Technology Contractor Solutions

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Access an o cean of exp er tise wherever you are on your business journey Access an o cean of exp er tise wherever you are on your business journey

‘ The age of the blended workforce is here - harnessing permanent, temporar y, contrac t and freelance talent to deliver sustainable and diverse business transformation outcomes’

‘ The age of the blended workforce is here - harnessing permanent, temporar y, contrac t and freelance talent to deliver sustainable and diverse business transformation outcomes’

- Barr y Winkless FOWI

- Barr y Winkless FOWI

Technology Contrac tor Solutions
Technology Contrac tor Solutions

As a business you might be:

As a business you might be:

• Designing a data driven business

• Designing a data driven business

• I mplementing cost the business

• I mplementing cost the business

• Creating new agile projec ts to drive innovation

• Creating new agile projec ts to drive innovation

• Digitising par ts of your business or produc t set

• Digitising par ts of your business or produc t set

• Exploring new people models that maintain the business but gives

• Exploring new people models that maintain the business but gives

• Scaling a solution that

• Scaling a solution that

• Finding shor t- or medium-term exper tise to solve headcount and deliver y problems

• Finding shor t- or medium-term exper tise to solve headcount and deliver y problems

To make these goals real you will need to access, of ten at speed, global technology exper tise & shor t to medium term suppor t coupled with projec t management excellence.

To make these goals real you will need to access, of ten at speed, global technology exper tise & shor t to medium term suppor t coupled with projec t management excellence.

echnol o gy C o n t r a c t or S olutions


Contrac tor Talent

Contrac tor Talent

of accessing contrac tor talent including:

of accessing contrac tor talent including:

Access to highly specialised skills - Work ing with contrac tors is a simple way to meet shor t-term talent demand, especially where there is the need for an individual with a niche or highly specialised sk ill set Finding someone with a ver y

Access to highly specialised skills - Work ing with contrac tors is a simple way to meet shor t-term talent demand, especially where there is the need for an individual with a niche or highly specialised sk ill set Finding someone with a ver y

your business needs Obviously, there will be times when recruiting a permanent employee is necessar y, however, work ing with contrac tors can

full-time position. If your business requires talented and exper t individuals for a single projec t or a shor t-term contrac t then a contrac tor is the ideal option to provide essential insight and suppor t.

full-time position. If your business requires talented and exper t individuals for a single projec t or a shor t-term contrac t then a contrac tor is the ideal option to provide essential insight and suppor t.

On demand talent at speed - Ever y business goes through shifts in demand and sometimes this can lead to an overstretched, stressed and disengaged workforce due to talent gaps within an organization. Bringing in contrac tors can fully compliant, professional resources Work ing with a reliable recruitment par tner means that the people you bring in are always high calibre, trusted and will be able to hit the ground running.

organization and free up resources previously drained by hiring and HR costs. Key to optimizing this oppor tunity is ensuring that the contrac tors

fully dedicated to the job.

your business needs Obviously, there will be times when recruiting a permanent employee is necessar y, however, work ing with contrac tors can organization and free up resources previously drained by hiring and HR costs. Key to optimizing this oppor tunity is ensuring that the contrac tors fully dedicated to the job.


On demand talent at speed - Ever y business goes through shifts in demand and sometimes this can lead to an overstretched, stressed and disengaged workforce due to talent gaps within an organization. Bringing in contrac tors can

fully compliant, professional resources Work ing with a reliable recruitment par tner means that the people you bring in are always high calibre, trusted and will be able to hit the ground running.

Creating a more agile business modelContrac tors can help streamline recruitment costs and enable a re - evaluation in the way that a business hires the talent it needs. R ather than

Contrac tors can bring new ideas into a business and add value because of their breadth of exper tise and prior experiences. For example, their detailed understanding of their industr y allows them to be able to add innovative and creative ideas to areas of the business where this has become stagnant. Moreover, a contrac tor will approach your business with a fresh perspec tive, meaning they ’ll be able to suggest new approaches to old problems.

Creating a more agile business modelContrac tors can help streamline recruitment costs and enable a re - evaluation in the way that a business hires the talent it needs. R ather than

time employees, there are of ten oppor tunities to bring in contrac tors instead. This facilitates a more

Contrac tors can bring new ideas into a business and add value because of their breadth of exper tise and prior experiences. For example, their detailed understanding of their industr y allows them to be able to add innovative and creative ideas to areas of the business where this has become stagnant. Moreover, a contrac tor will approach your business with a fresh perspec tive, meaning they ’ll be able to suggest new approaches to old problems.

Talent gaps and creating oppor tunities to streamline costs - Work ing with a recruitment par tner with access to high quality contrac tors can simplify hiring, remove HR headaches and create more oppor tunities for your organisation to thrive.

time employees, there are of ten oppor tunities to bring in contrac tors instead. This facilitates a more

Talent gaps and creating oppor tunities to streamline costs - Work ing with a recruitment par tner with access to high quality contrac tors can simplify hiring, remove HR headaches and create more oppor tunities for your organisation to thrive.

Har vard Business S chool researchers found that with 90% of companies hiring both full-time and freelance employees, the shift to an on- demand workforce will only continue to
Har vard Business S chool researchers found that with 90% of companies hiring both full-time and freelance employees, the shift to an on- demand workforce will only continue to accelerate.


How we work with you

How we work with you

We will provide customised advice, design & deployment of the most appropriate contrac ting solution and resource approach that will work for you, so you can work the future in whatever way you need. As a result, we use an approach called FAC T to make sure we get you what you need.

We will provide customised advice, design & deployment of the most appropriate contrac ting solution and resource approach that will work for you, so you can work the future in whatever way you need. As a result, we use an approach called FAC T to make sure we get you what you need.

We like to:

We like to:

Fully understand the key strategic and associated talent challenges of your organisation or projec t

Fully understand the key strategic and associated talent challenges of your organisation or projec t

Ask the potential competitive implications of the various contrac ting solution models appropriate to your challenges.

Ask the potential competitive implications of the various contrac ting solution models appropriate to your challenges.

Co - craf t a contrac ting solution to ensure the most impac tful design possible and associated key solution elements

Co - craf t a contrac ting solution to ensure the most impac tful design possible and associated key solution elements

Take a shor t, medium, and long-term view with the provision of a best-in- class account management approach.

Take a shor t, medium, and long-term view with the provision of a best-in- class account management approach.

‘Cpl Technology Contrac tor solutions can design and deliver any complex blend of contrac tor talent, any where in Europe, at speed’ - Libby Kelly
‘Cpl Technology Contrac tor solutions can design and deliver any complex blend of contrac tor talent, any where in Europe, at speed’
- Libby Kelly
Technology Contrac tor Solutions
Technology Contrac tor Solutions

Why us and not someone else

Why us and not someone else

I t is not an overstatement to say that Cpl was born from technology. A pioneer in technology

I t is not an overstatement to say that Cpl was born from technology. A pioneer in technology

k ind in Ireland, Cpl has been a par tner in

k ind in Ireland, Cpl has been a par tner in

We have:

We have:

• The right network of technology specialists and projec t exper ts in place that can be ac tivated at shor t notice

• The right network of technology specialists and projec t exper ts in place that can be ac tivated at shor t notice

• A reputation for doing what ’s needed for the client no matter what the challenge

• A reputation for doing what ’s needed for the client no matter what the challenge

• Dedicated key account managers to make sure you get the right solution and the right suppor t throughout the relationship

• Dedicated key account managers to make sure you get the right solution and the right suppor t throughout the relationship

• our contrac tor network to ensure seamless deliver y

• our contrac tor network to ensure seamless deliver y

helping companies scale, transform and face real world challenges through talent for the past 30 years across Ireland, UK & Europe.

helping companies scale, transform and face real world challenges through talent for the past 30 years across Ireland, UK & Europe.

• Recruitment teams across Europe with deep experience in acquiring exper t contrac ting talent from various locations across any technology discipline

• Recruitment teams across Europe with deep experience in acquiring exper t contrac ting talent from various locations across any technology discipline

• Access to the broader transformational talent solutions of the Cpl group as needed - from our deep strategic consulting & change exper tise through the Future of Work Institute, to full business process outsourcing excellence of Covalen

• Access to the broader transformational talent solutions of the Cpl group as needed - from our deep strategic consulting & change exper tise through the Future of Work Institute, to full business process outsourcing excellence of Covalen

4000+ clients Internal Cpl Employees 1,263 Onsite Flexible Talent 18,790 Specialists in Contrac ting for over 30+ years Cpl Contrac tor Hub The Cpl Contrac tor hub is a community for contrac tor connec tion and development The hub ac ts as a available to all of our contrac tor groups and will continue to evolve over the coming years to provide even greater suppor ts and value adds
4000+ clients Internal Cpl Employees 1,263 Onsite Flexible Talent 18,790 Specialists in Contrac ting for over 30+ years Cpl Contrac tor Hub The Cpl Contrac tor hub is a community for contrac tor connec tion and development The hub ac ts as a available to all of our contrac tor groups and will continue to evolve over the coming years to provide even greater suppor ts and value adds

At Cpl Technology Contrac tor Solutions we

At Cpl Technology Contrac tor Solutions we

value that the right contrac tors can havewhatever your business need Because of our unique real - world experiences not only can we get you access to the right technology talent at speed, but we can also

value that the right contrac tors can havewhatever your business need Because of our unique real - world experiences not only can we get you access to the right technology talent at speed, but we can also

provide top projec t & program management talent to make sure the change you are tr ying to make happen, happens But don’t take our word for ithave a look at one example where contrac ting suppor ted a business’s journey to transformation.

provide top projec t & program management talent to make sure the change you are tr ying to make happen, happens But don’t take our word for ithave a look at one example where contrac ting suppor ted a business’s journey to transformation.

Case Study 1: Global e - commerce - Projec t Ramp -Up

Case Study 1: Global e - commerce - Projec t Ramp -Up

Cpl Technology Contrac tor Solutions were engaged by a global E- commerce organisation to help suppor t them with their move to migrate their Legac y Tech platform towards Cloud The purpose of the projec t was to simplify their Platform and be able to accelerate development and overall enhance their customer ’s experience The projec t involved application refac toring and platform engineering for the migration of full-stack applications into a cloud environment. The projec t also involved the depreciation of a Legac y on premise Datawarehouse to a Cloud Environment Cpl were tasked with providing Irish and EU based contrac tors across

Cpl Technology Contrac tor Solutions were engaged by a global E- commerce organisation to help suppor t them with their move to migrate their Legac y Tech platform towards Cloud The purpose of the projec t was to simplify their Platform and be able to accelerate development and overall enhance their customer ’s experience The projec t involved application refac toring and platform engineering for the migration of full-stack applications into a cloud environment. The projec t also involved the depreciation of a Legac y on premise Datawarehouse to a Cloud Environment Cpl were tasked with providing Irish and EU based contrac tors across

Sk illsets included: DevOps Engineers, Cloud/AWS developers, Frontend Developers, Java Backend Developers, Ruby Developers, UI/UX Developers, Data Engineers and Projec t Managers.

Sk illsets included: DevOps Engineers, Cloud/AWS developers, Frontend Developers, Java Backend Developers, Ruby Developers, UI/UX Developers, Data Engineers and Projec t Managers.



Cpl provided a dedicated Account manager together with an Irish based and CEE based deliver y team and par tnered with this organisation to deliver 25+ Tech Contrac tors to meet and exceed the clients demands. Cpl screened and selec ted candidates and worked closely with the client Talent Acquisition team and hiring managers to successfully on board the resources The account

Cpl provided a dedicated Account manager together with an Irish based and CEE based deliver y team and par tnered with this organisation to deliver 25+ Tech Contrac tors to meet and exceed the clients demands. Cpl screened and selec ted candidates and worked closely with the client Talent Acquisition team and hiring managers to successfully on board the resources The account

deliver y This projec t had a ver y tight scheduled roadmap and was successfully delivered ahead of schedule

deliver y This projec t had a ver y tight scheduled roadmap and was successfully delivered ahead of schedule

Case Study 2: Global Financial Ser vices - Contrac tor PSL

Case Study 2: Global Financial Ser vices - Contrac tor PSL

on an ongoing basis This involves scheduled calls, onsite visits, and daily interac tion with their management teams

on an ongoing basis This involves scheduled calls, onsite visits, and daily interac tion with their management teams

Cpl Technology Contrac tor Solutions are a key recruitment par tner with a large Global Financial Ser vices organisation. We are tasked with supplying them with top quality talent on a contrac t basis as their needs arise

Cpl Technology Contrac tor Solutions are a key recruitment par tner with a large Global Financial Ser vices organisation. We are tasked with supplying them with top quality talent on a contrac t basis as their needs arise

Business Analysts, Software Developers, Infrastruc ture Engineers, Projec t Managers, Data Engineers and Data Scientists

Business Analysts, Software Developers, Infrastruc ture Engineers, Projec t Managers, Data Engineers and Data Scientists

There are multiple simultaneous projec ts ongoing within the organisation, all with their own unique set of needs, timelines, and restraints This creates an environment that requires Cpl to have specialist recruitment consultants in many niche areas who are consistently in tune with Market trends in order to deliver the highest standard of ser vice

There are multiple simultaneous projec ts ongoing within the organisation, all with their own unique set of needs, timelines, and restraints This creates an environment that requires Cpl to have specialist recruitment consultants in many niche areas who are consistently in tune with Market trends in order to deliver the highest standard of ser vice



Cpl has a team of consultants who work closely with the organisation`s talent coordinators and hiring managers

Cpl has a team of consultants who work closely with the organisation`s talent coordinators and hiring managers

Each team within the bank requires that a potential employee meets their unique criteria in terms of the budget, work model (Hybrid or remote), and sk illset This involves Cpl searching through a vast number of potential candidates and disqualifying those who do not satisfy all three elements of the criterion.

Each team within the bank requires that a potential employee meets their unique criteria in terms of the budget, work model (Hybrid or remote), and sk illset This involves Cpl searching through a vast number of potential candidates and disqualifying those who do not satisfy all three elements of the criterion.

Cpl delivers on the budget element of the criteria by ensuring we are always updating our k nowledge on exac tly how much a candidates sk illset demands in the current market. We then provide our client with the most competitive pricing by ensuring candidates are screened ex tensively (ensuring that their rate is a

Cpl delivers on the budget element of the criteria by ensuring we are always updating our k nowledge on exac tly how much a candidates sk illset demands in the current market. We then provide our client with the most competitive pricing by ensuring candidates are screened ex tensively (ensuring that their rate is a

the candidate’s sk ills, check ing references on previous projec ts, and negotiating rates

the candidate’s sk ills, check ing references on previous projec ts, and negotiating rates

All of this and more has resulted in us consistently meeting and exceeding our clients’ expec tations

All of this and more has resulted in us consistently meeting and exceeding our clients’ expec tations

Technology Contrac tor Solutions
Technology Contrac tor Solutions
Context Context

O ur 4 pillars of Deliver y Excellence

O ur 4 pillars of Deliver y Excellence

Four pillars are the core of our approach to ser vice deliver y - Global, Professional, Safe and Care.

Four pillars are the core of our approach to ser vice deliver y - Global, Professional, Safe and Care.



We are global in our outlook and more impor tantly in our access to talent. Thanks to

We are global in our outlook and more impor tantly in our access to talent. Thanks to

dedicated and experienced contrac t recruitment teams, we can tap into the best contrac tor & exper t talent and ac tivate that talent for your projec ts at speed.

dedicated and experienced contrac t recruitment teams, we can tap into the best contrac tor & exper t talent and ac tivate that talent for your projec ts at speed.



All our consultants are more than you expec t Exper ts in their respec tive talent acquisition

they can deliver insights, suppor t and professionalism throughout any engagement

All our consultants are more than you expec t Exper ts in their respec tive talent acquisition they can deliver insights, suppor t and professionalism throughout any engagement

S afe

S afe

Critical to any contrac tor solution is safetyensuring compliance across tax, insurance and regulations to minimise risk for you the client

Our processes enable a standardised and repeatable approach backed by multi- countr y exper tise and regulator y k nowledge.

Critical to any contrac tor solution is safetyensuring compliance across tax, insurance and regulations to minimise risk for you the client Our processes enable a standardised and repeatable approach backed by multi- countr y exper tise and regulator y k nowledge.



We are committed to a three -sided approach to care - care for our clients, our contrac tor community, and our colleagues Initiatives like our Contrac tor Hub highlight our commitment to going beyond for our contrac tor community (see inset). The numerous GPT W and Inclusivity awards we have won provide ample evidence of the focus we put on our colleagues wellbeing And our numerous successful deliver y cases highlight our focus on client care.

We are committed to a three -sided approach to care - care for our clients, our contrac tor community, and our colleagues Initiatives like our Contrac tor Hub highlight our commitment to going beyond for our contrac tor community (see inset). The numerous GPT W and Inclusivity awards we have won provide ample evidence of the focus we put on our colleagues wellbeing And our numerous successful deliver y cases highlight our focus on client care.

Our group locations

Our group locations



• Ireland

• Ireland

• United Kingdom

• United Kingdom

• Belgium

• Belgium

• France

• France

• Germany

• Germany

• Moldova

• Moldova

• Czech Republic

• Czech Republic

• Slovak ia

• Slovak ia

• Bulgaria

• Bulgaria

• Hungar y

• Hungar y

• Poland

• Poland

• Lithuania

• Lithuania

• Uk raine

• Uk raine

• Romania

• Romania

• Croatia Africa

• Croatia Africa

• Tunisia Asia

• Tunisia


• Japan

• Japan

• China

• China

• Thailand

• Thailand

• Vietnam

• Vietnam

• Cambodia

• Cambodia

• Malaysia

• Malaysia

• Singapore

• Singapore

• Indonesia

• Indonesia

• India Oceania

• India


• Australia (Sydney, Per th, Melbourne)

• Australia (Sydney, Per th, Melbourne)

• New Zealand (Auck land)

• New Zealand (Auck land)

Nor th America

Nor th America

• Boston

South America

• Boston South America

• Brazil

• Brazil

• Chile

• Chile

• Ecuador

• Ecuador

• Peru

• Peru

• Colombia

• Colombia

Technology Contrac tor Solutions
Technology Contrac tor Solutions

You c an contac t . . .

You can contac t . . .

Libby Kelly

Direc tor - Cpl Technology Contrac tor Solutions

echnology Contrac tor Solutions .ie

A seasoned executive with over 25 years specialising in the Technology and Projec t recruitment space, Libby is an accomplished and results oriented professional. Driven by an absolute commitment to the customer she believes in a purpose -led work ing environment, underpinned by a culture of high trust & high per formance. From work ing with innovative star t-ups to advising large corporations on their tech hiring strategies, she delivers real world results through meaningful communication, creativity and high touch business relationships

ve with over 25 years specialising in the Technology and Projec t , Libby is an accomplished and results oriented professional. Driven ommitment to the customer she believes in a purpose -led work ing rpinned by a culture of high trust & high per formance. From ative star t-ups to advising large corporations on their tech hiring ers real world results through meaningful communication, touch business relationships

Mikołaj Jaśkiewicz

Mikołaj Jaśkiewicz

Division Manager IT Recruitment - Cpl Poland

Division Manager IT Recruitment - Cpl Poland

M ikołaj is a recruitment leader with a proven track record over the past 8 years in helping clients achieve their goals by securing them the top talent in the IT market. He believes in an individual approach to the needs of the Client, which allows to execute

innovative ideas and diversity in providing professional recruitment ser vices.

M ikołaj is a recruitment leader with a proven track record over the past 8 years in helping clients achieve their goals by securing them the top talent in the IT market. He believes in an individual approach to the needs of the Client, which allows to execute innovative ideas and diversity in providing professional recruitment ser vices.

Michaela Nováková

Michaela Nováková

Team Lead for IT Recruitment Division - Cpl Czech Republic

Team Lead for IT Recruitment Division - Cpl Czech Republic

M ichaela has been work ing at Cpl since 2010. She worked her way up from a junior, through a senior consultant to a Team Leader in IT. She is being a responsible person not only when dealing with candidates, but especially with clients. Her goal is a

work Michaela always focuses on quality, not quantity. She is organized, detail- oriented and reliable, and she strives to pass these qualities on to her IT team.

M ichaela has been work ing at Cpl since 2010. She worked her way up from a junior, through a senior consultant to a Team Leader in IT. She is being a responsible person not only when dealing with candidates, but especially with clients. Her goal is a work Michaela always focuses on quality, not quantity. She is organized, detail- oriented and reliable, and she strives to pass these qualities on to her IT team.

Vic toria Georgieva Senior Recruitment Consultant - Cpl Bulgaria vic

Vic toria is an inventive and goal- oriented HR management and Business development professional with a proven track record in developing and implementing HR, Communications and Business strategies, providing sustainable talent solutions, and connec ting contrac tors (employees) with the most appropriate roles and projec ts. Understanding the essence of the client ’s business and approaching cooperatively and candidates. Driven by her explorer ’s spirit and strategic think ing over the past 7 company (more than 140 employees in Bulgaria) and its successful establishment on the DACH-market

Technolo gy Contrac tor S olutions Technolo gy Contrac tor S olutions

Haddington Road, Dublin 4. D04 X4C9

T: +353 1 614 6000


W: www.cpl com


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