4 minute read
The day I lost you forever
A heart shaped pillow says I love you along with the teddy bear you sent on our one year anniversary
They don’t bother me But oh, the memories now that haunts me I hope you remember
Written by Rukhshana Harris B.Ed in Education: Foundation Phase Year
You woke me up that morning with breakfast in bed but that kiss that came with it said it all Those unspoken words silence spoke it’s loudest then
At least I knew what that silence meant Now your silence is deadly
A atmosphere I can no longer obtain feelings I should’ve been used to by now
Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse
A terrific result appeared
A surprise no one was expecting The day that totally ruined everything
A deadly disease overcame you Left everyone crushed A month
That’s all you have left they said
Written by Mgetjani Phumzile Skosana Computer Engineering (Diploma)
First year
‘The art of being you’
Faith, trust, and belief. These are the most important things you Should have as you grow older. They are like bricks; a house won’t Have strong walls if there are no bricks. But like bricks you won’t Have a wall without cement to hold the bricks together to form That strong wall. Like a builder you should choose quality cement not just any cement, as there are many types of cement not all of them can serve a good purpose.
Faith is more like something you hold on to when you feel like You’re losing balance, trust is choosing to feel safe on whatever You are holding on to, and belief is knowing that whatever you are Holding on to will give you positive and most wanted results like not falling. But remember in exercising all these things you are making an effort (holding on to something). That is how it is in life.
Whatever your belief is, you have to have not only trust and faith In your belief but also put on some work. Take this as a relationship, For a relationship to work you have to trust the other person and Have faith that this will work out, and you should show that person love in different ways, like picnic dates, vacations, etc., that is how the relationship will grow stronger and happiness grows.
What i am saying is even when you feel like nothing is happening or There are no changes ask yourself if you are putting in enough Effort. Let’s say you are writing an exam and you believe in god, you Can’t possibly expect to pass the test without thoroughly Preparing for it because you ‘trust in god, you have to study and then believe that you will pass the test because god is with you.
Maybe most of the things did not work out because you did not put In enough effort and you did not trust yourself enough to believe You are capable of making the impossible possible. This means you had the bricks but no cement. Or you had the cement but not the bricks. Try using them all and note down the changes you got. At the end of the day it is about you. It is still you being you. You overcome the challenges of the world. It is the art of being you.
Whiskey To My Soul
proverbial hells attached to the memory like scars on the skin exonerating the agony you put me through is out of question. you yanked my emotions into a bottomless abyss and all I can resort to for comfort is the mature whiskey you left by the bedside.
I relish the coziness each sip softly showers all over my skeletal frame, diffusing itself into every particle of my withered derm and at once, a profusion of memories agilely inhabit my conscious mind, and with every sip, something akin to healing cuffs my soul, rubs itself into my wounded heart and every memory of you in my head fades out slowly and slowly
Written by Qhamisa Given Mazwana Bachelor in Nursing Health and Wellness
as I pleasantly fall drowsy and hold on to hopes that a golden day will rise with the sun tomorrow for my light-headed self to no longer reminisce your destructive touch, for my soul to be boxed not in sombre for my anxiety to not shoot up at the mention of your name for you to come back to me.
Student attending launch event, hosted by the Centre for Diversity, Inclusivity and Social Change and the Division of Student Affairs, were invited to join the programme as mentors or mentees with the aim of empowering undergraduate students to reach their full potential.
Prof Driekie Hay-Swemmer the guest speaker for the event, from the Executive Director in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor, shared a part of her personal journey within Higher Education often being the only female in the Executive space and how it is opportunities like this where young women can be inspired and supported is needed. She said it was sad that the playing fields were still not equal and added: “We will get there”. “What I see across the country and at CPUT is that women are taking up their legitimate space in various platforms.”
The Faculty of Applied Sciences’ Prof Beatrice Opeolu said the EmpowHer idea was conceptualised last year during her sabbatical at the Federal University of Agriculture in Abeokuta, Nigeria. She said women globally have limitations to their career progression for many reasons, including the roles that traditions and cultures have placed on them, and this impacts on their productivity. “We know there are opportunities mostly for postgraduate students but not for undergraduate students and that is the gap. I thought if I had opportunities as an undergraduate student that I had much later, maybe my career trajectory may be different from what it is and maybe it would be more productive.”
Nonkosi Tyolwana, the Acting Dean of Students encouraged attendees to be part of the first cohort of EmpowHerSACPUT and said there would be an induction of the mentees and mentors.
The CSRC secretary-general, Nonele
Ganyile and Wendy Kondlo, chairperson of the District Six Local SRC while attendees were awarded the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences. We had a total of 27 Inspiring Young Women Awards, which celebrated the amazing achievements of CPUT female students in several areas, including sport and academics were recognised during the event.
We look forward to the induction which will take place late November and rolling out the mentorship and holistic career development support for young women at CPUT.