CP July 2020c

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since 2010

ISSUE: 127


since 2010

JULY 2020

The Team


GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem

Corporate Offices

CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina

PHOTOGRAPHY TEAM Ahmed Madi Hamad Alainati Adel Javed Riyaz Modadi SALES TEAM Nathalie Rolland





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since 2010






44. Follow The Rules Of The Mind 72. The All-New Chevrolet Captiva 73. The Wraith Kryptos Collection A Labyrinth 46. What Is Formerlyme? 55. 6 Simple And Effective Stretches To Do Of Complex Ciphers

After Your Workout


62. Day Vs Night Makeup Look 68. 10 Top Hair Care For Summer


74. The Hottest Romances Of July


34. Illustrella: The Ultimate Voyage


8. It’s A Dog’s Life! 10. ‫ المدرسة مغلقة‬..‫نعتذر‬ 13. Depressed No More 15. ‫هل انت راض عن حياتك؟‬


56. Experts Advise A Different Approach To

Preventing Heart Disease In Women 70. Is Using A Face Mask Causing Skin Irritations And Breakouts?



16. Travel Etiquette You Should Know

Before Traveling Abroad

48. Bonus Miles - Three Names For A

Glorious City 67. A Room With A View


20. Farah Malky 22. Vilain & Gai 26. Shahad Nazer 30. Kinza Hanif 40. Khalid Al-Mulla 58. Maisoon Al-Saleh

REGULARS 80. Homework For Grownups 82. Horoscopes












JULY 2020

Gill Sherry


don’t want to put a dampener on things, not when we’re finally beginning to get back to some kind of normality. Lord knows, there’s been enough bad news without me adding to it. But I just wanted to share the fact that we have recently lost our dog. Not lost as in slipped his lead and ran away. Lost as in gone to heaven, over the rainbow bridge and into the next life of endless treats, constant sunshine and more doggy friends than he ever thought possible. At this point, I will lose some of you too. You’ll turn the page, indifferent to whatever else I have to say, bored of a topic that, quite frankly, is of no interest to you whatsoever. The rest of you, however, the dog lovers among you, will read on. Already sympathetic, the memory of (or idea of) losing your own dog, will aid your understanding of my loss and compel you to continue, despite the sorrowful subject. Because, let’s face it, only those who have owned a dog, fed it every day, walked it day and night, rain or shine, picked up its poo and wiped up its sick, will know how I feel. Ozzie was a Jack Russell Terrier, the cutest little thing with one brown eye and one blue. At thirteen, it was obvious he was edging towards the end of his life but even so, I was nowhere near ready to say goodbye. He was my comfort at sad times, soaking up my tears better than a three-ply tissue ever could. He was my mate at happy times, jumping for joy so I didn’t look silly doing it by myself. He was my personal trainer, forcing me outdoors when I’d rather put my feet up and watch TV. A comedian, making me laugh with his quirky habits. My tormentor, almost choking me when he silently passed wind. An irritant, peeing up my leg when he was overexcited. But he was always my best friend. Ozzie, it has to be said, was the best. I suppose it must be like having children. Your own are always better than everyone else’s. Cleverer, prettier, kinder, more loving, more generous, more talented. Let’s be honest, we’re all biased when it comes to our families. And dogs (as well as cats, rabbits, hamsters, canaries, or whatever else you share your home with) are part of the family.

Ozzie insisted on eating breakfast the same as we did. He enjoyed a trip out in the car, a walk along the beach and a relaxing evening by the fire. He chased away strangers but welcomed friends. He knew exactly who liked him. And who didn’t. He knew precisely when it was time for dinner. And woe betide anyone who tried to steal his toys. He was one of us, as much a part of the family as the rest of us. He first became ill in 2018, his zest for life suddenly absent. The vet prescribed what became known in our family as ‘happy pills’, transforming him (albeit temporarily) from a sorry-looking OAP to a carefree young pup. Gone was the old man with his tail between his legs and no interest in his lead. Replaced instead with a playful little guy, first in the queue for a day trip, raring to go in his new tartan coat. But Ozzie wasn’t stupid. He spat out his pills like I spat out Brussels sprouts. Coupled with the tumour that was growing inside him, his days, it seemed, were numbered. Despite his healthy appetite, the weight fell off him faster than we could say ‘walkies’ until, eventually, we knew it was time. As a dog owner, there is nothing more painful than taking your beloved pooch to the vet knowing you’re not bringing him back. It is the worst kind of heartache and one that only other dog lovers will understand. I’m not ashamed to admit that I cried; broke my heart, in fact. The house just isn’t the same without him. I miss his happy face when I walk in the door, his excited face when I put on my shoes, his hopeful face when I make a sandwich (especially if it’s cheese). I miss his handsome face when he poses for a picture, his playful face when he chases a ball, his sleepy face when we say goodnight. But say goodnight we did. As heartbroken as I am and as raw as it still feels, it’s reassuring to know that we gave him the best life. A happy life in a loving home. Quite literally, a dog’s life. And it’s heartening to know that, maybe, just maybe, we can do the same again. Because, as those of you who are still reading this will know, life just isn’t the same without a dog.




‫نعتذر‪ ..‬المدرسة مغلقة‬ ‫د‪ .‬دينا عبدالكريم الشمري‬

‫‪Dr. Dina A.Karim Al-Shammeri‬‬

‫ال تعلق ثقافة أبنائك و تعليمهم بالمدارس‪ ،‬هاهي المدارس مغلقة‬ ‫اآلن فهل سيكون هذا عذرا لبقاء أبنائنا على جهل؟؟؟‬ ‫بالطبع ال‪ .‬سأقدم لكم هنا بعض النصائح لتعليم وتثقيف األبناء رغم‬ ‫إغالق المدارس ‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .١‬تحاور معهم بأمور علمية مختلفة و أدبية و دينية‪ ،‬تحدث معهم عن‬ ‫التاريخ والرياضيات والعلوم البيولوجية‪ ..‬عن األدب والنحو واللغات‪ ..‬و‬ ‫كل ما يحتاج أن يعرفه ويتعلمه‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .٢‬يمكنك طرح أسئلة ثقافية على طريقة مسابقة‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .٣‬اطبع من قوقل أوراق عمل شيقة لمواد مختلفة وكل حسب عمره‬ ‫و اترك ابنك‪/‬ابنتك يحل الورقة و قم بتصحيحها و مناقشتها‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .٤‬اطرح أسئلة ثقافية مفاجئة وقل‪ :‬من الذي يستطيع اإلجابة على‬ ‫سؤالي‪.‬‬

‫‪ .٥‬شاهدوا برامج ثقافية على اليوتيوب مثال بشبك القناة على التلفاز‬ ‫ليمكنكم المشاهدة معاً‪.‬‬ ‫‪ .٦‬القراءة القراءة القراءة‪ ..‬أما أن يقرؤوا أو أن تقرأ لهم أو أن تقرأ ثم‬ ‫تشاركهم ما قرأت‪.‬‬ ‫‪.٧‬دعهم يمارسون القراءة بصوت مسموع و قم بإعطائهم شهادة تقدير‬ ‫صناعة منزلية للقارئ الجيد‪.‬‬ ‫و أخيرا اثرهم بالمعلومات‪ ..‬ال تقل إنه صغير ال يفهم‪ ..‬التعليم في الصغر‬ ‫كالنقش على الحجر‪.‬‬ ‫هذه فرصة لنعلمهم أ كثر مما تعلمهم المدارس و لنطرح عليهم‬ ‫مواضيع لم تتطرق لها المدارس‪.‬‬ ‫و تذكر الطفل الذي يستمد علومه من المدرسة فقط لن يتثقف‪.‬‬ ‫‪JULY 2020‬‬





APRIL 2020

nadia_omnia enquiries.nadia@gmail.com

Nadia AlHaroon


Depression has become something very common that people suffer from. It comes in different ways and different levels to each individual. Although there can be similarities, no case is exactly the same, as it is a very complex mental health issue. A lot comes into play when diagnosing an individual with depression and the severity of it. What we need to understand is that it is perfectly OK to seek help if someone is feeling depressed. We need to disregard the belief in society that it is something to be ashamed about, because attaching ourselves to this shame makes it more difficult to get out of this state of depression.


or those that have milder depression, there is a lot that can be done, but it definitely is not a quick fix. The daily effort has to be done in order to get better and it may take a few months of consistently putting in the effort or a few months until the symptoms of depression reduce. Now, let’s jump right into it.

balance then giving a bit more oxygen to the brain? Studies have shown that breathing can help with many issues including brain fog, fatigue, anger, and the list goes on. This is because of the internal scientific things that happen, such as oxygen flow, blood flow, hormone regulation and much more.

5 Second Rule

The movement of the body is essential for decreasing depression levels. Like breathing, studies have shown that it does a lot for the body and mind. The most difficult period is the beginning, where you feel it is so difficult to take that first step. This is where the 5 second rule has to take place. Count to five, put your workout gear on, and start. There are a lot of areas that can be discussed to do with how exercising is so effective, but the one that stands out the most is how it moves stuck energy throughout the body. Once the energy flows in a more natural rhythm through the body, the depression decreases drastically, where it is usually replaced with the feeling of peace. The exercise does not have to be something extreme. It could be cycling, boxing, yoga, or even just a walk (as long as you get those 10,000 steps a day).

The first thing about depression is the feeling of demotivation. The lack of motivation to get out of bed, or take a shower, or go out or even do errands. The trick to this is have a 5 second rule. This means when you wake up and feel demotivated to get out of bed, you count to 5 and then get out of bed fully no matter what. This applies to everything where you feel demotivated. Count to 5 and then do it no matter how you are feeling or what excuses your mind creates for you.


Breathing correctly and deeply allows more oxygen to flow to the brain. After all, depression is in the brain where there is a chemical imbalance. What better way to help the chemicals




.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte

‫هل انت راض‬ ‫عن حياتك؟‬


‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬

‫اهال ً يوليو ‪...‬‬

‫هذا الشهر مميز بالنسبه لي النه فيه ا كمل ال ‪ ٣٥‬عاما ‪...‬‬ ‫لطالما كنت اتساءل في صغري ‪ ...‬يا ترى كيف س تكون حياتي في‬ ‫عمر ال ثالثين ؟‬ ‫في الحقيقة في بدايتها اصبت ب مرض قاسي ‪ ...‬والحمدهللا‬ ‫تشافيت منه ‪ ...‬ولكني لم استسلم ‪...‬‬

‫بعدها وجدت نفسي اعمل ‪ ..‬واخر اليوم بائسه ‪ ...‬ال يوجد انجاز يذكر‬ ‫‪ ...‬وال انسجام بيني وبين الجهة التي كنت اعمل بها ‪...‬‬

‫اال ان قررت ان اشتري حريتي ‪ ...‬واتحمل مسؤولية قراري ‪٪١٠٠‬؜ ‪...‬‬ ‫ف كل قرار نتخذه قد يوجد له ثمن ‪...‬‬

‫لم اقبل ان امضي بقية حياتي الى ان اتقاعد في مكان ال اشعر‬ ‫باالنتماء اليه ‪...‬‬

‫و من هنا ابتدأت رحلتي في ال ‪ ... life coaching‬وجدت نفسي‬ ‫كثيرا ً بالمجال ‪ ...‬ووجدت نفسي اشتغل في االجازة ‪ ...‬واشتغل في‬

‫الفترة المسائية وانا سعيدة وراضية ‪ ...‬و االهم شعرت ب قيمة ذاتي‬


‫واليوم انا فخورة اني ب عمر ال ‪ ٣٥‬عام ‪ ،‬طورت من نفسي و‬ ‫تخصصت في مجال جديد جعلني اليوم املك شركة في نفس مجالي‬ ‫واقدم فيها جلسات‪ ،‬و تم اختياري ل ا كتب لكم مقالة في المجلة‬ ‫شهريا ً ‪...‬‬ ‫ف نصيحتي لكم واجهوا انفسكم واسألوا انفسكم‬ ‫هل انتم راضين عن حياتكم ووضعكم الحالي ؟!‬




Traveling offers us the opportunity to become more open-minded individuals, accepting of other cultures, behaviors, and ways of life. It allows us to make new friends and expand our cultural horizons. However, unless we take the opportunity to learn about the customs of the cultures we are visiting, mishaps and misunderstandings could ensue. To avoid offending individuals in other countries, consider these travel etiquette tips below.


JULY 2020




Be mindful of your outfit and your behavior At the end of the day, we want to show respect to others. To do so appropriately, we must read about the customs of the country we are traveling to before taking flight (or even before packing our suitcases). For example, it is required to cover your head, shoulders, and knees when entering most religious buildings in many countries. In Georgia, women cannot enter religious buildings wearing pants. Pointing the bottom of your shoes or the soles of your feet towards someone in the Arab world is insulting. The 'thumbs up' sign will get you arrested in Iran. The bottom line is, read about the customs and culture of the places you are traveling to before booking your ticket.

Be mindful that after all, you are the guest In China, it’s customary to burp after a meal, in Japan, it is acceptable to slurp your noodles, in the Arab world, it’s only acceptable to eat with your right hand. Though these may not be customs you are used to (or maybe you were taught the exact opposite), you are in their country, and you have no right to judge. It is up to YOU to fit in, not the other way around. It is disrespectful to travel to someone’s country and tell them how they should do things.


JULY 2020

Be mindful of how hard you bargain Although haggling is perfectly acceptable and even expected in some countries (you never want to be laughed at for paying full price in Marrakech), you must know when your enthusiasm has gone too far. If you bargain too hard, you may cause a vendor to miss out on vital income needed to feed her/his family. Negotiate a little for fun, but when it comes down to it, ask yourself if the few extra dollars (that may mean nothing to you) could mean a lot to the seller.

Be mindful of conversations about politics The bottom line is, it’s never a good idea to express your opinion about politics outside of your home country and especially don’t give your opinion about their politics. Play the role of an interested listener to avoid getting worked up and touching what may be sensitive spots for others. Of course, you should answer when asked your opinion, but always be careful to be respectful of other’s perspectives when doing so.

Be mindful of what’s going on around you Respecting people’s time and space while traveling is essential. Move over on an escalator if you’re blocking someone’s way. Don’t hold up a crowd because you’re trying to take the perfect photo. You might be on vacation, but the locals still need to get their business done on time. Make sure you’re not going to knock over someone’s coffee before reclining your airplane seat and don’t leave your belongings in your neighbors’ (limited) airplane space.

While following these guidelines won't ensure a misunderstanding-free vacation, it can certainly add to the quality of the encounters that you have with the locals! www.cpmagazine.net





A young mom, wife and first of all; a content creator. Farah Malky is a Saudi Arabia based positive vibes blogger . This month she shares with our readers how to be optimistic and accept life every day and enjoy every moment. Farah is originally from Egypt and two years ago she and her family moved to Riyadh and now Farah Malky is at the top of the list of Saudi based influencers with the social media handle: @farahadel94 In the last few years what positive changes have you seen in Riyadh's live entertainment? Firstly, openness of the Saudi society thoughts. From my point of view, this will lead to positivity, optimism and success everywhere in the country. For a Saudi citizen or a foreign resident.

Fashion is one of your passions. What are your favourite places to go shopping? Fashion ! sure, every positive woman is in love with fashion. it's not about places or brands. it's about seeing yourself as unique and stylish. For me the most preferred major Middle-East brands are Stradivarius, Bershka and H&M.

How do you bring optimism and positivity to the family? Especially as you have children. The biggest thing is to spread the spirit of optimism and positivity among my family. It gives satisfaction with attention to the psychological and physical conditions. My husband and I have a goal, which is to raise our daughter to look at the bright side of life even if there are some problems.

Can you tell us about your best experience with selfcare? What is your favourite product in cosmetics? My best experience with selfcare is with the natural products like natural soaps or shampoos without any chemicals. I recommend them. My favourite products in cosmetics at the moment are from Inglot and Makeup Forever.

Can you share with the readers your daily tips for success? From my point of view, the real success is reaching happiness. So, I don’t have rules. I just want everyone to search inside their dreams and do it. If you do what you like, you would be happy and this is real feeling of daily success. 20

JULY 2020




"Always stay positive. In moments of crisis there will always be solutions to become a better version of yourself."

VILAIN & GAI is a creative platform consisting of the duo: Tatiana Stoute & Atlynn Merry offering outstanding and creative services in photography, film, styling and artdirections based in the Netherlands. The emphasis in their work is raising awareness on sex differences within the current visual culture, but always with a wink. VILAIN & GAI started with two projects: FEMINAZI FRIDAY & MEATBALL MONDAY, in which a wide range of work has been made. With this, VILAIN & GAI wants to make a social and social statement in a subversive way about the equal treatment between men and women. 22

JULY 2020

Thank you for your interest in our work! We are honored to show our work in this magazine and hope that we can inspire readers of CP magazine.



Thank you for joining us for this interview. You’re welcome. Thank you for having us.

Please introduce yourselves to our readers.

We are Vilain & Gai, Tatiana Stoute (32) and Atlynn Vrolijk (35) a creative duo, we create images using photography, art-direction and styling. We love quirky, colourful images that make you think “where on earth am I looking at?!” We also like having a message or deeper layer in our work.

Tell us about your education.

We both went to the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. It’s an art school. We were in school together.

What got you interested in photography and art direction?

What are you favourite gadgets to use?

We work a lot with improvising. So it changes every time. But things we can’t go withour: We probably use the beautydish the most. We can’t go without a tripod and using a colour filter on the lamp is a nice option now and then. We always have some fabrics that we can use as backdrop. Big wooden squares are super handy for whatever.

I see most of your work is artistic and studio based. Do you also do outdoors?

Yes we also shoot outdoors. Guess it’s easy to shoot in the studio, cause all your equipment is there. But for sure we definitely also shoot outside. We also produce videoclips for artists this is mostly on locations. But yeah now the weather is good, we’re probably going to shoot outside more and more!

We both had a fascination for images. Tatiana knew from young age she wanted to do something with fashion and was always obsessed with standing out, thinking out of the box and I guess you can still see that in our photography being “edgy”. Atlynn was always inspired by taking pictures and creating visuals influenced by fashion and styling. Creating something beyond photography that related in making videos and got her interested in art directing and thinking out of the box.

Is most of your work for clients or do you also do some experimental work?

How and where did both of your meet?

Where do you take the inspiration for your work?

We met in art-school. We both started in fashion design, but both switched within a month to “lifestyle & design”, which was more about image making: styling and photography. We became real friends only after 3 years or so. Now , we know each other for 14 years!

Are you a self-taught or did you take any formal training?

We also make non-commissioned work. We actually started that way. We felt it was very important to make work about sexualizing men. Because in the western image culture mainly women get sexualized. So when all of a sudden men are being sexualized by women with a funny touch to it, it was very different and made people curious. We love making experimental work. From everywhere. From pinterest, instagram, but it can also be something you see outside, a conservation you have or some clothing combination. Inspiration is amazing.

What is your process of completing a piece from start to finish?

We definitely had lessons in photography, concepting and were stimulated creating any form of creative art. But we believe to continue making it creative, you have to keep being inspired and having your own identity as an artist is very important. This is something you have to do yourself and teach yourself.

We think of a concept. We make a moodboard. We shop for props. We ask the team we need. (Make up artist / model / videographer / assistant. We setup the set (lamps / background / set dressing), we shoot it; taking pictures or video. Then we make a selection. After that is where the editing comes in. And then it’s ready for the World Wide Web or other places.

Who does what? How do you decide the roles amongst you on a project?

How has your professional lives been affected by the pandemic, the ongoing issues with coronavirus?

Everyone always asks this haha. We pretty much do the same. The one leads maybe more to one part, but we both can do everything. Atlynn is very good at organizing everything, planning, keeping everything sane. She has an extra great eye for perspective, always on the look for inspiration and is good in making decisions on that final picture. Tatiana is very conceptual and makes moodboards the most. She’s good at editing. finetuning lightning on set and creating a visual story. 24

JULY 2020

We actually had to cancel our studio. Due to Covid-19 there are almost no new assignments. Probably because the first thing people or companies cut is in their markeing budgets. So the studio was too expensive, seeing that this is taking more than just a few months now. But it also brings creative new ideas; we started selling prints of unpublished work and that’s going quite well actually. Every set back is also a new oppurtunity!

Which of your work are you most proud of and why?

Our meatballs. The sexualizing men series. Axel on the toilet is a personal favourite. Ferry in front of the pink limousine also. Loran with Barbie and barbells is also fun! They capture being sexualized by women and have some humor.

What’s it like where you are?

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve realized during this period of social distancing?

That there is a lot of time for yourself and room and space to make art as an artist and not per se just for a client. Also that there are no restrictions or limitations and that we can produce whatever we want for whoever we want.

We live in the Netherlands and at the moment we are not in lockdown modus, we have a policy of 1.5 meter distance and in public transport you have to wear a face mask. We were never in a complete lockdown. Our government called it an “intelligent lockdown” where the citizens had their own responsibility of taking precautions. There were definitely also a lot of restrictions though and still are. No more than 30 people in restaurants. They even want to push a law now about these restrictions but we hope it will get refused because it’s against our fundamental rights. Strange time we live in isn’t it?

Did you develop any new interest or hobby or learned a new skill during this time?

What does an average day look like for you under lockdown?

What's your favourite music/songs for the moment?

We meet at our photo-studio, not in public. Or we work at home. When we make concepts or retouch our photos we do that at our own place at home. In the beginning we didn’t have any work. So we started to create artistic free work for ourselves, not for clients. It was a good thing that we had the opportunity to finally make work. Before Covid-19, we didn’t get to do that as we wanted as we had been too occupied with commercial projects.

How are you dealing with this sudden change in lifestyle?

No not really. Maybe, how to do a zoom call? Hahha. Also tried knitting for just 5 minutes.

What income-producing work have you lost due to the pandemic?

All big productions we had the first 3 months were either cancelled or postponed. Masego – Tadow Young T feat. Headie One – Don’t rush

Any advice on staying sane & relatively positive through this situation?

Things will be better, stay close to people you love. Even if you cannot have physical contact think about them and help each other if you can in any way.

It was a slap in the face. All of a sudden there was no work in our sector. A lot of shoots were cancelled or postponed. It’s still unsure how long this situation in our work field will continue to stay like this.

What 3 things could you not live without under lockdown?

What are the important lessons you have learned during this time?

Outside dinners, picnics and bbqs with family and friends. Social events at work. Also, really want to go clubbing or to a festival, but probably because it’s out of option now.

Always stay positive. In moments of crisis there will always be solutions to become a better version of yourself. We make the best of it and started selling online our unpublished work for afordable prices, so that we still have some income out of our business and had still something on our hands. Try to make the best out of every bad situation and try to see it as an oppurtunity instead of just a setback.

What are you doing now that’s ultimately constructive to your life and/ or career? We set new goals for the future on how to sell more photographic prints, discussing on starting an online shop for it. But also building on a bigger platform with new project that are our own concept. [CutKlub] This wil connect new clients to our bisnes and will see our vision. We have topics like; female empowerment, gender equality, social topics and more.

Family and loved ones, phone, making art.

What are you missing most about the outside world?

What are you most looking forward to doing once the lockdown is over?

We are already out of the strict lockdown so basicly we can do most of the things we did before. But more restricted and things are not as before.

How do you think life will be after Covid-19?

More aware of what we take for granted before the pandemic started. It will be more regulated and people will respect their space more. There will probably still be more regards for hygiene and looking after each other. We hope people will nurture our nature and planet more. Maybe we we will also be more aware of how people were living a hasty life and listen more to their needs instead of FOMO (fear of missing out). www.cpmagazine.net



SHAHAD N A Z E R “Never take the little things for granted.�

Shahad Nazer - a Saudi/Egyptian hybrid with Turkish origins, is a self-taught artist who describes her style of art as "Digital Collage Art". For Shahad the Covid-10 has affected her in a positive way surprisingly. She was hired for many freelance jobs by companies and she also got a new job during the pandemic. Read our exclusive interview with Shahad and know more about this artist.


JULY 2020



Thank you for joining us for this interview It's my pleasure. Thank you for your time.

Please introduce yourself to our readers.

My name is Shahad Nazer. I'm a Saudi/Egyptian hybrid with Turkish origins. I am 24 years of age and a collage artist and an aspiring writer.

Tell us about your education.

I studied advertising under creative design at UBT in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

What got you interested in arts?

Where do you take the inspiration for your work?

My inspiration comes from my dreams, my unspoken thoughts and my surroundings.

What is your process of completing a piece from start to finish? I look for the elements needed to piece my work together, and then combined all these elements to creative a complete artwork that sends the message I have in mind.

Are you a self-taught artist or did you take an formal training?

How has your professional life been affected by the pandemic, the ongoing issues with coronavirus?

What is your form of art best described as? I think it's called Digital collage art.

What are your favourite materials to use?

As I am a digital artist, I mostly use Adobe Photoshop program.

How would you best describe your style of art

My style varies from dreamy, imaginative to powerful and emotional. JULY 2020

Mostly my messages are thoughts or feelings that I fail to put into words or societal issues that we face here in our society. Especially when it comes to women empowerment.

I was into art ever since I was 10 years old. Thanks to my parents who are both artists themselves.

I'm a self-taught artist.


What is the message that you like to convey through your art?

It has been affected in a positive way surprisingly, because a lot of companies started looking for freelancers to work on the things that needed to be done before the quarantine happened. However, when it came to selling my work, that had to be put on hold. But aside from that, I also got a new job during the pandemic.

What’s it like where you are?

Jeddah is a small city, hot and humid, has friendly people mostly and very creative minds. I think that's how I would describe it best.

What does an average day look like for you under lockdown?

Wake up early, have breakfast, play a little COD or spend time with my cat, get to work, finish my tasks, and spend time with my family as much as I can playing cards, boardgames, or watch a movie.

How are you dealing with this sudden change in lifestyle?

I'm dealing with it one step at a time. I don't think life will get back to normal any time soon, but I'll try to embrace the change as much as I can.

What are the important lessons you have learned during this time? Never take the little things for granted.

What are you doing now that’s ultimately constructive to your life and/or career? Making a list of all the things I want to do now that the lockdown has been liftend.

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve realized during this period of social distancing? That I'm not a bad cook after all.

Did you develop any new interest or hobby or learned a new skill during this time?

Yes I learned how to make a really good shrimp pasta, and I've

been really interested in podcasts lately.

What's your favourite music/songs for the moment? Been listening to Isak Danielson recently, and Stuck with U was my quarantine jam.

Any advice on staying sane & relatively positive through this situation? Just distract yourself as much as you can, discover new talents and hobbies, read new books, learn new things, explore your hidden abilities.

What 3 things could you not live without under lockdown? Family, Fiance, and my cat.

What are you missing most about the outside world? The beach.

What are you most looking forward to doing once the lockdown is over? Tan and shopping.

How do you think life will be after Covid-19? It'll be very different, but maybe in a good way who knows.

Finally, your message for us at CP magazine. Keep thriving, keep producing, you guys are awesome! Can't wait to read this articile. :) www.cpmagazine.net



“Sending love and prayers from Pakistan.” Kinza is a young self-taught artist based in Karachi. Holding a business degree, she works for a Japanese project development/regulatory firm but regularly practices art and explains her art style as "Stylized Illustrations". Kinza misses the most ordinary things like the ability to take an elevator to the food court and get herself a sugar fix at work. Read our very interesting interview with this young artist. Thank you for joining us for this interview.

were always drawn towards the artwork rather than the reading material.

Tell us about your education.

Are you a self-taught artist or did you take a formal training?

Thank you for reaching out to me!

I’m a business graduate from Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi. Since graduating in 2017, I have been working in project development/regulatory affairs at a Japanese firm.

What got you interested in arts?

I’ve been an art hobbyist for as long as I remember. Growing up, I was the girl who wrote stories and illustrated them, or the other way round. Visuals always fascinated me. Whether it was a newspaper or a story book my eyes 30

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I am a self-taught artist. I did not go to Art School for formal training but I took Art as a subject during my CIEs which gave me basic technical skills.

What is your form of art best described as? Stylized Illustrations.

What are your favourite materials to use?

Currently, watercolour. There was a time when I was into



graphite and soft pencils but with the quarantine situation, I have had more time in hand to hone my watercolour skills. I also like to keep trying other media and even digital for a change.

How would you best describe your style of art

My work incorporates unruly outlines, stylized forms and deliberate bleeding of paint - almost as an ode to the storybook illustrations I grew up being fascinated by.

What is the message that you like to convey through your art?

Recently, I have been working on a series of paintings on Karachi. My hometown is a controversial city to say the least. But I want to document what it looked and felt like to me while growing up, and along the way if manages to connect with my audience, that’s just a bonus. I mean, I’m literally showing old buildings and apartment complexes in this series. There are webs of overhead cables, outdoor AC units and litter strewn across congested lanes, but it’s still something to look at. It’s ordinary, but not really. It’s complicated and comforting at the same time, just like home is.

Where do you take the inspiration for your work?

I want to say people and places but it’s actually plants and place. I absolutely adore plant paintings and consider it to be my comfort zone. Lately I’ve been drawing inspiration from cities and towns I’ve seen and captured as photographs to paint. In that way, all of my paintings are very personal to me and I feel glad to know people still happen to find them relatable.

What is your process of completing a piece from start to finish? It depends. Sometimes I plan a piece, look for multiple references and draw a few days before painting. Other times I just pick up my sketchbook and get to it. The good thing about watercolour is that it is


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a quick medium to work with. I can be done with a painting within 20 minutes or take my time and do bit by bit over a couple of days.

How has your professional life been affected by the pandemic, the ongoing issues with coronavirus?

I am working from home since March and sometimes being stuck at home takes a toll on my mental health but I recognize my privilege in being able to work remotely. A lot of people have suffered grave professional losses so I consider myself fortunate to be employed and have a stable source of income in these uncertain times. In fact, with the extra free hours available I have been able to discover new avenues of income through art.

What’s it like where you are?

It’s not ideal. At the time of this interview there is a smart lockdown implemented in Karachi. Some areas are under strict lockdown with limited mobility. With the surge in Covid-19 cases in the country, it is best to take individual responsibility of maintaining SOPs which is what I am doing.

What does an average day look like for you under lockdown?

On weekdays, I have work so I wake up pretty early, hydrate myself and my plants first thing in the morning. There is a daily video call with my geographically displaced team and multiple audio calls are a norm since we cannot meet in person or hold external meetings. Between lunch break and dull hours, I squeeze time out to do a quick sketch. Mostly, I paint after work in the evenings and photograph it the next morning for my Instagram. A lot of time is spent on food delivery apps and binging The Office.

How are you dealing with this sudden change in lifestyle?

At the beginning I was fine, it gave me an extra hour of sleep and saved

from a long commute to work. I like being home and am notoriously known among friends as the person who cancels on plans at the last minute. But it’s been really long now and I’m missing the most ordinary things like the ability to take an elevator to the food court and get myself a sugar fix at work.

What are the important lessons you have learned during this time? I’ve learnt that it’s okay to accept that everyone is struggling and allowed to cope in their own way. Not everyone is going to be able to come out of the lockdown period with new hobbies and academic certifications or a book deal. And it’s completely okay.

What are you doing now that’s ultimately constructive to your life and/or career?

What income-producing work have you lost due to the pandemic? Fortunately, none. Really thankful for it and hope it remains the same.

What's your favourite music/songs for the moment? Ishq by Ali Sethi, I guess.

Any advice on staying sane & relatively positive through this situation? Take it one day at a time. Stay informed but skip through news you think will bring down your spirit.

What 3 things could you not live without under lockdown?

My phone, art supplies and a stable internet connection.

I have spent the last three years only hoping to be able to paint as much as I am doing right now. I finally have my Karachi series, something I have wanted to do since a long time. People have been really appreciative and interested in it so I plan to get prints made for commercial use. My head is constantly thinking of ideas for Krapbook, but I check myself and not put too much pressure because the ultimate goal is to enjoy the process which I am doing right now.

What are you missing most about the outside world?

What’s the most surprising thing you’ve realized during this period of social distancing?

How do you think life will be after Covid-19?

That the passage of time can feel very fast and feel very slow simultaneously.

Did you develop any new interest or hobby or learned a new skill during this time? I got house plants for my room, I think it was long due given my obsession with painting them. Also tried a bit of cooking.

Random people - watching random people go about their random business is like observing life in real time. At home my options are limited and I am bored of the same faces!

What are you most looking forward to doing once the lockdown is over? Getting in a car and going somewhere that isn’t a grocery store. A little more kind, I hope.

Finally, your message for us at CP magazine.

Thank you so much for reaching out to me. I have looked at last month’s feature of artists and felt highly overwhelmed with my inability to match their level of skill and expertise. Extremely humbled and delighted to know my work got noticed. I hope everyone reading this is trying their best to stay safe and positive during the pandemic. Sending love and prayers from Pakistan. www.cpmagazine.net




Words: JosĂŠ Berrocoso

Inspired by the incredible metamorphosis of a butterfly, the 2020 collection of ILLUSTRELLA Moda celebrates our own unique transformation throughout life, the ultimate voyage. Focusing on luxurious details and refined silhouettes, the collection transcends seasons with a timeless aesthetic. The versatility of a butterfly is brought to life in this capsule collection through modern tailoring. Trench coats with zip details offer length versatility while tailored suits that can be styled in various ways highlight the key element of this collection. Inspired by the journey of a butterfly, laser cut butterflies are artistically placed to enhance a feminine touch to the bold designs. Shades of pink flow through with a touch of green, beige and white. Epitomizing grace and glamour, Voyage radiates sophisticated designs that will leave every woman feeling confident.


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JULY 2020


S Y LO Meet Khalid Al-Mulla (a.k.a) SYLO. A young Kuwaiti singer who also writes his songs and directs his videos. Khalid studies at the boarding school in Crans montana Switzerland. The music culture and society in Europe helped and influenced his music. His aim is to make big in the English music in Kuwait. Read our exclusive interview with SYLO and know more about him.



Please introduce yourself to our readers? Hello! my name is SYLO. I am a Kuwaiti singer, songwriter, director and music promoter. What does SYLO mean? Why did you choose SYLO as your stage name? The name SYLO came from an abbreviation of what my family and friends used to say to me which was "Sort Your Life Out". Because growing up I was never really sure what the future held for me. When I first listened to legends like Amy Winehouse, Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley I knew this was the career I wanted to progress in. Tell us about your education? I was born and raised in Kuwait but when I first turned 14 i decided to move to boarding school in Crans Montana Switzerland. I wanted to start being independent and study languages and music. The music culture and society in Europe really helped and influenced my music to this day. I am now majoring in electrical engineering and minoring in marketing at the American university of kuwait. When did you first learn your passion for music/ singing? I was raised in Kuwait and loved growing up between my family and traditional Arabic music. In 2011 I had an opportunity to do my first song and the rest was history.

tell us more about your recent Collaboration? Hamdulillah, god has blessed me with so many things like collaborations. Now, I have a huge collaboration with ED’N’RAY who are big DJ DUO in Lebanon. I Would like to promote this more and just say it's like so crazy how now the world is. Like we met through social media and we have made this a hit song together. when is your song going to be released? It's going to be released later this month.

What would you say is your special trait? I believe that my special trait is that I am very determined and when I set a goal for myself i make sure to never give up on what I set to do. Even if 8 years later. What are your hobbies? My hobbies include skiing, bowling and horseback riding. Most of my time is spent creating music, videos and concerts.

What plans do you have for the future? My album and music videos are coming and I'm doing huge collaborations in the future with very famous people in Kuwait, RNB and Hip-Hop scenes.

How was your experience for your music video shoot? When you give your 100% in every aspect of your work, the hard work pays off. Me being a music video director, I visualize the story and decide how the video should look like before bringing it to life. So, the experience is built step by step.

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What do you think about English music being produced in Kuwait? I believe that since Kuwait doesn’t really have a music scene in English, I would like to be the first to make it big!

What makes you happy? Honestly, me and friend. He's my producer. We do all of our work together. I never bought a beat. I write all my music and it's something that I'm very happy about and this dJ DUO that came up now they got me verified on all platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music and others.

Which is your favorite travel destination and why? My favorite travel destination has to be Cannes, France because that’s where I believe I am most creative.


How did you produce your first video for your music? I started singing professionally when I was Ten. My career started with a viral single that pushed my career. It was released in Februart of 2012 “‫أنا‬ ‫"الكويتي‬. After that, it got major exposure and reached 8 million plays/views through all platforms and became a go to song for kids all over Kuwait.

Your message for our readers? I hope all readers find something that resonates within them in my music and I would like to add that without a strong team and a strong determination nothing would be possible. Your message for us at CP Magazine? I would like to thank CP Magazine for including me in your wonderful magazine and introducing me to all your readers. I also would like to thank all my followers, fans and family who have been with me from the start. This is only the beginning.





Understanding the rules of how your mind works will help you influence your mind positively, rather than being influenced by thoughts, beliefs and behaviors that you do not want. Imagine if you bought the most up to date washing machine or computer and it came with no instructions: how would you use it? We come into this world with the most amazing computer like brain that is capable of doing so much but there are no instructions that tell us how to get the best from ourselves, no manual that shows you how to programme yourself for success, and so we muddle through when we are capable of so much more. Rule 1. What is expected tends to be realised.

The brain and nervous system respond only to words and pictures, regardless of whether the image is real or imagined, positive or negative, good or bad. Words tell our mind what we are feeling and we need to use positive words that don’t make a negative picture in order to overcome stress, fear and anxiety. Your mind has to accept and act off the words and pictures you give it. Using words like “it’s hell, it’s a nightmare, it’s driving me crazy, it’s killing me” makes your situation or how you feel about the situation even worse. Instead keep your dramatic words and descriptions for things you want to feel: “I’m amazing, it was fantastic, I feel phenomenal.” Whatever we tell ourselves our mind absorbs and accepts without a question as true, and because of this, getting into the habit of telling yourself only positive things is extremely effective. Worrying is a form of programming a picture of what we don’t want, but the subconscious mind acts to fulfil the picture it’s seeing regardless of whether it’s your desire or your fear. That’s why it is so important not to hold on to pictures in your mind of what you don’t want. Focus on what you want, hold these images in your mind and these expectations will be realised.

Rule 2. Every thought causes a physical reaction.

Thoughts have consequences and create changes and chemical reactions in your body. Ideas that have strong emotional content always reach the subconscious 44

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mind because it is the feeling mind, and once accepted, these ideas create the same reactions in the body again and again. To change negative reactions in the body it is important to change the ideas responsible for the reaction both consciously and subconsciously. So if you have strong negative emotions linked to taking risks, like going for interviews or speaking in public, they will move into your subconscious mind and have a very real and negative effect on you. Whereas by changing fear to excitement you have strong positive emotions linked to inter- views or public speaking and the effect your thoughts and emotions have on you is positive.

Rule 3. The Mind Cannot Hold Conflicting Beliefs.

The mind also cannot hold conflicting thoughts. We can't be confident and anxious at the same time or happy and sad simultaneously. If you hold conflicting beliefs it sends the mind into a spin. It blocks the mind. Making lots of jokes about failing, referring to yourself as a loser or an idiot does this. We cannot plan to succeed and then engage in joking about all our weak points because the beliefs are contradictory. They confuse the mind, which has to take literally everything we say as the truth. We are run by what we link pain and pleasure to. If you want to be hugely successful but link pain to hard work or not having your weekends free, then you have mixed associations which you must change. If you want to become a fantastic salesperson but can't talk to strangers, if you want to be a trader but are scared to take risks, you have conflicting beliefs. Choosing our beliefs and changing beliefs that don't benefit us makes our life so much easier and humans are the only creatures able to do this.



FormerlyMe.com presents “Month Two”


FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the second month of my journey. Jim West


y second month I switched from a traditional gym to something different. I choose to start a month of F45 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) at the College Park location in the Woodlands, Texas. This is the fast-growing chain of fitness centers partly owned by Mark Wahlberg. Yes. The same American actor, producer, businessman, model, rapper, singer, and songwriter (don’t forget Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch!). I was excited to train with F45 and ready for the challenge of a 45-minute workout. My trainer for this month would be Derrick Byrd. Derrick has also been through his own weight loss journey years before and knew the experience I was going through first hand. You can see his before and after picture on the right. Derrick Byrd


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With F45 and Derrick leading the way, my next big change was adapting to a vegan plant-based protein nutrition plan utilizing the Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living package and program. I heard a lot of things both good and not so good about the vegan diet, and as a lifelong meat eater I was very leery of trying this out. Part of the mission for FormerlyMe is to try new things out, and this was something to take seriously in my journey. I wasn’t prepared for both the good and bad things this nutrition plan has in store for me.

By the end of the first week of my new nutrition plan I encountered my first gout attack in my journey. My entire adult life I suffered from gout attacks. Gout is pain and inflammation that occurs when too much uric acid crystallizes and deposits in the joints. This is caused by a combination of high blood sugar and uric acid in the blood. I remember when I had my first gout attack in my mid-20s. It felt I had sprained my ankle and I couldn’t recall what I did to hurt it. When the doctor told me it was gout I was given some ibuprofen and sent home. It took over a week to clear up that attack. Since that time I got to learn the foods that caused flare ups and even acquired medication to combat the attacks if they were severe. Over ten years I learned to avoid foods like asparagus, seafood, and all you can eat steak buffets were off limits to me also. From time to time I would get an attack, but I had managed to keep them to just 1-2 minor attacks a year but here I was suffering gout attack after gout attack and knew it had to be something in my nutrition plan. Plant Based Proteins have peas and peas were on the high purine list. Now that I knew what was causing my gout attacks, and it was simply a matter of adjusting the nutrition plan to lower the amounts of plantbased proteins I ingested to offset the attacks. You can watch my videos of me training with Derrick Byrd at F45 on the FormerlyMe YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLETeUyZdPdyoV3F_ wpdB8kWHSyv1wUCpo Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my time continuing a modified plantbased protein nutrition plan and working myself up to running an indoor marathon (42.195 km). Until next time that has been FormerlyMe!

While I was trying to adjust the amount of plant-based protein I was ingesting I eventually had to succumb to the pain and discomfort and cease my workouts at F45. Yet I did not want to stop working out. I switched to a low impact exercise to keep me moving and burning calories. I choose the elliptical machine. I wasn’t giving up, but rather making fast adjustments to keep going no matter what. I couldn’t stop in my second month of my journey and I powered through many of workouts on the elliptical machine grimacing in pain. I was not going to quit. In spite of the challenges I faced with the gout attacks, I ended the second month with a total weight of 16 pounds lost! I attribute the loss to the plant-based nutrition plan, and the high levels of cardio I was achieving day by day. I was burning 2-3 thousand calories a day in spite of my gout attacks and pain. Losing .33 kilos a day was a tremendous achievement given the new challenges of balancing out the plantbased protein against the continuous gout attacks. I was getting healthier and hoping that with persistence I could eventually get rid of the gout attacks altogether. There were positive changes form this plant-based plan that I felt after the first few days. I noticed my energy levels were going through the roof. I was able to run further and do more and more cardio than ever before. There is a documentary on Netflix called “The Game Changers”, and although it may not have their facts 100% right I will testify to the fact that most of what they say is true as I have personally see the benefits of a vegan diet. Benefits that I cannot ignore and the main reason why I keep a nutrition plan that is 75-90% plant-based today. facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial Follow F45 College Park: facebook.com/f45trainingcollegeparkplaza Follow Derrick Byrd: instagram.com/derrickbyrdfit





JULY 2020

joseberrocoso since 2010

With one foot in the East and the other in the West, Istanbul is the perfect city destination with its captivating blend of sights, sounds and colours. Admire magnificent mosques, atmospheric churches, intriguing museums and Sultans’ palaces. Take to the waters of the Bosphorus to enjoy fresh fish overlooking the Black Sea. Explore the warren of the streets in the Grand Bazaar or take in the heady scents of the Egyptian Spice Bazaar. www.ktb.gov.tr.com



since 2010


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Located between the Black Sea and Marmara Sea and with the Bosphorus straight cutting through its center, Istanbul has been the heart of many civilizations throughout the ages as a result of its geographical location. Istanbul, which formerly belonged to the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires, is not the Turkish Republic’s most important city from a cultural and economic perspective. It is the only city in the world standing upon 2 continents, Asia and Europe, with the perfect blend of cultures and heritage from both sides. The Historic Areas of Istanbul, inscribed in the World Heritage List in 1985, cover four main: the Archaeological Park, the Süleymaniye Mosque, Zeyrek Mosque and the City Walls of Istanbul.

The Hagia Sophia is referred to as the 8th wonder of the world Aged more tan 1500 years old, Hagia Sophia is considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It was once a church and a mosque but is now one of the most visited museums in the world. Another historical area of Istanbul, on the opposite shorte of the Golden Horn, is the former district of Pera, meaning ´the other shore´. The cosmopolitan caracter of ancient Istanbul is reflected in the Galata Tower and the art nouveau buildings of İstiklal Avenue.



The Golden Horn Haliรง This horn-shapped estuary known as the Golden Horn, divides European Istanbul into two. As one of the best natural harbours in the world, the Byzantine and Ottoman navies and their comercial shipping interests were centred here. Today, lovely parkds and promenades line the shores where the setting sun casts a Golden hue on the water. Istanbul is an international centre for arts and culture with a rich tradition in opera and ballet, theatres performing both Turkish and international workds, concerts, exhibitions, festivals, auctions and conferences. 52

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since 2010

Turkish food is one of the great cuisines of the world and to be found in abundance throughout Istanbul, with a great variety of restaurants and eateries for all pockets and delicious fresh street food it is imposible to go hungry. Must-try döner, simit kebab, zeytin pizayi, Içli köfte, a yummy meatball with crispy Shell made from bulgur filled with seasoned minced meat, onions, parsley and pinenut, and the kuzu tandir, an ancient dish of lamb with rice, nuts, diced liver and currants. For those who prefer to cook their own, fish markets offer the day’s fresh catches and a variety of flavourings are on offer at the Egyptian Spice Bazaar. www.cpmagazine.net



MAY 2020




tretching at the end of your workout can help boost your flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and decrease muscle tension in your body. It can even help improve your performance the next time you work out.

Stretching your muscles regularly may also help existing back injuries, and lower your risk for back injuries in the future.

Stretching after a workout doesn’t have to take long, and you can find shortcuts by stretching several muscles groups at once. This article will look at six simple yet highly effective stretches you can add to the end of your workout.

Stress is a part of our everyday lives. But sometimes, it can feel overwhelming. High levels of stress can cause your muscles to tense up, which can make you feel as if you’re carrying stress in your body. Stretching muscles that feel tense and tight can help relax them. In turn, this may help lower your stress levels and help you feel calmer.

Benefits of stretching after a workout Greater flexibility and range of motion

Stretching can help increase the flexibility of your joints. Having greater flexibility helps you move around more easily, and it can also improve the range of motion in your joints. Range of motion is how far you can move a joint in a normal direction before it stops.

Less muscle tension and lower stress

Improved blood flow

Daily stretching can help improve your circulation. Increased blood flow to your muscles can help them heal more quickly after a workout. Better blood flow may also help prevent muscle soreness and stiffness after a workout.

Better posture and less back pain

What’s the difference between static and dynamic stretching?

Tight, tense muscles can lead to poor posture. When you sit or stand incorrectly, you often put extra pressure and strain on your muscles.

You may have heard about static and dynamic stretching and wondered how they differ. Static stretching involves stretches that you

hold in place for a period of time, usually 20 to 60 seconds. In other words, you don’t move while you’re stretching a particular muscle or group of muscles. Static stretching is typically done at the end of your workout, once your muscles are warm and relaxed. Dynamic stretching, on the other hand, involves active movements. With this type of stretch, your joints and muscles go through a full range of motion. Dynamic stretching is usually done before a workout to help warm up your muscles and get your heart rate up. For instance, a runner may jog in place or pump their legs before starting a race.

Summary: Dynamic stretching involves active movements, like moving your arms or legs through a full range of motion. These stretches are usually done before you start a workout routine. Static stretching involves stretches that you hold in place, without movement. These stretches are done at the end of your workout, when your muscles are more relaxed. www.cpmagazine.net




omen have unique risk factors for heart disease that need to be taken into account in prevention and treatment strategies, according to a Cleveland Clinic cardiologist who led a team tasked with updating recommendations on women and cardiovascular disease for the American College of Cardiology. Traditionally, doctors have treated men and women as the same when it comes to heart disease, but the director of the Women’s Cardiovascular Center at Cleveland Clinic, Leslie Cho, M.D., says that it is time to start thinking differently. She explains: “For years, we’ve thought about men and women as having the exact same risk factors, namely, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, smoking, diabetes and family history. However, while heart disease is the number-one killer and most prevalent disease in women, women actually have very low risk in terms of the traditional risk factors. “However, some conditions specific to women, such as endometriosis, have been found to raise the risk of developing coronary artery disease – the leading cause of heart attacks – by 400% in women under age 40.” In compiling the updated recommendations, Dr. Cho and her team reviewed diseases that are more prevalent in women; sex-related differences in traditional risk factors; and risk factors that only women experience, such as those related to pregnancy.

Risks unique to women In terms of pregnancy-related conditions, they noted that high blood pressure during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, preterm birth and miscarriages all increase a woman’s risk of developing heart disease. Identification of pregnancy-related conditions is important, says Dr Cho, as it can help identify younger women, with low traditional-risk scores, to allow for earlier monitoring of cardiometabolic factors and management. Hormonal conditions specific to women have also been associated with increased heart risk. One of these is premature menopause, defined as menopause before the age of 40. Dr Cho explains: “Estrogen offers women some protection from heart disease 56

JULY 2020

until after menopause, when estrogen levels drop. This is why the average age of for a heart attack in women is later, at 70, as opposed to 66 in men.” Another sex-specific risk factor is a hormonal condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome (POCS), found in one in 10 women. This is associated with cardiometabolic factors, which, in turn, are associated with increased heart disease risk. The cardiometabolic factors associated with POCS include abdominal obesity, abnormal glucose control and diabetes, elevated blood pressure, and abnormal amounts of fats – such as cholesterol – in the blood, known as dyslipidemia.

Differences in traditional risks Regarding sex-related differences in the traditional risk-factor category, it has been found that hypertension and diabetes are strong risk factors in women. Another risk factor, high blood pressure, is more common in women over the age of 50 than in men. Woman are also more likely than men to experience depression or mental health issues, such as anxiety and chronic emotional stress, that can have an impact on their heart health. “We really should be treating not just the blood pressure number, or the cholesterol number, but rather treating the whole patient, including their mental health, to have a good cardiovascular outcome,” says Dr. Cho. She adds that studies have also shown sex differences in response to treatments, and doctors need to take these into account.

Common prevention strategies Despite the different sex-related risks, Dr. Cho points out that there are common areas where either sex can lower their risk for heart disease by making changes to their lifestyles. Among these she includes avoiding smoking, getting regular exercise – at least a 30-minute walk daily – and maintaining normal weight, blood pressure, blood lipid and blood sugar levels. She recommends a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, and low in animal products, simple carbohydrates and processed foods.




“Having almost 100 shows and 4 solo exhibitions, and already had my works auctioned in international auction houses, achiving all that at the age of 32 is a blessing”

Born in 1988, Emirati artist and entrepreneur Maisoon Al Saleh is active in her practice both in Dubai and internationally. She graduated from Zayed University in 2010, with a degree in Interior Design. Al Saleh’s first solo show was at the Maraya Art Center, Sharjah, in Autumn 2010. Al Saleh’s work has been exhibited in UAE at various exhibitions, including Art Dubai; Emirati Expression at Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi; Macedonian Museum, Greece; Palazzo TE Museum, Italy; Centro Cultural CajaGRANADA Memoria de, Spain; and her work has also been included in many shows in the United States. 58

JULY 2020

Talent Radar Words: JosĂŠ Berrocoso




CP Magazine (CPM): For those who aren't familiar with you, tell us a little about your artistic journey. Maisoon Al Saleh: I come from an artistic family, my aunt is a fine artist,

my dad is into photography and my mom into fashion. I’ve always been caring my crayons and coloring book with me anywhere I go even travels when I was a kid. After graduating from high school I did a general medical checkup as it was part of the requirements before joining university and one of It was my x-ray. As the doctor placed it on the light box I got inspired, it was my own skeleton exposing the inner beauty rather than the outer surface and took off with the first series called The Bright Side of the Bones Highlighting on how we are all the same regardless of our gender, nationality or age we all are the same, skeletons in the end. The second series was titled The Dara Chronicles based on a Dara boat got sunk and my grandfather was one of the survivors, as I heard is story while sitting beside him in the living room I’ve decided to get my scuba diving license and create some artworks underwater inspired by his story. I started by experimenting with the materials to make sure I can use it underwater, I began in a tub filled with water in my bathroom and kept trying various mixtures of mediums until I got it right. Then I took it underwater to create part of the works. The materials are waterproof, heat proof and against UV light. Third series was based on my travel in China titled DXB to PEK as I’ve been traveling from one place to another during 30 days and each day was a faceless portrait of my in one of the day’s of my journey there. Fourth series was called The 3 Phase signal tells a story of tolerance and human connection through the symbolic use of sine waves. The artist disrupts the classical portrait composition by leaving her subjects’ faces blank, or replacing them with colorful visual effects. In some pieces, the background of the image, along with any further indication of location or cultural attributes is erased by the so-called monoscope, or television test pattern. This ubiquitous motif is not only a quasi visual representation of the sine wave, but also an universal and internationally recognizable point of reference, known to all of us around the world. The people portrayed here are only characterized by their traditional or religious attire, while their human features are transformed into blank color fields, essentially derived from the monoscope itself. As the combination of the various sine waves creates a harmonic bond, the artists seeks to emphasize the importance of deepening the connection between different nationalities and religions. Just like the colorful, ever changing, yet always familiar visual representation of the sine waves, our humanity behind all our cultural differences will always connect us. This series is currently exhibited in Etihad Modern Art Gallery in Abu Dhabi as my 4th solo exhibition. 60

JULY 2020

CP: Your practice ranges from paintings to prints, to sculptures. What medium do you find yourself most comfortable with and why? M: I’m able to use any medium due to my engineering background. CP: As a multidisciplinary artist, do you find it difficult to streamline your artistic process? Or have you found a routine that makes it easier? M: I just express how I feel in a point of time, it became so natural to me that I’m never out of ideas to create just limited with time by having so much things I’d want to do and so little time!

CP: Do you have any rituals that spark your creativity? M: Traveling. CP: Share some of the challenges you face as an artist? M: I can’t recall something as the government in UAE had been very supportive as well as the private sector to keep growing further in my artistic career.

CP: Is there a particular artist who inspires you, or whose work you're excited about? M: Each artist is unique in its own way, I liked the work of Cai Guo-Qiang using

gun powder to create his artwork and one of my favorite works titled Sky Ladder.

CP: What would you say was your proudest achievement to date? M: Having almost 100 shows and 4 solo exhibitions, and already had my works auctioned in international auction houses, archiving all that at the age of 32 is a blessing as well as I was able to establish my own company focused in supporting young talented artists called The Paintly Store ( www.thepaintlystore. com ) that I’ve established in year 2018.

CP: Have you got any upcoming projects that you can tell us about? M: Yes, I’m currently preparing for my next exhibitions located in New York and Basel.





When stretched for time no need to redo your makeup. Here's how a few subtle changes can transform your makeup from day to night. Daytime makeup means nude colors and natural glow. To take your makeup from day to night, you just need to add two simple things to define your glam factor. Line your lower lids, add a winged eyeliner and apply another coat of mascara on your lashes.

List of products used for these looks: *Tinted face oil 05 (kosas) * concealer bye bye under eye tan rich medium ( It cosmetics) *highlights custom enhancer drops ( cover Fx) *eyeshadow 35G bronze goals ( MORPHE) * mascara eye black ( GUCCI ) * bronzer HOOLA ( benefit) *diamond & blush ( NATASHA DENOMA) *Brow setting gel clear ( MORPHE) *lip pencil FOOLISH ( MORPHE) *Liquid matte lipstick trendsetter ( HUDA BEAUTY) *brushes ( MORPHE)


JULY 2020

DAY www.cpmagazine.net





Night Makeup *Waterproof Eye Pencil Black (Make Up For Ever) *Liquid Eyeliner Ink Well (Kat Van D) *Another Coat Of Mascara




MAY 2020

by travel-expert JosĂŠ Berrocoso


www.roccofortehotels.com For those seeking something special in Rome, Rocco Forte House is the place. At Piazza de Spagna, five palatial private suites within an 18th-century palazzo. Above, a stately roof terrace surveying the Spanish Steps. Inside, elegant, opulent design by Tommaso Ziffer. Perfectly appointed, each suite comprises an expansive sitting room, dining area, kitchen and two elegant double bedrooms. This is the height of elegant Roman living. The magnificent views from the room, look out over the Piazza di Spagna towards the Spanish Steps and the imposing towers of the TrinitĂ dei Monti. What else do we need? www.cpmagazine.net





The heat of the summer intensifies the damage that is done to the hair normally through using styling or chlorine from swimming pools and of course sea salt water and then the strong sun kissing on our hair.


1.GHD Travel Flight Hair Dryer. Have a good hair day no matter where you are in the world with the ghd FlightÂŽ. ghd have harnessed their hair-styling expertise into a handy and lightweight travel hair dryer.

2.GHD Gold Earth Gold Styler Hair Straightener. Rounder barrel for effortless styling, Smooth contoured floating plates, Professional 2.7m swivel cord for convenient styling

3.GHD Heat Protection Spray with UV – 120ml Shield every individual strand of hair from potential heat damage & deeply condition for gorgeous results.

4.Teknia Sun Care Serum. Repairing serum for sun-damaged ends. The Serum incorporates filters with a high affinity to hair fibers which provides lasting protection from UVA and UVB radiation.

JULY 2020

5.Sun Beauty by Lancaster Hair Spray. Protect your hair with the

effective care UV protection from the sun, salt and chlorine.

8.Bain Satin 2 is a nutrition shampoo that was specifically created for dry and sensitized hair, it helps to purify the hair carefully, easing detangling and bringing a soft and smooth touch to the fiber. Fingers easily slide through the hair, without any resistance.

6.Masque magistral is a deep-penetration nutrition treatment mask for severely dried-out thick hair. 9.Chanel Hair Mist. The hair mist scents the hair with the floralsparkling notes of CHANCE EAU FRAĂŽCHE. An enveloping mist you can take with you anywhere to revive the trail of the fragrance throughout the day.

7.Nectar Thermique is a thermo-protecting milk for normal to dry hair. Its Iris Royal Complexe combines active ingredients to nourish and soften hair.

10.Weleda Rosemary Hair Lotion. Haircare Scalp Conditioner Treatment Oil



‫هل يسبّب استخدام أقنعة‬ ‫الوجه الواقية ته ّيج البشرة‬ ‫وانتشار البثور؟‬

IS USING A FACE MASK CAUSING SKIN IRRITATIONS AND BREAKOUTS? A lot of us have found that wearing the mandatory protective face mask for regular or long peri-ods of time, especially during the hot season when humidity is high, leads to unwelcome skin irri-tations and breakouts. The lack of air circulation and increased temperature around the nose and mouth causes excess perspiration and clogged pores, a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. In some cases, irritation can also be due to the chemicals used to treat the facemask reacting with sensitive skin. To minimise the negative effects of wearing a face mask, it is recommended to remove it as soon as you reach home, or whenever you are not required to use it, and rinse your face with a mild cleanser to remove the sweat and any harmful buildup. Using a gentle moisturiser, such as KJ Serums’ SkinKarma, post cleansing is an added layer of protection you can afford your skin to avoid a problematic complexion. SkinKarma provides natural hydration in the form of Vegan Hyaluronic Acid, along with Niacinamide (vitamin B3) which improves skin texture and strengthens the protective barrier function while reducing inflammation and redness. SkinKarma is also highly effective in your day-to-day skincare routine, offering anti-pimentation, anti-ageing, anti-acne, non-comedogenic and antioxidant properties. KJ Serums’ SkinKarma is available to UAE customers on www. kjserums.com and is priced at AED 145 for 30ml or AED 195 for 60ml. 70

JULY 2020

‫ والتي ال خيار لنا في‬،‫الحظت الكثيرات منّا أن ارتداء أقنعة الوجه الواقية‬ ‫ يؤدي إلى تهيّج البشرة وانتشار‬،‫ارتدائها بانتظام في هذه األوقات غير اآلمنة‬ ‫ خاصة في موسم الصيف وارتفاع معدالت الرطوبة‬،‫البثور بشكل ملحوظ‬ ‫ تتسبّب درجات الحرارة‬.‫وكذلك طول المدة الزمنية الرتداء هذه األقنعة‬ ،‫المرتفعة وقصور تجدّد الهواء حول منطقة األنف والفم زيادة التع ّرق‬ ‫ قد تتسبّب‬.‫ وهي بيئة مثالية لتكاثر البكتريا‬،‫ومن ثم انسداد المسامات‬ ‫المواد الكيميائية المستخدمة في تصنيع أقنعة الوجه الواقية كذلك في تهيّج‬ .‫الحساسة‬ ‫البشرة وخاصة‬ ّ ‫ ينصح بخلع القناع‬،‫لتقليل اآلثار السلبية الناتجة عن ارتداء قناع الوجه الواقي‬ ‫ وكذلك غسل‬،‫ وفي أي وقت ال يتطلب ارتداءه‬،‫بمجرد الوصول إلى المنزل‬ ّ .‫بمنظف لطيف إلزالة العرق والشوائب المترا كمة التي تضر البشرة‬ ‫الوجه‬ ّ ‫ – من‬SkinKarma – ‘‫يضيف استخدام مرطب لطيف مثل ’سكين كارما‬ ‫ طبقة حماية إضافية لوقاية بشرتك‬،‫’كيه جيه سيرومز‘ بعد تنظيف الوجه‬ ّ ‫ بشرتك‬SkinKarma ‫مرطب‬ ‫ يمنح‬.‫من حدوث مشكالت البشرة المتعدّدة‬ ‫الترطيب الطبيعي من خالل مكوناته التي تحتوي على حمض الهيالورونيك‬ ‫يحسن نسيج‬ ‫) الذي‬13 ‫ باإلضافة إلى النياسيناميد (فيتامين ب‬،‫النباتي‬ ّ .‫ بينما يح ّد من االلتهاب واالحمرار‬،‫الشرة ويقوي وظيفة حاجز الحماية بها‬ ‫ منتج ف ّعال كذلك في روتين العناية اليومي ببشرتك ألنه يمنع‬SkinKarma ‫ وظهور حب‬،‫ ويحميها من ظهور عالمات التقدم في العمر‬،‫تصبّغ البشرة‬ .‫ كما أنه مضاد للتأكسد وال يسبب انسداد المسام‬،‫الشباب‬ ‫ من ’كيه جيه سيرومز‘ متوفر في اإلمارات العربية المتحدة‬SkinKarma ‫منتج‬ 195 ‫ و‬،‫ مل‬30 ‫ درهم إماراتي لعبوة‬145 ‫ بسعر‬www.kjserums.com ‫على‬ ‫ مل‬60 ‫درهم إماراتي لعبوة‬





he modern driver is looking for a little something extra from their SUV. Space and comfort goes without saying while attractive design and good fuel economy is a bonus. The SUVs that stand out from the pack are the vehicles that can offer a premium tech experience, enabling the driver to be in command without having to take their eyes off the road. The all-new Chevrolet Captiva is the culmination of over 80 years of SUV engineering, encapsulating what the modern family is looking for in their daily vehicle. The 2021 Chevrolet Captiva delivers on this with smart and thoughtful technologies to make every journey safer and more enjoyable. The cockpit of the all-new Chevrolet Captiva is driver-focused, distinguished with a center-mounted 8-inch infotainment touchscreen, to ensure you’re always in control while on the move. Providing safer communication and an array of entertainment options supported by devices via Bluetooth and USB connectivity, you can navigate through playlists without taking your eyes off the road. With seamless Apple CarPlay integration, everything you want is within reach in Chevrolet Captiva. Giving its driver added confidence on the road, the all-new Chevrolet Captiva comes standard with a rear-view camera and is equipped with four-position reversing sensors, empowering the driver in narrow or unfamiliar driving conditions. Drivers of the Chevrolet Captiva Premier will also have front parking ultrasonic sensors that help detect nearby objects in front of your vehicle. 2021 Chevrolet Captiva is also packed with technology for the driver’s convenience and comes standard on all trims. A 6-way adjustable driver seat allows you to easily customize your comfort zone for the ultimate drive. Likewise, an electronic parking brake allows you engage or disengage the handbrake with the touch of a button – it couldn’t be easier! However, it’s not just the driver that can enjoy the Chevrolet Captiva’s technology offering. Thoughtful tech and design touches such as USB ports are featured in all three rows of the Captiva’s seating, allowing all passengers to stay connected throughout the drive, a bonus when you’re transporting the whole family on long road trips. Another standout feature of the newest SUV from Chevrolet is its price: as one of the most affordable seven seaters in its segment, the all-new Chevrolet Captiva offers its driver a lot of car, for a very affordable price. With a full suite of convenient technology and Safety features, the 2021 Chevrolet Captiva will make every moment on board worthwhile, for the driver and all passengers.


JULY 2020



olls-Royce Collection Cars are poetic embodiments of artistry and skill, envisioned at the hands of the marque’s accomplished designers. They are illustrative of the Bespoke Collective’s mastery of their craft, and extremely limited in number. Incorporating only the finest materials and contemporary applications, Rolls-Royce Collection Cars are executed with creative passion and technical precision. These cars capture clients’ imaginations around the world, joining the chronicles of some of the greatest and most storied Rolls-Royces ever to have been created. Design is naturally the starting point for these endeavours. For the new Wraith Kryptos Collection, one designer’s passion for cryptography led to Wraith becoming a willing canvas for an intricate and clandestine design. The Wraith Kryptos Collection, which will consist of just 50 motor cars, incorporates a labyrinth of complex ciphers into its beguiling façade. Rolls-Royce Bespoke Designer, Katrin Lehmann, commented, “The name Kryptos is derived from Ancient Greek, referring to something unseen, hidden and coded, mythical even. Ciphers can be traced through millennia, capturing the imagination of some of the world’s most brilliant minds. As a designer, I’ve always been fascinated by the notion that you can communicate messages that are understood by only an elite few, using symbols, pictograms, and ciphers. Finding the key becomes integral to appreciating the full meaning of an item that can otherwise be viewed simply as a work of art.” The Wraith Kryptos Collection carries within it an encrypted cipher that evolves throughout the car for the clients’ pleasure and amusement, leading them on a journey of discovery and intrigue. To the uninitiated, these ciphers appear, on the surface at least, to be an alluring design purely for aesthetic purposes and devoid of any discernible pattern. However, for those that look closer, those few who hold the key, they will embark on an experience that leads to an enlightening conclusion. Torsten Müller-Ötvös, CEO, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars, commented, “The brilliant and creative minds of our Rolls-Royce Bespoke Collective have excelled once again, creating an extraordinarily contemporary and compelling iteration of Wraith. The Wraith Kryptos Collection, on first glance, is a statement of dynamism. On closer examination, a series of messages are hidden behind a unique Rolls-Royce cipher. I look forward to seeing whether any of our clients will crack the code!” Indeed, the code is so secret that only two people at the Home of Rolls-Royce in Goodwood know the full resolution of the sequence – the designer and the Chief Executive. The answer has been placed in a sealed envelope, in the safe of the Chief Executive Officer, at the Home of Rolls-Royce, in Goodwood, West Sussex. Clients will be invited to submit their efforts at cracking the code via the members only Rolls-Royce Application, Whispers. The cryptographic journey begins with the Spirit of Ecstasy, which has graced the bonnet of the marque’s motor cars for over a century. An engraving with green enamel detailing introduces the Rolls-Royce cipher on the base of the enigmatic figurine. Below, recrafted bumper inserts draw the eye lower, subtly modifying both the gesture and posture of Wraith, giving this Collection an identity of its own. The alluring colourway of the Collection hints at the car’s inner-most secrets. Delphic Grey, a Bespoke exterior hue consisting of a solid Anthracite base colour has a hidden effect – only in sunlight do the blue and green mica flakes appear. This effect is accentuated by a handpainted double coachline, the upper being painted in the newly developed Kryptos Green while the lower acts as a shadow in Dark Grey, both depicting clues relating to the interior code. Completing the exterior aesthetic are part polished wheels, with Orbit Grey coloured centres featuring a coloured pinstripe. Inside, stepping over the illuminated treadplates, the cipher evolves deep into the fabric of the motor car. One is immediately greeted by the accented Bespoke Kryptos Green leather hue, which has been developed to incorporate a metallic effect, set against either Selby Grey or Anthracite. In perhaps the most apparent clue, elements of the cipher are embroidered into Wraith’s headrests, where the customary ‘double-R’ emblem can so often be found. For the driver’s enjoyment, an intriguing screen print flows across the metal fascia, spanning the width of the interior.



since 2010

The Hottest Romances of July

The Heir Affair

by Heather Cocks / Jessica Morgan

by Alexis Hall

After a scandalous secret turns their fairy-tale wedding into a nightmare, Rebecca "Bex" Porter and her husband Prince Nicholas are in self-imposed exile. The public is angry. The Queen is even angrier. And the press is salivating. Cutting themselves off from friends and family, and escaping the world's judgmental eyes, feels like the best way to protect their fragile, allconsuming romance. But when a crisis forces the new Duke and Duchess back to London, the Band-Aid they'd placed over their problems starts to peel at the edges. Now, as old family secrets and new ones threaten to derail her new royal life, Bex has to face the emotional wreckage she and Nick left behind: with the Queen, with the world, and with Nick's brother Freddie, whose sins may not be so easily forgotten—nor forgiven.

Luc O'Donnell is tangentially--and reluctantly-famous. His rock star parents split when he was young, and the father he's never met spent the next twenty years cruising in and out of rehab. Now that his dad's making a comeback, Luc's back in the public eye, and one compromising photo is enough to ruin everything. To clean up his image, Luc has to find a nice, normal relationship...and Oliver Blackwood is as nice and normal as they come. He's a barrister, an ethical vegetarian, and he's never inspired a moment of scandal in his life. In other words: perfect boyfriend material. Unfortunately apart from being gay, single, and really, really in need of a date for a big event, Luc and Oliver have nothing in common. So they strike a deal to be publicity-friendly (fake) boyfriends until the dust has settled. Then they can go their separate ways and pretend it never happened.

Dear Emmie Blue

Engagement and Espionage

by Lia Louis

At sixteen, Emmie Blue stood in the fields of her school and released a red balloon into the sky. Attached was her name, her email address…and a secret she desperately wanted to be free of. Weeks later, on a beach in France, Lucas Moreau discovered the balloon and immediately emailed the attached addressed, sparking an intense friendship between the two teens. Now, fourteen years later, Emmie is hiding the fact that she’s desperately in love with Lucas. She has pinned all her hopes on him and waits patiently for him to finally admit that she’s the one for him. So dedicated to her love for Lucas, Emmie has all but neglected her life outside of this relationship—she’s given up the search for her absentee father, no longer tries to build bridges with her distant mother, and lives as a lodger to an old lady she barely knows after being laid off from her job. And when Lucas tells Emmie he has a big question to ask her, she’s convinced this is the moment he’ll reveal his feelings for her. But nothing in life ever quite goes as planned, does it?


Boyfriend Material

JULY 2020

Heart Bones

by Colleen Hoover

What You Wish For by What You Wish For

A new romance novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, coming this summer.

Samantha Casey loves everything about her job as an elementary school librarian on the sunny, historic island of Galveston, Texas—the goofy kids, the stately Victorian building, the butterfly garden. But when the school suddenly loses its beloved principal, it turns out his replacement will be none other than Duncan Carpenter—a former, unrequited crush of Sam’s from many years before. When Duncan shows up as her new boss, though, he’s nothing like the sweet teacher she once swooned over. He’s become stiff, and humorless, and obsessed with school safety. Now, with Duncan determined to destroy everything Sam loves about her school in the name of security—and turn it into nothing short of a prison—Sam has to stand up for everyone she cares about before the school that’s become her home is gone for good.

One to Watch

Not Like the Movies

by Penny Reid

by Kate Stayman-London

But all is not well in Green Valley. A chicken choker is on the loose, 61 dead birds most "fowl" need plucking, and no time remains for Jennifer and her devilish fiancé. Desperate to find a spare moment together, Jenn and Cletus’s attempts to reconnect are thwarted by one seemingly coincidental disaster after another. It’s not long before Cletus and Jenn see a pattern emerge and the truth becomes clear. Sabotage! Will an undercover mission unmask the culprit? Or are these love-birds totally plucked?

Bea Schumacher is a devastatingly stylish plus-size fashion blogger who has amazing friends, a devoted family, legions of Insta followers--and a massively broken heart. Like the rest of America, Bea indulges in her weekly obsession: the hit reality show Main Squeeze. The fantasy dates! The kiss-off rejections! The surprising amount of guys named Chad! But Bea is sick and tired of the lack of body diversity on the show. Since when is being a size zero a prerequisite for getting engaged on television? Just when Bea has sworn off dating altogether, she gets an intriguing call: Main Squeeze wants her to be its next star, surrounded by men vying for her affections. Bea agrees, on one condition--under no circumstances will she actually fall in love. She's in this to supercharge her career, subvert harmful anti-fat beauty standards, inspire women across America, and get a free hot air balloon ride. That's it.

by Kerry Winfrey Chloe Sanderson is an optimist, and not because her life is easy. As the sole caregiver for her father, who has early onset Alzheimer's, she's pretty much responsible for everything. She has no time—or interest—in getting swept up in some dazzling romance. Not like her best friend Annie, who literally wrote a rom-com that's about to premiere in theaters across America... and happens to be inspired by Chloe and Nick Velez, Chloe's cute but no-nonsense boss. As the buzz for the movie grows, Chloe reads one too many listicles about why Nick is the perfect man, and now she can't see him as anything but Reason #2: The Scruffy-Bearded Hunk Who's Always There When You Need Him. But unlike the romance Annie has written for them, Chloe isn't so sure her own story will end in a Happily Ever After.

Sony Launches New Wireless Earbuds

since 2010


The latest tech prowess co-engineered by Devialet a stellar brand in professional acoustic and audio technologies/ HUAWEI

Sony Middle East & Africa expands its Truly Wireless product range in Kuwait with new WF-XB700

Sony Middle East & Africa announced the latest addition to its truly wireless product range with the new the WF-XB700, providing the perfect hassle-free with EXTRA BASS™ earbuds for people on the go in Kuwait. Huawei recently released the HUAWEI Sound X, the interactive dual-subwoofer Hi-Fi speaker, co-designed with Devialet with premium hardware, next level software and a stylish exterior. Featuring a wide range of advanced audio technologies and professional acoustic systems, this new speaker is an ideal companion for an immersive audio experience. Let’s look at some of these audio innovations in detail. In order to deliver a truly immersive audio experience, the HUAWEI Sound X is equipped with two 3.5-inch Devialet subwoofers, which are capable of 60W bass power and up to 20mm amplitude. It also features a symmetrical and inventive Push-Push acoustic design that allows for each subwoofer to cancel out the backwave vibrations from the other, projecting sound that is twice as powerful. On the other hand, Devialet's exclusive SAM® technology (Speaker Active Matching) ensures that the acoustic pressure reproduced by the speaker precisely matches that recorded by the microphone, faithfully restoring low frequencies, preventing the presence of any lag between the bass and the rest of the spectrum. The dual subwoofers deliver a sound pressure level (SPL) of up to 93 dB, rivaling that on far larger speakers. It is also the first-ever Hi-Res-certified speaker, designed to capture the full richness of the original audio. Topping this all off, is the magnetic rare-earth material used in the HUAWEI Sound X that further contribute to crisp and powerful sounds. The HUAWEI Sound X delivers premium sound across the entire audio frequency spectrum, covering a range of 40Hz to 40,000Hz. It produces crisp, detailed high-frequency audio, reproduces the human voice in all of its nuance at medium frequencies, and generates powerful, soulful tones at low frequencies. The HUAWEI Sound X also packs six powerful 8W fullfrequency tweeters at the bottom, which are evenly distributed in a ring, which outputs beautiful surround sound audio that is tailored to the environment. A proprietary sound effect algorithm also provides for endless immersion amidst a lush 360° sound field which further complements its 5.1 immersive stereo effects for an all-around surround audio experience like never before. In addition to its sterling audio quality, the HUAWEI Sound X also supports the convenient Huawei Share1 function, which can be initiated simply by tapping your phone against the NFC icon on the speaker, after which audio played on the phone will switch to the speaker, without a hitch. When users receive a call when the phone is connected to the speaker, the HUAWEI Sound X2 not only pauses the music playback, but allows to answer the call on your phone for privacy. On the other hand a simple tap of the phone on the speaker will initiate an instant connection. Users can cover the top of the speaker with their hand to pause music playback as well, then simply tap again to resume playing. 1.Huawei Share is only available on phones that run Android 5.1.1 or about with screen-on, that support and have enabled NFC. The feature is currently not supported via iOS. 2.Phone sharing with software upgrade planned in summer 2020.


JULY 2020

Experience Punchy Sound with the WF-XB700’s EXTRA BASS™ Featuring Sony’s EXTRA BASS™ technology, the XB700 headphones create precise, punchy rhythms that lift every track and maintain vocal clarity for a superbly rich, well-rounded listening experience.

WF-XB700 BLUETOOTH® technology removes the need for wired connections for ease of use while the Ergonomic Tri-hold structure creates a comfortable fit. Users can enjoy up to 18 hours of listening thanks to the handy charging case , while just 10 minutes quick charging provides 60 minutes of music playback. Additionally, an IPX4 rating for water resistance means protection against splashes and sweat so customers can keep moving to the music while on the streets in the rain and at the gym.

Godaddy Arabic Website Launched For The Middle East And North Africa

GoDaddy, the company that empowers everyday entrepreneurs around the world, has launched a beta version of the new GoDaddy Arabic website. The GoDaddy website experience, marketing, and award-winning customer support will be available in Arabic, to help local small businesses and entrepreneurs across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) build an online presence. GoDaddy’s Arabic website will enable local entrepreneurs to utilize various GoDaddy products and services to help boost their company’s online presence and grow their venture. This beta version offers customers the ability to share feedback, which will be used by GoDaddy developers to help further enhance the customer experience across the website. Although Arabic is the fourth most used language on the internet, with more than 273 million Arabic speakers, studies have shown that the Arabic content penetration on the internet is around 5% with low quality. A majority of websites depend on ‘automatic translation’ for viewing the content in their local languages, as a result Arabic website content is often translated inaccurately. Therefore, many Arabic businesses do not consider creating company websites due to the timeconsuming nature of creating content in Arabic language and the struggle to find correct, useful information in their native language. The need to support Arabic businesses comes as the MENA region has observed a significant growth of small businesses. According to research, up to 80 to 90 percent of businesses in MENA are comprised of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Concurrently, the MSMEs sector in the GCC region presents a potential of 156% growth in the next five years, employing 22 million people, according to a study by MENA Research Partners (MRP). With a vision to support everyday entrepreneurs and small business owners across the MENA region, GoDaddy’s Arabic website aims to provide them with easier access to useful digital tools, solutions, content, and customer support in the local language, to help meet business needs, and provide guidance to help them in their online journey.

Bring home the Garden A proud French heir of popular arts and traditions known for shaking things up – reinventing, dressing & coloring objects to make your everyday life more enjoyable.

Jardin Fleuri Collection by


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Genesis has announced the launch of its flagship G90 luxury sedan as a special-edition “Stardust” model. The G90 tops the Genesis brand’s luxury car line-up, and is highly regarded for its cutting-edge technology, refinement and luxurious appointments. The special edition G90 “Stardust” arrives specifically for this year, taking inspiration from a scene with night sky full of stars hanging above a red carpet event where celebrities are showered with flashing camera lights. Only 50 of the G90 Stardust models will be sold for the first time ever primarily in South Korea. This image directly inspires the special carbon metal paintwork featuring a sparkling pearl effect. This contrasts with the lower half of the exterior featuring Vik black paint work. This bespoke twotone paintwork requires specialized craftsmanship procedures that naturally limits production quantity. The interior receives Stardust specific bespoke seats featuring two-tone leather and metallic pore Ash wood resulting a special environment exclusively tailored for the select few. “The G90 Stardust represents the ultimate form of elegance,” said SangYup Lee, the head of Genesis Global Design. “In that moment when you arrive at a red-carpet event, nothing less is expected.”

Meet the S-Class DIGITAL – first insights into the new luxury saloon

Mercedes-Benz is expanding its digital information platform with an additional news format on the new S-Class, which celebrates its digital world premiere in September. In a series of three episodes, starting on the 8th of July 2020, Meet the S-Class DIGITAL will provide the first insights into some of the groundbreaking innovations that will ensure the new luxury saloon further cements its leading position as the best car in the world. Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Mercedes-Benz AG; responsible for Daimler Group Research and Mercedes-Benz Cars COO, kicks off the new series on the Mercedes me media digital platform right now with a glimpse of the exterior and interior of the new S-Class. The video is now available in a media special on media.mercedes-benz.com/s-class, which is also where all three episodes of Meet the S-Class DIGITAL and its associated content will be published. To avoid missing any of the episodes, media representatives can register for push messages. “The new S-Class is packed with groundbreaking innovations and takes individual mobility in the luxury segment to a whole new level. We developed the Meet the S-Class DIGITAL series to provide media representatives with information on the key highlights in advance of the world premiere,” says Katja Bott Head of Global Communications Mercedes-Benz Cars & Vans. “It enhances the successfully established Meet Mercedes DIGITAL news format, which will present other new products and company developments in further episodes published in parallel.” The Meet the S-Class DIGITAL news format likewise consists of moderated shows with studio interviews as well as reports from location and test tracks. Each show is accompanied by indepth information in the form of videos, graphics, press texts and images for download. There is also the chance to chat with Mercedes-Benz experts.


JULY 2020

Panasonic Introduces LUMIX G100 The Best Mirrorless Camera Ever for Vlogging and Creative Video Content Featuring High Sound and Image Quality

Panasonic is proud to announce the launch of a new Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera, the LUMIX G100, designed and developed for creating versatile video content represented by Vlog (Video+Blog). Although these types of video content are open to everyone, video quality is required to acquire maximum viewing. However, it is not always necessary to have a bulky video camera with more features and functions than you can manage. The new LUMIX G100 packs an assortment of attributes that is just right for vlogging into a remarkably compact and lightweight body. Combining assured photo quality as a camera and high sound quality, the LUMIX G100 dramatically enhances your video quality and experience with easy operation.

The Future is Electric: Cadillac Keeps Pushing the boundaries of Innovation

Building on more than a century of innovation, the Cadillac LYRIQ marks the beginning of a new chapter for the brand – one that is all-electric and redefines the boundaries and limits of mobility and connectivity. Today, Cadillac is laying the groundwork for this brighter future by rethinking the interaction between the driver and the vehicle. This is evident in the all-new Escalade with impressive technologies like the first curved OLED in the industry, the industry’s first AKG studio reference system and Super Cruise. Join Cadillac on Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 7 p.m. ET for the virtual debut of the Cadillac LYRIQ show car and introduction of the next chapter for the brand. The brand will go behind the scenes and hear from the extraordinary team making Cadillac’s vision a reality. As Cadillac looks ahead to this momentous reveal, take a moment and view the Cadillac LYRIQ teaser video, which celebrates Cadillac’s spirit of innovation and hope for the future.


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1. James Grieve, Blenheim Orange, Irish Peach, and Ashmead's Kernel are traditional varieties of: Walnuts; Apples; Plums; or Lemons?


















4. Junk, Trimaran, Pontoon, and Luzzu are types of: Card games; Boats; Floppy hats; or Indian spiced rice dishes?







5. The Atlas Mountains extend across which three of these countries: Spain; Morocco; Turkey; Algeria; Tunisia?








6. Twelve three-hundredths (12/300) expresssed as a percentage is: 2%; 4%; 8%; or 12%?








2. RPM on a traditional record player stands for what? 3. A traditional Moroccan house with central atrium courtyard/garden is called a: Riad; Cyan; Triad; or Fad?

7. Sabot and saboton (from French, savate and botte) are respectively a box from which casino cards are dealt, and knight's armour, equating to a: Shoe; Glove; Hat; or Pocket?


TEST YOUR VOCABULARY With the single, notable exception of the meerkats, there was not the least foreign matter on the island, organic or inorganic.

In this sentence, organic means: a. resistant to physical force or pressure

c. capable of being grasped by the mind or senses

8. Oddly known by its river, Kingston-upon-(What?) was judged by Rough Guides 2016 among the ten best places to visit in the world: Thames; Severn; Hull; or Trent? 9. The traditional pudding of strawberries, meringue and whipped cream is called: Eton Mess; Harrow Crumble; Roedean Chaos; or Westminster Splodge? 10. Flat-top, Pageboy, Mullet, and Bob are: Simpson's characters; Hairstyles; Plumber's tools; or Yacht sail configurations? 11. Who discovered gravity and proposed the Three Laws of Motion: Darwin; Newton; Aristotle; or Freud? 12. What does the space/movie term ET stand for?

d. lacking a sufficient amount or quality b. having properties characteristic of living beings

13. Onychomycosis and Onychoschizia are fungal and splitting complaints of human: Hair; Ligaments; Finger/toenails; or Skull?

In common usage, organic is used to mean “healthful” or “close to nature.” It can also describe foods grown without artificial pesticides or fertilizers. In other uses, organic refers to living things or material that comes from living things. In a more medical sense, organic means “relating to the organs of the body,” and in a legal sense, organic describes something that is central to an organization or a government.

14. Gluteus medius, Gluteus maximus and Piriformis are muscles in human: Arms; Legs; Hands; or Buttocks?

ANSWER: b. If you take up organic farming, be sure to use organic fertilizer, not some artificial chemical. Organic describes things that are natural or related to nature.

15. Clove hitch, Sheepshank, Figure eight, and Bowline are: Wrestling holds; Daisies; Knots; or Australian country dances? 16. The Piolet d'Or is a major award by the French magazine Montagnes for: Skiing; Mountaineering; Wine-making; or Goat-herding?


17. The UK average hourly wage for a FTSE company CEO (2014/15) is about: £300; £550; £750; or £1200?

CARTOONS If 5 boys take 7 hours to pack 35 cartoons, then how many boys can pack 65 cartoons in 3 hours? A. 26 B. 39

18. To enable accurate measuring of Moon-Earth distance the NASA lunar landings of 1969-72 left on the moon a: Laser; Powered loudspeaker; Mirror; or Marked basketball court? 19. What scientist did the Vatican officially pardon in 1992, having declared him a heretic, and forced him to recant under threat of torture, for asserting in 1632 that the Earth orbits the Sun: Galileo; Da Vinci; Copernicus; or Newton? 20. A linen 'stola' is the female equivalent of the Roman man's woollen: Toga; Loincloth; Hat; or Underpants?

C. 45 D. None of these

11.Newton, 12.Extra Terrestrial, 13.Finger/toenails, 14.Buttocks, 15.Knots, 16.Mountaineering, 17.£1200, 18.Mirror, 19.Galileo, 20.Toga


JULY 2020

ANSWERS: 1.Apples, 2.Revolutions Per Minute, 3.Riad, 4.Boats, 5.Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, 6.4%, 7.Shoe, 8.Hull, 9.Eton Mess, 10.Hairstyles,


HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



June 2020 holds many twists and turns on the path for you, Aries. Interestingly enough, though, many of these roads before you may actually be calling you to retread avenues from the past. A major theme this month is about revisiting and reviewing your life, as well as reconnecting with people from chapters you likely thought were closed. With Mars, planet of energy, powering through the most hidden part of your chart (your solar twelfth house) throughout much of June, you could be deeply reflective and focusing on private affairs. With the past being activated, you could be passionately handling situations you thought were tied up and done from before but aren’t. Other Aries could be focusing immensely on finding closure, healing, and letting go. Mercury, planet of the mind, also goes retrograde in your sector of the home (your solar fourth house) on the seventeenth, further urging you to review how you are building your future and if you’re on the right track to manifest your greatest ambitions.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS Taurus is a zodiac sign that loves pleasure, romance, and all of the Venusian blessings that life can give. And with your ruler dancing in your prosperity sector (your solar second house) for many months, you are certainly attracting more abundance into your life. However, the reason she is spending more time in this piece of the sky is because she is retrograde at the beginning of June. This affects you tremendously because when your ruler is moving backward, you feel as if your energy is off and you’ve stepped into a portal of the past. You are highly affected by Venus retrograde, which takes place until June 24. You may already have or could yet this month reconnect with an ex, twin flame, or past-life connection who possesses a karmic purpose in your life. Sometimes in life, we reunite with people because the timing has aligned and you both have grown and are ready to pick up the pieces where they fell and build something anew. However, another reason you could be crossing paths is because you must face them, realize what you learned from it, and release them forever. This clears space for better relationships to come into your life once there is room for love to breathe.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI June is a month you could end up remembering forever, Gemini, with so much planetary activity written in the stars. Some moments will feel electric, as if your life is changing overnight like the onset of a hurricane. But there will also be times when everything feels frozen. The first thing to note is that Venus, planet of love and harmony, is spinning backward in your zodiac sign (your solar first house) until June 24. You could feel as if you’re in a vortex of romantic passion and you don’t know what is real or illusion. Another possible manifestation of this could be that you feel like you’ve stepped into the twilight zone and been transported into the past. Your life could suddenly be filled with much nostalgia—old friends, places from the past, or even old lovers. If you decide that you’d like to rekindle a connection with someone, you can. Otherwise, reflect on the past, appreciate it for what it was, and learn from it what you can. This focus on the past is even stronger for you when your ruler Mercury begins its regular backward cycle (in your solar second house), starting on the seventeenth and continuing for the weeks to come. Your mind won’t be clear this entire month, so do your best to not make any final decisions until the dust has settled near the end of July.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER As the sun moves through the most private sector of your chart (your solar twelfth house) throughout most of the month, many Cancers will be enjoying the time to rest, recharge, and lie low. Many of the planets this month are in backward motion as well, further convincing you that the time to chase all of your plans and ambitions may not be right now. Venus retrograde until June 24 could be tempting some Cancers to reconnect with old flames or friends. If you do so in a private setting, you could see luck in rekindling the connection. Just don’t be tempted into a clandestine affair! Also, beware when Mercury goes retrograde later in the month in your zodiac sign (your solar first house). You had a similar transit like this in the summer of 2019, and you could feel as if your mind and emotions are very clouded. This begins on the seventeenth officially, but with Mercury in preshadow all month, you’ll likely notice that something feels off. However, despite the planets telling you to slow down, the universe has some destined surprises coming your way. Eclipse season is always a time when powerful beginnings and endings take place, the ones you look back on and realize changed your forward path forever.


JULY 2020

In a month with so much planetary activity, Leos will be wondering where to place their attention first. One of the key themes will certainly be fun and recreation, as the sun will be igniting your social sector (your solar eleventh house). This arena has ties to not only your friends but to all of the communities—and the global community—that you are a part of, too. You could be building your network or relying more on the people you know no matter where you live. Venus, planet of joy and harmony, will be spending a great deal of time in this same sector, bringing sweetness to your life. However, throughout much of this month she’s retrograde, helping you to reconnect with many old friends—and possibly old lovers—during this time. Her backward shimmy began in May and lasts until June 24, with her post-shadow phase echoing until the end of July. If you’d like to reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with, this is certainly an auspicious time to do so. Mercury’s retrograde begins in your privacy sector (your solar twelfth house) on the seventeenth and lasts for several weeks. You could notice some secrets emerge that you didn’t know about or you could be seeking closure on things that have come before. Do not sign contracts or make agreements during Mercury retrograde, as they will falter later.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO When the world has so much going on, you, Virgo, are the zodiac sign that usually knows how to juggle all of the pieces. This is because your logical and rational approach to life can organize even the most chaotic storms. Yet you’ve never lived in June 2020 before, so don’t be surprised if it pushes you to your limits. Many of the planets at this time will be spinning backward, causing major projects, plans, and relationships to spiral off the rails. This is because the universe is showing you that even though you thought you had everything figured out, not everything is what it seems. The universe has an even brighter and better plan ahead of you, but first you must watch as the past catches up with you. With Venus retrograde taking place, there’s an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and lovers. However, the actual retrograde transit takes place in your career sector (your solar tenth house), so you may have an opportunity to once again work with professionals you knew in the past. If this happens to be stalling some of your work projects, don’t be frustrated. Be grateful, actually, because they aren’t meant to debut in their current incarnation and need more time to ripen and then bloom.

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA June will be a time when you’re wondering about your place in the world and watching as your present and your past blur together like a song that keeps skipping forward and back. Venus, planet of love and beauty and also your ruler, will be spinning backward throughout most of the month, until June 24 (in your solar ninth house). Whenever one’s planetary ruler is retrograde, one often feels as if it’s harder for them to achieve satisfaction and harmony in their life. The key to working with this energy is to realize that you must release control and watch as the world shifts around you so that you can react rather than impulsively take action. Sometimes, too, these transits bring forth important reconnections with old flames or friends you’ve lost touch with. If you choose to, use the early weeks of June to reminisce and learn how they have grown. Perhaps you can reignite a connection that is as joyous as it once was. However, if you reconnect and realize that you’ve both gone in different directions, set that relationship to rest peacefully so you can happily move toward more fulfilling ones ahead. Mercury goes retrograde in your career sector (your solar tenth house) on the seventeenth, so when that occurs, it’s likely that some work-related endeavors could be stalled or need to be reconsidered. This is okay. Take it in stride.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO As Mars, planet of passion, powers through your romance sector (your solar fifth house) throughout most of the month, you are smoldering with desire. Energy to build love and express yourself will radiate from you during June. This is also a magnificent time to create art or involve yourself in a hobby, as you will not only feel more fulfilled but also show the world more of the color upon your soul. Venus, the planet of love and romance, will be spinning backward in your intimacy sector (your solar eighth house) throughout much of the month, until June 24, meaning that, if attached, you could be revisiting relationship needs with a partner. Single Scorpios could be reconnecting with past lovers during this time as well, either to learn if they’re finally ready to give each other what each party needs or if they can release each other fully once and for all. Venus retrogrades affect you quite intensely because she rules your sector of marriage (solar seventh house). When Venus revisits the past, so do you reflect or reunite with significant ones from before, too. Mercury retrograde begins on the seventeenth in Cancer (your solar ninth house), so expect that some things may become even fuzzier at the end of the month.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS June 2020 has arrived, Sagittarius, and your energy will mark the world around you. You have entered a pivotal point in your lifetime that will help you not only stand up for your worth but also rise in your personal power. For too long you haven’t seen your energy respected or cherished, but the seeds of this occurred because you did not stand up for yourself. The time has come now to rectify that and watch as the world sees you for who you truly are. This month, you will see the beginning of eclipses in your sun sign (solar first house) that will shoot out to the stars like fireworks. They will continue on later this year and into 2021. Later this year, you’ll have eclipses in your partnership sector, too (your solar seventh house). You are undergoing a powerful transformation in relation to your partnerships and how you own your thoughts, opinions, and desires in congruence—or opposition—to those you unite with. The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5 will see you rising as an important dream within your heart puts you front and center. Later in the month, on the twentieth, a solar eclipse in Cancer (your solar eighth house) will push you to understand your partnerships and work as a team—or finally move on.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN Relationships have been a powerful learning curve for you over the last few years, Capricorn, as you are better learning how to stand up for yourself but also work better as a team with someone who truly respects and values you. This trend will continue into June 2020 for many reasons, most notably because of the cycle of eclipses that bring destiny to your doorstep. In life, we have free will, but there are also mighty forces that help us evolve into who we are meant to be and teach us that as much as we try to orchestrate our life, we aren’t in complete control. The dominion of the universe can be scary to many Capricorns because you like to strategize your plans. One of the things that eclipses can teach you is that life happens when you’re open to it rather than letting the fear of the unknown cripple you, and not trying to always control it so it’s “perfect” in your eyes. On June 5, an electric lunar eclipse in Sagittarius resounds (your solar twelfth house). It marks a moment when you will feel the need to lie low and potentially run for cover. This is because some of your secrets and fears could be exposed, or you must face the truth about something you took for granted that isn’t what you had demanded it be. Oftentimes, this is about anxieties and illusions you hold within you in an attempt for selfpreservation of the ego rather than attacks from someone else. This is an excellent time to heal, release, and surrender love into the universe.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS Aquarius, June 2020 is your opportunity to walk into the heart of a storm and emerge victorious. Many cosmic factors work in your favor as long as you’re aware of the currents that are moving. Most important to note is that this is a month highly focused on the past because so many of our planetary forces are already retrograde, or will be. Your greatest asset is that Uranus, planet of liberation and your ruling planet, will be strong and direct during the month. While many other people can’t think as clearly, you’ll be able to see light through the smoke and come up with brilliant solutions. The most notable retrograde to affect you this month will likely be the movement of Venus, planet of love, in your true love and creativity sector (your solar fifth house). This means that many Aquarians could be reconnecting with a twin flame during this time, most likely a soul mate in this lifetime who may be a past-life connection. You may crave this person deeply, but it’s important for you to assess whether or not you will reignite that connection or merely reminisce on how beautiful the rapport once was. It’s also likely that you’re doing a great deal of thinking about what love is to you and what you want it to be. Some Aquarians could be revising the entire way that they feel about love and realizing the function it has had in their life until now must change.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES Pisces, June 2020 is here and you are on fire. Your energy is ignited, your goals are within reach, and above all, you believe that you are unstoppable. Mars, the planet of passion and drive, resides within your zodiac sign (your solar first house), gifting you with confidence, sexual magnetism, and hunger. This transit doesn’t happen often. In fact, it happens but once every two years. It’s of the utmost importance that you utilize this power to your greatest magnitude and push toward everything that resides within your soul. Whether it’s love, success, community, or true happiness, you must use your strength now to create that reality around you. Do not settle. Take charge and command. This isn’t like you, Pisces, as you’re typically a more gentle soul. That doesn’t matter, though. It is your time. This is clear instantly as the month begins, when a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius (your solar tenth house) on June 5 ignites your name in the sky. Eclipses mark destined and pivotal moments in our lifetime, and for you, this is all about rising in success, power, and achievement. You are so tremendously blessed, Pisces, because not only do you have people around you who believe in you and wish to support you, but the universe wants you to go even higher.


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