2020 Research Report

Page 149





Introduction by Prof Beatrice Opeolu

The research, teaching and community engagement activities of Focus Area 4 are closely aligned to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A number of SDGs pay attention to economic development and socially responsible societies. This focus area is therefore linked to SDGs: 1) No poverty; 2) Zero hunger; 3) Good health and well-being; 4) Quality education; 6) Clean water and sanitation; 8) Decent work and economic growth; 9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure; 11) Sustainable cities and communities; 12) Responsible consumption and production; 13) Climate action; 14) Life below water; 15) Life on land; and 17) Partnerships for the goals. These areas of research are also consistent with the National Development Plan’s (NDP) priority objectives. These include economy and employment, improving

education, training and innovation, environmental sustainability and resilience, as well as healthcare for all. Focus Area 4 has the following research niche areas: NICHE AREA 1 - CLIMATE CHANGE & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The following human pursuits have negative impacts on ecological systems: agriculture and manufacturing; bioprospecting of aquatic and terrestrial resources; natural resources exploration and exploitation; and a drive towards economic growth and wealth creation. This niche area hosts studies that support climate-smart inventions. Studies are encouraged that promote sustainable use of land and water, fisheries management, use of environmentally friendly materials, etc. Research themes include agriculture, food security, biodiversity utilisation for wealth creation, marine economy, and alternative environmentally-friendly production processes. NICHE AREA 2 - CLIMATE CHANGE & SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT Population growth, urbanisation and industrial development are some of the major anthropogenic sources of environmental degradation. The basic human necessities of food, fibre and housing have put enormous pressure on natural resources. Conflicts and climate change effects aggravate negative impacts on


Focus Area: The Environment, Climate Change & Sustainability focus area replaces the former Focus Area: Climate Change & Environment. The aim of this focus area is to promote research and activities that advance: sustainable utilisation of resources; the mitigation and adaptation of climate change effects; and other pertinent environmental issues.


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