CP January 2023

Page 18

ISSUE: 157 JANUARY 2023 since 2010

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Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana
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Eman AlAwadh Hend AlSanad Iman
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Art Direction, Concept & Styling: Jameel Arif (@jameelarif) Hair Stylist: Mariya Matveychuk (@mariya_matveychuk) MAU: Haneen Samad (@haneen.samadd) Photographer: Riyaz (@riyasphotokw)
since 2010 74. Homework For Grownups 76. Horoscopes AUTOMOBILE 72. RAM 1500 Revolution Battery-Electric Vehicle (Bev) Concept BEAUTY 26. Skin Care You Will Love ENTERTAINMENT 62. New January Book Releases 63. Writing Movie Wrongs FASHION 14. Jaeger-Lecoultre Presents ‘Walk Into The Dawn’ 16. Cozy Staples By Mango 34. ZFX Qatar Fashion United By CR Runway 44. The Pomellato Together Collection 48. Streets Of Egypt 54. Delvaux: ‘This Is The Pin’ Ss 23 Collection FEATURES 8. This Natural World 43. GCC Streaming Habits 70. Finding Nada Debs FITNESS 18. What Is Formerlyme? INTERVIEWS 10. Joanna Laura Constantine 20. Khadija Albastaki 28. Sarah Al-Baker TRAVEL 36. Bonus Miles: The Wonderful W 47. A Room With A View 56. Retreat To The Snow-Covered Mountains At Ultima Crans-Montana 64. Travel Off The Highway In Texas REGULARS 14. 10. 20. 8.
كانس ةطلس ءاشع ءادغ راطفا lBREAKFAST lLUNCH lDINNER lSALAD lSNACK 6 DAYS A WEEK عوبسلاا يف مايا ٦ 55 22 89 06 LONDON MEALS KUWAIT نلآا بلطا ORDER NOW 125 KD ك.د ةايح طمن وا وتيك KETO (OR) LIFESTYLE ةيرهش تابجو MONTHLY MEALS
Gill Sherry

The moon dominates the sky, like a giant shiny button on a child’s velvet coat. I stand transfixed, my toes cold in the damp grass, my eyes wide in wonder. My head torch is redundant, surplus to requirements under the moon’s silver splendour. I resent the torch’s unnecessary presence, the tight elastic pushing my eyebrows into an uncomfortable frown. Still, how was I to know the supermoon would light the path to the toilet block?

I zip up the tent behind me, the sound slicing through the nighttime silence. My footsteps are equally disturbing, alerting my fellow campers to my whereabouts with every flip and flop. I resist the urge to walk barefoot, my recollection of a champagne cockapoo arching its back and depositing its dinner (its owner nowhere to be seen), enough to ensure my flimsy footwear remains noisily in place.

I walk slowly, my eyes roaming from the mighty mountainous backdrop, to the flat, glistening surface of Loch Leven. Both appear beautiful under the moon’s metallic rays and I pause awhile to look, listen and breathe. Despite the hour, my senses are wide awake, stimulated by the natural world embracing me.

I hear the gentle lap of water as it kisses the mossy shore. I smell earthy vegetation and a pinch of salt. I taste the ethereal mist as it ribbons along the surface of the loch. And I feel the presence of something unseen, the hairs on my arms rising en masse. I also need to relieve myself of the large mug of tea I drank before bed so I drag my eyes away from the lunar spectacle and follow the path.

Nostrils full of disinfectant, bladder now empty, I emerge from the artificially lit building rubbing lemon-scented sanitiser into my hands. The smell is unwelcome, threatening to overpower Mother Nature’s bouquet. I force my fingers into my pockets, stifling the zesty scent.

The head torch now hangs off my wrist and it taps against my thigh as I walk back out into the night. It takes a few seconds for my eyes to readjust but I spot the outline of my tent, the faint porch light emitting a soft, yellow glow.

With the moon now behind me, I notice the stars: diamonds dazzling against a charcoal sky. I wouldn’t know Crux from Carina but I spend a minute searching for the Big Dipper or the Teapot. I don’t see either but I do gasp as one audacious star shoots through the sky in an act of fiery flamboyance.

I’m still smiling as I near the guy ropes of my tent. I tread carefully, lifting my feet high to avoid the taut lines. Before I can unzip the canvas door, the hoot of an owl floats from the neighbouring woods. An echo follows and my smile expands. The ballad continues and I close my eyes to appreciate the sound, both haunting and harmonic. I realise then, it’s not an echo, but a conversation. The owls are talking! What a privilege to experience this magical exchange.

Between hoots, I hear the breath of a stranger and I’m instantly alert. My heart drums like a woodpecker until I I lock eyes with a stag. It’s so close I could touch it but I stand mannequin still, drinking in every inch of its moonlit magnificence. Its antlers resemble a tree, thick and branched. Its muscular shoulders, like the contours of land, an indication of its strength. Clouds of breath hang in the air, highlighted by the moon’s shimmering glow.

The spell is broken by the bark of a dog, no doubt the pesky cockapoo. Only when the stag turns its head do I notice the herd. As one, the deer retreat swiftly from the site. It’s a procession of elegance; the stag is the principal ballerina, and the herd, the corps de ballet.

Once the animals have disappeared from view, I clamber reluctantly back into the tent, folding myself inside my sleeping bag. My toes are icy cold but the beam from my smile soon heats them up. An owl lullaby lulls me back to sleep and a deer encounter fills my dreams.

I’m up early the next morning, keen to continue my Invercoe adventure. Boot laces tied, hat pulled over my ears, rucksack heavy on my back, I follow the path taken by the deer and tread a steady incline up into the woods. Damp leaves form a colourful

trail, the autumnal carpet soft under my feet. A grey squirrel sweeps the floor with its tail before performing a perfect vertical climb.

I squeeze through turnstiles, amble past benches and sidestep steams until, eventually, I spy a clearing. The wooded canopy opens out to reveal a Wedgewood sky, cloud-free but for one wispy cirrus. I know my clouds better than my stars!

But it’s the view in front of me that takes my breath away. Up ahead is Glencoe Lochan. It’s a picture perfect scene of huge, green conifers and proud, pointy mountains reflected in the smooth, mirror-like surface of the lochan. It rivals anything I’ve seen in the Alps, made all the more special by the lack of any other human being. I put the desertion down to the hour and congratulate myself on my early start.

Taking the clockwise route around the water, I marvel at the constantly changing reflection, an image of calm punctuated periodically by a startled duck or a soaring buzzard. The air smells of pine and the sloping limbs of the trees glisten with dew.

I imagine the deer herd quietly going about its business deep within the woods. I picture a family of foxes sheltering in a den, the owls resting high in the trees, squirrels foraging in the leaves. I feel honoured to share their habitat, if only for a short time, and slow my pace to prolong my stay in this wonderfully natural landscape.

Back at Loch Leven I sit on a rock, its surface flat and cold. I pour coffee from my flask, the bitter smell alien but welcome at the cool water’s edge. The surf no longer laps lazily onto the shore but, rather, in a brisk, impatient fashion. My body shivers and I cup my hands around my hot drink, absorbing its warmth.

My eyes are drawn to a statuesque heron, one leg slightly bent. Its feet are submerged, its gaze downcast. I try not to blink, willing it to reward my efforts with a successful catch. My hopes are dashed by a parcel of oystercatchers, the two-tone fly-by enough to disturb the gangly heron, its sprawling wings lifting it slowly but surely away until eventually, it’s out of sight.

The clouds in the glen are lower and thicker, a combination of stratus and cumulus. They wind themselves around the majestic peaks, adding drama to an otherwise harmonious vista. I’m reminded of an old dressing-up box. An assortment of hats, scarves, shoes and other costume props, it provided hours of endless fun during childhood. Today’s cloud is a white, silk scarf, added to a green and black ensemble. The striking attire entertains me once more, my enjoyment tenfold thanks to maturity and with it, my appreciation of the natural world.

Rubbing the chill from my legs, I make my way back to the tent in preparation for the drive to Skye. I’m promised white-tailed sea eagles and a circus of puffins, lazy seals and hunting gannets. If I’m lucky, I may even glimpse a minke whale.

Sad to be leaving, but excited by what is to come, I say my goodbyes to Invercoe. With one last glance towards the mountains, I spot the mighty stag. It lifts its head and bellows a farewell. I smile all the way to Skye.

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Worn by Selina Gomez for her Rolling Stones cover shoot last month, Beirut born jeweller Joanna Laura Constantine’s latest collection of colour pop statement jewellery is now available at Fenwick

Spotted on Bella Hadid, Alisha Keyes and Zendaya recently, the collection of mix and match earrings, rings and necklaces are created from recycled gold and sustainably sourced pearls to create the latest bright and beautiful statement jewellery, all handmade in Joanna’s home city of Beirut by a team of expert artisans reviving the age-old tradition of Lebanese jewellery design.

Joanna is the creative force behind the luxury accessories brand, Joanna Laura Constantine. Her fascination with fashion, jewelry and accessories drove her to the Parsons School of Design, where she obtained a degree in Fashion Design.

After graduating from Parsons School of Design, she held a series of internships at a number of renowned design studios. Her time working in fashion houses such as Donna Karan NY, Lanvin and Nicole Miller has led to her own creative growth. Soon after in 2010, she launched her line of fashion jewelry and moved back to Beirut to set up her studio and workshop.

Following a vote by a jury comprising senior executives from Vogue Arabia, the Dubai Design & Fashion Council, and both the regional and international fashion community, Joanna Laura Constantine was crowned the winner for the accessory’s category for 2017 DDFC/Vogue Fashion Prize.

Today, her signature pieces won a celebrity fan base, including Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Kelly Osbourne, Chiara Ferragni, Jessica Alba, Nicole Scherzinger to name a few. Her collections have been featured in international fashion and lifestyle publications including Elle UK, Elle USA, Elle France, Vogue UK and Vogue Paris, W Magazine, Harper’s Bazaar China, Vogue Vietnam, L’Officiel and more and have also made an appearance of her jewelry in international advertising campaigns by L’Oréal, Air France and Campari.

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Tell us about your education.

I’m Joanna Laura from Lebanon whereby I lived most of my childhood during the civil war. I always loved fashion since I was a child. I used to collect tear-sheets from magazines and dream of becoming a designer. After finishing business school, I decided to continue to do an MBA as well which helped me a lot in running my business. After that I moved to NY and studied fashion design at Parsons School of Design.

How did your love affair with jewelry begin?

It started while I was studying an accessories elective during my studies at Parsons School of Design in NYC.

When and why did you choose Parsons School of Design to pursue your passion for learning Jewelry design?

I always wanted to study fashion design but I wanted to please my parents first so went to business school. But my true passion was always for fashion. After I finished my MBA, I worked in the hospitality industry during which I decided on a career change and moved to New York to apply to Parsons. I was not able to get in the first time, I got accepted as the war broke in Lebanon and the airport was closed so they had to defer my acceptance.

How did working with fashion houses such as Donna Karan NY, Lanvin and Nicole Miller change your perception of Jewelry design?

Interning in these fashion houses taught me so much about the industry and gave me real life lessons that can’t be taught at school. I learnt the whole process of creating a collection and of course the importance of the business side as well.

When and where did you launch your brand officially?

I launched it in 2010 in NYC and then moved back to Beirut a year after to start my own brand.

What kind of challenges you had to face during the initial stage of establishing your business and how did you overcome them?

The challenge is constant even after 12-13 year of running the business. I had to learn all aspects of the business and jewelry production which is the most challenging part of running a jewelry brand.

What are the key principles that you follow at Joanna Laura Constantine?

I create unique modern and elegant jewelry pieces for the modern woman.

Can you describe your jewelry? What are the materials you use?

It’s feminine yet bold. I love using colored stones and enamel which is currently a big trend.

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What makes your jewelry unique and different?

I think the story behind the brand and where it’s made makes it look and feel different.

Can you walk us through the process behind your gorgeous custom designs?

It is an ongoing inspiration and collection development. It starts out with a sketch followed by a 3D drawing which is then printed on a 3D printer. We then create the mold for the casting. Each piece is polished and worked with by hand in our in-house atelier. This is where I explore the variations and ideas on how I can work with new molds.

After creating the piece the colors of stones and enamel are selected. Each piece goes through at least 6 artisans before it’s finished and becomes a complete piece of jewelry.

How often are you creating new collection for your jewelry?

I create 4 collections per year.

Which trends will dominate this year in the Jewelry designs?

I believe bling is back! Statement earrings with lots of crystals.

Where all is your jewelry available to purchase?

It is available online at: ounass.com

Who are some of your favorite celebrities to wear your jewelry?

Alicia Keys, Bella Hadid and Rose Byrne.

What are some of your future plans?

I am planning to launch a fine jewelry line.

What are your personal secrets for success?

You have to be 100% dedicated and passionate about what you do.

Share some of your other hobbies. I love doing sports especially Yoga and Paddle!

How did you feel winning the accessory’s category for 2017 DDFC/Vogue Fashion Prize?

It gave me so much satisfaction to know that my work is appreciated in the region and that I am on the right track.

What are some of your other achievements that make you happy?

It makes me so happy to see my jewelry in the top department stores worldwide and on celebrities likes Bella Haddid and Alecia Keys.

Your message for us at CP magazine. Thank you for your support to young brands!

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Celebrating femininity, Jaeger-LeCoultre’s new ‘Walk into the Dawn’ campaign features Anya Taylor-Joy in a dreamlike ode to the Rendez-Vous Dazzling Shooting Star. Walking into the dawn elicits the steps that bring us closer to realising our dreams – the dreams that we may wish upon a shooting star.

In an evocative new video and series of photographs, Anya tells a story without words, in a dance sequence of lightness, elegance and swirling movement that echoes the flight-path of the shooting star across the dial of the watch.

Dancing comes naturally to Anya, who trained as a ballerina and has danced in several of her film roles, as in Last Night in Soho and The Queen’s Gambit. Much more than a professional skill, dancing is an essential part of her life, she says: “The first thing I do every morning is dance – crazy dancing in my bedroom or kitchen. It makes my spirits soar and sets me up for the day. When I’m dancing is when I feel most alive to all of life’s possibilities.”

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Cozy staples by MANGO

Elevate your wardrobe with a line of staples from MANGO that promise comfort and style for everyday-wear. Faux fur trimmed jackets, faux leather jackets, knitwear and denim come together to create timeless looks. Neutral tones and subtle prints offer the perfect addition for cozy, layered looks.

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FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 90 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “New year’s Mantras” days of my journey.

FormerlyMe.com presents “New Year’s Mantras”

18 JANUARY 2023
Jim West
Happy New Years! Every January 1st billions of people around the world start a fresh year with new ideas, plans, and of course resolutions.

According to Merriam-Webster, Resolution is defined as “A formed decision to do or not do something. Intention, resolve, decision, aim, or aspiration.” Most common resolutions are for weight loss, quit smoking/ drinking, eat healthier, be less stressed, and to travel more. It is no small wonder why gyms across the globe see high levels of sign-ups and membership enrollments in January. Often these resolutions fizzle out when life, excuses, old behaviors get in the way of what once was a good idea.

My mantra in 2020 and 2021 was “Take No Prisoners”. In my life I tolerated too many toxic and negative people in my life. I was allowing them to become prisoners I didn’t want to leave behind. Whether a family member struggling with money problems, or a friend struggling with health issues. I used to go out of my way to help them over and over again letting my time and energy be drained in efforts to help people who wouldn’t first help themselves. This impacted my physical health by not having the time or energy for workouts. The negativity and toxicity affected my mental and spiritual health. I had to adopt the mantra of letting prisoners remain prisoners of their own choices. “Take No Prisoners” to me meant to let the negativity and toxicity go in every aspect of my life. This greatly helped me to move forward and focus on improving myself. It has given me significant calm and peace in my life.

It is said “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Yet according to studies, only 6% of people who make resolutions actually stick to them. That is not so motivating when you hear that. Obviously taking the time to think about what and where you want to be in your future is a good start. Even making the effort is also good. The intent is there, but what often happens is we set expectations and goals and when those are not met we abandon the resolution and give up.

Here are a couple mantras you can use for 2023. “I Do Not Waste Time” can be what you repeat when you grab a TV remote or keep yourself from scrolling through hours of TikTok videos to remind yourself to write that idea for a book you have. Learn a new skill. Connect with your family or the elderly as you may regret not taking the time to spend with them before they ae gone. “I Do Not Need Much” can be your mantra to use less and waste less. That is a good one for those environmentally conscious. In closing I wish you the best year in 2023, full of accomplishments and success in your journey to become the best version of yourself.

This year I suggest you try something I have been doing for a few years now and it has helped me make permanent changes. Choose a mantra over a resolution. Mantra is a word or phrase that expresses a basic belief. The word or phrase becomes a constructive and positive reinforcement method for you to speak out loud, write it down, or just think about throughout your day. Structure your mantra on the “why” not the “what” you want to accomplish. Instead of a resolution to lose 20 pounds, ask yourself why do you want to lose 20 pounds? To be healthier? The try speaking and believing in a mantra of “I am healthy”.

If you visit in December you get to experience the city’s Christmas Markets and various food stalls in the historic city center. Perfect time to grab a mug of warm mulled wine, eat some apple strudel, and enjoy the festive spirit of the holidays. With the holiday season upon us I wanted to say to all of the CP Magazine readers, Happy Holidays! I look forward to bringing you more adventures in the New Year!

A mantra of “I am healthy”, is something you repeat and affirm to yourself as you go to lunch and reminds you to make healthier food choices. It reminds you to drop down and do some push-ups or squats if you don’t have the time to hit the gym. “I am healthy” can help motivate you to visit your doctor for routine checkups to check your heart, blood, and other medical check-ups for your health. The mantra now takes it from losing 20 pounds to expanding out your goal to all aspects of your health. Least of which are mental and spiritual health. What good is a healthy body if the mind and spirit are weak? Be sure to cover all of this with your mantra.

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my more unique experiences I had in the past few years. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial

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“Our vision is to enrich a fertile landscape for creative talent, ideas and businesses to grow and thrive. Whether it’s emerging designers operating in our community or international brands looking to infiltrate a new market, we want to show the world that Dubai is the ultimate place to create and inspire”

Dubai Design District (d3) is a global creative ecosystem dedicated to design, fashion, architecture and art. In line with Dubai’s position as the leading business destination for the region and beyond, d3 is an industry-pioneering concept that enables people and businesses to grow and co-create, whilst simultaneously providing a strong platform for creativity. Strategically located in the heart of Dubai, d3 is one of the city’s lifestyle and business district that challenges thousands of people to rethink the regular.

With state-of-the-art infrastructure designed to meet the needs of the industry and a business-friendly framework, Dubai Design District offers creative talent the tools for collaboration and growth, further reinforcing Dubai’s status as a UNESCO Creative City of Design.

Khadija Al Bastaki, Vice President of Dubai Design District (d3), plays a key role in positioning d3 as a global centre

for design, art and creativity. Al Bastaki leads numerous strategic cultural and commercial initiatives to cement Dubai’s position as a hub for creativity and talent, and contribute to the emirate’s creative economy. Her responsibilities include seeking out new ways to enable the city’s creative community, cultivate an ecosystem where creatives can experiment, flourish and inspire and rethink the regular. She also manages the implementation of d3’s business vision and future growth plans.

In an exclusive chat with José Berrocoso, our Lifestyle Editor, Khadija Al Bastaki, Vice President of d3, shares how the creative hub of Dubai is powering region’s talent to provide solutions to the pressing challenges facing the world today.

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Talent Radar

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CityPages Magazine: How would you describe Dubai Design District to someone who has never been?

Khadija Al Bastaki: Dubai Design District (d3) is a futuristic city of creativity. From first impressions, it’s a sleek urban hub thriving with activity and art since we’re home to some of Dubai’s best fashion boutiques, galleries, design studios, architects, trendiest cafes and coffee shops. However, what I consider the essence of d3 is its community. Our ecosystem represents global, regional brands, and start-ups across fashion, product, architecture and interior design. Whether on a regular day or at one of our events, you’ll see creative-minded people from around the world hanging around d3, exchanging original ideas and contributing to the district’s electric and inspiring environment.

CPM: In just a few short years Dubai Design District has firmly established itself as a creative hub, what has been the formula for its successful evolution?

KAB: Our commitment to collaboration and innovation powers our success. Strategic partnerships with Dubai Design Week, Arab Fashion Council, and Sole DXB are building long-term value where we combine our ambitions – to make Dubai a global creative capital – with institutions that share those values. It allows us to pool our resources and offerings to push the envelope and create a more significant impact every year. That spirit of collaboration extends to the members of our community. We strive to provide a platform to each of our customers, from large corporations to emerging entrepreneurs, that helps elevate their businesses to larger audiences and nurtures opportunities for partnerships with other members of our district.

CPM: What makes Dubai particularly suitable as a location for a design, art & fashion hub?

KAB: Dubai’s strategic location as a bridge between the east and west, paired with the government’s pro-growth economic strategy and initiatives, makes the Emirate an attractive and accessible business destination. Companies of all sizes can benefit from one of the most progressive regulatory frameworks in the world, and government-backed initiatives like the Dubai Creative Economy Strategy are stimulating economic opportunities and investment in the creative industries. This sets the stage for Dubai’s emergence as a global culture and creative centre, drawing skilled talent from around the world to Dubai. Ecosystems like ours, and the sister business districts owned and managed by TECOM Group such as Dubai Internet City and Dubai Media City, provide a haven to businesses and talent as they set up or expand their operations, thrive in a growing economy, and engage new and diverse audiences.

CPM: How do you think Dubai Design District has changed the face of the arts and culture industries in the GCC since its opening?

KAB: I’m proud of Dubai Design District’s integral role in strengthening the UAE’s creative economy since its launch in 2013. The purpose of d3, when created by our parent company, TECOM Group, was to provide a home for the region’s design, fashion, and culture communities – a place where trendsetters and forward-thinkers shape the future of design every day. d3 was formed as an interactive ecosystem that houses major brands like Dior, Zaha Hadid Architects, Sconci Art Gallery and more who recognise the importance of adapting campaigns and collections to local preferences. Providing a stage for emerging creatives, start-ups, and students to rethink the regular is also necessary to grow the talent and entrepreneurial pool and keep innovation at the fore. Our complete ecosystem has helped Dubai and the region define an independent artistic and cultural identity that puts our region on the map for creative excellence.

CPM: Events and activations play a major part of the community at d3. How do you think these events are helping to raise awareness and enhance the growth of the community in Dubai Design District?

KAB: Dubai Design District’s calendar of events is essential to community engagement and amplification. Dubai Design Week, Arab Fashion Week, Sole DXB and our Rethink series are part of an overarching effort to showcase the wealth of creativity and talent in our community and the wider region. Every year, the profile of these events grows, attracting art enthusiasts, fashion designers, distributors, media, and other industry stakeholders to see what the city’s creative sphere has to offer and engage the brilliant minds behind it. It opens doors for collaboration and, in the case of young designers and creatives, potential avenues

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for funding and distribution. We have also had the pleasure of hosting industry heavyweights like Jeremy Scott and designers straight off the Paris Fashion Week runways in past Arab Fashion Week, which expands the network our community has access to.

CPM: What are some of the important elements to maintaining an active and supportive creative cluster such as Dubai Design District?

KAB: Sector-focused districts like d3 are not simply a location where creatives can do business – we provide a living, breathing ecosystem where they can engage, swap insights, innovate and rethink the regular. Everything is designed in the interest of fostering this community. Our events, the retail elements at the ground level, co-working spaces and incubators are tailored to keep nurturing the creative industry and, in turn, the creative economy. The success of our customers is our success, and we remain closely aligned with their needs and the changing landscape of their industries to ensure they have the infrastructure and environment they need to thrive.

CPM: Most of the leading fashion houses and emerging fashion designers settle their projects at Dubai Design District. What’s the main reason? How do you experience Dubai as a fashion city? What makes the city special?

KAB: Dubai’s high quality of life, connectivity and scope of economic opportunities is drawing skilled talent from around the world. This cosmopolitanism sets Dubai’s fashion scene apart. We have a diverse expat population blending global cultures and concepts with our rich Arab heritage, giving way to a unique creative identity that resonates far beyond our borders. A new generation of creatives is bringing innovative design thinking to the industry. Designers in our district, like Amato Couture and Michael Cinco, dress high-profile figures like Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez. We also see the ambition of young designers grow with every season of Arab Fashion Week.

At d3, we aim to anticipate and cater to the needs of this growing community, which is why we are a preferred address for fashion houses and emerging designers. We provide sector-specific infrastructure, tailor-made leasing solutions and value-added products that cater to global corporations, regional SMEs, startups and freelancers in one location. d3 is also home to in5 Design, a design-focused start-up incubator by TECOM Group, nurturing entrepreneurship and independent talent. Creative start-ups can access mentorship and advisory, fully equipped creative facilities such as a dedicated Fashion Lab, and a newly launched concept store called Atypical to showcase in5’s community. These allow start-ups to participate in Dubai’s broader ecosystem for potential partnerships and investment.

CPM: Considering that we are talking about everything sustainable, how earth-friendly is Dubai Design District? What are the benchmarks that you are following, and more importantly, how do you plan to keep track?

KAB: Sustainability is integral to our mind-set, and we always seek to promote and achieve a more sustainable creative landscape. Consumers worldwide are becoming increasingly conscious of their carbon footprint, and the creative industry needs to respond transparently. At d3, we are exploring how sustainability is intertwined with the future of design over community panel discussions, events like d3 Architecture Exhibition and the theme of the latest Dubai Design Week. Our parent company, TECOM Group, places ESG at the core of its operating model, in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as well as Dubai’s Clean Energy Strategy and Dubai Net Zero Emissions Strategy 2050.

CPM: What would you say is d3’s ultimate goal?

KAB: As always, our vision is to enrich a fertile landscape for creative talent, ideas and businesses to grow and thrive. Whether it’s emerging designers operating in our community or international brands looking to infiltrate a new market, we want to show the world that Dubai is the ultimate place to create and inspire. With this focus, we hope to contribute to Dubai’s creative economy and cement the emirate’s place among the world’s creative capitals.

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Face serum benefits your skin a lot and can help you with almost all your skin problems such as dryness, wrinkles, dark spots, large pores and more. Face serum do what most skincare products can’t. They give hydration, boost your skin, reduce blemishes and fight ageing signs.

Your skin has a memory, it will show the results of how it was treated today. Always wash your face before you go to bed and don’t forget your skincare routine. Apply sunscreen every morning. Sunscreen protects all skin tones against pigmentation and sun damage.

26 JANUARY 2023
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"Never Stop Following Your Dreams!"

Art Direction, Concept & Styling: Jameel Arif (@jameelarif)

Hair Stylist: Mariya Matveychuk (@mariya_matveychuk)

MAU: Haneen Samad (@haneen.samadd)

Photographer: Riyaz (@riyasphotokw)

sarah.albaker 28 JANUARY 2023
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Hi, please introduce yourself to our readers. Hello! I am Sarah AlBaker - a TV host on the official Kuwait Television and a also a Civil Engineer.

Tell us about your education.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from University of Surrey, United Kingdom.

What are your fondest childhood memories?

Well honestly, my childhood was really great. I have so many incredible memories. The most significant ones are that I had all my family around me, we had too many warm gatherings and picnics, too many laughs and love. I was the youngest child in my family so I had everything I wanted from toys, food and sweets. It is always known that the youngest child is the most spoilt one. So yes, I was a little bit spoilt child but was joyful for me back then.

What got you interested in choosing Civil Engineering? Who or what inspired you?

Since I was young, I have always been interested in bridges, fancy buildings, skyscrapers, and roads. I always wondered how those miracles are actually built and done. I mean since we are born, we see shapes and architecture all around us. Civil engineers can really shape a better world we live in. They can think and maintain the infrastructure, design and build. That’s why I thought that I should be a civil engineer.

What sparked your interest in media and what lead you to be a show host?

This is a good question and something I get regularly asked. Well, it is a great story that came out of sudden. I was a volunteer in Kuwait society of engineers and back then I had too many TV interviews talking about the events we had and about voluntary work in general, and from my first TV interview, I got that feeling and the spark of loving the camera and loving the audience. All my family and friends actually noticed that as well so they started encouraging me and supporting me to be an official TV host and then I worked so hard and I believed in myself that I should follow what I love. So that’s how I became a TV host.

What special preparations do you do before presenting a show?

First of all, I have to put all my life behind and what I mean by that is that if in case I am not in a mood or I’m

having unpleasant day or some obstacle, I have to put all that away and I should get into the mood and try to smile. I also like to meet the guest before hosting them so that I can make them feel more comfortable and relaxed. It helps me to know the guest’s personality better and after that as I mentioned before, I love the camera so everything works smoothly and fine before starting my show.

Who has been your biggest mentor?

I would say that my father has always been my mentor. Besides, each person I have met basically gave me something whether that thing is good or bad, I learn from other people’s experiences. I’m always trying to listen to their advices for me. I even listen and learn from a child.

What’s the best piece of advice you have heard and repeat to others? Believe in yourself, be optimistic and never stop following your dreams.

What was your proud moment so far? What are some of your achievements that you are proud of?

As long as I do what I love and make my beloved ones happy; I feel proud, and speaking about achievements, being a satisfied person is my main achievement.

What is your motto in life? Be yourself, inspire yourself, trust yourself and be proud of yourself always.

Your favourite quote (s)? “I never lose, I either win or learn” by Nelson Mandela.

What music do you listen to?

I have always been interested in music and art since I was a child. I like all kinds of music that can really touch my heart and inspires me. But mostly, I love listening to classical music and soundtracks from movies and from TV series.

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Which was the last interesting book that you read and what did you take from it?

“Sons of Sindbad” by an Australian Author, adventurer and a photographer. What I liked about this book is how is shows my country Kuwait in the past especially in maritime where the citizens used to earn their living. The author basically visited Kuwait in 1938, his photographs depict the life and skills of the Arab sailors of the ports along the route of Kuwait, and of the pearl divers of the Arabian Gulf. The pictures and the details in the book are so marvelous. It makes us thankful and appreciate how our people built Kuwait with their sweat and blood.

What are some of your favourite apps on your phone?

Instagram. It is my main window to let my followers watch my daily life and my work. I also love watching YouTube, YouTube music and using Pinterest.

What is your beauty and fitness secret?

There is no secret at all. I always like to sleep early and drink more water. Eating less junk food, trying to exercise three time in a week, and the most important thing is trying to be happy and truly satisfied.

What is your favourite travel destination and why?

Italy for sure! Because it is the city of art, love, joy and beauty. It has breathtaking beaches and mountains, amazing food, fancy places and museums. Italians are friendly as well. Everything in Italy feels like it’s a part of me.

What is your dream? What would you like to achieve?

To achieve all my to-do list. I’ll share some of them with you: like being successful in my life and my career, travel to all the countries that I always wanted to visit, learning new skills, and meeting new people.

How do you unwind from your busy routine?

Well relaxing and meditating are essential to my daily routine after a rough busy day. I prefer to be by myself preparing a cup of tea with a soft lighting and some candles and reading a book or watching a movie. I also feel relaxed writing down my plans. All these are really helpful to unwind myself from a busy day.

What can’t you leave home without?

My phone and wallet for sure.

What are some of your other hobbies?

I do embroidery which is a type of art where you can basically paint with threads and stitches on a piece of fabric I also love playing piano and I’m a big fan of cooking as well. Yet I’m always trying to discover new skills and hobbies.

Your message for us at CP magazine.

A big thanks and appreciation for the CP magazine team and for you Mr. Jameel Arif for this great opportunity and choosing me to be featured on your cover this month. I wish you all the success.

32 JANUARY 2023
33 www.cpmagazine.net


A Monumental Celebration of Fashion, Culture and Music at the World's Biggest Fashion show took center stage between the FIFA 2022 World Cup’s semifinal and final matches in Doha, Qatar. Conceived by Her Excellency Sheikha Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani and curated by Carine Roitfeld, the fashion show featured over 100 brands and acted as a platform for region-grown and international labels to be upheld and spotlighted during the day long celebration of creativity.

34 JANUARY 2023
A Zaid Farouki original creation, the sequined embellished white coat “Altareeq” was styled as the center-piece over a monochromatic look and finished with color-pop accessories.


Soul searching for one’s identity and heritage comes in different ways and for Zaid, creating this one-of piece was one of the way in which he claims his own identity as a Palestinian.

Patterns and motifs are the hallmark of Palestinian embroidery and each motif was a reflection of geography and the individual’s economic status, descent, aspirations, and lifestyle. In addition, specific motifs were given names and meanings.

A celebration of Zaid Farouki's beloved brand codes, this white long coat is a timeless piece elegantly tailored and adorned with 3 different hand-embroidered and handfinished Palestinian motifs in monochromatic white sequins.

Featured in order, the Haram Tiles “مرحلا طلاب” motif is embroidered along the shoulders followed by the Candle Stick “نادعمش” motif is embroidered across the back and further adorned with a ten-pointed star pattern made from ten interlacing kite shapes.

The Haram Tiles “مرحلا طلاب” embroidered motif is featured as an ode to Zaid's maternal side of the family.

The Candle Stick “نادعمش” embroidered motif is featured in Altareeq as an ode to Zaid's paternal side of the family.

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36 JANUARY 2023

The latest addition to the vibrant world of W Hotels has landed in the heart of Dubai. Dubbed as the ‘Port Of All, For All’, W Dubai Mina Seyahi is reminiscent of a modern-day bazaar with a distinctive beach-party vibe, breathing much-needed youthful energy into the otherwise sleepy shorelines of the neighborhood. Delivering the best of music, fashion, design, and culinary arts, guests here are encouraged to break boundaries and fuel their lust for life.

since 2010
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Blending coastal cool with big-city vibes, the jewel of the United Arab Emirates lures tourists with year-round sunshine and record-breaking attractions like the world’s tallest building or the latest addition, the wonderful Museum of the Future. Dubai is also known for being home to some of the most expensive and luxurious hotels in the world. Actually almost 150 properties are rated 5-stars, and the iconic Burj Al Arab is dubbed the world’s only official 7-star hotel. Relaxing spas, splendid infinity pools, breathtaking views, beach butlers, lavish designer spas and regally decorated rooms are just some of the things that these hotels have to offer. So the opening of a new property must be something truly amazing, like almost everything else that is done in the Emirate.

The UAE’s latest W Hotel, located in the heart of Al Mina Al Seyahi, the legendary ‘Port of Travellers’ district of Jumeirah Beach, is home to the glittering Dubai International Marine Club and its 300-berth marina. Blended between the destination’s vibe and the soul of W Hotels, W Dubai - Mina Seyahi is a luxury adultsonly gateway for guests seeking new discoveries and is always buzzing with energy, opportunity and great atmosphere.

Designed by BLINK, the venue was inspired by the traditional Dhow boats, the romance of travel, and the storytelling tradition of Al-Halqa. Dubai’s historical, cultural and social fabric is woven throughout the design of the hotel with surprises waiting to be discovered around every corner. The design pays homage to Al Khous (weaving palm fronds), one of the oldest professions still practiced in coastal regions of the United Arab Emirates. With a rich seafaring history of pearling, fishing, and boat-building, the design seeks to honor the city’s love of the ocean in a reimagined lavish retreat.

“The more we researched the history of Dubai, the generations of traders and storytellers coming together to build this shimmering city by the sea, the more excited we became. The ‘Port of Travellers’ was the overarching inspiration, so we set out from the ground up to imbue this hotel with the soul of storytelling and the spirit of the souk, a place for people to meet and share the stories of their travels, and a haven for modern day traders, wheelers and dealers”, says Clint Nagata, Founder and

Creative Partner of BLINK.

The glass architecture, topped with a snake-head dome, towers over the skyline. Stellar décor welcomes guests as soon as they walk past the huge man-made tree trunk roundabout outside the front door before being transported to an Arabian oasis with colourful glass light fittings. The Welcome Desk features bold colours and textures inspired by the romanticism of a snake charmer – a nod to the Middle East’s history of mystique and its mix of poets, storytellers, and performers who brought the energy of the region to life. Inside, the W Lounge – the brand’s take on the hotel lobby – pays homage to famed, Middle Eastern gold souks, with rich, warm hues and gold accents to create a lively, modernday bazaar. Woven rugs suspended to walls inspired by Aladdin’s flying carpet also feature, and this is just in the lobby!

W Dubai - Mina Seyahi features 318 rooms including 27 suites – all sea-facing with a private balcony – where guests can take in Dubai’s vibrant sunsets over the Arabian Gulf, Palm Jumeirah Island. The design blends accents of traditional Middle Eastern elements in a bright, inviting space with thoughtful touches. “There’s a treasure chest as a bedside table, with little treasures inside to surprise and delight guests”, confirms Mr. Nagata.

The bed headboards are white leather, with ribs and shapes inspired by Dhows, as well as fabrics with motifs drawn from local calligraphy and being playful with paper. Lights echo ancient lanterns in colours straight from the Arabian Nights. The suites have been envisioned as a place to gather with friends for pre-dinner drinks and gossip, or for a casual meeting. The beds have a luxurious seating area, with a tilted minibar in brass and dark blue lacquer, a social space where drinks can be served and a perfect place for lazy grazing.

The wow extends to the walk-in closets, closed with billowing curtains in a gradient of sunset colours, echoing the hues of the bay. We play with the idea of the secrets behind the veil. The storytelling theme extends to the bathrooms via a calligraphy theme, with bold black and white colours to echo ink and paper. The bathroom also has its own seating area, encouraging long bathing rituals, cocktails and conversation.

38 JANUARY 2023

For the most elevated experience, the Extreme WOW Suite – W’s twist on a Presidential Suite –perched on the 30th floor is a 285 square metre contemporary space featuring two bedrooms, a lounge, dining area and a balcony with sweeping views of the city below.

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W Dubai - Mina Seyahi’s dining and nightlife options captivate travellers and locals who gather in search of local and globally inspired flavours, or a tucked-away cocktail lounge. Located on the second floor, Ginger Moon is W Dubai - Mina Seyahi’s urban beach club experience offering imaginative lunch, sunset and dinner menus. Airy and light, this seamless indoor-outdoor space opens to an expansive terrace leading to an infinity pool that highlights panoramic views from the Mina Seyahi bay. The W brand’s signature take on the poolside scene – WET Deck –offers guests a fresh space to soak up the sun poolside or under the refreshing shade of a cabana while enjoying cocktails, bites and eclectic DJ sets.

ATTIKO is a sleek, high-energy rooftop lounge set to become the latest hotspot in the city. An upscale venue boasting enviable views, ATTIKO is the place to be from sundowners to latenight gatherings. ATTIKO serves imaginative cuisine featuring a curated selection of modern and classic Pan-Asian dishes and an extensive menu of international hops, grapes, and signature handcrafted cocktails.

Infused with an eclectic energy, Farrago Bar & Lounge, this arabesque lunch, dinner and late night spot, is the place to see and be seen, setting the tone for vanguards and trailblazers alike, in this tucked away social spot. Inside its plush velvet and richly decadent décor, gives a sultry, relaxed, contemporarymeets-heritage vibe, while the outdoor terrace is decorated with concrete benches alongside the garden walls scattered with big comfy cushions, low tables and laid back loungers.

40 JANUARY 2023


BAR–B, a unisex spa for the guest who likes to show up, show off and show stop! Cocktail culture is at the heart of BAR-B, a unique spa experience where socialising and being pampered go hand in hand. From massages to mani-pedi’s, hair styling to glam booths, BAR-B offers a tantalising spa experience whether you’re looking for chilled out vibes or amped up fun.

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People in the GCC have access to an average of 3 videoon-demand (VOD) streaming services, according to a new survey by global management consultancy Oliver Wyman that analysed household media consumption habits around the world.

The survey canvassed people in three countries across the GCC: the UAE, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Its findings included:

lThe UAE consumer has access to the highest number of VOD services on average, with 3.1, followed by Saudi Arabia (3.0) and then Kuwait (2.5). VOD services include those such as Netflix, Shahid, Amazon Prime, YouTube Premium etc.

l60% of UAE respondents have access to 2 or more VOD streaming services.

lIn the UAE, only 12% of respondents do not access any VOD services, while 22% of those in Kuwait and 20% of those in Saudi Arabia do not access any VOD services.

lGCC consumers access the second highest number of VOD services per person, with an average of 2.9; second only to the United States of America, where each person has on average 4.7 VOD subscriptions. The GCC has higher penetration than Canada (2.8 on average) and Europe and Australia (both 2.6 on average).

lImportantly, the GCC has the highest potential for growth in subscriptions when compared to the other regions surveyed: 75% of respondents in the GCC said they expect to increase the number of VOD streaming services they access. This suggests much more appetite for growth in the GCC than in the other regions: in Europe, only 37% expected to increase subscriptions, with 34% in Australia and 29% in the USA.

lWithin the GCC, respondents in Saudi Arabia showed the highest appetite for growth in subscriptions, with 80% stating that they are likely to increase the number of video streaming services that they access.

Rogerio Dienes, partner and lead of Oliver Wyman’s Communications, Media and Technology vertical in India, the Middle East and Africa, noted that: “The GCC having a globally high rate of video-on-demand subscriptions does not come as a surprise considering the region has one of the highest penetrations of internet users in the world. Additionally, the finding that GCC consumers are more likely to increase the number of video-on-demand subscriptions compared to other regions is in part connected to the fact that consumers here are facing less inflationary pressures

on their wallets compared to those in other parts of the world.”

Nader Kobrosli, a partner in Oliver Wyman’s Communications, Media and Technology practice, pointed out that: “The survey also shows that the under 25 age group is the group most likely to increase their access to subscriptions. Despite having the lowest income bracket, under 25s are generally the first movers in the ‘shift to digital’, so we expect them to continue to be the major driver of growth for video-on-demand subscriptions in the GCC.”

The Oliver Wyman Global Household Media survey canvassed more than 13,500 people in 10 countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the UK, and the USA.

Video-on-Demand streaming habits in the GCC

43 www.cpmagazine.net
On average, people in the GCC have access to 3 video-on-demand streaming services – and their appetite for growth is strong
For more insights from Oliver Wyman please visit www.oliverwyman.com/middle-east 2.5 Average video-on-demand services per person GCC primed for growth People with at least one video-on-demand service UAE KSA Kuwait 70% 80% 90% Europe 37% 34% 29% GCC Australia USA 75% Of respondents in the GCC expect to add another video-on-demand service
New survey by global management consultancy Oliver Wyman canvassed 10 countries and discovered how they stream UAE Kuwait 3.1 KSA


Simple yet deeply symbolic, the Pomellato Together collection eloquently expresses the enigma of love in its many forms. The jewels capture the connections that bind us together, whether it is as lovers, friends, through sisterhood or family ties, or any union between human beings who cherish one another.

Pomellato Together is a range of rings and bracelets that express the beauty and complexity of human bonds with the simplest of Milanese elegance. The jewels are composed of double bands of smooth gold and embellished with diamonds and gemstones, united by a link. These two perfect forms are forever united to create a greater whole as ribbons of gold meet in an embrace, entirely confident in the strength of their togetherness, even when far apart. The rings can be worn either revealing or concealing the link and the simple lines are gender-fluid and their universal appeal is instantly evident.

Creative Director Vincenzo Castaldo says: ‘Our aim was to capture the beauty of togetherness in a very Pomellato way that is essential, inclusive and refined, inspired by Milanese design. The Pomellato Together collection celebrates modern love in all its wonderful diversity.’

44 JANUARY 2023

Crafted by hand in the firm’s Milan atelier, the Pomellato Together collection is conceived as wearable sculptures with their seamless continuous lines, smooth soft finishes and perfect diamond and gemstone settings. White and brown diamonds enhance the rose gold jewels and white gold versions feature blue sapphires or white diamonds. Emeralds and rubies embellish rose gold models of the rings.

The Pomellato Together collection launches in February 2023 and will be supported by a campaign masterminded by director and photographer Lapo Quagli. With references to classic Italian art combined with a contemporary and sensual tone, the campaign brings to life the unique spirit of the jewels. Shot in Milan, the delicate and slow movements of the dancers combined with striking graphic elements and close-ups of hands and arms uniting, tell the story of Pomellato Together.

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Hidden away in the wild Montenegro countryside, perched over the shores of the Adriatic, Boutique Hotel Villa Geba, proud member of Small Luxury Hotels of the World, whispers refined luxury. But the moment you step inside the light and spacious interior you feel immediately at home – contemporary designer details at every turn. Villa Geba likes to follow its own path. Sink into large, sumptuous sofas, before the far-reaching views of the Sveti Stefan peninsula tempt you out onto the terrace. When the time comes to explore further afield, take your pick from Montenegro’s National Parks, sacred mountains and Medieval fortress cities, steeped in culture and history.
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by travel-expert José Berrocoso

Model: Rania Younis (@raniaayouniss)

Stylist: Israa Galal (@byisraagalal)

Photographer: Ahmed Mohamed (@mihielal) Wardrobe: Shop The Runway (@shop.therunway)

48 JANUARY 2023
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50 JANUARY 2023
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52 JANUARY 2023
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Created in 1972, the Pin represents the audacious spirit of the era with its original design that has stood the test of time. And so, 50 years later, the Pin continues to move forward.

Today, that creative legacy swings into miniature territory with two new designs that defy expectations. La Maison is making waves this season with a surprising play on proportions.

The Pin-Toy makes a major statement with its daringly petite proportions. Exploding in a sea of colours, the tiny eye-catcher can be dressed up or down for any occasion.

A personalized chain gives the Pin E�clat an ‘uptown’ aesthetic for glamorous nights out.

The mini size of the Co-Pin makes it the ultimate best friend or ‘copain’ to take on any adventure. The multi-purpose, casual-chic pochette is more than meets the eye, transforming from a clutch to a short shoulder bag in the blink of an eye.

Bold and playful, each of these two silhouettes embody the youthful joy of the Pin family, adding a dose of joie de vivre to your looks and bringing a smile to the face of anyone who crosses its path

54 JANUARY 2023
55 www.cpmagazine.net

No one leaves Ultima Crans-Montana a little bit in love – it leaves you completely awe-struck. Positioned in the altitude of Plateau de PlanMayens, this haven of two private chalets can be enjoyed by multigenerational families and groups of friends. Know that nothing is done in half measures there, with an on-site lake, a quartz-clear swimming pool that mirrors the mountains beyond and a heavenly spa, covering 1,000 m², that much larger hotels couldn’t claim to match.

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Positioned in the altitude of Plateau de Plan-Mayans in the Swiss Alps, Ultima Crans-Montana leaves its guests completely awestruck. Featuring two ultra-luxurious private chalets that can accommodate a large group of up to 38 guests, this property is the ideal secluded haven for multi-generational families and groups of friends looking for a private sanctuary to create lifelong memories together.

This winter season, GCC travellers can embrace their inner explorer with a host of activities available at the property. From taking in the magnitude of Crans-Montana’s mountains on a helicopter ride to feeling a sense of peace while overlooking the dramatic mountain range from a hot air balloon or hitting the highest peaks in the region with private heli-skiing sessions, guests are sure to discover the untouched beauty of the mountains throughout their stay.

There's something for every member of the family to enjoy at Ultima Crans-Montana. Fantastic for children who are not skiing, electric snowcats, snow tubing and husky-led dog sledging across the white wilderness are sure to fill the need for speed. Alternatively, families can indulge in Swiss classics, Savoyard fondue and raclette at a slope-side picnic in the Mayan Alps, or circle the Matterhorn before landing in Zermatt to explore the picturesque town at the foot of the world’s most famous mountain.

58 JANUARY 2023
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60 JANUARY 2023


Investing in self care is easy when you stay at Ultima Crans-Montana. It’s home to an unimaginably luxurious spa, covering 1,000m², and an on-site lake surrounded by idyllic alpine wilds. Rejuvenate in the sauna, hammam, fitness gym, Jacuzzi and heated outdoor pool. It’s all brought to life by Baccarat crystal chandeliers and Kelsey Grey and Bahia Blanca marbles

61 www.cpmagazine.net



It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother’s coffin as the world watched in sorrow—and horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feeling—and how their lives would play out from that point on.

For Harry, this is that story at last. Before losing his mother, twelve-year-old Prince Harry was known as the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky Spare to the more serious Heir. Grief changed everything. He struggled at school, struggled with anger, with loneliness—and, because he blamed the press for his mother’s death, he struggled to accept life in the spotlight.

At twenty-one, he joined the British Army. The discipline gave him structure, and two combat tours made him a hero at home. But he soon felt more lost than ever, suffering from posttraumatic stress and prone to crippling panic attacks. Above all, he couldn’t find true love.

Exes and O's by

Romance-novel connoisseur Tara Chen has had her heart broken ten times by ten different men--all of whom dumped her because of her "stage-five clinger" tendencies. Nevertheless, Tara is determined to find The One. The only problem? Classic meet-cutes are dead thanks to modern dating apps. So Tara decides to revisit her exes in hopes of securing her very own trope-worthy second-chance romance.

Boston firefighter Trevor Metcalfe will be the first to rush into a burning building but the last to rush into a relationship. Love just isn't his thing. When his new roommate Tara enlists him to help her reconnect with her exes, he reluctantly agrees. But Tara's journey is leading him to discover his own new chapter.

The more time they spend together, the more Tara realizes Trevor seems to be the only one who appreciates her authentic, dramatic self. To claim their happily-ever-after, can Tara and Trevor read between the lines of their growing connection?

Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom

In 1848, a year of international democratic revolt, a young, enslaved couple, Ellen and William Craft, achieved one of the boldest feats of self-emancipation in American history. Posing as master and slave, while sustained by their love as husband and wife, they made their escape together across more than 1,000 miles, riding out in the open on steamboats, carriages, and trains that took them from bondage in Georgia to the free states of the North.

Along the way, they dodged slave traders, military officers, and even friends of their enslavers, who might have revealed their true identities. The tale of their adventure soon made them celebrities, and generated headlines around the country. Americans could not get enough of this charismatic young couple, who traveled another 1,000 miles criss-crossing New England, drawing thunderous applause as they spoke alongside some of the greatest abolitionist luminaries of the day—among them Frederick Douglass and William Wells Brown.

But even then, they were not out of danger. With the passage of an infamous new Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, all Americans became accountable for returning refugees like the Crafts to slavery.

Status was once easy to identify—fast cars, fancy shoes, sprawling estates, elite brands. But in place of Louboutins and Lamborghinis, the relevance of the rich, famous, and gauche is waning and a riveting revolution is underfoot. Why do dog owners boast about their rescues, but quietly apologize for their purebreds? Why do people brag about their grinding workweeks? Why are so many billionaires anxious to give (some of) their money away rather than hoard it?

In The Status Revolution, Chuck Thompson sets out to determine what “status” means today and learns that what was once considered the low life has become the high life. He tours the new world of status from a small community in British Columbia where an indigenous artist uses wood carving to restore communal status; to a Washington, D.C. meeting of the “Patriotic Millionaires,” a club of high-earners begging the government to tax them; to a luxury auto factory in the south of Italy where making beautiful cars is as much about bringing dignity to a low-earning region as it is about flash and indulgence; to a London lab where the neural secrets of status are being unlocked.


Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill

In 1943, as the war against Nazi Germany raged abroad, President Franklin Roosevelt had a critical goal: a face-to-face sit-down with his allies Joseph Stalin and Winston Churchill. This first-ever meeting of the Big Three in Tehran, Iran, would decide some of the most crucial strategic details of the war. Yet when the Nazis found out about the meeting, their own secret plan took shape—an assassination plot that would’ve changed history.

A true story filled with daring rescues, body doubles, and political intrigue, The Nazi Conspiracy details FDR’s pivotal meeting in Tehran and the deadly Nazi plot against the heads of state of the three major Allied powers who attended it.

With all the hallmarks of a Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch pageturner, The Nazi Conspiracy explores the great political minds of the twentieth century, investigating the pivotal years of the war in gripping detail. This meeting of the Big Three changed the course of World War II. Here’s the inside story of how it almost led to a world-shattering disaster.

Black on Black: On Our Resilience and Brilliance in America by Daniel Black

A piercing collection of essays on racial tension in America and the ongoing fight for visibility, change, and lasting hope “There are stories that must be told.”

Acclaimed novelist and scholar Daniel Black has spent a career writing into the unspoken, fleshing out, through storytelling, pain that can’t be described.

Now, in his debut essay collection, Black gives voice to the experiences of those who often find themselves on the margins.

Tackling topics ranging from police brutality to the AIDS crisis to the role of HBCUs to queer representation in the black church, Black on Black celebrates the resilience, fortitude, and survival of black people in a land where their body is always on display.

Really Good, Actually

A hilarious and painfully relatable debut novel about one woman’s messy search for joy and meaning in the wake of an unexpected breakup, from comedian, essayist, and awardwinning screenwriter Monica Heisey Maggie is fine. She’s doing really good, actually. Sure, she’s broke, her graduate thesis on something obscure is going nowhere, and her marriage only lasted 608 days, but at the ripe old age of twenty-nine, Maggie is determined to embrace her new life as a Surprisingly Young Divorcée™.

Now she has time to take up nine hobbies, eat hamburgers at 4 am, and “get back out there” sex-wise. With the support of her tough-loving academic advisor, Merris; her newly divorced friend, Amy; and her group chat (naturally), Maggie barrels through her first year of single life, intermittently dating, occasionally waking up on the floor and asking herself tough questions along the way.

The Bandit Queens

Geeta's no-good husband disappeared five years ago. She didn't kill him, but everyone thinks she did--no matter how much she protests.

But she soon discovers that being known as a "self-made" widow has some surprising perks. No one messes with her, no one threatens her, and no one tries to control (ahem, marry) her. It's even been good for her business; no one wants to risk getting on her bad side by not buying her jewelry.

Freedom must look good on Geeta, because other women in the village have started asking for her help to get rid of their own no-good husbands...but not all of them are asking nicely.

Now that Geeta's fearsome reputation has become a doubleedged sword, she must decide how far to go to protect it, along with the life she's built. Because even the best-laid plans of would-be widows tend to go awry.

62 DECEMBER 2022 62 SEPTEMBER 2022
by Ilyon Woo The Status Revolution: The Improbable Story of How the Lowbrow Became the Highbrow by Chuck Thompson by Parini Shroff
since 2010

2019’s Knives Out was a smashing success for director and writer, Rian Johnson. It holds a 97% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and audiences loved the film. Now Johnson is back with another Knives Out mystery with Glass Onion. With a great ensemble cast that includes Edward Norton, Janelle Monáe, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr., Jessica Henwick, Madelyn Cline, Kate Hudson, and Dave Bautista you immediately get excited at the plots various possibilities.

Here comes the spoilers.

Detective Blanc (Daniel Craig) is hired by Helen Brand to investigate the death of her twin sister, Andi Brand, who was the former CEO of a technology company called Alpha. This company was cofounded with Miles Bron (Edward Norton). Andi and Miles had a disagreement over the safety of a hydrogen alternative fuel called Klear that resulted in Andi getting ousted from the company and a subsequent lawsuit being lost in court due to proof of the original ideas versus testimony from Mile’s friends. The suspicion of Helen is that someone murdered her sister when she found the cocktail napkin where the idea for Alpha was written on proving her case. That would also prove perjury for all of the people who sided with Miles.

Miles is hosting a murder mystery weekend at his mansion, the Glass onion, on his private island in Greece. Detective Blanc has Helen attend the event as Andi as they took great efforts to delay the news of Andi’s death. Upon arrival Helen playing Andi is given harsh scowls and questions to why she would come to the island. Additionally some are perplexed why Detective Blanc is there, but since it is a murder mystery weekend everyone assumes he is there as a tongue in cheek nod to the weekends plans. Miles also believes this is an inside joke with the Detective being there. As we meet the other friends of Miles, we get quickly acquainted with Internet Streamer Duke Cody (Dave Batista), his girlfriend Whiskey (Madelyn Cline), fashion designer Birdie Jay, Birdie’s assistant Peg, Governor Claire Debella, and Alpha Scientist Lionel Toussaint. We get small glimpses into their relationship

with Miles and how he has significant influence over each of them. Miles goes on to flex on his wealth and shows the group he has the actual Mona Lisa on loan from the Louvre. At the dinner where Miles wants to begin the Murder Mystery weekends event, Blanc solves the murder mystery instantly and much to the dismay of Miles. Tensions over Andi’s presence culminates in her storming off and Duke falling over dead. The group sees that he drank from Miles glass which has pineapple juice in it which he is highly allergic to. Then they notice his gun is missing. Suspecting Andi is the culprit the party splits up to find Andi. Blanc finds her and while he is talking with her someone shoots her. Blanc gathers everyone and informs them he has solved Andi’s murder.

This is where the film goes into an extended flashback to fill in the gaps. The audience gets some questions answered and some more insights to our characters. This slightly new perspective changes how we feel about the characters and their motives. The choice sin editing and utilizing this flashback is a stroke of brilliance. The director and writer is providing the audience with more details and filling in the gaps culminates into a layered story with some quirky characters. Ultimately the story is still straight forward, but with such interesting characters I will stop here with the spoilers. There are a few more surprises and an explosive ending which sees Miles become infamous and justice served for all parties involved.

Rian Johnson has another success with Detective Blanc and I know the comparisons to Agatha Christie’s Detective Poirot will be made, but I feel there is enough distinction between the two characters. Also given the time periods both franchises are operating in there is plenty of room for both to exist. As long as these films bring us interesting characters twisted plots. Audiences can definitely expect more films in the future for both detectives.

Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.

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64 JANUARY 2023


Cadillac Ranch is an art installation that is recognised by millions of people around the globe. The popularity of the Cadillac Ranch is seemingly enduring, as visitors continuously arrive to view the 10 upturned Cadillac cars in a Texas field. Curious about the concept behind the project, I wanted to understand more about the elements that make it such a popular attraction. I just had so many questions about how it came to be and more importantly, why it is such a popular stop on the road. Having the opportunity to visit the ranch this year gave me the drive, pun intended, to look a bit deeper into the installation by experiencing it for myself.

When heading West from Amarillo Texas on the Interstate (I-40), or if perhaps, like myself, you are following the historic route 66, you will find 10 Cadillac cars, in a line, buried in the mud. Not as a fateful accident or an episode of unexplained alien activity. The cars are an art sculpture known as Cadillac Ranch. They are in chronological order of their manufacture; buried in the mud, front end down and rear pointed up toward the sky. It is said that the angle of the cars is the same as the angle of the Pyramids of Giza. The conceptual purpose, according to the creators, is to show the change in design or the evolution of the rear fin style of the cars over time. The ages of the chosen 10 vehicles are from 1949 to 1963, considered by many to be the ‘Golden Age’ of the American automobile. A time when vehicles arose from the sketches of a designer’s notebook and the style was a reflection of the optimism of the time.

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The sculpture is the work of three men from San Francisco. Chip Lord, Doug Michaels and Hudson Marquez. Collectively they were known as Ant Farm: the two architects and Marquez, an artist. Ant Farm were interested in unconventional architectural projects and in trying to overthrow the existing corporate conventions of the time. Inspiration for the Cadillacs came to Marquez from a book about cars1. He is said to have particularly liked the Cadillac because of their tail fins and the way he saw their design evolve with the models. He had envisioned the installation and, when he had the time available, he sketched the project up. With the idea now committed to paper, Ant Farm was now needed a backer. One of the people that they had contacted in the hopes of backing the project was Texas oil millionaire Stanley Marsh 3. I don’t think that it was an easy sell; Marsh wrote in his letter replying to the group that he thought the project was "irrelevant and silly". But fortunately for Chip Lord, Doug Michaels and Hudson Marquez, Marsh was also an unconventional millionaire who happened to like that sort of thing. As Marsh was a man with a reputation for being both a bit eccentric and a prankster, they were able to convince him to support the sculpture and the project went ahead.

In 1974 they had sourced, purchased and assembled the cars into the field. Once they had the cars together, it took just 5 days to execute the plan. In fact, the complete project took only two months from the initial surveying of the property to the last backfill of dirt. The cars, mainly obtained from junkyards, are still the original cars that Ant Farm placed, but they are now in their second location. The vehicles were exhumed from their original location and moved further out from Amarillo in 1997. It is reported that

Marsh supervised the move and ensured that the trash and debris surrounding the cars were also moved to the new location. Despite being on private property, visitation to the cars and actively participating in tagging the vehicles with paint is encouraged. Marsh considered that the interaction and painting was a positive move to continually improve the installation. The cars have been stripped of any loose or chrome parts (even the doors) over the years, as people source souvenirs. In September 2019, the oldest Cadillac was burned in an act of arson. It caused so much public outrage and anger, the thought that someone would want to destroy the exhibit. The Dallas Morning News, on reporting the incident, also questioning as to who would want to spoil the fun and break up the party.

What is the experience like?

On arriving at the location, there are no sign posts leading one to the attraction. Not difficult to locate however, since the cars are visible from the highway. You will see the parked cars and see the people, walking like a stream of ants. You will not find an organized parking lot all lined with parking bays. Instead, you will park along the side of the road. A simple gate into the field. The field is just a field. It will be wet and muddy if it is or has been raining, so you have to be prepared. Walking towards the installation, the fragrance of the off-gassing paint becomes stronger as you approach. It was not crowded the day I was there but there was still a steady rotation of people leaving as new artists arrived. It is interesting to see that some arrive with a can or two of paint, whilst others are armed with multiple bags of cans and clearly on a mission. People of all ages, speaking many languages. Some meandering around and in between the cars, others taking photographs of friends and family or

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their recently completed painting. Climbing onto or into the vehicles to get a picture. Others are just watching the interaction of the humans with these strangely arranged cars.

For me, the experience was one of public freedom. When you step through the gate there are no signs of instructions. No list of rules and regulations to follow. You do not have to keep to the path since there isn’t one. You cannot keep behind the line and you do not have to stand back from the rope. There are no staff to take your booking, sell you a ticket or check your wrist band. The visitor centre does not exist. Without any security, you will just come and go as you please, as the attraction is always open so you can make your own hours to visit. You can spray paint over someone else’s design or tag. Quickly take a picture when you are finished, as soon someone else will be painting over yours too. There is a surreal etiquette of people sharing the space. A sense of anarchy that lets your inner child loose. A time to be silly, whether you are on your own or with friends and family. A shared experience. You do not need to stand by for too long before someone with a broad smile will be trying to give you a can. Strangers wanting to share the fun.

It is estimated that close to 2 million visitors arrive to see and interact with Cadillac Ranch every year. I had to get my thoughts around this so I looked up Stonehenge for context. Now, I am not saying that Stonehenge is the same as Cadillac Ranch, but it is also a famous, world-renowned site that is a roadside attraction, to some extent. The English Heritage society reports that Stonehenge averages 800,000 visitors per year. Unlike the Cadillac Ranch, to visit Stonehenge you will need to park in the parking lot, follow the path, potentially drop over $100 at the Visitor Centre for tickets for the family, keep behind the rope, and then never get close enough to touch a stone. I know that this is to protect the stones which seemed to do just fine on their own for 3,000 years before English Heritage arrived to protect them, but that is progress.

I believe that Cadillac Ranch’s success has been, and continues to be, freedom. It seems to me that any change to the installation to impose rules and regulations will just alter the vibe, and change the entire experience. As many people do on a daily basis, I left my visit with a broad smile on my face. I looked across the field in the flat

landscape before driving away and thought how fitting it all was. Far enough away in the field to be secluded and yet completely visible. A moment in time to be silly. Stanley Marsh 3 passed away in 2014. I think we can agree with him that Cadillac Ranch is silly, however, it is not irrelevant.

The Cadillac Ranch is located at 13651 I-40 Frontage Rd, Amarillo, TX 79124, United States.

The opinions shared are mine based on my own experience. Your experience could be the same or different. Take time to do your own research to see if this is right for you. I was not paid or sponsored by anyone, including The Cadillac Ranch,to visit this location. It was an independent choice and my visit was funded from my personal account.

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Growing up in an Arab household in Japan, Lebanese Designer Nada Debs always felt the need to belong. This strong desire to uncover her identity led her back to her roots, located thousands of miles away from Japan, in Beirut – Lebanon. Nada shares her powerful story with INFINITI, through its global The Makers Series.

The Series started off documenting designers, creatives, and craftspeople in Japan, across two seasons. The Makers’ first International Chapter starts its global journey in the Middle East, and will make its way to Taiwan, Canada and Mexico, focusing on craftspeople who live and work outside the country, formulating their own aesthetics through collective cosmopolitan experiences.

Nada’s work encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including product and furniture design, as well as unique commissions in craft, art, fashion, and interiors. Celebrating eastern craftsmanship is her design philosophy, and she takes much of her inspiration from Islamic geometry, frequently utilized throughout the Middle East.

In the episode, Nada Debs is in her studio in Beirut, where she speaks about what design means to her, and how far she’s come. This collaboration holds special significance for INFINITI Middle East, as Nada is the first artisan from the Arab world to be featured on The Makers.

70 JANUARY 2023
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The Ram Truck brand introduced a visionary road map today at CES 2023 with its Ram 1500 Revolution Battery-electric Vehicle (BEV) Concept, that provides a glimpse into the future and demonstrates how the industry’s leading truck brand will once again redefine the pickup truck segment. The leading-edge Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept showcases a truck-load of innovative features that will be seen in Ram trucks going forward and in particular on Ram’s electrification journey.

Ram will differentiate itself by offering a portfolio of fully electrified solutions to better meet customer needs, including a segment-redefining Ram 1500 BEV in 2024. The entire Ram lineup will offer electrified solutions with disruptive, leading-edge advanced technology in the years to come. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is the first chapter that establishes how Ram will push past competitors’ future EV offerings.

“The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is our clearest signal yet that we’re on the precipice of something extraordinary at Ram and points directly to where we’re going on our electrified journey,” said Mike Koval Jr., Ram brand CEO – Stellantis. “At Ram, we’ve redefined what pickup trucks can be and will do so again by pushing past what competitors are offering by delivering the best electric pickups on the market.”

The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is part of Ram’s significant contribution to Stellantis’ Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan to lead the way the world moves by delivering innovative, clean, safe and affordable mobility solutions.

“The Ram Revolution represents several important things to the Ram

brand,” Koval added. “Of course, it’s our new Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept that serves as a roadmap to our electrified future. Yet Ram Revolution is also our philosophy as we redefine the pickup segment, with a steady drumbeat of announcements and initiatives as we embark on our electrified journey.”

Ram is committed to innovation and powertrain leadership with a lineup that consists of anything and everything truck buyers want and need, meeting real-world demands. Today Ram offers the most fuel-efficient 4x4s and the quickest, fastest and most powerful pickup truck straight from the factory.

Ram will once again redefine the pickup truck segment with its revolutionary Ram 1500 BEV production model in 2024. It will be the leader in a combination of areas customers care about the most: range, towing, payload and charge time. More news on the production version will be available in the coming months.

Pioneering design establishes the vision for Ram’s electrified future

The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept provides a stunning vision of the ultimate pickup truck as part of the future of Ram Trucks. Ram’s exterior design team set out to revolutionize the pickup truck segment by creating an ultra-modern concept that exudes heroic strength, maintains its purpose and is environmentally responsible.

The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features an exterior design that is strikingly “brutiful” – brutal yet beautiful. An animated and modernized

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The Ram Revolution BEV Concept is a visionary road map showing how the industry’s leading truck brand will redefine the pickup segment once again

“R-A-M” badge adorns the all-new face of Ram that features a fully animated LED “tuning fork” design. The doors have been reimagined in a grand saloon style opening that showcases a cavernous occupant space without a B-pillar. Bright LED lights have been cleverly integrated into the front bumper flares and advancements in lighting are highlighted by fully animated LED tail lamps and badging. Building on Ram’s reputation as North America’s off-road and performance truck leader, the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features an integrated fascia design with a skid plate and new pivoting tow hooks that can sit flush.

Innovative features are thoughtfully integrated throughout and include a new powered frunk with one-touch open-and-close functionality that adds capability and storage. Other powered features include a powered charge-port door, situated on the driver’s side front quarter panel, a powered tail gate, flush-mounted door handles, powered side steps and a powered rear step with active diffuser round out the extensive list of powered features.

The concept features revolutionary sideview mirrors that are smaller, more lightweight and use 3-D printed materials for optimal aerodynamics and reducing drag. The sideview mirrors use a digital camera to capture the truck’s surroundings, allowing for a smaller physical size.

The charge port illuminates and blinks while charging. An audible sound will signal it’s plugged in and charging has begun. The charge port features level 1 and level 2 AC charging on the top half and DC fast charging on the bottom half of the charger.

Recognizable Ram design cues with added capability include a power multifunction tailgate and a larger RamBox. The acute hour-glass body design and fender wells clear 35-inch tires with a new unique design. The 1500 Revolution BEV concept features self-leveling capability and rides on 24-inch wheels with center caps that light up and stay in place.

These new proportions are achieved courtesy of the innovative STLA Frame EV platform on which the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is built. New intelligent safety systems and smaller, more powerful electric motors afforded the design team the ability to shift the cabin forward and increase cabin length. The 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features a cabin that is four inches longer than today’s production truck for increased room and comfort while the bed length remains the same.

New interior boasts sustainable materials with never-seen-before levels of flexibility, comfort and innovation

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“Obey your family. Do not disgrace us,” she said. In this sentence, disgrace means


1. The Italian bread ciabatta is named literally (actually) after what footwear?

2. The technical term abecedarian refers to what form of organization?

3. What poker expression is a bold empty bluff or bad hand, and generally a brazen deceit: Ace High; Trump; Four Flush; or Five-Card-Trick?

4. Name the famous maker of soy sauce whose logo/name represent '10,000 tortoises'?

5. The massively popular Chinese website Taobao.com (10th busiest globally at 2013) operates in which sector: Dating; C2C shopping; Sport; News?

6. Which one of these is not among the four main human blood groups: A, B, AB, AO, O?

7. The verb word 'proscribe' means to: Allow; Outline; Forbid; or Praise?

8. What mountain range makes moist winds rise and precipitate causing the monsoon of SW Asia?

9. The word Tet in the Tet Offensive (N Vietnam/Viet Cong against S Vietnam/US forces on 30 Jan 1968) referred to the national: Capital City; Religion; Leader; or New Year?

10. The lollipop brandname Chupa Chups is based on the Spanish verb to what?

put in a positiondangerous bring shame or dishonor upon

a. b. d.

c. provide a protective covering for make strong or stronger

ANSWER: b. Use the verb disgrace to say that someone has brought shame upon himself. Your brother might disgrace himself at the family reunion by being rude to your Uncle Bob. You probably notice that grace makes up a big part of disgrace. Combine this with the dis- prefix, meaning “the opposite of,” and you get a word that involves shame and dishonor. Think of disgrace as a kind of fall from grace — it’s what happens when you do something that causes you to lose favor or damages your reputation. You could disgrace yourself by losing your tennis match badly, or you could disgrace yourself by cheating on an exam.

11. What does the 'tele' in television, telescope, telephone, etc., mean originally in Greek?

12. A natural bee honeycomb is made of what material?

13. In physics which two of these are the basic characteristics of a vector quantity: Immobility, Magnitude, Weight, Direction?

14. What geographical feature refers metaphorically to a turning point in history, or a division between two periods?

15. What is the famous weaponry invention of Israeli army officer Uziel Gal (1923-2002)?

16. Which corporation developed the Encarta encyclopedia?

17. The traditional abbreviation AB for a seaman actually means what?

18. The biological term 'postorbital' refers to behind the: Eye; Heart; Brain; or Kneecap?

19. Which traditional southern US drink is strongly associated with the Kentucky Derby?

20. What prefix word joins with hearted, house, ship and year to produce four other words?

1 F O N E T 2 O Z K O A 3 S N K A R H 5 I N V I E D 6 X S C E S
4 R F A T E E
ANSWERS: 1.Slipper, 2.Alphabetical, 3.Four Flush, 4.Kikkoman, 5.C2C shopping, 6.AO, 7.Forbid, 8.The Himalayas, 9.New Year, 10.Suck, 11.Far, 12.Wax, 13.Magnitude and Direction, 14.Watershed, 15.Uzi submachine gun, 16.Microsoft, 17.AbleBodied, 18.Eye, 19.Mint Julep, 20.Light What is –10 – (–6) equals to?
74 JANUARY 2023 A. 162 B. -162 C. -4 D. 4




(March 21 - April 19)


The new year will bring forth resolutions around your career path and drive for success, dear Aries, because four celestial bodies are moving through Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs professional ambitions. However, with Mercury traveling backward through the skies, it might not hurt to look to past successes in order to formulate a plan for how to move forward.

Meanwhile, Venus enters Aquarius on January 2, making it a great time to share ideas, call in favors, and lean in to your network of occupational support.

The Cancer full moon on the sixth peels back the layers to reveal your softer side as the stars encourage you to nurture your nearest and dearest. Filling your space with the scent of home-cooked food and the sound of laughter will be particularly fulfilling as the energy at play brings out the homebody within. This cosmic climate also accentuates the importance of maintaining a healthy work/life balance, so don’t hold back if you feel like planning your next vacation or indulging in a little staycation.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)

Good vibes will usher you into the new year, dear Taurus, because four celestial bodies are traveling through Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. This cosmic climate is poised to elevate your intuition and luck, making it a great time to focus on manifesting your hopes and dreams.

Unfortunately, with Mercury in the midst of its retrograde motion, decoding messages from beyond the veil could feel more complicated than usual, making it important that you maintain a healthy sense of reality while moving through this dreamy and supportive energy. Your career ambitions will also benefit from some celestial aid as Venus moves into Aquarius and your solar tenth house on January 2. This planetary placement brings a magnetism to your professional persona, giving you a chance to charm your colleagues and superiors. The energy at play also encourages you to help others make headway on their own journeys, so it’s important that you offer a leg up to your peers whenever the opportunity arises. The more you invest in the happiness of your coworkers and friends, the more you will thrive moving forward.

(May 21 - June 20)


You’ll feel galvanized by the idea of transforming your life as the new year kicks off, dear Gemini, thanks to a series of celestial bodies traveling through Capricorn and your solar eighth house. This cosmic climate has a destructive yet cleansing energy, providing you with an opportunity to unapologetically cut ties with anyone or anything that is no longer serving you. Don’t feel bad about implementing strict boundaries, blocking old flames, and removing yourself from unhealthy situations, because doing so will provide you with a great sense of relief and the freedom to move forward unhindered by these sources of drama.

Though the retrograde journey of Mars through your sign might have left you feeling tired, out of sorts, and more temperamental over the last two and a half months, you’ll have a chance to reclaim your groove when this passionate planet heads direct on January 12. The changing of these cosmic winds can help you become more excited about the future, allowing you to reconnect with your motivation and that which inspires you. Though your gut might tell you it’s time to move full speed ahead with your goals, it might be wiser to proceed with caution, because the funky vibes of this planetary backspin will linger until March 15.

The stars conspire to shower you with luck and support starting when the sun moves into Aquarius and the spiritual sector of your chart on the twentieth. Use this solar placement as an excuse to embrace your mystical side, because the Universe is eager to guide and communicate with you.

(June 21 - July 22)


Love will be at the forefront of your mind as the new year kicks off, dear Cancer, because four celestial bodies are moving through the sector of your chart that governs matters of the heart. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you might want to consider setting resolutions around how to nurture healthy and supportive partnerships moving forward. However, these sentiments apply to all of your closest bonds, whether romantic or platonic.

You’ll feel a surge of cosmic energy surrounding you during the full moon in your sign on January 6. You can expect to feel more open-hearted and sensitive than usual, which can be a good or bad thing, depending on your situation. Take note of anyone or anything that drags your vibe down during this time, because it could be a nudge from the Universe that it’s time to move on to greener pastures. When all is said and done, this luminary event is all about prioritizing your needs.

The vibe shifts when the sun enters Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs transformation on the twentieth. If the full moon gave you insight on how your life needs to evolve, this solar placement provides you with the energy and motivation to make these changes happen.

LEO (July 23 - August 22)

Your New Year’s resolutions should be motivated by improving your health and wellness, dear Leo, because four celestial bodies are traveling through your solar sixth house. Whether you need to drink less caffeine, get better sleep, or carve out more time for relaxation, now is the time to figure out how these changes fit into your daily routine. This is the most supportive time of the year for you when it comes to altering your habits, making it important that you analyze your lifestyle in the name of elevating your efficiency, organizational skills, and overall well-being.

Mark January 12 on your calendar as a day to celebrate, because it’s when Mars ends its retrograde through Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs community. You should start to see improvements in your neighborhood going forward, though pitching in to make your area a better place can help speed up this process. New dining and shopping establishments are also likely to pop up, so be sure to support local and blossoming businesses.

A harmonious yet cheeky vibe permeates the air beginning when the sun enters Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs love on the twentieth. If you’re currently single and on the hunt for companionship, now would be a good time to revise your dating profiles or ask a friend to set you up. Signing up for classes or joining a special interest group can also lead to new connections, while getting out into the world will allow you to find grace and support in unexpected places.

VIRGO (August 23 - September)

Give yourself permission to get a little creative with your New Year’s resolutions, dear Virgo, because four celestial bodies are moving through Capricorn and your solar fifth house. Even if you are typically one of the more reserved members of the zodiac, this cosmic climate is all about having fun, enjoying life, and leading with an open heart. Your artistic abilities and social skills can also benefit from a significant boost, and an extroverted disposition will suddenly wash over you, allowing you to forge new bonds. However, you should be mindful to nurture your existing friendships as well, especially when it comes to your siblings and best buds. You’ll notice that you’re in a position of power when the sun cozies up to Pluto on January 18, making it an ideal time to throw your weight around a bit. Good vibes continue to flow as Mercury ends its retrograde journey that day, helping you reclaim your sense of focus. Use this energy to bulldoze through obstacles that have held you back from your goals, and allow this newfound sense of confidence to lead you toward a better tomorrow. However, your aura might be a little intense for some, so it’s important that you be mindful of others during each interaction.

(September 23 - October)


Plan on structuring your New Year’s resolutions around healing, dear Libra, because four celestial bodies are moving through Capricorn and your solar fourth house. Though these vibes might inspire you to nurture others, your energy would be better spent catering to your own emotional, mental, and physical needs. A desire to move slowly and lounge at home could also come into play, and you’ll want to listen to your body when it tells you that it’s time to lay low. There’s also a good chance that your mood will fluctuate, shifting from closed off and desensitized to emotionally charged and full of gratitude. Give yourself permission to ride these waves, and try not to get upset by how others are feeling.

A rush of auspicious energy finds you when Mars ends its retrograde journey through the sector of your chart that governs spirituality on January 12. If you’ve been feeling uninspired or unmotivated through the last two and a half months, this cosmic shift can help you reclaim your optimism and lust for life. You should also see an increase in your luck as the stars conspire to make up for any headaches caused by this planetary backspin. Your creative mind becomes more active beginning when the sun moves into Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs self-expression on the twentieth. This solar placement can also cause your social life to pick up, and new connections could manifest randomly and at any moment. These vibes are also great for indulging in a little fling, so don’t feel guilty about firing up your dating apps for a bit of fun.

(October 23 - November)


People are drawn to your sage advice and emotional depth right now, dear Scorpio, because four celestial bodies are moving through sensible Capricorn and the sector of your chart that governs communication. Though the new year tends to bring out anxieties and excitement in the collective, try not to overextend yourself with emotional heavy lifting for anyone who wouldn’t do the same for you. On a personal level, these vibes are great for massaging that brilliant mind of yours, so you might want to set resolutions around learning a new skill or reading more.

The Cancer full moon on January 6 acts as one of the most magical nights of the year for you, because Lady Luna shines brightly in the spiritual sector of your chart. Use this energy to connect with the other side, taking special note of any strange dreams, signs, or synchronicities that find you during this time. Tapping in to your gratitude can also help you usher in new rewards, so be sure to let the other side know how much you appreciate your blessings.

If you’ve found yourself in a funk during the last two and a half months, the fog can begin to lift when Mars ends its retrograde journey through Gemini on the twelfth. Use the momentum of this planetary shift to get serious about your personal evolution and the doors will begin to open. You’ll notice a shift once Aquarius season manifests on January 20, pushing you to nurture your most valued relationships while investing in the aesthetic and comfort of your home.


You’ll feel inspired to set financial resolutions for yourself in 2023, dear Sagittarius, because four celestial bodies are traveling through the sector of your chart that governs money and materialism. These vibes are perfect for investing in yourself and opting to purchase fewer yet nicer things in the coming year as the stars make an effort to refine your taste in clothing, appliances, food, and cosmetics. Luckily, as long as you stay dedicated to achieving success, you should have plenty of income to work with.

With Mercury and Mars both retrograde in our skies, there’s a possibility that your sense of security in matters of love and money has been challenged recently. Luckily, passion can regain traction in your romantic life beginning when Mars ends its reversal through Gemini on January 12. Prepare to get your flirt on in the coming weeks, but try not to rush into a new relationship simply to end a dry spell. Good vibes continue to flow when Mercury heads direct on the eighteenth, helping you take a more pragmatic and organized approach to balancing your budget and padding your bank account.

You’ll notice a shift when the sun makes its debut in quirky Aquarius on January 20, prompting you to use your voice. This solar placement is perfect for sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world even if they are a bit unconventional. Divine intervention might help you find new connections during the new moon the next day as the Universe pushes you toward like-minded individuals. Keep your eyes peeled for fellow weirdos right now, because you could land yourself a new best friend.

(December 22 - January 19)


You should feel secure and confident in your path as the new year rolls in, dear Capricorn, because the sun, Mercury, Pluto, and Venus are all traveling through your sign. These vibes can push you to embrace transformation before Pluto leaves your sign this spring, so be sure to take a proactive approach toward the changes you seek. Luckily, an increase in your popularity can make it easier to find new opportunities, because people are more willing to open doors and give you a leg up.

The Cancer full moon on January 6 acts as one of the most romantic yet emotionally charged evenings of the year for you, making it important that you strive to maintain balance within yourself and your most valued partnerships. If you’re in a relationship, use this energy as an excuse to embrace luxury and self-care with your sweetie, choosing to take on 2023 from a place of calm and relaxation. If you’re currently flying solo, the energy at play is perfect for updating your cosmetics, especially if your beauty routine has gotten a touch boring.

Aquarius season manifests on the twentieth, activating the sector of your chart that governs finances and materialism.

(January 20 - February 18)


Though the emergence of a new year typically conjures images of large parties, bottles of bubbly, and people celebrating, you might not be in the most extroverted mood with four celestial bodies traveling through your solar twelfth house. That’s right, dear Aquarius, 2023 threatens to kick off with you stuck in a bit of rut, potentially causing you to slip into hermit mode. Luckily, the stars support your desire for solitude, especially once Venus moves into your sign on January 2, encouraging you to prioritize self-care, restoration, and grace through the coming weeks.

Luckily, you’ll feel inspired to stick your toe back into the social pool beginning when Mars ends its retrograde reign of terror through Gemini on the twelfth. This planetary backspin likely left you feeling moody, tired, and uninspired during the past two and a half months, though these symptoms will begin to dissipate moving forward. If you’re not quite ready for late nights out on the town, consider directing your focus toward passion projects and creativity.

Your star begins to rise when the sun migrates into your sign on January 20! This solar placement helps you reconnect with your identity and sense of self just in time to carry on with your solar return festivities. The Aquarius new moon the next day ushers in an abundance of supportive energy from beyond the veil, so be sure to set meaningful intentions for how you’d like to grow through the next year. Meanwhile, Venus moves into Pisces on the twenty-sixth, elevating your ability to manifest your wildest dreams into reality.

(February 19 - March 20)


You might begin to feel as though you’re the center of your social circle, dear Pisces, because four celestial bodies are moving through the sector of your chart that governs community. Organizing large gatherings and giving back to your community can be particularly satisfying as the stars push you to bring people together. While this cosmic climate is poised to elevate your popularity, you might begin to feel overly responsible for the well- being of those around you. Use these vibes to your advantage by making new connections and looking for ways to improve your social standing, but avoid taking on more emotional labor than you can handle.

If your home life has felt more tense or disorganized through the last two and a half months, reprieve comes when Mars ends its retrograde journey through Gemini on January 12. This celestial shift can inspire you to regain control of your domestic life, making it a great time to tidy up and bless your space. The overall vibe in your home is also poised to improve, defusing any tension that might have built up between you and any housemates recently.

While the year certainly kicks off to a busy start, you’ll begin to quiet down once the sun enters Aquarius on the twentieth. This luminary placement activates the sector of your chart that governs introspection, asking you to embrace solitude and examine your situation.

(November 22 - December)
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