5 minute read
Hala Al-Hajji
from CP February 2021
by CPmagazine
A L - H A J J I
Meet Hala Al-Hajji an inventor and innovator from Kuwait. She holds a Masters degree in business administration and enjoys many hobbies including pilates, yoga, painting, travelling to new places, watching reality TV, content creation and her favorite topic is astronomy and astrology. We sat with Hala for an exclusive interview to know more about her and her inventions and her future plans.

Please introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Hala Al-Hajji. I am an inventor/innovator. I was born and raised in Kuwait. My interests include space, astrology, quantum physics and world economy. My life ethic is to be the change you want to see in the world.
Tell us about your education.
I attended a private British school and received my bachelor’s degree from Kuwait Arts University. After graduating, I quickly realized I was on the wrong track academically. So, I decided to take the decision of pursing a graduate degree program in business administration (MBA).
How would you describe what you are currently doing in a sentence?
At the moment I feel accomplished after receiving a patent and trade mark from the United States for my invention. I feel ready for the next step in terms of creating the prototype and creating space to follow the journey ahead in innovation and production management.
Aside from this I'm working on my personal blog on social media. My current favorite platform is Instagram where I share ideas and my individuality which frequently changes depending on my mood trends and the season.
You are an inventor or a revolutionary product. Tell us more about it? What is it? How did the idea come up and where have you reached with it?
Since I was young, I always noticed hair. In my personal opinion you can get a feel of the persons manners and behavior from the way they style, groom and choose to maintain their hair condition and overall appearance. It's almost like a customized hat that’s entirely yours to enjoy.
I paid close attention to hair, hair care, hair products and styling tools. Like your everyday modern elegant lady I enjoy experimenting and testing the latest products in the market and keeping up with the modern technology beauty gadgets. Throughout the process of trial and error I I faced an issue with managing and maximizing the use of oils and serums that were a hassle and generally messy to use. Dealing with my hair routine was becoming a task and I just thought it would be nice to develop a device that would cater to the need of others with similar concerns making it less inconvenient and time efficient.
What are you plans for marketing your product?
Currently my project is in the research and development stage and I am interested in partnering with a suitable licensing partner or investor to manufacture and produce on a larger scale to targeted consumer demographic which include men and women of all ages. Strategic planning comes in play with the mission and vison of the business plan thus, will take its own nature into the tactical stages since the beauty market is always in demand but is competitive all year round. Therefore, I have narrowed my optimization process to reach the intended market while taking into account the return on investment. Lastly, digital marketing is ideal for a innovative device to advertise and reach more end users who are may need the product.
Are you working on any other inventions at the moment?
Yes, I am working on another invention but its related to the current situations of Covid-19. I am not able to mention any details about it since I signed and (NDA) for it but stay tuned.
What got you interested into fashion?
Basically, fashion for me is like introducing yourself without words.
How would you describe your personal fashion style?
When you introduce yourself without words, that kind of impact has the potential to reflect your attitude, mood, and highlight your current wardrobe style/taste.
This is an interesting question but if I am being honest, it started in my childhood. I always was dressing up my Barbies. It's funny to say but that's a fact. I really don’t have much to say other than that it’s a lifestyle. It becomes a habit and it's fun for me you can see my daily virtual runway on Instagram.
What is the biggest lesson you have learnt from the pandemic?
My biggest lesson I think would be best expressed by my own personal favourite quote “the only constant thing in life is change". So, join the program, adapt and go forward.
What is your beauty and fitness regime?
My beauty routine is divided into two parts. Day and night which involves hair, skin, and inner beauty. I have a weekly must have spa treatment and monthly special surprise for my concerns.
What is the best advise you have ever received and from who?
Value yourself and make yourself a priority. Words by my mother – Halah Mourey
What is your motto in life?
Believing in the power of femininity.
What are your favourite social media apps?
I enjoy YouTube. It's great for various topic, ideas and interests.
What do you post and where do you get the ideas for your content?
I post content related to entrepreneurship, fashion, beauty and local experiences.
How do you choose which brands to work with?
I choose brands based on their values, quality and customer feedback.
What are some of your other hobbies?
My hobbies include Pilates, yoga, painting, travelling to new places, watching reality TV, content creation and my favorite astronomy and astrology.
Your message for us at CP magazine.
First of all, I'd like to thank you for giving me the space to express and share my ideas and insights. It was truly enjoyable answering these questions and I wish you the best for the coming issues.
1. All-time favourite movie: Malena
2. Favourite binge show right now: Dynasty
Rapid Q and A
3. Tell us a secret talent that you have: Throwing “Darts"
4. Best career advice you’ve received: You are your best project, invest in yourself
5. Three qualities that got you where you are today: Empathic towards other, thinking out of the box, making self care a priority
6. Book that’s left a lasting impression on you: Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur
7.Song that always makes you cry: Cold Play – fix you
8.Name one thing on your bucket list: To go to space with virgin galatic' world first commercial space line