MESSAGE from the Executive Director: Student Affairs
The 2013 academic year is almost ‘done and dusted’!
The current Status Update Edition 4 issue therefore lends itself well to wishing all the readers a well-deserved break emanating from all the HIV/AIDS professional and administrative staff including the 2013 and 2014 Peer Educators. Go ahead and take that well deserved break!
We reflect on 2013 and realise the sterling work that has materialized due to dedicated support of a number of people.
two colleagues. The first is Ms Elisabet Smit who has played a splendid Caretaker / Supervisor role for the unit. The geographical proximity as well as the wealth of historical memory could be attributed to the well appreciated help. The second person is Dr Hilda Vember.
1st year’s
Orientation Period: 17-31 January 2014
This is the period where first years are familiarized with on campus activities, clubs and venues. The HIV/AIDS Unit will also take part in the program, providing students with information on our services and programs.
First Things First Testing Drive –February-March
This is the biggest testing campaign, endorsed by HEAIDS. Students are encouraged to know their status and encourage their friends and partners to do the same.
wishes to salute her work with the Peer Educators which culminated in the publication of her PhD Thesis. Dr Vember’s recommendations have subsequently been discussed at a number of conferences. Continue on pg 2
You are encouraged to direct any HIV-related questions to the Health Promoter anonymously. They can be inboxed to the HIV/AIDS Unit Facebook page or as a direct message on twitter. Please note that some of your questions may be published in this newsletter anonymously.
MESSAGE from the Executive Director: Student Affairs
from pg 1
To the outgoing 2013 Peer Educators and Student Leadership, we grew from having our paths crossing in 2013. The brilliant ‘Las Vegas’ end of the year ceremony was testimony to all your hard work. Your talent, especially with the drama rendition succinctly delivered the cultural and gender dynamics embedded in marital and business relationships. Well Done!
There are a number of internal and national activities that the HIV/AIDS practitioners will still be participating in. These include the World AIDS Day dinner which will be hosted by Dr Ramneek Ahluwalia on Sunday 1 December 2013. The Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training Mr Mduduzi Manana will reportedly officially announce the extension of the HEAIDS programme to Further Education and Training.
The second event that CPUT will be participating in is the 17th International Conference on AIDS and STI in Africa (ICASA). This will be a Satellite Session to be held at the International Convention Centre, Cape Town on Monday 9 December 2013. The theme is on Curriculum Integration of HIV and AIDS. Excellent global teaching practices will be shared.
Finally, on behalf of the HIV and Aids Campus Committee (HICC), I would like to join our national institutional counterparts in congratulating our HEAIDS Director,
Dr Ramneek Ahluwalia has been recently elected (6 November 2013) the CoChairperson of the South African National AIDS Council’s (SANAC) Programme Review Committee. Dr Ahluwalia reportedly shares the role with the Director General of Health, Ms Malebona Precious Matsoso.
Wishing you a safe Summer Vacation!
Cora Njoli Motale
The CPUT HIV/AIDS Unit hosted the 9th Annual Peer Educators’ Award Ceremony on Friday, November 8, 2013 at the Granger Bay Hotel School; where they acknowledged and rewarded Peer Educators for an exceedingly great commitment and their valuable contribution to the HIV/AIDS Unit Programmes, ending the year with a dashing Las Vegas themed event.
The Masters of Ceremony were four of the HIV/ AIDS Unit’s very own Peer Educators: Ms. Sihle Landingwe, Mr. Cedrick Nzeki, Ms. Busisiswe Silwana and Ms. Rachel Mahoto who did their best to ensure that guests felt the Las Vegas fever and had the evening of their lives.
The program included former Acting HOD and Projects Officer, Mr. Alex Semba, as the keynote
Dean Motale handing the Role Model of the year award to student- Tshepelang Sekonyela.
speaker and a CADRE representative, Ms. Laura Myers, as the motivational speaker as well as interesting items rendered by Peer Educators and a CPUT student, Ms. Mellisa Peter. The guests were also entertained by an amazing band from Gugulethu, Chapterz, who rendered Afro-Jazz and Soul musical items, with drums endorsed by one of the Unit’s stakeholders, the CPUT Students Christian Organization (SCO).
The awards were presented by the HIV/AIDS Unit staff members and the winners are as follows:
Peer Facilitator of the Year:
Winner: Ms. Sihle Landingwe
1st Runner up: Mr. Athenkosi Gedezana
2nd Runner up: Mr. Lucky Rambuda
Peer Educator of the year:
Winner: Mr. Tshepelang Sekinyela
1st Runner up: Mr. Paseka Khaile
2nd Runner up: Ms. Chwayita Kalipa
Peer Assistant of the year
Winner: Mr. Cedrick Nzeki
1st Runner up: Mr. Khotso Sejake
2nd Runner Up: Ms. Babalwa Kepe
Best Condom Distributor
2 1st Runner ups: Mr. Paseka Khaile and Mr. Tshepelang Sekonyela
Winner: Ms. Chwayita Kalipa
Best in Self Initiative Projects
Winner: Ms. Babalwa Kepe
Runner Up: Mr. Athenkosi Gedezana
The HIV/AIDS Unit would like to thank all Peer Educators for their commitment to the 2013 HIV/AIDS Unit Programmes, all stakeholders who collaborated with the Unit this year, Dean Motale and Ms. Elisabet Smit for being pillars of the HIV/AIDS Unit through challenging phases and the CPUT community for being supportive of the Unit’s programmes.
entertained the guests with the soul-filling music
Peer Education icons Mr. Alex Semba and Ms. Melani-Ann Cook sharing a moment with 2 of the well performing Peer Educators, Babalwa Kepe and Tshepelang Sekonyela.
Chapterz band
The HIV AIDS Unit Health Promoters held a symposium for a group of students on the 14th of September in Seminar Room 2, Cape Town Campus.
The main aim of the symposium was to encourage students to lead a positive lifestyle, to discuss student lifestyle issues on campus as well as for them to share their story; from how they got infected to developing the
courage to openly disclose their status and be able to share their life stories with the rest of the targeted community. This was to also encourage students to be open in discussing HIV related issues and to turn away from stigma and discrimination.
Part of the program included interaction activities between the students, information on HIV treatment and management and they closed it off with a nice braai.
“The work that we do is not easy, but we are strongly driven by passion and the will to make a difference and leave a mark in these students’ lives. I wish to write a book at some point in my life because I can see that this form of encouragement is effective, so I have to explore other channels”, one of the Health promoters said.
Strategic Planning Session
Charging forward with the new vibrant team, the HIV/AIDS Unit staff members held their 2014 Strategic Planning meeting on October 28th, at Bellvile campus, as means to plan ahead and reflect on the Highlights of 2013.
The meeting was attended by all staff members and the three
pillars that have played a major role in running the Unit in 2013 due to the absence of Professor Ashraf Mohammed: Dean Cora Motale, Ms. Elisabet Smit and Dr. Hilda Vember, who did a thesis on the HIV/AIDS Unit Peer Education Programme in 2011.
Each staff member presented brief reflections
and the 2014 plan for their respective portfolio and there were open suggestions for improving on the plan and discussions on implementations.
The HIV/AIDS Unit continues to strive for prevention, controlling and managing HIV/AIDS/STI & TB within CPUT and the community.
TAC March
The HIV/AIDS Unit collaborated with the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) on a march to parliament where they were handing over a memorandum against the shortage of ARVs and other chronic medications countrywide.
This took place on Thursday, September, 2013, and the collaboration was spearheaded by Ms. Melani-Ann Cook, the newly appointed HIV/AIDS Unit Peer Education Officer and she was part of the march with a few staff members and mostly Peer Educators.
“This is part of the main goal of getting to zero, we have to advocate as much as we can to ensure that the virus/ syndrome is prevented and well managed”, said one of the Peer Educators, Mr. Avuzwa Ngubo, who was part of the march.
The march was national and received a lot of publicity, with a hope of the message being heard by the Department of Health Executives and action being taken.
Peer Educators marching for change.
On Tuesday, October 15, the HIV/ AIDS Unit supported the University of the Western Cape (UWC) on a silent marching campaign against women and child abuse, the Walk-a-Mile in her shoes campaign.
The main aim of the campaign was to get males to walk in high heels so that they can experience and for a short while, endure the pain that the women go through every day without a hassle.
“This was to enlighten males into understanding the fact that women can be in pain, but they are stronger than they seem as they are able to step on stilettos and last the whole day whereas it is a challenge to males”, explained Ms. Nomtika Mjwana, the Public Relation Intern at the HIV/AIDS Unit.
The HIV/AIDS Unit hopes to have more collaborations and a more solid partnership with UWC.
Brothers in stilettos: The Walk-A-Mile in her shoes campaign was a great success
Letter to HP
AQDear HP, I would just like to know how HIV is spread during oral sex?
Although oral sex is less risky than anal or vaginal sex, it is possible to get HIV by performing oral sex on an HIV-infected partner. HIV transmission could potentially occur if blood, pre-ejaculation fluid, semen, or vaginal fluids enter open sores or cuts in or around the mouth, such as those caused by canker sores or blisters, vigorous teeth brushing or losing, or some form of trauma. Using a latex barrier, like a condom or dental dam, reduces your risk of HIV infection. All that the virus looks for is an exit point and an entrance point. - Answer partially sourced from N.Y. DOH.
The 2013 Peer Educators reflect on their year
Mna shame I would like to thank the Unit for giving me a platform to do what I love which is to share the knowledge I gained from the Peer Education Programme with others who know so little about the Epidemic, I’ve grown.. I AM A PEER & A SPEAR against HIV, WHAT about U?
- Babalwa Kepe
@KhotsoSejake21 @cputhivaidsUnit been a rough year for all peer ed's but I want to take this chance to thank every1 who dedicated their time on this programe.
Peer Education Programme has instilled confidence in me. It has helped me to come out of my comfort zone and discover the hidden talent of counseling, educating, motivating and socializing with different people from different cultures. I used to be reserved and quiet. I am now forever smiling, easily approachable, because of this programme. I’m equipped with knowledge to help different communities to minimize HIV/ AIDS infection. This programme made me realize that I’m here to make a difference.Marian Njera
HIV/AIDS Unit Staff
Meet our Team...
NAME: René Williams
DESIGNATION: Admin Assistant
TEL NUMBER: 021 460 4253
CELL: 083 639 0801
NAME: Makhonza Boyce
TEL NUMBER: 021 460 4253
CELL: 073 339 7246
NAME: Andiswa Gqiba
DESIGNATION: Health Promoter - CPT
TEL NUMBER: 021 460 9031
CELL: 083 671 2904
NAME: Melanie-Ann Cook
DESIGNATION: Peer Education Officer
TEL NUMBER: 021 460 4253
CELL: 072 600 1295
NAME: Sweetness Kola
DESIGNATION: Clinical Nurse Practitioner
TEL NUMBER: 021 959 6807
CELL: 082 627 2848
NAME: Kwezi Kilani
DESIGNATION: Office Management and Technology Intern
TEL NUMBER: 021 460 9031
CELL: 084 811 8728
NAME: Bonile Peter
DESIGNATION: Health Promoter - BVL
TEL NUMBER: 021 959 6898
CELL: 073 227 7320
NAME: Nomtika Mjwana
DESIGNATION: Public Relations Intern
TEL NUMBER: 021 460 9030
CELL: 079 816 3910
Important Numbers
As the HIV/AIDS Unit, we are committed to ensuring that our readers know where to seek help when needing assistance with daily life challenges. Below is a list of important contact details.
SADAG: 0800 567 567 (The South African Depression and Anxiety Group)
SANCA: 086 172 622 (South African National Council On Alcoholism And Drug Depedence)
The Institutional HIV/AIDS Policy is now available in a student-friendly brochure. It is being disseminated to all stakeholders through the HIV/ AIDS Unit, orientation programmes, stalls at various campaigns, libraries and key point areas where staff and students can access it. All departments who would like a presentation on the policy are welcome to schedule an appointment at the HIV/AIDS Unit
We are here to ensure that students and staff members make informed decisions on their holistic health care and lifestyle. We are committed to providing a safe learning and working environment to protect you from becoming infected with HIV, STI & TB while studying at CPUT.
Cora Motale (Acting HOD) Dean of Student Affairs