Prof Thandi Matsha Dean (2021)
Despite 2020 being an incredibly difficult year for lecturers, researchers and students alike, this faculty is very proud to announce many graduates. So far, it records three doctoral and nine master’s graduates this year, although these numbers are expected to increase as examination results continue to roll in. Notably, five graduates are from the Department of Emergency Medical Sciences, which has never seen this many graduates in one academic year. It is also important to note a slight increase in the doctoral graduate level. Several doctoral candidates are awaiting examination results, which will further increase the number of graduates to well over 17. Staff members graduating at CPUT include Dr Florence Davidson and Dr Merlisa Kemp with a Doctor of Radiography qualification, and Ms Roxanne Tamlyn Maritz with a Master of Emergency Medical Care. Dr Nomfundo Mkhombe graduated with a DSc Public Health from Atlantic International University (USA).
Dean (Acting) (2020)
Student enrolments continued to impress despite the national lockdown starting in March. Master’s enrolments totalled 83, including 25 in Biomedical Sciences, 4 in Dental Technology, 12 in Emergency Medical Care, 22 in Radiography and 20 in Nursing. PhD enrolments totalled 24, including 18 in Biomedical Sciences and 6 in Radiography. Regarding NRF ratings, Prof Matsha was awarded a C1 rating, retaining this rating from the previous cycle, and Prof Peter Clarck-Farr was awarded a C3 rating. This brings the number of rated scientists in the faculty to six (Prof Matsha C1; Prof Jooste C2; Prof Engel-Hills C2; Prof Clarcke-Farr C3; Prof Davison C3; Prof Oguntibeju C3). Due to the nature of the academic sphere during 2020, many students participated in online conferences and workshops held by the faculty as well by as international organisations. The SAMRC/Cardiometabolic Health Research Unit organised an international Point of Care Conference, which was unfortunately postponed due to the lockdown. It is now scheduled to be held online during May 2021. The unit is currently collaborating with Stellenbosch University on a patient-centred Covid-19 study. The Faculty of Health & Wellness Sciences prides itself on producing research outputs at the forefront of health sciences in South Africa. Interdepartmental collaboration further strengthens the research ethos of the faculty and promises a better year ahead.
The Faculty of Health & Wellness Sciences specialises in many diverse fields related to overall health and well-being, and consists of several research centres and units working towards improving the current health dynamic. The staff and postgraduate students produce significant research outputs, which represent CPUT and South Africa on the international stage.
Prof Penelope Engel-Hills