Step by Step application guide for First-Time applicants (currently a Grade 12 learner)

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This guiding document is for applicants that have never applied to CPUT before and therefore do not have a CPUT student number.


Have you accessed and read all the important application related information on the CPUT website?

Please visit the CPUT website page and follow all the application related links that contains important application related information.

Have you chosen the programme that you want to apply for?

If you already know the programme you want to apply for, please follow our convenient online application process. If you are not sure what you want to study yet, please consult the 2024 Prospectuses.

Access or download the Undergraduate online prospectus from the CPUT website link

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If you are not yet 18 years of age at the time of application – have your parents/guardians signed the minor declaration form?

The form is downloadable from the CPUT website link

Have you gathered and prepared your documents?


All documentation must be certified (certification may not be older than 3 months)

Please ensure that all uploaded documents are less than 2 MB in size, and in JPEG, PDF, TIFF or GIF format.

Please do not upload documents saved in MS Word or MS Excel format

Save each document separately in the above formats.

Have you verified what documentation is required from you before you submit your online application?

Visit the CPUT website page for more information


 If you are currently a Grade 12 or equivalent learner, please upload your Final Grade 11 / equivalent results - it must be certified, and the certification may not be older than 3 months old

Have you verified any additional documentation that is required for the programmes that you intend to apply for?

Visit the CPUT website page for more information

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 Internet access or mobile data

 A valid personal email address - should you not have an e-mail account, please open one before proceeding with your online application

 A valid cell phone number, as your application status will be communicated via cellphone.

 You may apply online using a computer, laptop, tablet or a smartphone


Access the CPUT website link which is Step 4: Online Application

Submit your online application Section - Select Apply here under option 1 –Applicants that have never applied and/or studies at CPUT before.

Academic Application process screen / ……

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Do you already have a Student Number: Enter NO

Returning to complete application: NO if you are to access the online application portal for the first time. YES, if you have commenced with the online application but have not yet completed the entire process until where a student number was allocated to you

You will not be able to upload your supporting documentation via the wizard once you have submitted your application online and a student number was allocated to you Refer to the process below – How to upload additional/ outstanding documentation.

Do you have a Qualification Specific Token: Enter No

Read the POPIA Act document and select I ACCEPT button.

You can download and save this document should you wish to

Select NEXT option – You will proceed to the next screen called Biographical Details

Biographical Details / ……..

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South African Citizenship?

Are you a SA Citizen in possession of a valid SA ID/Birth Certificate? Enter YES

ID Number: Enter your ID number as indicated on your ID document / Birth Certificate

Non-South African Citizenship?

Are you a SA Citizen in possession of a valid SA ID/Birth Certificate? Enter NO

Passport Number: Enter your Passport Number as indicated on your ID document / Birth Certificate

Citizenship Code: Select the country of Origin as indicated on your Passport by clicking on the sign.

Study Permit Category: Choose the relevant permit category from the list that is displayed using the sign

Personal information /…..

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Gender: Click on the arrow down to select your gender

Date of Birth: Enter the date of birth (e.g., 09-OCT-1965) or select to enter from the calendar

Title: Click on to select your title from the list provided

Initials: Enter your initials (The first character of all your Names e.g., Dow Albert – The initials are DA)

Surname: Enter your Surname as it appears on your Identity document

First Names: Enter all your Names as it appears on your identity document. Do not use Nick Names

Marital Status: Click on to select from the list provided.

Home Language: Click on to select from the list provided.

Ethnic Group: Click on to select from the list provided.

Are you Employed? Select either YES or NO

Where have you heard about us? Click on the sign and select from the list provided.

Address information /…..

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Personal Information

Address Information

Street Address Line 1: Enter your Street Number and Name (e.g., 1000 Test Road)

Street Address Line 2: Enter your Suburb Name (e.g., Chester City)

Street Address Line 3: Enter your Town Name (e.g., Muizenberg)

Street Address Line 4: Enter your Province Name (e.g., Western Cape)

Postal Code: Select the sign

Have you entered a Non-South African address)?

Type the word FOREIGN to get the default postal code of 000 ‘Foreign Country.’

Have you entered a South African Address?

Click on the sign

If you know your Postal Code, then enter the Postal Code

If you do not know your Postal Code, then enter your Town Name Select the appropriate Postal Code

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Tick if your Postal Address is different from your Street Address:

Is your Postal Address the same as your Street Address?

Leave the field blank and proceed to Contact Information

Is your Postal Address different to the Street Address?

Enter the information by following the guidelines for entering Address information as outlined above.

Contact Information

Do you have South African Cell phone Number?

Enter Yes

South African Cell Phone Number: Enter your 10-digit cell phone number without any leading + sign (e.g., 0829996229). Do not enter any spaces or characters.

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Don’t you have South African Cell phone Number?

Enter NO

International Cell Phone Number (only if no SA cell no): Enter your 13-digit cell phone number with a leading + sign (e.g. +0829996229). Do not enter any spaces or characters.

Work Telephone Number: Enter your Work Telephone Number (e.g. 0219835781) without any spaces or characters

Home Telephone Number: Enter your Home Telephone Number without any spaces or characters

E-mail: Enter your valid Email address

Verify E-mail: Re-enter to confirm your valid email address.

Residence Information

Do you need more information on applying for a CPUT residence?:

Select either YES or NO by clicking on the field

Important Residence Information:

 This is not your Residence application but a request for further residence information

 You must first complete your Academic Application (this application) before you can proceed with your Residence Application

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 A Step-by-step user guide on Residence Online Application Process is available on the CPUT website.

Disability Information

Do you have a disability or impairment? Tick the field Select the sign in the DISABILITY field.

No Disability?

Select NONE from the list provided. Select the ADD DISABILITY sign. Select the NEXT field.

Do you have a Disability?

Select the appropriate disability that you wish to add Remarks: Enter any remarks should you wish to. Select the ADD DISABILITY sign. Continue to add more disability should you wish to Select the NEXT field.

Next of Kin Details /

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Next of Kin Personal and Contact Information

Next of Kin Names: Enter Title, Names and Surname (e.g., Mr. L Jowes)

Next of kin’s mobile/cellular phone number: Enter a 10-digit South African number or a 13digit Non-South African Cell phone number. Do not enter spaces (e.g., 0739996222)

Next of kin’s home phone number: Enter the home telephone number without any spaces (e.g. 0739996222)

Next of kin’s work phone Number: Enter the home telephone number without any spaces (e.g. 0219551234)

Work Telephone Number: Enter your Work Telephone Number (e.g. 0219835781) without any spaces or characters

Next of Kin Address Information

Postal Address Line 1: (e.g., Street Name and Number): Enter the street Number and Name (e.g., 6 Crazy Street)

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Postal Address Line 2: (e.g., Suburb): Enter the Suburb Name (e.g. Boston)

Postal Address Line 3: (e.g., Town Name): Enter the Town Name (e.g. Bellville)

Postal Address Line 4: (e.g. Province Name): Enter the Province (e.g. Western Cape)

Postal Code: Select the sign

Have you entered a Non-South African address?

Type the word FOREIGN to get the default postal code of 000 ‘Foreign Country’

Have you entered a South African Address?

Click on the sign

If you know your Postal Code, then enter the Postal Code

If you don’t know your Postal Code, then enter your Town Name Select the appropriate Postal Code

E-mail: Enter a valid Email address

Account Contact Details /…..

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Account Contact Information

Account Contact’s Names: Enter Title, Names and Surname (e.g., Mrs. Lettie Jowes)

Account Contact’s mobile/cellular phone number: Enter a 10-digit South African number or a 13-digit Non-South African Cell phone number. Do not enter spaces (e.g., 0739996111)

Account Contact’s home phone number: Enter the home telephone number without any spaces (e.g. 0739996111)

Account Contact Address Information

Postal Address Line 1: (e.g. Street Name and Number): Enter the street Number and Name (e.g. 6 Crazy Street)

Postal Address Line 2: (e.g. Suburb): Enter the Suburb Name (e.g. Boston)

Postal Address Line 3: (e.g., Town Name): Enter the Town Name (e.g., Bellville)

Postal Address Line 4: (e.g. Province Name): Enter the Province (e.g. Western Cape)

Postal Code: Select the sign

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Have you entered a Non-South African address)?

Type the word FOREIGN to get the default postal code of 000 ‘ Foreign Country’

Have you entered a South African Address?

Click on the sign

If you know your Postal Code, then enter the Postal Code

If you do not know your Postal Code, then enter your Town Name Select the appropriate Postal Code

E-mail: Enter a valid Email address

Select the NEXT button to proceed with your application.

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Matric Results Details / …..


Results and Subject Details

Are you Currently a NSC Grade 12 Learner or are you in your final NCV year?

Matric / Grade 12 Year (YYYY): Enter the year that you are a Grade 12 learner (e.g. 2023 if you are currently in Grade 12 and you will be writing your final Grade 12 Examinations in this year)

Are you applying for Undergraduate or Postgraduate? Enter Undergraduate

Are you upgrading? Enter NO

Are you completing or have completed a South African or International Matric? Select SA MATRIC from the list provided

Matric/Grade 12 Examination Number: Leave this field. blank

Final School Leaving Certificate: Click on the sign Select NSC (CURRENTLY IN GRADE 12) or NCV (CURRENTLY BUSY WITH NCV)

Subject Details for Current Grade 12 learners / …..

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Subject Details

School Leaving Subjects:

Click on the sign to access a list of NSC / NCV subjects

You can enter a description in the field for a quick display of subjects and select the SEARCH button

Click on the appropriate subject that you have searched for. The subject name will be displayed.

Final Grade 11 Percentage (%) / …..

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Final Gr 11 Percentage (%):

Click on the sign to select the Subject Percentage as it appears on your Grade 11 certificate

Final Gr 11 Symbol:

Click on the sign to select the Subject Percentage as it appears on your Grade 11 certificate

Select the Symbol as it appears on your Grade 11 certificate Description

Click on the ADD SUBJECT button. Repeat the above steps until you have added all your subjects.

Click on the NEXT button.


You will not be able to select the NEXT button until you have entered all the required. number of subjects (e.g. NSC you are required to enter a minimum of 7 Grade 12 subjects)

 You may remove subjects by clicking on the REMOVE box next to the subject and acknowledge the pop-up message. Click OK to delete this data

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Symbol (Achievement Level) Percentage Range
0 – 29% 2 30 – 39% 3 40 – 49% 4 50 – 59% 5 60 - 69% 6 70 – 79% 7 80 – 100%
of Symbols:

Are you currently doing an International Grade 12 equivalence or any Grade 12 that is not an South African NSC or NSC Grade 12?

Matric / Grade 12 Year (YYYY): Enter 2023

Are you applying for Undergraduate or Postgraduate? Enter Undergraduate

Are you upgrading? Enter NO

Are you completing or have completed a South African or International Matric? Select INTERNATIONAL MATRIC from the list provided.

Matric/Grade 12 Examination Number: Leave this field blank

Final School Leaving Certificate: Click on the sign. Select FOREIGN EXEMPTION

Subject Details for Current Grade 12 learners / …..

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Subject Details

School Leaving Subjects:

Click on the sign to access the international subject list

Enter the description foreign in the field and select the SEARCH button

Click on the subject called FOREIGN APPLICATION


Click on the sign to select INTERNATIONAL

Final Gr 11 Percentage (%):

Click on the sign, scroll down to the end of the list that is provided to select the value 0 (zero)

Final Grade 11 Symbol / …..

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Final Gr 11 Symbol:

Click on the sign and select NV that appears

Click on the ADD SUBJECT button.

Click on the NEXT button.



 You may remove subjects by clicking on the REMOVE box next to the subject and acknowledge the pop-up message Click OK to delete this data

Education Institutions /

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School Details

Which school did you attend last:

Are you attending a South African Grade 12 school towards obtaining an NSC or NCV certificate?

Select the sign and search for your school that you are currently doing your Grade 12

Are you attending a Non-South African / International Grade 12 equivalent School / college?

Select the sign

Type in the word FOREIGN and press the SEARCH button


What are you currently doing?

Select the sign and select GRADE 12 LEARNER

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Other Tertiary Institution Details

This section is greyed out (cannot be selected) since you are a Current Grade 12 learner

Select the NEXT button to continue with your application.


 First consult the undergraduate prospectus to check if you meet the entrance requirements for the qualifications that you want to apply for.

 Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee acceptance to the qualification. There is a high demand for access to Higher Education and the universities must adhere to enrolment quotas as prescribed by the Department of Higher Education and Training.

 Make sure your first choice is the programme you want to study (Choice 1)

 The next qualification that you will be selected will become your second choice (Choice 2).

 The second and third choice of qualification is optional.

 You will not be allowed to change your choices once the application has been evaluated

 For students applying for the Bed programmes in the Faculty of Education, please note that the language of learning and teaching at the Wellington campus is Afrikaans, while learning and teaching at Mowbray takes place in English.

 If the wording ELIGIBLE ALLOW – N appears in brackets as part of the programme description, then it means that you do not meet the entrance requirements for that specific programme. If you select such a programme, you will automatically be declined by the system. Please refer to the prospectus to verify the minimum admission requirements.

 Do not apply for Post Graduate Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Honors, Masters or Doctoral Degrees if you are currently in Grade 12. You need to have obtained previous qualifications to qualify for these programmes. Academic Application /

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Have you read the important information on the previous page?


Academic Year:

Select the year that you attend to start with your studies e.g. 2024 (e.g. 2023 - you are currently in Grade 12; the 1st year of studies at CPUT would begin in 2024)

Limit your selection to a specific Faculty/School:

Select the sign to view the list of Faculties Click on the Faculty where the programmes reside.

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Choose a programme:

Select the programme that you intent to apply for

Eligible to Apply - N will display in the qualifications Description fields if you are not eligible to apply for it. You will be able to select those qualifications but will automatically be declined by the system . Please consult the Undergraduate Prospectus for the programme entrance requirements

For which period are you applying:

It will automatically display YEAR ONE

If not, then select YEAR ONE from the list provided

If you have selected an Extended programme, then the description will be YEAR 0 (FIRST YEAR EXTENDED OR SC)

How would you like to study for this programme?

The field will default to a mode of study if the programme is only offered on one campus and e.g. only Full-time and not Part-time

If not, then select the sign to choose the various mode of studies / campuses where the programme is offered.

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When would you like to study for this qualification?

The field will default to YEAR (Jan-Nov)

Click on the ADD QUALIFICATION button.

Continue to with your second choice and third choice should you wish to add more by following the steps above

The added programmes will display on the screen with an indication of ELIGIBILY YES or NO

If you have chosen a programme where the ELIGIBLE TO APPLY shows NO – a pop-up message will display


 You may remove subjects by clicking on the REMOVE box next to the subject and acknowledge the pop-up message. Click OK to delete this data

Select the NEXT button to continue with your application

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In this section you are requested to verify your details captured before proceeding with your online application

Your application has not yet been completed!

Press the CONTINUE button to proceed with your application to be able to upload your required supporting documentation and to submit your application.

You may print the information by clicking on the PRINTER FRIENDLY FORMAT button and a printed version will be displayed.

You may change/ or go back to the information already captured by selecting the appropriate process from the at the top of this page

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Click the CONTINUE button to continue with your application process


Agreement details and Login Information

Login Information

Login Pin Number: Create a Pin number that will allow access the Student Online System (SOS) at

Rules for the pin:

 Pin length must not be less than 5 numeric digits (e.g., 24683)

 No alphabetical characters (e.g., Aa3689)

 No spaces allowed in the pin (e.g. 36 302)

 No adjacent (meaning next to each other) repeating numbers within the pin (e.g., 11234)

Academic Rules Acceptance

Scroll down with scroll bar to read the Academic and Residence Rules and Regulations

Click on the I ACCEPT button.

You will not be able to proceed if you select the I DO NOT ACCEPT button

Click on the SUBMIT APPLICATION button to continue with your application i.e. submitting your required supporting documentation.

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Have you gathered and prepared your documents?


All documentation must be certified (certification may not be older than 3 months)

Please ensure that all uploaded documents are less than 2 MB in size, and in JPEG, PDF, TIFF or GIF format.

Please do not upload documents saved in MS Word or MS Excel format

Save each document separately in the above formats.

Have you verified what documentation is required from you before you submit your online application?

Visit the CPUT website page for more information


 If you are currently a Grade 12 or equivalent learner, please upload your Final Grade 11 / equivalent results - it must be certified and the certification may not be older than 3 months old

Have you verified any additional documentation that is required for the programmes that you intend to apply for?

Visit the CPUT website page for more information

Upload of Documents

Do you have any electronic copies of certificates to upload?

Enter Yes to submit documents and click on the NEXT button.


The above screen will display various Certificate Code (e.g. CE, etc.) listed. These are the required documentation that must be electronically submitted before your proceed/submit with your application:

Click on the Load/ View Document to submit your first document

The following screen will display:

Select the UPLOAD DOCUMENT button.

The above screen will display

Click on the button to start uploading your documents

Select your saved scanned document from your device that you need to upload.

Select the OPEN button and the following screen will display

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Click on the SAVE button and then the CLOSE button

Click on the CLOSE button again.

Continue to upload all the other required documents by following the steps above.

Select the COMPLETE UPLOAD button to finalise your online application

Confirmation Page

Your Name and Surname will be displayed together with your unique CPUT student number. Please use this Student Number in any further queries or accessing any self-service portals

Click on the EXIT button

The following screen will display:

Close the online application page

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You will receive an e-mail notification to the email address that you have entered during your online application process. This is to confirm that you have applied online and by providing the Student Number and the Pin that you have also created.

Thank you for online application submission to CPUT. Please continue to track your application status on the CPUT website link

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