Presidents Report - CPUT Convocation 2022

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The secretariat to convocation, Mr Majija and the registrar, Mr. Mokoena Members of convocation throughout the length and breadth of our country and elsewhere in the world, Ladies and gentlemen,

Vice Chancellor and Principal, Prof Chris Nhapo, Members of the Executive management, Academic and non academic staff The President of the SRC, SRC members, and the entire student governance, Members of Convocation Executive Committee (CONVEX)

Allow me, on behalf of the leadership collective of CONVEX to convey our warmest greeting to you, the members of CPUT convocation. It gives me great pleasure to address you this morning to deliver our report as CONVEX, which details the activities and programmes that we implemented. Ladies and gentlemen, this report serves as a retrace of our footsteps since we assumed our term of office on 07 September 2019. Before I zero in into the activities and programmes that we have conducted, it would be remiss of me if I fail to highlight the constitutional provisions, which have enjoined us to convene this annual general meeting today

In this regard, as you might well be aware, convocation is a creature of statutes, which is established in terms of section 68 of the CPUT statutes. In this context, the statutes further enjoin convocation to have its constitution, which delineates its objectives, powers and functions within purview of the governance framework provided for in the Tostatutes.thisend, we also converge here today to deliberate on the proposed constitutional amendments in terms of section 26 of the constitution of convocation. Previously, we have made concerted efforts to hold a special AGM in order to deliberate on the proposed amendment but we were unsuccessful in organising the special AGM owed to nuanced reasons. These reasons subsume among others, the low number of members who had sent their RSVPs to confirm their attendance and as well as the few members who have actually made proposals for constitutional amendment.


 The virtual and or hybrid AGM must have the functionality for participants to ask questions and participate in real time.

 Only two proposed amendments received,

Accordingly, the legal opinion sought noted the following:

Fellow convocants, you must have noticed that we have spent a considerable amount of time in explaining the issues relating to the legal opinion pertaining to the hybrid AGM. This is done deliberately to give some insight on the activities that occasioned the failure to hold a special AGM. In this regard, pursuant to receiving the legal opinion, CONVEX planned a hybrid special AGM that was scheduled for 23 April 2022.

 The virtual and or hybrid AGM must enable for all persons to participate in a meeting in an effective manner, and

To that end, the lifting of the national disaster management act made it possible to have a face to face special AGM hence CONVEX resolved to take this route.

On the balance of this, CONVEX decided not to continue with the planned special AGM, as it would have been a futile exercise considering the challenges alluded supra. In this context, we were also confronted with another challenge relating to the fact that, the constitution of convocation as it currently reads, does not make any provisions for any other mode of conducting its gatherings other than venue based. To this end, the CONVEX resolved in its meeting to establish a task team, whose task was to evaluate the feasibility of holding the AGM through the virtual platform. In this regard, CONVEX further enjoined the registrar to solicit a legal opinion on the implications of holding a virtual and or hybrid special general meeting.

 Only 8 members sent their RSVP for the special AGM,

 The silence of the convocation constitution around holding of virtual or hybrid AGM does not automatically debar the holding of a virtual or hybrid AGM,

Consequently, as alluded supra, the special AGM did not sit as planned, owing to the following reasons;

The question that many would ask is why did we embark on this initiative?

However, CONVEX in its sitting in June 2022 decided to abandon the idea of holding of the special AGM ipso facto that the date that would have been selected would have been too close to the elective AGM. To this end, it was then decided that the issue of constitutional amendments be dealt with in the elective AGM.


The case in point is the issue of the planned networking sessions that were meant to serve as a link between CPUT graduates and corporate sector in Western Cape. That item of the program of action could not be carried out in the same way it was envisaged before the outbreak of covid 19 and its resultant national lockdown. Accordingly, I am raising this point precisely to make all of us aware of the context within which we were compelled to operate as this CONVEX. Apropos to the aforesaid, we will now detail the activities and programmes that we have embarked upon since we took office. To this end, I would like to start with fundraising.

To this end, the response is in two fold. Firstly, section 6 of the constitution of convocation outlines the main objectives of convocation to which its existence is predicated. To this end, section 6.5 relates specifically to the role that convocation should and must play in relation to the issue of fundraising. In this context, section 6.5 provides for the following;

Having said that, I must be hasten to highlight the fact that all the activities and the subsequent strides that the CONVEX has made have occurred within the confines of Covid 19 induced lockdown. Consequently, the restrictions occasioned by the national lockdown inadvertently hamstrung our initial plan of action and resultant programmes. In spite of this, we still tried to align our activities to the POA albeit the fact that they could not be carried out in their original form.

Accordingly, the first activity we embarked upon in relation to fundraising was the covid 19 joint venture between the convocation, the office of the Vice Chancellor and as well as the office of advancement.

Covid-19 fundraising campaign

“The convocation to fundraise, specifically for university educational projects and programmes”

Secondly, when covid 19 transitioned from epidemic into a pandemic, the institution had to respond to nuanced challenges to ensure that 2020 academic year was not lost due to covid 19 induced national lockdown. In this regard, some would recall that the institution had made a very bold statement that “no student would be left behind” and this was in response to a study that was conducted by the institution in order to suss out the challenges relating to multimodal teaching and learning during the national lockdown. In this regard, the study revealed that, more than 40% of CPUT students had neither no access to internet and or no computers and laptops. The campaign was thus a necessary intervention from our part as CONVEX to make our contribution in ensuring that indeed, no student was left behind.

Consequently, we launched the covid 19 fundraising campaign on 20th April 2020 which was initially in two fold. Firstly, we requested the members of convocation, CPUT staff and students and the general public to support the campaign through an sms of the word “covid fund” to 35525. Secondly, we requested donations in the form of cash. Unfortunately, the sms campaign enjoyed little to no success hence we took a decision to terminate that part of the campaign. Fellow convocants I will now delve into a detailed feedback of what the campaign and other fundraising initiatives have managed to raise.



In 2020 academic year we raised a total amount of R332 693. Fellow convocants, I must be hasten to point out that the total amount included donations both in cash and in kind. Consequently, out of the amount raised, we helped needy students with bursaries and laptops. This was done through working with financial aid department in order to assist us with screening and distilling needy students from the rest of the student populace.

In the 2021 academic year we continued with our fundraising initiatives and we managed to raise R200 000 in bursaries.

Convocation blazer

We have taken the initiative to make convocation blazers as part of our fundraising mechanisms. This I must say was prompted by some of our members who have been asking, why CPUT convocation does not have convocation blazers like many other universities in the country? We had no other choice but to act on this question. In this regard, it is our considered view as CONVEX that the convocation blazers represent a symbolic positioning of CPUT to its alumni and this is likely to have a sentimental appeal to our members and rekindle their symbiotic association with their alma mater As such, we are also attune to the fact that these blazers will help with the fundraising initiatives by convocation. In this regard, I am pleased that this project will be rolled out soon. In this context, the last meeting of CONVEX resolved that convocation should engage the textile department at CPUT, with the view of having them manage the production of the blazers in order to ensure that the price becomes more affordable.

Convocation trust fund


With reference to convocation trust fund, the task team was established to do some research and benchmarking with other institution wherein the trust fund exists.

In this regard, we also partnered with the department of Retail Business Management wherein we assisted 30 unemployed graduates with placement through Wholesale and Retail SETA graduate placement project for a period of 12 months. Consequently, the rand value for this initiative was R1 920 000 which subsumed the monthly stipend of R5000 to graduate interns and 5% that was allocated for administration of the whole project. In essence, the rand value of our initiatives during 2021 academic year was R2 120 000.

In 2022 we have received bursaries to assist students for an amount of R208 000 In this context, we are still engaging on other ways to ensure that we keep on fundraising in order assist as many students as we can. Fellow convocants, it is important to highlight that, we have raised R2 660 693 in cash and kind since we took office in September 2019.


In this context, the research and benchmarking exercise conducted did not assist in delineating to CONVEX the best possible option for the trust fund.

It was then subsequently decided to discontinue the pursuit of the trust fund until such time that there is sufficient research of where it would be housed ipso facto that the responsibility to raise funds for the institution is allocated to the office of advancement. It was further resolved that a cost centre be created that would be allocated to convocation which would be housed within the office of advancement. In this regard, it is important for convocation members to note that this particular resolution has not yet been operationalized.

Our POA as convocation flagged the issue of stakeholder engagement as one of our key priorities. In this context, you would be aware that the institution is re-emerging from a turbulent period, particularly during the period between 2016 and 2019 wherein the institution was engulfed in violent conflicts which played themselves out through unfortunate incidents, including damage to property. Given the situation then, it became apparent from the perspective of CONVEX that something needed to be done to change things around. In this regard, these conflicts to which I am referring, were largely between the student populace, the organised labour and the university

we know this precisely because, towards the tail end of 2019, the convocation was called upon to intervene in a dispute between the student leadership and management but on that particular occasion, we fell short in quelling the tensions that were clearly evident at the time. Our failure to intervene was caused by the fact that the student leadership could not reconcile among themselves on whether our intervention was needed or not and we decided to give the student leadership time and space to find each other. Unfortunately, they never got back to us.

Stakeholder engagement

While we cannot claim credit for much improved relationship between the internal stakeholders subsuming the student leadership, organised labour and management but one thing we assert is that, we made our contribution in emphasising the need for deliberate engagements between council, executive management and all

Apropos to EE, we would like to believe that we have been uncompromisingly resolved on the issue of ensuring that the institution aligns its appointments to its EE targets. In this context, as you should be aware, convocation is represented in the Search and Selection Committee for Senior Appointments (SSCSA). In this regard, since our election on 07 September 2019, we contributed to the following appointment which contribute to the EE targets of the university.

Deputy Vice Chancellor Innovation and Research South African black male Deputy Vice Chancellor Operations South African black male

We are saying all of this because the issue of creating better student experience is quintessential in creating the new graduates’ cohort that will take pride in our institution. It doesn’t follow that we are saying that, stakeholder engagement is a panacea of all the challenges that engulf the institution. But instead, what it says to all of us as well meaning people is that, our institution is prepared to create an environment for constructive debates even on contentious issues wherein consensus is hard to achieve. In essence fellow convocants, we are happy to report that the institution is prioritising the issue of stakeholder engagement as one of its key priorities.

Employment Equity


stakeholders of the institution. Accordingly, we are informed that management is hard at work in engaging all stakeholders of the institution, particularly students and organised labour.

We must hasten to make the point that, transformation is quite a broad topic however it is our endeavour to try to enunciate what we really mean by transformation. In this regard, the reference to transformation is meant to assist in locating the role that convocation has played and continue to play in ensuring that the institution is aligned to its employment equity targets and also implement the BBBEE targets which are predicated on the national imperatives such as Employment Equity Act and BBBEE Act. In this regard, we will address transformation as it relates of employment equity and thereafter address it as it pertains to BBBEE.

 Groom university & TVET college graduates in preparation of the world of employment, and

 To be a trusted and legitimate hub for employment opportunities for university and TVET college graduates

To this end, we have been very consistent in our posture, which in essence is about advocating for appointments that contribute to employment equity targets. In this context, we are the first to admit that transformation is more than just putting black faces in positions of authority and influence. In this regard, we propound that, for transformation to take place, the appointed executives must be the conduits of the kind of change we would like to see happening in our institution. We therefore have no reason to doubt that these executives are fit for purpose.

Accordingly, the APP is also meant to generate revenue streams through partnerships with government in APP advertising and ssponsorships The document detailing the mechanics and modalities of the APP is available for convocation members. Having said that, it would be remiss of me if I do not take this opportunity to single out and thank Ms Andiswa Mrasi for her sterling and unparalleled contribution in most of the activities that this CONVEX has managed to achieve. Thank you most sincerely Ms Mrasi for carrying most of the workload in this CONVEX. Thank you to other CONVEX members for your contribution. Thank you to the executive management and the office of the Vice Chancellor for supporting the work that this convocation has done. Thank you to the Secretariat that is spearheaded by the registrar, particularly Mr. Majija for his continued support.


The CONVEX is currently working with university officials in its attempt to develop an APP that is meant to assist South African graduates with employment opportunities. In this regard, the purpose of the APP is to achieve the following;

Dean of Faculty health and Wellness South African black female, Dean of Faculty Education – South African black male Dean of Faculty Design and Informatics South African black female Senior Director Human Capital South African black female


Fellow convocants, the convocation has managed to broker a partnership between CPUT and Engen. The said partnership is predicated on sourcing best learners in Maths and Science in Township schools across the Western Cape Province Engen would fund these learners as they embark on their tertiary education. To this end, CPUT stands to benefit from sourcing the best talent across the township schools in Western Cape. In this regard, CPUT faculties of Applied Sciences and Engineering held joint career exhibitions with Engen and the purpose of these exhibitions was to shed some light with learners pertaining to the career options that are available to them. This information is quintessential to assist these learners in making informed career decisions. We hope this partnership will continue for years and decades to come because it is foregrounded on mutual beneficiation and value congruence between CPUT and Engen.

Consequently, just about a week or so ago, we had yet another joint imitative with the executive management of our institution. This joint initiative was a “dry campus” campaign wherein we partnered with National Liquor Traders and DISTEL in heightening the degree of consciousness around the dangers of excessive drinking of alcohol. This program was a resounding success, as it managed to start a much needed conversation amongst student populace pertaining to the relay effect that the abuse of alcohol has on other nefarious conducts, such as gender based violence among others. In this regard, we are the first to admit to the fact that, for this initiative to have a lasting impact, it must produce a litany of activities and programmes that support what otherwise is the correct call for a “dry campus”. It is therefore our hope that, the incoming leadership of convocation will among other things, prioritize this noble initiative for a dry campus. Without belabouring this point, I am quite certain that, many would recall the death of a student at Catsville residence some years ago. The student fell from 5th floor as he misstep due to being highly intoxicated. We could go on about many regrettable incidents in our campuses that could have been avoided if this call for a dry campus was made much earlier.

Search and Selection Committee for Senior Appointments Saziso Matiwane

Senate – Athenkosi Nyangiwe

Student Services Committee Athenkosi Nyangiwe

Having said that, it is important to also highlight to convocation members that, convocation is represented on a number of institutional committees. In this regard, convocation had the following representative in various committees; Council represented by Saziso Matiwane and Athenkosi Nyangiwe

Institutional Forum Sonwabile Fisa who is a Deputy Chairperson of IF Naming Committee – Vuyani Moerane

Consequently, some of the work that the CONVEX has done was through our participation in these committees.

We are raising all this to strengthen the call for a dry campus and it would be extremely helpful if this AGM would pledge its support for this initiative. We are indeed counting on your support fellow convocants.

Our thoughts are with Banzi Siwendu, Our thoughts are with Tebogo Belang, Our thoughts are with Linda Mankqoyi, Our thoughts are with Vizicelo Kanzi, Our thoughts are with Bulumnko Mafanya, Our thoughts are with Luyo Gesha Our thoughts are with Buyile Matiwane

Fellow convocants, the period from the elective annual general meeting of September 2019 to date, we have lost many of our members due to nuanced causes of death which subsume Covid 19 among others. Consequently, it would be a dereliction of duty, if we do not reflect these painful moments as part of our journey over the past 3 years. We therefore take this moment to remember some of our members who we have lost along the way.

Honourary Degree Awards Committee Saziso Matiwane

Having said that, I know that at times there is this temptation by some of our members as convocation, of wanting to compare CPUT convocation with well-established

This effectively means that the institution shares the same assertion with CONVEX, that improving student experience has a domino effect on the kind of alumnus that CPUT would want to have. The alumnus that takes pride in CPUT as their alma mater. The alumnus that concerns itself about the development and promotion of the brand CPUT because when CPUT is promoted, that has a knock on effect on how your qualifications are perceived out there. It is in this context that, all of us should work hand in glove as the ambassadors of the institution. Fellow convocants, we must thank the executive management under the stewardship of Prof Nhlapo for being intentional about creating a psychological safety for stakeholders to engage freely on matters affecting the institution. I think all well-meaning people can see the progress that the institution has made since the turbulent period between 2016 and 2018. Consequently, as we depart office we assert that we are leaving a better convocation than the one we found when we were elected in 2019. This assertion is foregrounded on the work that this convocation has done over the past 3 years. We are convinced that we have laid a solid foundation for the incoming leadership and in this regard, we are availing ourselves to do a proper handover so that the incoming leadership is well familiarised on the strides that have been made.

Fellow convocants, asunder from raising R2 660 693 in cash and in kind, we have managed to insulate the convocation from being embroiled and being fixated in internal conflicts of the institution. By doing this, we have successfully repositioned convocation as a competent body of opinion on matters relating to transformation, the creation of better student experience, the promotion of brand CPUT and the overall governance of the institution. In this regard, it is important to unpack the aforementioned statement. For instance, with regards to creating better student experience, the institution has made student experience one of its strategic risks that it has to continuously monitored and addressed.

The list is too exhaustive to go through all the names of CPUT graduates who have passed on. We remember all these fallen heroes and heroines and their memory lingers on.

In this regard, I am pleased to report that it’s all systems go with regards to MYCPUT APP, which is a mobile application that is designed to groom graduates for the workplace and it is intended to become a trusted and legitimate hub for employment

With reference to the above, it is important to underscore the point that our voice as convocation has been heard on vital strategic matters of the institution which including transformation, enterprise development (creating opportunities to SMMEs), building brand CPUT and establishing strategic partnerships that will benefit the institution.

convocations such as university of Stellenbosch and UCT. While it is tempting to measure ourselves against the best, we must also reflect honestly about where we are as CPUT given the fact that our convocation is in its infancy stage. This calls for us to self reflect as convocation and ask ourselves difficult questions, which would help us to locate where we are in relation to other convocations. To merely decry and lament without any active involvement on the programmes of convocation will at best achieve aimless posturing and populism, which has characterised convocation in recent times.


we are the first to admit that, our efforts were hugely hamstrung by the impact of covid 19 induced lockdown This relates also to the issue of fundraising, which was affected by subdued economic conditions wherein companies who would have ordinarily donated, found it difficult to maintain their operations or to stay afloat.

I am raising all of this to give context to the uniqueness of our term in office wherein we had to operate on a try and error basis during the time of the new normal. Consequently, it is pertinent to underscore the fact that, we are raising all of this, not as an attempt to exonerate ourselves from any failures but to make all us aware of the context within which we had to operate. For all intents and purposes, we assert that, there is no well meaning person who can deny the devastating impact that covid 19 had, not only on our operations as CONVEX but broadly on the lives and livelihood of many people across the globe. We therefore posit that these factors are useful instruments in order to assist us in assessing the performance of this CONVEX. We cannot pretend that covid 19 did not happen thus justifying these flimsy, facile and thoughtless insinuations that this CONVEX did not do anything. These thoughtless allegations could be any further from the truth.

Fellow convocants, upon your reflection, I urge you to carry with you the words of the great Philanthropist, Daisaku Ikedu,

On those few words I wish this AGM constructive dialogue, always guided by our collective endeavour to make meaningful contribution towards the future of our alma Maymater.God

bless CPUT

“the human spirit is as expansive as the cosmos. This is why it is so tragic to belittle yourself or to question your worth. No matter what happens, continue to push back the boundaries of your inner life. The confidence to prevail over any problem, the strength to overcome adversity and unbounded hope. All reside within you”

I thank you

The end…

The reality is that, we have done a lot considering the endogenous and exogenous factors that influenced our operations, particularly during the hard lockdown.

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