofof a washerwoman a washerwoman oror a kitchen a kitchen maid, maid, whose whose role role was was toto light light fires fires inin the the kitchen kitchen and and fireplaces fireplaces inin large large and and expensive expensive houses. houses. And And that's that's probably probably a good a good thing. thing. It'sIt's a sign a sign that that asas a people a people wewe can can dodo something something more more creative, creative, less less repetitive. repetitive. expensive expensive houses. houses. And And this this is is probably probably a good a good thing. thing. It'sIt's aa sign sign that that asas a people a people wewe can can dodo something something more more creative, creative, less less repetitive. repetitive. Talking Talkingabout aboutartificial artificialintelligence intelligencewhen whenweweare areononthe thethreshold thresholdofofitsitsdevelopment developmentis isa abitbitlike like looking looking into into a glass a glass ball ball - there - there areare those those who, who, with with conviction conviction bordering bordering onon almost almost certainty, certainty, today today predict predict the the end end ofof humanity humanity asas wewe know know it. it. Others Others say say that that man man will will always always bebe the the one one who who rules rules the the world. world. I will I will speak speak from from the the ranks ranks ofof those those who who view view AIAI with with cautious cautious curiosity curiosity and and consciously consciously pursue pursue their their scientific scientific research, research, taking taking advantage advantage ofof the the opportunities opportunities that that open open upup toto man man when when a new a new entity entity comes comes into into play. play. Will Will ChatGPT ChatGPT follow follow the the fate fate ofof the the first first washing washing machine? machine? Possibly. Possibly. Already Already today, today, a model a model trained trained onon anan unimaginable unimaginableamount amountofofdata datacan cangive giveadvice adviceononhow howtotoaccurately accuratelyreformulate reformulatetheorems theoremsononstatistics, statistics, taking takinginto intoaccount accountthe thecontext contextofofthe theindividual individualvariables variableslisted listedininthe thedenominators. denominators.Programmers Programmersuse use artificial artificial intelligence intelligence soso that that they they dodo not not have have toto create create simple simple but but tedious tedious relationships relationships again again and and again. again. This This makes makesit iteasier easierforforthem themtotowork workwith withcode. code.Computer Computerscience sciencestudents studentsuse usethe theGPT GPTmodel modeltotodescribe describe conclusions conclusions inin boring boring labs labs and and toto complete complete the the bibliography bibliography forfor their their course course work. work. Does Does this this mean mean that that AIAI replaces replaces the the skills skills ofof analytical analytical thinking, thinking, text text travesty travesty oror programming? programming? No. No. Without Without human human judgement, judgement, the the results results presented presented byby artificial artificial intelligence intelligence would would mean mean nothing. nothing. The The incorrectly incorrectly used used code code oror unverified unverified bibliography bibliographydoes doesnot notrepresent representany anyvalue valueororsimply simplydodonot notwork. work.Artificial Artificialintelligence intelligenceis isanother another manifestation manifestation ofof human human activity, activity, wewe give give it it meaning. meaning. We We can can compete compete with with her, her, use use her her forfor inspiration inspiration and and development. development. Work Work with with the the new new invention invention and and enjoy enjoy taking taking offoff these these less less compelling compelling activities activities from from our our shoulders, shoulders, leaving leaving space space forfor creativity creativity and and ingenuity. ingenuity. The The new new player player ofof this this game game sets sets the the bar bar slightly slightly higher, higher, wewe can can pick pick upup the the gauntlet, gauntlet, change change asas teachers, teachers, scientists, scientists, students, students, programmers. programmers. Keep Keep looking looking forfor the thenew. new.Improve Improveautomatic automaticanswering answeringsystems, systems,effectively effectivelycluster clustertexts. texts.Indicate Indicatepossible possibleimage image transformations. transformations. Work Workononeffectively effectivelytransforming transformingnumbers numbersinto intoprograms programsthat thatgenerate generatetext, text,sound, sound,oror image. image. BeBe open open toto the the new, new, bebe curious curious about about it. it. The The emerging emerging models models presented presented byby various various corporations corporations stir stir admiration, admiration, temptation temptation and and shine shine like like aa amber amber onon the the beach. beach. They They are are available, available, often often free, free, you you can can use use them them even even from from your your mobile, mobile, they they can can bebeused usedbybychildren childrenininelementary elementaryschool, school,not notvery veryelegantly elegantlyclaiming claimingthe thework workofofalgorithms. algorithms.WeWe won’t won’t escape escape it, it, just just asas Polish Polish teachers teachers couldn’t couldn’t escape escape ready ready summaries summaries ofof setset books. books.But But thanks thanks toto those, those, many many ofof usus have have atat least least the the slightest slightest idea idea what what “Balladyna” “Balladyna” was was about. about. Many, Many, avoiding avoiding working working according according toto the the scheme, scheme, learned learned toto seek seek out out information information from from reliable reliable sources, sources, deal deal with with what what is is difficult, difficult, not not give give upup and and invent invent solutions. solutions. Dare, Dare, try, try, and and modify modify attempts attempts depending depending onon the the next next defeat. defeat. Ask, Ask, question, question, transfer transfer known known solutions solutionstotounknown unknownland. land.You Youdon't don'tneed needanything anythingmore moreininany anywork. work.If IfI'mI'mwrong, wrong,I'mI'mwaiting waitingforfor arguments arguments from from the the other other party. party.


Will chat GPT follow the fate of the first washing machine? An expert’s commentary Finally, one more thing, since we all set our hand to it. Is this data obtained ethically? The dispute continues, and the arguments are gathered on each side. Should we include algorithms as co-creators of our content? Is it ethical to burn a fairly large carbon footprint to ask the model for a tomato soup recipe, or try to make the algorithm create better verses than Szymborska? Everyone has to decide that in line with their conscience. Ultimately, curiosity is the first step to… development.

Illustration created with AI

Magdalena Król Faculty of Informatics, Electronics and Telecom. AGH University of Science and Technology


Towards the future… the influence of AI in the Polish labour market

AI and the labour market in Poland

ChatGPT article


Introduction Artificial intelligence became one of the main trends in digital transformation, revolutionising many aspects of social, economic, and technological life. It’s influence on the labour market in Poland is a subject, which arises hope as well as concerns. In this article we will have a closer look at the influence of AI on the Polish labour market from the perspective of ChatGPT an advanced language model created by OpenAI. Automation and Creation of New Posts One of the common concerns related to the introduction of AI is the decline of workplaces due to automation. Nevertheless, ChatGPT suggests that although some routine and repetitive tasks could be automatised, at the same time this will open the door to creating new job positions. Together with the growing integration of AI new needs related to the support, maintenance and development of AI systems, which in turn may generate professional opportunities for technology specialists. Increased effectiveness and the need to learn The introduction of AI into businesses has the potential to increase operational productivity. AI systems can analyse huge amounts of data in real time, providing valuable business advice. However, employees must constantly improve their skills and adapt to changing requirements in order to benefit from this. ChatGPT emphasises the importance of continuous learning as an essential element of future professional success. Creativity and Empathy as Added Value The qualities that seem to be difficult to automate are creativity and empathy. Collaboration between humans and AI can lead to synergies, where machines help solve technical problems and humans bring creative ideas and the ability to empathise with customers. ChatGPT highlights that these skills are an added value in the labour market and the ability to combine them with technology can be the key to gaining a competitive advantage. Future perspective Looking to the future, ChatGPT sees the labour market in Poland changing dynamically due to the advancement of AI. Low-skilled work, which is based on repetitive tasks, may be threatened by automation. However, at the same time, new opportunities will arise in relation to managing AI systems, content creation, data analysis and programming.


Towards the future… the influence of AI in the Polish labour market

In addition, ChatGPT predicts that soft skills such as the ability to collaborate, communicate, be creative and solve problems will gain importance. People who can effectively integrate these skills with AI tools will be able to succeed in a dynamic work environment.

Illustration created with AI

Summary The impact of AI on the labour market in Poland from ChatGPT's perspective is a mix of challenges and opportunities. Automation may lead to the loss of some jobs, but at the same time create new ones. A crucial element will be the continuous improvement of skills and the ability to adapt flexibly to change. Creativity, empathy, and soft skills will become an added value on the labour market. The future of work in Poland will certainly evolve, and both people and AI will play an important role in shaping this new professional landscape.


Publisher: Cpl Poland 2023 All rights reserved.

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