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For Artists Home Away From Home

Hundreds of world-famous artists over the years, along with their contemporary colleagues, have been warmly welcomed at the Imperial. Sarah Bernhardt, the most spectacular star of her time, was one of the first. In 1875, Richard Wagner and his family moved into seven rooms and played for nights on end on the specially organized concert grand piano. In 1931, the Viennese gave Sir Charlie Chaplin an enthusiastic reception, and he enthusiastically spoke his first words into a sound film microphone from the window of today’s Restaurant OPUS: “Guten Tak, guten Tak!” Thomas Mann, Luigi Pirandello, John Galsworthy, Walt Disney and star designer Karl Lagerfeld all stayed in the best house on the Ring. Frank Sinatra stayed here on the occasion of his Vienna concerts, as did Bruce Springsteen. Michael Jackson stayed at the Hotel Imperial several times and, according to his fans, was inspired to record the “Earth Song” during his time here in Vienna. Billy Joel, who played the piano in the bar, the Rolling Stones and Prince all felt at home at the Imperial, as you can read in the guest book. The film composer Hans Zimmer stayed at the Hotel Imperial during his stay as part of “Hollywood in Vienna”.

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Song“ inspiriert. Billy Joel spielte in der Bar Klavier, die Rolling Stones, Prince, sie alle fühlten sich im Imperial wohl, wie man im Gästebuch nachlesen kann. Auch der Filmkomponist Hans Zimmer wohnte während seines Aufenthaltes im Rahmen von „Hollywood in Vienna“ im Hotel Imperial. Seit 2002 sind ebenso die Autor:innen der Wiener Gratisbuch-Aktion „Eine STADT Ein BUCH“ zu Gast, darunter Superstars wie John Irving oder T. C. Boyle. Auch die Dirigenten des Neujahrskonzerts der Wiener Philharmoniker wohnen hier, vis-à-vis dem Wiener Musikverein mit kurzem Weg zum „Arbeitsplatz“.

Seit 150 Jahren schätzen Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Kunst das herzliche, elegant-diskrete Wohlfühlambiente des legendären Hotels.

Wie fast alle „Eine STADT Ein BUCH“-Autor:innen wohnte auch Schriftsteller-Ikone T. C. Boyle im Imperial.

Like almost all “Eine STADT. Ein BUCH” authors, the iconic writer T. C. Boyle took up lodgings at the Imperial.

Vermutlich das einzige Gästebuch der Welt mit den Unterschriften der vier Rolling Stones.

Probably the only guest book in the world with the signatures of all four Rolling Stones.

Since 2002, the Imperial welcomed authors of the Viennese free book campaign “Eine STADT Ein BUCH” (one city, one book), including superstars such as John Irving and T. C. Boyle. The conductors of the Vienna Philharmonic New Year’s Concert also stay here, just across from the Vienna Musikverein with a short walk to their “workplace”. For 150 years now, notables from the worlds of business, politics and the arts have appreciated the warm, elegantly discreet and comforting ambience of the legendary hotel.

Der US-amerikanische Sänger, Pianist und Songschreiber Billy Joel zeichnete ins Gästebuch.

The US-American singer, pianist and songwriter Billy Joel drawed in the guest book.

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